forgesahead · 2 months
The benchmark has confirmed to me that I am not crazy and that Meteor's hair is indeed darker + has streaks in it, so I'm making my tentative headcanon about his hair official now! He's greying early and uses hair dye to cover it up, but the grey hairs don't hold the pigment as well as the brown hairs do, hence the lighter appearance. Meteor's the kind of guy who likes to live in the present and avoid thinking about the future (and things like the inevitability of aging), so he'd cover up the grey parts and avoid discussing it with others unless they've already seen what his hair looks like without the dye.
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rockingrobin69 · 3 years
A First
“I’ve never actually, erm. Not – not like this. Not on purpose.”
Harry shifted his gaze until it fell upon the face next to his, pale features impossibly paler in the moonlight. He didn’t look real – couldn’t look real, bright as he was, shimmering almost. It was hard to focus on anything else. Harry found concentration was often a problem for him, lately. Especially when Malfoy was close.
“You hadn’t? Not ever?”
“No. Well, I mean, I’d seen it before. From my bedroom window, at Hogwarts, I don’t know. But I never went looking for it.”
Harry’s chuckle felt warm in his mouth. “For someone named after a constellation, I thought you’d be all into that kind of thing.”
“I know my star map well enough, you cretin. It’s just that I never went gallivanting around the countryside for the chance of seeing a few shooting stars, that’s all.”
“You mean a meteor shower.”
“I mean, shut up.”
Harry relaxed on the blanket they transfigured, finding it surprisingly easy. They’d been driving through northern Scotland for a couple of days now, and he thought the sky would never clear up. Somewhere around Elgin the clouds finally gave, and now – hiding from the campsite behind a hill, they had the perfect view. The sea made rhythmic, calming sounds, the sand was soft underneath them, and Malfoy was so delighted with seeing a seal a few hours ago he actually kissed Harry. This road trip was quickly turning into the best idea ever.
“There was this meteor shower when we camped on a cliff once. During the war. I always told myself…” Harry let the rest tumble out as a sigh and released it to the wind. It was cold for August. He pressed closer to Malfoy, finally having a good excuse. “So when Hermione mentioned it I just thought. Not to fix the past, you know? Just – to do something I wanted. Finally.”
“With me,” Malfoy said, a touch of incredulity in his voice. Harry felt the shudder through his chest when he reached out a hand, lacing their fingers together.
“With you.”
There was a tiny, secretive smile on Malfoy’s face. “I thought the objective was to look at the stars.”
He was right. The night sky was stunning – ethereal, breathtaking, unbelievable almost in its splendor. Harry wanted to look at it, but he couldn’t unstick his eyes from Malfoy no matter how much he tried. “Soon.”
“Do you make a wish? When you see a shooting star?” A flush crossed Malfoy’s cheeks and made him look adorable enough to eat, but for once Harry didn’t find it exasperating. He felt oddly sated. It was so freeing, being out here, all this quiet around them. Peaceful.
“I do. Always the same one, actually, since I was very young.”
“Yes? What is it?”
The pause wasn’t hesitation; Harry was just having a hard time not taking himself a couple of inches further until there was nothing between them anymore. “I, er. What was the question?”
“Your wish.” Malfoy sucked on his lower lip, and Harry was only human. He shook his head a couple of times, but it didn’t help at all. “Potter?”
“What did you wish for?”
Malfoy was soft, and open, and right there, and Harry was giddy with it all. When he finally spoke it came out more honest than he intended. “I always wished to get to see another one.”
“Oh, Harry,” Malfoy whispered. His hand squeezed Harry’s, and his eyes were so wide. One heartbeat followed the next in silence, and Harry knew exactly what he wanted, but not if he could manage it. What was the purpose of this trip? Another heartbeat made the decision for him. Harry gave into instinct, and now that was the best idea ever.
However many hours later he finally untangled himself from Malfoy, covered in sand and grinning from ear to ear. They both lay back down on the blanket, Malfoy’s head resting on Harry’s chest, and everything was perfectly all right. Or just perfect. They kept silent, and Harry would have been happy just staying there forever, no need for anything more, not even –
“There! did you see?”
Harry did. A big burst of light, slower than the last few, bright across the sky. He closed his eyes and made a wish.
“Let me guess. You wished to see another one,” Malfoy turned to nuzzle his neck. Harry nodded, because he couldn’t put into words what went through him right now, but it was a bit of a lie. For the first time ever, he wished for something slightly different.
This fic is humbly and lovingly dedicated to @malfoypeacocks - you always make me laugh with your brilliant, brilliant tags for every reblog! Seeing all the amazing art on Tumblr is fun, but seeing it with your tags is even better. You said you want your boys to be happy. Hope this’ll do.
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stanknotstark · 3 years
5 Times Loki Held Your Hand and One Time You Held His
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Only realizing it when they have to let go
You and Loki had become close friends when he came down with Thor. You were friends with Jane and through her knowing Thor scored a job at Stark Enterprise in R&D. This is where you basically just played with Tony’s new toys to make sure they work correctly and efficiently. Tony had invited you to live at Stark tower so you didn’t have to make an hour commute every day. Thus when Thor came down with Loki you ran into him randomly in the tower. 
You two first met one night when you couldn’t sleep and decided to wander the tower. Your final destination was one of the common areas that held a bar and an open view of the entire city with floor to ceiling windows. 
You had entered the common area and spotted a dark figure sitting in front of the windows. Clearing your throat the figure looks at you and you realize it’s Loki. 
“Mind if I join? I can totally leave if you’d prefer.” You say nervously from in front of the elevator. 
Loki looks you up and down with his eyes then shrugs. You take that as a cue to do whatever you please. So, you make your way over to him and sit far enough you don’t touch but close enough that you share companionship.
It’s silent for awhile but you can tell Loki is thinking so you stay quiet and just look across the lights lighting up the never sleeping city. 
“Are you not scared?” Loki finally breaks the silence and asks. 
You look at him confused. “Of what?” 
Loki looks at you, now confused too. “Of me.”
You really look at Loki. He has bags under his eyes, almost too hidden to see and you can see his face holds line of stress. His features are taught as if trying to hold himself back from something. 
“No.” You say, taking your eyes off him and looking at the city again. 
“Why? I could kill you.” Loki nearly demands but his voice doesn’t raise from the almost whisper you had both adopted. 
“And? Anyone could. Natasha could, a random stranger on the street could, hell I’m sure a really dedicated cat could kill me. I can kill myself. Why are you so special?” You say, your left hand coming up to rest in between your knees where you lay your chin. Your right hand stays on the floor to support yourself. You don’t look at Loki. 
However, you do hear him scoff. After a few seconds when you’re sure he’s not looking at you anymore he chuckles. “I would ask if you’re alright but I don’t particularly care.” 
At this you laugh lightly, “I didn’t ask for you to care.” You look at Loki who turns to look at you, squinting. 
“You’re weird.” He says and you shrug with a smile still on your face. “I like it.” 
You both go silent and look out at the city. Loki breaks the silence again by asking what certain buildings are and their functions. Through your explanations both of you fail to realize Loki let his left hand drift and cover your right hand still on the floor. It’s natural and you both like it subconsciously. 
When you yawn you go to raise both your arms and Loki realizes he had been holding your hand and pulls away like he’s burnt. You don’t say anything about it, you’re not even bothered by it, you simply stretch and stand.
“I’m tired. Good night.” You say, Loki nods, and you make your way to the elevator and to your wonderful bed that sits waiting for you. 
Not wanting to lose each other in a big crowd
The next time you hold hands isn’t for another month. 
Your relationship has developed a lot since that night in the tower. You’re practically inseparable and spend hours together daily. Loki appreciates your humor and non judgmental attitude about him. You enjoy his sarcasm, wit, and love for knowledge. Of course there is more you both love about each other but you keep it simple. 
Today, Loki has agreed to attend Stark’s Expo with you. He is curious as to what Earth has to offer with science and technology. He relishes in the fact that you turn and look at him and accept his offered hand to drag him from table to table, without losing each other in the crowd. You explain what everything is and how it works. You were obviously passionate about technology and science and what new things these students had to offer. Loki found he really enjoyed whatever it was that made you so passionate and animated about the new tech.
You keep a tight hold on his hand as you both make your way around the convention room and if he squeezes your hand back with just as much vigor he knows you won’t say anything. 
You both finally make it to the center stage where Tony is supposed to appear for a grandiose speech on the winners of the Stark Fund scholarship. When you both sit down in seats not far from the stage you keep holding Loki’s hand. 
Loki vaguely hears what you’re saying but more so is focused on how well both your hands fit. While his is cold, yours is warm, where his is calloused and rough, yours is delicate and soft, while his is big yours is small. He thinks that there could be no better fit. He could hold your hand forever. Unfortunately you let go of his hand when you make it to the car, after the expo is over, but he vows that you will hold his hand again. 
Grabbing hand to show them something
This time, when Loki grabs your hand, you’re both on the roof of the tower waiting for a meteor shower. He grabs it in between your conversation when he spots the first meteor and points at the sky. 
“Look.” He says watching you watch the meteors flash across the sky like shooting stars, as you had called them. 
He lovingly watches as your mouth opens a little, your face filled with mirth and excitement. From his spot he sees your eyes practically twinkling. 
“It’s beautiful.” He hears you whisper.
“It truly is.” He says, still staring at you adoringly. 
You turn and look at him with a smile. “Thanks.” You say in reference to him bringing you out to experience this.
Loki gives a small smile, closed lip, and a short nod in understanding. “Any time.” 
You both look back at the sky and watch as one more lonely meteor passes and then it’s over all too soon. You sigh, look at the ground in an attempt to look at Loki’s hand holding yours, then look up at the god. 
“I’m sure I’ll never see them up close but this is just as magical.” You say. 
Loki purses his lips in thought. “If that is your wish, I shall make it happen, some day.” He says with determination.
You smile again, something you can’t stop doing around the god, “I’ve no doubt you’ll achieve this, somehow.” You laugh a little. 
Loki smiles down at you, lifts your hand to his lips, and kisses it.
“Shall we go back inside and try some of the Moon berries Thor brought back?” 
You nod excitedly and rush to the door with Loki behind, never releasing each others hands. 
Possessive hand-holding
You’re attending Stark’s gala for some charity you’ve never heard of. Tony had told you to attend so you could make some connections and further your research with funding. Loki had agreed to be your plus one when you asked him a few days before. That’s how you found yourself in a dark, emerald halter dress that flowed to your feet in elegance. Loki wore a three piece suit, the outer suit jacket and pants black, the inner vest the same dark, emerald as your dress, and a white button up underneath. 
What you don’t expect is for all the men to flock to you when Loki excuses himself to grab you both a drink. You’re surrounded by three men asking you questions about your work but you can read the flirt in between their words. You act nice but don’t play into their flirtations. When they start to lean closer to you you start to get a bit uncomfortable. 
