conjectureand-gloom · 4 months
spamming christian primary school hymn songs in my taylor swift gc :)
@like-the-stars-i-shine (you aren’t on this gc but. you went to said christian primary school and yk which hymn i mean- look at the tags)
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jiminzfilter · 2 years
shine on me | preview
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→ Pairing. Seokjin x Reader
→ Genre. lifeguard!seokjin, strangers to lovers... 👀
→ Summary. Turns out going to the beach isn't as bad as you thought. Especially when a lifeguard caught your eyes
→ Word count. 2.4k
→ I already miss the summer so I wanted to share some glimpses of this fic that, for some reason, I really love. You can thank my sister for the idea that gave this fic birth. Ngl, releasing this makes me kinda anxious but I really hope you'll like it:,)
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It's been more than five years since you last went to the beach, the reason being you moved to a different city to pursue your studies. 
WelL you also maYbe have a love/hate relationship with the sun ( it’s more hate than love though) that would explain why you were never out when you were home for a few days during your vacations. It’s not that you don’t like the beach, it’s just that…
MAYBE you don’t like the beach.
Who could blame you though ? There’s seaweed everywhere and it sticks to your body when you get out of the water or flies in your eyes when it’s windy. [don't ask why but for some reasons, each time you went to the beach, there were seaweeds EVERYWHERE]
Also it gets sO cold when it’s windy, one moment you’re in the water and it’s all nice, the next one you’re freezing because of the ~wind~
Let’s not forget the sand, and the sun 
Oh the sun
Ball of fire that literally burns you to the point you don’t know if you’re a human or a tomato
Last but not least, the beach is always SO crowded and, let's be honest, you like the company of your friends buT you despise crowded space where everyone sits so close to each other you can literally hear their breaths. UGH
Yeah, you’re not much of a beach person. 
Too bad your friends LOVE going there. Especially during hot summer days.
“Come on y/n, don’t be such a killjoy.” Hoseok teases “We will have so much fun at the beach”
You groan “ahnnn. Let me think about it…” you tap your chin and look up “no?”
Disappointed but not surprised, your friends sigh in harmony. 
“Come on you can go without me. It’s not like I will be missed anyways. Plus I could stay and take care of your cat” you look at Jimin whose eyes grow bigger
“ABSOLUTELY NOT” he points at you “Last time I let you alone with Luna, poor baby was dressed up with ribbons and you bathed her with super scented shampoo.” 
For your defence, the cat smelled like poop and Jimin only uses expensive shower products from fancy perfume brands. You hAd to wash her. The ribbon was just there and you thought it’d look cute as a collar. It’s not like the cat complained anyways.
You huff and cross your arms over your chest. “I am noT coming, nothing you could say or do will make me change my mind.” 
You stand up from the couch and leave for the kitchen to take your phone while Jimin and Hoseok exchange an understanding look and nod. 
“Y/nnnn??” Jimin calls sweetly and you reply with a hum "What about lunch? Or dinner? I heard there was a restaurant at the beach we’re going to. Apparently they have a starred chef.” 
You look away from your phone’s screen, suddenly very interested. “Well, as long as you’re offering” You smile ; “I hope you know I will order the most expensive dish from their menu” 
To that, Hoseok rolls his eyes “yeah yeah we’ll see about that. Now go get changed. We’re going in ten minutes. Namjoon should be here anytime”
“Sur- WHAT??” You almost choke on imaginary water "Didn’t you say we were going tomorrow ?”  
“yes. We are going tomorrow AND today” Jimin tells you “If you listened more carefully instead of saying no all the time, you would’ve caught that”
You huff ; “fiNE. But you’re paying for food both today and tomorrow” 
They laugh at your pissed expression as you rush to your room to find something appropriate to wear. 
Thank god you shaved yesterday, you give yourself a mental pqt on the back for that. The first bikini you find is the one you change into. Quick check in the mirror. Okay. A dress is thrown over all of this and you then proceed to very dramatically throw everything you might need in your bag. 
“Y/n Namjoon is here we gotta go” you hear Jimin call 
“Just a minute” You run to your bed and grab your phone.
You notice they already left when you arrive at the door. 
Penalty for the last one out, uh? Dammit those boys are still 3. 
You sigh and grab the apartment's keys. 
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“There is no such thing as too much sunscreen!” 
As you thought, the weather is scorching hot. You all settled in the shades of your umbrellas, bottle of water close to you to stay hydrated. Namjoon brought Taehyung with him. You haven’t seen them for the past years, they changed quite a lot (and thank god because the emo look Namjoon was going for a few years back was aWfuL). Namjoon is all muscles now and Taehyung has a girlfriend!! Incredible right? He used to be so shy around the opposite back in high school. He said she would come later today. Everyone is chatting happily, the waves as a background music. You were starting to unpack your bag when Jimin pointed out your insane amount of sunscreen. This boy loved teasing you. 
