cityandking · 6 months
perhaps the most fucked up thing about daichi rolling a 14 (so close!! so close!!!!!) on his divine intervention and having to choose between saving scratch and saving zaref, besides our DM actually saying "pick one," is that dai's the only one who knows he made that choice
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sungbeam · 6 months
𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐢 𝐝𝐨!
nonidol!jung wooyoung x f!reader
the one where you're stuck in denial and wooyoung's determined to not be stuck in the friend zone.
7.7k words, fluff, f2l, they've kinda got a banter thing going on, he's in a frat cuz i said so, college au, swearing, kissing, mentions of alcohol and food, pining, obliviousness, jealousy/insecurity if you squint...? (sorry mark), barely proofread, overall pretty wholesome
a/n: okay... wooyo brainrot going hard lately, but anyways, hope u enjoy <3
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The horizon glittered like a sea of molten gold when you stepped onto the sandy shores of the beach. Seagulls squawked overhead, riding the setting sky like your friends currently in the surf. You smiled to yourself, inhaling the briny air and slipping the shades off your nose and up onto your head. Your sandals hung limp in your hand as grains of sand embedded themselves into the soles of your bare feet while you jogged down the hill toward the bonfire and crowd of people.
The last week of summer before the fall semester brought your friends to convince you to come to their last bonfire at the beach. It wasn't difficult to persuade you.
“Oy, Yn! Head's up!"
Your eyes shot open and your head whipped up. Sandals fell from your hand as they came up to grab the frisbee out of the sky. It was plastic and blue, with scratches engraved into its surface from thorough use.
Hoots of approval erupted from further down the bank. "Nice catch!" Yeonjun praised as he jogged to meet you in the middle. A light blue Hawaiian shirt hung loose off his lean frame, unbuttoned to display the glorious, toned muscles of his chest.
You grinned, handing him the frisbee before picking your sandals back up. The two of you walked together back towards the group. "Thanks. How're you, Jun?"
He pulled you into a brief, yet affectionate side hug. "I'm great! You?"
"Same here." You had been itching for an outing—and dreading the first day back to class—so this would be good for you. “Who's here today?”
“Ah, y'know, the usuals.” He grinned at you then, sending you a teasing wink. “Your lover boy's here for sure. He wouldn't miss this for the world.”
Your skin warmed at the playful comment and you were failing to pretend it was just because it was hot out here. You rolled your eyes. “He is not my lover boy.”
“Based on the fact you knew who I was talking about though,” he drawled with a singsong tone. He let out a loud guffaw at your less than gruntled expression. “You know, he ditched his frat's annual pool party to be here.”
“That's his prerogative—I don't know how that relates to me,” you said with your palms raised up helplessly.
As you turned around to walk in front of him, Yeonjun wrinkled his nose with a grin. “It's cute when you're in denial.”
You scoffed, backpedaling in the opposite direction to where Changbin was hollering for him to hurry up with the frisbee. “Denial, as if.”
“Whatever you say, Cher,” he snickered, then raised his hand up in goodbye to jog across the sands to the game of frisbee.
You huffed a laugh and shook your head. The sun glared in your eyes as you trudged through the sand toward the sounds of your other friends hollering at you from the barbeque and speaker system set up. You flicked your shades back over your eyes, an easy smile coming to your face. “Hi everyone! Smells delicious over here.”
Chan was stationed at the small, portable barbeque with a bottle of beer in his hand. He smiled as you neared, digging his hand into the cooler beside him to pass you a fresh bottle of hard lemonade. “You're right on time, Yn. Dinner is almost ready.”
“I do believe I have impeccable timing,” you mused, thanking him while accepting the bottle. You dropped your sandals to the sand by your feet so you could free your hands and twist the bottle cap off.
“So glad you could make it, Yn!” Lia chimed in from her spot beneath the beach tent. She and Chaeryeong were lying on their stomachs with books splayed out before them for a light beach read.
“Hey guys! Glad I could make it, too—”
“Oh my god, is that Yn Ln?”
Your head whipped around in the direction of the new voice, and you watched as Felix trudged up the sandy bank with his surfboard under his arm, his free hand brushing back his strands of damp hair.
“Felix Lee, you've been chickening out on me all summer.”
He gave a lazy smile back at you as the two of you clasped hands in greeting, his being cold and wet from the waves and yours dry and gritty with sand. “You say that like you haven't been working all summer. Anyways, there's someone who's been dying to see you even more than me.”
You could spot the impish mischief in the blond's eyes from a mile away. “I feel like everyone's been telling me the same thing, but I haven't seen Wooyoung anywhere.”
“First time she says my name, and it's not even to my face,” came a dramatic sigh from somewhere behind you.
The organ in your chest kicked into action and you turned to face the newcomer bounding toward the group from up the hill where the parking lot was. He was clad in a pair of board shorts and a tank top, his skin glowing in the golden afternoon light. “Speak of the Devil,” you jested, poking your tongue into your cheek as you smiled.
Jung Wooyoung peered at you from over the rim of his sunglasses as they slipped down the slope of his nose, then pushed them up to nestle in his locks of dark brown hair. “That nickname's a new one.”
“It's an expression, Jung,” you said, eyebrow arched.
He gave yet another melodramatic sigh. “And she's back to the last name-calling. Would it kill you to try a 'sweetheart’ or a 'darling’ one of these days?”
“I think Yn would rather go into cardiac arrest before calling you by your first name, mate,” Felix gave a warm laugh as he sidled up beside his friend, propping his arm up onto Wooyoung's shoulder.
You lifted your bottle of lemonade in salute. “Lix, you are not wrong. Where've you been anyways, Jung?”
“Did you hear that? She cares about my whereabouts,” he gasped in giddy delight, palm over his mouth as if he and Felix were co conspirators. “I'll have you know, Ln, that Hyunjin and I were scouting for ice cream carts, but he had a phone call to take so I came back here.”
You gave a pleasant hum, knocking back a sip of the spiked lemonade. “An ice cream cart? A man after my own heart.”
“Took you that long to notice?”
You weren't given much time to ponder on that statement before everyone's attention turned to Chan, who announced that it was finally time to eat. By some miraculous force of nature, Hyunjin heard Chan's call, too, and came barreling down the hill toward base camp a few moments later. The frisbee was laid to rest, the books were marked for later, and the bonfire was set ablaze.
With delicious eats and favored company, the lot of you gathered around with one another to have dinner and watch the sun slowly sink into the horizon line. It was the perfect cap to a long and warm summer.
A few hours later, when the sun had only just disappeared from view to leave the sky a lingering shade of hazy orange, you settled beside Lia, Chaeryeong, and Yeonjun on one side of the fire pit while Chan sat on his stool with a ukulele he kept in his backseat. (You were pretty sure that ukulele lived in his backseat at this rate. Once, you saw him buckle the thing with its own seatbelt. To each their own, you supposed.)
“So Wooyoung-ah,” drawled Changbin from his perch beside Hyunjin, as the two of them plucked chips out of the same bag, “did Hongjoong say if movie night was confirmed for next Friday?”
All eyes flickered over to Wooyoung expectantly, and you found yourself meeting his gaze as his own flitted from your eyes and back to Changbin. “I’m pretty sure we're still on for Friday, yeah. All of you better be there,” he said pointedly, his finger drawing over the group.
“What time is it again?” Yeonjun asked as he shoved a marshmallow into his cheek. You smiled to yourself and poked at it, making him send an adorable scowl your way.
Wooyoung pursed his lips. “Ah… it should start around nine o'clock. But make sure you guys text me first so I can let you in. Sometimes the pledges don't care to ask before collecting fees at the door.”
Nods and murmurs of agreement resounded from around the group. Each one of you had your own experience with getting hassled for entry fee at the ATZ fraternity door before Wooyoung or one of his frat brothers came to collect you. You remembered Felix once joking about having all of your names on a list or something.
“Ln, you're coming, aren't you?” Wooyoung nodded at you from across the bonfire. He leaned his elbows onto his knees, his fine features illuminated by the fires.
Your pulse skipped. “Hm? Oh, uhm, yeah I'm pretty sure.”
A smile curled onto his lips. “Good.”
From beside you, Yeonjun lightly smacked the back of his hand against your shoulder. “Hey, you should totally invite that guy from our Econ class—y’know from last quarter—?”
Your eyebrows creased. “Mark?”
“Who's Mark?” The question Wooyoung posed was innocent, but you couldn't help hyperfixate on the way he tilted his head and pressed his lips together.
And for some reason, you wanted to clear this up. “Mark from Econ,” you said. “He, Jun, and I used to sit with each other during class. I dunno if he'd wanna come with…” You somewhat kept in touch with Mark over the summer, but it wasn't like the two of you hung out solo or anything.
Yeonjun shoved another marshmallow into his mouth, but still spoke through it, “Mawk's cool doe. I fink he iked you.”
“Ooh, someone had a crush on you, Yn?” Hyunjin snickered.
You wrinkled your nose at him. “He did not have a crush on me; he was just nice.”
“You should invite him anyway!” Chaeryeong piped up as she leaned over you and Lia to steal a marshmallow from Yeonjun's bag. The owner of said bag watched the stolen marshmallow get swallowed whole with wide eyes. “More the merrier.”
“As long as Woo lets him in,” Felix muttered into his plastic cup so his words were slightly muffled. You didn't hear what he said, but you saw Wooyoung whack him and induce a Felix-standard fairy giggle.
You reached into Yeonjun's marshmallow bag, pretending he wasn't gawking at you with even wider eyes to guilt you into not taking his precious. “Okay, I will ask, but no promises.”
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“Who the fuck is Mark from Econ?”
San barely glanced up from what he was reading and he flipped the page to the tune of Wooyoung's rapid pacing of their shared room. “He's from Econ, I'm guessing.”
Wooyoung stopped in the middle of the open space between their beds, hands braced on their hips. He had just gotten home from the bonfire after having dropped off Hyunjin, Yeonjun, and Changbin at their apartment. When he'd arrived home to the ATZ fraternity on Greek Row, he had not been surprised to find nearly everyone still awake, even at one in the morning.
San, as always, had his nose buried in a bout of nightly reading. He claimed it helped him sleep better, but how could it if he sometimes stayed up until five in the morning because he was so invested?
“That's very helpful, thanks,” Wooyoung deadpanned.
His friend spared him a glance from over the book's edge. Then after one peak at his sorry state, San sighed and stuck an old receipt into the book to mark it for later. “Did they mention a last name? Mark who?”
Wooyoung waved his hand around. “Agh, I dunno. Yeonjun said in the car ride home something about a Mark Lee…”
San blinked, head tilting to the side in thought. “Mark Lee? Like the Mark Lee from NCT down the street?”
For a moment, Wooyoung only stared with furrowed brows, allowing the information presented to process through his brain. When it hit him, it was clear as day. He groaned, dragging his palms down his face as he plopped down on the edge of his bed. “We can't let him into Friday's movie night, Sannie.”
“And why not? He's a nice dude.”
“That is exactly why we can't let him in!” At the way San's face arranged itself into the epitome of confusion, Wooyoung waved his hands around in a manic craze. “If he gets cozy with Yn, my chances are ruined.”
San gave up; he picked up his book again. “Sounds like a skill issue.”
“Movie night? Dark setting? Sharing blankets? Fairy lights overhead?” Wooyoung flopped onto his back and glared at the ceiling. It was the perfect way to get closer to you if he could somehow make it not weird since you were almost always with one of your other friends. This could arguably be his big breakthrough with you; it had all of the makings of a romantic night… as long as everything went right.
He just needed to be absolutely sure that your feelings and his feelings were on the same page.
San sighed, the book flopping onto his lap. “Why can't you just—I don't know—insert yourself?” He made a motion with his arm, his dimples digging into his cheeks as he pressed his lips together in a deadpan, arm jutting straightforward. “Insert. Like… insert.”
Wooyoung craned his head up from his position. “Like—insert?”
“Insert,” San affirmed. “She sits down, and you sit down next to her before anyone else can. Easy.”
“So you want me to be a parasite?”
San scoffed and fixed Wooyoung with a pointed look. “If you're not going to tell her to her face that you like her—”
“Parasitism, it is!”
As the days grew closer to the ATZ frat's annual fall movie night, you had to admit that you might have been severely procrastinating on extending an invitation to Mark. Mark was, by all counts, a nice guy. He was a good guy, in fact. But it wasn't like the two of you were buddy-buddy with each other, as Yeonjun made it sound like to everyone else. It was the equivalent of your mom asking you to invite your neighbor to your birthday party—they were nice enough, but you weren't close enough to ensure this wouldn't be awkward.
Plus, you couldn't get this sticky feeling out of the back of your mind about Yeonjun claiming Mark liked you. There was no problem, per se, with a guy liking you. It was just that… you weren't interested in him like that. You also didn't want other people thinking that you were interested in him either, and getting the wrong idea.
You tried to convince yourself that you weren't interested in anyone at the moment, but you knew, deep in your heart of hearts, that wasn't true. You just didn't want to admit it. (A tragedy, indeed.)
When the first Friday night of the university term rolled around, you and your friends pulled up outside the ATZ frat house without Mark Lee. You'd admitted to them that it was awkward, so the subject was easily brushed away. There was nothing they could do about it now, anyway.
When they strolled up to the entryway, Yeonjun told the pledges at the front that they were with Wooyoung. As per protocol, they forced you all to wait outside until Wooyoung could get there from wherever he was within the house. You could hear the music thumping from the backyard, along with chatter and laughter, all from people waiting for the movie night to start.
You shivered as you hugged your arms around your body, a cool autumn breeze blowing past. “Damn, I should've brought a jacket,” you laughed, hopping around from foot to foot to stay warm. Or maybe you should've worn a sweater rather than a T-shirt over your pajama shorts.
Lia perked up. “Oh! I think I have o—”
Felix's eyes widened as he interjected, “No, you don't!”
Everyone passed Felix a strange look, especially you and Lia. Curiously, you watched as Felix seemingly communicated with Lia in silent, urgent facial expressions before smiling at you like his regular, ray-of-sunshine self.
You blinked. What in the world…?
Lia turned back toward you with an apologetic wince on her face. “I think I took my jacket out of the backseat before I left the house. Sorry, Yn.”
“Oh, that's okay,” you assured her. “I'll, uh, probably steal Chan's blanket or something once we get settled.”
Wooyoung appeared at the door moments later, a lollipop stick between his teeth and a cozy dark blue hoodie on his frame. Like many others here tonight, he was in a pair of pajama pants and fluffy slippers. “Hey guys! Come on in.”
Thankful for the excellent timing, you all slipped inside the front doors of the frat to get to the backyard. The movie night was usually held in the backyard space just because it could hold more people. The movie was then projected against the back of the house with an old projector that was apparently passed down from generation to generation of the frat. There was oftentimes a table to the side that was stocked with snacks and booze for all those attending.
Wooyoung led the group of you out into the backyard, specifically to a spot with a decent view, already laid out with picnic blankets and regular blankets. “Tada!” He exclaimed with jazz hands, catching the amused gaze of others nearby. “I reserved a spot for all of us!”
“Without permission!” Somebody—you recognized Yunho's teasing grin from over by the snack table—yelled.
“Seonghwa hyung said I could!” Wooyoung shot back in proper little sibling fashion. He stuck one of his hands into his pockets and took his lollipop out. “Anyways, help yourselves!”
“This is really cool of you, dude,” Changbin said as he bumped Wooyoung's fist and settled on one corner of the setup.
Chan hobbled over toward Changbin. “Yeah, man. We really appreciate it.”
You murmured your own thanks to Wooyoung as you passed by him to decide on where to sit.
His eyes flickered over your form, noting the way you used your palms to keep your arms warm. “Hey, Ln.”
“Jung,” you mused back.
“You didn't bring a jacket?” He asked incredulously. “It's gonna get colder tonight.”
Sheepishness washed over you and you scratched your head with an embarrassed smile. “I'll be fine under the blankets.”
He shook his head, dissatisfaction clear on his face, as he stuck his lollipop back into his mouth and began shouldering off his jacket.
Your eyes widened when you realized what he was doing. “Hey, wait—I’ll be fine—”
Wooyoung held out the jacket to you, eyebrows lifting in silent communication. 'Put it on.’
You pursed your lips and considered it for a moment. You knew that he was right and it was going to get colder later tonight. You could only bring the blanket up so far… Slowly, you slipped into it with his help, and your upper body was immediately grateful for the warmth.
Wooyoung spun you around to face him again, swiftly reaching for the zipper at the bottom to zip you up.
“Oh, you don't have to—” You shut up with one look from him. You could feel your skin begin to warm, not just because of the residual heat from Wooyoung's body heat on the jacket. You weren't exactly used to this, but you also weren't going to complain. This article of clothing smelled sinfully good—was that his cologne or how he always smelled?
When you were all zipped up, his lips pressed into a content smile. “I'm gonna go grab another jacket. I'll be right back,” he said, throwing a thumb back in the direction of the house.
Based on the fact he was only wearing a tank top underneath the jacket you now wore, you nodded vigorously. “Yeah, of course,” you stammered. “Thanks.”
His smile widened. “No problem, Yn. You look good in it.”
You didn't get another word in because he was darting across the backyard and disappearing inside the house before you could. You were sure you looked as flustered as you felt, and you slowly sank onto the blanket set up beside Chaeryeong and Lia.
From down the line, you could feel your friends’ eyes and wagging brows.
“Don't say anything,” you said to them, pulling your knees to your chest and pretending you weren't in heaven from how nice the jacket felt and smelled. (Oh god, were you being weird about this?)
A snort from Hyunjin.
Felix giggled. “Not a single word.”
By the time Wooyoung returned, Hongjoong was beginning to fire up the movie of choice tonight (Parasite—how fitting) and the backyard had been substantially populated.
Though there was no Mark Lee tonight to be a paradise about, Wooyoung settled on the other side of Chaeryeong who was right beside you. There was a bucket of popcorn per every three or so of you. You dipped into the bucket closest to you, which was the one in front of Chaeryeong.
At some point during the movie, Chaeryeong raised her head from where she was resting against your shoulder and searched the area around you. “Hey,” she whispered to you, “my friend from the Delta sorority is over there and I'm gonna go say hi.”
You nodded. “Sounds good.”
As she clambered to her feet, you met Wooyoung's eyes from her other side. He had tugged his own hood over his head, so only his bangs hung out of it. He nodded toward Chaeryeong in question: ‘Where’s she going?’
“Just a friend,” you answered quietly.
From your other side, you heard Lia make a small gasping sound. “Ooh, I'm gonna say hi, too!”
When both of them had cleared out, you craned your head around to see if you recognized the Delta they went to greet. You did not, and so you stayed put.
It didn't take long for you to realize that you were pretty sure Lia and Chaeryeong were over there for much more than a hello, which was completely fine—you were simply going to hog all of their blanket space—
A throat cleared on your left side, and you watched Wooyoung take the shared popcorn bucket and scoot over into where Chaeryeong was sitting next to you. “So we can reach easier,” he reasoned, shoveling a handful of buttered kernels into his mouth.
You couldn't and didn't argue with that. Though, you were unsure of how fast your heart was beating now that you and he were shoulder to shoulder, leg to leg.
But you turned your attention back to the movie because obviously there was nothing wrong with this. There was absolutely nothing about sitting this close to Wooyoung that was making you flustered—
You jolted when your hand touched his in the popcorn bucket, both of you having blindly reached in.
Your eyes met in the dark again, and you hoped he couldn't see just how affected you were by the touch. “Sorry,” you whispered, withdrawing your hand swiftly.
“No, it's okay,” he murmured back, a small lift in the corner of his lips. “Nothing to be sorry about.”
When the movie reached its inevitable conclusion, it was nearing midnight. Though the projector was turned off, there were plenty of people still lingering to chat and drink. You wiped your hands on a napkin and smeared on a dollop of hand sanitizer that Chan usually kept in his pocket. (The crazy man was always prepared.)
Lia and Chaeryeong eventually came back to the group, but you and Wooyoung scooted over so they could sit next to each other on your right. Your arm was still pressed to his arm, and you still kept his jacket on. It had done a brilliant job at keeping you warm tonight; you were dreading parting with it.
“Can we help you guys clean up or anything?” You asked him as you passed him Chan's bottle of hand sanitizer to use.
He hummed, “Uh, I think we should be okay. We'll probably just end up leaving half of it out to clean up in the morning anyway.”
You nodded, taking the hand sanitizer back from him so you could pass it down the assembly line to Chan.
“Oh, by the way,” Wooyoung piped up. “Whatever happened to that Mark guy you were gonna invite?”
You paused, cupping the back of your neck. “Ah… yeah, I didn't actually invite him,” you admitted. “I just thought it would be awkward 'cause we're not really that close.”
He bobbed his head in understanding. “I see, I see. So what Yeonjun said about him…?”
“Your first mistake was listening to Yeonjun.”
Two people down, you heard a squawk of indignation. “Hey! I heard that!”
A chuckle rang out amongst your group. Changbin and Chan's end of the blanket mass suddenly began standing up, the former of which was propping up a half-conscious Felix, citing needs to get the blond to bed. The rest of you wholeheartedly agreed and joined them, empty popcorn buckets in hand to deposit back at the snack table.
As soon as your bare legs hit the cold night air, you gazed forlornly at the blanket you'd been using before. “Jung, let me give you back your jacket,” you said, catching his attention before he wandered off.
But instead of waiting for you to take off the garment, he placed a hand over yours to stop you from unzipping it. “Keep it,” he said.
“Keep it?” You parroted back dumbly.
He broke into a smile. “Yeah, it'll keep you warm until you get home.”
For a moment, you could only stare. Was he always this pretty? Or was it just the fairy lights that were turned on overhead? You swallowed, your lips curling into a small smile back. “Oh okay—thanks. I'll get it back to you as soon as possible.”
“Whatever you say,” he chuckled and reached over to pat your head. The action made a jolt of warmth run down your spine from your head to your toes. Maybe you were just tired.
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Saturday night, you found yourself jostling around in the crowd of all the other late night snackers at the fast food chain a few blocks from the stadium. The first college football game of the season had just ended, and all of your friends who had gone agreed to get a bite to eat afterward. It seemed, however, that nearly everyone else at the game had the same idea.
The establishment was packed to the brim, at least the ordering area was. Your friends had gone outside to score one of the picnic benches for your group, while you, Changbin, and Felix were stuck here to order. (It was all because the three of you sorely lost a game of rock, paper, scissors, and now your wallet would pay, quite literally.) Servers behind the counter hollered out order numbers, and plastic trays of burgers, fries, milkshakes, and grease passed hands.
Your mouth was already watering; cheering and screaming for three hours was a good way to make yourself famished. “Do we have everyone's orders?” You asked your friends, sticking your head in the open space between their shoulders.
Changbin flashed you the group text. “If it's not here, they're starving.”
“Amen to that,” Felix grunted, shaking his bangs out of his eyes and scrolling through his social media fees. “I think Hyunjin and Yeonjun purposely ordered the triple cheeseburger and loaded fries to break our banks.”
“We need to watch that WikiHow video on winning rock, paper, scissors,” you said. The three of you sighed altogether—next time, you wouldn't rely on just luck to get you through something so high stakes.
“You guys look like we just lost the actual game,” mused a familiar voice behind you.
Wooyoung appeared at your side, elbow propped onto your shoulder, accompanied by a couple of his frat brothers, San and Jongho. Wooyoung had a university branded cap over his head with a pair of cherry red heart glasses seated up on the bill, a bit of school spirit in the form of black and red. “I see you lost rock, paper, scissors, Ln.”
You scowled. Of course he knew how you ended up here. After all, he was subjected to it whenever he hung out with your group of friends. “Do you wanna take over my share of the bill, Jung?”
“Do I get something in return?”
“I don't know, your jacket?”
He grinned. “Oh, so you weren't planning on just giving it back to me?”
“I will gladly keep it if you don't want it. She's in the dryer right now,” you shot back. At some point, your heart had kicked up in your chest again, perhaps at the proximity of Wooyoung to you. There wasn't much space in here as it was.
The line scooted up about two centimeters, and Wooyoung's eyebrows shot up in amusement. “You’re washing it after wearing it once? Or maybe you've been wearing it for the past twelve hours and you're just not telling me.”
You ignored the warmth creeping up your neck. “It's called being courteous.”
“It's called wasting water,” he teased, the elbow on your shoulder shifting to an arm slung around both of your shoulders.
“Oh please. It's being washed with the rest of my clothes!” You exclaimed in your defense as you grew more flustered.
Something giddy lit up on his face as the group of you moved up closer to the register. “So that jacket's gonna smell like you? I might not ever wash it again, Ln.”
It was an unholy amount of time later that you, your friends, and the frat trio finally made it out of the stuffy fast food restaurant with your massive order. Instead of a picnic bench, however, it seemed that both your friends and Wooyoung's were exiled to the curb by the street. The sight was rather laughable—around fifteen or so people seated on the firelane like a line of abandoned ducklings.
Everyone practically swarmed the to-go bags that you and your friends deposited in the grass. You picked up one of the cartons of fries for yourself, standing just outside the circle that had formed.
Mingi was recalling one of the plays from tonight's game with vivid acting when you heard your name being called from down the road.
Curious, your eyes tracked the sound, only to see a group of fraternity guys making their way towards you from the direction of Greek Row. Among them, it was Mark Lee that you recognized first in a red bomber jacket and backwards cap. His cheeks were flushed and eyes twinkled like a pair of diamond earrings.
“YN LN! IS THAT YOU?” He giggled, and you just knew that the poor guy was drunk off his face.
One of his friends with a bunny-looking face grappled onto his arm with a groan. “Sorry! He was double-dared to take one too many shots by this bastard,” he said when they neared and cut a glare to one of the tall boys behind him. Said tall boy whistled, pretending not to hear him.
Yunho cupped his hands around his mouth and gave a loud holler. “Aye, N-City! Jungwoo, where the hell have you been, man?"
“It’s called the engineering program, bro,” the one you assumed to be Jungwoo grumbled. He hobbled over to where Yunho was seated in the circle and knocked his fist against the latter's. “Oh my god, can I steal a fry? That line over there looks awful.”
Mingi lifted his tray of fries up for Jungwoo to pluck a few.
Mark, with the supervision of his bunny friend, scuttled over toward you. “Fries sound so good, dude. Like bro. BRO. I am so hungry.” He giggled again as you extended your fries out to him in amusement. “Thanks, Yn. Do I still owe you for coffee that one time?” He slurred, shoving the slices of potato into his mouth.
You chuckled, offering his friend some fries, but was quietly rejected. “Coffee? That was like, once, Mark. Don't worry about it.”
“I know, but like—like, I keep thinking about it, y'know,” he confessed. In the streetlight, you could see his cherry red cheekbones… almost the color of Wooyoung's glas—what. Where did that thought come from?
Absent-mindedly, your eyes flickered across the circle to where you knew Wooyoung was seated with his brothers. To your surprise, you found him already staring your way.
“—it’d be cool to get coffee again sometime, and be friends! I almost took the next econ class in the series 'cause of you.”
“Oh, really?” You asked, forcing yourself back to the people in front of you and being unable to suppress a giggle. You were touched by the sentiment, and frankly, relieved to hear that you and he were pretty much on the same page about being friends. “The next class in the series is kind of ass though, so I'm glad you aren't gonna have to suffer through it.”
“Aw, but we're all in this together!” He chirped.
His friend gave Mark a small pat on his arm. “We should get a move on before the crowds get worse.”
Mark's eyes widened and he gasped. “You're right, hyung!”
“See you, guys,” you said with a small wave. The two boys threw a similarly warm goodbye to you as they slipped past you and toward the jam-packed fast food joint you had braved just earlier.
Across the wide social circle, Wooyoung couldn't hear exactly what yours and Mark's conversation entailed because of all the chatter. Sue him for being caught staring at you, but he couldn't keep his eyes off you, as per usual. There was a familiar pang in his chest as he watched you bid Mark and Doyoung from the NCT fraternity goodbye, and he mindlessly finished off the tray of fries in front of him.
Although you technically implied to him last night that there was nothing between you and Mark, there was undoubtedly a part of him that still felt jittery at the thought.
There was a nudge against his arm. “Glare even harder, and Mark might wake up with a pair of holes in the back of his head.”
Wooyoung moved his scowl to San beside him, a snicker falling from his best friend's mouth. “I'm not glaring,” Wooyoung protested and reached for a napkin in the middle of the circle.
“Oh, right,” San drawled, “you're staring at Yn.”
“Yes, and?” He shot back. “What'd'you think they were talking about?” He could practically hear the sound of your giggles in his ears after Mark said something. Wooyoung didn't like the way that made his stomach churn—the fact that this other guy was making you laugh. Did he make you laugh like that? Did you look that radiant when you were with him? God, why did you have to be so gobsmackingly gorgeou—
San considered him for a moment as he chewed on the bite of his burger. “Why don't you ask her yourself?” He muttered with a vague gesture of his aioli-covered fingers, “I dunno, go offer to drive her home or something.”
“That's the first good idea I've heard all night.” Wooyoung hopped to his feet, a misshapen plan (of sorts) manifesting in his head. Hopefully it would work out better than the movie night one. (But by some metrics, he could consider movie night a success…)
San exhaled under his breath as his friend went to go find a trash can first. “Can't believe he actually went with that,” he said with a shake of his head. He could only hope now that his friend would finally put himself out of his misery.
Having finished your post-game snack, drowsiness was slowly seeping into your joints and the corners of your eyes. It was bound to be nearing midnight at this time, and with all of the excitement within the past two days, you were about ready to head back.
You swept your eyes over the group to gauge if any of your other friends looked about ready to go home, too, when you felt someone tap your shoulder.
“Can I give you a lift home?” Wooyoung asked as he stood there, cap and glasses hanging from his hand while the other carded through his hair.
Well. “It's like you read my mind, Jung,” you mused. “Do you and your brothers not usually carpool though?”
“Eh, Hongjoong hyung brought the minivan.”
You didn't know why that comment made you laugh—perhaps it was the image of a bunch of ATZ frat members shoved into a soccer mom minivan with Hongjoong at its helm—but a laugh most definitely tumbled from your lips. The sound and sight reflected in Wooyoung's expression, a boyish grin coming to his face and reaching his eyes. “Alright, fine. As long as by taking me home, you aren't abandoning them on the streets.”
The two of you began walking side by side to where he would lead you back toward wherever his car was parked. “Nah,” he reassured you with a shake of his head. He took his cherry heart glasses and slid them up into his hair. “A nice walk home might keep them humble, y'know?”
“And who's to say you don't need humbling, Jung?” You joked.
A smirk curled up on his mouth like a cat's tail. “What? Are you going to humble me, Ln?”
You gave a nonchalant shrug to cover up the rapid pulse hammering away in your veins. “I could finesse your keys, you never know.”
He motioned to the left where his sedan was parked along the side of the street. “I'll have you know that you already have one of my keys,” he said as he rounded his car to reach the driver's seat.
You crinkled your brows together, your hand lingering on the door to the passenger's seat as he fished his keys out to unlock the car. “What key?”
“The key to my heart,” he winked, smile widening.
You glanced away, tongue jamming into your cheek to suppress your flustered smile, but by the sounds of Wooyoung's glee from the other side of the car, you were unsuccessful. “You tell that to all the girls?” You finally said when the car chirped and you slipped into the passenger's seat.
Your car doors slammed in tandem.
“Nope, that one's just for you,” he said, tossing his hat in the back and starting the engine.
The fluttery feeling in your chest was making it difficult for you to sit still. If you were so enraptured by his scent clinging to the fabric of his jacket, then his car must have been level two. Your body melted into the car seat, and you turned your head to watch the world pass through the window with a content expression on your face.
There had been something gnawing at you for a while now. You knew Wooyoung boasted a rather flirty personality; he had always been pretty outgoing and teasing ever since you met. There were so many signs that pointed to him liking you more than just a friend, but you didn't want to jump to conclusions. (Denial? What was that?)
Was this different from when Yeonjun suggested that Mark liked you? Well, yes. This was different because you… it was different because this was Wooyoung, not Mark. It was different because you were suddenly marinating on the idea of him liking you, and not dismissing it like you had with Mark.
You were growing giddy at the idea, in fact. And maybe that made you nervous.
A thought appeared in your head. “Oh, I guess it's a good thing you're taking me home, because now I can give you back your jacket.” For a moment, you deeply considered casually “forgetting” to return the garment, but your integrity won out.
You saw him glance over at you before returning his eyes to the road. “Right, right. Good idea,” he murmured. He ran his teeth over his bottom lip then. “Hey, uhm, weird question.”
“Uh oh,” you joked.
He chuckled. “Yah, it's not an 'uh oh!’ I was just wondering what Mark came to talk to you about.”
Oh. That wasn't exactly what you had in mind when he said he had a weird question.
Your eyes flickered over to him for a second. “You seem awfully interested in me and Mark,” you drawled, uncertain of where this was going.
“I mean—I know you said last night that you guys aren't that close,” he supplemented, tongue swiping over his lip as he turned the corner onto your street, “but he seemed pretty friendly tonight.”
“Mark’s always friendly,” you pointed out. Part of it was just so you could prod a little and figure out why Wooyoung was pursuing this.
