#SOC Original
sixofclovers · 3 months
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a mid winter ball
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jahayla-parker · 2 months
OMG another idea! what about freddy x wife!reader? where she is filming her morning routine (skin care, breakfast, mini workout or yoga or stuff like that, ya know?) and we see freddy in the background and he'll make small comments on stuff then just joins her half way through
Morning Routine : Freddy Carter x Wife!Reader
Descr: Freddy’s wife y/n is asked by Company UK (a British Magazine Agency) to film her morning routine for her fans and her husband ends up guest starring in it. Fluff
Warnings: mentions of exercise and medications., flirtations and relationship components, marriage, food/eating, I think that’s all!
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“Hi everyone! It’s y/n y/l/n Carter! This is the first time I’ve done one of these, so hopefully you like it!” Y/n chuckled shyly. She bit her lip bashfully as she saw her husband mouth ‘you’ve got this’ from behind her camera. She pulled herself together and grinned at the camera as she began to explain what she was going to be recording today. The magazine, Company UK, had requested that she film a morning routine video for her fans.
“We’re going to start off with my skincare routine,” y/n narrated as she steadied her phone in the corner of the bathroom counter. “But, first I’m going to brush my teeth.”
“Okay now that that’s done,” y/n commented as she dried her mouth. “Time for skincare! So, I start with y/fav/product and we’re going to put a little of this,” she said and showed the camera her next product. “I just rub it in nice and gently like this and it’ll help to enhance things!” She grinned over at the camera as she set the latest product down. “And just like that, we’ve finished my daily skincare routine!”
“Even though she doesn’t need any of it to look as radiant as she always does”, Freddy commented lovingly as he walked past the doorway to their bathroom.
Y/n grinned widely and laughed giddily to herself. “Another part of my routine,” she winked and nodded her head backwards towards the door. “My hype man for life,” she beamed as she proudly lifted her left hand up to show her cherished wedding ring.
“So now that we’re back in the bedroom, I take my morning medications and supplements,” y/n informed her viewers as she walked to her dresser. “I like to take them with a full glass a water to start off my proper hydration for the day”. Y/n intentionally kept the bottles at an angle so that the names of her prescriptions wouldn’t be in view of the camera. “I won’t show what exactly I’m taking as I can’t give medical advice, after all, I’m not a doctor!” she joked with a careless shrug of her shoulders.
“Smart enough to be though,” Freddy murmured as he walked by. He gave y/n a quick kiss on her cheek as he continued on his route to their closet in order to grab some clean clothes out for himself for the day.
“They said to simply comment on my process and otherwise act as normal for the video,” y/n told the camera with a content smile. “And clearly, my sweet husband is taking that responsibility seriously”. It was true, Freddy was always loving on her like this.
“Mmm,” Freddy hummed and looked over at y/n due to hearing her mentioning him. “I can shut up,” he joked, blushing some. He grinned as his wife lovingly shook her head as she walked over to him. His grin grew as y/n relaxed in his arms and let him pull her in for a hug.
“I’m not complaining Freddy, but you know, they’re probably going to think it’s staged.”
Freddy shrugged, “let ‘em think what they will, love”. He brushed some hair from y/n’s forehead and looped it around her ear, his hand roaming admiringly over her cheek and jaw as she gazed warmly into his eyes. “I’m going to go change and then start brunch, alright?” He whispered softly. Y/n nodded making him hum softly and give her a tender squeeze before they parted.
“Uh anyways”, y/n spoke through her giggles as she moved closer to the camera. Focus. She blinked rapidly as she tried to guide her mind back to paying attention to her routine video and not on her sweet husband.
