mors-hades · 2 months
I went to Amandla Stenberg’s instagram account to check for any updates about The Acolyte and I noticed the comments under her posts and I’m honestly disgusted. This woman has received so much hate from the so called Star Wars fans like they literally won’t leave her alone ???????? just because they didn’t like the show ????????? they’re truly pathetic cringe ass losers.
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(please read this and don't answer with a post, I couldn't message you sorry!)
Okay um so sorry for sending this to you but could you either delete or say something about the ask I sent? im so sorry for asking you this but people are sending me asks/ message that's disturbing. Im very sorry for coming to you about this, I had sent an ask saying "can i have a dog pic that makes me go hmm? of course without cats I despise cats😁" and people didn't take that so well. Of course if you can't that's fine just wanted to ask
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You fukcers stop harassing OP for making a joke about not wanting cat pictures.
Are you serious? Can't you understand jokes?
Stop it or I'm coming there!
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herejusttosufferalong · 3 months
Alrighty everyone...
Just wanted to make a post regarding the events of the day before I start diving into answering asks/DMs.
I have seen the pic and it is my belief that it is Luke. You can clearly tell that is his phone even though many are reporting it to be an Android. The phone case matches the one he had throughout many pics on the press tour.
Yes, his face looks puffier, the ear does seem off and his hair is does not look curly in the pic.
HOWEVER, it is very pixelated and grainy so things are bound to look a little distorted but I'm 99.9% sure that is him in the photo.
The girl next to L could be A and I'm inclined to believe that it is just from a rational standpoint.
From what you can see the body type and height is a close match to A. Although the hair is way too long and her forehead does not quite match up. Make of that what you will.
I will also note that although L looks like he is on the 3rd day of a seven day binge, he does look happy and I love that for him.
Hopeful for good things to come 💜
On to why I'm fucking pissed....
Who the fuck is harassing Jack Murphy????
This man owes the fans fuck all and yet he provides content regularly.
The amount of childish and abusive behavior I have witnessed over the past 3 years within the fandom aimed at the actors, crew and production team is so vile and grotesque.
I am so ashamed and that doesn't even begin to really cover it.
This shit has got to stop and if y'all are seeing it take place, call it out and put an end to it.
At the end of the day this is a piece of media art that we get to enjoy and consume off the hard work of others. You are entitled to nothing from them and they do not work and create just to please you.
If you have a problem with that shut the fuck up and move on and know you will not be missed.
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sarathrwizard · 2 months
I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry!
I know I have done wrong, and I'm sorry I caused A lot of trouble.
But this is harassment! Not once did I curse anyone! Yet you curse me with your tongue. Also you've shamed someone elses art! They did nothing wrong!
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I do intend to better myself. I apologize for making people feel like they didn't deserve love. I'm sorry I drew A disgusting picture of April out of spite and anger. I'm sorry I decided to even say a word. But know this. You should never use these shameful curse words, even against someone you hate! Honestly, you don't paint A pretty picture of yourself by using them so thoughtlessly.
And for the suicide? It almost happened. And it almost happened again, because of your disgusting language! You won't except it, but I forgive you. Now I kindly ask you to 'wash your mouth out with soap.'
In all honesty, I was rude. I have said many things without a kind heart. And I am truly sorry for the heartless tone I have admitted in recent past.
(P.s please, anyone who chooses to be with me, do not go after this user with hate speech.)
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stup1d-k1llj0y · 6 months
Boost this cause I got barked at, chased, recorded, screamed at, mocked, stared at, and overall harassed on one 30 minute period.
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pepsi-al · 10 days
This is unhinged.
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Like, seriously. Didn't the guy who wrote this wall of text have anything better to do? Like, is he going around looking for every post that even remotely compares Game Serena with her AniPoké counterpart, thinking that they're saying that Game Serena is better than AniPoké Serena? (I mean, Game Serena is indeed better than AniPoké Serena. But I'm digressing here.) Between this and the recent shipping poll on Ranker, can AniPoké Serena fans just ONCE not make themselves look like no-lifers? Please?!
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matchalilly · 1 year
So if anyone hasn't noticed the chaos going on within the Resident Evil community currently can we get a Lily Gao Ada appreciation reblog going on.
Lily Gao has been harassed to the point of setting her social media profiles to private and its honestly disgusting to see this behavior from fellow RE players within the Fandom.
This type of behavior is not okay and that also goes for anyone that decided sexually harassing Leon's voice actor was an A OK thing to do.
This toxic behavior needs to stop the VA's are human and do not deserve being treated so horrendously by people.
Please reblog this with your favorite clips or art of Ada and Leon and go show Lily Gao some support and positivity.
