#Sadly even in bigger stores things have almost died out
a-silent-observer · 1 year
Good lord, thank you very much for the fact that stationery doesn't expire...
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coralinehecc · 2 years
Corals Monthly Update #1
Well due to Tumblrs lack of a word limit, this idea has been on my mind ever since I started using this website properly. Basically, I wanna do these somewhat frequently and basically talk about what I got up to over the past month and possibly spill into the last month if need be. Starting from today imma try do these every day on the 20th or 21st because why not! So lets start off with this month, November! This month started off pretty nicely, as I had Halloween break spill over into November because mid term exams were early this year apparently. I however had plans! Instead of sitting around myself, Sully, had arranged to meet up with Wolf and spend a few days at his house in the back ass of nowhere. Despite Wolfs internet being almost as bad as his siblings tempers, it was super fun! He has a lot of stray cats that come around and hang about the farm which they look after and they’re so adorable!! My favourite was Oreo since she was so goofy >:] 
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(Wolf also had 2 dogs, one tiny one and a MASSIVE fluffy guy who was super excited to see us! Sometimes a bit too excited lmao) However, because of that I actually didn’t get much pictures while I was up there because cats distract me. Poor Sully was slightly allergic to cats sadly and was taking no chances so we couldn’t let them in for long and if we did it had to be far away from him. Cats aside, we also visited a small town near where Wolf lives and it was like an expanded version of where I grew up. Even had a huge ass forest which made me super jealous cuz I would’ve KILLED to grow up with smth like that!! We met up with Wolfs super chill friend Pierce (hope i spelt that right) and had a good time walking around and seeing what this little place had to offer. I also tried something called Vodka black which is like mostly blackcurrant mi waddi mixed with vodka and I loved it lol. Eventually we went back to Wolfs house and relaxed for the rest of the evening. OH ALSO! While at his house, Wolf let me borrow his 3DS so I could finally play Tomodatchi Life again, though I quickly reset the island as it had so many islanders that were either out of date, unfunny memes or people I REALLLY do not like anymore. So I started a new island! Here’s mostly everyone on it as of right now! >:]
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(Wolf, Sully and Saul Goodman are also here but I didn’t snap any photos lol) I hope to get a New 3DS soon because my first one died and the 2DS Sully let me have has a broken cart reader :[ Anyhow! On the last day we went into a bigger town that was an hour drive away. There was also a CeX there which had fucking SA2 stocked and nearly made me jump with the shock lmfao. I of course instantly bought that but also picked up Splatoon 2 since I wanted to give it a try (and i still need to play it oops.) There was also a discount store we passed that Wolf commented on, apparently saying it was shit. However after going inside it literally had everything I needed for a Red Guy cosplay I want to work on at some point! After our quick and simple trip around the town, we piled back into the car and were driven back to Dublin to catch the train home. Despite us only being there for a few days it was great fun! I always have a blast meeting up with Wolf and this time was no exception :D Other than that extravaganza, I haven’t actually been up to much IRL stuff. School is just school so nothing ever interesting happens, and I don’t do much at home either. Only thing I can say is that Carey in the House: Take 2 is almost done! I wanna say it’s currently 60 or maybe 75% done? I’ve been trying to push out the last chunk of animation but due to winter making silly caveman brain think it hibernation time, my productivity has slammed through the floor. My plan is to get it out before Christmas however! This is so I can spend all my time on hanging out with family and friends, since both Vi and Softy are coming over for New Years!! My current weakness though is backgrounds, rendering the base in blender saves a LOT of work but I’ll need to look into shaders to speed things like colour and line art up because it takes FOREVER. Here’s a comparison between backgrounds for example! Left is base render, right is the finished piece done in Clip Studio.
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(the bottom one is a better example as it has a lot more smaller details)  If need be I’ll probably ask a few friends to help out with smaller things but until then I’m (mostly) working solo. So WISH ME LUCK!! EDIT: HOW COULD I FORGET!! I ALSO DYED MY HAIR PURPLE!! However before that I had to bleach it and due to missing a certain product that was vital and SOLD SEPERATELY I had to go into school on Monday looking like I just stole all 7 chaos emeralds. 
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Thankfully I got it all sorted and now I look AWESOME!! (sorry for bad camera quality! New phone has a shit camera)
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For now however, that’s basically all I got up to this month. There’s probably something I forgot or didn’t mention because it was short (like twf reddit stuff) but that’s basically everything for the most part! I’m going to be doing a trivia stream with Waltenews on the 26th tho so I’ll talk about it more next time! Go check it out at “twitch.tv/Waltenews” or I will find you!! Thank you all so much for reading and I hope to do more of these :D
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Pet Owners Part 1
Owning pets is rare for nations because a true nation’s pet has a bond with their owners as much as they do the land. Many of their pets don’t really have something they represent inexactness, it's just they were there when the nation was born, and they bonded. No one can really explain how they come to find their owners, both parties just know.
Some nations don’t have the nation pet, but instead either found a mythical creature or own regular pets that will eventually die.
America – A big black shaggy dog. Allen has owned Makwa since he was a small child. No matter where he went Makwa would follow. This mini mammoth is very protective of Allen and has bitten Oliver many times. This dog has even followed Allen into war zones. Their bond is as deep as man and dog can go.
He is Allen’s best friend and more often than not the wall he bounces off of. Whether he is venting, planning, or just sleepy mumbling, Allen takes the time to talk to Makwa.
England – Flying Chocolate Bunny (FCB) and Flying Strawberry Bunny (FSB). These mythical evil bunnies are downright monsters. Unlike his 1p that has only one, Oliver has two. Both nations discovered their bunny allies together, but instead of taking just one. Oliver decided to take two. They were found when the nations were about 150 yrs old.
Since mythical creatures have longer lifespans, they aren’t nation pets and die much later than an average pet.
FCB has red beady eyes and is the color of dark chocolate. His wings are shaped more like raptor’s wings and have a white chocolate underside to his wings. FCB often twitches and drools and looks like he is about to eat the nearest piece of flesh. He is known for being wilder and more chaotic, he does some of the dirty work for Oliver by getting physically involved. Scratching and biting Oliver’s victims, slowly driving them mad by wounds made from an unseen force.
FSB on the other hand is much sweeter. She is a light red with small yellow spots. Her wings look like a swan's, and have a light green underwing. Her eyes are small beady and green. FSB looks like a toy rabbit, small and fluffy. She is Oliver’s eyes and ears. She spies on whomever Oliver asks her to and takes the time to ensure that Oliver has whatever information that he needs. When Oliver had many colonies she was the one sent to spy on them. She is quick and knows how to use magic to shorten her fly time.
Oliver loves his bunnies and feeds them a lot of cupcakes and meat. He spoils them with fancy beds and toys. Though he does expect them to earn their keep with various tasks given by him.
Canada – A big white polar bear. Kuma is Canada’s oldest frenemy, over the years they have traded blows and saved each other. The amount of trust these two have is unrivaled by any other nation and their pets. Kuma has been with Canada since he was about a week old. Kuma is a typical adult polar bear with a scar across his left shoulder and it splits his fur.
Canada’s scars on his chest come from Kuma. They got really intense in a fight one day and came at each other for blood. That same fight gave Kuma his scar. Both winded up extremely wounded and ignored each other for a week before making up.
Over the years Kuma mostly follows Matt’s orders. But occasionally Kuma acts like a brat and ignores Canada. Kuma has his own little house outside that Canada built, but he also has a huge mat on the floor inside Matt’s cabin.
Japan – Koi. Like it’s been said before, Japan likes koi. They are beautiful and he owns many. He has been keeping them since he was physically about 12 years old. He has a pond that connects to a tank within his home. It is a huge tank that has all the proper fixings that allow for a comfortable space for his fish.
He invests heavily in the industry and always checks the farms himself when he has the time. Many family farms know of Kurai, at least a fake name he puts out, and newer farms hope to receive his blessings. His name carries a lot of respect and honor for the koi industry and those that don’t meet his standards close shop quickly.
Every so often he will enter his koi in contests. He loves to know that his are the best and has many ribbons from the past ones he has either won or come close to winning.
Germany – A small brown tabby. Luther loves his tiny kitty and spends many a nap with this little baby on his lap. His little tabby is called Winzig and her name is literally her size. Winzig was found by Luther one night after making his way home after a night of drinking about a year ago. She was small and hiding under a box by his apartment. In his drunken stupor, he picked up the kitten without thinking and brought her home. She is actually his third cat.
There were two others he had owned in the past. His first was a calico that was named Schnurrhaare (Whisker). She was very aloof, but they too napped together often. She sadly died in the year 1901. His second cat Axel came to him about 1950 and was a gift from his boss. Axel was a big Mainecoon that looked like a burnt cookie. He acted more like a dog than a cat and Luther loved him. They played fetch together.
None of Luther’s cats have been a true nation pet. So, each one has passed, Winzig is still young and very lively so she has a while still with Luther. Though the other two, Luther has kept their collars and buried them behind his father’s house. He leaves little bits of string on their graves for them.
Rome – This old man had a lion. Not just any lion, the extinct European lion. Mars was the name of this old boy and Rome had him from the time he was a child. At first, Mars was unsure about Rome and chased him. Over time the two became close. Mars didn’t have a huge mane it was more of a gentle fluff around his head and down his chest. His body and head were covered in scars. Mars was known to have a light pale coated rather than the deep dusty color of many of his brethren. He had a regal air about him and Rome cherished his lion a lot.
When Rome passed Mars lived on, but not much longer than Rome. He lived about 5 years while being taken care of by Luciano. Mars being old then, didn’t do much and seemed to enjoy the calm final years that Luciano offered him. He got a bigger and cooler grave than his master did.
Prussia – Alvin is an old destrier and looks like a Percheron. Lightly colored with dark grey boots and muzzle. Alvin has been with Wil since he was born, this stocky little foal just showed up outside and has been with him ever since. Alvin has been Wil’s first pick of steed into every battle that used horses and Alvin like his owner is brave and loyal.
Both master and pet love spending nights together riding through the woods. Prussia gives Alvin lots of training and treats. They are so close that more often than not spend many afternoons together. Alvin is also trained for various horse competitions.
Spain – So we all know this man owns a bull. Idiota is special to Armando even though he won't admit it. When Armando is tending to his fields Idiota is there giving a presentation of an old friend. Many believe that Idiota is a nation pet because of how long he has lived and Spain agrees. As much as he gets angry at his bull being stupid he could never bring himself to part with the bull.
The centuries of being petty with each other make it interesting to both parties. Though in times of danger both have each other's backs. Once during a siege when Spain was young, Idiota was all that stood between him and Rome. Though despite losing, it took Rome impaling the bull and beheading it to keep it from defending a young Spaniard.
Netherland – He has a snake. It’s a simple grass snake that often hangs out with him at home. He loves his little snake and named him Hazel. He says his snake looks like a Hazel. Baas and Hazel go on many adventures when the weather is ok for Hazel. He takes him to the store, to meetings with his boss, and other places. They spend lots of time gathering info on people and just pulling pranks. Baas believes that Hazel enjoys it as much as his master.
 Hazel has a huge terrarium with plenty of space, heating lights, and pools of water. It takes up a whole wall in Baas’ home. It also contains fish and other small creatures that make the tank self-sustaining. 
Baas relates to his danger noodle; in that, he sees himself almost the same as his snake. Both are hidden predators that take care of nasty rats. Which happens to relate to his favorite thing to do with Hazel, feed him.
Austria – A Greater Mouse-Eared Bat, I mean what could be better for him. Austria found Krampus around Christmas time when he heard some noises coming from his attic. Krampus had found his way into the attic and freaked out trying to get out. This caused a tear in his wing, and Austria being surprised by this tiny nightmare.
Austria feeling the spirit of Christmas was compassionate and took care of the bat. First, he forced his way into a vet clinic and had his little Krampus looked at. Krampus's huge tear would heal, but it makes it difficult for him to fly again. That was the vet’s opinion and then went off to call a sanctuary to come and collect the bat. Well, Jon didn’t like that and ran off with Krampus.
Since then Jon has done a lot to ensure his little friend was becoming better. Eventually, the wing healed, but not well enough for flying. So Jon has a little bat that can glide short distances and has a little cave in his home. Krampus gets all the proper nutrition and cleanings.
Though shortly after bringing Krampus home, Jon did call Matt. Matt had some words for Jon when he found out what he did.
Switzerland – This man loves goat cheese, so obviously he wanted goats. He and his 1p own a small herd together that they both manage. Vash does most of the physical labor while Hans makes them look good for competition and takes care of their papers. 
They are all Swiss breeds and earn their keep by giving milk. They have a great life with all the latest things for goat care. Hans even personally watches the new items get installed to ensure that it is done right and that his goats are given something nice. 
Hans pets them often and coos to them as he does. He keeps plenty of treats on hand, to the point all the herd runs toward him wanting treats.
Iceland – Mr. Puffin or Puff as Iceland calls him. This is puffin is nothing like his gangster 1p. He wears a small top hat and monocle. He is much more gentlemanly and often speaks about how Iceland could be better behaved. He often says things like stand straight, address the lady with respect, and so on. Unlike most nations and their pets growing up at the same rate, Puff was an adult when he met baby Iceland. Which concerned 2p Norway, because he could have been some kind of monster trying to destroy his new colony. One of the few times Norway showed concern for Iceland.
Though being the typical expectation for nation pets, Iceland loves Puff. They spend time together going about and causing havoc and attempting to win Norway’s attention. Though Puff still tells Iceland that there are better things to do than pursue Norway, but Iceland wants his brother’s love and acceptance.
Puff does his best to keep Iceland under control and professional, but he fails often. Though he refuses to give up and rather would keep on taking care of his young ward.
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stradlingmrstradlin · 4 years
So I enjoy writing and I this is the first story that I wrote with the intent of being posted. Constructive criticism is always welcome ♥️
Here's the story
Steven x Duff
Reader x Izzy
(No warnings, maybe swearwords if that counts, also I don't promote underage drinking)
I think I managed to stay gender-neutral
Words: 2794
You were on a road trip with the guys, how did you end up here? Oh well, you've known the guys for a few years as you were good friends with Steven since you were kids, but you had a falling out because he moved around quite a lot and your family did too.
When you were 14 your family moved to Seattle and stayed there for 4 years. In those years you met a blond-haired dude whose name was Michael or as you and a few other people called him, Duff. You and Duff met at a corner store when you were 15 and tried to steal a bottle of vodka. Duff was also lurking around the alcohol section, also probably trying to steal some alcoholic beverage.
But he was, according to the store manager, a suspicious punk guy...so he got kicked out before even getting his hands on anything. You felt bad for him so after sliding a bottle in the inside pocket of your denim jacket and throwing a wink and a charming smile towards the cashier you walked out.
So there you were at eighteen having to say goodbye to Duff because your family was moving away... again but now to Ireland. You had a huge argument with your family about always moving and you losing all of your friends because of them so you made a decision, to run away. Ok, I know that's a stupid idea because how the fuck will you survive on your own?
Your family was well off so you decided to take a bit of money with you, they probably wouldn't even notice.
You lived in quite a few places after that, from the back alley of the theater to Duff's place, his family loved you so it was ok. When Duff decided to move to LA to pursue his dream of being in a band you of course followed him.
You moved into a small one-room apartment together, but it was great. Living with Duff is fun. But he always moved stuff on the top shelf to mess with you, and also money was tight. You guys both worked a lot but it was alright.
He joined a few bands and played a few gigs in shitty bars but none of them worked out. You played guitar so you tried but it was the same with you, never being able to keep a band together for more than a month. Also being a girl didn't help, because many bands thought that it'll ruin their image if a girl is in the band.
Eventually, he put an ad in the paper looking for a band and that's how he met the other guys. You were super surprised to see Steven there but also happy to see him. Also, you remembered Slash from meeting him with Steven maybe a couple of times. The only new people were the two boys, who, as you later found out were from Indiana. The one who looked a bit like Johnny Thunders was hot, but you ignored that fact for now.
The first thing you noticed between your two blond friends was a bit of jealousy, at first you thought maybe they liked you and were jealous of each other, but after a while, even before they knew it, you caught onto the real reason. They didn't like you, at least not romantically, they liked each other. But for about four years they didn't act in their feelings...(later on about that)
Eventually, in 1985 they formed Guns N Roses. The guys liked you, and Axl tried to fuck you, but after a big smack on the head and an angry talking to by Duff he quickly forgot that idea.
So now in 1988 here you were sitting in the back of a van, that Izzy was driving because he was the only sober one...today. Tomorrow probably you'll have to drive.
Your pov.
We were in the car for about twenty minutes and everything was calm...for now. Led Zeppelin was coming from the radio and Axl was softly singing along, in the front seat and Izzy was driving. Duff sipping something from a bottle, probably something alcoholic, and slowly falling asleep and leaning on Steven's shoulder. Steve was smiling per usual, but if possible his smile got even bigger when Duff's head landed on his shoulder. But as all good things come to an end, the comfortable silence got broken.
"I have to pee!" Steven suddenly yelled out, causing Duff to lift his head off of Steven's shoulder and look around in confusion. "The fuck is going on?"
Axl just grumbled "Steven is a fucking baby and can't go and use the toilet before road trips...no he has to use them when we are in the middle of a fucking highways"
Slash snorted at Axl's response but didn't say anything as he didn't want to get into this argument, surprising.
Can't the guys stay still for one second?
"Izzy, can you please stop the car at the next rest stop?" I asked, as kindly as possible not wanting to further upset Rosie and listen to him throwing a temper tantrum for the next hour or so, he's annoying sometimes.
Anyways we stopped at the next stop, and Steven almost ran to the restroom. I switched places with Axl because he was tired and wanted to sit in the back, so he could stretch out a bit. Now Axl was sitting next to Slash, and Steven came back jumping in next to Duff. We're on the road again.
"Can I switch the music?" Izzy looked at me with almost puppy dog eyes, well I didn't think that was possible.
"Of course, what do you have in mind?"I replied almost laughing because of the face he was making
"Maybe Hanoi Rocks?" He again looked at me with the same stupid face.
"Fine, just stop making that face because I'll probably die from laughter" At this point, I just straight up burst out laughing and he just threw a cute lil smile my way. I was super proud of myself because I made THE Izzy Stradlin laugh.
A little background on me and Izzy. When we first met I ignored that he was hot because I didn't want to mess anything up for Duff with the band, but in the next two years that feeling grew from "oh, he's hot" to "I want to fuck him". No, we never fucked, but at a party in 87' we had a really hot make-out session which was sadly ended by a drunk Slash passing out on top of me...that was a wild party. There were no awkward feelings between us but we never took it further either. We sometimes cuddled and kissed when we needed human contact but nothing else. I always wanted more, but Izzy...Izzy is a mysterious guy, hard to figure out, the only person who somewhat is able to figure him out is Axl...but you don't go to Axl asking for advice, because Axl's advice is usually bad advice.
