sviolet-sizefeels · 1 year
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How much do you want to bet he was losing his cool the whole time...
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qulizalfos · 8 months
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strawberry wine by noah kahan playing softly in the background :)
yall this is a redraw of one of my favorite scenes from chapter 2 of homesick. by the amazing talented kind and wonderful wayli @wayward-sherlock and basically i cannot urge you to read this fic enough - the prose, the characterization, the dialogue and the vibes are all IMPECCABLE and so, so vivid. wayli's eloquence is super impactful and i adore every sentence. also the depth and thought and care that has gone into it is INSANE. you would not believe it. genuinely. thank u so much for letting me beta this wayli i cannot emphasize enough what an HONOR it is and i love u sm<3333
click for quality, closeups under the cut🫡
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gt-preys · 10 months
Thinking about a pred sneaking up on their prey and just like pressing their nose into their back between their shoulders to breath them in. Then their face moves up so their lips can brush the prey's ear.
"You really are too tempting~"
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little-bumblebeeee · 4 months
Steve Harrington would absolutely LOVE Lunch by Billie Eilish. He knows he’s not the target audience but he doesn’t care, that song fucks severely and he WILL sing it in the car with Robin
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itsgothgirlthyme · 11 months
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chapter 2: safe?
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stranger things g/t
a/n: very short read, but it’s my halloween treat!! let me know if you’d like me to create a tag list for this.
borrower!reader x steve harrington
Trembling in the hand of a giant, you looked him in the eyes. You can’t even fathom the idea of squirming in his delicate grip. You were just stuck in this moment of relief and fear. You didn’t want to fall off that ledge, but you couldn’t handle this. Everything you’d ever been taught had never prepared you for this, because usually this was when it was all over. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay. You’re gonna be okay,” Steve said softly, snapping you back to reality. You breathed out shakily and pulled your nails away from his pointer finger. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, okay? I promise.” 
Your brows pinched together and your eyes started to water. Your lips pressed into a thin line as hot tears fell down your face. You hated feeling like this, you hated feeling how small you were.
“Why is she crying?” Dustin asked beside Steve.
“I don’t know,” Steve turned to him, “maybe because you’ve held her hostage and treated her like a pet,” he whispered harshly.  
“Is she okay?” Robin voiced as you softly cried. 
“I- I don’t know,” Steve said and took in a sharp breath. He pulled you to his blue-shirted chest and you went rigid. You were still cupped in his hand and pressed against him. His heart was hammering faster than yours at this point. The other voices started to fade, and he kept muttering to you. Things like, “I’m sorry”, “he’s a dumb kid”, and “I’m going to help.” 
The one thing you remember before it all went dark was him saying, “You’re safe.” 
You shivered and opened your heavy-lidded eyes. You yawned and stretched within the comfort of a soft material. It was so dark you couldn't tell what it was exactly but you wanted to fall back asleep in it. You were about to but then your eyes went wide. 
You looked around you, almost snapping your neck out of place. You saw the giant’s face squished against a pillow. His hair was messy, his eyes closed, and his breath tickled your face. You were mere inches away and when you looked behind you, you didn’t know what to think. His arm was wrapped around the soft material. His fingers were still gripping the edges of it, and it perplexed you. 
“What do you want with me?” your voice rasped in the darkness. Your eyes trailed to him and he didn’t answer. You hissed as you sat up, feeling out your ribs. Some still were tender and loose. You gasped when you looked at your busted leg. It no longer had a beaten-up bandaid, but a gauze. The gauze started at your ankle to right under your knee. It felt much more comfortable on your skin, and you saw little sticks poking out of the ends. You gently turned the leg back and forth. You let out a sigh of relief with tears in your eyes. 
Beside you, Steve shifted and you slowly turned to him. His chin was lying on his forearm as he you watched with half-lidded eyes. 
“I hope the bandage helps,” his voice was gruff, “hopefully it’ll heal straightened out now.”
You kept your mouth shut and watched him. He yawned and you noticed his other arm was still around you. 
“Sorry about Dustin again,” he muttered. 
“He’s just a kid, you said that already,” you scoffed. 
Steve’s eyebrows shot up and you froze. The corners of his lips turned upwards. 
“She speaks,” he said. 
You shied away from his gaze and he sighed. 
“It doesn’t make it right though, him being a kid. I know,” Steve said. “But I’m not going to let that happen to you again.”
You sink back into the blanket you’d been wrapped around. When he called your name, it made you sick, you forgot he knew it. Yet there was comfort in someone calling for you, in such a desperate manner at that. You ignored him, and a warm puff of air hit your back when he sighed, again. 
You were going to stay awake, but for some reason you fell asleep. 
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pinkiedev · 5 months
Payback Ch. 1
A Stranger Things AU where Steve Harrington gets shrunk down to five inches tall, and one Eddie Munson is the one who finds him. Now, if only Eddie didn't think this was all a drug-induced hallucination.
Set in post-Season 3 but pre-Season 4!
Steve was not having a good day. 
Was this particularly surprising? Maybe a couple of years ago, yeah. 
However, after having survived a whopping three attempts from what an average joe would not be far off from correct by calling demons from hell, well. Let’s just say it wasn’t exactly atypical for Steve to no longer have only good days.
The difference now, however, was that he wasn’t currently in the midst of fighting an impending apocalypse or the related monsters, he wasn’t having nightmares about either of said scenarios, and he wasn’t even suffering through a more monotonous than usual day at the video store. 
No, today, Steve woke up and immediately realized several things were amiss, a task made easy considering the fact that there was 1) no roof over his head, 2) there was instead a shockingly high up canopy of trees interspersed with clear blue skies, 3) he had a headache to rival the time he’d gotten his face beaten in by Billy, and 4) the grass around his stood at about waist high.
Yeah, that fourth realization had come around as soon as he’d shot upright in a blind panic, hands clutching at his head as he'd let out a pained groan.
Now, several hours later, Steve could quite assuredly give three additional claims that were likely facts: he was undeniably lost, his headache had thankfully abated, and he was currently the height of a fucking goddamned soda can. 
He knew that last one because he’d stumbled across a can of pop and found that the top of his head just reached the lip of it.
Which was absolutely fantastic.
He had half a mind to think this was all some sort of messed up dream, but he was unfortunately well aware that he was not nearly imaginative enough for that, and he hadn’t been to any parties recently where he could’ve been slipped some drugs that might’ve been able to make up for his innate deficiency.
So it was pretty safe to say that this was real, and he was probably going to die.
Why would this being real mean he would probably die, you might wonder?
Well, the answer was more reasonable than you’d expect:
He was being chased by a goddamned rodent that was nearly double his size.
Eddie snapped out of his daze at the sound of a shrill scream, his chin slipping off from where it’d been propped up against his palm at the abrupt break in the relative silence around him.
He sat up on the wood bench, wincing at the drag of the splintering grain against his jeans, and scanned the trees around him. 
