bardic-tales · 2 years
Alone in the Dark
Novel: Fall of Darth Jadus
Pairing: m!SI (Darth Jadus / Darth Notkis) x f!IA (Cipher Nine / Cynthia Prescost)
Fandom: Star Wars, The Old Republic
Word Count: 606
Warnings: implied child abuse, implied rape, au:canon divergent
Rating: Mature
Premise: Cynthia Prescost, an Imperial Agent who goes by the moniker Cipher Nine, confronts her lover, Darth Jadus. A secret is spilled out.
Source: Angst Prompt Generator
Tag List: @arrthurpendragon @perasperaadastrawriting @starryeyes2000
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“I was alone!” she howled at the Sith before her. “When I truly needed you, you disappeared! So, you don’t know what I have been through! You. Don’t. Know!”
“Cynthia, I know — ”
“You don’t know! How could you know what happened to me?!” She cut Darth Jadus off as she dug her fingernails into her palm. This trick worked to distract her when her parents locked her in her childhood bedroom when she was younger. Presently, it did nothing.
As he bent down, Jadus set a holopad on the table next to them. She was too irate to see that he was carefully examining holo-news or read the breaking headlines about an attack on the distant planet of Bespin. Authorities said none survived.
She trembled, the shaking barely discernible to the naked eye, but Jadus knew all her idiosyncrasies. He immediately knew something was wrong. Her heart hammered in her chest.
“I knew they would hurt me,” she cried out, sobbing as those memories took hold of her as they often did now, “but I never thought that they would do that. How could anyone predict they would do that?”
“No one could,” Jadus murmured, his voice no higher than a melodic purr. He wiped one of her tears away with his hand, the moisture leaving a spot behind on the ebony-colored clawed glove. “You have experienced one of the worst things that a person could endure. You don’t need my permission to mourn.
“And you need not fear a punishment for this outburst either, Cyn. You’re not the reason that happened, but you need to do whatever you can to heal from it. Even if that means you must leave me and be by yourself for a bit. I have no use for someone who’s broken.”
Although his words were harsh, there was a gentleness to them. Cynthia couldn’t fault his reasoning. In her current state, they were no closer to realizing his glorious empire than they were after fate reunited them.
I can’t even look at him without remembering what happened. This was not Jadus’ fault. If she were honest with herself, every man reminded her of those who captured her, those who took torture too far. He was only a stand in for the ones who took part in her abuse.
She breathed in and out. Her breaths fell rapidly on each other, and each stopped with a choked sob. As time passed, her anxiety rose until it reached its tipping point.
I can’t breathe, Cynthia panicked. Again, her air was cut off with a choked sob.
“Be at ease,” he tried to soothe her as he pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. No amount of comfort would make it okay. “All who participated in such a plan will perish by my hand. I give you my word that they will not escape me.”
Although Imperial Intelligence was no more and Sith Intelligence rose to take its place, Jadus would hunt down all who were responsible for what happened over the skies of Corellia.
The Sith always reveled in the hunt. This time would be no different, and all of those she considered her friends were in danger from his never-ending rage.
I can’t allow him to figure out who was responsible. Shara was the one in most danger should he look into the plan that they all agreed to. He would murder the former Watcher Two and Keeper, but most importantly to Cynthia, one of her few friends.
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ryqoshay · 2 years
Putting on Hairs - Post Production: EMP
Primary Pairing: ShikiMei Rating: G Words: 606 AU: Theater, Monsters, Cryptids Fandom: Love Live Superstar Parent Fic: Putting on Hairs - Post Production Time Frame: Early college years Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Failure Content Warning: Vehicular Accidents
Author’s Note: Entry for a Backup prompt
Summary: Shiki and Mei have an encounter on their way to class
Mei breathed deep as she and Shiki exited the café after a wonderful dess… breakfast. She loved the smell of rain.
The forecasted storm had rolled in while the couple ate, darkening the skies enough that Mei felt no need to close her eyes once outside. Shiki produced her alchemically enhanced umbrella that produced a water repelling aura to prevent splashes coming in from the sides. And the couple began their trek to class.
She could hear it before she could see it. The tires slipping on the thin sheen of oil floating atop the falling rain that had yet to wash it away. Mei pushed into Shiki, hoping to guide them out of the path of the incoming car.
Then, with reflexes Mei often forgot she had, Shiki spun and shoved them both against the nearest wall. She put herself between Mei and the vehicle to let her effectively armored lab coat protect them both from the shower of glass shards.
A blue-green explosion overloaded Mei’s visual senses.
Then. Black.
Shiki cursed and leaned heavily into her.
Mei could hear people gathering around. At least two were on the line with emergency services. Several were checking on the driver. Most were reacting to a power failure. But what mattered most to her was…
“Are you alright, Shiki?”
“I… I can’t move…”
“Did something hit you? I thought the car struck a post?”
“The crash must have caused a transformer to overload and explode, which sent out an electromagnetic pulse.”
So that’s what that was.
“My arm. My leg…”
“Oh gods, Shiki, you heart!”
“It’s shielded.”
Oh, thank the gods…
“My eyes. Mei’s eyes…”
“Yeah, I can’t see right now.” Mei admitted. “But I’m used to that.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m fine.”
“I failed to account for the possibilities of an EMP occurring.”
“I said I’m fine. I’m more worried about you.”
“Can you fix yourself?”
“Yes. But I need my equipment.”
“Then let’s get you to your lab.” Mei said, shifting herself around before stooping to pull Shiki onto her back.
The couple each leased their own dormroom adjacent to one another, but they primarily lived in Mei’s, while Shiki had converted hers into a laboratory for her research and experiments. And that was now their new destination. Classes would likely be skipped today.
“Are you two alright?” A voice suddenly asked from nearby.
“We’re fine.” Mei said, hoping her smile was convincing.
“Also, is this yours?”
Mei assumed the man was holding Shiki’s umbrella over them as the rain suddenly stopped falling on them.
“Yes. Thank you.” Mei replied as she felt Shiki accept the device.
“You’re sure you’re alright? An ambulance is on the way if you need medical attention.”
“We’re just a little shaken up. We’re going to head home and rest.”
“Very well. Take care.” The man said before moving off.
“Alright, now let’s head home.” Mei started walking. “While you’re working, I’ll make us some coffee to warm us up.”
“You know how to use my coffee maker?”
“I’ve watched you do it enough times. I think I can figure it out.”
“Alright. Thank you, Mei.”
“And thank you, Shiki, for protecting me.”
“I would do anything to protect Mei.”
Mei smiled. “I know.” That’s one of the things I love about you… She added silently. One of the many things. And while I wish it didn’t have to come about this way, I’m happy to return the favor. And maybe, someday, I can say such things more out loud…
“Mm…” Shiki rested her cheek on the back of Mei’s head and the couple settled into silence.
Author’s Note Continued: According to my research, small electronic devices like phones and calculators and such are better at surviving EMPs than bigger devices. But I’m going with the idea that Shiki’s devices are more complex than normal, especially the eyes she made for Mei and herself, and are probably enhanced in some way or another with magic or alchemy or whatever that could inadvertently increase their vulnerability.
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
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I posted 13,778 times in 2022
That's 13,778 more posts than 2021!
1,144 posts created (8%)
12,634 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,812 of my posts in 2022
#leo scrive - 606 posts
#cate scrive - 329 posts
#leo's askbox - 185 posts
#some cute board - 152 posts
#reminder - 110 posts
#prev - 102 posts
#ollipop!!! :> - 91 posts
#cate's askbox - 69 posts
#queue - 63 posts
#potato enthusiast 🥔🥔🥔 - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#anyway rn i would say mercury even tho i can't say i have a favourite because come on. look at them. they are all so pretty and interesting
My Top Posts in 2022:
feeling a little sad tonight. i feel a little sad a lot of nights. but it's okay because two years ago i felt sad most of the time. i felt lonely and miserable and angry. now i just feel a little sad some times. and it reminds me that i'm getting better. and i keep going so my future self feel even better.
