#making games that are either for kids or for adults rather than trying to be equally appealing to all age groups
whining-ylthin · 10 months
Chains of Harrow may as well drop all pretenses and call me the R-slur.
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celepeace · 1 year
Genuinely with the death of nintendo handheld low-cost games that came with the switch, as every continuing handheld series became a switch series and thus had a price increase, a lot of their most kid-friendly franchises have become more and more inaccessible to children, especially now that nintendo has decided to follow every other major console and has started pricing new games even higher.
And now that a lot of these series are so old and thus a lot of their fanbase has aged into adulthood, a lot of these series would benefit greatly from making some of the new entries more adult-oriented. But nintendo very stubbornly wants to keep their main franchises as kid-friendly as possible, sometimes severely restricting the potential of these series by not allowing them to explore things like more complex mechanics, higher difficulty, or darker topics that past entries have brushed over in favor of keeping the age rating low. Pokemon's core battle engine has been in want of an overhaul for years now, and Legends Arceus kind of did that but not wholly, for example.
This would be pretty understandable in the interest of keeping every entry of these series accessible to all age groups, but with inflating prices, who are these games even for anymore? A normal kid with your average allowance from their parents isn't going to be able to afford tears of the kingdom or even $60 pokemon games more often than not. Back when these games were $30-$40, sure, if they saved up, but now many families have even tighter budgets than ever due to the rising cost of living. Nintendo is pricing themselves out of their target audience while simultaneously leaving their adult fans who have been with them since childhood to feel neglected in favor of exclusively making games for today's children.
Obviously nintendo will always make sales because even though they make children's games, they're still fun as hell for a person of any age, and many kids will be able to afford their games once in a while, but it does feel like they're kind of... making their games for an audience that barely exists.
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irisinluv · 26 days
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Isekaied as the Yandere Villain!? PT 1
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All I could do was stare at my reflection. This had to be a joke. I was going to wake up in my bed, right this instant.
Ok, so, pinching myself hurts. That’s fine. This is like. Some sort of lucid dream. What do they say to do if you’re lucid dreaming? Oh, that’s right, put your finger in your palm, it’ll phase through!
I resist the urge to scream as my finger meets solid flesh.
You see, I’m not in the right body. Or the right world from what I can tell. No, I’m supposed to be back home, waking up in a panic as I realize my alarm didn’t go off cuz my phone died after I stayed up way too late reading manga.
But of course, I’m not late to work, I’m in a lavish bedchamber right out of the latest webcomic I’d been reading! And by the looks of it…. I’m the crown princes crazy fiancé! As much as I love reading about the Isekai trope, I never wanted to be in one! And come on- as the Yandere Villain!? Couldn’t this at least be original? There’s hundred of stories just like “my next life as a villainess,” why couldn’t I be like… a stable hand or something? Ugh. Ok. Think!
I need to get home. Do the protagonists ever get back home in the stories I read? I pace around my room and rack my brain over every webcomic I’ve ever read, every manga I waited in line for, every anime I binged, even the unfinished manhwas! I can’t think of a single fucking one where they get home?
Well this isn’t going to stop me. I have a cat who’s going to absolutely flip if she’s not given fresh kibble in the morning. She has enough in her bowl for another 2 days but she needs it topped off ok! She’s a princess! I can’t be stuck here! Who’s going to throw her pompom toy for her if I’m not there???
What did all these have in common? What’s the barebones trope layout? Ok let’s see
1) person either died or falls asleep and wakes up in a new world…. Check
2) person is the villain!…. Check
3) to avoid the characters terrible death, person tries to change the story, ends up being new protagonist…
Ohhh… hey…. Do these Isekai characters ever just…. Play along? Even the “reincarnated as a baby” ones, they only play along till they’re old enough to try to run away or rework the political structure of the entire city. Maybe that’s it. Make it to the books natural end, and you’ll wake up where you belong. It’s like when you get part of a song stuck in your head. Play the whole song, and it’ll get out.
Ok, I’ve trained most of my adult life for this- I can totally ace this trope! I just have to stalk the crown prince, act totally in love with him, and be a bitch to the female lead. Then my finance will leave me, I’ll do some crazy dramatic act to try to kill the female lead, and then I’ll be exiled or executed, and wake up to feed my cat. How hard can it be?
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Hard. It’s very hard.
Where the hell did he go!? My fiancé, the crown prince Eric, was JUST HERE. I swear! He turned that corner back there and then went down this hall… at least I think it was this hall? Ugh! This is impossible! For someone with such loud shoes and an armed escort, you’d think he’d be easier to follow! Now my feet just hurt. They don’t make these fancy shoes to run around the castle all day. They’re meant to daintily peek from beneath my many skirts as I host a tea party or some shit.
Ok. I’ve got this! I’ll just peek into each room until I find him, maybe I can get a better feel for the layout, or maybe find his office and see if he has a schedule or a day planner or something I can use to make this whole stalking thing easier.
I begin snooping, and it’s a bit of thrill to be honest! Back in my real life, I’m the kind of person to hide a wrapper deep in the trash can if I’m babysitting, sitting on the floor playing a game on my phone after the kid goes to bed rather than “making myself at home” the way the parents insisted as they showed me how to access Netflix. I’ve never been a snooper. Now…. Well. It’s totally on brand for this character! I’m not me, I’m a psycho lovesick fool! I giggle a bit at that as my fingers trail over a shelf of beautiful pottery in some sort of sitting room.
“What’s so amusing dearest?”
I practically screech as my heart leaps to my throat and I whirl around, and see the very person I’d been searching for has snuck up on ME…. That’s so unfair!
“W-what? O-oh! Nothing! I was just- uh, admiring the pottery?”
I stutter out as I try to recall how to act like a human being while simultaneously trying to stop feeling my own pulse in my ears. The idiot has the nerve to LAUGH! Full on snort and everything!
“What are you doing in this wing anyways? Weren’t you meant to be out riding today?”
Shit. I was so busy trying to figure out his schedule, I didn’t consider maybe the body I was shoved into had a schedule of her own. Ok. Play it cool- I’ve got this!
“Yes, well, I decided I wasn’t in the mood and wanted to stay in today instead.”
His brows furrow
“Oh, but you love riding? Are you feeling ill? I can fetch the royal physician for you if you-“
“No! That’s- that’s quite alright! I simply wanted a change of schedule, that is all. Um… what about you? What are your plans for the day?”
He looked a bit surprised at that, and a small smile danced on his lips.
“I was just going to the library to do some paperwork, boring stuff really, and then of course our dinner at its regular time.”
I nod like that means anything to me. Ok think, if I were crazy in love with this man, what would I say?
“Would you like some company? Reading in the library sounds really nice, maybe we could have some tea as well?”
Ok. I’m already fucking this up. He looks confused…. God damnit …. I knew I shouldn’t have skimmed over those early chapters- but the translation was shit ok!?
“Well… I’d actually love that. But are you sure? You haven’t exactly shown interest in reading, and you’ve never requested something like this before…. In fact I don’t think I can recall the last time we’ve interacted outside of dinner or a scheduled social event in… well. Ever.”
Wait…. What? Isn’t my character like goo-goo-ga-ga over him? Are you telling me she never asks to just… spend time with her lover? They only talk during dinner and parties or whatever?
“Of course, I think it’ll be relaxing! Just lead the way!”
My brain is working overtime as I smile politely at him as we reach the library and I pretend to browse for books. I’m missing something here. What is-
Oh. Shit. That’s right. I’m supposed to be really insecure and awkward about him. That’s why she stalks him- she spends all her free time obsessing over this man from the shadows, threatening the competition…. Yet chokes up when it comes to how to act natural. Her inferiority complex is what drives her entire character. And then to him, they’re just two nobles in an arranged marriage who speak on dull subjects like the weather and horse rides…. And who barely interact.
This must have been a real big shake up, she always stays out of sight, they never run into each other by chance. And she certainly never would ask to sit and read with him…. Maybe watch him do his work from a hidden keyhole somewhere, but that’s right…. She IS more of a traditional lady with her hobbies. She was raised to be the perfect noble wife, so naturally, her hobbies include things like dancing, needlepoint, and horse riding. The only studies she’s interested in are etiquette and things that noble ladies are supposed to know.
Well…. Shit. That’s so like me to already have fucked this up. But that’s ok. That’s ok- he’s going to meet the female lead and fall in love and so I just have to be the obstacle they need to overcome. Surely the details don’t matter too much…. It’s my first day in the job ok? Not everyone’s perfect!
I find a book that honestly actually sounds interesting, it’s historical, but it’s giving Hellen of Troy, the closest to a dark romance I think I’ll get from an academic personal library like this. I settle into what looks like the comfiest chair in the central area, and begin reading. The prince and I exist comfortably, the only sound being the scratch of his pen, and the occasional rustle of paper as he flips a document or I finish a page. We continue like this for several hours until he puts down his pen and clears his throat, getting my attention.
“I know it’s a long way from dinner…. But I was thinking I’d grab something light for a mid day meal and then take a walk about the gardens …. Would you care to join me?”
Honestly, some lunch and pretty royal gardens sounds like so much fun, so I agree. As we begin walking, I ponder how I can recover from all this.
You know what.. this can totally still go to plan. This is just me being the evil villain and sinking my claws into him! The female lead will appear, and I’ll reveal my true, nasty side to her! She’ll have to fight to save the prince from his marriage to me!
*insert evil laughter!*
“You’re smiling.”
“A smile. It suits you. You’ve been doing that a lot today….. I like it.”
Ok and now I’m blushing. I go to reply when I suddenly find myself weightless for a moment, and then hit the ground with a hard thump.
“Ow! What the-!?”
My eyes snap up and glare at this pretty blonde girl who just rammed into me, and sent me flying
“Do you not know how to watch where you’re going!? Owww…. Ugh.”
Ok I’m sorry I’m usually a nice and understanding person but I’ve never been literally knocked over before! Who does that to a person?
Eric helps me to my feet and sends a reproachful glare toward the girl, asking me if I’m alright with most concerned look…. And the girl gasps and says,
“C-crown prince Eric! I apologize! I’d didn’t recognize you!”
She drops into a curtsy and lowers her eyes all demure and modest as if she hadn’t just bulldozed me. I send an incredulous look toward Eric…. She… didn’t see HIM? I’m the one she took out? He gives me an equally puzzled look and so I decide, you know what, fuck it. I’m this evil person in this world…. I need to act like it!
“And not recognizing his highness is an excuse for taking out the princess consort, soon to be crown princess? Are you blind or just daft?”
Oh my god I really just called someone daft! This feels like when you stay up late thinking all the witty comebacks you could’ve used against your high school bullies, except actually using them in the moment!
And Eric is being a sweetie and letting me handle this, waiting expectantly for blondie to answer me, just prompting her,
“Forgive me…. Princess consort…. You are right. My oversight in inexcusable. It appears neither of us were looking where we were going. I hope we can start fresh!”
