findafight · 1 month
Every time a fic makes Carol Steve's friend because she's Tommy's girlfriend an angel dies. As though Steve and Carol weren't girl best friends.
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thestobingirlie · 10 months
mean girls trio pt. 4 <3
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wheneverfeasible · 22 days
🧠🪱Wiggly Wednesday🪱🧠
Thank you for the tags @scoops-aboy86 and @endlessmusings1801!
Okay so hear me out. This was a worm I’ve been thinking about lately, which is bizarre, because it isn’t inherently Steddie…
But we get all kinds of fics of if Eddie and/or Robin were pulled into things earlier than their seasons. But…
What if Tommy and Carol were pulled into things with Steve? Like, picture it…
Instead of ditching Steve after his fight with Jonathan, Steve and Tommy and Carol hash it out a bit more, get into a bigger argument maybe even, and maybe they do separate for a bit. But then they’re still friends, so maybe they huff and puff about it but they talk things out too. Maybe Steve even gets to somewhat convince them that they should all apologize, even if Tommy and Carol don’t really want to or care all that much.
So all three of them go to do so, and all three of them see the demogorgon, and all three of them have that life altering paradigm shift. Maybe Carol and Tommy don’t change completely, at least not immediately, but they’re forced to confront that there’s more than just high school popularity contests, and maybe they become just that little bit of better people.
Maybe Carol and Nancy have a genuine talk, genuinely open up to each other, and no one can ever replace Barb of course, but it’s nice to have another female friend, even if they’re pretty much polar opposites.
Tommy isn’t fond of Jonathan at all, because demogorgon aside, it was creep behavior taking photos of them like that. Tommy helps pitch in to get Jonathan his new camera though, because he egged on Steve’s insecurities (brought on by the fact that Steve’s dad has cheated on his mom so he’s really sensitive to potential cheating in partners) and he guesses he’s partly to blame. He rolls his eyes about it, but Steve is happy he has his friend beside him still.
Tommy and Carol don’t really take to the kids much, but Carol does secretly enjoy getting into bitching sessions with Mike, and later Erica.
When Billy shows up, maybe Tommy and Carol start backsliding. Maybe they have to have a big blowup. Maybe they aren’t there when Steve gets dragged in helping Dustin, at least not immediately, but maybe they hear about Steve dealing with that without them because they chose Billy and they just…they…
They can’t believe they left Steve to deal with that horror by himself. They feel guilty and terrible and they tell Billy off. They can’t believe they chose some stupid popularity that doesn’t even matter over the guy that literally went to bat for them. They’re at the end with him, apologizing for not being there before, and they become even better people.
They come around to lovingly tease Steve at his job at Scoops, wheedling free ice cream out of him. And who knows, maybe telling Billy off changes the third season, maybe them being there, better people and supportive of Steve changes things, maybe the three of them can even change Billy to an extent. Maybe, Steve and Tommy and Carol and Billy hashing it all out and coming to terms with the toxicity of high school and judgemental parents and a society that believes you need to be a certain way to matter…maybe it changes things for the better.
Idk. I’ve just always wondered how things would have gone if Tommy and Carol had been exposed to the truth the first season.
And then blah blah blah, Steve and Eddie eventually fuck about it. Because I am nothing if not a Steddie truther in everything. And who knows…maybe Robin and Carol fuck about it also 😏
Hostage tag: @derythcorvinus
Co-Hostage tag for this: @katyawriteswhump
No pressure participation tag: @stervrucht (I know you’ve been tagged already but lmao I’m tagging YOU first this time anyways lmaoooo) @fkinkindagauche @steddiecameraroll @henderdads @queenie-ofthe-void
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devondespresso · 1 month
Just Let Me Come Home
T | 2850 words | Stomarol, post s2, pre-relationship | also on ao3 | cw: very minor implied child neglect
Gift for @momotonescreaming Happy very late Birthday Momo!!! STWG prompt: Home
Thank you so much to @pearynice for betaing!!
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Hawkins’ sun sets early in November.
When school starts tapering off into winter break, so does the light each day, the world getting darker until it looks like midnight at six in the afternoon and no one can see Steve riding shotgun in the police chief's car.
It’s been a hell of a week. Or, more accurately, one hellish night with consequences bleeding into the days after, until the bruising on Steve’s face starts fading into uglier muddier colors and Hopper decides he’s been waiting in the hospital long enough, telling him to start the mental list for what he’ll pack in his overnight bag.
Steve looks out the window as Hop drives, letting the cold glass ice the headache pressing against his forehead, watching the lamplit storefronts as they drive, staring out as the occasional passerby glances over the car, unseeing, before turning back to whatever they were doing before.
It’s dark. They can’t see much, and they don’t really need to. They don’t really care.
Which makes it awfully convenient that hell keeps coming to Hawkins just after dark. It brings a lot less questions that he can’t answer, about nausea and terror that he can’t explain, that he wouldn’t know how to even if he could. 
It’s convenient. Gives Steve less people to worry about, less names to remember when things go bump in the night.
Hop drives past the end of Main street, the end of paved sidewalks and streetlights. He stops at a four-way to let another car turn, then takes a left down a darker road.
House lights take the place of street lamps, windows flaunting squares of lustrous orange light in every house they pass. The distance makes the light hazier, easier on the ache behind his eyes.