His brows furrowed minutely, and he stubbed his joint against his metal lunchbox, tapping out the ash and shoving it inside a baggie in the tin.
Maybe he was just hearing things? he mused, turning the thought over in his head before giving a mental shrug. Well -
His eyes snapped back up. There it was again! - a shout. High pitched in the sense that it was at such a quiet decibel, followed by the sound of rustling leaves. 
His head slowly tilted to the side, and he leaned his whole body with the motion to peer around the picnic table and towards where the noise had emanated from.
“...Hello?” he called out cautiously, dragging out the word, gaze darting around as he found himself rising from his seat. He crouched down when he heard another rustle followed by a yelp.
That was definitely coming from somewhere close to the ground, and it sounded deceptively… not like an animal, Eddie thought, squinting his eyes as he scanned the leaf litter in the grass.
Movement had his head snapping to the left just in time to track it, and he sprang forth without another thought, the motion more of an awkward frog leap because of his stance, and saw -
What the hell? 
It - what?
That was a person.
An itty bitty person, face hidden by their mussed up hair and only their waist and up visible through the foliage, but what Eddie was pretty sure was a human - or, at the very least, very human-like - nonetheless. 
One being chased by a very disgruntled looking mouse.
For a second, Eddie found himself just staring at the completely incomprehensible scene, thoughts dazedly somewhere along the line of ‘wow, I’ve finally actually lost it and my mind’s entered some fucked up Alice in Wonderland type shit, hasn’t it?’ but he snapped out of it as the teeny tiny person gave another yell when the mouse snapped at them, the rodent’s teeth momentarily snagging on the back of the teeny's shirt.
Eddie’s hand darted forward unthinkingly, and, from one moment to the next, he had a fistful of person held up in front of his face, the mouse giving an aborted squeak and darting away as soon as he made his move.
Meanwhile, the being (?) squirmed in his hand, having first given a shout in surprise at suddenly being caught before letting out grunts and puffs of air as they tried to push fruitlessly at his fingers, their tiny, miniscule little hands shoving at his skin and hardly doing anything but leaving the faintest of indents. 
Eddie blinked rapidly, bringing them closer to his face. 
He’d smoked weed today, sure - when did he not? - but it’d never given him hallucinations before. 'Cause that’s sure as hell what this had to be. A hallucination, that is.
There was no other explanation for the fact that, staring right back up at him, face frozen in a mixture of shock and burgeoning dread, was none other than Steve fucking Harrington.
Ch. 2
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fandom-gt · 6 months
The Code Problem
COMMISSION TYPE: Full Page + 2 Additional Page Add-ons PRICE: 95 FANDOM: Stranger Things CHARACTERS: Steve & Eddie, ft. Robin REQUESTED SUMMARY: ”Steve loves having a giant boyfriend. He also loves having a rockstar boyfriend. Unfortunately he’s not used to either, and winds up stumbling across what each code means personally, sometimes dragging Robin along.” WARNINGS: Entrapment, feet, insertion, unaware, dubcon, edging -——
The first code Steve ever learned was 6, and he probably should’ve realized after that point he’d be learning the first five the hard way. The fact that they even have codes should probably have been a red flag, because it means they’re common enough occurrences they get their own categories. Getting personally peeled out of his boyfriend’s balls by Chrissy had been an embarrassing affair that left him flushed red and flustered, but oh, what a naive fool he’d been to think that was either the last time it would happen, or the most embarrassing thing that could happen. Code 2 was worse. He learned through a little ill-advised snooping that Eddie likes to wear a condom throughout some of his performances. He’d wondered they were for, those enormous foil-wrapped sachets in Eddie’s giant nightstand. After all, Steve’s his boyfriend, in theory they’re the only ones involved in their sex life, and Eddie’s definitely not sticking it anywhere that could possibly require protection — mostly because until Steve turns into a latex balloon or a stretchy rubber doll, it literally just wouldn’t fit. In a bid of frustration and curiosity, he’d peeled open one corner of the package, snuggled his way down over the rubber ring, and waited for his opportunity to pop out and declare an angry “gotcha!”, only to be absolutely baffled when Eddie pulled the latex onto his completely flaccid cock in an utterly empty room. He’d been too baffled, even, to remember to jump out, or to successfully flag down his boyfriend’s attention. “Hey- wait- no, hold on, EDDIE-” was all he managed to get out, before the swooping sensation of gravity kicked in so fiercely he’d nearly upchucked his lunch. Flashes of metal studs and dark leather passed by in a blur, until suddenly he was face to face with the head of a very familiar cock, smashed soft, mostly-clean flesh just beneath the tip, and those unyielding fingers carried on rolling the remainder of the condom down its spongey length.
And then Eddie pulled his underwear up, then zipped his leather pants, and Steve was so firmly sealed beneath so many layers he could barely move — a full reverse snow-angel under his boyfriend’s slit. Through all those layers, he could still hear the voice that came over the PA system. “Five minutes until showtime, Ed,” came a cheerful call. Unrelenting force squished Steve so hard his back popped as Eddie gripped himself and answered, “On it. Almost ready.” As it turns out, performing gives Eddie one hell of a hard-on. The more he gets into the riffs of his guitar, the harder the bass kicks and the drums pound, the more the blood rushes to his cock. By midway through the show, Eddie’s sporting a raging boner that keeps leaking down over the tip of his slit, smearing over skin, and flooding down Steve’s back. He guesses Eddie wears that condom to keep the precum from soiling his underwear or leaving them fully damp while he’s trying to perform. After the nightmare of Code 6, they gave Steve a wristwatch walkie to wear for other such incidents. It takes nearly an hour for him to be able to move his arm close enough to his mouth, and it’s only thanks to the lubricated precum that he can manage it, but he finally does, engaging the walkie and hoarsely pleading for help.. “I’m stuck- oh crap, he’s doing a solo, why does he have to hump his guitar every time he does a stupid solo-” “Steve, is that you? What do you mean? Also, you’re supposed to say ‘over’ when you’re done talking. Over.”
“I’m stuck in Eddie’s stupid crotch again, in the condom, i can’t get out, you gotta make him stop doing the stupid solo!” Silence follows for a minute, before he impatiently snaps, “Over!” into the mic. “You mean you’re- in there right now? Over?” “Yes! Tell him to stop and get me out!” The silence that follows is unsettling, and is ultimately broken by a regretful, “We can’t do that, Steve, I’m sorry. We can’t just- stop the show, he’s only half way through. You’re gonna have to sit tight until after the finale, and then we’ll try to catch him before he- you know. Fills it up. Over.” A full hour of Eddie’s cock rubbing against the hard back of his guitar later, Steve finally catches a break as Eddie’s PA stops him in his dressing room to whisper an urgent, code 2. His boyfriend peels him out, salty and soaked and exhausted. There’s an irreverent, amused smile on Eddie’s face as he holds his tiny boyfriend up to inspect him. “I should’ve known. I always play better when there’s a Code 2. It felt great, babe. Maybe you should hop in there for my next show, too.”