“You're not wrong.”
Your head tilted to the side. “So?”
You let out a small laugh. “Hey, Jung, what's going on? You're usually not so antsy about these things, especially not with me.” You chewed on the inside of your cheek and your fingers drummed mindlessly against your thigh in anticipation.
Wooyoung glanced over at you again, his lips pressing together. He was entering your apartment complex street now and carefully pulled up along the curb outside. “I would argue that it's the complete opposite.”
“You can't possibly think that this whole time I haven't been head over heels for you?” He blurted.
Even if the car had stopped, your heart rate most definitely hadn't.
At your loss for words, he killed the engine. “Like, you think I stare at you for fun? No, actually, I stare at you because I'm literally just so attracted to you, it's survival.”
You sucked in a breath. “Jung…”
“And you know, I try to be as obvious as I can, but maybe I'm not? And I'm—I’m trying to be as loud about my feelings as possible,” he continued on, adding in an accompaniment of sweeping hand gestures. “Without actually admitting to my feelings, as stupid as it sounds.”
“Jung. Jung, wait—”
“This wasn't supposed to turn into a ramble, but what I'm trying to say is—”
He screeched to a halt, eyes widened as if you'd just grown two heads.
Oh, you were so endeared by this man. In this snapshot of time, there was nothing other than utter adoration in your heart for him. “You were probably being very loud, but I'm also hard of hearing sometimes.”
“Extremely,” he agreed with his mouth pressed into a line.
He broke into a grin that was soft at the corners and tender at the eyes. “Just so you know, I don't treat anyone else like you. You're probably the only person I will ever address by their last name as a term of endearment.”
You laughed, skin warming to the touch. “I'll admit—same here.” A jolt of electricity warmed down your spine at the admission.
“I can't persuade you to even try a 'honey’ or a ‘baby?’ Not even a 'sweetie pie?’”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Maybe you'll unlock some of them as time goes on. It has to feel right.”
He leaned forward onto the center console, a small, happy sigh falling from his mouth. “Okay,” he said quietly. “I can deal with that.”
In reply, you twisted around in your seat to face him, your head leaned against the car seat. “Just so we're clear though…”
“I like you—I do.”
“Good.” Your lips curled into a smile. “I like you, too.”
In the low light of the car, the sky darkened and the only light coming from the streetlight a few cars away, you and Wooyoung shared a soft moment together. The thing that had been needling at the back of your mind was finally subsiding.
Swallowing, you reached forward to brush a strand of hair out of his eyes, and his eyes seemed to shudder. “Yeonjun once called you my lover boy.”
“I'm pretty sure all of our friends knew how I felt,” he snorted.
You made a small gesture with your shoulder, wincing. “Except for me?”
“Except for you,” he sighed jokingly. “Utter pain. But you know what?”
“What's that?”
“I think I like being your lover boy.”
You slowly nodded. “It has a nice ring to it.” You couldn't help another smile as you rolled it over and over in your mind. Your lover boy, your lover boy, your lover boy… “My lover boy.”
Wooyoung pressed his palms together like he was praying, his hands touching his lips. “Give me the strength—I can't not kiss you after hearing that come out of your mouth.”
Your heart gave an aggressive palpitation. “Well… I wouldn't be opposed.”
“Hey, lover girl,” he said, mouth split open with a pretty grin, “can I kiss you?”
How could you refuse?
He leaned forward and cradled one side of your face with one hand so he could press his lips against your own. If there was any doubt left in your mind about how you felt for him, it was all dashed away once he kissed you.
When your eyes fluttered open, you met his gaze.
“I think,” he murmured, thumb drawing over your bottom lip, “I just fell for you all over again.
God, how could you compete with that line? You ducked your head, unabashedly flustered. He only cooed at your reaction and came forward to smack a long kiss to your cheek.
When it was determined that you would finally head up to your apartment for the evening, you reluctantly clambered out of his vehicle. He rolled down his window so he could drape himself out of it like a damsel in a tower, his eyes shaped like hearts.
“Is it safe to say that I can keep your jacket?” You jested, stopping in front of his window.
He huffed a laugh. “You know, I thought you'd never ask. But you'll have to trade me for something of yours.”
“Deal, Jung.” You were certain you could think of something.
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a/n: pls remember to reblog + comment if u enjoyed <3
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973 notes · View notes
domjaehyun · 2 years
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MEMBERS. mark lee x fem!reader x lee haechan
GENRE. smut…that’s it… some humor
WORD COUNT. 28.8k (i’m not apologizing and you can’t make me)
CONTENTS. weed consumption, haechan favoritism (it’s me. what did you expect), explicit smut (slightest of dubcon, chasing kink (? y’all idk), quite a bit of edging/orgasm denial (giving), dry humping, handjobs, blowjobs, cunnilingus, finger sucking, bit of spit kink, unprotected sex, creampie, double penetration, anal, rimming (receiving), overstimulation (receiving), praise kink, some slight degradation, bratty switch!reader, bratty switch!haechan, needy switch!mark, haechan really likes calling you “puppy,” i think that’s it)
NOTES. hi :3 thank you to my love @ncteez​ (hon) for beta reading this for me! i’m on my mark & haechan monster cock agenda thank you very much :)
PLAYLIST. video games - sun // seduce - russ // pth - emanuel
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Sunday, November 1st. 
“As usual, I think you’re full of it.” Lia sizes up Haechan, her scrutinizing stare so chilling that it affects you as an innocent bystander simply sitting next to Haechan.
“I’m not,” Haechan fiercely defends himself, jabbing his thumb into his chest emphatically. “I totally did take three edibles and, yes, I did see God! She was not pleased with me,” Haechan finishes in a mumble, scratching the back of his neck anxiously.
“What makes you think you saw God and not, like, her secretary angel or something?” Jaemin asks with a brow raised, and Haechan grimaces.
“What, am I not important or special enough to meet Miss God herself? I got some divine being several rungs down the holy corporate ladder?” Haechan counters, and the silence that falls over your table is deafening. “Wow.”
“Sorry,” Yeji says, shrugging. “It’s not personal.”
“Yeah, well, it sure feels personal,” Haechan grouches. Turning to you, he shakes your arm and whines loudly, saying, “You think I’m important and special, right?”
You look at his plate of food with scheming eyes. “Give me some of your fries and I’ll agree with you.”
“Agree with me and I’ll give you some of my fries,” he says, turning it back on you, and you pause to think. As if to make his deal even more appealing, Haechan holds up a forkful of fries, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. 
“Screw you guys, Haechan is definitely important and special enough to meet God after tripping too hard on edibles.” you say, scowling at every member sitting at the table for good measure. You look at Haechan, waiting for his approval, and he nods with a pleased smile, placing his hand under the fork to catch anything that might fall.
“Say ‘ah,’” Haechan coos, bringing the forkful to your mouth. You roll your eyes in amusement but oblige, letting Haechan feed you the fries. 
“Thank you,” you say with a smile, which he returns. 
“You’re welcome, baby,” he replies casually, watching in satisfaction out of the corner of his eye as you stiffen in surprise, your mind buffering for several moments before it starts working again. He chuckles and nudges you with his knee under the table secretly before resuming his eating. 
“If you two are finished,” Lia says pointedly, and your cheeks warm as you look at her sheepishly. “I was going to say that in honor of November starting today, there’s a challenge I wanna share.”
“Share, please,” you say quickly, eager to switch the attention to someone else. 
“It’s called November, in which I try to make it through every day of November,” she announces proudly, and you point an accusing finger across the table at her.
“You stole that off of Twitter!” you exclaim, and she rolls her eyes.
“I didn’t say it was my challenge,” she replies, and you narrow your eyes suspiciously. 
“I’m onto you.” 
“Okay,” Lia says, dismissive yet amused. 
“I think we should try a monthly challenge,” Yeji suggests. “There’s No Shave November, National Novel Writing Month, No Nut November—”
“Ha!” Jaemin snorts in amusement. “Some of us couldn’t handle No Nut November.” He casts Haechan a side look which is not unnoticed.
Haechan huffs. “Why are you looking at me? I can totally do No Nut November.”
“Sure, you can,” you say, patting his hand comfortingly. 
“Why do you sound like you don’t believe me?” Haechan frowns. 
“Probably because I don’t,” you reply simply, and Jeno snickers into his food.
“You know what?” Jeno puts his fork down and rubs his hands together. “If you can make it through No Nut November, I will give you my entire weed stash.”
Haechan’s brows raise in surprise. “Damn. You really don’t think I can do it.”
“Nope.” Jeno replies, and Haechan huffs.
“You’re on—but I get to pick a buddy,” he proposes, and Jeno shrugs. 
“Sure. I don’t think anyone at this table is willing to go in on that challenge, though.”
When everyone at the table murmurs some sort of agreement, Haechan’s face lights up, visibly getting an idea, and he pulls his phone out, tapping it a couple of times before setting it on the table. 
“Hello?” Mark’s whispering voice comes in through the speaker, and you and Jaemin share a skeptical look.
“Mark?” Lia laughs, begrudgingly falling silent when Haechan shushes her.
“Mark, do you wanna do No Nut November with me this month?” Haechan asks hopefully.
“Hell, no,” Mark’s reply comes out clear as day, making everyone but Haechan stifle a laugh. 
“Aw, come on! Jeno’s gonna give us his entire weed stash if we do it,” Haechan coaxes in a sing-song voice. 
“No way,” Mark whispers back. Several moments pass, everyone at the table growing antsy, until Mark speaks again. “Fine. I’m in.”
“Great!” Haechan says all too loudly. “We’re gonna rock this challenge.”
“Yeah, okay,” Mark replies distractedly. “I gotta go now—I’m in class.”
“Oh, that’s why you were whispering—”
“Whispering, yeah. See you later, dude.” Mark murmurs hurriedly before the phone beeps to signal the end of the call.
“Well, that settles it,” Haechan says happily. “Jeno, get ready to kiss your stash of weed goodbye.”
“Oh, please,” Jaemin snorts derisively, “I bet you’ll be caving on day three.”
“Nope,” Haechan retorts, sticking out his tongue for good measure. “Nothing will fuck with me this month. As a matter of fact—”
“Haechan, don’t you have class, like, right now?” you cut him off, and he looks at the time, his eyes widening. 
Stuffing forkfuls of food in his mouth, Haechan stands up from the table and waves goodbye before rushing off with his plate.
There’s a silence that passes before Lia speaks. “So I feel like it goes without saying that we, as their closest friends, legally have to fuck with them all of November.” 
“‘We?’” Jeno raises his eyebrows in surprise and shakes his head. “I’m not turning them on.”
“Neither am I,” Jaemin says through his mouthful of sandwich. “Unless everyone gets real cool about a lot of things.”
“That also should have gone without saying, geniuses.” Lia rolls her eyes, and Jeno furrows his brows, narrowing his eyes before putting another forkful of ramen in his mouth and chewing. Turning to look at you, Lia continues, “I thought it was obvious that we’d collectively be fucking with them through one person.”
You slowly stop chewing. “Why are you looking at me?” You look at each of your friends. “Why are all of you looking at me?”
“You’re the only one with a weird enough relationship with them where it’d be normal for you to flirt with each other,” Yeji explains. 
“Our relationship isn’t weird,” you say defensively, blanching at the unimpressed look Jaemin shoots you.
“Remember when you first met Haechan and he practically coughed up a lung trying to do that huge bong hit to impress you?” Jaemin reminds you, and you snicker as you think back.
“Yeah, that was funny,” you chuckle, and Lia sits forward.
“Or one of the first times we all hung out and watched the guys play video games and Mark kept dying because he was too busy looking at you?” she recalls, and you purse your lips.
“Okay, maybe it’s a little different from your average friendship,” you mumble reluctantly.
Jeno swallows his mouthful of noodles and points at you with his fork. “Didn’t Haechan call you ‘baby’ earlier?”
“Yeah, and Mark called you ‘babe’ the other day.” Yeji contributes, and you sigh, rubbing your temples. 
“I mean, that was by accident, but I think I get it—” 
“Haechan literally offered you food off of his fork today—” 
“I get it!”
“Wait, that happened?” Lia asks, baffled, and Jeno nods.
“Yeah, he even said ‘open up’ when he put the food in her mouth.”
“Y’all.” You’re losing your patience.
“She actually took—wait, you actually took the food?” Yeji exclaims, and you bang the table with your hand to get their attention.
“I think,” you say slowly, “that I have heard enough about my questionable friendships with Mark and Haechan.” You look at Lia, who’s got the beginnings of a smirk on her lips. “What do I do?”
“Do anything and everything to get them to break during November.” Lia shrugs as if it was obvious.
“What if I can’t get them to cave?” You frown, doubtful of your abilities, and Jaemin waves a hand dismissively.
“That’s okay. As long as they experience mental turmoil and anguish, I’m satisfied.”
“Yeah, blue-ball them as hard as you can.” Jeno chimes in, and you look at each of your friends with a concerned expression.
“What kind of friend group is this?” you mumble, aghast, and Yeji snickers, leaning across the table to pat your hand reassuringly.
“One that enjoys chaos and mischief,” she answers, and you nod slowly.
“That is what I thought I signed up for.” 
“Anyway, you’ll be good at this; I feel like you already know how to flirt with them,” Yeji assures you, and you purse your lips. 
“I do,” you agree. “I’ll make it happen.”
“That’s my girl!” Lia cheers, and you snicker.
“This should be fun.”
 Thursday, November 5th.
“Hey!” Jeno greets you after he opens the door.
“Hi, hi,” you chirp as you enter the apartment and remove your shoes by the door. Jeno shuts the door behind you and takes your bag from your arm before throwing an arm over your shoulder and leading you into the living room. “Hey, guys!” 
Mark barely looks up from his laptop to wave at you, doing a double take before hurriedly sitting up straight and running a hand through his hair.
“Hey!” Mark sounds mildly panicked, looking over your shoulder at Jeno with a pointed stare. “Jeno didn’t tell us you were coming.”
“Sorry,” you and Jeno say, looking at each other. “Must have forgotten.” Jeno finishes with a shrug.
“It’s, uh, no problem, I’m just gonna grab something from my room.” Mark says as casually as possible, standing up and speed walking down the hall.
“That went well,” you murmur, amused, and Jeno nods with his eyes crinkled in delight. “I didn’t even flirt yet.”
Haechan comes into the room from around the corner in the hallway, immersed in something on his phone. “Someone dare me to eat that whole can of spray cheese in the fridge.” 
“I dare you,” you snicker. Haechan’s head snaps up to look at you in bewilderment, eyes comically wide as he lets out an amusingly high-pitched screech. 
“You—when did you—who invited—I mean, not that you can’t come over, but—Jeno didn’t say—” Haechan splutters as you watch him with raised eyebrows before stopping short and standing up straighter. “I wasn’t really gonna eat all the spray cheese, by the way,” Haechan laughs awkwardly. 
“Shame,” you muse, looking at him with a wry smile. “Would’ve been really hot, I think.”
Haechan pauses, regarding you skeptically. “Yeah?”
“Mhm,” you hum with a nod. “It’d be like chugging a beer, but harder, y’know? Pretty impressive.”
“I mean, I can still do it—” Haechan says quickly, pointing at the kitchen as he walks towards it, and Jeno snorts from beside you.
“Haechan?” you call.
“I’m kidding.” 
“Oh,” he mumbles. 
“Yeah,” you say, nodding as you walk up to him. You pat his chest gently and smile at him. “I’m not really into kissing dudes who taste like spray cheese.”
“Oh, that’s fair—wait a minute.” Haechan freezes, looking at you with raised eyebrows. “What did you say?”
“You heard me.” You look right back at him with a playfully challenging expression, and the awkwardness fades away from him almost immediately as his lips curl into a smirk.
“So you think about kissing me?”
“Maybe.” Smiling secretively, you watch as his gaze drifts down to your lips. You give him a moment to recover and look back up at you but his gaze doesn’t waver, so you clear your throat pointedly. “Are you done thinking about kissing me?”
“No, gimme another minute.” Haechan breathes out, and you laugh, pushing him back gently.
“I came here to study, not flirt,” you say, lying through your teeth. He grins, wiggling his brows as he walks backwards towards the kitchen.
“You can multitask.”
“Haechan, go eat your spray cheese or something.” You roll your eyes in amusement and turn back to Jeno, reaching out for your bag. He hands it to you and footsteps sound out from down the hall, making you both turn your heads towards the noise.
Mark comes back into the living room wearing a different outfit entirely and with his hair looking considerably better, as if he’d frantically fixed it before returning.
You and Jeno share an amused look as secretly as possible as Mark sits back down in his spot on the couch, resuming his work on his laptop as if nothing’s changed. You walk over to where he sits and point at the spot next to him. 
“Can I sit here?”
“Uh—yeah, sure,” Mark mumbles in mild surprise, scooting over and pushing his stuff over on the coffee table to make room for you.
“Thank you, Mark,” you say with a sweet smile, and he nods, eyeing you as you sit right next to him. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows nervously, and you barely hide your amused chuckle. 
Haechan comes out of the kitchen with a box of Pocky sticks, hesitating as he spots you sitting next to Mark. You pretend not to notice him or the way he narrows his eyes, instead focusing on pulling your laptop out of your bag. 
You keep pretending to be immersed in turning on your laptop as Mark looks up at Haechan, the two of them exchanging an unreadable look in your peripheral vision before Mark leans back on the couch, casually placing his arm behind you on the cushion as if resting on your shoulders. 
You fight down the smirk that threatens to appear on your face as Haechan audibly huffs and walks over to you both, plopping down next to you unceremoniously.
“Hi,” Haechan says with a smile, and you finally turn to look at him as you lean back to rest against Mark’s arm. 
“Hi,” you reply, matching his expression, and Jeno clears his throat awkwardly, apparently no longer wanting to watch you three in silence.
“I’m gonna go grab my stuff and wake up Jaemin.” Jeno informs you three, and you all give some sort of acknowledgement as he heads out of the room. As he walks away, he shoots you a knowing look and grins before disappearing down the hall for what you know to be quite a while—enough time to mess with Haechan and Mark.
“It’s hot in here,” you complain, and Mark looks at you sympathetically.
“Yeah, our heating is stuck in the on setting,” Mark mumbles, and you frown, nodding in understanding.
You already knew that. Jeno told you before you came over, which is why you have something up your sleeve.
“Can one of you help me for a second? Actually both of you.” You sit forward slightly and both of them mirror you, looking at each other briefly before back at you. “I wanna take my hoodie off.” You cross your arms to grab the bottom of it, starting to pull it up and over your head. “Hold my shirt down so I don’t flash you.”
“I mean, I’m not opposed—”
“Haechan, just do it,” you huff, and he sighs dramatically before he and Mark hold the bottom of your undershirt down and you pull your hoodie off, revealing your casual tank top underneath. “Thank you!”
“No problem,” Mark mumbles, struggling to hide the way his eyes are drinking in the sight of your now exposed skin. Haechan, however, experiences not even a modicum of shame as he eyes you. You smile before yawning and stretching your arms over your head, letting out a small moan of relief that makes both of them stiffen and peek at you out of the corner of their eye.
You may have felt a little ridiculous when you hammed up the moan, but the response is so rewarding that you no longer regret it.
“You, uh, want some?” Haechan mumbles awkwardly, practically shoving the box of Pocky in your face.
“Sure,” you reply easily, and some of the confidence returns to his demeanor as he takes one out and puts the end between his lips. “You’re kidding.”
He shakes his head, raising his eyebrows expectantly.
You roll your eyes in amusement, not bothering to hide your smile as you lean closer and pinch the chocolate-covered end of the stick, breaking it off and biting it with a teasing grin.
Mark chuckles in amusement as Haechan glares at you petulantly, sitting back against the couch in a huff. 
“Aw, don’t be upset, Haechan.” You cup his chin and mirror his frown. “Even though you’re cute when you pout.”
“I am?” he asks with a small amused smile, and you nod.
“You are.”
Mark clears his throat pointedly from beside you, carrying on with working on something on his laptop, and you shift your attention to him as he continues to attempt to conceal his jealousy.
“Mark, you’re cute, too,” you assure him with a small laugh.
He looks over at you, feigning nonchalance, and chuckles dismissively.
“I’m not cute, dude.”
“You’re right,” you muse, leaning against him for a moment as you think. “How about ‘handsome?’”
“Handsome, uh—handsome works,” Mark agrees, a small smile on his lips. 
“Okay, handsome.”
“What about me?” Haechan complains, waving his arms in what looks suspiciously like the beginnings of a temper tantrum.
“She already called you cute,” Mark mumbles under his breath.
“Yeah, well, I didn’t get called ‘handsome.’” Haechan bites back.
“You’re acting like a spoiled child.”
“That’s rich coming from Mr. ‘I’m Going to Clear My Throat for Attention.’”
“That’s a stupid comeback and you know it.”
“Guys.” You look between them with growing amusement.
“What’s stupid is the fact that you won’t ask for the attention you clearly want.”
“Haechan!” You look at him in surprise.
“I’d rather that than whine and stomp my feet like an immature brat.” Mark counters, and your eyes widen even more.
“I will piss in your bed.” Haechan threatens, and you decide the fighting has gone on for long enough. 
“You know what? I’m going home,” you sigh, and both their heads snap to look at you.
“Why?” Haechan asks, clearly objecting.
“You just got here!” Mark exclaims.
You gesture between the two of them. “Your fighting is making me uncomfortable.” You frown.
“We’ll stop,” Mark assures you, and Haechan nods in agreement.
You look at both of them skeptically before sighing. “Fine.”
You three fall into silence as Mark works, you pretend to work, and Haechan just stares at his phone while munching idly on Pocky sticks.
You decide to break the silence and mess with them a little bit.
“You know, I have a confession,” you say, not looking at either of them. “It was actually kind of hot to have two guys fighting over me.”
“Oh, yeah?” Haechan muses, locking his phone and leaning forward slightly to see you better. Wetting his bottom lip with his tongue, he watches you with a considerably more intense gaze than earlier.
Mark eyes you curiously before he slowly closes his laptop and turns fully to look at you.
“Mhm,” you murmur, leaning back against the couch cushions and looking between the both of them. “Before you two started going for each other’s jugulars, I mean,” you explain. “I kinda like it when you two pay attention to me at the same time.” You shrug and Mark chuckles.
“Careful, or we’ll think you’re suggesting a threesome or something.” Mark warns you. You raise your eyebrows.
���And if I said I am?” Your question makes him and Haechan freeze, the two of them looking at each other before looking back at you.
“I’d say to be careful before you bite off more than you can chew.” Haechan says slowly, his gaze shifting into something more suggestive, more intriguing.
“I can handle myself.” You smile innocently, and Haechan snickers.
“You can handle both of us?” Mark asks, eyebrows raised skeptically as he regards you. There’s an unusual amount of confidence in his voice, but you can’t honestly say that you dislike it.
“I can multitask.” You echo Haechan’s words from earlier, and Haechan chuckles, resting his hand on your knee.
“I think this is more than you’re expecting,” he says, eyes scanning your face carefully—for what, you don’t know. Seemingly finding what he’s looking for, he slips his hand up higher on your leg, fingers running along one of the rips in your jeans.
“Way more,” Mark agrees, and there goes that damn cocky undertone again, riling you up even more than you already are.
“It’s a shame you guys are doing that No Nut November thing,” you sigh, looking at both of them in turn. 
There’s a tense silence for a moment, and Mark and Haechan appear to be having a wordless exchange. 
“Why is that?” Haechan asks, his voice lower and, to your surprise, far more serious than you’d expect.
“Haechan, why do you think?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Dude, you are such a tease,” Mark laughs in surprise, and you roll your eyes.
“Mark, if I very seriously asked you to fuck me right now, do you think you’d be able to stop calling me ‘dude?’” you ask, looking Mark dead in the eyes.
“Oh, shit,” Mark mumbles, eyes wide as he looks away, back to behaving more like the less forward Mark you’re used to. You bite back a laugh and look from him to Haechan, who’s staring at fingers as they play with the strings in the stylistic rips in your jeans.
“Are you done staring at the little bit of skin you can see through the holes in my jeans?” you ask with a teasing lilt, and Haechan manages to tear his gaze away from said skin and look you in the eyes.
“Sorry,” he chuckles, not sounding apologetic in the slightest. “It makes me feel like a Victorian man seeing a goddamn ankle,” Haechan mutters under his breath, and you snicker, leaning in closer.
“If you want, I’ll let you see more than just an ankle.” you hum, and Haechan blinks at you with wide eyes.
“Where is all of this coming from?” He’s quick to ask, baffled, and you shrug nonchalantly.
“I’m feeling…needy,” you sigh, tipping your head back onto the couch with a huff, and Mark splutters in surprise.
“Needy how?” He looks up at Haechan for a moment before cautiously draping his arm around you like he had earlier, leaning into the couch so your sides are pressed against each other. Haechan mirrors his position but uses one hand to trail up and down your thigh, his eyes on you as they wait for you to say more.
“Needy like…I need to be touched.” you say, frowning, and Mark inhales sharply, studying your face.
“How do you want us to touch you?” Mark asks, but, once again, his tone is entirely different. Instead of hesitant and cautious, Mark sounds teasing and confident once more, and the shift is entirely welcome and incredibly exciting.
“I want you to do whatever you want,” you reply sincerely, and Mark’s lips quirk up into a budding grin as he looks past you to Haechan, who’s already looking at him with his brows raised. They exchange several looks in silence and you lose your patience and huff loudly, regaining their attention once more. “Stop talking secretly!” you complain, and Haechan snickers fondly, tucking a finger under your chin and turning you to look at him.
“Sorry, baby,” he murmurs, smiling at you. “We were just figuring out what we’re gonna do to you.” His words ignite a fire in you, arousal stirring in the pit of your stomach as Mark’s hand comes to rest on your upper thigh. You sneak a peek at both of their laps, noting with satisfaction that there’s definitely something straining against the front of their pants.
They’re so easy to rile up that it’s almost laughable, really, but you suppress your amusement, saving it for later.
“Did you figure it out yet? I’m not a patient girl, you know.” you say as you place a hand on their laps, dangerously close to the bulges in their pants.
Mark closes his eyes and exhales slowly, while Haechan pushes his hips up, urging your hand to slip down towards his clothed erection. You oblige and rest your hand on top of where he wants you, feeling the side of his length pressing against his sweats.
“We’re gonna—” Mark starts, but Jaemin shuffles into the room and effectively silences Mark. Jeno appears behind Jaemin, shooting you an apologetic glance before following him into the kitchen.
“Good morning, Jaemin,” you greet, amused as he emerges from the kitchen with a bag of chips, sleepy eyes regarding you before he smiles and lifts the bag of chips in lieu of a wave as he approaches the couch.
You remove your hands from Haechan and Mark (even though he seems not to notice your hand placement) and smile up at Jaemin innocently as Mark and Haechan surreptitiously conceal their laps. Jaemin extends his hand holding the chips to you in a silent offering, and you beam at him and reach into the bag, pulling out a couple of chips.
“Was I interrupting something?” Jaemin asks in a drowsy voice, looking between you suspiciously, Mark, and Haechan, the latter two sitting stiffly with their laps covered. 
“Well—” Haechan starts, but you stuff a chip in his mouth to shut him up.
“Nope.” You shake your head and smile innocently. Jaemin smiles lazily and plops down on the couch next to Haechan with a sigh of relief. You and Jeno exchange subtle looks before you pat Mark’s and Haechan’s thighs twice and stand up. “I’m gonna use the bathroom.”
As you pass by Jeno and head towards the bathroom, you hear Jeno say something about forgetting his stuff in his room and then the sound of footsteps trails after you.
“I’m sorry,” Jeno loudly whispers to you, and you stop in the middle of the hallway, turning to face him.
“What even happened?” you question, mildly amused at the unfortunate timing of the situation.
“Jaemin got hungry and was all like, ‘I don’t care about the bet right now, I want chips,’” Jeno explains with a roll of his eyes.
“I can’t blame him. These chips are good,” you mumble as you put the rest of the chips in your hand in your mouth.
“Did he come in way too early?” Jeno asks worriedly, and you frown pensively as you think back.
“Yeah,” you admit, Jeno sighing sadly. “Mark was just about to tell me what they were gonna do to me.”
“Damn,” he mumbles. “Well, I noticed they got hard! So job well done.” He claps your shoulder and you flinch. “Sorry; too hard?”
“Too hard.” You rub your shoulder with a wince. “Hey, Jeno?”
“Can I borrow your laptop charger? I forgot mine at home.”
“Sure,” he agrees readily. “Hey, maybe you can ask one of them for help plugging it in,” he suggests with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
You look at him with a blank expression. “Jeno?”
“The charger.” 
 Thursday, November 12th. 
you: maaaark are you alive
mark: i’m alive haha i’m in class
mark: what’s up?
you: i miss you :( 
mark: really?
mark: cute
you: when does your class end?
mark: 2:15
mark: wanna hang out after?
you: y e s i’ll meet you at the shuttle?
mark: you got it
mark: see you in a bit
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“Mark,” you sigh dramatically, leaning against him in the shuttle bus’s seat. “Wanna smoke when we get back to your place?” You wiggle your eyebrows encouragingly. 
Mark snickers, nudging you away from him with his shoulder. “Yeah, but I’m running out of weed, so I might have to match you next time,” he answers and you wave him off.
“I got it,” you assure him.
“Oh, dope—then sure,” he agrees with a little nod and you smile widely at him before resting your head on his shoulder. He stiffens slightly and you bite back a laugh, craning your head to look up at him.
“Mark, you’re blushing.” you point out, gently touching his reddened cheek, and he shifts in his seat, pushing your cheek with two fingers so you’re looking away from him.
“Shut up,” he mumbles with a nervous laugh, and you decide to have mercy and oblige, pulling out your phone and opening TikTok to scroll aimlessly until you reach your stop. 
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As you settle in by Mark’s windowsill and pull out your bowl and weed from your bag, Mark chuckles in mild surprise. 
“Do you always carry your bowl around during the day?” he asks as he moves to sit across from you in the windowsill.
You nod. “Gotta stay prepared.”
Mark watches as you meticulously pack the bowl with weed and scoot closer to him, offering him the first hit. 
“Nah.” Mark shakes his head and gestures to you. “Ladies first.”
“Such a gentleman, Mark,” you hum before lighting the bowl and taking a long hit. The smoke constricts your throat, threatening a cough, but you only let out a small huff, smoke coming from out of your nostrils as you scrunch your eyes closed. “God, that first hit never gets easier.”
“Tell me about it,” Mark chuckles as he takes the bowl and lighter from you. He takes a tentative hit, his face screwing up as he struggles not to cough. “Fuck, dude.”
“I know,” you murmur soothingly as he gives into the urge and coughs, smoke billowing around both of you as he empties his lungs of the smoke and fills them with fresh air instead. “Want some water?” You reach in your bag, handing him your Camelbak bottle which he takes readily, bringing it to his lips and sucking through the straw. His tiny coughs taper off gradually as he takes intermittent sips and he finally seems to recover, throwing his arm over his eyes as he groans loudly. “What’s wrong?”
“That was so lame of me, dude,” he half-chuckles, half-groans, and you tsk disapprovingly, moving his arm from over his face.
“I’m not gonna judge you for coughing when you smoke, Mark,” you say sincerely, and his face relaxes slightly as he looks at you with bright, hopeful eyes. “I cough all the time!”
“Yeah, but I just feel like it’s not cool for me to be having whole coughing fits, y’know?” Mark mumbles shyly, and you pat his knee comfortingly, squeezing it to get his attention. 
“Mark, I think you’re very cool,” you assure him.
He shoots you a funny look. “Really?”
“Well—no, not really.” you admit, and Mark frowns, opening his mouth to complain, but you shush him before continuing, “But I never thought any of you guys were ‘cool,’ to be fair.”
“I guess I’ll take that,” he sighs with a small chuckle. 
“Wanna try something that might help it go down easier?” you suggest with a raise of your eyebrows. 
Mark looks at you skeptically. “Sure,” he agrees tentatively.
You take the bowl and lighter back from him, take as big of a hit as you can manage, and lean in close to Mark, slowly exhaling the smoke into his mouth. Mark’s eyes flutter shut gradually and his hand moves to your waist, clutching you to keep you in place. When you finally pull back from him, he leans after you, his grip on your shirt tightening, and you fight back a smile, clearing your throat softly.
“Whoa.” Mark mumbles, and you nod, already feeling a bit calmer and fuzzier than earlier. “Hey, does that actually work?” Mark wonders, eyes glazed over, and you shrug.
“I don’t really know.” you admit, “I just know it’s fun.”
“It definitely is.” He nods in agreement, and you smile. “Can we, uh…” he starts, trailing off and avoiding eye contact. 
“You wanna do it again?” you ask, and he gives a small nod with a laugh, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. You take another hit of the bowl and scoot closer to Mark who, to your surprise, gently urges you onto his lap. When you lean in to blow the smoke into his mouth, he tilts his head to the side slightly, groaning quietly as you shift forward on his lap and your hands come to rest on his shoulders. 
