#SOME market forces....
hasdrubal-gisco · 1 month
once you realize """food deserts""" are a demand-side problem and not a supply-side problem, a whole new lens is polished and demands looking through
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i-am-church-the-cat · 2 months
I didn’t want to hijack the person’s post bc I don’t care what they think but I am a defensive bitch so we’re talking about this
Logan and Oscar met when they were 13/14. The next year they were on the same karting team together but didn’t race each other directly. This would be the last time they don’t race each other until 2019 when Logan moved up to F3 and Oscar was still in Formula Renault. They had a championship battle in F4 and F3, they were teammates in 2020, they haven’t raced each other since then which has been the biggest gap since they’ve known each other.
That still doesn’t mean they’re friends though. You know what does? Them literally saying they are.
Oscar saying “I’m quite close with Logan Sargeant” on that podcast. The Miami GP 2023 post. Them playing paddle together. Logan in that interview where they asked about “Loscar.” Now the podcast episode.
They aren’t forced to be around each other, if anything they’re so busy they don’t have time to hang out, yet they still seek each other out when they have the opportunity. Obviously we don’t know anything about their personal lives but at the very least we know they’re friends?? Not brocedes level of friends, maybe lestappen level of friends cause I don’t think they’re actual friends either, definitely not galex level of friends but that can also be attributed to the fact they don’t talk about themselves a lot, compared to Alex or George who post everything about their lives.
Like, have you ever seen them interact? They’re chilling they’re casual but they are friends. Whatever you think about their dynamic they are at least that.
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notmoreflippingelves · 5 months
Every year, I tell myself that I should really consider taking off work for Father Brown premiere day, and then it comes around and I forget to do it, and I spend all day thinking about how I would so much rather be sitting cozy under a million blankets and going back to Kembleford than being forced to do boring work things.
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hurdygurdywizard · 9 months
Watching handmade shoe cobbling videos at an ungodly hour and lamenting the industrial revolution. I should've been an artisan. Nowadays it's all machines.
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hardlypartying · 1 year
“i’m not the bad guy you think i am”
“i got a boat that can get us off the island… we gotta get out of here, it’s better if we work together”
“they’re going to find john b and your sister” “sucks for them, that’s good for us tho”
“i told you we just had to work together”
“i can give you a ride out, drop you wherever, somewhere safe”
“i know your friends and my sister are on the island, i’m not helping them, i can’t trust them okay… i’ll give you a ride out but not them”
“i mean i always liked you kie, you’re at least half kook”
“i just lose control in moments like that, i’m trying to get better” kiara nodding along and her small “okay” as he explains himself
and her “oh god” and teary eyes when he starts slapping himself
HOW is this canon we were fed a full course meal 😭
okay anon you did it-- this delicious assortment of canon dialogue is the straw that broke the camel's back bc now i've got a new fic in the works directly based off of the line “i can give you a ride out, drop you wherever, somewhere safe”
or, the one where sarah was right and ward/rafe are the ones after them and rafe accidentally kidnaps kiara instead of sarah and uses her as extortion >:)
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nexus-nebulae · 1 month
shoveling steel into my market box as fast as i possibly can because my animal friends will not stop dumping it into my arms
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aerticent · 1 month
Really hate the team bullshit for hotd😞 a perfectly good story about a house tearing itself apart from the inside with it's centerpiece being two women who were both doomed from the start as a result of their fathers and the marketing team (and fandom) can only manage to treat it like rooting for ur favorite sports team:(((
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lesbiancarat · 1 year
i feel like i had a revelation last night like i really had an "i connected the two dots" moment bc i was watching these video essays about the history of nct and exo respectively and there were two things in particular i thought were interesting
the op pointed out some of the similarities between exo-m and wayv, in the sense that they're both units sm tried to market in china that didn't really succeed in breaking into the chinese market the way they were intended to due to a lack of understanding of the chinese idol market
the fact that nct was originally supposed to have a graduation system that mirrored those seen in jpop with like akb48, and that this plan also fell through
the op also kind of talked about this but it's clear that sm's goals with these things were to a) introduce a graduation system into the kpop industry and b) expand their influence in china (and japan and other countries with the idea of nct tokyo, hollywood, etc. which obviously have not come to fruition)
the reason i found these things interesting is bc there are direct parallels of these goals with pledis groups. after school famously also had a graduation system, which, unlike nct, they did actually use, though it also wasn't successful and the group didn't continue in the long term. and there was also nu'est-m targeted toward promoting in china, which also fell through. you can also see these goals in some of the early plans for "seventeen" which at one point was intended to have 17 set members split into 3 subunits to promote in korea, china, and japan respectively
and for anyone who doesn't know, han sung soo, the ceo and founder of pledis, literally got his start in the idol industry by working for sm and was even a manager for boa before he founded pledis, so i doubt all of this is a coincidence. he probably picked up the ideas sm was aiming for and tried to mirror them in his own company. idk there's no big takeaway here i just think it's really interesting that you can see the influence of sm and it's goals on early pledis groups and their goals
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lycankeyy · 5 months
I didn't live like in the highest impact area of the 2020 Midwest derecho but I lived pretty close to it and I gotta say the most insane thing about it is how little I heard people talking about it. Like there was some coverage and maybe one or two posts going around but it did not get that much coverage at all. Which is bizarre when it like practically leveled entire areas and I still see some of the damages from it to this day several years later
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celepeace · 1 year
Genuinely with the death of nintendo handheld low-cost games that came with the switch, as every continuing handheld series became a switch series and thus had a price increase, a lot of their most kid-friendly franchises have become more and more inaccessible to children, especially now that nintendo has decided to follow every other major console and has started pricing new games even higher.
