mythvoiced · 2 years
@wellfell | cell phone headcanons
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone 'A' to be inconspicuous and not show his feelings lmao
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone This one that I stole from from your daikina pinboard, it's a lil unfocused but I like to think Karube snuck this pic while Akina was at the bar, or just outside of it, hanging out with Emy & Fumiko 😔
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone lp - when we're high but i'm not sure if karube'd listen to lp, he would if he actually knew about her, but i can't imagine he knows her lmao, so instead king gnu - 泡
- my muse’s last text to your muse [txt | A | pre-borderland verse | 02:58AM] i can't tell how close you and fumiko are
[txt | A | pre-borderland verse | 02:59AM] you don't actually look like you're enjoying yourself much when you're out together
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Yandere AIB Boys reacting to the death of their S/O
Warnings: Death - Violence - Delusional Characters - Angst - MDI - +18
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♤ Chishiya
Will blame you at first. He cant deal with the feeling of losing you. He knew you were not strong or the most intelligent one in the games. Thats why he decided to pick you from the start and use you for his plans. Ending with...feelings or whatever this was it was not part of his plans.
After he returns to the beach he will decide to be alone in his room. There are things from you in there, things he stole from you for his own entreteinment. Will have his head repeating the moment of your death over and over again.
If it was caused because of another player then he will take revenge once he sees them but he is cold and tries to have his head on the ground so he will probably suffer in silence and dont take active action. You were part of his plan, nothing more, but you were his, thats a fact.
♤ Arisu
Loses his composture right there. Will go in denial mode and someone will have to shake him and take him away from your body. He does not care what caused your death he blames himself for not being closer, faster....whatever could have changed your end.
♤ Banda Sunato
Whoever or whatever caused your death....they are dead too. Banda knows he never loved you, that its all an obssesion he has, but thats not important. Its a hit at his ego that you end dead when being with him. He will take revenge during the game or after it. He may track down the ones who killed you and pay them a visit.
♤ Tatta
Poor boy cant understand what happened. One moment you were by his side and the next you are dead. Tatta its a delusional yandere, he believed you were his soulmate, that nothing could separate both of you. He probably forced the relationship. But seeing you dead...it breaks him a lot. For the rest of the days he cant eat or sleep his mind is pagued with memories of you. He also cant bring himself to hurt others...at least not alone. Will try and bribe someone to help him look out for the ones who caused your death to give them the same end.
♤ Karube
The one who acts and later asks. If it was because of another player he is fightning them the second after he sees your body. Wont stop till they are dead too or at least too wounded that he knows for sure they will be dead in the next games.
Probably will take your body with him and make you a small funeral, his friends may find it strange but wont say a thing knowing how much he loved you to levels of insanity.
♤ Aguni
He has so much control over his emotions that he does not react at first. He even kills the ones responsable for your death with no emotion. But inside he is furious. It took him so much time to have you by his side as a partner and now you are just gone. May go down into madness blaming himself, images of you may appear at him during the day making his job at the beach harder.
♤ Kuzuryu
Much like Aguni he does not show a reaction that indicates your death affected him.
But it did.
He does not have to go to a lot of games so most likely you went alone and died. He would blame Hatter but only in his mind. He knows this could happen he was never prepared for it. If some of the militars were in the game with you and got back he will ask what happened to them. He will suffer alone and in silence.
♤ Niragi
Has the worse reaction from all of them. Niragi hates everyone and everything and you were his only light and good thing. The moment he sees your dead body or your death he breaks in rage. Will hunt down whatever killed you or kill anyone near by. Wont ever mention you out loud again and if someone dares to speak about you he is getting them beaten up.
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stillsundazed · 2 years
I’ve been seeing people vastly misunderstanding the whole point of the shootout scene, so I want to share my analysis here. It’s not just a redemption for Chishiya, and not just a way to make Niragi seem deep and complex. It’s a way to compare the characters of Arisu, Chishiya, and Niragi, and show their adaptability to change.
To begin, the initial main focus of it all is Chishiya. He has just left the King of Diamonds venue, and has realized that he is jealous of people like Kuzuryuu who are able to die happily with a purpose. He is seeking to speak with someone, to open up about his inner turmoils. That is when he gets caught between Arisu and Niragi, two ends of a morality spectrum he is struggling to find his place on.
Now, why does Niragi start this shootout? He says that he, Arisu, and Chishiya are all too similar, and due to this only one of them can live (although, it is later evident that it is for this very reason all three of them survive). Niragi doesn’t say they are similar in regards to their actions in the games; he says this in regards to how they are all inherently selfish people at the core. They put themselves first and foremost, whether intentional or not, and hurt those around them as a result.
For Arisu, this makes more sense in the context of his manga characterization. Manga Arisu has the unintentional tendency of doing things for his own sake when he thinks he has the group’s best interest at heart, and his speech mannerisms mainly revolve around his own feelings. He is selfish without realizing it. The shootout finally makes him conscious of this, and makes him want to remedy this. He is adaptable to change for the better.
For Chishiya, this has been evident from the beginning. He will manipulate and use others for his own gain, without worrying what happens to them afterward. He never goes out of his way to help others, but at the same time never directly hurts them either. He has and recognizes this selfish indifference towards all facets of life. However, the games make him envious of people like Arisu, who are adaptable to change.
For Niragi, it has always been obvious how he embraces his selfishness. He enjoys going out of his way to hurt others and make them suffer. He becomes the abuser to keep from being vulnerable. He is the oddball out of the three, because despite everything, he does not want to change.
Their selfishness is just the example that Niragi gives, but there are other things they have in common as well. Their upbringings, for one – they all lacked love and affection in their home lives. What makes them different in this sense is that Arisu had Chota and Karube to hold him up, who made him more friendly and optimistic towards life. Chishiya had no friends, but no enemies either, which led to his indifference towards life. Niragi had abusers, which led to his hatred and resentment towards life. There’s also how they all initially wanted to stay in the Borderlands; Arisu because he wanted to avoid his real world responsibilities, Chishiya because he was intrigued by the intellectual stimulation and death of the games, and Niragi because he could thrive in a world without laws. But they all eventually came to the realization that they wanted to leave; Arisu first due to escaping and finding a reason for living, Chishiya next due to realizing he needs to reject the offer to truly change, and finally Niragi not because he changed, but because he simply wanted to live.
As you can see, they are all similar characters at three different levels of intensity. Arisu at level one, the level where he is still capable of goodness. Niragi at level three, where he is too far gone and considered evil. Chishiya is stuck in a morally gray area between the two, trying to figure out where he should place himself.
Anyways, back to the shootout. Chishiya came here to talk to Arisu because he wanted to change for the better. But then Niragi came and pulled him backwards, halting his progress. The shootout is a battle of moralities; a push-and-pull between Arisu’s good and Niragi’s evil.
The whole point of this scene was to give all three of them time for introspection. Who are they currently, and who do they want to become? Niragi’s comment about all of them being similar spurs their answers. Arisu is disgusted at the realization of being so similar to Niragi, so he quickly puts his gun down and pledges to change. Chishiya is inclined to distance himself from Niragi once he sees Arisu’s resolve, and only puts his gun down to become uncharacteristic and save Usagi. And Niragi, upon seeing the other two take this chance to renew themselves, realizes that he was foolish to believe anyone could be like him in the first place. He truly is alone in this world, and he only has himself to blame for it. He never lets go of his gun – he fires. And in that split second, why does Arisu pick his gun back up after vowing to change? He does it to save Usagi. To not be selfish and shoot Niragi out of his own hatred, but for the sake of saving Usagi’s life instead. Saving Usagi is the turning point for Arisu’s character, and for Chishiya as well. Niragi’s attempt to kill her demonstrates how he never wanted to change to begin with.
So yes, Niragi was right in saying they are all similar in terms of their selfishness. But he was wrong to believe that they were kindred to him and could not change.
TLDR; all three of them are foils, bound together by their inherent selfishness. This shootout is the defining scene for their characters. Arisu is adaptable to change, Chishiya struggles with his alignment but ultimately chooses to change like Arisu, and Niragi was never meant to change in the first place.
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
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I Still Get Jealous (MDNI +18)
• Possessive!Boyfriend!Arisu Ryohei x Sub!Reader
Summary: Arisu doesn’t like the idea of you spending time with mentor and friend, Chishiya, who’s assisting you on your PhD dissertation. He develops a possessive attitude which prompts you to prove your loyalty to him.
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A/N: Thank you again, @amortentiaz for the request! I’m so glad Arisu’s getting some love! This is a spicy one with a fluffy, happy ending. Hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 3.2k+
Warnings: jealous!Arisu, angst, fluff, smut, sub/dom dynamics, daddy kink, graphic language, slight!tipsy/drunk Arisu, traffic light bdsm system, spanking, hair pulling, biting, markings/hickies, finger sucking, light degradation kink, brief nipple play, creampie, breeding kink, dacryphilia, orgasm denial/delay, p in v (unprotected), oral sex (m receiving), fingering, sex positions (full nelson, doggystyle, reverse cowgirl), lots of pet names (sugar, prince, baby and so on), fluffy aftercare/happy ending
They say there is no greater glory than love, nor any greater punishment than jealousy. Arisu’s love for you results in the consequence that he loathes seeing you with any other man aside from him.
It’s not like he’s unreasonable. He’s fine if you have guys friends…just not guys like Chishiya. It just wasn’t a fair fight. Chishiya’s really smart, a doctor, AND—the kicker— he was handsome.
And, sure, Arisu felt as if he had ‘2 out of 3’ of those things listed but what he felt really set himself apart from Chishiya was how cool Chishiya was. He didn’t have to try. Women and even men are naturally drawn to him just based on first impressions alone. Meanwhile, Arisu was an unsociable loser who would rather play video games for hours on end than strike up a conversation with a stranger.