Luckily you spot Loki not too far away coming to you with a soft glare on his features. You know he’s downplaying the glare so he doesn’t outright scare everyone in his path. You knew all too well Loki could very likely kill someone with his infamous glare. 
When Loki makes it back you subconsciously hover into his side and take your drink from his hand with a small thanks. When his hand is free Loki’s hand finds its way down your arm and takes your hand into his. He smiles at the three men sharply and you introduce Loki as your date. The three men back off but don’t leave quite yet. 
Once they’ve asked all their questions they leave you with their business cards and stalk off to their next victim. 
You wait till they’re far enough and deflate a little with a small sigh. Looking up at Loki, who looks down at you concerned, you smile reassuringly and take a sip of the champagne in your hand. 
“I need to give Stark more credit and I now understand why he hates these things.” You say after your sip of the dry alcohol, shaking your head, “Everyone in here is like a shark waiting to feed on you if you show an ounce of weakness.” 
Loki chuckles. “They’ll have to get through me before they even look at you.” Loki empathetically says, squeezing your hand.
You look away from Loki, “So, technically, are we dating? Is this what’s going on? Because I’m honestly a little confused.” You say shyly. Squeezing his hand in yours.
Loki doesn’t say anything so you look at him a little anxious that you might have crossed some unseen boundary. When you look into his eyes he finally answers. “Is that what you want?”
“I mean,” You bring your drink to your lips, let the drink coat your mouth, swallowing, and cherish that Loki is leaning into you with anticipation, “Yes. Quite frankly I’ve been wanting this for months now.” You finally say with an opened mouth smirk. 
Loki smirks too. “Then yes, we’re dating, exclusively.” He adds the last part in case that wasn’t explicitly clear. 
You watch as Loki takes a drink of the champagne and his Adams apple bobs, his neck is bared to you and you want to lick a stripe up it. The moment is over too soon and you look at Loki with a glare. 
“What’s a girl got to do to get a kiss around here?” 
Loki smirks, places his drink on the counter you stand next to and looks at you with a raised brow. You smile. Loki then uses his free hand to cup your face, stare at you with amazement that this is actually happening, then close the short distance between you two and finally kiss you.
Only linking the pinkies together, not ready to let go completely
It’s a few weeks after the gala and officially dating Loki that you hold hands again. This time it’s in public. You’re both walking central park, mostly so you could get some fresh air. After the gala you had made a lot of connections and were getting unbelievable funding for your personal projects which in turn had you cooped up inside working constantly. Loki took it upon himself to get you out and about. 
You had both been totally besotted in each other and talking about random exciting things while walking and holding hands, when you make it to Bethesda Fountain. At the sight of it you ramble on about having change to throw and pull Loki towards it with glee. As you near it you both pull your hands away but only enough to still hang on my the pinky. You turn and look at Loki with a loving look, bring the god’s face to down to kiss you, then let go of his hand completely to cup his jaw with both hands. After you pull back Loki opens his eyes to fall in love with the way you look at him. 
“We both make a wish when we throw in our pennies, ok?” You ask, completely pulling from Loki’s hold and searching in your purse for two pennies. Loki watches you with a frown but accepts the penny you give him.
When you both stand at the edge of the fountain you count down from three and as the pennies hit the water you both silently make your wishes. Loki wishes for marriage with you and he’s honestly not quite sure what you wish for. He questions if he’s moving too fast but disregards that thought. Both of you had been very romantic leading up to dating and knew each other inside and out from constantly spending time together. Just because it’s only been official a few weeks means nothing. Loki knows he wants you forever. 
You turn to look at Loki and wag a finger, “Don’t tell me what you wished for or it won’t come true!” 
Loki smiles and grabs your hand again, “Then I shall keep my lips shut, darling.” 
+1 comparing hand sizes, then linking fingers together
It’s you who initiates the hand holding this time. It’s a couple of months into dating when you do it. Loki will never forget it because you had initiated it this time. 
You’re both casually spending time in the common area with Nat, Clint, and Thor when it happens. You’re sitting across from Loki, both of you with crossed legs, playing a game of cards with him on the big couch Stark has. Nat and Clint are making bets as to who is going to win each round and Thor is fascinated as you explain everything going on in the game. 
Loki goes to flip his card when you stop talking to Thor and grab his hand. Loki looks up at you confused but watches with fascination as you flatten his hand out then put yours up to it and compare sizes. His hand looks like it could engulf yours. You hum thoughtfully and intertwine your fingers with his and return to the game as if nothing just happened, setting your hands to the side of the game on the couch.
Loki himself feels a little breathless but takes is a small gasp when Thor claps his shoulder. 
“Brother you’re at 19 are you truly sure you want to get hit again?” Thor asks.
Loki glances back at Thor but disregards him and looks at you instead. You look innocent enough but the spark in your eyes says you know what you’ve just done to Loki. 
Loki clears his throat. “Hit me, the risk is well worth it.” 
He watches as you give him a faced down card next to his jack and nine cards. 
You look up at him with a smirk, “Try your luck, Mischief.” You say. 
Loki raises a brow then turns the card you gave him. 
It’s an ace.
Loki smirks at you when you gasp and look at his cards with wide eyes. Natasha groans and pays Clint, Thor laughs roaringly. 
Both of your hands are still linked on the couch. Loki uses his thumb to caress your thumb and says, “What’s even more satisfying is that I didn’t even have to cheat.” 
You look at Loki with a mix of awe and satisfaction. “And here I thought I was the lucky one in this relationship.” 
Loki chuckles, “You’re severely mistaken.” He says, obviously not talking about the game anymore when he gives you a look full of tenderness and love. 
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
“Why are you being so quiet?”
Warnings: N/A
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Words: 1.3k
Summary: Your love language is Quality Time
(This is apart of my series, “Love Languages” this part is about the love language of quality time) 
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Fred loved to talk. He loved that his voice naturally rose in conversations and particularly enjoyed the laughs he got from some witty joke. When paired with this twin, which was often, their voices combined making it harder not to hear. Fred loved to talk, especially to you. You, a quiet fellow, perhaps even quieter than most, thoroughly enjoyed time with your boyfriend. You didn’t mind that he went off on tangents and conversations were generally meaningless, you’d do anything to hear him chat as it brought you great comfort. Though Fred enjoyed talking, he most enjoyed talking to you. He barely noticed your quietness as his conversation filled the room. 
He first noticed your quiet stature during your first date. Fred sneaked you out after hours and down to the Black Lake. You spoke quietly to him, higher than a whisper as Fred held your hand sweetly. Together, you stared at the stars and the sparkling moon. 
“When I was younger,” You looked up at him, his neck craned towards the night sky. “We used to sneak out of past, after our bedtimes, I always had a feeling Mum knew though. I caught her watching us one night, through the window blinds.”
You stayed silent, intrigued by his story.
“But, we used to count as many stars as we could. I could never get past two hundred. But Bill, my eldest brother, could always get to at least four hundred, if not more. Maybe he was lying, that prick was always lying when he was younger,”
You giggled, making Fred’s ear perk up.
“Once in a while, we’d see a shooting star and pretend they were... Oh gosh, what were they called?”
“Meteor?” you answered softly,
“I think so. But, one night, everyone had fallen asleep in the garden. I saw one, a real one.”
“A meteor?”
Fred laughed under his breath, “It may seem ridiculous, but I thought it was... I’m not even sure. A unicorn? Maybe? Bloody hell, I was tired that night.”
You laughed with him, laying your head on his shoulder, “I don’t think it’s ridiculous.”
“Do you think I talk too much?” Fred asked making you shake your head rapidly.
“No! I don’t, I actually quite enjoy hearing you talk. It’s lovely just being here, together.”
Fred agreed, wrapping an arm around you.
The conversation was never faded nor old with Fred, for that you were grateful. “And then George said, ‘Eat my sweaty bollocks!’” Fred cracked up as you smiled at him. Together, you sat on the couch in the common room. Your legs were on Fred’s lap as you knitted, something you learned from his mother over the winter.
“That reminds me, during Potions, Lee said the funniest thing.” Fred set off, faster than a broom onto another story. 
You hummed frequently in response, looking up from your knitting needles to lean and give him a kiss. Fred spoke fast, watching you knit in concentration and rubbing your legs lovingly.
“Fred, you oaf, give Y/N a minute to talk, would you?” Fred heard his little sister, Ginny, chime in as she walked by the couch, “She can barely get a word in with your constant, and fairly stupid chatter.” 
Normally, Fred would send a snarky comment back, however as he digested Ginny’s words he felt his ears go warm. Is that what you thought? Did he truly take up all the conversation? Did you think he was painfully annoying and nothing but a sad chatterbox? Fred slummed down on the couch, only looking ahead to the fireplace. Noticing his sudden quietness, you perched up and pressed a long kiss to his cheek, sending him a beaming smile before returning back to your knitting. For the rest of the night, Fred remained quiet, only making small comments. He felt embarrassed as if he had just pushed you off and made you feel unimportant. Unbeknown to Fred, you truly just enjoyed his company, sitting with him, talking or playing Wizard Chess, you were happy just to be with your boyfriend.
The next few days, Fred barely spoke to you. Not in a rude way, he was merely just quieter than usual. He stayed by your side during meals with a hand on your leg and intertwined your hands when walking in the hall. George picked up on the sudden change in his twin’s behavior,
“What do you think about that, Freddie?” George asked him his opinion on a dispute between students that happened during morning classes. Fred opened his mouth to say something sarcastic but held his tongue.
“Well, what do you think, Y/N?” Fred turned, sending you a smile.
Your head perked up as you looked confusedly at him, “Oh! I well, maybe... I think Blate is a talented wizard, but he’s quite dim with words, isn’t he?”
George let out a bark of a laugh, “Isn’t that true! Fred, you really gotta let this one out of her cage sometime, she’s hilarious!”
Fred frowned, “Yeah...” his voice trailed off. You shot him a concerned look, squeezing his hand in yours.
“You alright?” you whispered to him. Fred pretended to smile and nodded.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
After dinner, Fred found himself right where he usually was. Resting on the couch, your head tucked on his lap whilst you read a book. 
You groaned, “I can’t believe she’d go back to him after all that!” Fred didn’t answer but merely smiled. “It’s almost annoying, really! He doesn’t seem to appreciate her!” Your boyfriend’s body became rigid as he heard that. Fred was silent, unusually silent and you had missed his constant chat. You sat up and scooted closer to him. 
“Alright, then. What’s wrong?”
Fred’s eyebrows shot up, “Wrong? Nothing’s wrong!”
“Why are you being so quiet?”
