cxhleel108 Ā· 11 months
S7 Thots for this week: Oh godā€¦
ā€¢ I will in fact not be giving ā€œusā€ a chance Vicky Iā€™m so sorry.
ā€¢ ā€œThereā€™s a him-shaped space in my bed and thereā€™s a him-shaped space in my heartā€ā€¦GIRRRLLLLLšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I already made a post about this quote alone but omg thinking about it again has got me crying. Someone please come get this bitch.
ā€¢ I know I said my MC was gon keep it classy with Willow but both her AND I have had enough of Willow flapping her gums so best believe I chose to read her ass for filth when they let us.
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ā€¢ Gee I wonder what it isā€¦
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ā€¢ Fuseboxā€¦CAN BITCHES JUST BE BISEXUAL TO BE BISEXUAL LIKE WTF??? They always pull this dumb shit like either you only want the boys or you only want the girls itā€™s never TRULY an option to choose both. Most of the time if Iā€™m making my MCs bi itā€™s just for character building purposes so when Iā€™m being forced to hear Bonnie declare her love for me 20 times each volume when I donā€™t want her youā€™d see why Iā€™d be irritated.
ā€¢ So apparently, after gathering info from other peoples posts, we coulda been having this convo with our original love interest and we coulda snuck out to the daybeds and did the nasty with them pulling our hair and shit if we chose the ā€œTravis/Evan/OG LIā€ option. The way this makes no sense my god. This goes back to the point I just made like yā€™all donā€™t know what the fuck yā€™all doinnnnnnn!
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ā€¢ Omg sheā€™s so embarrassing I canā€™t do this anymorešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
ā€¢ While Iā€™m mad I didnā€™t sneak down there with Bryson, seeing her lil pussy ass get absolutely nothing from him never fails to make me laugh.
ā€¢ Uma getting all the girls to leave by pretending to gush about Alexā€¦she ate that.
ā€¢ I love Daphne (Sorry Raf romancers).
ā€¢ Time to talk about outfits!šŸ¤©
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ā€¢ Fusebox let the stars go like good lordšŸ˜­
ā€¢ Ignoring that aspect, this is cute.
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ā€¢ Now THIS is what I want to see more of! Yes!
ā€¢ Ok Willow being an embarrassing and obsessive ass bitch was funny at first but now itā€™s just annoying. Does she have any other hobby besides keeping MCā€™s nuts in her mouth?
ā€¢ Now, onto this lame ass movie night.
ā€¢ First of all, I guess I yet again need to clarify that I want nothing to do with Bonnie or her Ellen Degeneres haircut. Second of all, even if my character chose to give her the time of dayā€¦Vicky why the hell do you give a fuck??? You werenā€™t even here when these clips happened and once again I DID NOT CHOOSE YOU!
ā€¢ Evan don't stick up for me like that baby I'm liable to put this thang on youšŸ˜©
ā€¢ In a shocking twist that nobody expected, Willow started talking shit and immediately shut up because her tea got clocked. I honestly gotta applaud her tenacity.
ā€¢ Brysonā€™s confession over us uggghhh so cutešŸ˜
ā€¢ Travis saying that Uma was hotter than Bonnie unprovoked was so rudešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ At the same time thoā€¦did he lie?šŸ˜¶
ā€¢ Alex is such a hypocrite. He knew damn well he was bout to fawk Estelle on that goddamn terrace before she left.
ā€¢ Omg Uma said the casa girls needa make sure that they get to the villašŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± They grasping for straws tryna make up drama like obviously sheā€™s gonna prioritize getting to the villa thatā€™s literally the whole point.
ā€¢ #Raphne lives on yesssss!
ā€¢ Evan asking us on a dateā€¦WHY IS HE DOING THIS TO ME?????šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«
ā€¢ Outfit time again!šŸ¤©
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ā€¢ Ok I love love looooove all these options. The ONLY problem I have is with the choker necklace on the green dress like that needs to go. Other than that these are sooooooo cute.
ā€¢ *Sigh* Why is Evan literally perfect lolšŸ™ƒ
ā€¢ Itā€™s not even the fact that heā€™s fine as hell and his personality is chefā€™s kiss but the way heā€™s not suffocating us with the fact that he likes us (Some other people should take notesšŸ˜•). Lemme not speak too soon tho cuz they still have time to ruin himšŸ’”
ā€¢ I am not kidding, when I replay this season I am grafting on him so hard with NO FUCKING HESITATION.
ā€¢ I was so tempted to flirt with him just to piss off Vicky and Bonnie cuz why are yā€™all staring??? GET OUT OF MY BUSINESS!
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ā€¢ I legit thought they were going to have us go through this entire volume without getting alone time with our OG LI and I was finna be so pissed.
ā€¢ Not gonna lie thoā€¦having sex in the middle of the living room where anyone could just walk in is kinda insanešŸ˜­
ā€¢ Where was I at Willow? Oh, I was just giving ā€œyour manā€ the time of his lifešŸ˜
ā€¢ Calling it now weā€™re not actually gonna get to sleep with who we want.
ā€¢ Girl where tf did they get a whole curated bouquet of flowers?
(Iā€™m not gonna lie guys I fell asleep before finishing this post cuz I was busy yesterday so I prolly forgot some things but yeah this volume wasā€¦ok)
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vigilskeep Ā· 2 years
Hello! I was wondering how Keir ended up handling the choices in the legacy dlc? Who he ended up siding with and how he felt about everything? I always love hearing what you have to say about him:), thanks in advanced!