Why did you have to choose Chishiya of all people to help you with your dissertation? And now you’re in a residency program working in close quarters with him, too?!
Arisu could see it now. He paces back and forth in the apartment the two of you shared creating hypothetical scenarios.
What if….One day, you and Chishiya are working in a room together when the two of you ‘accidentally’ touch hands. Next thing you know, the two of you are making out and ripping each other’s clothes off in a room meant for a patient needing heart surgery!
He shakes off that silly imagination. No! You wouldn’t possibly do something like that to him. You love him. You wouldn’t just cheat on him but what if….you broke up with him instead?! That way you wouldn’t feel guilty for being with Chishiya instead.
Arisu bangs his head against the island table in the kitchen when he decides to call his friends over for some drinks and very much needed advice.
“You should just tell her how you feel,” Chota begins. “You’d be surprised to recognize what you discover about yourself when you speak about your feelings with her. Shibuki and I are going strong because she taught me how to be more open.”
“No offense, Chota, but that’s pussy advice,” Karube remarks. “Whenever my girl does something I don’t like, I lay down the law. I put my foot down,” He slams his beer on the table for dramatic effect. “Works every time.”
“Is that so? Because last time I checked, she made you cry that one time she threatened to leave you. Didn’t see any laws being laid down.” Chota chuckles.
“Up yours, man.” Karube bites.
“You guys aren’t helping me feel any better,” Arisu groans. “The girl of my dreams is slipping away as we speak. For all we know, Chishiya’s already asking for her hand in marriage.”
“You could always try rebounding if she does dump you. What about Usagi?”
“No way! She’s only a friend. Y/n’s all I ever wanted. I’ve imagined my future and she’s always in it. I won’t let her go.” Arisu says, determinedly.
Chota pats his back. “Then you’ve gotta fight for that future, brother.”
Arisu nods, a lot more confident in his decision. With another shot of hard liquor, he plans out exactly how he’ll approach the situation with you soon as you step through the door.
You turn the key in the door of your apartment and the first thing you’re met with is empty bottles of liquor. Arisu is sprawled out on the couch, asleep.
You smile, shaking your head, knowing that he probably was hanging out with his best friends. Removing your heels, you tiptoe over to him. Crouching down on your knees beside him, you place kisses all over his face until his eyes flutter open.
You soothe his hair, whispering a greeting. “Hello, my sleeping prince.”
Instead of being met with a smile, you were given a blank expression. “Hey.” He says, dryly, speech slurred.
“I’m sorry? Did I do something wrong?”
He sits up. “Where have you been? It’s late.”
“It’s 6:00 noon,” You giggle. “And you know I’m getting some help from Chishiya with my paper. It’s like 300 pages. I’m dying.”
“Chishiya, Chishiya. Seems like he’s all you ever talk about now,” Arisu chides. “Does he even know we’re together?”
“Where is this coming from, love?” You say, rubbing his arms with your soft, patient hands.
“You’re mine! Okay? You belong to me. We’re supposed to be happy and in love. I know I’m not this lady killer like Chishiya but I know that I can love you better.”
“Ryohei…baby,” You say, shaking your head in disappointment. “I am yours. You don’t have to compare yourself in any way to Chishiya. I don’t see him at all in the way I see you. You tilt my world off its axis whenever I’m near you. Even after two years together, I still get butterflies.”
“So you won’t leave me for him?”
“Never! You’re my sweet prince,” Still on your knees before him, you pry his legs apart to place yourself in between them. Leaning over his clothed cock, you lick a long stripe on the crotch area of his pants. “I love and serve you and you alone.”
He strokes your hair. “I wanna mark all over your body. That way when he sees them, he’ll know I’m the one responsible.”
“Please do, my prince.” You moan out.
He leans forward, capturing your lips and slips his tongue down your throat. Your fingers entangle in his dark locs, tugging him down to you when you felt like he was trying to pull away.
His hand collects your hair in a ponytail, pulling your lips away from his. “You don’t think I’ll let you off that easily, do you? I’ve been planning a punishment for you.”
“But I’ve been good.” You pout.
“Don’t pretend like you weren’t liking the attention from him? Like you weren’t trying to make me jealous,” He yanks at your hair again causing you to whine. “You like when I get like this, don’t you?”
You whine out again, squeezing your thighs together to suppress the throbbing between them.
He yanks your hair once more, growling. “I asked you a question.”
“Y-yes, I fucking love it when you punish me. Please fuck me.” You sounded absolutely wrecked and he hadn’t even begun yet.
“It’s gonna take a lot more begging than that to get what you want, sugar,” He lets go of your hair, patting his thighs. “Lay yourself across my thigh.”
You comply, lifting off your feet to crawl into his lap. Your plump ass perched up high enough for his hands to indulge.
“You remember your colors in case we need to stop, do you?” He asks while kneading your plush globes in his hands, marveling at its perfection.
You nod. “Green is a ‘yes’, yellow for ‘slow down’, and red is ‘stop’.”
“Good girl.” He purrs. Then, he pulls your panties to the side just enough to dip his longest finger into your sopping pussy.
You moan, clutching the couch cushion. “Fuck! That’s so good.”
“I don’t want to hear you.” He pulls out the glistening finger, shoving it into your mouth for you to suck on. With his other free hand, he slips two longer fingers into your core and pumps away.
You swirl your tongue around his finger, tasting yourself on it. Your eyes roll into the back of your skull as his fingers deliciously flicked against a soft trigger within you. Your muffled moans get louder.
“You’re so loud. Quiet!” Pulling the finger from your mouth, he slaps the hand over your mouth. It’s clamped tight enough to assure your sounds aren’t heard. Of course, the action would also affect your breathing but somehow the lack of oxygen heightened pleasure to the point of euphoria.
You could hear your wet pussy squelch around his fingers, juices trickling down your inner thighs, onto the couch, and his khaki pants.
His erection pokes against your belly and, with you fucking back against his fingers, it begins to increase in its size. He licks his lips, lust splayed on his features while he watches you rut desperately against his fingers.
“You look like you want to cum, sugar?” He asks, mockingly.
You nod frantically, bouncing back against his fingers with rigorous intent. He’d long removed his hand from your mouth, you could’ve spoken up but with his skillful fingers buried so deep into you that was too much a challenge.
“That’s it, love. Use my fingers to get yourself off. So pathetic and desperate for it. Bet, you’re wishing it was my cock instead.”
His fingers do the famous ‘come hither’ motion within you and your legs begin to shake. You were on the edge, a stream of drool pouring from your tongue as you pant out like a dog. Your eyes cross and just as you’re within reach of the big one, he slips out of you.
You sob and scream your frustrations into the couch cushion, biting down on the fabric to keep from hurting yourself or him.
He sucks your arousal off his fingers, looking at you from the corner of his eyes while you glare at him. When he finishes them clean off, he smirks at you. “Sorry. But that was punishment #1.”
“#1? As in…there’s more?” Your voice trembling in fear.
“Uh-huh. And we’re going straight into your next punishment,” He strikes your asscheeks hard enough for you to feel it ripple. You hiss at the sting. “You’ve got 4 more of that to go, sugar. Count for me, please.”
Smack after smack, you’d count and your hungry cunt would throb in need in anticipation of his assault. You needed to be fucked badly. You’ll remain obedient. Anything to get him to finally give in.
He lands the final smack, the hardest of bunch. Your ass is as red as he hoped for. He soothes it, massaging each globe carefully.
“For your last punishment, I want you to suck me off. If you’re good for it, I’ll make you cum on my cock right after.”
You love how filthy Arisu’s mouth gets whenever he’s in the act with you. It’s a complete parallel to his usual shy and reserved demeanor. You slide off his lap enough so that you’re laying on your stomach over the couch seat, your hands in his lap. You fondled with the buckle of his belt then his zipper.
With your hand down his pants, you carefully pull him free. The thick two-toned length was hard to wrap your whole hand around the base. You flick a tongue against the pink head, collecting the salty precum on your tongue.
He moans, moving your hair out of the way so he can watch you take himself in your eager mouth. You lower your mouth over him, swallowing around him while he hits the back of your throat. Whatever your mouth couldn’t get to, your free hand would make up for it.
His head is thrown back against the couch overhead, enjoying the warmth of your mouth. You slurp up the excess saliva from his cock, spitting it back onto the base again and jerking him off.
“Ohh, babygirl,” Arisu groans. “Your mouth feels like heaven. I almost feel bad for the bastard never getting the chance to have you.”
You moan, sending the vibrations straight to his cock. You could suck his dick all day and never get tired. You’ve actually done that before while he played his video games.
“Shiiit! I’m gonna cum down your little throat.” He whines, thrusting forcefully with his hand cupping the back of your head. Then, he stills, cock rested deep enough to cut off your air supply as his warm essence shoots down your throat. You play with his heavy balls in the process, prolonging his orgasm.
“Fuckk yess.” He groans, feeling the way the muscles in your throat flex around him, swallowing every drop.
When you remove your mouth from his twitching member, he immediately places his lips on yours not caring to taste himself on your tongue as he sucked at it. You straddle him and sit directly over his stirring cock, drenched clothed core rubbing against the hardness.
He stands on his feet and carries you in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist. It surprises you every day the strength he possesses in such a slender body.
“We’re taking this to the bedroom so I can fuck what’s mine properly.” He says.
“Please, daddy.” You plead, head rolling back when he sucks at your neck as he leads you to the bedroom.
He throws you onto the mattress. “Take those clothes off. Then, stay on your hands and knees.”