The street is familiar, more than just small-town same-roads familiar. It becomes depressingly familiar as the Perkins' house appears ahead, that feeling more of an indicator than the house’s appearance right now. Light fills almost every damn window, except for Carol’s bedroom upstairs.
Her powder blue convertible is missing from the driveway, too, and its absence leaves the whole house sickeningly monochrome.
It's probably in Tommy's driveway. He could check to be sure, they’ll pass by it in a block or two.
As quick as it appeared, Carol’s house disappears again, passing behind them just like every other house on the block.
Steve closes his eyes.
Keeps them closed, until the car slows drastically but doesn't feel the turn into the driveway.
Steve opens his eyes, glances towards Hopper and finds him looking out into the dark ahead, warily. Steve follows his gaze, and his stomach turns.
There’s a powder blue convertible stalling in front of his house—roof uncharacteristically up and hiding the interior—haphazardly parked half off the road. The people in the front seat are arguing, and there’s smoke billowing out the back still like they’re ready to take off at any second.
Hop rolls closer, headlights lighting up everything. Steve leans forward to get a better look, and Tommy’s face turns around in the driver’s seat to look back at them.
Tommy’s eyes pass over Steve, unseeing, then skipping by Hop too as he just sees a cop car and panics. He gets ready to drive off, only to be stopped by Carol’s hand from the passenger’s seat. 
It's uncomfortable just looking at them. Tommy is awkwardly crammed into Carol’s front seat like he’s too big for it—maybe because he is, maybe it's still adjusted for Carol—and Carol looks like she's fighting the seatbelt that's keeping her from jumping across the dash and taking the wheel herself. 
And what’s worse, they’re sticking with it. They’re parked on the side of the road and yet neither get out to switch seats and go back to what they're used to.
Hop shifts the car into park, and Steve glances over to find Hopper already looking at him, eyebrows raised and quietly asking. 
Steve turns back to the car in front of them for a second. Carol glances back from her spot in the passenger’s seat too, then turns to her real objective of saying something to Tommy. Something Tommy, apparently, doesn’t want to hear. Has already heard several times, if the overplayed frustration is anything to go by.
Steve sighs.
“I’ve got it.” Steve mutters, and ducks down to find his keys in his bag.
Hopper doesn’t say anything and goes back to eyeing Carol's car, but when Steve sits back up he shoots him another uncertain look.
“You’ll know if I change my mind.” Steve says, and gets out of the car.
The headlights sting his eyes even from behind so Steve squints and turns his head away from them, watches his step and shoves his keys into his pockets as he walks over. A car door in front of him opens, letting the tail end of a very annoyed “Carol!” slip out before it slams shut again and the familiar clacking of boots makes its way over to him. 
Steve looks up properly and Carol stops, squinting from the headlights, staring at the bruising on his face openly, shock softening a very reassuring grimace. Steve closes the last bit of distance so he doesn't have to be loud, doesn’t make this any bigger than it has to be.
“Can this happen at literally any other time?” 
Carol stares at the worst spots of his face for another second, trying to juggle new thoughts with whatever the hell she was planning to say, but a voice from the other side of her car beats her to it.
He and Carol both look over at Tommy, standing from the driver's seat to get a better look over the hood of the car, equally taken aback, if only for a second.
Tommy jogs over—that slowed down jog to keep from looking too uncool—and stops, a little further away than Carol is, keeping a cold distance. It nicks an old nerve, one he's used to having hit, but now it’s fanning a bitter flame that he’s happy to indulge.
“What the hell happened to you?” Tommy says.
“Why do you care?”
“Steve.” Carol snaps at him.
“No, actually, what are either of you even doing here?”
“Looking for you, asshole.” Carol says, and takes barely a step forward. 
“Carol dragged me with her.” Tommy says, with that light, cocky tone he’d use in the hallways or on the court or in the locker room, where everythings a goddamn joke.
“Tommy.” Carol hisses, hitting Tommy’s arm and Tommy scowls at her.
“Well that makes this easy then.” Steve says, letting bored disdain leak out with every breath. He directs an extra bit of bitterness Tommy’s way, then turns back towards his house.
Tommy grabs his arm. Reaches out and grabs for him. 
Steve turns back and looks down at Tommy’s hand on his forearm, pointedly, then back up at Tommy. Challenging, to let Tommy know he’s doing it—reaching out and touching another boy—and waits for Tommy to let go or pretend it’s more aggressive than he meant it.
Tommy’s hand slips away and falls to the side.
“Look, man,” Tommy starts, “We heard about Wheeler–”
“Yeah, I know.” Steve says, and even though his voice wavers Steve tries to make it harsh, be cold and detached like he would be if they were in the halls right now. “You just know everything there is to know about Nancy Wheeler these days.”
Carol makes a face at him and Tommy scowls again, and it feels like so much, feels familiar and nauseating, soothing and insufferable.
“Man, I’m fucking trying, alri–”
“To do what?”
Tommy pauses, face still scowling but his eyes searching, confused.
“What are you trying to do?” Steve asks again.
Tommy looks away, shoves his hands into his jacket pocket. “Fucking talk, man, what…” Tommy smiles, shoots him a look of casual apathy, doing it on purpose now. “What does it look like I’m doin’.”
Steve tamps down a curled lip, keeping mostly neutral as he stares at Tommy. Making a show of listening even after he stopped talking, waiting for either another deflection or a real answer.