477 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
today i was in class and i realized: i am human!! i am a soul and a mind and i have a body!!! i am alive!! and i get to do all this cool stuff!!!! like riding a bike, hiding under a fluffy blanket, swimming in the ocean, hiking a mountain, playing an instrument, dancing in the rain, dressing up in my room.. there are so many things i can do. this is my life and i can do whatever i want.
544 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
if you're feeling bad, and you can do something about it, do something about it. you don't know what to do? ask yourself, what do i want to do right now? maybe it's going out for a walk. maybe it's cuddling your dog. maybe it's reading. maybe it's screaming. maybe it's lying on the floor for a while. and then do those things. you will feell better. maybe not good, but better.
751 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
i only wish you clear skies, tea and milk and coffee and juice, soft and clean hair, comfortable clothing and shoes, tasteful meals and snacks, green grass and colourful flowers, beautiful music, caring and funny friends, wonderful days and weeks and months and years
1,111 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
if you're thirsty, drink. if you are cold, put on something warmer. if you are tired, rest. these are basic human needs, and you're a human: respect them. respect yourself. go to sleep earlier today.
2,153 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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martin-jordan · 5 months
End of year review 2023
It’s been over 2 years since the last note. That’s a while. In between, a few things have happened, including me moving to Berlin again and joining the German government’s Digital Service as the first Head of Design. I’ve managed to write notes about the work I do there almost every week. So do have a look there, if you’re interested in any of that.
Following a question format developed by Prof. Dr. Molly Steenson, which I discovered on Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino’s blog, I am answering her list of questions to reflect my 2023.
What did you do in 2023 that you’d never done before? I have never led such a big team. The design and user research team at Digital Service is now 20 people strong. By the end of this year, 2024, we might get closer to 30. I’m still getting used to that responsibility.
Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn’t bother to make any promises to myself for 2023. So there was nothing to keep. I intended to run, eat well – primarily vegan – and do public speaking and writing, though. I failed miserably at running. The rest was alright.
Did anyone close to you give birth? Some people I work with gave birth, but I don’t feel close to them.
Did anyone close to you die? Luckily not.
What countries did you visit? Only a few. I did not fly at all, which I am proud of. I visited the UK several times, including Scotland – a 19-hour non-stop train journey from Berlin. I visited France (Paris) once and Switzerland twice for leisure, including skiing in Saas-Fee, close to Zermatt. 2024 will be different. I will travel internationally again.
What would you like to have in 2024 that you lacked in 2023? A better work-life balance. I worked seriously long hours in 2024 – at a level that even I don’t find sustainable.
What date from 2023 will remain etched upon your memory? My own and another birthday. I know that I did then. There is no other specific date that I remember – maybe that’s even a good thing.
What was your biggest achievement of the year? I find it difficult to name one. I am proud of what the team is doing; I wrote and delivered an all-new talk on the ‘long slog of public service design’ with Kara that was well-received at 2 conferences. I also co-ran a 24-hour remote conference, which was a success.
What was your biggest failure? I didn’t get anyone else in the German public sector to embrace the Service Standard or any senior person to embrace it publicly.
Did you suffer illness or injury? I fell in the first 5 minutes of skiing in December – straight on my skier's thumb from 2001. I am still recovering from that several weeks later. Apart from that, I was fine.
What was the best thing you bought? A Vitsœ 606 shelf for my living room. I installed it for my birthday, and it brings joy every day. It took me over 15 years to convert from a clueless design student to a customer. That’s when I worked for Thomas Manss & Company, which did all the design and branding for Vitsœ.
Whose behaviour merited celebration? Countless anti-racism, anti-sexism, and anti-fossil fuel activists. More closely, I admire and respect our CEO, Christina and how she is navigating the growing Digital Service through a tricky political and stakeholder landscape.
Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed? The behaviour of a few German ministers that actively block the progress they set out in their party manifestos and coalition treaty from 2021.
Where did most of your money go? To food, in general. I visited some nice restaurants. It was still no outrageous amount, though.
What did you get really, really, really excited about? The Vitra Campus in Weill am Rhein was quite spectacular. I am not sure it was a 3x ‘really’ level of excitement, though.
What song/album will always remind you of 2023? I discovered Philip Glass’ ‘Dance Pieces’ and listened to them extensively. It was played as part of ‘Age of Content’ (LA)HORDE’s performance at the Berliner Festspiele in August. It was marvellous.
Compared to this time last year, are you: Unsure how I was or felt last year. I think I was less exhausted in mid-December 2022, though. 2023 was dense. I did a lot.
What do you wish you’d done more of? More exercise. More breaks and holidays.
What do you wish you’d done less of? Even though not everything was fruitful, I think everything I’ve done was worth it.
How will you be spending Christmas? As it’s already after Christmas, I answer this retrospectively. I went to my sister’s family place and celebrated there – right after the pre-holiday ski trip.
Who did you spend the most time on the phone with? My mother, even though she thinks I could call her more often.
Did you fall in love in 2023? No need. All good and stable.
What was your favourite TV programme? ‘The Last of Us’ on HBO stood out. Great drama, themes, storytelling, actors. While not the greatest show, ‘Extrapolations’ on Apple TV+ will be on my mind for the years to come as it shows snapshots of human existence dealing with a changing climate between 2037 and 2070.
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Such a strong word, no. But I do have much less respect for certain people. That includes several men in charge of driving digitalisation in the German public sector. Their performance is weak and deeply disappointing.
What was the best book(s) you read? At the end of the year, I started reading ‘Baustellen der Nation’ (‘Construction Sites of the Nation’ in English) – an analytical and progressive book outlining what needs work in Germany and how to do it. I like it goes deep and broad and covers problems and potential solutions, enriched with a lot of data and strong narratives.
What was your greatest musical discovery? I discovered Oskar Sala at an architecture exhibition in the Berlinische Galerie. I watched a documentary about the construction of the ICC building from the early 70s and waited until the end titles to see who composed the music. I have been listening to Oskar Sala’s music for various hours since then.
What did you want and get? The mentioned Vitsœ 606 shelf.
What did you want and not get? Some upgraded camera equipment. I did not prioritise it enough in my budget.
What were your favourite films of this year? It was neither ‘Oppenheimer’ nor ‘Barbie’ – the blockbusters and most discussed movies of the year. I missed a few films I still like to watch when they are streaming. ‘Decision to Leave’ by Park Chan-wook stood out for me. And Pixar’s ‘Elemental’ was powerful in its message, especially when watching the documentary with director Peter Sohn telling about his family’s immigration story that inspired the movie.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 41 in April. We wanted to take a canoe trip to the Spreewald, but the weather wasn’t great. So my parents came around, we went to the ‘Futurium’ exhibition about science and democracy and had cake afterwards. In the evening, I got invited for dinner at the Korean fine dining restaurant ‘CHOI’. That was a very pleasant and intimate food experience.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? More significant progress in driving user-centred design approaches in the German public sector. I didn’t get done what I wanted to get done. Too many actors are following their own agendas instead.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2023? Adding a bright colour to my navy blue – beyond the colourful socks. I got two new RÆBURN jumpers in 2023. I like the brand’s regenerative design approach and some of their designs.
What kept you sane? Focussing on the things that I can influence and that give me a sense of progress.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? No idea. Not my thing.
What political issue stirred you the most? So many. It’s hard to pick a single one. The wars, the inequality, the rise of the far-right. It is remarkable how terrible communication from politicians around policies to prevent climate breakdown is – globally. So, global inaction regarding climate change is the one that stirs me the most – as too many democratic politicians don’t even address it regularly.
Who did you miss? My grandmother, especially around Christmas.
Who was the best new person you met? I built a good relationship with Stephanie, our Chief Product Officer. I first met her in 2022 when I started at Digital Service, but we only had a few overlaps and encounters last year. That changed in spring. She is smart and driven, and we share views, values and attitudes.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2023. Take things step by step. There might still be countless steps missing from your goal, but you got a bit closer, at least.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year? I am bad with song lyrics – as I mostly listen to instrumental music. So, I need to pass on this one.
