#SO I now have brown in the front and mermaid green most other parts
peachymilkandcream · 8 months
Could you write about a levi pirate kidnapping a mermaid evelyn?.
Siren|Levi x Evelyn AU
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(A/N: Ooh! I love this for an idea, Levi would make a great pirate captain and I can get behind allowing the brainrot to develop. I'm leaving this a bit open ended if we want a part 2! Hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting!)
WARNINGS: implied noncon/dubcon, imprisonment, yandere behaviour/themes, misogyny, forced pregnancy, kidnapping, violence, degradation, attempted suicide, manipulation, mind breaking, forced marriage, etc.
Levi had been born and bred on these waters, his mind focused constantly on how to read the stars and ride the waves searching for what his hearts desired. Gold and plunder never seemed to satisfy him like most, his greed had a much more exotic and unquenchable taste.
He loved mermaids, always he had dreamt of finding one to be his bride. The most fearsome pirate in the seas should have something as untamable and mysterious as one. Only that would be good enough for him. All other whores were disgusting fancies his men had. Levi never cared for them, he hated to share.
All his life he had been on the quest to no end, searching and searching for what he could call his beloved and own. The passing years of fruitless voyages turning him more disagreeable and erratic. Hundreds of sailors wished to be on his crew for his mass riches, but few remained when they witnessed first hand how deranged their captain had become.
Anyone who spoke ill of his quest were killed without hesitation, he would not allow fate and karma to be tipped against him for some inbred dog to speak ill of these fair beauties. Many had seen the violence risen up in him when one set of waters had been combed to no avail, all stayed out of his way when he got into one of his moods.
"You think this will be the day Cap'n?" One of his crew commented.
"It had better be or I'll kill any poor drunken sap who has a sour mood that could be scaring them off."
"Aye aye sir-" Although the sailor seemed more uneasy now.
Levi left him and stared over the ship's bannister, and into the waters below, looking for any movement. He had been called crazy more than a few times, believing that there was no such thing and he was wasting his youth and gold. One day he'd show them. One day.
Suddenly a flicker of teal and green caught his eye, causing him to look again.
There he saw it, hair as dark as the richest chocolate and a shimmering tail, it was impossible. After all this time, his prize was right in front of him.
"Drop anchor!" He barked, hurrying down the steps from the ship's wheel and staring into the water. "And get those nets in the water. I see one." He looks around at his stunned crew and anger burns with in him. "Move you lazy dogs!"
The ship erupts into chaos as all hurry to do his bidding, nets cast into the water as they chased the flickering tail below the sea's surface.
Levi could only watch in perfect stillness, waiting with anticipation for his prize to be caught. "Bring that tank out here!"
Some of his men push with great effort a tank of sea water he had made some time ago when he started his quest.
"We got it Captain we got it!" One cheers as the nets are slowly raised.
The mermaid's beauty took Levi's breath away, ocean blue eyes and thick brown hair. Skin pale as a pearl and tail green as an emerald. He couldn't believe his eyes.
"After all this time..." He personally sealed the tank, making sure there was air going in but so that she couldn't escape.
"Hello my dear."
Her silence was deafening as fear slowly gave way to defiance.
Legends said that no one could tame a mermaid, they were as wild as the sea.
"We'll see about that." He muttered. "Welcome aboard miss, I hope you're ready to be properly introduced to your master."
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pollywogpenman · 2 years
Goodbyes - Stardew Valley Fanfic (Caroline x Wizard)
So, I wrote this at like 5 am after I couldn’t get the thought of these two out of my head having a very emotional and sad parting of ways. Um, enjoy I guess if you read.
The two of them were sitting outside his tower, the sun was setting in the distance and Caroline could feel the air cooling around her. She looked at him, his frame cut against the green canopy of the forest and faint pinks and blues of the sky above. He had changed his hair again, it was a silvery blue and had grown a lot longer than she remembered seeing it last time. The old iron bench they were sitting on was rough beneath her fingers, and she rubbed her thumb along a carved stardrop while focusing on a tear in her dress. 
“What is it this time Li?” He finally asked, his voice cutting through the silence. Caroline kept her eyes transfixed on the tear as if it was the most interesting thing in the world, listening to the crickets begin to chirp as the twilight descended around them. “Is it something to do with your dad?”
She knew he was now looking at her with his intense brown eyes, and that if she looked up they would glint purple like they always did stealing her breath away. She knew he was searching her face for the answer to his question. She also knew he didn’t need to ask, he would know just from the set of her shoulders that her old man had been hitting the drink too hard again and she had borne the brunt of his wrath. That something had happened, or they would be inside the tower snuggled in his bed. Caroline liked that idea a lot more than what she had to do now.
“He was doing his usual. Got in some trouble this time though.” She finally spit out, not daring to look his way in fear of his reaction. “There were some gambles made with powerful men in town and father had to find a way out of debts owed. It just so happens a daughter is a good way to pay off those debts.” As she had expected he leapt to his feet the moment the words were out of her mouth, his hands balled into fists and a look of rage tearing across his face. 
“Li you aren’t implying what I think you’re implying right?” He sputtered, starting to pace back and forth, his hands wringing together furiously as he did. She finally looked up at him, tears welling in the corners of her eyes and her bottom lip shaking. He glanced over at her and it was all the confirmation he needed, immediately kneeling down to clasp her face in shaking hands as if he were cradling fine china.  
“I am to be married, the man's son has already presented me with the mermaid pendant.” Her words were shaky but clear as he pushed their foreheads together, gently stroking her hair as she felt the tears freely melt down her face now. He moved one hand to tenderly wipe the tears from her eyes, before he pulled away slowly falling back into the dirt and grass in front of her. His face was white and he was looking at a far off point somewhere above her. “He isn’t a terrible man. I met him, once. He promised a modest future. A future where I would be provided for, and where a child would be as well.”
“I can’t accept this Caroline. I don’t, I can’t. We will figure something out. You will not be wed to some stranger, I won’t allow it. I can’t allow it.” His words cut through her. How much she would love to indulge in those feelings, those wants, to escape her role. She felt a righteous anger well up inside her, fleeting as it may be, at all things. Her future was within her grasp, and yet.
“You will not. You know it is futile, you know what my father thinks of you and my visits to this place. And besides Rasmodius, you of all people should know I can’t bear the thought of you, of all people, thinking you can control my life.” Caroline slowly rose from the bench, and this time she knelt beside him. Her smooth hands reaching for his shaking ones, the smell of his many herbs drifting into her senses as she did. “I love you. I have cherished this time with you like no other, but we both knew from the start it would come to an end. Why are you fighting now?”
Rasmodius opened his mouth, as if to speak, then closed it again. There really was nothing to say. He knew and she knew that their love was finite, a trolley heading down a linear path doomed to eventually reach its destination. Caroline had voiced her fears many times, and although it had seemed like such a distant far off future the reality had been sprung upon them now. This was the present. Oh, how she would miss this fantasy.
Caroline was still holding onto a secret however. Anxiety bubbled up into her throat like a hand around her neck as she tried to find the words. The man in front of her, the sweet, lovely man who she was leaving, had known betrayal before. He had weathered heartbreak once, and he had come out the other side looking a little worse for wear but she had loved him anyway. He had let her in despite all his misgivings, despite knowing the heartbreak he was setting himself up for, and yet these next words could bring ruin to him. She was asking so much. 
“I,” She stopped, looking at the intertwining of their fingers, how well they fit together. She pulled him to his feet and moved them back to the bench sitting much closer than she did before, her thighs pressing against his. Night was fully draping its cloak around their shoulders now, and Caroline took a moment to listen to the forest breathe around them. The little chirps of crickets, the hoot of an owl, the faint rush of wind through the trees and the gurgle of the nearby river.  All of this grounded, brought her back to the present. She felt the rough texture of his hand, the places where he may have nicked himself with a knife while collecting herbs or working on a runic carving. “I have something very important I need to tell you.”
He let out a deep breath, as if he too had been taking in the ambient sounds around them and nodded resignation in the simple gesture. A little glowing light drifted up to one of the odd plants in his garden ahead and hovered over it briefly before carrying on. Caroline realized then that she would miss this place so very much, that she already did and she hadn’t even been apart from it for a day.
“I am three weeks late. I think I… I think I may be with child.” 
Her words hung in the air. 
There was a great pause as they both gazed at the crops and then, finally, he turned towards her. She noticed he didn’t look angry, he simply for the first she could ever recall had sparkling tears trailing down his cheekbones. She was reminded of his beauty, looking upon his face at that moment.
“Will he make a good father?” He asked, slowly.
“I think so.” She replied.
And with those final words uttered, he rest his head on her shoulder and they sat under the stars until eventually, inevitably, Caroline walked back into town.
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samcrocrew · 4 years
❣ (i always want to know bc i'm a salty old lady lmao)
Salty Bitch | Accepting | @noglassceilings
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❣ How salty are you feeling right now?I… am 100% not salty right now because I just woke up from an old lady nap?
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flowerwrites06 · 2 years
golden lotus finale — kth
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Plot: Refusing and underestimating a warning from Time can have its prices. One God pays the worst of it. Pairing(s): God!Taehyung x Goddess!OC (Name: Angel) Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+ Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series Word Count: 6.9k Genre: Romance Fantasy | Gods & Goddesses Tags & Warnings: sexual content, violence, jealousy, obsession (not from main couple), character death (temporary) Authors Note: the finale!
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Last time the God of the Ocean and King of Underworld were seen together in the Heavens was during Taehyung and Angels’ wedding. Only in the most important and direst occasions are all three of them shown in one room. When they are, every single being in the Heavens shake in anticipation and curiosity on the reason behind their presence.
Unfortunately this was not for a happy occasion whatsoever.
Belle stood in front of the throne watching Namjoon and Seokjin pad inside, footsteps echoing against the walls and expression serious.
The Underworld God adorned a thick black cloak that flowed across the golden floors when he neared the Goddess. Skin a little cool toned, lips a pale pink hue while his eyes were beetle black unlike Taehyungs’ deep brown. Except this features softened immediately showing off more of his youth when their eyes met.
The Ocean God was the oldest of the three and it didn’t take too much effort from his part to show exactly that. Shoulders intimidatingly broad with a shelled collared cloak that resembled mermaid scales glimmering in blue and green. A vibrant opposite to Namjoon, his lips were a deepish pink, champagne gold skin glowing and his hair a little damp but it only seemed to add to his brightness.
Hoseok seemed to recoil on himself standing on the side of the throne room. It became far too obvious just how serious the situation was knowing two very powerful Titans now stood in this room to hear his testimony. If he could even speak up in front of them. Mother Belle, on the other hand, held the same grace she always did even in the face of power.
“Thank you for coming on such short notice, great Gods.” Belle addressed, a soothing yet firm tone ringing in her voice.
“The Goddess of Living Souls never asks for help lightly.” Namjoon replied as a small smirk tugging at his plump lips. Somehow the tiny action made his skin glow. “It must be something dire.”
Belle bit the inside of her bottom lip to hide the smile beginning to grow on her face. “I have received news on the culprit behind Goddess of Creations death.” The words left an eerie note for the two Gods as their faces darkened into one of their previous seriousness. “Ingar Hoseok has had close contact with Taehyungs left hand, Jimin and found some unsettling information.” The Goddess looked over at Hoseok, giving him a reassuring nod and smile.
Hoseok gulped down, fingers trembling before he quickly placed them behind his back. Slowly he walked forward in front of the two Gods. The closer he moved, the taller they towered over him and it only heightened an anxiousness that burned through his belly.
“Don’t be afraid, young one.” Seokjins voice moved just as fluid as a calm stream.
It did little to soothe him but the words were enough for him to breathe out to relax himself. “I-I talked t-to Jimin the day the Great Protector travelled to earth for the Goddess of Creation. He—he was angry…” Hoseok hung his head. “Furious that Tae—Master had gone to get the Mother back.”
“Why is that?” Namjoon walked towards the table and slowly leaned against the side table which had new bottles filled with sweet wine.
When Hoseok followed his movements, he could hear the broken glass that scattered there once pricking Jimins bloody hand. “He loved Master.”
Seokjin shrugged, shifting where he stood. “So he’s a good Ingar.”
“No, great God.” Hoseok met the Ocean Gods gaze before lowering it quickly. “He was loving Master the wrong way. It wasn’t even love, it was—obsession and—possessiveness.”
The two Gods expressions softened into one of understanding albeit they didn’t like what they just understood.
“He wanted Master all to himself—” Hoseok winced lightly. “Without Mother Angel. Said he was going to do whatever it takes—that it was good for Master is she was gone.”
“So he killed Angel to get what he wanted.” Namjoon narrowed his gaze.
“We need more than an obsession to prove that he managed to murder such a powerful Goddess.” Seokjin argued.
“The one thing a Goddess would never hurt is her children.” Belles voice caused all three of them to look over at her. “There’s really only a few Gods who can match Angels power and none of them could possibly come to the heavens without any of us knowing.”
“And the murder method was intimate and brutal.” Namjoon wrapped her arms across his chest. “If it were a God, I’d feel traces of something in the injuries when I brought her down but it was pure non-divine violence.”
“That could also be a Nymph not just an Ingar.” Seokjin shook his head.
Belle felt a brief clench in her chest seeing Hoseok look over at her helplessly. “Jimin—Jimin also sent Jungkook to sabotage Taehyung and Angels re-bonding.” She averted her gaze down to the floor, feeling uncomfortable with their eyes fixated her way in the plunging silence.
Namjoon brought his arms to his side, taking a breath to say something but the words seemed to die on his tongue. So he held onto the edges of the table with a defeated sigh. “I can’t think of anyone else who might have such an affliction towards Angel to murder her in such a way. Not even the worst Gods and Goddess I can think of hate her that much.”
The Ocean God always tried his best to look at everything in a situation before making a conclusion. Which is why people were surprised when Mother didn’t choose him to become
Ruler of the Heavens but Namjoon knew he lacked the harsh nature that Taehyung possessed. Fluid yet dangerous like the Ocean was inevitably perfect for Seokjin.
“Where is Jungkook now?” Seokjin asked to Belle directly.
“He’s still down in earth.” The Goddess seemed to have lost all the brightness in her tone when speaking.
Seokjin hummed, secretly examining Belles’ expression. If he stood a bit closer no doubt he would notice the sadness as clear in her eyes as in her voice. “Alright…I’ll have Yoongi trace him down and bring him back to the heavens so he won’t bother their bonding.” Then his eyes stopped at Hoseok. “You did well, young one.”
Hoseok smiled shakily giving him a quick bow.
“Where’s Jimin now?” Namjoon asked.
Belle looked to the side of the throne room where the private meeting area had been. “Bring him in!” She called out.
The door slammed open with metal clanging and struggled panting, feet shuffling when four guards finally came into view holding onto a smaller form thrashing like an insect between them. When they stopped in the middle of the throne room, Jimin yanked out of their grasp and glared up where Belle stood.
“How dare you stand there?!” Jimin shrieked, pouncing towards her before both Gods raised their hands to form a transparent cage around him. When he thrashed against it, it only shocked against him causing the Ingar to yelp in pain.
“Guess we don’t need a trial.” Seokjin mused even though only anger burned in his usually soft, handsome features.
Namjoon, on the other hand, looked like his pure form. Blackened veins forming around the skin of his completely tar like eyes sending sharp chills down Jimins’ spine like he was trapped in an ice box. “You’ve got some nerve, Ingar.” Even as he walked past Seokjin, the older God was seen shivering a little. Deathly gaze didn’t leave Jimin while the Ingar couldn’t seem to get up from the floor of the cage. “Do you want to know what permanent death feels like?” He crouched down in front of Jimin, raising his hand.
“Wait...” Despite how small Belles voice was, it still jolted Namjoons attention back to look at her. “I think Taehyung might want to deal with him.”
“And Angel deserves to have a hand in the fate of her killer.” Seokjin explained.
The Underworld King let out a deep sigh to the point where Hoseok could almost imagine a bear breathing from the texture of his cloak moving up and down. “I understand.” Anger still laced in Namjoons tone but he got back on his feet. “We’ll get Jungkook here and wait until Angel and Taehyung return.”
Belle nodded giving Namjoon a smile to somehow ease some of his fury. It was too easy to just be rid of the person that caused so much pain for all of them. But Jimins fate was not theirs to decide. The real victims were still trying to repair their long broken bond down in earth.
Bandaged fingers carried the new cotton blanket to Taehyungs bedroom which wafted with the relaxing scent of coconut and fig since he mentioned he liked those scents.
Or did she think he liked them?
Angel could’ve sworn he told her at some points that he loved the mixture of those two aromas because his bedroom as a child used to smell that way. She walked through the door, knowing Taehyung was still picking out the cabbage and chilis from the gardens.
She took out the thin blanket from the bed and heard a thud to the floor that made her jump. Carefully folding away the old blanket, Angel looked around for whatever landed onto the ground. After looking under the bed she found a book open face down. Grunting lightly, she picked up the book and saw a something fall from it. Angel took the piece out. An old, pressed peach blossom.
There was that tug again, pulling at her before bursting into a flourish like a cocoon tightening into itself and millions of butterflies exploding out of it. Brows furrowed a little at the strange feeling. She turned to the notebook immediately finding scribbles soaked into the papers to showcase its age.
‘ She liked peach blossoms so much. Never understood why but I never questioned it either. At some point, I ended up liking it too because the sight of it made her happy. She made me a little ring out of it once and kissed me. ’
Angel smiled lightly looking at the peach blossom and seeing the little twist at the end almost like a ring. The butterflies fluttered with such excitement, she almost couldn’t breathe. Perhaps it was wrong flipping through his personal diary but the girl grew curious of who this mystery lady. Placing the peach blossom back on the page, she turned to another.
‘ She still puffs out her right cheek whenever she smells something bad, it’s adorable. ’
‘ She remembered Jimins name. I was confused why that was the first name that popped in her memory first but it means something, I guess. Her memory’s slowly coming back. Maybe she was taking care of Jimin when he was sick and it was her final memory. I can’t even tell anymore, even my head is fuzzy. ’
Her breathing quickened, shallow as her fingers began to tremble. He was talking about her? Angel shifted in her position a little, hitting her heel against the foot of the bed causing her to yelp. With an irritated groan she sat down on the soft surface flipping back to the earlier pages, tight knit on her forehead.
‘ Ever since she died, I think about the day I first met her a lot. She looked so free, running around the golden bride blossom field. She loved the earth so much. Never stopped once. Always respected every animal from the majestic lion to the rodent in the soil. Every living thing loved her. How could I not do the same? ’
‘ Mother named gave her a Goddess name Anantheia. As the years moved by, we stuck to calling her Angel because the Ingar children ended up pronouncing it that way. ’
“Thank you for staying here.” She muttered, his heartbeat quickening against her ear a little.
“Don’t thank me. I like being with you.” Taehyung spoke against her hair.
“I wanted to give you something.”
He hummed. “What is it?”
“Are you feeling better, Jimin? I heard you were sick.” When the younger didn’t answer– “Tonitrua wept as he held his love in his arms.—
“—Stilled by the call of the Underworld Nymphs.”
“One of the spring nymphs taught me how to make it.” Shining eyes looking up at the God.
“Do you like it?”
“I love it.” Taehyung— “I’m doing this for my Master.”
“He watched them carry her soul away…
saw the tears rolling down her cheeks as she smiled.
Then she
—as every breath burned, metallic taste on her tongue. The vicious beating of Tonitruas drum—“Tonitrua wept as he held his love in his arms.—
“Leaving the God holding a lifeless shell that used to be—
“I like you…Kiku kisses Yoongi during sunset because she likes him so—”
—the woman he promised to marry.”
“Ton-tua is thunder!” —“What happened to Tonitrua’s love?”
Heat rushed to her head as her vision blurred and darkened.
“Jimin…” She sobbed helplessly.
“I-I love you..”
“My sweetheart.”
“—Stilled by the call of the Underworld Nymphs.”
“My precious.”
Precious. Angel gulped down, thick tears burning in her eyes. Heart pounding and pulsing as the butterflies crowded themselves in her lungs, travelling up her throat.
“Tonitrua…and yes, he became the brewer of thunder.”
“I’m doing this for my Master.”
—the woman he promised to marry.”
“Do you like it?”
“—Stilled by the call of the Underworld Nymphs.”
“I wanted to give you something.”
“What happened to Tonitrua’s love?”
“Jimin…” She sobbed helplessly.
“Jimin.” Angel whispered, droplets flowing down her cheek, falling onto the paper and soaking into the letters making them smudged. The pain on her stomach sharpened. Butterflies clogged her throat causing her to choke on her own breathing. Jimin. Shoulder shook with trembling sobs. Belle. Book dropped on the bed as she raked her fingers through her hair roughly, heaving out desperate crying that she couldn’t let out before.
All of that build-up as caged parts of her soul began tearing at the seams. Opening itself up to her in all its bright and painful glory. A transparent veil blurring her vision now pulled away for a clearer sight. It was so bright. Almost too bright. But it was so beautiful.
The butterflies fluttered but they weren’t choking her anymore.
They were happy. Playing and soaring across her chest and belly, tickling her from the inside relishing in their new freedom from the cocoon they were forced in.
Palms pressed down deep against the softness of the cotton blankets, chest rising to fill in her lungs with as much air as she could muster before shakily blowing it out.
Anantheia. My full name. She laughed lightly despite the tears still streaming down her face.
Precious. He called me precious.
Tonitrua and Niji. The story. She used to tell it to the Ingar children.
Rainbows. She made rainbows. Angel looked down at her hand, open palm as she sniffled. For the first time she didn’t think she was crazy or silly. For the first time, something felt real when her hand waved and immediately the room filled with rainbow reflections.
A wide grin stretched across her lips, another giggle shaking through as she watched the rainbows sliding across the floors like twinkling diamonds.
Angels breath choked at her throat for a moment thinking of the name. Another smile appeared on her shining face. “Taehyung!” She screamed in glee. “Taehyung!” The girl lunged towards the door but it opened before she had to run any further.
Taehyungs heart jumped out of his chest hearing the loud scream emitting from the woman. Which only heightened his confusion when he saw her grinning from ear to ear. “What’s wrong?”
Angel giggled, bouncing a little on the spot. “Look…” She gestured down to the floor scattered with rainbow reflections.
Brows furrowed, he stared down at the display. It didn’t take long for him to recognize only one being could ever create random rainbows on the floor in that manner. “Did—did you do this?” Taehyung looked up at her, noticing her tear stained cheeks and cried out eyes.
She nodded feeling the need to cry out again from her overwhelming excitement and her heart being the most full it’s ever been. “Niji means rainbow.” Her enthusiastic voice cracked so much but it only made Angel smile more.
Taehyungs mouth fell agape as the world seemed to blur out around them. His heart lifted so high that it could touch his throat and a smile twitched on his lips watching hers grow. “Are—” Bottom lip quivered, eyes glistening with tears, stepping closer to the girl. “Are you—”
Angel couldn’t form words anymore at this point, only laughter and sobs flowing from her tongue. So she did the next best thing. In one pounce, she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Hands immediately clasped around her, one grabbing onto her hair as he sobbed into her shoulder. Taehyung built such a strong dam over him for centuries he couldn’t control just how much buried pain and yearning flowed out of him, flooding through his entire body. The scent of honey and almond exuded from her body and filled his lungs. He felt at home again. “I-I missed you.” He whispered shakily, fingers gripping at her clothes for dear life fearing this was all some sick dream. “I missed you so much, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” She gasped lightly, nails digging into his thin clothing almost ripping through the fabric. The warmth radiating from him felt so comfortable. Like walking around naked in a winters night and finally being able to stand next to a fireplace adorned in a thick blanket.
“It’s my fault, I-I should’ve listened to Tempus—to you—”
“Taehyung…” Angel pulled away to face him though their distance was barely closed, forehead gently pressed on his. “It’s okay.” She smiled, closing her eyes for a moment to let this memory stain her forever so she could never ever lose it again. Without another word uttered between them, Angel latched onto Taehyungs lips with her own.
It only took a few heated seconds for Taehyung to hungrily dance into the kiss, heavy exhaling through his nose as his hands cupped her cheeks. Tongue swiped across her upper lip making her mouth part, teeth clanking against each other desperately trying to capture her taste as if she’d leave again. He wouldn’t let it. One hand came up to her hair, tugging at the roots, grounding himself with her scent as the other hand moved down her back pushing their bodies tight on one another.
Caressing the side of his neck, sneaking her fingers between the shirt opening to feel the warmth of his skin; she indulged in the excitement of being with him again. Angel felt him pull away only to press kisses on her nose, tear-stained cheeks, the middle of her brows making her smile as he moved down to her chin.
Taehyung travelled down her jawline, breathing hot and heavy against her skin as his tongue licked down her neck. Traces of salt from her tears graced his taste-buds until he reached crook meeting her clothed shoulder. Angel impatiently unbuttoned the final few buttons on his shirt before he quickly shrugged it off and let it drop to the floor. His hands glued back onto her hips again but the girl backed away, cheeky smile on her face.
Angel watched his bare chest heaving as she reached down to her clothes, gaze fixated on him the whole time.
He waited too long. Far too long. Taehyung would have loved to watch her slowly pull at the strings of her jacket trying to tease him until he burst but it was too much now. Grabbing onto the lapels of her coat, he pulled it apart causing a delicious gasp from her lips. He shed off the destroyed clothing and moved to get rid of her inner top, growling when he finally saw her bare breasts.
Stumbling backwards Angel fell back on the bed with a breathy giggle as Taehyung hovered over her, thighs separated immediately to let him take camp between them. His long fingers hooked at the hem of her pants pulling it down along with her panties. The thick scent of her arousal now lingering in the air and driving Taehyung to the point of madness when he caught a whiff.
Lips latched onto her again. Tongue messily licked over her teeth sinking deep into her mouth so her taste could never leave him for a second. Fingers brushed through Angel’s hair before he traced his sloppy kisses down to her jawline.
Teasing shoots of pleasure climbed up her spine as Angel ground her hips against his clothed member feeling it stiffen at her every move. His teeth grazed down her neck, biting into the soft skin like his favourite treat. The sting from his drawling bite mixed in with the heat pooling down between her legs, strings of her arousal sticking to his pants as she kept grinding against him. “Take it off, please…” She breathed out.
Taehyung chuckled lowly against her collarbone, giving it quick bite until he saw indents before softly kissing over it. “Now you don’t want to tease?” He cupped both her breasts, a little smaller than his hands making it so easy to squeeze the tender skin until she whimpered from the ache. Taehyung latched onto her right nipple, lapping on the cute peak and ever so slightly biting onto it successfully earning a small cry from Angel.
He always knew when to loosen his grasp just enough for the squeeze to send sparks of pleasure through her veins. Her walls clenched and fluttered around nothing, soaking his pants almost completely as she continued to smother her juices on them with her thrusts.
As soon as Angel’s movements became quicker, Taehyung grabbed onto her hips and pressed her hard against the bed preventing her from getting any more friction.
“T-Taehyung—” She whimpered, eyes glazing with frustrated tears.
Taehyung hummed in response nuzzling her nose against her torso. “I can’t have you cumming yet, precious.” He kissed her belly button keeping one hand softly kneading her left breast. Taehyung caressed the bump on her lower belly, thrumming his fingers down to her core. A light shaky breath passed his lips feeling the sheer heat radiating onto his hand. “So fucking perfect.”
Angel attempted a small giggle before it was interrupted with a light gasp when Taehyung moved completely further down until his head hovered over her core. Just observing him admiring her cunt with such love shining through the thick lust in his eyes caused her walls to flutter again, arousal leaking down her slicken folds.
“You’re all mine.” He whispered, kissing the inside of her thigh. “All mine.” Taehyung travelled down to hover his lips over her dripping slit before pressing his tongue against it to gather her juices and lick it up to her throbbing nub sending shivers up Angels’ spine.
He moaned in delight having her taste again. Too fucking long. His length desperately stirred in his pants, yearning and soaked through the already ruined material.
Angel brought her hand down to brush through his thick curls, pushing him down further until his nose rubbed against her engorged clit. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head feeling his tongue prod at her entrance, stretching through her walls and taking in more of her juices.
Her scent intoxicated him as he kissed the peak of her clit before taking it fully into his mouth, suckling feverishly. Taehyung breathed through his nose trying not to pull away from her delicious nub until her thighs pressed against his ears.
“I’m—I’m all yours…” Angel breathed out, throwing her head back against the sheets as her walls clenched painfully from the concentrated pressure on her clit. Searing heat of pleasure curdling in her lower belly, flooding the arousal out of her until it left wet patches on Taehyung’s chin.
Before she could gather herself again, his finger played at her sloshy entrance completely soaked with juices, allowing him to push his digit inside. Taehyung moved with ease letting her core drip and soak the sheets even more as he hummed against her clit. Lust blown eyes flickered up to see Angels ethereal features contort in pleasure, moaning without a single care of how loud she was. The way her sounds reverberating in his ears drove him absolutely mad as he pushed another finger in.
Taehyung cheekily snuck a third digit watching how her pink folds spread out, walls pulsing around his skin. Seeing her thrust against his fingers made him chuckle, hungry gaze admiring the way his palms kept glistening more and more until her nectar was practically flowing through his fingers like water. Giving a small kiss on her thigh, he pushed it back until her knees were next to her chin.
Angel brought her other leg up without a request, whimpering shakily at new angle his fingers were brushing against. She kept her legs in place smiling up at Taehyung as he leaned to press wet kisses on her breasts before playfully biting onto her stomach rolls. Angel giggled despite her breathing going incredibly ragged when he kept pistoning his three long fingers deep into her heat.
Slowly he pushed them out, smiling at the delicious squelch that rung in the air, strings of her arousal gluing his fingers together. Eyes fixated on Angels gaze Taehyung took his fingers into his mouth, suckling off every drop of her warm nectar as his other hand worked to shed his ruined pants off.
Angel reached down between her spread legs and slowly rubbed her nub as it practically drowned in her smeared want slicken right to her thighs. Dark eyes watched Taehyung finally get rid of his pants; thick, stiff length reddened and twitching as the tip glistened in the light. She couldn’t help but bite down her bottom lip as he wrapped her drenched fingers around it, stroking it.
Taehyung felt a jolt of excitement noticing how she observed him with such hunger and enthusiasm, rubbing her delicious core. He climbed back on the bed, positioning his hips so his member perfectly rested over her heat. “You like this, precious?” Voice rung deep and heavy vibrating through his body against Angels.
She closed her eyes, grinning blissfully at the nickname as she coyly wrapped her fingers around his length. “Yes.” Angel whispered, stroking it and cheekily having it rub on her already desperate clit, coiling heat in her lower belly so ready to burst.
A low growl sounded in his throat as he moved his hips, tip prodding at her entrance. Taehyung pushed in, her walls snug and warm hugging around him while his eyes fixated on Angels chest rising and falling deeply.
Her mind clouded with lust despite the slight ache stretching her cunt after so long being untouched. Angel threw her head back against the sheets feeling him move in and out, her arousal still leaking thickly, coating his member at every thrust until he was sliding with ease. “Do it harder, baby…” She breathed out.
Taehyungs whole body shivered at the request. Hands clasped onto the back of her thighs, pressing her knees further against her chest as he shifted, the weight of his hips on hers. Thrusts slammed into her heavy, loud squelching as her core swallows his entire length tight and pulsing.
Angel let out a choked scream from the thick burn of pleasure mixing in with the ache from her legs. He hit deep against the soft walls of her cervix, excitement flowing out of her creating strings of nectar against the base of his cock. “Y-yes T-Taehyung…” She could only whisper, moans falling from her lips and echoing against the walls to grace Taehyungs ears.
Even the smallest of noises the God caught, heightening his excitement as he raised his hips and slammed down on her with a loud groan meshing beautifully with her whimper. “I love you.” Taehyung hooked her legs over his shoulders, leaning in to press his forehead against hers, member deeply buried inside her heat, thrusting slow and careful. “I love you so much.” He let out a shaky breath. “Don’t leave me again.”
Tears trickled down her temples feeling the heaviness in her lower belly tighten to the point of aching as his words made her giggle in between moans. “I won’t—I-I promise…” Angel gasped. “I love you-ah!” She sobbed feeling him grind harshly into her until she could almost feel him up to her stomach. “I’m-m close, please..”
Taehyung didn’t hesitate, lifting his hips again and slamming back down, igniting an onslaught of thrusts as his lower belly rubbed against her clit. The skin around his member felt hot, searing pleasure coiling into a ball, rushing up to his tip at a speed he couldn’t fathom. “Ang-shit..” Heat burst through his body, heaviness pouring out of him in thick ropes into her leaving unbridled ecstasy to shake through him.
Angels lips parted feeling the warm liquid fill her womb causing her head to spin. She felt one of his hands move down between her legs, pressing his thumb against her clit and rubbing furiously. Taehyung continued to thrust inside her despite the sensitivity around his tip. Light whimpering croaked out of her feeling the thick ball of heat growing bigger, tight until it pushed against her core.
Vision shaking from its clarity, Angels thighs quivered at the deep waves of heated bliss pulsing through her veins choking more pleasure-infused cries from her kiss swollen lips. His forehead pressed against hers, fingers still relentlessly working at her clit drawing out her orgasm until it hurt.
“That’s it…” Taehyung sighed, pleased with how much her walls fluttered around him. “My sweet Angel.” He kissed her cheek.
Angel sobbed in response, jerking her hips away from his hand a little as her body trembled from the aftershock of her release. Sweat layered their bodies as the midday sun shone through one of the windows making her laugh a little.
“What?” Taehyung grinned down at her.
“I just realized this is the first time we’ve slept together on Earth.” Angel caressed his cheeks gently as her breathing normalized.
He turned to kiss the inside of her palm. “We can come down here as much as you want.”
“Can we stay over tonight? I miss home but—” She smiled slowly. “I wanna be alone with you for a while.”
“Anything you want, precious.”
The Mood God never liked to be disturbed during the day. In fact he almost froze the messenger for waking him up from his slumber until he shrieked out that the matter dealt with the Goddess of Creation. Without hesitation, Yoongi scoured the earth for the God of Indulgence. He was confused why he was needed so urgently in the Heavens but didn’t argue against it either even though he had no intentions of catching the young God screwing a human virgin somewhere.
Thankfully Yoongi found him delivering some flour bags to a farmer in the nearby village when he brought him back to the Heavens. Granted after a few snaps at each other.
“You know you have absolutely no authority with me. I was created under the Sun, just because you screw her during twilight—”
“Jungkook if you don’t shut the fuck up—” Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose as they walked towards the entrance of the throne room. “I had orders specifically from both the Ocean God and Underworld King. I can’t just ignore it cause you’re Kikus baby.”
The young God huffed in annoyance but didn’t argue further much to Yoongis relief.
Doors of the throne room opened without any announcement. Both Gods strode into the room and were immediately met with Seokjin standing in front of the empty throne. Namjoon and Belle standing on his left.
Jungkooks expression softened looking over at the Goddess but she averted her gaze towards Seokjin instead. “Why have I been called?”
“Thank you, Yoongi.” The Ocean God ignored his question to address the Moon Titan who hummed in slight disapproval.
“You owe me one, he’s a fucking tick.” Yoongi faded into a light grey smoke leaving an icy layer over the floor he stood on before changed back into its original gold.
Silence plunged in the room leaving Jungkook with more questions than answers. Despite expecting more ignorance, he took a breath to speak anyway. “Is anyone going to tell me what’s going on or did you just miss me?”
Seokjin shot him a heated glare, burning right through his head hoping it caused a scorch mark. “You are here because we’ve received information that you have been working with the Goddess of Creations murderer.” He didn’t beat around the bush in the slightest. Not that he cared how overwhelmed the selfish God was with the new information.
Jungkooks brows furrowed looking over at Belle for some clarification but her eyes were still trying to avoid him as much as possible. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Did you or did you not get swayed by Jimin to go down to Earth? With the intention of sabotaging Taehyung and Angels re-bonding?” Namjoon spoke in a gentler tone as he always did with Jungkook. Much to Seokjins annoyance, the Underworld King always had a softness when it came to the God of Indulgence even in situations like this.
He stammered, blinking towards the quiet Goddess again. “I—I didn’t–” Jungkook sighed in defeat hanging his head a little. “Yes but—” He shook his head. “Murderer?”
“Jimin took his obsession with Taehyung too far and murdered Angel.” Seokjin replied simply.
Jungkooks breath hitched in his throat even though he tried his best not to show it. A burning formed behind his eyes as his own stupidity waved over him. He said he was sick that day. The God winced. He fucking believed him like an idiot. A big fucking idiot. “I—” Glazed eyes flickered over to the Underworld King. “Namjoon I didn’t know, I just—”
“You just wanted to sleep with Angel.” Seokjin answered for him.
The young God gulped down side glancing at Belle before pressing his lips together.
“See this is why you could never rule the Heavens, Jungkook.”
Seokjins’ word struck a nerve in him, anger blaring in his teary gaze. “What, like Taehyung was any better? He left Jimin in charge!”
“To get the love of his life back.” Belles voice now rippled silence towards the room as Jungkook met her gaze. “Not that you’d know what that means.”
Eyes twitched when the God felt new clench in his chest, curling into ball so tight he couldn’t breathe properly; uncomfortable chill shooting through his limbs. “Belle—” Jungkook took a step forward wanting to reach out and reassure her.
The double doors on the side of the throne room burst open, echoing harshly against the walls and into their ears. Rushing into the room was Hoseok breathing heavily while one of his eyes were swollen and bruised. “He’s gone!” He cried out. “I-I tried I’m s-sorry…”
“It’s not your fault, Hoseok” Belle walked closer and gently hovered a hand over his injury. “Do you know which way he went?” She tried to keep her voice calm even though there was a sink in her heart.
“H-He desc-descended into Earth.”
Jungkooks ears pricked up hearing the word, his golden skin paling as the thought immediately rushed through his mind. “No.” Without caring about repercussions, the God sprang into a run out of the throne room.
“Jungkook, stop!” Seokjin growled.
“I know where he’s going!”
He should’ve done this so much earlier. When humans died, they stayed dead. Perfect. Jimin transferred himself exactly where he could feel Taehyungs presence the strongest. Much to his heart breaking, he saw them together. Bodies covered in a thick blanket sleeping while there were some clothes thrown on the floor in front of the bed. Tears gathered at the Ingars eyes as he held onto one of the guards sickles that he stole before escaping.
The hook of the blade made it easy to break her body. Maybe if I rip her apart, her soul would be destroyed along it. A smile twitched on Jimins lips as he brushed Taehyungs hair gently before focusing on Angel again.
Raising the sickle, he kept his eyes on the middle of her chest as she rested on her back, head turned so her nose nudged against Taehyung. The sight only fueling Jimins anger as tears streamed down his face. In a rush of adrenaline pumping through his veins, he attempted a swing.
Something punched into his gut and slammed him against the wall. Jimin saw stars in his vision as his breathing stopped for a moment before Jungkooks angry expression materialized in front of him.
“You’re gonna pay for playing me like that, you fucking toy.” The God spat.
From the corner of his eye, he saw both Taehyung and Angel getting up from the bed.
“Jungkook, what—” Before Taehyung could assess the situation, he saw Jimin raise a sickle in his hand and jab it into Jungkooks side. His eyes widened watching the young God fall onto the ground, coughing out blood.
“He—he killed her…” Jungkook looked up at Taehyung with extremely reddened, teary eyes. “A-and he tried to do it again.”
Taehyungs’ brows furrowed, meeting Jimins gaze but the Ingar was boring holes into Angel. “Jimin—”
“He’s right.” Angel muttered weakly. Dread washed over her in chilled waves as he looked over at the Ingar. The one she first remembered cradling in her lap as a child and her final memory of him breaking her bones while she cried for him to stop.
Jimin let out heaving sobs, lips pale and eyes bloodshot before he screamed raising his bloody sickle again. Unfortunately this time he was faced with someone he couldn’t attack. Taehyungs hand wrapped around the Ingars neck and slammed him back against the walls almost making the ground beneath them shake. His shaky hand let go of the weapon, clanging onto the floor.
Angel sighed as the jolt of fear passed her before rushing to Jungkook. Her hand placed on deep, gushing wound as the young God groaned helplessly. “You’ll be okay, I promise.”
Taehyungs grip tightened watching the Ingars lips parted, not a trace of breath able to pass through them. “I took you in like family.” He watched Jimin thrashing against his death hold, legs hanging in the air and hands desperately trying to push his fist away. “You broke my wife…you broke me.” He winced. “And you had the gall—” He squeezed more uncaring of how Jimins eyes rolled to the back his head, tears still streaming down his face. “—to try it again while I was in the room.”