You follow his orders, pulling off your clothes so fast you nearly tore at them in impatience. You are on your hands and knees, back facing away from the headboard.
His clothes are off and you’re given a moment to admire his physique. He does the same, circling around you as if to decide what else he planned on doing to you.
Arisu disappears from your vision and you feel the mattress dip behind you. You feel the back of his knees resting against your calves, prompting you to glance over your shoulder. Arisu was laid on his back, your ass just inches from his jutting hard cock.
“I want you to fuck back into me like this. Show me how badly you want me.” He said it in a way that he’d hoped to sound authoritative but instead it came out sounding like a whine. He couldn’t help his desperation for you, especially when you were this dripping wet for him.
Shimmying back so that your glistening pussy rested over his cock, you rubbed yourself back and forth on it. You reach a hand down beneath you, grabbing his cock to tease your entrance before you let it slip in.
The two of you groan simultaneously at the feeling of you stretching around him. “Oh, fuck! Ryohei…daddy please.”
“Go on,” He smacks your ass. “Ride me.”
You mewl, taking him in all the way so that your ass rests on his pelvic area. You start off rocking slowly against him. You can hear the familiar squish of his cock penetrating you deeper and deeper with each in and out.
Gripping the sheets beneath you, you use the leverage to slam down harder against him. He lets out a strangled cry that cuts abruptly and you look over your shoulder to see that he’s biting his lips.
“Please let me hear you, daddy. I want to know that I’m doing good for you.” You moan, sounding already so fucked out.
“You’re doing amazing, sugar. Love seeing your ass from this view. Can’t believe you’re all mine.” He praises.
“Only yours.” You added, going fucking back into his even harder and the sounds of your plump ass colliding into him is thunderous.
“Shit, I can’t take it anymore.” He says. You barely register what he said until he sits up and brings your back to his chest, ass in his lap in reverse cowgirl.
Arisu takes your ankles in his hands, spreading your legs wide open. He plants both his feet against the mattress, jackhammering into your greedy wet hole.
“Oh, god!” You squeak, bringing your hand back to cup the back of his neck.
He takes this as a sign to litter your neck with hickies and you scream and writhe against him. He was too good. Expert level as if it were an actual game and the objective was to make you dumb on his cock.
Letting one ankle go, he tweaks a hardened nipple between his fingers as he fucks up into you. You begin to feel the familiar pressure build within you again and he senses this with how hard you clenched around him.
He drops his hand down between your legs rubbing your sensitive nub back and forth. “You’re getting so tight,” He whispers in your ear, teasingly. “You gonna cum?”
You felt a sense of panic rush through you. The mocking tone in his voice can’t be good. Was he really thinking of pulling away again? You began to cry real tears, nodding your head. “I’m gonna cum! Please let me cum, daddy. I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I’ll be yours forever. Don’t punish me!”
“Aww, sugar, I wasn’t going to take this away from you,” He pounds harder and rubs tight circles on your clit. “You… deserve it.”
Arisu punctuates the end of the sentence with two hard thrusts that hit against your g-spot. Your mouth opens in a silent scream, eyes widening as you squirt your juices all over.
This surprises him as well, a guttural groan escaping his lips. He throws you onto your stomach and pummels away from above you. “Gonna fill up your tight little pussy. I’m gonna get you pregnant and full so everyone knows I did that to you.”
You both knew you were on birth control because neither of you could afford to have a child at the moment. Nonetheless, you begged him to fill you with his seed and scream out to the top of your lungs how you’ll carry his babies.
A few dizzying thrusts has you biting into the sheets and without you even expecting it, you cum for the second time that night. Arisu cums a split second after you, moaning shakily as if he’s on the verge of sobbing. He trembles from above you, jerky thrusts into your core to give you all of his cum. He stills then collapses, weight on top of you and cock still buried deep as you shook against each other.
“Ryohei?” You pant softly.
“Mhm.” He says, unable to form a sentence.
“How are you this good?” You giggle in a euphoric state.
“I’d say it’s the liquid courage. I am still a little tipsy.” He admits with a chuckle.
“No, baby…that was all you. I fucking love you.”
“I love you more.” He retorts, breathlessly.
“Not as much as me.”
“Not possible,” He laughs, kissing your shoulder before pulling off and out of you. You whine at the loss, feeling cold without his warmth. You try reaching for him. “I’ll be back, love. Just gotta get a washcloth to clean you up…and some fresh sheets.” He says looking down at the wet puddle.
Arisu returns with a washcloth and fresh sheets as promised. He carefully cleans the sticky mess between your legs, planting a kiss on your thigh when he’s complete. While he lays down the new sheet, you find one of his hoodies to dress yourself in taking in his scent around you.
Curling into his naked body as the big spoon, you littered kisses on his shoulders. Then, a realization hit you to address your feelings, too. “I get kind of jealous, too, ya know.”
“You do? He asks, dumbfounded, turning on his side to look you in your eyes
“Yeah. I mean, whenever I see you with any other girl like Usagi, Heiya, or Kuina…I feel so petty. They’re my friends, too, and I know they wouldn’t hurt me that way. But they’re all so beautiful and—“
He cuts you off, kissing you passionately. “I belong to you just as much as the other way around. Remember that. No one gets me like you.”
You rest your foreheads against one another, cradling each other’s hands. You stare into each other’s eyes and listen to the sound of the rainfall pitter-patter against your window in time with the beating of your hearts.
Arisu has his friends to thank for giving such great advice.
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anonnnimaaa · 7 months
Why does the main couple of Alice in Borderland have so many similarities with Aruani? LET'S ANALYZE WITH ANÓNIMA
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Similarities between Armin and Arisu:
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1. They are both extremely intelligent and at first are not able to see their potential, they always depended on their friends to believe in themselves. Examples: When Armin convinced the troops that Eren was not an enemy thanks to Eren and Mikasa's motivation and when Arisu won his first game thanks to Karube telling him that he would get them out of there.
2. Both had survivor syndrome, as a result of these events, in the case of Armin when he received the serum on Erwin and in Arisu's case after overcoming the game of tag. They both have low self-esteem and, in the case of Arisu in that game, he also blames himself for not thinking of a better solution, since logic and strategy was always his strong suit and he desperately wanted to protect his friends, do you think? remember someone?
3. Both go through a period of wanting to die and hating life, they are constantly thinking about sacrifice for the good of others, we see this facet of Arisu more developed in the second season (the game of the king of clubs) while with Armin remains persistent throughout the anime.
4. They have been seen planning strategies with their respective teams, being the ones who organize what will be done next and give the respective orders, they influence others thanks to their great intellect, ability to speak that they develop thanks to the fact that they acquire more confidence in themselves. People listen to them and admire them, they also expect them to be the ones with the answers and they put responsibilities on them that they feel unworthy of most of the time.
Similarities between Usagi and Annie:
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1. They are very reserved girls, they hardly open up to anyone easily, although if you break their shell you can see that they are a teddy bear. This shell is born because they have Daddy issues, Usagi because her negligent father preferred to climb the mountain rather than stay with his daughter, and Annie because Mr. Leonhart's son of a bitch treated her as if she were a weapon.
2. Because of these, the two women believe that the only one they can trust is their father. However, due to the trauma, they both begin to feel more alive when they are away from home, Usagi in Borderland, because she does not have to feel that her father abandoned her, and Annie in Paradise, away from her father's abuse. For both of them, their father in almost the entire series is their reason for being and acting.
3. They are both athletic, again due to the influence of their dads. However, they never leave behind their intelligence or their human senses despite wanting to be lone wolves. Usagi shows great empathy for those around them and despite her traumas and believing that at first she had to be alone to survive, she manages to open up and give life another chance. Annie is shown to be kind in Paradise, saving several comrades she had to betray and in the end, returning to save the world, because atoning for her sins and having a new beginning becomes more important than her father.
4. Both Usagi and Annie are the only ones who manage to motivate Arisu and Armin. Not only do they look for answers in them, but they challenge them and make them rethink things, making their romantic interests grow thanks to that.
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24hlevi · 2 years
Hiiii! Could I request “i just wanted to make sure you're okay” with Arisu Ryohei??? He deserves some good fluff!
Congrats on 1,700 followers! Hope you have a good day!
you are so right arisu deserves fluff i need to write more happiness for him
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— talk to me
arisu ryohei (alice in borderland) x gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: fluff prompt 2("i just wanted to make sure you're okay") from my 1,700 follower event
warnings: language
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in the borderlands, there was little to no happiness. whether it be from your best friends dying in front of your eyes to the survivors guilt and depression of still being alive while everyone else perished around you. and arisu ryohei was very familiar with that feeling. the feeling of hopelessness, loneliness, and unhappiness. but thanks to his inferiority complex, he was able to make it through and survive until the second stage. that was, until another friend perished.
arisu was torn apart after tatta's death. which makes sense seeing as he was the one slamming the crate closed onto the other male's hand causing him to ultimately bleed out. last time with karube and chota, you were able to help him. but it was different this time. now, arisu didn't want to participate in any more games. but you had to get him out of this funk, or else you knew he wouldn't survive.
you walked back to the tent with some canned food from a store that somehow still had items in it, seeing arisu laying on the ground like you found him the first time. not moving an inch. a small frown grew on your face as you sighed aloud, making arisu finally lift his head and see you were standing in front of him.
arisu didn't speak, laying his head back down on the cold cement as you set down the food next to him. you stared at him for a few seconds, waiting for him to say something, anything, but nothing was said. he looked dead inside. like there was no reason to continue on living, and it made you feel like crying seeing him like that again.
"hey," you crouched down and moved his hair out of his face, "what's wrong?" you asked him.
