#techno centric
amratjesus · 9 months
au where Techno leaves home and is so excited to join this big fighting tournament, and he's very good at it! he's climbing the ranks quickly and honing his skills even faster
the only problem is that he doesn't seem to have any friends
which shouldn't really be a problem, he's never needed too many friends aside from his family before. it would just be nice if someone even *pretended* to like him here
the other fighters usually keep their distance but when they don't they're... mean. cruel.
his bed has been broken since the first day he got there, rooms go quiet when he walks into them. every look thrown his way is one of either contempt or fear. after a week the upset had spread to the kitchens and what were once full portions have been halved or less
and he could tell his family. they write to him constantly and see almost all his fights. it just stings. he's meant to be strong and capable and a role model to his brothers.
so the fact that he can even make kind conversation with the other competitors... it's a bit sad
he ignores the jeers. he beats his opponents. he gives a show to the onlookers and his family. he's fine.
it doesn't matter if he's not smiled or laughed in months. it doesn't matter if snide comments follow him wherever he goes.
his new scars don't matter. the bags under his eyes don't matter. the hollow feeling in his gut doesn't matter.
it doesn't even matter that his family's smiles drop when they see him after his big win.
he's fine.
(basically flash from happy silly excited to be there little guy techno to sad lonely upset scarred techno whose family hardly recognizes him)
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genevawrenn · 1 year
I'll Be Here Throughout Your Days
✨c!Technoblade & c!Philza [Emerald Duo]
✨2.7k W.C.
✨Non canon c!Technoblade retirement from DSMP
✨Credit to Skeleton_Rebel for the threadfic
🎵Frame of Mind by Braken and Matsirt
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angelsandarsenic · 2 years
Apparently I wanna see benchtrio in every movie ever so peer pressure duo Wreck it Ralph au!
With Ranboo as the glitching Vanelope and Techno as Ralph
plus Phil as Felix falling in love with the most badass Mumza
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localsharkcryptid · 3 months
Sometimes, Sometimes one just decides to design banners and house crests for an au- this 'one' in question is me. So it's time for more Dragon Rider AU crumbs.
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I will clean this up eventually, but honestly I like the bare bones sketches
Associated Characters/House Heads:
Row 1: Techno, Phil/The Antarctic Empire in general, XD/The Kingdom of Orboros, Puffy
Row 2: Schlatt, Eret, BBH, Sam
The house banners apply to the house 'heads' and their associated family - like for instance XD and Dream share the family crest due to being brothers, same for Bad, Skeppy and Sapnap sharing Bad's and so on and so forth.
I don't know if everyone will get house names/proper last names in this case but maybe. They get banners at least cause I needed ones regardless for The Antarctic Empire and Orboros (decided to name the 'main' kingdom/the general SMP after a play on Ouroboros, rolls off the tongue better than Essempi for me)
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anarchy-and-piglins · 11 months
The 'Technoblade & Tommyinnit' relationship tag on AO3 is a hostile place for a bedrockbros bitch who does not enjoy Tommy angst or caretaker Techno (<- I am that bitch)
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liloinkoink · 2 years
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Fanfiction Rec / Tracking
To Be Truly Free by CleanLenins
Dream SMP - Technoblade centric - Vampire SBI - Human / Blood Ghd Chosen Technoblade
The Sleeping Empire had held all the power for centuries. What else did you expect when the Emperor was an undying Vampire? King Philza and his sons, Prince Wilbur and Prince Theseus, have never faced a real threat to their power. Twenty years ago, the Blood God spoke through his Holy Conduit, the King of Scywar. A prophecy that one child born in the month of the Summer Solstice had the potential to crush the hearts of the Vampiric Lords once and for all. As such, a decree that every child born in June must serve the Blood God's church. Technoblade thinks this whole thing is dumb, but no one really cares what he thinks. As one of the children born in June, known as the Blessed Ones, Technoblade dreams of a different life. One not enslaved to The Church. He dreams to know what it means to be truly free. Or- Another Dark SBI Vampire AU. This time, Technoblade is the Human.
Published: 2022-03-06 Updated: 2023-08-14 Words:123,359 Chapters:20/?
Read: Unknown Date been reading since the third or forth chapter.
Note: This is one of the best fanfics I have read flat out not even just in the fandom it is just so freaking good!
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
One exam completed today! Two more to go! I need more Shrunken Manhunt content to fuel my days, do you have any headcanons you are willing to share? Also, expect more feral gremlin energy and stories when exams are over.
-Gremlin Anon
You’re doing good! Keep at it!
As for hcs, I may have a couple but I won’t remember if I’ve said them before or not so we’ll just ignore the repeats lol
Puffy does not understand the whole nomming thing, Eret does not either. But after the events of the Red Banquet, Foolish offers it as a way to help them calm down. It’d be dark, and quiet, and they’d be close to him. (More for Puffy’s sake than Eret’s, but they appreciate the sentiment anyway.) the two find it’s not that bad, and Foolish finds that he actually likes the idea of protecting his friends in such a manner.