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lovelygwyneth · 6 months
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unfortunately this is not the first time that e/riels have harassed or disrespected artists/writers/influencers simply for liking Gwyn or Gwynriel as you can see:
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singlecardiophile77 · 5 months
I wanna say I been in this community for a long ass time about 15 years ive been loving it alot until now there needs to be a change theres needs to be something done about this this community has way to many neckbeards creeps pedos that despratley ruin it for us all people who doxx or go way to far with this shit its time for a change we need to figure out a way to stop this before it get worse and more creators leave the community we need to band together to put an end to all of this nonsense so I ask you all whos with me
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isaac-blooms · 26 days
Stop using Pro-shipper/Map.
I'm serious, stop it. I've been seeing this more and more where people will call random ass people with different opinions from them "Pro-shippers" or "MAPs (Minor Attracted Person) as a fill in for Pedophile or Pedophilia. I've been seeing this happen also with Self Harm or Suicide too. People using substitute terms like "Unalive, Minecraft, Roblox death sound, etc. And I've been seeing this happen with anything that makes people uncomfortable (Think Grape replacing Rape.) And really... I hate it. I can't take people serious because of this. Pro-shipper is defined as "(fandom slang) One who supports a ship or shipping deemed problematic (e.g., due to incest, age differences, abusive dynamics, etc.), and/or believes in the freedom to create and consume fanworks with such elements." This is too broad. Anything can be deemed as "Problematic." another word I've grown to fucking hate. I like dark, horrible content. Like I said it call comes back to how this work effects you. If you look at The Coffin of Andy and Laylay as only "Incest" you have completely missed the point of the commentary in the game and you were the only one thinking of Incest (which makes you the weirdo. lol) Hell- Johnny the Homicidal Manic is problematic. it has abuse in it and murder! even extreme amounts of tourture. Fuck- there's even besteality and sexual abuse in it- Does that make Jhonen Vasquez a bad "problematic person"? No.
Muffins in Problematic Alfred Alpher is Problematic The Book of Bill is Problematic My Pride is Problematic- Everything. Is. Problematic. If you don't like something or someone, people will now call you "a Pro-shipper" and I think we should stop people from using it as a way to mock or berate people online over what were like/watch online. Because Proshipper isn't the problem. People who fucking harm Children, Animals, and other people are the real fucking problem. Not if someone ships privately to themselves and isn't hurting anyone. Agree to disagree, this is just fucking stupid. If you have proof of someone praying on children- Show it to the authorities. Proof of animals being harmed- Show it to the authorities. Fuck- just a person harming there partner- please just show it to people who can help. I'm sorry I'm not just going to listen to a video where no proof is show and people are berating a mentally handicapped adult for almost 2 hours. Bleh-
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squiot · 3 months
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REALLY don’t harass someone just cuz they draw the characters u ship doesn’t mean they ship it and don’t go off harassing them to the point they STATED many times
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butt3rdite · 1 month
Stop harassing people for not shipping the most popular ship
Especially in the ppg fandom
Even thought I do ship the ppgxrrb (mainly butch and buttercup) I’m not going to harass others for not liking the ship
keep the same energy with minorxadult and incest ships in the fandom
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk have a nice day.
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ms-cartoon · 1 year
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Usually, I wouldn’t post about this kinda thing... I’m not even sure this is fully necessary to be posted. I don’t wanna make it seem like I’m trying to grab attention or pity or anything like that just so someone could feel bad for me. No, that’s not the point of this post. But its mostly to show how sensitive and toxic fans could get about a youtube show that’s not even that good. 
I’m sorry to all the Vivzipop stans, but whether it’s a fact or opinion of mine, Helluva Boss is NOT the greatest thing on earth people. And it’s not just because of the writing or the characters. It’s just not that good. This web series is not pitch-perfect! It should not be that great to where you should feel the need to go after people who don’t like it.
If you love this show to death to the point where you would call it your most favorite series, then fine. It’s whatever. LOVE the show. I really don’t care. I’m not gonna judge someone for liking something I don’t like. I’m not THAT immature! I’m not gonna make a comment on someone’s post, calling anyone stupid or crazy for shipping Stolitz or saying Stolas or Blitzo are well-written characters or that Stolas makes a great father. I don’t even bother to make a comment on a post about people not liking critiques about HB/HH, saying something like, “Those haters don’t know what they’re talking about!” “What is wrong with these critiques??” “This is a bad take!” Mostly because I would just be wasting my breath.
So with that being said, why make those same comments on a simple critical post!!??