Only her shout managed to break the God out of his murderous trance when he looked over at her worried expression.
“He needs a healer now, there’s too much bleeding.” Angels voice cracked a little. Despite his less than intelligent attempts at seducing her, Jungkook never deserved to be hurt like this and they both knew it.
Even Taehyung in his deepened anger knew the God didn’t deserved to be cut down like an animal. “Alright…” He breathed out, loosening his grip for Jimin cough violently and grow limp against the wall before taking in a loud inhale. In a quick flash, all four of them disappeared from the room back into the Heavens.
The throne room burst in a bright light causing Belle to jump back a little while she was attempting to heal Hoseoks injury. Seokjin and Namjoon stood alert.
“Get him to the healer.” Taehyung still had a growl in his voice nodding to Jungkook.
Hoseok rushed over to the God, stopping in his track for a second when he saw the person that was holding onto him. “Mo—” He huffed in surprise. The Ingar shook himself when Angel smiled weakly before rushing back to move the God, an arm over his shoulder. “It’s nice to see you, Mother.” It was the only thing he could say even though he wanted to utter so much more.
Belle froze where she stood not knowing where to look at Jungkook or Angel in a bursting mixture of concern and pure joy. But Hoseok was already moving to take him to the Healer while Namjoon followed to help him. The rush of feelings caused her eyes to fill with tears. She looked over at Angel who immediately smiled at her. Running towards her, Belle brought her into a tight embrace. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have left you alone—” She sobbed. “I’m really happy to see you.”
“I’m here so don’t apologize.” Angel pulled away and cupped her cheeks. “We know who the real culprit is.”
The young Goddess’ reddened eyes flickered over to the side where Taehyung stood behind Jimin pushing him towards the middle of the throne room until he fell to the floor with a yelp and a squeak.
“All of you leave. I want a moment alone with Jimin.” Taehyung ordered in a gentle tone even though they could feel the pain and anger seeping through his tone. “And thank you.” He walked towards the throne, patting Seokjins shoulder before turning to Belle and giving her an acknowledging nod.
Seokjin walked to the side gesturing for the two Goddesses to leave first. The double doors closed with a thud and silence plunged into the room.
Taehyung still had black T-shirt and comfortable sleep pants on but when his power still radiated like heat in the air. Eyes burning into Jimin as he knelt down with his head hung low. “Where’s your confidence now, hm? Make your case.”
The Ingar trembled where he was perched still feeling the pain around the skin of bruising neck. “Master hurt me. That means I need to take my punishment.” Jimin replied simply.
“You killed Angel. And attempted to do so a second time.” He tilted his head. “What do you think I was going to do?”
Jimin winced. “You were going to understand—that she wasn’t meant for you. That—I-I’m supposed to rule by your side, not her.”
“Ingars and Gods can’t marry, Jimin.”
“It doesn’t have to be marry.” He quickly looked up at the male, tears thick in his eyes. “Just…together forever. That’s why you took me in. You just didn’t want to admit it, I understand.” Jimin smiled shakily. “So I just did all the dirty work for you. It was for you, M-Master. All for you.”
Taehyung tried to hold in his grimace looking at what became of the Ingar he trusted with his life. Then he remembered.
“ If you trust those close to you far too blindly…darkness will fall upon your life and the fate of our kingdom. ”
The Great Protector ended up placing a lot of trust in Jimin through the years. Angel had been soft and nurturing thus she couldn’t take part in things that involved a harsher hand. Jimin, on the other hand, did whatever Taehyung asked him to. The God even trained him in stabbing all the right places and how to break bones when it was necessary.
His mistake now flooded back to him.
He created his wifes’ murderer without even knowing.
Now he worried for Jungkooks fate.
“No—” Taehyung shook his head. “You did it for yourself, Jimin.”
Jimins smile faded immediately as his skin turned ashen. “Mas—”
“You didn’t ask if I loved you. You just assumed…you knew how much I loved Angel.” He winced. “But you still killed her and then you watched me break for centuries. I was shattered, Jimin, didn’t you care? Were you just celebrating the whole time I was grieving?”
“N-no!” He cried out, his face gripped with shock. “N-no I-I was s-sad too! I-I wanted to make it better.” Jimin lifted to his feet and tried to walk closer to Taehyung but something began tightening around his wrists when the God waved his hand, his body jerked back. With furrowed brows, he looked down; dark shackles chained to the floor keeping him in place.
“Tempus told me someone I trusted too blindly would destroy my life and my kingdom.” Taehyung tightened his jaw, ignoring the tightness in his chest seeing the Ingar he cared about staring back at him in immense pain laced with insanity. “I really didn’t want to believe it.”
“E-everything I-I did—was because I l-loved you.” Jimin pressed his quivering lips together.
“You didn’t love me enough to see me happy without you.” He narrowed his gaze. “That’s not real love.”
That was all it took for Jimin to deflate, wrists loosening as he rested back on his knees again without a word.
Heavens garden flourished in colour like an immediate Spring from a deadly winter. All the Ingars from adults to children gathered under the blossom trees, faces in awe as they saw the long lost Goddess return to her favourite place in the world. The children who listened to her stories now grown and in tears. She still looked the same.
Belle had enchanted her clothing so she would wear her usual lilac dress while her hair reverted back to her luscious curls holding a garden of peach blossoms at the crown.
A group of Ingars ran towards Angel, giggling and crying out of joy. Angel grinned at all the familiar faces, caressing ones cheek as most of them didn’t even know what to say from the overwhelming emotions rushing through their bodies. The Goddess looked up at Belle who shifted a little where she stood. She reached out and touched her hand. “You can go check on him.”
The idea of walking away from Angel again left a sense of fear in her heart. Even though there were other people here looking out for her, Jimin was still in the throne room. He could escape and come back to the gardens. What if everything happened all over again?
“I’m not going anywhere.” Angel spoke before Belles thoughts could intrude her mind more. “This time I’m making absolute sure of it.” She gave her a reassuring smile. “Go on.”
Belle hesitated for a moment until the comfort began to sink in. With a smile, she nodded and turned on her heel towards the healers chambers.
Injuries, even fatal are no concern for Gods. So long as their souls are still in their bodies everything from a broken spine could heal with a few enchantments. The trick was to keep them alive. Rosyne had become accustomed to see even the mightiest Titans adorn fatal injuries that could kill humans in an instant.
Upon examining Jungkook as he lay on the bed with his torso bare, one of his lungs were punctured from whatever inflicted him causing him to cough out blood and lose his track of breathing. Sap from the Goddess of Creations peach blossom tree possessed a potent elixir to heal internal wounds. Even stabs to the heart.
Apparently Angel worked on it for years, sitting under the tree and blessing it until the sap reached its full potential. Her favourite tree because it saved many Gods, Ingars and Nymphs from a terrible fate. Except her. Rosyne sighed as she tilted the vial filled a cloudy, pink-tinted liquid directing onto Jungkooks exposed puncture.
Angel had been so brutally battered that her soul must have left in between the attack leaving no time for anyone to use the sap.
Never mind that now.
Jungkooks breathing still choked but his eyes began opening softly like he was coming back from a peaceful sleep.
Rosyne wiped off the excess blood from the corners of his mouth gently. With a side glance, she kept observing how the wound now completely turned the same colour as the elixir. Almost like a patch of pink tinted jelly before seeped into the wound and it faded back to Jungkooks usual golden skin. The healer smiled turning her head quickly to see the Gods face.
Vision a little blurry and limbs weakened, Jungkook opened his eyes. Eventually a beautiful face materialized in front of him smiling down like an guardian angel. “Please don’t tell me I died for Taehyung.” His voice was a little raspy but still held the same snarky energy.
“No but you did save the Goddess of Creation.” Rosyne threw the blood soaked cloth into a water basin. “How’re you feeling?”
Jungkook tried to get up expecting for a sharp pang of pain to hit him but he managed to sit up with ease. Although his limbs still felt like jelly. “Like my body is falling asleep.”
She hummed. “Side effect of the sap. But you’ll be back to your virgin scouting anytime soon.” Rosyne mused, brow raised as the God scoffed.
“You always sass your patients?”
“Just stuck up Gods.”
Jungkook licked the inside of his cheek with a smirk, only just noticing her—very beautiful pair of ice blue eyes contrasting with her brown locks. Healers were not Goddesses. They were Spirit Nymphs but if he didn’t know any better, he’d be properly fooled otherwise. “Uh—thank you.” He gestured to his torso. “For the thing.”
Rosyne couldn’t help but smile at his attempt of kindness. “No problem.” Eyes flickered over to the entrance of the chambers to see a figure approaching. As soon as she recognized the Goddess, the healer bowed. “Dear Goddess.”
“Please, it’s okay.” Belle raised a hand with a soft grin. “Could you give us a moment?”
“Of course.” The Healer walked over to a smaller room and closed the door to leave the pair in their privacy.
Silence plunged into the room as Jungkook shifted where he sat, attempting to meet Belles heated gaze but something kept forcing him to look down. Call it shame or regret. It was strong either way, flooding his newly repaired lungs until it lodged at his throat. “Belle I—”
“No, you’ve spoken enough…just listen.” She clasped her fingers together and straightened her posture reminding him—like a bag of bricks to the head—that their powers matched. Something Jungkook must have forgotten because he only ever paid real attention to her when she was vulnerable. “We were lucky that Angel got her memories back otherwise we probably would’ve let Jimin roam free forever. I know you weren’t aware of his crime but you still valued your own desire over the fate of both Angel and the Heavens.”
“I was selfish, okay? I—I always have been, it’s what I do.” Jungkook shrugged before sighing in defeat as his own words ring in his ear, resembling the words of a madman. “But—I did regret what I did. When I kissed her I thought things were going to make sense and I’d feel elated…” He shook his head. “Except I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
Belle gulped, ignoring the squeeze between her ribcages seeing the confusion gripping his face. “You have a good heart, Jungkook. No heartless God would risk himself like that and I’m grateful you took action.” She stepped a little closer which somehow gave Jungkook the courage to finally look up at her. “But I also don’t have time for your games.”
His eyes twitched as he took a breath to speak. “Belle, please…”
“I found the new Tempus.”
“The new Tempus. I tracked his soul years ago by accident when I was looking for Angel and I’ve been keeping him under my protection until Taehyung became stable.” Belle squeezed down her thumb to release some of the pressure.
Jungkooks’ brows furrowed, searching her expression to try and figure out why she was telling him this. “And?”
“And for my protection, he granted me one private prophecy—of my predicted bond.” She smiled sadly. “I hate to say it but some part of me really wanted it to be you.”
The Gods expression softened; his heart sinking slow like tar. “Who—”
“No better match than two Titans who care for souls. Dead and Living.”
Joined as one for all eternity. As it was always meant to be. Tempus’ words rung in her head as she swallowed down the lump in her throat. “I’m to be the new Queen of the Underworld.”
Jungkook tightened his jaw, wincing as his chest clench far too tight for comfort. He almost wished his lungs were ripped to shreds again so he could tolerate it better. “Namjoon…” Letting out a scoff, he rubbed his face to prevent spilling from his eyes or any curses spewed at the one man who never did him wrong. “And you’re going to believe Tempus?” Reddened eyes met hers.
Belle left a moment of silence, sucking in her bottom lip when it began quivering. “He already gave me his proposal…while you were courting my friend.” The heat radiated back into her gaze. “So whether you were thinking about me or not, it didn’t matter. I was never meant to bother my time waiting for you to put me before your own lust.”
The Goddess began turning on her heel out of the healers chambers. Perhaps he would prove Belles point but Jungkook still jumped off the bed and grabbed onto her hand, jolting her back to face him.
“Let me go, Jungkook.” Belle muttered.
“Just…I want to say one thing.” Jungkook padded closer until his chest brushed against hers making Belle crane her neck to look up at him.
The God had a rush of words swirling in his mind at the same time almost making him dizzy. What he did know was the wonderful Goddess didn’t deserve any more confusion and struggle for simple happiness. “If it smells like rotten fruit then you’re too close to the pits, stay near the asphodel fields and inside the palace.” Jungkook cleared his throat. “And if you’re feeling cold go to the top level study. There’s an enchanted fire there that never burns out but never goes stronger than it needs to be.” He nodded to himself. “I’ll miss you.”
Tears glazed on Belles eyes as a smile twitched on her lips. “I’ll miss you too.”
Jungkook gently slid his hand down her forearm to interlock with her fingers, just for a moment relishing in what could have been if he wasn’t so foolish. A sigh passing his lips, he let go and watched the beautiful Goddess walk away from him.
Angel walked through the side doors of the throne room letting the guards close it in behind her. The thick stench of blood and sweat swirling in the air. Except whatever squeamish reaction she would have in the past now dissipated when looking over at the Ingar shackled to the floor. She saw Taehyung with his sleeves rolled up and hair over his eyes striding around Jimin before he noticed the Goddess.
“I haven’t come up with a sentence.” His voice run deep and gravelly like he had been yelling for a while.
Taking a deep breath until she could feel the walls of her lungs, Angel attempted to relax some of her remaining nerves through a long exhale. “I have one.”
Jimins bloodshot eyes flickered up at the Goddess. Gaze softened to weakness, cheeks bruised and bleeding while his shirt was from the back sloppily hooked onto his elbows. Welts all over his skin. There must have been deeper ones on his back rather than the ones on his chest. He looked smaller than ever.
She walked forward to the center as Taehyung came to stand next to her. “I don’t have the courage nor the heart to have you killed.” Angel gulped. “You were one of the Ingars I raised myself.” Her voice cracked slightly making Jimin wince a little. “But I can’t let you go free either.”
The Ingar stayed silent. Letting out trembling breaths as he felt trickles of something down his back along with searing pain touching every inch of his body. Maybe there was a small, buried part of him that felt guilty. But the darkness rotting in his already fragile mind kept digging it deeper and deeper until he couldn’t see the guilt anymore. A part of him wanted to pull it out but it was so much easier just let himself taint until the light at the end of the tunnel switched off.
“You are to be locked in the Underworld cages.” Angel announced.
Taehyung didn’t argue against the sentence. Not death but just kissing the brink of it. The Underworld cages were hung over the fires where prisoners would feel the heat for eternity but never burn. “Namjoon and Belle will take you immediately. You’re never to set foot in the Heavens or Earth again.”
Jimin stilled as his paling skin contrasted sharply against the blood splotches on his face. He attempted to respond with a bow despite his body shaking. Whatever fight that had been in his body right to the last minute until his demise now faded. A new darkness had taken over. Not fiery with anger. But cold with dread.
The Underworld Nymphs prepared portable shackles for Jimin as Namjoon instructed them to put the Ingar in clear sight range unless he somehow figured out how to escape. It was the last time anyone was going to underestimate an Ingars ability to sway even the most powerful Titans. When the throne room was cleaned, it reverted back to its pleasant warm smell while Taehyung wore his usual white and gold cloak free from blood stains.
“He won’t bother anyone for a long time.” Namjoon reassured as the Nymph disappeared with Jimin. “You are a sight for sore eyes, Angel.” He grinned over at the Angel. Even his usually cold eyes softened to warmth for a moment seeing that she was back in her home again. “I was afraid Taehyung would burn the Heavens down.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes with a smile still on his face as Angel giggled.
Belle came into Angels view, reluctance in her expression as she held onto both her hands. “I’ll come to the Heavens for Summer and Spring to take care of the Ingars. There’ll—be a ceremony in the Underworld too.” Her cheeks burned a little, purposely trying not to look at Namjoon in fear of him seeing a flush.
“We’ll be there.” The Goddess squeezed her hands gently feeling a warmth in her belly when she noticed how happy Belle was. Exactly she deserved. “I’ll see you in Spring, okay?”
The younger nodded before pulling her into an embrace just to solidify that Angel was really back. It didn’t matter if they won’t see each other for most of the year. So long her friend was alive and well, Belle could live in peace. “Please always be safe.”
“I promise.” Angel whispered.
Taehyung watched the two pull away from each other, facing Belle as guilt tugged in his belly. “I’m sorry…for giving you a hard time all those years.”
Angels smile disappeared immediately frowning at her husband. “You gave her a hard time?”
Belle chuckled, patting Angels shoulder. “It’s alright…you were in a really bad place. We’re family now, okay? No bad blood.” She grinned at the both of them.
It only took until now for Taehyung to realize that Belle would really be family after bonding with Namjoon. Something about the thought caused a feeling of completion. As if all the puzzle pieces of his heart were falling into place. Taehyung reunited with his lost wife and Namjoon got a second chance at being with someone again.
“No bad blood.” Taehyung smiled.
Namjoon gave one quick nod before both of them disappeared back down in the Underworld leaving Taehyung and Angel back in their comfortable silence.
He felt her soft fingers intertwine with his own; the touch grounded him back to reality in ways that couldn’t be explained.
Without a word, Angel smiled and led him out of the throne room to breathe in the cool air of the hallways as they made their way outside.
The garden flourished back to its original beauty. Ingar children running around the fields while peach blossoms bloomed on its branches, dancing happily as they fell to the ground. Rainbows reflecting on the green grass, subtle scent of honey and almond touching his nostrils. Bringing him home. A home he lost for so long.
There was something new too. A small pond with golden bride blossoms on the edge; fishes with glimmering pink scales jumping up to the surface before splashing back down. Running towards them were three little animals. Solar, Lulu and a little lamb, Star.
“You brought them here.” Taehyung crouched down, chuckling Solar squeaked out barks and ran a few circles around him in excitement.
“I wasn’t going to leave them alone.” Angel picked Lulu up and cradled the small puppy in her arms. “They were my friends.” She kissed the top of the puppy’s head.
Little creatures waddling behind them, the two made their way over to the biggest peach blossom tree. The blooming flowers danced as the Goddess sat down with her back against Taehyungs’ chest, a soft mat underneath already laid out by one of the Ingars. They calmly watched Lulu and Solar circling each other while Star calmly rested on Angels lap, comforted by her warmth.
“I haven’t seen the Heavens this happy in so long.” Taehyung looked around at the gardens simply bursting with colour and celebration. Blossoms softly fell onto his hair as he hugged her closer, kissing her temple. “There was one prophecy Tempus gave me that brought me all the joy in the world.”
Angel hummed turning her head a little. “Which one was that?”
That feeling jolted in him again. Feeling of completion as the words he had desperately kept hidden for centuries finally formed on his tongue. The one thing Taehyung forgot to tell her on the day he lost her. “You. You were his best prophecy. My best fate.”
Her heart felt a wave of warmth, nuzzling into him until they were practically one form joined together in the comforts of their home surrounded by laughter and joy. “You were my best fate too.”  
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adorethedistance · 4 years
British. Handsome. Charming. - Harry Styles x Reader Retail!AU
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Sorta requested.
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive situations, I say titties like once
Words: 2108
Summary: When your coworker calls out and leaves you alone for a graveyard shift, you unintentionally enlist the help of a certain British, handsome, and charming retail employee from next door.
A/N: Hello this is my piece for @meetmeinfleetwood​ ‘s “to lovers” fic challenge! I put my ‘to lovers’ trope as Coworkers Harry and Y/n but I’m kind of riffing off of that trope because I wanted to do employees at different stores in the same section of the mall.
“So, Ziva just called out...” I hear my manager Kelly break the news from behind me. A groan threatens to escape my lungs but I fight the urge as best as possible to save face in front of customers. This is the third time Ziva’s called out of her graveyard shift in the past two weeks. Tonight, we were supposed to unpack the new shipment of holiday tees, gag gifts, and decorations. On a normal night, I can handle floor set by myself, but the added challenge of holiday items and displays is a different story.
“If I take another lunch right now, I can stay and help with the floor set.”
“No,” I wave her off, already dreading the exhaustion that is bound to set in, “Go home. You’ve already done your full eight, I can fly solo for tonight.”
“Are you sure?”
“Go before I regret letting you!” Kelly smiles with the tip of her tongue peaking through her teeth. She thanks me for freeing her and I finish straightening the last of the yellow champion hoodies on the rack in front of me.
“The boxes are on the left side in the backroom.” Backroom… got it.
Working at Tilly’s was supposed to be my high school job. At the end of Junior year, I opted for a minimum wage position to earn some extra spending money. If I’d known I would be attending the most local university in this godforsaken town, I would’ve picked a better gig; one that pays more. Or at least one that doesn’t schedule me from 7:30PM to 3AM.
The store closes at ten but the other four ish hours are for rearranging the entire floor layout. I have to redistribute the table full of graphic tees strategically around the store to make room for the holiday items we just received. With someone else’s help I could expect to be finished by 12:30. Maybe 1. Ziva calling out wasn’t part of the plan however, so I don’t expect to be finished early at all. If anything, I might have to rush to finish before my shift ends.
Not to mention I have a prose analysis final draft due tomorrow by midnight. Ziva better have some damn good excuses when she gets back.
Readjusting the waistband of my favorite jeans against my body, I head to the dressing rooms to double check for any stragglers. Upon finding myself alone, I go lock the front doors and flick off the glowing “open” sign in the front window. Hopefully time will fly faster than it has since I got here. I should’ve asked Kelly to grab me a coffee or a coke to get me through the rest of the shift. Maybe I should do some coke to get me through the rest of the shift.
Okay. What did Kelly say?
Backroom... Was that all? I hesitantly prop the storeroom’s door with the small, tan, rubber wedge before trying to take in the overwhelming mess of the backroom. The room has painfully bright overhead LED lights illuminating my path; the brightness is mirrored off the polished concrete floors under my feet. Considering there’s no holiday bullshit directly in front of me, Kelly must have given me more directions than just ‘backroom’. Graphic tees, sunglasses, jewelry. Nothing.
In my most goddamn genius idea yet, I search the top of the self of the storeroom to see the holiday boxes sealed and intact. Lovely. I can graze the surface of the top shelf with my fingertips just enough to get them dusty, but not enough to pull down any boxes.
This is what we have a ladder for, but we lent it out to the Zara next door. I don’t know what time they close but intuition tells me it's soon. Figuring I have nothing to lose, I dash out of the back room and unlock the front door to round the corner into Zara. Right as I exit the store, I run into someone hard enough to lose my balance, but not hard enough to take the other person down, thank god.
“Woahhh, you alright there?” British.
I look up to the face of the person I collided with. Handsome.
“I’m so sorry, I need to get to Zara.”
“I’m afraid you’re too late for that.” The handsome stranger’s statement catches me off guard and the fog of my rushed mindset disappears. Charming.
“Jus’ locked up, I’m afraid.” I look at the completely dark storefront, and then back at the stranger. His gleaming green eyes catch mine and, cliché-ly, I’m rendered breathless by the exquisite nature of his face. Employee.
“You work at Zara,” I state dumbly.
“That, I do. And you work…?” Dropping my eyes to my worn work shoes, I’m suddenly overwhelmingly shy about working at Tilly’s.
“Tilly’s, next door. We lent you guys our step ladder and I need it back.”
“Shit,” the man smiles softly, nervously scratching the back of his neck. “I have the key to the store, but I don’t have the key to the supply closet where we kept it.”
“Dammit.” When I pull out my phone to check the time, I groan at the loss of another ten minutes. “By any chance do you guys conveniently have a step ladder that isn’t in an inaccessible closet?” The beautiful man laughs at my question and shakes his head no.
“We don’t, but I am pretty tall, maybe I could help?”
“You’re not that tall.”
“Taller than you.” My teasing is cut short by the man’s quip and I lead him into the store with conviction.
“Basically, I’m supposed to reconfigure the entire floor layout around the table for all the holiday merch, and the shipment came in but someone brilliantly placed them on the top shelf of the back room.”
“Which is why you need the step ladder from the closet that I can’t open. Gotcha.”
“If you could just get those three boxes from the top shelf right there that’d be wonderful.” After clocking the boxes in question, he nods wordlessly, and slips off his nice coat, no doubt a piece from the store next door. Underneath, he’s wearing a grey button up of which he begins rolling up the sleeves to. The action made me stop breathing for a second. His forearms are littered with tattoos of various drawings, one in particular catching my eye.
It’s a two dimensional mermaid figure with no seashell-bra, her skin transitioning into scales only after exposing her pubic bone. In the fluorescent lighting of the store, it’s clear as day that this is quite possibly the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. What’s he doing working at an outlet mall?
Zoning back in, I see he’s already hard at work. With a box no doubt full of gag gifts on his shoulder, he speaks again.
“I’m Harry by the way.”
I return the gesture and he smiles when he hears my name.
Returning his attention to the second box, he reaches up to slide the box closer to the edge of the shelf. When he does so, the hem of his grey shirt rides up to reveal a tiny strip of his toned abdomen, where two mirrored stems of fern leaves are tattooed in strikingly black ink.
I blink quickly a few times to redirect my focus, and divert my attention to the floor where he’s set the first box. This leads me to notice the brown suede chelsea boots he’s wearing. Black coat, grey shirt, brown shoes. Interesting.
“Oh shit!” I hear him mutter in a hushed voice. Looking up to the top of the shelf, I see that the last box has already been opened. Harry is balancing it between both limbs, his shoulder, and his head, but any movement would cause the contents of the box to fall out.
I rush forward to help. Moving the flaps of the box back over the top, I reach across Harry’s body to move them. Then, to keep them shut I place one palm on top of the seam, and use the other hand to support the bottom of the box. It isn’t until I stop moving that I notice the position I’ve put us in. I’m reaching up as far as I can to secure the top of the box which has placed the entire front side of my body to the back of his. I’m painfully aware of how my hips are pressed against his ass, and he must be painfully aware of the way my titties are pressed against his upper back.
“I’m gonna move backwards so it’s off the shelf. Just hold the top in place until I have it right side up again, yea?” I nod dumbly in response before realizing he can’t see me.
“Yeah, got it.” And with that he begins to back up little by little, moving at a pace slow enough for me to consistently adjust. The box is almost intact, but I’ve run out of space from standing behind Harry, and I have to maneuver myself around him whilst keeping the box shut. I cringe before doing what I have to do, and shuffling around the side of Harry’s body, my frontside pressed against him the entire time.
Finally, it’s over and we can set the box down on top of the other two. Harry stands up straight again and dusts off his hands. He adjusts his jeans, pulling them back up his hips, and I have to keep myself from staring once more.
“Anythin’ else I can do for you?”
“I don’t think so? That’s pretty much all the heavy lifting I have to do tonight.” He nods understandingly and… dare I say disappointed? I’m probably just projecting.
“Are you alone tonight?”
“Yeah, my coworker called out, but it’s fine. My boss Kelly got most of the work done earlier when she unpacked a lot of the boxes and folded the shirts into piles, so…”
“I could help.”
“You don’t need to do that. You’re already off and I’m sure you’re exhausted and-”
“I want to.” I guess I wasn’t projecting.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. That way you can go home earlier.” His smile is soft and lopsided until we connect eyes, in which case it brightens to reveal his pearly teeth. I fall shy under his gaze and avert my eyes to the concrete floor below us. My cheeks are radiating at about 1000° and I hope he doesn’t notice.
“Thank you,” I say, more flustered than I would have liked. Why am I getting so nervous? He’s just a retail employee at Zara.
A gorgeous employee at Zara.
“I don’t mind staying back... Spending more time with you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Since I already know what you do for a living, what are your hobbies?” He ignores my question.
“I don’t have much time for hobbies. I’m only part-time while I’m in uni.”
“No way, what are you studying?”
I proceed to tell Harry all about my major and my career aspirations post-graduation and post-retail. I enjoy telling people about my dreams and yet, Harry’s the first person I’ve met in a long time that’s shown any interest in me and my dreams. The way he nods attentively despite having to fold misconstrued t-shirts and holiday sweaters, ignites a fire in my stomach that warms my heart. They way he asks hyper specific, prompting questions to learn more about my plans contrasts the fire inside me by sending chills down my spine.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“What are your dreams?” Harry stops folding for a moment and exhales a conflicted sigh.
“I’m not too sure at the moment. I’m content at Zara for the moment, and I haven’t decided what’s next. I do write music though.”
“You do?”
“A bit, yeah.”
“What kind of music?” He stops to think again, a bit less conflicted than before.
“It’s like, indie-folk-pop-rock ish.”
“Indie-folk-pop-rock ish?” I can’t contain the laughter spilling from my lips over the mountain of folded t-shirts.
“Yeah. A good bit of variety, really.”
“Well, it’s nice you have something to be passionate about.”
“Judging by how you talked about your dreams for an hour, I wouldn’t say I’m as passionate as you are about your studies.”
“Passion isn’t a competition. It’s what moves you forward as an individual.” It’s Harry’s turn to laugh at me.
“Okay, Gandhi.”
“Hush! I’m allowed to be philosophical.” His laugh draws into a closed-mouth smile, from humor to an adoration of sorts.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.” I unintentionally mirror his affectionate smile.
A/N: This was absolutely one of those fics that, the longer I stared at it, the more I hated it and cut it down so here’s what’s remaining before I destroyed the whole thing. It’s def a puff piece and not an in depth fic but nuance is not my friend right now so, sorry about it :(
Taglist: @curlybrownhairedboys​ @meetmeinfleetwood​
190 notes · View notes
shining-red-diamond · 3 years
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Words: 1.3k
Pairing: Hendery x Brittany (OC)
Genre: Fluff, angst, suggestive
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: implied smut, mentions of marking and bleeding, mentions of possible pregnancy
“I think the pink suits him,” YangYang commented as he finished the roof on the last tower of his sandcastle.
“Does it?” Hendery asked, his fingers playing with a couple strands of hair.
“You look like strawberry ice cream,” Brittany complimented.
The couple had decided to visit the sirens a few days later, and they hoped to get some answers in terms of Hendery’s maternal side. His hair had started to fade a little, the roots now displaying their natural jet black color.
“Hair color varies among merfolk when they’ve been intimate for the first time,” Kun explained. “However, males typically have green or blue hair. Sometimes purple, depending on their DNA; but pink hair?”
Brittany’s smile became a worried frown. “Is it a bad sign?” she asked, not knowing if Hendery was ill or dying.
“No,” Kun chuckled. “It’s just nobody has seen a merman have pink hair before after intimacy. I’m sure it’s happened before, but there’s no record of it.”
“Well,” Brittany shrugged as she looked back at Hendery, “he is different.”
Ten thought for a moment. He and Kun were the brains of the sirens, so they knew their history of other creatures well. They had to know which creature would match part of Hendery’s DNA.
“It could be that his mother was not a mermaid,” Ten suggested.
“Hendery is aware,” the merman nodded.
“I mean, I think I have a few ideas of who your mother’s species is.”
“Which are?” Brittany asked.
“Well,” Ten scratched his head, “either his mom was an actual shark, or a shark-like creature.”
Brittany hoped it was the latter, otherwise, Hendery might be acting like an animal.
“How about this,” she suggested, “you guys can ask around, and we’ll take to Internet research to figure things out. That way, we can narrow down beings and pinpoint Hendery’s bloodline.”
“Deal,” Ten agreed. “Meet you two back here in a week?”
The sirens waved the couple goodbye before diving off to start their mission, the sandcastle left to be eventually washed away as the day went on.
Once the couple had returned home and dried off, Brittany got her laptop and began some heavy Googling. Now that Hendery was able to write, he could jot down everything they could find. For about an hour, Brittany typed in numerous keywords into the search bar, and millions of articles would pop up. They were able to narrow down to more shark creatures, but they still couldn’t quite pinpoint what they were looking for. The only two that seemed to match was a creature known in Native Hawaiian mythology and a species known as the Karcharo.
“That’s not something you see in mythology books,” Brittany commented.
“Hendery has never heard of them, either,” he shook his head in confusion.
“All it says here is that they look like mermaids but have sharklike characteristics. Sharp teeth, gills, a couple fins, dark eyes, things like that.”
“Are they gentle?”
Brittany shrugged. “Doesn’t say.”
“Maybe the sirens will know.”
Closing her laptop, she set it on the coffee table and snuggled up to Hendery. His arm wrapped around her shoulder, and his fingers traced the area where her future mark would be.
“At least we have something to go off of when we report to them next week,” Brittany sighed. “A few pieces of the puzzle are still missing, but we have sort of a basis.”
Hendery nodded in agreement. He couldn’t stop staring at her, and he couldn’t hardly pay attention to what she was saying. Her beauty distracted him, but it was a good distraction.
“Hendery has something for Brittany,” he remembered.
“What is it?” she asked as she lifted her head to look at him.
Her lover’s hand fished around his shorts pocket and pulled out a small, brown sack. He got on the floor to kneel in front of her. Pulling the string, the bag opened and he dumped something gold into his palm. The most beautiful pearl ring Brittany had ever seen was shined in the early evening sun that peaked into the large glass windows.
“Hendery,” she whispered as she felt joyful tears begin to pool in her eyes. “It’s gorgeous. Where did you get it?”
“Hendery found it in some coral when he went swimming a few days ago,” he explained. “He got Kun to make it into a ring for Brittany.”
He took her left hand into his and gazed into her ocean blue eyes.
“Hendery has loved Brittany since she first moved here,” he confessed. “He wasn’t sure if he’d ever get the chance to talk to her, but he’s happy he did. Being a merman, he wasn’t sure if he would be loved by a human, but Brittany saw through it. He has been blessed with getting to know and love Brittany Carter ever since they met on her back patio. Hendery wants to spend the rest of his life with her.”
Brittany was speechless as she struggled to stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks. EIther was asking her to marry him, or he was just wanting to give her a special present.
“While merfolk don’t exactly have weddings,” Hendery continued, “would Brittany still be with Hendery for the rest of their lives as mates?”
It wasn’t exactly a marriage proposal, but Brittany wouldn’t want it any other way. She nodded as the water works rushed down her cheeks. Hendery was on the verge of tears himself as he slipped the ring onto her finger.
The two shared a loving hug and kiss before he whispered against her lips a soft, “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she whispered back.
When they released from each other, they pressed their foreheads together. Hendery was over the moon that the woman he loved agreed to be his mate. My mate, he thought.
“I still have to mark you,” he remembered out loud.
“Now?” Brittany asked with a sigh.
“Not immediately now, but it needs to be done in order for it to be official.”
Brittany thought for a moment. Her thumbs twiddled with each other, and she chewed on her lower lip. She was scared of how painful the ritual could be. The pleasure of them making love in the process would serve as a sort of distraction, but even that didn’t calm her nerves.
“Will it hurt?” she asked, her eyes staring at her hands in her lap. It was a stupid question she knew the answer to, but she couldn’t help it.
“In the moment,” Hendery nodded.
“Will I bleed?”
“A bit, but I’ll lick the wound to cauterize it.”
“You’re a merman, not a dog,” Brittany chuckled as she looked back up at him.
Hendery giggled as well. “Hendery promises it’ll help.”
“Okay,” Brittany smiled. “Can we do it tonight? I can make our room a more romantic setup.”
“Whatever Brittany would like.”
After one last kiss, she stood from the couch and began to make her way to the bedroom as Hendery went to go feed and play with Louis for a while. However, his lover stopped in her tracks.
“Hendery,” she called to him from the base of the stairs. “Will I get pregnant afterwards?”
Brittany wasn’t asking him in the sense of wanting a baby per sé, but more out of mere curiosity. She had wanted a family when she had found the right person, however, she wasn’t sure if she was ready. She and Hendery had discussed pregnancy before, but it was only that one time when she gave him the anatomy lesson. Hendery was scared for his soon-to-be mate’s health and had no knowledge of any fatherly ways to raise a child. He wasn’t opposed to having a baby of his own, but he didn’t quite feel ready himself. However, he was going to accept whatever fate had decided what the outcome was going to be.
He took a deep breath and answered, “It’s possible.”
Tagging: @fantasywayv​ @dearyongs​ @ethereal-eirene​ @lilhwahwa​
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maria-scribbles · 4 years
glitter + crimson (let’s start a riot)//part three
summary: while mother nature isn’t very kind to the obx, jj’s dad is even worse to him. sailor sees the aftermath, relives a day that changed her life forever, and realizes she’d be down with murder if she could get away with it. between nutella sandwiches, story time, and a shared bed, an unspoken thing slowly starts to become a little more real.
word count: 6.9k+ (oops 😅)
ship: jj maybank x oc (sailor flynn)
warnings: abuse/neglect, blood, mentions of parental abandonment/gambling addiction, swearing, whump, hurt/comfort, fluff, blatant references to hocus pocus, the little mermaid, percy jackson and the olympians, and mean girls (and a teeny, subtle reference to stranger things, see if y’all can catch it! 😉)
a/n: i was so excited to write this part, not gonna lie (if you couldn’t tell, just look at that word count). hurt/comfort is my shittt and i’m a pretty big slut for physical comfort/touches so i kinda went ham with it lol. i’m also very happy to finally introduce everyone to peyton, who’s a character i really love and enjoy writing, especially her relationship with her gf alison. both of them will get some time to shine in this part, peyton in the present and alison in the past! as usual, this is unbetaed so all mistakes belong to me. enjoy!
gif credit to @sci-fi​
part one | part two | part four | playlist 
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part three: storm surge
It rains the entire week. Scratch that -it storms: the whole island buffeted by howling winds and blanketed by a thick layer of dark and angry clouds that make life just shy of miserable. For someone who spends 99% of her time outside like Sailor, miserable doesn’t begin to cover it. And to think, it’s only the beginning of hurricane season.
The redhead props her chin in one tan hand as she leans against the cool marble counter of The Butterscotch Bonnet Ice Cream Parlor, watching the rain pound against the shop’s bay windows. Across the street she can just make out the rough, gray surf of the Atlantic through a tiny gap in between two buildings and she sighs wistfully, thinking about all the beautiful shells getting tossed onto the beach by the waves. She’s half tempted to just throw off her apron, hop the counter, and make a break for the sand, storm be damned.
She’s almost positive she wouldn’t even be missed. There isn’t a customer in sight and there hasn’t been one since she started her shift three hours ago. Peyton was still in the back kitchen, messing around with whatever convoluted ice cream flavor she thought up for this week; her boss definitely has a knack for concocting weird combinations that somehow work together, at least most of the time. Sailor thinks back to a few weeks ago when they debuted that delicious blackberry balsamic that sold out every day without fail, then followed it with a cilantro lime that was hit-or-miss (a definite miss in her opinion, as cilantro just tastes like soap to her; Peyton had just smiled her infectious smile, shrugged her tiny shoulders, and said, “Can’t win ‘em all, I guess.”) This week’s flavor involves mascarpone and peaches and she can’t wait to steal a sample because if the wonderful smell coming from the kitchen is any indication, it’s gonna be bomb, even though it probably won’t upset the shop’s namesake flavor from the top of her list.
Thinking about ice cream makes her kind of hungry, on top of the fact that she has a terrible habit of eating when she’s bored, so she dishes out a small scoop of Butterscotch Bonnet and grabs a spoon before leaning back against the counter, digging through the cup to find the best part: salted caramel-filled chocolate sea shells, made in house. The days Sailor gets to help make them are her favorite days to come to work, when she and Peyton commandeer the kitchen and have the time of their lives, blasting music and dancing as they slave away. Of course, the little bag of chocolates she gets to take home is a pretty big plus, too.
“That’s coming out of your paycheck, Sail.”
Spoon halfway to her mouth, she sheepishly glances up from her snack as Peyton emerges from the kitchen, fondly shaking her head and sending her inky black braids dancing across her shoulders.
“What am I gonna do with you?” She continues with a wink before starting to make herself a milkshake, dropping two scoops of their tiramisu flavor into a malt cup.
“Sorry, you know I can’t help myself!” Sailor knows the other girl was joking but she apologizes anyway and opens the cabinet to grab a cup and straw for her, setting them on the counter beside the old-fashioned milkshake machine. As far as bosses go, Peyton is one of the all-around best to have and the redhead loves working at her shop. While the Buckleys are rich as shit and total kooks, the family’s youngest daughter is down to earth, kind, and prefers to work hard for what she wants instead of flaunting her parents’ wealth and The Butterscotch Bonnet is proof that, despite her last name and penchant for the finer things, she’s a pogue at heart. It’s no wonder Alison’s head over heels for her.
“I also know you’re bored as shit.” Peyton calls over the sound of the blender, sending a knowing smirk toward the younger girl, who rolls her eyes and shovels another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth as she replies, “Obviously. This weather fucking sucks.”
A loud clap of thunder seems to shake the very glass in the windows and she gestures toward the storm outside, her point proven. Peyton glances around the deserted shop, still bright and cheery despite its lack of movement and life, then back to the relentless downpour, before shrugging and turning back to finish blending her milkshake. “Wanna go home early?”