This time, when the smoke runs out, you don’t move right away, noticing as his hands move to pull you closer, one hand pressed to the small of your back and the other resting between your shoulder blades, pulling you so close that you’re chest to chest. Testing the waters a bit, you lean forward just a bit more and graze your bottom lip against his.
Mark’s hand on your upper back moves to the back of your neck and pulls you in immediately, Mark connecting your lips with a groan of pleasure and, if you’re not mistaken, relief. He kisses you like he’ll never get the chance to do it again, with desperate nips of your bottom lip and eager movements of his tongue, which trails along your bottom lip with an air of impatience, prodding at the seam of your lips until you part them for him with a small content sigh. 
Mark’s hand on the small of your back slips down just a bit lower, resting just above your ass, and you lift your body up ever so slightly, urging his hand to drop lower so it’s directly where you both know he wants it to be. He grunts into your mouth, his hand squeezing your ass firmly as you sit back down on his lap. 
It’s when you suck gently on his tongue that his senses seem to return to him, Mark’s kissing growing more hesitant and nervous until he’s finally pulling away with a worried look on his face. If he hears the small whine of disappointment you let out, he doesn’t comment on it, instead opening and closing his mouth with no words coming out.
“I am so sorry—” he finally gets out, and you can’t help but roll your eyes and chuckle fondly.
“Mark.” you say pointedly, and he stops spluttering incoherently long enough to look at your amused expression. “What about that kiss made you think I didn’t like it?”
He shifts his gaze away from you and you make a sound of disapproval, prompting him to return his gaze to yours. You drape your arms over his shoulders, locking your fingers behind his neck, and look him directly in the eyes. 
“I thought I was coming on too strong,” Mark explains, and you roll your eyes—this time, for him to see—and rock your hips forward on his lap ever so slightly. He groans in surprise and grabs your hips with both hands, eyes widened slightly.
“I wish you’d come on stronger,” you say with a small wry smile, and he blinks at you in shock.
“For real?”
“For real.” You nod in confirmation, and he scans your face, gaze lingering on your lips. 
He wets his lips which, to your satisfaction, are still glistening from the previous kiss, and leans forward, tentatively connecting your lips again. You sigh in mild frustration, wanting more of the rougher Mark from earlier, and curl your fingers in the hair on the nape of his neck, tugging. A groan filled with need sounds out from his chest and he pushes forward more forcefully, kissing you with more passion and less hesitancy.
“Good, Mark,” you breathe encouragingly when you part to breathe, resting your forehead against his. “Just like that.”
He doesn’t even let you finish catching your breath as he captures your lips, the combination of his passionate and needy kissing and the weed in your system working to create a dizzying high feeling in your head.
Mark pulls back slightly and you whine, chasing after his lips. The chuckle he lets out is so deliciously cocky—smug, even—that you find yourself stunned by the version of Mark sitting under you right now.
“Want more?” he murmurs in a teasing lilt, and you nod, clutching the front of his shirt with one hand and pulling him closer to you. His hands slide up and down from your hips to your waist in soothing motions, directly contrasting the almost ruthless way he kisses your lips. 
You don’t know how long you two sit there kissing, but you do know that when you break the kiss to breathe, it feels like you’ve been underwater with how desperately you suck in air. 
“You’re good at that,” you say with a smile, and Mark chuckles, his hands never ceasing their motions on your sides. 
“Thanks. You are, too,” he replies with a small crooked grin. A brief silence falls between you two as you sit back slightly, resting your back against the side of the windowsill until a stirring feeling in your stomach draws your attention. 
“Hey, Mark?” you break the silence.
“Do you have any snacks?”
“Snacks?” To say Mark seems confused by the shift in topic is an understatement.
“I just got really hungry.” You frown slightly, and he chuckles.
“Did the munchies hit you that fast?” Mark asks with an amused smile, and you shrug.
“I don’t know, but I want something to nibble.”
“Well, you’re in luck, because I want something, too,” he announces, sitting up slightly. You shift off his lap, quickly taking the last hit of the bowl and putting the smoking embers out, and take his hand when he offers it to you, following after him to the kitchen.
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“Do you guys have fruit snacks still?” you ask, rooting through the cabinets.
“Yeah, we just bought some the other day,” Mark answers as he comes up behind you, reaching past a container of protein powder and box of cake batter to retrieve the box you’re looking for.
“Thank you,” you say, taking the box from his hand and pulling out a pack of fruit snacks. Ripping open the small package, you pop two fruit snacks in your mouth, chewing happily.
“You and your sweet tooth,” Mark chuckles, shaking his head as he grabs a bag of chips and starts eating them.
“I do not have a sweet tooth,” you reply defensively, and he raises his eyebrows.
“We have to keep our house stocked with gummies and sweet snacks otherwise you won’t come over, and you think you don’t have a sweet tooth?” Mark asks with a skeptical raise of his eyebrows, and you frown.
“Shut up.” 
“I’m just saying!”
“Shut up! Changing the topic. Why do y’all have cake batter if you don’t even bake?”
“Jaemin says he’ll get around to it one day.”
“Sure he will.” you scoff in amusement, popping another fruit snack in your mouth.
“He will if he makes it a weed cake.”
“Now that I believe.”
“Same,” Mark laughs, propping himself up on the counter across from you.
You pat the spot next to you. “No, come sit here.” Mark grins and complies, hopping up and sitting himself on the counter beside you. “Want a fruit snack?”
“Sure,” Mark replies with a shrug. You reach in the bag and pull out a strawberry one, frowning before putting it back. “I like the strawberry ones!”
“Yeah, me too,” you say. “That’s why you’re not getting one.”
“Evil,” Mark laughs, and you pull out an orange one and offer it to him. “You’re lucky I like the orange ones.”
“They taste funny to me,” you shake your head in disgust just thinking about it, and Mark snickers, reaching a hand out for the fruit snack. “No, open.” You place the fruit snack just in front of his lips.
“Are you serious?” Mark raises his eyebrows skeptically, and you nod. “Alright,” he mumbles, opening his mouth and letting you feed it to him.
“Cute,” you chuckle, popping another fruit snack in your mouth. When you pull out an orange one again, you feed it to Mark, who accepts it with no qualms.
“I don’t know if I’m just high, but you know what I wish I could have right now?” Mark pipes up, and you turn your head to look at him. “A Krabby Patty.”
“No, because why do they always look so good?” You turn your whole body towards Mark, whose eyes light up.
“Right?! Dude, Spongebob was such a good show.” Mark sighs, and you give him a funny look.
“Was? It’s still on the air,” you point out, and he gives you a baffled look. “I mean, the original creator left the show, so it’s not as funny, but it’s still pretty amusing.”
“Dude, I had no idea.” Mark’s eyes are wide with surprise before his expression shifts to hopeful. “Yo, do you think we could—”
“Yes, we can watch Spongebob.” you answer with a laugh, and Mark grins at you. “I’m pretty sure it’s marathoning on Nickelodeon in a couple minutes from now.”
“Oh, dope,” Mark mutters excitedly, hopping off the counter, grabbing the bag of chips, and heading to the living room.
You follow after him with a small mischievous smile, a scheme to mess with him already brewing in your mind.
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“Wait. You wanna sit here?” Mark asks, baffled, and you smile, nodding innocently.
“Yep,” you say, popping your lips on the “p.” “Can I?”
“Sure, I guess.” Mark mumbles, and you place yourself on his lap sideways so your legs drape over his thighs. “Oh.”
“Good?” you ask, and he nods, staring down at your legs with wide eyes. 
“Great.” He sounds a bit breathless, and you manage to withhold your laugh. 
“Then pay attention,” you hum, jerking your chin towards the television. He nods jerkily and complies, pressing the mute button on the remote to unmute the volume and letting his hand fall back to his side.
You wait for the perfect time to strike, biding your time by watching the television as Spongebob plays, and the opportunity finally presents itself.
The first episode ends and the commercials start to roll before the next episode, making Mark look at you.
“You wanna watch the next one?” he asks, visibly hopeful.
“Yeah,” you hum, studying his lips. “Lemme get more comfortable, though.”
“Yeah, sure—oh,” Mark grunts when you shift on his lap, the underside of your thigh rubbing against the front of his sweats. 
“You say ‘oh’ a lot.” 
“You do things that make me say ‘oh’ a lot.” Mark replies, and you smile, pleased that he’s taken the bait.
“Oh, yeah?” you muse, resting your head on his shoulder and tracing over the silver chain around his neck. He shivers under your gentle touch, and your smile widens. “What do I do?”
“You, uh—” Mark cuts himself off, gesturing at your position. “You sit on me.”
“I sit on Lia sometimes and she doesn’t say ‘oh.’” you point out.
“That’s different, and you know it.”
“Whatever. You only explained one of your ‘oh’ moments today. What about the other one?” you press, and you watch Mark balk.
“You…moved on my lap.” 
“I can’t move now?” You raise an eyebrow. He’s walking right into your trap.
“You moved a certain way,” Mark tries desperately to explain without actually explaining, but you’re on a mission.
“What way was that?” you ask in a soft voice. Mark doesn’t answer, instead swallowing thickly, so you tug gently at the silver earring in his lobe, smiling with satisfaction when the beginnings of a moan eke out from his lips before he covers it up by clearing his throat. “You know what? I’ll help you out if you can’t find the words.” you offer, watching Mark carefully as he nods immediately.
“Was I moving like this?” You shift yourself on his lap again, the underside of your thigh now pressing against the front of his pants. Mark opens his mouth to speak, but you’re not done. “Or was it more like this?” You move back slightly to distribute your weight more evenly on his lap, trying to hide your smile when you feel his length starting to stir.
“Please stop moving,” he says through clenched teeth, his eyes closed, and you let out a small ‘hmph’ of dissatisfaction.
“Why?” You look directly at him, waiting for him to meet your gaze. He does after a moment of tense silence, eyes flitting between your eyes and your lips. “Hm?” you hum softly, encouraging him to speak.
“Because it’s, um—it’s kind of—” Mark mumbles, looking strained.
“Oh,” you say slowly in surprise, deciding to spare him from saying the actual words. “Is it turning you on, Mark?” 
“Yes,” he grumbles reluctantly, and you smile widely, leaning closer to murmur directly into his ear.
He whips his head around to face you so abruptly that you don’t have time to move back, his lips brushing against the corner of your mouth accidentally.
“Shit—sorry,” Mark stammers, eyes wide and nervous as if you two hadn’t just made out in his room less than an hour ago.
“It’s okay, Mark,” you laugh, waving his apology off dismissively. “I kinda liked it.”
“By ‘kinda liked,’ I mean ‘really liked,’” you correct yourself, and he blinks at you as he visibly buffers.
He looks down at his lap for a moment, brows furrowing in thought, before he speaks next.
“Enough for me to do it again?” His voice is lower, almost hushed, and the question hangs in the infinitesimal space between you two. “Like, properly this time?”
You don’t answer him verbally yet, instead placing a finger under his chin and turning his head so he’s facing you. You stare pointedly at his lips, the bottom of which he starts to nibble nervously.
“On one condition.”
“You do it like earlier. Don’t do it like you’re scared of me,” you murmur lightheartedly, and Mark gives a small chuckle, nodding in agreement.
“Deal.” And his lips are on yours in an instant. It takes him absolutely no time to reposition you, maneuvering you so you’re straddling his lap with your knees on the couch on either side of him. One hand falls to your hip and the other slides behind you to grip your ass firmly. He kisses you like he’s got something to prove—purposeful and skilled movements of his lips and deliberate, dizzying flicks of his tongue have you almost forgetting your objective, your mind slowly melting into putty.
He sucks on your bottom lip just as you rock your hips forward onto him, and he breaks the kiss to look down at your laps and back up at you with a heavy-lidded gaze, wetting his lips before speaking.
“Do that again.” 
“Yeah?” you ask, a bit breathless. Mark’s kissing skills manage to take you by surprise a second time, to say the least. “This?” You muster enough sense to tease him once more, grinding against his lap and whining with pleasure when your core drags against his gradually hardening length.
“Fuck, yes,” Mark groans, leaning in to kiss you again. He adjusts his grip on you, moving both hands to hold your hips, and he guides you in your fluid, rhythmic movements against his lap. 
It’s not long before he feels fully hard under your ministrations, the size of his length also something that takes you by surprise, and he shudders with pleasure, his lips moving down to kiss and suck at your neck as you grind against him.
You almost feel bad for what you’re about to do. 
You tip your head back, allowing him more access to your neck, and press your hips down against him just a bit harder, urging both of you towards a climax.
“Mark,” you whimper, moving one hand from his shoulder to slip between you two and massage your clit through the thin fabric of your leggings and underwear. “Feels so good—”
Mark looks down at your hand moving against your core and hisses in surprise, evidently pleased by the sight. “God, I think I’m gonna—”
“Me too,” you pant, moving your fingers faster and harder as you dip your head lower to kiss Mark’s neck and suck pretty love bites into the skin. “Oh—oh, my God—” The pleasure builds and builds until it’s almost unbearable and the coil wound up tight in your stomach finally snaps, your orgasm washing over you, the intensity ebbing and flowing with every now erratic movement of your hips. 
Mark’s fingers dig into your hips so hard you suspect you’ll feel sore there later, and you keen lowly against his pulse point, collecting yourself for the next step of your plan.
“Wait—” You stop rocking your hips abruptly, and Mark’s head snaps up to look at you in a mix of alarm and confusion. “Aren’t you doing No Nut November?”
“I—well—yeah,” he stumbles through the sentence as his hips roll up, lifting you up slightly. 
“Then we should stop, right?” You raise an eyebrow, and the strained look on his face is almost enough to make you take pity on him and stop teasing him.
“I mean—” he says slowly, and you smile, slowly continuing your movements.
“What if you just forget about the bet for a bit, yeah?” you coax breathlessly, and he groans weakly.
“I can’t,” he grunts, a tortured frown on his face.
“Why not?” you coo, moving to speak against his ear. “I won’t tell.” You bring his hand up to cup your breast, Mark’s eyes bulging before he kneads it slowly.
“I could, but—” he mumbles, and you grind down harder in encouragement. “No, I’d—shit—I’d feel so guilty.”
“Oh, Mark,” you sigh sympathetically, “you’re too good. Don’t you wanna try and be just a little bad for once?”
“Yes,” he stresses the word desperately, looking up at you with a conflicted expression. “So fucking bad,” he grunts, his hips lifting up again. “But—”
“But you can’t,” you finish for him with a pitying sigh. “I get it. Guess that means I should stop, then, huh?”
“I guess so,” he mumbles, visibly flustered and sounding slightly disappointed. You nod, pat his shoulder amicably, and climb off his lap, standing up and stretching your limbs, the after-buzz of your climax creating a bit of a fuzzy headspace you wouldn’t mind staying in for a while. “Wh–where are you going?” Mark asks when you grab your bag from the other end of the couch, and you turn to him with an apologetic frown.
“I totally forgot I have an essay due this weekend,” you say sadly, the lie rolling off your tongue with ease. Truthfully, you do have an essay due this weekend; it’s just already done and you didn’t forget. “I gotta go crank it out.”
“Oh…yeah, okay,” Mark agrees after a pause, clearly dazed but nodding in understanding. “Good luck with it.”
“Thanks, Mark!” you say cheerfully before turning on your heel and making your way out of his apartment. When you shut the door behind you, you lean against the wall and exhale slowly, overwhelmed. You definitely didn’t anticipate that going as far as it did, but you can’t say you’re complaining at all. 
All you know is Mark has one hell of an erection to make disappear, and you wish you could be a fly on the wall to witness it.
 Monday, November 16th. 
“Hey, how’s Mission No Nut November going?” Lia asks as she, you, and Yeji take the elevator up to the guys’ apartment.
“Oh, great. I got them both last week—even though Jaemin interrupted—and I got Mark good on Thursday.” you answer proudly, and Yeji snickers.
“I heard about Thursday, from Jeno,” she pipes up. “He said when he came home, Mark was watching a bunch of pimple popping videos to make his boner go down.”
“That’s rich,” Lia snorts. “Speaking of Mark, I’m pretty sure he told me he wasn’t gonna be at the smoke session today; I think he has a project due this weekend.”
“Yeah, he told me, too. Pretty sure he’s camped up in the library as we speak,” you sigh, shaking your head solemnly.
“Well, now you get some one-on-one time with Haechan,” Yeji points out, and you smile, feeling mischievous. The elevator dings and the doors open, the three of you heading down the hall to their apartment.
“Very true. For your sake, y’all should avert your eyes.”
“Oh, dear God.” Yeji mumbles.
“It’s so worth it,” Lia assures her, knocking on the door. Barely any time passes before it opens, Jaemin standing there with a suspiciously wide grin on his face.
“I see someone dipped into their secret stash before we got here,” you say with a laugh, and he just nods with the same dopey smile, the four of you standing in place. “Jaemin?”
“Can we come in?”
“Sure,” he answers. He doesn’t move.
“Can you let us in?” 
“Sure,” he replies. He still doesn’t move. 
Lia sighs.
“Let us in. Move. Open sesame.” you say, waving your hand in front of his face. He blinks twice before making an “o” shape with his mouth.
“Sure, yeah, my bad.” he moves to the side, letting you three trail in and get comfortable, putting your coats away and removing your shoes.
You see Jeno setting up the bong on the coffee table while Haechan sits on the couch, scrolling through his phone. Haechan looks up casually, locking eyes with you before his own widen almost imperceptibly and he sits up straighter, stretching his legs out and spreading them wider.
“Hey,” he says offhandedly, grinning as casually as can be considering he just readjusted his whole demeanor to impress you. 
“Hi,” you coo, heading over to where he sits. You bend over, placing both hands on his knees, and lean forward to murmur in his ear, “I wanna sit next to you. Save me this spot?” You tap the arm of the couch, and he falters slightly, shooting you a surprised and confused look, but obliges, scooting over so there’s space between him and the arm of the couch. 
“All for you,” he assures you, and you smile, looking over to where Lia stands, mumbling to herself in annoyance as she roots through her bag for something. She pulls out a small makeup bag and opens it, retrieving a pre-rolled joint and waving it triumphantly. 
“Got it!” she chirps, moving to the couch and sitting down next to Haechan on the side he doesn’t have saved for you. “Lighter?” she asks the rest of you, and Jaemin shrugs.
“I’m guessing you took an edible, then?” Yeji asks Jaemin, and he nods, that same smile coming back to his lips.
“That I did,” he giggles, making you roll your eyes in amusement as you sit between Haechan and the end of the couch. Haechan eyes your skirt and your dark stockings intently, pinching the thin fabric with a lighthearted scoff.
“Can I help you?” you ask nonchalantly, placing your hand on top of his hand.
“Aren’t you cold?” he asks curiously, and you shake your head. 
“Why? Are you worried about me, Haechan?” you coo fondly, and he turns his palm up so it’s touching yours, lacing your fingers together.
“What if I say yes?” His voice is a murmur as he turns his head to look at you.
“I’d say you’re cute.”
“Then yes.”
“You’re cute.” You smile, and he grins.
“You’re cute.”
You dismiss him with a small roll of your eyes, averting your gaze and locking gazes with Yeji, who wiggles her eyebrows suggestively as she looks pointedly at your and Haechan’s linked hands. You give a minuscule nod with a smile and return your attention to Haechan, who, you think, has witnessed your secret interaction, his eyes moving between Yeji and you.
“…Remind me again why you wanted to sit next to me,” Haechan asks you suspiciously, and you pout at him.
“Because you’re my favorite,” you coo, resting your head on his shoulder and batting your lashes at his wary look.
“Oh, yeah? Does Mark know that?” he chuckles, and you raise a brow.
“Do you want him to?” you counter.
Haechan shrugs. “Depends. I kinda like seeing him sulk sometimes.”
“Wow, you’re such a good friend.” you remark sarcastically.
“Now, now. Is that any way to talk to your favorite?” Haechan nudges you playfully and you snicker.
“Shut up.” you huff, jerking your chin in the direction of Lia, who’s taking a hit from the joint she brought. “It’s almost your turn.”
Haechan takes it from Lia’s outstretched fingers as she exhales a cloud of smoke, bringing it to his lips and taking a long drag. You can’t help but admire the way he looks while he smokes, his pink lips wrapped around the joint making you itch to feel them on your skin.
He blows out the smoke in several rings, looking over at you with a smug grin. You roll your eyes, but it’s too late—if his amused exhale is any indication, he already caught sight of your smile.
“Show off.”
“You love it,” he retorts, and you stick your tongue out at him in lieu of a verbal response. 
“Whatever. Pass it,” you beckon for the joint, and Haechan’s grin widens as he leans closer to you. “Haechan,” you complain, and he chuckles.
“Ask me nicely.” His voice is low so as not to catch anyone’s attention besides yours, and his eyes drop from your gaze to your lips, his own parting subconsciously.
You lean in closer as well, still studying his face with curiosity, and bring your lips to the side of his face, deliberately brushing them against the shell of his ear to watch him get all jittery.
“Haechan,” you coo, and you can hear him swallow thickly.
“Yeah?” He sounds significantly less confident now, you note with satisfaction.
You pause to build the suspense. “Gimme it.” You pluck the joint from his unsuspecting hand, and he splutters in surprise as you pull away from him and bring it to your lips to take a pull.
“You’re evil,” he complains, and you smile widely.
“Sorry,” you reply unapologetically, exhaling the smoke with every word you speak. You take another drag of the joint and lean over Haechan, resting your hand on his thigh as you pass it over him and back to Lia.
“Wh—hey!” Haechan protests immediately, only for you to cup his chin in your hand and blow the smoke in between his parted lips. He shuts up immediately and allows you to shotgun him, his hand moving to hold the side of your neck and keep you in place.
Normally, you’d be a bit more concerned with people watching, but not everyone in the room can see you—Jaemin and Yeji are immersed in some conversation while Jeno rummages around in the kitchen—and the ones who can see you already know about the bet and your plan, Lia pointedly looking away as she calls to Jeno in the kitchen.
When the smoke runs out, you pull back before Haechan can close the distance between you two, grinning wickedly when he chases your lips with his eyes still closed. You shake his head in a “no” gesture, and he opens his eyes slowly, gaze locked on you with a dazed look on his face.
“There’s your hit,” you murmur, and he opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. You raise your brows in surprise. “I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you speechless.” 
“Yeah, well, you’re not playing fair,” he mumbles, looking put out.
“Sorry, Haechan,” you chuckle, squeezing his thigh under the guise of comforting him. He looks down at his thigh in surprise, then back at you with wary eyes.
“What are you up to?”
You don’t answer, instead smiling secretively and sliding your hand up just a bit higher. 
“What are you up to?” he presses, and you shrug, moving your hand up just a bit higher until you brush against something warm and solid and smile in satisfaction. “Good God.”
“Haechan, take your phone out of your pocket,” you say with a mocking frown, and he glares at you.
“You know damn well that’s not my phone.” As if to prove his point, he picks his phone up from beside him, waving the device in your face.
“Oh? Then what is it?” you ask curiously, feigning cluelessness, and Haechan’s glare only intensifies. You widen your eyes in a dramatic show of realization and sit closer to him, sliding your hand up higher until there’s no mistaking your intentions. “Haechan.” You attempt to sound as scandalized as possible.
“I’m gonna throttle you.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” You smile sweetly, patting the growing bulge in his pants lightly. “Haechan,” you whisper, returning to your original line of questioning, “if it’s not your phone, then what is it?” 
“You know what it is.” His voice is flat, if not a bit strained, and you can’t help but smile wider.
“Are you hard, Haechan?” You place your free hand over your chest and blink at him in shock. Haechan pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue as he bites back a humorless chuckle, and you wet your lips absentmindedly, your gaze falling to his mouth. “Why are you hard, Haechan?” you murmur, cocking your head to the side curiously. (As if you don’t know.)
“Hm, I don’t know. Surely it has nothing to do with the girl next to me right now rubbing up on me,” Haechan remarks drily. “You get on my nerves sometimes, you know that?” He’s clearly joking, the playful lilt in his voice unmistakable, but you eagerly take the opening to be difficult.
You frown, retracting your hand from his lap. Haechan looks from his now untouched lap to you in what you’re positive is poorly concealed disappointment. “What?”
“I get on your nerves?” You sniffle in faux hurt before you angle your body away from him, resting your elbow on the arm of the sofa and placing your chin in your hand forlornly.
“Aw, c’mere,” Haechan chuckles, winding an arm around your waist and pulling you closer. You huff and scoot closer to the edge of the couch, barely hiding your yelp of surprise when Haechan pulls you to him so hard that you practically land in his lap. You continue to look away from him, sighing dramatically, and he snickers, placing his chin on your shoulder and turning his face towards you so his nose is brushing against your cheek. “Did I hurt your feelings?” 
“Let me go,” you say, your voice clipped, and he adjusts you so you’re sitting properly in his lap before he tilts his head up to press his lips to your cheek.
“Would it help if I told you just how cute I think you are?” His voice comes out as an almost incoherent mumble because of how his lips are squished against your cheek, but you hear him all the same, your face heating up as you fight back a smile.
“You sure?” His hand moves a lock of your hair behind your ear before coming to rest on your thigh.
You pause, staring at his (very attractive) hand on your leg. “I’m sure.” 
He shifts you in his lap so his lips are closer to your ear and murmurs, “Even if I tell you that you could never actually get on my nerves and that you’re the prettiest girl?”
“What, ever?” you scoff, amused, and he nods, his lips brushing your ear with the movement.
“Yes, ever.” To your surprise, he sounds sincere, and the notion of the compliment being genuine has your cheeks burning with heat. “I can see you trying not to smile, you know.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
“Okay.” You shift on his lap so you can sit directly on the growing erection in his pants, and he sucks in a sharp breath. “Ha, ha.” you gloat.
“You shut up.” It’s his turn to gripe at you, and you shrug.
“No.” Before he can say anything else in response, you cover his mouth with your hand and lean over towards Lia to take the joint from her once more. You two share a secretive, knowing look before she angles her body so that she’s shielding you and your shenanigans from the rest of the group.
You keep your hand over Haechan’s mouth as you take your hit of the joint, before a warm, wet sensation on your palm has you yanking your hand off of his mouth like you’ve been burned. You stare down at the glistening wet stripe on your palm in bewilderment and look back up at him incredulously.
“Can I help you?” Haechan asks nonchalantly, having the audacity to smile innocently at you, and you narrow your eyes.
“Did you seriously just lick me?” you scoff in disbelief, and he shrugs.
“You are so weird.” you mumble as you pass Lia the joint, skipping Haechan once more.
“You’re gonna stop skipping me in the rotation, I know that much.” Haechan warns and you roll your eyes.
“That’s for saying I get on your nerves and for being weird.” you reply, turning your nose up.
“Oh, please. You’re sitting on my lap, so clearly you must like how weird I am, at least a little bit.” He grins teasingly, and you roll your eyes, adjusting yourself on his lap until he lets out a choked groan from the feeling of you moving against his concealed, almost entirely hard length. “Stop moving.”
“Your dick is making me uncomfortable,” you lie in a huff, squirming around a bit more before he grabs your hips to restrict your movements. “Get un-hard.”
“I can’t just get un-hard,” Haechan bites back.
“You didn’t even try!”
“That’s not how dicks work!” Haechan whisper-snaps at you, and you narrow your eyes.
“Well, do something,” you complain, ending your little hushed whisper debate. “Or I will.” 
Haechan regards you warily. “Do I want to know what that means?”
“Probably not.” You shrug. “But you’re gonna find out anyway.”
“Psst!” Lia whispers to get your attention, and you look over at her, feeling slightly sheepish. “Do either of you want to take a hit from the bong?”
“I’m good for right now,” you say, smiling as the hits from the joint you’ve already taken continue to take effect, while Haechan hums thoughtfully.
“Yeah, I’ll take a hit.” He reaches for the bong as Lia hands it over, gripping your waist with his free hand to keep you steady, and an idea comes to your mind of how you can mess with him even more.
He brings his mouth to the mouthpiece of the bong, taking his hit and you gently stroke his leg, smiling innocently when he side-eyes you suspiciously. You wait patiently until he finishes exhaling the smoke (you’re not a total monster) to rest your hand directly over his concealed length and squeeze it firmly, making him cough in surprise, Haechan spluttering comically as you bite back your laughter. 
“Y’know what?” Haechan mutters, jaw set in determination as he stares you down. “Come on.” He moves you off of his lap, wraps his fingers around your wrist, and pulls you to your feet, walking away quickly with you in tow. When Jaemin curiously asks where you’re going, Haechan mutters something about the kitchen and snacks, not offering any further explanation.
You shoot Jaemin a thumbs-up over your shoulder, and he grins, nodding and returning the gesture just before Haechan leads you out of view. You two make it into the kitchen, passing a smiling Jeno with a bag of Cheetos and a plate of pizza rolls on his way out, and Haechan pushes you up against the counter, caging you in with his arms and staring directly at you.
“Haechan, why are we here?” you ask, looking back at him as calmly as possible given the steady increase of your heart rate as he eyes you with an unreadable expression.
“What,” Haechan steps closer to you, making you shrink back against the counter even more, “are you playing at?”
You blink at him impassively. “I don’t know what you mean,” you lie.
“You’re sitting next to me, calling me your favorite, feeling me up in front of our friends—”
“Haechan.” You interrupt him, an eyebrow raised skeptically. “You literally liked it. Stop complaining.”
“I don’t like being felt up in front of our friends, actually.” You can tell he’s trying to sound like he means it, but the way he suddenly avoids your gaze sheepishly tells you everything you need to know.
“You’re lying,” you say simply, and he huffs. 
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am n—”
“Haechan, do you think I’m an idiot?” You stare at him, unimpressed. “You liked it. You pulled me onto your lap. You didn’t move my hand once.” He rolls his eyes, still not making eye contact, and you sigh in frustration, cupping his chin and turning his head so he’s looking at you. “You wanna know why I did all that?” you ask in a quiet but urgent voice, and he blinks a couple of times before nodding. “I was sitting next to you and you just look so good today—”
“Don’t say that,” he mutters, his brows furrowing together as he looks away from you again.
“You do,” you insist, pulling Haechan closer to you by the chin. “You look so hot in that hoodie, honestly.” You loop one of the strings of the light gray hoodie around your finger and tug it lightly as you continue speaking. “Honestly, it’s really on you that I did anything in the first place,” You say, shrugging, and he looks back at you incredulously.
“It’s on me?”
“Yep.” You smile at him and bring both hands to the hem of his hoodie, tugging him even closer to you. “You had the nerve to wear gray sweatpants—”
“They match my hoodie!” 
“—like some kind of slut,” you continue, looking from your hands on the bottom of his hoodie up to his face, “and think no one was gonna notice your entire goddamn dick print in your pants?”
“Well, who’s looking that closely?!” Haechan splutters defensively, and you scoff. 
“Everyone knows the shape of a dick, Haechan!” You whisper-yell incredulously. “Plus, it’s not like you’re exactly small, y’know.”
“So, it’s my fault that you tried to jump my bones? My crime is having a big dick and wanting to wear sweats in the middle of November?” Haechan asks in disbelief, and you nod simply, pulling him even closer until your legs brush against his. 
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I’m not. Actually, what I am is turned on,” you correct, and Haechan stops short, looking at you carefully.
“You’re what?”
“You heard me.” You stare back at him challengingly. You can practically see the gears turning in his head, Haechan’s eyes briefly dropping to scan your whole body before returning upwards to look into your own, his gaze considerably more intense and glinting with mischief. “Can you stop staring at me like that and do something about it?”
“Oh?” Haechan’s smile turns wicked as he steps closer to you so you’re pressed up against each other with the countertop digging into your back. “Do what about it, hm?”
“I don’t know,” you lilt, dragging the last syllable out and batting your lashes at him coyly. With one hand, you release his hoodie and trail down his body the short distance from the hem of his hoodie to the string of his sweats. You slowly pull at the string until it’s untied, looking up at his face. He’s mesmerized, watching your hand as it dips into the band of his sweats and snaps the elastic against his skin, making him jolt. “Use your imagination.”
“You are so dangerous.” Haechan mumbles in a daze, but there’s an unmistakable desire in his voice that gives you all the confirmation you need to continue. He brings his hands to your hips, urging you up and onto the counter, immediately pushing himself between your legs and resting his hands on your thighs. 
You place a hand between your legs protectively to conceal yourself, your skirt riding up your thighs as he massages them. 
“Relax,” he chuckles, pinching your thin stockings and letting them lightly snap against your skin, “you’re covered.”
“It’s the principle of the thing,” you mumble, averting your gaze, and he snickers, pinching your stockings again and tugging them. “Stop, they're fragile—you could rip them.”
“Oh, I know,” he murmurs teasingly, looking up from your thighs at your face. “I want to rip them.”
“Don’t you dare,” you warn him, and he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
“Stop me.” His eyes are trained on your lips and he’s got his bottom lip trapped between his teeth, painting a very alluring image that makes you wish you could get just a bit of friction between your legs, any pressure at all, to relieve yourself of some of the tension building up. 
He leans forward, your lips brushing lightly against each other’s, and you’re not even sure who’s teasing whom at this point. You do know, however, that Haechan is the first to cave, leaning in with a groan to close the distance between you two and connect your lips.