Code 3, as it turns out, is nowhere near as exciting. He finds himself tumbling down a combat boot the size of a house, and before he can call for help on his watch, Eddie’s bare toes make an oppressive sight at the top of the boot, and force themselves into the shoe, taking up every inch of space, and slamming him against the sole. One big toe smothers his face, too big to wrap his arms around, and he squirms beneath it. Dating Eddie for so long and repeatedly running into these scenarios must be getting to him, or building some kind of weird association, because along with the fear and frustration and humiliation, Steve finds himself getting inexplicably hard under Eddie’s unrelenting toe. And then Eddie starts to walk, pounding weight onto him again and again rhythmically, and Steve’s too crushed to call for his watch. So… look, it’s not like he has much else he can do down here, right? He wraps his arms and legs around that toe as best he can, and he grinds his hips up into his boyfriend’s foot, desperately seeking relief for his anxiety-induced hard-on in between every step. It’s an exercise in frustration, because just as he’s finding a rhythm, the foot slams back down again, crushing him too tightly to move. And then it lifts up, and he rolls his hips quickly, frantically, hoping- Only to have that foot slam back down again, cutting him off prematurely before he can get close enough. And so it goes for half an hour, Eddie blissfully unaware, Steve uncomfortable and terrified and trying to come. Only once Eddie finally sits down at his final destination does he realize there’s something in his shoe, but rather than investigate, he just starts wiggling his toes around, manipulating it, turning Steve’s little body sideways and scrunching them, catching him between them, rubbing them. An absent, thoughtless assault on his entire person that leaves Steve in near-tears from the friction and overstimulation, none of it regular enough for him to finally just get off. And then Eddie walks home, peels his boot off, and investigates. Seeing Steve’s sweet little body in despair, and seeing exactly how hard his boyfriend is, he chalks it up to Steve having some kind of foot fetish. “Sorry to interrupt, I didn’t realize you were in there having a good time, Harrington. You should’ve told me you were into Code 3,” he says, lowering Steve back down into the boot. He can’t hear Steve’s miniscule little protests as he shoves his foot back in, and carries on playing with Steve’s little body. Code 1, though… Code 1 has to be the most intense of all the code Steve’s run into so far. He never in a million years would’ve guessed it happened with any kind of regularity, but there he sat at the bottom of a crushing tunnel, the light above so far from him it’s barely visible, and then Robin’s voice calling down to him. “Wooooow, seriously, Steve? A code 1? You guys are such- dudes, you’re so weird, and horny, and unsafe, and I can’t believe I have to do this again-” “Again?! What do you mean again?!” Steve called up, his voice thick and strained as a muscle spasm of pleasure rolled through Eddie involuntarily. “And could you tell him to stop getting off on this?! I’m slipping!” There’s a moment of silence, and then Robin calls back down, “He says he’s sorry, he can’t help it, you’re in a really good spot right now. Which is exactly the same thing that happened to Chrissy, and to the last one that ‘accidentally’”- she made air-quotes with her fingers. Steve can’t explain how he knows, he definitely couldn’t see it, but he’s one hundred percent certain she did the air quotes. “Tripped and fell down your giant boyfriend’s stupid giant dick. Now, if you wanna get out before you wind up in an even worse spot, you’ll shut up and stop moving! Otherwise, this could go from a code 1 to a code 9 really fucking quick, and trust me, you do not want a code 9.” Steve looked down at the flesh-paneled walls behind him, and gulped.
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⊹₊⋆⁺₊⋆ Masterlist⋆₊⁺⋆₊⊹
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This account may contain certain topics not fully accepted by everyone in the communities. Be aware that it was created with the propuse of expressing ideas and stories in a different way than others.
I write:
- male reader
- legal age (mostly for +18 content)
- action (once I’ve gotten the hand of this lenguaje)
- MxM or MxF pairs.
- age gap (still legal)
- blood (always with warning in the beginning)
I don’t write:
- pedofilia
- incest
- yandere
-Demons Slayer
One shot ☁���
An idea in lust | Summary: Uzui had an idea in a heated momento with his partners, but it kind of back fired. (+18)
Pairings: Uzui + wives x male oc
Serie ☀︎
Finding purpose | Summary: In a world that is dying and there is no way of saving it, the humanity takes mater into their own hands. They flee from their home planet with hope of conquering another in order to survive. Among them, a couple of brothers with no idea what they’re doing.
Pairings: Jake sully x Oc (friendship), Tsu’tey x Oc (friendship), Neytiri x Oc (friendship). [No current love interest]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chap 5 coming soon…
One shot ☁︎
Small big problem | Summary: Some times is easy to to forget that even the strongest can be vulnerable.
Pairings: Peter B. Parker × giant spiderman reader (platonic), Mayday × giant spiderman reader (platonic).
- Stranger things
Serie ☀︎
Summary | Everything in life seemed limited to walls of whites and rainbows. Caged within the confines of the lab. But an accident that involved a group of teenagers and the upside down world finally let him free. In a funny turn of events he found himself hiding in a step sibling's shed. A redhead that loves video games and a blond that spends his time making sure to keep his good looks.
Character: Male child reader (or preteen)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 coming soon…
- Jujutsu Kaisen
Serie ☀︎
Summary | This is the story of the sun and moon's child. A, not at all, normal kid that found himself participating in the world of sorcery and under the guidance of the strongest sorcerer. Sort of.
Character: Male OC (Akimura Akio)
Chapter 1
Chap 2…
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reborrowing · 7 months
a strange appearance, part four
look at me, writing! posting it!
Stranger Swap Masterpost | ao3 First | Prev | Next
Mistakes were made. Word count: ~2500 cws: self harm, fear, panic, violence/peril, language, reference to past abuse taglist: @da3dm @whumpsday
The fear Phoebe had been pushing aside all morning hit her all at once—but not half as hard as Val did.
“You can’t do that!” they cried.
Whatever triumph Phoebe had felt in getting her iPad to hear her from across the room evaporated. Val moved so quickly she barely had time to see them react, nevermind get out of their way. She had only a half-second to doubt herself before the iPad actually responded.
And then the world collapsed.
The weight of it was already pressing down on her by the time she processed the shadows, the sounds, the movement, the voice. She couldn’t see anything. The counter shuddered as Val leapt up and claws scraped across the laminate. They’d cleared it like it was nothing, like they didn’t have the mass of a living building, and bulldozed through whatever was left of breakfast. And then she was thrown off her feet and smothered against Val’s palm.
The impact alone knocked her breath away. Val’s hand was a disorienting mass of flesh that snapped closed around her before she had any chance to recover. Their fist swung erratically, enough to make her nauseous, as Val bolted across the apartment. She took a breath and pushed back against whatever finger happened to be in front of her chest. She didn’t think they even noticed.