I scoff- that’s it? Who does this bitch think she is? Yes, I was looking at Eric, but I was going a walking pace, who rounds a corner with so much force that you knock someone over?
Suddenly something clicks- oh shit! This is the female lead!!!! This scene happened in the story, just without the prince here. This is good, that means this is on track. Although I gotta say- I was much more on the female main characters side when reading it. Now, I just feel like she’s one of those mean girls in high school who’s not *technically* doing anything mean. Anyways- what was I supposed to say? That’s right.
“Yes…. Well. I’m sure we won’t be seeing much of each other anyways. If you’ll excuse me-“
Nailed ittttt…. Now her line?
“Well, actually…. My name is Lady Cressida, and I’ll be staying in the place for several months as my father is a foreign ambassador overseeing trade agreements with his highness the king. So I imagine we will be seeing *plenty* of each other. That goes for you too your highness! So please- forgive me, I look forward to getting to know each of you better!”
Oh that’s so cool, seeing her recite the lines from the story. But ok- I have a role to play as well. I scoff and grab Eric’s arm, pulling him behind me as I storm off, playing the part of entitled lover, stuck up and irritated at this ambassadors daughter who DARED to speak to my love.
Yea, this will work, Eric will think Cressida is a genuine sweetie, and see me as being the unreasonable bitch who’s refusing to accept her apology, or apologize for not looking where I was going either. And now I’m manhandling him- totally unlady like. God I’m killing this aren’t I? Minimum wage job and demanding cat, here I come!
What I don’t see, as I lead Eric by the arm, is the cold glare he shoots towards Cressida, before smiling down at our connected hands, an unreadable look in his eyes.
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Part 2
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leviathxn · 1 year
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“Little Girl to Little Lady”
Dads best friend! Miguel x Younger! Fem! Reader
Warnings : Cock Warming, Age gap, oral, mentions of masturbation (and slight but very little), dirty talk? Breeding king (per usual lmao) and I forgot what else but it’s sex so
Summary : Miguel and you have always been close… but even closer now
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It always annoyed me whenever people would say “you grew up so fast” or “I remember you when you were just a baby”. It was even worse when Miguel O’Hara, your dads best friend, would say it. He didn’t say it often, but when it was a late night of drinking with my father he would always say it to me, almost as if he was telling himself. Whenever he said it he sounded like he was trying to reason with himself rather than just making small talk or being an emotional drunk. It wasn’t like Miguel and I weren’t close either. In fact my dad had always left me at Miguel’s house to babysit when I was younger, no naturally I looked at him as an important older figure in my life.
Well actually I looked at him more than just a supportive adult. To say he wasn’t an attractive man was a total lie. He was gorgeous, body chiseled like a greed god. He was the reason I even got sex toys and explored my kinks. Because every night he would plague my mind as I got older.
He was 20 when I was born, was married and had his daughter, Gabriella at 25. His wife passed 5 years later when he was 30. It was heartbreaking to see him and Gabriella in such despair and pain. Me and my dad had visited more often. I had felt the pain as well, especially as a 10 year old. Dana was a mother figure to me ever since my mom had up and left after I was born. Naturally this led me to help take care of Gabriella and be a supportive woman in her life. She lost her mom and I didn’t want her to feel the  loneliness that I felt. I was (obviously) 5 years older than Gabriella so when I turned 15 I was able to babysit her alone when Miguel and my father had went out. I taught her about body and how she would be changing, helped her dress up and learn makeup. It was almost weekly that our parents would come home and find us cuddled together, sleeping with a movie on.
When I had turned 19 it was a little harder to visit Gabriella but I was always a text or phone call away if she ever needed me. My connection with her and Miguel was still very strong, as they came over for “family night” often. Obviously Miguel and my dad would drink while forgetting about whatever card or board game we were playing soon after. Gabriella started to get tired, it was around 10:30 as I put her to bed in my room. Whenever she fell asleep I would always share the bed with her. That’s what led me, Miguel and my dad to be downstairs, still drinking.
I didn’t drink really, Miguel and my dad knew this, never offering alcohol unless I specifically asked for it. I didn’t have a reason to drink, my social life never landing me at parties. When it came to relationships, I was hopeless. I was usually into older guys and besides a decent fuck, I didn’t see myself getting attached to them. At the end of the day, I always thought of Miguel when they were on top of me. It was shameful but most of the time the guys were too horny to even realize I wasn’t moaning their name.
I sat next to Miguel on the big couch as my dad sat in the arm chair to our right. He smiled as he listened to my dad, looking over at me. That’s when I heard the usual.
“Seeing you take care of my little Gabriella reminds me of when you were younger. You’re much more grown now though. A little Lady instead of a little girl”. I laughed as my dad finished his drink.
“Well Miguel? Let’s look at some baby photos!” My laugh abruptly stopped as my face flushed. I always objected, saying that Miguel has seen me as a kid so many times already, that he didn’t need to see anymore or be reminded. They always laughed me off as my dad took out the book.
“Even if I took care of you then, it’s nice to be reminded. I may still see you as a kid but the pictures remind me of how much you’ve grown”. There was that tone again. The one where he sounded like he was fighting himself to reason. But to reason over what? That I was a growing into a woman? Or that he thought I still acted like a kid? I grumbled as Miguel finished his beer and flipped through the photos with my dad. Even though I objected at first, it was nice laughing all together about my funny photos. As the night went on, my father slowly fell asleep on the couch, a smile on his face. I shook him awake, helping him to bed. As I came back down I saw Miguel still flipping through the book. I sat next to him again, looking over his shoulder.
Then there was a photo oh Miguel, feeding me cake as I sat in his lap. We both looked so young. I was probably around 6 in the photo, his frame still much larger than mine. He sighed, sliding his thumb over his bottom lip. I looked at him, as he looked at the photo for a good few minutes.
“Uhm.. Miguel is everything okay?” He glanced over to me, face flushed. I had never seen him look that way. He put his bottle down, next to the many other bottles…. I knew Miguel could drink but when did he finish so many? While we were looking at the photos? Miguel definitely wasn’t drunk but he was positively tipsy. He put his hand on my thigh, running it up and down my leg. I shuddered at his touch. “Miguel?”
“I would kill to have you in my lap like that again”. He said unwavering. I felt the heat rush to my face as he said it, I looked away and shifted awkwardly.
“M-Miguel where is this coming from?” He chuckled and stopped his hand at my upper thigh.
“The only reason I’m able to say this is because of what I heard you doing to yourself last night”. My face drained. He saw that? How much did he see? I was face down, ass up with a vibrator, is he talking about that? Or is he pulling my strings? Did he hear me moan his name?
“What are you talking about? I was in my room reading.” I said, my voice wavering. I wanted to seem convincing, I really did but I was so nervous under his gaze.
“Were you? That’s not what it sounded like… or what it looked like.” He shifted onto the ground, moving in between my legs. His arms on either side of me, trapping me on the couch. I couldn’t move. I was so nervous as my body trembled. “Did you imagine me eating you out? Or maybe you imagined me fucking you, hm? You were so loud.. just for me”. He kissed my legs, slowly inching towards my inner thigh. I slightly opened my legs on instinct. He chuckled and didn’t move any closer. “Use your words querida.” He said firmly as I shook my head. This was too embarrassing for me. Even being below me he had so much control over me. He shrugged his shoulders and began to get up. I panicked and grabbed his shoulders.
“P-please don’t leave…”. I pleaded. No matter how embarrassed I was, I have been wanting this for so long, so painstakingly long. He licked his lips as he got on his knees in front of me again. Kissing my thighs again. “I thought about you… uhm well I thought about you eating me out” I choked out. He already knew that I thought about him, no point in hiding it. He smirked into the kisses and slid his fingers to the hem of my shorts. He unbuttoned and unzipped them slowly. Miguel looked at me for conformation and I nodded my head. He pulled them down and off my body, leaving me in a shirt and panties. He brought his fingers to my clothed pussy, feeling the drenched fabric.
“Ahh so wet already. Were you thinking about me today?”. I nodded my head as he looked up at me. “Why? Tell me what made you think about me”. I felt embarrassed again, hoping he wouldn’t be mad about the answer.
“When I was putting Gabriella to bed I thought about having a family with you… a-and what it would feel like to have you put a baby in me”. His laugh was deep as he put his hands on my lower back and pulled me closer to him. His lips hovered over my panties, kissing my heat through the cloth. I twitched from the contact
“Oh my… you’ve got more of an imagination that I thought. Would you want to be a mother? Have my babies inside you?” I nodded my head again and he snarled. “Words cariño.” His tone was stern, not making things easy for me
“Yes, Miguel”. He nodded his head in approval before sliding my panties down and blowing over my heat. I yelped as the sensation, his breath was hot, and it made my body shudder. “Miguel please~”.
“Please what?” He asked teasingly as he inched even closer.
“Please eat me out”. He chuckled and latched his lips on my pussy. He took no time sliding his tongue in. He lapped at my juices as I threw my head back, gripping onto the couch. I whimpered while biting on my lip. I didn’t want Gabriella or my dad to wake up. He moved his hands to my thighs as he prevented them from clamping on his head as he continued to eat me out. His tongue did wonders and he moaned into me, letting the vibration of his moan toy with me. He spread my thighs further apart, allowing him to go deeper with his tongue. I didn’t think it was possible but the sliding of his tongue left me shaking. I wanted to squeeze my legs around him so bad, I wanted him to stay right there.
“Miguel more please~” I whispered, I was so scared to release a moan that I squeaked out the words. I was surprised he even heard me as his hands moved to my ass, allowing me to close my legs. I felt the knot from in my stomach as he continue to tongue fuck me. My legs squeezed around his head as I came in his mouth. He lapped up all of it, licking his lips. I panted as he chuckled and wiped his cheeks. He played with my juices on his fingers, putting them up to my mouth and making me taste myself.
“Was that good? I don’t think any guy your age could do as good as me”. He stated proudly as I nodded my head, still dazed from the sensation.
“I’ve only ever fucked older guys… but no guy has ever done that for me in the first place”. He scoffed
“Really? So un-classy… good thing I’m taking care of you from now on hm?” I giggled at his response. He was really getting an ego boost from this. He moved me from the couch and brought me upstairs to the guest bedroom.
Him and Gabriella were over so often that it was pretty much his. The only problem was that it was right nexts to my dads, and the walls weren’t exactly thick either. I reminded myself to stay quiet so we wouldn’t wake him. “Rest for a few minutes. Im gonna clean up downstairs and then I’ll come back up and give you what you really want”. I nodded my head, feeling my pussy throb and clench on nothing. He walked out of the room, my body trembling thinking about him. I wonder how big he is…. I mean I’m already much smaller than him so he would probably stretch me out.