You two kiss with an air of desperation, a feverish quality to your every move as he kneads your thighs, hiking your skirt up higher. His tongue eases between your lips and he strokes it against your own, pushing forward slightly to suck on your tongue when he pulls back.
As you two kiss, you push your hand past the band of his sweats, moving to slip your hand into his boxers, only to stop short and look at him in surprise. He raises his eyebrows and grins playfully, eyes darting between where your hand lies in his pants and your shocked face.
“No boxers? Just out here, rawdogging your sweats, dick and balls and all?” You’re incredulous, and he shrugs as his grin widens. “You really are a slut, Haechan.”
“Hey!” Haechan complains, frowning at you. He wraps his hand around your wrist and urges it lower down until your fingertips are brushing against his length, murmuring, “Besides, don’t act like you don’t love it.”
“I never said I don’t love it,” you reply slowly, wrapping your hand around the base of his length. His erection is hot and heavy in your palm, thick and tempting, and you stroke upwards, relishing the hiss he lets out. “I just said you’re a slut.”
“And what about you, pretty?” Haechan presses in a low voice. “Are you a little slut?”
“Me? No,” you answer, stroking his length faster and appreciating the way he grows in your hand. “I’m innocent.”
“Sure,” he snorts in amusement. “Your hand is wrapped around my dick right now.”
“Oh, is it? I hadn’t noticed.” You twist your wrist, tightening your grip on him and stroking him faster. He grunts in satisfaction and leans closer to you, tilting your head to the side slightly and giving your neck heated, wet kisses as you jerk him off. You welcome the attention eagerly, loosely hooking your legs around the backs of his legs and sighing happily as he licks and sucks at your pulse point.
“Wait—slow down, or I’m gonna cum.” Haechan mutters in a warning tone against your skin, and it’s your turn to snort in amusement.
“Haechan, what do you think my goal is right now?”
“No, but—shit,” he swears, biting down on your neck to stifle the groan that escapes him when you jerk him off faster, swiping your thumb over the head of his length, collecting the glaze of his precum and using it as lubrication. “No, because—ugh, that feels so good.”
“Good,” you hum sweetly, massaging his tip with your thumb and working your hand up and down his length as he pants against your neck, his kisses getting sloppier.
“I can’t,” he manages to get out through his clenched teeth. “No Nut November—the bet—”
“Fuck the bet,” you say simply, and he shakes his head, a desperate, plaintive whine leaving him.
“Can’t—I can’t cum,” he says through a shaky exhale, and you roll your eyes as you collect several more beads of precum from the head of his length.
“What’s this, Haechan?” you taunt him playfully, stroking him faster with the help of the precum. “Feels like cum to me.”
“That doesn’t count,” he whines, and you snicker.
“You really don’t want to cum?” you ask gently, rolling your eyes as he starts to thrust forward into your hand. “You’re not acting like you don’t want to cum.”
“It feels so good,” he complains, and you coo sympathetically, letting him fuck into your fist.
“Then cum.”
“Then I’ll stop,” you say simply, and his fingers dig into your thighs desperately.
“God, fuck, please, just a little bit longer.” Haechan pants, and you pretend to oblige, continuing to provide the fist he’s fucking. You can feel him throbbing in your hand as his would-be climax approaches, and you smile devilishly when you pull your hand out from his underwear and watch as he goes through every stage of grief, lingering in anger before a brief pass through bargaining and finally coming to acceptance as his head hangs low.
“Sorry,” you say with a pout, and he looks up at you, still defeated but also skeptical.
“Are you?”
You pretend to think. “Nope.” You gently push him away from you with a knee to his stomach, hopping off the counter and smiling at him. “Have fun getting rid of that,” you chuckle, gesturing to the now incredibly prominent imprint of his erection, and he glowers at you. “I’m gonna go take a bong hit.”
You don’t stick around to hear his response, turning on your heel and heading back into the living room. Your friends all turn from their conversations to look at you as you re-enter the room, all sporting the same expectant look, and silently celebrate when you shoot them a thumbs-up, Jeno and Lia high-fiving.
“Want some?” Jeno holds up the bong, and you nod, reaching for it before you stop yourself and look at your hand. “What’s wrong?”
“I do want some,” you say, “but I think I should wash my hands first. Be right back.” You head for the bathroom, peeking in at Haechan as you pass the kitchen and clapping a hand over your mouth to muffle your laugh.
He’s standing with his forehead against the fridge, gently thumping his head against the metal door, and repeatedly muttering, “I fucking hate November.”
You know you should feel bad, but…you don’t. At all, really.
As a matter of fact, you think you might love November.
 Friday, November 20th.
“Knock, knock,” you call when you poke your head into Mark’s room. He turns from his computer towards the door, beaming when he sees you. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah, of course, dude,” Mark says, waving you in with one hand. He turns back to his screen and presses a couple of keys on his keyboard, swearing under his breath before turning back to face you. 
“Whatcha doin’?” you ask.
“Playing Monster Hunter World,” he answers with a jab of his thumb in the direction of his screen. “Why, what’s up?”
“Missed you, that’s all.” you say softly, making your way over to his chair and standing behind it. “I did my rounds bothering your roommates and it’s your turn to put up with me.”
“You’re telling me Haechan let you leave his room?” Mark snickers in disbelief, craning his head to look at you.
“I told him I wanted to see you.” You shrug.
Mark snorts loudly. “And he still let you leave his room?”
“I can be very persuasive,” you huff, and Mark scans your frame before raising his eyebrows.
“I bet.” he mumbles with a small smirk.
You blink twice. “What was that?”
“Look at your outfit,” Mark swivels around in his chair to face you fully and you scoff in surprise. Mark seems to pick up on where your mind is heading and his eyes widen as he shakes his head vehemently. “No, not like that!”
“Then like what?” You cock your head to the side and Mark puts his head in his hands, sighing in anguish. 
“Like—you look hot, dude—that’s all I meant,” he assures you in a rush of words, and you let out a small huff, prompting him to reach for your hands. He pulls you closer and looks up at you with pleading eyes. “I would never say something like that.”
“Okay,” you say slowly, and he swears under his breath. 
“You just look really…fucking…attractive, so it’s no wonder why he listened to you.” Mark says carefully. You feel a smile coming on and you step closer, nudging his knees apart to stand between them. 
“Yeah, oh, my God, yeah—” Mark stammers, releasing one hand to gesture at your outfit. “Your hair—I love when you wear your hair like that—and your jeans, they—um,” Mark’s voice trails off awkwardly and you cock an eyebrow, bending down to meet his eyes. “They fit you very nicely.”
“Mark, are you telling me my ass looks good?” You stand up and bite back a smile as his ears redden and he laughs nervously, releasing you to rub the back of his neck.
“Maybe,” he answers sheepishly, looking up at you. At the sight of your thoroughly amused face, some of his confidence returns to his demeanor. “Yeah, maybe I am.”
“If you were, I’d say thank you,” you say with a playful shrug. “Maybe even kiss you for the compliment.”
“I was definitely complimenting your ass.” The words can’t come out of Mark’s mouth fast enough, apparently, and you laugh in surprise.
“Well, thank you,” you laugh before you sink into a squat and rest your elbows on his lap. “Where do you want your kiss?”
He taps his cheek and you smile and lean closer to press a kiss there, his cheek moving under your lips as he smiles.
“Your cardigan is also really, um, flattering,” Mark adds when you sit back, and you raise your eyebrows.
“Is it? Haechan said that, too,” you muse thoughtfully.
“Yeah, he’s right.” Mark nods, and you raise your eyebrows.
“He made some dumb joke about my cardigan, too,” you continue, and Mark looks at you expectantly. “Said I look breedable—y’know, like that meme?”
Mark chokes on air, his face reddening as he coughs and splutters and you just watch with growing amusement.
“He said that?” Mark squeaks, and you nod with a grin. “I mean—well—”
“Mark, are you agreeing with him?”
“Mark.” Your eyebrows can’t possibly be raised any more than they are now. “Are you saying I look breedable?”
“Oh, my God. How did we get on this topic?” Mark mumbles nervously, rubbing a hand over his face.
“Answer my question.” you press, and he balks.
“I’m not saying that he’s wrong.”
“So you agree? This silly little cardigan makes you wanna breed me?” You press your tongue to the inside of your cheek as you fight back a laugh.
Mark looks like he could faint. “Can we please change the topic?”
“Sure,” you reply easily, and he visibly relaxes, slumping against his chair and exhaling loudly. “You know, I think you should get another kiss.” 
He looks up at you curiously. “Yeah?”
“For your troubles,” you say, shrugging. His gaze drops from your eyes to your lips and he nods, making you smile.
Leaning down again, you press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, Mark turning his head at the last moment and making you kiss him on the lips. 
“For my troubles,” he repeats with a small grin, and you match his expression before an idea pops into your head.
“Maybe you should get another one.”
“Yeah, maybe I should.” He sounds breathless, and you bite back a chuckle.
“I could kiss you here,” you murmur, hovering over his mouth, and he leans forward to connect your lips, frowning when you pull back. Resting your hand on his lap and keeping it there even when he jolts, you look down at where his print is pressing against his sweats, smiling sweetly. “Or I could kiss you here.”
“Oh, shit,” Mark mumbles quietly.
“Is that a no?” you frown, and Mark chuckles, albeit nervously.
“You sound like you want to,” he says.
“Of course I want to,” you snicker. “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to.”
“Oh, God,” he groans, his head falling back against the chair. Taking that as a yes, you sink to your knees and start untying the string in his sweatpants. “Out in the open like this?” he asks anxiously, and you pause to think.
“You’re right,” you muse, crawling under his desk and beckoning him over. When he hesitantly scoots closer, you resume untying the string to his sweats, pulling them down enough to reveal his boxers. Looking up at him with a grin, you press a kiss over his boxers to the underside of his length, smiling when his body goes stiff. “You can go back to playing your game, y’know.”
He lets out a small groan from the back of his throat but nods, reaching for his keyboard again with hands that tremble slightly. You press small kisses over his clothed erection as he starts his game back up, waiting somewhat patiently for him to get back into his rhythm.
When he starts to grow in his boxers, you pull the band of them down to let his length spring free. It slaps against his stomach, visibly flushed, and you wrap your hand around the base, stroking him slowly before wrapping your lips around his tip, licking at the slit leaking precum.
“Oh, fuck—” Mark grunts, his head falling back against his chair as his length twitches in your mouth. Hollowing your cheeks, you start to bob your head up and down his shaft, taking in more of his length every time you move downward. “That feels so good—aw, hell.”
Pulling off of him with a wet pop, you look up at his face. “What happened?”
“I died,” he groans. “A fucking pukei-pukei got me.” 
“Mm,” you hum in acknowledgement as you flatten your tongue and drag it up the length of his shaft, swirling the tip of it around the head of his cock before you speak again. “I don’t know what that means,” you reply simply, taking him back into your mouth.
“You’re distracting me,” he whines, eyes darting from his screen down to you repeatedly. 
“Pretend I’m not here,” you offer helpfully.
“My dick is in your mouth.” he says flatly, staring at you blankly. “Are you serious right now?”
You pull off of him again, stroking his length with your saliva as lubricant as you lick against the slit in his tip, and he sucks in a loud breath.
“Now it’s not in your mouth.”
“You’re kind of evil, you know that?”
“No, I’m not,” you say with a teasing pout. “You’re mean.”
“I’m mean?” he asks incredulously. 
“Mhm,” you hum as you kiss down his length to his balls. He hisses loudly and his cock twitches in your hand, his body starting to curl in on itself as his abdomen constricts. You lick at them diligently and look up at his reaction, smiling as his eyes are screwed shut. 
“I can’t—fuck, I think I’m gonna—”
“Cum?” you finish for him. “Do it.”
“I can’t, dude, the bet—”
“Mark.” you say flatly, still stroking him as you speak. “I’m giving you a blowjob and you can’t stop calling me ‘dude?’”
“Sorry,” he groans, bucking his hips up towards your mouth again. 
“Just cum, Mark,” you coo, your lips pressed to the underside of his length where his tip and shaft meet. “I’ll let you finish in my mouth,” you offer, and he swears under his breath, gripping the arm of his chair so hard his knuckles turn white.
“Please don’t say that again,” he moans, and you hum questioningly.
“Say what?” you ask, feigning cluelessness. “That I want you to cum in my mouth?”
“Shit,” he gasps, his length starting to throb in your hand and against your mouth.
“I won’t tell anyone,” you whisper, and he whimpers.
“I can’t,” he grunts in defeat, and you sigh in disappointment, pulling away from his length. “No!”
“You can’t cum, right?” you remind him, and his eyes squeeze shut in distress as he looks thoroughly tortured.
“No,” he finally gets out, and you suck your teeth.
“Shame,” you say with a shrug. “What are you gonna do now?”
“Play this game and hope my boner goes down.” he mumbles defeatedly.
You nod. “Sounds good to me.” A moment or two passes before you speak again. “Mark?”
“Can you move so I can get out from under your desk?”
“Oh, shit, yeah, sorry—” He scoots back and you get to your feet, running your fingers through his hair gently as a nonverbal apology.
“No problem,” you reply with a smile. “I’m gonna leave you to, uh, deflate your boner.”
“Deflate? It’s not a balloon animal,” Mark snorts, and you shrug.
“Whatever. Have fun with your pika-pika!”
Mark chuckles. “It’s pukei-pukei. Pika-pika is the sound Pikachu makes.”
“Oh. Pikachu is so cute; you should play Pokémon instead.”
“I’ll think about it,” he answers with a small nod. You both know he won’t.
“Good! Oh, and also?”
“Put your dick away before someone else comes in.” you suggest, pointing at his lap before you wave and head out of his room.
“Thank you!” he calls out as you shut his door, almost colliding with Jaemin. 
“Sorry, Jaem!” you apologize.
Jaemin pats your arm good-naturedly. “No worries.” He doesn’t move for a moment, making you pause. 
“Is there a reason why you’re not moving?”
“I was gonna ask Mark if he wanted to play a game of Overwatch with me,” he explains, jerking his chin in the direction of Mark’s door.
“Oh! Um, he’s not ready just yet—I just got finished, um…well…”
“His dick was in my mouth.”
“Ah. So he’s hard.”
Jaemin nods slowly. “I’ll just text him.”
“Good idea.” 
 Monday, November 23rd. 
Your teacher bids you all goodbye and you pack up your things quickly, slinging your bag over your shoulder and waving to your teacher as you exit the classroom. You don’t have to wait long by the door for the person you’re waiting for to come out, Haechan emerging three people after you.
“Thank God we got her off topic for the last thirty minutes,” you sigh in relief, and Haechan snickers as he falls into step with you. “I don’t think I would have lasted the rest of the lecture.”
“She’s so chill, but man, do those lectures make me fall asleep.” Haechan agrees, and you nod with a laugh, squinting as you exit the building and are assaulted with the surprising brightness that is the sky at 4:30pm. 
You two get down the small set of stairs and you turn in the direction of your apartment complex. “See you later,” you say with a wave, but Haechan’s hand closes around your wrist immediately, startling you and stopping you from walking any farther. 
“Where are you going?” Haechan sounds puzzled and petulant, and you turn back around, looking from where he’s holding your wrist to his face with an expression every bit as puzzled as he sounds.
“Home,” you answer slowly, blinking at him in confusion. 
“What if we hung out?” Haechan suggests, tugging you a bit closer. “You can come over.”
“And do what?” you ask, and he pauses to think.
“I was gonna play Overwatch for a bit before I did homework; you could watch me,” he offers hopefully, and you tap your chin thoughtfully.
“Y’know, I was actually gonna go watch paint dry, and that’s kinda gonna take up my whole afternoon, so—”
“Oh, shut up and just come hang out with me,” Haechan grouches as you laugh at your own joke, eventually unable to hold back his laughter at how visibly amused you are.
“You’re just gonna ignore me for at least an hour while you play.”
“I won’t ignore you,” he promises. You don’t believe him.
“I don’t know,” you sigh, dragging out the last word, and Haechan sucks his teeth and yanks your bag off of your shoulder, slinging it onto his own. “Hello?”
“Hello.” He raises his eyebrows expectantly, and you roll your eyes. 
“Why did you take my bag?”
“I’m going home. This bag is coming with me. If you care about it, you’ll come with me.” Haechan speaks slowly, a smug little grin curling his lips when you grumble under your breath.
“Come on.” You push between his shoulder blades, guiding him forward. “Let’s go. You’d better have snacks.”
“Of course I do,” Haechan replies, offended. “Do you think I’m a monster?”
“Yes, actually, I do.”
“You little—”
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You feel played. Played, scammed, used, bamboozled, and any other synonyms you’re forgetting.
It’s been 45 minutes since you got to Haechan’s room, he hasn’t graced you with the sight of anything but his back as he immerses himself in his game, and you just ran out of gummy worms.
“Haechan, why did you even invite me if you’re not gonna, I don’t know, talk to me?” you complain.
“I’m almost done with this game, I swear.” Haechan assures you, and you grumble incoherently as he returns his full attention to the game, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more. “Jesus fucking Christ, can Sombra get off my ass—”
“I hope Sombra gets you.” you mutter under your breath bitterly, not knowing what that even means. 
You want revenge. And, as you study Haechan’s figure from behind, you come up with a pretty good idea of how you’re going to get it. You planned to mess with him in a different way—hence your precautionary measures of wearing matching underwear and putting a bit more effort into your appearance before class today—but this new method can’t hurt.
You take off your chunky knit sweater, balling it up and chucking it at his back. He grunts at the impact and turns back to shoot you a brief affronted glare, but the irritation wipes right off his face when he takes in the sight of your thin tank top you’re wearing underneath the sweater. It leaves little to the imagination, to be frank, the neckline dipping to reveal a bit of your cleavage, and the shirt rides up easily—very easily. You lock eyes with him once he’s finished staring at your newly revealed skin and blink expectantly.
“You hurled your thick ass sweater at me, and you have the nerve to ask me ‘what?’” Haechan snorts incredulously, and you nod.
“Yes, yes, I do.”
“When my back bruises from that attack, I’m making you kiss it better,” he huffs, turning back around to focus on the game.
“Yeah, whatever,” you mutter to yourself, already thinking about your next move. You shift positions, lying down on your stomach, making sure your shirt does its job of riding up to reveal a sliver of skin around your waist. You pick up your phone and pretend to be engrossed for a while until you sigh loudly.
Haechan turns to face you again, no doubt prepared to tell you to shut up, but—yet again—he finds himself speechless as his eyes greedily rake over your body, lingering on the bare skin of your waist and the curve of your ass in your leggings. 
“Why are you sighing?”
“I want to go home.”
“Don’t go home,” he says immediately, “I swear I’m almost done. Our DPS keeps dying and the healers keep running off on their own—”
“Oh, well, if the healers are just out here running off on their own, we can’t have that.” you snark.
If Haechan notices your sarcasm, he doesn’t comment. “Yeah, I need them to get on the goddamn payload so I can—”
“Haechan, I don’t know what any of these words mean.” you gripe, and he sighs.
“The payload is—”
“Oh, let me be clearer. I don’t know, and I’d prefer to keep it that way.” 
“Such a sassy little puppy,” Haechan snickers, and you hesitate.
“Yeah, puppy. It’s cute, like you. It fits.”
He’s got a point—it is a cute nickname. But for some reason, the fluttering feeling of delight (and budding arousal) you get in your stomach when he uses it makes you feel like being a contrarian.
“Don’t call me that.” 
“Why not?”
You balk. “I don’t like it.”
“You’ll warm up to it,” he says confidently, and you glare at him petulantly, trying your best to hide that you’ve already more than warmed up to it.
“Whatever,” you huff, and he chuckles quietly, raking his eyes over your frame again and wetting his lips before turning back around.
You can’t help but roll your eyes at how easy he is to mess with. 
You don’t make a peep for the next fifteen minutes, your silence unnerving Haechan to the point where he turns around several times unprompted. He’s not even met with eye contact from you as you essentially ignore him in his own room, and you can feel it driving him insane.
Sure enough, in a moment, the monitor he’s using goes black in your peripheral vision and he stands up, stretching before walking over to you and standing by the side of the bed.
You don’t look up. “What?”
It’s his turn to sigh now, his fingers lightly tickling at the back of your ankle as he waits to have your attention. “I’m bored.”
He sucks his teeth, fingers grazing up the back of your calf and resting in the dip behind your knee. “Play with me.”
“I don’t play video games.”
“Not video games.”
“Unless you’re feeling up to getting your ass beat in a game of checkers, I don’t know what game we could play.”
“Oh, my God, stop being difficult.” Haechan groans, squeezing the back of your thigh. 
You finally look up at him and almost wish you hadn’t. He’s looking at you like he wants to devour you and it weakens your resolve ever so slightly.
You pout up at him. “I like being difficult.”
He stares at you impassively for a moment before realization clicks on his face. “I know what this is about.” 
“What what’s about?” you reply huffily, and he grins as he moves to sit on the bed on top of you, his knees on either side of your legs. 
“You’re upset because I didn’t talk to you while I was gaming, aren’t you?” Haechan asks with a knowing lilt to his voice. 
You don’t say anything for a moment. “I am not upset,” you lie.
“Aw,” Haechan coos, both hands gliding up the backs of your thighs and stopping just below your ass. You feel him shift on top of you and a moment later, his breath fans over your ear. “Did puppy need my attention?”
The way you tense under him is surely noticeable, and that annoyingly pleased fluttering feeling in your stomach returns. However, you’re still annoyed with him.
“Don’t call me that.” you grouch, and he chuckles, lips brushing your ear ever so lightly before he sits back up.
“Stop liking it, and maybe I won't.” Haechan retorts, and you say nothing yet again, scrolling aimlessly through Twitter. He lets the silence hang between you two as he kneads the backs of your thighs, but breaks it when he brings his hands to trace his fingers along the bare skin between your shirt and your leggings. “It’s the middle of fall and you’re in this flimsy little shirt.”
“It’s called wearing layers, nincompoop.”
“It’s practically as thin as toilet paper,” he quips back, and you huff as he pushes it up to reveal more of your back. “I could rip this right off of you,” he muses thoughtfully.
“Do not let the intrusive thoughts win, Haechan,” you comment drily, and he hums softly in acknowledgement, although it sounds awfully dismissive. “And put my shirt back down.”
“It’s not like it’s serving any purpose.” Haechan counters, and you groan, moving to sit up. Haechan presses down on your back between your shoulder blades, flattening you against the bed once more, and you let out an irritated sigh. “Only thing it’s doing is turning me on, actually.”
“That sounds awfully personal.”
“Oh, you’re so cute when you’re being a brat.” Haechan pretends to swoon and you snicker despite yourself. “Come on, I’m bored!” He shifts his weight to his heels so he’s not sitting on you anymore and smacks your ass once, ignoring your yelp as he rolls you onto your back. 
“That sounds,” you say slowly, deliberately stressing every syllable as you look up at him with a bored expression, “like a you problem.”
“I’m about to make it your problem, actually.” Haechan smiles down at you, shifting his weight forward again so he’s sitting on your thighs. “Because in addition to being bored, now I’m feeling a little riled up from this little outfit you have on.”
“So,” Haechan stresses the word as he leans down closer to you, “I need you to be a good puppy—”
“Stop calling me that—”
“—and indulge me for a bit.” He finishes his sentence in a softer voice than he started out with, nudging the tip of your nose with his playfully. “Gimme a kiss.”
He advances on you even further, lips now but a breath away from each other, and flicks at your bottom lip with his tongue. You play coy, having fun with riling him up, and turn your head to the side to avoid his kiss.
“Aw, come on, puppy.” Haechan teases affectionately, his nose tracing down your jawline before he brushes his parted lips against your neck. “Don’t get all shy on me now. Where’d that attitude go?”
“Still here,” you mumble stubbornly, and he chuckles.
“So let me give you the attention you so desperately wanted earlier,” he offers, sounding more smug than ever, and you splutter indignantly, turning back to glare at him.
“I was not desperate—” you begin to protest, but Haechan flashes you a triumphant grin before leaning in and sealing the gap between his lips and yours. You whine almost instantly under him, body thrumming with excitement as he moves his lips against yours and teases them apart to guide his tongue into your mouth.
When his tongue strokes against yours for the first time, he groans in delight and breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against yours as you both take deep breaths. 
“You taste like candy.” Haechan murmurs appreciatively.
“It’s probably the gummy worms,” you remind him, and he nods thoughtfully. 
“Well, whatever it is, I can’t get enough of it,” he confesses, barely giving you a chance to respond before he’s kissing you again. His hips pin yours to the bed, his body pressing down on yours so firmly that you’re not sure if you could get up on your own.
Not that you’re complaining.
His hand moves quickly, on a mission as he slips it between you two and slides under the waistband of your leggings. He strokes at your core through the underwear, a wicked smile curling his lips when he feels the damp spot from your arousal.
“Poor puppy,” he coos in mock sympathy, pressing against your clit hard enough to make you whimper. “All you wanted was my attention, yeah?”
“Don’t call me puppy,” you whine, and he kisses down your neck to suck and kiss above your pulse point.
“I know you like it,” he pants, his breath fanning over your neck, “you know you like it; why fight it?”
“Shut up,” you complain, your hips moving up to meet his teasing touches. 
“Fine,” Haechan murmurs, seeming to let it go (which you find suspicious). “How about ‘baby?’”
“I like ‘baby,’” you mumble, jolting in surprise when he finds your clit through your underwear. “‘Baby’ is good.”
“Glad we agree.” He doesn’t say much else, returning his attention to occupying his lips, which are lazily mouthing at your neck, and fingers, which are teasingly dipping into your underwear. 
Getting fed up with his taunting, you squeeze your legs together tightly, letting out a small “hmph” of finality, and he chuckles, withdrawing his fingers.
“I knew you wanted to play.” He nips at your neck one last time before lifting his head and ghosting his lips against yours. His fingers dig between where your thighs meet, poking, prodding, and pinching as he tries to force his hand between your legs. “Baby,” he purrs, voice low and sweet, “be good and let me in.”
You just huff again, trying (and ultimately failing) to suppress your growing smile at his persistent attack on your legs.
“Fine,” he says with a shrug, retracting his hand from between your legs. “You leave me no choice.” His fingers immediately press into your sides, tickling you, and you shriek with laughter, squirming helplessly under him. 
He watches you with a glint in his eyes and a grin on his face as he sits up, now using both hands to torment you.
You, meanwhile, have tears welling up in your eyes from how hard you’re laughing, and you weakly hit at his chest, your muscles seizing up from the attack.
“Stop!” you gasp, pushing at his hands desperately. “I’m sorry!”
“Are you really?” He raises an eyebrow, and you nod vigorously in agreement.
“I am! I’m so—please—I’m so sorry!” you cry pleadingly, and he moves so quickly that you don’t even get time to process the situation until he’s done. He pushes your hands above your head, gripping your wrists with one hand, and brings his free hand back between your legs.
“So you’ll be good?” That damn eyebrow is getting to you, the brow still raised as he cocks his head at you.
“Yes,” you say with a frown, and he coos in mock sympathy, kissing you and slipping his hand into your underwear. He looks down at where your bodies meet and traces circles all over your skin, slowly inching lower and lower until he brushes past your clit and parts your folds, looking back up at you with a cocky smile.
“You’re already so wet,” he teases, wetting his lips before he dips his head down to kiss your neck. “Do you want me inside?”
“Yes,” you breathe, and he grins against your neck.
“Yeah? Want my fingers inside you?” He’s teasing you again, urging you to ask for his fingers, and your patience starts to dwindle.
“Yes,” you repeat through your clenched teeth.
He hums thoughtfully and pushes his fingers into you slowly, removing his lips from your neck to watch you as you moan in relief. “That’s a good puppy,” he purrs as he drinks in your reactions to his experimental movements of his fingers. 
“Not puppy,” you whine, but he silences you with a kiss, moving his fingers in and out of you quickly. 
“I think you like it,” he mumbles, biting down on your bottom lip gently before bringing his lips to your ear. “Don’t you, puppy?” Your moan slips out accidentally, and he inhales sharply when you clench around his fingers. “Knew it.”
His fingers curl inside of you slowly, drawing out a whimper from you as he strokes along your inner walls, in search of your most sensitive spot. Your hips rock up into his hand, craving more of him, and he responds by pushing your hips back down and giving you exactly what you want. He pushes his fingers deeper, as deep as they can go, and his fingers finally find the spot along your walls that makes you moan and clutch at his arm desperately.
“There—right there—fuck,” you say breathlessly, and he nods, keeping his pace and using his thumb to massage your clit in eager circles that bring you closer to your climax.
“You wanna cum?” Haechan coos, and you nod vigorously, making a smirk curl his lips. “Say you’re my puppy.”
“Wh-what?” You stammer, confused, and he slows his pace, making you grasp his arm tightly in panic. “Don’t stop!”
“What are you?” he presses, moving at a frustratingly slow rhythm. You cry out weakly, and he raises an eyebrow. “Hm?”
“I’m—Haechan, please—”
“Say it, and I’ll make you feel so good. Whose puppy are you?”
“I’m yours—” you whimper, and he nods encouragingly.
“My what?”
“Your puppy, Haechan, please—” you beg, and he grins widely, nodding again.
“Cum for me, puppy.” Haechan urges you, and you finally let go, the coil in your stomach snapping and letting pleasure wash over you. Your nails dig into Haechan’s arm so hard that you’re sure you’ll owe him an apology, and he hisses, the sound a mixture of pain and pleasure, as you whimper his name and “please” over and over again. “God, I want to feel that when I’m inside you so bad.”
“You can,” you say with a smile, propping yourself up on your forearms. “You can fuck me.”
“Fuck, don’t say that,” Haechan grunts, his expression tortured. “I can’t—”
“You can,” you urge, pushing yourself up onto your hands and bringing your face to his. “You don’t even have to fuck me entirely—you can just put in the tip.” When he opens his eyes and looks at you, his expression is defeated, hopeful, and delightedly vulnerable. “Come on, Haechan. Just the tip,” you murmur, your lips a centimeter apart.
He stares at your lips in a daze before nodding slowly. “Just the tip.”
He makes quick work of discarding his pants and pushing his boxers down so his length springs up and lightly slaps against his stomach, and he looks up at you and chuckles, the sound a bit bashful. “Stop looking at me like that.” 
You hadn’t realized you were looking at him in any particular way. “Like what?”
“Like you’re about to eat me alive.” Haechan mumbles, and you smile.
“So, the way you look at me all the time?”
“Yeah, like that.” Haechan grins cheekily and hovers over you, his hand moving to the base of his length and gripping it. When you don’t move and stay propped up, watching him with a challenge in your eyes, he pauses. “What is it?”
“I wanna be on top,” you reply simply, and he shakes his head.
“Too bad. I wanna be on top.” 
You stare at him defiantly.
He stares back at you stubbornly.
You raise an eyebrow.
He looks from your eyes to your lips and back up before he groans in defeat and sits against his headboard. “Fine.”
“Yay,” you say with a wide smile, shimmying out of your leggings and underwear and moving to straddle his lap. You wrap your hand around his on his length and slowly stroke him up and down. “You’re so big, Haechan.”
“Thank you, puppy,” Haechan coos teasingly, bumping his nose against yours as you position yourself on top of him, bringing the head of his length to your entrance. He rubs the tip against your folds, collecting your arousal to use as a lubricant. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, easing yourself down. To your disappointment, Haechan uses his fist as an obstacle to prevent you from sitting all the way down on his length, so you really do get just the tip. The stretch isn’t unwelcome at all, your walls slowly adjusting to his size, and you let out a shaky moan that he echoes when you clench around him. “Feels so good, Haechan,” you mumble, resting your forehead against his. 
“So fucking good, baby.” Haechan agrees, his fist slipping a bit further down his length and making him hiss. 
“Just a little more? It’ll be okay, I just need a little more,” you plead, pouting for good measure, and his face scrunches up in thought. “Please?” You tilt his head up and carefully slot your lips with his, kissing him slowly but deeply as your walls tighten around him.
“Just a little more,” Haechan gives in with a shudder, and you smile as you ease down further, Haechan groaning and thumping his head against his headboard repeatedly in distress. “Maybe a little more, baby.” 
You can barely hide your sneaky smile as you oblige, easing down on his length even more, and he moans weakly, his head tipping back. You lean forward and kiss his neck, sucking lovely little marks into his skin, and he grabs your hips with both hands, fingers digging into the skin as he tilts his head back more to allow you better access.
“More?” Your lips are pressed to his heated skin as you speak, and he groans before shaking his head.
“I can’t, baby. Feels like I’m gonna cum,” he grunts, and you whine as you squeeze around him, carefully studying his reactions. His hips hold you firmly in place so you can’t move further down on him, and his breathing is heavy, eyes screwed shut. “Fuck—do not do that again.”
“Do what? This?” You clench again, and he lets out a strangled groan, hands squeezing your hips harder as a warning. “What about this?” You lift yourself up, pulling off of him most of the way, and sitting back down. He swears so loudly that you momentarily hope no one else is home and his resolve visibly weakens, his hold on your hips loosening enough to let you slowly ease down all the way onto him, a relieved sigh escaping you as he shudders, a moan vibrating in his chest. “Just cum, Haechan,” you coax in his ear, nipping at the lobe gently. “You know you want to.”