..My thoughts were interrupted by the opening cords for Don't You Ever Leave Me, which's one of my favorite songs. Izzy glanced at me and seconds later we were quietly singing because we didn't want to disturb our four friends who were asleep in the back. Axl and Slash were leaning on each other and Axl's face was barely visible because of Slash's hair. Duff was leaning on a window and Steve was cuddled up to him.
As I was looking at my friends when Iz asked me a question "When do you think they'll realize that they like each other because you have to be an idiot to not realize it, I mean Steven always smiles around Duff, and Duff is so cuddly with steven?" Oh boy, the problem was, that our friends were indeed stupid, at least on the topic of love. "I don't know Iz, they are after all a bit ignorant when it comes to love" As I said this I saw something in Izzy's face change, but I couldn't identify it because it was gone pretty soon. After that we didn't talk much, only glancing at each other a few times but it wasn't uncomfortable or anything, we just didn't have anything else to say out loud.
However, my thoughts were really loud... Ignorant with love? That sounds like us, maybe after all Duff and Stevie weren't the only stupid ones.
...It was around 6 pm when we got to our destination, a fairly large cabin up in the hills, between a shit ton of trees. Nice, finally we can rest without reporters, fans, and annoying paparazzi asking about the private life of the guys.
Everyone had their own room as nobody really wanted to share, we specifically looked for a cabin with 6 rooms, we love each other but sharing a room is annoying. In the beginning, when we didn't have much I shared rooms with probably all of the guys.
Axl is an annoying little fucker, he kicked me in his dream a lot of times, my back hurt a lot after. Slash is nice, he let me have my own space on the small bed we slept on and didn't bother me, well he accidentally woke me up when he fell off the bed, but that sucks for him, not me. Steven and Duff both love cuddles, Steven almost suffocated me once but other than that it's nice sleeping next to them. Izzy...He doesn't hug you or cuddle up to you when you're going to sleep but somehow you always wake up tangled together.
After we brought up our luggage to our assigned rooms Slash had the awesome idea to watch a film. Steven wanted to watch something funny but Axl quickly told him to fuck off.
"Axl, that's very rude" Duff quickly came to the help of Steven. "Yeah, well I ain't watching some shitty comedy, that's for pussies" ..Axl is an asshole sometimes
Slash had enough of arguing and just put on a horror movie and told everyone to shut up and watch the movie.
Halfway through, Steven was cuddled up to Duff, hiding in his chest.
Axl laughed every time someone died, and Slash always shushed him.
Outside pov.
As the movie went on Steven was buried under his hair, two blankets, and most importantly to him, in Duff's arms. How can they be so stupid? Not noticing something that's there?
But they weren't the only stupid ones, no there was a black-haired boy, and you. Also stupid... too stupid in love to notice what's there.
After the movie ended you made food for the guys. Duff decided to help, as the others were pretty incapable of cooking or didn't want to help.
Your pov.
"You know y/n you're blind for not noticing how Izzy looks at you." Duff stated bluntly. "Well McKagan then you're pretty blind for not noticing how Steven looks at you"
"What do you mean?" He asked with...hope? His eyes got wider and you could hear his voice shake a bit.
"Duff, are you serious? Steven likes you, he always tries to be close to you, looks at all the groupies you fuck with so much anger in his eyes, I never thought he could be so angry. And don't think I don't see you staring at him all day" I said with a sweet smile on my face.
"I don't get it y/n..he..he likes me?"
"Yes Duff, he does, he really does, so please don't mess this up, promise me you'll talk to him while we're here"
I really hope he'll talk to him because it's probably eating them up from the inside to keep these feelings locked away.
"But! Y/n, you should talk to Izzy too, you have something between the two of you" Duff looked at me with pleading eyes
"Duff, things are complicated, we.... well, we know about each other's feelings but, I don't know, I guess we're just too afraid to fuck it up"
I don't know about his feelings, to be honest, but I'm definitely scared to fuck up because I really like him. For a time I never thought I'd be able to love someone, and I know that's a strong word to use, but when he came along, stuff changed.
By the time we were done cooking the guys were all hungry and basically ran to the kitchen, I was really conflicted inside from our conversation with Duff. Should I mention it to Iz? Probably should. Whatever, I'll think about it later.
Night came around and everyone retreated to their own rooms to sleep, or in my case think.
Outside pov.
Slash and Axl were fast asleep in their rooms, but the others weren't.
Duff was sitting in the kitchen, head in his hands muttering to himself about being a coward and stupid. Steven however noticed someone downstairs and when he saw Duff and what he was muttering to himself he got sad. How could this perfect human being think that he's stupid? He tiptoed behind him and pulled Duff in his arms from behind. Duff was sitting so the back of his head was pressed into stevens chest. At first, Duff was scared but as soon as he smelled the familiar and calming scent of Steven he instantly felt comfortable, like he was at home. Steven turned Duff around and carefully put his fingers under the taller man's chin and leaned down to press a love-filled kiss onto his lips. At this moment both of them understood everything without words. Duff stood up hugging Steven and lifting him up to take him to his room. They didn't do anything else besides cuddling and a lot of kisses, but both of them felt safe and eventually, they fell asleep with Duff on his back pulling Steven close to him, almost on top of him. This is how they'll be found when you walked into Duff's room in the morning to tell him something.
What was that something?
Well after a lot of thinking you got up and went to Izzy's room. It's now or never you though.
Your pov.
My fingers softly collided with the wooden door and a rustling noise inside told me that Izzy heard it. This seemed like a really bad idea all of a sudden. Well, can't do anything about it now.
A soft "Who's there" could be heard from inside the room "Just me, can we talk?" I replied really quietly wondering if he heard me.  "Yeah, come in"
"Iz, look I'm going to tell you something, ok? Please don't interrupt me."
"So you know when we met, I immediately found you extremely hot. Well, those feelings grew a lot since then, and when we kissed at the party, it just, felt so...right? I know you'll probably tell me that you were just drunk all of the times you kissed me, or just felt lonely. But Iz, I like you, a lot." Silence, that's all, he said nothing. Just staring at me with his signature poker face.
"I knew it, sorry for disturbing  you, I'll just go now, forget it please!"
As I turned to walk away he grabbed my arms and pulled me back into a hug that soon turned into a kiss. When I opened my eyes again we were cuddling on his bed. This is where I felt home, felt alright, in his arms.
"I'm sorry for not responding love, it was just shocking to hear that you liked me. I thought you kissed me all those times just to anger Duff or Axl. I guess I just never thought you'd want to be with a junkie " Izzy whispered looking down at his arms sadly
"You thought wrong Iz, I don't give a fuck about what you do, well yes I don't like you doing drugs, but also you can get over that and to me you are perfect" 
"Maybe it's too soon to say, but I love you y/n, I really do."
"I love you too Iz"
Outside pov.
Maybe they weren't so stupid after all, just scared of their feelings. The two blond boys, who understood each other without words. Izzy and you, on the other hand, needed words to understand each other fully.
But what matters is that in the end, everything was alright.
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captainjanegay · 4 years
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Sharp Dressed Man | Stucky | Meet Cute | 2.1k words | Ao3
The curtain is pushed to the side and Steve automatically looks up. The man takes a step out of the cubicle. His head is turned as he looks over his shoulder to check himself in the mirror.
“Oh wow,” Steve breathes out despite himself.
A/N: This one is for my precious Helena @hbalbat​ based on a meet-cute prompt she's sent me. I'm not completely happy with it, especially the ending but hopefully that's just my sleep deprivation talking. Have fun! ♥
Also let's consider this my third entry for the @stuckybingo2020​ because it fits.
“OK, I might have overdone it.”
Steve looks up from where he’s going through a rack of t-shirts, each one with a more obnoxious print than the other. To his surprise there’s nobody around. After a moment he realises that the deep male voice must have come from one of the cubicles that serve as the shop’s dressing rooms.
“The suit’s nice but I think the turtleneck is a bit much for it.”
Steve raises an eyebrow, confused. Either the guy likes talking to himself or he came with someone who wandered off, instead of waiting for him to change. So Steve goes back to his search and he shakes his head a bit to himself, realising what the guy has said. Turtlenecks are ridiculous, Steve never liked them and usually they just look weird. On anyone. But pairing them with a suit? That’s a whole other level of ridiculous in Steve’s opinion.
The curtain is pushed to the side and Steve automatically looks up. The man takes a step out of the cubicle. His head is turned as he looks over his shoulder to check himself in the mirror.
“I think I’ll take the suit, though. My butt looks good in it,” the man laughs but then he fully turns towards Steve. The laugh dies on his lips. He looks around, a bit confused and then glances back at Steve.
“Oh wow,” Steve breathes out despite himself.
The thing is, the man in front of him is gorgeous. Unfairly so. He is almost as tall as Steve, his dark hair is long, pulled back into a messy bun, one strand falling onto his forehead. Steve fingers itch to brush it back behind his ear. The man’s eyes are bright and there’s a short stubble on his face that only makes him look hotter. He is wearing a dark brown suit that fits his body perfectly. But the weirdest thing? Underneath the suit jacket he has a bright, mustard-y yellow turtleneck and it really shouldn’t work on anyone. But the man looks good. It makes Steve feel a bit weak in the knees.
“Oh,” the man blinks at Steve, his cheeks going pink. “You’re not Natasha.”
Steve mentally slaps himself across the head. There’s nothing better than to drool at the sight of a random man in a clothing store. A straight man, probably. With a possible girlfriend, if Steve wanted to jump to conclusions and he usually did.
“No, I’m not, I’m just Steve, sorry. I just—Looking for—T-shirts—” Steve says, not really sure where he is going with that. “Your girlfriend must’ve wandered off somewhere.”
Not being able to look at the man's face without embarrassing himself further, Steve glances somewhere above his shoulder. His eyes land on the mirror in the changing room and he sees that his entire face is bright red. Way to go, Steve.
"My girlfriend?" the man asks, raising a brow in confusion. "Oh you mean Tasha? She's not… I'm not…"
The man averts his gaze and rubs at his neck, looking rather uncomfortable and Steve really wishes he picked a different store. But on the other hand, if he did he would never have seen this man and it would be a shame. A real shame. No matter how much of an idiot he's making of himself right now, it is kind of worth it if he gets to look at this gorgeous human for a bit longer. This guy could easily be a model. Or maybe he is, Steve wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest. Steve is an artist. He can appreciate beauty. And there is so much beauty to appreciate in this man. 
So much beauty.
Steve wonders how weird it would be to ask if the man wanted to pose for him. Steve has already embarrassed himself plenty already so it wouldn’t hurt any more.
“Shit,” the man says to himself with a breathy laugh. He runs a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t mean to—,” he waves his hand vaguely between them and laughs again. “I just thought my friend will be useful for once and give me her opinion but apparently she just left me in the lurch.”
“For what it’s worth—you look incredible,” Steve says, sincerely. He can’t stop his eyes from wandering down the man’s body and then back up. “It—Really suits you.”
To Steve’s surprise he doesn’t get punched for—quite obviously—checking the guy out. It could be because of his size—it usually discourages people from trying to fight him, even though they sometimes want to. Like when he tells them that being racist, misogynist or a homophobe is a very fucking bad thing to be, for example. But the man doesn’t even look like he wants to punch Steve. Quite the contrary, a small smirk appears on his face. He tilts his head to the side and straightens up with confidence, even though his cheeks are still a bit pink.
“You think so? It’s not too much?” the man asks, apparently not noticing that Steve’s about to die.
“It’s great. You look great. And that’s coming from someone who despises turtlenecks,” Steve hopes that his smile is sincere, maybe even a little flirty and not as nervous as he feels.
The guy raises an eyebrow in response and he glances down before saying, “That’s fair. I don’t think there’s a turtleneck big enough to contain all of these muscles anyway. And it would be really unfair to hide those collarbones of yours.”
Automatically, Steve looks down where the two top buttons of his Henley are left open and it takes him a second to fully understand what the man just said. Is he being flirted with? Is the most attractive person he’s ever seen flirting with him? When Steve looks back up, the man’s eyes are already fixed on him, his smirk bigger and definitely more amused now.
OK, maybe Steve was too quick with labelling the man as straight. Or at least he hopes he was.
“I’m Bucky,” the man offers. Despite the fact that it’s a rather unique name—or nickname, who knows—Steve finds it quite fitting. “And you’re Steve, if I got that correctly?”
Steve nods with a smile, not really sure at which point of his mumbling he managed to introduce himself. For a moment they just stare at each other. Steve is not sure whether he wants to run or get significantly closer to the man. To Bucky, he reminds himself. Before he can do either of those things, Bucky shakes his head slightly and blinks.
“Right,” he says, taking a step back. He points his thumb at the changing room behind him and smiles. “I’d better—Gonna change and—Thanks for your opinion, Steve. You’re very—helpful.”
When Bucky turns away and grabs the curtain, Steve decides to take a chance. After all he was never the one to back down from a challenge.
“Hey, Bucky?” he calls.
With his hand curled around the curtain, Bucky looks over his shoulder at Steve. “Yeah?”
“Your butt looks really good in that suit.”
The curtain flutters close but Steve still can hear Bucky’s melodic laugh. He grins to himself.
And that’s when a small, redheaded woman walks over to the changing rooms and raises one of her perfect eyebrows at Steve.
“James? What are you wearing that makes a hot stranger compliment your ass?” she says with her eyes still trained on Steve as she reaches to grab the curtain behind which Bucky has just disappeared.
And that’s when Steve decides it’s his time to run.
Steve wanders around the mall for another hour or so. For some reason, he feels reluctant to walk into any other clothing store. It might be because he is worried he’d bump into Bucky again and embarrass himself further or it might just be trauma. It’s not ideal. Especially because his main goal of coming here was to buy some clothes so Sam would stop complaining about his “grandpa wardrobe”. Which is an obvious exaggeration, it’s not that bad. And Sam owns his fair share of khakis and checkered button-ups, so he is in no position to judge. But Steve figured that buying a new pair of jeans, some t-shirts and maybe a jacket won’t hurt. 
Instead, he goes to a stationery shop and walks out with a new set of pencils and a sketchbook. The one he has is already half full anyway. Nearby, there’s a bookstore and Steve saunters between the shelves for a while, picking up whatever book catches his eye. He doesn’t really intend to buy anything but in the end he gets a sci-fi novel he wanted to read for a while but hasn't gotten to yet.
Steve would totally consider it a successful trip to the mall and called it a day. Sadly, he can imagine Sam laughing at his mumbled explanation as to why he didn't buy any clothes. So instead of going home, he decides to grab a coffee and then try to face the clothing store again. It can’t be that hard. 
Rounding the corner, Steve collides with someone coming in the opposite direction. Automatically, he grabs the other person’s arm to help them regain their balance.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t—” Steve starts and looks up. Just as quickly, he completely forgets what he was meaning to say next.
It’s Bucky.
Bucky’s standing barely two feet away. His eyes are some kind of stormy blue and there are freckles splattered across his nose and part of his cheeks. Looking at him from this close is making it hard to breathe for Steve.
When recognition dawns on him, a smile blooms on Bucky’s face, “Hi, Steve!”
“Hi,” Steve just answers weakly. Only now he realises that his hand is still wrapped around Bucky’s bicep—a very nice bicep, Steve can feel the muscle hidden underneath Bucky’s layers of clothing and tries not to think about it too hard—and takes a step back, putting down his hand.
Obviously, Bucky is not in the outfit he had at the store but he still looks like he'd walked straight out of a fashion magazine. Now he's wearing a black button-up with little white dots all over it and a black leather jacket. His bun is even messier, several loose strands tucked behind his ear, but he still looks as attractive as before. Or maybe Steve is just biased.
"Fancy bumping into you again," Bucky says, seeming genuinely happy.
"You too," Steve finally gets a grip on himself and smiles. "Did you buy the suit?"
Bucky chuckles at that, blushing, "I did, actually. The turtleneck, too. Your…um, feedback was very helpful. Tasha approved, too." He glances to his side and furrows his brows. Turning around in a full circle, he looks back at Steve. "And apparently she ditched me again. I swear I'm not making her up!"
"I believe you, I've seen her back in the store," Steve assures him with a laugh. "Petite redhead, very intense stare?"
"Sounds like Natasha. She's great, at least when she's not busy abandoning me in shopping malls. Did you get whatever you needed? I didn't see you around when I left the changing room."
Tilting his head to the side, Steve just stares for a moment. Did that mean Bucky looked for him? The thought makes his insides twist in a slightly uncomfortable but pleasant way. Steve tries not to get his hopes up. The pink tinge on Bucky's cheeks doesn't help with that.
"Not really, couldn't find anything fitting," Steve says. 
It's not exactly a lie, he just doesn't add that he was too embarrassed to face Bucky after complimenting his butt. Bucky opens his mouth, then closes it and bites the inside of his cheek, deciding against whatever he wanted to say. Steve raises an eyebrow at him. "What?" he asks.
"Nothing," Bucky says. "Just trying not to say something highly inappropriate again to a guy I don't really know."
The hope flutters in Steve's stomach, making him grin. At this point he's pretty confident that his initial assessment of Bucky was wrong. So he feels bold enough to ask, "You know, I was actually on my way to grab a coffee. Maybe you'd like to join me?"
"Sure, that would be nice," Bucky smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling adorably. 
Steve might be a bit gone already. 
"I'm still not gonna say, though. If that's your plan," Bucky adds and before Steve can say anything, he smirks. "It's gonna take more than one coffee to break me."
And this sounds like a challenge Steve's determined to win.“
Title: Sharp Dressed Man Creator(s): niallhoranbitches Card number: 065 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26961397 Square filled: E2 - Muscles Rating: Teen and Up Archive warnings: None Major tags: Meet Cute, No Powers AU Summary: The curtain is pushed to the side and Steve automatically looks up. The man takes a step out of the cubicle. His head is turned as he looks over his shoulder to check himself in the mirror.
“Oh wow,” Steve breathes out despite himself. Word count: 2118
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comic-book-jawns · 4 years
An Old Friend
Dani was ringing up the order when Jamie walked out of the back room, eyed the customer and froze. The woman, too, had looked over instinctively at the sound of the door closing and then frozen herself. Dani, busy working on the order form, wouldn’t have even noticed the exchange, if the woman hadn’t spoken.
Woman: Oh... ma god.