On the other side, back in the real world, the normal world, the simple setting of her own apartment, the call connected. The line rang. Val made a high-pitched noise that stung at the edge of Phoebe’s hearing.
Without warning, gravity shifted again as they lowered their hand to stuff her into the front pocket of their sweatshirt. Her sweatshirt, really, though by now it made for a pretty effective prison. As soon as Val let go of her, she screamed. She barely made two syllables before a massive weight pressed her back against the fabric, bruising her arm and stuffing her mouth full of fleece.
“Quiet,” Val hissed, as if Phoebe had any choice but to comply.
She thought she was going to die. The experience was very new to her and she didn’t care for it at all. It was searing. That flash of instinct and urgency when you bump your hand against the stove, the automatic flinch when someone jumps at you, the call to the surface as your lungs ache at the bottom of the pool, all at once and turned up to eleven. It drowned out any thoughts of her own to demand she get away, run, now, and all she could do was sweat.
Her eyes watered as she finally gave up the insistence that she was dreaming. This was impossible. But it would be nearly as impossible for Phoebe to sleep through this. She could barely sleep through the sound of traffic outside her window. She’d woken herself with her own snoring before. She wouldn’t sleep through her heart racing like this, not for this long.
After an eternity of seconds, Chelsea picked up. Squished against the thick fabric, Phoebe couldn’t make out anything that was being said. Val’s heart thundered overhead and their hand pressed down even tighter—quiet, quiet, quiet. 
Val froze, staring at the tablet with dread as the screen changed to show an active call. A stranger’s voice called out through the speaker. They’d heard that voice before. They came by often enough. Often enough they might have a key. They could come here. Another set of eyes. They might already know what was happening. Phoebe could have called them already, in the bedroom. Clearly phones didn’t need to be touched like Val had thought. 
Chelsea called out several times and waited for Phoebe to answer. Val clenched their jaw and quivered, afraid that she might get loud enough that they could hear her. After a few seconds, Chelsea’s tone shifted to mild amusement, maybe annoyance. Not concerned, at least. They  didn’t say anything about Phoebe shrinking or magic or impossible things. They hung up.  
Maybe they didn’t know anything.
Val’s breath came out all at once, so harsh it almost sounded like a laugh. They fell out of that scared paralysis like a puppet cut loose from its strings. They absently set Phoebe aside on the coffee table as they hurried to turn off the iPad to prevent any other calls, then collapsed onto the couch beside it. They were exhausted. They should have been curled up in bed by this hour, even without the constant fear draining their energy.
They almost let themself pass out. Sleep could help, maybe, or give them a break. And then they heard Phoebe. The sound jolted their heart back into a panic.
They’d attacked her.
They felt like they were unraveling. She was saying something and they weren’t hearing it and that alone set off a whole new cascade of mental alarms because the last thing they wanted was a hostile host because they didn’t know this wasn’t going to last and then she would catch them with more reason to hurt them than anyone else had ever had. They were dead. They were terrified to even imagine what a human might think was fair retribution for this, not when they’d already been caged for existing and burned for stealing and—
“What is wrong with you!? What the fuck!”
Val forced a hand against their thigh, just below the hem of their skirt, and pushed until they felt blood. They inhaled sharply as their attention narrowed to the shallow pain. Pain itself was much easier than the threat of pain. Pain was urgent, an easy reminder that they had more important things to do than overthink every possible terrible thing that hadn’t even happened yet. Phoebe couldn’t hurt them—not yet, not as she was—so Val took care of it themself to keep themself in line. They raked their claws across their leg with a sigh of clarity.  
“Sorry,” they said.
Val folded their shoulders like they could disappear into their own poor posture. They leaned forward, conscious of getting too close, and cringed at what they saw. Phoebe was at least in one piece.  Her face was flushed and teary, her hair frizzed and disheveled. One of the knots that had been acting as a sleeve had come loose and her dress was crooked and falling down her front. She crossed her arms in front of her in an echo of a hug and she leaned away from them even as she glared. She was a mess, she was afraid, but she was alive. 
And she was mad.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what—I’m better than that, I swear. I…are you okay? Please tell me I didn’t hurt you,” Val whispered.
They knew better than that. They had to be better than that.
They couldn’t have her mad at them.
It was hard to watch Val move up close, even without the new fear that they might choose to reach out and attack her. It was like standing too close to a train. They were so large that it was hard for Phoebe to track how fast and how far they were actually moving. But at least trains had rails. She shivered.
“Tell me why the fuck you—you could have killed me!”
They flinched away against the back of the couch. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t… I mean, I wasn’t, and—are you okay?” they bleated.
She wasn’t. She was shaking, hanging on to a tightrope between fear and anger, and desperately trying not to look at the abyss below. 
“What do you care? You did this, you attacked me, you—what the fuck is your deal?”
They slowly slid down to the floor to get closer to their level. This time, she flinched. They were a building falling in slow motion and they didn’t just crash around her, they could choose to lunge at any moment. In either case, they were a force she had no prayer of resisting if they decided to hurt her again.
They were real no matter how much she wanted to pretend otherwise.
And, she realized, they were crying. She hadn’t noticed that while they were still looming over her and she was taken aback by it now. Why were they crying? They put a hand on the table and she saw blood smear beneath their fingertips. She brushed a hand over her most sore points to confirm, but she wasn’t bleeding, only bruised. It wasn’t her blood. In those brief seconds, they’d managed to hurt themself as well. Just how unstable were they?
The table shifted with them as they lowered themself the rest of the way to the floor. Phoebe reassured herself that they were just using it for balance, but her throat went dry anyway. She stepped back and looked for somewhere to run, but of course, there was nothing she could do that would keep Val from just grabbing her again if they wanted to. They wouldn’t even have to get up. Just existing near them meant she was cornered. Helpless.
“Don’t, please,” she creaked.
Val’s bloody hand flew back as if they’d touched a hot pan.
“I won’t. I wouldn’t,” they said, despite the obvious evidence to the contrary. They deflated. “I panicked. I’m sorry.”
They leaned back, like giving her more room might make this better. Like distance was the problem, not her current, inexplicable size. Phoebe didn't have any way to undo it, she couldn’t call for help, she couldn’t—there was that abyss she didn’t want to look at. Despair. She pulled a hand through her knotted hair. 
She wasn’t sure what she was asking. Why had they panicked? Why should she believe them? Why were they here? Why was this happening? She knew Val knew more than they were letting on. They knew her, they knew her apartment, they had to know more.
“I couldn’t let you tell anyone! No one’s supposed to know,” they whined.
“Tell anyone what?”
They hesitated and for a moment, Phoebe thought they might run again. She wondered if that wouldn’t be for the best. The iPad was right there, on the couch, and she was surrounded by clutter she could probably make into a bridge of some kind. But the idea of crashing to the ground was as bad as being grabbed. She was helpless with or without Val.