“Don’t you think bringing one bottle was enough? Do you really need…” Jimin counts the bottles laid out on your towel “SEVEN?! What are you even doing with those ? EaTiNg them?” You all snort at his comment 
“They don’t have the same use!!! There are different SPFs and some are oils and there’s also.. wait. Do you even cAre? Can’t someone just help me apply some on my back ? Yes? Oh god Joon you’re my saviour thank you!” 
As you remove your dress, you notice Hoseok’s smile before he once again teases you ; “You’re so pale Yoongi would be jealous”
You laugh “If I burn to death because I don’t have sunscreen on, I doubt that he will envy me” 
You sit, back facing Namjoon, and hand him the biggest bottle of sunscreen, which he applies very carefully. You thank him when he is done and lay on your towel, being careful to stay in the umbrella’s shadow, as everyone runs into the water. 
Earphones now plugged in, you open your overused notebook and, a pencil in your hand, get ready to drown the pages in randomsmall poems. 
The blue of the sea
Is like the blue of your eyes tears
You look smile at me
This picture of you smiling at me// it smiles at me?
And I know you’re… ????? far away from here?
(because??) I am blue now, just like you
You sigh and look at the sea. The page is all covered with various doodles now and half of the words you wrote have been scratched off and replaced by others. It doesn’t make sense :(
Where are the boys anyways? They haven't come back and it’s been what? An hour? Maybe two? You check your phone and sigh. 11 am. It’s only been thirty minutes. You sigh in frustration, wishing the day was over already so you could go back home and have your sun detox.
Your notebook is settled aside and you change the music to a much calmer one before laying down completely. 
Never too late or too early for a good nap.
“Hey, y/n, do you want to go swimm-“ Jimin stops himself when he sees you’re sleeping. “hasn’t been at the beach in two years and here she is sleeping” he shakes his head 
“Jimin? What time is it? I’m kinda hungry” Hoseok calls as he approaches
He checks his phone “1pm. We should go eat. Call the boys”
The boys are being loud enough to wake you up as they get prepared to leave.
Annoyed, you sigh and open your eyes, almost instantly regretting as the sun blinds you despite your sunglasses and the umbrella. 
You’re about to tell them to shut uP when you hear someone say your name. ; “what about Y/n ? Shouldn’t we wake her up so she can come eat with us?”. You recognise the voice as Namjoon’s
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve already sent her a text saying where we’re going. Let her have her rest” Jimin replies and you hear the boys’ voices fade as they walk away. 
It’s quiet again now. Perfect, you can go back to sleep- wait a minute 🤨
Did Namjoon mention eating? Last time you checked it was 11am but that was before you took a nap so… 
Oh my god
They did noT-
You check your phone and 1) it’s already 1 pm how did you sleep for two hours?? 2) Jimin didn’t even send you a text when he promised he’d pay for your meal 3) THEY WENT FOR LUNCH WITHOUT YOU
You feel betrayed. Very much betrayed. You hate Jimin
Well, if they plan on leaving you behind, might as well take some time to organise your stuff and reapply some ✨sunscreen✨ 
When you finally arrive at the restaurant, it's already 1:40 PM. Namjoon kept a seat empty next to him, which you gladly take. As promised, you order the most expensive thing on the menu (fancy cooked fish with vegetables or something like that,, whatever, Jimin said he was paying and you plan on making him regret not waking you up earlier). The food has a divine taste by the way. 
You feel like doing a victory dance when you see Jimin’s face as he takes the bill and a big grin spreads on your face when he looks at you, eyes wide. Take that 
After this day, Jimin decided to never leave you behind when it was time to eat. Not when his wallet was at stake at least.
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This morning, you made it clear that going swimming was NOT in your plans but, hundred of supplication and a cone of ice cream offered by Hoseok (this man really knows the way to your heart) later, you give in and dive your feet in the coLd water. 
“YOU TOLD ME IT WAS WAY HOTTER THAN THIS!!!” You scream at the four dumb-asses that are your friends, already regretting doing this.
“But it IS hot!” Jimin replies “you just gotta dive right in” 
And he starts to lightly splash water at you, like the good friend he is. You run around and try to avoid getting wet. 
Suddenly you feel strong arms wrapping around your waist and- oh no- you know where this is going. Hoseok laughs in your neck and lifts you up. Your friends laugh even louder
“As you wish” and he drops you 
In the water. And it’s cold!!!!
“OHMYGOD HOSEOK I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS” you point a finger at him as you try to push him away from your face your now-soaked hair. Of course, you fail (I mean, have you ever actually tried to brush a hand through your hair when they’re wet? That’s right, you CaN’t).