“So I don’t know if you guys could hear our conversation just now or not,” y/n transitioned, “but those of who have watched some of my husband Freddy’s more viral interviews will already know this, but he loves to cook breakfast slash brunch. Like loves it.” “I’m a very lucky woman,” she grinned. “So while he’s doing that,” she giggled, moving to grab her yfc yoga mat from the corner of their bedroom. “We’re going to do some yoga to get warmed up for a brief exercise a little later. But first, let me go change out of my pajamas cause this is a family show!” she joked showing her pajamas to the camera before pausing the recording. After changing into yoga pants and a loose comfy top, y/n resumed the video as she walked to the living room. “Alright, so let’s get going.” She began to narrate the process of setting up and starting her yoga. As y/n went through her yoga routine, she explained the poses and benefits of them for her fans. As she moved into her next pose, she noticed Freddy could be seen walking by behind her in the background. She concluded Freddy likely had no knowledge that he was in the shot as he stopped to smile at her, watching her silently for a moment. Y/n grinned and proudly continued to talk to the camera as Freddy resumed whatever he had been doing.
“Darling, you ready to eat?” Freddy called out as Y/n set her notebook down after having done some self care exploration/ personal growth work in it. She beamed excitedly as she stood up. She laughed at herself as she sprinted to grab her phone from its stand in order to keep the camera with her as she was to very eager to eat brunch with her husband.
As y/n made it to the table, Freddy pulled the chair out for her. Thanking him, she sat down beside him and kissed his cheek. He leaned over and reached around her as he moved to help prop the camera up.
“Wait, hold on,” y/n stopped Freddy. “They need to see the amazing meal you made,” she commented, momentarily taking her phone back. She turned her camera around as she showed the spread.
Freddy blushed proudly as he watched his happy wife. She was so precious.
When y/n was done showing off her husband’s cooking, she smiled at the camera, “okay!” She handed her phone back to Freddy and watched with appreciation at he set it up. However, when she checked to see what all was in the shot, she noticed Freddy wasn’t in it. She pouted lightly as she moved to adjust it. “You’re part of my routine, handsome,” she grinned, giggling as Freddy playfully retaliated to her flirting by attacking her sides with tickles before giving her a kiss.
After brunch, y/n stood up from the table, “I’m going to show them my morning workout. Wanna join, sweetheart?”
Freddy groaned dramatically but nodded his head in agreement. He pushed back from the table and began to gather the plates so he could wash them.
“Freddy,” y/n cooed. “I can get that, love” she argued, moving to stop his tidying up.
Freddy turned to look over his shoulder at y/n. “‘s alright, y/n/n,” he smiled. “Go on and get your camera and stuff set up in the gym, I’ll clean this up”.
Y/n tsked lovingly as she made her way over to Freddy. She hummed warmly and kissed his cheek as a thanks.
“Okay, so,” y/n explained after she finished stabilizing her phone in the gym. “Today is leg day,” she laughed as she began preparing each station. “I love leg day, but Freddy hates it.” Moving aside some random weights, she added, “I read somewhere that’s a common difference between men and women for some reason” with a shrug. “Truthfully, I didn’t remember it was leg day when I asked him to join, we’ll see if he’s still up for it,” she chuckled.
Freddy waltzed in with reusable water bottles for them both, a clueless smile on his lips. He winked as he made his way over to y/n. “All set up, darling?”
“Mmhm,” y/n hummed. “But, uh…” she trailed off. She pursed her lips as her husband stared back at her with his eyebrows raised in suspicion. She silently walked over to Freddy and batted her eyes at him.
“What did you do?” Freddy teasingly asked.
Y/n giggled innocently and shook her head, “nothing, but it’s leg day today”.
Freddy groans. “And cardio?”
Y/n softly nodded. “Are you still going to join me for both?” She pouted pleadingly.
Freddy smirked faintly at y/n’s overdramatic pout, looking away so as to not crack.
Y/n squinted in slight annoyance and gently turned Freddy’s head back towards her before she amplified her act.
A deep blush covered Freddy’s face as he nodded in acceptance.