“You have to promise—swear—you won’t tell anyone. About me, or…”
“What is it you’re so afraid of!?”
“You! Or, I mean, humans, all of you! You…please, just promise me, you can’t tell anyone?”
She swallowed uneasily. She knew they weren’t human, obviously they were something other, but the outburst still unsettled. It sounded like a reveal in a bad sci-fi flick. But they’d already turned on her so she reluctantly agreed not to tell. It’s not like she could reach anyone anyways.
Val sighed. They swallowed and finally explained. Sort of, mostly. They stammered over most of the details, and they emphasized that they really didn’t know what was going on right now, with her either. Shrinking was new to them. But tiny people, not so much. Apparently those were everywhere, living in secret and convinced that was key to their survival.
They didn’t elaborate on why or where this everywhere was that they managed to keep hidden. It still sounded like bad sci-fi. But she didn’t argue. She already had forced herself to accept the absurd for now and she was more than wary of setting Val off again. She was plenty bruised enough.
She remembered the other thing that she had dismissed as a dream, the little figure falling off her dresser. That had probably been real too, then right? Had that been Val? She asked and after several more seconds of hesitation, they confessed that they’re usually just over three and a half inches tall.
Phoebe shook her head, trying to wrap her head around the idea of something so horribly large being so small. Her stomach twisted when she heard the number—and just how small was she, anyway? She glanced around the clutter surrounding her to try and guess, but it wasn’t like she’d left a ruler lying around. Taller than that book was thick, shorter than a cup. No useful measurement, no idea how close she might be to three and a half inches…it couldn’t be an exact trade, not when Val was practically swimming in her clothes, but how far off was it? Some of her own mass had to be missing from this bizarre exchange, but what did that mean? How much? How did this all work?
“I-I can’t do this,” she said.
“What, are you kidding? You’re doing way better than me,” Val said.
“Only because I didn’t think it was real!”
“But other than just now, when I lost it, you’ve been fine. And you’re still okay, right?”
“Now, maybe, but what if you freak out again? What about tomorrow? What about—I have classes! I have a job! How am I—I can’t do anything like this! What if this is permanent? This doesn’t just happen, why should we assume it’s going to unhappen?” she yelled.
Phoebe started to pace, yanking out her hair as she walked. Val reached out for her with their clean hand, darkening her view with their shadow. She slapped their hand away before they could touch her. They bit their lip as they dropped their hand down onto the table beside her.
“Hey. Hey, let me do the panicking, okay? Please?” Val said.
“Because that worked out so well?”
“Because we can’t both be acting stupid. Take a breath, alright? Here, I can…I’ll give you some space to—”
The horizon seemed to shift as they started to stand. The sheer scale of the movement made her sweat but Phoebe lurched after their hand like she could hold them in place.
“No! Don’t you go anywhere!”
“Um, okay,” they said uncertainly, sliding their hand back into her reach.
She was still afraid of them, physically and instinctively, almost overwhelmingly so. After what they’d done, how could she not be? She couldn’t trust them to be nice or even rational. She knew that, at least intellectually. But emotionally? Mentally? She couldn’t face being alone in her own head now. Having crazy around was better than going crazy herself. 
“Is there—can I do something to help you? I could—maybe that tea wasn’t such a terrible idea?” Val offered.
Phoebe hesitated. She wanted music, something to fill the quiet other than her thoughts and the relative monster that had made them get so dark. But tea probably wouldn’t hurt. It would probably be best if Val had something to calm their own nerves as well, now that their anxiety attacks had proven to be dangerous. They could start with tea before she tried asking for her phone again.
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fromthewoes · 5 months
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it’s amazing what kind of weird shit you end up writing when you write for yourself instead of an audience
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gttinyprincess · 1 month
Friends on the trail
Naga! Eddie x Mouse reader
It's late in the year, the light breeze nips at their hands and they tuck them into their pockets. That's why it's such a suprise to them when they stumble upon a small pile of berries. It's too easy. He should be suspicious and yet he feels as if he's hit the jackpot. It's far too easy.
Surely one won't be missed...
(Y/N) picks up a shiny red raspberry, his mouth watering at the sight. Oh, he bets it'll be juicy. Not that he plans to eat it here, far too risky. However when he attempts to scamper off with his new found treat something makes contact with his back, forcing him to the cold stone floor.
The berry rolls away and (Y/N) yelps, hands desperately clawing at the floor as they try to get out from under the weight. He hadn't sensed any predators nearby, how had it managed to get to him without anything giving it away?
"Not so fast little thief" an amused sounding voice hisses from somewhere far above him. The pressure slips down his back but he doesn't get a chance to run as his tail is gripped, lifting him up off of the ground with ease. He's quickly brought up to a man's face, long dark curls frame his face. Though he doesn't really take the features in, too focused on the man's smirk as it splits open to reveal a wide maw framed by twin fangs and lined with boulder sized white teeth.
(Y/N)'s heart thunders in his ears as he's moved closer to the parted jaws. "No wait, please!" He begs terrified.
The world seems to come to a stop and then slowly the man rights his head, big brown doe eyes finding the wriggling tiny caught in his grasp. "Holy shit" he gasps, dropping the little mouse, human, thing into the palm of his hand. Leaning in to try and get a better look at the tiny creature.
"You aren't a mouse...well, not entirely." (Y/N) watches with wide eyes as the man's freehand moves towards them, the tip of his claw brushes against the mouse's tail. The tiny is quick to tuck his tail close to his body, eyeing the digit warily.
"Oh!" The man perks up, hand slipping away. "Where are my manners?" The giant picks up a berry from the pile they had pilfered from, holding it out to the tiny. "Here you go."
The mouse stares at the blueberry for a moment, eyes flicking up to the giant's face before they hesitantly accept it. "You're like me" barely suppressed excitement coats the man's voice. It's only then that they finally look him over.
Eyes wandering down the man's torso to find a smattering of black scales that quickly grow in number as they blend into a thick muscular tail.
A naga.
He managed to get himself caught by a naga. Just his luck.
"You're just smaller" the naga grins and then nods to the berry in their hands. "Try it. They're sweet, you'll like it." The mouse obliges, wanting to placate the snake. He's not wrong, it is sweet. He squeaks in suprise at the juice that runs down his chin, he hadn't expected it to be so juicy. The naga grins looking proud of himself.
The naga continues to talk to them, only receiving nods and one word answers from the mouse but that doesn't deter him. They learn that his name is Eddie and they give theirs in return, much to his delight. Eventually the naga begins to tire and air grows cooler as the sun dips low in the sky.
Eddie glances up to the sky with a soft frown. "You can stay here for the night" he says when his eyes come to rest on them once more. It's not something they want, but there's no hope of arguing as the snake makes his way into a cave beside them. He doesn't even wait for a response from them.