“Why not? You’ve already cleaned this whole place from top to bottom and I don’t think we’re gonna be getting customers any time soon.” Ignoring the paper cup, she plops the straw straight into her drink and takes a big sip, then nods in satisfaction before adding a huge swirl of whipped cream on top.
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best?” Sailor asks, smiling excitedly as she grabs her bag from under the counter and tosses her empty cup into the trash.
“Only every day,” the older girl replies cheekily, smiling as she’s pulled into a one-armed hug of thanks by her employee.
“Well, you’re gonna hear it again: you’re the best.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Peyton pats the redhead’s shoulder with one deep brown hand and then gently pushes her toward the kitchen. “Now get out of here, brat. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yes, ma’am!” Sailor throws a peace sign over her shoulder as she heads out the door, cackling at her boss’s offended call of “don’t call me ma’am!” After clocking out, she fishes her keys out of her bag and dashes through the downpour to her beat-up clunker of a truck. A hand-me-down from Alison, Flounder’s nothing to look at with all the dents and chips in his blue paint, but he gets her where she needs to go and has room for surfboards in the back and two other pogues up front on the bench seat -and the other two unlucky ones riding in the bed, hiding under the boards- so she’s not complaining, even though she wishes his radio worked more than half the time.
(Two reasons why John B’s almost always the group chauffeur: the fact that he can legally drive all five of them around without breaking the law -not that they’ve ever gotten caught in Sailor’s truck but anyone with a brain knows that where one pogue goes, the other four aren’t far behind- and good music flowing from a perfectly working stereo.)
Unfortunately, it’s on the fritz today so her drive home is spent listening to the sounds of Flounder’s windshield wipers and the pounding of rain against his roof. She heads inland from the beach, away from Peyton’s shop in the outskirts of affluent Figure 8 and its kook mansions to the more homey, laid-back Cut, passing by the turnoff to the Chateau and through the woods before pulling into the empty driveway of her tiny house. The fact that her mother’s car is no where to be found doesn’t surprise her in the slightest. Waiting for her on the porch is Binx, the stray black cat she’s taken to feeding and more or less adopted, stretching on the blanket she left out for him.
“Hey, handsome,” The redhead says, kneeling down to give him a loving scratch behind the ears; he meows in response and rubs his fuzzy face against her ankles, weaving between her legs as she slides her key into the lock. “Come on in.”
The front door closes behind them with a hollow bang that echoes through the empty house like the thunder outside. Sailor hangs up her keys and follows Binx down the hall toward her room, ignoring the closed door that leads to her mom’s room and a bed that she assumes hasn’t been slept in in months. Not that she would know: she’s made it a habit to spend as few nights as possible alone in the house, instead crashing at the Chateau or Kiara’s place and hoping her mom’s comfortable in her makeshift room at The Sandbar where Carmen doesn’t have to deal with the teenager she’s supposed to be caring for (Sailor’s always been an independent girl and has no trouble getting by alone but fuck, that doesn’t mean she wants to.).
Her father’s green eyes, the same color as her own, stare back at her from a picture hanging on the wall of a better time, when everything was alright and her family wasn’t so broken; the three of them on the beach with a twelve year old Sailor in the middle and surfboards in hand. Carmen looks like the mother she remembers and misses so bad it hurts, and while Ryan wasn’t always the most caring of fathers and only acted like a dad when it was convenient, she’d still do anything to have him back, terrible parenting skills and all. She turns away from the picture and the complicated mess her heart becomes when she thinks about him, continuing down the hall to her room.
Complicated doesn’t even begin to cover her feelings about her dad, though. She’s always believed she was an afterthought to him, never first on his list but still good enough to tag along for company when he was doing something he wanted to do. He was a man who liked the idea of having a kid but never wanted to actually step up and parent when things weren’t all fun and games, instead deciding to take off to Atlantic City for a month or two at a time to gamble away whatever money they earned at the surf shop.
She wants to hate him. She should loathe him and in a way, she does. She hates the way he still makes her feel like everything’s her fault, even when he’s not around. She hates the person her mother becomes when he disappears, someone distant and cold and so unlike the good, caring mother Sailor remembers. She hates that home doesn’t feel like home anymore and it’s all his fault, and she hates that despite everything he’s put her through, all the hurt he’s caused, she still can’t find it in her big, bleeding heart to truly detest her father. After all, he could’ve been worse. So, so much worse.
The only place she can get away from everything is her room, her own little sanctuary from the cold emptiness of the rest of the house and constant reminders of Ryan’s absence. It’s warm and bright, the walls painted a sunny yellow that reminds her of lazy days relaxing on the beach. Her first surfboard hangs on the wall above her bed, tucked away in a corner, doubling as a shelf for her massive shell collection while pictures of her and her friends dangle underneath, pinned to a long piece of twine. Her current boards stand propped in another corner, leaning against a wall plastered with all types of movie and music posters. Through the windows covered with curtains as light as sea foam, the rain steadily pours but in here, she’s safe. In here, she can breathe.
Sailor strips off her uniform, tossing it along with her bag onto the chair by the door and slips out of her worn red high-tops before pulling on a pair of sleep shorts and the first long-sleeve shirt her fingers find in the closet, then flops onto her bed and pulls the soft blue blanket around her shoulders, reading glasses and well-loved copy of The Lightning Thief in hand while Binx curls up at her feet. Every summer without fail she rereads the series (why, she’s not exactly sure: maybe its nostalgia, maybe its because she lowkey relates to water-loving, steadfastly loyal Percy) and she’s fallen behind this year, so she fully intends on reading as much as she can tonight before bed. The storm provides perfect background noise and soon she’s five chapters in before a sudden loud knock on her window causes her head to snap up in alarm.
Oh no. Without bothering to save her place, she tosses the book and her glasses aside and scrambles from the bed to the window, tearing open the curtains to reveal a sight she always dreads seeing. Her best friend stands outside in the rain, soaked to the bone, hand pressed against his side, and the sight of bright red blood trailing down his face and staining the collar of his gray shirt makes her heart drop to her stomach. Wordlessly, she opens the window and helps him climb inside before closing it firmly and drawing the curtains, once again blocking the world from her -now their- sanctuary, then grabs her blanket from the bed and wraps it tightly around JJ’s shaking shoulders after he kicks off his sodden boots.
Her hand slowly moves to cup his face and her heart breaks a little more when he tenses, blue eyes carefully tracking its movement until he seems to remember who it belongs to and lets himself lean into her touch, cheek resting against her palm. Sailor runs her thumb under his split lip and and wipes at the crimson staining his tan skin, her mouth curving into a small frown when she only succeeds in smearing it further.
“Come on,” She breaks the silence with her gentle voice, barely above a whisper, and reaches her other hand out to take his, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
His fingers hold so, so tight as she leads him down the hall to the bathroom and she’s so laser-focused on the way they tremble against hers that she doesn’t notice the blood left behind on the handle when she opens the door. After flicking on the light she turns to face him and gently pushes the blanket from his shoulders with her free hand, letting it fall to the floor in a damp heap, then blindly reaches behind her to turn on the shower, cranking the heat as high as it’ll go.
“Sorry about your blanket.” JJ says at last, his voice quiet, and Sailor shakes her head, running her thumb in circles on the back of his cold hand.
“I don’t care about that, J.” She replies just as quiet and before she can stop herself, before she can think about what exactly she’s about to admit, she adds, “I care about you.”
The corner of his mouth lifts in a barely-there smile and while it may be tiny, it’s a smile nonetheless and she feels the tight knot in her chest begin to loosen as she lets go of his hand, reaching for the hem of his shirt. “Can you lift your arms for me?”
He does as she asks but his pained wince doesn’t go unnoticed by the redhead when she pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it on top of the discarded blanket, and her jaw clenches at the sight of deep purple bruises in the shape of his father’s fists marring the skin over his ribs.
“Let me know if this hurts.” Oh so carefully she reaches out with one hand and gently touches the darkest mark, where she’d seen him clutching at outside her window, her fingers delicately feeling for any damages.
“A little.” He admits, shaky breath warm against her forehead and she does her best to keep her hand steady as she checks over the rest of him, then feathers her fingers back over that first bruise.
“It doesn’t feel like anything’s broken or cracked, so that’s good.” She says, allowing her hand to linger for a second before letting it fall from his side. “A rib or two might be a little bruised, though, so we’ll put some ice on them later, just in case. Sound good?”
JJ nods and watches her with those ocean blue eyes as she pulls her own shirt over her head, leaving her in a plain black cami and shorts, before grabbing his hand once again and pulling him into the shower with her. The water’s just a tad too hot and it instantly starts turning her skin red but Sailor doesn’t mind, instead choosing to embrace the heat and the way it burns everything away, leaving behind brand new skin that’s ready for a new day, new adventures. She reaches up and gingerly wipes the blood from her best friend’s face; in a mirror of earlier, he leans his cheek into her palm, eyes slowly closing while both arms wrap around her waist and pull her close.
“Sail,” He whispers her nickname into the humid air between them and she barely registers the tremble in his voice before his knees buckle, sinking them both to the shower floor until they’re face to face, sitting in between each other’s legs. He clings to her, arms even tighter around her waist and face buried against her neck, and she feels the shake of his shoulders when she winds her own arms around them. One hand moves to steadily run through wet blond hair, over and over, comforting in the best way she knows how, the fingers of her other hand tracing circles on the bare skin of his back as water continues to rain down on them like the downpour outside.
She’s eerily reminded of another time they sat like this, sobbing in each other’s arms five years ago, the first time she saw just how cruel his father could be, the first time she realized she’d do absolutely everything and anything to keep him safe, and it was both one of the best and worst days of her life.
Eleven year old Sailor shoved her math textbook into her cluttered locker and kicked it shut with a scowl. She hated math, her math teacher, and especially whoever made her schedule- who in their right mind would put math in eighth-period? She swung her backpack onto her shoulder and grunted softly at the extra weight it carried. JJ hadn’t come to school that day and Sailor had volunteered to take his missed work to him; it made sense, considering she lived closest out of the pogues and it’d make her feel better if she got to check on him herself -there was a reason the rest of the group called her the mom friend, after all.
She’d already collected assignments from the classes he shared with Pope and Kiara as well as herself, so now she was just waiting for John B to drop off his own. As if summoned by her thoughts, the brunet boy rounded the corner and waved, weaving his way to her through their fellow middle-schoolers. “Sorry, you know how Mr. Jefferson likes to go on and on and on...” He said, pulling some papers from his backpack and handing them to the redhead. “Do you remember where J’s house is?”
Sailor rolled her eyes and carefully slid the homework into her own bag. “Considering I live, like, five streets away, I sure hope so.” She fired back, ignoring his cackle of laughter as they joined the rush of students, excited for the weekend, flooding out through the double doors of Kildare County Middle School. She lingered by her friend as he unlocked his bike from the rack and then climbed on, asking, “You’re helping out at the shop on Saturday, right?”
She nodded, scanning the sea of waiting cars and waving when she spotted her ride. “Yeah, why?”
“My dad and I are gonna hang out at the beach that day so we’ll stop by and say hi.” With a casual salute in her direction he slowly started pedaling down the road, calling back over his shoulder, “Tell JJ he can come too if he’s feeling better!”
“Tell him yourself!” She yelled after his retreating back, not surprised in the slightest when he didn’t turn around and disappeared into the trees. Alison’s beat up blue truck pulled up to the curb seconds later and the older redhead leaned out the open window, a shit-eating grin on her face as she joked, “Get in loser, we’re going shopping!”
Sailor laughed and climbed into the passenger seat, dropping her backpack on the floor with a loud thump. Alison winced at the sound, raising her eyebrow as she waited for the younger girl to put her seatbelt on. “What the hell do you have in there, rocks?”
“One of my friends missed school today so I have his homework. Do you mind driving by so I can drop it off? He only lives a few streets away.”
“Sure,” Alison replied, flicking on her turn signal and merging into the stream of cars leaving the school’s parking lot. “So who skipped: Smarty Pants, Bandana Boy, or Surfer Bro?”
The eleven year old giggled at the nicknames -she’d never admit it, but they were honestly pretty accurate- and replied, “Surfer Bro. And his name is JJ, Ali.”
“Rightttt, JJ. What do you think it stands for, huh? Jesse James? John Jacob?”
“Oh my Godddddd!”
The high school senior continued to come up with names, each more ridiculous than the last until Sailor exclaimed “There!” and directed her to park near a small, run-down house on a quiet road. She pulled a folder from her backpack and was out the door before the older girl could blink, calling over her shoulder, “I’ll be right back!”
The redhead slammed the truck door behind her and made her way toward the porch and what she assumed was the front door; she’d never been inside JJ’s house but he always came out to meet them through there so she figured it was a safe bet. The smile fell from her face, ears registering the sound of horrible, angry yelling just as she brought her fist down to knock and she anxiously fidgeted back and forth on the step, her heart starting to beat fast in her chest. What the hell was going on?
"Fucking hell!” An enraged shout came clear as day from inside and as she heard the person’s stomping approach, something in her, a feeling, urged her to hide the folder in her hand behind her back. She jumped in surprise when the door was suddenly ripped open, revealing a fuming, red-faced man who glared down at her with heavily lidded eyes and one hand clenched in a fist at his side, the other holding the threshold in a white-knuckled grip. “What the hell do you want?”
“H-hi, I’m Sailor, one of JJ’s friends? He wasn’t at school today so I came by to check on him.” She said, proud of herself for keeping most of the tremble out of her voice while she studiously avoided his cruel gaze, instead subtly trying to peer behind him and hopefully catch a glimpse of her friend. The man, who she realized with sheer horror had to be JJ’s dad, was absolutely terrifying, with breath reeking of booze and mouth curled into a vicious snarl as he moved to block her view into the house and snapped, “Kid’s fine. Now get the fuck outta here.”
“Can I just see-”
She was cut off when he slammed the door in her face with the hand that had been by his side and her eyes widened, stomach sinking with dread as she caught sight of the splotch of bright crimson left behind on the wood. Oh, God. This could not be happening. She remembered John B’s warning about JJ’s dad, saying he wasn’t a very nice man when she became friends with them last year but she didn’t recall him ever saying anything about this and it hits her like a freight train: he probably didn’t know. Her heart pounded against her ribcage. If JB didn’t know then Pope and Kiara definitely didn’t and a sickening feeling started to churn her belly, both at the thought of JJ facing all of this by himself and the fact that she alone had the power to help.
Inside the house, she heard his dad resume his screaming, every other word accompanied by a sickening thumping noise she’d only heard in person once before, a few years ago on the beach with her parents when two drunk tourons started wailing on each other over a spilled beer: the sound of a fist hitting flesh. Sailor started to panic, both hands flying to cover her mouth in terror. Underneath the screaming and punching, she couldn’t hear anything, any cry or yelp or whimper from her friend and, mind racing with million terrible, awful thoughts, she turned and ran back to the truck, flinging open the door and scrambling inside to grab Alison’s arm, folder in her hands falling to the floor.
“Ali, please, we’ve got to help him-”
“Whoa, where’s the fire?” The older girl joked as she looked up from her phone, smile falling from her lips when she caught sight of the eleven year old’s pale face and wide eyes. She reached over and placed her hands on Sailor’s slight, trembling shoulders. “What’s going on?”
Her lip quivered terribly as she told Alison everything she saw and heard, watching her expression slowly twist into outright dismay, the fingers on her shoulders tightening their grip when she finished, “Ali, what’re we gonna do? We have to help him right now!”
“Fuck, okay, first off let’s calm down- don’t give me that look, kid! We can’t just burst in there like Wonder Woman or something, let me- oh, look!” Alison pointed through windshield, where JJ’s dad furiously stalked from the house to his truck, climbing inside and violently slamming the door before taking off in a cloud of dust. Sailor quickly ducked when he drove by and stayed down until the older redhead gave her the all clear, “He’s gone. That was perfect timing, huh?”
She didn’t reply or even wait for her to unbuckle her seatbelt, taking off at a sprint and bounding onto the porch in no time, furiously knocking against the door. “Hey, J, are you there? It’s Sailor.”
There was no reply and her heart dropped to her stomach. Alison joined her on the front step, her face blanching when her eyes landed on the blood stain on the corner of the door. One of her hands reached out to grab the handle while the other found Sailor’s smaller one and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Come on,” With no hesitation and the bravery Sailor wished she had, the eighteen year old pushed the door open and pulled them both into the dusky house. The younger redhead wrinkled her nose at the sight of beer cans and pill bottles littering a circle around the couch but she pressed on, calling his name as the girls moved room to room.
“Sail?” The sound of JJ’s pained voice coming from the room at the end of the hall made her heart skip a beat and she dropped Alison’s hand, running forward and bursting through the door in a rush, not even thinking about what state her friend might’ve been in. Feeling like she’d just been sucker punched right in the gut at the sight of him lying face down on the floor with a small puddle of blood forming under his mouth, she dropped to her knees beside him and delicately took his hand in both of hers, nearly crying in relief when his fingers gripped tight to her palm. Behind her, she heard Alison’s sharp intake of breath as she entered the room, darting over to kneel on JJ’s other side and place a gentle hand on his shoulder, and together they carefully helped him roll onto his back, then up into a sitting position with the older girl’s arm behind him as a brace.
Her jaw trembled as she tried and tried to say something, anything; her head was filled with so many questions -what happened, how could he do this, when did this start?- but the only thing she managed to ask was a simple, “Why?”
“It’s just what he does.” He replied with a shrug, wincing at the movement, “I’m sorry, Sail.”
“What the hell are you apologizing for?” She asked incredulously, then followed his finger as he pointed at a pile of jagged yellowish-brown pieces on the floor by his bed.
“He broke the shell you gave me.” He looked so upset, so distraught over the broken whelk and she felt her heart swell with waves of affection for her friend, who was more concerned about her broken gift than he was about himself.
“Hey,” She said softly, turning away from the mess to look him in the eye with a small smile, her hand reaching out on its own accord to brush a lock of fine blond hair away from a cut near his temple. “It’s just a shell, okay? I’ll find you another one.”
The sight of blood on his teeth when he returned her smile reminded her of the task at hand and she shook her head, wrapping her thin arm around his waist. “Let’s get you out of here. Think you can stand?” At his nod, both girls put one of his arms around their shoulders and slowly stood, shuffling out the door with all the grace and speed of an old man with two bad knees, but hey, they were moving and getting JJ out of that terrible place, so she’d go as slow as they needed to, even if her anxiety was getting worse and worse with each passing second they spent in the house.
After loading the kids onto the bench seat of the truck, Alison quickly drove them to the empty Flynn residence -Carmen and Ryan still working at the shop- and helped Sailor move JJ into the bathroom. “I’ll go grab you some towels and dry clothes, okay? I think some of your dad’s old stuff might fit him.” She said, watching as the young girl kneeled beside her friend and started untying his shoes.
The eleven year old nodded at her older friend and sent her a small smile. “Thanks, Ali.”
“No problem, kiddos.” With a quick smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes she was gone, heading down the hall toward the laundry room.
Sailor reached over and turned the shower on as hot as possible. “Okay, um, take as long as you need, I guess. I’ll wait outside.” She jerked her thumb toward the hall but before she could even take a step, his hand darted out and grabbed her wrist.
“Stay.” It was more of a demand than a question and JJ seemed embarrassed to even be saying it, the uninjured parts of his face turning an endearing shade of pink. “Please?”
She just nodded and reached a leg out to gently kick the door shut, her mind racing. She stayed but what the hell should she do now, keep her back turned? Get in the shower with him? From the way he was fidgeting back and forth and avoiding her eyes, he was probably thinking the same thing.
“Oh, come on.” She finally said after a minute or two of decidedly not looking at each other and kicked off her sandals, darting forward on impulse to grab his hand and pull them both under the spray. The water uncomfortably soaked into their clothes and made their movements sluggish as they clumsily shuffled around -stepping on each other’s toes and mumbling identical apologies- before finding a position that was only a little bit awkward in the confined space, his arms on either side of her waist and bracing against the wall, her hands tentatively resting on his shoulders.
“This okay?” She asked, feeling her cheeks reddening from more than just the steam curling around them and frizzing her hair, and JJ nodded, swallowing thickly and blinking away a droplet of red-tinged condensation that slid down his forehead. Her hand, moving on its own accord, slowly reached for his face until her palm gently came to rest against his flushed cheek, the tip of her pointer finger just brushing a small cut that sliced through one eyebrow.
“How...” Sailor shook her head, taking a deep breath before finally asking the question that’d been on her mind since this whole thing started, “How long has this been happening?”
Once again he avoided her wide-eyed gaze, eyelids fluttering shut as he answered hesitantly, quietly, “I...I don’t remember a time when it didn’t.”
His answer chipped away the last brick in the dam and the floodgates broke. She flung herself into his chest, arms wrapping around his shoulders and fingers twisting in the sodden fabric of his shirt, sobbing into the warm skin of his neck. He froze in her embrace, whole body stock-still until something in him seemed to break too, and his own arms encircled her waist, bit by bit, pulling her close as he buried his face into her shoulder and two sixth graders slowly slumped to the shower floor in a tangled mess of limbs.
“J, why didn’t you say anything?”
His body trembled in her arms and she inhaled sharply at his reply of, “Because I’m not worth it.”
Pulling away from his neck to rest her forehead against his, she cupped his face in both hands and forced him to look her in the eyes, her voice quiet but adamant, insistent as she said, “Don’t you dare say that again, got it? You are worth it. So, so worth it.”
The look behind his red-rimmed, ocean blue gaze was made of pure, unadulterated disbelief and Sailor, at a loss, wracked her brain for something, anything she could do to make him see himself the way she did: loyal, adventurous, funny, and oh so brave, already a beloved, dear friend to her in the short time she’d known him. How could she help him realize he was so much more than his father’s abuse?
‘What can I do to make you believe me?’
An epiphany came to her like a bolt of lightning straight to the heart. It was more than a little crazy and the thought of actually doing it was lowkey terrifying but she’d seen it work beautifully for Alison and her girlfriend Peyton that one time and hell, she was so desperate to help her friend that she’d do just about anything. And so before her anxious mind could start to overthink she surged forward, both hands still holding his face in a gentle grip, and firmly pressed her lips to his.
JJ’s eyes were almost comically wide while he stared, frozen still at her touch, and her own eyes were just as huge as she held the kiss for a few seconds and then abruptly pulled back, her face slowly changing into a shade very similar to her hair.
“Y-you, I-” He stuttered, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water as a deep pink flush started to color the tan skin of his neck. “Wh-why-”
“Because you are worthy, J. Promise me you won’t forget that.” Her words were as fierce as the hug she pulled him into, only letting the tension bleed out of her when she felt him gradually return her embrace and nod against her shoulder.
“I promise, Sail.”
And with that they fell silent, holding each other tight until the shower ran cold.
Sailor didn’t know it at the time but that hadn’t been just her first kiss but JJ’s too, as they never talked about it until two years later, during a game of truth or dare with the rest of the pogues. Neither actually told the truth, both giving a vague answer about a bet that seemed to placate their friends enough to let the matter drop, never to be brought up again.
The only kiss that happens today is the light brush of her lips against his forehead as she holds him close, even as the water slowly begins to lose its warmth. His embrace is tight, their limbs intertwined so fully that it’s hard to discern where one ends and the other begins and when he speaks, she has to strain to hear the words mumbled against her neck over the pounding spray of the shower.
“I don’t know how much more I can take.”
His confession cuts her deep. Hearing him admit something so utterly heartbreaking and vulnerable, coming from the side of him Sailor alone gets to see, ignites a fury that simmers under her skin and burns her from the inside out, thoughts turning venomous and, dare she say, downright homicidal. Fuck his dad. Fuck his dad and everything he’s ever done to hurt her best friend, both with and without fists.
“If I could get away with murder, I would.”
It’s true. For JJ, she’d do anything and everything to keep him safe without hesitation, up to and including maiming his dad so he could never touch him again (and if she happened to take it a little too far and straight up kill the bastard, she’d most definitely be fine with it.). He laughs, but it’s empty, hollow, and sorely lacking the joy, the carefreeness, the pure life that it normally radiates.
“You’re not the only one.”
Some time later, after the water raining down on them turns ice cold and their tears have dried, they reluctantly disentangle themselves from each other and towel off before making a quick detour to the kitchen to grab an ice pack for his ribs and have a meager dinner of sandwiches made with the last of her bread and a near empty jar of Nutella. He laughs, for real this time, when he reads the note she writes herself on the fridge future sailor, as much as you want to, you can’t live off just nutella and sheer spite, okay? please go shopping. love, past sailor <3 and grabs the marker out of her hand, adding +past jj and a little smiley face that makes her smile brightly.
They return to her room where they change, back to back, into dry clothes -one of her dresser drawers is full of his things she’s stolen acquired over the years- and, after throwing everything wet, including their discarded shirts and blanket retrieved from the bathroom, into the washing machine to be dealt with some other time, they lie on her bed side by side, shoulder to shoulder, wrapped up together in a spare throw stashed at the bottom of her closet. Binx slinks up from his spot at their feet and lazily drapes himself across their laps, purring like a motorboat when Sailor starts running her hand along his back.
“I almost sat on those,” JJ says, handing over her glasses, “and this.” He holds her forgotten book in his hands, casually flipping through the pages before turning it over and scanning the back cover.
“Have you read it before?”
He shrugs, a barely-there grimace briefly twisting his features as the motion jostles his sore ribs. “Started it, never finished.”
“Well,” She starts, slipping her glasses on and snatching the book out of his grasp, “how about we fix that? I’ll read, you pet the cat.”
Sailor’s voice is soft and steady as she starts to read aloud, a content smile on her face that’s echoed by the boy lying beside her when she settles against his side, head pillowed on the arm he curls around her shoulders without a thought. JJ’s the near perfect listener, only snickering once or twice at her total butchering of some of the more difficult Greek names (how come she can say Hephaestus just fine but gets tripped up on Dionysus?) but otherwise hanging off her every word and the relaxed ease with which he runs his hand through the ends of her damp hair fills her with a warmth, a happiness that she can’t describe but never wants to stop.
Hidden away from the rest of the world, curled up together on her bed, they forget the day’s past horrors and replace them with bright hopes for the future, exchanging comforting touches, deliberate yet played off as unintentional, in the soft glow of the bedside lamp -a caress of knuckles here, a brush of a palm there- as she reads into the night, until the cloudy sky darkens to black and they’re both fighting off the languid pull of sleep.
“I think that’s enough for today.” He plucks the book from her hands without waiting for a response and marks their place with a gas station receipt she was using as a makeshift placeholder, and setting it on the beside drawer.
“It’s your turn to read tomorrow,” He takes her glasses off with gentle fingers as she speaks into what little space still exists between them (that’s not otherwise occupied by Binx), smiling at the slow graze of his thumb along her cheek and nestles further against his side. “I’m done botching the names of deities for a while.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Damn it, Sailor kind of hates it when he says that cause it makes her feel things that she’s not quite ready to think about yet. Thankfully, her blush is swallowed by the darkness as he turns off the light and settles down beside her, arm slung low over her waist; her hand carefully brushes against his bruised ribs over the old shirt he wears, ice pack long ago thawed and thrown somewhere onto the hardwood floor.
“How do these feel? Better?”
She feels JJ nod, his chin brushing the top of her head. “Much.” There’s a pause, long enough that she starts to feel like she’s about to nod off, then he whispers, “Thank you, Sail. I know I don’t say it enough.”
She takes a deep breath, fingers stilling on his side, “Because you don’t need to, J. Remember what I said earlier, in the bathroom?”  
He nods again but doesn’t reply, instead drawing circles on the small of her back, so she takes it as a cue to continue, “I care about you, okay? You don’t have to thank me for that. I’m just...doing what feels right.”
After a beat, the arm she’s using as a pillow curls and pulls her tighter against him as he says quietly, almost shyly, “I care about you, too.”
The rain outside had slowed to a drizzle without either teenager noticing and the gentle pitter-patter against the roof casts a somnolent spell into the air, dazed and dreamy. It wraps around the pair, not unlike the way they wrap around each other, and slowly, easily, safely, they drift off as one.
let me know what you think!
taglist ❤: @jiaraendgame​ @hmsjiara​ @heavensalreadyheres​ @obxsummer​ @maysbanks​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @sunflowerbecca​ @obxlife​ @obx-adventures​ @sexualparkour​ @mortifiedposts​ @coltonparayyko​ @miawantsapuppy​ @jjmaybanky​
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lunewell · 3 years
The Norwegian Mermaid Association - Part 2
Part 1 can be found here
Word Count: 1688 words
Written for MerMay
CW: Attempted Drowning
Can also be read on Wattpad
This is Part 2 of The Norwegian Mermaid Association, and follows Morten, who after his discovery of mermaids, goes to find a mermaid of his own.
For someone who’s entire world view had just been shattered, Morten was coping surprisingly well with it. It had been about a month since the mermaid incident, and only a brief breakdown later he was already alright.
Well, actually, more than alright. This discovery had awakened Mortens childhood love and curiosity of the supernatural, and he often found himself wandering through mossy forests or enthralled in the depths of the sea, wondering what was hidden around him. Some might consider it a problem, the way he seemed to find it harder and harder to focus on the fishing, more and more caught in the ripples of the waves, but Morten found it nothing short of delightful.
His co-workers, however, were not quite as happy as himself. They couldn’t bring themselves to be angry at him, as they had all at one point or another experienced the shock, but they were rather annoyed. Morten couldn’t blame them, not really. He was well aware of how much of a nuisance he was being right now.
Which is why, it came to him as little surprise, when Thomas approached him with an offer; “why don’t you take a little break from work?” he asked one day, leaning on the rail of the small fishing boat next to him, “you’ve been awfully distracted lately, and I think you need some time to think.”
Morten started into the waves, biting his lips. Truth be told, he didn’t want to leave the waves hiding so many secrets, even if he was slowly getting on everyone’s nerves. He twiddled his thumbs, stiff and quite tense. After a while had passed in silence, he heard a sigh next to him. “If it helps,” Thomas began, voice lowered, “you could always take a break at a more… tempting spot. There’s a mermaid hotspot not too far from here, it’s where we met our wives.”
Morten eyes lit up at that. He himself had little interest in the wife part, but even the idea that he would be able to communicate with one or the creatures was more than enticing. Thomas smirked, clearly having picked up on his excitement; “I’ll give you the directions when we get back to shore.”
Though he considered himself rather mature, Morten was vibrating like a sugar-high child. The spruce trees around the large lake and river mouth stood tall and proud in the slightly overcast sky, and though he had yet to even see a singular mermaid, he could hear their chattering and laughing flowing through the wind.
Following the voices through soft grass and over sun-bleached rocks, it wasn’t long before he was but branches away from his desired destination. Quite literally, in fact, as the only thing obscuring the creatures was a few branches of an oak tree.
With a deep breath, he reached out to the soft leaves hanging off the solid tree, and pulled it to one side.
It was not the first time Morten saw mermaids, his breath still caught like rock in his throat. Spread all around the shore, there were five mermaids with brightly coloured tails in hues of purple, blue, red, and green that scales sparkled majestically, all having flowing hair and distinctly non-human traits that were so awe-inspiring that he couldn’t stop himself starring. They were joking playfully between themselves, an odd language that sounded reminiscent of an odd dialect of Old Norse.
One of them- the one with night-coloured curls and a spotty, grey, rainbow-hued tail, saw him gaping and gave a playful, but undoubtedly mischievous smile. She turned around to the group speaking rapidly, before hushed voices giggling, before all eyes and tails turned to him.
“Hello,” he whispered a bit unsure of himself, “I was wondering if you would be willing to, uh, tell me a little bit more about your species.”
Another round of looks were exchanged between the girls, before the spotty one looked up with a grin, and answered him not in Old Norse but in perfect Norwegian; “why, of course. Why don’t you come with us into the water, and we can discuss it in full…”
A feeling of fear, a gut deep feeling carved from years of reading about the spirits in the water, coursed through him. And yet, there was something in her voice- safe, trusting, melodic, and lulling like the waves, that made him instantly comply and step towards the high waves.
His feet stumbled closer, while his sub-conscious screamed that something was deeply wrong, and his heart began to race. It wasn’t long before he felt the first drop of water wet the tip of his shoes that he had been too unaware to take off, and it was an even shorter amount of time before he felt it spill over and onto his socks.
The shock of the icy water against his skin snapped him out of the trance just in time to see a series of sharp claws lunging out toward him. He tried to leap away, heart hammering, but ten hands had already grappled and dug deep into his skin, the water around him turning a light red, and submerged him underwater. His nostrils burned from the water as he wiggled desperately, lashing and thrashing hopelessly as the mermaids kept ripping his clothes and skin.
He was going to die here, in this watery grave, shredded by hostile mermaids. He could already see the vision blackening at the edges, and as a sharp claw gripped tightly around his throat, he closed his wet eyes and prayed that his death was not too far away.
Then, like a prayer answered, everything stopped.
For a good second, he’d thought he’d died. He no longer felt cold- in fact he was surprisingly warm, and though he was sore, he was surrounded by an odd sense of tranquility that could only be explained by a fading soul.
“Are you alright?” a soft, mellow voice asked gently, and Morten realised for the first time that the hammering around him was not the grasps of hands but his own, very alive, beating heart. He hesitantly pried his eyes open, fully expecting to stare at death. In all fairness, based on the way his heart leaped at the sight in front of him, it might as well have been death.
A blonde man- no- merman, with warm brown eyes which looked at him in a way that made his heart melt, had pushed him safely on the shore and was now cradling his body. Half the creatures cheat was covered by not scales, but inhuman skin that connected to a tail which he immediately recognised as one of a porpoise harbour.
He was the most beautiful thing Morten had ever seen.
“Sorry about them,” the stranger said, in a tone that sounded completely genuine, “not all of us respect your species, and I promise we’re not all like that.” He trailed off, giving another blinding smile that made Morten’s pulse go on cocaine, before finally reaching out a blue skinned hand; “I’m Kjell, and you my darling human are?”
“M-m- Morten,” he mumbled, mind still caught at darling human, “I uh, yeah. My name is Morten.”
“Morten. That’s a gorgeous name,” Kjell said with a little wink that’s sheer charisma could kill a man. “So, what brings someone like you out here?”
A pang of uncertainty hit him, unsure of whether to tell this merman- the same species that had violently attacked him earlier- the reasons for his visit. However, looking at the violent hues of caramel and chocolate in Kjell's eyes, he could see nothing but genuine curiosity and a playful and friendly twinkle.
Plus, he honestly didn’t know if he had the resilience to deny that face.
“I’m actually here to learn more about your kind and other potential folklore creatures,” Morten explained, “I only found out about the existence of otherworldly creatures- or, uh, people, I suppose, so there’s a lot I want to learn.”
He was rewarded for his honesty, by Kjell lighting up like a Bonfire. “Oh!” he exclaimed, grabbing Morten’s cold hands in his own warm ones, “you should have told me earlier! I love heaving humans about my culture, and I have an entire cave of artefacts and cultural items! It’s under the water- don’t worry, there’s air- and I could take you down if you want.”
Morten, far too occupied by his companions stupid grin and his warm hands, was about to reply the quickest yes of his life, before Kjell interrupted him with a gasp. “I’m sorry,” the merman apologised, letting go of his hands, “I completely forgot that my kind tried to drown you. You probably don’t want to go right back after such a traumatic experience, and certainly not with someone like…” he gestured to his tail, “me.”
A part of him- the one who had gone for the safe choice of a fisherman in a largely fish centered city- wanted to agree with Kjell, and forget this day ever happened. After all, even if he truly admired Kjell, they were both still men, and it was probably safest for the both of them if they just forgot meeting.
However, a much more selfish, and deep part of him already knew what he wanted. Meeting Kjell’s eyes- and with warm cheeks- he gave his answer; “please, take me down there. I trust you.”
That was all Kjell needed, before he dragged them both back into the water. Unlike the mermaids, Kjell was not so much gripping as holding him- tight enough to be led but loose enough as to be easy to escape, the fingers stroking up and down his wrist in a repetitive motion. And as they dived deeper, Kjell leading him along in what was almost a gentle waltz in the water, occasionally shooting a reassuring smile, Morten understood why all the seamen dated mermaids, and got the feeling that he might be seeing Kjell a whole lot more in the future.
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Glittering Green
Written for the 2020 Kidgezine: Kaleidoscope!
Thanks to coronavirus, this year’s zine is a free-to-read PDF. You can find the link to it here: https://kidgezine.tumblr.com/post/628198963429998592/after-a-rough-year-it-is-complete-thank-you-to 
(Due to tumblr hiding posts with hyperlinks in the original post, I’ll be reblogging this post and putting the hyperlinks to the kidgezine and to AO3 there. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
Summary: Keith had felt drawn to the ocean since he was a child. He grew up on the shore. It was where he made his first friend. And years later, it would be where he found freedom.
Also posted to AO3 under the username Kishirokitsune.
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Glittering Green
Keith didn’t get along with many people. He was too quiet, too shy, too odd. He lived on the beach with his single father, who worked for the coast guard. It was just the two of them in their massive family home, and they never had any company over, which made them look strange in the eyes of the townsfolk.
Neither of them let that get to them.
Keith loved that it was just the two of them. His dad never called his interests weird and never pressed when he was in one of his quiet moods, except to check in and see if he wanted anything. Some days the only thing he wanted was to sit down on the beach and look out over the ocean, and his dad rarely said no to that.
He was drawn to the ocean in a way he couldn’t explain. He always had been.
That was where he met her.
She was hidden from view behind the boulder, mostly submerged in the water as she relaxed and picked through a handful of shells. Chestnut hair tumbled over her shoulders, covering part of her bare chest, and parts of it were braided and decorated with what looked like colorful beads.
Keith nearly fell off of the rock in surprise but righted himself in time. “Wh-who are you?”
She twisted around to peer up at him with wide, light brown eyes, her mouth parting soundlessly, and then she slid beneath the surface of the water and vanished from view.
Panic laced through Keith’s veins and he fought between the urge to jump in to help her or staying put where it was safe. The undertow was dangerous there - the push and pull of the waves as the current broke against the rough ocean floor was deadly to even experienced divers. He couldn’t go in.
He peered into the water, searching for any sign of movement. If she resurfaced, he may be able to reach down and pull her up.
“Please be okay,” he whispered. “Where are you?”
He decided to wait another minute and then he would go get help. His dad would know what to do.
Time ticked away and still he saw nothing.
With a heavy heart, Keith moved back into a sitting position and prepared to go back to the house, and that was when he saw a flicker of green breach the surface, followed by her face, peering back at him from a distance away.
Keith laid flat on the rock and stretched out his hand. “Can you swim this way? I’ll pull you out!”
She stared back, unmoving except to bob in the waves.
Why wasn’t she moving? Didn’t she want to get out? Why was she even out there by herself?
The girl tilted her head and then began to swim closer, reaching out to touch his hand once she was close enough. She didn’t grab on so he could pull her in. Instead, she pressed her hand to his so they were resting palm-to-palm, finger-to-finger.
“Who are you?” Keith blurted out, the question overpowering all of the others he had. He blanched at his rudeness and hurried to correct himself. “My name’s Keith. What’s yours?”
Still, she said nothing, and Keith began to wonder if she could talk at all. Her hands were gentle against his, and if he looked closely, it almost appeared as though her skin was covered in glitter, the way it sparkled under the sunlight.
“You are… human?”
Her voice was soft and confused as she rose a little more out of the water. She continued to press her hand to his, though her focus was on his face.
Keith didn’t know how to respond. What was he supposed to say to that? Obviously he was human! There was nothing else he could be.
But why would she ask something like that?
“I thought you’d look different,” remarked the girl. She continued to study him as though he was something fascinating. “You look just like I do, except with... Um, what are those called again? Foots?”
“Feet,” Keith corrected without thinking about it. “Hang on, what are you talking about? You’re just as human as I am!”
She shook her head, releasing his hand at long last as she moved further away once again. “Excuse me, but I am fully mer.”
The ability to speak left Keith as he witnessed her roll over and dive into the water. Where it should have been legs rising out of the water, he instead saw a dark green tail, not unlike that of a fish. He gaped at her as she resurfaced.
Mermaids were real and one was right in front of him.
- - - - -
For the first time in ten years, Keith would get to see the ocean again.
He didn’t know how to feel, except grateful to Shiro and Curtis. Originally, it was only meant to be the two of them, but after Keith found himself once again jobless, the pair took pity on him and asked him along on their vacation.
“Are you sure you don’t mind me tagging along?” Keith asked in an undertone as he helped Curtis load up the trunk.