It takes Tommy a good few seconds to realize Steve isn’t planning on playing along. He connects the dots and drops the casual act, apathy hardening into irritation, and refuses to say anything.
Steve glances over to Carol, standing off to the side and mostly watching Tommy. She catches Steve’s eye, but with nothing written on her face. 
She looks at Tommy again but doesn’t try to intervene, doesn’t try to say anything.
Steve turns again quietly, away from the cars and headlights, and starts up his driveway. Gets a little ways away before Tommy does anything about it.
“Steve, fucking– hold on!” 
Steve turns before Tommy can reach him, catching him off guard, so instead of grabbing Steve’s arm Tommy gestures around with that energy, pointing to him and Carol and right at Steve’s chest.  
“We came out here because it was always the three of us, always! You, me, and Carol. And then you ran away, you keep fucking off to do your own thing like neither of us ever mattered.”
“So you came here to yell at me.” 
“I came here because you sure as hell weren’t coming back! You were getting off on ‘caring about other people’ but you don’t give two shits about us!”
Tommy lets the words hit, then loses steam with a loaded huff. He stares Steve down like Steve’s dragging the word out of him, like Steve’s the one forcing this conversation to happen.
“And you’re happier now.” 
Tommy looks sick with it, keeps channeling anger over the sickness and it’s working, he’s yelling, but Steve can’t stop seeing what’s under there. 
“But we still give a shit about you, and Carol dragged both our asses over here cause she’s the only one with enough balls to admit it.”
Tommy’s hand moves again, barely a reach that’s pulled back, a small reflex that Tommy probably doesn't notice, but Steve does, only because he’s looking for it.
A lump forms and clogs Steve’s throat—and Tommy sees it, something of it because he lets the anger melt out, smooths it down a little until–
“You tell me to fuck off and I’ll do it, but you’re going to let me fucking try first.”
–until he just looks like Tommy again.
Steve crashes forward and pulls Tommy in tight for a hug. Wraps his arms around him, ducks his face down into Tommy’s shoulder, half for himself, half as a final test, to see if Tommy would let him– let himself give as much of a shit as he used to.
Tommy jumps but grabs onto him with that reflex, wraps his arms around Steve's back and holds him just as tight, maybe tighter. Tears well up in Steve’s eyes, the treacherous kind that aren’t asking if or when they could fall, so Steve buries them in the collar of Tommy's shirt.
Tommy laughs a little, light with surprise and wonder and fucking joy, rumbling soothingly from his chest, from his throat right by Steve’s ear, and it makes Steve smile, too. Smiling so wide, even as tears fall freely and he silently chokes on his relief.
Tommy presses his face, too, into Steve’s shoulder, not quite tall enough to tuck his chin over. He presses his smile into the collar of Steve’s shirt and leans his head against Steve’s, so much softer, so much more confident, and more truly at ease than Steve’s seen him before.
Steve takes in a deep breath, slow and long so it feels like enough, and revels in the steadiness,  the warmth around him. And for the first time in a while, it’s easier to keep himself upright.
Another hand settles gently on his shoulder, light enough that it doesn’t hurt the bruises that have to be somewhere around there.
Steve pulls back, just enough to stand up straight and see Carol keeping her hand on Steve’s shoulder, looking slightly worried and only getting worse when he meets her eyes.
Steve shakes his head, wipes the wetness from his eyes, cringing when he presses against bruises, just making more tears fall.
Steve swallows hard and takes a deep breath again.
“I missed you guys, too.”
Carol moves fast, pulls him into her own tight hug immediately, squeezes a choked sob out of him instead of words. He hugs her back tightly, buries the lower half of his face in her hair, and gets a strong whiff of Farrah Fawcett hairspray.
Carol gives him one more squeeze before her grip mellows out into something gentler, decidedly gentle, and just as steady. And she stays there, face resting on his shirt, right over his heart like it's just as much for her as it is for him. His throat clogs up again, and Steve doesn't think he’s ever been happier.
After a moment or so, Carol mutters something that Steve doesn’t catch.
“What?” Tommy asks before Steve can.
Carol huffs with so much of her signature annoyance that Steve can't help but snort to himself too. She moves back but with an arm still tucked around Steve, shoots him a quick glare that doesn’t hide any of her fondness—if she was even trying to hide it—and turns to Tommy to enunciate everything at him.
“I said, it took you two long enough.”
 Tommy rolls his eyes immediately, like he’s heard something like this a million times before.
“Yeah, thanks for helping, by the way.” 
“You’re welcome.” Carol says, all over-innocent and cheery and it makes Tommy roll his eyes harder, “You two needed someone sensible around. All this emotional constipation really isn't a great look.”
Steve wrinkles his nose at the word choice while Tommy scoffs.
“Yeah, you’re real mature, like you didn’t bite Nichole Turner’s head off for finding that old swim team hoodie you won’t get rid of.”
Carol hits Tommy’s arm again, betrayed and annoyed but not trying to deny it.
“You kept that?”
Carol glances over before resolutely avoiding eye contact and shrugs, but doesn’t refute it.
“Awww Caroooool,” he says, drawing the words out comically, putting an arm around her, “You missed—” 
“It’s a sweatshirt.”
“You missed meeeee.” He sings and hugs her again, playing up the schmaltzy sweet flair.