thank you so much for this ask, i loved the legacy dlc for keir and i went slightly unhinged on this blog at the time but i dont think i was super clear about his choices. disclaimer this response got so long im so sorry
my poor lad had a MISERABLE time in the legacy dlc. first off, keir is afraid of darkspawn. not for himself, exactly, but they immediately up his protective anxiety to 300% (itā€™s characteristically always at 100%). he was at ostagar and then the darkspawn killed his little brother, so sure, letā€™s lock him and three of the most important people in his life in an enclosed fortress full of darkspawn, thatā€™s fine and he can handle it. for sure. then you throw on top of that: bethany is here. keir adores bethany but the distance between them has only grown since she was taken to the circle. sheā€™s increasingly frustrated by the way he acts and he barely knows how to talk to her at all. both keir and anders in canon dialogue try to persuade her to make a run for it during this dlc, leading me to suspect this was the whole point of keir bringing her out at all, in all likelihood a trip heā€™s had to make a costly bargain with meredith for, so thatā€™s got to be a huge tension the entire time. not to mention, again, the darkspawn: bethany here with the darkspawn is the very thing he left her behind in act 1 to avoid, and she got taken by the templars because of it, and somehow they still ended up here where he could lose her like he lost carver
then on top of that you have anders. keir is afraid of losing his loved ones to the darkspawn, and in this dlc not only is that basic threat to life thrown at him, but itā€™s made very painfully clear (with a whole corrupted warden showing up just to underline the THIS IS YOUR FUTURE point) that, just like with bethany, with anders we will always end up here. anders is a grey warden and this is how grey wardens die, and there is precisely nothing keir can do about that, ever, except i guess fucking beat him up when he and justice struggle with corypheus, because thatā€™s not going to do any permanent psychic damage (at least there will never be a situation again where anyone expects him to harm anders haha because who would ever expect him to do that twould be crazy haha its not like anders himself believes keir would willingly do this again haha šŸ™ƒ)
(edit: iā€™m adding a cut this is so stupid long)
so already keirā€™s having what you might call a Bad Time. then thereā€™s the malcolmā€™s will quest. because why not throw ALL his dead or dying loved ones in his face at this point. the malcolm that keir knew was fiercely set against blood magic. keir has much fewer qualms with blood magic himself than malcolm did, but thatā€™s always been one more failure of his character in comparison to his father. heā€™s not upset his father was a blood mage, he is upset that his father was a hypocrite who claimed otherwise, and who was so weak in strength and will that he could have been forced to blood magic by circumstances. a red hawke refers to malcolm as strict, with high expectations. keir has held himself to those high standards his entire life because they were placed on him by malcolm, and he has always harshly criticised himself for not living up to the guy. the promises he made to malcolm that he has not been able to fulfil are like the centrepiece on which all his issues hinge. he made himself a reaver, a very irreversible process and weighty choice that continues to cause him pain most days, so he could do better. to find out that malcolm had broken all those standards himself first, and been too ashamed to even admit to it like a man? there goes keirā€™s entire worldview i guess! because heā€™s not having a bad enough day already
anyway, that was a three paragraph sidetrack to explain the emotional setup. choices. keir sides with larius... initially. keir has already established larius in his head as What Is Going To Happen To Anders and thus leans towards defending him, bethany votes larius and invokes malcolmā€™s memory to do it (keir is trying to make common ground with bethany and really trying to have faith in malcolm right now), anders votes larius and uses the warden-commander as an example of what not to do (keir has invented a mild unspecific grudge against the warden-commander based on hearsay evidence), and furthermore corypheusā€™ influence threatened keirā€™s family and made him fight anders so whatever the guy is, keir leans towards fucking killing him. so he does side with larius at that point. HOWEVER, despite all that, itā€™s not an open and shut decision. keir has a tendency to trust the intelligence of mages with big ideas, so dismissing janeka isnā€™t natural and obvious to him. whatā€™s more, sheā€™s talking about the end of the blights. the end of what killed his brother and the threat thatā€™s been terrifying him this whole trip. he turns it down but heā€™s sure as hell not comfortable doing it and itā€™s tearing at him a little that he did
and then you get to the final bit where janeka throws it in your face that larius threatened leandra to force malcolm to blood magic. so keirā€™s already doubting his choice and in a very keyed up emotional state and then larius becomes the threat to his family and the one responsible for how keir feels about malcolm right now. on all that angry impulse, he switches sides. janeka immediately kills lariusā€”REAL punch to the gut of immediate regret because of the whole Thatā€™s Future Anders thingā€”but itā€™s too late now. they try to free corypheus. It Goes Bad. anders and bethany both get knocked down like the squishy mages they are and varric only narrowly missed doing the same so thatā€™s all terrifying
but eventually they kill corypheus. so, hey. horrible horrible trip maybe one of the most miserable days of his life and heā€™s questioning a lot of things but ultimately, he can drag everyone he loves out of there alive, and thatā€™s what matters. and itā€™s not like setting corypheus loose will have any lasting consequences. right?
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I got into heated debate with someone after posting my COTL theories in the official lore COTL discord. Aaaaaaand I think i bungled the introduction. Why am I like this...šŸ™ƒ
It wasn't even that I cared that they disagreed, it was their reasons:
"You didn't consider the ages of the characters, which is never referenced in-game, for this to be plausible, see theories can't be used to explain the things we don't know because they are based on speculation. Now let ME make baseless assumptions divorced from Canon because my speculations are the only ones that matter"
To be specific, they kept saying it was impossible for Aym and Baal to be Narinder's children due to us not knowing the timeline for those things to occur and the ages of the characters. All of which we are never told and is not ever referenced in-game. SO I didn't consider it when making the theory. They kept trying to apply real life, human lifespans to these funny animal characters. I should of dropped it but that was too ridiculous to let go.
"Your theory is incorrect because it didn't answer why this other thing that the theory wasn't made to explain, happened. But also I never disagreed with your theory"
I have no idea what they were trying to get at here. What my theories are about is literally in the title. Also there is/was a backlog of them disagreeing with the theory.
"If the TOWW was lonely, then his followers or the shamura would have sacrificed some folks so he wouldn't be alone. And the timelines and more stuff that is never explained in-game."
What. The. Fuck. Were they on about. How did they think Shamura, who imprisoned TOWW against his will, would care if he wanted company? They wanted him DEAD! They wanted the theories to solves these plot holes, and I'm like, if you want actual lore you're gonna have to ask Massive Monster. I just make theories.
Theories are nice and all but if the rely to much on speculation, ya know, the thing that theories ARE, Then it's just fan lore and headcanons that should NOT be used to try and explain and understand things that are never stated in Canon..
As a person who has been in fandom for years now, I wanted to bite my phone in half. The people who work on the shows and games we love will not and cannot flesh out every part of the fantasy worlds they create for us to consume. BUT they do leave hints and clues for us to follow by sheer coincidences, be it in character designs or dialogue. I kept trying to explain to them that these characters were DESIGNED. Baal and Aym could have been any animal and any color but they were made to resemble TOWW, there is SOME implied connection to him. Explicitly shown in Canon, no less!
Forneus would have to be atleast a thousand years old to have mothered children with TOWW, which totally implausibly for some reason.
Yeah, what's your point? Her age is never revealed to us. AND are you saying this giant cat lady wearing a onesie who lives in the woods and gives gifts has to abide by irl human life expectancies? Are you foreserious. She is wearing a fancy pope hat for god's sake!
I'm at liberty to challenge theories that are too speculative and violate Canon, even though I consistently tried to apply my assumptions based on something NOT in Canon to challenge your theory based on observable Canon.