“Yay! Thank you sunshine!” Y/n cheered as she kissed Freddy’s cheek. She then ran over to the treadmill. Unbeknownst to her, the camera picked up her husband grinning at her antics. “So we only have one the treadmill, so we’ll be alternating with each other,” she instructed, smiling over at her husband, “while I do an inclined sprint, Freddy will start with a circuit of mountain climbers, squatting burpees, and lunges”. “We’ll go for ten minutes then switch and repeat this cycle three times,” she explained.
As y/n and Freddy finished their last cycle of cardio, she sweetly dabbed Freddy’s sweaty forehead with a towel. “Alright honey, ready for some weighted, leg day exercises?” She inquired. When he begrudgingly agreed, she grinned and walked to her water bottle near her phone. “See, he loves me,” she said with a wink directed at the camera before smirking over at him.
Freddy chuckled as he made his way over.
“Boooo, you’re all sweaty,” y/n joked as Freddy gave her a brief hug.
“So are you, dear,” Freddy smiled, reaching up to fix some of y/n’s now-frizzy hair.
Y/n hummed quietly. She found herself leaning into Freddy’s hand for a moment as she caught her breath. “Don’t district me,” she gasped dramatically as she jokingly shook her head at him, stepping back.
“Are you sending this whole thing in?” Freddy questioned as he adjusted the metal bar so y/n could get up since she’d finished her reps.
Y/n shook her head as she took Freddy’s extended hand, letting him help her up. “No, I’m not going to make them watch us workout for an hour,” she giggled. “I’m gonna edit it first,” she informed him as she sat on the bench.
“Mmm, in that case,” Freddy murmured as he moved to pin y/n backwards against the bench.
“Freddy!” Y/n shrieked in surprise, as Freddy towered over her. Her eyes were wide as her laughter rang out around the room.
Freddy beamed and bent down to give his wife a sweet kiss. “That’s all I wanted,” he defended with an innocent expression. He stood up and helped y/n back up again.
“Mhmm,” y/n stated, side eyeing Freddy skeptically. “Behave yourself,” she teased with a light shove as she moved to grab weights for their next exercise.
“Alright, for a cool down we’re going to do some light stretching that’ll mostly focus on our legs to relax the muscles after weight training,” y/n told the camera.
“Ugh,” Freddy groaned. “Those are the worst,” he complained.
Y/n laughed. “You’re getting better!” She reassured, grinning when it caused Freddy to blush. “Now come on, you can do it.” She gave him an encouraging smile before moving to her yoga mat. “We’ll start with downward facing dog,” y/n instructed, getting into pose.
“My calves,” Freddy whined as he complied.
Y/n’s laughter made her posture shake a little. “Focus on your breathing, Freddy,” she advised, “each exhale, try to loosen those muscles”.
“Oh, this one’s not too bad,” Freddy observed as he sat in what y/n said was pigeon pose.
Y/n smiled over at her husband supportively. “See you’re doing it,” she commented sweetly.
Freddy nodded. “But I’m not doing that,” he stated dramatically as he watched y/n enhance her iteration of the pose by lifting her extended leg upward by pulling on her foot.
Y/n chuckled loudly. She glanced over at Freddy and took in the look of fearful disbelief he’d been making at her. She ended up laughing so hard she gracelessly dropped her foot back to the mat, “Freddy!”
“That wasn’t part of the instructions!” Freddy exclaimed defensively.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. “You didn’t have to do that part.” “I just didn’t feel a stretch without it anymore”.
“Show off.”
“Hey!” Y/n scoffed as she leaned toward Freddy and gently pushed him over.
After some more stretching, the couple finally finished. “Alright, whew. We’re done!” Y/n said, dusting her hands off. “And that means, all that’s left in my morning routine is a shower to get cleaned up, so yeah! I hope you all had fun watching this!” She paused and looked over to Freddy who was curled up on the bench and shook her head teasingly. “Bye everyone!”