Dani looked up first at her, noticing she’d turned several shades whiter, then over at Jamie, who looked as if she’d been punched in the stomach. While Dani had noticed the woman’s British accent — not exactly like Jamie’s, but not posh, either — she hadn’t thought anything of it. It’s not like Jamie knew everyone in England. But this one, evidently, she did, and rather well by the looks of it.
As Dani watched, Jamie’s face contorted with anger — no, not anger, rage. Dani was already rushing over as Jamie’s right hand curled into a fist. She reached her just as she heard the glass door open and close. The woman was gone.
Jamie was breathing so heavily Dani could feel it against her face. She gently took Jamie’s hand and tried to open it but was met with resistance.
Dani: Jamie...
Jamie’s hand started trembling. Dani massaged it.
Dani: Please let me -
Jamie looked down, shaking her head.
Dani: Jamie...
She’d seen Jamie upset before, but never like this.
Jamie: Please go home. I - I don’t want to scare you.
With her other hand, Dani gently tilted up Jamie’s chin.
Dani: Hey.
Jamie reluctantly looked her in the eye.
Dani: You could never scare me.
She leaned forward until her forehead touched Jamie’s, which was beaded with sweat. After a few moments, she felt Jamie’s breathing start to slow; and a few moments after that, she felt Jamie’s hand unfurl in hers. Dani pulled back just enough to examine it.
Blood from finger nail marks seeped between Jamie’s fingers onto Dani’s palm. Dani could’ve cried, but she knew that wasn’t what Jamie needed right now.
Dani: I’ll... go get the first aid kit.
She didn’t want to let go of Jamie, but she didn’t want to move her, either — not yet, anyway. She was back behind the counter in a matter of seconds, rummaging through the cabinets below.
Jamie: Dani...
It was barely a whisper. And then her vision went black.
Jamie: Erin was my first real friend.
They were back at the apartment, sitting on the couch. Dani had known Jamie would talk when she was ready.
After getting her patched up and taking her home, though, Dani had insisted she rest. Jamie had tried to assure her that she was fine, though she actually felt even worse than before, knowing she’d scared Dani, after all, when she’d collapsed. But then she’d realized she needed to sleep for Dani’s sake as much as hers, so she’d laid her head on Dani’s lap and drifted off.
Now, a few hours later, she was sat up, still in Dani’s lap, telling a story she’d never told anyone.
Jamie: I met her pretty soon after I moved to London. And it was like meeting... maself. We were born the same week. She was a few days older, had lived in London her whole life. But under... similar circumstances.
Jamie took a shaky breath. Dani continued rubbing her back.
Jamie: We never, uh... I mean, she had a boyfriend. Right cunt he was. And she knew it, too... but she’d just take it. No what matter what I said, she never...
Jamie cleared her throat.
Jamie: I don’t know if... I didn’t even really understand why I was so... attached to her... But whatever she knew or didn’t know, she took care a me... We took care of each other, I guess.
Jamie laughed.
Jamie: Not that we knew what we were doin’. We spent most of our time gettin’ pissed. Her boyfriend was older and a bartender, so...
Jamie looked down and started picking at the bandage on her hand. But Dani took her hand and gently pulled it away, massaging it.
Jamie: I, uh, I eventually got a job at a grocery store. But, you know, when I’d first arrived, it was rough, and Erin... she taught me, you know, how to... how to look out for maself. And I’m not sayin’ it was right, but -
Dani: Jamie.
Jamie slowly turned to her. It was the first time she was looking at Dani since she’d started talking.
Dani: You were just a kid.
Jamie: You wouldn’a done it.
Dani: You don’t know that. I don’t know that.
Jamie looked down again.
Dani: And, in any case, if you hadn’t learned to take care of yourself, we never would have met.
Jamie finally smiled.
Jamie: After I got my job, I went straight — well, not... ya know what I mean.
Dani laughed, and Jamie’s smile brightened but then faded.
Jamie: I still squatted in places. I still drank. But I stopped... But then, a couple years later, Erin had a... request.
Dani squeezed Jamie’s hand, feeling her tense up.
Jamie: She needed help with a job, a big one, way bigger than anything we’d ever pulled. At first, I said no. We’d been drifting apart, anyway... But she said she really needed the money. Wouldn’t say why, but she looked... scared, in a way I’d never seen her.
Jamie stared into space, as if she right back there, in that moment. Then, she looked down and swallowed.
Jamie: So... the day a ma 18th birthday — er, night of it, rather... we broke into the jewelry store. Well, she did. She’d promised I could just be the lookout, not that that wasn’t -
Dani squeezed her hand again. Jamie nodded.
Jamie: So, a few minutes went by, she was almost done.
Jamie shuddered.
Jamie: And then it all went wrong.
She cleared her throat.
Jamie: The owner, this old bloke, came barging outta the back, shoutin’ that the police were on their way. And Erin, she had the cash. She had enough time. She shoulda just run. I told ’er to, begged ’er to follow me. But... she panicked... and punched him. And he fell back into a glass case.
Dani gasped, despite herself.
Jamie: Yeah... Erin looked back at me, almost said somethin’.
Jamie cleared throat.
Jamie: But then she ran out the back... and I never saw her again... until...
Jamie was struggling to keep her voice steady.
Dani: Oh, honey...
Dani pulled her closer until Jamie’s head was resting against her shoulder, then kissed Jamie’s forehead. Jamie didn’t speak for a bit, breathing in and out to stop herself from crying. Once she’d sufficiently calmed herself, she pressed on.
Jamie: I went to check on the owner, Mr. Thomas, just... automatically. It was almost outta body, didn’t feel real. I heard maself sayin’ “I’m sorry” over and over, saw maself lookin’’im over. He was... he was barely conscious and bleedin’, but not... I’d seen worse. But it was bad.
By the time I got my wits about me, I could already hear the sirens, see the lights. They walked in and found me crouched over him, his blood on ma hands, with bills that had fallen outta Erin’s bag strewn about.
Jamie laughed darkly.
Jamie: Couldn’t blame them for jumpin’ to conclusions, really... But Mr. Thomas, I don’t know what possessed him, but he got them to drop the assault charge, even tried to get them to charge me as minor for the robbery. He had connections, I guess.
I was charged as an adult in the end but only got two years. They agreed to be lenient if I plead guilty, which I’d planned to do anyway, but two years was more than lenient. So, I reckon that must’a been his doin’, too.
Jamie sat up again so she could look Dani again.
Jamie: He came to visit me once in prison.
She smiled.
Jamie: Only person who ever did.
She looked away again.
Jamie: I tried to visit him when I got out, went back to the shop.
She swallowed.
Jamie: Turned out he’d died, a month after I’d seen ’im... car accident.
Silent tears were now falling down Dani’s face.
Dani: Jamie, I’m so sorry.
Jamie looked back at her, smiling sadly.
Jamie: The worst part is I’d gone there to confront ’im. I’d spent so much time inside resentin’’im for never visitin’ again. I’d wanted one person, just one...
Jamie’s voice broke.
Jamie: To explain to me... why I’d never been worth...
Jamie was starting to sob now, finally.
Jamie: And, turned out... he was the only one hadn’t -
She’d buried her face in Dani’s chest before she could finished the thought.
Dani saw her first. Looked up just in time to see her reach for the door. But Dani beat her to it, stepped outside and closed it softly behind her.
Dani: You need to leave.
It took all Dani had not to shout the words. Erin took a deep breath.
Erin: Please, I jus’ -
Dani: No.
Erin: I jus’ wanna explain!
Dani: Bit late for that.
She spit the words. Normally, she would never have dreamed of being so hostile, to anyone. But, she never would have dreamed of being so angry at someone, either, until now. Erin sighed, seeming to have finally taken the hint.
But just then, Jamie walked out. Dani immediately turned around to face her, not eager for a repeat of yesterday.
Dani: She’s leaving, I promise.
Jamie: S’all right.
Before Dani could react, Jamie had walked around her. Dani whipped around, bracing for the worst. But Jamie walked right past Erin, didn’t even acknowledge her. She walked a few more paces before turning toward a boy sitting on the bench outside their shop. Dani had been so preoccupied she hadn’t even noticed him.
Jamie: You skate?
The boy looked up from his Gameboy, startled. Jamie nodded to the skateboard propped against the bench.
Boy: Oh... yeah.
He had an American accent. Jamie smiled.
Jamie: Let’s see it then.
She gestured to the sidewalk ahead of them. The boy smiled shyly and stood up, shoving his Gameboy in the pocket of his cargo shorts. He looked about 12 and was already the same height as Jamie. He looked back at his mom, who nodded, then grabbed his skateboard and started walking down the sidewalk with Jamie. Something she said made him laugh.
Dani stepped forward to stand alongside Erin, who was several inches taller than her. Erin had a hand clapped over her mouth. Her eyes brimmed with tears. She tried to compose herself upon noticing Dani.
Erin: She should hate me... I would hate me.
For a moment, Dani didn’t say anything.
Dani: Good thing she’s not you.
Erin nodded. Jamie and her son had reached the end of the block now. He put the board down and pushed off. Weaving from the side to side, he did an olley, then slowed to a stop about ten feet from them. Jamie, who’d been jogging behind him, reached him as he kicked the board up to himself.
Jamie: Nice job, mate!
He smiled at the praise, even when wider when she followed it up with a high five.
Jamie: I think... your olley could use some work, though.
Jamie was smirking now. The boy laughed and handed her his board. She dropped it to the ground and pushed off in a matter seconds and much harder than he had. She zipped down the sidewalk and did an olley. Dani knew nothing about skateboarding, and she was rather biased, but it looked perfect to her. Just before reaching the end of the block, Jamie did another olley for good measure, then a wheelie and spun around to face them.
The boy, slack-jawed, turned to his mom.
Boy: She is so cool!
Erin and Dani smiled. Jamie was coming up on them now. She slowed, kicked the board up, caught it mid-air before her feet touched the ground, then handed it back to the boy, who still hadn’t closed his mouth.
Boy: You have to teach me how to do that, all of that!
Jamie cleared her throat.
Erin: I’m sure she’s a busy woman. We’ll let you carry on.
Erin walked over to her son, putting an arm around his shoulder to get him moving. But he stayed planted where he was, eyes still locked on Jamie. Erin leaned down to whisper in his ear.
Erin: Jamie, c’mon.
Jamie froze just as she had the day before, then looked over at Dani. But evidently, Dani hadn’t heard. Little Jamie finally turned away and started moving.
Jamie: Wait.
Jamie turned to face them.
Jamie: He can... you and Jamie can, ya know... from time to time.
Little Jamie’s grin could’ve split his face. He looked just like his father, yet nothing like him. Erin looked shell-shocked, then like she wanted to say something; and this time, she found the words.
Erin: Thank you.
Jamie nodded curtly, then headed toward Dani. Erin and Little Jamie resumed their walk in the opposite direction. He stole one last look at his namesake, then faced forward.
Little Jamie: Told you she was cool.
Jamie smiled briefly to herself as she walked into Dani’s waiting arms.
Dani: You’re amazing, you know that?
She felt Jamie laugh into her shoulder. Dani tried for smile herself, but she felt a familiar knot tightening in the pit of her stomach. For a few minutes, they stood in silence.
Jamie: It’s not the same.
Dani had been so lost it thought, she almost jumped.
Dani: What?
Jamie: You’re not the same as her.
Dani still hadn’t gotten completely used to Jamie being able to read her mind, even though she could read Jamie’s just as readily. Dani was suddenly blinking back tears.
Dani: But -
Jamie: No, “but.”
Jamie pulled back, so she could look at her. She cupped Dani’s face, brushing away tears with her thumbs.
Jamie: You did the right thing, and I will never resent ya for it.
Dani shook her head sadly.
Jamie: You are the bravest person I’ve ever met, Poppins, the best person I’ve ever met... And you are... and will always be the only person who has ever loved me, loved me completely.
Dani looked down, her lips trembling.
Jamie: You make me happier than I have ever been, and I wouldn’t trade this time with ya for anything. I wouldn’a made any other choice.
Dani, softly crying now, looked back up. Jamie pulled her close once more, kissed the side of her head, then cradled the back of her head.
Jamie: And I will always love you completely. Always.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Two kinks, One love. (Soul eater)
Two Kinks one love
It was just after sun set, but in Death city two boys were about to engage in a very out of the norm date by any stretch of the imagination. They had run into each other while out and about, indulging in their respective fetishes late one night and while both had been shocked, they had also quickly fallen hard for each other.
The first Boy was the son of Lord death, the slightly prissy but kind hearted Death the kid. he'd been wearing his favorite black dress which came down to just above his knees and had been wearing pantyhose too of course, like a proper lady. Black high highs that he could run in without pause and a black purse, his make up had been spot on and he looked fabulous and knew it. It was the worst kept secret that the son of lord death was a trap, but most people just pretended not to notice because either they didn't care, thought he was MUCH nicer in girlie mode or well, who wants to piss him off? The second boy was in a small group of those who didn't know Kid prefer to be a sexy trap, though that was because he was busy with his only little fetish wear love. He was Black star, a legend in the making (if you listened to him) And he was also a goo goo gaga big baby. The night they met he'd been going on a waddle of shame and had been in 3 thick diapers that puffed out the crotch and butt of his black diaper shirt and blue short-all's (that of course, had his trademark sign on the front pocket.) He'd also been sporting blue sneakers with black laces that lit up in the back as he went for his once around the block waddle of shame and it had been by chance (or maybe fate) that the two had stumbled onto each other.
Black had been rounding the corner, after almost going into a late night shop for ice cream but then recalling he had left his wallet at home so no one could id him. (Silly when you consider how well he stood out and his instance on making sure everyone knew him..but it was a well know fact putting diapers on a big baby reduces logic by 40 percent.)  In any case, he knew his store credit was tapped out and decided to call it a night. looking back at the shop he wasn't paying attention to where he was going and bumped into a pretty lady sending them both down to the ground. "Oh Gosh! I-I'm Sorry!" Black whined, trying to scamper but but the bulk around his hips made that a bit harder then normal.  "I wasn't paying attention to where I was.." And Black trailed off as he looked down and recognized in a instant the face of the 'lady' he had bumped into, Kid! "heh..It's ok Little guy." Kid said, eyes narrowing in on the padded crotch. "Little boys like you shouldn't be out here along. where's your mommy?" Black gulped BIG time at that, He had always loved the idea of having a mommy for his diaper adventures but was gay as could be..and suddenly a obvious solution he had never thought of had just bumped into him.
Kid himself had been soaking in the semi attention and had let his gaze drift, looking at a dress on display in a store shop window and so had been just as responsible for the collision as the little guy. Looking up and seeing Black dressed like a over sized un-potty trained toddler Kid almost had little hearts in his eyes. if there was one thing he loved more then being a hot little trap walking the town.. it was being a good mommy dom. Sadly his picks for big babies in the city had been limited to Liz Thompson due to her cry baby ways. it wasn't that the older Thompson didn't make a good baby (she did, very much so) it was more that due to her doing it by request not want she could be difficult at times. But here in front of him dressed perfectly on his own free will.. Meow~ "well, I asked you a question little star~" Kid said getting up and smiling ear to eye and then dusting Black off first then himself. "I..I don't..have..a mommy..Miss Kid" Black said, blushing and poking two fingers together. "Do you want one?" Kid asked and winked. "YESH! I-I Mean..if that's ok with yo-" And Black was silenced as Kid kissed the baby on the lips.
From then on Black had been mommies little guy and despite some of the challenges involved (read: Black's mega poopie diapers) neither of them had looked back on it, and while they both wanted it to be a more 24/7 thing they both knew realistically with their duties and responsibilities that just wasn't possible. Besides, while Kid was more or less out in the open, Black was mostly unknown as a public diaper boy having kept his adventure to around his block. He wasn't ready for EVERYONE to know his favorite place to make boom boom was in the seat of his pants.
But tonight was date night, and it was Kid's turn to host. truthfully either place would of done for their in house date nights butttt Black's place had a funk to it that wasn't from the diaper pail the big baby maintained and more from his poor cleaning habits. Kid had taken the guest room of his place and turned it into any big baby boys dream nursery (and Black had been clear, he was a baby BOY..Mommy might be able to pull a dress off but not him.) and held out hope that one of these days Black would finally take him up on the offer to move in. Their friends knew they were dating of course (just not all the fun details) so it wasn't like that was holding them back. Kid was jolted out of that train of thought as his door bell rang and before he went to answer it he stopped and checked his reflection in a full body mirror. He had gone with a stepford house wife dress for tonight, reaching down past his knees and in a white with pink floral print on it and had a white apron on over it. he was wearing a pair of white socks tugged up high and a pair of pink flat heels and have a pair of pearl earrings in. a light bit of make up was on, some eye linger, lipstick and blush, and he smiled at his reflection and blew a little kiss as the doorbell rang again. "Best not keep the baby waiting darling." he scolded himself and walked to the door with a soft clip clap from his shoes on the hard wood floor. answering the door Kid was a little disappointed (though not shocked) to see that Black had come over in jean's and a t-shirt, though he'd brought his 'diaper' bag so to speak and had it slung over a shoulder. it was of course really just a tote bag but Kid made sure to refer to it as such as while he had loads of supplies, he made sure that Black would bring his own ba-ba and first diaper(s) to help him get used to carrying his baby gear around in public. (and maybe just a tiny bit to try and drive home if Black lived with kid, he wouldn't have to lug the stuff around) "There's my little guy~" Kid coo'ed and smiled, loving how bright the boys cheeks lit up when he was the one dressed like a 50's house wife. Standing to the side he gestured for Black to come in. "well come on, are you gonna stand there and squirm looking at mommy till you have a accident or come in and get di-" Kid started but Black let out a soft yelp and dashed in the house. "..works every time." Kid chuckled and waved to a neighbor who had been watching with quiet amusement then shut the door.
Black was squirming and huffy as he waited for mommy in the living room, having made sure to slid his sneakers off. "I wish you wouldn't do that." he sulked as mommy came into view. That wasn't exactly the strictest of truths.. he didn't wanna be a outed big baby but mommies teasing had a small part of him all excited "Mhmmm.. I know you hate it sooo much.." Kid teased and eyed the front of Black's tight pants that gave him away. "Come on little man, let's get you in a nice thick diapie before you piddle all over mommies floor again." Kid coo'ed and coming in close, tickled onto Black's chin and made the boy squirm and giggle even as he tried to huff. "Mommmmmmyyyy! that was ONE time!" He whined, hating/loving how small and little Kid could make him feel with a few well chosen words and just a chin tickle. "And that one time too many. Come along now." Kid coo'ed and gently took the little guy by the wrist, leading him to the nursery.  "Did you pack one of your super thick diapies like a good boy? or does mommies have to use one of the ones we have here?" Black whined and squirmed. he had SORTA kinda maybe been trying to just bring thin diapers over here..not because he wanted thin but well mommy had SO many thick ones here and he only had about 5 left and was trying to save his. Sadly for the little rascal mommy had figured him out and loved to tease. "I uh..well..see.." Black started up. "That's what i thought. you know, not to beat a dead horse but if you moved in you could have ALL the massive diapies you could want little man. I'll order anther pack and have them ship it to your place tomorrow though. just food for thought." Black star nodded and just let mommy take control, knowing that mommy knew best.