See, this is why I don't play well with others. If you're going to critique my content atleast do it right. And don't be a hypocritic. I am well aware that my theories...are THEORIES. But I make an effort to reference and be knowledgeable about the content I'm theorizing about. If you aren't as knowledgeable about whatever you want to challenge someone else on be prepared to be metaphorically ripped to shreds. They stopped replying after this.
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lickingyellowpaint Ā· 1 year
Gotta love the late start on Mondays - got 27 mins on the exercise bike while reading. Multitasking ftw
The last set of doll clothes I ordered is SUPPOSED to arrive today, only been a month or so, hoping it does so I can get some nice new pics
Still waiting on my contact lenses, too. -.-
Temp may hit 80 today. Seasons are a joke now, the climate is crumbling, we're legitimately well and truly fucked but everyone's celebrating how nice it is instead of letting that fun fact wash over them for longer than two seconds... that's Monday for you (and every other day that ends in Y, lbr) Have fun while we can have it, though, right? If I were sensible and non-hypocritical, I'd be buying bulk rice rather than asinine doll clothes šŸ™ƒ To each their own distractions, for as long as we can make them last!
Wishing all a sane and safe and gentle start to the week.
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kuroimarzipan Ā· 2 years
To return the ask I was unable to answer for you: I'd love to hear your Kingmaker thoughts! Or Wrath, if you'd prefer.
HELP I MISCLICKED BEFORE I WROTE ANYTHING AND HAD TO EDIT THE POST LMFAO anyway im gonna answer for kingmaker only tonight cause i gotta go to bed and i spent too long writing shit out but i might reblog this and add answers for wotr on after work tomorrow lol
Favorite Male Character okay so i could be normal about this. i could. or i could let everyone here know that i mentally put together multiple AUs where esteem got together with dragn after witnessing like three lines of dialogue. yea the smith guy. the one without a portrait even.
BUT if i had to be more normal about it then its gotta be ekun. i just want that guy to be happy and i really enjoy how weirdly well he gets along with esteem. also he's like. the most ruthless good character ive seen in a while which i really find interesting. makes a great minister too. he just has this reassuring presence in your party like hes got your back you dont have to worry. also: dogy :^)
Favorite Female Character
okay so i went into this game assuming kanerah would be my fave and i was like. ready to finally not have to headcanon a romance and shit. and then this bitch named valerie came along. and oh my god she's such a piece of work. so principled. so hypocritical. so abrasive and easy to rile up. she's loyal because she's decided to be loyal. she turns on you for wanting to kill a guy early in act 2 and then turns BACK on him because he hits on her. she doesnt even realise shes gay. ever since she killed fredero because esteem pushed her to do it ive been thinking about it. ive not read the dialogue for her canon straight romance or whatever because honestly i dont care whatever the fuck im doing to her in my head is way more interesting to me. ive done all the stuff for her hellknight ending and im very excited heehee.
Least Favorite Character
kingmaker is interesting in that i had a really poor first impression of a LOT of the companions, but after having gotten to know them, i... honestly dont rlly hate any of them?? there's still a few companions that end up benchwarming for me bc i just like others more, but its really not been like wotr where the party lineup was so polarising for me lmao
WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED JHOD. fuck that guy. i dont even have a particular actually good reason either. i just think his vibes are rancid
Favorite Ship
specifically that moment when hegend drew his weapon and went to attack valerie and the moment combat initiated esteem hit him with the chains of light which was followed by a maximised empowered magma blast from kanerah which one shot him. that felt good
aside from that i kinda wanna see amiri and nilak reconcile at some point??
Favorite Friendship
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i like that ekun the complete and utter loner was the person that taught esteem how to actually have friends instead of just manipulating people into appreciating her. i like to think he figured that out by the time his last quest rolled around. they have this kinda silent trust.
Favorite Quote
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this was such a good moment to me specifically because of the circumstances of esteem having been chased out of its home because of what it is and then having tartuk tell it that it would never understand?? it was COLD AS ICE telling him that before dealing the killing blow and taking his crown. defining moments tbh
Worst Character Death (if any)
i have a feeling this is yet to come for me šŸ™ƒ
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
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maybe its silly but thee loyalty these two have hehehe
Saddest Moment
TBH another thing i think is yet to come for me.... i know that last act is gonna hit hard
Favorite Location
the swamp witch's hut... i actually really love the old beldame and all the lil storylines going on in that map so so much it rlly helped me solidify a bunch of important things abt esteem's backstory too lol
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hymnless-space-nugget Ā· 2 years
you can call yourself a liberal republican all you want, but the fact is if you give republicans support & power, they will use that to fuck over marginalized communities no matter how nice you are to other people's faces. saying trans women are women and then supporting people who want them dead just makes you a hypocrite.
I call myself a liberal republican since I support some right wing ideologies while still supporting some liberal ideologies as well. I feel there is much overlap between the two. Also, I believe I copied that title from Arielle Scarcella since she used to be a hard leftist too, who then switched to the other side. šŸ™ƒ
I know that some republicans do that and I wouldnā€™t support them. I currently donā€™t support any republican politicians since I havenā€™t looked into them. Iā€™m very lazy at doing that since going that deep into politics is boring to me. Iā€™m currently supporting some republican ideologies. I also know that no political side is free from fucking over marginalized communities.
I donā€™t know where I stand anymore on the ā€œtrans women are womenā€ statement. They are a type of woman, yes, but I still acknowledge that they have male biology. So Iā€™m šŸ¤ØšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
I donā€™t support people who want trans people dead. I know several right-winged influencers I follow who donā€™t want trans people dead. If a politician wanted trans people dead, I wouldnā€™t support them. If a politician wanted to restrict gender affirming care to adults, thatā€™s a different matter.
I appreciate the ask and for making me question my own thinking.