“You two are such—” she starts, then sighs heavily before giving up, dropping her head to lean into Steve’s hug.
Steve smiles and looks back over to Tommy—to give Carol her moment to recover—and catches a soft smile on his face, too.
Tommy’s eyes flick up to meet Steve’s and he pauses like he knows he’s been caught.
“So…” Steve starts.
“Yeah.” Tommy says, landing a hand on his shoulder, casual except for how Tommy keeps it there, normal except for how it’s making Steve melt. “You gonna be alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about it. I'm gonna head inside—”
“And find a bag of peas or something,” Carol interrupts, pulling away to give Steve another look, “I mean, like, in a nice way–”
“Don’t hurt yourself.” 
“You look like you’ve been hit by a car.”
“Yeah.” he laughs.
“Did you?”
“No, no…” Steve shakes his head. “No, it’s uh… long story.”
Carol raises an eyebrow, and when Steve turns to Tommy instead he finds him also giving Steve a searching look. Steve smiles a little, enjoying the care despite the context and the subjects he has to breach at some point—god especially when it comes to school again, basketball’s about to be a fucking mess—
“I’ll tell you guys later. Promise.” He says and he means it, even if he can only throw together some half baked explanation—maybe blame a little more on Hargrove than he really needs to—he wants them around enough to know. And also, maybe selfishly, wants them around enough to know when he’s lying, to know when there’s things he won’t say.
But for now, Tommy and Carol both accept the promise for later. And Steve nods over towards the front door.
Carol takes the silent invitation immediately, heads up the dark driveway and to the front of the house with Steve and Tommy not far behind her.
Carol waits by the steps for them as they catch up and lets Steve go ahead to the door, whispering something cheeky and teasing to Tommy that catches him off guard, makes him stutter for a second before muttering something snippy back.
Steve bites back a laugh and turns to the door. He finds his keys in his pocket and picks out the house key smoothly as Tommy and Carol linger behind him, their presence and their voices calming something in him, making the gaping void behind them feel less vast, less pressing.
He clicks the lock and opens the door wide and it’s somehow darker than what they’re already standing in.
Steve wanders in blindly, and Tommy and Carol follow right behind.
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hauntedonfire · 1 year
Idk I saw an ask of @thorniest-rose's wondering how Steve would feel if he saw that so many people wanted to dom him and now I'm imagining a scenerio where Steve is voted both most handome boy and prettiest girl senior year like Hugh Dancy was at oxford and at first he thinks it's a joke and they're making fun of him, but then everyone's congratulating him and making coy little comments, shooting their shot before they graduate and he realizes they're...serious? More than half the class thinks he's prettier than any girl and now everyone knows they're not the only one, it's been agreed upon that Steve Harrington is the prettiest girl at Hawkins High and people are getting bold af.
They all look at him differently, they talk to him differently. They whisper things in his ear that make him dizzy. Sweet things at first and then dirty. He's got a date for every day of the week, sometimes two. He's getting pulled into closets and empty classrooms multiple times a day. And they all want the same thing...to tease him, to touch him, to rough him up, hold him down and make him cry from pain or pleasure, the line becoming hopelessly blurred. To tell him how pretty he is, call him princess and sweet girl while they take whatever they want from his body, so overwhelmed with it all he never lasts long...and he's never been happier.
It's not that he's never felt desired before, of course he has, but not like this, not FOR this. He feels exposed, stripped down to the bone every time and he can't believe they still want him, but they do. They even bring him flowers and gifts at school sometimes, always at school where everyone else can see. The weirdest thing is that no one gets jealous, they all seem perfectly fine with sharing him. It's like the vote has bonded them somehow. They've given eachother permission to want this and now he belongs to all of them. Even Tommy and Carol take a turn. They're extra rough with him, call him a pathetic whore and spit in his face but even they can't stay mad at him when he just melts in their hands and begs for more.