I let my fingers slid down to my pussy, gliding over it. I let out a breath as I slid my fingers in, toying with my walls. I bit my lip again as I finger fucked myself to the thought of Miguel. He was amazing with his tongue but his dick would be 100x better. Hitting every spot, reaching deeper and deeper… then coating my walls with his seed-
My wrist was grabbed and my fingers were pulled out. I gasped at the sudden emptiness as I saw Miguel over me, licking my fingers. I stared up at him, watching him clean off my digits. He cleaned up that fast? Or was I imagining him for that long?
“Really? You couldn’t wait 5 minutes?” I looked away embarrassed. He chuckled pushing me flat on my back. He took his jeans off and tossed them across the room. He slid his boxers down just enough. Miguel stood at the edge of the bed and pulled me towards him. I yelled as I felt my pussy press against his cock. He finally lifted up my shirt, unclasping my bra. “God you look perfect”. He stared at my flushed face, hair sticking out everywhere with lustful eyes. My nipples hardened at the cold air, perking up. He left one hand on my waist for support, the other hand lining himself up. I wrapped my legs around him as he lined himself up with me. I gulped. The most I’ve taken in is 5 inches, Miguel was at least 8 and his girth…. He pushed his tip in and I gasped.
He continued to push himself into me, my pussy stretching more and more. Tears brimmed in the corner of my eyes. He cusped my cheek and wiped the tears. “You’re almost there querida, breathe”. He got half way before my pussy clenched again. He grunted before putting both hands on my waist. He rubbed circles, trying to help me relax. “Mi amor please you have to relax or else I can’t fuck you”. The words ‘mi amor’ rung throughout my head. My body relaxed as I thought about it. I didn’t know Spanish but I knew that much. My face heat up as I brought my hands to my face. Mi amor? Would he call me that even if we weren’t fucking? Did he like me? I mean I liked him, hell I loved him. Did I love him or did I just want him to fuck me?
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt his push the rest of himself inside of me, I moaned out loud before quickly covering my mouth. I wasn’t ready for it as he bottomed out. He chuckled as he brought his lips close to mine.
“What got you so distracted? It’s almost like you forgot that my dick was in you”. I blushed as he stayed in place, me basically just cock warming as he spoke.
“I- uhm…. You called me ‘mi amor’ and I started thinking”. I trailed off, looking away. I didn’t want to move or else I would moan again. His eyes widened at my reaction.
“(Y/N) look at me”. I hesitated. “Look at me now.” I turned my head and met his eyes. Before could explain myself he kissed my lips. But it was warm… so warm and loving. I kissed back, wanting to feel more of his passion. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in deeper. As our kiss deepened he began to rock his hips into me. I moaned into his mouth, letting him slide his tongue in. He took immediate control and continued to fuck me.
He bottomed out quickly, beginning to pound into me. “Listen to me (Y/N), wether I had you in bed or not I love you”. I nodded my head and whimpered as he continue to fuck me. He moved his hands to my breast, latching onto my left one with his mouth and playing and twisting my right nipple. I tried so damn hard to stay quiet as his balls slapped against my ass. If I spoke now I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from making noise. “Say it mi amor”.
“I- I love you too Miguel-mphm!” He shoved his fingers into my mouth, moving his to leave hickies from my shoulders to the valley of my chest. His tip hit every spot, I felt every vein on his girth as he continued to pounded into me.
“Yeah? So that means I can put my babies in you? Fill you up with my cum all night? You would want that wouldn’t you. For me to use you as a cum dump”. A ray of yesses left my mouth, said so drunkenly. I was so dazed from his cock I couldn’t think straight. The drool started to pour out of my mouth as he pressed himself deeper and deeper. He has so much stamina. He grunted as he watched my tits bounce. “Don’t be too loud… your dad might wake up”.
Miguel put his hands on my waist, wanting to let my boobs bounce on their own. Lewd noises filled the room as I saw stars, eyes rolling back from the pleasure. He staggered, my pussy clenching on every bit of him. A knot formed in my stomach as I continued to pant and whimper. It took every ounce of will power not to break and scream out his name.
I felt the knot burst as I came, a moan escaping my lips. A few more stores and Miguel coated my walls. I felt the heat fill me up to the brim. He hovered over me before pulling his cock out. He watched as our mixed cum began to spill out of me. Miguel pressed his thumb to my hole, keeping in as much as he could.
“Don’t want any of it to go to waste right? Or else we’ll have to do this again”. He was met with silence. Well besides my pants as I stared up at the ceiling with half lidded eyes and drool still lining down my cheek. He stared at my fucked out appearance and admired his work. He went into the bathroom (connected to the guest room) and grabbed a towel. He cleaned us both up before putting on a pair of boxers. He ventured to my room as he grabbed me a pair of panties. He looked over to Gabriella, sleeping soundly. He smiled and kissed her forehead thinking about how good of a mom I would actually be.
Coming back to the guest room he saw me sitting up, cleaning up my face and hair. We smiled at each other as he helped me put the underwear on. He gave me one of his shirts as it would fit like a dress. Although the sheets were slightly stained, that was something he would worry about another time. He debated his options. He could sleep and cuddle with me and run the risk of my dad seeing us or he could send me upstairs to Gabriella. As safe as it sounded he decided to keep me with him, wanting to be with the woman he just talked about having a baby with. It’s the least he could do after he just fucked you like that.
He pulled me close and laid down with me, spooning me from behind. I used his arm as a pillow, his other hand resting on my stomach. I smiled as I closed my eyes, painfully tired after our “little stunt”. He watched me fall asleep before kissing my head and closing his eyes as well.
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If I do write a part two should I make the dad find out and have angst or basically keep it hidden until the reader is old enough to live on her own
PART 2 IS UP AND ITS FLUFF - I don’t know how to link it so bear with me please and just find it, it’s “Little Lady to Little Wife”
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unnamed-axolotl · 1 month
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HAAANDSS I've always prided myself on being able to draw them so HERES A FUN LITTLE THINGY I DID!!! Tried to get a good variety of hands here. With the humans, ranging from young child to older child to adult, plus a couple of skin tones and features. Then with the animatronics, what the difference is between a harshly-put-together robot vs. an actually well-put-together animatronic.
(AND AS A BONUS their handwriting and how I think they'd draw smilies!!!!)
HEADCANONS UNDER THE CUT, written in the order I drew them in, not the order they appear.
I started with Michael. I was originally going to make him a lot more worn out, but just kept it simple probably for the sake of my sanity. A good few scars from the stuff he's went through. He probably has rather good handwriting because he's had a lot of practice both with legal documents and probably journaling. (Not really taking into account the Logbook here. It totally wasn't because I don't know what his handwriting looks like off the top of my head and was too lazy to get out of bed and get the book to reference.) He does a pretty generic smiley face, too.
Cassie was next. I don't really draw human hands with fingernails a lot so that was a challenge. The idea here was to make a hand that was that of an older kid, but obviously not as big or with fingers as long as Michael's are, for example. I played with her skin tone for a little bit, and I'm not too experienced with working in color, so please do let me know if there's anything I can improve upon when I do darker skin tones in the future! I was trying to get that lighter tone on her underhand but wasn't too positive about it. I also gave her some funky little bracelets, one of which is a direct copy of a bracelet that my lovely friend (@masquayla-the-splendid) for me. Cassie probably has fairly decent handwriting and definitely dots her i's with hearts when she writes her name. She tries to make the smiley faces look cute.
Evan's turn! I headcanon Evan to be much younger, so I made his hands smaller and stubbier. He's pretty pale because of the whole dying thing, and he's got some freckles and moles, sort of inspired by my own hand in a way! I've got little moles everywhere so I figured I'd incorporate that into his design, partly as a way to add more flair to an otherwise plain base. Other than that, not much going on here. He's got messier handwriting because he's a kid, and in my AU he didn't really get to go to school for all that long, so his siblings probably taught him how to write before he died. The brain damage probably doesn't help much either. He's trying his best.
For Sun and Moon, initially I couldn't decide which one of the two to color. As I was making the base I was thinking pretty hard about it, but ultimately figured out that I could probably just split it down the middle, and it worked! I've been trying to give the Daycare Attendants longer fingers to reflect how their hands look in the games. I couldn't make their hands too big because it either looked stupid to me or took up too much space, so I settled with this. I also gave them little scratches on their fingerpads. Sun and Moon have different signatures, with Moon's being a little more neat while Sun's is more fun and just a tad messier. He also overdecorates a bit. Moon stays simple with his smiley faces and Sun loves to express Big Happiness in his.
Ennard's hands (particularly their wrists where their wires tangle together like that) never look the same twice when I draw them, but I like to think the placement of their wires probably changes fairly frequently too, like a Double Rex Rat who has a new coat pattern every few days. Their wires have tarnished over time, but they try to maintain just a little bit of glint, despite the rusting, which is particularly noticeable in the spots where their fingertips brush against things most often. They've also got those little stray wires that poke out of each fingertip. Of course, holding any kind of writing utensil with those Big Meaty Claws has gotta be difficult, so even if they try their hardest, it's not gonna turn out great. Same with their smiley faces. They're doing their best.
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daytaker · 9 months
Sins, Virtues, and Motivations: A Critical Analysis of Characters in Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
In this essay, I will argue that each demon brother some of the demon brothers can be associated with a sin (no duh), a virtue, and a core motivation--and that this motivation is best pursued through a synthesis of that sin and that virtue. Hegel would be very proud. Yes, this is critical media analysis. No, I will not try to explain the twisted, broken path that led me to this point in my life.
I will be looking at Lucifer, Mammon, and Levi in this study. Their core sins are obvious - Pride, Greed, and Envy. Their accompanying Virtues and Motivations are listed below.
I used the Seven Heavenly Virtues for this little game. These are Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance, Faith, Hope, and Charity.
They should not be confused with the Seven Capital Virtues, which are inversions of the Seven Deadly Sins. These are Humility, Charity, Kindness, Patience, Chastity, Temperance, and Diligence. I tried these first and damn were none of them easy to match up. Tell me, fandom for this mobile game designed for players to lust over hot demon men, which brother should have the "chastity" virtue?
Core Sin: Pride. Core Virtue: Fortitude. Core Motivation: To protect his family.
Lucifer's core motivation is to protect his brothers. He looks at this as a sort of penance for the outcome of the Great Celestial War. He knows that he's the reason they rebelled, and he feels responsible for their wellbeing. He is able to endure the relentless pressure of the responsibilities he puts on himself thanks to his core virtue, fortitude.
Fortitude is strongly associated with courage. Specifically, it is courage in the face of pain and adversity. We see him displaying this trait any time those he cares for are in jeopardy, and it often helps him make difficult decisions where neither outcome is ideal. Lucifer is decisive, canny, and accepts the consequences of his choices, good or bad.
His driving motivation is also bolstered by his core sin: pride. He views himself as ultra-competent, while his brothers consistently make mistakes; beyond that, it's only natural that he take responsibility for the choices of his brothers (like the choice to join him in rebelling) because he is so significant an influence as to virtually rob them of their autonomy.