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listen up, I know and heard that that shitload of work you got is getting closer to when itā€™s due and I just have to say, you got this. if anybodyā€™s got this, itā€™s you. So buckle down and get through that pile of shit so itā€™s done and over with. donā€™t let no one tell you otherwise or donā€™t let no thing make you feel like you canā€™t do it bcuz itā€™s too much! bcuz guess what, if I find outā€¦.that youā€™re doubting yourself or youā€™re giving up, imma come for you, I mean itā€” and itā€™ll be out of nothing but me putting some sense into you while also just wanting whatā€™s best for you (plus I donā€™t like when people talk/ or think about themselves like thatā€”which is totally hypocritical of me bcuz I shit talk myself all the time but this ainā€™t about me itā€™s about YOU) so get through all that so you could rest but like donā€™t rush, you know? donā€™t make me come over there man. okay bye. xxx
ā€” @thefuseoftemptation
It's due iiiiin almost three days and I've barely started (not for lack of trying but I've had some health issues this week and multiple doctor's appointments - I literally had THREE today - and it's taken up a lot of time and energy) so I'm almost at the point of panicking now. This is a biiiiiiiiiiig big assignment and the stakes are really high and I'm shitting bricksšŸ™ƒ
BUT I got coffee, I got snacks, I got a stack of comfort horror films, so I'm gonna stay up all night/late tonight to get as much done as I can at my own pace with no rush or pressure before the time crunch really starts. I'm trying to knuckle down but I'm stood in my own way. I am HEAVILY doubting myself and literally three days from having no more uni until OCTOBER, I'm sat here going "maybe I should just quit" or "I'm too stupid for this" or "I can't do it" yada yada we all know what that particular thought pattern is like. SO IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO COME AND KICK MY ASS THEN I AM GENUINELY ENCOURAGING YOU TO DO SO. I would appreciate it!!!!!šŸ’–
I shit talk myself all the damn time and right now there's nothing but self-doubt so strong I'm shaking and feeling a bit sick. I feel like I've given up on this assignment before I've even gotten started and it's due really really soon and I'm still trying to process the fear of the assignment itself, let alone starting the fucking thing. But time is running out and I don't have time to be scaredšŸ˜©
Feel free to come yell at me! Bring the big guns - Uncle Wayne, Eddie, Hopper. Can't say no to those three - won't say no.
I'm gonna keep trying, though; I'm nothing if not a stubborn bitch!!!šŸ’–
Thank you for this, it made me smile and gave me a little bit of courage!!ā¤ļøI hope you're safe and well!xxx
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servin-up-surveys Ā· 2 years
survey #111
(taken february 6th; uploading surveys taken while gone)
If youā€™ve ever tried drugs or alcohol, what was your reason for first trying it? I tried alcohol the first time because Mom offered me something she correctly assumed I'd like the taste of. I was either a pre-teen or young teenager. I've never tried any other sort of drug.
If you were far from home and needed to sleep for the night, would you choose to rent a crappy motel room for $60 or sleep in your car for free? I'm staying in the car. Probably. I'd be kinda hesitant to if I was all alone.
How long until your next birthday? My birthday was literally yesterday, so a very long time.
When did you last consume something that had peanut butter? A couple days back in a piece of chocolate.
Whatā€™s the last song you heard? A slowed/reverbed version of "Teeth" by 5SOS.
When you say you love someone, do you mean it? Fuck yes I do.
Have you held hands with anyone lately? A lot with Girt 'cuz he spent the weekend with me and we hold hands a lot on the couch and even when we sleep.
Are both of your blood parents still in your life? Yes; I don't see my dad a lot, but he's still in my life and reminds me all the time that if I need something, tell him.
Do you have drama in your life? Not really.
Do you actually think itā€™s gross to talk about body functions? No; they're universally shared experiences and I think it's honestly dangerous to make talking about "gross" stuff seem like, taboo almost. Now yes, there are INSTANCES where it's not appropriate, but is it gross/wrong to do in general? Absolutely not. I probably sound kinda hypocritical cuz I REALLY don't like talking about sex as it pertains to me, but that is JUST for me. It's not because I think it's gross and stuff, it's just private. I couldn't care less if other people talk about their sex lives though.
Would you rather sleep alone or next to your SO? Next to Girt.
Have you ever sent a love letter? Pretty much, yeah.
Have you dated someone of another race? Yes. 100% pro interracial relationships so it was never an issue I held with Juan; it was other, personality-related things that had no correlation to his race that were problematic.
Whatā€™s the best compliment youā€™ve gotten from a boss/teacher? I'm honestly not sure, but in total modesty and honesty I definitely got a lot of very high praises because I was just a good student.
Whatā€™s a weird or interesting nickname you gave someone? Uhhhh let's see... I'm actually not sure...? I'm sure there's SOMETHING, especially from childhood, but I'm blanking atm.
Is there a phrase or mantra you repeat when you are frightened? In my head, anyway. Sometimes I will focus very heavily on the ideology - not necessarily quote, it varies - that I can and WILL get through whatever is going on. Back in the day I was an "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" person (I distinctly remember chanting this once when I had to take a freezing cold shower šŸ˜­), but it's since fallen in line with the remix of "I can do all things through me who strengthens me," something I very sincerely believe in and HEAVILY encourage people to remember with themselves, too.
What are you most envious of? Mentally well and rich people. People who are financially set for the rest of their fucking lives by simply existing.
Do you have a friend with a habit that worries you? Girt is very convinced he needs to lose a bit more weight when he ABSOLUTELY does not, and he can get defensive about it if you try to discourage him from this goal. I know he has self-confidence/image issues, and I hate it for him so much.
When you walk into your best friendā€™s room, what do you smell? I still haven't seen Girt's room. šŸ™ƒ
Have you ever purposely broken something that belonged to a sibling? I have zero memory of ever doing that and it absolutely does not sound like something I would've even considered doing.
Do you like to visit famous peopleā€™s homes? Bitch there ain't no famous people 'round here lmfao
Has anyone ever baked you cookies? I mean, my mother, haha.
Whatā€™s the lamest present youā€™ve ever given? I don't know. I'm told by pretty much anyone I've ever given a gift to that I give super thoughtful gifts and I definitely try to do so. I cannot fucking wait until I have a source of income so I can more regularly give my loved ones gifts...
If your SO agreed, would you want an open relationship? Absolutely not. We're either having a loyal, monogamous relationship or we're not having anything at all.
Have you ever slept with three people in the same bed? When? Why? I can just about promise I have as a kid at sleepovers and stuff.
Who would you like to slow dance with? To what song? Hehe Girt. There's a great array of songs that I would slowdance to with him.
Whatā€™s your favorite pet name someone calls you? Girt most regularly calls me "hunny" and I think it's really cute.
If you could talk to one species of animal what would it be? Oh my god, THAT is impossibly hard. I'm sure every animal would value and focus on different things, so I'd really have to think on this, I really would. I will say it'd be VERY cool to see with absolutely certainty JUST how alike we are at heart to apes by conversing with one.
Whatā€™s the largest animal youā€™ve ever seen in person? An orca at SeaWorld (would never go again; I was a young child).
Would you give mouth to mouth to your dog to save its life? I sure would, if I knew how to do it properly.
If you came with a warning label, what would it say? "I'm going to be awkward and uncomfortable and I'm so sorry" or something like that lmfao
Did you ever show up late for an important event? Not to my recollection.
What was the last strong scent you smelled? HA Girt's feet yesterday.
What was the last thing you took a picture of? The flowers Girt got me for my birthday.