“I’m not losing this bet.” He sounds determined, but even a fool could detect the waver in his resilience. 
“But doesn’t this feel so good?” You rock your hips forward onto him, and he exhales loudly through gritted teeth, nodding vigorously.
“Feels amazing, baby.” Haechan agrees, finally tipping his head forward to look at you. “Which is why you’re going to cum, and I’m going to watch.”
“Only way I’m going to cum is if you do it with me.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Haechan snorts dismissively, and you raise an eyebrow, already pulling off of him. His eyes fly open and he yanks you back down onto him, realizing a moment too late what he’s done. Pleasure shoots through his body so strongly that you can practically track its movement through the shudders that travel through him, and he drops his head onto your chest in defeat.
“Are you gonna cum?” you ask, and he shakes his head hesitantly, making you sigh. “Then I’m leaving.” Before he can move to stop you, you push his hands off of you and pull off of him, toughening up to mask the strange, now empty sensation between your legs. 
“God, you’re evil.” He stares at you, aghast, and you shrug, pulling on your leggings and underwear. You climb off of the bed and grab your sweater from where it fell after hitting Haechan, and his eyes widen. “You’re seriously leaving?” 
“At least—” he starts, and you hesitate as you prepare to pull your sweater over your head. “At least let me make you cum again,” he offers, wild eyes roving over you desperately. “With my mouth.”
“As tempting as that sounds,” you hum, pulling the sweater over your head and fixing it at the bottom, “no. You might pounce on me afterwards, and if you’re not cumming, it’s no fun.”
“Okay, fair. I definitely might pounce on you.” Haechan sighs, rubbing his chin as he watches you get ready to leave. “You’d let me though; you can’t resist me.”
“What makes you think that?” You laugh, and he looks at you with an unimpressed stare.
“I just seduced the fuck out of you,” he points out, and you barely stifle your laugh.
“Haechan.” You stare at him incredulously. “Do you seriously think this was all your idea?”
You sigh, lifting up your sweater and shirt enough to show him your lacy blue bra. His eyes widen before they darken, and you roll your eyes as he wets his lips, shifting closer to you. You drop your shirt and sweater back into place and pull your leggings down just enough to give him a peek of your lacy underwear in the identical shade of blue. “I wore matching underwear today. This was never not my intention.” You fix your clothing again as he gapes at you in disbelief.
“So you used me for my body?!” Haechan exclaims, his horrified expression dropping in favor of a pensive one. “Why is that kind of hot?”
You pause in the middle of lacing up your boots, shooting him a concerned look. “I think the counseling office is still open if you wanna book a session.”
“Ha, ha.” Haechan laughs sarcastically, scooting to the edge of his bed. You look around for your bag, and he gestures to it sitting just by his bed. You go over to look through it for your headphones, and Haechan eyes you wordlessly as you do.
“Anyway, I have business to attend to.” You straighten up with your headphones in your hand and shoulder your bag, moving to leave. Haechan’s hand shoots out and grabs your arm, yanking you back to him so you’re standing between his legs. He’s readjusted his pants, you notice, and he’s staring up at you with a doubtful frown.
“What business do you have to attend to?” He pokes his fingers through the knitting of your sweater with a petulant expression. “If you say watching paint dry again, I swear to God—”
“Relax, it’s not watching paint dry.” You laugh and he chuckles, not looking up at you yet. “My business is being somewhere that’s not here.”
“You little—”
“Besides,” you continue loudly as if he hasn’t interjected, “I have my vibrator waiting at home to finish what you started.” Haechan stills, slowly looking up at you and scanning your face for any sign of a joke.
You give no such indication, and he closes his eyes and breathes in loudly through his nose, exhaling out of his mouth. He releases you, eyes gazing at you with an unreadable expression. “Yeah, you’d better get going.”
“Why the sudden change?” you ask curiously, and he shamelessly looks you up and down.
“I’m feeling…pounce-y.” 
“Okay, then!” You nod in understanding and step back, backing towards his door. “Have fun thinking about…whatever you gotta think about to make that go away,” you snicker, gesturing at the obvious bulge in his pants.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Haechan grumbles bitterly, standing up and making his way over to his gaming chair. “See you later.”
“Bye,” you sing-song, wiggling your fingers at him in a wave. “I’ll think of you while I do it.”
“If you don’t get out of my room—”
“Okay, bye!” 
Friday, November 28th. 
You’re sitting at home pretending to do your homework when your phone lights up. You practically pounce on it, eager for a distraction, and look at your lock screen to see a text message from Mark.
mark: hey
you: hiii i’m bored
mark: me too 
mark: i’m at work on my lunch break
you: ohhh i’m “doing homework”
mark: hahaha that doesn’t sound fun
you: it’s not :/ this essay is due december 3rd though so i gotta get it done
mark: december’s so close wow
mark: i’m so happy november’s almost over
And with his last text, Mark gives you a very good idea of how you could best spend your time this afternoon. You root through your underwear drawer and take out one of your nicer sets of underwear and a bra, putting them on and putting your old t-shirt back on, ditching the sweatpants you were wearing. 
you: yeah
you: hey mark can you help me choose something?
mark: sure what’s up?
Actually, why not mess with both of them at the same time?
you: actually hang on one sec
[you have created a group chat.]
[you have added ‘mark’ to the chat.]
[you have added ‘haechan’ to the chat.]
you: hii i need your opinions on something
mark: why the group chat haha
you: it’s faster than texting you both separately :)
haechan: what’s up? i’m in class right now
A mischievous smile curls your lips as you take a picture of your outfit, making sure the t-shirt is high up enough on your thighs to make it clear there are no shorts underneath. 
you: should i wear this to sleep?
you: Attachment: 1 image
haechan: oh my god
mark: shit
you: or should i take the t-shirt off?
haechan: take it off.
mark: haechan shut up it’s still november
you: what do you think, mark?
mark: keep the shirt on 
mark: please. i’m still at work
you: :( but it’s hot in my room
haechan: yeah mark it’s hot in her room
haechan: take it off, baby
mark: dude do you like being blue balled or something 
You pull the t-shirt off and toss it on your chair by your desk, angling your body to take the most flattering picture of your lingerie set. When you’re satisfied with the picture, you send it to the group chat, giggling as you wait for their responses.
you: Attachment: 1 image
you: is this better?
haechan: you are so fucking hot
haechan: mark tell her how hot she is
mark: don’t tell me what to do haechan
haechan: i will not get cheated out of nudes because you don’t know how to give a compliment
you: it’s okay, haechan :p mark’s at work so he’s busy too 
mark: exactly. you look very attractive btw
[you loved ‘exactly. you look very attractive btw’]
[haechan disliked ‘exactly. you look very attractive btw’]
haechan: “very attractive” what a nerd
haechan: you should just text me now. mark’s ungrateful
mark: haechan shut. the fuck. up.
you: thank you mark :) should i do what haechan says?
haechan: yes do what haechan says
mark: haechan i will piss in your shampoo
mark: don’t you dare stop texting this group chat
you: oooh bossy 
you: that’s hot
haechan: god i can’t stop looking at those pictures baby
you: i’m glad you like them :) but i have another problem now :(
mark: what’s that?
haechan: what’s wrong?
you: i’m lonely :( i’m home all alone with no one to keep me company
mark: you’re killing me
mark: you’re actually going to be the death of me
haechan: ignore him keep talking
haechan: god i wish i wasn’t in class right now
you: yeah? where do you wish you were?
haechan: honestly? 
haechan: with you. on you. under you. in you for sure
mark: haechan in front of my lunch? seriously?
haechan: not my fault you don’t have game
mark: dude stop testing me
you: mark i wish you were here too :(
mark: oh my god don’t do this someone just walked into the break room
Another idea comes to you, and you angle the camera at your body again, this time starting a video. You cup your breast and squeeze it, humming contently before trailing your hand down your stomach and between your legs where you slip it into your underwear, sighing in relief right as you stop filming.
you: Attachment: 1 video
mark: no fucking way
haechan: oh my god
There’s a pause in their replies as they presumably watch the video you sent and you take the moment of silence to think about your next moves.
haechan: you sound so pretty
haechan: so fucking pretty baby
mark: i’m going to pass out i think
mark: why are you doing this???
you: because i like when you both pay attention to me. remember?
haechan: i can pay attention to you way better than mark can
mark: you can’t even pay attention to the damn class you’re in right now.
haechan: who gives a rat’s ass what Professor Park has to say when there’s a hot girl’s pictures in my phone??????
haechan: anyway. baby can i hear you again?
mark: dude i’m getting hard right now can you not 
you: stop calling me dude :(
mark: sorry
mark: what should i call you?
you: up to you—just not dude
mark: okay
you: or bro
mark: aw hell
While Mark takes the time to think, you send a video of your legs slowly spreading as your hand moves in your underwear, concealing what they undoubtedly want to see most as you play with your clit. When the pleasure starts to build, you let out a small whimper and speed your movements up, stopping the video right after your legs close around your hand reflexively.
you: Attachment: 1 video
haechan: god thank you so much
haechan: such pretty sounds baby
mark: babe please my dick is so hard right now 
haechan: join the club i’ve been straining against my pants for the past five minutes
you: pics or it didn’t happen
haechan: Attachment: 1 image
mark: i’m in public!!!!!
haechan: and you think i’m not??? 
mark: i can’t send a pic right now
haechan: pussy.
mark: fuck you
mark: Attachment: 1 image
You smile in satisfaction at the sight of both of their pictures. Mark’s picture is of him both gripping and trying to conceal the noticeable bulge in his pants, while Haechan is proudly gripping the base of his shaft, not even trying to hide himself.
you: thank you :) god you’re both so big
you: wish i had you both taking turns filling me up :(
haechan: why stop at taking turns?
you: i like the way you think
mark: okay this is fun and all but i need this boner to go down immediately i have to go back to work soon
you: okay! i’ll stop :)
haechan: WHAT
haechan: NO
haechan: i have like twenty minutes left of class please keep sending gifts baby
you: no i can’t :/ mark’s got a point—you shouldn’t be getting hard in public
you: it’s public indecency :////
haechan: fuck the public
you: fuck me instead
haechan: don’t tempt me
you: too bad it’s still november :( have fun not jerking off
mark: wait a minute
mark: you’ve been fucking with us on purpose all month haven’t you
you: ? idk what you’re talking about
mark: oh my god
haechan: wait mark’s right
you: :( okay you got me
you: are you mad at me :(
mark: no you’re just in for it
haechan: for once i agree with mark. watch your back baby
you: pfft watch my back for what? yOuR rEvEnGe?
mark: yeah just keep laughing babe. i gotta go back to work
you: i’m gonna go finish myself off then finish my essay. have fun with your boners! :)
haechan: you’re actually wicked
you: :(
haechan: it’s hot.
you: :)
You put your phone down and reach into your nightstand drawer for your vibrator, giggling under your breath as you think about the conversation you just had. Sure, they figured out you were making things hard—no pun intended—for them on purpose, and they’re probably going to get some sort of revenge, but you figure that’s a problem for Future You to handle.
 Tuesday, December 1st.
Yeah, so…it is now officially a problem for Future You to handle. 
When Haechan texted you asking if you wanted to get lunch with him, you almost agreed before remembering the last interaction you had when you sent him videos and pictures of yourself while he was in class.
When you declined, and his response was “smart girl,” you realized you may be in a bit over your head.
If that wasn’t bad enough, you caught Mark staring at you with an unreadable look from across the student center when you went to meet Lia for lunch (an hour after Haechan asked you, to avoid seeing him). When he started to make his way over to you, you grabbed Lia’s wrist and disappeared into the throng of people passing by.
If that wasn’t bad enough, in your last class you went to, you saw Haechan looking in the window, smirking when he caught sight of you. He brought his index and middle finger to his mouth, spread them, and wagged his tongue between them in an obscene gesture that had you gasping and drawing the attention of your seatmate. When you looked back at the window, he was gone, but your phone lit up with a text. 
haechan: found you :)
So you’ve spent the last half of your day hiding in your apartment, turning off your phone location and holing yourself up in your room.
“Don’t you think you’re being a bit dramatic?” Yeji snickers when you jump at the sound of the doorbell. Lia pats your hand comfortingly before she heads over to get the door.
“You didn’t see how they looked at me today!” you whisper-yell back at her, brows furrowing.
“No, she’s got a point,” Lia chimes in, drawing your and Yeji’s attention as she returns from getting the door with a package in her arms. After a moment, she continues, “I mean, Mark was…I’ve never seen him look like that.”
“Right?!” you exclaim, relieved Lia gets it.
“I mean, worst case scenario is that they fuck you. And if this month has been any indication, you clearly want that, so—”
“Yeah, but what if they team up and get all evil?” you counter, and Lia scoffs.
“Threesomes are rarer than people think. What are the odds they’re both gonna decide to team up and share you?” Lia replies, and you frown.
“Yeji, back me up here!” you whine, looking at her, but she raises both hands and walks towards the hallway. 
“I’m going to my room. As a wise man once said, ‘no fighting.’”
You and Lia pause. 
“Who said that?” Lia raises an eyebrow and you both stare at Yeji in confusion.
“Wyclef Jean.” Yeji answers. You and Lia look at each other and back at Yeji. “In ‘Hips Don’t Lie’ by Shakira?” she tries again. You and Lia stare at her blankly. “Forget it. No one in this house appreciates my genius.” She turns and heads off to her room and a moment passes between you and Lia before she stands up as well, walking backwards towards the hallway leading to her room.
“You’re safe,” Lia assures you. As she turns around and walks away, you hear her mutter, “probably.”
Tumblr media
About an hour later, the doorbell rings again.
“Can someone get that?” Lia calls out from the bathroom. “It’s probably my other package!”
“Why can’t you get it?” Yeji calls back.
“I’m getting dressed from taking a shower!”
You and Yeji emerge from your rooms for a quick round of rock, paper, scissors—which you lose.
“Damn it.” You roll your eyes and walk to the front door as Yeji heads back to her room. You open the door to see no one—but there is a package on your doorstep like Lia said. 
“This girl and her online shopping addiction,” you mumble, stooping to pick it up. You move to shut the door but it stops unexpectedly, a shoe jammed in the way. Your eyes widen. 
You know that shoe.
“Oh, shit.” 
The body attached to the familiar shoe shoulders his way past the door, Haechan standing in front of you with raised eyebrows and a smug smile.
“Oh, shit.” Haechan echoes you tauntingly, stepping towards you. You watch as Mark enters after him, shutting the door behind himself. 
You look at them.
They look at you.
You turn on your heel, drop the package, and make a run for it.
You take off down the hallway to your room as their rapid footsteps thunder after you. You can’t help but shriek in panic (and, if you’re honest, a bit of delight) as they chase you further into the apartment, your heart racing as you clear your doorway and turn to shut the door. 
One of them is quicker, however, and shoves his shoulder in the space, keeping the door from shutting. Unfortunately, the two of them are stronger than you, you learn very quickly as they force the door wide open and bombard their way into the room. 
Haechan wastes absolutely no time, stepping forward and shoving you none too gently onto your bed before climbing on top of you. It feels like there’s a scream stuck in your throat as he roughly pins your arms above your head with one hand, cupping your chin with the other. 
Bringing his lips to your ear, Haechan speaks slowly, stressing every syllable. “We’re gonna fuck the shit out of you.” Mark’s busying himself with sliding his hands up your thighs and yanking your shorts down your legs, and you wriggle under Haechan’s body, crossing your legs stubbornly.
“Yeji and Lia are home!” you exclaim, raising your voice in an attempt to get the attention of at least one of them. As if on cue, you hear the unmistakable sound of the front door unlocking.
“No, we’re not!” Lia calls out, and the door slams shut, the locks clicking into place.
“Oh, fuck.” You can barely get the words out before Haechan seals his lips over yours, kissing you deeply. 
“You are such a tease,” Mark grunts through gritted teeth, presumably giving you a taste of your own medicine as he wrenches your legs apart. The thrill of being chased with the inevitable ending of getting fucked stupid has you positively buzzing with excitement, some of that excitement manifesting as a slick little damp stain on the seat of your underwear. 
You move to protest, but Haechan slips his tongue in your mouth the second your lips part, your complaint melting against his tongue as he works the pink muscle against your own.
Mark’s chuckle lets you know he’s caught sight of the wet spot, and he presses two fingers against the stain, pushing the digits against you so insistently that you could almost swear Mark is trying to finger you with your flimsy underwear as a condom.
“Left us high and dry so many times last month,” Haechan scolds you, mouth still pressed against yours. “That wasn’t very nice of you.”
“Bet you had fun thinking about blue-balling us, didn’t you?” Mark asks, and you jerk your head to the side to break the kiss Haechan refuses to let up on, loudly sucking in a greedy breath before you speak.
“I did.” you retort, smiling sweetly. “I had some really good orgasms thinking about you two, too.” 
“You can be smug all you want,” Haechan chuckles, his lips sponging wet kisses down your jaw to your neck. “Let’s see how smug you are when we’re done with you.” His words excite you even more, an eager whimper falling from your lips as Mark withdraws his fingers from you and pulls your underwear to the side. 
You feel the warmth of his breath as he exhales against your core and it makes you that much more impatient, letting out a grunt of frustration as you buck your hips up towards his mouth. 
“You played with us all of November,” Haechan reminds you, pushing your hips back down. “It’s our turn to play with you.”
“Such a pretty fuckin’ pussy,” Mark groans as he rests what you assume to be his cheek on your inner thigh, depriving you of any sort of actual contact. 
“Oh, my God, do something!” you complain after a painfully long time of waiting. It was probably less than fifteen seconds, really, but you’re incredibly worked up and not in the mood to take your time.
“Haechan, shut her up.” Mark mutters, and Haechan chuckles. 
“Gladly.” he replies, and two fingers are pressing at your lips insistently. “Open up.” Any other time, you’d have the wherewithal to be embarrassed by how easily you comply with his order, but today, you’ll let it slide. Your lips part readily and your tongue lolls out, Haechan humming in impressed delight as he presses the pads of his fingers to your tongue. 
You suck on his fingers lazily, your eyes already glazing over with pleasure from having some sort of touch, and Mark takes the opportunity to attach his mouth to your core, dragging his tongue up and down your folds with an almost animalistic fervor. 
Your moan of surprise is muffled by Haechan’s fingers as he releases your wrists, pulls your shirt up past your breasts, and slips his hand under you to unclip your bra with surprising ease. He yanks your bra off with rushed, jerky movements, immediately latching onto your nipple and sucking at the stiffened bud, swirling his tongue around it.
“Shit,” you whine, muffled still by Haechan’s fingers, and he just chuckles from around your nipple, the resulting vibrations feeling heavenly. 
Mark’s tongue explores your folds as he groans, loud and pleased, the almost ticklish sensation making arousal flutter in the pit of your stomach. He tucks one of your legs over his shoulder, moving in so close that when his tongue prods at your entrance, his nose rubs against your clit.
Haechan flicks your nipple back and forth with his tongue, his free hand groping your other breast and pinching at the bud until you hiss in pleasure and arch your back. He buries his face in your chest at the same time that Mark’s tongue pushes past your entrance and you squeal in delight, your hands both flying to their heads, tugging their hair to pull them closer to you.
Mark’s so lost in the sensation of his tongue peeking inside your core and the taste of you that he barely notices, a weak groan slipping out presumably without his knowledge. Haechan, however, responds by taking your nipple between his teeth and biting down ever so slightly until you try to squirm away, at which point he kisses it and switches to your other breast to repeat his earlier ministrations.
You’re on cloud nine at this point, your hips rolling up to get you closer to Mark’s mouth, and he lets out a noise somewhere between a growl and a moan as he throws one arm over your stomach to pin you in place, his tongue retreating from your core in favor of lapping at the arousal leaking from you.
“You like that, yeah?” Mark’s voice is throaty, thick from desire and lack of use, and when you whimper in affirmation, he lets out a breathless but cocky laugh before pushing two fingers into you, guiding the digits into you with no prior warning and carefully working you open as you get used to the slight stretch. “Yeah, I know you fucking like it,” he murmurs more to himself than you, his mind reeling with how his lips are still carrying the taste of you as he opens you up with his fingers, pumping and curling them rhythmically. 
Haechan sits up, moving off of you to kneel by your side, pulls his fingers from your mouth, a string of saliva webbing between his fingers and your lips, and chuckles smugly as he smears the spit over your lips messily. Your cheeks burn in humiliation when he swipes under your lips to display more spit on his fingers.
“Mark, she’s drooling.” Haechan says with a mischievous sort of glee, and Mark hums in acknowledgement, brows furrowed in concentration as he finger-fucks you. “You’re making a pathetic little mess of yourself and you haven’t even cum yet.”
Mark meets your gaze, grinning with bright eyes before leaning down to suck your clit into his mouth, rapidly flicking it with his tongue as his fingers pump in and out of you rapidly, curled just right to hit your most sensitive spot that has you crying out in pleasure.
Haechan pinches your chin and shakes your head from side to side abruptly, wordlessly diverting your attention away from Mark and back to him. “What do we say when we make such a mess, hm?”
“S-Sorry,” you gasp, clutching the bedsheets in your fist as Mark’s fingers speed up. 
“Are we gonna keep making a mess?” Haechan pouts condescendingly before shaking your head from side to side. “No, we’re not? Are you sure, puppy?” He nods your head and tuts disapprovingly. “I don’t think I believe you.” He taps your cheek with two fingers and you open your mouth. “Tongue.” You comply, laying your tongue out flat, and he leans over you and lets a string of saliva drip from his lips onto your tongue. 
You whine in desperation at the warm sensation of the spit, but let it slide to the back of your throat without swallowing. Haechan brings his fingers back to your lips, bringing his face directly in front of yours, and pushes them to the back of your throat, smiling in satisfaction when you choke and cough, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes.
“What’d I say?” Haechan teases matter-of-factly. “So fucking sloppy.” He retracts his fingers again and studies your face with fascination as you swallow thickly. 
“Sorry,” you say shamefully, your eyes threatening to shut from the sensations Mark is causing between your legs, and Haechan lets out a small chuckle, leaning even closer to you.
“You’re lucky I like it messy.” He kisses you again, deep and hot and wet and filthy with sinful moans into your mouth that you inadvertently echo as Mark brings you closer and closer to a climax.
“Please, oh, fuck—I’m gonna cum—” you moan against Haechan’s lips, practically trembling with need, and Mark only offers a grunt in response, making lewd wet noises as he laps at your core with an almost feral determination you’ve never seen from him before. 
“Cum, puppy. Cum all over Mark’s fingers.” Haechan murmurs, punctuating his words with increasingly needier kisses, and you do cum—hard, as a matter of fact. In an attempt to keep your volume down, you bite down on your bottom lip so hard that you’re surprised it doesn’t break the skin. Haechan tugs your lip free just in time for you to cry out loudly when Mark doesn’t stop, fingers still fucking into you and mouth still on your clit. 
You push at Mark’s shoulders in a panic, but he barely budges, Haechan helping him out by catching your hands and holding them in place on the bed. Mark removes his lips from your core with a wet smacking sound and presses down on your lower abdomen with his free hand, heightening your pleasure practically tenfold, and you’re downright ashamed of the volume of the cry you let out.
“Stop,” you pant, squirming frantically under their firm hold on you, “that feels—oh, my God, I’m gonna—”
“Are you gonna cum again?” Haechan coos patronizingly, and you shake your head vehemently.
“Feels like I’m gonna piss myself or pass the fuck out—” You muster all your strength and wrestle one of your hands free from Haechan’s grip to grab the wrist of Mark’s hand that’s pressing on your lower stomach. “Oh, shit, please—”
“Keep going, Mark,” Haechan urges, watching you in awe. “Maybe she’ll squirt.” The gleam in his eyes both terrifies and excites you as a second, stronger climax builds inside of you. 
“I’m sorry!” You sob, your voice cracking. “I’m sorry for messing with you for all of last month!”
“I bet you are sorry.” Mark mutters through clenched teeth, darkened eyes rapidly shifting from your core to your face. “Too bad we’re not done with you.”
As if on cue, your second orgasm hits you and it takes everything in you not to burst into tears from the overwhelming pleasure. Your body exerts practically all of its energy by trying to curl in on itself protectively, your body still subconsciously fucking back onto Mark’s fingers in search of every last bit of pleasure you can draw from him.
Finally having mercy, Mark pulls his fingers from you and shakes his other hand free of your grip, standing up straight and watching along with Haechan as you attempt to recover.
“You didn’t piss yourself or pass out.” Haechan points out, brows furrowed to match his petulant frown.
“You sound disappointed,” you half-exhale, half-laugh, trying and failing to prop yourself up on your weak feeling arms. “I also didn’t squirt like you wanted.”
“The night’s still young,” Haechan responds, and you blanch, trying to sit up again in alarm.
“You can’t be serious.”
“Dead serious, actually.” Mark pipes up, and you look between them with a mix of fear and anticipation swirling in your stomach. “You blue-balled us, what…seven times? More?”
“All together, it was eight times between the both of us.” Haechan points out, and you let out a strangled shriek, shaking your head as hard as you can.
“For the love of God, if you try to make me cum eight times today, I think my clit will actually break off or something.”
“Relax.” Haechan lies down next to you, trailing the backs of his fingers down your body between your breasts and down your stomach. “We’ll make you pay it off, like a debt. You can pay in installments.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at you as his fingers draw closer to your throbbing core, and you smack his hand away, dramatically flopping over onto your stomach in a last-ditch attempt to protect yourself.
“You’re both insane,” you complain, words muffled by your faceful of pillow. “I can’t cum again.” 
“You can,” Mark says, sounding much closer than before, and two hands grip your hips, lifting you up onto your knees. “And you will.”
“Oh, dear Neptune,” you whine, bracing yourself on your elbows. 
Haechan snickers. “Whining and complaining, but you still got into position like a good little puppy.”
“Shut up,” you grumble, and you feel Mark positioning himself behind you on the bed, one hand pressing down on the small of your back to deepen your arch, and both males groan appreciatively.
“You look so good like this,” Mark grunts, pressing the head of his length to your entrance and rubbing it up and down your embarrassingly wet folds, collecting arousal to use as lubrication. 
Without so much as a warning, Mark grips your hip with one hand and guides himself into you, smoothly bottoming out. You both react strongly, your head falling onto your linked hands as a whine filled with need leaves your lips while Mark swears loudly, his fingers digging into your hip uncomfortably hard.
“Mark, you’re so big, holy shit,” you stammer, swallowing thickly as he pulls out slowly, almost entirely, before snapping his hips forward and resheathing himself inside of you. You cry out weakly, your walls flexing around his length, and Mark hisses with pleasure, repeating the motion as he gradually builds up an almost brutal pace.
“You’re so wet, fuck,” Mark groans, his words tapering off into an uncharacteristically smug chuckle. “This feels good, yeah?”
“Mhm,” you whimper, the sounds of skin slapping against skin almost drowning you out. “So good, Mark—”
Haechan, previously content with just watching for a moment, loses his patience, lifting your head up and urging you up onto your hands. He maneuvers himself under you, pulling his cock out of his sweats and stroking himself slowly as he watches you get fucked, your eyes glazing over with pleasure.
“Open,” Haechan says for the second time, guiding his length into your mouth and leaning back with a relieved sigh. “Suck.”
To be honest, you can barely focus on sucking Haechan off with Mark fucking into you with all the desperation of a man who’ll never fuck again. Mark’s always been passionate, but you’ve always experienced that aspect of him in a tamer sense of the word; this man you’re getting to know now is passionate—rough and sensual and animalistic, the way he’s taking you with dominant, forceful strokes.
Haechan’s derisive chuckle snaps you out of your reverie, your eyes refocusing on him, and he’s looking down at you with an unimpressed expression, an eyebrow arched.
“You’re drooling all over my lap, you know.” He almost sounds bored, and your face warms with embarrassment.
“S—” you start to mumble around his length, but he cuts you off.
“Sorry? Don’t be sorry. Fix it.” He gestures at his lap, and you blink up at him in confusion. He sighs and chuckles, the sound surprisingly fond given the circumstances. “You’re so cute, baby. Lick it up.” He murmurs, tone surprisingly gentle as he gives such a degrading order.
“You heard me.” His gaze is intimidating, to say the least, and he looks down at his lap and length pointedly. “Start here.” He presses your mouth against the flesh of his upper thigh, the tip of your nose coming back cool and wet with your saliva. You avert your gaze shamefully and start to lap at the surprising amount of drool you managed to produce in such a short amount of time, but Haechan tuts disapprovingly, catching your attention once more. “Look at me when you do it.”
Your face burns hotter than you even thought it was capable of but you continue, maintaining eye contact and licking up your saliva from both of his thighs. He strokes himself almost lazily as you do, eyes heavy-lidded with desire and his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrates on you.
Mark and Haechan seem to be silently fighting for your attention, because Mark’s thrusts escalate to an almost bruising pace while you’re tending to Haechan and he reaches around you to rub your clit, persisting even when you frantically try to swat his hand away.
“Be good, baby,” Mark murmurs distractedly as his hips continue to snap into yours. “Can you take it? For me?” As sweet as he sounds, it’s obvious to everyone in the room that you don’t have much of a choice. 
You’re at the mercy of both of them, and not only do they know, but they know you know, and they know you know they know.
“Okay,” you whimper quietly, and they both laugh.
“She’s learning,” Haechan coos, stroking your hair with his free hand. He taps the head of his length against your mouth, smiling when you take him into your mouth and start to bob your head, your tongue gliding against the underside of his shaft and helping you move up and down smoothly. “Just like that, baby.” Haechan groans, his head falling back as he pushes your head down until your nose is pressed against his lower abdomen and his tip prods at the back of your throat. 
You struggle to take it all in, but you finally manage, your throat reflexively swallowing around him, and he moans loudly, holding you in place as he thrusts up into your mouth with shallow pumps. You struggle to remember to breathe through your nose and tears prick at the corners of your eyes as he fucks your mouth, but Mark’s massaging of your clit helps distract you somewhat from the discomfort.
“You’re so tight,” Mark pants, “and wet, shit—”
The whine you let out is muffled by your mouthful of Haechan, who curses under his breath and thrusts up into your throat once more, making you gag around him and tap his thigh repeatedly.
“Too much?” Mark asks, sounding more amused than worried, and you shake your head.
“No, it’s not too much.” Haechan muses, finally pulling you off of his length and watching you cough and gasp for air. “Puppy loves taking cock—don’t you?”
“Yes,” you moan when you catch your breath, your voice throaty from sucking him off, and he smiles in satisfaction.
“She’s so good at it, too,” Mark grunts appreciatively, sliding his hand up your body to cup your breast. “Like she’s made for it.” 
“I’m close,” you whine as a warning, finding it oddly arousing that they’re essentially talking about you like you’re not there. 
“Good—I’m gonna cum so deep inside this pretty pussy,” he pants, each thrust pushing you closer and closer to the edge until you’re toppling over it, a broken cry falling from your lips as your eyes shut tightly, and you can feel his length throbbing within your walls as he pumps his cum into you. Mark shudders out a moan and kneads your asscheeks before pulling out of you and coming to lie on his back beside you, spent. 
Haechan takes Mark’s place, kissing up your thighs, over the curve of your asscheeks, and up your back until his lips are at the spot just behind your ear.
“You get to make one choice tonight, baby.” Haechan murmurs in your ear, running his hands down your sides to grab your hips. “You want me to eat you out like this? Or do you want to sit on my face?”
“Like this,” you mumble, barely audible and slurring. Haechan and Mark chuckle.
“What was that?” Haechan asks again, clearly taunting you.
“Haechan, please?” you sniffle, and he hums fondly, massaging circles into your hips with his thumbs. “Eat me out like this?”
“Okay, baby,” Haechan coos, moving back from your ear until you can feel his breath against your thighs and fanning over your core. “Such a pretty, pretty pussy. Even with Mark’s cum leaking out of it,” he murmurs, a gush of your and Mark’s cum leaking out of you as if on cue. 
Mark positions you on your hands once more, your body already starting to feel weary, and places himself under you where Haechan was a moment ago, slowly stroking himself. His brows furrowed, his gaze is dark as he watches your bottom lip tuck itself between your teeth in anticipation for Haechan to do something.
Haechan practically buries his face between your thighs, lapping at the arousal leaking from you. “Messy puppy’s even messy down here,” he grunts, wet noises sounding out from behind you as he licks and sucks at your glistening folds. 
The feeling of his tongue moving between your legs both tickles and thrills you, the wet muscle gliding over your skin with ease, and Haechan pulls back slightly, making you whine and push your hips back towards him.
“You’re so greedy,” Haechan teases, landing a smack to your ass cheek. “Be patient.”
“Don’t wanna,” you whine, looking up at Mark in an attempt to garner sympathy. “Please?”
Mark’s already furrowed brows furrow even more, something you didn’t think was possible, and he tilts your head up by the chin to capture your lips in a kiss. It’s domineering, forceful, even, with his tongue stroking against yours needily as you whine into his mouth.