Once y/n had turned her phone’s camera off for the day, she slid the device into her yoga pants’ side pocket. “Honey?” She asked softly as she made her way overtoher husband. “Come on, let’s go get cleaned up and then you can relax on the couch some until you have to be on set, huh?” She offered, gently helping guide him off the gym bench with a loving smile.
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Tag List: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @missdreamofendless @alex-kazbrekkersimp @historynerd7 @opheliaofficial07 @el-de-phi @nikfigueiredo @whistle1whistle @booklover2389
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undercover-grisha · 14 days
So once upon a time I read an Anastasia AU Wesper fic, where Wylan was the lost prince and Jesper the conman trying to trick him but ends up falling in love. it was a rly great fic, unfortunately unfinished, but genuinely one of the best fics I’d ever read omg
anyways so that premise is great, yeah? But imagine:
Zoyalai in an Anastasia AU
Zoya the street smart conwoman, convinces Nikolai he’s the lost Ravkan prince, and ends up tripping over her feelings and falling for him
Alina (and Tolya and Tamar and maybe Genya, they’re pack animals) as Vlad and Mal as Sophie
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penguinwraith · 1 month
Jesper as this guy from the olympics
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I might’ve made him a little too neon but it was fun
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(Sorry about the bad picture quality)
Credit to @ilivebyshipping for the idea :) (this was a genius idea)
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lcvescountdown · 1 year
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nine-is-not-a-ten · 1 month
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wylanslcve · 9 months
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Hey Netflix… I just want to talk 🙂🙂🙂
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zaritarazi · 2 years
nina on that boat after having just broken matthias out of hellgate, and also he’s unconcious rn bc he keeps trying to kill her: so! this is my boyfriend. thoughts?
jesper and inej, just staring at her: and prayers girl, what
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r-u-living · 4 months
Hair of shiny woven night
Knifes hidden up her sleeves
She'll cut you within an inch of your life
And leave you out to bleed.
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
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heres-to-the-new-us · 6 months
six of crows headcanon
one of the crows get sick. the rest of them care for them and make sure they're okay. kaz meanwhile does the brave thing and lock himself in his room for a week and a half straight.
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sixofclovers · 9 months
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new year new me!(?)
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knightleysbookshelf · 3 months
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kaz brekker aesthetic | six of crows "brick by brick, i will destroy you"
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mykingdomforablog · 26 days
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1; @ solisolsoli on twitter? / 2; source uncertain / 3; Der Nachtwächter, August Splitgerber / 4; source uncertain / 5; The Jetty at Le Havre, Bad Weather (1870), Claude Monet / 6; Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia / 7; Everything They Had Was Borrowed, jheidenphotography / 8; "Wishbone," Richard Siken / 9; Harbor in Moonlight, Louis Douzette / 10; The Thames Below Westminster (1871), Claude Monet / 11; source uncertain / 12; (stay away but come closer), mxe. ? / 13; A Windmill in Vreeland, Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriel / 14; original quote by me
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Never Steal From The Devil : Kaz Brekker x Reader
Part 1
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Desc. & Warnings: 3.3k wc, see mini-series masterlist navigation page (link near bottom)
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��Still not going to talk?“ the man in front of y/n asks. Y/n had figured out his name was Judson and he was the leader of the group who had captured her. Whoever this Judson guy was, his crew wasn’t very good at keeping their identities secret; having called their leader by his name within minutes of y/n waking up.
Y/n was tied to a metal chair even though she wasn’t putting up much of a fight. Whatever the group had injected her with when they’d jumped her the night she was taken hadn’t fully left her system yet. Whatever it was made y/n feel as though she was being weighed down by a ton of bricks. She could feel it slowly releasing its grip on her over time, but still too slowly for her taste.
Y/n was uncertain how long it had even been. She woke up in some dim, seemingly underground, chamber. Y/n had no sunlight or sky to base an estimated time of day on. Nor did she know how long she was unconscious after having been taken. Saints, y/n didn’t even know if she was still in Ketterdam. However, the thick accents of the men around her made her suspect she was far from home.