I imagine this as a sort of mass hysteria situation where all their repressed desires are uncorked all at once lol 🤭
(And then they graduate and most of them go off to college, leaving poor Stevie behind. The rest like to pretend it never happened and can barely look him in the eye...but not Eddie "the freak" Munson who never needed permission and never liked sharing. 😈)
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qprstobin · 1 year
I just know at least Steve and Carol used to steal shit for fun in middle school. They definitely stole dirty magazines from the convenience store, cigarettes at least once, make up because it was easy to hide. It was a fun little game for them especially if it was something they knew their parents wouldn't buy for them
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thorniest-rose · 10 months
Okay hear me out: imagine an AU where Carol ended up dragged into the upside-down stuff so that she and Steve could be a bitchy bestie duo
Oh my godddd I would absolutely adore that!! There would be so much Carol-Nancy rivalry because Carol would be mad at Nancy for breaking her boy's heart and then she'd notice Steve's crush on Eddie, who in her opinion looks like a wet rat, and she'd just raise her eyebrow and say "do better" 🤭
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cranberrymoons · 1 year
#also DO NOT get me started on something something steve+carol were besties first and tommy was their shared boyfriend#i am a starol mean girl frenemies-to-enemies truther
Hi, I'm definitely here to get you started on that because 👀👀👀👀
steve and carol becoming best friends in kindergarten because their moms are in a rich lady playgroup circle where they take the kids to each other's houses and let them run around and be feral while they sit on the back deck drinking wine and gossiping about the husband of whichever other rich lady didn't show up that week
they never ever fight until carol gets an easy bake oven for christmas one year and won't let steve use it because it's for GIRLS and it's not fair that he would be allowed to play with it if she's not allowed to play with his hot wheel cars (she is allowed to play with his hot wheel cars but has just never asked). this introduces a weird one-upsmanship/hostility into their friendship that continues to fester through their middle school years until they get older and start liking BOYS
at which point tommy (just moved to town at the start of high school) shoulders his way in between them after meeting steve at baseball practice. carol hates him at first because he's trying to take over their lunch table with his dumb jokes and his dumb face and his dumb stupid freckles and it's not fair that he wants to be friends with steve because steve is HER friend
and steve DOES NOT want anyone tipping the balance of his weird hostile friendship with carol any more than it already is, but he likes that tommy has clearly identified him as The Leader in the school's social hierarchy and has latched onto him because of the attention it brings
and ever since they were like... ten, steve and carol have been caught in one of those weird bantery feedback loops where they say the most out of pocket rude shit to each other and call it playful teasing, but it's actually just them being openly mean to each other and not realizing it. tommy picks up on their vibe and runs away with it, which only makes them worse
none of them have the words or social awareness to realize that they all have crushes on each other, but by the time S1 starts and tommy and carol are dating, the vibe has become so toxic between the three of them that nancy coming in and dating steve is the thing that actually upsets the balance that steve was afraid would happen when tommy moved to town, except by now he's so sick of bickering with carol and listening to tommy loudly be an asshole that he actively WANTS the balance to be upset
he starts dating nancy even though (and partially because) he knows it will blow up their friendship. "carol for once in your life, shut your damn mouth" is him finally snapping after years of sniping back and forth at each other 😭
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eriquin · 9 months
ooooh I know you already said nightswimming, but if you need to get that done, then! Snippet of nightswimming, please! 🫶
Sure thing. Did I accidentally write some Steve/Carol? Kind of, in passing.
All he got as confirmation was a little shrug from Steve. “She and Tommy broke up ages ago, man,” he said. 
“Like, a month, maybe?” Eddie said. “And they’d been dating since, what, freshman year?” 
“Seventh grade,” Steve said. “I know. I was there for most of it.”
Eddie let out a low whistle. “And you’re just moving in, huh?” 
“No, look.” Steve turned to him and took him by the shoulders. “First of all, I know it’s a rebound thing. It’s fine. It’s not a big deal.” 
They way he said it made Eddie think that he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. He nodded along. “Sure, man. It’s fine. No big deal.” 
(make me write)
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
i love this page hahaha, it's so full of amazing dungeon meshi images and conversations, AND you're Brazilian! (i am too). who is your favorite character?? :)
Thank you! Brazilian power 🤝🇧🇷
My favorite is Tio Mithrun
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anarcoqueer1994 · 6 months
Never Have I Ever (Steddie Ficlet)
The older teens—Jonathan, Argyle, Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Eddie,-- had been hanging out drinking at Steve’s house. No one can remember whose idea it was, but they ended up playing “Never Have I Ever” with who ever being the one who has done it having to take a drink. It was fun, mostly dumb ones, like “Never have I ever been out of Indiana (excluding the Upside-Down) or “Never have I ever smoked weed.” It was one of Robin’s though, that nearly gave Eddie a heart attack.
She looked around the table, smirking, half tipsy. “Never have I ever slept with a guy.” She laughed. Eddie thought nothing of it. He figured she used this one to get as many people at the table to drink as possible. Eddie wasn’t surprised when Jonathan, Argyle (they are dating now, he thinks), and Nancy take a drink with him. What nearly causes him to choke on his own beer is seeing Steve also pick up his glass and take a sip.
His shock causes him to cough up his drink, and though his reaction may have been the most dramatic, but other than Robin, everyone else looked confused too. Steve was oblivious to the looks around the table though, only drunkenly turning to Robin saying “That’s not fair, dude. You knew you would be the only one not to drink.” He playfully complains. 
Eddie clears his throat, being the one to ask the question everyone was wondering. “Harrington, you slept with a guy?”
Steve looks around, first confused with the reaction, slowly realizing that everyone was looking at him. They weren’t judgmental, of course, just surprised. He looks awkwardly at Robin who just shrugs her shoulders, before he says. “Oops I guess I forgot to tell you guys. Kind of figured you all knew since we are all…you know…queer. “
Robin laughs at the absurdness of his statement. “Aww Steve, they thought you were our token straight.” She sticks out her tongue.
Eddie doesn’t know why but he kind of feels…jealous. When he thought Steve was straight, it was easy for him to just accept that Steve in unattainable, that he doesn’t like guys. But knowing he does…changes things. Steve was into dudes, and he is a dude. But now he feels like Steve is unattainable in a new way…he is out of his league. Steve can’t want Eddie, no matter how big of a stupid crush he has on him. That hurt more. He can’t explain why he said what he said next, maybe he is a masochist. But his mouth works faster than his brain. “Who?”
“What?” Steve scrunches his eyebrows together in confusion, a strand of hair falling across his forehead. Eddie hates that this makes him more attractive.
He wishes he could pull the word back in, he wishes it would have stayed trapped against his teeth, but it didn’t so he has to go with it. “Um…I mean who was the lucky guy that slept with King Steve?” He tries play it off as a joke, like he’s teasing but honestly part of him wants to know what Steve’s type is.