Curtis slid his suitcase in place and then looked over at the younger man. “You know we love having you along, and I think it makes our parents worry less too. We have to be the mature, responsible ones and set a good example, after all,” he joked with a wink.
As intended, his words got an amused chuckle from Keith.
“Seriously, though, we’ve both been looking forward to you coming with us this year. You’re not intruding on our time or whatever else it is you’re worried about. Though it is a shame I can’t carry on my tradition of making out with Shiro in every room of the house, but that’s one sacrifice I’m willing to make for you.” Curtis laughed as he caught the next bag thrown his way. “Kidding! Kidding!”
“Is it too late to change my mind?” Keith asked as Shiro came around to join them.
“Definitely,” Shiro said, stepping in to press a quick kiss to Curtis’s cheek. “All ready to go?”
Keith shoved one final bag into the trunk and then moved back. “Now we are.”
Curtis stole the keys from Shiro, skipping away with a laugh as he tried to retrieve them. Keith rolled his eyes, but there was a fond smile on his face as he shut the trunk door and made sure it was properly locked.
Soon enough, the three of them were all in the car, with Curtis driving and Shiro serving as the navigator in the passenger seat, while Keith got the backseat all to himself. He had a few activities to stay busy during their five-hour drive but planned on sleeping through most of it.
“Who’s up for road trip games?” Shiro asked, too cheerful.
Keith groaned and leaned against the car door, staring out of the window and resolutely ignoring his brother. Maybe he’d just sleep the entire time to avoid whatever games Shiro had in mind.
He closed his eyes and didn’t respond when Shiro repeated his question.
“Keith, I know you’re not really asleep,” he said.
Curtis reached over and patted Shiro’s leg. “Leave him be, Takashi. Want to pick our music instead?”
There was a sigh, followed by Shiro’s subdued agreement. It took a few minutes and then classic rock began to play from the speakers, aiding Keith in his quest for a nap.
When he woke, his neck and shoulders felt stiff from the awkward position he was resting in. He groaned softly and stretched out the best he could in the cramped space, which caught Shiro’s attention.
“Welcome back, sleeping beauty. We’re about twenty minutes out,” Shiro said.
“I slept for that long?” Keith asked, leaning forward for a better look at the time. “Did you guys stop at all?”
“We made a pit stop for gas and food an hour ago, but we didn’t want to wake you. I think Shiro saved you some fries if you’re hungry,” Curtis said.
“Yay, cold fries,” Keith muttered sarcastically. He yelped as Shiro tossed a bag of fast food at his face, raising his hand just in time to block the assault. Along with the mentioned cold fries were a few leftover chicken nuggets, which he picked out first and began to eat.
He leaned back in his seat and looked out the window to get a better look at their surroundings. The land had flattened out enough that, when the trees and buildings weren’t blocking his view, he could spot the ocean, glimmering under the sun in the distance. Keith took a moment to admire it, drinking it all in. He could imagine the sea breeze blowing through his hair again, the scent of the ocean heavy in the air.
It felt like coming home.
Keith swallowed around the lump in his throat, stuffing a few fries into his mouth as a distraction.
“So, Keith, has Shiro told you much about the house?” Curtis asked.
He tore his gaze away from the window before answering. “Just that it’s on the beach and, uh, there are cliffs nearby?”
“Right next to the house, actually. We have stairs leading down to the beach because it’s too steep to get down there otherwise. And it’s a rocky beach with tide pools, so if you want to do any wading, you’ll have to walk about ten minutes along the shore to a safer place,” Curtis explained. “Or you can just use the indoor pool for swimming. My parents use it for marine studies when they’re here, so it’s full of saltwater, but as long as we’re careful about maintaining it, they don’t mind us using it.”
Keith frowned, not at the pool, but at the way Curtis described the house. He could almost picture it; a faded, once-blue house at the top of a steep hill, protected by sheer cliffs on one side and trees on the other. Well-worn wooden stairs led down to the pebble beach, which became solid, smooth rock at the water with perfect little pools where seawater accumulated. Jutting out of the water was a massive, boulder-like protrusion, perfect for basking in the sun.
He shook his head. It couldn’t be. Really, what were the odds that he already knew the place they would be staying? It was likely that Shiro had described it better than he remembered, and that was why it sounded so familiar.
Except the description wasn’t the only thing familiar.
As Keith watched the passing scenery, he began to recognize more and more. The old general store on the corner. The elementary school with the massive oak tree planted out front. Up ahead, there was a road on the left that would incline up to a residential area. There were only a few houses along the road, and at the very end would be a two-story beach house and garage, both faded blue.
They took a left.
Keith had a hard time breathing as they drove down to the end of the road. Curtis barely had time to pull into the driveway and park before Keith unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door to jump out, stumbling slightly after sitting for so long. He stopped and stared up at the house, unresponsive until a hand landed on his shoulder.
“Keith, what’s going on?” Shiro asked, sounding concerned. “Is something wrong?”
Keith shook his head, struggling to find his voice. “I… I’m home, Shiro. This is where I grew up.”
- - - - -
Keith slowly walked through the halls, taking everything in, while Curtis and Shiro began to unpack in the kitchen and gave him time to get acquainted with his childhood home.
So much was the same. The color of the walls. The dent in the wooden floor where he once dropped his dad’s bowling ball. The one post on the staircase to the second floor that was slightly off-color from the rest.
Keith ran his hand over the banister as he walked upstairs, taking his time to take in all of the memories that were seeped into every part of the house. At the top, if he went right he would see the master bedroom where his dad once slept. To the left were a spare room, a bathroom, and the door up to the attic, which was a converted bedroom.
He turned to the left, not ready to face the memories on the right. He would, in time, but for the moment the longing to see his old room was stronger. Keith reached out and placed his hand on the doorknob, pausing for a moment to close his eyes and steady his breathing.
It twisted easily beneath his hand and he pushed open the door and was greeted by a rush of warm air. The stairs creaked under his feet and it wasn’t long before he was in the small, single-window room at the top. There was still a twin bed tucked away in the corner and a dresser along the wall across from it, eerily similar to his own set-up.
Keith crossed the room to the window, which gave him a perfect view of the ocean and the cliffside to the left of the house. He stood there for a moment, taking it all in.
How many times had he stood there and watched the waves lapping against the shore or crashing into the cliffs? His eyes were drawn to the tide pools, where the large rock still jutted up from the ocean. It had once been his favorite place, where he could go and relax away from the rest of the world. And it was there that he saw a flicker of bright green against gray.
Keith leaned forward, as though it would help him see more clearly, but no matter how hard he looked, nothing changed. He dismissed the change in color as a trick of the light and turned away from the window to walk around the room, lost in thought.
He couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that there was something he’d forgotten.
Something important.
A board shifted under his feet. Keith stopped and stooped down, moving his foot away so he could freely examine the floor. He felt around until his fingertips brushed against a raised edge and he was able to pry it free and see what was hidden beneath. A faded red journal was there, covered by a fine layer of dust, and Keith gently lifted it and brushed it off.
More pieces of memory slotted themselves into place in his mind.
His old journal, hidden away to keep something safe. He couldn’t remember why, but he knew he had a good reason for leaving it behind. Like that important thing, tickling the back of his mind.
No, not a thing. A person.
The journal opened easily, with only a few pages crinkling and sticking together, and from between two of them, a thin object slid out. Keith caught it reflexively.
Sitting in the palm of his hand was a scale, slightly smaller than the nail on his thumb and dark green. It was warm to the touch, despite being left there for so long.
All at once, Keith remembered.
There was a girl - his first friend - who he spent so many hours talking to and playing games with, but he had such a hard time recalling details about her the older he got. There was a reason for that too.
“Pidge,” he murmured, testing the name.
Keith moved back to the window, lost in thought as he stared at the scale. He set the journal down on the accent table next to the bed and then lifted his eyes to look at the shore. He stood there for a few long minutes.
And then he swore and bolted for the stairs, clutching the scale tightly as he raced down through the house and blew past Shiro and Curtis. He could hear them calling after him, but didn’t slow down. He turned a corner and took the final set of stairs in the house, which led down to the basement level where there was a large, indoor pool. From there it was out onto the deck and down even more steps until he was on the beach.
He ran until he reached the water-soaked rock, where he slowed down so he wouldn’t slip and fall. His dad’s words of caution rang in his ears, even after so long.
Keith climbed the rock and settled on top, where he sat and waited.
His mind drifted to the memory of their first meeting. He’d been so clueless. So completely unprepared for the truth. But Pidge didn’t care and stuck around to give him a chance. He suspected she was driven by her curiosity and that was why she stayed, at least at first.
He held up the scale, marveling over the way sunlight brought out faint ribbons of brighter green. Her final gift to him was all the proof he needed to know she counted him as a friend and someone she trusted. It was one of her own scales, chosen specifically for him and given with the promise that they would see each other again one day, even if it meant she had to swim out to wait for him every day.
Keith hid the scale away and twisted around to face Shiro. “Hey.”
“Is everything alright? You ran out of there in a hurry,” Shiro said. “Keith, if this is too much, we can stay somewhere else for the night.”
Keith shook his head. “No, I’ll be okay. I just remembered something and wanted to see if I could find it, that’s all.”
Shiro visibly relaxed. “Did you have any luck finding it?”
“None today,” Keith said, casting one last long look over the water. It was likely that Pidge was already gone for the day if she’d been by at all. He’d have to be sure to get out there bright and early to look for her again.
He climbed down from the rock and made his way to Shiro’s side. “Sorry about making you guys worry.”
Shiro’s gaze softened and he reached out to wrap an arm around Keith’s shoulders. “As long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters. This is your vacation too and we just want you to have a good time.”
“Yeah, I know.” Keith let his brother lead him back to the house and told himself that he’d find a way to make it up to both of them. He hadn’t meant to make them worry.
Keith spent the rest of the evening with Shiro and Curtis, first helping them finish unloading the car, and then with dinner preparations. He even agreed to play a board game of Shiro’s choice, which brought a big smile to his brother’s face.
When the sun rose the next morning, Keith was already awake. He quickly dressed and went downstairs to grab a snack, bidding Curtis good morning when he found the man standing blearily over the coffee pot.
“Tell Shiro I’m going down to the beach?” Keith requested as he unwrapped a breakfast bar and tossed the plastic into the trash.
“So early?” Curtis asked, sounding confused.
“It’s the best time to look for shells,” Keith said.
While it wasn’t the reason he was going down to the shore so early, it wasn’t a lie. The morning was one of the best times to search for shells, as high tide was receding and leaving all kinds of treasures to find.
Keith stuffed his breakfast bar into his mouth and left Curtis to wait for the coffee to finish brewing on his own as he headed out onto the deck and began the slow walk down all of the stairs. He took his time so he wouldn’t choke on his food.
It wasn’t long before he was sitting back on his rock in the most comfortable position he could manage.
And there he waited.
The sun crept higher and higher in the sky, but Keith remained where he was. Around noon, Shiro came down with a plate of sandwiches and wordlessly climbed up to sit next to him. They ate lunch together, just the two of them and the sound of waves rushed against the shore.
“Curtis and I are going to make a run into town for more food. If there’s anything specific you want, I’ll pick it up for you. Unless you’d like to go with us?” Shiro asked.
Keith shook his head. “You know what I like.”
“Alright, I’m sure I can find something,” Shiro said. He hesitated for a moment, looking out at the horizon. “I can see why you like it here so much. It’s beautiful.”
“I used to come here every day. There’s something about it that’s calming,” Keith explained.
Shiro smiled and patted Keith on the shoulder before climbing down, taking the plate with him. “Text me if you need anything. We shouldn’t be gone longer than an hour.”
Keith watched his brother walk back up to the house and go inside before turning his attention to the water once more, sure that he would see her soon.
Time ticked away.
Doubt crept into Keith’s mind and he began to wonder if he’d dreamed the whole thing up. He was so sure Pidge was real, but maybe she was just a normal human girl who loved mermaids so much that he automatically associated her with them.  
He sighed as he pulled his legs up against his chest. He could stay for a while longer, at least until Shiro or Curtis made another venture to check on him. After that…
Well, it wouldn’t really hurt to keep an eye out, would it? He didn’t have to sit out under the hot sun his whole vacation, but now and then would be okay. He hadn’t been lying when he told Shiro he found it calming.
“I wish you were here, Pidge. Or that I had some clue that you’re still around. That I didn’t imagine everything,” he said to himself. He fought the urge to take the scale out of his pocket and lost, rolling it around in his palm as he continued talking to himself, his voice largely drowned out by the waves. “All I have is this. This and my memory. But what if I’m wrong about everything?”
The ocean didn’t respond.
But there was another voice that did.
“You’re not wrong, Keith. I’m here.”
He gasped, rapidly scanning the water until he found her, shyly peering up at him from around a much smaller rock a few feet away. “Pidge!”
“It’s really you! You came back!” she exclaimed, beaming at him in joy as she swam closer. She held out her hand once she reached where he was sitting and he met her halfway, pressing his palm to hers.
“I’m sorry it took me so long,” Keith apologized.
He took a moment to get a good look at her and see the differences ten years brought, knowing she was doing the same to him.
Parts of her hair were woven into more intricate braids than before. A few tiny shells joined the colorful beads, dyed a vibrant blue-violet that stood out against her brown hair. Keith had to quickly avert his gaze and focus on her face when he remembered that mermaids didn’t wear any kind of clothing or even decorations to cover themselves. Her hair was long enough to hide most of her chest when it was pulled forward, but he wasn’t about to make her uncomfortable by staring.
“You’re bigger than I remember,” Pidge remarked, seemingly mesmerized by how much larger his hand was from her own.
“So are you,” he responded, though he understood what she meant. They’d been relatively close in size when they were young if he didn’t count her extra length thanks to her tail.
Pidge hummed and lowered her hand before swimming in even closer to settle at the base of the rock in a way that prevented anyone at the house from seeing her. Keith remained where he was, in plain sight but facing the ocean so no one could see him talking. It was how their friendship went undiscovered for so long.
“There’s so much to tell you, that I don’t know where to start!” Pidge said excitedly. “Do you want to hear about my training? Oh! Or should I tell you how Matt got in trouble two movements ago? No, no, I have it! Two decaphoebs ago, Lance and Hunk found the cutest octopus for me. I named him Rover.”
Keith grinned at her enthusiasm. “Why don’t we pick one thing at a time and take turns? Like, you can tell me if you ever managed to beat your brother in a race and I’ll tell you about how I met Shiro for the first time.”
“Shiro? Who’s that?” Pidge asked, her curiosity overwhelming her desire to babble.
Keith took his turn first, glossing over his time in the orphanage and the way other kids treated him at school, moving on as quickly as he could to the kindness of the Shirogane family, in particular their eighteen-year-old son who took one look at him and pronounced him brother.
In return, Pidge spoke of the day she discovered her Inheritance, and how she struggled to keep her newfound electrical abilities in check and use them to her advantage without injuring anyone. She had to pause briefly to explain mer Inheritance to him.
“All mer have magic,” she reminded him. “But we don’t all have the same magic. I can generate electricity, just like my dad and brother, but mom’s gift is the ability to manipulate plant life. My friend Hunk can mold earth into whatever shape he wants, including solid rock. It’s incredible to watch.”
They talked for hours, going back and forth to catch each other up, but they barely made a dent in it by the time Shiro called Keith up for dinner.
“I should go,” Keith said reluctantly.
Pidge looked disappointed but nodded in acceptance. “Will you be back tomorrow? I have a few things I have to do before midsun, but I can come back.”
“I’ll be here,” Keith promised. He held out his hand so they could press them together in their personal version of a hug goodbye, and then he watched Pidge disappear beneath the waves before he climbed down from the rock and made his way to the house.
- - - - -
Keith felt like the luckiest person in the world.
Not only was he back in his childhood home, but he also had the opportunity to reunite with his best friend. It was tricky to keep her hidden from other “surface dwellers”, as Pidge liked to say, but getting to sit and talk with her was well worth it.
Naturally, Keith made it his goal to spend every possible moment with Pidge over the next few days, sometimes ignoring the growl of his stomach out of excitement. Once it’d been so loud that Pidge sent him up to retrieve food for both of them. She said it was so he wouldn’t starve, but her clear fascination over the food he returned with told him otherwise.
He knew he needed to be more careful.
He wasn’t blind to the looks he received from Shiro and Curtis whenever he made an appearance and he knew he needed to come up with a better explanation than simply: “I find the water calming.”
He trusted his brother but keeping the existence of merpeople a secret was too important to risk it.
Even if that meant lying to Shiro.
Keith tried to slow down in the mornings and spend extra time with them. It took all of his willpower to focus on what they were saying instead of daydreaming about what he and Pidge would talk about next, and he thought he was doing pretty well.
“Keith? Museum?” Curtis asked, waving his hand in front of his face. “Do you want to go with us? It’s only a thirty-minute drive.”
“No thanks. I’m just going to stay here today,” Keith said.
Curtis looked like he wanted to say something, but Shiro spoke up before he could.
“If that’s what you want to do, then we won’t stop you,” he said. “The whole point of a vacation is to relax and have fun and everyone has a different way of doing that.”
Keith smiled at his brother. “Thanks. I’m just not up for going out anywhere right now.” He hoped that would be it, but as he helped clean up after breakfast, Shiro approached him and silently began drying dishes as Keith washed them.
“You’re worried,” Keith stated after a moment.
Shiro hummed. “I will admit, I was worried when we first arrived and you told us this was the house you grew up in, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look this happy.”
“The strange thing is, being here doesn’t make me sad. Remembering my dad doesn’t make me sad,” Keith said. “There’s only good memories here. If anything, I feel closer to him than I did before.”
“I’m glad,” Shiro said sincerely.
There was nothing more that needed to be said as they finished cleaning up. Keith stuck around to see off Shiro and Curtis, once again turning down their offer to tag along, and the moment they were through the front door, he made a beeline for the shore, rushing more than he needed to.
He beat Pidge there, as he did every day, but he wasn’t waiting for long before she arrived and settled at the base of the rock he sat on. As always, they pressed their palms together in greeting.
“You look happy,” she remarked.
“Shiro and Curtis went to a museum for the day, so we should have the whole day to ourselves. Shiro loves museums,” Keith said.
Pidge tilted her head to one side, causing the beads in her long hair to shift. “Why didn’t you go with them? You could’ve left a message. I wouldn’t mind.”
“It’s not really for me,” Keith said with a shrug. “Shiro will literally spend hours in one area if you let him, and it gets frustrating after a while. Curtis has the patience for it, but I don’t.”
Pidge let the subject drop and instead worked on heaving herself out of the water and higher onto the rock. Keith helped her out, figuring there was no reason to worry about being spotted.
Out of the water, her scales glittered green under the sunlight, refracting green light across the rock and his dark pants. Keith found himself captivated by the color for a moment before redirecting his gaze to her face. Pidge promptly ducked her head and twisted a lock of hair around her finger as though she was embarrassed by something.
Keith cleared his throat. “Today’s our question day, right? Do you have anything you want to ask first?”
Pidge let go of her hair and nodded eagerly. “What’s a museum?”
Keith did his best to explain the function of museums, aided by a few more questions from Pidge that helped him clarify a few details that he forgot. He could tell she had more things she wanted to ask once he was done, but it was his turn.
“You said the other day that Arus is a long way from here, so how do you get here so quickly every day? Do mer swim that fast? Or do you get a ride from a whale or something?” he asked.
“That’s an easy one!” Pidge said. “I just use the teludav. The Alteans set up easy access points all over the world to make travel safer, and one of those points is nearby.”
“What’s a teludav?”
Pidge’s eyes lit up. “It’s this incredible piece of tech the Alteans invented ages ago. Okay, so there’s this terrifying creature called a Weblum that lives in the deep, deep oceans. It’s not aggressive or anything like that, and not really dangerous unless you get in its way because there’s no way of stopping it or making it change its path. Sorry, I’m getting carried away again. Anyway, the primary component that makes the teludav work is a mineral called scaultrite, which is only produced in the Weblum’s stomach. Pretty gross, right?” (Keith didn’t have a chance to agree.) “We use the scaultrite to create special lenses for amplifying and directing Altean magic, and when you put that with the other correct parts, you get a teludav!”
None of that fully answered Keith’s question, so he rephrased it to make it clear what he was really asking. Pidge laughed and told him it was a transportation portal. All she had to do was enter the one in Arus and she would exit in a nearby underwater cave, strategically chosen for the lack of divers in the area.
Pidge happily switched topics so she could take her turn.
They passed the day like that, bouncing questions off of each other and getting answers to things they were curious about. Every now and then, Keith would catch Pidge staring at him, though she was always quick to look away once she saw him looking.
He brushed it off, figuring there was something she wanted to ask and was puzzling out the best way to phrase it.
“Do mer have pets?” Keith asked curiously. He recalled that she briefly mentioned an octopus named Rover sometime before, but she never went into detail about it. “Or any kind of creature that you take care of just because you think they’re cute?”
“Actually, yeah. Loads of mer have giant seahorses or some kind of ray as a pet. My parents have a ray named Bae Bae and I’ve got Rover, but there are also these super cute nudibranchs that I found when I was exploring a shipwreck and I may have taken a few of them home with me,” Pidge said, sounding pleased with herself.
Keith wasn’t sure which part he was more curious about: Pidge’s apparent love for colorful sea slugs or the fact that there were giant seahorses. It didn’t take him too long to decide. “Exactly how big are these seahorses?”
“Kind of like this?” Pidge held out her arms to indicate a size around three feet tall. “The Nalquodians have been breeding them for ages to get them to that size. They’re pretty cool, but you have to keep a close eye on them because they like to flutter around and steal food the moment you stop looking. And I can see the look on your face. It’s my turn for a question and then I’ll tell you about Nalquod.”
“That’s fair,” Keith agreed.
“What kind of pets do surface dwellers own? And can you describe them?” Pidge asked.
“Well, there are birds, which you already know about. They come in a lot of different colors and sizes, and some people like to keep them as pets. The big two are dogs and cats.”
Trying to describe land-based creatures was harder than expected, and Keith was pretty sure he was doing an awful job. If he’d remembered to bring his phone down with him, he could’ve shown her pictures, but naturally he left it up at the house where it was safe from water damage.
Pidge took pity on him when he awkwardly tried to explain the sounds they each make, briefly pressing her finger to his lips to get him to stop talking.
“Nalquod is one of the five major mer cities. You already know about Altea and Daibazaal,” she said. “The others are Rygnirath and the Dalterion Belt. There are so many different kinds of mer all around the world, but they are the oldest of us, and have the most influence.”
“And their tails are different from yours,” Keith said, remembering something she mentioned the day before.
Pidge beamed. “That’s right! That’s one of the biggest differences between the five clans, aside from the places where each one lives. Alteans have scales just like I do, but the Galra have a thick, rough skin that covers their tails, sort of like sharks.”
The more he learned about her world, the more he wished he could see it for himself.
Keith couldn’t think like that. It would only leave him feeling disappointed. “I know it’s your turn to ask a question, but do you want me to tell you the story about the first time I met Curtis?”
“That’s the name of your brother’s boyfriend, right? I’d love to hear more about him,” Pidge said, leaning in close.
Keith shifted a little to get more comfortable and then told her all about his first meeting with Curtis, and how, in a fit of purely accidental clumsiness, he dropped an entire plate of spaghetti on his lap. He thought Shiro would never forgive him.
His story spawned a new line of questions into one another’s lives.
Pidge shared a delightful story about Matt introducing his girlfriend to their family for the first time, and how Rover spent the entire time camouflaging himself in different spots to try and scare her. (Luckily, she thought he was hilarious.)
Keith struggled to figure out a way to explain driving a car to her so that he could tell her the tale of Shiro’s driving lessons, and the time he was so sure they were about to get arrested for driving around in circles in a parking lot.
After a few hours, Pidge called it an early day and then took another fifteen minutes to explain her newest project before actually leaving. Keith watched her disappear with a fond smile on his face and then headed up to the house.
With his newfound free time, he began dinner preparations as a surprise for Shiro and Curtis. Keith hummed a wordless tune as he worked, setting out everything he needed for the main dish. None of the sides would take long and could go in once the others returned, and Keith knew from experience that it was best if he focused on one thing at a time.
Shiro and Curtis were delighted to return to the scent of food. They told him all about their trip to the museum as they ate, and Keith found himself wondering if any of it was something Pidge would be interested in. From there, his mind wandered to what they could do the next day.
Maybe he could take some paper down and they could try and draw things for one another? She was likely to make fun of his stick figure drawings, but it would be worth it to see her excitement over new surface items.
Keith spent most of his evening lost in thoughts, completely oblivious to the concerned looks he got from Shiro and Curtis.
He slept well that night, and after breakfast the next morning, he took his time gathering up a few sheets of paper and a handful of crayons he found stashed away in the floorboards of his old room. He took them all down to the beach and passed time by doing some practice drawings and trying to make improvements.
The morning stretched on and transitioned into noon, which was when Keith started to worry. He set aside his art supplies to keep a careful eye on the water around him. He mentally reviewed their last conversation, trying to remember if she said anything about needing to postpone their meet-up, but she agreed to the same time as always.
He was sure she was fine.
Pidge was just running a little late. Soon, she would show up with some wild story to tell him and they’d spend another day laughing and hanging out. He was sure of it.
She never arrived.
Keith spent the entire day waiting for her, only giving up once heavy clouds rolled in and covered the sun. He was extra cautious as he made his way across the slick rocks, but he still slipped once when the wind knocked him off balance. He recovered before he could fall and was soon safe inside the house.
“There’s a storm coming in,” Shiro said as Keith reached the top of the basement stairs. “Curtis is checking to see how bad it is. We may need to… Are you alright?”
Keith didn’t trust himself to speak and nodded instead. He hoped it was just a passing storm rather than anything big, though either way he was wasn’t going to sleep well.
Curtis returned with news that they didn’t have to worry, but he set them to find flashlights and candles just in case the power went out.
Once the emergency supplies were collected, the three of them gathered in the living room to eat their dinner of leftovers and listen to the local weather report. Shiro tried to lighten the atmosphere when they learned they were in for a windy night and wouldn’t have to worry about rain until some time the next day, but stopped when it became clear that nothing could lift Keith’s mood.
Keith couldn’t even find the energy to feel guilty about worrying Shiro. He was too busy wondering what happened to Pidge. Had she gotten wrapped up in a project and lost track of time? Did her family make her stay home to keep her safe from the storm? Or was it something worse?
He dismissed himself for an early bedtime, hoping he could manage a few hours of sleep, but between the howling wind and his overactive imagination, he spent most of the night tossing and turning. Keith got a few solid hours in the early hours of the morning and counted that as a win, even though it wasn’t nearly enough rest.
The news station gave a similar storm report as the night before; the wind was still blowing and the heavy rain would begin sometime around midmorning. Keith decided it was the most opportune moment he had to sneak down to the shore and check for Pidge one last time.
Keith dragged himself downstairs to wait for sunrise, and the moment there was enough light to properly see, he went outside. From the upper balcony, he could see a splash of bright green against the gray rock.
He was sure he made a sound, but it was drowned out by the pounding of his heart as it lodged itself in his throat. He flew down the stairs and raced across the beach to where she lay.
“Pidge!” Keith gasped as he rushed to her side. He carefully turned her over, searching for any obvious injuries, but didn’t find anything.
She groaned as she began to stir. “Keith?”
“I’m here, Pidge,” he quickly reassured her. His worry intensified as she mumbled sleepily and passed out again.
Keith took a moment to weigh his options, though really it wasn’t a hard choice to make. He couldn’t leave her there with the weather turning so rough, especially when it looked like she’d already hurt herself trying to swim through it. He’d have to take her to the house. Once she woke up and the storm passed, he’d be able to talk to her and figure out what they were going to do next, but for the time being he had to decide on his own.
“Okay, I can do this,” he said to himself, stooping down so he could get a good grip on her. He slid one arm around her back and the other under her tale, pausing to take a deep breath and brace himself for her weight, and then he lifted her up as he stood, grunting from the effort.
Pidge whined softly and Keith quickly soothed her.
“It’s alright. I’ve got you, Pidge. I promise, I won’t let anything happen to you.” He kept talking to her as he carried her across the beach and then slowly started up the stairs. The wind buffeted against him, whipping his hair into his eyes, and rapidly drying Pidge’s shorn locks.
He needed to hurry before her tail dried out too much. He wasn’t sure what would happen if it did, but he was willing to bet it wouldn’t be comfortable for Pidge. The sooner he could get her into the pool, the better.
“Almost there,” he said as he reached the bottom deck.
There was only one more obstacle he had to face, and that was getting the door open. Which was not going to be an easy task with an armful of an unconscious mermaid.
To make matters worse, he heard the door on the upper deck fly open and footsteps rapidly making their way across the floor.
“Keith!” Shiro shouted, sounding panicked.
Keith groaned softly and rolled his eyes. Did Shiro really think he was so irresponsible that he would go down there when there was a storm blowing in? (He resolutely ignored the tiny voice reminding him that was exactly what he did - it was an emergency situation! He had to go down there!)
It was far from an ideal situation all around, but Keith was adaptable. First he’d reassure Shiro so he wouldn’t go into full-blown panic, and then he’d get the door open. Easy.
Praying that Pidge would forgive him for what he was about to do, Keith cleared his throat and said: “I’m down here, Shiro!”
Keith braced himself for the round of questions that were sure to be heading his way, but when Shiro reached the lower deck, the surprised Keith with only one: “What happened to her?”
“I don’t know,” Keith responded. “I found her like this and I couldn’t leave her down there. Not with the storm coming in. Could you open the door?”
Shiro nodded, striding quickly to the door and opening it to allow Keith through. He said nothing else and stood back as Keith walked down into the pool, not caring at all that his clothes were getting even more soaked. He gently eased Pidge into the water until she rested on the bottom and then backed away, keeping his eyes on her to make sure she was still okay, and then sat down on the top step.
Part of him wasn’t the least bit surprised when Shiro rolled up his pants leg and joined him at the poolside, struggling to compose himself as he took in everything he was seeing.
“So, uh, surprise, I guess,” Keith muttered, breaking the silence and startling a laugh from Shiro.
“I can’t believe this is what you’ve been hiding from us. Not that I blame you for keeping it a secret; I’m not sure I would have believed you if you had told us. It just seems so surreal…” Shiro said, keeping his voice down. “Does she have a name?”
Keith nodded. “It’s Pidge. Well, that’s what I’ve always called her. She didn’t want to give me her real name when we first met, so I had to come up with a nickname. There was this pigeon nearby that she was really interested in, so I sort of named her after it. Don’t laugh! I was eight!”
Shiro covered his mouth with his hand, gray eyes glittering with amusement. “You named her after a bird?”
“Shut up,” Keith said with very little bite to his voice. “You’re being really cool about this. I was expecting more questions. More… I don’t know.”
“Honestly? I think I’m still trying to process it all. Mermaids - merpeople?” He glanced at Keith for confirmation. “Merpeople are real. They’re not just a myth or a story, they actually exist. There’s so much I want to ask, but all I can think about is what else is real that most people think is fake?”
“I know magic is real too,” Keith said with a shrug. “Pidge told me that all mer have some form of magic and it sounds like it’s usually elemental. So I guess it’s not magic spells like most humans would think. And… and there whole underwater cities where mer live that are protected by magic and their own form of technology. She says that’s why we’ve never found them. And all of their cities are connected by something called the teludav? Which I think is some kind of portal they use to teleport.” He stopped for a moment, hoping he was relaying things correctly.
It felt so good to share it all with Shiro. He hated keeping secrets from his brother, but there was no longer a need to do so.
He glanced at Pidge and hoped he wasn’t breaking an important rule by being the one to tell Shiro about the mer. There had to be rules against it, right? To prevent everyone from finding out about them? But they could trust Shiro, and Curtis as well.
“Whole cities,” Shiro breathed in amazement. “Like Atlantis?”
Keith remembered asking that very same question as a child, just as he recalled the way Pidge crinkled up her nose as she corrected him. “Actually, that’s just a mistranslation. It’s called Altea, not Atlantis, and I wouldn’t say it around Pidge. I did that recently, more to tease her than anything, and she went on this whole long rant about the history of humans mistranslating various mer-languages and it’s not as interesting as you might think.”
“I’m guessing that’s where she’s from?”
Keith shook his head. “She’s from a small city called Arus. It’s on the border of Altea and Daibazaal - those are kingdoms, not cities - and she said something about it being divided between the two of them? I don’t really know how to explain it, except it belongs to both kingdoms. Pidge would explain it better.”
Shiro asked a few more general questions after that. How did they meet? How did she stay hidden for so long? Why didn’t Keith try to come back sooner?
“I… don’t know.” Keith furrowed his brow in thought. “It was like something was blocking my memory, right up until I found my old journal and the scale… Her scale. There must have been some kind of magic to it that was meant to help me remember, but I was afraid someone else would find it and take it from me, so I hid it in the safest place I knew. I never thought… Shiro, if you and Curtis hadn’t invited me this year… If Curtis’s parents never bought this house…”
He never would have been able to keep his promise.
“Maybe Fate wanted the two of you to meet again,” Shiro suggested. “Speaking of Curtis, I should get upstairs before he comes looking. It might be best if I tell him what’s going on instead of letting him find out on his own. If that’s alright.”
“Yeah,” Keith agreed, not hesitating for a second.
Shiro stood up and began to head for the stairs. “I’ll bring you down a change of clothes. You can’t be comfortable like that.”
Keith plucked at his sleeve. “It’s not so bad.”
“Uh-huh,” Shiro said in a tone that conveyed his disbelief. He didn’t say another word, leaving Keith alone with his unconscious friend.
Keith sat and waited, listening to the sound of the wind howling outside and the thunder booming in the distance. He hoped it wouldn’t be a bad one. They had a backup generator if they lost power, but he wasn’t sure if the pool was a high-priority in terms of things that needed to stay running.
He could hear Shiro and Curtis talking upstairs, a moment of silence, and then the sound of Curtis undeniably freaking out over there being a real-life mer in the basement pool.
Keith tuned them out. Shiro could handle that on his own and he was much more interesting watching Pidge as she began to come to. Her tail swayed, slowly at first, and then with one powerful flick, she rocketed to the surface to look around wildly, settling once she saw him sitting nearby.
“There’s a storm, so I brought you inside,” Keith quickly told her. “I can take you back once it passes, but it’s too dangerous right now.”
Pidge nodded and then began to look around, taking a moment to examine her new surroundings with a puzzled expression on her face. “What is this?”
“It’s a pool. We use them for swimming, or most people do. Curtis and his family turned it into a tank so they can look after fish,” Keith said, going with the simplest answer he could. “How do you feel?”
Pidge lifted her hand up and watched as the water trickled down her arm. “It’s very strange.”
“I guess it is different than seawater, but that’s not… Pidge, what happened to you?” Keith asked.
She lowered her hand and dove deeper into the pool, making a few laps before popping up next to Keith. She carefully draped her tail over the steps, using them as a bench as she settled with her back against the edge. She reached up, touching the ends of her hair with a frown. “It’s complicated and I don’t want to talk about it right now. I’m okay. I promise.”
Keith wanted so badly to press and hear what happened. She obviously wasn’t okay. How could she be after literally passing out in his arms? People who were okay didn’t do that!
“I know you have questions, but I can’t talk about it right now. I will later, but not now.” Pidge’s words turned pleading as she finally looked up at him.
Keith breathed out to release the tension he felt. “Fine.”
“Thank you, Keith,” Pidge said, and the relief in her voice made his heart ache. “How did you get me up here? It always looked so far away.”
He explained how he carried her away from the shore and up the stairs, where he had to get Shiro’s help to get inside. When she didn’t react poorly to knowing Shiro knew about her, he filled her in on the conversation they had.
“Ugh, Altantis,” Pidge grumbled, rolling her eyes.
“Don’t worry, I told him not to mention it around you. Hopefully, he’ll pass the warning along to Curtis,” Keith said.
Pidge tilted her head to the side. “Do I get to meet them? There’s no harm in it now since they both know.”
“Only if you’re up for it,” Keith told her. “They’ll have a lot of questions. I don’t think I did a good job explaining Arus to Shiro.”
“You did fine, but I’ll be happy to answer whatever questions they have, as long as I get to ask them stuff too. I want at least three embarrassing stories about you in exchange,” Pidge said teasingly.
“What? No way!”
Pidge laughed merrily and Keith couldn’t help but crack a grin as he tried to talk her down to one story, and only if she shared one of her own.
She pretended to think about it and then shook her head. “No deal. I will, however, give you one about Matt.”
“How is that fair?” Keith asked.
Pidge shrugged. “That’s my offer.”
Keith narrowed his eyes. “I don’t think I want to introduce you anymore.”
“Too late!” Shiro called down the stairs.
Keith groaned good-naturedly and prepared for a day of stories that he’d rather not re-live. He’d have to work in some of his own about Shiro, as few as they were, and hopefully, Curtis would take pity on him and keep Shiro from telling too many.
- - - - -
The storm passed without causing any trouble for them, and by the next morning, the waves were calm enough that Keith felt comfortable carrying Pidge back down. There was only one roadblock with that, and it was Pidge herself.
“You don’t want to go back?” Keith asked with a frown.
“I like it here.”
Keith opened his mouth to ask why she didn’t want to go back, but Shiro cut in before he could get out more than a syllable.
“You’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like. We enjoy having you here,” he said sincerely.
Pidge beamed, and that was the end of that conversation.
Keith did his best to shrug off his unease. He knew he needed to wait until Pidge was ready to talk, and every time he thought his patience was beginning to wane, he remembered the relief in her voice when he gave that promise, but it wasn’t easy. The more time that went by without her bringing it up on her own, the more he worried.
What happened to make her so disinterested in going home? She always spoke so fondly of her friends and family, of the work she was doing, how could she be okay with sitting in a pool all day with only a few humans for company? He was hesitant to call it fear that was holding her back, but what if that was exactly what it was? But what did Pidge have to be afraid of? Was it because of him? Because of their friendship? Was she breaking a law by meeting up with him again?
He wouldn’t get any answers so long as she refused to talk about it.
After two days of stressing over it, Keith left her to her conversation with Curtis about the varieties of sea slug and made the trek down to his favorite spot to relax on the beach.
Keith closed his eyes and let the sound and feel of the ocean surround him, casting away everything else. He steadied his breathing and relaxed.
He loved having Pidge around. Loved getting to talk to her whenever he wanted, sometimes late into the night. They were able to swap so many stories or just sit in comfortable silence together. And the smile on her face when he would bring her a piece of human technology to examine left him feeling warm for hours afterward.
He just wished it was happening under better circumstances.
Keith sighed and opened his eyes, only to scream and flail backward at the sight of a freckled face directly in front of his own. The other person grabbed onto his shirt to prevent him from pitching back into the water and hauled him back upright.
“Who are you?” Keith asked, swatting the hand away once he regained his balance.
“Where’s Katie?”
Keith stared blankly at the other man. “What?”
What was happening? Who was the crazy person intruding in his space?
“Okay, I know firsthand that humans are not this dumb. Did you hit your head or something?” asked the man. “Oh no, wait, she did say something about a nickname. What was it again? Something like pigeon?”
“Pidge?” Keith asked, bewildered.
“That’s the one! You are Keith, right? She should have mentioned the mullet. Looks ridiculous, by the way.”
“No one asked you!” Keith snapped, already fed up. “Who the hell are you anyway?”
“The name’s Lance! And since we’ve established that you’re Keith, you are going to take me to Katie now. You’ve gotta know where she is. There’s no other place she would��ve gone,” he said.
Keith knew that name from Pidge’s stories. He was one of her friends - the loudmouth one with a blue tail. Except Keith didn’t see a single scale or a tail. There was nothing about him to indicate that he was a mer and he definitely remembered Pidge saying that he was. But there he was with two human legs.
He was also very, very naked.
“I’m not taking you to anyone until you put on pants,” Keith told him, already feeling a headache coming on.
“Right, let me pull out a pair from thin air,” Lance said sarcastically. “Obviously I don’t have any. I was in a rush. Just give me your shirt or something and I’ll figure it out.”
Keith was not going to do that. How would that help anything?! If anything, it would make the situation worse.
He stripped out of his pants instead and thrust them in Lance’s direction. He could go around in boxers for a while, but he wasn’t letting Pidge’s crazy friend go without wearing something. “Here, just put these on and I’ll take you to see her. I’m warning you, if you’re lying about knowing her, you will regret it.”