How did you discover your favorite band? Ozzy: heard his music growing up thanks to my parents. Rammstein: I knew OF them somehow in high school, I can't remember the precise origin, and then I heard my first song by them via aĀ Guitar HeroĀ game.
Does the weather affect your mood? If so, in what ways? Yes; I am considerably more likely to at least feel EVER so slightly more "down" if it's super cloudy and/or rainy. I used to LIVE for dark and gloomy conditions, including lighting in my own house, but I realized years ago that I very much benefit from being in brighter settings. Hot and/or humid weather also has a notable effect on me, that being that I become fucking miserable and irritable if I have to be in it.
When are you most likely to be bored? Eh, maybe like, late afternoon/early evening. That's not always the case, though.
What was the last big decision you made? This isn't gonna SOUND like a big decision, but it was to me: I finally added Girt's sister on Facebook. He was recently tagged in a picture with me so Ashley saw it and commented, and I felt like now that her Facebook presence was directly in my face (I already knew she had one, but you get it), it'd look rude to NOT reach out. And don't get me wrong, I've wanted to, I LOVE Ashley a whole lot, I've just been nervous from the start that she and ESPECIALLY their mother would come to hate me via Facebook because I am very open about what I believe in and support, and like her mother, Ashley is religious (though not to the extreme extent of Shelia, it looks like), and I just don't want to start shit when I inevitably share some anti-religion meme or something. I really, really want his family to continue loving me, but I'm also not about to pretend I'm someone I'm not on my own goddamn social media account. Guess we'll just see how everything goes.
Where was the last place you traveled to, and what did you do while there? Uh I guess Lake Gaston in Virginia; I want to say the last time Mom and I drove up there it was either for Aubree's birthday party, or... something else? I don't remember. Maybe Nick and Ashley's anniversary (they got married there).
What is one of your wildest dreams or ambitions? To be a very successful nature/wildlife/landscape photographer, maybe have something published in National Geographic.
What was the subject of your last phone conversation? Dad called on my birthday just checking up on things.
Name five things you can grab from where youā€™re sitting. A cup, my phone, my planner, the squishmallow Christmas fox Girt randomly got me, and my purse.
So, are you looking forward to being out on your own? (And if youā€™re already out on your own, how do you like it?) I never want to live purely on my own, but I honestly am very ready for Girt and I to have a place together. I'm gonna be VERY nervous to leave Mom, but I have to one of these days, and when Mom was in Tennessee and it WAS just us two, I fucking loved it. I went full stereotypical wife mode and actually felt useful. I know I was more productive and just acting more like an adult, at least slightly.
Would you ever go to a sperm bank to get pregnant? If I wanted a child, no. I have absolutely nothing against it for other people, but for myself? I just couldn't, I would feel WAY too weird growing the child of someone I didn't really know, when a massive part of the appeal of raising a kid *for me* is creating a little life between you and the person you're in love with.
When you like someone, and they donā€™t know about it, are you the type who wants to tell them, or them to make a move first? I may WANT to tell them, but I'm definitely the type that *prefers* them to make the first move.
Name a new friend youā€™ve made this year. Shelby. (: Well, I think we actually started talking in December, but close enough.
Have you ever known anyone thatā€™s gone missing? Ummm I don't think so.
What game is in your game system right now? The PS2 hasĀ Silent Hill 2Ā in it, and the PS4 hasĀ Spyro the Dragon: Reignited TrilogyĀ in it because Girt and I played it today!! :') I was losing my FUCKING mind, I love it so much.
Do you live near a pet store? Yes, a PetSmart. The mall that is also right by our house might still have a Petco, but I feel like it closed...
Who was the last person other than family to tell you that they love you? My boyfren. :') Well or maybe someone on Facebook in birthday message, I just don't feel like checking.
Have you ever been told that you resemble an animal or insect? No, that'd be offensive lmao
How many people have you kissed in the last month? Just Girt romantically.
What was the last picture you uploaded? Uhhhh I think it was a picture I took with my sisters that I posted in an Instagram story.
Is your about me long and detailed, or short and to the point? God I used to be SO bad about long intros haha, now I try to keep 'em pretty short wherever I have them.
What is your favorite type of cola? Just regular Coke.
Who did you spend your last birthday with? My birthday itself, just Mom, Girt, and Tobey for a lil while, however the family celebration was the day before, which I spent with Mom, Girt, my two sisters, my younger sister's boyfriend, Girt's mom, as well as Girt's nephew. His sister was also going to come, but she injured her foot and wanted to stay off of it.
Do you like apple soda? I've tried apple-flavored carbonated water and it was disgusting, honestly. Surprised me, because I usually LOVE apple-flavored anything.
What was the last thing that shocked you? Something Girt told me today that I just wasn't expecting, but it's private so I'ma just leave it at that. It was a good surprise though, haha.
How lonely are you right now? Not at all right now, actually! I had a good, busy weekend and am perfectly content having some me time.
What accent do you find most difficult to understand? Extremely heavy southern ones. Even when I live in an area where that's not at all rare, I still struggle understanding a lot of people around here.
Has your music taste changed over the years? From childhood, yes, but not very much since middle school-ish. Once I got into hard rock and metal, that's been my thing since. As a kid though, I liked your average pop hits as well as country music. I know, astonishing.
Have you ever practiced kissing on a stuffed animal? Nah.
Do you think the end of the world is near? Who knows. A gamma ray burst could melt us tomorrow. Or one may not hit the planet for a million years. It's not something I worry about nowadays.
Who makes you feel like youā€™re worth something? More than absolutely anyone, Mom and Girt do very regularly. But I'm lucky there are a number of people who do that.
How many pets is too many? This strictly depends on how many you are capable of properly, adequately providing for. There is no strict number. Different kinds of pets require different amounts of materials, care, etc., and the amount of time available to be invested in the care of these pets ALSO varies with every single person. As soon as you cannot manage to give your pet the care it absolutely needs (I'm not talking about all the rare luxuries), you have too many.
Do you know who your bridesmaid/best man will be? It's going to be my mom. I have no questions about this.
What is the best song by your favorite artist/band? I've answered with my *favorite* songs in the past, so for this, I'ma go for strictly what I think is the artist's best piece ofĀ musical art, like the ones that leave the strongest mark. For Rammstein's, it's absolutely "Stein um Stein (Stone by Stone)" imo, it's a FUCKING masterpiece. I think Ozzy's iiiiis... most likely "See You On the Other Side," but I also am VERY fond of "Ordinary Man" because that song is justĀ him, it just tells his story and who he is beautifully. MAN I wanna list more of his, I just think he's a stupendous songwriter and has written such incredible pieces of music. In recent news I am so sad (but completely understand why) he's officially quit touring because of his health, I'm just waiting in absolute dread for the news to hit that he's passed away alskdjfalkwjekljraoiwejroieroeiraoisdjfalksdf I am going to shatter
How many times did your phone ring today? Three times; first Tobey called for Mom (her phone is being a total shit), then Dad called while she was talking to Tobey so I called him back and he didn't answer, THEN he called me back.