“I’m not quiet!” Fred whisper yelled,
“Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” you laugh, pushing his arm, “What happened to you? You’re usually quite talkative,”
“What’s so wrong with me just wanting to relax with my girlfriend?”
“You don’t seem relaxed, tell me, what’s wrong?”
Fred searched your eyes, watching your eyes turn more and more worried, “I just-”
“What is it, Freddie?” you asked as gingerly as you could.
“I talk too much.”
Your eyebrows furrowed before you burst out in giggles, “What are you talking about?”
“I mean. I just wanted to be quiet for a few days so you don’t have to... constantly hear me talk about pointless things, and-”
You cut him off simply, “I love hearing you talk.”
“You do?”
You placed his arm over your shoulder so you could cuddle close into his side, “Of course I do, I love hearing you talk more than anything. Freddie, you could talk about anything and everything and I’d still enjoy it. I just like spending time with you, my, somewhat oblivious, boyfriend.”
Fred let out a huge sigh of relief, putting his hand on his chest, “Thank every lord and god there is, I feel as though I were about to explode.”
“Freddie! You don’t need to be quiet or shy around me, I know I’m fairly quiet sometimes but I do genuinely enjoy being around you.”
“But, Ginny said-”
“I’m not Ginny, she may think you talk too much, but I think you talk the perfect amount. Your voice is my favorite thing to hear,”
“No.” Fred’s smiling face dropped into a sorrowful frown before you laughed and pushed him, “‘m only joking! Silly boy, now go on. Tell me about your day.” Fred grinned and pulled you closer so your legs were also on his lap and quickly spun into a detailed story. You watched Fred’s jaw move at a rapid pace, and his chuckles in between words. You watched Fred talk about the pranks he had planned and the ones that had failed but he swore to get right ‘next time,’ and you watched his eyes brighten when looking down at you. All you needed was a little company and, of course, Fred.  
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congrats once again!!!! i’d like to see what you’d do w 20. starlight yellow and atsushi ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you for requesting Tara~ ✨
From the 400 special ask!
Header made by @soukokuwu
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The air was cool and crisp, running through your hair. You couldn't help your giggles escaping your lips as you were led blindfolded by your sweet lover, Atsushi. It was your month anniversary of your shared relationship of being together. When your beloved had something in store for you, it always made you giddily happy. How could you not blush from having such a tender boyfriend?
“Sushi tell me already~ are we there? Where are you taking me?”
You felt lips press against your neck and you immediately let out a small yelp of embarrassment. Heat fuming from your ears as Atsushi gently whispered,
“Keep your eyes closed. It's a surprise.”
By this time, he removed the blindfold but you dared not to open your eyes. He took your hand in his as he wrapped an arm around your waist to guide you. When you reached your destination, he placed a soft kiss on your cheek.
“You can open them now.”
Your eyes opened to see the dark sky raining with starlight yellow showers. The luminous glow reflected off of your gaze as Atsushi smiled at your reaction.
“Happy first month, sweetie kins!”
He squeezed your hand lovingly and you returned the affectionate squeeze. You turned to look at your boyfriend to see the brilliant falling stars accent his unnaturally colored feline-like eyes.
“A meteor shower... I absolutely adore it, Sushi. Thank you!”
The two of you sat down on a soft layered quilt that Atsushi laid out for you two to stargaze. A beautiful moment you could never forget for your anniversary night.
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juliaromantique · 4 years
put a little love on me (luke x mc)
choices characters of color appreciation week 💫 @choicescocappreciationweek
“first second i saw you, i couldn’t get over how beautiful you were”
707 words, luke harper x mc (i hope it’s good because i never wrote d&d and always found it difficult for me to capture the atmosphere of that time)
The flickering flames in the fireplace were jumping like a meteor shower in the night sky, the warmth filling the room and making Clara settle comfortably in the armchair. The cup of hot chocolate in her hands helped her get rid of the coldness she gained from the evening walk. But her love for the holidays and snow never stopped her from sacrificing a little of temperature.
In the swift moment, Luke entered the room, the similar cup in his hands, and sat down next to her, sipping the drink cautiously. Clara's face lightened up when she saw the pleasure on his face.
"That good?" she chuckled, making him smile. His hand found hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"We should have it more often," Luke replied, his fingers caressing the skin on her hand gently. "The company makes it even more enjoyable."
"Look at you, the flatterer," Clara shifted in her seat to be closer to him, and he leaned in, inhaling the scent of her skin. She always smelled like flowers, refreshing and tempting, like something that needed to be taken care of, or something so attractive it was impossible to stay away.
"What are you thinking about?" she asked, seeing his thoughtful expression. His cheeks blushed a little, while his eyes glanced away towards the fireplace.
"I still can't believe you're my wife, Clara," he said, turning to face her again and watching her like a painting in the museum. The beauty of her features captivated his heart in a way that he never felt before. Never in his wildest dreams Luke thought that he would be married to someone like her. Such a gracious, kind, intelligent woman, who's on her own will gave him her hand and heart. The most valuable thing he ever had.
"Well, you better believe it soon, because we have the whole life together," she leaned into him, brushing her lips over his cheek, hearing him gasp in this movement. "I still remember that moment when we met."
"Seriously?" Luke frowned at her, his head already forgetting about the hot chocolate in his grip. It was impossible to think about anything else when her eyes looked at him like that.
"Yes," the blush appeared on her face, and Clara giggled, the memory of their meeting flashed before her eyes. "How could I resist such a handsome man?"
Her hand reached out to him, taking his chin in her fingers and moving it towards her lips. When their mouths touched, Luke's heart raced faster in his chest, his lips parting more and deepening the kiss, her moans like a river waves splashing at his feet pleasantly. Her arms wrapped him around the broad shoulders, tugging him closer, savoring the moment of intimacy. 
After a minute of bliss, they parted, still beaming at each other lovingly. But Clara's face got a little more secure in one second.
"The first second I saw you, I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were, Luke Harper," she stated, running her fingers through his hair. Her eyes glowing from the sight of him. "Inside and out."
His heart skipped a beat, hearing these words out of her mouth, and Luke put away the cup with his drink, doing the same with hers. Clara looked with a little confusion when he got up and extended a hand towards her.
"Will you dance with me?" he asked with a deep sensual voice, and Clara grinned, standing up excitedly. 
"Of course I will, my dear husband," she took his hand, and they repositioned themselves in the middle of the room. His hand fell on her waist with a tight but still tender touch, while another rested peacefully in her palm. Clara put her own hand on his shoulder, feeling the velvet fabric of his uniform. "But what about the accompaniment?"
"We don't need it," Luke answered with a soft smile, as they started to move slowly, gazing into each other's eyes. The music sounded in their heads even without playing, the music of their love for each other, of devotion and loyalty they have for their little family. Something that costs more than anything in this world, and something that worth everything in this world. 
His hands promised protection and commitment. Her eyes promised admiration and love.
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alphawave-writes · 5 years
Under the Milky Way-- Sigma x Dr. Harold Winston
Synopsis: Harold and Siebren share a picnic and a romantic moment with each other as they gaze upon the stars.
This is for the lovely @animator-in-the-sky​ who has been making such wonderful Sigma x Harold (Sigrold?) fanart. You’ve done so much nice things for me, it’s about time I repay it back with the fluffiest of fluff. 
If you like this fic, check out my other Sigma x Harold fanfics, ‘It’s lonely at the top’ and ‘Evil actions and good intentions’. For more Sigma fics in general, check out my series ‘The Universe Sings’.
“What do you mean, you also brought a telescope?” Harold asks.
Siebren smiles sheepishly as he reveals his own telescope, large and white and pristine. In his other hand is a picnic basket, a tartan rug nestled over the lid.
Harold looks down at his own telescope, large and white and covered in stickers. In his other hand is a picnic basket, a different tartan rug nestled over the lid.
Siebren’s eyes wander between the two picnic baskets. “We should have coordinated this better,” Siebren says.
“That was my fault,” Harold sighs. “I was the one who said we should have a picnic under the stars. I should’ve told you what to bring.”
“It’s fine, mijn schatje.” He gently places the basket and rug on the grass before gently placing a soft kiss on Harold’s nose. “Better prepared than unprepared.”
Harold smiles coyly. “Did you just call me a treasure?”
Siebren chuckles. “Not to be academic, but I believe you call this a term of endearment.”
“Doesn’t sound as cute when you translate it into English,” Harold smiles.
“Well, maybe it’s because I want to hoard you all for myself.” Siebren cups Harold’s chin seductively. “And I won’t let anyone touch you, my precious treasure.”
Harold blushes furiously. “E-easy there, tiger.”
Siebren responds with an amused laugh and another soft kiss. They set up their blankets side by side, take out the stockpile of food in the picnic baskets, and bask in the glow of the stars, the chirps of the birds, and the warmth of each other’s bodies.
Though it was Harold’s suggestion that they go out that night, it was Siebren’s idea to visit Lauwersmeer Dark Sky Park. This was the first time Harold had ever visited the Netherlands, and Siebren insisted on showing him only the very best of his home country. From the way Siebren walked through the park with his head held high, you would think he was a native local of the area, but he told Harold that this was only his second time coming here. The first was back in Siebren’s youth, when he was just a baby. He doesn't remember any distinctive events, just that it was the place that sparked his love for the universe.
Seeing the dark sky open up before them, Harold can see why Siebren loves the stars so much. Ursa Major and Ursa Minor twinkle lovingly amidst the ultramarine backdrop of the night. The Milky Way streaks across the sky, prismatic colours staining the night like a kaleidoscope. He sees Delphinus, and Cassiopeia, and Perseus, and so many other constellations that look so much different from the dark lens of the moon. On the moon, they are imposing fortresses. Down on earth, they almost look fragile, like Harold could pluck them away with a sweep of his hand and hold it close to his heart. 
He glances to Siebren by his side, soft eyes staring at the night with all the affection of the cosmos, and he feels himself falling in love all over again.
Harold opens up the lid of his flask and takes a sip of hot chocolate. Siebren moves to extract plastic containers of food from their baskets but Harold wraps his arms around his waist, lips resting on his neck. Harold would never be so bold in public, but they are far from the walking tracks, the darkness shielding them away from prying eyes. In a sense, they are alone, just the two of them and the sea of stars above their heads.
Siebren chuckles lightly as he tears off a bit of a peanut butter sandwich and places it on Harold’s lips. He takes the bite offered for him, making sure his lips grazed Siebren’s fingertips. There’s the sound of a sharp inhale; a small victory.
“At this rate, I don’t think we’re going to have a chance to use the telescopes,” Siebren shudders.
“I don’t think so,” Harold grins. Why should he, when the most fascinating thing in the world is right here in front of him, to touch and taste as he pleases? Why should he, when he can finally do all the things he's only dreamt of, say the words that constantly swim in his mind?