The nursery had baby blue walls with some silly chibi ninja's painted on them here and there fighting chibi monsters and the floor was covered with a plush cream white rug so if the baby lost his balance he wouldn't hurt his tush on the floor. (Of course with the thickness o0f Black's diapers it wasn't likely to happen but hey, Kid paid for all of this so he was allowed to justify it as he saw fit.) there was a wooden crib that had been made to order so could handle a bigger babies weight and left the little guy lots of room to play in by one wall, and it had been painted light black by black's request. (the little guy had wanted to help paint it but Kid had foreseen the mess THAT would of ended with and had told a little fib that the builders insisted on painting it themselves.) there was a cream white colored changing table, again made to order and had a black cushioned top those the cover was waterproof and made for easy clean up in the event of leaks. It also had a set of drawers on the side that held the different baby powders, rash creams and of course diapers that Kid's big baby had picked out one night in Kid's lap squealing and giggling. 'I'm gonna make him a spoiled rotten brat.' Kid mused briefly. 'ah well..he'll be MY spoiled rotten brat.' Adding to the spoiled brat theory was the MASSIVE toy chest that even as big as it was couldn't be fully shut from just how many toys little Black had, and there was a shelf built on a wall filled with nursery tale and story tale books. Of course one of the most important parts of the nursery had actually been the cheapest..it was a large metal diaper pail that Kid had stenciled 'BLACK STAR'  onto and helped keep his little man's nursery smelling like baby powder and love instead of poopie diapers.
"You strip down like a good boy sweetie while mommy goes and picks out something adorable for you to wear..unless you wanna just go in your diapies tonight." Kid said and smirked. "IIIII um..yeah..just diapies sounds good ta me..we're gonna eat soon anyways and then you'll hafa just strip me down after anyways mommy." "oh how true! such a clever baby I have!" Kid coo'ed and more chin tickles. "I guess i can help the silly big baby strip then." Black squirmed and nodded, and then just relaxed and followed orders as Mommy would tell him to raise his arms or the like while 'she' got him undressed, getting him down to his his little ghoulies briefs.(Little Ghoulies of course being Black's favorite toddler show) "oh my.. Somebody either been having accidents or just isn't very good at wiping!" Kid teased, clicking his touge as he looked at the large brown stains in the back of the undies. "and I JUST got these for you last week little man." "S-Sorry Mommy. I um..I just.. I had some not farts an-" Black mewed and pointed his index fingers together. "Shhh it's ok. I knew what I was getting into when I brought a big baby big kid undies. though maybe we better start looking into some pull ups for when your playing big boy." Kid coo'ed and kissed Black's cheek, making him tent out his briefs and shushing any argument, at least for the moment. hooking his thumbs in the waist band he tugged the undies down with one smooth practiced monition and then took a step back and clapped his hands and gestured towards his widdle boy. "Come on, walk out of your stinky undies and over to mommy~" "Yesh mama.." Black gurgled and Kid almost melted as he did so, with arms outstretched. 'it's official. i am the god damn luckiest mommydom trap in the world.' Kid mentally gushed and then helped the big baby up onto the changing table. sure the little guy smelled a little and had a few poo stains on his cheeks, but Kid figured with them having a whole night together he could just give the little guy a bath after din din. "Nowww what kinda diaper does my widdle guy want on, aside from thick. Baby blocks? Space ships? zoo print?" Kid asked tickling Black's tummy and black giggled and coo'ed. "Ummm All three!" he said and giggled more. "oh, somebody want to crawl tonight hmmm? Maybe after your bath sweetie. for now we'll go with baby blocks." Kid chuckled. "Awwww..dun want a bath! I smell nice and sweet!" Black pouted and then to prove his point raised his left arm up and took a whiff of his pit..and coughed.  "Then again..Mommy knows best." "mmmhmm. and don't you forget it~" Kid chuckled.
With baby black padded and a sucking on a white mouth guard paci that was attached to a black cord hanging around his neck (kid couldn't very well use a shirt clip if the little guy wasn't gonna wear a shirt after all.) he helped the baby down and then got out five toys for black to play with, though they were Black's choice as Kid would pick them out one at a time and hold them up for a head nod or shake. Black meanwhile suckled away and enjoyed the sight of mommy's butt when he bent over, sometimes mommies dress would ride up a little and ALMOST maybe give a peek at what kinda panties he was wearing. It didn't really bug Black that while Kid saw him naked and in his 'undies' most of the time, Black could count on one hand the amount of times he'd seen Kid's Bra and panties. that just wasn't the kinda relationship they had, though then did find ways to make love in their own fashion. Finally picking out a stuffed bear in a tux, a green and purple dragon stuffie, a stereo type bed-sheet ghost stuffie, a teddy in a suit of armor and finally a tiger stuffie he started to play with them, mumbling around his paci and making drool go down his chin. Kid watched mentally gushing and while he wished he could hear the cute little adventure that was being played out as Black loved to narrate, it was worth it to hear him mumbling around his paci. he could of stood there watching for hours honestly but the front door rang and he sighed, why of ALL the nights had his usual delivery place had to of lived up to it's 30 minutes or under delivery time? "Din din's here buddy, can you put your toys away and come meet mommy in the kitchen while he goes and pays?" Kid asked, patting Blacks head. Black whined a little and mumbled something, then sighed like ALL of the worlds problems were on him and nodded.
getting to the front door Kid opened it without checking and found himself looking face to face with soul. "Alright ma'am i got a order of...of..Kid?! Kid is that you?!" Soul asked, being anther one of the rare people not to know about the trap. "uh..yeah.. " kid said and blushed then smiled. "anyways, my order?" "I..oh wow. heh. I didn't know you and black were this kinky! wait, is he a little sissy too?" soul asked. "I believe it's none of your business. now can you ple-" Kid started, but then a loud "MOMMY! I SLIPPED COME KISS MY BOO BOO'S BETTER !!" was heard from the living room and Kid facepalmed while soul laughed. "you know what, I think i got a pretty good idea.. Mommy." Soul chuckled, and took the money he was offered for the food and tipped the hat of his delivery uniform. "You and your widdle one have a good supper Ma'am." he said and then took off. "..Hoo boy..this isn't gonna be fun to explain." Kid thought as he closed the door.
The end.
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junquisite · 4 years
Into the Mirror
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GENRE : Supernatural of sort.
WARNING : Implied death but not explicitly stated. Open to interpretation, Open Ending
NOTE : Please enjoy whatever this is. It’s a lot and confusing but i tried to be as clear as i can be before messing the feeling of the story. If there is anything confusing, Please tell me. I’m sorry if the ending feels rushed though.
“Daeun-ah?” she stopped when she heard her name to see the landlady waving at her.
“This package was delivered for you today. They dropped it here with me. Take it, it's quite big.” she said and a confused Daeun walked to her apartment and saw a huge pack. It was almost equal to her own height ,if not bigger, she thought as she tried to pick it. It wasn't heavy per se but she still struggled to bow to the lady after picking it up, already dreading the two floor stairs flight she’ll have to climb with it. Mentally she cursed the out of order elevator and finally thanked the gods for letting her live after bringing it up and to her apartment.
She unlocked the door to her apartment and dragged it in, checking the details and seeing no information of the sender was there, she opened it to find a full body size mirror covered with styrofoam and she just stared at it.
Who could have sent it?
She opened her phone to see through her contacts to see any person who might have sent it but she concluded at none. She hadn't talked to her parents in 2 years since they did the whole “disown the kid because she wont do the thing they want her to do'' so now she was working at her own flower shop. It wasn't much but it was keeping her happy even if most of the nights she would come home exhausted and would have to wake up before dawn to go to the flower market.
There were no friends of hers she knew in the business school who were close enough for them to send her a gift and that too a mirror. It made no sense.
 For the next three days the mirror stayed near her apartment’s entryway, covered in styrofoam and she would just pass it a glance whenever she'd go out or come home.
Finally on Sunday when she chose to close the shop early, she came home and just stared at it for a couple of minutes. And then finally pulled away the styrofoam.
She had to accept, it was a pretty mirror. Simple But beautiful. It had a golden stand and golden border with beautiful design adoring the corners. She pulled it and placed it beside her vanity in her room, and startled herself the next morning when she woke up, flung her legs off the bed and saw her own reflection staring back.
“I’ll have to move this somewhere.” she mumbled as she glared at it, her own bed hair mocking her and she groaned. It was too early in the morning for this.
Eventually she got used to it though. It was not like her small apartment provided her with any other option to place the mirror at.
One morning a few days later she woke up, habitual now to look at the mirror, she felt as if she saw a different room and a man inside the mirror. She rubbed her eyes and watched again to see herself staring and blinked. Must be her sleepy mind, she thought as she got up to freshen up and dress up.
The day went by and nothing significant happened so she went back, tired but satisfied and clumsily wobbling through her apartment, she ate a cup noodle and deemed it enough to sleep after. She went to her bedroom, stripping down to her underwear to wear her pyjamas when she heard a loud “Shit I did not know you were changing!” and turned around to see a leaving silhouette from the mirror which showed a room definitely not hers.
She almost screamed, but chose to scramble for her clothings and quickly wear the pyjamas, went to stare at the mirror which was now showing her own room. She tried to look at it sideways only to see her own reflection and pulled away.
“Am i hallucinating?” she whispered to herself, giving a last look to the mirror as she went to her bed.
“Have i finally lost it?” she whispered again and turned away from the mirror to have a fitful night of sleep.
 The Next day Daeun woke up with an expected headache and cursed whatever she saw in the mirror to not let her sleep in peace. That day she was slightly out of everything at work - her regulars asking her if she was okay and she tried her best to assure them she was, worried that confiding in someone about what she saw would definitely have her certified as a crazy person.
She tried to delay as much as she could to go back to her apartment that night but finally when the clock striked 11pm for the night, she trudged slowly to her home, choosing to eat at the nearby convenience store and finally she stood outside her apartment.
Taking a deep breath, she unlocked the door, the silence welcoming. She sighed and cursed herself for being scared for nothing and after freshening up, went to her room. She turned the lights on, not expecting a man to be getting up from the floor but on the inside of the mirror who said, “oh you’re late today!”
Sadly that was all she remembered as she saw the corners of her vision blurring and blackening, losing her footing as a yelp died down on her tongue.
A while later, she got up, groaning as she looked at the clock above her vanity, it was slightly past 1 in the morning and she rubbed her head softly, feeling the bump she probably gained when she fell and whined. Things were not supposed to go like this.
“Oh you're up! Please don't faint again, i really can't get out of here on my own and you have no clue how anxiety inducing this past hour has been for me.” she heard and she turned her neck to see a man inside the mirror, carefully looking at her, his hands up in a way to let her know that he was harmless and the room behind him was definitely not hers and she didn't knew him and she could feel her breath quickening as she scrambled back on the floor, a whimper escaping her lips when her back touched her bed.
“Please I won't hurt you.” the man pleaded again and she shook her head.
“All serial killers say that.” she whispered, eyes quickly looking for something to grab to hit him with.
“Serial killers are also not usually stuck inside a mirror so.” he said as he placed his hand on the mirror on his side, his open palm in her vision and something akin to peace engulfed her.
Could he really not come here?
“Am i hallucinating?” she asked and he snorted, his eye roll very clear to her and she felt her blood rushing to her cheeks. This was embarrassing.
“No you’re not.”
“And you’re real?” she asked again and saw him nod hesitantly.
“At Least i think I am?”
She sat up now, a bit more comfortably, “And you can't get out of there?” she asked again and he nodded.
“I need someone to come inside and take me out. I can't come out on my own.” at his words her eyes widened and she took a step closer to the mirror.
“I can come inside?” and he nodded again, stepping back on the inside as if to give her way.
“Do you want to try?” he asked.
She knew it was a bad idea.  What of this was all a plot to get her inside and what if she gets stuck, but maybe it was his downturned eyes or his warm smile that tempted her to believe him.
“What's..your name?” she asked as she took a couple more steps towards the mirror, standing in front of it now, looking at him on the other side. 
“Donghun. Lee Donghun.” he said as he beckoned at her to come in. she touched the surface of the mirror - the usual cold tough material suddenly felt like soft silk at her fingertips and she gasped.
“What's your name?” Donghun asked and she looked at him intently staring at her point of contact with the mirror.
“Kim Daeun.” she said as she tried to push her hand through the mirror, which went past the barrier easily, and she felt warmth surround her hand on the other side of the mirror.
“Step in..” she heard him whisper and nod, hypnotically almost, following his voice in as she stepped inside.
A sudden warmth surrounded her as she looked around at the small room - the warmth wasn't uncomfortable but it was still warmer than her own heated apartment. 
“The room looks nice.” she said as she looked around the closed off room with one door and no window. It had a bookshelf full of books, a lamp on a table beside it which had a few diaries and notebooks on it. There was a bed on the wall against the bookshelf with a small table beside it which had another lamp. There was also a light overhead on the wall as she looked up.
“What's through the door?” she asked and saw him smirking.
“Why don't you find out for yourself?” he asked as she, deciding to trust him, walked up to the door and pulled at it. When it didn't budge, she pulled again, this time with more pressure but it won't budge.
“It..wont open?” she said and Donghun smiled at her but it didn't reach his eyes. He was stuck here.
“It has never opened since I have opened my eyes here. My only source of knowing day and night is through the mirror.” he said as he pointed at the mirror.
Suddenly though, Daeun felt dizzy and grabbed the corner of the table as Donghun came to stand in front of her.
“Are you alright?” 
She tried to nod but the lights started flickering creepily and two books fell down from the bookshelf.
“What’s going on?” she asked, panic clear in her voice.
“I think you should leave. I dont think this place wants you here.” Donghun said, frantically pulling her towards the mirror as she stumbled on her feet as he pushed her away. A few seconds later she was in her own room, looking at her own reflection from the mirror, no sign of Donghun left except for the slight red marks around her wrist from where he had grabbed her and pushed her away.
 The next morning she woke up with a heavy head thanks to the mere 2 hours of sleep she managed to have and again no sign of Donghun. She even tried knocking at the mirror in hopes of seeing him but no sign.
The day trudged at a snail’s space as if mocking her frenzy to go back home. For the first time since she had opened her shop, she rushed back home as soon as she closed her shop, deciding to clean the next day in the morning.
She opened her apartment in a  hurry, kicking off her boots and throwing off the coat at the couch, eyes falling on the red marks still on his wrist - her sole reminder that yesterday in fact, actually happened.
She rushed to her room, turning on the lights and felt a huge surge of relief flooding her system when Donghun smiled at her, albeit surprised as he stood up from the floor on his side of the mirror.
“You’re earlier than usual today.” he said as he closed the book and she saw him going out of the frame of the mirror and coming back empty handed.
“I wanted to make sure you were alright.” she said as she felt her anxiety of the day pass as she slumped down on the bed.
“Why won't I be?” he said, a small smirk still present on his face as he tucked his blond hair behind his ear and she looked away, praying to the gods above that her face won't flush red and failing miserably at that.
“I don't know. You didn't show up after that nor this morning so i was just worried.” she said, looking at the floor instead of at him, adamant to avoid his gaze. 
His laugh made her look up at him.
“You’re cute.” 
After that, her daily schedule got tweaked a bit - now she started closing her shop half an hour early, cleaning and going back home to Donghun, the man in her mirror who had her absolutely enchanted.
“What do you mean you’ve never eaten anything?” she said as she took off her scarf and threw it on the bed, picking a pair of clothes to change in the bathroom. She hadn't tried going back in since then but he had come out for a while, going back in after a few minutes to 2 hours till now.
“I've never felt it, that's all i'm saying.” she heard him say and chuckled as she stepped out in her work clothes only and he raised an eyebrow at her.
“I was thinking..” she trailed off. “What do you think will happen if you stay longer than 2 hours outside of the mirror?” 
Donghun looked to be thinking. “I dont know?” and she nodded.
“You want to go see my shop?”
Half an hour later, Donghun was wrapped in an old men’s coat she had found that morning that brought this whole idea into her mind. She was giddy - her shop was her baby and she had built it over the past two years with everything she has got. And Donghun was one of the few people she was nervous about showing it to.
They entered the shop and the fascination on Donghun’s face and how it lit up made all her nerves leave. He was happy at the one place that keeps her going.
When they were coming back, after she gave him the small flower crown she had made for him, which he happily kept on his head, they were on their way back to her home when his stomach grumbled and they stopped dead in their tracks.
“I thought you have never felt hunger.” she whispered and looked at him looking at her wide eyed.
“So did i.”
They ended up at the convenience store near her apartment. And she ended up indulging all of his demands and they came home with two bags full of convenience store snacks. They munched on them, lost in conversation as Donghun told him how different the world was when he almost stepped out, somewhere around the 90s Daeun assumed from his description.
“Where was the mirror before?” she asked and he hummed.
“Somewhere near the water? Ocean? I think it was jeju?” he said and she hummed.
“I used to be able to be out and about for way longer than now. Almost a day and it used to be so much fun.” he added wistfully and she smiled at it.
“So why can't you be out longer now?” he shrugged.
“Also why was the mirror sent here?” she asked the question that has been occupying her thoughts for a while.
“I am not sure. One day I just could not see out of the mirror and when I could, it was your room.”
Due to the ongoing discussion, they didn't realise how much time had passed until Donghun gasped. He looked at the clock and got up suddenly and Daeun followed as he tried to go back.
“Donghun? What’s wrong?  Daeun asking, grabbing his wrist and then she saw it.  
The bracelet she had noticed him always wearing, it was burning his skin. The black braided bracelet was turning his skin red with every passing second until he pulled his hand loose and went back into the mirror and she was left alone in her room.
That night a lot of thoughts kept her awake. Wandering from why she was the one who received the mirror to how he was quite literally burning when he overstayed in her world. Whatever was going on in her mind, she slept with the vague fear of never being able to be long enough with him.