He slithers to the back of the cave, settling down on a large pile of furs. Eddie sets the mouse down on his chest, smiling down at them like this the snake looks almost soft in his tired state. It's strange to feel the warm skin beneath the dip lightly under their weight, shifting and expanding with each breath the naga takes. "Sleep well little mouse" he murmurs his goodnight.
(Y/N) does not sleep well that night, it takes him forever to fall asleep. Finding it hard to ignore the gentle weight of the naga's clawed hand covering his body from his shoulders down. A makeshift blanket of sorts. When he does finally drift off his sleep is fitful and plagued by nightmares.
His nightmares wake him early, the sun just barely rising at the caves entrance. It's a suprise to find Eddie still resting, he must be a deep sleeper. Now's the best time to attempt an escape, he probably won't get an opportunity like this again.
It's a slow process, wriggling out from under the naga's claws but he manages it. So far Eddie's given no signs of waking from his deep sleep. Now standing up on the naga's chest (Y/N) begins to make his way down the man's torso, sitting at his hip they peer down the drop of his body to the soft furs below.
Deep breath.
They push off and fall with a quiet 'ooph' into the bedding. He scrambles out from the furs and begins to make his way quickly and quietly towards the bright cave entrance. Glowing like a beacon of freedom.
Only, halfway to the entrance a familiar clawed hand comes to rest beside them giving the little mouse pause.
"Where are you off to so early?" The snake asks softly.
They raise their eyes slowly, gazing up at the naga they find soft sleepy eyes looking back at them. Eddie hasn't quite woken up fully yet. "I needed to stretch my legs?" It's a weak excuse at best and the snake scrutinises them for a moment before shrugging it off, joining them as they walk to the entrance before walking back into the cave again.
So close.
They stay longer than just the one night. Each day Eddie finds a new reason for them to stay with him. He's content to finally have some company, however the little mouse is constantly on edge. Waiting, wondering when the other shoe will drop.
He's so sure the snake is just keeping him around 'for later', but later never comes.
It's a warm Sunday day when things come to a head. Eddie lays back on his stunning rock, the little mouse sitting on his abdominals. He likes to keep them close. A long black claw runs across the top of their head and down their back in slow gentle strokes. "Such a cute little mouse," Eddie hums with a soft smile. He doesn't seem to notice the way they flinch and shudder under his touch.
They can't take much more. It's been days, when is he going to pounce? Which day will be their last? Would ge be cruel?
Eddie perks up upon hearing the mouse's voice. They don't speak up often, however his elation sours as he registers what they have to say. "Please just kill me."
Their voice is soft and dripping with anxiety, those sweet little eyes well with tears and it puts a crack in his heart. "What?" His question barely cuts through the silence.
"You're saving me for later, right?" Despite the shaky voice their words are sure. "That's why you've kept me around so long." Eddie stares with open disbelief as they continue. "Please just...put an end to my fear." I'm begging you.
Eddie can hardly believe what he's hearing, he thought they were bonding. That maybe he had found a friend in the little mouse, but he can see the truth now. How they shrink in on themself under his gaze, tail wrapping itself tight around their waist.
They aren't just shy like he's assuming, they're terrified of him.
"I-, you're not-, I didn't mean to-" he struggles to find his words. What can he even say to rectify this? He closes his mouth and sits up, gathering the mouse up in his hand.
They call his name, fear lacing their voice. It hurts. He doesn't say anything as he makes his way to the front of the cave, setting the mouse down at the entrance. "There you go" he breathes "you're free." I release you from your fear.
(Y/N) looks out to the endless forest behind them and then back to the naga. "You're letting me go?" He can almost hear the follow up 'why?' But they don't voice the thought.
Eddie smiles sadly, "I don't want to scare you." (Y/N) stares up at the snake, suprised. His words tug at their heart, but it's not enough to stop them from taking off into the underbrush. They almost expect to hear the naga crashing through the foliage behind them, but when he stops to breathe there's only silence.
He really let them go.
It takes them over an hour to completely ease up and accept that Eddie isn't going to appear out of thin air and snatch them up. It's a great breath of freedom...until it isn't.
(Y/N) wanders for a while, unsure of where to go now or what he should even do. As the sun dips below the trees they begin to miss the naga's warmth and the company he provided. He may have been terrifying then but in hindsight they think he might truly have been trying to befriend them.
He pauses only for a moment before turning heel, starting to march back the way he came. Back to the cave with hope that he'd be able to apologise to Eddie and start over.
But it doesn't happen. Some way, somehow (Y/N) gets himself turned around and lost. It's been hours and yet he's still no closer to the naga's lair. Finally he decides to stop and take a rest, the cool night air forces him to huddle in on himself for warmth.
A soft rustle to their left draws their gaze and has them moving to their feet. Their instinct to run is quickly thwarted as they find themself in a familiar position. Pinned to the ground, struggling beneath a sizable weight.
He's wrapped up in a fist, the ground falling away as he's swiftly lifted into the air. "Lucky me, a late night snack~" a soft voice hisses from behind. Despite the fear coursing through his veins they can't help but perk up at the voice. "Eddie?" He gasps hopefully, trying to look back over his shoulder. He gets a strong sense of deja vu that hits him as he watches the naga pause to pull back and look over his treat.
"Mouse?" The shift in attitude is immediate, Eddie's eyes light up in recognition. "What are you doing out in the open so late?" he frowns worry filling his voice.
(Y/N) averts his eyes shyly as Eddie moves to slip them into an open palm. "I was trying to find your nest." He admits, not seeing the effect his words have on Eddie. His expressions softens in an open look of awe. "you were coming back" he mutters as he puts the pieces together, brushing a claw against their ear with gentle affection.
At their shy nod the naga beams. "I can take you back...if you'd like?" he offers, delighted when they accept. Big doe eyes peeking up at him through their eyelashes. "Yes please."
"Come on we'll get you some berries and warm you up" Eddie hums as holds the tiny to his . That night the mouse falls asleep cuddling up beneath naga's clawed hand, like they would a blanket. Safe and sound in Eddie's cave.
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sviolet-sizefeels · 1 year
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Don't worry he's got quick reflexes... Like a ninja 😉
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byler-is-life · 1 year
I feel like everyone moved on way too fast from the bedroom scene because like; They were full on flirting with eachother. FLIRTING GUYS, THEY WERE FLIRTING.‼️
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gt-preys · 6 months
Okay but like tiny crustacean/ fish mer person as prey and big ass shark/ octopus pred goes hard
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ineffablelvrs · 2 years
lgbtq+ friendgroup
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itsgothgirlthyme · 1 year
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chapter 1: the plummet of doom
next chapter
stranger things g/t
hi! i had multiple asks for this so i finally wrote something for it!! i hope i can deliver, based on what i made last year. i wanna continue this story :) ugHh! summary is, dustin finds you, and its misery. until TADA steve harrington swoops in to save you. also the borrower is a fellow girly.
borrower!reader x steve harrington
pov: you're a borrower who got herself stuck in a trash can
Stuck between plastic you tried to pry yourself out of the darkness. The stench of rotten foods you’d wished you’d gotten your hands on before made you gag. Sure, you could take the smell of a dead mouse stuck inside a trap but still cry at its death. Yet this food, it smelled foul and your hand sunk into it. It collapsed under your fingers as you gingerly pulled your hand back. You grabbed onto a piece of black plastic and pulled yourself up. 