As he takes a peanut butter sandwich from Siebren's basket, he slides over a herring sandwich he made.
“You’re sure you want me eating that?” Siebren points at the herring sandwich, its powerful stench contained within the plastic clingwrap.
“You said you were famished in the car ride here,” Harold remarks. “Besides, I’ve got breath mints. Lemon flavoured.”
“Your favourite,” Siebren smirks. “I should have figured this was all a ruse to get me alone.”
“That’s the purpose of dates, aren’t they?”
Siebren blushes. “This…this isn’t a date, is it?”
“It is now,” Harold chuckles.
“If that’s so…doesn’t that mean this is our first date?”
“I guess it does,” Harold muses. It doesn’t feel like a first date though, he doesn’t add. He’s become so comfortable with Siebren’s presence that it feels like a natural progression of events. The next step in their relationship.
Siebren uncomfortably adjusts his collar. “So…is there a protocol to follow or…?”
“You haven’t been on a date before?”
Siebren’s cheeks are as red as a tomato. Harold stifles a laugh as he takes Siebren’s face and pulls him in for a long, slow kiss. It takes Siebren a few seconds before he reacts, caressing Harold’s face softly as his lips push back gently. They breathe in the fresh air and each other’s presence, their eyelids closed and bodies relaxed as they give in to one another.
A minute passes before they release each other. Siebren’s eyes are low, the universe shimmers and refracts, constantly shifting. Harold places his hand on Siebren’s shoulder, and the universe stops spinning for a moment. “It’s easy, going on dates,” Harold says. “It’s like all the other times we’ve been alone together, just…outside."
Siebren gently takes Harold’s glasses off his face, placing it down next to the picnic baskets. He only ever does this if he plans on doing something far more intense than a kiss. His smile is coquettish, charming, mischievous. It's as faceted as the moon. 
“Is it really that simple?” He asks in a whisper. “Can I really just do all the things we do in private here?”
“Possibly,” Harold squeezes Siebren’s shoulder lightly, the spark of defiance in his eyes, “but the police might not like a few of them.”
Siebren swipes a thumb over Harold’s left dimple. “We’re really not going to do any stargazing tonight, are we.”
“No,” Siebren smiles. “I’ve got my own star right here in front of me.”
Harold is ready to tease Siebren for the cheesy pickup line, but he feels fingers pull the collar of his turtleneck down, hears his own voice suck in a breath as warm air grazes his exposed skin, and he promptly loses all vocabulary.
He’s gently led down onto his back as Siebren's hands wander over his sweater. Siebren is all about touch and texture, sounds and symphonies. He relishes in the groans that escapes Harold’s lips, shivers when cold fingertips trace down his spine. Harold almost forgets he’s old and middle-aged as warmth pools at his cheeks, his neck, his stomach—all the places that Siebren has touched him. The distance between their bodies shortens with every breath they take. Hands slide down to hips, fingers gripping in firmly.
Then the sky explodes as streaks of light cross the horizon, surrounding Siebren in an ethereal halo.
Siebren turns over to his back when he hears the sharp noise of a hundred cameras going off. His eyes go wide as he gazes fondly at the now-violet sky. “The Perseid meteor shower,” he gasps. “I almost forgot it was today.”
Harold picks up his glasses and adjusts them on his face. “I didn’t,” he grins. “Why do you think I wanted to go out tonight of all nights?”
Siebren chuckles. “For an astrobiologist, you can be very clever.”
“For an astrophysicist, you can be very handsome.” Harold nuzzles closer to Siebren. His head rests on Siebren’s shoulder. "Then again, I only know one astrophysicist."
They watch as the meteors light up the night sky, casting heaven-sent bolts down to the ground. They leave behind trails of green and red and every colour in between, prismatic and beautiful. The sound of cameras taking pictures disturbs the quiet, but otherwise it is calm and peaceful. In the distance, people stop and stare at the stars with childlike wonder.
It takes Harold a moment to realise that Siebren has not joined their ranks. His eyes are on Harold, gazing upon him with the fiery intensity of the sun.
“You are beautiful, Harold,” he whispers like it’s a plea. Words that cannot be contained spill eagerly from his lips.
Harold cannot concentrate on the sky anymore. Siebren draws him in, a story with the ending unread, a leaf trapped in a whirlpool. Galaxies and worlds shine in Siebren’s eyes, wide and expansive and wonderful. It’s so much more fascinating than the night.
“As beautiful as the stars?” Harold asks quietly.
Siebren grabs Harold’s hand in his and tenderly kisses his knuckles. The night sky means nothing to him anymore. “As magnificent as the universe, mijn schatje.”
Harold doesn’t need to question whether Siebren truly means it or not. He feels the thumb rub circles on the back of his hand, hears the contented hum that escapes his lips, and knows that Siebren truly loves him. In that moment, he is Siebren’s universe, just as much as Siebren is his universe.
They kiss and touch each other with the utmost reverence, a ceremonious prayer for heaven's eyes alone. The Milky Way galaxy shines above their heads, twinkling in rhythm to both the stars hovering in space and the beating of their hearts.
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loyalty2waystreet · 5 years
Hey! Could I please request number 83) “It’s always been you.” For Malex, please. Thank you!😊
Sign Your Name Across My Heart
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Michael goes that extra mile (fifty actually) on their anniversary.
It’s nearing thirteen years since their first kiss in the dusty old UFO Emporium, and although the path had been littered with meteor sized speed humps, they’re finally in a happy place.
For Alex, it had been a long journey to loving himself enough to let Michael love him publicly, and without conditions or boundaries.
For Michael, knowing that he loved Alex wasn’t the problem. The waiting, the second, third and tenth chances, were. Every time Alex walked away it was hard to take. Sometimes Michael wouldn’t see him for weeks, but he always let Alex back in, because somewhere deep in his heart he just knew that Alex was ‘the one’.
Michael had spent the last few weeks in his workshop, planning something special for their anniversary.  They’d agreed to include the time apart, as they both decided mutual pining and self-destructive behaviour counted.
On the night of their anniversary, Michael arrives to pick Alex up in his rusty old pickup truck, just as the sun is disappearing behind the mountains. Alex looks curiously at the tarp covering something large in the back, raises his eyebrows, and gives his boyfriend a peck on the cheek.
“Happy Anniversary, babe,” Alex greets, smile large and genuine.
Michael reaches across and grasps Alex’s chin, lovingly stroking his thumb against the stubble. “The big thirteen, hey?” He pecks Alex on the lips, reaches for the seatbelt and slowly pulls it across Alex’s body, without losing eye contact. Then clicks it in with a wink, precious cargo secured.
They drive for forty minutes. They’re now on a dirt road surrounded by desert grasslands, and the last house Alex has seen was twenty miles ago.
“That’s not the completed space pod in the back, is it? Not sure how I feel about being abducted and probed on our anniversary,” Alex jokes lightly.
Michael snorts and raises his eyebrows suggestively. Home is here now, and he’s long since given up on that project; the space ship that is, not the probing.
“Alex Manes, you love being probed by me, don’t try and deny it!”
“Guilty,” Alex replies, grinning.
Michael makes a left turn off the dirt road, slows his speed and to Alex’s alarm turns the headlights off, then rolls to a stop.
“I’m going to blindfold you now,” Michael purrs, as he un-clips his own seatbelt and climbs into Alex’s lap. Alex’s fingers search clumsily for Michael’s face as Michael plops a kiss on his nose, that was aimed at his forehead. Alex laughs, but it’s short lived as Michael finds his mouth and silences him.
Michael has never lacked passion. When he kisses Alex, it’s with everything he has. They feel fused together. Chests and groins pressed flush, fingers dancing over every erogenous zone, along with softly whispered nothings, make Alex feel like they are the only two people existing at that moment.
Car sex isn’t what Michael had planned (well, this early on), but if he doesn’t get off Alex that’s what’s about to happen. Pulling away slightly and giving Alex another little nip to the lower lip, he searches out his phone on the dash and flicks on the torch.
“There you are gorgeous,” he worships, pressing his forehead to Alex’s. “Now hold still, this won’t take long.”
Michael reaches an arm behind his seat where he’s hidden a homemade blindfold.
Alex watches him wide-eyed as an unwanted fear creeps up inside him. “Guerin, are you seriously going to blindfold me?”
“Sure am,” Michael replies enthusiastically, face softening when he sees how anxious Alex looks. “Hey,” he soothes, fingers sliding into the hair at Alex’s nape, “It’s not much further, and if it’s too much I can take it right off, okay?”
“Hmm,” Alex mumbles, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I trust you, just don’t speed, and talk to me the whole time.”
Michael beams at him, “I will.”
Michael gently ties the blindfold on, and Alex relaxes slightly when he realises it’s made from a flannelette shirt that still smells like Michael’s cologne.
It’s only a two-minute drive until they stop again, but true to his word, Michael natters on about Max, and the clay pigeon shooting they used to do using beer cans and his powers. Alex can feel how happy that memory makes Michael.
Michael gets out of the truck, then Alex hears his own door open.
“I’m going to help you out, are you okay?”  Michael asks, taking his hand and giving it a soft pull.
Alex nods, then realises its pitch black out here and stammers out a “Yep.”
Michael is so very gentle with him, slinging an arm around his waist and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek as they walk the few steps needed.
“Okay, stop here,” he directs, then takes Alex’s hand and squeezes lightly.  “I just have to grab something from the truck and then I’ll be right with you, okay?”
“Okay,” Alex answers, now thoroughly intrigued as to what’s going on.  I mean, they are in the middle of nowhere.  He hears Michael jostling what he thinks is the tarp, off the truck.
Michael hotfoots it to the covered power cord that he’s left there earlier and runs it back toward the pickup, throws the tarp off and plugs it into the generator he’d loaned from the police station.  He takes a moment as he holds his finger over the power button to breathe, and triple check his pocket.
He calls out, “Babe, slide your blindfold off,” then flicks the power button on.  Alex slides the blindfold off.  
About fifty feet away a green neon sign starts flickering to life, with the words, ‘I love you’, on it.  The sign illuminates the ground beneath; where hay bales, blankets, a fire pit, a guitar and even a fridge are all beautifully set up.
Alex couldn’t smile any harder if he tried.  He feels Michael arrive at his side, just as the second sign, in pink neon, lights up.
‘Marry Me?’
And as it hits him, what this night is about and the effort that Michael has gone to, he feels Michael; now down on one knee, tugging at his sleeve.
Michael, his everything, is looking up at him with so much love that Alex’s breath actually shudders in his chest. Tears form in the corner of his eyes as Michael opens the ring box.
“It’s always been you, Alex. I don’t ever want to be without you, you’re my family, my best friend, my lover, my whole world, and I-“
Alex yanks him up mid-sentence and kisses him so forcefully and fully that Michael has to push back slightly for breath.