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balgazr · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage boy girl skiing sledding ceramic Christmas kids figurines holiday decor.
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hakesbros · 1 year
New Mexico Homes For Sale 2550 Calle Tenebroso, Las Cruces, Nm
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petnews2day · 1 year
Bird strike forces Turkish Airbus into costly landing
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/ODxYV
Bird strike forces Turkish Airbus into costly landing
A bird strike forced a Turkish Airlines flight departing Entebbe International Airport for Istanbul to turn around and make an emergency landing Tuesday morning. For nearly one-and-a-half hours, the Airbus 330 flight 606, with 281 passengers and crew on board, had to circle in the skies of Kampala and the surrounding districts before finally touching […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/ODxYV #BirdNews
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mynameissil · 2 years
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I posted 1,722 times in 2022
That's 606 more posts than 2021!
3 posts created (0%)
1,719 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 25 of my posts in 2022
#jopper - 17 posts
#stranger things - 16 posts
#strangerthingsedit - 14 posts
#jim hopper - 13 posts
#joyce byers - 12 posts
#stedit - 10 posts
#david harbour - 8 posts
#stranger things spoilers - 7 posts
#dailystrangerthings - 7 posts
#winona ryder - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 86 characters
#yes i had to gif this as well as reblog any and all others that people make until july
My Top Posts in 2022:
“Cleared For Takeoff”
The skies were her home and she craved for nothing more than to be free amongst the clouds even as she felt the shackles of politics tightening around her and pulling her to the ground. 
 She was born with jet fuel in her veins and there was nothing that would stand between her fighter and the skies above.
Chapter 1 - “Dog Chase”
Chapter 2 - “Welcome Aboard”
I had hoped to post this before the weekend but I ended up leaving earlier than expected - but chapters one and two are now up, with chapter 3 in progress.
3 notes - Posted December 13, 2022
Chapter 1 - “First of her Name”
The House Targaryen had for many generations favoured the use of titles for its descendants, be it honorfic and bestowed by royal decree or chosen by the smallfolk.
This was true in the case of Princess Rhaenys Targaryen - for she had many.
I have been working on the next chapter for “Her’s By Right. Their’s By Fire” but I had a wave of inspiration and have started a new story which is going to be a series of oneshots, each one focusing on Princess Rhaenys Targaryen and a different title.
Some will have a faint wiff of canon about them - most will not. 
6 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“Her’s Is A Wrathful Vengeance”
The waves crashed and rolled as the broken and burnt ships of the Velaryon fleet sailed for Dragonstone, the men aboard as broken as their vessels whilst they carried their precious cargo. It was only when the dark stone walls of the looming castle appeared on the horizon that the men began moving with some haste - the safety and protection of Dragonstone and its inhabitants greatly desired by the sailors.
That was until the echoing cries of a red she-dragon filled the air, the swift form of Meleys spotted high in the night sky a harrowing reminder of the cargo they carried and the grief it brought with it.
I need more grieving, furious, dragon-riding Rhaenys in my life and if I have to write it myself I will. I have no idea if I will do any more with this or if it will just stay a oneshot but who knows - I hope it finds someone who will enjoy reading it. 
21 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Blessed!Techno Blurb
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Pairing: Techno-centric
Summary: Techno bringer of blood on the battlefield, meets a kid
Warnings/tags: Blood?
Words: 606
Masterlist: Techno’s Masterlist - Full Masterlist
A/N: Requests are still open! Click here!
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Techno never fails. If anything, he doesn't remember the last time he made a mistake, let alone admitted to making one. He's one with his sword when he wanders the fields of war. He doesn't have the time to gather regrets. Everything he does is the right way. For he doesn't have the privilege of thinking beyond his fingertips, nobody has in the midst of chaos and blood. He fights with his will and might, slaying anyone who comes close, always wandering home with the victorious ones. Celebrating their bloodshed, gone by the time the morning comes. For with the morning comes the mourning. He's one of the few.
He's the only blessed he has ever met, but he knows there are more. Even if their number dwindle by the day. Becoming less and less, the further away from the fall of the temples they go. Time moving on, claiming the unlucky ones, and leaving the ones who were lucky in agony and misery.
But not him.
Not Techno, for he is strong. He carries his sword and his crown.
His crown, the one that sits atop his head, showing off his accomplishments, for if you looked closer at the mismatched gems. You would be able to see the way some are new, some are old, some are gone. But the way the blood that stays stains them. Adorning the crown with the ever so scared blood of fallen warriors that was never meant to battle, in wars they never cared about.
Techno never fails, but he hesitates, when he smells Death in the air.
Not the smell of dead bodies, that is well on the way to decay as he stands on the field. But the smell of Death herself. He can pick that smell out from anywhere, so sweet, it's nauseating, it feels like an embrace, and yet the longer he sniffs it out, it feels bone-crushing.
He makes his way through the people fighting an endless war, with causes long lost to history. He parts them as he passes by them. Mostly by the way of his sword.
What he is met with, is not exactly what he expected, well, he doesn't know what he expected. He knows Death never visits down here anymore amongst the mortals. He knows her mortal form is far from being useable. He personally made sure of that.
Instead, the sight that greets him is that of a boy, a blonde-haired one at that, bathed in the stench of death. A crooked helmet far too big for the child hides his face. While the helmet obscured his face, his blonde hair is as clear as the sun. He wields a wooden sword on the battlefield. Nobody else is paying the kid attention, yet everywhere around him, people are falling faster than they attack. Wings that are far too big for the kid adorning his back, making him look even smaller.
Techno knows he should plunge his sword through the kid's chest, but he doesn't. he stretches his hand out to the kid that's looking at him. Techno knows he shouldn't let Death assemble more angels on the mortal realm. He made a promise of that to people he has never seen or heard.
He knows the angels are an omen of Death, along with the crows screeching in the skies. It's a warning of the horrible times that will befall sooner rather than later.
But you see, the thing is, Techno never fails. He doesn't have the privilege of regretting his actions.
That night, a warrior walks away with a blonde-haired kid on his shoulders, a kid that Techno swears to protect from the horrors that will inevitably befall the both of them.
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gureishi · 3 years
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how to be free
Saeyoung, GE Saeran | more than words 2021
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It’s early, and the air tastes of summer rain.
Saeyoung steps, barefoot, into the grass, and the back door falls silently shut behind him. The sky is the color of lilacs: wet and streaky. It must have stormed overnight; in the bunker, even thunder doesn’t make a sound.
He stretches his arms above his head and strides across the lawn. He’s never bothered to maintain the land around his home, and the grass is tall and irregular. Automatically, his eyes seek out the single plot of earth that’s been tilled: proof that the last few months have been more than an unlikely dream.
Ah: and he should’ve known.
Saeran crouches at the edge of his little garden, his palms flat on the ground. Nothing has sprouted yet, but Saeyoung knows that his brother listens to the earth and hears a language he’ll never understand.
“Do you always get up this early?” Saeyoung asks. His voice sounds strange: too loud in the still morning air. Saeran doesn’t startle; like Saeyoung, he always knows when someone is standing behind him.
“I’m not sure,” Saeran says. He stands and faces his brother; there’s a faraway look in his eyes. “I’ve never exactly had a sleeping schedule.”
Saeyoung laughs (and it sounds bitter even to his own ears).
“We’re not so different after all,” he says.
He goes to his brother’s side and tilts his head up to look at the sky: there are still stars visible through the haze of sunrise.
“So.” Saeran hesitates, and Saeyoung wishes he could fill the silence—but there is too much and too little to say. He watches the clouds swirling in the pastel sky. “Happy birthday,” Saeran says at last.
Saeyoung clears his throat. It’s a miracle, he wants to say—or thank god we’re here. “You too,” he says instead. He shifts his weight back and forth and feels uncertain.
“I didn’t expect to ever celebrate our birthday again,” Saeran says. He stares straight ahead, and Saeyoung stuffs his hands in his pockets. He has spent his whole life running from telling the truth; now he’s got the one person he’s ever wanted to be honest with next to him, and he doesn’t know what to say.
“I did,” Saeyoung mutters. “I think.”