I’m such an idiot. 
You continued to climb up the mountains of garbage bags while trying not to fall. It was slick or sticky depending where you touched it. You recalled yourself earlier in the day when no one was home, other than for that stupid cat. You’d climbed onto the tabletop and were getting quite a few crumbs of bread. A victory you awaited to celebrate in the coziness of your walls. Yet when that thing meowed at you, it scared the shit out of you. Foolishly you misstepped and fallen into the depths of rotten peels and papers. Your hook had gotten stuck on thick brown paper and wouldn’t let go, and then the worst of it happened. That damn door to the entrance boomed making you freeze up. Your grip grew tighter as footsteps boomed in your direction. A familiar high-pitched voice of the house was talking to the devil cat.
Then she muttered something about the trash being taken out. That's when you hid under the flesh of fruit and held your breath. Then find yourself trying to untangle yourself from this mess. It had taken far too long to break the garbage bag, but journeying to the top of the tin became hard labor. You were dirty, sweating, and really wanted a breath of fresh air. Things you were used to feeling, but this time you weren’t sure if you’d make it. These humans, you weren’t sure where they threw out so much food waste in the first place. Your hands trembled. Would you suffocate in this pile of trash, or worse? 
You climbed up the last black bag closest to the lid. Yet you were so far away, and when you jumped your flicker of hope vanished. 
“Shit,” you squeaked as your foot went over something slick. 
You fell on top of another bag in the darkness and looked up at the ceiling. The longer you looked at the dark metal caved lid your eyes welled up. This couldn’t be it, to die due to your own foolishness. You’d expected to die due to a fight with the whiskered beast, or crushed by the hand of a human. Not being dumped into the trash due to your own skittishness (or stupidity). 
“No,” you said to yourself. You got up and slid down the trash to hit the metal can. You started to bang it in frustration, like it would open. You shouted till your throat got sore, not remembering when you’d even shouted last. Hot tears slipped down your face, at least you wouldn’t go down quietly. Yet no one would know, the mad little borrower, screaming till they could no longer breathe. 
Your knuckles stung and your tears had stopped. Then a loud creaking noise followed by being shed in golden light made you gasp. Tearful again you turned to look up and your eyes went wide. The house you borrowed from, the boy that lived there, stared down at you in awe.
“Holy shit,” he said. 
You purse your lips together and lean into the wall. 
I think I’ll die actually. 
Your thoughts were not answered as a large hand loomed over you. You ran and tried to dig your way into the garbage. When you tried to dive in further into the trash he’d gotten your leg. Pulling you out painfully slowly and you sighed. This was worse than trash death, this was so much worse. You were held upside down and you were met with his dark brown eyes. His fingers pinched your ankle and you were terrified it would break. 
“What are you?” he asked. 
A warm cloud of air hit your face causing you to swing. You stayed silent, not daring to give this kid more reason to keep you around. You hoped. Again, your hopes were crushed as he dropped you into darkness. The small space had even you feeling cramped in as you kicked the doors of it. He shushed you but that only made you kick harder. The doors wouldn’t budge but when you heard two voices you stopped. 
Then it went quiet. Then it went still. Then something zipped and you hit the ground. 
“Ow,” you muttered.
The ground under you was colored red and felt like dust. You became distracted for a moment as you put it between your fingers. Tiny rocks slipped past your fingers, and your lips parted. You realized it was quite warm as well, and when you looked up you hissed. It was a bright light that packed a lot of heat it seemed. You’d never seen it before, or maybe you had. You looked away and blinked. Seeing the outline of the light in dark colors everywhere you looked. Then you saw the kid again, staring at you. 
You stood up and already scurried off under a piece of wood. Yet he knew you were there but you couldn’t help yourself. You’d rather die trying to survive than playing his game. 
“Aw, hey buddy. I’m not going to hurt you,” his voice was now above you. 
“Buddy,” you scoffed with a brow raised. 
This kid was trying to act like a nice guy? 
“Look, uh. I don’t know if you know English actually,” he said. You looked to the other exit of the wood tunnel and started to crawl through it. “But I’m not going to hurt you, okay?” he said. When you crawled out you saw him, staring right at you. He frowned but then his face lit up. 
“Maybe you’re hungry,” he seemed determined as he scurried out of the room. You looked back at the red dust to see it stopped at… glass. Your heart dropped and you got out of the wooden tunnel. You looked around to see your worst nightmare. You were trapped in a glass box, and the only way out was up. Your heart started to pound against your chest and your hand touched it. You wanted to cry again, and you weren’t sure if it was possible to. 
Then something fell right beside you, and you looked back up. The kids' fingers pulled away and you looked back down. There was a pile of food beside you and you licked your lips. The kid told you to go ahead and eat from the same source. He called it, KitCat? Whatever it was, it took you a moment but you dug right in. It tasted like heaven to you, it melted in your mouth and was sweet. A different kind of sweet from that one time you had the peel of an apple or any other food. 
You’d sat down beside it and ate away till you were full. When you were done, you could feel his eyes burning the back of your head. You sighed, now full, at least feeling a little better, but what now? 
“My name is Dustin,” he introduced himself. 
Your brows shot up and you looked up at him. 
“Dustin,” he pointed at himself. 
The giant child was trying to have a conversation with you. You sighed, defeated, and took in a deep breath. You stood up and told him your name. This sent him into being a crazed maniac. He was giggling, gasping, and practically shouting at you. You just stared back up at him in shock at how overjoyed he was to hear you say a couple of words. You decided to stay quiet afterward, already regretting those words. You’d hidden under the wooden log and curled yourself up into a ball. You didn’t even have your damn hook anymore, you felt naked, useless. Eventually, the kid gave up, told you goodnight, and turned the lights off. Except yours. Thankfully it was a quiet night as you tried to fight off heavy eyelids. Eventually darkness, once again, got the best of you. 
You felt weightless and then your face crashed into something. You blinked your eyes open and realized you were trapped in darkness. You rubbed your eyes and your body flung toward another wall in the darkness. You hissed in response and backed up to the other wall. You steadied yourself and then your heart sank. 
Last night flashed before your eyes and now you were here. Stuck inside the trap he’d put you in last night. Going who knows where, and you couldn't fight it. You couldn’t do anything so you kicked the opening again. Nothing happened, but you did it again. You kicked again and again until you got tired. 