"nothing," arisu replied in a mumble.
"don't lie to me, ryohei," you said in a stern voice. "i just wanted to make sure you're okay, that's all. i won't know what's wrong if you don't tell me, you know."
this time it was arisu who sighed, slowly raising his body off the ground to sit up straight as he looked down at the cement. "i killed him. i did it again. i killed someone."
"hey," you lifted his head with your hands to make him look at you, "you didn't kill tatta, and you sure as hell didn't kill karube or chota, okay? you didn't do anything wrong. you didn't know tatta would bleed out from his injuries. you didn't know how heart games worked. it's okay. as long as i'm still here with you i will continue telling you that you did nothing wrong," you told him, your thumbs caressing his cheeks gently. "i love you, okay? and i can't stand seeing you like this."
arisu didn't say anything for a while, and it made you worried you had said something wrong when he suddenly wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly. immediately your arms embraced him and he rested his head on your shoulder. then, you felt wet droplets hit your shirt, resulting in you quickly realize that he was crying and your grip on him tightened.
you rubbed his back with one of your hands while he cried on your shoulder, not even saying anything but simply letting him cry. there was no need for words. you knew arisu struggled a lot with these types of things. from being practically neglected from his father who focused on his brother more, to his only best friends dying in front of his eyes, he was completely alone with no one to depend on. except for when he was with you, that is.
arisu was incredibly grateful for you. every moment you spent with him felt like years together for him. he loved you so much he would do anything to make sure you're okay and safe. just in general, anything you asked of him he would do. it didn't matter if he was uncomfortable with it or not, he would still do it anyway just because it was you who asked. he was completely head over heels for you.
but during times like this, when he was at his lowest. all he needed was someone to support him. even if there was no words exchanged, a simple hug was enough to help arisu feel a little bit better than how he was before. that's why you didn't need to say anything to him. knowing just the one act of affection would help him. even if it wasn't a lot, he wouldn't trade it for anything else. not even going back to the real world.
arisu ryohei was forever thankful to have you in his life, an angel as he would call you. like god sent him his own personal angel to keep him safe. that's what he felt like you were to him. to help lift his spirits when he was low. to give him unconditional love he had never felt before. to just stay there with him. he was absolutely utterly in love with you. and there was nothing that would change that. nothing.
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miraofhearts2point0 · 6 months
do i think these aib characters are bilangual? an important post
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Arisu: no. he took an English class for a trimester and dropped out almost immediately.
Karube: kind of. he can speak some Spanish bc his grandma is Mexican and he visited her while growing up.
Chota: no. same reason as Arisu.
Shibuki: no. same reason as Arisu and Chota.
Usagi: no. she's thought about learning Spanish though.
Chishiya: yes. fluent in both Japanese and French, dabbled in Italian, (Spaniard) Spanish, and English, but never got around to actually learning them.
Kuina: no. if someone was willing to teach her English she'd happily learn it.
Niragi: no. he can understand some Latin though; e.g: prayers and hymns.
Ann: yes. Japanese, Mandarin, and Hmong.
Mahiru: yes. English, Tagalog, and Japanese. some Cantonese, too.
Aguni: yes. Japanese and (Latin) Spanish.
Hatter: no. he knows a few words in almost every major language but will never commit to actually learning them.
Mira: surprisingly no. she hasnt had any reason to.
Kuzuryū: yes. (canonically) English, Japanese, and (non canonically) Mandrin.
Kyuuma: kind of. in the process of learning English. probably learned some from his bf (Kuzuryū)
Shiirabi: yes.
Enji: no. he dgaf
Heiya: no. she knows a few slang words in English and that's about it.
Doudou: no. for the same reason as Arisu, Chota, and Shibuki.
Mitsurugi: yes. English and Japanese.
Kariya: no.
Ippei: no. see Arisu, Chota, Doudou, and Shibuki.
Urumi: yes. Mandrin and Japanese.
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luvsae · 1 year
hyunsu and arisu asking the reader out?❤️
ooooooo i love this request ♡
hyunsu and arisu asking you out would include . . . ♡
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hyunsu :
- hyunsu would be nervous as HELL
- he would be practicing his lines all day even though it's just as simple as "do you wanna be my partner?"
- he would dress up a bit more nicer and would probably get you a card or something
- when you ring his doorbell, his heart DROPSSSS
- he hides the card in a drawer and answers the door immediately
- of course he sees you in your most beautiful state (which is all the time) and he's starstruck
- "hyunsu! i missed you so much!" you hug him and he freezes, but eventually relaxes into your touch
- "i missed you more" which isn't a lie. he misses you all the time
- you two eventually sit down and play some video games. he bought your favorite game because he always knows you want to play it
- hyunsu will of course order food for the both of you (and will let you order anything you want, he's such a gentleman)
- after eating, the two of you will relax on the couch and that's when hyunsu gets nervous
- he wants to confess but a million thoughts are going through his head
- "hyunsu, are you okay?" shit. you noticed he was spaced out
- "huh? oh yeah im okay! im just.. tired." not entirely a lie, but not entirely the truth
- he waits another hour and goes over to grab the card that has a whole paragraph on how much he adores your friendship
- "here," he hands you the card. "it's for you"
- thanking him, you read the card
- of course you have tears forming in your eyes
- "hyunsu! i didn't want to cry today. oh my gosh, you're the best person ive ever met in my whole life, I swear."
- he smiles and gets nervous once more. "you're the best person ive ever met as well, which leads me to my next point."
- hyunsu let's out a shaky breath. "I... don't know how to say this." he suddenly said.
- you smile and lay your hand on his knee. "you can do it. i won't judge you for anything."
- hyunsu nodded, avoiding eye contact with you for a moment. "...I really like you, in a way that's.. more than friends. you're really kind and funny, you're everything."
- hyunsu sighed, looking at you. his brows furrowed when he saw a tear fall from your eye.
- "y/n? what's wrong?" he asked, nervous that he made you upset.
- "i didn't know you felt that way... ive felt like that for a while," you confessed. "im crying tears of joy."
- "..really? you like me?"
- "what is there not to like about you? you're nice, funny, generous - everything! hyunsu, you're so wonderful."
- "do you want to.. be my partner?" hyunsu suddenly asked. "only if you're comfortable-"
- "yes- sorry, i answered a bit quickly." you laughed.
- "it's okay," hyunsu laughed. "im happy to be with you."
- the day would definitely consist of shy cuddles, hyunsu admiring you, and the both of you playing games
- the first kiss wouldn't happen until hyunsu was prepared because he wanted it to be special
- hyusu is sooooo in love with you, so asking you out was a big part of his life <3
ryohei arisu :
- oh. this boy would be a MESS
- he would've told karube and chota about asking you out, and they would practically convince him to actually follow through with it
- "what if they say no? what if they are interested in someone else-"
- "ryohei arisu, please shut up." karube laughs. "i promise you that they like you. i can tell. speaking of which, here they come."
- arisu's eyes widened as he looked your way. he couldn't believe you were here already, which caused him to panic a bit.
- "good luck, buddy," karube gave his friend a thumbs-up before walking out with chota
- you smiled as you sat down beside arisu. "It's just us today?"
- "uh, they will be back, i hope." arisu scratched the back of his neck awkwardly
- "hopefully? you don't like my company?" you teased
- due to his panic, arisu didn't realize you were teasing him and instead started to apologize to you. "no- i mean i so love your company, i just- i don't even know what i'm saying."
- you giggled. "i'm just teasing you, arisu"
- the panic would soon simmer down as the both of you would talk about what's happened since the last time you hung out
- the both of you had an amazing time and couldn't stop laughing. that's when karube and chota soon came back
- "hey guys, bars about to close." he reminded the soon-to-be couple
- "ah, i have to go home, anyway."
- arisu instantly stood up, clearing his throat. "i can walk you home, if you want."
- "that would be great," you beamed. "bye karube, bye chota"
- arisu followed along behind you but first looked at karube who sent him a thumbs-up
- arisu wanted to walk home with you, not just because he liked you a lot, but because it was pretty sketchy at night
- the two of you talked more as you walked to your house, but once you reached your destination, arisu's panic set in once again
- "thanks for walking me home, arisu. i really appreciate it" you smiled again, "i'll see you tomorrow?"
- "wait," arisu suddenly said. "wait- i, yes we will see each other tomorrow, but there's something i need to say"
- "what's up?" you asked, slightly nervous at what he was going to tell you
- "we've been friends since.. forever, and i really love our friendship that we have," he started. "you see, over time I've... developed feelings for you. i guess it's a crush, but i can't hide it anymore"
- he sighed quietly. "you don't have to like me back, but i just needed to say tha-"
- you suddenly wrapped your arms around his body, pulling him into a tight hug. "i've felt the same way, seriously"
- arisu pulled away to look at you, "really?"
- you nodded, a pondering expression on your face. "can i kiss you?" you suddenly asked
- "yes" arisu blurted around before your lips connected - it was almost as if they were the last two puzzle pieces to complete the whole thing
- this kiss would be remembered for a lifetime
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louscartridge · 2 years
nsfw arisu headcanons
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i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform without my permission.
arisu x gn reader
cw- switch! arisu, blowjobs (and me giggling over the word AHHHAHAHAAAA ITS SO FUNNIEEE), making out, hand holding, praise kink, orgasam denial, overstimulation, begging, face slapping.