(He may or may not ask Quackity a few questions about it, and even ask him if he’d like to be stored a few times by him. He’s been denied every time but once.)
Slime’s had a bad habit of accidentally absorbing his shrunken friends/others. He’s absorbed Wilbur, Tommy, most of the Las Nevadas crew, and he’s almost absorbed Quackity’s fiancés too. Everyone learned not to wander around shrunk in Las Nevadas thanks to their goopy companion.
Sapnap’s stored Bad once, and Skeppy took it as full permission to do it too. The war in the Happy Duo’s household has increased tenfold, Skeppy’s gone full on feral after Bad because he knows how much being stored bothers the demon.
Fundy and Ant happen to be two of the only hybrids who refuse to store people. Their reasonings are simple; it’s just not safe for them to! Their hybrids don’t let them store people safely. Dream can’t store safely either, but it does not stop the admin at all.
Techno’s gone to the nether with people before, and returned alone because (and especially with family) if they get hurt once, his instincts go haywire. Phil, Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Ranboo, hell, even Sapnap’s been victim to this.
Speaking of, Sapnap and Techno go to the nether together pretty often! Both being netherborns, sometimes all they wanna do is hang out in their home dimension, explore some biomes, raid some fortresses. Sapnap’s unfortunately not allowed in the bastion, but the piglins of Techno’s bastion have accepted that Sapnap knows better and doesn’t mean harm.
Techno’s also taken Michael to the nether before, but with the same result as the others usually get, he lost permission to take Michael to the nether.
Dream’s taunted Techno into nomming him before, same with Sapnap and anyone else who has extreme instincts/prey drives. He’ll shrink down and then dart around or start jumping around, climbing on shit, anything he can until he inevitably catch their instinctual attention. He’s also worn gold to taunt Techno before, but stopped doing it as Techno just steals it.
Wow those got pretty Techno centric let me try to reel it back lol
Wilbur’s nommed people for the hell of it, but it’s usually close friends. If he’s stored someone he’s not super close with, it’s for safety reasons. (This has happened with Niki before, she was a little wary of Wilbur for weeks afterward.)
Quackity’s done the same, but he doesn’t put himself far from close friends that much anymore. The person he’s had to store that he’s not as close to is Purpled, and he got one hell of a stomachache for it. He also had to sit everyone in Las Nevadas down and tell all of them how avian biology works because he was absolutely terrified that Purpled was gonna fight his way right into his real stomach, and he’d be helpless to stop it.
That’s all the ones I can think up for right now! I hope this helps you de stress a bit!
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edgarallanpoestan · 1 year
me writing emduo fics: theyre all in the same universe, this is the same techno and phil every single goddamn time. obviously.
me writing tntduo fics: why the fuck would these be the same characters?? obviously these are different universes for every fic, why would i write them any other way
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rain, blood, rivulets, runner, daughter, home, you
Regardless, Wilbur likes to come here a lot. It’s a pretty place, a few minutes walk from Pogtopia; it’s right in the wilderness, no buildings or houses or people around. Just grass, and dirt, and a few tiny flowers, and a lot of trees, and a big blue sky. Well, sometimes blue. Sometimes it’s kinda grey, and cloudy, and other times it cries small cold raindrops that splat into your eyes and make your clothes all damp and uncomfortable.
Wilbur doesn’t care if he gets wet, though. He’ll just come here anyway.
After several seconds of trying, Wilbur gives up, relaxing once more into this odd state of being. He realizes that his cheek hurts along with his neck, because his face is pressed firmly against this thing. It's probably stopping the blood flow right there.
For a moment, Wilbur's vision goes dark, and it takes several rasping breaths and hard blinks to rid it of black spots. Tommy is bleeding. There's blood on him. His eyes are closed. He's bleeding. He's completely still. He's bleeding. His eyes are closed. He's not moving. There's blood on him. There's blood on Tommy.
Nothing for rivulets!
Nothing for runner, either!
Dang. Nothing for daughter :0
After a few hours, Niki had stepped back, placed her hands on her hips, and looked around. She quite liked the place, if she was being perfectly honest. It felt cozy, similar to a home. It didn't feel like a company or an enterprise, devoid of emotion. No, it felt real. It felt personal. It felt like hers.
"You're so dramatic," Phil chokes out, chuckling.
"I'm fine," Wilbur assures, brushing off the hand that Phil didn't even realize had moved towards his son's chest. "I can stand on my own, Phil. You don't have to hold my hand."
Actually I’m gonna share a whole snippet from a story I genuinely forgot I’d started working on so aksvajdgsksgsh here ya go ⬇️
"Oh, mate... do you need water?" Phil glances at the table, finding a half-full glass of water just as Wilbur answers, "No."
"Are you hungry?"