This has led to Lucifer having a somewhat toxic relationship with his brothers. Lucifer often acts as a parental figure rather than a peer, while the rest of them are all in arrested development of some sort, often acting more like kids than the adults they insist they are.
Lucifer either doesn't recognize that by doing everything for the family on his own, he's stemming their ability to grow and learn, or he does know the consequences of what he's doing and he feels conflicted about it. He ultimately blames himself for the fact that they're all in the Devildom in the first place, living as avatars of sins to the extent that they struggle to function as independent adults.
So, while fortitude and pride allow Lucifer to simulate the act of protecting his family, it's a matter of perspective whether controlling every element of their lives is protection or harmful coddling.
Core Sin: Greed. Core Virtue: Charity. Core Motivation: To be valued and valuable.
Mammon is simultaneously a vessel of greed and its inverse, charity. This is because his core motivation is twofold, and those are the rewards of greed and charity; to be valued - to fulfill a want, to be desired, to look flippin' cool - and to be valuable - to fulfill a need, to have inherent worth, to serve a purpose.
Setting aside his unhealthy relationship with money, let's examine how Mammon behaves and what his deeper interpersonal motivations tend to be. He clearly places a high value on his brothers and MC, and he has shown on multiple occasions that he is willing to put himself at risk to help or protect them. Early on in both the original game and in NightBringer, Mammon attempts to heroically rescue MC (and his younger brothers, in NightBringer). In both cases, though, Lucifer shows up and does it for him. Mammon's pursuit of his core motivation clashes with Lucifer's quest for his, and Lucifer is strong enough to simply take it from him. Although in NightBringer he and his brothers do earn the not-insubstantial reward of the title "Lords of the Underworld" after Lucifer's rescue, he appeared so dejected by Lucifer's oneupmanship that he spent a good portion of the next day sulking. In the original game, Mammon wants MC to promise that they won't be saved by anyone else besides him in the future. It appears that his greed for an improved status in his interpersonal relationships is left unfulfilled.
Mammon wants to be heroic - to be valuable - and he wants to be admired for it - to be valued. The cognitive dissonance that accompanies motivations like these is all that sustains a person with such a diminished sense of self-worth.
Speaking of a diminished sense of self worth...
Core Sin: Envy. Core Virtue: Hope. Core Motivation: To find joy in the things that give him joy.
Confusing motivation? Yes it is. But envy is a confusing sin. All the other sins--pride, greed, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth--are enjoyable to indulge on some level. Losing your temper when you feel you've been wronged, or eating a bunch of delicious food, or sleeping through the snooze alarm: We know why we do those things. We might regret them later, but we indulge them in the moment because of the enjoyable side.
There is nothing enjoyable about envy. Wanting something that isn't yours, that belongs to someone else, be it tangible goods, talents, a partner, a job... is nauseating. And it makes you feel like a bad person, and it drains the joy out of things that you used to love. Speaking from personal experience for a second, when I was a teenager, I played music in a company with a much younger musician who was incredibly talented, and I was deeply envious of her. I wanted her talent; I wanted the praise she received; I wanted to impress people; I wanted what she had. But there was nothing I could do. I hated feeling that way, but I couldn't shake it. And it ate away at my desire to play music. It took the joy out of something that once gave me joy.
You see the connection?
Levi struggles to find pleasure in anything he does, despite how many interests he has, because, in spite of his blustering dismissal of all things "normie", he is deeply envious of those he perceives as his social superiors. Now, I am not in any way saying that Levi is or would be an inc3l, but there's an element of his character that has a strong parallel to inc3l culture. The idea that there is something fundamentally wrong with him that prevents him from achieving what he wants socially and that the only way he can protect himself from those who would ridicule him is with a defensive contempt for the group that rejects him... Does any of that sound familiar?
But Levi is not an inc3l. No, not because you're willing to **** him and his two *****, though I'm sure that helps. It's because he has his core virtue: hope.
Have you ever heard of the black pill? It's kind of like the final stage of inc3l culture, where you accept that you're not an alpha male, you'll never be one, you'll never be accepted by a woman, you're ugly and unloveable, and you might as well just stop existing. It is sheer despair.
Levi maintains hope for the future, even if he prefers not to admit it out of fear of jinxing himself. He is able to form a deep bond with MC, who he views as a "normie", without renouncing his hobbies or being mocked for them. In fact, I would argue that the anxiety Levi sometimes displays over the possibility of being made fun of (for example, in NightBringer when he considers trying out cosplay) is emblematic of the hope he has that he can be accepted.
"But wait, daytaker," you say. "That doesn't sound like he's making progress towards his core motivation of getting joy out of the things that bring him joy! Being self conscious is not joyful!" Well, you're right. What Levi needs is to somehow find the right balance between enjoying his hobbies and allowing himself to enjoy other people as well. As we can see from his effusive excitement in sharing his favorite games and stories with MC and his brothers, the social component of media consumption is a major component in making it enjoyable. If Levi loses hope, he loses that connection to the world offline, and if he loses that connection, he loses the joy.
@blackstqr (I did it.)
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Quick (Informal) PSA For Therian Minors
I see a lot of minors in the community who seem very...comfortable, I guess, with sharing personal information and photos on here and other sites, and I just wanted to speak my piece about it.
Something I remembered from another post that I wanna steal because I love the wording: before you share something on the internet, think what could someone who wanted to hurt me do with this information? Not trying to be condescending, I'm an adult and I think that exact sentence in my head before I post/comment/DM anything related to myself.
Just saw a post where a well-meaning therian minor linked their Youtube channel, which has videos of them irl (wearing a mask, but still) doing quads outside and at an indoor non-chain business with the name/logo of the building clearly visible.
I cannot emphasize how much I was taught to be extremely careful about posting any irl images as a kid/teen, as people can infer your location from very minor details, MUCH LESS VIDEOS OF MY WHOLE BODY IN AN EASILY GOOGLE-ABLE LOCATION. What happens if someone with malicious intent sees that video, which is public on youtube? What will you do when someone attempts to blackmail or doxx you? Not only would this would-be criminal know where you are, they can also see how old you are and exactly what you look like. Terrifying.
(I understand we're in a culture of many people posting videos of themselves online, but (in my opinion) it's just not safe to be uploading public content that's advertising "Hi I'm bodily a child/teenager and this is what I look like and this is close to where I live and I'm also a therian who's probably hiding this account from my parents")
This individual is essentially just trusting that no one on the entirety of Youtube will just google the name of the indoor facility (along with any other location-identifying posts they may make) and either threaten them via doxxing or just straight up threaten their life/safety.
I knew someone in school who got too comfortable in an in-game chat, and was lulled into a false friendship and tricked into mentioning his address. Then he was threatened and told to send them money or they would physically find him. Thankfully he felt safe enough to tell his parents, who knew how to stop the situation. I know a lot of us aren't out to our family, and I dread to think what would have happened if the boy I knew hadn't felt safe enough to explain the situation to his parents.
TLDR; before you post personal info/photos, think of the absolute worst evil that someone could do to you with that information. I know it's a bummer, but doxxing/blackmail happens more than you think, and even if your posts only seem to get low notes/likes/whatever, they can theoretically be seen by ANYONE, including people who want to hurt you.
(also I don't mean to call out or harass anyone, I'm not trying to be mean, I just wanted to use an example bc it's what inspired me to make this post and also I wanted to outline why real behaviours I'm seeing can be dangerous, rather than just making up hypotheticals)
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This shit was a fucking acid trip, like most of the game.
Anyway, something that poked my brain was the Infirmary. For all this game's insanity, there were actually some decent roots planted for worldbuilding/ character development.
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It seems like the reason the cast ended up in Queen Bouncelia's domain is because they're treating the player as if they have 6 stars in GTA. Seline is no exception to this rule, and that seems to be her motivation for coming down to the lower floor, as she watched us leave in Chapter 3.
Toadster noted in his "Archives" that she was already hiding when brought in, and crying in her shell. She may have been antagonized by a bigger enemy- likely Kittysaurus or Tama/Chamataki (turtle chameleon thing), and she may have gone past the kingdom's walls for sanctuary. (That's just a loose theory, though.)
In any case, at some point she was frightened enough to shut down completely.
This could be some kind of anxiety attack, though there's no way to "diagnose" Seline at this point. Also interesting that Seline felt too afraid to even continue moving around on the lower floors. I think this is meant to speak to just how dangerous the lower floors are- if the giant ass snail is afraid, you should be, too.
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Next, Jumbo Josh. Toadster categorizes him as a "Green Gorilla", which in hindsight, weirdly makes a lot of sense.
Firstly, an adult silverback gorilla can bench up to 4,000 lbs (or at least, that's what google told me.) Not that we needed an explanation of why he was able to throw Stinger Flynn, but I can only assume that if we adjusted that number for his size...it probably checks out.
Second, the fact that he walks like a chiropractor's worst nightmare. It took me a second, but I FINALLY realized that his posture is meant to IMITATE A GORILLA. Like, look at this:
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And thirdly, Josh's love for vegetables is also a gorilla trait. 85% of a gorilla's diet is leafy greens, with the remaining percentage basically amounting to termites and larvae.
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Not too much to say about the Fucked Up Birds, but still! Nice to see them finally displaying a flamingo behavior (AKA their sleeping posture) because they seemed to lean more heavily on ostrich behaviors in previous chapters.
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Toadster mentions in his archive for "The Teacher" that she keeps repeating the phrase "I can't be late" over and over to herself after being subdued.
He also notes that the bowling pins "calmed her down," which may not entirely be the case. In Chapter 3, in Banbaleena's "Classroom", each object had an assigned role like Cool Kid and Popular Kid. The bowling pins were meant to be the Bullies.
So Banbaleena is likely stuck in a prison of her own self-doubts right about now, which is doubly sad when considering her insistence in Chapter 3 that she was actually trying to be a good teacher. Either someone placed this idea in her head that she needs to strictly adhere to all these rules, or it's a stress she placed upon herself trying to fulfill her identity as a teacher.
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Stinger Flynn gets better as the story progresses. He seems to have an ego to the point where he sees himself as a savior that can't see the faults in his own plans. His initial "safest procedures" plan seemed so obvious to him, but it seems as if he measures success by efficiency rather than the cost of human lives. While he's smart, he's not immune to being wrong, though he has yet to learn this.
He also seems to suffer from some form of depression, or at least intense sadness, and we see this as he talks to Banban in the latest hallucination sequence. Makes sense- his intelligence would make him much more privy to all the horrible things happening around him. It seems as if his high intelligence comes at a high price.
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Last note- This might just be a case of recycling animations/rigs, but I think it's cute that Banban shares nearly the same emo pose as Banbaleena.
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maryfailstowrite · 1 month
Shin either dies antagonized or lives long enough to become an antagonist.