“Fair enough,” Lance said with a shrug. He took the pants and put them on, making a face at how short the legs were on him. He didn’t comment on it, which was lucky for him because Keith was prepared to shove him off of the rock if he did, screw the consequences.
Keith very reluctantly took Lance up to the basement, planning out what he’d do if he was lying or, even worse, that he was the reason Pidge didn’t want to go home.
When he opened the door, he found Pidge and Curtis right where he left them, though Shiro had also joined the conversation. They all looked up and Shiro raised an eyebrow when he saw that Keith had stripped down to his boxers, but all of Pidge’s attention was on Lance.
And she was smiling.
Lance tripped over his own feet as he hurried forward, his hands working to unbutton the pants and shove them down his skinny legs. He kicked them off before diving headfirst into the pool.
Bubbles covered his body as he swam to meet Pidge halfway, and when it cleared away, his legs had been replaced by a magnificent blue tail. It was scaled like hers was, but his fins were shaped more like a fan, and he had a few more than she did, positioned closer to his hips on either side. His freckles turned blue and lit up faintly across his skin. They were mimicked in his tail as well, with swirls of spots glowing a shade brighter than his scales.
He and Pidge met in a hug, catching each other in a way that made them spin together. A tightness built up in Keith’s chest at the sight of their closeness, dissipating only once the two separated. They spent a minute talking underwater before Pidge gestured to the surface.
“Is anyone going to explain what’s going on?” Keith asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “How did you do that? You had legs two minutes ago.”
“I did. Thanks for lending me your pants, by the way,” Lance said blithely.
“Lance is half mer.” Pidge took it upon herself to explain what was happening. “Because he’s half-human, he has the ability to shift forms whenever he wants, kind of like Alteans.”
“Altean? Is that like Atlantian?” Curtis asked.
Keith snorted as both Pidge and Lance answered with the most deadpan “no” he’d heard yet.
“I’m sure Katie would love to explain everything that’s wrong with that mistranslation, but she can do it later. Basically, Alteans are one of five major mer clans and are regarded as one of the oldest. They have the unique ability to shapeshift, and not just between mer and human, but to blend in with the locals, wherever they travel. See they used to-”
“Lance, we don’t have time for a full history lesson,” Pidge interrupted. “Nice to know you’re taking your training as a future adviser seriously. Coran would be proud.”
Lance looked delighted by the praise. “Think you can tell that to him? He’s convinced that I’m too distracted by, uh, other things.”
“Not a chance.”
Pidge stuck out her tongue and blew, making a face when it didn’t generate the same effect as it would underwater.
“So you can shapeshift, Lance?” Shiro asked, trying to get them back on topic.
“Just between mer and human,” Lance said. “It’s not nearly as cool as what Alteans can do and is leagues lamer than what Royal Alteans are capable of. They have magic that lets a human turn mer or a mer turn human, but the effects are permanent. That’s how my mom went to live on the surface with my dad.” He paused as he took a good long look at Pidge. “But Katie’s right when she says we don’t have time for this. I’m not here for a social visit, I’m here to bring her home.”
Pidge turned away from him and crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t want to talk about this right now.”
Lance swam around her and grasped her shoulders, preventing her from moving again. “If I let you, you’ll never talk about this. Listen, you went missing for two days and your family is worried sick! If Lotor hadn’t gone to your house to look for you and apologize, we never would have known what happened!”
An emotion Keith couldn’t read flickered over Pidge’s face.
“Katie, what those guards did, it wasn’t right. Lotor was mad about-” (Lance cut himself off and his gaze briefly landed on Keith before he refocused on Pidge.) “- stuff, but he wasn’t going to banish you for it. He wants you to know that they’ve been punished and will be sent back to Daibazaal for final judgment from his father. He says he’s sorry for the way he overreacted.”
“He really said that?” Pidge asked, sounding surprised.
“Yeah, once your mom was done yelling at him for it. I am so glad I was there to witness that,” Lance said. “So what do you say? Ready to come home?”
Pidge hesitated, drawing back into herself as she considered her options. Then she shook her head. “Not yet.”
A spike of relief flooded Keith’s body, followed by guilt for feeling that way. He didn’t have to say goodbye yet, but it was because Pidge still didn’t feel comfortable going home.
Lance’s shoulders dropped at her response. “Alright, if you’re sure. I can take messages back to everyone for now.”
Shiro caught Keith’s eyes and gestured towards the stairs. Keith stared at him for a moment, unsure of what he wanted, until it suddenly clicked in his mind that he was suggesting they give them some space. He nodded and slowly moved away, walking upstairs with him and Curtis and settling in the kitchen, where they began to quietly talk.
Or Shiro and Curtis did.
Keith was too busy trying to piece together what happened to Pidge from the limited details Lance gave them, but all he really had was even more questions.
Who was Lotor? The name was unfamiliar to him, but clearly, he meant something to Pidge. Why had she never mentioned him? All of the other names were familiar to him. Coran was an adviser to Altean royalty - an eccentric source of knowledge and always ready with some kind of story or odd phrase. Lance, of course, was one of her best friends, and probably why she knew more about humans than he expected. Her family, of course, was her mom, dad, and her older brother, Matt.
He’d never heard of Lotor before.
Keith scowled.
“Alright, Keith?” Shiro asked as he changed seats to sit next to him.
He wanted to say that he was fine and not talk about it, but stopped and thought about it before the words slipped out. If he did that, then he’d be doing to Shiro the same thing Pidge was doing to him.
Keith folded his arms over the table and laid his head down. “I just wish she’d talk to me, you know? There’s so much she’s keeping bottled up and hidden from everyone, even Lance. I want to help her, but I don’t know how.”
He looked helplessly at Shiro, hoping his brother had a good piece of advice to give him. He usually did.
“I think the best thing you can do is be there for her. Let her come to you in her own time, just like you’ve been doing,” Shiro said. “You can’t force this.”
Keith should have known that’s what he’d say. Normally, it wouldn’t be so bad, but he didn’t have time to wait patiently. They were already halfway through their vacation and it wouldn’t be long before people started to wonder when they’d return.
He turned his head so he was staring straight down at the table. “Patience yields focus, right?”
Shiro chuckled.
Someone knocked on the wall near the stairs and then Lance stuck his head around the corner. “Hey, just wanted to say I’m headed out. I’ll be back tomorrow if I can get away. If not, then as soon as I can. Oh yeah, and I’m going to keep your pants down on the beach if you don’t mind. I figure that will be less traumatizing to you.”
That was fine.
Shiro raised an eyebrow as Lance left without another word. “He’s… interesting. You’re really okay with giving him your pants?”
“Would you rather he walked around naked?” Keith asked.
Shiro swiftly replied with a negative.
Keith continued to sit with his head and arms on the table, mulling things over as Curtis came down after his phone call with his parents and got started on lunch for all of them. Soon, the smell of baking fish filled the air and his stomach began to rumble in response, distracting him from working out a plan. He turned his head to watch his brother quietly flirt with Curtis.
Before long, the food was finished and Keith was being handed two plates, one of which was unseasoned for Pidge. Keith thanked him and then made the trip downstairs, where he found Pidge making quick laps around the pool, her tail rippling in color from dark emerald to luminous yellow-green.
Keith took up his usual place on the pool steps, letting his feet rest in the water. He set Pidge’s plate off to one side for her to eat once she was ready and then dug into his own, using his fork to cut off individual bites.
Pidge quietly surfaced near him, carefully lifting the plate so she could examine the fish prepared for her, checking it over for any spices or unusual coloring. They’d quickly learned after the first time that while mer did have ways of cooking their food with heat vents, their methods of flavoring food was vastly different if they were able to add any at all. The herbs and spices they used on the surface were too much for her to handle, and from that point on they made a point to cook hers without.
She picked up her fork and speared a small piece, nibbling on it to check the taste. When she found it was cooked to her satisfaction, she began cutting off larger pieces.
“So Lance is interesting,” Keith unintentionally echoed Shiro’s earlier words. “You never mentioned he was half-human.”
“It never came up,” Pidge responded with a short shrug. She scraped her fork along her plate, trying to pick up every last little piece. “Lance has lived in Arus for so long, I don’t really think about it anymore.”
“Do you want more food?” Keith asked.
Pidge shook her head and set her plate and fork down. “I’m full.”
Silence once again fell over them as Keith finished eating. He was sure at any moment she’d choose to go back underwater, but to his surprise, she stayed right where she was.
Keith sat on the edge with his plate resting in his lap, trying to decide the best way to begin. He had to get something off of his chest before more time passed.
“Pidge, I know I said before that I would wait until you’re ready to talk, and I meant it. I’m not going to pressure you into it. And I know that me saying this makes it sound insincere and I probably should have phrased it better, but I’m here for you whenever you’re ready to talk. It doesn’t have to be all at once. You can do it in pieces if that makes it easier, but it’s all up to you.”
He looked over at her. “All I want is to help you, in whatever way I can.”
Pidge reached out and took his plate away, putting it on top of her own before taking his hands in her own. “You deserve to know, and I want to tell you, but…”
“You’re not ready.”
Pidge looked at their hands and was silent for a long moment. “Lotor is the prince of Daibazaal. He came to Arus five years ago as part of his training, and we sort of… hit it off, I guess.” She crinkled her nose in thought. “He recognized my skill in mer-tech and gave me resources and a place in Sincline Castle to continue my work. In repayment, he gets the first look at my projects and a safe haven from his more persistent suitors. I know you probably think the worst of him after what Lance said, but he’s not like that. It’s complicated, I guess.”
“He lost his temper with you, Pidge, and it was bad enough that someone thought he was ordering your banishment. It’s not that complicated,” Keith said, a little more waspishly than he intended.
Pidge didn’t flinch away or scowl or otherwise indicate that she was bothered by Keith’s words. Instead, she stroked her thumb over the back of his hand. “Lotor has every reason to be upset with me. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him where I was going, because I know how he feels about humans. I should have told him. He should have heard it from me and not someone else.”
“That’s no excuse.”
“I know,” Pidge said, smiling sadly as she finally looked up at him. “Lotor lost his temper, and for that, I expect an apology, but I owe him one for not being truthful. He’s my friend and I lied to him. It put him in a difficult position, especially considering the way many mer view our relationship.”
Something ice-cold dropped into Keith’s chest at the implication that anything was going on between Pidge and some tantrum-throwing prince. He quickly reminded himself that she said they were only friends, but the feeling lingered uncomfortably for the rest of the night, intruding on his sleep and making him wake in a cold sweat. The image of Pidge being held by a faceless mer haunted him every time he closed his eyes.
When morning came, he was right there with Curtis, waiting for the coffee pot to complete its brewing cycle.
Curtis raised an eyebrow. “Rough night?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” Keith muttered as he dumped large spoonfuls of sugar into his cup to try and cover up the bitterness of the coffee. He took a sip, made a face, and added another spoonful before fetching the milk from the fridge and adding that as well.
“Want to talk about it?” Curtis asked curiously.
Keith shrugged, setting his cup down on the table before dropping into an empty chair. “Dunno.”
He honestly wasn’t sure that there was any point in talking about it. He couldn’t say anything without betraying Pidge’s trust and while he liked Curtis, it wasn’t the same as talking to Shiro. Unfortunately, Shiro was using their vacation as an excuse to stay in bed for as long as possible every day and Keith wasn’t going to intrude on that.
Maybe he could phrase things in a way that wouldn’t betray Pidge’s confidence.
“Pidge was telling me more about her home and said something about everyone else thinking she and another mer are in a relationship, and it bothers me, I guess. It has to suck, being friends with someone and facing the expectation of there being more between you when there isn’t,” Keith said.
Curtis was silent for a moment as he sipped his black coffee. “Which part bothers you? The thought of Pidge being with this person? Or is it sympathy toward Pidge for being put into that situation?”
The image of Pidge and the faceless mer flashed through his mind.
Keith swallowed. “The first one. Though, I mean, the second part too. I don’t know, Curtis. The whole thing sucks.”
Curtis smiled at him. “You must really like her. Shiro and I had our suspicions, but we didn’t want to say anything. And we still won’t, because this is your journey, Keith. This is something you have to figure out on your own.”
He liked Pidge.
Well, obviously he liked Pidge! She was his friend and always had been, even if he’d forgotten for a while.
But that wasn’t what Curtis was saying, and Keith wasn’t sure he was comfortable with the direction his mind was taking him. To think of Pidge in a way that went beyond friendship…
Heat rushed to his cheeks as his mind played out a scene replacing him with the faceless mer, holding Pidge lovingly in his arms. It was ridiculous and he felt guilty thinking of her that way, but he couldn’t help himself. Once the thought was there, it only blossomed and grew stronger, and all at once, Keith fully understood why the thought of Pidge being with Lotor bothered him so much.
“I like Pidge,” Keith said softly.
Shiro was never going to let him live it down. Not after the way Keith teased him about his crushes in the past.
“If you want a little extra advice: take your time with this. You don’t need to go rushing in,” Curtis said.
Keith nodded, though he wasn’t really listening anymore. He thanked Curtis for his help and continued to sit at the table and drink his coffee, finishing up just as Shiro shuffled into the kitchen in his pajamas.
Shiro looked pointedly at Keith’s cup. “Rough night?”
“Curtis will tell you about it,” Keith said, standing up to put his cup in the dishwasher. He ignored the overly dramatic way Curtis swooned as he declared “Keith’s in love”, and instead walked right by him without a word.
The last thing Keith heard as he started down the stairs was Shiro asking: “What’s really going on?”
He took his time, still trying to decide the best way to talk to Pidge.
It was no secret that he wasn’t the best at vocalizing his feelings, and that was especially true when he was still trying to figure them out for himself. He knew that there were some jealousy issues to work out and Shiro always said that the best way to counter potential misunderstandings was by talking it out, so that was what he was going to do.
Even if he had no idea how to do that.
Maybe he should wait until he had proper time to digest, but it was a little late for that, as he reached the bottom of the stairs and automatically gravitated toward the pool. He smiled at Pidge as she popped her head out of the water, waiting patiently for him to sit down before she swam forward and held out her hand. He reached out to meet her halfway, letting their fingertips touch first before pressing their palms together.
‘I really like her.’
Pidge looked up at him curiously. “Are you alright?”
His eyes flickered to her face. “I, uh… I was thinking…”
Thinking what? He wasn’t sure that there was a single solid thought running through his head between the cacophony of sirens ringing in his ears. His mind was a mess. He was overthinking everything. Underthinking everything. Staying upstairs to face Shiro’s teasing would be far better than the meltdown he was currently experiencing.
“We’ve never hugged,” he blurted out.
“Well, no, but that’s because you always said it was too dangerous for you to go into the water. That’s why we do our own thing, remember?” Pidge sounded confused.
He was already screwing things up. His cheeks burned as she looked away from her and he knew he needed to stop talking, but more words spilled out anyway. “Sorry, I’m being stupid. You’re right. We have our own thing.”
Pidge responded by threading her fingers through his own. “It should be safe enough for you in here, so why don’t we try?” She tugged gently, enticing him to follow her deeper into the pool, and smiled softly when he went along with her without complaint. She stopped once they reached the deep end, where she let go of her hand and turned around to face him. “Hold your breath.”
Keith followed her directions just in time, as she looped her arms around his neck and her tail around his legs at the same time. He instinctively placed his hands where her skin blended into scales, his mind barely having time to process how closely she was pressed against him before they sank underwater.
He didn’t panic, even as his heart began to race. Part of his mind noted that the way she hugged him was entirely different from the way she hugged Lance the day before, but that information wouldn’t hit him until later, once he had time to revisit the new memory. He could feel her sigh against him as she tucked her head into the crook of his neck.
Disappointment washed over him when she moved a few seconds later, lifting herself up so they were face-to-face, but that feeling didn’t last for long.
Pidge lightly brushed her lips against his and his brain short-circuited.
Keith exhaled in shock, blowing bubbles directly into Pidge’s face. She began laughing and unwound her tail, helping him back to the surface so he could catch his breath. He was sure his face was bright red as he voiced his apologies.
“It’s really not a big deal,” Pidge said, unable to keep herself from grinning. There was a pink hue spreading across her face - a blush, perhaps? (Did mer blush like humans?) “I, uh, I’m sorry too. I should have warned you or asked permission or something. It seemed like the perfect moment, but all I’ve done is made a mess instead.”
“You haven’t,” Keith was quick to reassure her. “I was surprised that time, but we can try again.”
They should probably talk about what was happening. Keith knew that. Pidge likely knew that as well, but both of them were too elated by what was happening, the thrill of their friendship possibly shifting into something more overriding any logical thought.
Keith held his breath again as Pidge pulled him back underwater.
- - - - -
Later, once Keith’s head began to swim from repeated lack of oxygen, the two finally settled down to talk. They retreated to the steps, where Keith remained submerged in the water so Pidge could recline against him.
“I really like you,” he told her.
“That’s good,” Pidge said. “Because I like you too. A lot.”
After that, it was as though a wall toppled down between them. Pidge took the lead at first, delving into the joy she felt at seeing him again, the way she nearly spilled everything to him the day she caught herself admiring the way the sunlight brought out a shade of violet in his hair, and her fear as she began to wonder if her feelings were born of a ten-year wait to see him again.
“Do you still think that?” Keith asked.
“Not anymore. Actually, Matt caught me moping about it and we talked, so that helped me a bit. It was right before Lotor…” Pidge trailed off and shook her head. “It was the night before Lotor found out that I was seeing you, which made everything worse, I think. Here I was, worrying about my feelings for you, and suddenly I have an even bigger mess to figure out, but before I have a chance to do anything, those guards get it in their heads that I deserve banishment or whatever!” She stopped to breathe, electricity crackling harmlessly over her scales. It tingled against Keith’s skin where they touched.
“Is that what happened to your hair?” he asked.
Pidge lifted her hand to touch the ends of it. “Yeah, that’s a typical method of punishment for the Galra. The loss of braids, and especially adornments, is a big deal to them. It was upsetting at first, but I can grow it back. Mostly, I was just afraid. Coming to you was the only thing that made sense.”
Her show of trust made his head swell, just as much as the sadness in her eyes made it clench in pain. He wanted to say something comforting, but everything he could think of sounded so hollow.
“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that,” he said.
Pidge gave him a soft smile. “I do wish it all went differently, but it gave us all of this extra time to spend together, so I feel oddly… thankful?”
Ten years ago, he would have argued with her on that point. Five years ago, he would have started a fight about it, not intentionally, but out of misplaced anger. Luckily, living with Shiro as his brother for eight years had helped quell that fire that raged inside of him at all of the injustices of the world.
Patience yields focus.
Keith breathed out. “You might have a good point. It would have taken me longer to figure out my feelings for you. Probably not until I got home…” His throat tightened.
He would’ve gotten home and been so listless, so lost, and not known why. How long would it have taken him to figure it out? Shiro would have to step in, he knew that much. But would it have been too late by then?
“That doesn’t make what happened to you a good thing,” Keith said fiercely, kicking himself for thinking that way. He blinked in surprise when he felt Pidge tug him down by the sleeve of his soaked shirt so she could stretch herself up and kiss his cheek.
“Thank you, Keith. Now, enough about this. It’s your turn for an emotional confession about all of the things you like about me,” Pidge said, her eyes glittering playfully.
Where could he start?
He loved listening to her ramble on or get caught up in long-winded tangents, before abruptly leaping back to her original topic, even if it meant he struggled to follow her stories. He loves the passion she held for her work. Her mischievous grin when she was about to make a pun. The cute way she tilted her head when she was puzzled by something.
Most of all, he loved how comfortable he felt with her.
The two of them talked for some time, lost in their own private world, right up until a knock at the door jolted them back to reality. They both looked to the glass door, where Lance stood in his borrowed jeans.
Keith lifted his hand in greeting, giving Lance silent permission to come inside.
“Hunk sent me with some food,” he said as he walked over to the side of the pool. He raised an eyebrow at their closeness but didn’t comment on it. “He also says that he’s jealous that you get to try surface cuisine and he wants to hear all about it once you get back, nevermind the number of times I’ve offered to bring food from mom.” Lance rolled his eyes.
Pidge laughed as she moved away to accept the bundle of food. “Sounds like Hunk’s doing just fine. How are Matt and my parents?”
“Still upset that you left without saying anything, but glad that you’re safe. Matt says if you don’t come home soon, he’s going to go through your stuff and color code it to his own specifications,” Lance said.
Pidge gasped in mock outrage. “He wouldn’t!”
“He might,” Lance said with a shrug. He glanced over at Keith, who wondered if it was a good time to make an excuse to go upstairs and leave them to talk. “Speaking of you going home, any idea when you’re going to?”
“Not yet.”
“I’m not ready yet,” she said stubbornly.
And yeah, that was Keith’s cue to go. He murmured an excuse to go check on Shiro and Curtis before getting out of the pool. He toweled off to the best of his ability on his way upstairs, where he found Curtis talking on the phone. He took one look at the expression on Keith’s face and pointed to the door leading out to the upper deck, where Shiro was leaning against the rail and enjoying the hot summer sun.
He turned to look at Keith when he heard the door slide open.
“Did Lance chase you off already?” Shiro asked.
Keith shrugged as he joined his brother. “It seemed like they have some things to talk about without me around. Mer stuff or whatever.” He vaguely waved his hand and then fell still, staring out over the ocean.
For a few minutes, neither of them spoke.
“I’ve been thinking about what Lance said, about the Royal Alteans and their magic.”
That wasn’t at all what Keith expected to hear. He looked up at Shiro with a frown. “What’s this about?”
“You’re happy here. Happier than I’ve ever seen you, and I can’t help but think that it’s more than just Pidge influencing that. This house, the ocean… this is where you belong.”
It didn’t take Keith long to figure out what Shiro was saying.
“I’m not leaving you,” Keith said, panic seeping into his voice. “Shiro, I can’t!”
“You could,” Shiro gently disagreed. “Keith, look at me. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, you will always be my brother. No matter what choice you make, I will be there to support you. And this is your choice to make. I’m just pointing out one of the possibilities to you.” He held his arms open and let Keith hide his tears in the fabric of his t-shirt.
“Why do you always have to be like this? You’re the older one. Shouldn’t you be telling me not to go running off to live in the ocean with the girl I like?” Keith grumbled.
“Probably,” Shiro acknowledged.
Keith pulled back and wiped his eyes. “It’s ridiculous. I don’t… I couldn’t. What about your - our parents? What will you tell everyone?”
“We’d figure it out somehow. Lance should have a good idea of how this sort of thing works. You should ask him about it, if it’s something you’re genuinely considering,” Shiro said.
There was something about asking Lance for help that grated on his nerves, but that would be his best option. Far better than getting Pidge’s hopes up.
Though that raised another question: Did Pidge want him to go with her? What if their relationship wasn’t meant to last? The transformation was permanent, according to Lance, so would he be okay living in the ocean if he and Pidge had a fight and ended their relationship?
Keith had a lot to think about. A lot of pros and cons to weight before he came close to deciding. And somewhere in there, a talk with Lance to figure out how any of it would work.
“How many days do we have left?” Keith asked.
“Maybe a week more?” Shiro responded though he didn’t sound sure. “You don’t have to decide by then, but I’d talk to Lance for sure. This is a life-changing choice and I don’t want you to think of it as now or never just because we leave soon. We can always come back. The house isn’t going anywhere.”
“Yeah,” Keith murmured, his eyes drawn back to the ocean as he pondered the possibilities laid before him.
- - - - - 
Talking to Lance sucked.
They needled each other in all the wrong ways, which led to more bickering than coherent discussion, but eventually, they managed to (mostly) set aside their differences to have a civil conversation.
Keith had to admit, Lance had a wealth of information about the process, thanks to his half-mer lineage. Apparently, he and his older sister were the only two who chose to live in Arus, while the rest of his family lived on the surface and helped serve as liaisons between the two worlds. Anything Lance didn’t know, one of them could help with.
“You’d be surprised by how many people around here know the truth about mer. Loads of people around here are descendants, whether they know it or not, and it’s become a tradition to embrace stories about mer as part of the town tourism. It helps throw off people who really want to do us harm, I guess. Anyway, my family helps out a lot with any issues that crop up and my brother has a boat, which will be useful if you decide to go through with this.”
Keith looked at him in confusion. “Why would that be useful?”
“It’ll get us away from prying eyes, for one. And the spellwork will be easier away from the shore, especially the one here. Unless you want to get cut up by rocks?”
He had a good point, so Keith let it drop and agreed that a boat would be useful. Lance had a few more things to tell him before he left for the day, including a word of warning.
If Keith chose to live the rest of his life in the ocean, it couldn’t be solely because of Pidge. He had to be sure it was what he wanted for himself because once he chose, there would be no going back.
Keith knew that, but hearing it from someone else put it into sharper perspective.
Any time he didn’t spend agonizing over what he would do, he spent with Pidge. Not much had changed between them since their make-out session, aside from a newfound closeness and Pidge’s habit of finding ways to drape herself over him. They still sat around and talked. One day Keith brought a tv downstairs and watched a few movies with her, doing his best to explain “movie magic” to her until Shiro or Curtis took pity on him and lent a hand.
The days flew by, every second ticking away at an alarming rate. Keith knew their time was coming to an end when he saw Pidge gazing at the door with more and more frequency.
“I should go back tomorrow,” she said quietly.
“Already?” The word slipped out without Keith meaning for it to happen and he grimaced. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that. You’ve been away from your home for a while now and I know you miss it.”
“I do miss it. I’ve been trying to convince myself that I haven’t, but I really do. I miss my family, my work, everything about Arus,” Pidge said. “It’s time I stopped hiding. And anyway, you have to leave soon too, don’t you? I heard Curtis say something about packing.”
Keith swallowed. “About that… I don’t think I’m going with them.”
Pidge tilted her head to the side. “Why not?”
“I’ve been talking to Lance about something and figuring out a few things, and now I’ve decided.” Keith paused to steady his breathing. “I’ve decided that I’m going back with you. To Arus.”
For a brief moment, Keith thought she might tell him no, but then a delighted trill filled the air. That was his only warning before she hauled him down by his shirt and kissed him fully on the mouth. It was only a quick kiss, but it conveyed her happiness perfectly well.
“You’re going to love Arus!” she said as they separated. “I can’t wait to show you everything! Oh, I wonder what your coloring will be? That’s always the interesting part about this. The way Altean magic works, it should look similar to mine, just a different color.” Pidge stopped and took a hard look at Keith. “You’re sure about this, right? Lance told you that it’s a one-way transformation?”
“I know, and this is what I want,” Keith said.
Her pensive expression was swept away by a bright smile as she again began to talk about all of the things she could show him. He could only grin at her enthusiasm, though he was still slightly confused about what a klanmuirl was and how it was relevant to what she was talking about.
The more they talked, the more certain Keith was of his choice, and with Shiro’s unwavering support, he found that he was only slightly nervous when the day arrived.
Lance took care of everything. He roped his human family into helping them get to the right place, on top of convincing someone named Allura to meet them near the surface so she could perform the necessary spell. All Keith had to do was follow his instructions and everything would work out the way it was meant to.
Pidge threw a wrench in their planning when she decided at the last minute that she didn’t want to swim out to meet them, but travel by boat along with Keith. Once again, Lance and his family came to the rescue with a specially designed wheelchair that was equipped with a water tank and a blanket to hide her tail from view.
Keith stayed by her side the whole time, easing his nerves by quietly answering her questions as he pushed her through town. It worked until they reached the boat owned by Lance’s oldest brother, Luis, and were introduced to him and his mom, who insisted on being called Alita rather than Ms. McClain.
“Thanks for doing this for us,” Shiro said as he helped move a plank into place. Making a bridge was the only way they would be able to get Pidge onto the boat without taking her out of the wheelchair.
“It’s no problem. We love helping out where we can, and Pidge is a family friend,” Luis said. He bent down to make sure the board was stable and then gestured for Keith to push her across. Once they were safely on the boat, he and Shiro moved the plank back onto the dock for anyone else to use.
“Let’s get this party started!” Lance enthusiastically said as he jogged up behind them.
Keith jumped in surprise at the mer’s unexpected arrival. “I thought you were meeting us out there.”
“Huh? Nah, I’m the only one able to signal Allura once it’s safe for her to find us, and that’ll be way easier if I’m with you guys,” Lance said. He hopped the gap onto the boat, beating his brother and Shiro. “Alright there, Katie?”
Pidge nodded. “This is so cool! I never thought I’d actually be able to ride in one of these!”
Lance shrugged, apparently not seeing what the big deal was, and stepped out of the way to greet his mom, who opened her arms wide and hugged him tightly, as though it had been years since she last saw him rather than a few hours.
As everyone else got settled on the boat, Luis worked on untying them from the dock. It wasn’t long before they were ready to set sail for a point on the ocean that only the McClain family knew about.
While Shiro and Curtis made small talk and Pidge stared in awe at the rapidly shrinking shoreline, Keith closed his eyes and tipped back his head, lost in thought.
What would his dad say, if he were still around? Would he try and talk Keith out of it? Would he be supportive?
He thought about him a lot throughout his vacation. How could he not when he was home after so long? His dad loved that house and living so close to the ocean. Maybe he wasn’t drawn to it in the same way that Keith was, but he loved it all the same.
Keith had the fleeting thought of his dad insisting on joining him undersea and tried not to grin. That was absolutely something he would do, if he was still around.
A hand on Keith’s shoulder brought him out of his thoughts, and as he opened his eyes he realized they had stopped. The boat was unnaturally still on the water, not even rocking as the motor cut off.
“It’s time,” Pidge said, smiling at him. She took her hand away as Keith stood and walked in front of her, bending down so she could wrap her arms around his neck. He lifted her with ease and completely missed the looks of surprise from Luis and Alita, and carried her to the back of the boat, where Lance stood with his arms out.
Keith sucked in a breath as he took in the reason the boat wasn’t shifting in the waves. There were none. The water was flattened around them in a perfect sphere, held back by some sort of magic.
“Pretty awesome, right? I can do way better in my other form, but this is good enough for now,” Lance bragged.
“Show off,” Pidge teased, wriggling in anticipation. She took a moment to compose herself and then asked Keith to turn around so she could properly say goodbye to Shiro and Curtis.
Once she was done, Keith let her slide from his arms and watched as she splashed into the water below, disappearing from view. The ripples evened out before she breached the surface and waved up at him. “Allura and Hunk are here, so I’m going to go say hi! Come on in once you’re ready.”
“I guess this is it,” Keith said. He looked at Shiro, thankful that no more words needed to be spoken as they embraced, holding on tightly for as long as they could. When they separated, it wasn’t with dry eyes.
Curtis opened his arms and pulled Keith in for a brief hug. “We’ll see you next summer. Earlier, if we can manage it.”
Keith nodded and then stepped back up to the edge, preparing to jump in. He saw that two other mer had joined Pidge on the surface; one had dark hair and what looked like a yellow-orange cloth wrapped across his forehead, and the other mer had white hair and bright pink marks on each cheek.
“You might want to strip out of your clothes before you jump in,” Lance warned him. “Transforming is uncomfortable enough without those getting in the way.”
Before Keith could start to look around for a solution to preserve his modesty, Shiro tossed him a towel patterned with crabs for him to wrap around his waist. He shot Lance an irritated look before he began to strip, neatly folding his clothes and setting them aside, piece by piece.
Lance rolled his eyes.
Keith made sure he had a good grip on the towel, held his breath, and then jumped, plunging feet-first into the water. He resurfaced quickly, aided by Pidge to stay afloat, though it wasn’t too difficult to do on his own thanks to Lance’s iron control over the surface of the water.
“Keith, I’d like to meet Hunk and Allura,” Pidge said, gesturing first to the dark-haired mer and then to the one with pink markings.
Hunk surprised him by swimming in for a hug. “It’s good to finally meet you.”
“Uh yeah. You too?” Keith said, taken aback by the friendliness Hunk immediately showed him. He looked at Allura, wondering if she was about to do the same, but she simply smiled warmly and then got straight to business.
“Lance has already informed you of how this process goes, but I’d like to go over it one last time,” she said.
Keith was momentarily surprised by her accent, but brushed it aside and nodded, willing to do whatever he needed to.
“It’s very important that I complete the spell uninterrupted. If not, you will revert to purely human and we will not be able to try again. You must remain calm and that will not be an easy task.” Allura’s gaze softened, though her voice remained firm. “You will feel discomfort as your body changes, but it should not escalate to terrible pain. For some, that discomfort is too much and they lose sight of what is happening. Should you forget to hold your breath and start to drown, I will stop.”
Keith nodded. Lance had gone through everything with him a number of times, in greater detail. “I’m ready.”
Pidge kissed his cheek and then swam over to Hunk, remaining a safe distance away.
Allura glanced up at Lance. “How are you holding up?”
“I could do this all day, beautiful,” he responded with a wink.
Allura rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath. She lifted her hands out of the water and held them out towards Keith. “Take my hands and hold your breath so we may begin.”
Keith did so, closing his eyes as well as Allura pulled him under the water. He expected a feeling of panic or alarm to set in as all sound became muffled and he sank deeper, but he felt perfectly at ease.
If he were to open his eyes, he would see the crescent marks on Allura’s cheeks begin to glow, and soon after the matching patterns on her upper arms and sides. Her magic went to work, slowly transferring into him, seeking out what needed to be changed, and then it picked up speed.
Keith felt the warmth first, settling in his chest and legs. And then came the prickling feeling, like he sat the wrong way for too long and his legs were going numb. It intensified and Keith wondered if he’d been lied to about the pain, but it eased up after a few seconds.
Allura let go of his hands, and soon after his ears popped and he could hear clearly. He opened his eyes in shock, fearing for a moment that he’d floated back up to the surface, ruining the whole spell and his chance at being with Pidge.
He found himself staring at Allura, who looked back at him with a shocked expression. Hunk and Pidge were a respectful distance away, but he found that he could see them clearly through the water.
Hunk and Allura were as different from one another as they were from Pidge and Lance. He remembered Pidge saying something about different types of tails, but it was only by seeing it for himself that he understood what she meant.
Hunk had a magnificent tail, banded with stripes of golden-yellow and brown. His fins fanned around him in great spikes, making him appear even larger than he was.
Allura was his opposite. She was slender and fluid, with fins that danced like sheer curtains caught in a breeze. Her scales were dazzling in color and were primarily white, with splotches of pinks and a hint of blue.
“You should be able to breathe now,” Allura said.
He released the air he’d been holding in the form of a few tiny bubbles, and then, going against his innate instinct to rush to the surface, he breathed in.
“It worked,” he said in wonder, raising his hands to see if there was anything different. There was slightly more webbing between his fingers to aid in swimming, but no other visual difference. As he looked down his body, however, he started to see the reason for the shock on Allura’s face.
At his waist, his skin faded smoothly into a purple color, which remained light across what was once the tops of his legs, while at his sides it began transitioning to a darker shade. Dots of red splashed through that transitional area, spaced so closely together that it looked like a splotchy ribbon winding down each side of his tail.
His tail which was not scaled, but instead resembled shark skin. Keith reached down to check and found that it was rough to the touch.
Keith looked back at Pidge, who swam in closer with an expression of awe on her face. She reached out, touching his lower jaw and tracing something up onto his cheek. “It worked,” he giddily repeated to her and then turned his attention back to Allura. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Keith, but all you needed was a bit of a nudge in the right direction. Your own magic handled the rest on its own,” Allura said.
“My… my own magic?” Keith asked with a frown.
Allura nodded. “Perhaps we should take this above water. I’m sure everyone would like to hear this.”
Pidge helped Keith rise gently back up to the surface, whispering to him how to move in a way that wouldn’t have him spinning in circles or moving too fast.
“That was fast,” Lance remarked as they all popped their heads up. He continued to keep the water still. “There wasn’t a complication, was there?”
“No, it worked flawlessly. Even better than I expected, to be honest, but that is all thanks to Keith’s lineage,” Allura said.
His lineage. Keith was still trying to work his brain around his own magic working to help Allura’s, and she had to throw that into the mix? There was something about his bloodline that helped him become a mer?
Alita stepped forward, her expression kind as she addressed Keith. “You’re Travis Hawkins’ boy, aren’t you? I always suspected he had knowledge of mer-folk, but I never knew how. Now I suppose we finally know, it was thanks to your mother.”
“My mother?”
All Keith felt was confusion. What did his mom have to do with anything? He never had the chance to meet her, and his dad never talked about her.
“Keith, you have Galra markings,” Pidge said. “That sort of thing is only passed down from parent to child. If both of your parents were born human, even if one of your grandparents was mer, then you wouldn’t inherit that magic. This means your mom was Galra.”
He was half-mer.
Shock settled over him.
Shiro seemed to realize the same thing, but his surprise quickly gave way to joy. “Keith, do you know what this means? You’re half-mer, like Lance! You can come back and visit whenever you’d like! That is what that means, right?” He looked to Lance for confirmation.
“It’ll take some practice to shift correctly, but yeah. Pretty much,” Lance said.
He could come back.
He wouldn’t spend the rest of his life separated from his brother.
Keith still wanted to go live with Pidge, but the relief he felt at having the option to return soothed him in a way he hadn’t expected. Slowly, his shock began to wear off. He could see Shiro again. Could go for walks along the shore. And at the end of the day, he could go home to Pidge.
“I could come back to see you off,” he said, ignoring Lance’s quiet admonishment that he needed practice first and it wasn’t easy. He’d master it in hours just to spite the blue-tailed mer.
“Then we’ll see you in two days and you can tell us all about your new home before we leave,” Shiro said.
Hunk swam up next to them. “Speaking of home, we should get back before everyone starts to wonder where you’ve gone, princess.”
Allura nodded. “Yes, of course. Lance, are you ready?”
Lance looked relieved by the news but continued to work his magic over the area despite the slight tremor in his arms. “I’ll be right behind you.”
Goodbyes were exchanged and Keith smiled at his brother one more time before inexpertly diving underwater to follow Pidge and the others to the teludav that would take him to his new home.
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jinmindeulle · 5 years
valtameri | jwy (1)
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the zeemeermin and the piraat
word count: 2.4k
pairing: jung wooyoung x reader
genre: pirate au, mermaid au, pirate!wooyoung x mermaid!reader ∣ angst, fluff
warnings: none that i had noticed?
a/n: here i am once more! lately i’ve been obsessed with ateez as pirates and mermaids so i came up with his one at 2:52 in the morning hehe! as always thanks for your support, especially to my beautiful @myghibli for creating these amazing banners ♥
a/n 2: if you wish to be part of my tag list for future updates please do not hesitate and let me know! i’ll happily add you! ♥
i highly recommend you to read the introductions first, as the story will make more sense for you with that information! read here:
ATEEZ crew
the mermaid world
link to valtameri’s masterlist here
happy reading!  
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A full moon was adorning the night skies, sprinkled with shining stars and no clouds in sight. The sea was calmer than it had been in months. A warm breeze caressed her wet skin, making her sigh in contentment. Those were the nights when she felt truly happy, slightly forgetting about her life deep down the blue ocean.
Leaning on the same rock as every night but still keeping her body inside the water, she fixated her eyes in the direction of the pirate ship she wished to spend the rest of her life in. Daydreaming for a moment, she imagined herself on board of the Destiny, standing on the edge of its forecastle deck, feeling the wind through her dark blue long locks while smelling the ocean breeze.
The small smile that had appeared on her lips suddenly faded away, because the tough reality hit her in the form of a green-lilac mermaid tail. Warm tears welled her eyes and slowly went down her face. However, she tried hard not to let more out when the soft sound of running water reached her ears.
That wooden little boat was making its way towards her.
She used the back of her hands to erase any sign of fallen tears on her cheeks, and the smile that she had previously plastered on her face made its way back.
“Sorry for the delay, zeemeermin. Captain needed me to set the sails properly before going to sleep.”
“It’s okay, piraat. I was just enjoying the calm water. It’s been days since the sea was this nice.”
“I know, right? Your father must be in a good mood tonight.”
His soft laugh never failed to mesmerize her. The mere sound of his voice sent chills down her spine, but his high-pitched laugh made her feel joyful. Made her feel alive. His bright eyes reflected the moonlight and looked like two big lanterns with the ability of guiding her all the way home through the wide deep ocean. However, she knew she would never need those, because his eyes were her home. His perfect plump lips formed the big bright smile that she was so used to seeing every night. That didn’t make her immune, though. By just looking at his lips, she felt the urge to feel them closer and caress them with her own. She was sure that if she dared to just touch them with her fingertips, her heart wasn’t going to be able to take it.
Even if she felt like her world was falling apart right in front of her eyes, meeting him at the same rock every night was keeping her from falling as well. The way he kept eagerly meeting her there, always bringing a new story to tell her and make her feel better — even if he didn’t know that — made her feel good. Worthy. Loved.