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❥ ok so 
❥ hes most definitely a switch
❥ mainly bottom / sub leaning
❥ if your giving him a blow job (unrelated but blow job is such a funny word it makes me giggle sm) or and hand job (same with that one ngl) he goes from like
❥ groaning
❥ to whining 
❥ its so hot
❥ speaking of bj’s
❥ he laughs
❥ like
❥ okay
❥ laughing is so hot tell me its not shut UP
❥ not like at you but like ????
 am i making sense PLEASE
❥ you’d be like making out, lying down in bed
❥ then you started to go down on him
❥ pressing kisses down his chest and stomach 
❥ and he like laughs whall caressing you hair and looks down at you yk??
no sky no one knows
❥ hand holding
❥ god that shit’s so attractive
❥ if your hands are available they're connected
❥ making out, cuddling, sex, ORALLLLL
❥ hands are being held
❥ doesnt matter if hes subbing or your subbing hands are being held as long as theyre avalible
❥ please
❥ praise him
❥ he doesnt care how much shit he gets from karube 
❥ praise. him.
❥ when hes a dom he never really gets too terribly rough but he teaches you a lesson if you need it.
❥ sometimes he denies you of your orgasms other times he cant bring himself to do it
❥ he just doesnt like taking away something he knows feels so good
❥ especially when sex is something you dont get to do alot with the whole…. y’know. playing for your life thing.
❥ but he still has to teach you something, right? 
❥ so he goes to overstimulating you 
❥ making you feel so good where you need to beg him to stop
❥ prove to him you learned your lesson 
❥ its almost as bad as if he were to deny you of cumming
❥ i can see him being into face slapping ngl
❥ like 
❥ just a little slap and then softly grips your jaw
❥ sex with arisu is usually sure soft and gentle but more so especially when you got to the borderlands
❥ when you got to the borderlands neither of you knew how much time you had with each other. with anyone.
❥ so he took his time (as limited as it was) with you, showing, proving how much he really loved you more than ever.
❥ before the borderlands neither of you really looked at how big life is how limited time is
❥ it was just video games, sex, and the same like 3 friends
❥ but one thing changed both of your’s outlook on life
❥ for the better and both worst
at least you two did your experimenting before the borderlands deadass
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surshica · 2 years
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babycakes — SHE KNOWS
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SHE KNOWS — jollibee >> kfc — [babycakes]
ARISU : blew up overnight because he got some lucky ass kills in cod + the fact he screamed imma kms when he lost his 50/50 in genshin impact. has known kyuma ann and yn through usagi—speaking abt usagi. he wanted to keep the relationship a secret but he fucked up and leaked one of their convos..
HEIYA : fashion major in college~ has had multiple in-counters with chishiya when she was little so she likes to think of them as besties alongside kuina! loved to talk shit abt people who annoy her—very much a gossip girl! loves watching people crumble over stupid silly shit
CHISHIYA : a doctor who blew up because of kuina and heiya’s tiktoks. he was simply in the background and all of a sudden everyone was in love with him—it got so bad that they wanted him to be on a dating show. very much a workaholic, knows kyuma through arisu and usagi! knows of yn but doesn’t know that she is related to kyuma..
KARUBE : a bartender that is inlove with his gf sm he doesn’t stop talking abt her sometimes! one of arisu’s closest friends—very hot headed and headstrong like kuina. chishiya likes to laugh at him sometimes! actually got into a dating scandal one time with yn because she was hanging out with him and arisu.
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e-lisss · 2 years
Positive and negative things about Alice in Borderland Season 2.
Well let's start with the positive things.
I really liked how Arisu and Usagi soften as time goes by and how they both care for each other, I really liked that dynamic a lot.
God I can't complain about the K of clubs, I literally liked the dynamic between the actors who play citizens, I really liked Kyuma and his way of thinking. You really feel that they are true friends. I also really liked the dynamics of the game and how things turned out.
Let's talk about the J of hearts, I thought that the fact that Chishiya was there was going to ruin it, but let's not put that aside, I really liked the participants of this game and especially Urumi, how he was killing everyone and how he died, obviously also Sunato and Yaba were great.
I liked the Q of spades (although I still believe that this game is a bit unnecessary) I liked it for one thing and it was for the queen of this game, the dynamics were good and I liked that Usagi defended her man. Arisu was fine for the fact that she went looking for Usagi after parting ways.
Akane and Aguni's dynamic was good, it's nice that she cared for him and he cared for her too. I don't know about the fans but I see a father-daughter dynamic in my opinion that's cute. Akane's introduction was very good for me and having her show her first game was valuable since I thought she wasn't going to be shown.
The K of diamonds was what I expected the most, the deaths were brutal and I would have liked to have seen more of this game. The fact that it included the scene of Momoka and Kuzuryu's past I thought they weren't going to include it.
Arisu's flashbacks with Karube and Chota were special and deepened their friendship more, that's nice, they made up for the magan scenes.
I liked the friendship between Kuina and Ann a lot, that is, the time together and playing games. That makes up for the manga.
Speaking of Kuina, I liked the dynamic between Arisu and Usagi, I liked that they showed a little the J of swords if I'm not mistaken and she was rude in the final battle, they did her justice by showing more of her than what was shown in the manga.
Speaking of Ann, I really liked her that they showed her more and that they did justice to her just like Kuina, that she took Yuuji's place and that she played the game with Kuina was very epic.
Speaking of the battle against the K of swords, it was brutal in my opinion, both the K and Kuina, Aguni, Ann, Usagi and Akane looked good and made a good dynamic in my opinion.
Let's talk about Look god how I love that woman, she's really smart, pretty and very bitchy (it had to be said and it was said) I definitely can't hate her she's very interesting, I just love her and her game.
Let's talk about the ending, it's just that the manga is very beautiful in my opinion and it was a perfect ending, the way they handled things was very fair.
Let's move on to the negative things or things that don't convince me at all.
One of the things I didn't like during Tatta's death was Arisu's reaction, in the manga his reaction is more heartbreaking and more convincing, even Kuina and Usagi's reaction to his death is also very sad but apparently They didn't give it enough importance.
Speaking of the J of hearts, it was really weird to see Chishiya there, but well, you can't change things anymore.
Let's talk about the Q of spades, the queen was fine, her death was very epic but the fact that she wanted Arisu saying "he's my type" is kind of unnecessary for me.
Let's talk about the K of diamonds, god needed more of this game and the dynamics of Kuzuryu and Chishiya.
Speaking of Chishiya god the writers of the show changed everything about him, I still can't get over how they showed him, they literally changed everything about his past and his personality, wait you just left him as a sarcastic good guy, they didn't give him the development they gave him in the manga. Ok, I'll tell you what they changed, firstly, the patient's scene, in the manga it's very different since the patient turns out to be a man with cancer, to which he asks Chishiya to give a letter to his family to which he is He accepts but ends up throwing it away since he did not have a good relationship with his father. I'll get back to Chishiya later.
Let's talk about the cards shown which is the J of diamonds, J of clubs and the K of hearts that were really unnecessary to show them in my opinion would have shown more of the Q of clubs play that Ann and Kuina played I really wish they would They would have shown them more.
Speaking of Kuina, I have a little problem with her and Chishisya and that is that in the manga after Chishiya betrays Arisu and Usagi she confronts him and asks for an explanation of why she did what she did, but in the show she still does. continue, that is, let's say that if someone betrays my friends I stay away from him, but well, in the program it is not the case.
The scene of Chishiya, Niragi and Arisu in this scene I was hoping it would show up well in the show, but it didn't and I'll tell you why. It is supposed that in the manga Niragi makes the reflection that the three of them look alike since they only care about themselves, that therefore makes Arisu reflect and makes him want to change his way of being saying "this surely not always I was egotistical" makes his speech about wanting to change and this prompts Chishiya to want to do the same and reflects on himself, but this in the program seems nonsense since they omitted certain scenes that were important and even dialogues. That really leaves me more to be desired.
Chishiya, the fact of not showing the scene of the relationship with his father and the Monalisa theory, pisses off the character. My explanation is the following and it is that in the manga he says that there was no sense of upbringing on the part of his father or a sense of love, to which this makes him question why he had it, this makes him say about his father " perhaps to pretend to be a normal person, as the director of the hospital" to which he also says "the funny thing is that I am following the same path" reflecting on it. In the manga he mentions the Monna Lisa saying that it was probably Da Vinci himself, to which he says "everyone wants to be seen as he is" to what he wanted to be seen as he was and that is why he says the following "I used to see humans as foolish beings, I despise the sincere, I can't help but reprimand those who put all their effort, I couldn't stop the psychological abuse, I couldn't live without hurting someone, I couldn't avoid the good will and intentions of people …. well he was probably jealous, they were things I didn't have." In the show they omitted this dialogue and left Chishiya without proper character development, I am literally not complaining about the decision to put him in the J of hearts but I am complaining about this because I love the character.
Talking about Kuzuryu they omitted the part where he tells Chishiya "There is still a new unknown world waiting" since that also makes Chishiya change in some way "the possibility of changing to see the future ahead".
They also omitted the part of Mira and Kuzuryu's talk where he wanted a law that would unify Borderland.
I also miss Doudou, that's my only complaint with the K of spades.
Well without further ado Merry Christmas I hope you have a good time, I know this post was a bit long and I am seriously sorry English is not my first language so please excuse my grammatical and spelling errors.