If you vote for him, he dies thinking everyone hates him. And the worst thing?? He’s right. Even if you vote for him because “saving the kid is the morally right thing to do”, he knows that at least half the cast voted for him because they absolutely despise him, and that the other half that didn’t vote for him still hates his guts, but wants to use him as a tool to get out of the death game. He dies without a chance to tell his story, to show the world that he was just the way he was to survive, and in the end, it doesn’t really matter. He dies, and he dies an asshole. His last and only redeeming act (sacrificing himself for Kanna) is decided by everyone else, and even if you can start seeing bits of his real personality in his last moments (him using the AI Joe to help Sara heal, his last words, etc.), he dies before he can see anyone see him for who he really was. A person, just like everyone else. The only exception to this would be Kanna, who sees the good in him far before everyone else, and that only makes his sacrifice for her even more tragic. He proves the odds right, the odds Asunaro created, the odds he fought until the very end, because, after all,
No one can escape their destiny.
And yet, dying is the best outcome for him (which is pretty ironic, but well). If he lives, he becomes miserable (even more than he was before, I mean). He lives knowing that everyone sees him as a tool and has only allowed him to live because of his utility to them. Not only that, but they’ve killed his sister, a fourteen year old for it. Not only does he get the little bit of humanity showed to him so far taken away, but they also take Kanna’s away by seeing her as a sacrifice needed for a greater good (the greater good being a slightly higher chance at surviving). The group doesn’t see them as people anymore, but rather as parts of an equation they need to solve. The route where everyone loses their morality and compassion (again, they’re killing a fourteen year old) is the only one where Shin can survive, because the group turns into what they so desperately hated Shin for. They turn into calculating beings that see people as odds and chances, and that don’t care about a few dying if they survive in the process. Ironically, Shin turns into the opposite: He stops trying to save himself by logically considering the best course of action to survive, but rather, he acts out of spite. The odds are now reversed: The group (represented by Sara) starts trying to find the best outcome by using logic, completely disregarding people as people and instead seeing them as just what they bring to the group, and Shin stops caring about logic and only acts on his desire to avenge his sister’s death. Of course, he still makes logical decisions, and he collaborates when he knows it’s completely necessary, just like the group doesn’t become a bunch of completely emotionless robots, but his overall drive doesn’t come from logic and survival anymore: it comes from pain and spite, two of the strongest emotion that can lead a human being.
Shin turns into the representation of emotion, and the rest the representation of logic. The group loses any kind of moral compass they could’ve had, because in the logic route, everyone is there just to survive; except Shin, who is there just to see them all die. No one is “in the right” in the logic route. You can sympathize with the group’s drive to survive, and the pressure put on Sara (reminder: she’s a seventeen year old) to make such a heavy decision (in fact, you should empathize with them. That’s what YTTD is about), but you can’t excuse the killing (it isn’t exactly a murder, but their votes do kill Kanna) of a fourteen year old when there was an adult completely suitable to be voted safely, and willing to give his life for her. You can’t excuse that, nor their hypocrisy: Killing a child after everything they’ve been preaching so far is completely contradicting (see: the room of lies, where you have the dialogue choice to ask q-taro to press the switch and save Gin. And there’s no logical reason for that, aside from… saving the kid, right?). And while you can also sympathize with Shin’s motives for acting how he did before, and with his pain after losing his sister, even with his drive to seek vengeance, but you can’t excuse how he acts after it: He tries to drive Sara (again, seventeen) into a state of madness using the Joe AI, and his only wish is literally to see everyone die. Again, there’s no one good: just different shades of grey. Your interpretation of the chapter and the character’s actions will depend on how you feel about them and how much you sympathize with their motives. Is Shin a devastated older brother, acting solely on the pain his sister’s death has brought to him? Or is he just using that as an excuse to become an even bigger asshole and do anything to survive as he always intended to? Does Sara vote for Kanna as a way to honor her wishes? Does she think Kanna is finally in a state to make such a decision for herself? Does she vote for Kanna wishing to save more people with her sacrifice in the long run? Or does she vote for Kanna solely to raise their survival stakes by using Shin around like a pawn? Is it the responsible decision of a group leader? Or the selfish decision of a tired and scared seventeen year old? It’s only up to you to decide.
You are the only one to blame after all, aren’t you?
Fun fact: Sou is a play on the word “Uso”, which means “Lie”, and Hiyori means “Sunny weather”. On the contrary, the word “Shin” means “Truth”, and “Tsukimi” means “Moon-viewing”. I think it’s a great parallel between his personas. (And a good note to end a post about his character).
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love-triangles-au · 3 months
wow! What a big son! Can I find out more about him?
Lol, yeah, absolutely! We could probably use a dedicated Cuz post.
Cuz is Venuz's younger cousin and is actually a hybrid between Venuz's race (we've been calling them "Alabasters") and another venusian species called Fireballers, which is why he grows up to be so much bigger than Venuz (his anatomy is also a bit different; he has narrower teeth all around his mouth and some limited fire-breathing abilities). He was never given a name, so Venuz just took to calling him cuz, and, by the time he had become Gun God, they were kinda stuck with it. :P
If being immortal was hard enough to grapple with for an average joe, it's especially hard when you're just a kid. Immortals who haven't reached their race's physical prime continue to age until then, and so Cuz has only grown around eight years older over the past seventy years (when the story begins, he's about 13).
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Consequentially, Cuz has always been ahead of his peers, and arguably ahead of Venuz, as well. He's rather smart and internalized very early on in life from their travels that mistakes can be deadly, so he tries to eliminate them whenever he can. Most assume all he's doing online is playing video games, but he actually spends a good chunk of his time making use of the archived Earth internet and researching whatever might be useful to know.
The downside to all this is that he's rather lonely. School came and went and, even when he got time to interact with his classmates, they just couldn't relate to one another anymore. Those with mental faculties closer to his aren't often able to get past the fact that he looks and sounds like a preteen, and it's not like he doesn't still have some kid tendencies, either, so he doesn't fit in with much of anybody and has grown discouraged from trying.
And, so, it's Wikipedia and Fortnite all day until he's old enough to be seen as an adult. On the bright side, he's gotten insanely good at his games of choice :P
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From the moment he met Bill, he saw right through him. It hadn't been the first time someone had feigned interest in order to manipulate Venuz, and he got an especially bad vibe from this silver-tongued, emotionally volatile alien who both didn't seem to understand how his own body worked and held so much arrogance you'd think he thought himself a gift to the universe. Cuz knows that Venuz has been feeling lonely, too, so he's in a particularly susceptible mindframe for that.
And, likewise, Bill recognized that Cuz didn't trust him, meaning he had to go. He would attempt to steal away as much of Venuz's time as possible, but he underestimated how close they were, and his attitude towards Cuz would eventually become a big problem for his relationship with Venuz.
Will probably save most of the nuances and details on the aforementioned problem for the fic, but I can for sure say that he and Bill very much do not like each other, and Cuz likes even less that he has to constantly bear witness to this asshole slobbering all over his well-meaning cousin who deserves so much better :P
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~ Mod Emily 🦇
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rakubalka · 3 months
Midora got reincarnated as Skull De Mort
(Seeing as there isn't enough of toriko or midora(s everything ) I'm making an au)
After the events of the manga Midora got reincarnated into the khr world
Midora being an orphan in this life too , as a early teen or preteen(and I cannot express this enough he is very young ) decided to join a circus mainly because it looked interesting enough at the moment and he was in a fancy mood
Then he gets an invite from Chekerface and decides " why not ?" Resulting in him meeting the rest of the Arcobaleno (and him being unimpressed with them) . After the first meeting he started ditching the rest of the meet ups resulting in a growingly bizarre , unique and downright cartoony game of cat and mouse . Consisting of the Arcobaleno trying to catch Midora at last , only to always miss by the skin of their teeth . Even more comical by the fact that Midora will for years to come not know what flames are
That continued until it was time for the ritual at which point Chekerface just teleported him at the time he was needed , binding them all together . With all of it being the same as in canon except Midora rather than as baby/toddler got stuck as a teen(aka as the age he got the curse which is at maximum like 15 but everyone thinks he is 19 at youngest)
The rest of the Arcobaleno were outraged as to why he got to keep his adult form while they are babies even Lal didn't get spared while being the"defective" so why does he get to keep his body ? Verde then put out the theory that he might just have such a monstrous flame amount and/or purity that he is essentially overfeeding the pacifier , after all it will explain why he got chosen as the Cloud of the Arcobaleno despite being a civilian
While they are exchanging theories Midora is escaping the manor because he doesn't give a tomato what is happening , death retired him from world/planet saving bullshit the rest can deal whit it . He has fought God , he's had enough of being alive . Is he overfeeding this thing ? He doesn't know , maybe yes ? Does he give a tomato ? No .
And so he continues following his fancy and going whenever he likes and doing whatever he likes . Creating and destroying(most of the time by accidents) cults , famiglia , families , business, restaurants and etc . One of the more passionate cults even started famiglia or was it the famiglia starting a cult ? Either case they are at the moment both and are calling him their boss . What was their name again ? Car something . In either case they are surprisingly good at finding him . They even found him a pet octopus so that is nice .
Anyway one day while he was on a walk on this cozy little island called Japan he stumbled upon a kid getting bullied and while he might be apathetic towards humanity as a whole he isn't going to let a kid be bullied before him . So he stepped in . After scaring the bullies away the kid(who felt so much like his little Starjun when he was young) introduced himself as Tsuna , tried to give him one of his onigiri as thanks for the help . Midora of course tried to refuse gently as to not hurt the little child who reminds him of his son so much , the kid however like a little amber haired version of Komatsu , succeeded in making him eat (chefs and their charisma) .
And the onigiri was undeniably delicious so Midora asked who has made it , with Tsuna answering his Mama who is the best cook .
While Midora would like to form a combo with her he isn't going to force her into it even if this onigiri was more than he has eaten in quite a while so he will probably continue on his way walking with no end goal . But first before that he is going to escort this kid who reminds him of his own child so much to his home safely .
When he got him home his mother tried and succeeded in getting him to stay for dinner(again chefs and their charisma) . While eating he did learn a lot more of this family of two and he might have grown a little attached .
With him being attached he did stay in town a lot , he is still going on long walks but he always returns to this place that is slowly starting to become a home for him . With little Tsuna who reminds him of his Starjun , of the little chef with big heart Komatsu and sometimes of himself when times were sipmle before he lost the one most precious to him . The one who Nana reminds him of , the one who is always so gentle and patient yet protective in a way only a mother can be like Fronze like his mother . With these memories being here his stay in the little town became long and often . He also became such a frequent visitor of the Sawada household he practically lived with them , with a room for him , a toothbrush for him , plates and mugs for him and more . Odako even got an aquarium in his room .And if he gets to babysit Tsuna while Nana takes time for herself and her hobbies . Well he wants to replay her somehow even if it's not much as Tsuna is such a good child that he is a blessing to babysit , always so curious as to what is everything in the world and asking questions and if Midora doesn't know the answer they both try to find it which is one of Midora's favorite activities with Tsuna .