“And that’s why you’re stronger than me.” Saeran speaks with a steadiness that takes Saeyoung by surprise.
“I never have been,” Saeyoung says. “Not even back then.”
They are quiet for a moment. The sky brightens; the stars fade.
“You used to always know what I was thinking,” Saeran says—and it’s an admission rather than an accusation. Saeyoung laughs (and it sounds less strange this time).
“Give me time,” he says. “I’ll get there again.”
“I believe you.”
Saeyoung smiles and hides his face, because his eyes sting and he doesn’t want Saeran to see. It’s the first time he’s said it: I believe you (even after all this time).
“You still like to stare at the sky?” Saeyoung asks—and Saeran nods, thoughtful.
“Do you know why?” Oh, it is a test, Saeyoung thinks: he is saying bet you can still read my mind. Saeyoung shakes his head and Saeran fixes him with a steady gaze. “Try.”
So Saeyoung tries. He shuts his eyes and thinks of blue skies and sun—of sticky ice cream and shining eyes.
“It feels like running,” he says. “So fast your heart aches, with nobody telling you where to go.”
Saeran doesn’t tell him that he got it right, because they both already know. “We’ve made it there,” he says. Saeyoung breathes deeply; the sunrise smells like freedom.
“Made it where?” Saeyoung asks (knowing the answer).
“To the sky,” Saeran says. And he smiles.
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Hello! i would like a spirit guide reading, my initials are CF and im a scorpio 14/11, i love your work thank u so much!
👋 hello, CF ♏ 🦂 Scorpio,
Your Spirit Guide is Goddess of the 🌈 Rainbow, Messenger of the Gods: 🌿 IRIS
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In Greek mythology, Iris (/ˈaɪrɪs/; Greek: Ἶρις, Ancient Greek: [îːris]) is the personification and goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.
According to Hesiod's Theogony, Iris is the daughter of Thaumas and the Oceanid Electra and the sister of the Harpies: Aello and Ocypete. During the Titanomachy, Iris was the messenger of the Olympian gods while her twin sister Arke betrayed the Olympians and became the messenger of the Titans. She is the goddess of the rainbow. She also serves nectar to the goddesses and gods to drink. Zephyrus, who is the god of the west wind is her consort. Their son is Pothos (Nonnus, Dionysiaca). According to the Dionysiaca of Nonnos, Iris' brother is Hydaspes (book XXVI, lines 355-365).
She is also known as one of the goddesses of the sea and the sky. Iris links the gods to humanity. She travels with the speed of wind from one end of the world to the other[1] and into the depths of the sea and the underworld.
Iris had numerous poetic titles and epithets, including chrysopteros (χρυσόπτερος "golden winged"), podas ōkea (πόδας ὠκέα "swift footed") or podēnemos ōkea (ποδήνεμος ὠκέα "wind-swift footed"), roscida ("dewy", Latin), and Thaumantias (Θαυμαντιάς "Daughter of Thaumas, Wondrous One"), aellopus (ἀελλόπους "storm-footed, storm-swift).[2] She also watered the clouds with her pitcher, obtaining the water from the sea.
🦋🌸🦋The hieroglyph for her name originally used meant (female) of flesh, i.e. mortal, and she may simply have represented deified, real, queens. The most commonly used name for this deity, Isis, is a Greek corruption of the Egyptian name; and its pronunciation as 'eye-sis' is a further corruption by English speakers. The true Egyptian pronunciation is unknown, as Egyptian hieroglyphs only recorded consonants, and left out most of the vowels. The Egyptian hieroglyphics for her name are commonly transliterated as jst; as a convenience, Egyptologists pronounce that as ee-set.
IRIS (Iris), a daughter of Thaumas (whence she is called Thaumantias, Virg. Aen. ix. 5) and Electra, and sister of the Harpies. (Hes. Theog. 266, 780; Apollod. i. 2. § 6; Plat. Theaet. p. 155. d; Plut. de Plac. Philos. iii. 5.) In the Homeric poems she appears as the minister of the Olympian gods, who carries messages from Ida to Olympus, from gods to gods, and from gods to men. (Il. xv. 144, xxiv. 78, 95, ii. 787, xviii. 168, Hymn. in Apoll. Del. 102, &c.) In accordance with these functions of Iris, her name is commonly derived from erô eirô; so that Iris would mean "the speaker or messenger:" but it is not impossible that it may be connected with eirô, "I join," whence eirênê ; so that Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, would be the joiner or conciliator, or the messenger of heaven, who restores peace in nature. In the Homeric poems, it is true, Iris does not appear as the goddess of the rainbow, but the rainbow itself is called iris (Il xi. 27, xvii. 547): and this brilliant phenomenon in tile skies, which vanishes as quickly as it appears, was regarded as the swift minister of the gods. Her genealogy too supports the opinion that Iris was originally the personification of the rainbow. In the earlier poets, and even in Theocritus (xvii. 134) and Virgil (Aen. v. 610) Iris appears as a virgin goddess; but according to later writers, she was married to Zephyrus, and became by him the mother of Eros. (Eustath. ad Hom. pp. 391, 555; Plut. Amat. 20.) With regard to her functions, which we have above briefly described, we may further observe, that the Odyssey never mentions Iris, but only Hermes as the messenger of the gods: in the Iliad, on the other hand, she appears most frequently, and on the most different occasions. She is principally engaged in the service of Zeus, but also in that of Hera, and even serves Achilles in calling the winds to his assistance. (Il. xxiii. 199.) She further performs her services not only when commanded, but she sometimes advises and assists of her own accord (iii. 122, xv. 201. xviii. 197. xxiv. 74, &c.). In later poets she appears on the whole in the same capacity as in the Iliad, but she occurs gradually more and more exclusively in the service of Hera, both in the later Greek and Latin poets. (Callim. Hymn. in Del. 232; Virg. Aen. v. 606; Apollon. Rhod. ii. 288, 432; Ov. Met. xiv. 830, &c.) Some poets describe Iris actually as the rainbow itself, but Servius (ad Aen v. 610) states that the rainbow is only the road on which Iris travels, and which therefore appears whenever the goddess wants it, and vanishes when it is no longer needed: and it would seem that this latter notion was the more prevalent one in antiquity. Respecting the worship of Iris very few traces have come down to us, and we only know that the Delians offered to her on the island of Hecate cakes made of wheat and honey and dried figs. (Athen. xiv. p. 645; comp. Müller, Aegin. p. 170.) No statues of Iris have been preserved, but we find her frequently represented on vases and in bas-reliefs, either standing and dressed in a long and wide tunic, over which hangs a light upper garment, with wings attached to her shoulders, and carrying the herald's staff in her left hand; or she appears flying with wings attached to her shoulders and sandals, with the staff and a pitcher in her hands.
AELLOPUS (Aellopous), a surname of Iris, the messenger of the gods, by which she is described as swift-footed like a storm-wind. Homer uses the form aellopos. (Il. 409.)
Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.
A goddess named “Iris” personified the rainbow in the mythology of ancient Greece. Most works of art depict her either in the form of a beautiful rainbow, or as a lovely maiden. She wore wings on her shoulders and usually carried a pitcher in one hand. Her name combined the Greek words for “messenger” and “the rainbow” to signify her dual role. Some accounts depict her as one of the goddess Hera’s assistants. (Hera carries associations with the sky.)
The ancient Greeks considered Iris the female counterpart of Hermes. She served as a messenger from Mount Olympus. She would use her pitcher to scoop up water from the ocean and carry it into the clouds. Some legends also hold she used her pitcher to collect water from the River Styx, the shadowy river separating the world of human beings from the underworld. Many Greeks viewed Iris as an important link between mortals and the realm of the gods.
The Family Life of Iris
Most sources describe Iris as the daughter of the Oceanid cloud nymph Elektra and Thaumas, a minor god sometimes associated with the sea. She would have been one of the Titan Oceanus’ granddaughters. Her rainbow frequently appeared in the sky over bodies of water.