 She was a kid - about 8 years old? When she remembered going to Jeju island with her family. There was an antique shop on the beach with a lot of cheap trinkets and it was almost always occupied with tourists as she noticed whenever she would go to the beach. On the last day, her mother wanted to buy some souvenirs from there so they went in. Her mother and father were busy discussing gifts when she wandered off to the back of the store which only had really dull items for a 8 year old, a huge golden mirror caught her eyes. It was the shiniest item in the whole shop and she happily sat in front of it, staring at her reflection when something flickered in it.
There was a vague flicker of an image of a man with sad eyes who smiled down at her.
“Hi little one.”
 She woke up with cold sweat. She tried to convince herself it was a dream and forced herself to freshen up. By the time she was ready to go out, she was sure that it was in fact not a dream and was now sure that that was the place where Dongun was before. Now the question was, does he remember her?
 That night when she got back home, Donghun was waiting for her with a smile and she was weak. So she did not bring up that she had seen him before. But she did tell him that she found this antique shop down at Jeju which was on the beach and likely to be the place he was at earlier. When she showed him the pictures, she saw a flicker of recognition come on his face and then a huge smile took over.
“Yes that is it!”
So that night ended with their potential plans to fly to Jeju and find some information. He asked her to come inside the room again and for the first time, nothing happened - no dizziness, no discomfort, only the peace Donghun had started to bring in her life. She woke up in that room with his arms around her and it was blissful. She went back to her own room and spent the whole day with a kiddish smile and closed up earlier than usual to rush home. 
She stilled as soon as she entered her apartment though when she smelled food. Donghun was supposed to be stuck and she just got home so it made no sense. But as she moved in further, a sight that took her breath away greeted her - Donghun with a “kiss the cook” apron around his waist was tasting something and then he turned around and she almost cried.
“You’re out..” she whispered as she took a couple steps towards him and he gave her a huge smile. “I tried it today and it somehow worked! If this goes on, I think I'll be able to stay longer too outside!” he said gleefully but Daeun was overcome with emotions as she went and hugged him suddenly.
She hadn't realised how much that man had come to mean to her and she could not stop the sob that came over.
“Hey hey! What's wrong?” 
“Nothing!” she said as she hiccuped and buried her face in his shoulder and felt him combing his hands through her hair as he cooed at her.
“I'm just very happy to see you!” 
He pulled back to smile at her and that was the moment she realized how close her face was to his and how much she wanted to kiss those lips. As if he had read her mind, he leaned down softly, only to stop and stare at her eyes until she nodded and tugged at his shirt.
That night was everything and nothing like she could have imagined and in the morning she woke up, sore and giggling with the kisses he was pressing on her face. She got ready to go to her shop with him clinging to her back with pressing kisses to the marks he left behind last night and she had to use all of her will power to actually move away.
 A few days later, Donghun asked her if they could go on a trip to Jeju and an excited Daeun purchased tickets online and pulled out a lot of cash from her account on her way home. She entered her house to see donghun cooking again and went to give him a peck. “I've booked the tickets, let’s go shopping tomorrow before going to Jeju!” she told him excitedly.
That night Donghun insisted on sleeping inside saying he was feeling exhausted and Daeun insisted on joining him, since she hadn’t experienced any discomfort since the first time.
The next morning she woke up to a really bad headache and a cold bed. As she looked around and found Donghun missing, she got up and pulled on a donghun’s shirt from the floor as she trudged to the mirror. She found it weird how unlike the usual scene of her own room, this time around the mirror showed nothing but an endless baclk hole. That should have been her first sign. But she missed it.
Ignoring it, she tried to go through it to her own room but the mirror was equal to a wall. She felt a cold shiver run down her spine.
“Donghun?” she called out but received no response.
She tried to go through the mirror again and then she noticed it. The balck braided bracelet on her own wrist.
One month later
The public are at an uprising against the police since today marks one month of the mysterious disappearance of Kim Daeun. The police are still adamant on ruling it as a robbery gone wrong on the basis of the cash gone missing that she had apparently taken out the day before and the broken mirror in her room as a potential sign of struggle. The lack of any ransom call had ruled out the possibility of a kidnapping and there's a very low chance that she’s still alive. Although the police stays adamant that they can still save her since no body had been found.
 The man scoffed behind his mask as he waited at the pickup station of the cafe as the barista prepared his order.
“Lee Donghun-ssi?” the barista asked and he stepped forward and thanked the barista as he took his coffee and exited the cafe.
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neon-junkie · 4 years
Stranded in Ambarino
here’s a little gift for @a-vast-african-plain!!  I tried to relate this to your currently situation that we just spoke about. Hope u enjoy!! <3 
It's happened, every cowgirl's worst fear. Your horse has given up on you and decided to die in the middle of your journey, stranding you in the middle of nowhere. It's not their fault they decided to die, you brought them because they seemed ill and the stable owner was selling them at a very cheap price, but now you understood why. You thought you could nurse them back to health, but sadly they were beyond saving. So here you are, walking along the harsh terrain of Ambraino. The views are gorgeous, but the walk is not. The hills and mountains are dampening your already sour mood, and your saddlebags weight has begun to ache your shoulders, regardless of how many times you change what side it's stored on. Your feet hurt, your knees hurt, your shoulders hurt, and your mood is getting worse by the second. At least it's not raining. The sky is blue and bright, a few clouds scattered about, but no signs of rain. Phew. 
However, being a woman in the middle of nowhere has obviously made you paranoid. A few men have strolled past and barely given you a glance, but they seemed sketchy and you wouldn't have taken up their offer if they did offer you a ride into town. Maybe the walk will do you good? You're already looking forward to the beer that you'll down when you finally reach town, along with the comfortable bed you'll treat yourself to at the hotel. The sound of heavy hooves disrupts your train of thought. You shuffle across on the road, giving the stranger approaching from behind more room to pass, but instead, you hear them come to a halt beside you. "You alright, Miss?" they ask. "Yeah, I'm fine," you sigh, just before looking up to see the kind soul that's taken time out of their day to check on you. Your cheeks turn red and your stomach flips upside down when you lay your eyes on him. He's a large gruff man, on a horse just as built as him. His eyes don't meet yours and you can tell he's a little nervous speaking to you. It seems he's been traveling for as long as you, with his slightly unshapen beard and almost shoulder-length hair. You shake your head a little, snapping you back into reality when he begins to speak again. "You don't look it. Where's your horse?" he asks you. "Oh, they went 'n' died on me a while back," you reply. "Well, does you want a ride? I'm headin' down to Valentine," he tells you. "If you don't mind, I'd love that, please," you reply. "Hop on then," he tells you as he shuffles forward in the saddle and puts his hand out. You pass him your saddle bad first so he can stow it upfront. Once he's placed it on his mount, he offers it again, helping pull you up with ease. You almost let out a yelp as he pulls you up onto his saddle as if you were as light as a feather. He's clearly built, and you can tell that from his broad chest and arms, and the rough palms of his hand that are clearly worn through years of manual labor. You grab hold of his shirt around his waist, and oh? should you be feeling this way towards a stranger? The first thing that comes to mind is how you wish you were riding in front of him instead, so you could lie back against his large frame and enjoy that feeling of him towering over you as he wraps his arms around you. "You sure you're alright?" he asks again, snapping you out of another daydream as he clicks his tongue, asking his mount to start moving. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine!" you tell him. "So, what's my saviors name?" you ask him. "Erm, Bill," he replies. "What's yours?" "Savannah," you reply. "I just wanna thank you again, I could have been walking for days if it weren't for you."   "It's nothin'," he tells you with a shrug. "Ain't you had any other folk offer you a ride?" "No. I've had a lot ride past but nobody's offer any help." "What a load of morons!" Bill grunts. "Can't call themselves men if they won't help a woman in need," he shakes his head. You want to tell him that you're glad they didn't offer you a ride, else you wouldn't have met him, but that's a little too cheesy and forward for your liking. "Well, that's why I really appreciate you coming along when you did," you tell him instead. "It's no problem, Miss Savannah," he replies, looking over his shoulder for a brief moment at you. "You can just call me Savannah, if you'd like," you reply. "And you can just call me Bill then." "We're already well acquainted, aren't we?" you laugh. "It seems we are," Bill replies. "And who's this lovely boy?" you ask him whilst gesturing to his mount. "Oh, this is Brown Jack," he tells you. "Brown Jack? You're good with names, Bill," you tease. "You crackin' jokes with me already?" Bill teases back, shooting you a look over his shoulder. "Maybe I am, but you're crackin' them back," you smirk. "How'd he get his name?" "Well, he was just named Jack, but when I got back to camp I realized we already had a camp member named Jack, so I changed his name to Brown Jack instead," Bill says as his eyes go back to the road. "You forgot the name of your own camp members?" you laugh. "He was a baby! How am I meant to remember the name of a baby? This was a few years back anyway, I know his name now!" Bill shrugs, waving his hand as he reassures you that he isn't all that bad. "Well, that makes a bit more sense. He seems like a real sweetheart," you say. "He is. He's a big baby though, loves all the fuss he gets," Bill tells you. "Boy gets more attention than me," he mumbles. "He does? I doubt that. I ain't calling you a liar, Bill, but you seem like quite the catch, so I'm surprised!" Bill looks over his shoulder at you, and for a brief second, you worry you've offended him. "You mean that? That I'm a catch?" he asks. "...yeah?" you nervously reply. "You ain't messin' with me, are you? Miss Savannah?" Bill asks you, his voice stern with a tint of nervousness to it. "Not at all, Bill... I apologize if that's too forward, I don't mean to offend!" "No, you ain't offended me..." Bill pauses. He wants to tell you that he's not recieved a compliment in a very long time, but doesn't want to come across as needy or desperate towards a stranger. "Thank you," he tells you instead. "You is pretty yourself," Bill tells you, quickly looking back to the road after he compliments you to hide the rosyness appearing on his cheeks. "Oh, thank you," you reply, your hands tightening around his waist a little tighter as Brown Jack goes over a bump, making you slip off him a little. "Is you alright? You ain't gonna slip off, are you?" Bill asks as he notices your fumble. "I'm alright, don't you worry," you tell him, slightly embarassed. "You know, you could.. erm, you could hold onto me a bit tighter... if you need to!" Bill offers, keeping his eyes forward so you can't see how flustered he is. "Thank you," you say as you shuffle a little closer, slowly wrapping your arms around his waist, your small hands barely reaching the center of his stomach. Your chest brushes against his soft red flannel shirt, and you can feel his whole body tense up as the two of you realize just how closely you're pressed against him. "Is this alright?" you ask, not wanting to cross any boundaries. "Yeah, it's alright. I just don't want you slippin' off," Bill tells you. The rest of your journey is spent chatting away with Bill. He soon eases up on his tenseness, his confidence slowly growing the more the two of you speak. By the time you approach Valentine, Bill is speaking to you as if he's known you for years. He pulls up outside the hotel, quickly getting off before you even get the chance. You realize why when Bill puts his hands out, offering to help lift you off Brown Jack. You were expecting him to just be a helping hand whilst you get yourself off, but instead, he lifts you around your waist, gently lowering you to the ground. You finally realize how much bigger this man is compared to you, and... oh my, is that his chest hair you can see peeking out from his shirt? along with a small tease of his pecs? Bill notices you checking him out, and gives you a look when your eyes finally meet his. "Somethin' caught your eye? Bill asks you. "Oh.. erm, no!" you blush. "I must thank you again for the ride, it was awfully kind of you to do that," you tell him, quickly changing topics. "It's no problem," Bill replies. "I gotta ask.. erm, would you.. we... uh," Bill pauses, dipping his head so the brim of his hat covers his face for a second. "I'm camped near here and I is gonna be around for a while. You... you wouldn't mind if maybe we did somethin' whilst I'm here, would you? Maybe go the Saloon or somethin'?" Bill finally asks, his eyes meeting yours. Any stranger walking past would see two strangers stood outside the hotel, both as flustered and nervous as each other. Your stomachs are both turning, heart pounding away, and the only person who seems to be enjoying the interaction is Brown Jack, who watches the both of you. He's tolerated your flirting the whole journey, so he's eager to see his rider get some action. "I'd love that," you tell him. "We could do something this evening?" "Yeah? That sounds good!" Bill replies, trying to not seem as eager as he is inside. "I could meet you here at 7? Take you over to the Saloon?" Bill offers. "Yeah, I'd like that," you reply with a smile. Bill fumbles about with his feet, like a nervous child. "I'll see you this evening then," he tells you as he takes your saddlebags off Brown Jack, handing them over to you. "You will," you agree with a smile, swinging the bags over your shoulder. "Thank you," you say as you boldly stand up on your tip toes, placing a gentle kiss to his cheek, your hand momentarily resting on his chest. You give him one last look before climbing the stairs and entering the hotel, leaving Bill in a putty-like state. Brown Jack nickers, reminding him that he's frozen in the street, probably looking like even more of a flustered mess than he was a few minuets ago. Bill lets out a sigh as he climbs up onto Brown Jack, giving him a small tap with the heel of his boot as he begins his journey back to Horseshoe Overlook. He's got a good few hours to get ready for his date... it is a date, isn't it? He's definitely going to have to ask Arthur for some help, maybe even drag him back into town so he can pick out a nice shirt to wear.
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sxciallygray · 5 years
I’ll be here when you come back (Colby Brock)
A/N: Hello my dudes!!! How long it’s been? Like 4? Maybe even 5 since I posted the second part of Let Her Go.
I’ve had most of the last part written since last November, but I got busy and lost inspiration to write – which seemed to be back for now.
I hope you like this last part, I enjoyed writing the last bit because if I have to be honest I’m not sure if I like the rest of it – like I said I wrote almost 5 months ago and usually when I read things I wrote a long time ago I normally don’t like them.
But you are the important ones! If you like it then I’m happy.
I hope you are all safe and doing well in the crazy times we are living and I also hope this helps you to think about something else.
Love you!
Warnings: English is not my first language so I’m sorry in advance if I made some mistakes.
Part1: Let her go
Part2: All you had to do was stay
It had been a month since (Y/N) had come back to LA, which lead her to think one thing only, the call with the information about her new destination was closer than she liked.
She hadn’t realized how much she missed her life until she came back and could enjoy all her friends again, specially how much she had missed Colby. At that point it was hard for both of them to hide how much they wanted to spend time together, Colby would find the most random excuses to make plans with (Y/N) and she wouldn’t hesitate on saying yes to everything Colby came up with. Like that night for example, (Y/N) had suggested going to Rae’s to have dinner with the whole group, after dinner Sam suggested a chill game night at his and Kat’s place, but Colby excused himself saying he had to film a video for his channel and that he needed help. Of course (Y/N) was the first one to offer herself volunteer.
None of their friends at that diner booth were blind, they could see Colby and (Y/N)’s undeniable desire for some alone time with each other, so most of the time they would play along instead of teasing them in public and potentially make things awkward – something they both were thankful for since from the first second the fans saw (Y/N) was back ninety percent of comments were about if they were back together or not.
What they didn’t know, not even (Y/N), was that there was no video that needed to be finished. Colby’s intentions were to take (Y/N) to a place he had recently found, a quiet spot on the hills of LA where they watched the city from afar.
The later it got the better they could see the stars above them, which reminded (Y/N) of a recurrent thought she had at the beginning of their time apart. She liked to look at the sky and think that no matter what, no matter the time of the day, the weather or how far away they were from each other, both of them were looking at the same sky. For some reason thinking about that brought her peace and made her feel a little connected to Colby.
“What are you thinking about?” they’ve been quiet for a few minutes and Colby was only wondering why (Y/N) was so smiley.
“Nothing” her smile only grew wider, making Colby grin bigger.
“C’mon, tell me” he turned around so he laying on his stomach over the blanket they were sharing.
“I was thinking about that time you fell down the hill and made it to the bottom on your butt” she lied, while she laughed remembering that moment.
“My pants were so destroyed at the end” he chuckled shaking his head.
(Y/N) was about to make a comment on how his fat ass helped him to not get too hurt but their attentions were caught by the sound of movement on the bushes behind them.
“Did you hear that?” (Y/N) whispered, sitting up as fast as she could to look in the direction of the sound.
A low growl followed the noises and that was enough for Colby to get up and help (Y/N) get up too “get it the car, fast” he whispered grabbing the blanket and giving it to her while he opened the door for her.
The first thought that came into mind for Colby was that they could be attacked by an animal, so he had to put (Y/N) in a safe place, but before he could close the door they heard some high pitched whimpers coming from the same place.
That got (Y/N) out of the car and running to the bushes, followed by Colby telling her to stop.
“Oh my god”
“What? (Y/N) what is it? Be careful” when Colby approached her he could finally calm down, it was a dog and he was trapped on the bush.
“Hey buddy, I’m going to help you, okay?” (Y/N) was crazy about animals, if it was for her she would have so many, but sadly she was never in the same place for too long and having a pet wasn’t a good idea under those conditions.
When the dog kept whining and liked her hand, (Y/N) took it as a sign to proceed and help the young looking dog to get out of the mess he had got himself into.
“He has no collar and he’s so dirty it looks like he’s been around here for a while” she announced looking up at Colby as she kept caressing the dog to keep him calm.
Colby, who also happened to be an animal lover, saw his opportunity in the palm of his hand “why don’t we go back to my place and we get him clean and fed?” if there was a way to (Y/N)’s heart, it was definitely that one.
“I think that’s a great idea” she looked down at the scared dog again “we’re taking care of you my friend, don’t worry I won’t let Colby pick the food, he has no taste” she joked, picking up the dog and winking at a fake hurt looking Colby.
The car ride was smoother than expected, luckily it was the middle of the night, which meant no traffic at all. It was good thing too because Colby was paying more attention to the interactions (Y/N) was having with the dog than where he was going.
Something none of them had realized was how, as much as they have been hanging out, (Y/N) hadn’t put a foot on Colby’s apartment. Being in the outside world together gave them many private moments, but being alone in Colby’s home was different, that feeling of anything could happened was settled as soon as they both walked through the room.
“The bathroom is over there” Colby pointed to the only closed door in the open space.
(Y/N) made her way over while she looked around his apartment, taking in how empty it looked, there was no decorations at all and she was thankful for that, if she had seen any of their old decorations she would have died inside.
“I made you a sandwich” Colby announced, walking into the bathroom twenty minutes after (Y/N), who had already washed the dog and was drying him off with a towel.
“Did you make it or did you go to the store to buy it? Because it took you a while” she joked, wrapping her new little friend with the towel and snuggling him.
Truth was that Colby just needed some time by himself, gather his thoughts before walking into that bathroom. It was getting very difficult to be around (Y/N) while they were playing by the ‘only friends’ rules.
“Making sandwiches is an art, it takes time” he sat on the tiled floor, right in front of (Y/N), who was also sitting on the floor. They stayed in silent for a few minutes until Colby broke it “I always thought we would get a dog.”