Right now y/n was being forced to watch as Judson tortured a random small child. The child was clearly terrified and the group’s leader was feeding off of it. Judson held the child in a separate chair, just across the room from y/n. He’d already struck the kid multiple times without getting any verbal response from y/n. So Judson adjusted his approach as he moved his hand to grab the child by their throat.
Y/n tensed and her mind fought with itself over with her decision to not react. Y/n tried not to grimace when the child squirmed and cried as Judson’s grip tightened. She closed her eyes only for someone to smack her face as they shouted “keep your eyes open”. Y/n opened her eyes as instructed but blurred her gaze as she focused on the wall behind the child instead.
Judson and his crew kept going with repetitive attempts to break her but it wasn’t working. However, as y/n saw the blurry image of the little child go limp her resolve slipped. She instinctively moved her head to the side to look away, as a small, -barely audible even to herself- whimper left her tight lips.
“You can’t listen, can you? How does Dirtyhands put up with your disobedience?” Judson mocked, dropping the child carelessly. “Since he’s not here, we’ll have to figure out a way ourselves” he added, digging into his pocket as he stepped closer. “Perhaps, like this” Judson smirked just as a burning pain formed in her leg.
The force and speed with which the blade punctured her skin caused her body to skip past the tingling sensation that normally accompanied the initial breaking of skin. She stiffly turned her neck to look down at the blood pouring from her thigh. It took all of her strength to not sigh with morbid relief when she saw Judson had missed her femoral artery. At least this way it would take longer for her to bleed out. It was a grim thought, but at least there was something in her favor.
It gave Kaz a chance to make it to her in time. He had to be coming. Y/n knew that. There was little in this world she trusted anymore. Her trust and optimism had been beaten out of her when she was a mere child herself, not much older than the child across from her now; the child Y/n tried to convince herself would live past tonight.
But there was one thing she still trusted and one person she trusted with her life. Kaz and his vengeance. He’d come for her. That was what kept her going as the man’s blade twisted and she felt the fat and tissues in her leg shred apart at its slicing touch.
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“Kaz did you forget she’s been taken?” Nina huffed, tired of his stoic demeanor.
Kaz snapped his head towards her and glared venomously, "I've never forgotten anything”. He turned back to the storm of notes on his desk as he whispered to himself, “but, sometimes, I wish I could." It was both true and a blatant lie. Dirtyhands’ world view figured if he could forget about y/n, his life would be easier; he’d have one less target or area of weakness for someone to strike. Such as this group had done the night before when they took Y/n from her post.
Dirtyhands’ argument was logical but it wasn’t true. Not for Kaz. He couldn’t forget y/n and it wasn’t just because his mind memorized every single detail of his surroundings. Instead, he’d long ago suffered through the realization that he’d fallen for Y/n. And as selfish as it may be, he couldn’t wouldn’t give her up. He’d tried to, of course, for both of their sakes, but its result was disastrous.
Even Kaz’s own attempt to sever from y/n broke him in ways he thought were no longer possible. So he’d long ago shifted gears into protecting her with everything in him and everything he had, or could get his hands on. Which is why it had taken so long for something like this to happen. Kaz was careful. Saints, they both were. No one outside of the Crows knew they were together and even the Crows hadn’t known for quite some time.
While Kaz was still working on rebuilding his trust with Jesper’s loose lips, he knew this incident wasn’t on his sharpshooter. Kaz had shown his weakness just weeks prior to her capture. They’d been on a mission that went awry and his first instinct -as always- was to find his girl and get her out. However, he hadn’t accounted for someone to be watching from the skies when Kaz took down the people between him and Y/n. He’d only learned of this after y/n’s capture. Inej had been promptly sent out to find any clues and stumbled upon this information. Kaz’s instinct betrayed him that night and it cost Y/n her safety.