What theme do you want for your wedding? I want it to be gothic-y, very likely with a black and gold color scheme.
Do you have any of your future childrenā€™s names picked out? The Onion semi-recently posted one of their satire stories about a woman not wanting kids but having the overwhelming urge to still name humans and I was like............ same, bc I know EXACTLY what I want to name all potential children even though I very much doubt they'll ever exist lmfao
Would you ever date someone over the internet? I don't THINK I would again, but I wouldn't say absolutely not.
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queen-paladin Ā· 2 years
More W*lliam R*nsome hate memes because I will never stop being salty.
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heavyhitterheaux Ā· 2 years
Still Amazed
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
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Liked by y/ninsta, urbanwyatt, cozane, saweetie, dualipa, neelamthadhani, champagnepapi, and 3,901,853 others
jackharlow: Prettiest queen that I ever did see šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜
y/ninsta: jackharlow YOU SO CUTE BAE šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
jackharlow: all pink everything including that pussy šŸ˜šŸ¤­
y/ninsta: jackharlow imma smack the shit outta you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
jackharlow: y/ninsta I'd rather have you scratching your nails down my back šŸ˜
y/ninsta: jackharlow that can be arranged
jackharlow: y/ninsta get your ass up here then šŸ˜’
urbanwyatt: NO! NO! AND NO!
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt hmm okay ya little hypocrite
normani: what did urbanwyatt do?
y/ninsta: normani rearrange this girls guts when we were in New York the other day and we heard everything
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta fucking payback
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt I was literally rooting for you. me and jackharlow don't give a shit. person whose body count is probably higher than triple his age šŸ™ƒ
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta I feel that you're slut shaming me
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt I mean you are a little bit of a thot
druski2funny: y/ninsta LMAOOOO AYO!
jackharlow: no lies detected
urbanwyatt: yall some haters šŸ˜’
y/ninsta: oh have the tables have turned
druski2funny: urbanwyatt teach me your ways kind sir
lilnasx: druski2funny yeah because obviously what your ass is doing isn't working
urbanwyatt: druski2funny training starts tomorrow
druski2funny: urbanwyatt I need to pull y/ninsta
jackharlow: druski2funny you want me to kick your ass now or later?
druski2funny: jackharlow šŸ‘€
jackharlow: druski2funny NOW IT IS
y/ninsta: saweetie thank youuuu bestie šŸ˜˜
normani: I know your husband tore it up
jackharlow: normani I always do šŸ˜‰
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta AHEM!!!!!
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt helped me with the outfit. love ya my bby šŸ˜˜
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta I guess I love you back even though you are constantly terrorizing me šŸ˜
neelamthadhani: y/ninsta always has urbanwyatt fighting for his life šŸ˜‚
y/ninsta: neelamthadhani I DO NOT!
jackharlow: y/ninsta uh baby girl, yes you do. you about to make urban go bald šŸ˜‚
y/ninsta: jackharlow Iā€™ll just buy him some weed, heā€™ll be okay
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta šŸ™„
lilnasx: so y/ninsta you just out here stealing my wigs?
y/ninsta: lilnasx I think borrowed is the correct word lmaooo
druski2funny: lilnasx it looks better on y/n anyway
lilnasx: druski2funny your ass better not start because I will definitely be the one to finish it. ol biscuit head ass
y/ninsta: lilnasx canā€™t take your ass anywhere lol šŸ˜‚
lilnasx: y/ninsta correction, you canā€™t take druski2funny anywhere
jackharlow: lilnasx this is true
druski2funny: why yall hatin on me?
y/ninsta: druski2funny because your ass is always doing something šŸ™„
brianharlow: jackharlow how you pulled y/ninsta I will never understand. still amazed to this day
y/ninsta: brianharlow OMG HI DAD!
jackharlow: brianharlow first of all, hello to you too and second of all WHAT?!
maggieharlow: brianharlow why are you in here starting stuff? šŸ™„
claybornharlow: no lies detected
jackharlow: CLAYYYYYY!
claybornharlow: only reason why I say this is because you would act slow as hell around y/n I guess because you were nervous. she probably thought something was wrong with your ass at one point šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
2forwoyne: yall should have heard the noise I just made because claybornharlow is 100% right
quiiso: yall remember the way jackharlow would always stare at her?!
jackharlow: quiiso my wife is pretty!
shloob_: jackharlow we know but you acted as if she was about to disappear into thin air like damn take a picture, it lasts longer
jackharlow: when did this turn into a jack roasting session because of how much I love my wife?
y/ninsta: jackharlow I love you too smush, they just jealous
claybornharlow: y/ninsta jealous of the fact that the two of you would literally always get in trouble? no thanks
y/ninsta: clayborn, if you say what I think youā€™re about to say, I will be on a plane so fast to choke you. idc if youā€™re my favorite Harlow child or not
jackharlow: y/ninsta HEY!
claybornharlow: y/ninsta the secret is safe with me and jackharlow stop hatin because your wife loves me more than she loves you
jackharlow: claybornharlow square the fuck up right now for that outta pocket shit you just said
y/ninsta: maggieharlow brianharlow come get your children
brianharlow: y/ninsta let em fight. let me grab popcorn first.
maggieharlow: BRIAN!!!!
y/ninsta: whereā€™s my thot of a best friend at?
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta what?
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt see? I didnā€™t even mention your name and your ass came right up on here and answered me
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta because Iā€™m your best friend and you literally just called me a thot not even ten minutes ago
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt and your ass never denied it, however, I could have been talking about druski2funny
lilnasx: y/ninsta IN WHAT UNIVERSE?! LMAOOO
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta only me and saweetie hold the title of your best friends so it could have only been one of us
saweetie: y/ninsta knows Iā€™m only a part-time thot
jackharlow: saweetie what the hell is a part-time thot šŸ˜•
saweetie: jackharlow I only do thot activities part-time duh!
jackharlow: saweetie like 2 days out of the week?
saweetie: jackharlow more like half of each month
jackharlow: saweetie ainā€™t nothing part-time about that šŸ˜‚
druski2funny: Iā€™m kicking everyoneā€™s ass
lilnasx: druski2funny Iā€™d like to see you try
jackharlow: y/ninsta babe....
y/ninsta: jackharlow yes?
jackharlow: y/ninsta how do I put this lightly?
jackharlow: y/ninsta it wasnā€™t me!