“Yes,” Alex shouts, laughing as Michael tries to catch his breath, “I can’t believe you did all of this for me, the signs?  That must’ve taken you forever.  It’s so perfect, and I love you so much,” Alex babbles as Michael slides the ring onto this finger.
Michael pulls him into a hug and fake drawls in his ear, “You cut my speech off, man. I was going to say, I would be the luckiest cowboy alive if you were the horse, I always got to ride!”
Alex’s body ripples with laughter against him.
“You’re such a cowboy,” Alex laughs, leaning in for a kiss.  They stand together under the stars, slowly swaying and kissing, it’s perfect.
The cool night air eventually sends a shiver through Alex’s body.  “How about we go make use of that fire now?  And I have some ideas about how we can use those hay bales later, too,” Alex suggests, and batts his eyelashes innocently.
“Well Captain, good thing I bought my cowboy hat!” Michael replies, soft eyes smiling at Alex as he takes him by the hand.
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paladin4theright · 5 years
Under The Stars
Craig pitched the tent and dusted off his knees when he stood up again. He smiled widely and turned around to find Tweek trying to get a fire going. The teens had left the small, quiet mountain town of South Park to be together for their anniversary.
The news said there was supposed to be a meteor shower tonight as well as the possibility of seeing glimpses of the the aurora borealis. Craig also had the idea that maybe camping could be romantic if they played their cards right.
In his truck he kept a ton of blankets, food, hot chocolate and some of the Tweak’s coffee. He was trying to get Tweek to stay away from it but knew it would be a long road to success. The boys picked a spot by a frozen lake that had an empty spot where trees had yet to grow. It made the perfect spot to see the night sky.
“You doin’ okay there honey?” Craig asked as he pulled a soft pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket.
Tweek was getting annoyed. He tried to get the two pieces of flint to light like he’d learned in Boy Scouts but they just wouldn’t take. He shook his head and threw the flint down into the kindling they’d found throughout the woods. “Nghh,” He groaned. He placed his hands in his blonde hair and squeezed roughly. He was hunched over, sitting on the log he and Craig had moved by their homemade fire pit. “The fucking flint won’t light, man!” He squawked impatiently. He looked up at Craig. His left eye twitched and he felt the tick in his neck make his head move slightly. He moved his hands from his head and to grab at his shirt, pulling it outward. He felt a button pop off his shirt and he looked down. “Nghh….” He moaned again.
Craig pulled out a long, menthol cigarette and put it between his lips. He pulled out a galaxy decorated flip lighter from his pants pocket and lit his cigarette. He closed the lighter with a clink as he inhaled. “Baby…” He said softly as he made his way over to the stressed out teen. “It’s no big deal, dude.” He said as he flipped the lighter open again and got on his hands and knees right by the kindling. He flicked the lighter a few times until the flame responded and he set the flame onto the dry sticks. Once a small bit of a flame took, he removed his lighter and stuck it back into his pocket. He quickly got up and took just a few long strides to his dark blue truck. A large NASA sticker decorated the back window. He reached into the bed of his truck and pulled out a gallon of lighter fluid. He moved back to the fire pit and coated the kindling with the lighter fluid and immediately the flames grew. He threw a few big branches of wood on the flame and then set the lighter fluid behind the log that Tweek sat on. “There.” He said as he crossed his arms and looked at the growing campfire happily. A small, stubborn smile sat on his lips. Smiling sometimes seemed rare for the boy, but when it happened, it was usually around Tweek.
Tweek watched how cool Craig was when it came to lighting the kindling on fire. He shook his head and looked back at the fire, his left eye twitching. “Craig…” He began, “Thanks.” Tweek stood up to take a few steps over to Craig. He placed his arms to Craig’s belly the wrapped them around the taller boy’s middle. He sighed and breathed in the scent that was purely Craig - menthol cigarettes and cedar wood scented cologne. It relaxed the anxious teen as he placed his face into Craig’s chest. “How are you always so fucking cool?”
Taking a long drag from his cigarette, Craig lifted his head when he pulled it away from his mouth. He released a long breath of smoke into the changing twilight sky. “I just lift my arm into the air and give everything the bird.” He said and he did just that. He lifted his free arm into the air and flipped off the world. He smiled down at Tweek. “Fuck the world Tweek. It doesn’t care about any of us. It’s too big.” He said as he dropped his arm to wrap it around Tweek, looking down at him with his dark blue eyes.
Craig was good head and a half taller than the twitching blonde. Tweek hadn’t grown much through adolescence but Craig certainly had gotten taller. Craig was even tall as a kid but at least back then Tweek could look him in the eyes. Now he had to crane his neck just to see his boyfriend’s facial expressions. Tweek smiled, though, and licked his lips. “What if it cares more than we think?” He asked softly. “The universe is always all around us. It knows everything.” He said softly. “I don’t wanna piss it off by telling it to go fuck itself.” His voice was muffled against Craig’s chest.
A wide grin grew over Craig’s face. His smile reached his mischievous blue eyes. “Yeah, well, the universe can go fuck itself.” He said as he brought the cigarette from his other hand to his lips. He took in another drag. “Besides, I don’t think it’ll be too hurt. It’s not like it cares about my opinion anyway…but that’s why I am cool. It’s because the only shit I give is about you.” He said softly, looking off towards the glass looking lake.
Tweek grinned, continuing to rest his head against his boyfriend’s broad chest. After a moment, he looked up and reached his small hand up to take the menthol cigarette from Craig’s lips. He placed the filter to his own mouth and sucked, pulling all the menthe and tar into his own lungs. He held it there for a moment and then exhaled, letting the smoke leave his nostrils. It wasn’t often when Tweek smoked cigarettes but he was used to the inhale. He had started buying weed around fifth or sixth grade (he couldn’t remember now) to begin calming his nerves. The cigarettes he would occasionally drag from his boyfriend did the same thing, though for shorter amounts of time. He smiled up at Craig when he was done and offered the other boy the cigarette he’d stolen. “You can have this back.” Tweek felt slightly less twitchy.
Craig watched Tweek thoughtfully and took the cigarette back when it was offered to him. He took another drag from it, keeping it between his lips as he looked up at the turning sunset. “Thanks.” He replied finally, letting the gray smoke leave his mouth. He continued to hold Tweek close. He could see the twinkling of stars to the east. It was so beautiful. If he could, he would be an astronaut, but that would mean leaving Tweek here alone. He thought this somberly as he looked back down at his green eyed boyfriend. He couldn’t do that. He needed to get Tweek away from here. They could leave as soon as possible; right after graduation even. Assuming he still stayed in school of course. The teen had thought about dropping out for quite a while. He was usually spending his time in some form of suspension, whether in school or out.
Smiling, Tweek leaned his head back onto Craig’s chest. He kissed it lovingly before turning around in Craig’s arms to look out into the lake. He loved these quiet moments with Craig. They were never weird, awkward, or uncomfortable. He’d never felt like he could just truly relax with anyone. Even his own parents gave him anxiety. Tweek looked up at Craig and then back to the glass like water. “When is the meteor shower supposed to start?” He asked, voice calm for once, gentle even. “Is this like a Haley’s Comet kind of thing?”
Craig kept his eyes out to the lake, but a small smile crept over his face. “Nah, Haley’s comet comes every 75 years.” He had an amused twinkle in his midnight blue eyes. “It’s just supposed to be a meteor shower. They are caused by streams of cosmic debris entering Earth’s atmosphere at extremely high speeds on parallel trajectories.” His smile grew wide as he became more excited. He fucking loved space. So maybe he did kinda like the universe.
“That’s fascinating, Coffee Bean,” Tweek chuckled, moving his head to look up at his much taller Craig. “I love that you have closeted nerdy interests.” He chuckled, nuzzling against his lover. “It’s fucking sexy, man.”
Craig flicked his cigarette butt into the campfire and wrapped both arms tightly, protectively around Tweek. “Closeted nerdy interests?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, though a grin was glued to his lips. “I hardly think they’re closeted.”
Tweek pulled away from Craig, moving to sit on the log in front of the campfire. He patted the area next to him, wanting Craig to sit. The raven haired teen looked down at this boyfriend and nodded his head, following his lover’s wishes.
As soon as Craig sat down, Tweek leaned his head against Craig’s shoulder, nuzzling his boyfriend affectionately. “You don’t think so?” A light colored eyebrow perked up Tweek’s forehead. “I don’t think nearly anybody sees you as nerdy as you let me see you.” He pulled his head away from Craig’s shoulder to look at him, watching the movement of Craig’s breathing, the sharp angle of his chin, and his nostrils flaring ever so slightly between breaths. Tweek wouldn’t word it this way if he ever told Craig, but he thought the other boy was gorgeous.
Craig looked down to meet Tweek’s green orbs. “Maybe that’s because you are the only one that cares to see it all.” He answered nonchalant. The sky had gotten dark and stars littered the sky. It closely resembled the interested teen’s own eyes as he looked up. His eyes reflected the tiny sparkling lights. “God.” Craig breathed. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen: the Milky Way.
Tweek looked up, watching the stars twinkle and shine in the night sky. He placed his head back to Craig’s shoulder and sighed, smiling. He loved seeing his boyfriend happy, even if it was something so simple as just looking at stars. He and Craig had spent plenty of time just staring up into the dark abyss that was nighttime. He grinned, moved his head so he could kiss Craig’s neck, and then leaned back down. “You’re so sweet.” He said in almost a whisper. “I love you so much.”
Pulling Tweek close against him, Craig leaned down to press his lips against the younger teen’s. “I love you too, Honey. I am so glad you’re here with me.” He whispered back. His eyes moved straight back up to the sky. Little darts of white started raining across the black backdrop. First it was a few here and there. Then it started raining heavily. The meteor shower had begun and Craig reached into his jacket pocket to pull out his phone so he could record the moment.
Despite the usually cold weather, Tweek felt incredibly warm inside. He moved to let go of his lover, placing his hands in his pockets. Craig (and Tweek was sure Craig would deny this later) was making cute little enthralled faces as he watched the raining meteors. It made Tweek grin as he looked to the only star that mattered for him. “You happy Craig?” He asked.
“Am I?” Craig asked as he smiled widely and looked down to meet the emerald eyes he loved so much. “You bet, Baby.” He eyes twinkled under starlights. His smiles rarely reached his eyes like they did in this moment but it became more common the older he grew. He kept his grin as he looked back up at the sky. Colors of green and yellow slowly began to ripple across the sky and move. “Tweek! It’s the Aurora Borealis!” He exclaimed as he pointed up into the darkness.
A continuous smile stayed spread across Tweek’s thin lips. He went from watching Craig to looking up to what his boyfriend was so excited to see. The Aurora. A wide array of colors in the twilight formed overhead. Tweek moves to stand up, silently watching the shower overhead. He looked back at Craig. “I want you to love me.” He whispered softly. “After the shower ends. I want you to love me underneath those stars.”