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infranuz · 2 years
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v. im so in love | snap out of it
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you weren’t going to lie when you said you were nervous, horribly nervous. many things could go wrong today, but still it was your first date ever in months. you should be glad you were even invited right? after the call you had with chishiya during the night you felt somewhat more relieved. he ended up waking you up with his loud ass alarm, yet it wasn’t that bad since you got to talk about your plans for the day which helped you calm down.
truth to be told, you could only ever fall asleep on call with chishiya and chishiya only. hell not even your own brother. but that aside, you had agreed with karube to meet up at shibuya station at 5 it was currently 4:30.. you had checked your outfit several times just to make sure nothing was wrong. it looked cute but not too exaggerated, did he even think of it as a date?
you were over here giggling and laughing because you believed it was a date, but was it really? maybe he just wanted to hang out as friends, maybe he just wanted to catch up. i mean, after all you had been absent for several months. your thoughts were cut short when you heard a knock coming from your room's door. the only person home was arisu, thinking it was him you opened it.
surprise surprise there was karube with literal flowers in his hand, an actual bouquet now. your eyes widened at his sight, he looked so.. pretty, so?!??? breath taking.. as silly as it sounded he was out of his casual t shirts and jeans he was actually dressed to impress.
“[name]” he greeted you first as he took a good look at your outfit, and shit you looked beautiful. you smiled at him and shook your head “i thought we were meeting at shibuya station?” he laughed knowing he lied about ending his shift at 4, he was actually off today. he had spent the entire morning trying to find a good outfit and some flowers to give to you. that reminded him, he handed you the flowers speaking once again.
“well, I decided to take a little shortcut” you smiled at his words and took the flowers from his hand, placing them in an empty base. “shall we go?” he asked, stepping aside from the doorway so you could exit your apartment. “I say we shall” you intertwined your arms giggling at the use of words.
“it should be about 20-30 minutes to get there” this time you weren't even going to complain about the walk, you were just glad you had a date.
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karube was right. it took 30 minutes to get there, although it was worth it since he talked to you all the way to the amusement park. he shared a lot about himself which made you happy since you knew more about him now. “well what do we do? want to walk around first or eat?” it didn’t really matter for you since all you wanted was to have a good day with karube.
“whatever seems best for you, I don’t mind” karube thought for a second deciding what to do first, in an instant he answered “let’s eat first yeah? there’s this 5 star restaurant around here.” 5 star!? like fancy kind of restaurant?? there’s no way you would make karube pay for an expensive meal.
“WHAT?? IS IT LIKE EXPENSIVE??” you were worried about karubes wallet.. “what? no i don’t think so.. anyway even if it was you deserve a good meal” he said those words without a worry in the world. “why don’t we just get some mcdonald’s..” you offered instead.
“nah, it’s all good, c'mon let’s go find it” he took your hand and started walking in the direction of the restaurant. it was the first time you had held his hand for more than 5 minutes, other times it was just your arms linking, this sent you into an overthinking mess. thankfully, karube didn’t pay one bit of attention to your reaction, still looking ahead. it didn’t take you guys much before actually spotting the restaurant and getting a seat.
“What are you going to get?” karube asked, grabbing the menu left on the table. “i’m not s-” your eyes widened at the prices, $20 for a soup!? and it wasn’t even a big bowl.. “karube, i really don’t think we should eat here..”
“hm? why not, the food seems good” he wasn’t even bothered about the prices?? guess you wouldn’t be able to change his mind. you quietly looked through the menu frowning since everything was pretty much the same price for a small amount. the only thing that was slightly cheaper was a plate of takoyaki.
thank god it was even cheap at a 5 star restaurant, anyway you weren’t as hungry so 8 balls would for sure fill your half empty stomach. by the time you were done thinking about your choices the waiter came by and asked if you were ready to order. both you and karube agreed and ordered, you thought maybe after the food arrived you would be able to get to know the blond in front of you even more.
yet, everything seemed to go by fast, the ordering the eating, not even a small spark of conversation happened. truly, it was awkward, but could you blame karube? he was probably just too hungry to try and have a small talk. the date came to a great start, where did all that go?
you thanked karube as he payed the bill, you didn’t even want to know how much it was considering the amount of food ordered. “we can explore the park now if you’d like, there’s souvenir stores too” karube said as he exited the restaurant holding the door for you to step out.
“let’s walk around the park for a little yeah? let’s get a water first tho.. im pretty thirsty..” not to mention throughout the whole meal karube didn’t bother to ask if you wanted anything to drink. it’s okay tho!! he probably just forgot to ask, at least you wanted to believe. restaurant was too expensive anyway..
“oh! i have one in my backpack, I also brought snacks if you want” he pointed towards his back telling you to grab it from there “thank you, do you want one?” the conversation was running smoothly yet it felt so forced? rushed? awkward?.. maybe all of them..
“we can share one” as in, share the same bottle, as in an indirect kiss? “sure..” if kuina was here right now she would have probably scolded you from how dumb you were being, but c'mon an indirect kiss, first kiss ever!?? (it wasn’t your first kiss, just a bad memory..)
you agreed and took the bottle from his backpack, opening the top. the blush was increasingly creeping to your already rosy cheeks as he took the bottle from your hands when you handed it to him. he didn’t seem bothered by the thought of an indirect kiss, maybe he just didn’t care.
oh but he did care, a lot actually, he just wanted to seem cool in front of you. you were snapped out of your thoughts when he spoke up again “we can walk around now, there’s also a ferris wheel near” karube pointed towards a map that was visible on his phone, the online page of the theme park. “THERE'S A FERRIS WHEEL??” you absolutely loved ferris wheels, especially when you could share the moment with someone.. karube stared at you and, suddenly realizing you shouted that a little too loud making people turn to you, you looked away slightly embarrassed.
“pfft, do you want to walk there? it’s not that far” he laughed at your reaction yet he seemed happy about your sudden interest. “lead the way” the moment was perfect to ride the ferris wheel, the sun was setting and fireworks would be happening in 20 minutes, it would give you both enough time to walk there and get on a pod and reach the top for a good view.
you both walked hand in hand enjoying the ambiance of the park, everything was so lively. the date might have started a little on the wrong side but it changed as quickly as it began. his hands were so rough yet warm, it brung you a small feeling of comfort. maybe this was really love you felt, love for your brothers best friend, what a joke.
anyway you would clear your suspicions with kuina and chishiya the next time you see them, they always seemed to know what to say when you came to them for advice. “that’s.. pretty high up” karubes words brought your attention to the ride in front of you. even more perfect, the higher the better for a good view right?
“that’s perfect! we can watch the fireworks from up there!!” you clung into his arm with excitement. he could only smile and laugh at how thrilled you looked.
it took about 5 minutes to get a seat in a pod, the wheel started moving and you stood up to see the view from all the way up, karube chuckled as he watched you, from his view he got a good angle at your face. he was happy seeing you smile so brightly, it made him glad you were enjoying your date, hangout.
the wheel stopped right at the top making you jump in joy, perfect timing since the fireworks were just about to start. you sat back down right in front of him, you took your attention from the window to him. to your surprise, he was staring right at you, and just like that bright lights appeared in the sky exploding and making different shapes, and as cliche as it may sound, right behind him a pink heart appeared outlining his shape.
your eyes widened in surprise, your heart fluttered at the view in front of you. it was possibly even better than the view from your current position in the pod. you were for sure you were head over heels for daikichi karube.
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the day finally came to an end, after getting off the ferris wheel and enjoying a small walk around the park you got karube to get in a photo booth with you to take pictures. a special picture to remind you of today. right before leaving karube got you both drinks, milk to be exactly. a chocolate milk, maybe yeah it wasn’t your favorite but you still appreciated his kind gesture.
“thank you for the invite today karube, I had a lot of fun” he hummed at your words with a grin on his face as he looked down at your taken photos. you stopped at your doorstep as he waited for you to go inside, “say hi to arisu for me, have a good night [name]” he gave you a small wave.
maybe you were reaching way farther than you would originally but fuck it, right before going inside you walked back to karube who was standing several steps away from you. in an instant you placed both of your hands on each side of his face and pulled him towards you. another small kiss on his opposite cheek from the last one. “goodnight karube” you quickly turned back and closed the door. thank god arisu wasn’t home to see your current condition.
your legs gave out in embarrassment, since when had you become so bold..
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arisu was just arriving at his apartment as he saw his friend outside his door with a hand on his right cheek. “karube?” he asked approaching him, he was dressed completely different from his normal outfits, strangely enough. “arisu, hi” karube turned to him trying to hide his flustered state, “what are you doing? it’s 10.. and why are you dressed so fancy?” arisu had somewhat of an idea of what his blond friend was doing but he wanted to be proven wrong.
“i just came to drop off [name]” ah, that’s right, even if he wanted to be proven wrong he wasn’t going to be. he should feel happy for his sister yet the thought of his best friend and his sister going out bothered him. he wanted to be happy for you, but knowing how karube is and how he handles things he wasn’t exactly very sure of your relationship. “stop playing around with [name] like that if you aren’t serious about it.”
“what?..” karubes smile suddenly dropped at arisus words “you know perfectly what i mean karube, last time you did this you lead the poor girl on, I don’t want that to happen with my sister” as much as he loved his friends his sister was far more important. “it’s not like that-” karube couldn’t even finish his sentence before arisu walked right past him, opening his apartment door and talking over him before closing the door disappearing. “it better not be”. harsh..
that very night arisu and kuina teamed up to make the relationship fail, hopefully..