So I made a post about the recent gif of the new and upcoming episode of Helluva Boss. It’s shown with Striker capturing Stolas and they make a ride somewhere on a horse (which is a complete waste of time. Your main objective is to kill him. Just shoot the frikin bird!) And I was mainly ranting about how it didn’t make sense that Stolas was getting captured. I was saying that despite being tied up he could’ve used his abilities and turned Striker into a stone like he did with an imp in episode 2 of season 1, or not even just that, just any of his powers. Though I did make a fair statement saying that whatever was tied around him could be some sort of special angelic rope that could be keeping him from using his powers. All while also pointing out that he is still free to move his legs cuz they don’t appear to be tied together. And his hand is free; he’s on the phone with Blitzo. I also opinionated that this might be another Stolitzo-centric episode and I was not going to like it. And THAT was when the hate comments came my way (No kidding, honestly)
One of them didn’t even seem like it was harassment, but it still annoyed me how they said I was just whining and complaining. They said, “Duh! Blitzo and Stolas are the main couple!” and “If you don’t like it, then don’t watch!” “What’s the problem with it?”
You wanna know why that’s a problem?
Okay. First off... Stolas and Blitzo are NOT EVEN A COUPLE! I don’t know where the crew is going with these two, but they’re not even official yet. Plus, there is no point continuing with the Stolitz-centric BS if it’s going to take long for them to become a thing. And how can they be?? How would it even make sense? I highly doubt Stolas would even make a good boyfriend. Stolas being the horny perverted dick-for-brains that he is does nothing but flirt with Blitzo and makes inappropriate remarks at him to the point where they have to censor his words. All he ever did was make Blitzo uncomfortable, and he knew that!! 
Not to mention he forced Blitzo into an agreement to have sex with him each month in exchange for a book which is totally pointless now! Especially when there’s this thing called asmodean crystals, where you could use them to go to the living world anytime you want!! And at that moment, he saw through one of the bath bubbles that Blitzo was in the middle of a dangerous predicament and STILL decided to call him at the worst time just to make this deal. Since it was in the heat of the moment, Blitzo felt he had to agree with him just so he could end the conversation and get back to finishing his job while staying alive. That just goes to show me that Stolas was using this to his advantage to make Blitzo agree with him since he saw what was going on and decided to call him while his life was on the line. He totally knew what he was doing!! And since being caught by humans is SUCH a bad thing and would cost your reputation, why risk that kind of possibility with no ounce of concern for your “boyfriend’s” safety?
And instead of seeing Blitzo as a person with FEELINGS, why does Stolas call him his, “Impish Little Plaything”? He’s practically telling Blitzo, “I OWN YOU!” He was literally taking advantage of him and manipulating him!!! And if he loves Blitzo oh so much, why does Stolas still feel so entitled while looking down on the imp race! He’s not even as nice to Moxxie or Millie. And he even abused his butler!!
And then there was that time on their date when Asmodeus was calling him out on having an affair with Blitzo and had the absolute NERVE to try and hide his face!! Why was he suddenly embarrassed about that anyway? This was NOT the first time where he was seen in public with him. He was fully obligated to show himself at the door with Blitzo in front of that guard that wouldn’t let him in. He even flirted with Blitzo in front of everybody at that Harvest Moon Festival!! And now, all of a sudden, he’s embarrassed to be seen with? And he had the AUDACITY to invite Blitzo into his home to cuddle with him!!! 
It’s not like Blitzo is innocent in this either. He also manipulated Stolas just to get what he wanted. Not once, but twice. He tricked Stolas into stealing all of his father’s belongings when they were kids. Tricked him ONCE AGAIN when they grew up, seducing him as a way to distract him while stealing his grimoire. Blitzo didn’t even care about him. He probably didn’t even want to see him after all those years! He was just there to take the book and LEAVE!! And he only went along with having sex with him out of pity.
How can we even call these two a couple, yet Blitzo was so quick to let Sharkboy bang him in his room! And why did we hear Stolas call Striker “sexy” while on the phone with Blitzo in one of the leaks???
Yeah... main couple my ass....
These commenters go on to say something like, “You’re not critiquing! All you’re doing is complaining! You’re just being a hater!!” 
Now, let me explain the difference between criticism and hate:
Criticism - the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work.
Criticism can be positive or negative. I mostly give negative criticism while also showing some irritation and annoyance about whatever I’m talking about. I’m pretty sure that’s mostly where they think I’m just complaining or hating on it.
 Okay, so I like to express my feelings... so what??? EVERYONE does it when they give a critical analysis. And I’ll admit, I do hate the show. I definitely don’t feel for it like I did when the pilot first came out. But at least I actually have A REASON for hating it. More than a few reasons in fact. 