“Did I tell you about that time when Yunho hyung replaced me at weighing the anchor because I had back pain and fell into the ocean?” his high-pitched chuckles made a comeback as he abandoned the safety of the boat just to sit down on the huge rock. The new proximity made her take deep breaths to try and slow down her sudden rapid heartbeat, but they didn’t help as he took her hand in his and started giving it soft caresses. He kept going on and on about the hilarious happening, his eyes so scrunched up and teary while recalling that story that she had to laugh at his expression, slightly forgetting about the skin to skin contact.
“Yunho seems like someone who would do that” she laughs, enjoying the precious moment.
“I still don’t get why he insisted in doing it when all of us know that San hyung is the best at replacing me.”
“But just at your job, piraat.”
His deep brown eyes looked at her own with a glimmer that she had never seen before. They seemed to reflect surprise, happiness and a little bit of relief.
“Right” he muttered, a content grin on his lips that reached his beautiful eyes. She felt how he squeezed her hand with his, and her heart felt like it was being crushed with it.
“Do you know when is it that you’re going back to sailing in the open sea?”
She internally cursed. Why did she have to bring that up? Was it necessary to keep reminding them of their inevitable parting every time?
“Probably in two or three nights, according to Captain.”
His demeanor quickly changed, just as it did each and every time she asked him that exact same question. His eyes were now fixated in their interlocked hands, no longer looking at her with that longing expression on his breathtakingly gorgeous face.
“I wish I could go with you.” She let out a sorrowed sigh, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes once again.
“I wish you could too.” At his confession, sadness overcame her soft pretty features, making both of their hearts ache. That’s when the pirate decided that that topic of conversation had to end there. “Are you coming tomorrow with your father?”
She used her free hand to wash away the tears that clung to her eyelashes and took a glance at the pirate ship that slowly swayed far away by their side. “I think so. He told me he needed to meet up with your Captain before you leave for some exchange of gold, or something like that.”
“Yeah, Captain informed Mingi hyung about that over dinner. Is that Arnav coming too?”
That last question was thrown at her face with such distaste, that she had to look up, smiling at his disgusted expression.
“He’s father’s second hand so yeah, he is.” She grinned, pinching his cheek at his cute pouting face.
“I don’t like him. Neither does Captain or any of my crewmembers.”
“I know. I hate him too, Wooyoungie.”
His pouting lips instantly turned into a wide smile, white teeth showing from side to side. The truth is that her calling him Wooyoungie rarely happened. They were so used to referring to each other as those mysterious Dutch terms that he sometimes forgot about the joyful feeling of hearing his nickname leave her lips.
The following hour was filled with stories, laughter and slight skin to skin contact. Neither of them had dared to go further than that, even though they both were fully aware of what was going on between them. The reason behind their nightly escapades was what kept them functioning during the day, wishing deep inside that sleep time arrived soon so that they could go out of their pole opposite worlds and meet up for a couple of hours.
Sadly, the parting hour quickly arrived, and with downhearted expressions on their faces, they said their goodbyes.
“At least we get to see each other two times tomorrow” he breathed out, leaving a soft sloppy kiss on her hand. She thanked the night skies for the darkness that covered her reddened cheeks, and with a content sigh, she nodded.
“Not the same as at night but at least it’s something. Have a good night, piraat.” She muttered, watching him go back to the wooden boat. Once he was positioned, hands over the rowing sticks, he sent her one of those beautiful, heartwarming smiles and whispered “You too, y/n”, only to start rowing his way back to the pirate ship.
She stayed there, leaning in that meaningful rock until all she could see was a little dark dot climbing back to deck. As he disappeared, she decided that it was about time to go back as well.
Looking at the bright stars one last time and wishing to see them again the following night in the presence of her favorite human being, she dove all the way down the wide deep ocean to what her fellow mermaids and mermen called home. At that moment, and just like every time she thought of the term home, she came to the conclusion that her definition of that word was nothing like theirs.
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The sun was up once again, reflecting over the ocean and giving it a turquoise glimmer. Far away and deep down, y/n was quietly murmuring her favorite song, sadness visible over her features. Her mother had sung it for her each and every night to lull her to sleep, especially when she was having trouble to find her way towards Morpheus’ arms. She had never felt such grief and misfortune in her entire life — even when she thought of her desire to become a pirate — than when she lost the most important being for her. Her mother got her in a way that no one had; she had held her when she felt like her mermaid body had her real self trapped inside, and had given her advice when her father declared her the next in line for ruler of the seas.
After meeting Wooyoung, y/n felt like a part of her that had long ago died with her mother was reviving, was blossoming in a new way. That pirate was giving her hope through his loving glances, warm caresses, fond smiles and reassuring words. She was sure that she was never going to be happy if she had to live like that for the rest of her life, hiding her encounters with the pirate from everyone and merely being with him for a couple of hours at night. But at least it was something. Something to which she could cling to until the string was cut off.
“Father wants us in the meeting room now.”
Her younger sister, Gali, was fluttering in front of her, a tough look in her features. Her mid-long mahogany hair floated around her head, making her look even more intimidating. When they went to the surface together, she actually seemed like a cute little mermaid, but down the sea, she could pass like a siren merely by her harsh features — which only softened when being around her crush, Arnav. Y/n had always wondered what she had done to her sister for her to hate her so much. Even after their mother’s passing, Gali had never given her a fond look or a hug. If she had doubted her mother’s fidelity to her father, she would surely believe that there was no way they could be sisters.
Gali didn’t wait for y/n’s response and just swam her way out to the meeting room. The older sister fluttered still for a couple of minutes, until she snapped out of her bubble and began swimming to the point of meeting. While she passed by all of the different buildings, she wondered if that was what humans experienced everyday on land. She had a vague idea of how life was there thanks to Wooyoung, who had showed her plenty of books with pictures and illustrations of some of the nearby islands. He had also mentioned that some people believed that deep down the ocean, a lost city called Atlantis existed. The illustrations that she had seen were actually pretty accurate, although her “city” was nowhere near that utopian society that held enough wisdom to bring world peace.
Without realizing, she reached the meeting room. Bowing to the merman guards that fluttered by the main door, she made her way inside.
Her sister was already in front of their father, using her hands to comb through her hair. Right, Arnav was there as well. The big muscular merman was discussing something with the King of the Seas, paying no attention at all to the younger mermaid who had fully blushed by just being near him. Y/n didn’t get why Gali was so deeply in love with that arrogant being. Only his worked-out torso could have made her fall for him, because his face was nothing like Wooyoung’s, and his long tail was an ugly mixture of black and green scales. Disgusting.
“Oh, good. Y/n is here”
Her father looked at her with serious blue eyes that surely took after the ocean he was born into. While staring at them, she realized that her father had never looked at her like her mother used to. Was he only able to love just his wife? Not even his daughters?
“This is going to be quick as we must go up for our meeting and exchange with the ATEEZ crew.” He stated, deep low voice resonating in every wall of the room. “You both know it by now, but you may be realizing that I am getting old and I will not be able to continue my ruling properly. As I told you years ago, y/n is to follow the linage and will be replacing me soon.” He prompted his wrinkled, large hand to Arnav’s direction and kept on talking. “However, I do not wish for her to rule alone.”
Oh, no.
Y/n’s world was already falling apart, but it just never seemed to stop.
“You may marry Arnav in the next few weeks and take my place right after the union is consummated.”
She felt like throwing up. A gasp went out of her mouth, pure disbelief, grief and desperation taking over her. She felt her tail go numb, barely holding up. The mermaid was not able to hear anything around her. Her sight was blurred, a huge lump forming in her throat.
“Ar… are you…?” y/n muttered, trying to recompose. “Are you forcing me to marry him?”
As she recovered her hearing, and although the voices still resonated far away from her, she could hear Gali crying like a baby by her side, making a fuss like she was the one condemned to a life full of lies and misfortune.
“I am not forcing you, y/n. I am looking out for you.”
Y/n felt like her whole existence was a joke, life and destiny laughing at her with joyful tears in their eyes. Tears that she would never feel if she ever married that stupid creature and stayed the rest of her life under the sea.
“Right” she let out a sarcastic laugh and waiting no response, swam away and out of her disgrace.
With full speed, one that surely was propelled by her anger, y/n made her way towards the only place she knew somebody was going to actually listen to her and help her out. That dark cave was her only way out.
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next  ↬ chapter ii — union
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tag list ♥ @peterparkerismybae​ 
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helenalikesbtsnow · 4 years
The Ongoing Struggles of Being A Mall Gay (Part 1/3)
Read on ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN or here on tumblr below the cut
Summary: Hoseok works at Build-A-Bear and Yoongi works at the Orange Julius that gives them discounts. Warning for gratuitous overuse of American mall culture.
Hoseok is leading around a dog on roller skates. Not a real dog, though that would be fun. They named the dog Clifford, though he is neither big nor red. Hoseok just looked at the dog one day and decided his name was Clifford.
Clifford has pink sparkly roller skates and he’s being led along on his pink sparkly leash by Hoseok who is having way too much fun with him. He’s tried to teach Clifford to roll over, but he’s filled with polyester stuffing and therefore is unable to understand even the most basic of commands. He’s absolutely killing it in the “sit!” game, but that’s the only thing that he’s mastered. You don’t even want to see the disappointment in everyone’s faces when they tell Clifford to fetch and he just sits there, dead in the eyes.  
The mall isn’t really busy enough at this hour to rationalize Hoseok playing around with Clifford, but it’s not for any passersby’s amusement. Hoseok is having a blast all by himself thank you very much.
After a few minutes longer than anyone would have expected, he goes to sit by the stuffer. Hoseok picks up a few pieces of fluff off the floor that someone didn’t sweep up, and Taehyung’s head practically pops up out of nowhere from behind the giant contraption.
“Did you notice the new guy?” Taehyung asks.
“Um, what?” Hoseok inquires. Last he checked he was the manager and new hires go through him before anyone else. He would’ve noticed a new a guy. He would’ve hired a new guy since Seokjin doesn’t like to do it.
“No, not here,” Taehyung rolls his eyes. “I’m talking over there.” He points over to the Orange Julius, their direct neighbors. Hoseok analyzes and tries to determine which face is new. There’s Namjoon making small talk with a customer and Jimin pretending two cups are his eyeballs. The usual.
The new face is immediately recognizable because of how uncomfortable he looks. He hasn’t quite perfected how to wear the hat in a way that doesn’t make him look like a robot. He’s also got his shirt tucked in, which is technically a part of the dress code, but Namjoon has never and will never enforce it, as is evident by the fact that Jimin’s shirt is both two sizes too large and hangs down to about his upper thigh. Now obviously Namjoon, ever the rule follower, has his own shirt tucked in, but this little duckling hasn’t learned the culture yet.
“Oh, he looks like a freshly birthed child,” Hoseok notes, with a shake of his head. They’re just a little bit too far away for him to make out features on the face, but you could tell from a mile away that he’s a teenager. There’s no question he’s younger than Hoseok.
“Should we mess with him?” Taehyung asks.
“We’ll see what Jimin says,” he shrugs. He doesn’t want to mess around with a newbie without verifying it with him first, because the last time they did it, they scared the guys so much that he quit. Apparently pretending to get a needle through your finger with the assistance of lots and lots of ketchup is a no-no. Namjoon didn’t talk to them for like three weeks. It made the carpool pretty weird, that’s for sure.
“Jin, do you know anything about the fresh meat?” Hoseok calls over. He says it just a little bit too loudly, because a customer who’s looking at the Choose Me wall looks up, alarmed. Maybe referring to a person as a meat sack isn’t the best thing to say in front of a customer. The glory of being a manager though means he can’t get fired by his boss.
“This is a Build-A-Bear, not a butcher,” Seokjin doesn’t even look up from the paper he’s reading.
“I meant at the Orange Julius.”
Jin looks up and across the hallway, spotting the man that Hoseok is referring to. “Oh him. It’s his first day. Joon said he comes to us by way of Applebee’s.”
“Wow, glamorous.”
“Do you think he could hook me up with discounted appetizers?” Taehyung says.
“We should probably know his name before you start making dinner reservations.”
The confused customer walks away to be replaced by a mother and her daughter who are very clearly on a mission. Since Hoseok is an expert in the customer service game, he welcomes them with a big smile and a wave. Everyone has a rough outline of a script that they use, but this obviously varies based on who walks by their store.
It’s not a real store with four walls and an entrance, it’s actually a kiosk, or what’s called a concourse. It’s probably the biggest kiosk you’ll ever see. The little cell phone repair kiosk a few paces down is only about three feet on any one side, whereas the Build-A-Bear is large enough that it would take you about a minute to walk around the whole thing. The concourse has an employee “room” that runs right through the middle of the store. It’s not a room, it’s just got a little swinging door which separates it from the shopping area. This section only has one entrance, near where Seokjin is standing. The store is set up very much shaped like a horseshoe.
On one side are all the bear skins, which is the technical term, and even after working here for almost ten years, Hoseok still hates it. On the other side are all the clothes, and of course there’s the stuffer on the short end.
Hoseok has always been good around kids, that’s why he’s stayed for so long. His first job was actually at the Orange Julius a few meters away, but he could never stay there for that long, god bless Joon, though. In any case, whenever a kid walks “into” their store, he lights up and knows immediately how to talk to them.
This little girl, with her little mermaid T-shirt, seems like a pretty good candidate to show their new mermaid bear to, and he is right. She barely even has to make eye contact with the unstuffed bear before she looks to her mom with determination in her eyes.
“Is this the one?” he asks. It’s unconscious of him, but Hoseok gets lower to the ground whenever he talks to kids. He likes to be at eye level with them, it’s less intimidating. Hoseok does have one of the least intimidating faces of all time, but still.
She nods and Hoseok smiles, thinking fondly of how much he’ll spoil his own kid when he has one someday far off into the future. Got to get a boyfriend first.
He always has to look up at the parent like he’s asking for permission on behalf of their kid. The little girl’s mom is smiling, so he takes that a as a yes. Since it’s part of his job description, he leads them to the sound machine.
“When you’ve picked out any sounds you want, my good friend Taehyung over there will be able to bring your new friend to life,” he says. Absently, he organizes the bins so that all their eyes are facing up. When he first started, it was kind of creepy how all the animals stare at you, but he’s gotten used to it. Now, the more they stare at him, the stronger his temptation gets.
He doesn’t have an addiction to them, per se. He just has a lot of teddy bears. That’s okay. Lots of people collect things. He doesn’t have shame in that. He has to store some of them at his parents’ house because his apartment is too small, but that doesn’t mean he has a problem. He makes eye contact with a dinosaur and the two of them war with their eyes. Hoseok’s warm brown ones, and the dinosaur’s plastic green ones. He’s probably going to buy the dinosaur soon…
A few more customers come along and Hoseok helps them before gesturing over to Taehyung, who is designated stuffer for today. Hoseok’s favorite job hands down is stuffer, but he’s a good boss who will hand over the role every now and again.
After about an hour, they die down. It’s been about fifteen or so minutes since their last guest and Seokjin is talking about the squirrel in his attic again. Always the squirrel with this one.
“What if it lays eggs in your ceiling and then you start to run an entire squirrel condominium?” Taehyung asks.
“Excuse me?” Seokjin’s voice is way too loud when he responds. “Eggs, Tae? Eggs? Did you just ask me if the squirrel lays eggs?”
Taehyung realizes his error too late. “I didn’t mean eggs.”
“What did you mean Taehyung?”
“Oh forget it,” he says, shaking his head.
Seokjin calls across the hallway. “Joonie, Tae thinks squirrels lay eggs!”
“You what, Tae?” Namjoon responds. His voice is much quieter, because their stores are not that far away and there is no reason for Seokjin to be yelling other than to make sure everyone around them, or possibly in the whole mall, hears them.
“I’m going on my fifteen,” he says with a humph.
“Would you do me a favor and stop at the Barnes and Noble to buy yourself a book about squirrels?” Seokjin asks him. Taehyung, because he’s a good employee, waits until he’s taken his apron off to flip Seokjin off. Hoseok watches the entire scene with fascination from behind the Dress Me wall.
Hoseok gives it another ten minutes, letting Seokjin taunt him even more with how cute and domestic his life with Namjoon is. When he and Namjoon first started working together about a decade ago, he had probably the biggest crush imaginable on him. They were both oily teenagers, but he was utterly infatuated. Seokjin didn’t come along until a year later when the Build-A-Bear was put in. Before that, Hoseok kind of assumed that eventually, he and Namjoon would end up with each other. Obviously, as soon as Namjoon first uttered a word to Seokjin, they were already in love. It didn’t take too terribly long for Hoseok to realize he never could feel the same way that Seokjin did about Namjoon. The crush didn’t melt away overnight, but he got over it.
Hoseok isn’t jealous. He’s not lonely. His roommate Jimin is the closest, friendliest guy in the world. He absolutely adores the guy. However, it would be nice to be married and have someone love him the way Namjoon loves Seokjin.
“Did you read the email from corporate?” Hoseok asks him absently.
“I try not to.”
“I don’t understand how you’re paid as much as me when you don’t do anything,” Hoseok sighs. That’s not true of course, Seokjin is very good at his job and he is great at the things he does. He’s good with guests, money, numbers, business-y things. He’s just really bad with listening to what he’s told, and those corporate emails are always about him doing what he’s told.
Hoseok checks his watch and looks around the hallway. There’s no way anyone is going to be coming by any time soon. Hoseok is the kind of manager that won’t get angry with any of his employees for playing on their phones, but he doesn’t want to set a bad example by doing that himself. Taehyung has been here for nearly four years now, but Hoseok still views him as an impressionable young child, because that’s what he was when Hoseok first hired him. That was so long ago, back when they assumed Taehyung was just going to be one of their temporary hires until he graduated college, but once he graduated, he just never left them, and Hoseok is very thankful. Seokjin promoted him to assistant manager a year ago so that they could have one more set of keyholders.
He catches Jimin’s eye, who waves him over like he has something to say. Hoseok walks across the hallway to him where they don’t have any customers either. Namjoon is off somewhere, probably in the backroom.
Hoseok looks at the new guy now that he’s a little closer. He’s got black hair and the palest skin. He’s absolutely decadent, Hoseok notes. He’s gorgeous in a soft way like a tiny little marshmallow. What do they put in the water at these goddamn Orange Julius’ to make everyone so pretty? He doesn’t have a name tag yet, which is unusual considering that Namjoon is the manager and he’s Namjoon. New Guy is standing and looking uncomfortable like all new employees at any job ever look. Hoseok thinks to say hi to him, but he wants to know if Jimin is plotting something before he does so.
“Did you do that thing I asked?” Jimin says in the type of whisper that is meant to be overheard. He winks right after saying it and that’s how Hoseok knows it’s for the new guy’s sake. He’s ready and gives a small nod to indicate to Jimin that he knows what to do.
“Your instructions weren’t clear. I wasn’t sure where you wanted it.”
“In the river, dumbass!” Jimin hisses.
“That’s what I thought,” Hoseok nods. He’s trying to determine what he put in the river. Was it a body? Drugs? Something else? “I weighed it down so no one will find it.”
“Good,” Jimin nods. Hoseok spares the briefest of glances over to the new guy but he is very intentionally looking at the jewelry store a little bit down the hallway. Oh yeah, he’s listening. They have to make it more grandiose than this though.
“I don’t get why you had to kill the guy anyway,” Hoseok mutters.
“He knew too much.”
“I just wish you had consulted me first.”
“It was a spur of the moment decision. I had to do what I had to do right then and there. I would do it again, Hoseok. I would do it again.”
At that, Namjoon comes out from the backroom. “Hoseok?” he asks. It’s not uncommon for someone from Build-A-Bear to be standing against the counter like this, but Namjoon gets very territorial whenever he makes a new hire. Their last hire just left for college, and he usually hung out with his school friends rather than his adoptive family, which is how Hoseok refers to himself and his coworkers. That kid is not particularly missed so much as there is an absence of a human.
“Hey Joon, how are you?” Hoseok says, pretending to be surprised by his entrance.
“What are you two… oh come on,” the look of annoyance on his face when he puts the pieces together could be put into a museum. “Again? Seriously?”
“What are you talking about?” Jimin plays innocent.
“Why are you always doing this to me?” he aims the question at God and then turns to his new employee, “Whatever they were just talking about, disregard it. They do this to everyone I hire; they’re just trying to mess with you.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Hoseok says. “I’m offended you would make such an accusation.”
“Just go away,” he says, shaking his head and making a shooing motion. He’s not ready to deal with both Jimin and Hoseok. The two of them have been roommates for just long enough that they have a mind meld that Namjoon doesn’t trust. It’s best to keep them separate at all times.
“Wow. Well you just lost yourself a paying customer.”
“Not cool of you, Joon,” Jimin shakes his head.
“I sign your paychecks.”
Jimin stands up straight dramatically and salutes, “yes sir!”
Hoseok laughs and returns to his actual job. Taehyung is back from break and he’s in the middle of helping two little girls pick out their new furry friend and he smiles fondly at them. Besides performing the motions, stuffing, ringing people up, the best thing about this job is just seeing how happy you make people. It’s the only job in retail where you get to make someone’s day one hundred percent of the time. It’s absolutely impossible to go to a Build-A-Bear Workshop and not leave with a smile on your face. It’s literally page one in the employee handbook. Make people smile, make their day.
Hoseok goes to hang out in the middle of the concourse with Seokjin who he now realizes was not actually reading a paper at all, he was just holding it up to hide his phone.
“You crafty son of a bitch.” He says it as quietly as possible because there are literal children only a little bit away.
Seokjin smirks. “You’re very gullible.” Seokjin isn’t usually one to be on his phone constantly while he’s at work, but the day has been unbelievably slow so far. Hoseok looks over his shoulder to see what he’s doing. There are very few secrets in this family. Mall family, that is. Hoseok knows what type of porn Jimin watches, though that’s less to do with them all knowing each other really well and more because he and Jimin’s rooms share a wall.
Let the record show that Seokjin is taking a quiz to determine what type of rock he is. Hoseok wouldn’t need a quiz to tell you that Seokjin is a rhyolite.
Hoseok grabs his phone from his hand and gives Seokjin an annoyed glare. “Will you go clean up after those two kids? They messed through almost every bin.”
“Ugh, fine,” he’s easy to push over because they both know he hasn’t done anything today.
“Taehyung,” he says leaning over the wall to look at Taehyung who is preparing to help stuff a very beautiful unicorn and bunny.
“Would you be interested in going home an hour early? It’s so slow.”
He nods vigorously and Hoseok rolls his eyes when he lets him go back to work. Taehyung is scheduled for another two and a half hours, but it’s a Wednesday and they haven’t even broken their midday goal yet and it’s three hours past when they were supposed to.
“I’m sending Tae home a little early,” Hoseok calls over to Seokjin.
“Fine with me,” he says. “We’re almost out of Pikachus.”
Hoseok frowns. Pikachu is one of the animals that he hates to run low on, because it’s so popular. Customers rarely yell at you at a store like this one, but when they do, it’s usually because you’re out of a Pokémon. One time a soccer mom made Taehyung cry when they didn’t have any Piplups and it’s the closest Hoseok has ever come to hitting a person. No one is allowed to be rude to his children and Taehyung is very much one of his children.
“I’ll run to the stock room to see if there’s any more,” he sighs. He walks out of the store and across the hallway, enjoying the sound his keys make when they jingle in his hands. Since they’re in a concourse, their stockroom is out the service door in the somewhat creepy mall employee hallway. It’s supposed to only be for people who work at the mall, but the door is always unlocked and lately, customers have started to learn that. It’s not haunted, but it’s also not not haunted.
Unfortunately, they do not have any more Pikachus and it’s not the kind of thing they can just order more of. Either they get more Pikachus in their next truck or they don’t. It’s not up to them what comes and what doesn’t. He notes that there is a substantial amount of fluff that was left on the ground, Taehyung the obvious culprit. Hoseok loves him, dearly and truly, but Taehyung hates sweeping with a passion.
He returns to the mall to see their store has once again cleared out, but a familiar darkly dressed figure is now approaching. “Well if it isn’t the traitor himself,” he says. As per usual, Jungkook is dressed in all black. He’s wearing his signature stomping shoes today. He’s light on his feet, which is good, because if he wasn’t, those boots would intimidate Hoseok into hibernation.
“I’m not a traitor, I’m a capitalist.”
“Sounds like something a traitor would say,” Hoseok says.
Jungkook throws up his arms in a shrug before he takes a seat at the table just outside the technical boundary of their concourse.
“When are you going to come back to me?” Hoseok asks. Hoseok is just tall enough to lean over to look inside the concourse where he reaches for something.
“As soon as you’re able to give me a 40% discount to Hot Topic,” Jungkook responds, pulling out his phone, because there is no other purpose to having a break then to check all the text messages that you haven’t received in the last three hours because all of your friends work at the same mall and have the same hours as you do.
“I still have your apron for whenever you come back,” Hoseok declares once he finds it. They put the apron on a How to Train Your Dragon Toothless that Jungkook himself stuffed, who, being a dark black dragon, is an adequate replacement for their lost comrade. Toothless goes by several different names now that Jungkook works at Hot Topic. Jungkook 2, Emo Boy, Judas.
Hoseok gives him his world renown, absolutely heartbreaking pout while holding up Jungkook 2. He gets all up in Jungkook’s personal space and tries to win his heart through his beautiful, devastating face.
“Not gonna work, Seok.”
“I’ll win you yet! Just you wait, Jeon Jungkook!”
Jungkook receives a message in the Group Chat, which he opens to see that it’s a picture of himself taken maybe thirty seconds ago, from Seokjin. The caption just says, “Bitch: sighted.”
Across the hall, Jimin, who is most certainly not allowed to have his phone on him laughs. He looks over and gives Jungkook a bright wave. It’s very difficult for Jimin to pretend to be angry when his personality is like a Peaches and Cream smoothie, which is coincidentally his favorite Orange Julius beverage.
“You’re all so very petty,” Jungkook sighs, holding up the message for Hoseok to see, though it’s all in good fun. He’s as much a part of their family as anyone else, even if he did abandon them viciously for Hot Topic.
“Put your phone away Mr. Kim,” Hoseok calls over.
“I don’t have my phone,” Taehyung says.
“No, the other one.”
“Hoseok, we’re co-managers. You don’t get to tell me what to do.” Seokjin is just in one of those funks. It happens on slow days like these. It’s not just because the store isn’t making as much money as their target, it’s also just very deflating to not be doing anything.
“We just miss you Jungkook,” Hoseok sighs. It’s been nearly a month since he left, but it doesn’t feel like he’s gone anywhere. His store is just down the hall. Far enough that they can’t shout to him, but close enough that if anyone gets pissed off with anyone else, they can go vent about it to Jungkook on their break. This is infrequent but Jimin occasionally has a short temper when it comes to Taehyung. Probably because they’ve been secretly fucking each other for like a year now, though Hoseok isn’t supposed to know that.
“It offends me deeply that you care more about discounted jewelry than you do about me,” Hoseok says. To be fair, Jungkook has been threatening to get a sleeve tattoo for some time now and that’s not technically allowed under store policy.
“Kids just have… too much snot,” Jungkook shakes his head. “They’re so full of snot. Just right out their nose onto their bears and then it gets on me, and I just… goths don’t have as much snot, Hoseok.”
Hoseok shakes his head. That’s the Jungkook he knows and loves.
“New guy!” Taehyung calls over, as the new guy clocks out for the day. The guy doesn’t even realize that Taehyung is talking to him because he looks like he’s about to walk in the opposite direction. “New Orange Julius guy!” Taehyung yells louder this time, and that gets his attention. It’s less vague, there’s only one person who could be given that superlative. He turns around, looking for the source of the voice, and sees Taehyung waving him over. He points to himself as if he’s asking whether Taehyung is talking to him, but who else could he be talking to. “Yes you.”
“Don’t scare him,” Hoseok says.
“Didn’t you and Jimin try to convince him you killed someone?” Taehyung asks.
“Ah, Namjoon ruined it.”
The new guy looks very awkward as he approaches, but Hoseok tries to be as welcoming as he can be, which is something he’s gotten to be very good at given the nature of his job.
“Hey there,” Hoseok says, waving at him. “How was your first day?”
“Um, good,” he says and Hoseok is a little caught off guard by his voice. It’s not that his voice is deep, but it’s deeper than you would expect when you look at his face. His voice sounds uncomfortable. Hoseok doesn’t want to scare the guy too much, even if it is kind of fun.
“I’m sorry me and Jimin messed with you earlier,” Hoseok says. “It’s something we’ve been doing for years. I didn’t actually hide a body.”
“Yeah, uh, I figured that out,” he says. Oh boy, he’s the cute kind of awkward that makes Hoseok’s heart stutter.
“We didn’t introduce ourselves!” Hoseok realizes. “I’m Hoseok, this here is Taehyung, and that guy over there is banging your boss.”
“We’re married! Stop telling people we’re banging. You came to the wedding,” Seokjin rolls his eyes, but then waves at the new guy. “I’m Seokjin.”
“He’s banging your boss,” Hoseok whispers.
“At least I can get some,” Seokjin says. Taehyung makes an “oooh” sound, because Hoseok walked right into that one.
“What’s your name?” Hoseok asks him, choosing to ignore both of the people around him.
“I’m Yoongi,” he replies. Hoseok smiles, deciding he likes that name. It’s sweet, just like Yoongi’s face.
“Nice to meet you Yoongi. In case Jimin didn’t give you the low down yet, we at Build-A-Bear and at Orange Julius are a family. You’re part of the family now. If you didn’t read the fine print when you got hired, you won’t have been made aware that you are now loved and respected. That’s just something you’re going to have to accept.”
“Jin is our mom,” Taehyung adds.
“I’m not your mom.”
“Namjoon is our dad.”
“That part is true,” Seokjin says.
Hoseok almost puts an arm on his shoulder, because that’s what he would do if Yoongi was anyone else, but he literally just met this guy and a few hours ago he had pretended he killed someone in front of him. Give it a little time before you get too familiar with him.
“I just mean that we look out for each other, that’s all. If you ever need anything at all, one of us will be able to help you out. We’re not just coworkers, we’re best friends.”
“Jeez, Seok, you make it sound like a cult,” Seokjin says.
“Why do you have to go around and ruin a bonding moment like that, man?” Hoseok says. “Well anyway, I’ll let you get on your way, nothing like going home after work.”
“Especially when you have someone at home who loves you,” Seokjin says. He’s laying it on pretty heavy today, but in all fairness, Hoseok has been single for a really, really long time.
“We’ve got to add you to the group chat!” Taehyung says, and Hoseok can’t believe he almost forgot.
“Of course! How could I forget? Is that cool with you, Yoongi?”
Yoongi takes a second but then nods. Hoseok is trying not to throw his personality at him so fast, but it’s hard when his personality is big. He takes up a lot of space just being himself. Yoongi seems like the kind of guy who would apologize for using too much space on a couch.
“Great,” he says and then hands his phone over to Yoongi. “Put your number in there and then I’ll make sure everyone sends you their name so that you can add them to your contacts. There’s only six of us, but if we ever get to be too annoying, just mute it and text us individually. The only person who will probably annoy you, though, is me. I post pictures of every dog I see on the street.”
“I enjoy them,” Taehyung nods. Taehyung often names the dogs that Hoseok takes pictures of. Jimin rates them. No dog has ever ranked lower than a ten out of ten, and for the longest time, Hoseok assumed Jimin was just an avid fan of the WeRateDogs twitter, but as it turns out, he had never heard of it. He just really loves dogs.
Yoongi tries to hide it, but Hoseok sees him smile just a little bit, and he’s proud of himself. Maybe Daily Dog Digest – which is what he calls his dog spotting – will bring that smile onto Yoongi’s face more frequently.
Hoseok decides very quickly that Yoongi is beautiful, which is going to get annoying considering he’s older than the guy and he doesn’t want to be creepy about it. Yoongi is probably over 18, but by how much is uncertain. He doesn’t ask him his age because that’s weird, but as Yoongi turns to leave, that small smile lingers in his brain. He is a heartbreaker, that one.
They watch Yoongi leave; Seokjin doesn’t look up because he doesn’t care, and he’s married so he wouldn’t look at him anyway.
“He’s gorgeous,” Taehyung says, stating exactly what Hoseok is thinking.
“I know, right?” he shakes his head. “He’s almost prettier than you Tae.”
“No such thing,” he shakes his head. “I’m definitely the prettiest, no one can even compare.”
As a manager, Hoseok works nearly every day of the week. If it were any other job, he’d despise that fact, but he gets to come into work every day, hang out with all of his best friends, interact with kids, make peoples days… really it’s hard to complain, because he’s been making a lot of money. To put into perspective how many hours he puts in, Hoseok has already managed to pay off his student loans and his car payments, and he’s barely in the latter half of his twenties. That just seems… unheard of.
He still lives with a roommate and the reason is twofold. He’s never lived on his own before because he’s afraid to and what better way to avoid being out on his own than to live with his very best friend in the entire world? He really loves and adores Jimin with all of his heart. They get along as well as two people can possibly get along. The second reason is because he wants to have a life someday. Maybe travel, maybe buy a house, maybe buy a drumkit. To whatever end, he wants to save his money in order to have those things, and having a roommate means that he can continue to save up.
He technically makes enough to live on his own, because they very much do not live in a big city, so rent prices are not terrible. Taehyung and Jungkook are constantly in his apartment when they’re not at work because Hoseok is a good cook and neither of them know how to use a toaster.
He tries not to sound too interested, but in the evenings when he and Jimin share dinner, he tries to see if there’s anything to learn about the new guy. Jimin knows as little about him as Hoseok does. His name is Yoongi, he has black hair, brown eyes, squishy cheeks. Jimin describes him as being very quiet, very soft spoken. Sexually ambiguous but probably straight. The guy is younger than Hoseok, far too young for him, so he really wishes he didn’t care to the extent that he does.
New Guy hasn’t contributed anything to the group chat yet, but he hasn’t removed himself from it altogether, which seems to be a good sign. The only thing he’s texted was the initial “hi, this is Yoongi” that he sent on day one. Whether he likes or dislikes Daily Dog Digest is yet to be determined.  
Hoseok works a few more shifts before he finally sees Yoongi again. Hoseok has an opening shift, so he’s too busy uncovering the concourse to see Yoongi actually come in for the day. He only notices him once he hears a blender start running. Hoseok turns to look over at them. Unsurprisingly, they don’t actually have a customer yet, it’s just that Jimin always starts his day out with a smoothie whenever he works a morning shift. Morning is a bit of a misnomer though since they open at 11:00.
Hoseok smiles. He gives a nod to one of his high school employees to continue setting the store up as he walks over to greet Yoongi.
“Good morning guys,” he says, smiling brightly. Yoongi looks up at him like a scared mouse but gives a small smile anyway. Hoseok forgot how pretty he is in the days since he last saw him. No one should have the right to be that cute.
“Morning!” Jimin shouts. He pours his peach smoothie into a cup and smiles at Hoseok like they didn’t just see each other an hour ago. Jimin has a short shift and then has to go to his real job, otherwise they would have carpooled.
“How are you, Yoongi?” he asks. He looks confused by Hoseok addressing him directly.
“Um, good,” Yoongi says. He’s the type to bite his lip. It’s quite sweet, actually.
“Great! It’s been a while since I last saw you. You like it here? Is Namjoon treating you right?”
Namjoon peers over at him from the register. Namjoon has never spoken a bad word about anyone ever in his entire life. He has had asshole customers yell at him and still remained as composed and perfect as he always is. Hoseok had an all-consuming, bone breaking crush on Namjoon for at least a year after meeting him, so his opinion is rose-colored. In any case, there’s no way in hell that Yoongi could possibly have any qualms with him.
“He’s very nice,” Yoongi says. His responses are short, not because he’s rude, but because he doesn’t say more than he needs to, which is basically what Jimin had described.
“If you ever have any problems with him just take it up with me and I’ll kick him in the ass for you. He owes me more than a few favors.”
Namjoon just rolls his eyes. Jimin is giggling, standing between the scene. He’s just sipping his smoothie like a child watching his parents fighting.
“Okay,” Yoongi says, he doesn’t even attempt to make eye contact with Hoseok, and it is very intentional.
“My name is Hoseok, in case you forgot,” he says.
“I remember, Hoseok,” Yoongi says, and his ears turn red but it’s so subtle that Hoseok doesn’t actually notice it.
Hoseok doesn’t meant to lick his lips. Yoongi is still not attempting to look at anything other than the counter so Hoseok doesn’t try to capture his eyes any longer. He just looks at him for longer than he probably should. He wonders why Yoongi doesn’t look back. He’s a soft-spoken kind of a guy, it’s possible that he’s just shy. Hoseok barely knows him at all, but he seems the type who takes a while to unfreeze around new people.
“Hoseok, your job?” Namjoon reminds him and he suddenly remembers that he is on the clock right now.
“Right! Well, do me a favor Yoongi and stop by the workshop when your shift ends, okay?” He smiles and Yoongi looks up at him and the eye contact that they have lasts for only about a second but it’s very heavy. He opens his mouth like he’s going to say something else, but he revaluates and decides not to.
Hoseok turns on his heels and sees his high schooler folding up the tarps they use to cover the store. The two of them finish the task with Hoseok only turning to look at Yoongi a few times.
For whatever unholy reason, they’re frighteningly busy this Thursday. There’s no reason for it, the density in traffic for a retail store is one of life’s greatest mysteries. It could be that passersby see Hoseok’s wonderful face and decide to approach in order to get a better look. He is annoyed with how understaffed he is today, Seokjin makes the schedules usually, but there’s really no reason for why he would staff three people in the morning for a Thursday in the middle of summer, so it’s not his fault.
He doesn’t get another employee in until 1:00, and by then, the line for the stuffer is already six different groups, most of whom have more than one furry friend each. He was supposed to take his lunch once Taehyung clocked in, but there’s no way he’ll be able to sneak away until they’ve gotten through the line. He just sighs and powers through it.
About an hour later, Hoseok is finally able to take his break. He goes into the middle of the concourse and then lies on the floor and makes a groaning sound. He stays there for about five minutes, trying to cool down. When he decides he’s gotten his bearings, he stands back up, pulls off his apron and waves bye to Taehyung and the high schooler. He gets a whole twenty-five minutes of peace away from the store. Knowing his luck, there won’t be a single customer while he’s gone, but after that, the entire population of Bolivia will want to make a bear. He can’t wait until Seokjin gets into work later because his feet could honestly fall off at any minute.
He glances over at Orange Julius to see that they’re extremely busy too. Had he not noticed before how much shorter than Namjoon Yoongi is? He’s so little. Jimin must have already left, but Yoongi honestly can’t be much bigger than him, if he is at all. It’s adorable. What a cutie. Then he makes his way to Hot Topic to bother Jungkook.
Jungkook is the store greeter today, so he sees him right as he approaches. He waves at him, and Jungkook stares back with blank eyes. The store is as dark and cramped as every other Hot Topic in the world, and apparently, it’s a truck day so there are more staff than usual who are all pushing stock. Yet, for some unsaintly reason, they’re not busy at all, except for the two alternative girls who Hoseok just stuffed an Eevee and a Pikachu for ten minutes ago.  
“You can only bother him if you buy something,” Jungkook’s manager says, and he gives her a thumbs up. He can always do with more jewelry. Jungkook’s nails are painted today, and based on how shoddy the work is, he did it himself. He looks like a full course meal, but he’s Jungkook so that’s to be expected.
Jungkook looks confused at Hoseok’s disheveled appearance, because isn’t it a Thursday? Why does he look like he’s just fought a war on a goddamn Thursday?  “How bad is it over there?”
“It was a nightmare. I don’t know why. People getting back their tax refunds maybe? I thought I was going to die.”
“Sorry, dude. Tae working?” he asks, and Hoseok is slightly offended, because Jungkook doesn’t need to be asking about Taehyung when it’s Hoseok standing in front of him. He’s the one visiting Jungkook, not Taehyung.
“I fired him.”
“That’s a shame,” Jungkook sighs. “Now I can never return.”
“I’ll only rehire him if you come back too,” he says with an award-winning smile.
“Guess Tae will just have to find another job… Orange Julius will be hiring soon if you guys scare the shit out of the new guy like you did that one time.”
“Ah, he seems alright,” Hoseok says. “He hasn’t talked to us in the Group Chat yet, which I’m trying not to be offended by. He’s just a baby.” Jungkook is also a baby, to Hoseok at least. He met the kid when he was literally a sophomore in high school. He met Jungkook before he even met Jimin. Jungkook used to be shorter than him. Now, even without his stomping boots, he’s taller. Hoseok is starting to feel his years slip past too quickly. How can Jungkook have gotten so big?