Craig grinned widely. “Okay Honey. I can do that.” He watched Tweek with gentle eyes. There was just something special about his blonde headed mess. He just knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life looking after his hot, blonde headed mess. He loved Tweek Tweak.
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toonsforkicks22 · 5 years
The Heart that Smarts (Unikitty! fic)
WARNING: Slight Lego Movie 2 spoilers in this! 
The beaker hit the floor, covering it of glass shards and possibly radioactive slime. The one responsible for the mess didn’t even flinch, nor even noticed as a couple of robots arrived on the scene to clean it up.
Dr. Fox stared into space, her green eyes filling the specs of her glasses as it all began to dawn on her. The realization hit her like that meteor she theorized had been made of gumball. (1) However, unlike that, the vixen knew she was certainly not wrong about this.
“I’m in love with him...” she murmured to herself, failing to notice the two robots behind her trying to fight off a giant green tentacle emerging from the floor as caused by the spilled chemical contents.
“We got a situation here!” one of them cried, trying to beat the abomination away with a broom.
“Oh, man, this is so gross!” the other exclaimed, entangled by said tentacle.
Once again, Dr Fox didn’t even hear them. Her mind drifted to all the possible ways she could have figured these feelings out sooner.
Hawkodile, the embodiment of strength, kindness, and especially friendship. And she was in love with her best friend!
“How could I not have figured this out sooner?” she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling, squeezing her cheeks in an ecstatic grin while her lab was falling apart behind her.
While more robots fought and attacked the now growing tentacle monster with every weapon they had, the female fox reflected on every memory that gave her a reason for these sudden feelings.
He always put his life on the line for his friends, especially for her.
He fought a videogame platform in order to rescue her (and didn’t seem the least bit mad as Richard when it was revealed to be just a simulation for just in case they really did get attacked by actual game characters). (2)
Whenever she was tired or sick, he would always offer a warm, comforting hand on her shoulder (or her mouth in case she was on the verge of puking).
He would drop his seriousness to have fun with her and the others. And take pride in being dorky and adorable about it (or ‘adorkable’ as Dr. Fox liked to use sometimes).
He would do anything to impress his friends and make himself worthy, even if it was obviously unnecessary. She still remembered when he impersonated a robot and would have gotten himself killed by her combat machine if she hadn’t intervened. (3)
And out of any of them, Hawkodile seemed to always turn to Dr. Fox for aid. She recalled that one time when his sparkle matters were getting out of control on account of having a secret crush. (4) Or maybe she might have thrown herself into assisting him since it was all for science and saving her best friend, she wasn’t sure. But all the genius knew was that Hawkodile’s crush on whoever was over (she couldn’t remember if it had been the flower store owner FeeBee or someone else in the Unikingdom). Guess he and that person he used to crush on just didn’t work.
But she and Hawkodile, they were the perfect team! And Dr. Fox was already deliberating how they would become the perfect couple!
“I love him!” she cried, practically deaf to the ongoing explosions of the lab as the robot servants stressed an ongoing battle with the monster.
“Fire the torpedoes!” one of them shouted.
Emitting a girlish scream, Dr. Fox danced out of her lab, leaving behind a larger mess for the servants to clean up. _____
Upon realizing these newfound feelings, Dr. Fox spread her news across the kingdom. She wanted to tell everyone that she was in love with her best friend, before eventually telling Hawkodile. She wanted to prepare the entire universe for their love!
At the flower shop, FeeBee was just arranging vase of flowers she just picked. Just as they were looking perfect, the décor popped right at her face, along with Dr. Fox’s wide-eyed expression.
“I’m in love with him!” Dr. Fox cried, receiving a rather terrified smile and nod from FeeBee. ~
Craig the moose farmer (5) watched as her vegetables were on the verge of growing. She grinned from antler to antler as all her hard work was finally going to pay off.
“Almost there!” she encouraged lovingly as she saw the leaves lift, and the first patches of red were emerging. “After months of hard labor, I’ll finally grow the perfect tomatoes!”
As said vegetables began to form at her anticipation, they met an unexpected end. Craig’s smile fell instantly as “homemade ketchup” splattered all over her face, leaving behind the remains of what could have been a beautiful creation.
Face pale, she could only stare at Dr. Fox, who hardly even noticed her tiny feet had been responsible. The latter just grinned at the now distressed moose farmer.
“I’m in love with him!” the scientist cried.
As she dashed off, the farmer fell to her knees and screamed at the sky demanding why it had to happen to the tomatoes and not her.
Bim-bom gazed at a store that was selling delicious sandwiches, practically drooling at the sight. Just as she was about to make the choice of having all the choices, she nearly screamed as Dr. Fox slammed her face against the glass from the inside.
“I’m in love with him!” the vixen exclaimed happily, eyes sparkling as much as they did back at the lab.
“Oh, honey, that’s great!” the green garbage bag (or possibly a dumpling) congratulated. (6) “You go after your love! I should know! Because, uh...”
Her beady eyes quickly shifted left and right before they stopped in a certain direction.
“There’s the guy I’m in love with too!” Bim-bom exclaimed, pointing toward the first person she spotted.
Across the street was Toaster, who stopped the moment he noticed Bim-bom was gesturing his way. Toast immediately popped up from his brother’s head, wondering what was going on. (7)
“Wait, what?” the slice of tan bread questioned aloud.
“Uh, which one?” Dr. Fox asked in confusion.
Bim-bom’s mind wracked nervously. “Um, uh...both of them!” she exclaimed.
Toast and Toaster just stared at her.
“Wait, what is she talking abo-AAAAAHHHH!”
The Toast Bros quickly high-tailed it in the other direction as Bim-bom began to chase them.
“Don’t be embarrassed!” the desperate-for-love woman cried. “I love you both equally! We can make this work!” ~
In their apartment, Brock and Master Frown sat on the couch, watching TV. Suddenly from beneath the cushions popped out Dr. Fox, startling Master Frown, not so much Brock who merely smiled in greeting.
“I’m in love with him!” Dr. Fox exclaimed, not caring that she was admitting this to the person that strove to cause misery throughout the kingdom.
“Gross!” Master Frown scoffed in disgust.
“Oh, dude!” Brock exclaimed with genuine happiness for his friend. “Congratulations! Who’s the lucky dude?”
“Hawkodile!” the genius vixen announced, her sparkle matter increasing and littering the apartment much to Master Frown’s annoyance.
“Sweet!” the laid-back gray figure said.
“Love is a suckers’ bet for suckers!” Master Frown spat. “It ain’t gonna work!”
“Dude, not cool!” Brock scolded him.
But Dr. Fox didn’t even hear the maker of misery, her thoughts for the guy she was in love with screamed louder. _______
Returning to the castle, Dr. Fox was still as energetic as she had been throughout the kingdom. The moment she bursted through the doors, they slammed right into Richard who had been carrying dishes. Every single plate hit the floor, making more work for the floating brick. He merely sighed, adding the task of ordering new dishes on his list.
“Hello, Dr. Fox,” he spoke in his usual monotone. “You seem to be in some kind of mood, according to what the citizens have been reporting out of fear and concern for their lives.”
“Oh, it’s more than just a mood!” the vixen exclaimed as she gave a little twirl.
Unikitty and Puppycorn approached them, having heard the noise from the other room.
“What’s going on?” the dog prince asked curiously.
“Yeah, you seem even happier than you usually are, Dr. Fox,” the ruler of the Unikingdom noted. “Nearly as happy as me, and I’m always super happy!”
“Guys!” Dr. Fox expressed excitedly. “I’m in love with Hawkodile!”
Both Unikitty and Puppycorn gasped in amazement, sparkle matter sprinkling from their heads like confetti. They gazed at the kingdom’s scientist, overcome with as much surprise and joy as she had been expressing the entire time. Richard did not share in the elation like he usually did with anything in general. However, his usually sullen expression altered a bit, his brows knitting in concern.
“That’s great!” Unikitty squealed, engulfing Dr. Fox in a hug.
“When are you gonna tell him?” Puppycorn asked, bouncing excitedly.
“Right now!” the genius vixen declared.
“Dr. Fox, I don’t think that would be such a great idea right now,” the brick tried to reason gently.
“Oh, nonsense!” the scientist brushed off. “When have any of my ideas ever been not great?”
Richard gave her his usual taciturn expression, not bothering to answer that.
As she marched to find the man responsible for these lovey-dovey feelings, the royal siblings followed in pursuit, giggling and laughing along with their fox friend. Richard strayed behind, the look of uncertainty never leaving his face. ______
As they headed toward Hawkodile’s dojo, Dr. Fox chattered about all the things she and the bodyguard would do once she confessed her feelings and they became a couple.
“...and after we go to dinner and see a movie, I’ll build us a rocket that’ll send us over the moon!” she added. “It’s scientifically possible!”
“How romantic!” Unikitty said in awe, heart-shaped sparkle matter popping from her head matching the same as the one coming from her eyes.
“Dr. Fox, I really think this isn’t the best time right now,” Richard, once again, tried to reason with her.
“Of course it’s the best time!” Unikitty argued with him. “How could it not be the best time? Our friend Dr. Fox is in love with our friend Hawkodile! What’s the problem with that?”
Before Richard could respond, she pressed against him as she swooned at the thought of the event that was yet to unfold.
“Because there is no problem!” she said with a dreamy sigh. “The two were meant for each other, and most definitely nothing could stand in their way of love!”
Richard sighed. “Look, Dr. Fox, you have to understand-”
But the scientist ignored him once again. Her orange cheeks blushed like the tomatoes she stepped on earlier. Nearing the flaps of the tent-like dojo where their bodyguard friend spent most of his time, she bit her lip to contain another squeal. The others rallied behind her, Richard still looking worried.
“Go for it, Dr. Fox!” Unikitty encouraged.
“Yeah, go for it!” Puppycorn rooted.
“I really, really think this is not a good time right now...” Richard tried to convince to no avail.
Unable to contain herself any longer, Dr. Fox bursted into the dojo, her green eyes bright as the shades of the wonderful guy she was about to confess her feelings for.
“Hawkodile, I have something to tell you!” she said with euphoria.
However, the smile that once shined throughout the kingdom dropped instantly. The party behind her, who had been chanting her name beforehand, stood behind the vixen and gasped. Only Richard remained unfazed, albeit slightly guilty.
Hawkodile, having not heard his friends enter the dojo, was hunched over, arms wrapped around something that seem to clung to his ever-rippling biceps. His lips were doing quite the workout, followed by gruff moaning. Such a sound only got more heavy as he gave all his time and energy to this one moment in particular.
It wasn’t just him moaning. An equally expressive and feminine tone voiced pleasure as well, another pair of lips copying his workout.