Was he too tired to stop himself from saying things like those? He definitely was.
“But then I left” (Y/N) whispered, avoiding eye contact.
Was she too tired to follow that conversation? Oh you better believe she was.
“But then we broke up” he corrected her.
“Because I left” they hadn’t talked about their relationship, not even just once ever since they had started this new found friendship. So Colby couldn’t help but give (Y/N) a confused look, not understanding where she was coming from with that.
“Okay, if that is what you believe then you could say I didn’t do anything to try and stop you from leaving” he said once he understood she was, in some level, blaming herself for it “you followed your passion and there’s nothing wrong with that”
Colby’s soft tone and sweet words made (Y/N) finally look at him in the eyes, feeling less guilty. She wasn’t sorry for leaving and following her dreams, but was she coastally wondering what could’ve been if she had stayed with Colby? Of course.
“It doesn’t mean I didn’t wanna stay too” at the end of the day there was two things she was passionate about, trying to transform the world in a better place and her future with Colby Brock.
“I know, (Y/N)” he couldn’t lie, it felt good to hear that. He knew she was heartbroken for leaving and that gave away a hint of how bad she wanted to stay, but hearing it out loud felt so fucking good “but do you really think I would’ve let you give up on an opportunity like that?” she shook her head, earning a smile from Colby, who moved closer, until the only thing keeping them apart were their legs “That’s correct, I wouldn’t’ve had let you” he placed a hand on her knee “don’t ever think I blamed this on you leaving, not for a second. I’m so fucking proud of you for chasing after your dreams”
“Thank you, Colbster” she smiled, the use of the nickname she had given him shortly after meeting Colby made her slightly flush. The dog found that the perfect moment to lick her sad face away “okay, okay I’ll let you go” she chuckled letting the dog free to run around the bathroom before storming out of it to explore the rest of the apartment.
“I put some of the food we bought on a bowl in the kitchen, someone’s going to be surprised” although he was apparently focusing in something new (Y/N) couldn’t stop repeating his words in her head and how badly she wanted to kiss him right now, but she couldn’t.
Just like that she made her decision, the dog would be the sing she needed to see what the universe had to tell her.
The following morning, bright and early, Colby and (Y/N) went to the closest vet to find out if the dog had a microchip, which would lead to an owner and then to discover if the dog had run away or if it had been abandoned – a heartbreaking theory on (Y/N)’s eyes.
While the vet did her job It was visible how nervous (Y/N) was, Colby couldn’t figure out why and he was planning on asking, but the vet talked sooner, announcing the dog had a microchip and that she was going to call the number that appeared on the computer.
“You’re going to make a hole on the ground if you keep bouncing your leg like that” Colby joke, earning a smile from (Y/N).
She didn’t answer though; she was too deep in her thoughts. If that dog didn’t have an owner that wanted him that was it, she was staying in LA, she would find a place to live, a job, she would take care of her new little friend and she would work as hard as it needed to be worked to gain Colby back.
“Good news, the owner is on her way, she says she’s been looking for Oreo like crazy” Oreo, so that was the dog’s name, who the fuck names their dog after an Oreo? Okay probably (Y/N) would do it, it was a cute name and she was just too upset to recognize it.
“Great, that’s awesome to hear, right?” Colby had to take the lead and talk when there was no reaction from (Y/N), who only nodded when Colby tried to get her to respond in any way possible.
The thing is, Colby still knows (Y/N) like the palm of his hand, he can feel how upset she is when she gets slightly flushed as a reaction of how hard she is trying to hold back the tears, but what he can’t understand is the reason why she is so upset all of the sudden, was he missing something?
So the poor and confused boy does the only thing he can think of at the moment. He places his hand on her back, rubbing small circles at first and when (Y/N) doesn’t try to stop him from doing so he pulls her closer “What’s wrong?” the vet is too occupied with Oreo to hear what Colby has whispered to (Y/N), which (Y/N) is thankful for because the last thing she wants is for the vet to think she’s crazy.
“’m just tired” the lack of eye contact wasn’t helping her in the fail attempt of lying “and hungry”
“We can go to Rae’s for breakfast” although Colby knew that wasn’t the problem, he followed along “and then take a nap” and maybe too carried away, but the last thing he wanted to do was to finish their time together, even if he was just as tired as she was because they stayed up all night talking and playing with the dog they had just found in the middle of nowhere.
For some reason he felt like if he let go of her in that moment she would be gone again, just like if she had never been here in the first place. That’s why when (Y/N) nodded and leaned her head on his shoulder he felt the biggest relieved he’s felt in so long.
They were given the option of staying until Oreo’s owner came to pick him up and as much as (Y/N) would have loved to witness the encounter in other given circumstances now it wasn’t the best time for it, so they left to get Colby’s promised breakfast at Rae’s.
From the first second they put a foot outside the vet clinic Colby was dying to ask what was really the reason of (Y/N) mood swing, sadly he didn’t feel in the right position to push her that much in order to get an answer.
“Can you take me straight to Tara’s? I’m really tired, I just want to sleep” Colby felt like he had lost a battle, one that (Y/N) had no idea about, but somehow she had defeated Colby.
“Yeah, sure, I can take you there” (Y/N) hated to be the reason why things had got so awkward between them so fast. With Colby too afraid of making the wrong move and pushing her away forever and with (Y/N) too upset to even pretend she was fine.
Colby’s suspicions were correct, for the next three days he couldn’t get a hold of (Y/N), she wouldn’t answer his calls and the texts she did answer were very vague. The whole situation was equally confusing and frustrating for Colby. On one hand he was fine with giving (Y/N) her space, leaving him some time for himself too; on the other hand, he couldn’t point where did he go wrong, what did he do to make her so upset and disappear for three days, that was all he had in his mind most of the time, but it also didn’t stop him from keeping up with his busy schedule and daily life.
It wasn’t much different for (Y/N), she felt like the longer she tried to stay away from Colby the harder it would be to fall back into good terms, after all she would have to explain why she was acting so weird.
The lack of sleep and the realization of still being very much in love with Colby were the two main factors that got (Y/N) so upset. She wasn’t one to believe in signs from the universe, but in that moment at the vet she would have follow her plan of staying in LA if the universe had made that dog one without an owner, that would have been her sign. On the contrary, she took that sign as one of take your things and run before you make a mistake.
Hence why she is upset, she doesn’t believe in signs, but she made herself believe in that one, which was followed by the call she’s been afraid to receive the very next day.
“You look awfully quiet, my dear” of course the second (Y/N) got the news she went to the only place she could feel better again, Rae’s, where Carly made her the best strawberry milkshake, yet (Y/N) didn’t feel any better and Carly could see it.
“isn’t Colby joining you today?” Rog didn’t mean any harm, he was very happy when Carly told him about having the young couple reunited again after such a long time, but the reminder of Colby hurt.
“No… it’s just me today” (Y/N) couldn’t even look up to answer his question, she was too occupied moving the straw around the half full glass, as if the answer would pop out of it any second.
As Carly and Rog kept taking care of preparing meals and drinks (Y/N) watched them, this time paying more attention than ever before. How Rog would look at Carly from time to time and a smile would appear on his face, how Carly had an endless list of cute nicknames for Rog or simply the way they would crack jokes with the other every other minute.
“How did you and Carly meet?” (Y/N) asked Rog when he got closer whipping the other side of the counter.
“Way back in the day, we were neighbors” just talking about it put a smile on Rog’s face “I didn’t stop until she agreed to go on a date with me”
“Where did you take her?” (Y/N) was already hooked on the story, she loved old people and their life stories.
“To the movies, of course” Carly was a big fan of everything movie related and the decoration on the diner showed her passion, they had the walls covered with movie posters “I was scared to death of her father, but I managed to build the courage and ask for permission. Best decision I ever made”
“How did you know she was the one for you?” you could say she was trying to get advice without asking for it.
Rog stopped cleaning the glasses that had piled on the counter and looked at the lost girl sitting at the stool on the other side of the counter, he could read the look in her eyes.
“It took me some time, some mistakes were made, but without those mistakes we wouldn’t be here today” now (Y/N) was intrigued, but she felt that asking about those mistakes was way too invasive “I asked myself many times if Carly was the woman I would end up marrying, if there was someone else out there for me, because when we started dating it didn’t feel like I could have a connection with anyone else the way I had it with her” (Y/N) stayed quiet, wanting him to continue “but when she and her family moved here , the place she had always dreamt of, I had to let her go, still one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do to this day. I told myself it all happened because it was meant to be like that, I had to stay in New York and work in my father’s business and she was meant to move here” (Y/N) couldn’t help but compare their story with hers and Colby’s “It didn’t take me long to realize what really mattered to me and let me tell you it wasn’t working for my father” he laughed, probably at the memory of those golden years they lived together.
“Did Carly wait for you?” although (Y/N) loved seeing him so happy as he told his story, she couldn’t hold back the questions.
“Oh no, I would have never asked her that, we truly believed we wouldn’t see each other again, but the second I found her… things fell back into place” well, now that was true love “almost fifty years later here we are”
“It’s a beautiful story, Rog” (Y/N) smiled, already deep in thought, putting into perspective everything she knew or at least everything she thought she knew.
“You seem conflicted” Rog had caught on early when she asked the first question why did she wanted to now. After all he had witness the mess Colby had been for the first few weeks after (Y/N) left.
“I am conflicted” with a heavy sigh (Y/N) let her head fall on her crossed arms over the counter.
The action made Rog laugh, that kind of sympathetic laugh you can’t be mad at. He wasn’t stupid, in fact his age and his life experience made him a very wise human being.
“If you want my humble opinion” he started, stopping just to build some expectation, which made (Y/N) look up again “I think you already have the answer you need, you just haven’t accepted yet, so whatever it is you are conflicted about accept it already and put yourself to work”
It wasn’t admitting that Rog was right, (Y/N) already knew what she really wanted to do, but the thought of actually putting herself to work to get to her goal scared her too much.
Fuck that, it was about time she got up and made up for the time she was losing. Rog could see in her eyes how fast her demeanor was changing, leaving the old man with a proud smile on his lips.
“I’m going to do it” (Y/N) stood up from the bar stool, almost knocking it down with how fast she did it “thank you Rog” before running out of the diner, with an unfinished milkshake, she left a five-dollar bill for Rog not waiting for her change, the man deserved the big tip.
“Jake, what does it take so long to pack? Seriously dude”
Colby had been waiting for over an hour for Jake to give him a heads up whenever he had finished packing for their trip and he couldn’t stop texting Jake to hurry up. He wanted to leave as soon as possible, although it was going to be a ‘bussiness trip’ because they were visiting haunted places for the Sam and Colby channel, Colby really wanted to be a few days away from LA.
“Brother relax, don’t pay it with me if (Y/N) doesn’t answer your calls”
It wasn’t a secret for anyone how (Y/N) affected Colby even if he didn’t want it to be that way, none of them couldn’t help it. Jake didn’t mean harm with his comments, they were all in a joking tone, he felt like it was better to joke about it than to make it this taboo topic that made things weird.
“If you’re not ready in ten minutes I’m ditching your ass”
After sending that last text Colby let himself fall on the couch with a deep sigh, why couldn’t he stop thinking about her just for five minutes? A little break for his tired brain and aching heart.
Meanwhile, not so far from Colby’s complex apartment the running hadn’t stopped for (Y/N) when she left the diner, she kept running down the street, through the sea of people that couldn’t care less for the crazy looking girl trying not to trip and fall.
Two blocks into running she was feeling exhausted and the thought running through her mind was how the next thing she was doing was getting in shape.
The banging on his apartment door straddled Colby, he wished it was different, but it caught him off guard. Normally none of his friends even knock, they either walk in without knocking or they let him know they’re going up the stairs through a text, so it couldn’t be Jake, the only one Colby was waiting.
“(Y/N)?” it felt like he was in such an emotional rollercoaster in that moment that he couldn’t trust his eyes, but she was there, standing in front of him, breathless from all the running.
“I-“ so breathless she felt like it would take her a while to form a sentence “’m sorry” the frown in Colby’s face deepened.
“Sorry? For what?” (Y/N) quickly put a hand up to let him know she needed to talk and not be interrupted.
It was nice to know she cared enough to acknowledge the fact that she had been avoiding him and she needed to apologize for that, but it wasn’t necessary to run all the way there, she could’ve just called.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, enough to form a full sentence without being cut by her lungs’ terrible performance “I’m sorry for pushing you away when that’s not what I really want”
The possibilities were endless for Colby’s reaction, that was the most terrifying part for (Y/N), who felt her heart start beating again when a small grin appeared on Colby’s face.
He had to admit something, in all the years he had known the breathless girl in front of him, there wasn’t many times he could recall seeing her admit so clearly she was doing something wrong – which was the most beautiful form of art in his eyes.
“Okay… I forgive you” she could recognize the smug smile on his face, he was enjoying this moment in many ways and although in the past she would had told him to stop, now she just wanted to look at him smile in any way possible “Can I ask why you started acting so weird though? I think apologies usually come with explanations.”
It wasn’t a surprise for her, who in their right mind wouldn’t ask? So she invited herself into the living room, where Colby followed after closing the door.
“I… really wanted to keep the dog we found” she admitted turning around to meet his intrigued eyes, the same ones that asked her to keep going “I thought if he didn’t have an owner who wanted him it would be a signal that I should stay in LA, no more voluntary work around the world” Colby was feeling conflicted, he loved the idea of her staying in LA, having her back completely.
The constant movement in her hands was making both of them nervous, they didn’t even take a seat – Colby didn’t mainly because she seemed too anxious to keep herself in place.
“But the dog had an owner” Colby took a step closer, taking her hands in his so she would stop playing with them. It seemed like the physical contact made her focus better, nodding while she looked down at their hands before looking up at him again.
“And that meant I didn’t have a reason to stay here” the tone of her voice went down, now that he was so close to her it felt like the right choice “or so I wanted to make myself believe”
“Do you want to stay?” Colby was doing the best he could to keep himself together, it wasn’t too difficult most of the time, but (Y/N) had always been an exception to any existing rule.
She timidly nodded “I do wanna stay” if someone decided to check her heart rate in that moment she would have broken the machine, because her heart was beating so fast she could pass out at any second “but I realized that way before we found out about the dog’s owner” the confusion on Colby’s face made it clear to her that he had no idea what she meant “I knew I wanted to stay when I realized I’m still in love with you”
Exactly the words he had been dreaming to hear again, a moment he had been waiting and had made himself believe it wouldn’t happen ever again – oh how wrong he was.
If this was a dream he wasn’t risking waking up, so instead trying to learn how to breathe again he let go of her hands and moved them up to cup her face delicately before crashing his lips with hers.
That wasn’t exactly the reaction (Y/N) was expecting, but definitely the best outcome. Of course she kissed him back, this time with no doubts or regrets. It felt so new yet still like coming back home after a horrible day, so warm and welcoming.
Her hands quickly made their way to his waist, tugging on his shirt to keep him close, a small detail that made a spark run through Colby’s body, who was starting to feel breathless from the kiss and the adrenaline of his intense emotions taking over him.
Even when they pulled apart the electricity trying to keep them together was vibrant.
“That was… unexpected” she smiled, intuitively licking her lips that still tasted like him.
“I know; it was unexpected for me too” her sudden love confession was beyond anything he could’ve imagined.
They stayed in silent, looking at each other with silly smiles on their faces – those smiles you get in the so called honeymoon phase of your relationship. In this case Colby and (Y/N) had a long history behind them, but it had always been like the honeymoon phase for them no matter how long they had been together.
Her hands had made their way up to his jaw, letting her fingers dance along his soft skin “Can we get a dog?” she asked out of nowhere.
The look of adoration on Colby’s eyes only intensified after that question, how had he functioned all that time without her? Without feeling the way he was feeling in that very second?
“I thought you’d never ask” this time it was (Y/N) the one who pulled him down for another breathtaking kiss.
There was still a long road in front of them before getting a dog, of course, but the main point was that they were in the same page, the both wanted the same thing and it was as simple as having each other by their side.
Colby’s phone went off, interrupting the heated kiss. When he looked at his phone he saw the incoming called from Jake, just like that he was brought back to reality, he had to leave to the airport, he wasn’t going to be able to enjoy (Y/N) for at least a few more days.
“Fuck” he cursed under his breath, hanging up on Jake “I have a trip with the boys and I should be going to the airport by now”
“It’s okay” giving him a reassuring smile she pecked his lips one more time “have fun, find some ghosts and tell me all about it” her words made him feel automatically better about leaving “I’ll be here when you come back”
His arms wrapped around her tightly, bringing her into a warm hug, one that he needed more than any of them knew. He took in her sweet scent, while she kissed his shoulder and locked her arms behind his back to hug him tighter.
Just as she had promised when Colby came back she was there, not only in LA, but in his apartment. She had found a way to go inside, decorating the place with a bunch of lit candles and flowers she had got for him, because even if he couldn’t keep them alive Colby had always enjoyed getting flowers. She had also made a welcome back sign and since he was coming back late at night she had also made dinner for the two of them.
Colby didn’t know he needed that in his life as much as he did when he saw the whole thing, now remembering all the times he had come back to an empty apartment felt so sad.
“Oh my god” the mixture between his nervous laugh and big smile let her see how much he liked the surprise.
“Welcome home!” (Y/N) exclaimed, jumping from behind the couch – Colby’s smile only went bigger “I promise I wasn’t trying to make a séance with all these candles” she joked, making him laugh.
The shock and surprise was still very clear in his actions, his face, how he couldn’t stop looking around the place “how did you- when- ugh I have so many questions” his focus finally falling back on her.
“I told you I would be here when you came back and Sam has keys to get in here so I just had to nicely ask for them, get them from Kat and get everything inside” she explained “you like it?”
“Oh believe me, I’ve never been so happy to be back home” letting his backpack fall on the floor he shortened the distance between them and kissed her, not holding back for even a second, he was giving it all in that passionate kiss that took her breath away.
“don’t you want to have dinner?” she chuckled between kisses, for Colby there wasn’t time to waste, it was visible in how his hands traveled down her body, stopping one of his hands on her butt and giving it a squeeze while with the other he moved the hair away from her face to kiss her lips again.
“Dinner can wait, I have other priorities at the moment” he whispered, bringing his other hand to her butt too and picking her up, gaining a grin from her.
“mhmmm, I’ve always liked your way of thinking” she added leaning in to kiss down his jaw.