“He’s quiet,” Jungkook nods. “But so was I when we first met; we just gotta soften him up a little bit. Maybe go out for drinks sometime.” Hoseok is still unable to comprehend that Jungkook is old enough to drink alcohol. That doesn’t even seem real. Jungkook will always be one of his teenage hires, he’s just one of the ones that never left him. Until a month ago. Ugh, traitor.
“I’m going to have him make his initiation bear later,” Hoseok says, getting excited thinking about it. He loves making new friends, it’s one of his favorite things in the world to do, and it’s so easy to talk to people at his job. Kids are easy, they’ll love anyone who makes a teddy bear for them. Adults are a lot of fun, because they think the heart ceremony is ridiculous, but you can almost always convince them to do it anyway. Yoongi should be a treat later. Hopefully he’ll manage to pull a little bit more of his personality out of that way too pretty shell.
“Do you think he’ll stick?” Jungkook asks. They’ve had a lot of difficulty keeping anyone in their family as of late. Taehyung was actually the last recruit and that was something like four years ago.
“I hope so,” Hoseok shrugs.
“You like him?” Jungkook says, looking maybe a little bit too deeply into him. Jungkook is a bit of a mind reader, and it has always been a bit frightening to Hoseok.
“I just think he’s a nice view from the store, that’s all.”
“Jimin is across the hall from you,” Jungkook says. He’d mention Namjoon too if he wasn’t married, because Namjoon is definitely something to look at.
“You’re horny for everyone, Jungkook,” Hoseok shakes his head. Jungkook is an enigma, hard to tell who he’s attracted to and who he isn’t. All that’s certain is that he is easily impressed.
Jungkook’s boss gives Hoseok a glare. They’re not enemies, but she did steal Jungkook from him, so they’re certainly not friends. He wonders what would happen if he ran away without buying something after he promised he would. She knows where he works, so he’d get found out. If there’s any one in a mall that knows how to contact a bounty hunter, it’s a Hot Topic employee. And maybe those bitches down at Bath & Body Works; he’s never trusted them. They have blue aprons just like Hoseok’s, and that seems far too coincidental to be a coincidence.
“Pick out something gay for me, won’t you, Jungkook?”
Jungkook nods, and immediately goes to the jewelry section. It takes him no more than a few seconds to throw a rainbow beaded bracelet at him. It’s overpriced because they work in a mall and also capitalism, but Hoseok goes to the checkout anyway. Jungkook’s boss doesn’t give him a discount. Most stores in this mall will give mall employees a 10%, but not Hot Topic. That’s why it was so easy for her to steal Jungkook from him. Jungkook always found a way to make a blue apron look slightly goth, and that has always been impressive.
Before he left, Jungkook had been threatening to get tattoos on his hands so that he couldn’t work at Build-A-Bear anymore. Hoseok rolled his eyes because he would’ve let Jungkook work there anyway, even if it is against company policy. He let Taehyung dye his hair blue that one time, he just didn’t schedule Taehyung whenever their district manager dropped by. Jungkook could do almost anything to his appearance and Hoseok would still hire him back.
“Gay enough?” he asks.
“Nothing will ever be gay enough for me, Jungkookie,” he smiles sweetly.
“Hi Yoongi!” Hoseok waves him over excitedly when he sees Yoongi walking out from behind his prison-like counter. He’s got a backpack over one shoulder, which makes Hoseok feel slightly awful. For him to be using a backpack means he is definitely too young for Hoseok to have attraction towards.
“Hi, Hoseok,” he says, and for some reason, when Yoongi stops in front of him, he seems warmer than usual. Maybe Hoseok’s sunshine is starting to rub off on him, or maybe Namjoon is breaking him down just a little bit. In a good way. You need to be a little bit weathered in order to fit in around here.
“Are you tired? It’s been a train wreck around here!”
“Yeah,” he nods. Seokjin is talking with a few customers, a family by the looks of it, at the front of the workshop, but he’ll be coming around soon to the stuffer, so Hoseok just steals Yoongi away to hang out by the register.
“I know how tough it is to start a new job when everyone is already friends with each other,” Hoseok says. “It’s awful. It’s so hard to break through. We’re all really close, and that’s why I don’t want you to feel left out. But if my personality is ever too much, just tell me. I know I’m a bit much.”
Yoongi blushes, but again, Hoseok doesn’t notice it. “It’s fine, I appreciate it. I’m just…”
“New jobs are hard,” Hoseok says when Yoongi drifts off. “But if you ever need any help, literally come to anyone. I happen to know quite a bit about Orange Julius myself.” He did work there for like two years, but that was so long ago. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t unofficially looked after the place a few times.
Taehyung pops up from behind the concourse. He went on his break a little while ago, and Hoseok just assumed he went somewhere, but apparently, he was just sitting on the floor out of view.
“Yoongi!” He says, excitedly. “How are you?” Taehyung has the personality of a puppy. In every way, he was supposed to be a dog, but someone flipped the wrong switch and he ended up as a person. He’s a very special person who Hoseok would do anything for.
“Good,” he says, and apparently the increased quantity of people shrinks him up a little bit. His shoulders get a little less slack once there are two people looking at him instead of just one.
“You like your new job? Is Jimin alright?”
“Jimin is very nice, yes,” Yoongi says.
“Cool! Do you want to come get dinner with us some time? And by dinner, I mean the Panda Express at the food court. I’m a bit of an addict.”
“Um, sure,” Yoongi says nodding, and a soft smile appears on his sweet little face.
“Wonderful. I can’t promise when… we all tend to work the same hours, hard to get a break at the same time, but Hoseok will figure it out, won’t you, Hoseokie?”
“That’s a Jin question. I abhor scheduling.” Taehyung looks over at Seokjin who has migrated to the stuffer and is about to stuff the family’s chosen friends. It’s always alarming to Hoseok how kind and charming Seokjin is when he’s with guests as opposed to the snarky guy he knows. By all accounts, Seokjin is the nicest, kindest, and most wonderful person on the planet, but he’ll call you a motherfucker if you blink too hard in his direction.
Taehyung sighs. “Do you have anywhere to be? You should hang out for a little while, if you can.”
Yoongi shakes his head. “I’m off for the rest of the day.”
“Great,” Hoseok interjects. “There’s something you’ve still got to do.”
“What is that?” he looks wary.
“You, Yoongi, get to make an initiation bear,” Hoseok says, brightly. “I’m buying. As long as you name him Hoseok. If his name isn’t Hoseok I won’t let you make one.”
Taehyung smiles, “I have three Hoseoks at home.”
“You only have to name the first one Hoseok, I really don’t know why you kept doing that.”
“It’s fun,” Taehyung shrugs and takes a sip of his Orange Julius sponsored water. Taehyung is a serial forgetter of water bottles so at this point they usually put his water on the counter as soon as they see him clock in. Jungkook has recently become very save the planet-y so he’s been reprimanding Taehyung for how much he uses non-reusable cups.
Yoongi takes a second to find his voice and then stutters out, “You don’t have to do that for me-”
“Nonsense!” Hoseok says. “Everyone gets a bear, that’s just how it works. Or not a bear. You don’t have to pick a bear, we’ve got dogs, unicorns, bunnies. Pick whatever you want, but their name has to be Hoseok.”
“I have a very beautiful dinosaur at home named Hoseok,” Taehyung adds. “And a dog. And a monster.”
“I don’t appreciate the dog being named after me. I’ve never licked a toilet bowl in my life.”
“You’re actually serious?” Yoongi says, interrupting the back and forth that he and Taehyung could probably have for hours. Taehyung brings out sides of people that they never knew they had, it’s just the kind of person he is. He’ll get you thinking about the meaning of life, but he’ll do it in a stupid way by asking you what the shelf life is of your average wool sock. Wool socks last longer than cotton socks, but that leads into a whole philosophy majors worth of follow up questions. Taehyung doesn’t even pose difficult questions, that’s just what being around him is like. His brain is a lot wider from knowing Taehyung.
“Absolutely!” Hoseok says. “Have you ever built a bear before?” Yoongi shakes his head shyly and Hoseok gets the brightest smile on his face. “Perfect! My favorite type of guest! So, the first thing you need to do is pick out a friend. But you have to smile while you’re doing it, or else Taehyung doesn’t get to eat dinner.”
“I need dinner, Yoongi. Please smile.”
Yoongi smiles. He would have suppressed it if not for the fact that Hoseok has the prettiest smile he’s ever seen. That face could cheer anyone up. Seeing Yoongi’s tiny smile makes Hoseok glow. What a cute little thing, holy shit.
“You should get a horse,” Seokjin says, peaking over. “Hoseok hates it when we call him a horse.”
Hoseok gives him a death glare, and Yoongi just looks at the bins below him trying to determine the best Hoseok there is. There are many great options. There’s many rainbow or pastel colored bears which give off some serious Hoseok energy. There’s also a pink bunny which is one of Hoseok’s favorites that he recommends to half of their guests. Also, there’s a shark.
Yoongi looks carefully, analyzing everything in front of him. He’s never done anything like this before but the idea of it is fun. He wishes he could go back into his past and come here as a kid. He would’ve tripped over his own feet to have made his own bear.
Hoseok watches Yoongi look at his options with total fascination. He’s literally gorgeous. The profile of his face could make anyone swoon. He tells himself to force those thoughts away because Yoongi is too young for him. Not so young that Hoseok is a creep, but too young that he can’t think about dating him. He’s also probably straight because contrary to Hoseok’s friend circle, most people are straight.
Yoongi ends up picking one of the more classic bears. It’s a basic brown bear, some of the softest fur out of all the ones on offer, but it’s also on the cheaper end of the spectrum.
“You don’t have to pick one of the cheaper ones just because I’m buying,” he says. He’s a very honest person, Hoseok could easily just give a bear away for free, but crazily enough, he actually respects the company that he works for. Obviously, he’ll be using his employee discount on it, but he’ll still pay from his own wallet.
“I like this one,” Yoongi says firmly. “The fur kind of matches your hair color.” He blushes right after saying it, but Hoseok doesn’t notice because he takes a strand of his hair in his fingers and tries to look at it to determine if Yoongi is right.
When he determines that his hair does indeed match, he smiles and looks at him. “You can go absolutely wild with the other stuff. Get the most expensive sound, fill it with scents, buy a tiara. Literally, go crazy.”
Yoongi smiles. The thought of Hoseok in a tiara makes him feel a way he doesn’t think he should be feeling. He looks at the unstuffed bear in his hands and tries to determine whether a tiara would suit him.
“Do you want to put any sounds in it?” Hoseok asks, gesturing to the sound station. “You can get the Star Wars theme in there. I think that’s a pretty baller choice since his name is Hoseok. I like Star Wars a lot, so I’m sure little Hoseok will like it too.”
“Is that what you want?” Yoongi asks, looking genuinely interested in Hoseok’s opinion.
“It’s not about what I want, it’s about what you want. I’m just your tour guide here, all I’ll do is make suggestions,” he says. He tilts his head, undeniably intrigued by Yoongi. He wonders what his personality is like when he’s not nervous and dazed. It’s hard to get a read on him. Hoseok considers himself to be extremely empathetic, so sometimes he’ll detect things about a person without them showing it. It makes his job a little easier. It’s impossible to tell with Yoongi, though, because he’s dressed in a uniform rather than anything that could give him a sign. He also avoids making eye contact, which is precious, but it does little for Hoseok to learn anything about him.
“Okay, Star Wars then,” Yoongi says. Hoseok helps him look through the few different options, and they settle on the Imperial March, which makes Yoongi’s face get all squishy with a little smile. Hoseok adores it. He wants to pat Yoongi on the head and read him a bedtime story.
“I love when people get Star Wars,” he says fondly. “Nothing against Frozen, but Star Wars is classic.”
Yoongi nods and allows Hoseok to lead him to the stuffer. “Okay, Yoongi, this is the best part. This is where we give your bear life.” Yoongi can’t stop himself from blushing, because both Taehyung and Seokjin are watching him now with interest.
Yoongi feels a little bit like a zoo animal. Everyone is trying to learn things about him, but he’s the kind of person who is very contained when he meets new people. It’s weird walking into a circle of people who already know each other so well. It’s very intimidating, like Hoseok had said.
Then again, they’re all very open and kind to him, Hoseok especially. Yoongi is not an idiot, he knows that everyone around him is insanely attractive. Namjoon is too pretty, but he’s married so Yoongi doesn’t salivate at the mouth whenever he’s near. Jimin is an easy pretty, and from some source he was told that Jimin is decently famous on Instagram for posting dance videos. And of course, there’s Hoseok who has the brightest energy about him. Yoongi doesn’t believe in auras but if he did, Hoseok’s would be bright pink. Yoongi is going to inevitably fall for one of them, and the way that Hoseok looks at him makes him believe he’s already figured out who.
Hoseok places him in front of the stuffer and he’s presented with a pedal. It feels very foreign to him, looking at the limp teddy bear which Hoseok is about to stuff? Apparently? With a giant machine? That spins around and looks a bit like cotton candy? The concept is foreign, because there wasn’t a Build-A-Bear where he grew up. All he knows about the place is what he watches from behind his counter a few yards away.
The sound that the machine makes startles him, even though he’s heard it a dozen times just today. It’s a lot louder when you’re right next to it. Hoseok looks like an expert, not that he’s been spying on him the entire time while he’s at work, but it is hard not to let your eyes wander over to the giant blue store in the middle of the hallway. It’s even harder to avoid looking at the pretty guy who has a way with kids and has a face like a sunrise.
His eyes just gravitate towards Hoseok when he talks to customers, laughs with them, talks to them like he’s known them all his life. He seems like he’d be easy to talk to, because no one else has any trouble with it, but Yoongi is a hopeless gay who gets tongue tied around pretty boys.
“Alright,” Hoseok says, turning off the machine. Yoongi takes his foot off the pedal, though the machine has stopped so it’s not like it does a whole lot. “I’ll have you give little Hoseok a hug test to make sure he feels right.” Taehyung comes out of nowhere to hug Hoseok from behind his chair and he just sighs. “I was referring to the other Hoseok, but I appreciate it, Tae.”
“You feel just right,” Taehyung says. Hoseok pats his hand as he tries to shrug him off.
“Feel good?” Hoseok asks, looking to Yoongi though Taehyung has not let go of him. Yoongi nods. This is such a weird group of people, but he kind of likes them already. Especially Hoseok.
“Okay, now comes the actual best part,” Hoseok says, and he pulls a small fabric heart out of a bin right beside his machine. Taehyung lets go of him at this point, only to stand a few feet away to watch. Hoseok always does the best heart ceremonies, which doesn’t seem fair, because half of the time Taehyung just copies everything he does, but Hoseok makes it look so easy and natural. He really was made for this job.
Hoseok places the heart into Yoongi’s hand, and their fingers touch and it makes the real heart inside of Yoongi’s chest stutter just a little bit. He really is just so weak around cute boys, so it’s been a difficult job to transition to. To make it worse, Hoseok is his kind of cute boy. It’s all in the smile.
“So, the first thing you need to do is get that heart warm by rubbing it between your hands.”
“Do we really have to do this part?” Yoongi asks, looking sheepish. He’s seen this part from his perch, and it seems awkward to do it in the middle of the mall. He looks around himself, even though there’s nobody here to watch him. Well except for Seokjin and Taehyung. This just doesn’t feel like the sort of thing that a guy who’s in his late twenties should be doing.
“Don’t you want little Hoseok here to have a big heart?” Hoseok asks him, holding the bear by its arms like it’s ready to reach out and give Yoongi a hug. If the way he holds it wasn’t enough, all he needs to do is look at the real Hoseok’s lip pouting out. He’s never been good at saying no to people.
Yoongi just sighs, nods, and says, “okay.”
“Perfect!” Hoseok says and has Yoongi warm the heart up. He demonstrates with his hands what he wants Yoongi to do, so he copies. “Then you’re going to tap on it to get that heart beating. And you’re going to want to rub it on your cheek so that little Hoseok always smiles at you. And rub it on your funny bone so your bear is full of giggles. And rub the heart on your tummy so that he gets all of the food he needs without stealing yours. And rub it on your side so that he’s by your side for life. Anyone want to chip in?” Hoseok directs the question at the two behind him.
“Rub the heart on your toes so that he is toe-tally awesome!” Taehyung says.
“Rub it on your knees so that he always knee-ds you,” Seokjin says.
Yoongi takes it all in good stride, though he’s painfully awkward as he tries to modestly follow all the commands. He wonders if they’re just messing around with him again. When he thinks of that, his entire body stiffens up. He doesn’t want them to make fun of him.
“And the last thing you need to do is hold the heart up to your face and make a wish,” Hoseok says. He looks at Yoongi and sees that he looks very uncomfortable right now, which was never his intention. He probably shouldn’t have gone overboard on giving the bear so many traits. But it’s Yoongi’s first bear and now he’s part of the group so maybe he just wanted to show off. Then he opens up the back of the bear for Yoongi to put the heart into. “I’m sorry if that was too many things. We aren’t trying to embarrass you. We just really like our job.”
“I’m only here for the view,” Seokjin says, looking across the hallway to where Namjoon is serving both smoothies and looks.
Hoseok smiles brightly and Yoongi is mesmerized by it. “Do you want to add any smells to your bear?” he asks. Yoongi doesn’t hear the question. Embarrassing himself makes him weak, and in his weak state, Hoseok’s face is able to reach inside of him. He repeats the question when Yoongi doesn’t answer, so he blanches.
“I have smells you can add to your bear,” he says and then scoots over on his chair to point to them.
“I made a bear with four smells inside once,” Seokjin says. “One in each arm and leg. Different fruit smell in each one. He smells like a smoothie, and it reminds me of my husband.”
Taehyung makes an aww sound and Seokjin just nods because he knows that he wins cutest couple award.
“Uh, I guess,” Yoongi shrugs. “What’s your favorite?”
“Cotton candy,” Taehyung says, his eyes darkening. It’s a frequent joke that Taehyung likes the cotton candy smell. He keeps one in his apron, so he goes around everywhere smelling like cotton candy.
“I like lavender,” Seokjin smiles.
“We’re out of lavender.”
“Then I like watermelon.”
“Oh me too,” Hoseok nods. “I’m a watermelon kind of guy.”
“Let’s do watermelon,” Yoongi says. Hoseok loves how easy it is to make any grown man excited about a teddy bear at Build-A-Bear Workshop. They come in with whatever bravado they have but then you tell a guy he can make his bear smell like birthday cake and his eyes light up.
He lets Yoongi smell it and when Yoongi nods a little too eagerly his heart thuds painfully against his ribcage. He’s so pretty, he’s so pretty, he’s so pretty.
Once the smell is inside, Hoseok stitches up the bear with lightning quick precision. Yoongi can’t stop himself from looking at his hands. They look strong, but also a little blistered from all the stitching and sewing he must do. When the bear is done, he gives little Hoseok over to Yoongi. He doesn’t mean to, but he gives little Hoseok a very excited squeeze and that’s what makes big Hoseok’s mouth dry up a little bit. He can’t stop himself from imagining Yoongi cuddling the bear late at night. God, and if he actually names the bear Hoseok! He’s going to cry!
“Thank you,” Yoongi says, and Hoseok nods.
“You get to dress him up now!”
Taehyung jumps up excitedly to give him a tour of their Dress Me wall. Everyone has a favorite part of the store, and Taehyung is oddly in love with showing off all the clothes that you can put on the animals.
“Might I suggest a tiara?” Hoseok says.
Taehyung shakes his head, “personally, I’m against shoes and tiaras because they are not as easy to cuddle in bed.”
“We also have bows!” Hoseok jumps up excitedly after picking up some loose stuffing from the floor.
Yoongi ends up putting the bear in a dinosaur pajama piece and Hoseok has never been prouder of such a marvelous creation before. Also, Yoongi lets him put the bows on the bear. This is quite possibly the most perfect bear that Hoseok has ever been witness to. He’s a soft, dark brown bear, that plays the Star Wars theme, smells like watermelon, wears a dinosaur onesie, and has pink and purple bows on his ears. He’s perfect.
“That’s hands down one of the most beautiful bears I’ve ever seen,” Seokjin says, and there’s no sarcasm to his voice which is astonishing.
Yoongi would feel self-conscious if he didn’t agree whole heartedly. Little Hoseok is one of the seven wonders of the modern world. Big Hoseok helps him to make a birth certificate which Yoongi finds adorable. True to his word, the name that goes on the birth certificate is ‘Little Hoseok.’ Big Hoseok then proceeds to take all of the tags off of the bear and his clothes and brings them to the register.
“No, it’s okay, I’ll pay,” Yoongi says.
“Um, excuse you,” Hoseok says. “I lured you over here in order to buy you a bear, you aren’t paying for shit.”
“But it’s expensive, I-”
“Listen, there’s nothing you can actually do to stop me, I’m the one who knows how to use the register,” Hoseok says. Yoongi accepts defeat, though it’s with several more “are you sure?”s. Eventually, Yoongi comes to be holding little Hoseok inside of a little box that is the perfect size to hold him. He honestly feels like ripping the bear right back out and holding him. He would probably prefer holding onto the bear’s namesake, but anything to keep him less lonely at night will do the trick. For now.
Hoseok sends Yoongi away brightly. Taehyung asks him to stick around a little longer, but he really needs to get some air, because breathing in Hoseok’s air makes him lightheaded. Aw fuck, he’s a little boy having his first crush in elementary school all over again.
“You know, for their first date Seokjin and Namjoon came here and recreated the scene from Ghost only instead of pottery, they made a unicorn,” Hoseok says.
“That was, like, our third date actually,” Seokjin says. Namjoon sits at the table outside of the concourse waiting for Seokjin’s shift to end. There are actually two other managers at Orange Julius that aren’t him, which is hard to believe because he’s such a workaholic. Crazy, right?
“Not to sound dramatic, guys, but that’s literally the cutest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life,” Taehyung says.
“The unicorn was our ringbearer.”
“Even I know that’s not true. I was at the wedding,” Jungkook says.
“So was I,” Taehyung says. Literally everyone was at their wedding. It was a year after their family had truly formed. Taehyung was fresh but he was still beloved.
“Well that’s what I’m going to write in my autobiography anyway,” Seokjin shrugs.
Namjoon looks at him with stars in his eyes, very clearly hanging on his every word like he’s an angel. There’s literally never been a couple more helplessly, adorably in love as Namjoon and Seokjin. If you look too hard at them then your heart will rot away. Also, you’ll crave desperately someone to hold you. Sometimes Jimin gives extended hugs and that’s the closest Hoseok has been to a person in about seven years.
In the process of looking at the two of them clearly in love, Hoseok sees a beautiful black-haired boy come in through the service door behind them. Hoseok’s heart bumps out of key for just the briefest second before returning to normal.
“Yoongi!” He says, calling him over. It’s been about a week since Yoongi made little Hoseok and ever since, Hoseok has been very excited by his presence whenever he sees him. Not to say he wasn’t before, but it’s a little louder now. He assures himself it’s just because Yoongi seems like he’ll fit into their friend group. That’s surely all it is. It’s not just because he’s also the prettiest guy Hoseok has possibly ever seen.
“Hi Hoseok,” Yoongi says smiling softly. Either Yoongi doesn’t say hi to everyone else or Hoseok tunes it out because of the way that his mouth looks when he forms words out of it. His voice is so calming. He could read you the dictionary and you’d be fascinated by every word.
“I’ve got to go to work,” Yoongi says and waves goodbye only a minute later.
“Oh, okay,” he says. Seokjin checks his watch and realizes that Yoongi’s shift starting means that his shift is ending.
“Freedom!” he says excitedly, tearing off his apron. Namjoon smiles at him and watches Seokjin as he goes into the concourse and clocks himself out for the day. When he returns, he kisses Namjoon a little bit too passionately for public and Jungkook makes a grossed-out face. Taehyung just thinks they’re cute. Taehyung loves love a little bit too much. Whenever anyone looks like they’re in love, he thinks it’s cute. His favorite thing in the world is when couples come into the store and record their voices saying “I love you” to each other for their bears. There’s no one who does a better heart ceremony for anniversaries than Taehyung.
“Take me away from here,” Seokjin says. They’re very weird people. They’re a match made in heaven, which is evident because they each put up with each other. Seokjin climbs onto Namjoon’s back like it’s normal and they walk away with Namjoon giving him a piggyback ride. God, Hoseok wants something like that.
“I want something like that,” he says.
“If we’re both single when we’re forty I’ll be that for you,” Taehyung says. Hoseok smiles at him and nods. He loves Taehyung, but not romantically. If he’s still single at that age, god forbid, he’ll live with any of his friends so that he’s not lonely, but he does not want to kiss Taehyung even though he’s sure it would be amazing.
It’s weird. When he first met Taehyung, even though he knew he was gorgeous, he never felt an instinctual urge to run his hands through his hair and kiss his cheek. Not like he thinks about Yoongi like that or anything…
He looks over to Orange Julius at the prettiest employee. Hoseok’s not close with the other managers there; one of them is a total piece of shit, and the other is way too serious. Yoongi is getting instructions for the day from the way too serious one, and his face in profile mesmerizes Hoseok.
“Um, earth to Hoseok?” Taehyung says, waving a hand in front of his face. He looks up from his trance and realizes they have a customer. He jumps right back into customer service mode with Jungkook behind him wondering if their little Hoseokie might have a bit of a crush.
“So,” Jimin says.
“So,” Hoseok replies.
“How do you like the new Orange Julius employee?” Jimin asks.
Hoseok frowns at him, sitting across from him at the dining room table that Jimin’s mom gifted them when they moved into their own place.
“Isn’t that something I should be asking you? You’re his coworker.”
Jimin purses his lips, “yeah, but you’ve been very eager to get him to interact with us in the group chat.”
“Are you trying to ask me for my permission so you can fuck him or something?” Hoseok asks. “Because, I really don’t think he’s gay.”
“No,” Jimin scoffs. Jimin doesn’t think that Hoseok knows he sometimes sleeps with Taehyung in a friends with benefits sort of way, but he does. Very hard to hide a secret like that from him when he’s both Jimin’s roommate and Taehyung’s boss. Hoseok is pretty sure that Jimin doesn’t know Taehyung is in love with him, but that’s just something they’ll figure out for themselves one of these days.
“Then what’s your point?”
“I’m pretty sure you want to fuck him.”
“I don’t want to fuck him,” Hoseok says, which is both a lie and the truth.
“You like him.”
“I… shut up, Jimin.”
He smirks at him and then winks. Jimin turns around to rinse off his plate, but he leaves the feeling in the air. He’s not surprised that Jimin sees through him, but he desperately hopes that he’s the only one. Yoongi can’t know that, he only just met him, and that would make their budding friendship very weird.
“When was the last time you had sex, Hoseok? I don’t think you’ve slept with someone since I met you. That’s like five years. What if it falls off?”
Hoseok throws a piece of egg at him which gets lodged in his hair. Hitting him where it hurts; Jimin cares more about his hair than he does about his health.
“Probably closer to seven years.”
“Dude! That’s a really long time.”
“I’m me, Jimin,” he says, like that’s an explanation. “I don’t sleep with people unless they’re special.”
“You never slept with me,” Jimin says, “I’m special.”
“That’s because you’re Jimin and I don’t like you,” he says, flinging another piece of food at him. He and Jimin went on one date soon after they first met. The two of them went to college and studied dance together, so it seemed to make sense at the time. They both thought dating each other might be convenient until they went on one date, found it awful and decided to instead be best friends. It’s been working out pretty well, neither of them has wanted to date the other since and it’s been nearly five years. Hoseok can’t imagine how terrible it would be if they had moved into this apartment and been trying to date. He might not have his best friend in the world if that had happened.
Jimin rolls his eyes and backs away from the projectile. “Okay, so maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself, but I do wish you’d date someone. You have to be getting lonely over there in your room, watching porn slightly too loudly because you think I can’t hear it.” Jimin barely even attempts to pretend he’s watching porn sometimes, that’s just the kind of person he is. Hoseok’s headphones are often put to good use because of the weird things Jimin is into.
“I’ll go at my own pace,” he says. “I’m married to my job, Jimin, you know that. I put in so many hours at work, so I barely have a life unless it’s with you.”
“Do you think maybe you’re just scared of entering a relationship? I’m not talking about Yoongi in specific. I mean in general. I think it’s been so long for you that you forgot how to date.”
“That’s very probable,” Hoseok says, going back to the food in front of him which he had been eating before he started throwing it at Jimin. “What about you, though, Jimin? You haven’t found the one yet, either.” He doesn’t mention Taehyung, because surely there’s a reason that he hasn’t told Hoseok about that.
“I date!” Jimin says. But he hasn’t since he started fucking Taehyung.
“You’re just as afraid of commitment as I am.”
Jimin scowls. “That’s not true. I at least know how to date someone. I know how to be a boyfriend and how to love someone and how to… fuck. You haven’t dated since college, and that’s not real dating anyway. You’re not a real person yet until you leave college.”
“I don’t want to deal with this right now,” he says, and that’s the honest to god truth. It’s all too much to think about. Yeah, he hasn’t dated anyone in a really long time, and it’s become easy. Being single is just the way that he knows how to exist. Allowing another person into his life is far too much pressure. He’d just as soon be content or discontent not putting himself out there than try to navigate the world of dating for the first time at age 26.
But then again, wouldn’t it be nice to cuddle someone? God, his skin hungers for someone to cuddle him and put their arms around his waist and kiss his neck. He blushes at the thought. He wonders who that person will be. What do they do in their life? What do they look like? Hoseok doesn’t view himself as a real adult, so he can’t have someone with a real job. He can’t date a lawyer, because that’s a whole ass person with their life in order, and Hoseok stuffs bears for a living. He couldn’t date a doctor, because they’re in charge of making sure people don’t die, and Hoseok puts bunnies into fairy princess dresses on the regular.
It really would be convenient for the both of them if he and Jimin had romantic attraction to each other. That would be pretty great. Or if he actually liked Taehyung, or if it was seven years ago and he had beat Seokjin to Namjoon. None of those relationships would last though, because he just doesn’t like them that way, even if there was once a time when he thought he did.
Yoongi is a convenient scapegoat. He’s too young, probably straight, therefor, he’s off limits. Hoseok can’t possibly find himself wanting to be in a relationship with someone if that person is five years younger than him, so he can continue to find Yoongi attractive all he likes, and he can save himself from committing to a real relationship.
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datheetjoella · 4 years
Fantober 2020, Day 22: Demon/Angel
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Author: DatHeetJoella Fandom: Free! Pairing: MakoHaru Rating: T Part: 22/31 (read the full collection here) Word count: 1,612 Tags: Canonverse, Established Relationship, Fluff, Filters, References to Sexual Content Read at: AO3, FFn, or right here!
Fresh out of the bath, Haruka walked back into the room. Makoto was sitting on the bed with his back against the wall, engrossed in his phone.
"The bath's free," Haruka said, but Makoto didn't respond. Instead, he opened his mouth slowly, not saying a word, then he chuckled under his breath. With a frown, Haruka went over to him and asked, "What are you doing?"
"Oh, Haru!" Makoto said as though he hadn't even noticed he was here. He patted the mattress next to him. "Come sit. I want to show you something."
Haruka plopped down beside him and scooted over until their thighs touched. When he peered onto Makoto's screen, he frowned. The front-facing camera was open and he stared back at his own face. He didn't quite understand what was so remarkable about this. "What?"
"Now open your mouth slowly."
Another incredulous look was sent Makoto's way, but Haruka did as he was told and let his jaw slacken. Instantly, a rainbow waterfall cascaded from his mouth while his eyes grew big and his cheeks were tinged pink. The furrow between Haruka's eyebrows deepened. "What is this?"
Although they'd had their smartphones for almost half a year, Haruka still didn't understand all the functions it had. There were only a handful of things he used and the camera was one of them, but he had never seen this before.
"It's an app that puts filters over your face so you can take pictures or videos with it," Makoto explained, "You know my friend, Hayami-chan, who posts a lot of sparkly selfies on social media? She was taking some earlier when we were studying, so I asked her how she gets those effects on her pictures and she showed me this app. I've been playing with the filters while you were in the bath and some of them are pretty funny. Here, look."
Makoto swiped through the little images at the bottom and selected another filter. Dog ears and a nose adorned his and when he opened his mouth again, a tongue appeared on the screen. Haruka still thought it was a bit silly, but this one was kind of cute. Not that he would ever admit that.
"And look, it stays on your face even as you move around."
"This one suits you," Haruka said, biting his bottom lip to suppress a smile, "Nagisa was right after all."
"About what?"
"That you're like a golden retriever."
"In that case, this one is perfect for you." Makoto tapped on the search bar and typed something. When he pointed the phone back at Haruka, his whole face was replaced by a cat one that was, unlike Makoto's cartoon dog features, incredibly realistic. The stripes of fur moved along with his expression and the eyes blinked when he did.
"Now this is just terrifying," Haruka said with a snort.
"I quite like it," Makoto said with a cheeky grin. "It's cute. My two loves combined into one."
That made Haruka seriously question both Makoto's taste and his sanity. "How is this amalgamation anything but creepy? This is actual nightmare fuel."
"If you hate it that much, I'll pick out another one for you," Makoto said, "How about this one, a flower crown? Oh, or this one, a halo with angel wings. These are nice, right?"
They were better than the cat filter, but that didn't say much. While Haruka didn't see the fun in it, Makoto seemed to be enjoying himself. As long as he was happy, Haruka would gladly play along. "Do they have an Iwatobi-chan filter?"
A cheerful laugh left Makoto's lips. "I don't think so. You'd have to be the one to create it if you want one."
"Too much effort," Haruka said with a shake of his head. "What about a mermaid filter?"
"Hm, I'm not sure," Makoto mumbled as he thumbed through the options. "I would say no because most of these are aimed to use on your face, not your whole body. I'll ask Hayami-chan about it the next time I see her."
Haruka nodded, then he reached onto the screen. "What's this?" he asked; the preview picture was too small for him to make out what kind of filter it was.
"It's the devil filter," Makoto said as he pressed onto the image. As expected, two red horns popped up between his brown locks. "When Hayami-chan was showing me earlier, my friends said this one suits me."
The crease between Haruka's thin eyebrows returned at that. "How so?"
"They said I look and act so sweet that I must be hiding a secret, demonic side and that the filter is a reflection of my true nature," Makoto said in a spooky tone, but he ended it with a giggle that broke the spell.
Haruka had to summon every bit of self-restraint not to scoff at that. If there was any filter that reflected Makoto's true nature - besides the dog face - it was the angel one. "That's ridiculous. Your friends clearly don't know you as well as they think."
"What, you don't think I have a darker side to me?"
"No?" Haruka said, confused as to why Makoto sounded offended when he was defending him. "You couldn't even pretend to be evil when we were making the swim club recruitment film."
"It wasn't that I couldn't pretend to be evil, I was just nervous about acting in general," Makoto said, discarding his phone on the duvet, "Besides, Shizuru-kun thought my evil king was convincing."
"And he was the only person who thought that," Haruka said, "Makoto, you were crying this morning while watching a cat video. Does that sound like something a person with a dark side would do?"
"But it was so sad and cute!" Makoto said, "At first, it seemed like the kitten wasn't going to make it, but everyone took such good care of her that she made a full recovery. Isn't that heartwarming?"
The tears that welled up as Makoto recalled it did not support his case. "I'm pretty sure my point stands."
"I can be devilish," Makoto insisted as he crossed his arms, "Want me to show you?"
"Sure," Haruka said, curious to see what Makoto would come up with to prove himself. "Show me all you've got."
Before Haruka could as much as blink, he found himself pinned to the mattress by his wrists, arms raised over his head. His jaw plunged in surprise as Makoto hovered over him, a sly smirk wickifying his features, but he didn't want to admit defeat just yet. So he shot Makoto a challenging look back.
Makoto's expression didn't shift as he moved one hand from Haruka's wrists to his belly and, without a second of hesitation, started to tickle him. This was a low blow, but Haruka wouldn't give in that easily. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing and stared right back into Makoto's eyes.
Alas, this was a battle Haruka was doomed to lose, for Makoto knew all his most ticklish spots. After a solid minute of tensing his abs, he couldn't hold back any longer. Loud laughter erupted from his stomach and he kicked his legs.
"Stop! Makoto!" he managed to get out between fits of giggles, desperately trying to break free. "Stop!"
As nefarious as he was, Makoto quit the instant Haruka told him to. With a self-satisfied grin, he sat back. "Well, how was that?"
"This does not count," Haruka said when he caught his breath. "This is teasing at best, not devilish. People tickle each other all the time but that doesn't mean they have a dark side."
"Oh, so you want something of a higher caliber?" Makoto said, scratching his chin as if in deep thought. He leaned over Haruka again, reclaimed his hold on his wrists and lowered his face next to Haruka's left ear. In a low, husky voice he murmured, "You want to see my true, sinful nature?"
The words in combination with his hot breath fanning against his ear shell and neck sent goosebumps down Haruka's spine, spreading tingles across his body. Now this was the type of sinful he could get behind. "As sinful as can be."
Makoto didn't need to be told twice. He stroked his fingertips lightly over the inside of Haruka's bare arms, down his torso to his thighs. Then, he spread Haruka's legs and lined up their hips, his face inches removed from Haruka's.
Haruka's heart pounded faster and faster with anticipation as Makoto's hands played with the hem of his pyjama pants. Makoto's nose brushed against his, their lips only a whisper apart. All the while Makoto didn't break their eye-contact and a look that was more than familiar to Haruka shone in his hooded green irises.
Just when their lips were about to connect in a passionate kiss, Makoto was gone.
Confused, Haruka pushed himself up on his elbows and watched as Makoto leisurely strolled to the bathroom. "What are you doing?"
"I'm going to shower. I'll be taking a while, so you don't have to wait up for me and can go to sleep first. Good night."
With that, he shut the door behind him.
This had to be a joke. He couldn't leave Haruka here like this. Surely whatever he had in mind before was much more fun than taking a shower.
Haruka waited for Makoto to come back, but when he heard the faint sound of dripping water, he realised what had happened.
With a loud, frustrated groan, Haruka grabbed a pillow and slapped it over his face.
Perhaps Makoto's friends knew him pretty well after all.
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Silver In The Sea (Julian Devorak! Pirate x Mermaid! Reader) 2
Summary: A year into his travels at sea, Julian Devorak is faced with the highs and lows of sailing across the southern sea; facing the dangers that come with it. As a physician, he is given many opportunities to live out the days in surviving for himself - especially against many things that want him dead.
Notes: Julian is certain that there isn’t a massive half-human half-fish creature in front of him, but he is certain he has lost his mind.
Prologue -  1  -  3  -  4
Silver In The Sea Chapter 2 (Disbelief)
Julian lowered his spear, watching with curiosity and horror as before him in the shallowness of the red-mixed water, the head floated to the top, and eyes were staring back with anger back into his.
In that instant, he thought truly that the denial and lack of shade had brought him to insanity; staring down into the waters, dirtying up to mix the blue with the red, creating a brown-green hue.
The droplets were thick and hanging off the person’s head, a head that looked most likely from a female if he had remembered what they had looked like. Their eyes - almond-shaped and dark - held no warmth, the only fury as they seemed to snarl and squint back up at him.
Quickly, Julian hastily threw the spear back over his head, the sound plonking and wadding in the water behind, as the wave caught it and dragged it to and from the shoreline, drifting further and further away from him.
Wrapping the imagery in his mind of what could’ve possibly been in front of him - a strange lady with only her head floating on top, Julian tried to get some sounds resembling words out of his drying mouth. 
Wracking his fingers together decidedly, he tried to give a nervous smile. “Erm, hi?”
The creature, not impressed, didn’t answer, instead, bringing out another low whine mixed with a hiss, something similar to what Pepi would let out when she was annoyed; and downright, the creature was too.
I’m not surprised, if you had been speared in the leg, would you be chipper about it? Ilya studied dumbfounded, lifting his arms to give off the look of submission.
The creature didn’t take its eyes off him, and instead, in a last-second scramble, tried convulsing and twisting its way back into the water where it had come from.
Julian gave off a small noise of uncertainty, trying to clamber back to the bottom of the creature hastily and clumsily, all long limbs trying to reach out to help. “Here, let me- woah!”
His hand hadn’t even come out properly in reach yet and instead of not touching soft flesh, he found his fingers feeling for the same slimy texture found when he touched wet seaweed or from fishes they had caught from his time onboard Eliana’s Song.