“Oh, um a few guys, I guess. The first one was Tommy. Before Nance and I dated, I used to hook up with Tommy and Carol sometimes. Most of the time it was the three of us, but I have been with both of them separately.” Steve goes red, realizing all the attention is on him now.
“You were like a …throuple with Tommy and Carol?” Nancy asks in disbelief.
“No, nothing like that!  What we did was just for fun. Those two were their own thing. “ He put his increasingly flushed face in his hands before continuing. “Let’s…uh move on from this embarrassing can of worms Robin has opened.
Everyone nods, but Eddie’s big mouth strikes again. “You said there was a few…”
“Eds, you really wanna know all the guys I slept with?” Steve raises his eyebrow, embarrassment going to amusement. He shoots Eddie a smirk before adding. “Why? You wanna be on that list?” He winks.
Shit. Eddie was too pushy. He doesn’t need to know. His face turns red. “Uh no. I’m sorry, I’m just being nosy. I’m sorry.” He repeats without his usual confidence. He continues to ramble apologies.
“Eddie…” Steve interrupts. “I’m just messing with you, man. It’s fine. I don’t have secrets with you guys. There were a few random hooks ups from the gay bar Robin, and I go to in Indianapolis, and um my senior year, I hooked up with one of the guys one the swim team. See no big secrets.” He laughs.
The tension Eddie was feeling dissipates with the sound of Steve’s laugh. Steve doesn’t care…Eddie is reading too much into this. “No big secrets.” He parrots back. And with that, they were back to the game, no one bringing up Steve’s “come out,” No mention of Eddie’s weird reaction, nothing that should make him nervous. But part of him swears he notices Steve staring him down more as the night goes on.
They end up all watching a movie, everyone passing out in the living room, half tipsy, and just feeling safe. Robin and Nancy are cuddled together on the couch while Jonathan and Argyle are tangled together on the love seat. Eddie had been on the chair and Steve was on the third cushion of the couch. They had been the only two still awake, neither very comfortable where they are. When the movie comes to an end, Steve whispers, “Eds…come on man. Let’s go upstairs.”
“up..stairs?” Eddie stutters out like some pathetic 13-year-old kid with a first crush. But he couldn’t help it. Was Steve asking his to go to bed with him? Maybe he wasn’t crazy. Maybe Steve was flirting with him earlier. Maybe he was staring.  
Eddie watches as Steve stands up, walks closer and holds out his hand, Eddie instinctively responds, taking the other man’s hand, letting him pull him up. “Yea, upstairs. That chair is not comfortable.”
“No, its not.” Eddie agrees as they head for the steps, still hand in hand. When they get to the top of the stairs though, Steve lets go. He starts leading Eddie to the opposite end of the hallway from his bedroom. When they stop in front of the door at the end, Eddie understands. He feels his heart drop as Steve opens the door to the guest room. “Finally have an excuse to use this thing.” He softly laughs, before turning away, saying over his shoulder “Night, Eds. Let me know if you need anything.”
All Eddie can do is nod lamely, as he steps into his room for the night. He closes the door before collapsing on the bed. His brain is on an emotional roller coaster. He feels stupid thinking that Steve Harrington, queer or not, would be into him. Before he can spiral into self-deprivation, he is pulled back to reality by a knock on the door.
When he opens it, there is Steve Harrington, now clad only in the tiny red shorts he sleeps in. It takes every thing in him to keep his brain from short circuiting. “Steve? What’s up?” He hopes he sounds casual.
“Eddie, why did you react that way earlier when you found out I like guys?” Steve cuts to the chase.
“I..I told you man, just surprised.” He tells a half lie.
“I know, I know. You said that but why did you want to know who?” Steve continues, gears obvious turning in his, trying make the connections he thinks he sees.
“I don’t know.” Eddie looks down at his own feet. Looking at Steve feels dangerous right now, Like Steve could see right through him.”
“Eds? You don’t know?” Steve asks skeptically.
“Yea I don’t know. I just asked. Making conversation, man” Eddie deflects, still looking down.
“I don’t believe you.” Steve says back plainly. Eddie was about to protest, insist Steve was wrong. But before he can, he feels a gentle hand under his chin, pushing his head upwards, so Steve can meet his eyes. He’s frozen as Steve smirks whispering, “I think you wanted to be on that list too.”
Eddie can feel his cheeks going red. Without thinking he replies, “I want to be the end of that list.” As soon as the words leave him mouth, he wishes he could pull them back in. “Oh god, I am so sorry. I don’t expect you to just settle with me or anything. I’m sure you have better.’
“No Eddie. I wouldn’t be settling.” He lets out a sign. “ I should have phrased this better. Eddie, I want you. And not just for sex. Like don’t get me wrong, that’s part of it. You’re so fucking hot. But you are so funny and smart and dorky and such a good friend. I’ve been into you for so long. So um, what do you think?” All confidence and charismatic attitude is gone.
“You like me?” Eddie sputters out.
“Oh my god! Yes, Eds. I do. I like you. Honestly, I think I love you and I don’t know how else to spell it out to you. I just don’t get it, Eds? What more…” Steve is cut off by the soft lips pressed again his. It takes him a moment to realize Eddie is kissing him but when he does, he finds himself kissing back. His hands tangle in Eddie’s hair while Eddie wraps his arms around Steve’s waist.