Just like that everything fell back in place, the same way their bodies feel in Colby’s bed. They had found their way back to each other, like (Y/N)’s lips found their way down Colby’s neck. Bodies fitting perfectly together after a long time trying to fill that space with the best new thing, not knowing there was nothing or no one who could compare to the way they worked together.
tagged:  @dolanshemm
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tamtam-go92 · 4 years
And that concludes Pleasantview-Widespot-SSU fall 2
I just wanted to leave you some notes around what happened this season and the year before ;)
Beare Family: Allegra was first trimester pregnant when the season started and the two of them welcomed their first child, a daughter they named Maya into their lives. Also their lot (it’s the former Dreamer home) experiences a weird bug where there would always be a light snow outside even on warm days. I hope that bug vanishes once it starts snowing in winter.
Burb Family: John and Jennifer aged up into Elders this fall. Jennifer has an affair going on with her co-worker Jared Starchild, but she hasn’t met him this season.
Caliente Family: Don and Nina are climbing their careers. Their daughter Ariana grew up into a child. As an explanation: Nothing of this really was planned. I didn’t want them to become a classic married couple with 1,5 children, a picked fence and a dog. It was all their own doing. Don and Nina both rolled a want to get married during a date. And guess what? After getting engaged they went straight for the next sofa and tried for a baby. I was freaking out when I heard chimes. During Don’s next round I quickly fulfilled his first LTW to woohoo 10 sims so he could get married to Nina the next season. And they did. In their wedding night Don was abducted by Aliens because he needed a logic point for his career and somebody thought it was a good idea to buy the expensive telescope... So I relocated them to a bigger lot and here they are...
Dreamer Family: I know DarrenxCassy gets a lot of hate, but I like them together. They are a very rounded couple in my game and were blessed with an other son, Damian this season. That’s they last child, as Cassy is growing old next season.
Goth Family: Ever since Frida was born, Mortimer and Dina were constantly trying to try for an other baby but I always canceled the interaction. Morty wasn’t getting any younger and I have a one elixir of life per sim-rule and he drank the rest of his in summer. But somehow sims always do what they want and Dina got pregnant through risky wohoo... great... Now they had a son called Moss and Morty died the same evening his son was born. At least he was able to meet his youngest child before death and he was surrounded by family (he also died in platinum aspiration).
Nova Family: Tiffany and Castor are constantly trying for a baby but so far no chimes. I’m not sad about it, since those two are really broke af. Luckily Tiff finally found a job in the medical field. But Castor is still on the search. They won’t get married until Tiff is either pregnant or Castor has a job.
Oldie Family: I skipped playing Herb this season. He’s waiting for Ivy and Orlando to graduate.
Pleasant Family 1: Guess what? Kaylynn got herself abducted this season and since I’ve got a mod that allows female alien pregnancy she gave birth to a little alien boy I called Parker. When Daniel found out that Kay was pregnant again, he retired. He really tries to be a better dad to his sons and helps Leonardo, who is struggling with school, with his homework a lot.
Pleasant Family 2: That’s such a funky household, it’s so much fun to play! Candy has a little bakery she tends on her days off at the restaurant. Val and MS are the cutest couple ever, but have never woohooed! I like that little detail about them. Stone grew into a teen and he’s now a Romance/Fortune sim (after both his grandpas). His LTW is to be a space pirate.
Starchild Family: Heather started off 1st trimester pregnant and gave birth to a little boy during the round - Alonso. Sam and Ty are eagerly trying for a baby too, but no luck so far. They took in the last crops of the year and gave a lot of their crops away to friends. They all are quick to climb the career ladder.
Traveller Family: Nothing interesting happened this season tbh... Laurie really wasn’t planned, again risky wohoo stroke but I’m super glad to have her, she has the cutest little face ever!
Upsnott Family: Those two really are driving me nuts! They are broke as hell and can’t find a proper job. I didn’t like Brit getting pregnant so soon, I couldn’t throw them a wedding party since they had literally no money for the wedding arch. They could merely afford the crib for their baby! And then... they had twins *face palm*. Yeah, a girl and a boy called Matías and María José. I have no idea why the name generator dropped two Spanish names. Luckily at least Josh found a job in the criminal career and can now support his family. The twins also grew into toddlers and they look so cute (broken face template...)
Beech Household: It’s really difficult managing so many students, but they all are doing pretty well. The love triangle between Virginia, Woody and Goldie seems to be interrupted by River, who really has the hots for Ginny. She still has higher chemistry with Woody, but Woody prefers Goldie. Goldie, Ginny and Scot graduated the last day of fall. While Ginny moved back in with her parents and Scot moved in with his boyfriend, Goldie temporarily moved back in with her older brother. But she’ll eventually move in with Woody.
Bright Household: Everything’s good here. I always wanted Lucy and Lilith to be close but in fact... she’s closer with Dirk... Lilith graduated the last day of fall and moved back in with her mother. I’m super exited what happens when she meets Ashley Pitts (knowing their chemistry they share in @katatty’s game...).
Freshman Household: Dixie threw herself a graduation party on the first day of fall and moved in with her fiance. Angela graduated mid-season and moved into the old Broke-Trailer on her own where she’s waiting for Dustin to graduate. Tina and Isaiah have a little something going on, they already did so as teens (they are best friends since their childhood) but neither of them is really for settling down and exclusivity.
Land Household: Alex and Delta met at Lucy Burb’s farewell party and they had such a great chemistry that I had to make something out of it. And of course they savaged each other first things after moving in together. Don’t know where it’ll lead, they just had their first real date but I’m excited.
Oldie Household: They are not so interesting to play as they are very studious and don’t have much contact to the outside. I tried to give Orlando a bit of an NB story and his outfits change between male and female each season.
Beech Family: Daytona has used the last bit of elixir of life so she passed away this season. Sandy has a small clothing store in Widespot that is a lot of fun to play. Hamilton is almost top of his career. Grey grew into a teenager and he’s a Pleasure/Romance sim. That’s gonna be some fun!
Gavigan Family: Such a cute family. But they are a lot like the Travellers, not much is going on for them except for careers and kids. It’s so funny that some families just get one gender as kids. I know a lot of families in real life that are the same!
Hart Family: Penny and Rhett have a really good relationship but both tend to stray sometimes (Penny once had an affair with Don Lothario (of course)). Snow is Skye 2.0. I gave him an alien eye heterochromia, since he’s got nothing from Penny’s alien heritage and I thought that was pretty sad... Rhett and Penny both grew into elders and Rhett topped his career fulfilling his LTW. His new LTW would be to become a professional Party Guest, but I guess that’s not gonna happen. Snow then grew into a teen, becoming a Knowledge/Romance Sim (after his grandpas).
Land Family: I skipped playing Beulah for the same reason I skipped Herb Oldie. At least River is gonna move back in with her after university.
Mann Family: This is such a hectic household... I struggled with getting Rich into golden aspiration so he could have some of the elixir of life, he really needs it. And guess what? I laughed so hard when that fourth baby of Mary was also a girl. But they called her Lana after the decreased grandmother she’ll never meet and Rich is super caring. I’m totally surprised, that he’s such a caring grandfather to all of the girls but he always tucks them in and plays with them. Oh! And of course Ira grew into a teen! She’s now a Pleasure/Family sim.
Roseland Family: Arg, this family has really grown on my heart. I always love Brandi and her kids and I struggle so much finding a perfect partner for her. But when she met Cyd over a mutual friend they had perfect chemistry. Sadly they didn’t get along at first but soon it clicked and now they are joined at their hips. They shouldn’t have had Ella, their calculated amount of kids was three but I just couldn’t deny the mutual have a baby want... Beau will go to college next season and Skip grew up into a teen being Romance/Family like his big bro.
Stacks Family: Those two are constantly trying for a baby, ever since Martin came from College. But somehow Jane isn’t as fertile as I’d expect from a Family sim. On the last day there were finally chimes! Selina is... something. She has a really sharp face, I think because of Martin’s broke face. Her cheekbones could cut through glass!
Swain Family: Dixie moved in with Erik and Jimmy on the second day of fall and they had a wonderful wedding party two days later. Jimmy takes Scot for dates every second day and Scot has rolled a want to get engaged (of course). Erik has a locked want to have a baby, but Dixie wants to find a job first.
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ceffythesquirrel · 5 years
Birthday Blues
What? What?! I wrote a normal fic for once?! This is a completely normal fic for Logan’s birthday! I tried writing one last year but I failed. I wanted this to be the year I wrote a normal fic for my favorite side. Don’t ask why I keep repeating normal over and over again. It’s not worth reading into. So here! Take this fic I’ve been writing for three days straight (gay) pretty much! I’m happy with how it turned out! I hope you guys enjoy.
Happy Birthday, Logan!!!
Birthday Blues
Ships: Platonic Lamp/calm, some analogical if you squint.
Words: 1,991
Warnings: Logan is the scrooge of his own birthday. Twinges of angst. Let me know of anything else.
It was that one fateful day of the year when Logan woke up in the morning groaning in dread at the date on his calendar. He continuously reminded his fellow aspects that they all shared the same birthday on April 24th because they were all Thomas, but the fandom celebrated them differently and Patton quickly caught on. Roman was on board soon after and both of them were able to drag Virgil in it, but Logan remained adamant that his birthday was absolutely NOT November 3rd.
Once he was up and dressed, he took a quick look at the calendar and narrowed his eyes at the small “Birthday” surrounded by question marks underneath today’s date. He sighed and continued his routine hoping that when he stepped out in the hallway, nothing would happen. When it came time, Logan armed himself with his pillow and carefully turned the doorknob of his room out into the mind palace’s hallway. Almost immediately, he saw confetti fly past the opening of the door and he quickly shut it before any other unidentified flying objects made their way into his room.
A couple of whines could be heard from the other side of the door. “Awwww, C’mon Logan! Aren’t ya gonna come out for your birthday?”
“Yeah! Get out here Logan! I even got Virgil here to cheer you on!”
“Whoop di doo…”
Logan saw the doorknob turn multiple ways and he pressed his body against it, refusing the other three entry inside. “No! And It’s not my birthday. I do not understand your incessant attempts to celebrate me on a day in which I wasn’t even born. Virgil, we’ve had this talk before. We do not have mothers!” He grew annoyed with the constant turning of the knob and quickly locked it before Roman tried to summon a battering ram...again.
“Look, dude, I’m just tired of fighting them. It’s only one day, Lo. You can deal with it.”
“Maybe I can’t-oof!” Logan felt the whole door shift as something ran into it from the other side.
“Roman!” Logan yelled out of fear for his room door.
“I will get you out of there if it’s the last thing I do!” Roman ran into it again and Logan let out a small yelp as the force was enough to push him off the door and onto the floor. He thanked his mental lock for holding out as chaotic of a force as Roman.
“Roman! Roman, stop!” Thankfully, Patton came to his rescue and his door was saved. “This isn’t going to get him to join us! We need to come up with a better plan.”
“Fine, fine. We’ll go to plan B. Just you wait Nerdicus! We may yet get you to join! Muahahahaha!”
“Don’t laugh like that, it doesn’t suit you.”
“Well fine then…” As their voices died off, Logan rose to his feet and gave a heavy sigh. He was not looking forward to whatever crazy plans they had in store for him.
He quietly stepped out into the hallway not 20 minutes later. Logan had unfortunately run out of his stash of Crofter’s in his room and needed to find something better for breakfast. When he rounded the corner into the kitchen, all three of them sat with breakfast already made.
“There he is! Let’s sing. 3! 2! 1! Happy Birth-” Logan flew back around the corner, attempting to hide the odd blush that had crept on his face when he saw all of them smiling at him. Even Virgil was wearing more than just his usual smirk. He heard the voices grow ever so slightly closer until Roman peeked around the corner and flashed him a devious smirk. The logical aspect let out an undignified squawk and ran back to his room just before Roman or Patton could catch him.
“I just want breakfast!!!” He whined behind his closed door and he pouted at their snickers.
“You can get breakfast,” Patton affirmed. “Just come out here and let us sing to you.”
“Absolutely not!” Logan felt the tiniest twinge of guilt at the disappointed sigh that Patton exhaled on the other side of the door.
“You really won’t let us celebrate you?” Logan’s lips pursed into a frown, but he stayed adamant about his decision.
“No.” He bit off behind the door.
There was a little bit of deafening silence and Logan could practically hear the mood switch in Patton. “Virgil? Can you get a plate for Logan to eat in his room?”
“Sure thing.” Once Virgil walked off, Roman scoffed in disbelief.
“Wait what?! You aren’t just letting him go like that...right?” Logan heard Virgil return with a plate of food and he passed it to Patton.
“Thank you, Virgil. Here you go, Logan. Just go ahead and take it. We won’t try to pull you into anything.”
“What?!” Ignoring Roman’s exclamation, the logical aspect cautiously grasped his doorknob from inside and cracked opened his door.
“Let him go Princey.” Logan opened the door all the way and saw Virgil comically restraining Roman as Patton held out a plate towards him with a sad expression on his face. Logan took the plate and silverware into his grasp and retreated back into his room. The pang of guilt quickly grew in size and sat in the bottom of his belly as he shut the door behind him.
He smiled sadly as he heard Roman’s complaining ring down the hall as Virgil dragged him by the ear back to the kitchen where Logan found them in the first place. It was kind of Patton to understand his need for space and understand where he was coming from, but he couldn't help but feel slightly guilty.
He sat with his back against the wall and scarfed down the food, hearing the soft voices coming from the kitchen. Once finished, he set the plate down on his desk and walked over to his bookshelf. He skimmed his fingers along the spines until he found a pale, rainbow notebook detailing all of the events of Thomas’s last 30 birthdays. He thumbs through a couple pages before flipping to the bigger section of the book that detailed all of the friends’ birthdays Thomas had been to in the past.
He knew the origin of birthdays and where they came from. He knew why they were celebrated, but why should his be? He wasn’t a full person and was of less importance than Thomas himself, let alone known by any of Thomas’s friends. After pondering his existence for a solid minute, he decided Thomas might have a better idea of why this was happening inside of his mind. He took a deep breath and sunk down, reappearing in the kitchen as he watched Thomas make some scrambled eggs for himself.
“Thomas?” He asked softly, hoping not to disturb him.
“Huh?” Thomas turned around and acknowledged the side in his vicinity. “Yeah Logan?”
Logan shifted from side to side, hoping to make sense of the question he was about to ask. “Uhm...what would happen...if your friend had a birthday, but they didn’t want their birthday to be celebrated?”
“Huh?” Thomas gave him a look of confusion. “What brought this question up?”
“Well...For whatever reason...everyone wants to celebrate November 3rd as my birthday, but I was not born on this day. I see no reason for anyone to think anything more of it. There’s nothing special about it.”
“Oh wow.” Thomas pulled out his phone and checked the date. “Yeah. Sure enough! It’s your birthday today.” He gave his side a half-smirk before glancing down at the spoon in his hands.
“Not you too…” Logan groaned. “Why?”
Thomas scratched his head, looking for a way to explain this to his logical aspect. “Well...what is January 15th?”
“That’s Patton’s birthday,” Logan explained.
Thomas smiled at him. “Would you celebrate it with him?”
“Of course. He would be sad if I didn’t.”
“Then, why wouldn’t he be sad if you didn’t let him return the favor? You know he enjoys giving things to the people he loves.”
Logan frowned. “I just don’t understand. What’s so important about me that everyone wants to celebrate?! I’m literally a part of your mind Thomas. There is nothing unique or interesting about me except...you!”
Thomas sighed sadly. “That’s where you're wrong Logan. I’m sorry you think that of yourself. I can tell you if my friend thought that about themselves, I would do everything in my power to make them feel loved. Maybe, that’s what they are trying to do. Patton, Virgil, and Roman I mean. They are trying to show you that you are valued and that’s why they want to celebrate your birthday.” Thomas stepped toward Logan. “If you don’t want today to be your birthday that’s fine. But, I want you to know that a lot of people love you, Logan. The people that see you on their screen, the other sides, and me. I know it’s not going to make sense. The only real reason people could see this as your birthday is that you starred in your first vine on this day five years ago.”
The logical aspect gave a small smile at this, and let Thomas continue talking. “They celebrate you because they love you. They want you to know that your existence is good and they like hanging around you! Why do you think we went all out for Virgil’s birthday when he was first accepted two years ago?”
Logan nodded and his facial expressions told Thomas he was beginning to understand. “Because...we wanted to show him that he belonged in this group.”
“Right. And you belong too, alright?” Thomas smiled at him. “I mean, I wouldn’t be me without any of you, but especially you. So, go back in there and let them shower you with love.” Thomas laughed at the blush that spread across his face.
Logan rubbed his biceps awkwardly. “I have to find a way to apologize first. I may have told them off.”
Thomas frowned a bit. “I hope you can make it up to them.”
Logan tapped his chin before raising his pointer finger in epiphany and sinking down. “I think I may have an idea.” He smiled as Thomas waved to the floor before he found himself popping up in Virgil’s room near the staircase. He knocked on one the rungs and the darker aspect appeared next to him.
“You called?”
Logan let out a deep sigh. “I...want to apologize to Patton.”
Virgil chuckled. “Did Thomas finally talk some sense into you?”
Logan mirrored the laugh. “I don’t know how he did, considering we have the same mental processing.”
“Nah. You just finally decided to listen to your gut feeling.”
“No, I...I felt bad. I didn’t realize how much I meant...to all three of you. And I want you all to know how much I appreciate you for attempting to celebrate this. I’m sorry for-”
“Being a stick in the mud?” Virgil raised an eyebrow and finished the sentence for him.
“If you must put it that way, then yes.”
Virgil smiled. “I’m sure they’ll forgive you, Lo. I had a feeling you’d come around. You’re too smart to let something like that go without first coming to a valid conclusion.”
The logical aspect cleared his throat and let a small blush spread across his face. “Yes well. I do what I need to.”
Virgil scoffed. “Don’t be too quick to thank me for the compliment.” He patted Logan on the shoulder before turning to walk out the door. “Now come on. We gotta go find Patton.”
“Thank you, Virgil.” Logan stated as they walked down the hallway towards Roman’s and Patton’s voices.
“Don’t mention it...and Logan?”
“Hmm..?” He shut Virgil’s room door behind him, turning to look at the darker aspect in front of him.
“Happy birthday.” Logan’s following grin grew uncharacteristically wide and Virgil couldn’t help but mirror it.
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simon-newman · 4 years
One year update
Well. Not exactly one year if we count my ants and mantises but today exactly one year ago I bought my first tarantula... And my second one...
For that reason and because i didn’t post about my animals in a LONG WHILE I’m going to update you on all of them.
Anyway... Lets get the hard one done with first: My mantises.
Sadly those don’t live long and a few weeks ago my last praying mantis has passed away. It was to be expected as they live only for about a year and I got them all before even my first tarantula.