Dr. Fox just stood there in disbelief, questioning everything in the universe right now. Behind her Unikitty and Puppycorn were unsure of what to do except just watch. Richard merely gave a defeated sigh.
Hawkodile’s wings flapped upon sensing a new presence in his dojo. He quickly adjusted his head, lips still occupied. His eyes/shades widened before quickly pulling away from whom he was having a wonderful session with.
“Oh, uh, hey!” the hybrid bodyguard greeted awkwardly, a protective arm around the person who had enjoyed what Dr. Fox had hoped would have been her moment.
She was a fair-skinned woman with wavy blonde hair, eyes a brighter green than even Dr. Fox’s. She was adorned in a pink princess-style dress complete with a matching fuchsia cape.
“Uh...” Hawkodile began shyly. “You guys remember Susan, right?”
“Hey,” the blonde woman greeted with a wave.
Before Dr. Fox could even utter a word, it was Unikitty who spoke.
“Well, of course we know Susan!” the princess exclaimed rather excitedly. “Who we thought was Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabi but actually isn’t! Who’s really nice and sweet and cute and helped us bring the Systar System and Apocalypseburg together after Armamageddon and make what is now the totally cool and totally cute place that is now Syspocalypsestar!That Susan!” (8)
Said woman gave a bashful smile as she leaned into Hawkodile, who blushed and gave a relieved chuckle. As Unikitty gushed over her, with her brother looking equally excited, no one noticed the broken expression on Dr. Fox’s face.
Except for Richard.
“Told you it wasn’t the best time,” he said, any form of smugnesshidden under his usual sullen personality. _______
NOTE: Those numbers in parenthesis you’ve seen throughout the story are citation-like thingies. Down below are explanations to those who might wonder about certain things and characters mentioned, just in case some people haven’t seen all the episodes or know any characters besides the main cast. :)
(1)From episode “Lab Cat”
(2)From episode “The Zone”
(3)From episode “Brawl Bot”
(4)From episode “Crushing Defeat”; FeeBee made a good appearance in that
(5)Craig the farmer is best recognized from the episode “Kaiju Kitty” (and yes, Craig’s a female)
(6)Bim-bom’s personality and given description is best shown in the episode “Unikitty News”
(7)Toaster and Toast can best be seen in the episode “Little Prince Puppycorn”
(8)Susan was inThe Lego Movie 2: The Second Part
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the mona lisa ain’t got nothing on us
Some cute Davekat for @woahtherebuddyfriend for the @homestuckday-giftexchange
For your first date with Karkat you go an art museum. Okay maybe it’s kind of weird to call it a first date because you’ve been dating for over two years but to be fair the meteor wasn’t always the most romantic place in the world. Now that you’re on Earth C the least you can do is take your boyfriend out on the town. 
You pick an art museum (a human one not a troll one because troll art kinda creeps you out) because it’s the kind of cheesy date location you think Karkat would probably like. You’ve never been to an art museum but you think you have a decent idea of what they are like. It’s not until you are looking at the first piece in the gallery that you realize you had forgotten one tiny important fact about art.
Turns out that artists really love their mythology. Also on Earth C you and your friends kind of are that mythology. Step aside Zeus there’s a new pantheon in town. The walls of the museum are covered with art of your and your crew. Large paintings dating back over two hundred years with your faces lovingly rendered in oils fill the galleries.
The very first painting you see is of Jane’s dad shirtless, lying down on a chaise, surrounded by cakes. You now understand why people get so emotional about art because it’s so beautiful you might just start crying. Fuck the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper and anything else from original flavor Earth this is true art.
You turn to ask Karkat if he’s also appreciating this beautiful moment but find yourself facing a scowl.
“No, no, no way, fuck no,” he says gesturing while he speaks like an Old Italian man.
“Bro,” you say looking at him, “Do you have any idea how much beautifully embarrassing paintings of our friends are in this room?”
He sighs dramatically and loudly and you are filled with so much affection for this ridiculous troll.
“Fine I guess we’re doing this. We are going to stay here and roll around in the pungent stench of our own egos like a bunch of hedonistic chucklefucks. We are going to be those fucking insufferable shitweasels who spend an afternoon looking at hundred-year-old paintings of our own faces. Not to mention the faces of all our fucking acquaintances and of course most likely at least one painting of Jake English’s ass.”
You step forward and drop a kiss on your boyfriend’s forehead as thanks. He looks up at you trying to keep the scowl but you can see a smile trying to creep in.
“Thanks babe.”
“Yeah whatever, just go and get your blackmail material asshole,” he says and with that you shoot him a double thumbs up and you’re off.
You see some pretty fantastic paintings. You snap a picture of a surrealist painting of Kanaya and Rose in a desert surrounded by light bulbs and a dolphin. You glance at what seems to be you in LOHAC but don’t look closer. You check out a giant oil painting of a mostly nude except for hair covering key places Jade surrounded by dogs that dates back to the renaissance. And that’s just the start. There is modern art with you all in street clothes way more fashionable then anything you would ever wear. There is art reimagining you as carapaces and some of you as trolls. There are two wonderful marble statures of John and Jade where you can tell the artist lovingly rendered their abs into the stone getting it surprisingly accurate.
You take snapchats while you walk through. You send Terezi one of a portrait of herself in a noir detective’s clothing and Dirk one of many of him sitting on a horse looking triumphant.
You wonder around for a bit checking out the art and snapping pictures before you find Karkat looking very intently at one painting in particular.
“Hey you would not believe the amount of paintings of the mayor they have,” you stay walking over to stand next to your boyfriend. You open your mouth to say something else but close it when you see the painting in front of you.
The plaque next to it says the title is “A Dinner for Gods” but the figures in it are undoubtedly the two of you. You’re sitting on a modern couch, your faces illuminated by the bluish light of the television. There is takeout on the coffee table in front of you and on your lap as you are sprawled comfortably with your legs on Karkat’s lap.
What really grabs your eyes though are the faces. The two of you in the painting aren’t watching the TV and instead are looking into each other’s eyes. The you in the painting is not wearing shades and there is just something so soft in your expression as painting you looks at Karkat and he looks back with pure adoration. The only word to describe the whole scene is intimate. Looking at it, seeing it captured on the canvas feels slightly uncomfortable. Like someone reached into your chest pulled out your still beating heart and put it on display so that everyone can see where Karkat Vantas is engraved into the flesh.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts by a sniffle and immediately turn to see your boyfriend, reddish tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. Not quite sure what to do you grab his hand and squeeze it. It seems to be the right choice because he squeezes back.
“You okay?” You ask giving him a concerned look but he shakes his head and wipes at his eyes with his other hand. He’s not looking at you, his eyes are firmly fixed on the painting.
“Can you buy the paintings in museums?” He asks his voice barely cracking.
“I don’t think so bro. I think it’s a whole ‘this belongs to all of society’ thing,” you respond. He nods. You squeeze his hand. He squeezes back.
“Lets go see what sort of stupid items with Egbert’s face are in the gift shop,” he says and starts to tug you along.
“Hold up,” you take a quick pick of the plaque with your phone. “Okay let’s go.”
The two of you spend twenty minutes in the gift shop hand in hand looking at post cards of John and everyone else. You end up buying a magnet for Jade with the dog painting on it and a postcard for Roxy of Calliope in a ball gown.
When you finally leave still holding hands you have a smile on your face because you have the name of the artist from the painting earlier.
You’re planning on asking if they do commissions.
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Under The Stars
Craig pitched the tent and dusted off his knees when he stood up again. He smiled widely and turned around to find Tweek trying to get a fire going. The teens had left the small, quiet mountain town of South Park to be together for their anniversary.
The news said there was supposed to be a meteor shower tonight as well as the possibility of seeing glimpses of the the aurora borealis. Craig also had the idea that maybe camping could be romantic if they played their cards right.
In his truck he kept a ton of blankets, food, hot chocolate and some of the Tweak’s coffee. He was trying to get Tweek to stay away from it but knew it would be a long road to success. The boys picked a spot by a frozen lake that had an empty spot where trees had yet to grow. It made the perfect spot to see the night sky.
“You doin’ okay there honey?” Craig asked as he pulled a soft pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket.
Tweek was getting annoyed. He tried to get the two pieces of flint to light like he’d learned in Boy Scouts but they just wouldn’t take. He shook his head and threw the flint down into the kindling they’d found throughout the woods. “Nghh,” He groaned. He placed his hands in his blonde hair and squeezed roughly. He was hunched over, sitting on the log he and Craig had moved by their homemade fire pit. “The fucking flint won’t light, man!” He squawked impatiently. He looked up at Craig. His left eye twitched and he felt the tick in his neck make his head move slightly. He moved his hands from his head and to grab at his shirt, pulling it outward. He felt a button pop off his shirt and he looked down. “Nghh….” He moaned again.
Craig pulled out a long, menthol cigarette and put it between his lips. He pulled out a galaxy decorated flip lighter from his pants pocket and lit his cigarette. He closed the lighter with a clink as he inhaled. “Baby…” He said softly as he made his way over to the stressed out teen. “It’s no big deal, dude.” He said as he flipped the lighter open again and got on his hands and knees right by the kindling. He flicked the lighter a few times until the flame responded and he set the flame onto the dry sticks. Once a small bit of a flame took, he removed his lighter and stuck it back into his pocket. He quickly got up and took just a few long strides to his dark blue truck. A large NASA sticker decorated the back window. He reached into the bed of his truck and pulled out a gallon of lighter fluid. He moved back to the fire pit and coated the kindling with the lighter fluid and immediately the flames grew. He threw a few big branches of wood on the flame and then set the lighter fluid behind the log that Tweek sat on. “There.” He said as he crossed his arms and looked at the growing campfire happily. A small, stubborn smile sat on his lips. Smiling sometimes seemed rare for the boy, but when it happened, it was usually around Tweek.
Tweek watched how cool Craig was when it came to lighting the kindling on fire. He shook his head and looked back at the fire, his left eye twitching. “Craig…” He began, “Thanks.” Tweek stood up to take a few steps over to Craig. He placed his arms to Craig’s belly the wrapped them around the taller boy’s middle. He sighed and breathed in the scent that was purely Craig - menthol cigarettes and cedar wood scented cologne. It relaxed the anxious teen as he placed his face into Craig’s chest. “How are you always so fucking cool?”
Taking a long drag from his cigarette, Craig lifted his head when he pulled it away from his mouth. He released a long breath of smoke into the changing twilight sky. “I just lift my arm into the air and give everything the bird.” He said and he did just that. He lifted his free arm into the air and flipped off the world. He smiled down at Tweek. “Fuck the world Tweek. It doesn’t care about any of us. It’s too big.” He said as he dropped his arm to wrap it around Tweek, looking down at him with his dark blue eyes.