As Mark kisses you senseless, you finally get to see why Haechan stopped in the first place. A warm, wet sensation travels down from your asshole and drips down to your clit, the bead of saliva threatening to drop onto the bed. Haechan groans at the sight while you groan at the sensation, Haechan’s mouth quick to follow the path but in reverse, licking up from your clit and through your folds to prod the tip of his tongue at your entrance.
You whimper and jolt forward, almost biting down on Mark’s lip, and Haechan chuckles, spreading your lips apart with two fingers and teasing his tongue around your entrance slowly. 
“Please,” you pant, breaking the kiss momentarily to beg for relief. “Please?”
“What, puppy? You like that?” he mumbles, pausing his ministrations to tease you. When you nod, he chuckles, cooing, “I know you like it; you like when I tease your little hole like that? Yeah?” You can only cry out in response, and he flicks his tongue over your entrance before speaking again. “That feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Haechan—” you plead in a desperate exhale, and he groans at the sound of your name leaving his lips, lurching forward and pushing his tongue past your entrance and into your core, not stopping even when you gasp and jolt away from him.
He yanks you back into place and smacks your ass once for good measure, warning you, “Don’t move until I say so,” before pushing his tongue back into you. He grabs your hip with his free hand, pulling you closer to his mouth, and Mark moves with you, his head dipping to suck at the base of your neck while you mewl in delight.
It takes approximately three guided rocking movements of your hips for you to realize that Haechan’s making you fuck yourself on his tongue, the wet muscle satisfying but a fraction of your need to be filled.
“More?” you beg, and Haechan drags his tongue up from your entrance to your asshole, swirling his tongue around the puckered rim as you cry out and reach back to swat at his head. “I didn’t mean—”
“Just wait,” he mumbles distractedly, flicking over it as you gasp and tremble. “See, puppy? I know what I’m doing.” Your hand slowly moves back to propping you up and both Mark and Haechan laugh, the sounds darker than usual and far more mischievous. 
“You like that, hm? Like when Haechan eats you out from the back?” Mark grunts against your neck, and you look down to see he’s fully hard again, his fist now slowly pumping his length. “So dirty,” Mark teases. “You’re just a dirty little thing,” Mark murmurs, “aren’t you?”
“Yes,” you agree needily, willing to say almost anything if it means you get to climax. “Haechan, I need—”
“I know what you need.” Haechan silences you by letting another fat drop of saliva drip onto your asshole, his lips wrapping around your clit as he pushes two fingers into your entrance and traces another finger around your asshole. “You need all your holes filled, don’t you, puppy?”
“Mhm,” you can only whine as he starts to fuck his fingers into you, the finger at your asshole pushing in with the spit as a makeshift lubricant. It’s less than ideal, the stretch of his finger feeling foreign as he pushes it in up to the first knuckle, but when he starts to move it in and out of you at the same pace his fingers fuck your core, you can only gasp in surprise, clutching onto Mark for something to brace yourself. “Holy shit—”
“Yeah, that’s good, isn’t it?” Mark chuckles, tilting your head towards him. “Look at me; I want to see that pretty face when you cum.”
“God, fuck—okay,” you agree breathlessly, nodding as you struggle to keep your eyes on his. Haechan speeds up in his finger-fucking of both your holes, releasing your clit from his lips to go up and spit on your rim again to prepare you as best he can to add another finger. “Oh, shit!”
“You can take it,” Haechan mutters determinedly, both sets of digits pumping in and out of you quickly. “Can’t you, baby?”
“Mhm,” you moan, nodding, and Haechan presses a kiss to your ass cheek, a silent encouragement to hang in there. “Gonna—oh, God—gonna cum—”
“Good, baby,” Haechan urges, voice surprisingly sweet as he coaxes you to your climax. “Cum for me, baby, cum all over me.” He’s practically spewing nonsense at this point, too caught up in his lust to make any sense, lips refusing to part with your clit as he urges you closer and closer to your peak. “Want to feel you cum all over my fingers, baby, all over my face—gonna lick it all up when you’re done—”
You cry out loudly, now grateful to be home alone, as your climax hits, your mind and body toppling over the edge gracelessly as you succumb to the bliss coursing through you. You whimper Haechan’s name, then Mark’s, then Haechan’s again, then you honestly don’t know what starts coming out next; you can only make out the word “fuck” leaving your lips again and again—and again.
“So fucking pretty when you cum,” Mark groans, pressing kisses to your slack-jawed mouth. “Prettiest fucking girl.”
“Gonna look even better with both of her holes stuffed full of cock.” Haechan grunts, and your eyes widen.
“Remember everything you put us through,” Haechan reminds you with a devilish grin. “You owe it to us at this point.” As if to drive his point home further, he presses his spit-slicked thumb to your rim, chuckling when you jolt away reflexively and move to sit on your heels. He presses you back down forcefully, your ass back in the air and face squished against Mark’s lap as he pushes his thumb past the rim of your asshole, moving it in and out carefully.
Mark groans at the sensation of your face pressed to the underside of his length and shamelessly lets his shaft rub against your lips and forehead, a tremor of pleasure traveling through his body as you whimper at the sensations you’re feeling at both ends. 
Haechan licks around where his thumb disappears into you, chuckling when you gasp with pleasure. 
“Haechan, hurry up—I want to fuck her again.” Mark grunts, and Haechan scoffs, moving his mouth away from you.
“You’re so impatient.” Haechan grouches as he pulls his thumb out carefully, guiding you up so you’re sitting on your heels. “I get her ass.”
“Wh—no, you don’t!”
“Mm, yes, I do.”
“Dude, seriously—”
“Can someone please just fuck me?” you plead quietly, and they look at each other, exchanging words non-verbally with their eyes. “Please?” 
“Don’t worry, puppy,” Haechan coos, coming closer and kissing your neck sweetly. “We’re gonna fill your needy little holes right now.”
“C’mere, pretty.” Mark urges, guiding you into straddling his legs and hovering just over his length as he presses the head of it to your entrance. He coats his length in your arousal, Haechan’s saliva, and whatever’s left of his own cum before urging your hips down so he slowly fills you up. When you let out a whine, he chuckles, pulling you down to kiss him, murmuring, “I know, baby. I know.”
“My turn,” Haechan chuckles mischievously, pressing his tip to your rim, both males holding you in place when you instinctively flinch away. “Don’t run from it, baby.”
“Mm—!” you cry out, voice muffled as Mark kisses you, as Haechan pushes the head of his cock into your ass, the feeling both incredibly foreign and unbelievably satisfying. “So much,” you gasp out, pulling away from Mark to look behind you as Haechan kneads your ass cheeks in what you assume is a comforting gesture.
“You can take it,” Mark encourages you with a husky voice, kissing down your neck to distract you from the discomfort.
“I can’t,” you moan, shaking your head.
“You can,” Haechan urges, “and you will.”
“God, fuck—” You hiss, scratching your nails uselessly against your bedspread.
“Don’t worry, baby—you’re gonna take this cock deep inside you, and you’re gonna fucking love it.” Haechan grunts through gritted teeth as he pushes himself further inside of you, his length reaching places inside of you no one’s ever been before. The cry you let out is somehow deeply overwhelmed yet so full of need for more that it would startle you if you were currently of sound mind and body. “Just like that, puppy.” he chuckles, his words ending in a groan as he bottoms out in you, hips pressed against your ass.
“Doing so well, baby.” Mark praises you in a whisper. “So fucking good.”
“You gotta relax, puppy.” Haechan leans over to speak against your ear. “Otherwise, it’s never gonna feel better.”
“You can move,” you say breathlessly, closing your eyes tightly in anticipation as you try to relax your muscles.
Mark lifts you up slightly and carefully pulls himself out to the tip before thrusting back into you with a groan. Haechan grips your hips tightly and starts to pull out, the feeling making you keen desperately for more. When he bottoms out again, you reach back to grab his hand tightly. 
“Faster,” you manage to get out, and Haechan snickers. 
“That’s more like it.” He pulls back out and thrusts into you as Mark starts building a quick rhythm that has you stuttering out whimpers. The sounds only increase in volume when Haechan does the same, the pleasurable blend of sensations of both your holes getting fucked filling your mind with a thick fog of bliss.
“So fucking big,” you whine, both of them chuckling.
“Who, baby?” Mark asks.
“Both of you—”
“Good answer,” Haechan praises before reaching around and rubbing at your clit, persisting even when you yelp in protest and try to smack his hand away. “Relax,” he reminds you, sounding smug as he tweaks the hypersensitive bud between his fingers.
“God, she’s so fucking wet,” Mark moans, his every syllable punctuated with a powerful thrust into you. “Feels like I’m gonna slip right out.” He reaches between your bodies and tugs at your nipples, kneading your breasts and running his thumbs over the sensitive buds.
“Please—oh, my God—” you beg, not even sure what it is you want.
“Good, yeah?” Mark teases, and you nod vigorously.
“So fucking good,” you pant, “feels so full.”
When he pulls you back down for a kiss, his hand returns to kneading your breasts as he teases your tongue with his. Haechan’s thrusts are rough and fast and deep, the pleasure forcing tears out of your eyes. His slick fingers press down harder on your clit and you nearly collapse, your eyes rolling back.
“Fuck, do that again, Haechan,” Mark groans against your lips. “She got so fucking tight—”
“This?” Haechan asks, fucking into you harder as he presses down on your clit again.
“Yeah—God, you’re so fucking tight—” Mark kisses away your tears even as fresh ones fall before sucking at a spot on your neck that makes you reflexively tilt your head to allow him more access.
“You like that, baby?” Haechan taunts you, audibly grinning as he speeds up the circles on your clit, and you cry out weakly, a teary whimper leaving you as more tears fall. “I know you do,” he grunts breathlessly, driving his hips into you harder. 
“God, I’m gonna—” You can barely get the words out as your climax approaches, your hips fucking back onto Haechan’s length.
“Cum, baby.” Mark tugs particularly hard on your nipple, eliciting another cry from you as you hit your peak, your body attempting to curl in on itself as the pleasure courses through you. “That’s it, fuck, you’re so good.” He sounds slightly whiny and you can’t even bring yourself to help him out yet, the aftershocks of your orgasm still traveling through your body, buzzing through your veins.
“Mark,” you say, slurring slightly as you bring your lips to his ear. “You can cum,” you urge gently, and he inhales sharply. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna fill you so good,” he moans, his thrusts growing more unpredictable before he thrusts upward, filling you completely, and spills his cum into you as his length throbs inside of you. His eyes close for a moment, Mark in a daze before he collects himself, opening his eyes, and pulls out of you gingerly. His gaze zeroes in on your core as his release and yours start to drip down your inner thighs, his face visibly spent while his eyes still hold that wild glint.
“Gonna fuck you so full of cum, puppy.” Haechan half-moans, half-growls as he pulls you up so your back is to his chest. Sucking at a sensitive spot on your neck, his hands grope your chest, kneading your breasts and rolling your nipples between his fingers. “Fill you so fucking good, it’ll be dripping out of you for ages.”
“God, Haechan, please cum—” you plead, fresh tears welling up in your eyes from how much pleasure you’re feeling. It’s almost more than you can take, one of Haechan’s hands returning to your clit even as you try your best to jerk away.
“You’re gonna come one more time for me, yeah?” he coaxes, and your eyes widen.
Underneath you, Mark chuckles at the panic on your face, watching you two lazily with a dopey smile on his lips.
“Haechan, I don’t wanna cum again,” you beg.
“Don’t want to, or you think you can’t?” Haechan presses, and you let out a small choked sob.
“I can’t!”
“You can—watch,” he answers simply, and you sniffle loudly. “Aw, come on; don’t be selfish, puppy,” he grunts, kissing up to your ear, his length pumping into you rapidly. “Give it to me. Cum.”
When you climax again, your body feels almost unbearably warm, your jaw dropping in overwhelming ecstasy, and your muscles go slack as you slump against Haechan’s back, distantly aware of Haechan’s thrusts slowing as he starts to cum inside of you. He keeps pumping into you at a slow pace, warmth flooding between your legs as more of your arousal drips down your legs.
“So fucking good, baby.” Haechan mutters through gritted teeth as his fingers dig into the flesh of your breast so hard that you whine. He pulls out of you carefully, your limbs immediately giving out as you practically melt onto the mattress beside Mark. Your breath comes in ragged inhales and exhales, Haechan gently flipping you onto your back and apologetically kissing the sore spots on your breast where his fingers dug into you. Satisfied with the attention, you tiredly push his head away and he lies down next to you, sighing deeply with relief.
“How do you feel?” Mark asks softly.
“Great,” Haechan answers, and Mark sucks his teeth.
“I wasn’t asking you.” 
“I feel…” you start, and they both crane their necks to look at you. “Like you’re both still insane.”
“Maybe we are,” Haechan laughs tiredly. “You did a good job; almost paid off your debt entirely.” 
“Please don’t bring up that stupid debt,” you complain, covering your ears.
“Also, turns out that puppy likes it in doggy style,” Haechan chuckles, “who would’ve thought?”
“Yeah, baby?” 
“Stop being a menace for one second. You’re making my head hurt.” 
“I can imagine more than your head hurts,” Mark says sympathetically, squeezing your hand. “Are you, like, physically okay?”
“Yeah,” you mumble sleepily. “I’m covered in spit and sweat and cum, though, so I really want to shower in a sec.”
“Here’s an idea—we go shower and Mark and I will go get some of Jeno’s weed for us to smoke. That’ll make you feel better.” Haechan suggests, and you pause to think.
“You know,” you muse, “that’s a good plan.”
“Why, thank you,” Haechan says with a proud smile. “I am known for my intelligence.”
“No, you’re not,” you and Mark snort in amusement.
“I’m a genius!” Haechan retorts defensively, and you scoff.
“Who said that beside the voices in your head?”
“Do you want Jeno’s weed or not?” Haechan challenges.
You’re quiet for a moment. “Fine, you’re a genius.”
Haechan smiles in satisfaction. “That's what I thought.”
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(“I can’t believe they really made it the whole month,” Jaemin mutters in surprise.
“I can’t believe I really have to give up all my weed,” Jeno laments. “All 5 pounds of it—”
“Five fucking pounds?! Jesus Christ, are you a dealer or something?” Lia stares in horror at Jeno, who just waves her off.
“We all do what we gotta do to get by.” Jeno answers, shrugging. “I smoke weed, Jaemin eats snacks—Lia schemes against her friends—”
“Hey! When I told Mark and Haechan she was home on December 1st and had her get the door, I did that for her own good. The three of them were dancing awkwardly around each other for a frustratingly long time.” Lia defends herself, and Jaemin raises an eyebrow.
“Right. Now look at them. Oh, wait. You can’t because they’re off fucking like rabbits. Again.” he drawls.
“I regret nothing.” Lia turns her nose up in a huff.
“Well, I regret hearing Haechan’s dumb joke about the new monthly challenge they’re doing.” Yeji rolls her eyes, gathering the attention of everyone else. “He didn’t tell you guys?” 
“No,” they chorus.
Yeji sighs. “It’s Dick Her Down December, apparently.”
“That poor girl.” Jaemin winces. “It’s only the 5th.”
Jeno shrugs. “Somehow, I think she’ll be alright.”)
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the end!! i hope you enjoyed :) please consider leaving positive feedback & thank you for reading!!
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 months
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Truth or Dare w Arsenal part 1 of 2 18+
Y/n x Leah Williamson x Katie McCabe x Steph Cately x Kyra Cooney Cross x Lia Walti and Jordan Nobbs
Word count: 4,276
Warning: Smut, Sexual dares, ehh it’s all in the fan fic. Haha just gotta read it 😉
A/n: So I decided to give you guys this fan fic as an apology for no other updates. This week I’m gonna be super busy and won’t have any time to work on fan fics. I’ll be back next week, hope you guys are doing well! Sorry again, thank you guys hope you enjoy the fan fic.
*Y/n's pov*
It was the third day of camp. Leah and I are roommates. Some of the girls had the great idea to play truth or dare but I didn't wanna play. I was tired and honestly I just wanted to go to bed. Leah was trying to convince me to play. "Leah I'm tired. I don't wanna play I just wanna go to bed." I say and yawn.
"Come on Y/n it'll be fun." Leah says pouting. "Please please play for a little while and then you can leave."
I sigh and give in and nod. "Fine only for a little bit though." I say.
Leah smiles. "Sounds good to me."
Leah nudges my shoulder, we leave the room and head to Kyra's and Jordan's room. As Leah is walking in front on me, I can't help but look at her ass. Leah turns to make sure I'm following her, she smirks when she sees me staring at her ass.
She outs more sway into it as we continue walking. I smirk and look at her ass as she sways her hips. We get to Jordan's room and knock on the door. Jordan opens the door, she smiles when she sees me. She lets us in.
"Look who agreed to play." Leah says.
I playfully shove her. "Oh shut up." I say.
The girls all laugh and cheer, I giggle and shake my head. I sit on one of the beds with Leah.
"Who's starting then?" Leah asking looking around the room.
"You can since you were the first one to speak up." I say making a smart ass comment.
"Fine." Leah says. She laughs and rolls her eyes. "Truth or Dare?"
I sit there and look around the room waiting for one of the girls to speak up and say truth or dare. Jordan is the first one to speak up.
"Dare." Jordan says.
"I dare you to show your most embarrassing video on your phone." Leah says.
Jordan blushes, she pulls out her phone and shows us a video of her giving Katie a lap dance. Katie blushes darkly in embarrassment.
"Oh my god." Leah says.
"Jordan." Kyra exclaims.
"Damn girl." Steph says.
"Dirty girl." Lia says teasing Jordan. Jordan blushes darkly and gets annoyed.
"Oh fuck off, I was drunk." Jordan says.
"You don't say." Leah says laughing a bit.
"Y/n your turn. Truth or Dare?" Jordan says.
"Umm." I pause for a moment. "Dare."
Jordan smirks, "I dare you to make out with me."
I blush a bit and nod. "Sure."
Jordan gets up and comes over to me. She leans out and makes out with me. I decide to spice it up, I pick her up and set her on my lap as I make out with her.
Jordan slips her hand under my shirt and traces my abs with her fingers and scratches them a bit. I groan in the kiss as she plays with my abs, Jordan smirks in the kiss and grinds a bit making it more heated.
I moan in the kiss as I get hard. My boner rubs against her ass, Jordan moans as my dick rubs against her folds from over her shorts. I moan, I can feel some of her wetness soaking through her shorts a bit.
She breaks away from the kiss after another 10 seconds of making out she blushes and looks at me. "Y-You have a boner." She whispers in my ear.
I blush darkly and nod. "I know, can you sit on my lap so the others don't see? I don't want them to judge me or think of me differently."
She nods. "Of course." She whispers.
"Thank you." I whisper back.
I look around the room. "Kyra. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." Kyra says.
"I dare you to take off Leah's shorts." I say.
Kyra shrugs, she gets up and walks over to Leah. Leah lays on the bed and lifts her hips, Kyra grabs the waist band of Leah's shorts and slides her shorts down her legs and tosses them off to the side.
Kyra sits on the bed next to Leah. "Steph. Truth or dare?" Kyra asks.
"Dare." Steph says.
"I dare you to take off Katie's shorts and make out with her." Kyra says.
Steph smirks at Katie. Katie smiles and motions Steph over, Steph gets up and goes over to Katie. Steph gently guides Katie down on the bed, Katie lifts her hips and Steph slides her shorts down her legs and tosses them off to the side.
Steph leans in and kisses Katie. Katie immediately starts kissing back.
*Steph's pov*
I take off Katie's shorts as I make out with her. Katie pauses but immediately starts kissing back. I lift her up and place her on my lap as I continue to make out with her.
I feel Katie's juices through her panties and feel her juices in my thigh. I finally break away from the kiss, I smile a bit and rest my head against hers.
"You're so wet love." I whisper in her ear.
Katie blushes darkly and cutely hides her face in my neck. "S-Shut up." Katie cutely stutters.
*Y/n's pov*
"Y/n. Truth or dare?" Steph asks me.
"I dare you to give Katie an ass massage." Steph says and smirks.
Jordan smirks and whispers to me. "Try not to get hard. I want that dick first." Jordan whispers to Me.
I blush a bit. Jordan lets me get up. Katie comes to me and lays on the bed. I gently sit on the back of her legs, and start to massage Katie's ass. Katie moans as I massage her ass.
"Fuck Katie you got some cake." Leah says slapping Katie's ass.
Katie moans, I bite my lip as I get hard as I continue to massage Katie's ass. My boner rubs against her folds from behind. I bit my lip as I can feel how wet she is through her panties.
*Katies pov*
Fuck! I can feel myself getting wet after Leah slapped my ass, shit I really loved her touching my ass it should've been Leah giving me an ass massage instead of Y/n.
I moan as Y/n continues to massage my ass. I suddenly feel something rub against my folds from behind. "Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure.
Oh my god Y/n is hard. Wait!! Y/n has a dick?! I blush darkly as she confirms to massage my ass. I moan as her dick continues to run against my folds from behind.
"Times up." Steph says.
The girls gasp when they see Y/n's bulge. Y/n sits on the edge of the bed the girls start asking questions.
*Y/n's pov*
"Yes i have a dick." I say. I answer their question and we continue to play the game.
"Lia. Truth or Dare?" I ask.
"Dare." Lia says.
"I dare you to eat out Leah." I smirk.
Leah blushes darkly, Lia smirks and walks over to Leah. Lia lays Leah on the bed next to me. She slides Leah's panties down her legs and tosses them off to the side.
She lays on her stomach in between Leah's legs and licks Leah's clit. Leah moans in pleasure and lays her head back on the pillow behind her. Lia continues to eat out Leah.
Leah moans and runs her fingers through Lia's hair. Leah moans loudly as Lia slips in a finger and slowly fingers her as she continues to eat Leah out.
"Shit Lia... just like that." Leah moans.
I laugh and watch Lia eat out my best friend. Leah's eyes roll to the back of her head as her legs shake and buckle in pleasure. "Fuck right there.... Just like that." Leah moans out.
"Mmm Lia I'm close." Leah moans.
I giggle at her reaction, Leah wraps her hands thighs around Leah's head and shoulder and slowly grinds against Lia's face.
"Fuck. I'm close." Leah moans loudly in pleasure.
Leah cums all over Lia's face. Lia licks up Leah's sticky mess, Lia helps Leah ride out her high. Lia pulls her finger out of Leah. Lia licks and sucks Leah's juices off her finger. Lia smirks and kisses Leah.
Leah smiles and kisses back.
"Leah your turn to pick love." I say.
Leah nods and looks around the room. "Kyra. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." Kyra says.
Leah smirks. "I dare you to take off your shirt and bra and let Y/n run one out and cum all over your stomach, abs and tits." Leah says.
Kyra blushes darkly and nods. She takes off her shirt and bra and lays back on the bed. I take off my shorts and boxers and set them off to the side.
I join Kyra on the bed, I gently sit in Kyra's thighs, I spit on my dick and slowly stroke my dick. Kyra bites her lip and watches me jerk off. I stroke my dick a w bit faster. Kyra places her hands in my thighs as I continues to jerk off.
I stroke my dick faster and faster. "You gonna cum? You gonna bust your load all over my tits and stomach?" Kyra asks seductively.
I moan in pleasure and nod. "Y-Yeah. I'm gonna bust my load all over tits and stomach." I moan as I stroke my dick faster.
Kyra smirks and bites her lip and watches me jerk off. "Come on baby, give me that load." Kyra says seductively. "Fuck I bet you wanna fuck my tight pussy and shoot your load deep inside me." Kyra says.
I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. I stroke my dick a bit faster.
"Come on baby, give it to me. Your massive 12 inch dick shooting your massive load into my tits and stomach." Kyra says.
Kyra bites her lip and watches me as I continue to stroke my dick. Kyra looks over at Leah. "C-Can I help her?"
Leah smirks and nods. Kyra licks her palm, and wraps her hand around my dick and strokes my dick. I moan as she does Kyra smirks and strokes my dick faster and faster.
I moan and lock eyes with her. "Fuck Ky, just like that I'm gonna cum buckets." I moan.
Kyra smirks and massages my balls as she continues to stroke my dick. I moan in pleasure as Kyra strokes my dick.
"Mmm I can feel our dick throbbing, fuck baby your dick is so hard. Someone really needs to cum." Kyra says as she strokes my dick faster.
"Mm fuck, I need to cum so badly." I moan.
"Yeah baby? You gonna bust your load all over my stomach, tits and face?" Kyra asks as she continues to give me a hand job.
I moan. "Yes, I'm gonna cum fast and hard if you keep doing that."
After another 2 minutes of an amazing hand bob I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls. "Kyra baby I'm gon-" I'm un able to warn her in time.
I can't take it anymore. I bust my load all over Kyra's face, tits and stomach and abs. Kyra smiles and giggles as my cum continues to shoot onto her face, tits and abs.
"Fuck look at that thick cum." Kyra says.
She scoops some of my cum up with her fingers and outs what she can in her mouth. "Mmm your cum tastes good."
I moan and smile coming down from my high. The last of my cum oozing out of my dick and onto Kyra's abs. I look over at Jordan.
"Jordan. Truth or Dare?" I ask.
"Dare." Jordan says.
I smirk. "I dare you to lick my cum off Kyra's face, tits and abs."
Jordan smirks, she gets up and comes over to Kyra. Jordan licks up my sticky mess, slowly licking my cum off Kyra's face, tits and abs.
I blush darkly and get hard as I watch Jordan do this. Jordan smirks and winks at me. Jordan looks around the room.
"Leah. Truth or Dare?" Jordan asks.
"Dare." Leah says.
"I dare you to eat out Katie." I Jordan says.
Kyra giggles and tosses my shorts and boxers off to the side. "May as well keep these off. I'm sure the girls are gonna want some of that dick." Kyra says.
I Blushed darkly and nod. Leah gets up and walks over to Katie. Leah lays Katie on the bed, she slides Katie's panties down her legs and tosses them off to the side. Leah lays between Katie's legs, Leah kisses and sucks on Katie's inner thighs teasing her.
Katie moans as Leah does this. Leah licks Katie's folds, Katie moans and rests her legs on Leah's shoulders as Leah licks her folds and eat her out.
"Mm fuck." Katie moans in pleasure.
*Katie's pov*
Holy fuck Leah can eat pussy. I moan and run my fingers through her hair, I moan as she slips in a finger and slowly fingers me as she continues to eat me out.
"Mm fuck, right there baby." I moan.
Leah fingers me faster as she continues to eat me out. Leah spits on my pussy and continues to go to town on my pussy, she slips in a second finger and fingers me faster.
"Fuck... Leah baby I'm gonna cum." I moan as I feel a knot in my stomach.
My legs shake and buckle in pleasure and grip the sheets. "Mmm baby, I'm close." I moan as I feel that familiar knot coming in my stomach.
I moan, I can't take it anymore, I cum all over Leah's finger, face and chin. Leah helps me ride out my high, Leah licks up my sticky mess. She wipes my juices off her face and chin and licks my juices off her fingers.
Leah smirks and licks my folds. "Mmm you taste amazing baby." Leah says.
I blush darkly as she says this. I'm speechless as I pant and try to catch my breath. "Fuck that was amazing." I pant out.
*Y/n's pov*
I gently grab Katie's hand and help her it up. Katie puts her panties back on, "You're so pretty." I smile.
Katie smiles and I side hug her. Leah giggles and pecks Katie's cheek. "I wish I was eating you out. I'm throbbing just from watching Leah eat you out." I whisper to Katie.
Katie smirks at me. "Don't worry baby you'll get your turn." Katie says rubbing my bulge.
I moan and bite my lip. "Fuck I bet you want this dick. Don't you baby?" I tease her.
"Mmm yeah I wanna feel you balls deep inside me." Katie says seductively. I smirk we continue playing truth or Dare.
Leah looks around the room. She looks at Jordan and smirks. "Jordan, truth or dare?"
Jordan blushes and shrugs. "Dare."
Leah looks at me and smirks. "I dare you to give Y/n a blow job and make her finish in your mouth. And you have to swallow her cum." Leah says.
Jordan blushes and nods. Jordan gets on her knees and sexily crawls towards me. Jordan licks her palm, she wraps her hand around my dick and slowly strokes my dick.
"Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure, Jordan smirks. "Just like that baby."
"Like that baby? Me jerking you off?" Jordan asks seductively.
I moan. "Feels so good."
Jordan smirks and continues to stroke my dick, once I'm hard Jordan takes my dick in her mouth. Jordan slowly bobs her head, she chokes and gags a bit as she bobs her head. The tip of my dick hits the back of her throat.
I moan and run my fingers through her hair as Jordan slowly bobs her head. "Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure Katie smirks and rubs her folds as she watches Jordan give me head.
"You like that baby? Jordan sucking your massive throbbing dick?" Katie asks seductively as she fingers herself.
"Mmm fuck, it feels really good." I moan in pleasure.
Katie giggles and continues to watch Jordan bob her head a bit faster as she sucks the soul out of my dick. "Mmm fuck I'm gonna cum buckets if you keep doing that." I moan.
Katie giggles, she reaches down and plays with my balls as Jordan continues to give me head. I moan and massage my boobs.
"Ahh fuck." I moan.
After 5 more minutes of an amazing blowjob I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls. "Jordan baby, I'm gonna cum." I moan loudly in pleasure.
"Cum baby, finish in Jordan's mouth." Katie says seductively as she plays with my balls. Katie giggles and kisses me, I moan in the kiss.
I moan as my balls tighten.
Throat pie:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load in Jordan's mouth. Jordan chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth. Jordan swallows my load.
I smirk and gently rub her chin. "Get all of it baby, swallow every last drop."
The girls moan and bite their lips as they watch Jordan swallow my load and clean up the rest of my cum and swallow it.
I moan and come down from my high, the last of my cum oozing inside Jordan's mouth. I moan and pant trying to catch my breath, Jordan smiles and swallows the last of my cum getting every last drop.
The girls giggle and we continue playing truth or dare. Jordan looks over at Kyra. "Kyra. Truth or dare?"
"Dare." Kyra says.
"I dare you to finger Steph and make her cum." Jordan says. We giggle and watch as Kyra holds Steph from behind while they sit on the bed.
Kyra snakes her arms around Steph's waist and kisses Steph's neck, as she lowers her hand in Steph's shorts and panties and moves her hand in a circular movement.
Steph moans in pleasure and leans back against Kyra.
*Steph's pov*
I bite my lip as Kyra kisses my neck and giggles with my shorts. Kyra slips her hand in my shorts, and panties and swipes her finger up my folds collecting my juices. I moan as she does this.
Kyra slips in a finger and slowly fingers me. I moan and lean back into her touch and spread my legs giving her full access. Kyra slips in a second finger and fingers me a bit faster.
"Mm fuck." I moan, Kyra giggles, she kisses my neck and massages my boobs as she fingers me a bit faster and rubs my clit with her thumb. I moan and grind against her finger desperate to cum.
"Mmm F-Faster." I moan in pleasure.
Kyra grants my wish and fingers me faster. My legs shake and buckle in pleasure. "Mmm fuck..... fuck." I moan.
I moan as I feel that familiar knot in my stomach. "Mmm fuck, I'm close." I moan.
"Cum baby, cum for me." Kyra says as she rubs my clit faster with her thumb. I moan as I feel myself getting closer.
"Mm fuck, Kyra please." I beg. "Please let me cum." I beg becoming a moaning mess.
Kyra smirks. The girls watch, their mouths hang open a bit as they watch Kyra finger me and touch themselves. "Let go baby, cum. Cum for us." Kyra says seductively.
I can't take it anymore, I cum all over Kyra's fingers and hand and cum in my shorts and panties. Kyra giggles and kisses my neck.
"Good girl." Kyra says, Kyra helps me ride out my high. Once I come down from my high Kyra pulls her fingers out of me. Kyra licks and sucks my cum and juices off her fingers.
"Mmm you taste amazing." Kyra says.
I moan and pant once I catch my breath I kiss Kyra. We continue to play truth or dare. I blush darkly as the girls smirk and wink at me.
"Lia. Truth or Dare?" I ask.
Lia shrugs. "Truth."
I smirk. "Okay I like the change up. Be honest, who in this room would you fuck with a strap on?" I ask her. Lia blushes as I ask her this question.
*Lia's pov*
I blush as Step asks me this question. I honestly wouldn't mind strapping Y/n but I don't know if she's into that sort of thing though. I definitely wouldn't mind strapping Katie, I mean have you seen her ass?
Fuck I moan and bite my lip as I get wet at the thought of me fucking Katie's ass with a strap on. "I would strap Katie." I say blushing darkly.
Katie giggles and cutely blushes. "Mm well I'm sure we can figure something out. We can definitely arrange for that to happen." Katie says interlacing our fingers and smiling looking at me. Her eyes full of Lust. Katie smiles and pecks my lips, we continue playing the game.
*Katies pov*
We continue playing truth or dare. I look over at Y/n as she smiles and watch the girls play the game. "Hey Y/n can I ask you a question? I'm gonna ask you truth or dare but first I wanna ask you a question." I say.
Y/n smiles and nods. "Of course." By now the girls attention is on us as they are curious to know what the question is.