One day after Nana had won 3 place in a competition she took part in , Midora took her and Tsuna on a celebration in a sushi place he and Tsuna found on one of their walks around the neighborhood a while back . Nana did try to say she would be playing but Midora stopped her by saying that the one for who is the reason for celebrating shouldn't play and that it is his gift for her for getting 3 place . The chef was rather good as well , not as much as Nana , Komatsu , Starjun or Fronze but still good . Not to mention that he and Nana seem to be hitting it pretty good and his kid does get along with Tsuna better than most others , so he excused himself and Tsuna saying he will be watching the kids while those two have that going on . They were red faced after the comment for some reason .
After the dinner and when both Nana and Tsuna were asleep the sushi chef came and asked some really strange questions . It was an interesting night but it did result in Tsuna and Takeshi becoming friends playing almost daily with the exception being if one of them is sick . Nana and Tsuyoshi seem to be getting closer (she even searched how one can get divorced with a consistently missing spouse) , so good for them .
Tsuna and Takeshi also got themselves another friend a little boy whit tonfas who seems to very much like order (the three of them are adorable together , he has half an album already)
Tsuna sat himself on fire accidentally (and with orange one at that) making Midora , Takeshi , Kyoya and Tsuna panic , thankfulaly Tsuyoshi came almost immediately . After Tsuyoshi got them calmer he seated them along with Nana to explain The Seven Colored Flames to them . All of them were surprised other than Kyoya who apparently had his suspicions with his family or at least a "fake baby carnivore" relative of his
After the fiasco Tsuyoshi did ask Nana if she wanted to cut contact with him after he thought Tsuna how to control his flames . Nana refused to cut contact with Tsunayoshi saying that she is already surrounded with flame users other than him such as her son , Midora , Kyoya and even her ex-husband . Her ex-husband who is responsible for why so many years seem to just merge together , why she felt as if she wasn't even awake most of the time , why she felt like a puppet . And she has memories of shortly before what Lemitsu did , she remembers a person asking if Lemitsu is sure he wants her in his state and Lemitsu answered yes without hesitation . And even if spotty she remembers the last time Lemitsu was here with that man before Tsuna started to feel like herself not in control in his own body , before that man put COLDNESS in her child causing Tsuna to constantly feel cold even under dozens of tick blankets . She members it all , and she also remembers how Tsuyoshi immediately started running towards their sons and Kyoya and Midora as soon as he felt flames . How his immediate reaction was to first calm them down and after that immediately get her whit them to explain what is happening and offering to help her . Because while he and Lemitsu both might have been in the mafia they are two very different men .
Shortly after Nana's love confession, she and Tsuyoshi got married . They didn't have a ceremony but did make a little after marriage party consisting of themselves , Midora , Tsuna , Takeshi and little Kyoya . And that was what they wanted . Both she and Tsuna did change their last names to Yamamoto as she was raised in an orphanage so her last name wasn't from her family , and she also wants Tsuna not to look at Lemitsu and think they are the same just because they are both Sawada . Not to mention that his new brother is also a Yamamoto .
And so time passed with the married couple and the three kids (and they don't care what anyone says Kyoya is also one of theirs and his friend Kusakabe is also welcome) . Midora continues to have his long walks around the world but makes sure that his phone(which he got by Tsuyoshi's recommendation in the mafia) always has enough battery life to go for days of talking with his family no matter what . He is without knowing it the kids favorite adult however be it teaching them cooking, Takeshi that knife technique or even teaching them knocking . Almost every time they need an adult advice they go to him first
And tings were peaceful in Nanamori
Until the Sun Arcobaleno showed his face to try and make Tsuna a mafia hair and the dam broke unleashing level of weirdness only before seen in Midora
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angelofthenight · 10 months
Wikipedia says that Malachai it was he who banned games and music, since no one did it with him, maybe the reader will offer him to dance?
Yandere!Malachi Scenario
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(gn!reader) (feminine!feader)
Warnings: Yandere, Swearing, Mention of Violence/Murder, Unhealthy relationship
Requested by: @lilmeowtyyy
( Sorry you've waited so long! Hopefully this turned out okay! This was the first thing I did after my hiatus so apologies if it's a lil wonky and short, plus I don't think I have his character down very well yet. Also I wrote this as a follow-up to Malachi's portion of my Children of the Corn Yandere alphabet. Enjoy! )
♡ Ever since grade school, it was as if all the kids telepathically decided to avoid him like the plague
♡ He didn’t know why no one would play with him
♡ Maybe it was because he was always a little more naturally aggressive than the other kids, maybe it was because of that mean look he mindlessly always had on his face
♡ Maybe that was why no one asked him to play with them and why everytime he would gather the courage to ask to join they would always answer with the excuse that there was no room
♡ School dances were even worse
♡ He swore the number of students was an odd number, leaving him all alone
♡ He would watch everyone couple up or group together to dance their feet off
♡ No one ever asked him to dance, leaving him sitting next to the punch bowl
♡ It wasn’t until highschool that he actually made real friends that shared his rowdy nature
♡ He was able to get over how no one played with him in his early childhood (at least that’s what he told himself) but school dances still felt like an endless suffocation
♡ Especially since his crush on you evolved from pulling your hair for your attention to not even being able to form a single word to you
♡ And especially since you’ve started to fill out your dresses for school dances better and better each year
♡ He would twist the skin on his arm as a way to get himself to stop staring at you from across the gym
♡ It happened one or two times when he would get a sudden burst of adrenaline and approach you with held breath
♡ He lured over you from behind, tapping your shoulder which prompted you to turn around with a soft look of surprise on your face
♡ The weight of the situation and the intensity of your attention flustered him beyond his sense of control
♡ He glared and grunted and turned on his heels to march away, leaving you blinking in puzzlement
♡ No one dared question him on why he was quick with banning games and music when the cult succeeded
♡ But they all had their suspicions as to why
♡ Months had passed after the adult slaughter and months after Malachi had claimed you as his and kept you imprisoned by his side
♡ You knew all too well of his paranoia with you, the paranoia that makes the belief that hangs over his head 24/7 that everyone in town is either trying to harm you or take you from him
♡ He would much rather painfully claw and tear the skin off his own face than let anyone take you away from him
♡ You used this weakness of his to your advantage
♡ You expressed to him your completely made up notice that some of the others have been giving you these weird looks of a hunter, and successfully got his mind right where you wanted it
♡ You put the idea into his head, manipulating the conversation very meticulously to make it sound like it was his idea when you basically put the words into his mouth, to let you stay in that one abandoned house, away from everybody else
♡ You made him choose that one due to the fact it was closest to the road but of course you made sure he didn’t think too much on that crucial detail
♡ This was all for your safety of course, and not for the best chance of escape from this fucked up town and the obsessive and territorial murderer of your parents
♡ While you waited for the best, most fool-proof opening to make a break for it, you did find some enjoyment in the big house while Malachi was away
♡ And that included the record player collecting dust that was stashed away in the cellar
♡ You hadn’t heard music in forever
♡ There were very few records that were still in one piece, and none of them were from your era of music. The youngest one was a record from 1966 by Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs
♡ You didn’t even care if you knew their music or not, you just needed a melody in your ears to cleanse your brain of the horrid sound of dead silence and cult chants and screams of sacrificed nineteen year olds and corn leaves brushing together in the field
♡ As you placed down the record needle and the instruments began their tune, you closed your eyes to pretend you were anywhere but this hell hole while you slowly stepped side to side to find the beat
♡ As you found the rhythm of the first song “Lil’ Red Riding Hood” you lost yourself more in the sweet release of playful dance
♡ It was as if your ears went deaf to the music and could only hear the pulsating of your heart and your repressed heavy breaths after the terrifying sound of the dining room door slamming open, the doorknob making a brutish bang when it made contact with the wall
♡ Malachi stood in the doorway, stiff as a board, not a word spoken, and just staring at you with an unreadable, smoggy kind of look in his eyes. It was a horrible, ghastly look
♡ And even though he had never seriously gotten physical with you (pardoning accidental slaps and harsh grips) nor ever once expressing potential violence towards you… you feared for your life
♡ You legitimately believed he was about to pounce across the room to clutch both hands around your neck and rabidly compress until your vertebrae cracked
♡ Even if he wasn’t going to attack you, you still knew he was nothing but rageful on the inside right now
♡ There was absolutely no escape except for the one idea that trailed behind the memory of knowing you could have him wrapped around your finger if you choose the right actions
♡ And so you glided closer to him to the beat of “what big eyes you have”
♡ You courageously kept eye contact with him as you danced up to him, softly yet stiffly grabbing his hands to pull him across the room
♡ He effortlessly jerked his hands out of your grip to return them to dangle by his sides
♡ You repeated your previous action and used more forwardness to tug him him with you closer to the record player, you walking backwards as to not break eye contact (as if if you broke it he would lunge down and savagely bite out your shoulder like a wild wolf)
♡ Even though your heart was beating freakishly in your throat, you intertwined both of your hands into his and guided his hands along the rhythm
♡ Malachi wanted to fight it, to remove himself from your grasp and use the machete attached to his belt to destroy the record player. This dance felt nothing but tormenting to him, just a painful reminder, even though your willing touch sent his head reeling
♡ But he couldn’t just reward your disobedience. No matter how big of a soft spot he had for you, you weren’t an exception to the rules
♡ He slipped his hand out from your fingers to slowly reach for his weapon
♡ You didn’t know he was going to use it on the record player, your mind jumping to the conclusion that you were the blade’s destination. You touched the hand on his belt, gently grabbing it again to pull it to your lower back, giving his arm a quick tug to make his chest collide into yours
♡ This rendered him a blushing and stuttering mess
“I-I can’t… I don’t… I’ve never…”
“That doesn’t matter.”
♡ You swayed the two of you side to side as the song continued with the line “I'm gonna' keep my sheep suit on”
♡ Eventually you spun yourself so that your back was pressed against his torso, your arms crossed across your hips with your fingers still laced with his. He nuzzled his chin into the crook of your neck like a puppy as he inhaled and exhaled you, making you ponder if he could smell your fear
♡ You were so caught up on trying to calm your consternation you almost didn’t hear him mumble into your hair
“You love me too, right?”
♡ Your eyes widened and a nausea squeezed your gut when it registered what he had asked you
♡ You were terrified of telling him the truth of “no” yet equally as terrified of telling him a lie of “yes”. You settled on your vague answer
“…Not yet.”
♡ You felt him rub his cheek against your neck, seemingly okay with that answer
♡ Your nervous eyes remained locked on the window that displayed the glimpse of the long road outside, you didn’t know how much longer you could live like this
“You're everything that a big, bad wolf could want”
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juno-box · 4 months
call me a loser but I love hyper-analyzing smallish details in this series.
So here's me rambling about David Garcia <3
During the final Clem & AJ flashback in 303, where David just looked really bothered about Lingard's "definitive" diagnosis on AJ.