Hoseok is having a hard time catching his breath looking at how much he’s laughing, oh god you wish a siren would come and drag him to the bottom of the ocean.
Or maybe not. You still need your friend to comfort you when you’re sad. Plus, as dumb as he is, he’s your best friend.
That doesn’t stop you from splashing water at him, making him scream in surprise. And suddenly everyone is splashing water at each other.
Yes. You guys are children.
You probably all start screaming a bit too much and are surely extra loud because someone is calling you out. 
“Hey. Stop it!” A masculine voice calls in your back, startling you. “You plan on causing a tsunami or what?”
There’s a moment of silence before you slowly turn around and-
oh my god- 
what a sight 
There’s a handsome lifeguard standing on the shore pointing at you and your friends. Sun-kissed skin, slightly damp hair gracefully falling on his forehead, plump lips, swim shirt leaving very little to the imagination… yup. So handsome. Your eyes catch up to his and you hold his gaze, your body suddenly hot and you look away
“ Hey,Seokjin!” Namjoon waves at the lifeguard
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ereezay · 2 years
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globalgospel17 · 3 months
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shirecorn · 3 months
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Cadance and Shining Armor || The Bride and the Ugly Ass Groom my @skyscrapergods AU || AU Cadance Tag
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thetrusouldj · 6 months
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happyheidi · 4 months
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antiverser · 3 months
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Kon falls into the ocean, exhausted, and genuinely doesn't think this is going to end well for him. He's gonna faint in the middle of the ocean, where he'll sink to where the sun can't reach him. He won't be able to do the weird photosynthesis thing he and Kal do in space. He's gonna drown. Then he's, like, suddenly Prince Eric? From the Little Mermaid? But the Mermaid is way hotter and also a dude.
He's underwater, and very deep. He can feel himself fading out, black creeping along the edge of his vision.
Then, there's movement.
A very large mermaid - sorry, merdude - with glowing green freckles and crystalline, snowy hair. He's roughly the size of an Orca, and has the coloration of one aside from the freckles and vivid, glowing green eyes.
The merdude reaches out, very gently cradles Kon in his hands, and Kon's exhaustion catches up to him. Kon blacks out.
Kon wakes up on a California beach, alone.
He immediately tries to reach out to Aquaman; he's gotta find that merguy and uh...thank him. Maybe ask him out. He's not sure how he'd date someone the size of an Orca Whale, but he's Superboy; he'll figure it out.
Aquaman has no idea what Superboy is talking about; there is no race of mer that large. He'd know, he's the King of Atlantis. Superboy keeps telling him he's wrong, though.
And the more he looks into it, the more he's hearing rumors of a very large, very ancient mer that spends their time lounging around old shipwrecks.
A mer that disappears the second anyone tries to approach them.
A ghost.
Or; Danny was lazing about in the ocean, searching for treasure from sunken ships (Sam said he needed a hobby), using his larger, slightly more eldrich ghost form with the tail. Call him cringe, but it feels more fitting to be in the ocean with that form. Makes him feel all majestic and the like. He comes across a hero floating in the ocean. One he vaguely recognizes as a member of Young Justice? They're in like...California. Somewhere. He decides to play taxi. There are consequences. One of those consequences may or may not be a date.
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bixels · 4 months
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The Sullivan siblings, from youngest to eldest.
By surprisingly popular demand, Spike the (Baby) Dragon.
When Simon was a baby, he was found on the doorstep of the Sullivan's, who quickly adopted him as the family's little brother. The Sullivans live in Washington D.C. The mother is a writer and activist and the father is an educator. Captain Samuel (33) is a veteran of WWI, Thea (21) is a recent graduate of Howard University, and Simon (12) is still surviving junior high school.
Simon and Thea now live in Ponyville, Nebraska together, following Thea's employment as the small country town's resident librarian.
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ace-lemonade · 3 months
their love and trust and struggle to survive fueling their desperation to keep going - I'm never recovering from this
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singles-bar · 1 year
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delatoid · 18 days
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Original images:
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ash-and-starlight · 6 months
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another late @zukki-week entry, for day 2 // skinny dipping
and as a special treat it comes with @erisenyo's fantastic fic And Babe, (What Do you Mean) We Ain't Even Dating that this scene is based on!!
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vampirecorleone · 3 months
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"Shelley Duvall suffered from nervous exhaustion throughout filming, including physical illness and hair loss." Horror Character Appreciation - Shelley Duvall as Wendy Torrance in The Shining (1980) dir. Stanley Kubrick
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intotheelliwoods · 8 months
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must not.. overthink... must NOT overthink shit. magic... must not.... logic brain... my poor poor logic brain....
Response to this aha
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