Craig was good head and a half taller than the twitching blonde. Tweek hadn’t grown much through adolescence but Craig certainly had gotten taller. Craig was even tall as a kid but at least back then Tweek could look him in the eyes. Now he had to crane his neck just to see his boyfriend’s facial expressions. Tweek smiled, though, and licked his lips. “What if it cares more than we think?” He asked softly. “The universe is always all around us. It knows everything.” He said softly. “I don’t wanna piss it off by telling it to go fuck itself.” His voice was muffled against Craig’s chest.
A wide grin grew over Craig’s face. His smile reached his mischievous blue eyes. “Yeah, well, the universe can go fuck itself.” He said as he brought the cigarette from his other hand to his lips. He took in another drag. “Besides, I don’t think it’ll be too hurt. It’s not like it cares about my opinion anyway…but that’s why I am cool. It’s because the only shit I give is about you.” He said softly, looking off towards the glass looking lake.
Tweek grinned, continuing to rest his head against his boyfriend’s broad chest. After a moment, he looked up and reached his small hand up to take the menthol cigarette from Craig’s lips. He placed the filter to his own mouth and sucked, pulling all the menthe and tar into his own lungs. He held it there for a moment and then exhaled, letting the smoke leave his nostrils. It wasn’t often when Tweek smoked cigarettes but he was used to the inhale. He had started buying weed around fifth or sixth grade (he couldn’t remember now) to begin calming his nerves. The cigarettes he would occasionally drag from his boyfriend did the same thing, though for shorter amounts of time. He smiled up at Craig when he was done and offered the other boy the cigarette he’d stolen. “You can have this back.” Tweek felt slightly less twitchy.
Craig watched Tweek thoughtfully and took the cigarette back when it was offered to him. He took another drag from it, keeping it between his lips as he looked up at the turning sunset. “Thanks.” He replied finally, letting the gray smoke leave his mouth. He continued to hold Tweek close. He could see the twinkling of stars to the east. It was so beautiful. If he could, he would be an astronaut, but that would mean leaving Tweek here alone. He thought this somberly as he looked back down at his green eyed boyfriend. He couldn’t do that. He needed to get Tweek away from here. They could leave as soon as possible; right after graduation even. Assuming he still stayed in school of course. The teen had thought about dropping out for quite a while. He was usually spending his time in some form of suspension, whether in school or out.
Smiling, Tweek leaned his head back onto Craig’s chest. He kissed it lovingly before turning around in Craig’s arms to look out into the lake. He loved these quiet moments with Craig. They were never weird, awkward, or uncomfortable. He’d never felt like he could just truly relax with anyone. Even his own parents gave him anxiety. Tweek looked up at Craig and then back to the glass like water. “When is the meteor shower supposed to start?” He asked, voice calm for once, gentle even. “Is this like a Haley’s Comet kind of thing?”
Craig kept his eyes out to the lake, but a small smile crept over his face. “Nah, Haley’s comet comes every 75 years.” He had an amused twinkle in his midnight blue eyes. “It’s just supposed to be a meteor shower. They are caused by streams of cosmic debris entering Earth’s atmosphere at extremely high speeds on parallel trajectories.” His smile grew wide as he became more excited. He fucking loved space. So maybe he did kinda like the universe.
“That’s fascinating, Coffee Bean,” Tweek chuckled, moving his head to look up at his much taller Craig. “I love that you have closeted nerdy interests.” He chuckled, nuzzling against his lover. “It’s fucking sexy, man.”
Craig flicked his cigarette butt into the campfire and wrapped both arms tightly, protectively around Tweek. “Closeted nerdy interests?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, though a grin was glued to his lips. “I hardly think they’re closeted.”
Tweek pulled away from Craig, moving to sit on the log in front of the campfire. He patted the area next to him, wanting Craig to sit. The raven haired teen looked down at this boyfriend and nodded his head, following his lover’s wishes.
As soon as Craig sat down, Tweek leaned his head against Craig’s shoulder, nuzzling his boyfriend affectionately. “You don’t think so?” A light colored eyebrow perked up Tweek’s forehead. “I don’t think nearly anybody sees you as nerdy as you let me see you.” He pulled his head away from Craig’s shoulder to look at him, watching the movement of Craig’s breathing, the sharp angle of his chin, and his nostrils flaring ever so slightly between breaths. Tweek wouldn’t word it this way if he ever told Craig, but he thought the other boy was gorgeous.
Craig looked down to meet Tweek’s green orbs. “Maybe that’s because you are the only one that cares to see it all.” He answered nonchalant. The sky had gotten dark and stars littered the sky. It closely resembled the interested teen’s own eyes as he looked up. His eyes reflected the tiny sparkling lights. “God.” Craig breathed. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen: the Milky Way.
Tweek looked up, watching the stars twinkle and shine in the night sky. He placed his head back to Craig’s shoulder and sighed, smiling. He loved seeing his boyfriend happy, even if it was something so simple as just looking at stars. He and Craig had spent plenty of time just staring up into the dark abyss that was nighttime. He grinned, moved his head so he could kiss Craig’s neck, and then leaned back down. “You’re so sweet.” He said in almost a whisper. “I love you so much.”
Pulling Tweek close against him, Craig leaned down to press his lips against the younger teen’s. “I love you too, Honey. I am so glad you’re here with me.” He whispered back. His eyes moved straight back up to the sky. Little darts of white started raining across the black backdrop. First it was a few here and there. Then it started raining heavily. The meteor shower had begun and Craig reached into his jacket pocket to pull out his phone so he could record the moment.
Despite the usually cold weather, Tweek felt incredibly warm inside. He moved to let go of his lover, placing his hands in his pockets. Craig (and Tweek was sure Craig would deny this later) was making cute little enthralled faces as he watched the raining meteors. It made Tweek grin as he looked to the only star that mattered for him. “You happy Craig?” He asked.
“Am I?” Craig asked as he smiled widely and looked down to meet the emerald eyes he loved so much. “You bet, Baby.” He said as his eyes twinkled under starlights. His smiles rarely reached his eyes like they did in this moment but it became more common the older he grew. He kept his grin as he looked back up at the sky. Colors of green and yellow slowly began to ripple across the sky and move. “Tweek! It’s the aurora borealis!” He exclaimed as he pointed up into the darkness.
A continuous smile stayed spread across Tweek’s thin lips. He went from watching Craig to looking up to what his boyfriend was so excited to see. The aurora borealis. Colors in the twilight forming overhead. Tweek moves to stand up, silently watching the shower overhead. He looked back at Craig. “I want you to love me.” He said softly. “After the shower ends. I want you to love me underneath those stars.”
Craig grinned widely. “Okay Honey. I can do that.” He said as he watched Tweek with gentle eyes. There was just something special about his blonde headed mess. He just knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life looking after his hot, blonde headed mess. He loved Tweek Tweak.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Inuyashiki – 11 (Fin)
Early in this final episode, I was deathly afraid Hiro would somehow repair himself and pay Ichirou and his family a visit, and there would be no way Ichirou would be able to fight Hiro off and save his family; indeed, they’d likely be part of the ample collateral damage of such a fight.
That fear was only amplified when Ichirou showed his entire family the machinery within him, confessing to them that he might not be their Ichirou, but a fake. When his wife asks him to describe their honeymoon, he recalls every detail with such emotion both she and Mari end up bawling and embracing him…of course he’s their Ichirou. Only his son stays away, still understandably weary of this shocking news.
As for Hiro, his arms aren’t coming back, and he seems to have given up on destroying Japan. He shows up in Andou’s room to read the latest Jump, but Andou can’t allow the charade to go on, and calls Ichirou. Hiro splits before he arrives, and later watches Shion and her grandmother from afar, not daring to get too close lest his awfulness infect them any further. Hiro is also constantly hearing desperate cries for him to just effing die already for all the horrendous shit he’s done. He’s not in a good place.
As for Ichirou, honesty proves to be the best policy, as his family quickly embraces him (I love how his office didn’t even acknowledge him as the healing god on TV). He takes the fam out to eat and they take a riverside stroll afterward, in a wonderful display of family camaraderie.
In an earlier talk with his boy while walking home, Ichirou tells him how death makes life precious, and that now that he’s a machine he realizes he took being human for granted.  Even so, you can’t deny his family is being a lot nicer to him now that he’s a machine, when before, only his dog Hanako seemed to care whether he lived or died.
At the same time, perhaps they weren’t ever as disdainful as the earlier episodes depicted; maybe we were just seeing things from Ichirou’s woe-is-me perspective. It wasn’t as if he was the only member of his family feeling underappreciated or downtrodden.
In any case, that odd ominous sense of finality to the family interactions is explained by President Donald Trump of all people on the TV: Remember that Giant Asteroid? It’s still headed to Earth, where it’s expected to wipe out all life in three days. Trump basically tells the losers of the world to pound sand; he has no regrets about his life.
Such a comforting voice in trying times, is the Trumpster’s. A good chunk of the masses respond by engaging in widespread illegal activity. Something has to be done, and we know who needs to do it.
While I know the asteroid has been mentioned for some time, the shift from the Ichirou-Hiro conflict to Stopping the Asteroidocalypse still feels very sudden, and once this episode ended, I felt a bit like an entire arc had been awkwardly squeezed into one episode.
That being said, the execution, while hasty, still made an impact, what with Mari’s tearful farewell of her father (who promises he’ll be back) and the gorgeous shots of Ichirou floating around space. Unfortunately, even his formidable arsenal is ineffective at altering the asteroid’s course.
Enter Hiro, who followed Ichirou into space, and who believes the course will shift if he self-detonates on the asteroid’s surface. As horrible as he is, Hiro doesn’t want Andou or Shion to die, so like Ichirou, he’ll do all he can to stop that from happening.
When the night sky turns to day for a few minutes, both Andou and Shion seems to sense their friend is gone. For all the hundreds of people he killed in various awful ways (and if looking at things dispassionately), sacrificing himself to save the entire population of earth seems like a sufficient means of redemption.
It’s too bad then, that Hiro alone can’t save earth; he only blew up part of the asteroid; to finish it, Ichirou has to blow himself up as well. While I’m sure he didn’t like breaking his promise to Mari, he’d have liked her being incinerated by a meteor even less.
Also neither Ichirou nor Hiro in their current states were anything that should have been anywhere near humanity; they were simply too powerful, on both the good and bad side of things. They should have died when that alien ship squashed them. Turns out they got some bonus time, but now that time has ended.
The simple, quiet epilogue of Mari learning her manga won the competition in Jump (to Andou’s surprise as well) is the product of Ichirou lovingly supporting his daughter’s creative dreams, and earning back her respect and affection in return. No doubt the next work she publishes will be dedicated to her father’s memory.
By: braverade
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