Legends differ about her life as an adult. Some stories describe her as unmarried and primarily a messenger for the Olympian gods. In other accounts, she fell in love with Zephyros, the god of the West Wind. They had a son named Pothos, who personified Desire.
Iris as a Messenger
Iris would frequently use her pitcher to serve nectar to the gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus. When these major ancient Greek deities needed to send messages to other gods or to human beings, they would sometimes ask Iris to transmit their words. She could travel very quickly from Mount Olympus to Earth, and could even journey quickly into Hades.
Many ancient Greeks considered Iris one of the most beautiful goddesses. The ancient Greeks described her as “swift footed”, suggesting she could respond rapidly to requests. In legends, she carries symbolic associations with messages and communication.
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Iris is depicted in ancient Greek vase painting as a beautiful young woman with golden wings, a herald's rod (kerykeion), and sometimes a water-pitcher (oinochoe) in her hand. She was usually depicted standing beside Zeus or Hera, sometimes serving nectar from her jug. As cup-bearer of the gods Iris is often indistinguishable from Hebe in art.
The message that rainbows connect us to the immortal can be seen in many mythologies worldwide, including Japanese and Navajo, though each has a different back story and belief. In our lives, we can see the rainbow as being symbolic of a transition, suggesting a potential change from one phase to another.
Rainbow – Other Symbolic Meanings
In general, rainbows are seen as transcending the earthly realm. Rainbows are the physical symbolism of this ascent. It provides us with inspiration to achieve greater heights and seek wisdom from the worlds beyond. The rainbow is the bridge that closes the gap between these two realms and allows for the possibility for communication. It is symbolic of possibility in many other ways as well. The glowing arch appears high above our horizon and can look close and distant at the same time. We are incapable of finding its end.
The rainbow challenges us to be a better version of ourselves. A more inclusive person, a person who seeks a challenge, a person who desires spiritual growth and a connection to the spiritual realm, a person who endures the darkness in pursuit of the light.
Like the rainbow, these things can seem far away and out of our reach. The important thing, though, is that we keep striving for them. The rainbow symbolism is powerful because it reminds us of the endless possibilities. It shows us vast and magical our world is. Rainbows challenge us to confront and embrace our own potential.
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Thank you for meeting your Spirit Guide today .. if you ever want to contact your Spirit Guide, Iris, you'll have to try a guided meditation especially designed for Spirit Guides (YouTube has plenty of sufficient one)
But if you prefer that I get in contact with her and get you some messages just simply go to my PayPal and give a donation .. thanks 😊
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Y’all can thank @space-kitten-606 for igniting my fire to finally write down this music theory about Seven.
Now when I’m thinking about Seven I can never stop thinking about Fall Out Boy’s song Favorite Record. Get ready folks, here’s a trip with Reset Theory and everyone’s favorite love-to-laugh boy, 707! It has a lot to do with the course of his relationship with the MC throughout every single reset. Throughout the course of this game, he’s always thinking about you and the time that he gets to share with you. He feels fortunate whenever you choose to be with him.
“Do you do, do you remember. When we drove, we drove, drove through the night. And we danced, we danced.” Seven can remember the first time that you saw him and that very first time that he got close to you. There’s this feeling in his chest that he just can’t shake off no matter how hard he wanted to keep you at arm’s length. He had seen the way you had gone to each of his friends and fixed their lives just by smiling at them. Seven had wanted so badly to not let you into his life, but the more that you were around the more that he found that he couldn’t shut you out no matter how hard that he tried. He was no stronger than anyone else... and you were the sun to his moon no matter what he told himself. 
“And I confessed, confessed to you. Riding shotgun underneath the purple skies. And we danced, we danced. With windows down, and we danced, we danced.” There was no fighting you n the end and he knew that. You were as sweet as you were headstrong, smart as you were oblivious, and kind as you were brave. So, he embraced you with open arms and allowed you into his life, knowing that one day you might not be there when he woke up. But it was worth it to him. To finally let those feelings that had been budding for days, weeks, months out in the open with you. The way that you held onto him as he released more and more of his pain grounded the feeling in his chest that he loved you and he would always and only love you. 
“You were the song stuck in my head. Every song that I’ve ever loved. Played again and again and again. And you can get what you want but it’s never enough.” Everything that happens to him is another knife in his chest. It’s one thing to let himself be close to you but it’s another when it opens Pandora’s Box and sheds light on things he never thought he would ever know. When he finds out the truth about the RFA, about Rika, about V, about Mint Eye, and about his brother, everything that happens tears him to pieces but you’re right there at his side to help him get back up again. You grip his hand during that entire process and he would have never been able to survive if it wasn’t for you during all of those hard times. But all good things come to end, don’t they? Even as the world is coming back together and he tries to rebuild his family with you in it, he knows that one day you won’t be his anymore. And when that day comes, it’s a bittersweet pain in his heart. 
He will always love you. 
And by the way that you look at him, he knows that you’ll always love him no matter what timeline you both exist in. 
“And I spin for you like your favorite records used to. And I spin for you like your favorite records used to.” When you’re gone there’s a hole in his heart, and when you restart another turn around in the game... seeing you appear in the chatroom makes his heart rush. He never knows who you’ll wind up with. But he stays the same 707 that you know the entire time. It doesn’t matter if you love him the most or not, he wants to be there to support you and to love you from afar like the rest of them. But he’s the only one that ever remembers you loving everyone else. Even if his life is constantly buzzing around the same two weeks he’ll always be happy to bear the restart because it means that he might get to know you all over again. He’ll always be the same for you. Always. 
“And I can’t, I can’t, I can’t remember. Just how to forget, forget the way. That we danced, we danced.” Sometimes it hurts to know too much. Ignorance is bliss as they say. There are times when it hurts so much that he just clutches his head in his hands and tries to shut it off. But he can’t remember a time without you in his life. He cannot remember a moment before you. It’s almost impossible to think about the time before his life became a neverending loop. Every time that Seven closes his eyes he thinks back to that time where you were in his arms. That memory is so much for him. 
“And when you ask, you ask me how I’m doing. Like you know, you know how much better off I am. And when we danced, we danced.” Seven is never sure if you do remember him the way that he remembers you. He never gets the chance to ask that, nor does he think he wants to know if your heart is as heavy as he is. He couldn’t imagine how much pain you would be in every time the game resets and you have to start from the bottom all over again. What pain would that be like? No, every time you choose someone other than him, he holds himself together the day of the party and tries to keep your interactions as brief as possible. He won’t admit it but he is happy for you, he just often has trouble seeing you so happy in the arms of another member. It’s too much for his heart to bear. No, those days you smile at him and speak to him like it’s the first time in forever, and the way those eyes sparkle as you ask him how he’s feeling burns that feeling even further into his skull. 
“You were the song stuck in my head. Every song that I’ve ever loved. Played again and again and again. And you can get what you want but it’s never enough. And I spin for you like your favorite records used to. And I spin for you like your favorite records used to.” Seven can’t remove the mark that you’ve placed on his life, nor does he want to forget the way that you’ve made him feel. You’re everything that he’s ever loved, and even though you only stay at his side for a few short days, those days are everything that he can touch. It’s what he wants, but it’s never that true forever after that he wishes so desperately to hold onto. 
But as long as you’re in his life, he will take this pain that comes with a price, and he will always be there for you in whatever way that you need him to be. Be it a friend, a best friend, a brother-in-law, a lover, a flirt, a prankster, or even a husband... anything. Anything that you need of him he will be as the world spins around as it’s head and he relives those two weeks over and over just to have a chance with you. “I spin, I spin, I spin, I spin. For you, for you, for you, for you,”
And it all goes back to the start when you show up in his life once again, reliving those first words that made his heart belong to you: MC has entered the chatroom.
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miamibeachbroker · 5 years
Trump International, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos For Sale & Rent
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Trump International, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos For Sale & Rent
Trump International
18001 Collins AvenueSunny Isles Beach
Coastal Cool Style on Miami’s Sunny Isles Beach Rising 31 stories above Sunny Isles Beach, Trump International Beach Resort Miami elevates the Miami experience with luxe coastal cool. Independently owned and operated, our family-friendly oceanfront resort is a member of Preferred Hotels & Resorts’ Lifestyle Collection and recipient of the prestigious Forbes Four-Star rating.