I smirk, I bite my lip and look at her. Y/n nods. "What's the question?" Y/n asks.
I smirk. "Have you ever nutted inside a girl?"
Y/n's eyes go wide, she blushes darkly. "Y-You mean like finish inside a girl?" Y/n asks stuttering a bit.
"Yeah have you?" I ask.
"Ugh no I haven't. I always pull out." Y/n says.
I smirk. "Well today is your lucky day."
Y/n looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" She cutely asks.
I smirk and look at her and look down at her bulge. "Y/n. Truth or dare?" I ask her.
Y/n blushes and pauses for a moment. "Dare."
I smirk. "I dare you to fuck me and finish inside me." I say. The girls giggle and cheer.
I lay back on the bed, Y/n hovers over me. "Are you sure about this?" Y/n asks. "I don't have a condom." Y/n says.
I smile and nod. "Yes I'm sure." I quietly moan as Y/n rubs her tip through my folds. "Mmm fuck Y/n just put it in." I moan.
Y/n nods, she slowly pushes the tip in. I moan as she slowly pushes the first 3 inches in. "Mmm." I moan.
She moans and pushes the next 4 inches inside me. "Mmm are you all the way in yet?" I moan and ask.
"Mm almost baby." Y/n says.
"That's 7 inches already." I moan.
Y/n giggles and slides the rest of her length deep inside me. "Oh fuck you're really deep in there." I moan.
"Tell me when to move." Y/n says.
I moan and nod, I take a moment to adjust to her size. "M-Move." I moan.
I moan loudly in pleasure as Y/n slowly thrust in and out of me. "Fuck you're so deep inside me." I moan in pleasure.
Y/n cutely moans in my ear and kisses my neck as she thrusts in and out of me a bit faster. I moan as her balls slap against my skin.
"Mmm fuck...fuck feels so good." I moan in pleasure.
I moan as I feel that familiar knot forming in my stomach. "Mmm I'm gonna cum." I moan.
*Y/n's pov*
I moan in pleasure as I feel Katie's walls clench around my dick letting me know that she is close to cumming. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
"Mmm I'm gonna cum." Katie moans.
"Mmm fuck." I moan and go at an angle. I pound her g spot.
"Fuck....Fuck.....Fuck." Katie squeaks out with each thrust.
Katie moans and cums all over my dick. I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls. "Mmm Katie baby I'm gonna cum." I moan.
Katie wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me close to her leg trapping me so I can't pull out.
"Mmm yes, cum in me. Cum in me." Katie moans.
Creampie #1:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. The girls gasp and moan at the sight of me stuffing my dick deeper inside Katie as I fill her up.
"Fuck that was sexy." Leah moans and blushes darkly.
Katie and me both moan as I pump her full of cum. Katie smiles and moans. I help her ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her.
Katie moans, thick cum oozes out of her and drips down her folds and onto the bed and sheets. "Mmm fuck." Katie moans as my cum continues to ooze out of her.
I see Jordan staring at Katie's cum glazed pussy. "Jordan. Truth or Dare?" I ask.
"D-Dare." Jordan says.
I smirk. "I dare you to lick my cum off Katie's thighs and folds and eat out her cum filled pussy."
To be continued in Part 2!!!
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reminiscingtonight · 10 months
What She Doesn't Know Won't Hurt
Lia Wälti x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Fully inspired by all of the team pics with Myles
[WOSO Masterlist]
She’s gone. 
Despite nearly spending all your time joined at the hip, Lia’s not here. 
While normally heartbreaking and unbearable, today it’s exactly what you were hoping for. 
“Make sure to be quiet.”
The sound of something instantly crashing to the ground has you shooting a withering glare at the younger girl by your side. 
“What did I just say?” you sigh, knowing very well you’re going to have to clean up whatever just spilt later.
Alessia gives you a sheepish smile. “Sorry, hazard that comes from having long limbs.”
You ignore the dig at your height. “Do you want to see the surprise or not?”
She perks up at that, quickly scrambling to keep up with your pace. 
When you push open the door to the guest room, there’s a quiet whine before a sharp nose pokes out. 
You’re instantly plowed over by a brown blur, wet tongue dragging all over your face. Laughing, you have to fight to get back to a seated position, fingers digging through short fur. 
Next to you Alessia’s staring, barely able to hide her excitement at the sight of your new puppy. “Oh my god, he’s gorgeous,” she gasps. 
“You want to pet him? Bear doesn’t bite.”
Alessia reaches out without hesitation. Bear takes one look at the striker before his mouth closes around her fingers, lightly nipping at her digits. 
“Much,” you grin as Alessia yelps in surprise. 
She shoots your dog a dirty look as he sits down next to you with a proud look. “Aw, don’t be mad, Lessi. He’s just a baby.”
Whatever Alessia’s going to say is interrupted when he tilts his head at her, beady eyes trained on her face. You can practically hear her gulp, the blonde stiffening in front of you. 
Scooching forward, he gives Alessia an exploratory sniff. 
Whatever Bear finds next must satisfy him because suddenly he’s rolling over, offering up his stomach for some scratches. 
Alessia hesitantly reaches forward, smile breaking out on her face when he wiggles around in excitement at first contact.
For the next hour or so the two of you give Bear all the cuddles and love he could want. He’s all tuckered out, curled up in his dog bed with a new toy when Alessia finally gets up to grab her jacket, ready to leave for the day. 
“Remember, we have to keep this a secret.”
Alessia’s just slipped on her shoes when you remind her of the promise you made her make before taking her to your place after practice today. Lia had gone out with Leah for some light shopping, giving you all the time you needed to sneak Alessia in to see the new addition to your family. 
Something you and Lia agreed on when you first adopted Bear was keeping him a secret for the time-being. Of course there was no worry of the girls treating him poorly, all of your teammates being such dog-lovers, but what worried you guys was the possibility of not having another moment of peace and time alone once they all found out about him. 
So for the past two weeks both of you keep quiet about Bear. What the girls don’t know about won’t hurt them. 
But then there was Alessia. Ever since her move from Manchester she’s just seemed a little off, a little sad. She’s been spending a lot of time with Steph and Calvin to keep her spirits up, so when you adopted Bear it was a no-brainer who your first guest would be. 
So yes, maybe you lied through your teeth when you promised your girlfriend to wait a month before introducing anyone to him. But a month was a long time and you were just dying to confide in someone about your new son.
Alessia nods, pinky hooking around yours. “Just between you and me.”
It is decidedly not kept just between you and her.
Alessia’s got an apologetic look on her face when you run into her and a very gleeful Victoria after practice the next day. The way they’re standing by your spot in the nearly empty locker room makes you think they’ve been waiting for you to finish up.
You eye the two of them with suspicion. “Lessi. Vic. What can I do for you?”
Alessia does a quick scan of the room before deciding it’s empty enough to have this conversation. She leans in close to you, lowering her voice.
“I know you said it was just between us,” she starts, hands nervously wringing together.
“Alessia,” you groan, knowing exactly what she’s going to tell you before she does.
“The Dutch can be very convincing!” Alessia looks absolutely terrified. Of you or Victoria, you’re not really sure.
“I can be very convincing,” Victoria echos, not looking ashamed in the slightest. She gives you a wide grin before hooking an arm through yours. “Now what’s this I hear about a new addition to your family?”
You thank the stars that Lia’s gone to get her nails done with some of the other girls. 
You sigh. “Do you want to go in my car or yours?”
You’re not quite sure how you got here. Here being your living room, surrounded by most of the younger players on the team, superseded only by the likes of Kim, Cloé, and Jen. 
Alessia and Kyra are engaging Bear in a game of tug-o-war, Victoria egging them on while the rest of you, the older players and Lotte, are chilling with a couple of drinks. The air is light as you quietly joke around, basking in the feel of a small team get-together. 
You don’t really remember why Lia couldn’t be home today, but you ran with it, quickly inviting Alessia over. Only inviting Alessia apparently meant inviting Victoria which meant inviting Kyra which meant… well you get the point. Suddenly you were housing seven football players when you initially only intended for one. The only upside was that the girls all brought over food and drinks so who were you to turn them away?
You’re so caught up in conversations and laughs that you don’t hear the sound of the key turning in the lock. Nor the opening of said door. Or the confused murmur at all of the shoes by the door. 
What you do hear is your full name coming out of a voice you’ve come to associate with love and warmth. Only the sound of her voice tonight is followed by your heart sinking to the bottom of your gut. 
Spinning around you come face to face with an unamused Lia, arms crossed as she looks on at the sight of the living room. Alessia instantly lets go of the rope, sending Kyra flying when Bear pulls with all of his might. The Australian grumbles out some swear words as Bear sits up proudly, toy hanging loosely in his jaws. He trots over to Lia, tail thumping in excitement at the sight of her. 
“Lia, babe, it’s not what it looks like.”
Your girlfriend raises an eyebrow at you. “It looks like you invited people over to see Bear when we agreed not to.”
“Okay. It's exactly what it looks like.” There’s no point in denying what you both know is true. But that doesn’t mean you don’t try to deflect. “But it’s all Lessi’s fault!”
Alessia lets out a cry of dismay. “Is not! You’re the one who invited me over!”
“I wasn’t the one who invited everyone else now was I?”
The striker looks ready to argue, but whatever she’s going to say is interrupted when another familiar but unexpected figure comes flying in behind Lia. 
“I’m ready to see my favorite little pookie bea--” Leah breaks off when she sees the crowd of women already in your living room. Her feet come to a skidding stop, eyes darting between you and your girlfriend. 
“Oh hey, (Y/N). I didn’t realize you were going to be here…” Her eyes sweep the room. “Or half the team either.”
“Right.” Your lip pinches into a line, a sinking suspicion that you’re being played by your girlfriend. “And what pray tell are you doing here, Leah?” Though the question is directed towards your vice captain, your eyes never leave your girlfriend’s. 
Leah’s eyes also dart towards Lia, the defender not quite sure what to say or do. 
Your girlfriend on the other hand has suddenly found your dog very interesting, hands planted firmly in his fur as she avoids all eye-contact. 
“You’re such a hypocrite!” you laugh, pulling your girlfriend into your arms. Leave it up to Lia to try to sneak people in to see Bear just like you have been. Between you sneaking girls in when Lia’s gone and Lia sneaking in others while you’ve been out, there’s no telling how many Arsenal girls have already been by to see him. 
It isn’t until nearly thirty minutes later, when you and Lia have already laughed off your apparent inability to keep Bear to yourselves that Leah breaks the peace. 
“So I shouldn’t tell Beth to come over?” Leah whispers to the Swiss girl, albeit a bit too loudly. 
An offended sounding gasp escapes your lips, tilting your head to meet Lia’s embarrassed gaze. 
“You told me you only told Leah!”
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
cuddles with sev!! idk i’ve been super emotional lately and i just wanna curl up with sev in a pile of fluffy blankets with her arms round me and scratch her head while she gives me forehead kisses and i give her forehead kisses back :(
idk if that’s weird sorry, this is my first ask idk how tumblr works :/ anyway i love ur writing you’ve kind of fuelled my obsession with sev <33
not weird, i totally fucking agree
men and minors dni
sevika's an introvert, and touch is her love language, so at the end of a long day her absolute favorite way to recharge is to just... cuddle.
sometimes you guys chat, you combing your hands through sevika's hair as she tells you corny jokes, reveling in the sound of your little giggles.
sometimes she just needs to be quiet, her nose pressed to the base of your neck, breathing you in as she lays on top of you and you scratch her back.
and sometimes, when she's had a really shitty week, you'll make a little blanket fort in your living room-- plush cushions and blankets strung up and piled around for you and sevika to spend the entire day curled up in.
she cried the first time she came home to the fort in her apartment. then took a six hour nap on your tits, cuddled under the blankets and twinkling fairy lights you'd hung.
sometimes your cuddles get a little steamy. the gentle, loving pecks on cheeks and foreheads turns into biting kisses on lips, and snuggles and nuzzles turn into grinds and humps.
but most of the time, sevika keeps her cuddle time p-g. she just genuinely loves being in your arms.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352 @artinvain
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kamotecue · 8 months
a start of something great ✮ l. walti
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pairing: lia walti x fem!reader
summary: another accidental encounter, could things end bad? or is it the start of something great.
part one, two, three, four and five.
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after that encounter with a certain swiss player, you couldn’t help but find yourself thinking at her. maybe, it was the way you felt her trace your face, you had felt it as you were slowly waking up.
you had just finished training, a certain brit swung their arms over your shoulder as you walked back to the locker room.
“any plans, n/n?” niamh asked, as jessie fleming hummed—after you had met the chelsea duo, they had adopted you into their duo, making it a trio.
“i was planning on getting a puppy, my apartment is a bit quiet.” you replied, as niamh hummed at your words.
“what breed?” jessie asked, as niamh dropped her arm from your shoulder to her side. the three of you had just entered the locker room, proceeding to your own locker.
“a golden.” you gave her a small smile, before heading to the showers, the towel was over your shoulder, as you held the two bottles, shampoo and conditioner.
after you finished showering, you wore a black turtleneck, with black plaid pants. bidding goodbye to jessie and niamh who gave you a small smile, you rushed to your car—not wanting to be late to meet the puppy.
you named her, hestia after the greek goddess of the hearth, home and fire. frankly, you thought she was an underrated goddess and fought strongly that she is still the 12th olympian.
hestia had already gotten her shots that were needed, the anti rabies vaccine and others. you already prepped the bowls, dog food, and toys.
you strolled through the park, the grey leash was already with its collar, as hestia kept pulling you somewhere—the leash ended up slipping from your grasp, as she ran forward.
your eyes widened as you chased after her, she didn’t go to far—as she sat, behind her ears were getting scratched.
“are you lost?” the familiar voice asked, as she analyzed the dog tag.
“hestia, i wonder who named you.” you cleared your throat as the brunette looked up to you, her face flushing as she realized it was you.
“i’m sorry if she disturbed you. the leash had slipped.” you explained, as lia hummed at your actions. she held out the leash, as you grabbed it, wrapping it a few times around a finger.
“she didn’t, don’t worry. so, why hestia?” lia asked, as she stood up—looking into your eyes, to which you avoided looking at the sky. if you didn’t do that, you would’ve seen how she blushed, how her eyes landed on your physique, and how she loved how the turtle neck suited you.
“i named her after my favorite greek goddess, hestia who is the goddess of hearth.” you said, before picking up the puppy. she cuddled into your arms, as you chuckled at the hestia’s behavior.
you didn’t know it but that was the start of something great. you two had spent the day talking about random things, mainly about life outside of football.
as you rested your head against the headboard, you felt your phone vibrate as it was held in your hands—quickly looking at the screen, you saw an instagram notification.
liawaelti has started following you.
a soft yet wide smile appeared, as you hummed. it took you a while to follow back, locking your phone as you turned to fall asleep.
y/nleon has started following you.
if only you could imagine how bright her smile was, or how you’d occupy her thoughts—ever since the world cup. the little misunderstanding, to her apology, and your unexpected transfer—not to mention her drunken mistake.
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Friends or Lover
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Hello there!
This is a lovely request that you can find here. Again it's a fiction so I'm not claiming that I know the truth about anything. Also this is a sweet wonderful world where ACL are unbreakable.
Enjoy ♥
TW : None
"When will you stop hiding?"
Leah’s question, asked to Katie make the woman raise a surprised look on her friend. Both in practice before tonight’s game, they were stretching when Leah spoke in a thoughtful and curious tone.
"What?" Katie raises her eyebrows.
"Caitlin and you"
Katie’s eyes automatically fall on Caitlin, who is also busy warming up with Kyra and Steph. The Irishwoman then shifts her attention to Leah, who naturally saw where Katie’s eyes had turned.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about" Katie grumbles as she resumes her exercises.
"Yeah right" Leah chuckles with a mischievous smile.
A few seconds of silence pass between the two young women, Katie preferring not to respond to Leah’s provocation. Obviously, Leah noticed the glances exchanged and the flirty smiles between Katie and Caitlin, for a very long time now. Katie and Leah have known each other for many years and the blonde knows her friend like the back of her hand.
"Is it because of Lia?" asks Leah soon after, more serious this time
Katie sighs and scratch the back of her head. There is no need to denied more if her friend knows already right?
"Kind of. We don't want people assume that Caitlin and Lia broke up because of that. All happened after the break up, the falling into the other and all, and after my break up too. We don't want to hurt Lia in anyway, she's my friend and I love her. And I don't want Ruesha to know too."
"Why that?"
"You know how she is" Katie shrugs
Leah hums, looking at Lia for some seconds. Both women didn't realize that Caitlin is looking at them now, clearly asking herself what the hell they are talking about.
"I don't think you have to worry about Lia, she will be fine. And for Ruesha even if some Arsenal's girls would know, no one will talk to her about it. Sorry to tell you that, but no one really liked your ex."
"How do you know for Lia?" Katie asks, frowning and skipping the last part of the sentence.
"I just know" Leah answers, trying to suppress a smile on her lips.
She failed and Katie notice immediately. The Irish woman drop whatever she was doing, eyes wild.
"Leah Cathrine Williamson, don't tell me..."
"What? Can you really blame me? Plus you can happily live your love with Caitlin now"
"I never said it's love"
"What is it then?"
"... friends? Who cares a lot for each others and... who... give... each others attention and, well, kind of... wild sex?"
Leah almost choke while laughing and Katie rolls her eyes while smiling. Jonas call them soon after, informing them of some last minute tactical changes. Taking advantage that everyone is gathered, Caitlin discreetly approaches Katie. Positioned slightly behind her, Katie must turn a little to look at the Australian when she whispers in her ear.
"What were you and Leah talking about?"
Their faces are only a few centimeters apart and Caitlin momentarily forgets that she asked a question, her eyes sliding on the lips of her interlocutor. Bowing an amused eyebrow when seeing Caitlin’s gaze, Katie gives her a playful hip shot before answering her.
"Not here. Later, okay?"
Seeing Caitlin’s inquisitive and worried gaze, Katie uncross the arms she had crossed on her chest to place a reassuring hand on the Australian’s arm.
"Nothing serious Sweet, don’t worry"
Caitlin watches Katie for a few more seconds before nodding. Katie lets her hand slid along Caitlin's arm to take her hand in hers. The two young women had already shifted their attention back to Jonas when Leah, appearing magically alongside Katie, whispers in her ear.
"Friend’s don’t do things like that."
"Leah knows"
Busy tidying up her things after the football game, Caitlin turns abruptly towards Katie who is herself getting rid of her hoodie, leaving her in bra. They came to Caitlin’s home after the game, with both of her cars, not to attract suspicion.
"What? How?"
Katie simply shrugs as she looks at the Australian over her shoulder after throwing her hoodie on the bed. Detaching her hair, she looks at Caitlin through the mirror.
"She knows, that’s all. And I guess it’s just an assemblage of things, she was so sure when she talked to me about it that it was useless for me to denied it."
Caitlin answers nothing to this, mechanically playing with one of her football boots.
"Does that make any difference to you?" asks the Irish woman, gently frowning.
"No, nothing. I just hope it doesn’t cause drama"
"We can trust Leah, I’m sure she won’t tell anyone. And if it’s about Lia, it seems she’s moved on too"
This seems to draw Caitlin's attention, who reports her eyes on Katie’s back. The latter observes her carefully, still through the mirror, and therefore doesn't miss the change in behavior of the brunette.
"Oh? With whom?"
"Leah" answers Katie before waiting a few seconds to ask her the question burning her lips. "Does it bother you?"
"No, not at all. I mean, even if we’re not together I care for her and she deserves to be happy. I'm glad if it's with Leah, I know she will treat her right."
Katie nods thoughtfully and begins to untangle her hair. Which she already did when she got out of the shower earlier, but because of the London wind, they’re already full of knots. A few seconds later, Caitlin is behind her to take the brush from her hands and do it herself. The Australian realized early in their relationship how much Katie appreciated when she plays with her hair.
"That leaves us Ruesha anyway" Caitlin says, after minutes of silence.
"I don’t think anyone from Arsenal will tell her" Katie says, taking Leah's words "And when she will know, I can handle her. And I won't let her to come near you"
"Sur thing, Rambo" Caitlin smirks. "Now can you please put a shirt on or something? I can't stay focus on anything when you're half naked"
"I know" Katie smirk back, before turning around to face Caitlin.
She pass her arms around Caitlin neck, playing with her baby hair before kissing her. Caitlin’s hands find their place on her hips, dragging the other girl more against her. They kiss for some minutes, before Caitlin's lips are finding her way along Katie's neck.
"Leah said something else" Katie whispers before holding her breath when Caitlin bite her.
"What did Leah say?" Caitlin mumble against her skin.
"Friend's don't do things like that" Katie answers, mimicking Leah's accent.
That made the Aussie laughs, and before she can do anything against it, Katie push her on her back in the bed to straddle her. Still smiling, Caitlin let her hands embrace Katie's ass before leaning for another kiss. Katie give it to her, but Caitlin realize there is something else.
"What is it Katie?"
"Leah said..." begin Katie while Caitlin rolls her eyes.
"Leah said a lot of things today. Go on" she adds, seeing the other girl biting her lips.
"She asks me what we are and I didn't know what to answer"
"What did you said?"
Caitlin tilted her head, really curious of Katie's answer. But the Irish woman blush when she remembers what she said. That thing alone intrigues Caitlin, Katie isn't the kind of person who blushes, she's the one who usually makes others blush.
"Is it that bad?" Caitlin laughs
"Kinda" mumble Katie, now sitting on Caitlin's legs, her hands on Caitlin's hips.
"Just tell me"
Rising on her elbows to better observe the youngest, Caitlin looks closely at Katie’s face. The Irish girl seems to find her fingers and nails very interesting at the moment.
"Dunno. I answer something like we are friends who take care of each other, something like that"
Caitlin stay silence for a long moment, at least in Katie's opinion, before burst into laughter.
"Taking care of each others? Is it how you talk about sex now?"
"I mention sex too" Katie answer while rolling her eyes. "But I don't know, I had the feeling that it was more than that. At least, it is for me"
Caitlin's laughter finally stopped after that and she's looking at Katie with a smile and tenderness. They have never talk about the agreements of their relationship, to be fair to Katie. The latter seems to be kind of embarrassed, looking at everything in the room until it's not Caitlin.
"Hey" Caitlin says, taking Katie's chin between her thumb and her index "Of course it's more than sex, for me too."
"Yeah" confirms Caitlin, still smiling.
"Amazing sex" smirks Katie
"Amazing sex" Caitlin confirms, before Katie lay on top of her to kiss her properly.
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howi99 · 6 months
A saint in Beacon Extra 4
Jeanne: My brother is supposed to arrive today.
Lia: So? My brother will be in his team and i don't really care about it.
Jeanne: Yeah, but last time you saw your brother was during lunch, last time i saw mine, he ran away from home to go train with my aunt. And all because of me!
Pyrrha: *the only one who doesn't have a brother or sister* I'm sure it will be fine.
Jaune: *finally getting out of the bullhead* I hate vehicles. God damn devil invention. *See the people waiting for him* Yo, you must all ve my new team?
Weiss: *about to speak but being cut by Ruby*
Ruby: Hello! My name's Ruby and that's Weiss and Ren! Oooooh i'm so excited! What's your weapon? Your fighting style? Your favorite game!
Jaune: Woah! Calm down! *Laugh* i just arrived and you're already doing an interview?
Ruby: Oh, i'm sorry
Jaune: Nah, it's fine. You remind me of one of my sisters.
Weiss: *cough* Like Ruby said, my name is Weiss Shnee, nice to meet you.
Jaune: Ah! My older sister works with your own older sister i think. Winter, if my memory isn't to bad.
Weiss: *surprised* Your sister is a specialist?
Jaune: No, my sister is one of the Vale's knights. Though i guess they are indeed akin to the specialist of Atlas. They work closely together.
Weiss: I see.
Ren: And as you know, my name is Ren. Lie Ren.
Jaune: nice to meet you Ren.
Ruby: *fidgeting*
Jaune: *sigh while smiling* I principally use martial arts, my weapons are many and i like Street of Vale 3.
Ruby: *glowing*
Jaune: *scratching the back of his head* Should we go to the dorms? Or are we supposed to see the headmaster? Or Glynda?
Glynda: *arriving* It's professor Goodwitch when in school, young man.
Jaune: But we aren't? At least not for until the next 50 steps.
Glynda: You sound like Morg- i mean Vivianne.
Jaune: Well, i'm expecting Jeanne to sound like you, after you trained her. Maybe she's a bit more serious?
Glynda: *roll her eyes* Not at all.
Jaune: *shrug* Shame. Speaking of, i need to see her.
Glynda: *sigh* You will see her when we arrive at the dorms.
Jaune: Good.
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drysdaleknieslee · 9 months
Wipe Out - Part 2
I chose to keep the name but change the contents which made this part longer so thank you all for doing the poll.
Word count: 2000+ (i hope you enjoy this)
No warnings in this but rabid Rutger and sweet and blushy Luke!
“Luke needs a pen, Lia, but he doesn’t want to use ours for whatever strange reason,” said Ethan, snickering.
“Mr. Edwards,” said the professor, who looks like he does not have the patience for four rambunctious hockey players at 9 in the morning (neither do I), “is there anything you would like to share with the class that pertains to Economics?”
“No, sir. I’ll keep it down.” “I hope you will.” He said before continuing with the lecture.
A few more minutes go by before I feel something small hit the back of my head. “You can’t aim for shit, Fridge!” I heard Tyler whisper behind me. “So much for hand-to-eye coordination.” The Professor then puts on a video for the rest of the class that ‘carries a lot of information on the material we will learn in this class.’ He’s got his feet kicked up, watching the video as if necessary.
I feel the small object again make contact between my shoulder blades. That’s it.
I whip my head around before whispering, “If you idiots throw another piece of paper at me, I will lose my mind. Luke, here’s a pencil. Next time, ask. And Rutger, you do have terrible aim.” With this, I toss Luke my only good pencil and turn around to act like I’m interested in what the video is saying.
The rest of the class ended smoothly before we were dismissed. I have a two-hour window to give me time to find where I’ll be doing ski practice. As I walk out, I catch the four hockey players in the corner of my eye. They’re nudging Luke towards me as they seem to have inner turmoil before he finally faces me.
His cheeks turned a light crimson before making their way to me. “Hey,” is all he says while scratching the back of his neck, eyes facing the ground, “sorry about class today. The guys can be… well,” as we both look behind him to see the other three snickering like a pack of hyenas.
“It’s not a problem, Luke. Next time, though, ask me for a pencil. I don’t mind.” He cheers up at this, giving me that lopsided grin again. “Oh!” he digs in his pocket and pulls out the pencil I gave him earlier. “You probably want this back. It’s a good pencil. Don’t want you to think I was stealing or anything.”
“Keep it,” I say, giving him a small smile. “I’ve got a bunch of them back at the dorm.” “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. No biggey.”
There’s a ghost of a smile on his face as he sticks the pencil back in his pocket. Then I suddenly remembered practice. “Oh, shoot, I gotta get to practice. I’ll see you tomorrow! Bye, boys!” I say before heading to the practice site.
“Bye, Lia!” I hear the boys scream in sing-song voices. Yep, this year isn’t going to be boring at all.
Fast Forward to Practice
“Alright, ladies! Welcome to the first official practice for Michigan’s Women’s Volleyball. My name is Coach Z, and this is Assistant Coach Mills.” She said, gesturing to the woman beside her.
Coach Z played volleyball for a living. She was a tall redhead with piercing grey eyes. You can tell she meant business. The more I looked at her, the more I saw the Olympic rings tattooed on her left wrist. She went to the Olympics!? She’s the real deal! Coach Mills was way more petite, maybe at 5’6, than Coach Z’s 6’2. She was a brunette with glasses and wore her hair in a messy bun. She was going to be the nice cop out of the two, I can tell.
“This year is a redemption year. Last year, we took a hard loss at championships against Penn State, and I intend on us coming back stronger and harder. Hush it, Hannah!” she said to the snickering blonde in the back. Her face reddened immediately as all eyes were on her. “I know your sister and mother. Don’t try me,” Coach Z warned.
“Now that we have formalities out of the way, I want to see if you are conditioned enough to even get to championships.” Uh oh. “First, we’ll run four laps around the gym, two sets of 30 jumping jacks, two sets of 25 burpees, and then we’ll play some actual ball.”
We all stood in shock. No one moved. Coach Mills calmly pulled out her stopwatch and said, “Laps start now. If anyone is slacking or not putting in their best effort, we’ll add another lap or high-intensity workouts. Time starts NOW!”
We all start running around the court before they drop something else on us. I have no idea how this school is ranked 12th because these two ladies will kill us before championships are even around the corner.
We make it through the drills and the exercises before playing a scrimmage game. I’m on the yellow team, which represents the away team in this case. This is to give the coaches a look into the type of team they’ll play with. I noticed right away that there’s not a lot of communication. “Hey Hannah,” I say, tapping her shoulder after the first set, “you’re a hitter, right?”
“Yeah? Why?”
“Look for me next time you approach the net. I can’t send it to you if you are too early. And Lindsay”, I say to our Libero, “You’re a little late on getting to the middle. That’s why they keep attacking there. Maggie gives her some backup, too,” I say to our middle blocker.
After forming this plan, our side started gaining momentum and earning some points. We had to dig some to save a few, but ultimately, we returned and won the last two sets. Coach Mills dismissed us to the showers before Coach Z yelled my name and someone else.
“LI! Adams! I need to see both of you for a second.”
Another girl and I walk back onto the court. ‘Adams’ stands at 6’0, brunette with blonde highlights, and looks to be a senior.
Coach Z looks both of us over for a second before speaking. “How old are you, Li?”
“17, ma’am. I graduated early,” I say, answering her silent question to go along with her bewildered expression. “Jesus! Ok, Adams, here is our senior in command and our captain. Sorry, I didn’t introduce her to you all. I like seeing everyone act a fool before nearly shitting their pants because the captains have been there the whole time,” She said, snickering. Coach Mills rolls her eyes at this.
“I tell her every year to stop, but to no avail.”
“Anyway, Adams, do you think I would be a good addition to our captain roster for next year?”
Huh? I’m going deaf or forgetting English.
“I don’t see a problem with that. She brought her side back in the last two sets. She’s got a high volleyball IQ.”
I’m forgetting English. Are they talking about me? This is only my first day. Maybe if I try to translate in my head-
“Yes! Sorry, say that again?”
“We want you to be our second captain.”
“Uhm, this is a tremendous honor. I mean, I just got here-“
“Li, I have seen intense competition where you fall back and can’t make up those points. I sat here and watched you form a plan in 2 minutes or less and won a scrimmage game. You read your players and the court like no other. I don’t play with things like this.”
Do it. You know you can do it. Don’t second guess. You can’t fail something you never tried. This woman has seen an Olympic court. Do it.
“It would be my honor to be this team’s second captain.”
Fast Forward
The walk to my next afternoon class is exhausting. I’m going to feel this more in the morning. I stay awake during Bio and Humanities and barely pass college algebra. I walk out of the class and glance at my watch. 3:30 is what it reads. I have plenty of time to go to the library or crash in my dorm.
“Hey Lia,” I hear to my left, and I pray that it’s no one whose name starts with an E or an R. I glance, and I see that mop of curls. Luke. Suddenly, I had all the energy in the world and had to tell myself to calm down mentally.
“Hey Luke, where are you headed to?” Does that sound clingy? I hope not.
“Headed to practice at Yost. What about you?”
“Deciding on heading to the dorm or the library. I had practice this morning.” “How did that go?” he asked as we slowly walked towards Yost.
“Coach asked me to be the second captain. And I said yes.” “No way already! You must be perfect to be on Coach Z’s radar. Everyone here is afraid of her. But I’m happy for you. Captain.”
“Don’t call me that!” I say before playfully hitting his arm and him acting like I shot him.
“Well, I’m happy for you. Really.”
As we walked, I could tell he wanted to ask me something. He alternated between messing with his hair and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Is there something you need to ask me, Luke?” I broke the silence slightly, startling him.
“Oh! I just wanted to know if you're not tired or busy and want to see us practice. You can study there, and I’ll walk you back like last time.” He rattled off in one breath.
He wants you to see how he plays. He WANTS you there.
“Sure, Luke. I’d like that.”
He gives me that lopsided grin that I like as we finally reach Yost arena. Almost all the guys and a couple of new ones are there.
“LIA!” screamed Rutger as he ran at me at full speed. Thankfully, another boy grabbed his hood before getting too far and nearly choking him. “Will you stop it? You don’t have to act rabid.”
“Dammit, Mark, you almost killed me!”
“If that’ll calm you down, then sure. Why do you think your name is Fridge.”
A blonde then takes up my vision with beautiful teeth. That’s weird. Stop that.
“Excuse the idiots that go by Rutger and Mark. I’m Luca.” Why are all these boys so big? And why are some borderline insane or borderline gentlemen?
“Luke wouldn’t have let him get far- OWW!!” screamed Ethan as Luke elbowed him hard in the ribs before muttering a ‘shut the fuck up!’
“Guys, come up before coach tears us a new one!”
“Coming, Adam dear,” said Rutger. This boy is going to be the death of me.