Kaz was currently awaiting Inej to return from her latest orders to search for more information. Nina had only seen his stoic front and not what happened behind closed doors after y/n went missing. Since the night y/n had been taken, Kaz had broken his cane at least twice in his own attempts to obtain information. Fortunately, Jesper was able to solder it back together for Kaz. Kaz was silently very grateful for Jesper’s repairs. He’d need his cane to be functional if Inej was unsuccessful tonight.
Kaz had notes everywhere in his room with even the smallest of details scribbled on them. Things like which boats were in the harbor at what times, the crew lists for said boats, the whereabouts of every Dime Lion for every second of the last month. But nothing was pointing him toward where y/n might have been taken.
If y/n was in the barrell or hell, even anywhere in Ketterdam, she’d be home by now. Kaz had literally torn the streets apart in his fiery search for her. Doors were stripped away from their hinges, windows smashed in, ships lit ablaze, and all around destruction encompassed the Barrel, and soon all of Ketterdam within a matter of 24hrs. Yet, he’d still not found her. Kaz was struggling to keep his stoic facade up as time went on. But, he hadn’t lost his appetite for vengeance and his desire to see y/n returned to him.
Nonetheless, it took everything in Kaz not to snap at his Crows the way he had with the other residents of Ketterdam. He’d undoubtedly lashed out at them several times, but if they kept pushing him or suggesting he wasn’t doing enough to find y/n, Kaz would snap. As tempting as it may have been, it would’ve been a distraction and Kaz needed to keep his focus if he wanted to find y/n. And he more than wanted to find her, he needed to.
Kaz rose from his seat so quickly that his bad leg nearly buckled under him as he heard Inej land on his windowsill. He threw back the curtains as he stared at her with an impatient gaze. Inej offered a small smile and it lit a surge of hope in Kaz; she had something. Something to help him find y/n.
Inej stepped around him as she passed through the window and into his office. The others joined Kaz in staring at her expectantly.
“Good news or bad news first?” Inej questioned, uncertain how to start.
They all shouted out different preferences expect for Kaz. He just narrowed his eyes as he gripped his cane tightly in nervous anticipation.
Inej noticed the movement and decided to give the good news first. “Y/n is alive” she assured them.
Kaz knew this. Or so he told himself. He hadn’t allowed himself to even think for a second that there was any other possibility.
Inej saw Kaz’s impatience grow and she continued, “And, I have a lead on where she may be”.
“Go on,” Kaz commanded firmly, stepping closer as he stared at her with his wild eyes.
Inej glanced at their group before she gave the bad news. She sighed, “intel suggests that she’s in Shu Han”.
Kaz felt himself freeze as his body aggressively tensed at her words. Shu Han? Why would y/n be in Shu Han?
Inej sighed again, “it seems some rebel group heard about y/n’s involvement in our heist with Kuwei and Parem… it’s retaliation”.
Kaz hadn’t realized he asked the questions aloud, something that had never happened to him before. He’d clearly lost control of himself at least for a moment. He had to get it together. For y/n. Kaz nodded and turned to his desk before he sat down and he stared out his window.
The Crows looked at each other as they whisperered suggestions to one another.
Wylan merely shook his head and pointed to Kaz. “Scheming face” Wylan mumbled.
Jesper smirked, Nina resisted the urge to cheer, Inej sighed in relief, and Wylan smiled.
Matthias only nodded to himself as Wylan wasn’t wrong, but he had missed something Matthias hadn’t. It was clear to the Fjerdan that Kaz wasn’t just scheming. Kaz wasn’t merely scheming y/n’s safe return, nor even his revenge for someone having taken her in the first place. Matthias could see Kaz was more determined than he’d ever seen before.
Kaz’s eyes were alight in a way they weren’t when he was merely scheming. He was hopeful, confident, and eager. To Matthias, Kaz was visibly ready to set the rest of the world ablaze -the way he had Ketterdam-, on his way to y/n. It wasn’t just scheming, it was a silent acceptance that Kaz would do anything and everything to bring y/n home; even if it cost him his life in the process. Kaz would remove everyone and everything from this world if necessary, no matter what the odds against him were.