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta because yall always drag me into yall shit!!
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta piggy smalls and pork chop ate one of your stilettos or tried to at least. shits all fucked up.
y/ninsta: jackharlow urbanwyatt YOU TWO HAD ONE JOB. BE ON DADDY AND UNCLE DUTIES.
urbanwyatt: itā€™s jackharlowā€™s faultĀ 
jackharlow: urbanwyatt we were supposed to watch one pig each!
y/ninsta: jackharlow urbanwyatt they both fucked up my shoe soooo?
jackharlow: y/ninsta just use my card and buy another pair šŸ™„
y/ninsta: saweetie bitch pull up, weā€™re going shopping šŸ„°
saweetie: y/ninsta SAY LESS!Ā 
jackharlow: y/ninsta Iā€™m putting your ass on a limit this time and you better not go over it
y/ninsta: jackharlow or... what?
jackharlow: y/ninsta fuck around and find out
y/ninsta: jackharlow if it involves me being faced down and ass up, Iā€™m going triple over the amount you tell me to šŸ˜›
urbanwyatt: yall just... I donā€™t even have the energy anymore
jackharlow: y/ninsta prepare to not be able to move when Iā€™m done with you
y/ninsta: jackharlow `challenge accepted
dualipa: ohhhhh jackharlow!
jackharlow: dualipa no. not now. not ever. no.
dualipa: jackharlow but...
jackharlow: dualipa give it up
dualipa: jackharlow she loves your brother more anyway
jackharlow: dualipa letā€™s fight
dualipa: jackharlow before we do, I need to get a taste first
jackharlow: y/ninsta GET HER
y/ninsta: dualipa did you get my invite?!
jackharlow: FOR WHAT?
dualipa: jackharlow for the dinner sheā€™s having and y/ninsta yes! canā€™t wait
jackharlow: dualipa you need to stay 6 feet away from her at all times
y/ninsta: jackharlow baby stop being dramatic lol
jackharlow: y/ninsta get smart with me again and Iā€™ll make it 12. I will have security on sight
lilnasx: who? druski2funny? heā€™s only concerned about the mac and cheese he missed last time. not the best choice
y/ninsta: lilnasx and donā€™t forget the peach cobbler too
jackharlow: dualipa you need to behave when you come to my house
dualipa: jackharlow I promise to be on my best behavior šŸ„°
urbanwyatt: jackharlow I donā€™t believe her
jackharlow: urbanwyatt me either
dualipa: jackharlow just one question
jackharlow: dualipa what?
dualipa: jackharlow does y/ninsta like it better when you eat her out from the front or the back?
urbanwyatt: and there it is lol
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plan-d-to-i Ā· 2 years
It seems that the fandom is once again talking about LXC and his ā€œyouā€™re his one mistakeā€ line. And itā€™s as dumb and full of hate as you can expect. Itā€™s just hilarious to me how much crap they say about LXC for that one line and seem to completely forget about all the other things he did that helped wangxian become a thing.
They keep talking about how LXC is a hypocrite because he lets his mistake (JGY) do whatever he wants and defends him, even tho he knows JGY is a monster. Which is as false and dumb as it gets, itā€™s like they didnā€™t read the same book as the rest of us.
Also, what is the issue with being a mistake? People learn from mistakes, people grow from them, people learn things about themselves from them. I honestly do think WWX was LWJā€™s mistake, in the way he opened his eyes to all the things that were wrong about adhering too strongly to rules and thatā€™s a good thing.
Facts. So much happens in that scene the fact that people fucking lose it over this line from LXC when he's concerned and worried about LWJ is embarrassing for them, esp bc it doesn't even make a dent for WWX šŸ™ƒ. It just tells you how petty and small minded these people are. How they would make their significant other's life miserable over a comment and misunderstanding that gets resolved immediately. Can you imagine WWX being like that šŸ„“. They want to be WWX stans but they should be jc stans. He's the kind of basic mofo who wouldn't let something like this go.
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insomniziam Ā· 3 years
omg i donā€™t understand how you cant see larry being real. like it its, ziam is way more far fetched than larry. like i think ziam had a thing while in the band, and i think that they dont have kids, but come on they are not together now. for larry they have been, they might have had little breaks but no theyā€™re together. youre honestly ignorant if you dont think larry is real while being a ziam. they are all closeted so stfu
Oh well hello anon,
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Like omg I totally don't understand why some larries get like so annoyed when people don't like agree with them and stuff? Like omg it's honestly just so ridiculous šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
(I'm not going to lie, it was painful to write this way, but back to normal programming šŸ˜‰)
Anon, I think you need to reread what I wrote and actually consider the fact that some people just don't care about the same things you do. I've stated multiple times that I don't care enough to look into it, but I respect the people who believe it, and just ask for the same back. That's too hard for you, it seems šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
And I am a little confused by you're reasoning, I'm not going to lie. They had a thing while in the band but not anymore? But even though you think they had a 'thing', it's still less likely than Larry being a thing?
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I've heard this idea of them 'having a thing while in the band' concept a few times now and I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. By 'thing' do you mean like a FWB relationship? Because I don't know about you, but I don't publicly and constantly announce my love to a FWB partner in front of thousands of people?
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Oh, did I forget to mention the fact that he added forever add the end, completely unnecessarily?? Woops.
Do people in a FWB relationship admit that they can't enjoy themselves when they're not around the other person because they miss that person too much when they're gone?
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Do people in that sort of relationship look this fondly at their partner when they're being a complete goofball?
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Do they look so intently into each other's eyes that it seems like the world around them ceased to exist??? And then share a secret smile, just for the two of them?????
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Or, this 'thing' you're talking about, was it an proper relationship, but think they broke up after Zayn left the band? Because that doesn't make sense to me either.
Not when you consider how Liam talked about him after he left;
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If they had broken up, would they be looking at each other with so much fond:
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(Liam watching Zayn's music video)
Wouldn't he look uncomfortable if they had broken up? Or you know, not mention his ex out of the fucking blue time and time again:
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(I'd add more but Tumblr has a limit of 10 photos šŸ™ƒ)
These were all years later, mind you.
Wouldn't he want to avoid the topic at all costs?
So I think you can see why I find it a little hard to believe you when you say they had a 'thing' in the band, but obviously not anymore.