Being thrown into a bag and tossed around was not ideal. All the while this kid, Dustin, said nothing to you. You sat, defeated in his trap, as loud muffled noises met your ears. It scared the hell out of you, to be in this position. Would he tell other humans about you? What was he going to do with you? It made your head hurt. 
Time passed, and finally, the bag opened. You were lying down and were immediately met with new faces. They all looked wide-eyed, mouths dropped and they were all children. 
“Oh what the…” you stood up while trying to sink back into the bag. 
“What is that?” the boy with thick black hair said. 
You raised a brow at that, that. They are referring to you as it? 
Dustin told them your name and you rubbed your temple. Your neck strained looking up at a total of five new faces. Oh, you hated this, this is bad. 
“What? Did you name it?” the boy with a bandana tied around his head asked. 
“It’s my own name,” you spoke up. 
All eyes snapped to you and you stayed seated. You looked over your shoulder and your eyes went wide. All you could see were patches of long thick green grass. 
“This is insane,” the redhead girl said. 
“Isn’t it so cool?” Dustin said giddily. 
You followed the conversation, kinda, but eventually, you lost track of the topics. Something about a creature named Dart, and how Dustin found you. You hopped over the ledge and your feet were met with a soft ground. The blades of grass met your height and the edge of your lips tugged upward. You reached a hand out to touch it but then you got scooped up into a warm hand. 
You struggled against their grip but their fingers just tightened around you. The world spun until you were met by the kids' faces again. They started to blur in front of you and your breath started to get shallow. Once again you’d faded into darkness. 
It had been a couple of days of being handled and biting your tongue. You’d still been staying in Dustin’s glass box, which was called an “aqua-something” you couldn’t remember. You’d occasionally see his pet “turtle” slowly walking around on the floor. You sat on the log with your head in your hands. Trying to think of a way out of the cage, since Dustin put down the mesh top on it. You were close to escape two nights ago but had managed to mess up your leg. It wasn’t till you were awkwardly walking around in the morning he’d made the connection.
You perked up when you heard the door and slid under the log. You watched Dustin walk in on his lonesome. That was odd, usually the other kids joined him to just watch you (creepy). He flopped onto the bed and huffed. You rested your hands on the log and watched him look sad. It actually made your heart crack at the sight. Dustin hadn’t treated you horribly, but not amazingly either. Yet, you knew human children were complicated. You’d heard his mom complain about his teenage years when you were still in the walls.
Your brows furrowed and you huffed. Yep, now you remembered why you hated him. He took you away from your quiet, peaceful life which would have ended in a trashy death. When you zoned back into reality Dustin was no longer in bed. The hairs on your neck rose as a shadow loomed over you. Exhausted, you just let him pick you up into his warm palms. He held you in a loose fist and you stared up at him. 
“You’re still mad at me?” he asked. 
You didn’t say anything and he sighed. Clearly, you were still upset over him holding you so tightly you’d passed out. The first time he showed you to his friends, he’d left bruises for days all over your ribs. They were sore alongside your pride, now with the addition of a possibly broken leg. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeated for the millionth time. You looked away with little to no interest in his words. If you had any power over him, it was this. You didn’t give him what he wanted, and he’d leave you alone. Most of the time. This time he’d placed you in his backpack which had duck tape all over one side. You were surrounded by duck tape on the inside as well and pressed yourself up against it. He’d travel in silence the entire time and that freaked you out. The kid was always talking your ear off, even when you were pretending to not listen. Honestly, the things he said confused you but again, interested you. 
In the darkness, you finally heard Dustin whispering. Another voice whispered back and soon enough you were jostled in the bag. You landed on your bad leg and bit down a yelp. The sound of the zipper was followed by light. You dragged yourself to the corner of the pocket and were still shed by a shadow. 
“Dude, what are you talking about? There's nothing here,” a guy said. 
“She’s probably hiding, hold on,” Dustin said. 
Damn right, I am. 
You pressed your back against the wall and hugged your knee to your chest. You blinked in surprise as the surface below you tipped. You started to slide and you had nothing to grab onto. Your good leg met with a hard surface and the bag disappeared. Your eyes darted around you and you found out you were on an open table. Escape was possible. 
“What the–” you heard as Dustin cut off the voice. 
“Right?” Dustin introduced you to the voice.
You slowly turned around to be met with someone older for once. You take a step back and cringe at the pain shooting up your leg. The guy looked at you with wide brown eyes but they softened. His tense shoulders relaxed and his brows furrowed. He put his hands on the table and he looked at Dustin. 
“She’s scared, and looks like hell,” he said. Soon enough loud voices filled your ears as you started to step away to the edge of the table. You looked down at the drop which would surely end you. A shiver ran up your spine and you looked over your shoulder. 
Steve watched you and his chest cracked at the sight. You were pale and were shaking like a leaf. Not to mention the limp in your walk. You’d been handled by Dustin and his knucklehead friends. He ran a hand through his hair and put a hand on his hip. He’d dealt with weird shit before but you were something entirely new. He didn’t want to freak you out, considering Dustin had helped in that department already. 
“Okay okay,” Steve tapped the table, “Dustin, I’m taking her.” 
“What?” Dustin asked and your head snapped to Steve. 
Steve’s eyes went wide and he shook his head. “I mean, they’ll just stay with me. Dustin, clearly you’ve done enough.”
Dustin tried to fight his idea, claiming you’d been “found” by him. If anything you helped him, you vividly remember going insane in a trash can. That led him to opening it, so you really saved yourself, kinda.
“Dustin, just look at her,” Steve pointed at you. 
Dustin’s anger washed away but no words followed. 
“Steve!” Robin shouted from the other side of the doors. 
“Yeah, I heard you!” Steve shouted back. 
You jumped and he apologized immediately. Your tiny face finally looked up at him but he couldn’t detect your emotions. Once Dustin recapped Steve on what had happened up to this point, Robin burst in. 
“Jesus,” Steve jumped and turned around to face her. He moved himself to cover you from her vision as Robin started to complain to him. 
“C’mon doofus, it's my break time,” Robin exclaimed and continued to complain. 
Your heart raced as you let Steve’s silhouette cover you from her eyes. Dustin kept looking at you but you could never meet his eyes. You sidestepped closer to Steve and the edge of the table. Your head was spinning, and you were losing sight of your escape plan “the plummet of doom” you’d called it 5 minutes ago. 
“Oh my god, what is that?” you heard and you looked upward.
Robin, Steve, and Dustin loomed over you. Your heart plummeted to your stomach and you slid off the table. You hugged a leg of the table and made your way down. Shouts followed and then your fingers gave out. Hair whipped your face as you shut your eyes tight. Instead of being met with a hard floor you were met with something soft. You opened your eyes to see Steve staring down at you, inches away. Your face flushed at the closeness while he looked startled. His fingers cave in around you to hold you still and you don’t move.
“Jesus, who jumps off a ledge like that?” was the first thing he blurted.
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