Kaz would go through literal hell, crawling bloody and broken, in order to drag y/n back to them. Back to him. And for once, it was a look and emotion that Matthias could sympathize with Kaz over.
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The weather was excruciatingly cold, the numbness giving way into an eternal ache in Kaz’s leg. Yet, he trailed on. They’d been venturing through the inner terrains of Shu Han’s borders for days. They stayed just on the inside of the Shu Han border as the Ravkan side was covered in Ravka militia. However, they couldn’t go too far into Shu Han territory just yet. The Shu Han border held Shu Han’s military, but the true threat was more towards the center of their country where the government was held.
As such, Kaz and his Crows -minus one- stuck in the terrain between those threats. It was rugged, wet, and cold; but it was necessary. Kaz refused to slow down, even if something were to happen to his crew. Y/n had been in the hands of the Shu Han rebels for far too long already and Kaz would not permit it to continue longer than necessary.
Kaz’s mind had zoned out on any possibility of a negative outcome. Any questions or doubts that entered his mind or were whispered amongst his Crows already had an answer. Would he find her? Without question. Would he save her? Always. Would it be too late? No; he refused to entertain that possibility. Would everything go according to his plans? It had to.
Kaz was torn from his dully repetitive thoughts as Inej hesitantly cleared her throat from beside him. When he looked over at her, she nodded towards their right, a few miles ahead of them. Kaz felt his lips curl into a smirk when he saw the first piece of his plan had fallen into place.
They may have known y/n was in Shu Han, but they didn’t know where in Shu Han. Their first step was to solve that problem.
Kaz glanced over at Nina, his smirk still on his lips made her smirk back before she nodded and looked to Wylan.
Wylan pulled a large jar from his bag and placed it in Nina’s outstretched hand.
Nina thanked him and gave Kaz one last look before she parted from their group.
Kaz wordlessly held up a hand as Matthias instinctively stepped forward, as if he were going to follow after Nina. It wasn’t meant to be dismissive. Kaz understood Matthias’s desire and natural inclination to go. But, he’d made a similar decision before and it had let them to this disastrous situation; he wouldn’t have that happen to Matthias. Besides, he needed Nina to do her part flawlessly if they were to proceed with the next step. And Matthias wouldn’t exactly blend into the background while Nina did her work.
Kaz had leveraged his connection with the Ravkan King to have Zoya tailor his crew in order to blend in with the Shu Han residents. Partially for their safety and partially for convenience. Kaz had two Grisha on his team and couldn’t risk the Shu Hans learning of their abilities. Their tailored appearances also allowed them to be less conspicuous when they would wander through the village after Nina’s job was done; therefore not wasting any time in proceeding to the next stage of the plan, to y/n.
This step was simple, or so Kaz hoped. He’d had Wylan concoct a serum that would not cause any harm but still produce a tingling sensation when applied to the skin.
Wylan was of course left in the dark as to the purpose behind such an item, but completed it willingly nonetheless. After all, y/n had become practically a sister to Wylan by now.
Nina was to use said creation to create a ruse as to how the ailments of Evrin Sallow were remedied.
Kaz had determined that Evrin Sallow was the romantic partner of one of the rebel group’s co-leaders. He knew how hypocritical and ironic it was to go after her for the way they’d gone after y/n. But, he didn’t care. They’d crossed him the moment they even debated laying harm to y/n. Therefore, they were too far past any chance of mercy or redemption now.
Kaz had learned that Evrin had been seriously injured, resulting in the girl having trouble moving one of her arms. He ordered Nina to heal the girls arm, slightly; just enough to peak her interest in the pretend miracle topical medicine Nina would be claiming was the cure.
Kaz and the others watched from afar, Inej hiding much closer to Nina should something go wrong or to alert Kaz as to when to move to the next stage. Kaz could feel the energy and nerves bouncing off his Crows as they all waited for a sign as to how things were going.