“Hey, I’ll see you in the stands, ok? Wait till I’m out of the showers, and I can walk you home,” said Luke, whispering. I confirmed him with an Okay before heading to the general stands.
I opt for more seats in the middle to give myself some quiet time before the guys come out. “Is this seat taken?”
I look up, and a blonde girl points to the seat to my right. “Oh no, it’s not. Have at it.”
“I’m Kayleigh, by the way. And you?” “Lia. Nice to meet you.” “Likewise. You here watching someone in particular?” “Um, not really. Luke invited me. I may watch some, but I’m mainly here for homework.” “I’m here for Rutger. Girlfriend has to support boyfriend.” I can’t control my facial expressions because she laughs at me. Rutger. Loud, rabid, and oddly lovable Rutger. HAS A GIRLFRIEND?? I mean, he is good, I can’t deny, but the boy acts like he runs on Red Bull.
“Judging by your face your surprised. He’s a sweetheart, trust me. He is hyper, though.” She says, giggling. Hyper doesn’t even explain the specimen named Rutger.
Just then, the boys come out and start doing drills. Kayleigh informed me that Luke was number 43, which I mentally noted. They all stop after drills to discuss drills with the coach before starting what I assume is the equivalent of a scrimmage.
“Hey, you want to move closer to the glass. You’ll see the ice a lot better that way?” Asked Kayleigh. I reluctantly agreed as we moved behind the glass behind the benches.
Seeing everything up close puts into perspective the difference between our two sports. It’s very high contact, and I cringe whenever someone contacts someone. Amidst all this, I see how passionate Luke is about his sport, just like I’m passionate about mine. His demeanor completely changes when he gets in his defensive position. During the play, he sees me, and I make a small wave and see his mood change again.
It's hard to see through the cage, but I see that lopsided grin again before Luca comes and makes a hit on him.
“Oh my God! Is he ok?!”
“He’s probably fine, but that did look bad.”
“EYES UP HUGHES!” yelled the coach from the ice.
He was slow in getting up, but overall, he looked fine. I could see his neck glowing red above his jersey's neck. I hope I didn’t embarrass him.
The rest of their practice went smoothly. I completed a good amount of my homework and could relax for what felt like the first time today. Kayleigh and I got to know each other better, and she helped me understand some of the hockey terminology and the game's overall play.
At the end of their practice, I did like Luke said and waited for him by the locker room when he finished his shower. I then realized I didn’t give Luke any contact information. Not even socials. How would I bring that up to him? “Hey Lia! I’m done now, so let’s get you home,” said Luke, freshly showered from the locker room. His curls were still a little wet, but thankfully, it was a bit humid outside, so maybe he wouldn’t get a cold.
“Hey, Luke. Sorry about you getting hit. I didn’t mean to distract you,” I said, avoiding eye contact because I felt terrible.
“Hey, it’s alright, please don’t feel bad. The guys just chirped me a little, but that’s all. I like it when you distract me.” I look at him, and I see that he means it. He didn’t hesitate to rephrase it, either.
“Well, I’m glad you're okay,” I said as we left the arena. We bid goodbye to the last of the guys and made our trek back to our dorms. The sky is a mixture of red and pink, signaling evening has come upon us. The breeze picked up a bit; Luke noticed this and gave him his Michigan hockey jacket. “Take this as a repayment for the pencil during class today.”
Luke would never admit it, but he loved seeing his jacket on her. It fueled the underlying feelings for each other, but it was too early for either to announce it.
The rest of the walk is silent but peaceful. Just like the day before when he walked her home. They were enjoying each other’s company. As they approach the dorm rooms, both take a chance to make the first move in their friendship.
“We have a few home games coming up. If you’d like, I can put in a good word and get you good seats in the student section,” said Luke, scratching the back of his neck.
“I think I can do the same for my games. Since I’m captain, I’ll try to convince Coach Z.” He chuckled at this.
“And if you ever need a place to study, you can always come to the arena, and I can walk you home only if you want to! Or we can meet in the library-“ “I’d like that. All of that.”
There’s that lopsided grin again.
We reached the dorm rooms quicker than expected, which was my chance to make the first move.
“Is it ok if I get your number or socials before you go? So that we can talk more outside of class and coordinate schedules?”
“Oh yeah, sure. May I?” I hand him my phone, and he types in his number and pulls up his Instagram so I can follow him.
“Thanks. For pretty much everything.” “Like what?”
“Orientation day, class, your practice, and just being helpful as I settle here. It’s comforting.”
His face turns red at my words as he scratches his neck and tries not to show a smile.
“Well, goodnight Luke. See you tomorrow,” I say, giving him a small smile before heading inside.
“Good night, Lia.”
I had a hard time sleeping that night thinking about today's events. It was a fantastic day. I hear my phone buzz beside me. I look at the glaring screen to see that Luke followed me back. He also sent me a message.
Lhughes_06: here’s our schedule in case you want to see us play
Lia.li.23: thanks, here’s ours too (picture attachment)
Lhughes_06: thanks! I’m glad you stayed for the whole practice. Luca didn’t hit me too hard. I’m too harsh for that.
Lia.li.23: haha sure! Get some sleep. We have a practice tomorrow, too, so if you have time between classes, drop by 
Lhughes_06: for sure. Good night Lia
Lia.li.23: good night, Linguine
Lhughes_06: Luca saw that, and now I won’t live it down.
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insomniakisses · 2 years
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Requested? no
idol:  Shin Ryujin, Platonic!Hwang Yeji (Itzy)
reader type: g/n reader
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Having grown up with Yeji, supporting her through being a trainee and even after debut to the best of your ability, you knew you were bound to meet her members one day. The knowledge of them not knowing you always making your heart race when you came round.
Shaking your head and clearing your mind, with shaky hands you knocked on the door to her dorm you expected to see Yeji, ready for the movie day the two if you had every other weekend. Only this time it was someone else.
Soft eyes, short hair and a beautiful heart melting smile. Ryujin.
The girl in front of you was still facing inside the dorm laughing at something yet another member, Lia, had said. When her head turned to see who was knocking the reply on her tongue seemed to vanish as she simply stared at you. Eyes wide, lips parted and a faint blush on her cheeks.
You clear your throat, scratching at the back of your neck. You couldn’t help feeling inadequate under her gaze, she was THE Shin Ryujin after all. It seems that Yeji had gotten annoyed at how long she was taking as the girl was pushed to the side and your surprised best friend’s face greeted you.
“Y/N! I totally forgot to cancel… the girls plans got ruined and they came back and-”
With a awkward laugh and embarrassment clear on your face you cut her off with a shake of the head and a wave of your hand.
“It’s fine Unnie, I guess I’ll get going before the ice cream melts.. we can watch the movie another day”
Despite the smile on your face and you claiming it was fine the disappointment in your eyes was clear, the same goes for the embarrassed you felt. It broke Yeji’s heart but she hadn’t brought up even meeting you to the girls and she didn’t want to force it on them.
“Stay!” Eyes widening at her outburst and the shock on your face, Ryujin was quick to stutter out “I-I mean only if you still want to,”
Smiling softly you raised your eyebrow at the surprisingly shy girl having been told she was quiet the tease, glancing at Yeji who shrugged you timidly agreed. The shy girl sending you a wide grin before excitedly dragging you inside and tacking the food of off you. Yeji trailing behind you, smirking at how her friend had clearly taken a liking to you.
10 minutes later and introductions had taken place, all the girls greeting you warmly and agreeing to watch at least one movie from the boxset you had. Happily you sat down next to yeji, unaware of the soft gaze that was aimed at you by Ryujin.
Getting up to get the girls ice cream you failed to hear someone trailing you, simply singing a tune to yourself quietly as you dished the creamy dessert out into bowls.
“You have a beautiful voice”
Jumping at the unexpected, yet soft voice of ryujin you watched her catch the bowl that your hands failed to keep hold of, resulting in your bodies being unexpectedly close. Your noses practically touching as blushes coated both of your faces, feeling so shy that your eyes immediately found the floor.
The bowl clanging as she placed it down before her fingers found your jaw, pulling it up so your eyes met. Your body shivering from nerves or her ice cold hands you weren’t sure all you knew is her lips looked so soft and kissable from here.
A soft smile made it onto her face, blush intensifying as she backed up a little. Hand finding the back of her neck as she stuttered out an apology.
“I’m sorry… I-I just-”
“Y/N? Ryu? Were hungryyyyyy”
Lia’s whining making you giggle, the sound making the girl next to you melt and her heart soar. You shook your head before making your way in with the bowls, Ryu helping though her mind was somewhere else.
Sitting down she couldn’t help watch you for the rest of the night. Smiling when you did, eyes softening at the beauty of your laugh and giggles when the actors made a joke, silently cooing when you cried at the sad parts resisting the urge to wrap you in a hug.
Two films later, your quiet yawn broke out into the room as your softly stretched. Turning to Yeji and informing them you had to leave, having classes the next day. They all bid you farewell, Ryu rushing to her feet and offering to walk you out.
Reaching the door you bid her goodbye only for her to yell your name, turning around you were surprised to feel her pull you into a quick hug. Pulling away with a blush and shouting a bye before slamming the door shut. Chuckling you began to walk home, slipping your hand into your pocket only to find a small folded piece of paper containing a cute message from the short haired girl and her number. Cute, you thought.
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silantryoo · 2 years
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hwang yeji x platonic?non-idol!reader (angst)
WARNINGS ; broken friendship, lowkey toxic
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yeji did it again.
it was the fourth time in a row that she had promised you that she would make it this time. a hangout planned for eleven pm ended up with you sitting on the floor at four am watching legally blonde on your tv.
you sighed, putting away the food that you had specifically ordered for that night.
you pulled out your phone.
y/n ^^: she didn’t make it again
baby lia: i’ll talk to her
y/n ^^: don’t bother. i give up.
baby lia: don’t say that… she’s still your friend (read @4:12am)
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yeji woke up with a headache, her shoulders sore from sleeping in an odd position. practice had ended later than she had expected last night, around twelve am. too tired to think about anything except sleep, she rushed to bed without checking her phone.
the leader walked downstairs, finding jisu wrapped in a blanket, sitting on the couch.
jisu looked over to yeji as she made her way to the kitchen.
“you did it again,” jisu announced, garnering yeji’s attention.
yeji sent her a look of confusion, not understanding what the girl meant. “what are you talking about?”
“with y/n.” jisu sighed, burying herself further into the cocoon she made. “yesterday?”
yeji stared at the girl blankly, still harboring some resentment towards her for somehow getting closer to you than she had. she sighed, trying to shake the feeling off as she tried to figure out what jisu meant.
“oh shit. i forgot.” yeji scratched her head, ignoring jisu rolling her eyes. “is she upset?”
“obviously.” jisu scoffed. the reason that you two had become close was because yeji would bail so much so seeing you cry over the girl made jisu upset, naturally.
still, yeji was her teammate, her family. just because she was stupid didn’t mean jisu hated her or wanted you to give up on her.
“yeji,” jisu started, watching as yeji pulled out her phone to text you. “i don’t think she’s giving you any more chances.”
yeji squinted her eyes. how could jisu possibly know that? “you have no idea what you’re talking about.”
jisu frowned as her face hardened. she knew yeji would immediately get defensive, especially over you. she sat up. “yeji, she said she gave up.”
“she’s just saying that to hurt me.” yeji closed her phone before she could text you, too angry at the girl in front of her.
“it should,” jisu told her, laying back down.
she ignored the leader’s glare, hearing her stomp into the kitchen. it was on yeji to not believe her. jisu was the one who told her multiple times in the past about occurrences like this. she was the one who bailed yeji out before. there was no reason for her to lie this time.
a couple minutes passed, and no one was yet wake except for jisu and yeji.
“do you,” yeji started, too scared to hear the answer to her question. she leaned on the door frame. “do you think she actually gave up on me?”
“i would if i was her.” jisu shrugged. she watched as yeji’s face fell. “you haven’t exactly been the best friend.”
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managing to convince jisu to give her a ride, yeji showed up at your door an hour later, a bouquet of gardenias in her hand. she had been wanting an excuse to give you flowers as of late, yet she didn’t know why.
she stared at your door as she knocked. she needed to fix this. she didn’t know how she would, but she needed to. she couldn’t lose you, not now, not ever.
the idol shook her head. the thought of you out of her life almost made her cry on the spot.
you opened the door, face stained with tears as you glared at the person in front of you. she felt her heart ache as your eyes hardened.
“why are you here?” you asked harshly.
“i missed yesterday.” yeji offered a small smile as you led her inside. she took off her shoes, still holding onto the flowers. “i’m sorry.”
“yeah, whatever.” you scoffed, not turning around to look at her.
she frowned. usually, you’d forgive her and it would end up with the two of you hanging out for the day. “i said i was sorry. practice ran late last night.”
“you said that last time.” you quickly turned around, stopping in her tracks. you looked at her confused face. “and you know that you could always ask to leave earlier, right?”
“it doesn’t work like that.” yeji looked into your eyes, almost as if she was begging you.
she studied your face, seeing if there was any way she could redeem herself.
“why aren’t you forgiving me?” yeji whispered, still confused.
“because,” you swallowed, struggling to keep your facade up. you were hurt. really really hurt. “you only come over when you know that i’m about to give up.”
yeji watched as you quickly wiped the tears that you tried to hold in. she picked at the ribbon on the bouquet, hating the fact that she caused this again. she was the reason you were crying, again.
“that’s not true.” yeji denied, trying to step closer to you.
“yes, it is!” you shouted, backing away quickly. your facade was breaking, and it was breaking fast.
you chuckled, pointing at the flowers in her hands. “i mean, you literally got flowers for me. you don’t do that.”
yeji looked away. she had always wanted to do this for you, but never did. she didn’t know why she did it now.
“i’ve known you for eleven years, yeji.” you shook your head. you took a seat on the sofa. “you don’t do that.”
she followed your lead, taking a seat beside you. yeji watched as more tears went down your face. slowly, she grabbed your hand, rubbing her thumb over your knuckles.
“i’m sorry i’ve been so busy lately.” she explained with a soft voice. “with the tour coming up, and the albums coming out… you know how it is with us.”
you nodded, relief filling yeji’s chest. she tried to look into your eyes again, but all she saw were more tears falling.
“so why do you keep making promises you know you can’t keep?” the air out of yeji’s lungs disappeared as she heard your voice crack. you pulled your hand away from hers and looked at her with something that she’s never seen from you before.
yeji took a deep breath, trying her best not to get emotional. she knew what she was doing wasn’t right. it wasn’t good for either of you, especially you. but she needed you to stay. she needed you.
“yeji…” she nodded for you to continue. you swallowed dryly. “i think, i think we shouldn’t be friends anymore.”
the idol gripped the flowers, her ears suddenly ringing.
you looked away, not wanting to watch her as she started crying. “i can’t wait for someone who never shows up.”
“i can change!” yeji grabbed your hands, now full-on crying. she can’t lose you, not like this. “i can be a better f-friend.”
“no, not right now you can’t.” you shook your head, watching the gardenias closely as the idol’s tears fell on them. “you’re too busy for me, and you know that.”
“i can make time.” yeji would do anything to make you stay. she would keep her promise. she had to.
“like you are now?” you looked up at her, your eyes as bloodshot as hers. slowly, you pull away, wiping your tears as you stood up from the couch. “it doesn’t matter. i’ve already made my mind up.”
“what do you mean it doesn’t matter?” yeji stood up, shouting at you. “of course it does!”
everything you did mattered to her. you were her reason and her inspiration, just like she was yours, the reason she tried so hard in everything in life. losing you would be like losing the sun.
“if it mattered, you would’ve shown up.” you whispered, your head hanging low as you walked towards the entrance door. she followed closely behind. “right now, your work is your priority. i can’t be friends with someone who over-prioritizes something and under-prioritizes me.”
yeji held back a sob. she hated how you were right, and she hated that you didn’t believe she would change.
“please, i…”
yeji didn’t know what she was going to say, or why it hurt so much to stop herself from saying it.
“just leave, yeji.” you shook your head, glancing at the door. “it doesn’t matter anymore.”
“it does!” her voice cracked, the gardenias fully soaked. “stop saying that!”
yeji sobbed into her arm, her mind distressed from the thought of losing you. she hated herself for not fighting at all. she hated that she didn’t try harder. if she had, none of this would have happened. she could still admire you right next to her.
now, she was here. and you were there.
your eyes were trained onto your feet. you refused to look at her, knowing that you’d change your mind instantly after seeing her in a state like that. you needed to stand your ground. for you.
“yeji, please.” you whispered, her sobbing not dying down any time soon. “we’re both tired. just leave… please.”
she nodded, gripping the flowers as she tried to calm herself. you heard the door slam and watched as your tears fell onto the ground. you guys were done. there was no more yeji in your life.
you cover your mouth, trying to hold back the sobs that you held in so tightly.
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> main masterlist.
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wa-royal-tea · 2 years
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Previous | Beginning | Next
(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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Camelia Lodge, Esnea (10:45am)
*Sounds of water running in the sink*
Catalina: *grumbles* Damn it, Alfie.
Alfie: You called?
Catalina: No, but look at what you did!
Alfie: Huh. Nice mark you got there.
Catalina: Shut up. This is your fault.
Alfie: chuckles Sorry. I’ve been holding myself back for months.
Catalina: I can tell.
Catalina: Do the scratches hurt?
Alfie: It stings a bit. You have claws, that’s for sure.
Catalina: I have “Cat” in my name. What’d you expect?
Alfie: *scoffs* I wasn’t expecting this. But I won’t say I don’t like it.
Catalina: Pfft. I didn’t know you’re into that, Mr. Frederick.
Alfie: *laughs* I’d like to keep surprising you, my dear.
Catalina: Do you need some help?
Alfie: I’m good. Why are you in here? You’re gonna get wet.
Catalina: I don’t mind.
Alfie: Didn’t you already shower?
Catalina: I have. But I won’t mind taking another one.
Alfie: You said you want to go out today.
Catalina: Then we better hurry up then. We can make this quick.
Alfie: You’re making this harder for me, Mrs. Frederick.
Catalina: That’s the goal.
Alfie: *laughs* Come here, you.
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Alfie: Don’t you already have a teddy bear back at home?
Catalina: Mhm. I want to get another one. I need something I can hug when I sleep.
Alfie: But you already have something you can hug.
Catalina: What?
Alfie: Me!
Catalina: Are you seriously getting jealous over a teddy bear?
Alfie: Yeah. What’s the point of having me if you don’t want to hug me?
Catalina: *laughs* You’re so cute, Alfie.
Catalina: Don’t be jealous. I’m getting a new one so I can give my old teddy bear to our baby in the future.
Alfie: Talking about babies now, huh? Why? You want to make a honeymoon baby with me?
Catalina: Hmm...I don’t know. If you behave, maybe I can consider something.
Alfie: Oh? Well, if that’s the case, you can get all the teddy bears you want here. Hold on, I think I saw a cute one somewhere around here.
Alfie: *muttering* There it is.
??? (Remilia): Oops!
??? (Remilia): Sorry. I was about to get it first.
Alfie: Oh, really?
??? (Remilia): Mhm. I was going to get it for my friend. It’s her birthday today.
Alfie: Well...I guess you can take it. I’ll ask the staff if they have a similar one.
??? (Remilia): Thank you. Sorry for taking it from you.
Alfie: It’s fine. Say happy birthday to your friend from me.
??? (Emma): Lia?
Remilia: *gasps* Oh my god, Emma! You scared me.
Emma: Sorry. I was looking for you. What are you doing?
Remilia: I’m looking for a birthday gift for you. I’m getting you that teddy bear.
Emma: Awww, he’s cute! Thank you~
Emma: Who was that guy earlier? He looks familiar.
Remilia: I don’t know. I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere.
Emma: Right? Have you had any projects with him before?
Remilia: I don’t think so?
Emma: Hmmm...
Remilia: It’s fine. Let’s go back to the lodge. Perez said I have a scene with Carlos tomorrow. I need to get some rest.
Emma: Oh, okay.
Catalina: Did you find what you were looking for?
Alfie: Nope. The bear I saw just now is sold out.
Catalina: Shame. Better luck next time.
Alfie: *sighs* Just when I thought we’d come back with a baby.
Catalina: You’re so impatient, Alfie. We can wait to have kids. We just got married a few days ago.
Alfie: I know~ I just want to see what our babies are gonna look like. I’m sure they’ll be super cute like you.
Catalina: *laughs* We’ll see. You’re not that bad looking either.
Alfie: Hey! I thought you said I look good.
Catalina: Did I? I must’ve forgotten about it.
Alfie: *huffs* Why are you so mean to me?
Catalina: I’m joking~ My husband is the most handsome man in the world.
Alfie: That’s more like it.
Catalina: Come on, let’s go get something to eat. The cold is making me hungry.
Alfie: *laughs* Alright, let’s go~
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theycallmeratt · 4 months
I must know more about Going Fezzerk!
Holy cannoli I missed this, sorry! I already answered it once but I'll copy/paste :)
Going Fezzerk a comedic, consensual and spicy Barcus Wroot/Fezzerk fic. Yeah, the goblin who ties him to the windmill. It'll be out around June 23rd and part of the Wroots of Romance collab (I actually have 3 in there, a sweet Lia, Cal and Barcus out June 9 and a spicy Nym/Barcus and Sorn/Barcus out June 16!)
The spice is set after the game, and involves Fezzerk making good on a comment to Barcus that Wulbren sounded so awful even Fezzerk would treat him better. SFW excerpt (rough draft, so beware) below!
The goblin dragged a dry, rough tongue over his lip, watching the windmill spin. A lone figure was tied to one of the fins (or whatever), staring out at the spinning world in sullen stubbornness.
"Oughta' be dead now, shouldn't he?" mumbled one of the grunts.
"If he was oversized, yeah. But he's normal. He can take more."
Still, it was boring. Fezzerk dug his shit armor out of his shit crack and ambled over to the windmill.
"Hey, er, listen. You need to die soon, right?" he said.
"I will—" a pause as the gnome left polite talking distance, then he restarted when the mill brought him back around. "—not! I've—" Ugh. Fezzerk scratched his ankle with a toe. What he wouldn't give for a proper bath. If goblins could catch vermin, he would have. "—got things to—" Do, Fezzerk predicted. Probably killing them all, right? That's what he would do. "—handle.Ineedto—" the gnome was wisening up. Impressive for a stupid who got hisself caught by goblins in what was clearly goblin lands. "—findWulbren!"
And when the gnome completed the loop, he said, "Wulbren!"
"And once you find him, you'll die proper?"
Fezzerk scratched his head. "Right. Oy, maggots! You know a Wilburn?"
"Wulbren!" said the gnome.
"Oh, right. Sorry. Wilbren?"
The goblins shook their heads.
"What's he like?" Fezzerk asked.
"Oh, clever—" and for the sake of his sanity, Fezzerk decided to commit this to his memory with spaces and without the long pauses "—and ambitious. So smart. He never lets anything stand in his way."
"Then we oughta' be scared, ahhhahaheh." The gnome looked a bit sad at that. Which pissed him off. He oughta' be the only reason that gnome was sad.
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reminiscingtonight · 1 year
Everything Has Changed
Ana-Maria Crnogorčević x reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Love You More (Part Two)
[WOSO Masterlist]
Finishing your fourth ice cube, you look at the clock again. It’s the fifth time you’ve looked at it in the past couple minutes, impatiently awaiting the return of your wife. 
Lia had all but dragged Ana out after practice, saying something about how she needed the blonde to go shopping with her for some new furniture in her apartment. So pouting and feigning annoyance, you returned home alone. 
While you were slightly peeved at Lia for depriving you of some quality time with your wife, there’s a part of you that appreciated it all the same. It left you plenty of time to finally wrap up the gift that you had been waiting to give Ana. 
It’s been sitting in a spare duffle of yours, tucked between a couple old shirts and stolen hoodies. You bought it earlier in the week, immediately after you went to the doctor’s office to confirm the result of your at home test. 
It isn’t until you’re nearly all the way done with your next ice cube that you hear some muffled words through the door. Like a puppy to a bone, you perk up at the sound of keys in the lock.
This is something you don’t think you’ll ever get used to. Up until last year, you and Ana have never played for the same club team. Lia’s the one who introduced the two of you to each other all those years ago. Having taken a quick liking to the Swiss when she first joined Arsenal, Lia took it upon herself to be your wingwoman until it became apparent that the blonde was the one for you. Countless blind dates set up by the brunette all seemed for naught when you vacationed with Lia and a couple of mutual football friends and instantly hit it off with Ana. Dating was superseded by an engagement, and a wedding came not long after.
So yes, most of your relationship was spent balancing long distance, but after her contract in Spain ended, Ana decided to come to Arsenal to be with you. You had already decided a while back that you’d play out your last couple years in England at a club that’s become so dear to you, and Ana took it as a win to go play for a club where her wife and best friend both played at.
So now you get to wake up to the love of your life, pull faces at each other as you scramble to make it out the door to trainings on time, dance around the kitchen as you try to make dinner (which will inevitably result in Ana stepping in when you burn it), and bask in all that domestic bliss the two of you missed out on in those early years of your relationship. 
“Honey, I’m home!” Ana shouts, a goofy grin on her face as she rounds the corner to the living room. 
You have a similar smile on your face, tilting your head up to receive the kiss Ana presses to your lips in greeting. Letting out a relieved sigh, Ana all but collapses onto the seat next to you. Chuckling, you give her head a couple scratches as she launches into a rant about Lia’s indecisiveness.
“After my fourth sigh Lia nearly shoved me over and said all I wanted to do was go home and cuddle with you, which of course was what I wanted to do, but I couldn't let Lia of all people be correct, you know? So I had to walk a couple more laps with her around the store until she decided she didn’t want anything from that place.”
“Number one best friend right here,” you chuckle, expertly slapping away Ana’s hands as she tries to tickle you for your jest. “Hey, hey! I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Huffing, she rolls her eyes good heartedly at you. Though the pout on her face becomes real when you move to get out of her arms. “Where are you going?” she whines, hands scrambling to pull you back into her side. 
“Calm down, Ana. I’m coming right back,” you shout over your shoulder, quickly running to the closet to grab your gift. It takes some digging, but eventually you find it. 
With a skip in your step, you return to a sullen looking wife. Ana perks up at your return, hands instantly making a grabby motion towards you. 
“To reward your patience, I got you a gift.”
Ana blinks in surprise, mouth dropping open into an ‘o’ at the sight of the wrapped box in your hands. “A gift? For me?”
You laugh at her dumbfounded look. “Yes, I’ve got a present for you,” you repeat.
Eyebrows scrunching up, you can almost see the gears turning in Ana’s head. “I didn’t forget anything did I?”
Laughing, you press a kiss against your wife’s head. “No, babe, you didn’t. I just wanted to spoil you today.”
Settling into her side, you watch as Ana begins her careful work of unfolding your gift. Unlike you, Ana treats all wrapping paper with care. You’re the opposite, much more likely to tear and rip at anything placed in your hands. Now the impatient one, you start tapping your foot on the ground. You really hope Ana’s going to like your gift, but when it comes down to it, you can’t really predict the way she’s going to react. 
Finally finished unfolding, Ana pulls out a tiny jersey, eyebrows furrowing as she takes in the Arsenal logo on the front. You can tell she’s still confused as she flips it over to see the name on the back.  
There are so many letters there that the font is smaller than it normally is, the letters still nearly curling their way to the front. The two of you had hyphenated your last names after marriage, but professionally you still wore your own. When given the choice between which jersey to get, it wasn’t really a competition.
Wracking her mind, Ana tries to think why you got her this shirt. The last shirt you got your cat led to hours of glaring and hissing, even after you took it off her and gave her cuddles, so Ana knew it wasn’t for her. And the dog you shared was definitely too big to fit into something this size.
It’s at this moment Ana realizes the shape of the jersey. Or more specifically the way the ends meet together with a click, giving way to two tiny leg holes.
“Is this…” Ana trails off, fingers absentmindedly tracing her last name as she tries to calm her racing mind.
“I wanted to get one of my jerseys for the baby but for right now I’m more than happy to give them a jersey of the best player I know.”
Ana whips her head around, eyes darting between your face and your stomach. It’s obvious she doesn’t really know where to look, eyes a little wild. “Baby? Are you… is it… did it work?”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nod. “I’m pregnant.”
It’s silent for a minute as Ana takes in your words. Her eyes have started watering, bottom lip quivering with the beginning of a sob. 
This is something the two of you have been waiting for for years. Of course your careers are important to you, but you both agreed that a successful career meant nothing without a family to share it with. After an injury took you out for the majority of last season, the two of you decided there was no time like the present and began looking into IVF treatments. However, despite all of your hardwork and prayers, nothing took. 
The two of you had just begun discussing alternative methods for expanding your family when you took your last pregnancy test. 
And it was positive.
Ana’s still trying hard not to cry when she cups your face, pressing her forehead against yours. “You’re pregnant?”
Nodding, you gently grasp Ana’s hands before directing them onto your abdomen. It’s this action that causes the dam to break, and Ana begins sobbing, quickly pressing her face into the side of your neck to muffle her cries. 
Soothingly rubbing your hands up and down her back, you whisper how much you love her and how amazing of a mom she’ll be. It takes a couple minutes before her cries die down, the blonde overwhelmed by the news of your expanding family. Eventually she pulls her head up, allowing you to wipe the tears from her face. 
“We’re having a baby,” she wetly laughs, pressing a kiss to your fingertips when they brush past. 
Grinning, you murmur those words back. Ana lets her eyes drop back down to her hands, to where they are still pressed against your stomach. Her eyes are full of wonder and love as she takes in all in. 
The two of you are having a baby. 
You’re going to be parents.
“I love you,” she whispers, voice full of emotion as she presses a kiss to your lips. Giving your hand a light squeeze, Ana leans down, lifting your shirt so she can press a light kiss against your bare abdomen. “And I love you too, my little dove. Your mama and I can’t wait to meet you.”
You don’t think anything can beat this moment--
(You didn’t think anything could beat your first date.
Or your first anniversary.
Or your second.
Or Ana asking you to marry her.
Or your wedding.
Or Ana moving to London to be with you.)
--at least until you see your precious daughter staring up at you with wide eyes, dressed in her little Crnogorčević jersey.
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archangeldyke-all · 9 months
Imagine flashing Sevika on FaceTime LMAOOO
Im just think of the most hilarious thing, you do it once and she’s like “🤨🤨 did u just flash me” and you’re like “no wtf. Ur crazy” do it a second time and she’s so persistent but so are you and then she lets it go. A third time and she’s like “you know what.” And 20 minutes later she’s at your door LMFAO
SUGARR asdlfjasl;djfa;ldsj
men and minors dni
no cause the first time it's a genuine accident. you guys are just chatting and hanging out on FT, sevika's doing house chores and you're getting dressed.
you forget you've got your phone propped up on your dresser as you change out of your shirt and pull another one over your head.
sevika's been quiet for the past ten minutes, the two of you just liking having the other there while you're doing boring shit, so she startles you when she suddenly talks.
"babe... you just flashed me." she says with a smirk. you jump and run over to your phone, giggling.
"whoops!" you say. "forgot you were there." you say, laughing and scratching the back of your head.
but when you see sevika's reaction, a smirk on her lips and her pupils dialating... you can't stop thinking about it.
so twenty minutes later, while you're cooking up lunch in the kitchen and sevika's on your phone, by the stove, you wait until she's looking at the phone and then look away, pretending to be distracted while you pull your shirt hem up to 'wipe your brow,' exposing your tits in the process.
sevika lets out an disbelieving laugh. "babe!" she exclaims. you blink back at her, innocently.
"what?" you ask. she scoffs.
"you flashed me again!" she says, a grin on her lips. you giggle.
"oh, shit, sorry." you say with a shrug, not sorry in the slightest.
sevika starts to get suspicious then, but she doesn't say anything.
you try again an hour later, while you're on your bed, watching sevika play video games on her couch.
"i'm gonna take a nap." you say over the line. sevika's eyes flick back to her screen, and she gasps as you pull your shirt over your head to get 'comfortable for your nap.'
"you're such a bitch!" she exclaims, laughing. you giggle.
"what?!" you ask. she shakes her head at the screen, rising from her couch.
"take your fuckin' nap." she says. "bye."
the screen goes black, and you laugh to yourself, satisfied that you've sufficiently flustered your girlfriend.
you fall asleep quickly, all your dreams of sevika, and you wake up confused thirty minutes later when there's a pounding at your door.
you tug your shirt on and wander into the living room, tugging your door open, only to burst into laughter when a you reveal a flustered sevika on the other side of the door.
"did you rest?" she asks as she pushes past you and into your home. you giggle as you close the door behind her. she pins you to the door.
"was in the middle of a pretty good dream about you, actually, 'til you interrupted it." you say, grinning at your girlfriend. she growls.
"fucker." she grumbles. you grin. "you're not goin' back to sleep until i'm done with you." she says, her hands coming up to grip your hips. you giggle.
"perfect." you say. sevika raises an eyebrow at you, and you shrug. "my plan worked!" you giggle.
she groans and flicks your forehead, before swooping in to press her lips against yours.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess
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