Like you can't tell me this man didn't already become really fond of that baby, no matter what he said in the flashback. As far as he knew, his biological children were dead and gone for years, it was probably easy to love that kid especially if you're already a parent.
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He looks so deflated by it, like he gets that it's a fact that this baby is going to die and there's nothing they can do anymore, doesn't mean he was okay with it either. Lingard more than likely said what he said during the flashback before, so David just came to terms with it.
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But he snaps out of it because he's beyond pissed with Clementine. Mega pissed.
So he makes the decision to stop her from taking AJ on the road. He probably saw it as cruel to drag a dying infant on the road, and he sees Clem as a kid (capable as she might be, she’s a child) and that night really solidified that this kid didn’t know what she was doing.
'Not to mention she’s doing things that put the greater group at risk after I (and others, maybe Ava/Lingard) specifically warned her not to. The adults have to take over now, clearly. I have to make the tough call here, it’s the right call.'
That’s why I love staying silent during this part; because David will actually say something rather than Ava or Lingard:
It’s the way he says it. He’s not hostile about it, he’s saying it like he’s trying to get through to her with his reasoning. As far as they know, he’s going to die. And making him comfortable when he goes is the right thing rather than letting him go out there and get torn apart. 
Shout out to this line from Ava:
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David wanted her to have that drawing from AJ as something to remember him by when he eventually passed. 
But we know now that AJ lived, and according to his closest friend in Richmond (besides his right-hand Ava), David stepped up and took care of him for the time he was with him:
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He literally saw AJ as his own kid:
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(boat prince taking the hearts of many lol)
I just adore this side of David that the game reeeeeally chose to undermine and not explore more with, sorry <3
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vertumnanaturalis · 29 days
The Exocolonists of Vertumna (tumblr edition) Part 1: The starborn children of the Stratospheric
Sooo this is something I've been wanting to work on making for awhile, a tumblr text post addon for the big chunky npc list I've had for over a year. There's a lot of data I've accumulated over time that just doesn't fit in a google sheet in a decent way, and so I've been wanting to make some text posts to cover ideas that don't fit in my sheets, or might be an easier read for people who find my documents confusing.
I try to pull from canon as much as possible, and use speculation taken from a long hyperfixation on the concept of generation ships or bunkers and love for sci-fi media about it. The idea behind this list has always been to provide people with both an accessable set of easily usable/chuckable/maimable/fuckable/killable/ect names and ideas to fluff out the background of your own stories and with an illusion of consistancy, and to offer insight into my own headcanons that I've developed, so that people can take any bits and pieces they want and re-examine or reuse or recycle how they want. As always, I'll still try to mark which info is explicitly canon, but theres a lot of blanks to be filled in and my take on how things could be explained is far from the only one.
This one is gonna be an overview of the 54 people born on the Stratospheric and some approximate either in-universe or out-of-universe explanations for why things are structured the way they are. Future ones will cover specific sub-sections of those shipborn Stratos, overviews and department-specific pages about the adults of the Stratospheric, matching pages for people of the Heliopause, the children born during the final two years of the game, and even data for the kids possibly born beyond that.
In the earliest stages of drafting the ships population, the founders had planned to have exactly 100 people on the Stratospheric when it left Earth, primarily composed of their brightest and most promising between ages 10 and 25 (in local Earth years), and that 35 children would be born in five groups of seven during its 21(e)/20 (local Vertumna years) year journey, the maximum they could have fit in that ideal situation. On launch day in reality, the ship left with only 86 out of it's planned 100. Several of their important specialists were intercepted en-route to the launch pad, and a handful of their volunteer teenagers backed out in the final days and hours, while the reserve choices they had on hand were children chosen for their genetic diversity rather than skills or potential, with Utopia being an especially young outlier at just shy of 3(e). Outside of her and their sole member of generation one, Captain Eudicot, the ships population ran from original Chief Administrator Chiffon at 33(e) down to little Jubilation at 6-and-a-half(e). In one of the final documents outlined by the Earth colony's leaders in the hours before liftoff, the plans for the third generation were expanded from 35 to 50, adjusted for the younger leaning launch population and all the changes it entailed.
Similar to the founders original plan, spacer kids were still divided into five age groups (A, B, C, D, and E), with at least a year between the youngest person in one group and the eldest of the next. Half of this was to give the ship's lone acting physician a break period where there were no fresh infants or pregnancies to worry about, and the other half was to give the ship's administration time to carefully plan out the next set of children; How many children would be in this group, who was going to gestate the pregnancies, who their social parents would be (if any), what augments Instance would give them, and, most importantly, keeping an eye on the current genetic and social diversity of the third generation, so that they did not reach a genetic or social bottleneck too quickly (ie incest in a social setting, even if the two individuals are not genetically related). All of the embryos that would become the next group of children were created in the same few month period of time and cryofrozen until they were due to be implanted in the person chosen to gestate them. There were a number of extra rules that the Vertumna Group had written out that ultimately Eudicot and the council decided to abandon to at some point in the trip, all for various reasons, and not all by unanimous vote;
That there would be no need for drastic changes in the current groups' plans once the planning stage was over.
That every pregnancy would only include one fetus, with post-implantation embryo splits being selectively reduced.
None of the children born on the Stratospheric would have any genetic relationship with one another, and parents having more than one child would be discouraged, and that in cases where siblings did occur, either each sibling would only take genes from one parent (in family units with 2+ parents) or only the eldest child would have genetic relation to their parent and any following child would be purely from donated dna (for family units with only one parent).
That, at minimum, a quarter of every group should be set asside to for children with no dedicated family attachments, both to better. adhere to the group's original idea of having no parents, but also to give the young colony a bit more padding against the looming threat of everyone being second or third cousins in only a few generations.
Another rule that, while not completely abandoned, was less and less considered as the years went on was one that mandated how many embryos of each cluster were planned to develop with a genetically likely physiology that could get pregnant, a physiology that could get others pregnant, or anything in the vast array of historically normal and genetech introduced non-reproductive physiologies. This was never intended to determine the gender of the resulting children and any gene therapy they want or require in the future, or guarentee that the embryo would fully develop in the "intended" (solely in regards to their future reproductive capibilities, without further gene therepy involvement) way, but rather an attempt to gamble that at a decent number of the third generation would be able to continue the human species in the event their genetech was lost prematurely. For the original plan with 5 groups of 7, each group was to have a minimum of 3 embryos with an expected physeology that would be able to carry a pregnancy, 3 that could sire a pregnancy, and the 7th wouldn't have any requirements. The 3/3/1 ratio was followed exactly only during the first group, while following groups would only roughly follow this plan. In total, 54 children were born between leaving Earth and arriving at the wormhole; 30 out of them having siblings of some kind, with 10 of those children being born in sets of multiples (with two sets of twins and two sets of triplets) - with only one accidental post-implanation embryotic split resulting in two of those children - with 16 of the children have some genetic relationship with one another (though, with the exception of the identical sisters, none closer than genetic half siblings); and ultimately, only 9 children were explicitly born to be raised in the creche without parentage.
The 54 children of the Stratospheric:
Group A: The oldest spacer kids, they'd be adults at landing by Helio standards but they're still minors by the culture of the Vertumna group, coddled and babied more at landing than Sol when they reach the same age down the road, even if they still have adult jobs and responsabilities.
Cosmozoa "Cosmo" - he/him - 18
Lilium "Lili" - she/her - 18
Sorrel - he/him - 18 - A canon name and job, rest of info is fanmade
Benevolence "Bena" - she/her - 18
Edamame "Ed" - he/him - 17
Malagma "Mal" - they/them - 17
Absinthe "Abby" - any pronouns, feminine formal terms - 16* (17th birthday shortly after New Year day but before landing on Vertumna)
Group B: Kom's age group, with him as the oldest of the bracket, still young enough to be discovering themselves but old enough that the adults are rapidly giving them more responsibilities than their upperclassmen were at the same age. A series of unlikely and specific events led to the existance of the ships first set of multiples, and their existance provides in-universe backstory and reasoning for why some of the following children exist.
Kombucha "Kom" - he/him - 15
Quinine "Quinni" - they/them, later + he/him - 15 - same deal as Sorrel, even being named in the same event
Thicket - Any, masculine familiar terms - 14** (15th birthday after arriving on Vertumna but before Sol wakes up in medbay)
Opulence "Opal" - she/her - 14
Vertex "Tex" he/him - 14
Tempest "Pem" - she/her + They/them - 13* (same as Abby)
Chrysocolla "Chrys" - they/them - 13
Triplets Coriander "Cory" (he/him) , Scallopini "Pina" (she/her) , and Amaretto "Ame" (she/her) - 13 - Pina and Ame are the identical sisters mentioned above, while their fraternal brother Cory is genetically unrelated to them
Falchion "Kion" - he/him - 13
Group C: Sol's age bracket, most of these kids are canon and need no explanation
Arroyo "Ary" - he/him - 11
Aspartame "Tammy" - she/her - 11
Recalcitrance "Cal" - he/him - 11
Simplicity "Plic" - she/her - 11
Peregrine "Penny" - she/her - 10
Evanescence "Evan" - he/him - 10
Philosophy "Sully" - they/them - 10
Marzipan "Marz" - she/her - 10
Solanaceae* "Sol*" - they/them* - 9** name varies by timeline, but all of my documents will refer to our player character as Sol, and primarily but not exclusively with they/them pronouns; their 10th birthday is very notibly after they land on Vertumna shortly into the new year
Anemone "Annie/Nem/Nemmie/[Determined by player choice]" - she/her - 9
Twins Dysthymia "Dys" (he/him) and Tangent "Tang" (she/her) - 9 - in all of my headcanon documents, including this one, I am going with the idea that they are planned fraternal twins with seperate sperm donors; I know the take that they were idetical twins is a common one, but it isn't actually a canon one; nothing in the game actively states this, the idea that they were identical is simply a common and very reasonable take on the information the game gives us, but it was never something I got from playing the game myself. If you're curious about all the exact reasons for this you can send an ask and I'll elaborate.
Group D - The younger kids, like Anemone's triplet brothers, half of them have their holopalms installed but still spend a lot of time in the creche when they land. All but the eldest three are kids Sol and Tammy babysit, and 100% of them are kids Sol can later tutor in school
Hawthorn "Hawth" - they/them - 7
Hyaline "Lin" - any - 7
Sepia - she/her - 7
Triplets Cirrus, Stratus, and Cumulus (all he/him) - 6** (same as Thicket) - we never get their exact age, but they're listed as being 7 years old when the game starts in an only mostly correct game file character sheet, the triplets ended up being technically 6 at the start because of an early whoopsie daisy during early npc documentation
Mistletoe "Misu-Misu" - she/her - 6
Kelvin - he/him - 6
Effervesence - he/him, later + they/them - 5
Vendetta "Detta" - she/her, later + they/them - 5
Necterine "Nena" - she/her - 5
Group E - The youngest of the generation, all toddlers and babies on arrival, space born in technicality, but children of Vertumna in every other way. The largest of the groups with 13 children included, and the group with the most imaginative and most untested augments.