And now that a lot of these series are so old and thus a lot of their fanbase has aged into adulthood, a lot of these series would benefit greatly from making some of the new entries more adult-oriented. But nintendo very stubbornly wants to keep their main franchises as kid-friendly as possible, sometimes severely restricting the potential of these series by not allowing them to explore things like more complex mechanics, higher difficulty, or darker topics that past entries have brushed over in favor of keeping the age rating low. Pokemon's core battle engine has been in want of an overhaul for years now, and Legends Arceus kind of did that but not wholly, for example.
This would be pretty understandable in the interest of keeping every entry of these series accessible to all age groups, but with inflating prices, who are these games even for anymore? A normal kid with your average allowance from their parents isn't going to be able to afford tears of the kingdom or even $60 pokemon games more often than not. Back when these games were $30-$40, sure, if they saved up, but now many families have even tighter budgets than ever due to the rising cost of living. Nintendo is pricing themselves out of their target audience while simultaneously leaving their adult fans who have been with them since childhood to feel neglected in favor of exclusively making games for today's children.
Obviously nintendo will always make sales because even though they make children's games, they're still fun as hell for a person of any age, and many kids will be able to afford their games once in a while, but it does feel like they're kind of... making their games for an audience that barely exists.
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shywhumpauthor · 11 months
SERIOUSLY what I have in mind would fit so well, but the series needs to grow a little bit before I can really fit it in. I suppose I could make it into a drabble, but I don’t think I can because it wouldn’t really make sense, and it’d be coming out of nowhere
It would fit best in the arc after part 13, where declan was basically like “you lost”, and Noah’s role switched from “hiding information” to “wtf do I do with you now”
I’ve talked about this before, so I feel fine sharing a bit more even though I originally wanted it to be a surprise, but basically when Declan no longer needs Noah for his information, he’s going to like—I don’t know how to word this sophisticatedly word this—force Noah to continue working for him
Back before Noah was discovered, the jobs he was given were pretty mild, mostly technical stuff and details, because Declan knew how he was uncomfortable working with the weapon demonstrations and that stuff (which uses live human targets. Usually prisoners) Afterwards, let’s just say that Declan is much more manipulative of this.
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hassianlovebot · 8 months
ik there's a lot of debate about how palia is mixing heavy lore into what's supposed to be a relaxing, coxy life sim but also like,,, i feel like the way they're doing it now is literally fine?
the lore is definitely part of the world and the quests, but there's literally no in game timer or consequences. nothing bad happens if a player doesn't want to complete the temple bundles or skips lore dialogue or puts certain quests on the back burner (and you can choose to not see certain quests on the main ui so there's no stress there either). like,, i get that the lore Is heavy and that some people don't want that in their cute farming sim but again, there's literally nothing forcing players to interact with or care about it. i genuinely do not see the issue??
#like?? im not trying to be mean#if anyone has insight on this and could explain Why its such a big deal thatd be nice!#but i really just dont get it?#like who cares if the cozy life sim game has a dark lore when you arent forced to care about it at all#completing the temples literally just gives you some resources and rewards#there's zero consequences for not finishing the lore quests or the temples#and like maybe im wrong but i seriously doubt the devs are going to add monster fighting mechanics in the future#like Maybe but i really doubt it#and even if they do its probably just going to be like hunting?#idk man like i keep seeing discourse about the lore being too much for the game and its like..#you dont have to care? youre not forced to interact with it? there is zero consequence if all you do is farm and fish?#so whyyy are people upset or worried about the future state of the game??#if they meant it to be an intense gory action fighting horror game then it wouldve been like that from the start#like im sorry but theyre not going to add something like that to a game theyve always marketed as a cozy life sim/mmo 😭#if theres a high demand for it maybe theyll make a second game or create content like a fucking webtoon aldhg#but theyre most likely not going to introduce it to the core game#like i feel like this fear is really unfounded? the devs havent said anything about changing the tone of the game?#theyve always stated that no matter what happens with the lore they want the game to be a safe and comforting space for players#so Why would they add gore or horror or force players to interact with the lore#what!!
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go-sullivan · 8 months
I will always think that someone involved with Wednesday Netflix is a huge Elementary fan, which is why they should cast Lucy Liu!
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rawliverandcigarettes · 8 months
every time dan olson releases a billion hour long video about finance, I know I'll get some TEoP juice back in the machine
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kdm13 · 2 years
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a friend of mine let me use her paints while i’m here catsitting, so i decided an anger orb would be a good first go of painting on canvas for one of the first times since high school (over a decade ago)
acrylic on an 8x10 canvas
[image ID:] Lord Electrode looking directly at viewer, with yellow bits of electricity around the edges of the canvas [end ID]
Lady Sneasler
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witchern · 10 months
i'd seen only the first season back when it debuted and i wasn't very involved in the fandom beyond passively reblogging stuff, but there's a whole chapter in maureen ryan's "burn it down" that's dedicated to what happened behind the scenes of sleepy hollow over the years and nicole beharie's treatment on that show and holy shit i didn't realize how bad it was.
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