Wilbur sighs again. "No. I just- Phil?"
"Yes?" Phil finds himself holding his breath.
Wilbur gazes at him for several seconds, and Phil notes with satisfaction that his eyes are no longer pink. His pupils are the usual rich-brown color that they aught to be.
Wilbur gives a slight shake of his head. "I want to go."
Phil stares. "You- go?"
"I want to get off of this couch. I want to get out of this cabin. I want to go, Phil. I want to-" Wilbur thrusts a hand forward, face twisting. "I want to go far away from this cursed land of snow, and never come back. I want to go outside."
Wilbur ends his rage-filled monologue, staring at his hands laid across his chest. His nostrils flare.
Phil watches him for a moment before dipping his head, beginning to shake with laughter.
Wilbur whips his head around to glare at him. "What?"
"You're so dramatic," Phil chokes out, chuckling.
"Wha- I've been confined in this place for weeks!"
"It's been four days, Wil."
Wilbur's eyes widen. Phil laughs harder.
"Only... only four days?" Wilbur questions, and Phil's laughter starts to subside when he hears how uncertain Wilbur sounds. "It hasn't even been a week? Only four days?"
"Yep." Phil nods. "A fever can really mess with your perception of time, can't it?"
Wilbur nods, at a loss for words. He stares back at his hands.
Phil chews on his lip. "You're feeling better, though. Right?"
"I guess."
Phil reaches forward, resting his palm on Wilbur's head. His son goes very still.
"You don't have a fever anymore. Still a little warm, but you're definitely getting better," Phil says, pulling his hand away. Wilbur relaxes instantly.
Phil feels a stab in his heart.
"Feeling- you said I'm better, right? So I can leave?"
Wilbur lets out a noise that sounds suspiciously like a whine. "But I'm better! You said so yourself, Phil! I'm doing better, see? Look, I can... I can stay at Tommy's, and he can keep on eye on me! Right?"
"No," Phil repeats, a small smile appearing on his face. "I'm not letting you leave until you've made a full recovery, Wilbur."
"But you said-"
"I said you're getting better. I never said that you were better. You still have a ways to go, mate."
Wilbur groans, letting his head fall onto his pillow in dramatic fashion. He squeezes his eyes shut. "I don't think I can survive like this much longer."
Phil chuckles, but his brow furrows with concern. "You're not going to be like this much longer. A week, at most."
"A week?" Wilbur's eyes snap open, and he cranes his head around to stare at Phil. "No. You're joking. Please tell me you're joking."
Phil opens and closes his mouth. "I mean... I'm not. You had a really bad infection, mate. You can't just heal from that overnight."
Wilbur stares for a couple seconds longer before laying his head back on his pillow, gazing up at the ceiling. He looks haunted—no. He looks scared.
Phil sighs. "It'll be okay, Wil. You'll get through this. Alright? Just trust me on that. You'll be fine."
Wilbur tries to hide it, but Phil can see how his breathing picks up; how his chest rises and falls with increasing speed; how his nostrils flare; how his eyebrows knit together in quick, barely perceptible movements.
Wilbur's starting to panic. And Phil doesn't know why. It's not like he's being held hostage or anything; he's just on bedrest. Nothing more. He's not trapped. He's not stuck. He's not-
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saltydazeinnit · 2 years
TW for blood, cannibalism, and obviously death that's the centric of these fics along with soft sbi ofc
Rated Mature, 36k
Technoblade is a detective, the rest are killers.
Very very good, I'd rate 8/10
Rated Mature, 3k for those who like a one-shot
Superhero crime bois, I'm baised because I will read anything super AU crime bois-centric
Overall I am a busy person so something small is better for me personally, I'll stop ranting and say 8/10
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genevawrenn · 1 year
Everything You Thought You Knew Will Fall Apart (But You'll Be All Right)
✨2nd MCYT Fic Fight 2023 entry, Team Phantom👻 [@mcytficfight]
✨For @kaydrabbles
✨Wilbur & SBI, Wilbur & Chayanne & Tallulah
✨7.2k W.C.
✨Alternate Universe
✨Constellations by The Oh Hellos
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angelsandarsenic · 2 years
Ok after two weeks
The Monarch Project is back!!🦋🦋sorry for the wait :((
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How do you like, have the motivation to write consistently?
The secret is to have ADHD and be very mentally ill about your blorbo /j
Nah, the real answer is I'm not a super consistent writer. I have plenty of days where I barely write a few hundred words (or nothing at all). And I have days where I write 5k in a single sitting. The important thing is I keep coming back to having that itch to want to write. I write because I enjoy writing. And I write because it makes me happy.
And I write because nobody else is going to write the stories I have in my head. If anything that's a good tip: if the content you enjoy doesn't exist yet, start making it.
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a-non-ymouswriter · 2 years
CHAPTER 3! short but eventful :)
nothing bad has happened. probably. maybe.
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