And anon, sorry to break it you but your opinion doesn't mean shit to me. You can call me ignorant all you want, but it doesn't have a single effect on me whatsoever. Especially when you haven't presented a single legitimate argument, and are constantly contradicting yourself šŸ™ƒ
(Let's be real here, you and I both know I just used your ask as an excuse to have a mini break down session over how cute Ziam are, so I thank you for that šŸ˜‰)
Humble yourself, anon āœŒļø
P.S I love that you come on to my blog anonymously and have the audacity tell me to shut up... Bro šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
P.S.S I was talking specifically about hypocritical larries who use the fact that ziam have kids as evidence that they're not in a relationship, and call ziams delusional even though they do the same fucking thing šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
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pupvivi Ā· 4 years
So deltas are... basically slaves? There was an anon before who talked about a fic where omegas were slaves and you got angry (because i did too) and now you make a headcanon about... slaves. šŸ™ƒ
While slaves isn't the choice of words I would have used, now that I read back on it, it does sound like what's being implied and it sounds pretty fucked.
But just because they were in high demand doesn't necessarily mean they were slaves.
It wasn't intentional at all and I do apologize if it seemed that way. Would be very hypocrital for me to even make a hc like that.
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higheldertala Ā· 3 years
the ghost monument salt commentary
i think im pretty neutral on the the title sequence of this era, its clearly going for a more early classic vibes but i always find the tardis being a fun element of it. i think without the tardis or the doctorā€™s face in the title sequence there could be something to be desired for some people
these scenes should definitely have been from yazā€™s perspective with the doctor and epzo arguing in the background, in order to let us connect to her, the biggest crime of chibnall is that he refuses to let the companions be the main characters. telling the story through the companion is always going to make the story more accessible to audience and let us actual care about them
ā€˜ah sorry yaz i forgot you were thereā€™ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ahhh im screaming this is the funny fucking thing in the chibnall era!!!
when the fam are questioning whether the doctor can be trusted/ get them home and they mention the doctor beating tzim sha, it would be a natural time for ryan to reference ā€˜how grace wasnā€™t so luckyā€™ causing doubt in the doctor and the clear risk associated with her. this way you can actually create tension between the doctor and the companion(s) which happens with every other companion in the nuwho within their first couple of adventures. this is an vital part of the doctor/companion relationship whereas the companions just blindly following the doctor never questioning them makes for boring and spineless characters which earn little respect from the audience. chibnall seems to forgot that conflict between characters is a vital part of storytelling and developing characters, but hey what the fuck do i know about writing
the concept of this space race/ game is a really interesting one where are characters are put into various life threatening challenges for the entertainment of others but unfortunately this has been done before by rtd in best series finale of nuwho. chibnallā€™s version is very boring in comparison in which the characters simply moving from place to place whilst exposition dumping
the dialogue is just so unnatural, please chibs please learn how people actually speak to one another or for the love of god get a screenwriter for your dialogue
why is the doctor asking really stupid questions
the gun scene is cringe and also having extreme pacifism just makes for a really dull character sorry and everything they say will just come off as patronising and lecture-y
the remnants are really weird villains they only show up at 38 minutes out of 48 minutes, theyā€™re then there for 2 minutes and thatā€™s it. again the concept of these creatures using your own fear is an fantastic concept for your characters. unfortunately the remnants arenā€™t developed enough for them to be satisfying and itā€™s always wayyyyyyy too early for the characters to be facing their fears, bc we actually need to learn about the characters first
ooh the timeless child reference letā€™s hope this is never mentioned again hey šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ
also how would the remnants know about this? they ā€˜see deeperā€™ umm lol what, sure whatever letā€™s pretend that makes sense and is a satisfying conclusion
also the ā€˜no guns but i will burn these sentient creatures aliveā€™, again what the fuck is this morality??? just get rid of the extreme pacifism itā€™s just comes across as hypocritical. ryan was only shooting robots yet heā€™s in the wrong?? jfc
in conclusion the episode is just quiet boring, the companions donā€™t do shit and the doctor is kind of annoying
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coralsgrimes Ā· 3 years
Of course Ben isnā€™t a fashion star, especially in his casual looks. He wears very generic clothes which we can bought everywhere, but it makes him again a very down to earth person.šŸ™ƒ
But someone mentioned here Jaredā€™s style. And you know, he looks good only in a red carpet, in candids his looks are a total disasteršŸ¤¢ And yeah, he, also, loves to wear his shitty groupā€™s merchšŸ„“
Really donā€™t want to criticise your points of view, just sharing minešŸ˜Š And you show your thoughts about his possible red carpet style, but what about casual looks, do you have any ideas and advice to Ben? Really interesting to read your thoughts about fashionšŸ¤“
OK! So itā€™s kinda personal opinion here but the generic clothes = down to earth is a fucking ploy. Like the oldest trick in a book. Zucc? Steve fucking Jobs? Natalie Portmant doing a low key grocery run in yoga pants? Well, the pants are like 400$ sooā€¦ There are brands selling the most generic clothes for hundreds, the shit is crazy. Not everyone is Adam Sandler with sweatpants being part of yer brand xd It might be true for some, but Iā€™d risk saying itā€™s supposed to be comfy not down to earth.
No idea about Jared outside official events, and I kinda have a love/hate relationship with candids cuz they are there to sell something usually. Ye know like shitty merch or a whole style as models are paid to do.
The laaaaast thing. So it will sound kinda hypocritical but I will try to explain what I mean the best I can! The fact that I can express myself through my clothes was a big fat gamechanger for me, I take great pride with my style. At the same time, I know that people feel the most like themselves in simple clothes, totally okay and I support their choices. So here it is, I have nothing to say about Bennyā€™s own style as in his down time. Thatā€™s why I always talk about the red carpet, cuz his own style wonā€™t drastically change and official events are happening for the fucking looks. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! But our sad boy chooses to dress in what looks like his ordinary, go to sets, for work. I mean interviews, promotional videos or even the fucking EP photoshoot. Ye know where this is going and that itā€™s yet again Bennys own fault... yes I gave myself a pass to make fun of those, since he went with them garbage clothes in professional settings. So yeeee I have no idea about his personal style and I mostly donā€™t care out loud. The actor/official ones that are less formal I might have few thoughts tho but itā€™s vague cuz itā€™s all about telling a story with them coherent looks and I canā€™t place Benny anywhere really?
He seems like a sweater kind of guy and he wears jackets all the time even during summer. I think Bode would do him good? They kinda have those elements he likes aka lotsa shirts over tees xd Lots of nice shirts and sweaters, patchwork and amazing embroidery. Nice tailored pants. Like an instant eye catcher and looks cozy and very artsy. Would say Gabriela Hearst too but that is again the generic theritory xd and if I mention her then ofc I need to add HermĆØs too even that I don't like them fuckers that muchā€¦ Itā€™s really hard to tell muffin cuz as we already established, Benny would not be able to sell the more complicated looks ;c
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