When Inej looked over her shoulder and gave one nod, they all jumped into action. Wylan and Jesper rushed off to the left to make sure the home Kaz had found earlier was still empty for them to use. Matthias stuck with Kaz as they made their way to the designated spot.
“Is this really the only way?” Matthias asked quietly, his voice showing his deep judgment against their next action. Kaz shot him a look that made Matthias grumble but nod. He wanted Y/n back too, but he just wished there were a less immoral way to do so. But, perhaps that lifestyle became part of the past as soon as he’d chosen to stand by Nina and her friends.
Kaz shot Matthias another silent look, this time questioning his commitment. Matthias glanced from Kaz over to where he saw Nina guiding the evidently naive, or just overly optimistic, Evrin Sallow to the small hut down the road from the village center.
Kaz and Matthias were a mere two feet from the entrance of the hut, the perfect place to grab the girl and force her inside should she change her mind in trusting Nina’s guidance. Which was good because just a few inches before reaching Matthias’s right shoulder, the girl halted.
“It’s in there?” Evrin asked skeptically.
Nina continued her faux timidness as she ‘nervously’ nodded and pretended to stumble over her words. “It… like I said… I can only carry so much on me” Nina glanced back at the hut and shuffled her feet in the muddy ground. “I’m not supposed to be using it on strangers” she lied, biting her lip as she turned to Evrin. “But… your arm… it just made me… sad” Nina sighed dramatically, “my brother lost his in the war, to… a Grisha”.
Evrin frowned but nodded, “I’m sorry”.
Nina nodded along, “so.. yeah. I have some more inside, my partner is not home so you can have some”.
“You said he found the medicine in Ravka?” Evrin asked.
It was a good cover, a great one actually. For the Shu Hans refused to allow Grishas to live, much less use their abilities even if it were to heal something; like Evrin’s arm. Ravkan made medicinal substances on the other hand, were well known to be used by the Shu Hans. They’d tried to make their own medicines but Ravkan soil was the most fertile for growing the crops needed for effective medicine. Yet, they’d had little to no access to such products in decades due to the war. Any access came from thefts by their milita during attacks, or spies within Ravkan borders. Therefore it was only accessible to the wealthier of Shu Han residents.
It was clear that Evrin not only believed the ruse, but also was eager to be healed. Nina had clearly healed her arm enough for Evrin to be able to no longer have it limp, but not enough for her to use it; as was the plan.
Nina nodded, looking around ‘nervously’, “yes”.
Evrin took a hesitant step towards the hut. She looked over her shoulder once more, not able to see that Inej was watching from the roof of the next nearest house. Evrin turned and followed Nina inside.
Matthias sighed with relief when he realized he wasn’t going to have to wrestle the girl to get her inside.
Kaz promptly followed after Nina and Evrin before the door could swing shut behind him. He locked the door, leaving Inej and Matthias outside. He had no time or energy for their moral compasses at the moment.
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Kaz tag list: @dil3mma @ell0ra-br3kk3r @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @directioner5life @nikfigueiredo @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @winstonthecow22 @missdreamofendless @supergaybish1 @alex-kazbrekkersimp @wolfmoonmusic @phoenix666stuff @twlegit @kentucky-criedfricken @twlegit @valeridarkness
Kaz nsftd tag: @thedelusionreaderbitch @deadlymistletoe
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chaotic-starlight24 · 21 days
You know what would be fun y’all :D
What if for the month of September we had an event for the fandom, Soc September! Just to appreciate the characters that get brushed to the side like Bob, Randy, Cherry, and Marcia. Or even the musical soc guys and girls. Like just tag it as soc september and make art or story or headcanons for them all. They just deserve some love too (but not meant to justify their actions or anything, lookin at you Bob) I will probably post some stuff under that tag and make some art because Bob is also just really fun to draw and I enjoy writing about him.
Edit: I made the blog chat @socseptember
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