When they finally pull apart, Eddie asks “So you wanna add me to that list?
“Yea, I do. Eventually. But for tonight I just want to cuddle with me…boyfriend?” He asks, worried he jumped the gun.
“Yea…I want to cuddle with my boyfriend, too.” He smiles, pulling Steve into the guestroom, closing the door behind them.
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the-widow-sisters · 3 months
Could you do Nat and Kate with the prompt “That’s the worst reason I’ve ever heard to kiss somebody.”? 😊
A/N: Thank you so, so much for this request!!! I know I've been terribly behind on requests, but I'm trying to catch back up with them 💖 I've recently gotten a little inspiration to write, so I'm trying to run with it 😂
I hope y'all enjoy! 💗
Word Count: 1.4k+
   “That’s the worst reason I’ve ever heard to kiss somebody,” Kate raised her eyebrows, unable to help a slight chuckle, and Natasha shrugged.
   “At the time, it was a very good reason,” Natasha pointed out, looking out over the parking lot as she eyed the people passing by.
   Currently, Natasha and Kate were sitting in the car as they waited for Yelena and Carol to come back in from the store. Yelena had not originally aimed to go because Carol was the only one getting something from this place since she had wanted new shoes, but after she had picked on Yelena relentlessly before leaving to go inside, she had finally convinced her little buddy to come with her.
   So now Natasha and Kate were sitting there passing the time talking and people-watching. Kate had asked Natasha to tell her a story about times gone by, and Natasha thought of a good one about her and Steve when they had been working together when HYDRA had taken over S.H.I.E.L.D.
   “Well, I mean, yeah, I guess it makes sense logically with the whole undercover aspect, but like… kissing your friend to make enemies uncomfortable and keep them from looking at you,” Kate shook her head, rubbing her face, and Natasha could not help a slight smirk.
   “And this is Steve Rogers? Like Captain America?” Kate checked, and Natasha nodded.
   “Yeah… He was so flustered,” Natasha reminisced, unable to help a laugh as she thought of how he had reacted on that escalator when she had pulled that move.
   “Was it his first kiss?” Kate questioned curiously, raising an eyebrow as she leaned forward a little. Natasha huffed.
   “I think it was pretty close to his first,” Natasha grinned widely, and Kate shook her head, still completely surprised.
   “Wow… Did you have feelings for him?” Kate asked curiously, and Natasha shook her head instantly, her smile softening just a little as she answered Kate.
   “Not at all. He’s like a brother to me,” Natasha confessed, and Kate nodded slowly, taking it all in.
   “Oh… Did he have feelings for you?” Kate asked, her eyes on Natasha as she waited with bated breath for her next answer.
   “Not as far as I know,” Natasha stated.
   “But you don’t know,” Kate clarified, finding herself far too invested in this story considering the fact that she had never really considered Steve and Natasha in this sort of light before. While they definitely had no romantic feelings for one another at this point in their lives with Steve happily in a relationship with Carol, Kate still could not help but wonder about the past now.
   “Well, I can’t know for sure because I still haven’t quite developed the ability to read minds,” Natasha joked, her voice warm as her eyes practically glowed with a soft mirth and affection from where she was sitting in the driver’s seat.
   “But we were never together if that’s what you were wondering. I love him, but I’ve never felt that way about him,” Natasha explained, her head leaning back against the seat where she had reclined it. Her feet were resting up on the dash around the steering wheel whereas Kate kept her feet in the floorboard.
   While Natasha was not overly fond of her car Phil and did not really care too much about what happened to him, Kate did not want to get dirt anywhere except for the floorboard. She respected Natasha too much for that.
   “You got any other stories about kisses gone wrong?”
   “That one didn’t go wrong because we technically got away, but yeah. I do have some other ones,” Natasha told her, a fond smirk on her face as she glanced over at Kate. Kate watched her, waiting patiently for the next tale that the redhead would offer her.
   “Well... One time on one of the few SHIELD missions that I was not with Clint, I had to pretend this guy I was assigned to was my grandpa. But it quickly turned into another one of those moments where we had to make people uncomfortable to keep them from realizing who I was, so—”
   “Tasha, no!” Kate cried.
   “I had to kiss him,” Natasha finished her sentence, and Kate let out a deep, horrified groan. Natasha chuckled.
   “Thankfully, we weren’t in the company of the people that we already told the grandpa-granddaughter story to, so it was mostly weird because it was a really old guy and someone a lot younger than him,” Natasha told it as if it were no big deal at all.
   Granted, Kate had daddy issues and liked guys that were a lot older than her a lot of times, but she did not have grandaddy issues.
   “My gosh, Tasha,” Kate groaned, covering her face as she was somewhere between being horrified and laughing at how that must have looked.
   “If it makes you feel any better, it was actually an agent about my age. He was just wearing one of the masks that we sometimes use to hide identities undercover,” Natasha informed her.
   “Why weren’t you wearing one? You said you were worried about being recognized,” Kate questioned, feeling a little better after hearing Natasha’s explanation.
   Natasha laughed softly, and Kate looked at her with growing curiosity. Natasha grinned at her mischievously, such fondness and warm teasing in her gaze that it took Kate aback a little. Kate had seen Natasha gentle and open like this, but it nevertheless was always a little surprising to see. However, it always made her feel like she was among Natasha’s very few most special people.