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— tell me why this chapter has so many time skips..oops. IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO PUBLISH THIS😭,, I’ll make it up on Friday I SWEAR. for now pls take this very rushed, very bad worded chapter. I’ll bring Chishiya back soon i just need to make more scenes with karube for the sake of the plot </3 but I can assure you this isn’t a karube x reader so 🤭. I also probably failed my test today hahah, hopefully tumblr doesn’t mess up my post otherwise i will cry. ANYWAY goodnight guys, I have more exams coming up next week but I get review days during the week so <3
tags!! ,, tags!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝!! | if highlighted pink, tag doesn’t work💔
@parkersmyth . @surshica . @spaceshattered-skies . @rainqissedd . @saltysoftgrungeofscience . @captivq . @vernon-dursley . @fishisahappydog . @trinmadol . @elernity . @naegisimp . @4vonly . @sincerely-raine . @yvrikoo . @sicksanji . @mxbrahms . @akowbt . @jadedist . @lov-eable . @sunooluver . @nijirosz . @eshtravagent . @brdpch . @kittyrai . @seiksyyki . @celery-o . @4townn . @shinobuily . @hy0ukka . @saiewithakatana . @theinfaethablefig . @huachengsbestie01 . @kokxm1 . @pedropascalkisser
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
@prosopagn0sis - I always adored how Softie designed the layout of its blogs (be it its main or its RP blog), so it's definitely an ace when it comes to aesthetically pleasing blogs!
@kuinaoflight - There's something about how Elle knows how to choose the best quotes or images to adorn her Kuina RP blog with, that makes it simply amazing! This, along with the calming color pallet she's chosen for the background and text, make her blog a delight to look at and explore!
@hinataxsunshine - I always found Adrian's blog to be one of the nicest/cutest blogs ever! It just has something about it that speaks innocence and serenity, which fits perfectly the vibe of his OC, Hinata.
💻 ― excellent writing
@niragixpsych - Although she doesn't think her writing is any good if you ask her, Psych's talent in writing surpasses most expectations with the amount of thought and care she puts into every interaction. It's a true delight and pleasure to write with her and her blog is one I'll always recommend with the utmost happiness!
@aggwaseon - I love their writing because it's very versatile and detailed. You can tell the Mun puts a lot of effort into their threads, and even if lately they haven't been very active, I can guarantee you that this Mun right here knows precisely what they are doing and they are doing it with passion, dedication and care!
@kuinaoflight - Her talent at both writing Kuina as a character and stories in general is amazing! I always loved reading her threads and the amazingly well crafted answers to the RP memes that make even the most common of prompts feel uniquely written and personalized to the person who sent them. Looking forward to continuing reading Elle's amazing work and see how she'll continue improving even further! <3
@hoodedchishiya - There's a reason why this blog is my all time favorite Chishiya and that's because Alex's writing is usually 1000000/10, both when it comes to writing our favorite snarky cookie addict blonde and storytelling in general. I swear man, if I hear you say one more time that your writing sucks, Imma make it one of my to do list priorities to remind you daily that your writing is beyond excellent!
@artsspi - I really enjoy writing with them because they put a lot of thought and effort into each of their OCs and the threads we write together. I'm always looking forward to reading your replies!
@officerconners - The Mun does an excellent job at portraying Drake and every interaction is fun and captivating to read! They know how to write anything, from silly stuff to the most serious of action packed moments full of suspense!
🌼 ― creative headcanons
@niragixpsych - I always love reading Psych's rendition of Niragi and the headcannons she comes up with, they are very unique and interesting, especially since they add an extra layer of depth and complexity to NIragi's character, while also showcasing his human side.
@triggerhappymilitant - Nyx's headcannons about Niragi are another one of my faves when it comes to headcannons about Niragi. They are always interesting to read and I feel like she always manages to showcase Niragi's utmost essence in her own rendition of the character and its background!
@hoodedchishiya - If you want a fresh and unique version of Chishiya, this is the blog to seek. Again, just like his talent for writing in general, this man's creativity when it comes to reimagining Chishiya in a very unique, yet true to the core essence of the character, is baffling! I told you, I could listen to you ramble all day about your ideas and hcs about Chishiya and I wouldn't grow bored!
🎙️ ― great to talk to
@daikichixkarube - Karube's Mun is one of the most adorable and fun to talk to people I've ever met! I love talking to her on a daily basis and she always knows how to lift my mood or make me laugh! So she will always be one of my favorite people to talk to and one of my bestest of friends!
@niragixpsych - She's very supportive and I can count on her to always be there for me! When I'm sad, Psych will lift my spirits up; when I am stuck with a dilemma, she'll do her best to give me some suggestions and help the best she can; and her friendly talks full of affection will always warm my heart! I love you, don't you ever forget that!
@kuinaoflight - Full of life, sunshine and with the golden heart of an angel, Elle is a delight to talk with! She knows how to make a conversation fun, how to cheer you up or fuel your creative juices with her ingenuity! I especially love our fun conversations on our favorite TV shows and the funny things we come up with sometimes, like back when we put together a compilation of cat gifs and memes relating to the AiB characters!
@hoodedchishiya - We've had our differences and ups and downs, but once we got to know each other better, he's really a great conversation partner! Even if we don't talk much (and maybe sometimes I probably end up annoying him), he never fails to make me laugh, smile or feel better if I am upset. So no matter what other's might say, you are actually a great friend to have and a great person to talk to!
@twentyfourhourtitts and @hinataxsunshine - I put those two together because they are like siblings to me and I love our little funny conversations (which I really miss sometimes when our group chat falls silent for days on end).
@lillyontheborder - She's a new addition to my friends group, but I can assure anyone that Lilly is a great friend and a great person to talk to! She knows to listen to you and she will do her best to help!
@risa-of-spades - Risa has always been a great listener and supportive pillar of our community and for that I feel like I owe her an endless amount of gratitude and appreciation! She's always there to show her love and support to each and every one of us and if someone needs a shoulder to lean on, they can always count on her for that, as she'll never shun anyone away!
@officerconners - This Mun is a ray of sunshine and delight to talk to! Plus, they know how to give good advice when you need it! A great friend and an amazing conversations partner!
📚 ― nice threads to read
@niragixpsych, @aggwaseon, @artsspi, @triggerhappymilitant, @hoodedchishiya, @kuinaoflight, @officerconners - Mostly for the reasons stated above + some have really funny threads too along with the more serious threads in nature.
🎀 ― all-around kind person
Everyone mentioned previously. uwu Love you all! 💗
🥇 ― well-developed oc
I feel like everyone in this community that writes OCs do an amazing job in writing their characters, so it would be impossible to tag every single one of them. But even so, know that the AiB RP community has some of the greatest well-crafted original characters you'll ever meet!
📌 ― a staple on the dash
Everyone I mentioned thus far are staples on my dash and I wouldn't have it any other way!
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
Again, everyone I mentioned above are a 10/10 in my book: great people with great hearts, amazing talents, outstanding writing skills and are infinity/10 friends! And I want you all to know that I love each and every one of you! Never forget that! <3
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dollalterer · 2 years
Domestic Life
With AIB Characters
WC: 573
Characters Include: Chishiya Shuntarō, Arisu Ryōhei, Ann, Kuina Hikari
Living a domestic life with AIB characters
Music i was listening to while writing: "Winning Games With Shuntarō Chishiya || A Playlist"
By Phantomtoaster (On YouTube)
"Nightcore - Pretty Little Psycho"
By Zero.Miz-Kun (On YouTube)
Chishiya Shuntarō
He works alot being a paediatrician so you don't see him during the day alot, when he comes home you are waiting for him watching TV with food in the oven being warmed up.
He showers without a word before he gets his food out and sits next to you his arm around you. He doesn't have alot of time before he needs to sleep so he likes cuddling with you when he can and having relaxed conversations about each other's day.
If he has a day off he spends it with you doing activities around the house, the fact that you do the bulk of the chores makes him feel guilty so free days with him are often spent cleaning.
Arisu Ryōhei
He doesn't have a job, he lives at his dads still and you work during daytime funding his game expenses. When you visit him you don't talk, your relationship is mostly physical affection while he plays games. He likes having you on his lap while he games because it let's him get close to you, he also likes it if you just have your hand on him, his leg, shoulder, arm, torso he doesn't mind if you hug is leg while you're on your phone.
His family doesn't speak to you too much his dad thinks you're encouraging him to play games all day by letting him live off your money and love, his brother doesn't care about you two and avoids being home when you're there.
Chota and Karube like having you around since Arisu looks happy with you so you often find yourself at the bar with them cracking jokes and bottles.
Ann's job takes up alot of time, (not as much as Chishiyas) working with police and all, she spends nights in labs every now and then so when she's home she likes to talk with you and spend time doing things you both enjoy. She likes to listen about your day and makes remarks about incidents at her job, she doesn't like mentioning what she was working on she likes to keep her home and work life separate.
When you two aren't talking she's probably on social media while cuddled up with you somewhere in your house. When it comes to food she doesn't mind eating packet things now and then but if she eats them too many days in a row she will cook healthy food for you both unless you insist on not wanting any. She likes being organised, she may take charge if you're not keeping house clean enough.
Kuina Hikari
Her job at the Boutique near by doesn't take up alot of time leaving alot of spare time for you two to bond doing fun things like fake sword fights or building forts. Your job goes on for a while longer than hers so she uses that time to visit her mum, not every day because she has to do chores too but often you come home to an empty house free to plan something to make her mood lighten.
Kuina likes going out sometimes so you may be dragged to a social hangout, you usually stand next to her and add onto conversations she's having.
Thank you for Reading!
Feel free to leave advice or correct me about something including characters personality ^^
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saskiahaggens · 2 years
฿ØⱤĐɆⱤⱠ₳₦Đ 🂡 ~ 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 3
▣ Previous Part / ▣ Next Part
Paring: (?) × Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1636
Please remember that English is not my first language, so please don't kill me.
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Shibuki stepped up and took Arisu's paper.
"What is the population of the planet Earth. As a courtesy you may round up to the nearest hundred million.", she read out.
"They are asking for an answere in the billions."
"If we're off by just one, a billion flaming arrows will come flying right at us."
"'As a coutensy'. What a cruel joke."
"There is no way we could answer the question."
They all started speaking at once. But they were right; this question can't be answered correctly.