Units: 390 Stories: 31
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Trump International Hotel Condos – Building Amenities
On-site specialty shop for convenience
Business center with meeting rooms
Daily housekeeping available through the resort
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Game Room
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Trump International Guest Services
Concierge: Available to arrange off-property excursions
Dry Cleaning: Daily service available
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Sunny Isles Beach: other condos for sale and rent
Armani Casa, 18975 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
Armani Casa, Sunny Isles 18975 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach Armani Casa by Cesar Pelli is a new oceanfront master-peace, located in a luxury high-rise condominium community, Sunny [...]
Turnberry Ocean Club, 18501 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
Turnberry Ocean Club 18501 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach It was officially announced on 14 April 2014 that the new luxury oceanfront condominium called Turnberry Ocean Club will be built [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-09-03T20:09:49+04:00
Poinciana Island, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos & Townhomes For Sale & For Rent
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-09-03T19:33:22+04:00
Trump International, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos For Sale & Rent
Trump International 18001 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach Coastal Cool Style on Miami's Sunny Isles Beach Rising 31 stories above Sunny Isles Beach, Trump International Beach Resort Miami elevates the [...]
Jade Signature, 16901 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
Jade Signature 16901 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach Jade Signature’s extraordinary resort-like experience is further enhanced by having three floors entirely dedicated to amenities and 53 stories of elegantly sculptural, [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-04-22T20:39:42+04:00
Jade Beach Condos, Sunny Isles Beach Condo for Sale
Jade Beach Condos 17001 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach Jade Beach is an oasis unto itself. Overlooking the purest and widest beach in South Florida, just minutes from the [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-04-22T20:15:30+04:00
Jade Ocean, 17121 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach
Jade Ocean, 17121 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach Year Built: 2009 Developer: Fortune International Realty Architect: Carlos Ott Number of Floors: 52 Total condo units: 252 [...]
The Estates at Acqualina, 17901 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
The Estates At Acqualina 17901 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach 58 stories - 130 sky residences - 3 per floor. Panoramic views of the Miami River, Biscayne Bay, and the [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-01-29T00:08:23+04:00
Trump Royale, 18201 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach
Trump Royale Condos 18201 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach This is 55 story luxury residential condominium with 278 units. Trump Royale Sunny Isles condo has uninterrupted views of the Atlantic [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-01-29T02:04:56+04:00
Regalia Condos, 19575 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles
Regalia Condos, 19575 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Year Built : 2014 Architect : Arquitectonica Developer : Regalia Beach Developers Number of Floors : 46 Total condo [...]
Porsche Design Tower, 18555 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
Porsche Design Tower 18555 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach Porsche Design Group exceeds all expectations with their newest project – Porsche Tower Sunny Isles Beach – the ultimate in building [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-01-29T01:56:53+04:00
Trump Palace, 18101 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach
Trump Palace, 18101 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach Year Built : 2006 Architect : Seiger Suarez Developer : Trump International and Dezer development Number of Floors [...]
Mansions at Acqualina Condominiums, 17749 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
Mansions at Acqualina Condominiums, 17749 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach Year Built: 2015 Floors in Building: 46 Condos in Building: 79 Welcome to the breathtaking [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-02-19T01:36:22+04:00
Tropicana, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos for Sale & Rent
Tropicana 15645 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach The Tropicana Condominium a boutique building designed by notorious Fontainebleau architect Morris Lapidusis and it is the first building at the southern [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-02-06T21:47:10+04:00
Trump Tower III, 15811 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach
Trump Tower III Condos 15811 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach Trump Tower Three is a collaboration between Donald Trump, Dexer Development and the Related group, that has become one [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-02-06T21:43:24+04:00
Trump Tower II, 15901 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach
Trump Tower II Condos 15901 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach Trump Tower Two is a collaboration between Donald Trump, Dexer Development and the Related group, that has become [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-02-06T21:33:37+04:00
Trump Tower I, 16001 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach
Trump Tower I Condos 16001 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach Trump Tower One is a collaboration between Donald Trump, Dexer Development and the Related group, that has become one of [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2019-10-01T18:46:55+04:00
Arlen House, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos for Sale & Rent
Arlen House 100, 300, 500 Bayview Dr Sunny Isles Beach Arlen House information Residents of what is considered the Riveria of Florida relax each day and enjoy the calm breezes [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2018-08-15T22:10:09+04:00
Eden Roc, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos For Sale & Rent
Eden Roc 17900 N Bay Rd Sunny Isles Beach Gorgeous sunsets from every room. A perfect location in the heart of Sunny Isles Beach: one block to the ocean, [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2018-05-18T19:06:52+04:00
Caribbean Breeze, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos For Sale & Rent
Caribbean Breeze 250 180th Dr Sunny Isles Beach Caribbean Breeze is a well-maintained condo building located in Sunny Isles Beach. The residences range from 1 to 2 bedrooms and around [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2018-05-09T18:41:15+04:00
Sole on the Ocean, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos for Sale & Rent
Sole on the Ocean 17315 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach Centrally located within the popular communities of Sunny Isles Beach between Golden Beach, Bal Harbour, and Aventura, and only [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2018-04-04T21:55:07+04:00
Florida Ocean Club, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos For Sale & Rent
Florida Ocean Club 17275 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach The Florida Ocean Club Sunny Isles Condo located in the heart of Sunny Isles is a real find. Featuring a distinctive [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2018-04-05T01:45:43+04:00
Le Cartier, Sunny Isles Beach | Condos For Sale & Rent
Le Cartier 201 178th Dr Sunny Isles Beach Located in the heart of Sunny Isles Beach, Le Cartier Condo features an amazing location. Walk to the crystal blue waters of [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2017-09-14T12:01:33+04:00
Trump Royale, 18201 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach
Trump Royale Condos 18201 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach This is 55 story luxury residential condominium with 278 units. Trump Royale Sunny Isles condo has uninterrupted views of the Atlantic [...]
Christopher J. Lazaro2017-09-13T02:09:05+04:00
Winston Towers 700, 290 174 Street, Sunny Isles Beach
Winston Towers 700 290 174 Street Sunny Isles Beach The Winston Towers faces the Intercoastal Waterway, and residents have the opportunity to enjoy the sight from their large private balconies. The Winston [...]
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saey-bae · 6 years
HC: feisty taken!mc gets hit on
this is longer than i expected it to turn out
i’m not quite sure how it happened, but it did
headcanon up ahead 
check out my masterpost here
you and yoosung decide that a day at the zoo would be nice
animals and stuff, y'know?
gorgeous day- blue skies, fresh air, the works
but it’s also really fucking hot
so the two of you duck into the gift shop to browse
yoosung catches sight of a stuffed ! giraffe ! (((omg))) and he wanders off to check it out
you totally didn't stay behind to look at those little monkey stuffies with velcro patches on the palms and feet
oh my god they have neon orange monkeys? 