   “Because sometimes I like to live life on the wild side,” she admitted, and Kate huffed as she shook her head.
   Natasha reached out, squeezing the back of Kate’s neck lovingly with a laugh before running her hand down to rest on Kate’s shoulder.
   “And people always scold me for impulsiveness.”
   “You’re just a baby, Kate,” Natasha told her, no hint of any unkindness in her words. “You’re not quite ready to play Russian roulette.”
   Kate turned her head to rest her chin on Natasha’s hand where she had it on her shoulder, and she smiled at her in spite of the fact that Natasha had basically told her that she was not ready.
   It was such a rare and special thing for her and Natasha to have time together to themselves, and she always treasured it so deeply. Just judging by Natasha’s eyes, she could tell she enjoyed it a great deal as well.
   “I’m an official Avenger now,” Kate argued, and she knew that her argument was not a strong one simply based on her tone alone. Natasha shook her head.
   “Yeah, but I love you, angel. I’m not risking you, because I don’t know what I’d do with myself if anything happened to you,” Natasha expressed gently. Kate reached her hand up, shifting her chin so that it was out of the way in order to allow her own hand to touch Natasha’s.
   “I’d be fine.”
   “I know. You’re my brave girl. But I just can’t risk you,” Natasha informed her, and Kate just huffed a little.
   However, before Kate could say anything else, Kate’s door suddenly opened.
   “Get out of my seat, Little Bishop,” Yelena grumbled, and Kate could hear Carol laughing as she started to get into the back.
   “Okay, okay,” Kate got out as she let Yelena get into the front seat. When Kate slid into the back, she looked over at Carol who currently had her head thrown back as she laughed heartily.
   “What happened?” Natasha asked finally, a certain fond exasperation in her voice as she addressed Yelena.
   “I don’t want to talk about it,” Yelena grunted, and Carol sobered just enough to try to tell Natasha in-between laughs.
   “She took her shoes off and there was this guy in there, and—”
   “Don’t you dare!!!”
   “He asked her how much for foot pics,” Carol finished, starting to cackle anew.
   “I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY IT!!!” Yelena practically screeched, and Kate winced a little as she looked at Yelena’s face where she had turned around in her seat to glare at Carol.
   Natasha groaned deeply, and Kate shook her head, trying to stay out of it as Yelena started smacking Carol’s knee. She then looked up at the rearview mirror, seeing Natasha looking at her fondly. Kate offered her a huff and a shrug as she smiled.
   At least they had a moment of peace to talk.
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thestobingirlie · 7 months
Got any pre-season 1 stomarol hcs to share?
steve and carol were each others first kiss. they were still pretty young, like pre-teens, and they figured… why not.
tommy and carol were very hot and cold, and during one break up steve and carol came very close to fucking. tommy called and apologised before they did, and starol both decided to never tell tommy.
as i’ve said many a time before, starol were friends first. when steve first moved to hawkins at like 7, they became besties. steve used to get mocked for only having friends that were girls.
in middle school, tommy and carol started dating, steve got his braces off, had his growth spurt, and they started getting popular.
the very first time they got drunk, stommy kissed. just a little kiss. they never spoke about it again, and they’re not even sure the other remembers it.
steve and carol are depressed drunks once they’ve reached a certain threshold, and if you can’t find them inside, they’ve probably climbed out the window and up onto the roof. they’ll just sit there in silence, hanging out and watching the stars.
the last birthday steve celebrated with them, tommy wanted to try baking the cake that year. they have no idea what he did to it, but it was like a lump of concrete. it lasted months as the three of them took turns just… throwing it at walls and shit lmao.
i don’t think steve’s parents liked carol and tommy that much, but not because of any actual complaints, they’re just miserable lmao.
stomarol were baby dorks. very into star trek. when the reached middle school, tommy’s older brother told them it was time to grow up, or they’d be losers in high school.
speaking of. tommy has one older brother, he’s like a good 5/6 years older. he was the one that gave stomarol their first beers and cigs. single mother mrs hagan would ask her oldest son to babysit tommy a lot, but most of the time he just… didn’t lol, and left stomarol to do whatever they wanted.
carol has two younger brothers, and an older half sister who was already away and in college not long after starol first met.
when they were younger, stomarol loved the fact that they never really had anyone keeping an eye on them, that the adults around them pretty much let them do whatever they wanted.
a big part of what drove the animosity towards nancy is that steve had never cared about a girlfriend more than he cared about tommy and carol before, and when nancy stepped into the picture, they felt like their friendship was splintering. essentially, they were jealous. and despite not wanting to, they basically drove steve into nancy’s arms.
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evajacks · 2 years
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art by @staroling on instagram
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lemedy · 1 year
hello, LONG time follower of u.. i keep seeing that you're currently in project management hell, and just wondering what your job is! are you working on a tv show?? best of luck with your managing
I'm so sorry, I'm laughing because this is going to be such a disappointing answer but no, I'm in project management in local government.
It's mostly me sending passive-aggressive emails and hissing "can the IT department just bloody talk to the Accounts department", and watching initatives die in the void because everything in government moves so very, very slow.
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hollowinmyheart · 1 year
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It's jacks actually
The sketch belongs to insta account @staroling
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