"Damit. All right, we just have to get it right then. Anyone here know the answer?", started Karube surprisingly calm.
"How would I know the answere! I don't even know japan's population.", started Chota.
You simply nodded. To be honest, no one needed to know the world's population for anything. It's a changing number, therefore no one knows the correct answer; even your textbooks have different answers to that question. Still, you didn't care to remember one.
"Shibuki what about you?" Karube questioned, knowing Arisu wouldn't know the answer as well.
"I don't know. Plus, any figures I learned during school would be outdated by now. I've heard the world population increases by 80 million each year. Using that we can deduce the population to be 6.6? No... it's 6.7 or 6.8 billion."
This is a far too ambiguous answer. Surviving a hundred million arrows would be impossible. Nobody wants to answer such a question.
"Arisu! You decide. You pulled the fortune. I'm trusting you with my life. If someone has a problem with it, talk it through with Arisu. I'm not butting in.", sight Karube.
Has he given up? No, there must be something behind this. From everything you've learned about them so far, he's not the kind of guy to give up. Especially when one of his friends is in trouble.
"Dose is hurt?", he suddenly asked you.
"Yeah, but I think it would be worse if it weren't for the adrenaline," you responded, holding your arm.
"Hey, Karube. Why are you letting Arisu decide. We could still be brainstorming together.", asked Chota who scooted next to you.
Karube gave a short speech on Arisus and his past, but you were otherwise busy. He had his reasons, and you wouldn't question him after he saved you. You were preoccupied with the question.
Why didn't they just ask the questions like that? Why the fortunes? There has to be another way to end the game.
"I got it!", Arisu called out. "The answere is 6.8 billion."
The penalty will now begin. It will continue for as many days as necessary until complete.
"What have you done!", called Shibuki out.
"As if you knew the exact answer." you bluffed back, which caused her to shut up.
"The problem was unsolvable form the beginning. So, I didn't try to figure out the correct answer."
"No offence Arisu, but you had to find out something else. May you mind explaining it before we are shot?", you asked while Karube helped you stand up.
"It's the fortunes. Each fortune contains a rank and a problem. But what is the rest of the text for?", he asked, and it clicked.
"Your best direction is south!", you called out what was written on Karubes' fortune.
"Arisu you really are something else. Alright everyone! Run until your lungs give put!" Called Karube when the first arrows hit the ground.
He grabbed your arm and started running south, trying to doge the arrows. Karube also bought the table, which he previously used to shield you and Chota from arrows.
"At this reate we'll die frome the heat alone!", yelled Chota.
You'd never realize how loud arrows could be until 100 million of them were fired at you, let alone the heat. Some objects even started exploding, and if Karube hadn't dragged you along, you would have given up and accepted your fate a long time ago.
"We got so far! Don't you dare give up!", he encouraged Chota to run faster.
You stumbled across an old well at the end of the path, but it had been filled in. You started to lose hope again, when an arrow hit the earth, and you noticed a clinging noise. Karube dragged you all underneath the table, before rushing out to check where the arrow struck. What an idiot. The table was too small to fit all of you and would give in anyway sooner or later, so you jumped to assist him; at the very least, the others would be saved.
This time, you have the chance to actually help them. You would also return the favor for saving you earlier. You thanked the adrenaline for existing because you could feel the heat, but you couldn't feel the agony of your hand burning any further than earlier, when you tried to put out the fire on your arm.
You both pulled open a huge metal door which led to a bunker. Karube wasted no time in pushing you near the edge to allow you to climb down while he yelled out for the others.
After you hit the ground, you kept an eye out for the others and whether they needed assistance. At least, you tried since it was pitch black down there. You heard Chota, Shibuki, and Arisu climbing down and directed them to the wall so you wouldn't bump into each other. Karube was the last one to get down and finally lights flickered on.
Game Complete
A monitor began to flicker on. What were the higher levels like if this was only a level three? How should you survive them, or why would you play them at all?
To return to the surface, please take the path that leads to the sewer.
You all started shouting in delight, and Karube pulled you in a headlock while jumped Arisu. Chota sobbed as he embraced Shibuki. You weren't sure if he was crying out of joy or agony at one point, because all your wounds were starting to hurt.
Suddenly, the monitor came back on and informed you that you had been granted a visa. A little register on the end of the room started beeping and a few moments later Arisu held out a paper and a card.
Immigration status
Y/n L/n
Points earnd this round: 3
Total points: 3
Valid until Tuesday 7/14
Please remain aware of your remaining time balance.
Registration: ♧3
"The text all looks the same.", figured Karube.
Shibuki must participate in the games in order to receive the visa and/or the cards. It's not like she'd gotten anything else out of it.
"Shibuki. We're out of danger for now. It's time you tell us what you know."
"Fine but first let's get to the hospital. Y/n wound could get infected. We need to look for supplies. I can talk as we go. I'll tell you everything I know, about this place they call Borderland.", Shibuki exclaimed while walking away.
"Well, you get a piggyback ride," Karube said as he knelt down in front of you.
"I hurt my arm, not my leg."
"Yeah, but you saved my friends, and I can't repay you for that. Let's not forget that you may have saved me back there as well. We were significantly quicker at burring that door. So, no back talk.", he mumbled, and you gave up.
Shibuki told you all she knew about this place, but you couldn't focus. You felt that Karube was exhausted, but he still wouldn't let you down. You thought it might hurt his pride, so you stopped asking. You were also exhausted. Perhaps as a result of what you had just survived or because you hadn't slept in a while. I mean, before you were bought to Borderland, it was the middle of the night, and after that, it was dawn there, so you were awake for at least a day, added was Karubes warmth and you slept in quickly.
Unknown to you Karube turned slightly red, as you nuzzled your head in his neck. He thought no one could see it, but Chota caught him.
"Oi, Karube got a crush!", he shouted out.
Arisu chuckled but pulled him in a headlock after. "Not so loud. You'll wake her up."
Shibuki giggled and tried to redeem Karube. "How long do you know her?"
Chota murmured, slightly embarrassed by the fact, "…a day."
"Only a day and she risked her live for you? She must really like you already."
"Probably," Karube murmured, while his thoughts began to wander.
Arisu smiled as she glanced at your sleeping face. He had no idea who you were or where you came from, but you were kind of his guardian angel.
Arriving at the hospital, Karube put you in one of the beds and drew a blanket over you, after Shibuki treated you wounds.
"You really are quite something huh?", he asked more himself them you. "Many people just died, because their visa expired and here you are sleeping through it all."
Chota and Shibuki left to get some sleep and Arisu was who knows where, so he was alone with you.
"Thank you.", he mumbled turning away.
"You saved the two people I cared most for, but still your stupid to risk your life like that."
If Karube was honest he would admit that he didn't sleep the night. He wasn't sure about Shibuki, but he heard Chotas' and Arisus muffled cries. If he wasn't worried for you waking up, he probably would have done it too. He could have left but he decided against it. You saved the things that mattered most to him, so he could at least take care of you… for now.
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arisugamez · 11 months
Starter for @usagiclimbs 😌✨
Tossing and turning.. how long had he been staring up at the ceiling for?
And most importantly.. how long were these torturous nightmares going to last? It was one after the other, always the same one on a loop in his head. The Seven of Hearts. A game he wished he could erase from his mind, but was haunted by his friend’s voices as they willed him to go on without them. Willed him to live even though he’d hidden like a coward and let them die. Arisu had realised it too late, how much they really meant to him. Karube and Chota were all he had. More like brothers than best friends, and now they were gone because of his selfishness. And what did he have to show for it? Nothing. If anyone had deserved to live through that game it certainly wasn’t him. But again.. he’d been too late. Just as he’d found Karube and demanded he look at him.. it was over. The next thing he knew he was covered in blood and his friend had dropped to the ground. Dead.
The thought had him shudder in the bed that should have been cosy. A fresh start in a place called the Beach. A supposed utopia and paradise as the leader had so enthusiastically put it. Hatter. And only a few minor rules to follow:
1. You must always wear swimsuits at the Beach - because you can't hide firearms in a swimsuit.
2. All playing cards belong to the Beach.
3. Death to the traitors.
Of course Arisu had tuned most of it out, mind too preoccupied on the knowing glances between him and his new companion— Usagi. A couple, everyone assumed. The teasing quips flew out of the Beach folk’s mouths before Arisu could protest that they’d only just met, and now here they were.. forced to share the same room. A single bed. Speaking of which.. he couldn’t help risk a glance in Usagi’s direction. It was no surprise to see her back facing him, the soft rise and fall of her shoulders signalling that she was asleep.. maybe? She was hard to read at the best of times and Arisu wondered if she even liked him or whether she was simply sticking with him because they’d been forced together under circumstances they couldn’t help. Either way, it didn’t matter. He was grateful for the company.
And she was really pretty— wait, what? Oh how he needed sleep to calm his racing mind. These tormenting thoughts of her mixed with the nightmares were going to be the end of him, he was sure. What he would give for some relief and a few hours of peaceful sleep.
But sleep was a gift in a place like this— and a gift not granted to him it seemed. Finally giving up, Arisu silently swung his legs over the side of the bed to stand up. The last thing he wanted to do was wake Usagi and potentially irritate her. It wouldn’t be fair of him. So with a quiet sigh, he carefully snuck over to the window while combing a hand through shaggy hair in order to try and tame it at least a little bit. How had they gotten here? Were they ever going to make it back home? So many questions and so little answers that made any logical sense to him. But surely they couldn’t be stuck here forever, right? Only time would tell. For now though he opted on settling himself down at the desk, eyes drinking in the soft light of the moon as it shone down onto the empty pool outside.
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