"hey beautiful"
you freeze in the midst of sticking one of the monkey's palms to its foot
that wasn't your bby yooyoo
you slap on a smile as you turn to see a guy leering at you
"what's a beautiful thing like you doing in a place like this?"
wtf man it's a zoo why CAN'T I BE HERE ALONE AT A ZOO
calm down mc calm down ok you can do this
"listen, i'm not here-"
then he does it
he touches the boat butt
"hey! what do you think you're doing to my girlfriend?" yandere!yoosung appears behind you somewhere, having finally surfaced from the world of animal stuffies, but you're one step ahead
you crack the guy across the face
he's reeling from shock, staring at you as he touches his reddening cheek
"don't you ever go around doing that to me or other women again, or i'll fucking hunt you down myself"
yoosung's arm is around your waist
he's glaring daggers at the guy, but once the two of you leave the gift shop he's smiling his megawatt smile
he bestows upon you a kiss and a stuffed giraffe
"you. are. fantastic."
it was opening night of a minor production
it also happened to be your debut as a musical actress- with you as the lead
oh god were you nervous about it
zen, as the doting and loving boyfriend he was, soothed your worries and handed you a bouquet of roses as you waited in your dressing room
"knock 'em dead, jagiya"
your love for him knew no bounds
and with that, you actually did knock 'em dead literally
nailed it~
after the curtains drew and the audience left, you were surrounded by cast and crew members
much praise, so love
giddy on happiness, you looked around for zen
but someone taller than you was in your way
you looked up to see your co-star, the other lead in the play
"hey mc, i wanted to tell you for a while now, but i wasn't sure how to bring it up..."
you peered up at him
"what it is?"
then he obscured your vision
"i know you're dating someone, but i kind of like you and i was wondering-"
you didn't think, didn't even hear his words- just saw red
and then you popped him one, right on the nose
the people around you stopped their celebrations to stare
"what the actually flippity flop fuck is wrong with you?" you screech
he touched his nose, winced
broken? maybe?
you didn't care
an arm wrapped around you from behind as the asshole co-star was led off by one of the stagehands
"i can't believe that was my princess doing that"
so much pride in zen's gentle voice. it brought instant relief
you collapsed leaned back against him, though something else caught your eye
he had offered you another bouquet of roses
where you get so many roes from?
you turned in his arms and gave him a noisy kiss, giggling
"you spoil me"
then you stalled, seeing something else dancing in those crimson eyes of his
he leaned in, his lips brushing the shell of your ear
"i want every trace of that guy off you. i don't want you remembering the feeling of anyone's hands, body, or lips on you except for mine. you're mine, jagiya, do you understand? the only wolf who gets to play with you is me."
it was followed by zen sweeping you off in a princess hold before he headed back to your dressing room
well o shit
I'm not really sure how to do Jaehee's? Honestly, I'm not super fond of her character so far -she's really uptight?- and I don't really have a good grasp of how she would react without being generic. Sorry. Hopefully I'll understand her better when I play her route.
you were at a dinner with juju and his father (new girlfriend, too) as well as one of his father's long-time associates who also happened to be a Very Important Frand™
nervous as you were, your great personality really shone under the pressure and you impressed the associate
goal accomplished
but maybe you impressed him too much
bc after you headed off to the bathroom and did your bizzness, you came out to find him waiting for you in the hall
the man descended on you like a hawk
he buttered you all up, basically backing you up until he had you kabedon'd but you wouldn't give
"what does that jumin boy give you that i cannot? if you're worried about lifestyle, i can lavish you with diamonds and riches beyond your wildest dreams. if you're worried about the bedroom, i'll assure you that i've aged like fine wine"
uhh but i don't want your wrinkly sausage
you pushed him back before he could kiss you, but you didn't want to land a blow in case you got your ass sued or killed the man
ok but it was pretty fifty-fifty that you'd snap at this point
"you listen to me, and listen well because i'll only say this once; i love jumin. more than anything. my love can't be bought with money, nor with promises of treasure and luxury. he could be penniless and without a name, and he would still have my heart"
man was shooketh
you smiled real sweet "excuse my language, but sir, go fuck yourself"
you paled. jumin was standing at the end of the hall, watching the two of you
you had learned to read him pretty well
or so you thought
those beautiful grey eyes held no distinguishable emotion
the man quickly excused himself as jumin walked over
you panicked
he pulled you into a hug
"each day, i keep thinking that i couldn't possibly love you anymore than i already do. how do you always prove me wrong?"
jumin pls we're standing outside the washrooms and the lady passing by is giving us a weird look
you're crushing me, let's crunch out a real cheesy line so he'll let go and we can snuggle it out somewhere else
"because our love is only going to continue to grow"
jumin bby how are you so strong for someone who only plays golf?
didn't happen, you two never go outside
you were begging saeyoung to go to the supermarket
707 may be able to sustain himself on PhD Pepper and Honey Buddha Chips, but 606 was going to die if she didn't get any vegetables
or rice i'm asian dammit saeyoung
he grumbled, but he did end up taking you out to a proper supermarket
while you picked through the carrots, he meandered off to replenish his PhD Pepper stockpile
“hey pretty lady”
what the actual f u c k who says that aside from baba mitsunari 
you turned, clearly annoyed 
“not interested. i have a boyfriend”
but the guy kept persisting
the nerve
you just about had it with flirty mcfly Certified Creeper™ who was practically leaning over you now, leering
seven had his hand around your wrist in a second, pulling you towards him, irritation clear on his features as he regarded the other dude
your bby was so cute when he was trying to defend you but where the heckyeck did he come from
before your boyfriend could get a word in, you sealed his lips with a passionate kiss
what better way to prove to someone you were utterly in love right????devouring their face in public seems like a good option
he practically melted under your touch, his lips melding with yours as he kissed you back fervently
when the two of you came up for air, creepy dude was gone
seven grinned at you
“agent 606, that was pretty hot”
let’s say when you got back home, the groceries were left unpacked for an hour or two
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balgazr · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage boy girl skiing sledding ceramic Christmas kids figurines holiday decor.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Thursday, July 22, 2021
U.S. and E.U. security officials wary of NSO links to Israeli intelligence (Washington Post) The Israeli company NSO Group has earned a reputation among national security experts around the world as a best-in-class manufacturer of surveillance technology capable of secretly gathering information from a target’s phone. But U.S. and European security officials regard the company with a degree of suspicion despite the ability of its technology to help combat terrorists and violent criminals. In interviews, several current and former officials said they presumed that the company, which was founded by former Israeli intelligence officers, provides at least some information to the government in Jerusalem about who is using its spying products and what information they’re collecting. “It’s crazy to think that NSO wouldn’t share sensitive national security information with the government of Israel,” said one former senior U.S. national security official who has worked closely with the Israeli security services and, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to candidly describe intelligence operations. The founders of NSO are former members of Israel’s elite Unit 8200, which conducts electronic surveillance and is analogous to the U.S. National Security Agency. The company’s Pegasus surveillance tool can penetrate cellphones and steal emails, call records, social media posts, user passwords, contact information, pictures, videos, sound recordings and browsing histories. All of this can happen without a user even touching her phone or knowing that she has received a mysterious message from an unfamiliar person.
Schools confront more polarization with mask rules for fall (AP) Students in Wichita, Kansas, public schools can ditch the masks when classes begin. Detroit public schools will probably require them unless everyone in a room is vaccinated. In Pittsburgh, masks will likely be required regardless of vaccination status. And in some states, schools cannot mandate face coverings under any circumstances. With COVID-19 cases soaring nationwide, school districts across the U.S. are yet again confronting the realities of a polarized country and the lingering pandemic as they navigate mask requirements, vaccine rules and social distancing requirements for the fast-approaching new school year. The spread of the delta variant and the deep political divisions over the outbreak have complicated decisions in districts from coast to coast. Schools are weighing a variety of plans to manage junior high and middle school classrooms filled with both vaccinated and unvaccinated students.
US life expectancy in 2020 saw biggest drop since WWII (AP) U.S. life expectancy fell by a year and a half in 2020, the largest one-year decline since World War II, public health officials said Wednesday. The decrease for both Black Americans and Hispanic Americans was even worse: three years. The drop spelled out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is due mainly to the COVID-19 pandemic, which health officials said is responsible for close to 74% of the overall life expectancy decline. More than 3.3 million Americans died last year, far more than any other year in U.S. history, with COVID-19 accounting for about 11% of those deaths. Black life expectancy has not fallen so much in one year since the mid-1930s, during the Great Depression. Health officials have not tracked Hispanic life expectancy for nearly as long, but the 2020 decline was the largest recorded one-year drop. Killers other than COVID-19 played a role. Drug overdoses pushed life expectancy down, particularly for whites. And rising homicides were a small but significant reason for the decline for Black Americans, said Elizabeth Arias, the report’s lead author.