Speaking of hate -
Hate - the feeling of intense or passionate dislike for someone or something.
People always say that hate is a strong word, and I can agree. But the difference is that when you hate something, there is no reason or logic. When you hate something, you don’t care at all about wanting that something to improve or get better than how it is. It doesn't matter, because you just hate it that much! All there is is mockery and disrespect. And when you express hate, you’re attacking someone or harassing them with your harsh words.
And me hating something is different, cuz at least I’m actually expressing the reason why I don’t like it. And I’m not trying to harass ANYONE!! I’m just saying what I think is wrong, why I think it’s wrong, and that I don’t like it! And I actually WANT HB to get better.
Some may think I’m complaining about something when really all I’m doing is stating a fact or opinion.
"the writers will come up with a stupid bad reason” is not a good critique, it's just complaining.
Well sh*t, am I lying??? Man cheats on his wife, and we all know cheating is wrong, no matter why he did it. Oh, but wait- turns out she’s very abusive toward him and doesn’t love him at all! So now, it’s suddenly okay that he cheats. And despite hating him, she still decides to stick around and not divorce him just because she likes to torment him. Why does she like to torment him? Who knows! She’s just evil by nature as it turns out! Man could divorce said wife himself, but only sticks around for the sake of his daughter so she could live a normal life even though he and his wife already constantly fight in front of her. Can’t ignore the fact that he flirts with someone in front of her and continues his affair with that someone despite how she felt about it.... and he just wants her to be happy....
Yeah... definitely makes total sense.
Then they say this, “Maybe Stolas isn’t escaping because it’s a comedy show, DUH!! Things aren’t supposed to make sense. Sometimes things happen and you have to go along with it.”
No...No, sweetheart. That’s not how things work. Besides, for a comedy show that’s not supposed to make sense and be taken seriously, they really try their hardest to tackle some serious moments that are supposed to be soo emotional. And with the way THEY’RE doing it, it’s not very easy for me to just go along with it. There are some things I just can’t ignore and I’m going to feel annoyed by them. I’m sorry (I’m really not)
And as for, “If you don’t like it, then don’t watch it!”
Let me tell y’all somethin’.... If I wanna criticize and post about shows that I think need criticism, then I’m gonna continue to watch the show. If I wanna put anti-tags on posts, then will do that. And if I wanna watch something simply to laugh and make fun of it, then I will. If YOU don’t like that, then that’s on you. Just know that all you’re doing is wasting time typing your butthurt comments about me “complaining” about something knowing damn well I’m going to continue making criticism regardless of how you feel when you can simply just ignore me. Better yet, just BLOCK ME so you won’t have to see me complain about your precious favorite show ever again. I don’t understand what’s so hard about that. It won’t take but a couple of clicks of a button. 
And lastly, one of these comments go on to harass me, calling me pathetic and mentioning this, “How could you hate on something, make art of it and sell it?? You can’t even come up with anything creative on your own! How pathetic!” And it is a VERY stupid reason to come at me over a criticism post. I don’t like HB, there are a lot of people who don’t like HB, but lots of other folks do. So I make art of it and I sell it. And it’s not like I’m intentionally stealing anything. I know I’m drawing the same art style, but I’m creating my own designs of my OCs. I’m not the only person who does this, mind you! I’ve seen plenty of artists do this on Twitter and Deviantart. So what this person is trying to point out here is completely irrelevant!
I may have replied back and said, “There are other people who do this kinda thing. So go and harass them! Go back and forth on their post!” I really didn’t wanna recommend they do this to other people, so I apologize on behalf of the people who sell art with this style or criticize this show for saying that. I was mostly just telling them what’s the point of coming at me for this reason when other people do it too. Like I said, all they’re doing is wasting their time knowing we are never going to hear them out.
So yeah, I just wanted to put this out there. These guys really irritated me. Looks like I joined the club, being harassed by toxic fans. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered replying to them and going back and forth with them. These guys were probably twelve years old. There’s no point in me arguing with children, cuz they never admit when they’re wrong. But if I feel that someone sh*t-talking me, then I won’t let it slide!!