Nougat - she/her - 3
Nimbus - he/him - 3 - similar to the cloud triplets, we never get his age beyond that he's "little Nimbus", but he's old enough to be in school when Sol first unlocks the tutoring job so I put him at Nougat's age
Panache "Pan" - he/him - 2
Maraschino "Chino" - he/him & she/her - 2 -while Chino does appear in game with only the he/him pronouns used, "Marachino "Chino" with the pronouns he/him"'s age is never directly given in-game, a "Marachino "Mara" with the pronouns she/her" and an age of 2 is listed in the same file that gives the cloud triplet's their approximate age and listed as a child encountered during babysitting, so I went with a middle ground of having this character use both pronouns and later both nicknames
Tessera "Tess" - she/her - 2
Macaroni "Mac" - she/her & he/him - 1 - the child with the no pain augment is refered to with he/him pronouns in-game, but I went with a similar deal to Chino for variety
Contrivance "Connie" - he/him - 1 - the child with the shark teeth augment is also refered to with he/him pronouns
Ketamine "Ket" - they/them - 1
Maxilla "Max" - he/him - 0
Twins Whimsy and Praline (both she/her) - 0 - while one of Dys's late game/high skill events has him talking about how at one point he and Tangent were "The Twins" prior to their relationship crumbling apart, I thought it would be narratively fitting to have a younger set of twins being planned/conceived/born at the same time as their relationship falls apart as Tangent gets further into genetics (where said twins were being made), making him and Tang lose their status as being "The Twins" in multiple ways
Benzodiazepine "Benji" - he/him - 0
Enigma "Ena" - she/her - 0 - the youngest child from the Strato's third gen and last one to be born in space is refered to with she/her pronouns as a baby, opted to keep those pronouns as she grows older
In total, the shipborn children and teenagers account for roughly 40% of it's landing population (39.7% when arriving at the wormhole, and 42.2% after the canonly unavoidable loss of life during it's landing). This number combined with the chaos of living on a new planet and the very likely scenario of the ship's brown dirt being lost would be a good starting explanation for some of the glaring failures in child wellfair and safety during the 10 years we see during the game, but definately not an excuse. The next post is going to be either a quick overlook of the gen 2 Strato characters or a more detailed post for one of the specific gen 3 groups, detailing things like birthdays and augments, with posts detailing the adult npcs and all the Helios and planetborn children coming later.
Also, as there was no decent way to include this higher up the list, here are the sibling sets discussed earlier;
Sorrel, Thicket, and Misu [only Sorrel shares any dna with their mother, Thicket and Misu are both entirely from donor dna]
Kom, Anemone, Cirrus, Stratus, Cumulus, and Nimbus [Kom and Anemone are genetic half siblings with 50% of their genes from Anne, while the following boys only have between 15 and 35% coming from Anne, with the rest from multiple donors]
Opal and Ves [Opal only shares her mother's dna, while Ves only shares his father's]
Tex and Ary [only Tex has his father's dna, with Arroyo's embryo coming from Earth]
Cory, Pina, and Ame [None of the trio have their mother's dna, and the embryo that became Cory shared no dna with the embryo that split into Pina and Ame]
Kion, Penny, and Sepia [One of the three is only genetically related to one of their two parents, another is only genetically related to the second parent, and the third is entirely from donor dna or an Earth embryo, but only Instance knows which of the three is which, as all three were created (or selected) at the same time for this exact scenario]
Sully and Ket [occupy a unique space as sorta step-siblings, as they both have single parents who begin a romantic relationship after landing]
Dys and Tang [explained above]
Kelvin and Pan [occupy another unique space as social half-siblings, with Kelvin being born to a single father who entered a relationship after he was born, but his father's partner is very explicitly not his mom genetically or socially]
Detta and Connie [a similar deal to Opal and Ves, but I haven't mapped out which parent is which yet]
Nena and Chino [genetic half siblings, with both taking dna from their mother and Nena taking dna from one of their fathers and Chino taking it from the other]
Whimsy and Praline [they don't share any genetic material with one another or their mom, and an in-universe rumored reason for it is that their mom had been the egg donor for one of the older children]
Also, the creche children who were born at the behest of the colony without any specific designated parents in mind
Side note: Canonically, Anemone's brother Kom is the oldest shipborn child we see, and while I believe Lindsay intended for Kom to be the oldest member of gen 3 after Utopia, this is never actually stated in the game, and I was surprised to see that it was the intent as it never came across to me that way during my initial playthroughs. Nothing in here explicitly ignores or goes against anything said or mentioned in the game proper, but I know that having any of the kids be older than Kom is probably the not the most canon way to construct the generations layout. One of the canonly used names in the game, "Sorrel", has been given to one of these teens, but there is neither anything for or against Sorrel being this age, as the only information we get beyond a name is a manner of death and a place of work.
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orbdweaver · 2 years
One subtle thing about Nemona that stood out to me: there’s this moment, around the 4th gym or so, where she runs up to you and apologizes profusely that she can’t battle you yet because her team isn’t balanced right yet or something
It’s a Funny Moment because
1) I’m not the one itching to battle; she is. She doesn’t need to apologize this much, it’s fine lol.
2) I’m not picky with opponents. I’ll happily fight her team in whatever wack-ass state it’s in. She’s fretting over an imaginary problem.
At the time, I wondered if it was like an honor student thing. Maybe Nemona's the kind of person who, inspired by the genuine skill, kindness, & dedication of those around her, grinds herself into a pulp trying to live up to that imagined standard.
That pressure is ENTIRELY self-imposed. If any of the adults she looks up to noticed this anxiety spiral, they’d tell her to relax, it’s fine, you’re doing too much as is and we’re proud of you no matter what, we promise. And they’d mean it, sincerely. Which of course would just make it worse, because “oh no, they’re even kinder than I thought they were, much kinder than I am, I need to work even harder to become as kind as them”.
Anyway, having completed the game, I think all of that is still *an element*. Nemona is a rich kid, student council president, honor student, and particularly close with the kindest & most influential adults in the country. The writers didn’t make her those thing on accident.
What I hadn’t picked up on was, the thing that was eating at Nemona the most was probably that she was worried she was fumbling her chance to make you her friend
Nemona, explicitly, has a weird autistic hyperfixation on Pkmn battling. Nobody else her age does. So her only real friends are adults, who, with the wisdom of age, are able to appreciate her idiosyncrasies, and know how to direct them toward something positive.
But they don't share them, as far as Nemona can tell. It’s hard to tell if someone Gets It or is just navigating around It, especially when they keep treating it as a means rather than an end.
Then you come along, showing a hint of sharing her Niche Special Interest, and she thinks “at last, this is my chance, I can make someone else Get It”.
So she tries to give you a guided tour, basically.
Nemona is already champion-rank; she is deliberately holding back & using a weak team so she can do the gym challenge alongside you. She isn’t worried her team is too weak. She’s worried her team isn’t properly tuned to give you the experience she wants you to have.
She's trying to streamline the process of you falling in love with this thing she likes. Which is of course a self-defeating effort.
The adults in Paldea are all hilariously hands-off. I think it’s fair to say that Nemona lacking a Nemona of her own is part of what helped her develop her weird special interest. The adventure of crawling thru a thorn bush is part of the fun. (I'd wager this is the ethos behind the school's mostly-unsupervised treasure hunt.)
And to her credit, I think Nemona knows this. She’s trying not to weird you out; she doesn’t want you to know she’s following you around. She *certainly* doesn’t want you to know how much she’s tying herself in knots over this, trying to determine how much contact is appropriate. She's attempting the impossible task of trying to suss out how someone is feeling without interacting or being fully honest with them, because doing either might make you think she's weird.
The arc ends appropriately anticlimactically. Of course you like the game; that’s why you started playing it. Nemona was fretting over nothing. All she had to do was consistently be there for you while you grew into what you were going to be. Which she did.
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The Sins of the Father
Honestly, at this point in Dangerous Romance I am not finding the relationship between Sailom and Kang all that compelling, BUT what I *am* very surprisingly so, finding myself constantly drawn in to within this story is the relationship between Kang and his father. I want to know what his Dad was like before his wife died, I want to know why Kang responds so quickly, and with a touch of fear to his father surprising him by coming home early when Kang was playing video games. The way I read Kang in that scene really made me feel like he thought that his father would react harshly. At the moment, I’m personally having difficulty finding problems with Kang’s father. Yet, I can’t stop thinking about how Kang’s response to being bested by Sailom was to escalate the situation based on something his father once said.
And it is so fascinating to me watching this show poke at this idea of what his father’s desire to *remove* pressure from Kang, rather than *place* pressure on him is doing to Kang. Kang feels like his father telling him he doesn’t have to try to be school president, he doesn’t have to wait to pass all of his exams to get the bike he wants is an insult. The fact that his father will be happy with Kang’s performance as long as he doesn’t have to repeat any classes should be a wonderful thing.
I love that Kang was the one who proposed an achievement award, that he was the one who basically begged his father for a little bit of competitive structure. The insistence of Kang’s dad to not push Kang in to anything is really great…except that he goes overboard with it. Kang is excited and interested in being school president, Kang wants to work hard *towards* accomplishing a goal and getting rewarded for it. But he feels constantly belittled by his father reminding him that he doesn’t have to work hard, that he doesn’t have to push himself, that he can just be a teenager.
I won’t speculate too hard about what the family dynamic was like when Kang’s mother was around but I will say I’m thinking about how much Kang’s dad is overcompensating and how much Kang is asking for a little bit of a test. I’m thinking about how at school Kang is constantly being told that he is stupid. No one really challenges him because of how influential his father is to the school’s funding. He has teachers falling all over themselves to absolve him of every single consequence.
Something that is really telling to me is that it really seems like Kang loves his grandma more than anyone else in the world, and she is also the only adult that Kang has been around that does not absolve him of any harm. When he fucks over Sailom, she makes Kang apologize. And Kang does not really fight that apology, not as much as he could.
I don’t know what I’m really trying to say here. I guess ultimately that Dangerous Romance has an opportunity to show a well adjusted, happy, and fulfilled child with a parent that does not place pressure on to them. But they aren’t. But they also haven’t started saying that having all that pressure is a good thing for kids either. Mostly I guess I’m just curious about whether they are making the point that the opposite extreme is also going to harm your children. I said something like this before on my page but Kang’s father could remind him that he doesn’t have to put all this pressure on himself while also encouraging him to go for the school presidency if he is genuinely interested in it. He could withhold the bike until after the exams, and either keep his promise and not get him one if he fails, or he could wait a bit and give him one anyway for trying his best. But instead he just constantly removes any and all expectations from his son, leaving Kang feeling stupid and useless.
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