Massive wildfires in US West bring haze to East Coast (AP) Wildfires in the American West, including one burning in Oregon that’s currently the largest in the U.S., are creating hazy skies as far away as New York as the massive infernos spew smoke and ash into the air in columns up to six miles high. Skies over New York City were hazy Tuesday as strong winds blew smoke east from California, Oregon, Montana and other states. Oregon’s Bootleg Fire grew to 606 square miles (1,569 square kilometers)—half the size of Rhode Island. Fires also grew on both sides of California’s Sierra Nevada. In Alpine County, the so-called California Alps, the Tamarack Fire caused evacuations of several communities and grew to 61 square miles (158 square kilometers) with no containment. The Dixie Fire, near the site of 2018′s deadly Paradise Fire, was more than 90 square miles (163 square kilometers) and threatened tiny communities in the Feather River Valley region.
In Peru, a rural schoolteacher rises from obscurity to the presidency (Washington Post) The rise of Pedro Castillo, a previously obscure leader of a rural teachers union, to Peru’s highest office is the most glaring example yet of the power of the pandemic to upend politics in Latin America. The ravages of the coronavirus, and the surges in poverty and inequality it has caused, have provoked nearly 1 million people to protest in Colombia and saw a communist elected mayor of Santiago, the capital of Chile, the region’s free-market model. Here in Peru, a what-more-have-we-got-to-lose mentality helped propel one of the most unusual candidates ever to win a Latin American presidency. A 51-year-old, straw-hat-wearing schoolteacher and farmer who reported an income last year of $16,600, Castillo has never held public office. After finally being declared the winner of the June 6 runoff election on Monday evening, he will now trade his adobe abode in the Andean highlands for the grandeur of the Presidential Palace, going from nurturing poor children in a multi-grade classroom to handling the weightiest matters of state. In a race that pitted Peru’s elites against a man they derided as a country bumpkin unfit to rule, Castillo edged out the right-wing political veteran Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of jailed former president Alberto Fujimori. After losing a six-week effort to challenge the results, the Peruvian right is now gnashing its collective teeth.
UK’s swan-uppers take to the Thames to check on queen’s birds (Reuters) Royal officials took to the River Thames on Tuesday to count the swans that belong to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth at the start of the “Swan Upping” ceremony which dates back to the 12th Century. “Swans were a very, very important food, and they were served up at banquets and feasts,” David Barber, the queen’s Swan Marker, said. “Of course today swan upping is all about conservation and education.” The ceremony dates back 800 years to when the English crown first claimed ownership of all mute swans, which have long curved necks, orange beaks and white feathers. Barber and his team lift up the swans—which can weigh as much as 15 kg—to check for any injuries, typically caused by fishing tackle. Young cygnets are taken ashore to be weighed and measured.
Pegasus Highlights New World of Espionage (Foreign Policy) French authorities have vowed to investigate after it emerged that President Emmanuel Macron’s phone was recorded on a list of possible targets of government-led phone hacking using software, called Pegasus, licensed by a private Israeli spyware firm. According to an investigation by a global media consortium which includes the Washington Post, Le Monde, and the Guardian, ten prime ministers, three presidents, and Morocco’s King Mohammed VI were all potential targets. It’s not the first time world leaders have been targeted by spy agencies—the U.S. National Security Agency’s targeting of German Chancellor Angela Merkel is one high profile instance—but the Pegasus revelations highlight how sophisticated espionage programs are no longer limited to wealthy states, and can be purchased on the open market. In India, the investigation has caused a political scandal. The Indian National Congress—the largest opposition party—has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government of spying on its leader Rahul Gandhi after his number appeared on NSO’s list. It would not be the Modi government’s first alleged offense: It was accused of using NSO software to hack 1,400 phones before India’s 2019 elections.
US and Germany compromise on natural gas pipeline (WSJ) The U.S. and Germany have reached an agreement allowing the completion of a controversial Russian natural-gas pipeline, according to officials from Berlin and Washington, who expect to announce the deal as soon as Wednesday, bringing an end to years of tension between the two allies. The Biden administration will effectively waive Washington’s longstanding opposition to the pipeline, Nord Stream 2, a change in the U.S. stance, ending years of speculation over the fate of the project, which has come to dominate European energy-sector forecasts. Germany under the agreement will agree to assist Ukraine in energy-related projects and diplomacy.
India’s true COVID-19 death toll has likely surpassed 3 million, study finds (The Week) Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, official death tolls in many places have likely fallen short of the true figures, but a new study from the Center for Global Development suggests that the undercount in India may be particularly drastic, The New York Times reports. The Indian government’s official fatality count currently sits at more than 400,000, a grim figure in its own right. However, researchers estimate that between 3.4 million and 4.7 million more people than would normally be expected died between January 2020 and June 2021 in India. While the precise number of excess deaths that can be attributed to COVID-19 may never be known, the authors of the study believe it’s higher than 3 million. “True deaths are likely to be in the several millions not hundreds of thousands, making this arguably India’s worst human tragedy,” the authors said.
Severe floods inundate parts of central China (Washington Post/Foreign Policy) Powerful floods in central China’s Henan province have submerged streets and prompted harrowing rescues amid what Chinese media called the region’s heaviest rainfall in decades. Precipitation in Zhengzhou, a city in the province, reached a high of roughly eight inches per hour Tuesday, breaking a 1975 record. At least 25 people have died and the number is likely to grow, and more than 100,000 people have been relocated.      Clips shared widely on social media show cars floating on the surface of a street that resembles a river. In another, rescuers pull a woman from a torrent of water rushing down what looks like a staircase. Other videos show inundated subway stations and commuters on a Zhengzhou subway car who were up to their shoulders in water. Flights and trains have been cancelled throughout cities in the region.      Damage from the floods is likely to run into the billions of dollars. Power is out in much of the city, and key components of supply chains, including Apple and Nissan factories, have been wrecked. Tens of thousands of cars were washed away by the flooding. Local dams are threatened by the waters: At least one has been deliberately breached as part of flood control, while others are in danger of collapse.
North Korea food shortage (Nikkei Asian Review) North Korea’s food shortages have reached crisis levels, and inequalities have sharply widened ever since the Covid-19 pandemic forced the country to close its borders in January last year. The reclusive nation will be short by about 860,000 tons of food this year, or about two months of normal demand, the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization estimated in a recent report. The government has been trying to get the population to supply their own food but with little success. News agencies with sources inside the country are reporting starvation deaths as well as an increase in the number of children and elderly who have resorted to begging. Jiro Ishimaru of AsiaPress said North Korea’s current food shortage is quickly shaping up to be the worst humanitarian crisis in Asia.
Police in Nigeria secure release of 100 kidnapping victims (Reuters) Police and government authorities have secured the release of 100 people, including women, children and nursing mothers, who were kidnapped from their village in northwestern Nigeria over a month ago, a local police spokesperson said. Nigeria is battling an increase in armed robberies and kidnappings for ransom, mainly in northwestern states, where thinly deployed security forces have struggled to contain the rise of armed gangs, commonly referred to as bandits. While northeastern Nigeria has faced a decade of insecurity, including attacks by Islamist militants including Islamic State-allied Boko Haram, the current wave of kidnappings is primarily financially motivated.
Teens around the world are lonelier than a decade ago (Washington Post) Loneliness among adolescents around the globe has skyrocketed since a decade ago—and it may be tied to smartphone use, a new study finds. In 36 out of 37 countries, feelings of loneliness among teenagers rose sharply between 2012 and 2018, with higher increases among girls, according to a report released Tuesday in the Journal of Adolescence. Researchers used data from the Programme for International Student Assessment, a survey of over 1 million 15- and 16-year-old students. In the worldwide study, school loneliness was not correlated with factors such as income inequality, gross domestic product and family size, but it did correlate with increases in smartphone and Internet use. By 2012, most of the countries in the study had reached a point where at least half of teens had access to smartphones, and that is when teen loneliness levels began to rise, said Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University and the study’s lead author. Social media can create an exclusionary environment that increases school loneliness, especially for girls, the paper said; it can also enable cyberbullying. And even if an adolescent does not personally use social media and smartphones, they are so ubiquitous that they can have a negative effect regardless.
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