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love-kurdt · 5 months
just a little announcement for fanfic readers who aren’t writers
(not all of you!! most of you are wonderful!! this is just specifically meant for those who repeatedly ask me about updates and shit even after i’ve explained why i haven’t updated in x amount of days)
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ok hi i’m breaking my silence. call me offensive, cancel me, whatever you want to do. but i’ve had enough. sometimes some of y’all make me want to quit writing altogether. specifically those of y’all who are solely readers who don’t write. because i don’t think y’all fully comprehend what it’s like to be a writer, let alone understand the creative process and all it entails.
writing is a tricky thing. because i could sit in front of my computer with all the motivation to write and with nothing else on my plate and come out of a writing session with absolutely nothing. it’s so frustrating. i’ve pulled my hair out trying to wrack my brain for a mere sentence. on the other hand, i could spend a short amount of time writing and get a shit ton of work done. it all happens by chance.
all creators are different. some are able to work at lightning speed and not care about the quality as much. there are some who work super slowly because they care too much about the quality and not about the time constraints. and there are a bunch of people who are scattered in the middle of these two extremes. inspiration also plays a huge role in writing. it can be found in many places, and sometimes, it can’t be found at all. i can read book after book, watch stranger things 10 times in a month, spend time outside, talking with friends, and still draw a blank when writing.
y’all don’t understand the amount of work that goes into writing. authors spend hours. days. months. on stuff that you’ll consume in five minutes. and then you demand more. people have been sending in comments, dms, and asks about when i’m going to update my stories, youtube channel, etc., and telling me things like “omg this is taking forever” and “why did you stop.” i didn’t stop. i just have a life. giving y’all the “writing takes time” spiel doesn’t seem to make any difference at all. you guys just don’t care. all you want is content.
last year was one of the worst years of my life, and i churned out “this is me trying” as therapy. i hadn’t even planned any sequels back then. i just wrote what i had in my head and hoped for the best. i shouldn’t have even mentioned the possibility of sequels at all, because that just set me up for all this bullshit. this week, i just finished my last final exams of my life. i’m graduating from college next saturday, which i attended while working full time for all 4 years, and writing music and fanfic on the side. and i’m fucking tired.
long story short,
if you feel called out by this post, then you’re part of the problem. be more considerate.
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military-newsboys · 2 months
why are you putting buddie shipping posts in the tommy kinard tag man. like literally what is the point of that in a fandom where everyone is making each other mad all the time already
I mass tag because my queue has over 500 jokes in it. I apologize if I upset anyone but please try and understand that creators don't have all the time in the world and that tagging takes a lot of time.
I will try to go over the tags in the 911 fandom, but I also ask you to show kindness to creators on this app and in general. Incorrect quotes are one of the easiest things to create within a fandom, but it does not mean it takes no effort at all. You are under no obligation to read or consume any sort of content within any fandom.
The block button is always an option, and harassing creators of any sorts is really not the best thing to do.
Have a good day.
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dystxpiansims · 11 months
It's that time again!! I lost all patience and I will make as many posts as I can as long as she continues doing and spewing BS! :)
Yes, it's about Jocelyn again. SIGH.
So, to start of, let me open my Vault of new things that has been aired.
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What's new in this DLC of BS: • STILL posting on a daily bases of shit-talking towards others and playing victim. • Has alt accounts in other servers just to steal content and post them in her server · To add on to that ^ she's removing names of the creators that she don't like. • Repeating from top line: STILL PRETENDING SHE'S A VICTIM IN HER OWN LITTLE FANTASY WORLD. Now, she made a fuss about people converting CC to the sims 4, but yet she can steal content that's exclusively in other servers with her ALTS and sharing them into her server and REMOVING their names and ANY credit whatsoever. How LAME and PATHETIC can someone be? Yes, Jocelyn, I called you some names, oh well, it's the truth and you can cry about it all you want. You can say I'm harassing you all you want as well, I frankly don't care.
Now onto the photos:
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Calling others ugly for one! Wow! On the page she's dedicating to talking shit to others but still claiming "drama free"!
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Asking a CC creator straight up for removal of creator names :D (Blocked out a sweet innocent person who does not deserve to be in this, and only kept the Buckaroo Ranch in to show that Jocelyn replied directly to them a CC creator at that)
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Neither of these creators gave her permission to post these in her server, and the "Fawn Posepack" was a server exclusive she took. Neither of the members are in her server anymore either. Notice how there is NO mention of the creator? Yeah. (again blocked out names that are innocent/don't know that she stole content).
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Then there's THIS one where she blatantly removes Camy's name out of the file completely. Second photo is proof that it was Camy's in the first place.
She clearly does not give a single shxt who she hurts as long as it fuels her own ego and her own greedy gain. She can't get it in her thick skull that she could literally just drop it all and learn to be a decent human being and take responsibility, but nah, she'd rather continue and keep getting worse and worse digging her own grave. Already one foot deep, what else will she pull? Keep it going, Jocelyn! Keep adding fuel to the fire and I'll keep it going until everyone knows who you are.
EDIT: Wanted to add this to the table!
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The hypocrisy in this woman lol.
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