He recoiled, as a something thick and long came and swiped underneath his feet, with the same texture he had felt on his fingers, now knocking him backwards into the shallow waters below.
He tumbled and luckily being tall enough to properly submerge, he spluttered when the saltwater reached his mouth and nothing else, but now he would have to deal with wet clothes once more.
“Gosh darn it, not again.” He lamented heavily, his eyes briefly looking up before doing a double-take, startling him at what was now in front.
It wasn’t just now an angry woman’s head just floating above, but now a proper head attached with a torso and lower body, but something was whipping out like an aggravated snake through the water, and in that flash, the same silver flickering of a snake-like tail snapped back into the small waves.
Oh crap.
Julian tried pushing himself backwards, finding that the seabed was growing deeper the more he went in, watching in fear as the drowned woman crawled like a predator towards him.
Their human skin was blue-ish, making them look more like a drowned corpse than a living being, matching the bodies he had tried saving when seamen fell into the waters.
Their hair hung over their face, altering their features as their lips opened, and Julian pulled back in dread when he saw jaws pointing back at him. 
So, the tales of the merfolk were true all along? He thought in morbid fascination, awaiting what would be his end. He had remembered the stories he had been told by Mazelinka; of beauties prowling in the deep rich seas, seducing sailors in and bringing them more than just trepidation.
The siren was near now to his face, hissing with its mouth pulled back in almost an animalistic and horrific display; eyes black with no pupil, fingernails sharpened and growing into talons, they tried to reach out and take a final swipe at his face, and Julian awaited the end with both awe.
At least I will go to my grave knowing that they always existed. Ilya thought, shutting his eyes finally as he waited for it, the hideous slash across his throat and the feeling of drowning in his blood, but that never came.
Opening one of his eyes slowly, Julian observed from the other side what was taking place in front of him.
The siren pulled back with another low forlorn whine from the throat, ceasing all movement as the pulled back, the same hand coming to touch at their tail.
Julian watched, not moving nor speaking, watching more of the blood seeping out as the creature watched on and wriggled at its ultimate demise.
Poor thing-- no! I shouldn’t pity it! It tried to kill me! Ilya bickered in his mind, trying to think what Mazelinka or Pasha would do if they were in his shoes. They certainly wouldn’t of allowed this creature to live.
Another pathetic, yearning whine came from the siren, as they waded through the shallow depths, their skin pale, and almost in the soft sunlight of the day, they looked so much like a woman he had remembered back in Nevivon.
Dammit, Pasha will think of me as weak. He sighed in defeat. I just cannot say no to a pretty face.
“Medicine... Medicine! I can help you-- wait there, darling!” He scrambled back up to his feet, rushing past the half-naked woman as he ran back to his camp, trying to find anything useful. Dried up seaweed and some cloth he had found in his pocket that resembled a handkerchief, he ran back into the shoreline, happy to still see the siren still laying there.
“Okay, I’m just going to add pressure, this may hurt.” He brought the dried seaweed as it still had some moisture to look like a paste, bringing up the silver tail that looked heavier than it looked.
He heaved it into his lap, kneeling before her on his knees as he inspected the wound. It wasn’t too deep, but it certainly looked like it would hurt and leave much more of a puncture wound for sharks to come out and find her.
He applied the seaweed to the end of the tail, and again, another drawn-out hiss came from the lips of the siren, the longing arrival for death, yet tortured for it all; sadly looking on as they watched Ilya at work.
Skilful with his work and hands, he was able to wrap the cloth around the wound and seal up the wound with enough seaweed, using some string he wound the bind it all together as he set to marvel at it all. 
For the lack of supplies and anything to stitch it up, he thought he did quite the good job.
“There, I’m sorry about... all that. I suppose you got back at me for all that earlier.” Julian apprehensively spoke, running a hand through his drying hair.
The siren watched him, not speaking to him, as if more watchful of the craft of his aid on her. She lifted the end of her tail above the water, looking at the bandage with close inspection and squinted eyes.
Julian nervously observed it all, and before he could utter another word to the creature, the siren had rolled onto their stomach once more, and dragging with their nails back into the water, until they had engulfed themselves’ fully, and disappearing fully below the darkening waters.
Ilya hummed in thought, maybe more in interest as to what he just took part in. “Huh, Pasha will laugh at me for believing I just saved a mermaid.”
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ashis2gay4u · 5 years
A Different Kind of Magic For My Poor Heart
Prompt: Write about how magic is the norm. Some excel at it, some are only okay, and others are against it completely, despite being able to use it. Your main character is the latter.
A/N: I used SAGA instead of LGBTQ+ due to the fact that I once saw a post referring to how it should be the official name instead of LGBTQ+ due to the fact that it's all inclusive, and I personally loved the idea.
Nico di Angelo glared at his reflection, staring himself down. He noticed how his black eyes flitted across the mirror, taking in every little imperfection of his face.
He noticed the bags under his eyes, his extremely pale skin with majorly contrasting freckles, the way his chapped lips looked too feminine for his liking, how his eyes were such a dark brown they were almost black, and not to mention all the scars lining his bare chest and shoulders, the long-lasting bruise around his neck like a choker he can never seem to get rid of or cover up.
A hard knock at his door had him spinning around, quickly putting on his black Punisher t-shirt, pulling his black Joker themed beanie tighter over his long black hair before grabbing and  adjusting his leather jacket.
He opened the door, gripping the strap of his Three Days Grace satchel tightly in one hand as he beamed at his crush, Percy Jackson.
"Hey, dude! You ready for our magical adventure?" Percy asked, his sea green eyes brimming with excitement.
Nico inwardly cringed at the word "magical". He hated magic, especially his own. He felt uncomfortable whenever his friends used their powers, even when Percy did.
Magic was a common thing in this world, but at the time and age he came from, it was looked down upon to use it in public. He still wasn't used to this time and age, his mind was still stuck in that time when magic users, people of color, and people of the SAGA community were all shunned and abused and used.
Nico nodded, exiting his cabin into the cold fall air, pulling his fingerless gloves tighter, hoping to cover more of his slightly exposed wrists.
Camp Half-Blood was a summer and year round camp for "disturbed" children and teenagers, according to the flyers and advertisements. In reality, it was a camp built to help young children and teens learn to better control their powers.
When he was ten, Percy and his best friend Annabeth had found him and his older sister Bianca and brought them here. Bianca instantly jumped on the train, and ended up abandoning him to join an all girls camp. He hated her for it for a while, but then he learned to accept it all.
Except for the fact that he was forced to use his magic everyday in order to keep himself from becoming homeless. That was the only downside.
He shuddered when he remembered how hard it was to survive without using his magic when he had ran away from camp.
He followed Percy to the borders of camp, where Argus, a mute man who has the magical ability to see everything around him, was waiting for them by the camp van.
He nodded at them, and Percy nodded back. Nico felt like a hundred eyes were staring down at him in disapproval, and due to Argus' nickname being the "Hundred Eyed Man" among campers, he wouldn't be surprised if it was the man himself.
He climbed into the back of the van next to Percy, only to have a pair of thin yet strong arms wrap around his neck.
"BABY BAT WINGS!" an excited voice shouted in his ear.
Nico rolled his eyes, "Shut it, Repair Boy," he said, turning to glare at one of his best friends, Leo Valdez.
He noticed that the others were already there, and Nico glared at Jason Grace, who was wiggling his eyebrows at him.
"Awee, but Neeeeeekssss~!" Leo whined, earning a light slap from Jason's girlfriend, Piper McLean.
"Leo, leave the poor boy alone. Look at him, he has depression!"
Okay, low-blow, McLean.
He groaned and sunk further into his seat, clutching his satchel to his chest.
Finally, the door to the front opened, and in a second, one Annabeth Chase became visible.
Nico hated her power most of all. Invisibility, one of the most hated magical abilities from his time period. It was most common among thieves and murderers back then. Worst part is, it's all of both Athena cabin and Hermes cabin that have the ability, and they're both filled with people most likely capable of committing these crimes.
He doesn't like Jason's or Piper's either. He doesn't mind Leo's and Percy's. It still bothers him, but as he knew Leo before camp- he met him when they had both ran away from their respective homes at the same time-, and he has a crush on Percy, it doesn't bother him as much.
But Annabeth... He didn't like her much. She was always nice to him, but he could tell she liked Percy too, and he disliked her for it, because although Percy may be bi, he tended to lean more towards girls than guys.
Not to mention, he knew she could murder him in seconds if she wanted to, so there was also that.
Nico huffed as Annabeth signed to Argus effortlessly, and he responded just as easily.
Miss Perfect, Percy's little Wise Girl.
He put his bag down at his feet and managed to pull his knees up to his chest, earning a strange look from Percy.
He smiled at him, a small smile, but a smile nonetheless, and Percy smiled back so warmly and brightly Nico swore he was from the Apollo cabin, with magical abilities as bright and pure yet dangerous as the sun.
Nico flinched and blushed a deep red when Percy swung his arm over his shoulders. Whether the older boy noticed or not, he didn't say. Nico had to fight the urge to snuggle up against him.
Lo and behold, he didn't have to hold back for long, because Leo- who knew about his crush on the water-bender- decided to be a very unwanted wing-man and climbed to the middle seats where he and Percy sat and sat down next to Nico, pushing him against Percy's side regardless of what his pride and dignity demanded of him.
He could feel Annabeth's grey eyes watching him from the rear-view mirror, and instantly cursed every single god he could think of for this cursed fate.
This... Was going to be one long-ass field trip.
Nico huffed as he face planted onto the bed of the hotel room in New Rome, the camp on the opposite side of the US.
He still didn't know who he was bunking with, because as soon as he saw the key-cards he grabbed one and ran, dragging his bag behind him.
He sat up and turned to face the opening door, only for his face to drain of color.
"No, you can not be my bed-mate!" Nico cried, glaring Percy down.
Percy looked taken aback, "But... Leo is staying with Frank and Hazel, Annabeth is staying with Reyna, and Jason is bunking with Piper. I've got nobody else to bunk with, and we only booked four rooms..."
"Who the fuck authorized that?" he demanded.
"Jason did?" Percy said, although it sounded more like a question.
"...Am I that horrible?"
Nico's head shot up at the cold, angry voice Percy was using. He's never used it on Nico or Grover, but he's directed it at everybody else, including Annabeth, at least once.
"What?" he asked, confused.
Percy's hands shook slightly, and Nico knew if he got anymore angry than he was, toilets and sinks and tubs would start exploding and flooding the place.
"Am I that horrible that the mere idea of me sharing a bed with you makes you wish you never came along? Do you actually hate me that bad? Do I make your skin crawl because I'm not afraid to use my magic? Is that it?"
"Then what the fuck is it, Nico?!"
There went the sink, two more to go before instant flooding of the hotel room.
"You, you? You what, Nico?"
The toilet exploded then. One more before doomsday.
So, naturally, Nico lost his shit, and went crazy-mad first.
"I DON'T WANT TO SHARE A ROOM WITH YOU BECAUSE I LIKE YOU, YOU STUPID MERMAID!" Nico finally snapped, wanting to get away. He could feel his own magic run rampant, the room temperature dropping to below freezing, shadows clawing at his clothes and the walls. He could feel the skeletons trying to break free from the ground, trying to come to him.
Percy froze, before making his way over to the bed.
Nico cowered, and put a hand out. Shadows shot from his palms, wrapping themselves around Percy's legs and knocking him down, "S-stay away. I-I know I-I'm disgusting. You like Annabeth, obviously, you always tended to favor her over me before. Sure, you've been really nice lately, but... You always fall back to her and Grover, a-and-"
He let out a hiccup, wiping at the tears he didn't even realize until now he had been shedding, and retracted his hands, the shadows retreating back into his body like clockwork.
The sink and toilet stopped flowing as Percy just sat there, sprawled on the ground still, staring up at Nico, who was now full-on sobbing.
"A-an' I know you don't want a... A pathetic k-kid like me... Somebody w-ho d-doesn't even like magic... And... I just wish you'd l-leave me alone because all I w-want is you but I can't have you and..."
Nico let out a light gasp as he was pulled against a warm, well-built chest.
Percy's chest.
'He smells like the ocean...' Nico thought, feeling all the strength he had leave his body.
He broke down, majorly. Wailing and all.
"Hey, hey... It's okay, Neeks... Come on, look at me..." Percy mumbled softly, rubbing soothing circles into Nico's back.
Nico let out a small sob, and managed to force himself to look up at Percy, who was looking at him with concern.
Great, now you're a charity case.
"W...Why are you still here...?" he asked in a small voice, trying to keep himself from falling victim to a panic attack.
"Because, Ghost King, I like you too," Percy replied, smiling softly.
Nico stared at him in utter shock, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
"I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure you liked me back, not to mention I'm older than you by three years, and..."
"You... No... I... What...?"
"Awe, I broke your poor little brain," Percy teased, and Nico let out a small laugh.
"In your dreams, Seaweed Brain."
"Hey, only Annabeth can call me that."
Nico instantly soured. "Sorry," he spat, "Mermaid-Man."
Percy's face instantly turned into one of apology, "I'm sorry, I-"
Nico laughed, "Now look who got fucked over! HA!"
"You little fuckin'-" He was suddenly cut off by Nico, who had pressed his lips against Percy's in a short, gentle kiss.
He was satisfied by the fact that when he pulled away, Percy was blushing madly.
"So ah... What now?" he asked sheepishly, and Nico grinned.
"One, be my boyfriend. Two... Go on a date with me?"
Percy nodded, "YES!" he shouted, only to seemingly mentally reel himself back in and say, "I-I mean, ah, yes, that sounds lovely."
Nico laughed again, smiling brightly as he wiped away the rest of his tears, "Great, let's go."
"Right now, yes. There's still daylight."
Percy smiled back, nodding as he stood up, helping the other boy to his feet as well.
He didn't let go of Nico's hand afterwards.
They went off, laughing and smiling and exchanging sweet kisses.
Nico may not like magic, but he enjoys how magical the trip turned out to be, he enjoyed how magical the sparks of each kiss he shared with Percy felt, and how magical the tingling of his fingers entwined with the older boy's felt.
He may not like the magic he's accustomed to, but the magic of Percy's hand in his, of knowing Percy is his, makes him hate magic a little less.
Just a little.
{La Fin}
~Ashton Bende
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Porpoise song
The start of the Mermaid au: Peter and Micky are mermaids, Mike and Davy are humans (davy to show up later)
word count:  2596
trigger warnings: Descriptive drowing
author(s) note: so @ineedyoubygeorgeharrison and i started a mermaid au! we had fun just coming up with some good old lore and drama.
Micky realized what was going on almost the moment after he woke up again. And even though his head was pounding, he could still process the fact that he was slowly being dragged towards the edge of the boat and that he couldn't do a thing to stop it. He blinked, eyes widening as he began to fight back.
“No, no, no, wait, please! I didn't do anything- Please, y-you can't do this! Mike!” Micky desperately tried to plead and shout for help as he was shoved closer and closer to his doom, swallowing thickly as he finally caught sight of the cold, dark water churning below. He struggled in a feeble attempt to free himself but it was to no avail, the ropes were bound too tightly around his wrists for him to even begin to get free and the man’s grip on his arm was firm, not intending on letting go.
“Too late for begging now, Dolenz, no one’s gonna help you,” he growled and Micky couldn't help but cringe at the smell of alcohol on his breath, automatically turning his head away from him. A drunken old jerk was all that man was, Micky had a bad feeling about him from day one. He didn't trust him as far as he could throw him and he doubted he could even pick him up.
Who would've known his feelings had been right all along?
“C’mon, man! I-I didn't do anything, let me go-!” Micky really didn't think he had done anything wrong, especially anything that would provoke a man to want to kill him. All he’d done was be himself. Unfortunately, people had the tendency to not like him being himself, as he was probably the most obnoxious person one could ever meet.
The man said nothing. The ocean waves did nothing to hide Micky's frantic breathing or the sound of his heart practically beating out of his chest as he tried his hardest to pull on the ropes, but it was only in vain. Nothing would work.
The man didn't move from where he stood on the edge of the boat, looking out as if taking in the vast ocean around him. The night made the ocean look darker and scarier, endless as it sprawled out beyond the horizon.
Maybe he was rethinking his actions, Micky hoped, maybe he had a change of mind and was feeling guilty-
"What the hell?” Mike's voice cut through. He stood frozen at the entrance of the cabin in utter disbelief at what was happening before him, looking like he’d just woken up.
Micky's head snapped up, they made eye contact for a split second before Micky opened his mouth to call out for him, to beg for his help. If anyone could talk a crazy man out of killing someone, it was Mike.
And then, he was thrown.
Mike’s scream echoed in the air and it was the last thing Micky heard before he plunged into the sea, instinctively gasping at the sudden cold as he went beneath the waves. He knew immediately it had been a bad idea as water entered his lungs instead of air, he’d need all the oxygen he could get if he wanted to even come close to surviving.
But surviving was getting more and more difficult the longer he stayed underwater, his lungs burning for air as every part of him screamed at him to take a breath no matter how much he told himself that he shouldn't.
He thrashed in the water, his face burned. The ocean stung his eyes even as he squeezed them shut, the darkness surrounding him only making him panic more.
Micky was sinking, the water rushing past his ears was all he heard. He was freezing.
He couldn't drown. He couldn't.
No matter what he did his legs wouldn't move, he felt heavier and heavier in each passing second. He was light-headed, there was no more air. That was it for him, there would be no help. He opened his eyes slightly and the last thing he saw was the moon shining high in the sky above right before he finally drifted off, nothing could save him anyway.
So, Micky gave up. The sounds stopped, the burning feeling in his lungs faded.
It was dark.
And just like that, he felt nothing. No more pain tormented him, he was numb. The ocean was unforgiving, swallowing him whole as he drifted down to his watery grave.
Then, he woke up.
A surge of energy overcame Micky as he bolted up. He heaved, his hands scrambling to his chest. He fought back a sudden sob as it all came crashing back to him, remembering everything that had happened the night before. There was the boat and Mike and...The drowning…
He’d died, hadn’t he? He was almost certain he had, but if he had drowned...Why was he still alive?
It was only then that Micky realized he couldn’t feel his legs and panic shot through him once again as he looked down to discover that he didn’t have legs anymore. Instead, he had a tail.
Micky simply blinked as he stared down at it, still in too much shock to do anything else. Maybe that lack of oxygen had messed him up and he was just hallucinating, there was no way he actually had a tail. Hesitantly, he reached out to touch it and gasped when he did, instantly drawing his hand back because those smooth, green scales felt way too real.
“No way…” He whispered to himself, eyes wide as he reached down and touched the tail once more. Sure enough, it still felt just as real as it had before.
The green scales (scales, he thought in disbelief) seemed to glisten in the distorted sunbeams coming from above, they shined a rather pretty blue and green and-
Micky, realizing he had absolutely no idea where he was, finally took a good look around. It hardly even took two seconds for him to figure out where he was, evident by the plants waving around gently and the actual school of fish that passed by the opening to the cave he found himself in. He was underwater and somehow, he was breathing just fine.
It was confusing and honestly, it was kind of terrifying at the same time. He was alone, for some reason he had a tail of all things, and he could breathe underwater, it was like something straight out of a story.
He hugged his arms to his chest, feeling his breathing start to quicken and- where were his clothes? He was pretty sure he hadn't been naked when that jerk had thrown him overboard.
Great, he could add no clothes to the list of things going wrong now too.
He was practically on the verge of panicking, he had no idea where he was, and worst of all…He missed Mike. If Mike were there, he’d probably know what to do, he always seemed to know what to do...
“Hello!” A rather cheerful voice cut into Micky’s worried thoughts.
Micky first registered gold.
A bright, golden tail. Attached to the tail was a kid…No, a mermaid probably near Micky’s age, giving him an equally bright dimpled smile.
He floated down beside the flat rock Micky had woken up on, his blond hair took a minute to settle around him and Micky couldn’t help but wonder if his own curls were moving along with the waves around them.
“I’m Peter! It’s nice to meet you,” Peter introduced himself, hands falling on his lap as he leaned forward. Micky, in turn, leaned away. For a moment neither spoke. For once in his life Micky was speechless.
“...Am I dreaming?” Micky said, though, it was more to himself. Peter tilted his head and Micky couldn’t help but think it adorable, maybe this mermaid was here to actually help hi-
“Ow! Why did you pinch me?” Micky yelled as he held his stinging hand, Peter pulled his arm back with a pout.
“You asked if you were dreaming, so I tried to help,” Peter explained like it was obvious, crossing his arms.
“But I..! Even if...“ Micky stuttered as he tried to come up with a retort, but came up empty. “That hurt…” He settled on a whine, cradling his hand against his chest as if he had almost lost it, frowning at Peter.
Peter’s whole demeanor actually changed at Micky’s complaint, like he was upset with himself.
“Oh, I’m sorry...” Peter muttered, looking down at the ground almost like he was ashamed of himself, and Micky almost immediately felt guilty. Good god, that kid was too sweet for his own good.
“Aw, come on man, I was just joking…” Micky found himself speaking to the golden mermaid...Wait, why was he apologizing-
“Peter!” Someone called from outside the cave. It was a soothing voice, rich in tone. Though she had only called out Peter’s name, it held an almost motherly call.
Then, she entered.
As Peter had almost been an assault of gold to the eye when he entered, she was more of a calming silver. Though not as bright or flashy, her scales looked to be faded from time. Her brown hair floated behind as she swam closer. She was pretty, Micky couldn’t help but think. As she stopped in front of him it took everything from Micky to keep his jaw shut.
Why, you may ask? It was simple, she was huge.
She could easily be taller than Mike, Micky thought, ignoring the little pang in his chest as he thought of his friend. She towered over both mermaids. Despite her size, Micky didn’t feel intimidated in the slightest.
She floated down to take a seat on a nearby rock. “Good to see you awake now,” She began pleasantly as Micky stared up at her, merely giving him a small smile at the look of awe on his face.
“Who...Are you…?” Micky asked cautiously, he didn’t think he was in any danger around her, her presence was too relaxing for that and there was no way Peter could ever be considered a threat, but he was still a bit on edge nonetheless. After all, drowning and suddenly waking up with a tail of all things was kind of overwhelming, who wouldn’t be at least somewhat nervous?
“My name is Vera, and before you start asking, yes, I am a mermaid. As is Peter and the rest of those in our group, some of them were born into this life, like Peter here…” She paused and gestured towards Peter, who simply smiled and waved in return, earning a quiet chuckle from Vera before she focused her attention back on Micky. “But as for some others, like myself and now you, we are sirens.”
Though her explanation sounded about as calm as someone discussing the weather with someone else, it still managed to freak Micky out. He was a siren? How was he supposed to know what that was?
“Excuse me, but I’m a what now?”
Vera didn't seem surprised by the question, maybe she'd been expecting it from the readily constructed explanation that she proceeded to say.
"You drowned,” she began softly. Micky knew this, he could still remember the dark and the pain, yet it still felt like a stab to the heart hearing her confirm it. Though he wasn't looking at the two of them, Peter played with the beads on one of his bracelets, and even with his face partially obscured, Micky could see a frown on his features.
“Sirens are created through tragic deaths, it wasn't your time and yet...You were almost given to the depths of the ocean,” Vera continued, sounding almost sad as she spoke. “But the ocean took pity on you, you should be thankful for a second chance.”
The ocean had given him a second chance? How? Why? How?
"Oh, so the ocean took pity on me by giving me a tail? Great!" Micky found himself saying before he could stop himself, unable to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. So he was a mermaid, but what now?
He’d had a life before, his own goals and plans and dreams. He had family, friends...Mike. Could he never go back? Was he doomed to wander the ocean forever-
“Are you alright?” Peter asked softly, interrupting his spiraling thoughts. Micky blinked, surprised at not only the tears in his eyes but the fact he could still feel them underwater.
“...No,” Micky answered truthfully because he really was the exact opposite of alright. It was all just so much to handle at once, he didn’t think he’d be able to deal with it for a while.
“And that’s okay, I’d be more surprised if you weren’t, but we’ll be here for you if you want us to be.” Vera began gently, reassuring him. “Including myself and Peter, there’s a group of seven of us. All ready to accept you with open arms if you chose to stay.”
“If not, then we may teach you what we know, so you may go off freely and live on your own.”
So Micky could leave, he could run...Erm, swim away from these mermaids. Then what? He couldn’t simply return to his old life, no matter how much it pained him. But maybe he could find something out there for himself.
Micky nodded, not ready to give an official answer, and it seemed like Vera understood.
“Peter volunteered to teach you, as he’s a natural-born mermaid, I’m confident that he’ll show you right.”
Peter visibly perked up at the praise, showing his dimpled smile. Vera stood (could Micky still use that word?) from her spot, resting her hand on top of Peter’s head for a second before bidding them goodbye.
Micky watched her go, before turning to Peter as he moved slightly closer. “...Now what?” He questioned quietly, unsure of what was going to happen next.
“We can start with swimming in a bit! The tide isn’t set to come until later in the day so we can go to some shallow water,” Peter began as Micky tried to move his tail at the mention of swimming. It was going to take a while to adjust.
“You’ll love the others here! They’re all nice and friendly,” Peter began to ramble as Micky lifted his tail with a small yell of triumph. “There are two adults and two kids, and Jade’s baby! She’s too small to swim yet so we all take turns carrying her around, she’s really cute, you’ll have to meet her sometime!”
As Peter continued to dump all this information onto Micky (they all lived in the area around this one cave, the water was always really nice and Peter had a stash of pretty seashells and rocks hidden away nearby that were good for necklaces and bracelets),  Micky found himself slowly starting to calm down. Something about being around Peter was nice, it reminded Micky of his younger sisters. He seemed to be easily trusting and Micky was sure he could trust him. He needed someone to help him deal with the new life thrusted upon him.
So, yeah, Micky would stay.
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Summary: Y/n’s couldn’t remember much of her life, only little snippets and antidotes appeared in her mind. The further into the story you read to more of her past you uncover, fitting together the missing puzzle pieces of her mind.
Pairings: Pan X Reader X Felix 
Warnings: IDK I’m trying something new :/
**In this story Pan doesn't take over Henry's body but he goes to Storybrooke because of Rumple 
Side note: all back flashes will be in italics**
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*12 years ago*
"Where is she!?" Pan boomed, his voice reaching every nook and crannie of the island as it felt silent under this wrath.
Silent, the lost boys stood ashamed, there heads hung low in despair. Hopeing that their punishment, which would defiantly come, would not be a bad one. However, they all knew that it was going to be, they had just lost the most precious thing to the island, the most precious thing to Pan.
"Well?" he roared.
"We couldn't find her." A lost boy whispered, nearly audible over the thundering sky "We tried, we searched and searched, going round in circles but she never showed up."
"Did you check her special place?" Pan asked, by now the sky was a dark black but not because it was night, because I was seething.
"Yes, she wasn't there ether. We think she - she might be..." none of the lost boys wanted to say it, if they said it out loud then there might be some truth to their empty words, "dead." He whispered.
The leaders hands balled into fists of rage as lightning crackles over the dark sky, buckets and buckets on water poured down onto the island, the ground couldn't soak up any more.
That fateful day often replayed in the boys minds, many cried over the soul which had been lost, even Pan shed a tear. The little girl was special to everyone on the island, not just the boys, the sun seemed to shine brighter when she was happy, flowers seemed more vibrant and animals seemed more cheerful. Tink would often come down to camp just to see the bright girl with a smile on her face, the mermaids allowed her to splash around in their waters, warding off any unwanted creatures while she was playing there, even Hook and his crew would stop fighting the lost boys on her account. 
Everyone loved the sparkle in her bright e/c eyes, they loved the sound of her cute voice and contagious laughter. She had the power to make anyone happy, weather it be by cracking a stupid joke she had heard of one of the older boys or just simply being herself. Pan would calm down after spending five minutes with her and when she was around Felix quickly came out of his shell, but since she’d been gone his remained emotionless and cold and his leaders temper only worsened. Pan became hungry for power, stopping at nothing to try and find Y/n again and bring her back, they all searched for days on end but to no avail, they could only assume that her body had been washed away with the sand.
A certain blonde boy sat aboard the Jolly Rodger, hands tightly tied behind his back as he sat on the uncomfortable wooden seats. The rope cut into his soft flesh, burning the skin on his wrists, but the emotionless boy dint bother to fight it. He refused to speak to anyone, he wouldn't utter a word to anyone who wasn't Pan even though these so called "heros" had tried countless times to get him to talk. His mouth was sewn shut. A kinda lady with the short Raven hair would often make her way towards him, despite her better judgment, each time trying to encourage the boy more and more to speak.
"Here why don't you eat something?" Her soft voice echoed in his mind, bouncing around the walls of his skull before going out the other ear.
He didn't say a word, his hollow blue eyes remained glued to the floor, all he had left to do was twiddle his thumbs and think.
That's all he had been doing since he was forced aboard the ship. The boys mind filled with memories, in all his life Felix only took three very important things into account. Three things that stuck with him, haunting this dreams no matter how hard he tried to push those bad thoughts away, they kept coming back stronger.
The first was when he had lost his brother, they were messing around as boys did, climbing up trees and swimming in lakes. His brother had always wanted to lead to swim, he pestered Felix over and over again to teach him and each time Felix would shrug him off.
"Maybe next time." He would say before patting the smaller boy on the head and walking away.
One day the blonde boy’s brother took it upon himself to learn how to swim, jumping into the deep waters without a second thought. By the time Felix came home his brother was lying face down in the murky waters, his lungs undoubtedly filled with green liquid while his lifeless body floated.
The second was the day Y/n had gone missing, with her he felt like a part of his life was complete, every one felt that way around her and when she died, he was heart broken.
And now, now his home had been taken away from him. The reason he was on that dangerous island in the first place was because he wanted to forget. He wanted to leave all of his worries behind and have fun for once, he didn't want pity, nether did the other lost boys. They were his family, that island was his home and now it had all come crumbling down like old castle walls which were under attack.
So here he was now, watching the navy blue waves crash against the already rotting wood of Hooks ship, surrounded by his family, people he hated and traitors. Many things ran through his mind, one of them was what happened to Pan. He had seen Rumple and Hook lift him aboard the ship and take him below deck, but so far he hadn't heard a peep.
The small brown haired boy came up to him, holding a tray of food. He placed it in front of Felix without saying a word, just watching.
There was a moment's silence before he spoke, "You should really eat something."
"I only take orders from Pan." Those were the first words the blonde boy had spoken since he set food of the ships slippery wood panels.
"It wasn't an order." He shrugged with a clueless smile.
Grumbling to himself, Felix slid the tray of food over to him before taking a big bite.
"We'll be back in Storybrooke soon." Henry voiced, but Felix just ignored him and carried on stuffing his face.
From below deck the king of Neverland, which many feared, was bound to a rickety wooden chair sat in an almost pitch black room, unconscious but still breathing. The son which he had abandoned all those years ago stood in a dark corner, watching, waiting for the teenager to wake up so that he could have his twisted fun, after all Pan was nutritious for liking games.
“Is he awake yet?” Hook inquired, scratching is stubble with his hand as he impatiently stepped into the room.
“Not yet.” The dark one responded, his cloudy eyes glued to the boy in front of him, glued to his farther, glued to the man who had left him all those years ago. Smiling to himself as he thought of all the pain he could inflicted on the now powerless boy in front of him, but he would never hurt as much as Rumple did.
Quietly, the boy who would never grow up began to stir, mumbling things that no one else could make out as he did so.
“Rumple?” The once strong and feared king asked, his voice coming out as nothing more than a whispered croak, his eyes quickly turned dark in rage, “What have you done?”
The man let out a childish giggle in response, “The ropes I’ve bound you with are enchanted, they take away the power of their prisoners, but only for a short amount of time which is why you wont be here for much longer.” A twisted smile crept onto his lips.
“What do you want from me?” the weakened leader asked him.
His son had leaned in close, so close that their noses were almost touching, “I want revenge.” Rumple sneered before landing a punch straight on Peter’s face.
Then another, and another, and another, they never stopped. The punches kept rolling like a waterfall, but Pan was strong, he could handle it but he didn’t know for how much longer. He coughed and coughed, dubbing over in pain until Rumple stopped.
“We’re not finished yet.” He warned before storming out of the room, leaving his young father utterly alone.
He didn’t cry, he didn’t dare show any signs of weakness, not in a place like this. Although the room was dark the leader of the wild group of boys still manged to make out shapes and soon enough his eyes began to adjust to the dark. Those evergreen orbs danced around the shadowy room, from the look of it, it was pretty bare, but one particular thing stood out to him. The small flower crown made out of daisy's which lay on the floor, it was Y/n’s, she had given it to him. He remembered it like it was yesterday, he always carried it around with him, it never left his side.
The little girl sat in the corner of camp, not daring to turn around or look at anyone, she just silently sat there. The boy’s peered at her, curiousity filled their minds as they tried too look over her shoulder.
“What are you up to, little one?” Felix asked as he went to approach her.
“No!” she yelped, causing the second in command to jump back in surprise, “It’s a surprise.”
“Oh OK.” Felix spoke, giving her a friendly wink as he walked away with his fingers on his lips before taking a seat next to his boss, who stared at him, but Felix couldn’t read the emotion in his eyes.
“What?” he asked, turning slight red under the attention Pan was giving him.
“You really seem to like her don’t you?” he inquired.
“Yeah,” he smiled while looking down on her, “She’s like a little sister to me.”
The king of Neverland smiled, wondering how he ever had doubts about the small innocent girl when she had first arrived, “I’m sure all of the boy’s would agree with you there.”
The two boy’s were so engrossed in their conversation that they hadn’t even noticed the little girl standing in front of them, clutching a daisy chain in her small hands.
Peter had raised an eyebrow at the small creature, “And what do we have here, darling?” he asked sweetly, the only time Pan was ever sweet was when he was around her.
Y/n had climbed up onto a log, flapping her little legs in the air as she tried to pull her self up without any help, finally she stood up and placed the crown of flowers on Peter’s head.
“It’s for you,” She spoke quietly, her little cheeks turning crimson, “Because you’re the king.”
Pan didn’t want to admit it, but there was something about this girl which made his heart melt with joy, in his opinion she was just too cute to handle sometimes, that’s how she got away with anything, no one on the island would dare hurt her or make her cry because if they did they would just have Pan and the boy’s to deal wit, but the Pirate, Fairy’s, Mermaids and other creatures which would inhabit the island too.
“Thank you, love.” he voiced, flashing her a million dollar smile, “But don’t you think it’s a little small for me?” 
Her face reddened in embarrassment, “I can make it bigger!” she exclaimed, reaching to take the flower crown off his head and add more daisy’s to it.
“No, no, love, that’s OK, I want you too keep it.” He explained to the little girl.
“But you’re the king.” she quietly whispered.
“Well I guess that’ll make you my queen.” he smiled down at the wide eyed girl, a smile spread across her face as happiness took over her tiny features.
Pan had told himself that he wasn’t going to cry, but when it came to her he couldn’t help himself, she had gone and he had never forgiven himself for letting her wonder off alone at night, he should’ve been there to watch over her, but he was foolish. He wanted her to come back so bad, he wanted to see her little face and hear her adorable laugh one more time, just once.
By the time they arrived at the unknown town the blonde boy was fast asleep, lulled into a land of never ending blissful dreams by the gentle swaying of the waves. The ten year old had placed a kind hand on his shoulder before giving him a light shove, trying his hardest not to he too rough.
"Wake up," he uttered softly, "we're here."
His blue eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the golden sun which beamed down on them. His orbs wondered around the unfamiliar place, soaking it all up.
He wasn’t scared, he wasn't uncomfortable or anxious, he was simply broken.
The hero's had already ushered the lost boys off of Hooks ship, Felix searched and searched, but Pan was no where to be seen among the busy streets of his new home. Out the corner of his icy eyes he could see the "hero's" whispering about him, wondering what they were going to do with someone like Felix.
"You." A man demanded, his voice rough and harsh and he shoved his finger in the tall boys face, "follow me."
Felix followed the man's orders without question, not caring where he would end up. It was as if his soul had been hollowed out. He let his feet guide him, aimlessly following the stranger without a second thought as he was lead down ally ways and windy roads before arriving at a building. Upon stepping inside he was instantly throw into a cell, they treated him more like a caged animal in a zoo then an actual human being, what were they locking up for anyway? Being loyal to his friend and sticking by him?
The metal door closed with a thunk, keys rattled as the cage was being locked up tight, none of them said anything, they didn’t even look each other. It was as if the man was too ashamed, his eyes were ether glued down to the floor or to his hands, but there was a brief moment just before the man left where Felix caught his eyes.
He was left completely and utterly alone, just like he had been all those years ago.
“Y/n, Y/n,” Ruby had repeated your name more times than anyone could possibly count, clicking her fingers in front of the h/c headed girl’s face in a desprate act to grab her attention.
“What? Sorry.” The girl in question had spoke, blinking a few time before quickly coming back to reality.
A small giggle slipped from her red lips, “What’s up with you today? You’ve been acting so weird.” 
Y/n pondered for a moment, she was right, she had been acting weird but why? There was this weird feeling which erupted from the pit of her stomach that she just couldn’t seem to shake.
“Hello?” Red sung, waving a hand in front of your face, “Earth to Y/n.”
“I’m sorry.” The girl announced, placing a hand on her face, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me today, maybe I’m just tired.”
“Everything OK?” Granny chimed as she entered the storage room of her diner.
“I think Y/n’s feeling a little under the weather,” Ruby began, “she keeps spacing out, would you mind if she took some time off?”
“No it’s OK, you don’t have to do tha-” 
“Of course, go and get some rest.” She spoke before giving me a kind smile and walking away.
Ruby could see the guilt which washed across Y/n’s features, “It’s OK, we’ll see you at the party tonight.” she smiled, Giving her a small nod, Y/n gathered her things and began walking out of the diner.
“Bye granny.” She chimed before the bell rung to signify that she had walked out the door.
Crisp air nipped at her delicate skin as she walked out onto the busy streets, it was more lively then usual. That’s when Y/n spotted it, the old wooden ship was sat silently in the docks and Henry and the rest of the crew were all milling around, greeted by all of their family and friends. Excitedly she ran over to the ship she call’s home, pelting her feet onto the concrete ground as she ran as fast as the wind.
“Hook!” She squealed with delight, “You’re back.”
“Of course I’m back,” He spoke with a devilish grin, going to give the girl that he had know for so long a hug, “Why did you think otherwise, love?”
“I don’t know.” She proclaimed, “I just got worried and besides I missed sleeping in my own bed.”
Eagerly, she went to climb aboard the Jolly Rodger, excited to spend time and catch up on her family, after all she still had yet to find out where they had went.
“Wait!” Hook bellowed, causing the startled girl to turn around and meet his gaze, “You can’t, he’s still on the ship.”
Y/n only had to hear that man’s name in order to tense up, anyone could see the fear which radiated off her face, which was now as white as a ghost. Suddenly stopping in her tracks, the girl didn’t take another step, instead she slowly retreated.
“Oh.” Was all Y/n could manage to get out of her mouth.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” The mad man banged on the bared doors of her cell, alone on the dirty floor lay a little girl, unable to keep herself from crying as her tiny body shivered, not just from the cold.
“I’m sorry,” She whispered, her throat was ripped to shreds from all of the screaming, she was terrified, the innocent creature had heard what this man had done to other people in the past and she didn’t want to encounter his dark side for herself.
“Don’t be sorry,” He man giggled like a child, his scaly fingers hooked themselves around the bars of her cage as he lent his face in between the gaps, getting closer and closer to the little girl, “Just don’t do it!”
She jumped back in fright, unable to stop the salty tears from flowing down her rosy cheeks like a waterfall. Thankful that the crocodile like man had disappeared once again, retreating back into the shadowy castle which he lived in.
That was the only thing she could think of at the time. Why had the dark one taken me? Why did he strip me of my home and everyone I loved? Why haven’t Peter and Felix come to rescue me yet?
Although the little girl could never know for sure, in her heart she knew that the two boy’s which she looked up to the most would come to save her and when they did she would finally be reunited with her family and home once again, back in Neverland.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ooooo... the drama has started already, was it Gold that Hook didn’t want you to see or someone else? What happened between you and Rumple, I guess you’ll just have to wait and find out.
I hope you all enjoyed it! Hopefully the third person P.O.V wasn’t too confusing xxxx
@lady-of-lies @nevereverlandboys​ @britishfangirlxo-blog​ @lonesome-loser​ @n0rthern-litez​
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