Out of 7 praying mantis I’ve bought 4 reached maturity. Two died of unknown causes, one fell during a molt. Yeah... They are fragile like that.
Still - I want to believe those other 4 had good lives filled with roaches and all the other things mantises like...
Now the fun part.
I’m not sure if I reported this before but from my 2 Manica rubida colonies one lost it’s queen right before winter.
Normally the colony would be doomed but at the end of their hibernation I joined the two colonies and the surviving queen adopted the orphaned workers.
The surviving colony is doing quite well I’d say:
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Here’s Queen Sola in all of her winged glory. The population of workers has decreased lately but I’m planning to upgrade their habitat in a few weeks.
Still - there’s soon gonna be a boom in new workers:
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The pile of larvae and pupae is just enormous.
Now. The other colony - mt Formica cinerea? Umm...
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This queen is taking it rather easy. She underwent hibernation with just 8 workers last year and took her time before laying new batch of eggs. The 2nd generation of workers replaced the old one as it was passing away and the numbers never exceeded 20 workers. All seem rather small for the species still.
I try to provide them with a lot of honey (they have a constant supply) and more than enough roaches (I’m exchanging them weekly so that they don’t go bad).
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There are about 10 pupae and some more larvae in there... not sure how many because those ants make their test tubes really filthy somehow. And yes - test tubes. I provided another, clean one and they didn’t even bother trying to move into it...
I hope they’ll increase their population before hibernating this year.
Now. The recent find...
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During my last hike I found this beauty. The young queen of the second largest ant species in my country: Camponotus herculeanus.
Known for their large size, ability to bite into wood and a soldier caste of workers those ants are one of the most desired species among antkeepers in my country.
I was hoping to find a queen of their larger cousins but I’m not gonna be picky about it.
The queen is currently stored in a dark and calm place where she can do her job and give birth to her first generation of workers (which might take a long time - those species develop slowly).
I expect to see first soldier ants in 3-4 years.
Now. The tarantulas in order of acquisition:
1. Tliltocatl vagans (ex. Brachypelma vagans)
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Now this little spider underwent a lot.
A name change among other things - the genus was separated into two and... Well... I don’t want to bother you with details. My Brachypelma is now Tliltocatl.
It molted 6 times during the time I had it and I expect it to molt again within a week. It’s currently pushing 8cm in diagonal leg span (DLS) and after molting it’ll be once again my biggest spider.
Sadly it is due to that the colors are so... Brown.
After molting it’ll be velvet black (legs) with a vibrant red abdomen. I’m hoping for a black carapace after this molt as well.
This is also my only suspected female tarantula.
most keepers want females because they live several times longer than males. 15-30 years (depending on species) compared to 3-7 for males.
2. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
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We got there!
We got the blue colors - finally!
Until recently the carapace was still a mixture of dark blue and gold - now it’s finally getting the blue-green look to it.
It molted just recently and is still kinda shy - I had to lure it out with food for this picture but I managed somehow.
Suspect male but people on arachnoboards told me to wait a bit longer as they can be a bit tricky to properly identify.
It’s last molt is about 7,5 cm in DLS meaning the spider is now bigger than that.
3. Phormictopus sp. green gold carapace
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Another BIG ONE.
Big boy actually. Last attempt at sexing left almost no doubts - it is a male.
On one hand I’m happy because males of Phormictopus genus get some stunning colors when they mature.
On the other hand... Well. He’ll have a short life and the species is quite hard to come by so I might not be able to find him a date.
Perhaps I’ll try to contact the breeder who sold him to me and ask if he’s still breeding them but... I have the feeling that the guy doesn’t like me much.
As for the spider himself... I complained a lot about his temperament - he was bolty and kicked hair at the slightest of disturbances... Was. Recently he got quite calm and almost... gentle... I hope he stays this way.
It also grows FAST. It was a lot smaller than my first two spiders and now can rival them in size at about 7,5 cm in DLS.
4. Psalmopoeus cambridgei
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Mr shy. I can’t get a good picture of him no matter how much I try.
Always hiding or escaping the moment I take out the camera. A fussy eater and and overall pain in the butt.
Also - suspect male. His molts are always ruined so they can’t be used to determine it with all certainty but I had a good look on him two or three times and he seems male to me.
I might be wrong tho.
5. Lasiodora klugi
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The SMOL one. Not so small anymore.
Still my smallest spider but it grew a lot from that tiny, tiny spiderling that I got back in September.
I hear they speed up a lot after hitting the juvenile stage which should happen soon...
Ultimately this will be my largest spider.
No clue if it’s male or female - too small to even try checking.
6 Harpactira pulchripes
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The evil one, eh?
The only Old World tarantula in my collection - Old World meaning it’s from Africa and lacks the irritating hairs the New World Ts use for defense.
To make up for this the OW spiders are faster and their venom is quite nasty.
I get a threat posture from this little guy every time I try to take it’s molt out. That is... 3 times so far.
Still a beautiful spider that grows A LOT with each molt.
So. That’s it. All of my animals not counting the cat. I hope you enjoyed this update.
I’ll try to put together a feeding video. Soon. This time for sure.
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smallblueandloud · 5 years
For the AU ask meme: Thirteen x Rose, Role Reversal AU ✿
thank you so much for being patient with me - i hope this makes up for the wait! (under a cut, because this one got long. turns out i’ve missed doctor who writing, lol.) send me an au and i’ll send you 5+ headcanons about it (eventually!)
jane smith is thirty five years old and she lives in cardiff.
she lives with her granddad, graham, and her step-second-cousin (yeah, it sounds rather awkward) ryan, who’s the grandson of her granddad’s second wife grace. ryan’s got a best friend named yaz, who’s training to be a police officer, and who stops by more days than not after she gets out of work.
ryan’s working as a mechanic, and jane goes with him sometimes to help him out - she loves using her hands and working to take things apart and put them back together.
she herself has a job as a primary school science teacher. she loves working with kids - has for her entire life - and she loves teaching them to look at the universe with just a little more wonder. she’s never really thought about having kids, though. she’s never really dated anyone very seriously, is the thing, and anyways she doesn’t want them. she used to, she knows, but something changed at some point, and now she knows that’s never going to happen.
it’s just her and her granddad, these days, and of course ryan and yaz, since her parents died in an accident while she was in uni.
but she’s happy! she loves her students, she loves what she teaches, and she loves getting up in the morning. she’s working on a novel in her free time, about an adventurer of some kind who travels through time and space - she’s thinking it should be some kind of kids’ series, to teach them history and science in an interesting way - but she’s rather bad at writing, so it’s not very good. she loves writing it, though!
one day, she’s out to the store with her granddad when she bumps into a blonde woman, completely knocking her foodstuffs out of her hands. after a hasty apology (or seven) later, and lots of blushing, jane and her granddad go on their way.
graham teases her about it, a little, but jane still has to work on her lesson plan for the coming week, so she rushes him home and tries not to think about the woman’s (rose, she’d said, my name is rose) smile and hands and-
jane is thirty five years old and has only ever had three boyfriends. she’s starting to think it might be because of a bigger issue than her chronic absent-mindedness.
a few weeks later, she’s out to the movies with ryan and yaz, when they run into rose again. this time, she’s with a friend of hers, who winks suggestively at her when he introduces himself but seems nice enough.
jane’s… reasonably sure that rose and her friend jack aren’t dating, but something about jack still puts her on edge. she shrugs and tries to wave it off, though, because the movie is rather good and afterwards they go out for ice cream.
surprise, surprise! rose and jack are there too. it’s a genuine mistake on everyone’s part, but the two groups sit together to discuss the movie, and by the end, ryan has gotten rose’s number to ask her a question about the engine that rose mentioned she’s building in her garage.
ryan makes plans to go over to rose’s house to look over the engine, and he asks if he can take jane along (she’s a big fan of mechanics, too!). rose agrees immediately, and so off jane goes, and tries not to act too embarrassingly.
at some point, ryan is engrossed in the engine, and rose sidles over to jane. they begin a conversation, mostly about engines, that devolves into their greater life circumstances, and eventually about jane’s job.
jane is halfway through a long, impassioned rant about the utter beauty of the voyager probe and the things that humanity decided represented itself when rose kisses her.
jane is thirty five years old and she is definitely not straight.
they break apart to ryan grinning at them. nice one, jane! he says to her. she’s had a crush on you since the beginning, he says to rose.
rose smiles at her. that’s good. i have too.
and so begins the tale of rose and jane. they’re suddenly in the middle of each other’s lives, and it’s wonderful.
rose is over at their house almost once a week for movie night (they cuddle on the couch - it’s the highlight of her week). jane goes over to the house that rose shares with jack every friday, and they work on rose’s engine together.
jane can’t draw, and she can’t really write, and she can’t paint. but she can make things. she gets into the habit of making little mechanisms for rose - sort of half sculpture, half tool things that will, for example, fix a squeaky hinge, or walk after being wound up, or just look pretty. rose collects things that remind her of jane and give them to her the next time she sees her - things like lines of poetry, pictures of beautiful places, or flowers. jane gets a lot of flowers.
sometimes she catches rose looking at her sadly. she always says it’s nothing when jane asks, but one day, at jane’s house, she confesses that jane sometimes reminds her of an old, old boyfriend, who rose still misses. i guess i have a thing for adorable science nerds, says rose, grinning. i love you, though. you know that, right?
(jane is floating on air for days after that conversation.)
rose’s job is dangerous. jane doesn’t know what it is, exactly, but she knows it’s under jack somehow and that it’s important work. sometimes she gets to dinner looking exhausted and worried, and sometimes she’s injured - she never tells jane exactly what it is, though, just smiles at her and asks about her students.
one day, though, jane is out with everyone - rose, her granddad, ryan, yaz - for dinner. the waitress is being very rude, asking all sorts of personal questions, and downright ignoring yaz. she even leans over their food - to “see how good it smells”, apparently - in a bid that seems like a convoluted way to spit in their food as they watch. jane is, therefore, in a bad mood.
rose seems nervous, too. they don’t even get through their appetizers before she’s completely ignoring any attempts at conversation in favor at craning her neck to watch the waitress, who’s standing at the door of the kitchen with three other people who do not look like they belong in their restaurant. in fact, if jane squints, the shortest one looks a lot like a little boy in the class next door to hers.
several things happen in quick succession:
the four at the kitchen turn and begin to walk towards their table as one. rose opens her phone and yells NOW into it. jack - of all people, what the heck is going on, thinks jane - bursts in carrying something that jane belatedly recognizes as a huge gun-looking thing. it seems like it wouldn’t be out of place in her terrible novel, in fact.
jane rips her attention away from rose, who is grabbing the gun from jack and yelling EVERYONE GET UNDER THE TABLES, because ryan is tugging on her sleeve and looking panicky.
we need to go, he says, and behind him yaz and jane’s granddad nod in frantic agreement. we have to go, jane!
i’m not leaving rose here! says jane, before everyone’s attention is drawn back to rose, who’s locked in some sort of... stalemate with their rude waitress, who has also produced a sci-fi looking gun.
jane, says rose, very quietly, turning back to her. she looks like she’s in pain, but she also looks very certain of how this is going to go. please. you need to go.
jane doesn’t go.
rose sighs and turns back to the waitress. you’re here for me, i expect, she says. fine. as long as you don’t hurt the others.
jane, says yaz, but jane ignores her. jane, we really HAVE to go. now.
the waitress laughs. you think we’re here for you, silly girl? get out of our way.
rose blinks, surprised. you’re-
she turns to look at jack, who looks just as surprised. you’re here for me? he says. i’m not going to be able to help you. you can’t steal anything from me.
the waitress laughs again. oh, humans. so arrogant. step aside. she looks across the restaurant and makes eye contact with- with jane, of all people. she and the other three begin to move towards her. jane suddenly understands, with devastating clarity, what the phrase “a deer in headlights” feels like.
no! shouts rose, and shifts in between them. her voice has changed, somehow. it sounds different. it sounds powerful.
you will NOT harm them, she says, but something is wavering, like her students’ voices do when they haven’t practiced something enough yet. they are under my protection. SHE IS UNDER MY PROTECTION.
and again, the waitress scoffs, and brushes rose aside as if she’s nothing.
i’ll give you anything you want!, says rose, sounding desperate now. the power has left her voice, or maybe run out - and now she just seems scared. i love her! i can’t- you can’t- my husband warned me of you. i know who you are! the Family. your kind nearly killed my husband. you will NOT kill my girlfriend!
finally, the waitress stops to look rose in the eye. she shakes her head. foolish girl, she says. you may be powerful, but you are still young, and your ship is far away. who are you to claim to protect a time lord?
NO, shouts ryan and yaz, in unison. jane falls to her feet with a splitting headache that she’s only just noticing she has, and graham runs to her side. doctor, he says, we need you! come back, doctor! look- and he pulls an old fashioned fob watch out of his pocket. doctor, come back!
jane has just enough time to think it’s just like my novel, when-
he opens it, and everything goes white.
the doctor is several thousand years old and lives in her tardis.
she lives with her friends: graham, his grandson ryan, and yaz. she also lives with rose tyler, the love of her life, who returned to her after a lifetime spent in another universe with another version of her.
when the doctor thinks about how they reunited, she can’t stop herself from laughing. “you must’ve thought i was so foolish,” she says to rose, one day, as they’re sitting in the kitchen together. “here i was talking about saturn and the mysteries of its rings, and you’d been all over the universe, both with me and on your own.”
rose smiles at her and winds their fingers together. “i dunno,” she says, and looks at the way that their matching rings glint in the light. “i thought you were magical.”
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ofbeastsandwizards · 5 years
Coming Home [Avengers x Reader] [Steve x Platonic! Reader]
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Decided to do a sub-category of Oneshots, song-shots! Basically, I take a song, and write a story for it. I won’t take requests for these, because there are a lot of songs I don’t like and others do, and vice versa.
I’ve also NEVER been to New York City, so bare with me 
Title/Song: Coming Home (Sheppard)
Pairing: Avengers x Reader, Steve x Platonic! Reader 
Summary: The reader is young, and only 19. She gets separated from the rest of the Avengers on a mission, and now has to make her way back to New York City.
Warning: Fluff(?), Adult Seperation Anxiety and really long.
[S/h/n]: Superhero Name
Italic+Bold: Song Lyrics 
I’ve been stuck in motion
Moving too fast
It was scary being alone, away from the only family you ever had. You were young, and you hated being alone. You, being a naive and ambitious young adult, took the mission into your own hands, and in the process, got yourself stuck 100 miles away from New York City. Somehow the launchers Tony had made for you malfunctioned, and sent you flying through the air, which would have been a hilarious sight, if it weren’t for you being stuck out in rural New York. 
Tryna catch a moment
But it lips through my hands
You shivered, sitting on the curb. You had been in this small town for a week now, trying to make some means of money to get back to New York City. You planted your face in your palms, trying to remember how to get back to New York City. Letting out a groan, you stood, pulling out your wallet. Inside of it was a sad 100 dollars. It would have been enough to get you back to the city, but you had no means of transportation. Instead, you were staying at a motel. You managed to convince the owners to let you work there for some extra money, and in exchange for staying at the motel. 
All I see are, dark days, long nights
I’m lost without you
On your way back you decided to stop at the local car repair. The owner had a lot of old cars in the back, and you’ve been trying relentlessly to get the owner to allow you to borrow one. You approached the store hesitantly. As you did so, the owner caught sight of you.
“Look, I told you already, I can’t just give you a car.” He said sadly. 
You pulled out your wallet. “Please, I need to get back to New York City.”
He shook his head. 
“I didn’t want to have to say this, but my name is [Y/n], but you might know me as [S/h/n]. I got separated from the Avengers, and I really need to get back,” You began to take off your rocket boots. “Here-” 
You showed the man the boots. Imprinted on the side was the label ‘Stark Industries’. His eyes went wide. 
“Why didn’t you just say so?” He asked, leading you to one of the cars in the back. It was an old Plymouth Baracuda convertible. You smiled. 
“Thank you, thank you so much! I’ll make sure to get it back to you!”  He threw you the keys, and you caught them, hopping into the car.
But I’m on my way,
So hold tight
You stuck the keys into the car, and the engine revved. You thanked the owner one last time before stepping down on the gas, and pulling out of the shop quickly. You drove down the street, and as you drove, began to exit the town. You slammed the gas, and the car took off, roaring down the road. As you neared a more forested area, you slowed, and turned on the music. 
I’m coming home, tonight
Meet me in the valley, where the kids collide
Into the morning
The wind whipped your hair around, and you turned up the volume, singing along to the chorus. Your phone had died days ago, and so you had no way of communicating with the rest of the Avengers.
You were anxious to get back. You had never been away from them for this long, and you had a panic attack the first day you had spent in the small town. 
Oh, my god
My town is coming alive
Back in New York City, Tony was pacing back in forth in the conference room, trying hard to find out where you were.
“The tracker must have turned off when the boots malfunctioned.” Tony mumbled to himself. 
Natasha looked to Tony worriedly.
“You mean, we have no way of getting her back?” Natasha asked.
Tony stopped, and looked at her. 
“For right now, no. We don’t.” 
Steve groaned, rubbing his temple. “You know she has separation anxiety...” He stated.
Tony’s eyes went wide. “She what?”
I’m coming home, tonight
I know you’re ready for the sparks to fly
Into the morning
You were breathing anxiously as you drove down the road. You needed to get back to NYC, and soon. You didn't want to be alone any longer, especially away from some of the only family you ever had. 
You watched the road carefully, mumbling along the lyrics to the music blasting through the radio. You were glad for music. It distracted you.
Oh, my god
My town is coming alive
Steve looked at Tony with surprise. “You didnt know?” He asked him.
Tony shook his head, eyes narrowed. “Of course I didn’t know!” He yelled.
“Woah, calm down Mr. Stark.” Tony’s head shot up.
“Why’s the kid in here? Who let him in?” Tony asked.
Peter looked at him, scared. “Happy did.” 
Tony relaxed, and looked out the window. 
“Where are you, kid...” He mumbled to himself.
Cos’ I’m coming home
You drove down the long, two lane highway, admiring the blue sky, and the red and yellow of the trees around you. You had to be around 70 miles away now. You were overly excited to see your friends again.
You kept your eyes trained back on the road, and you breathed in the fresh, autumn air as you drove a bit faster. 
Yes, I’m coming home 
Steve was staring out the window now as well. “I hope she’s okay.” He mumbled.
Peter’s eyes went wide. “Hope who’s okay?” 
“It’s none of your concern.” Tony said. Peter frowned.
Steve looked up at him. “[Y/n] got separated from us during a mission.” 
Tony rolled his eyes. “Seriously?”  
Peter gasped. “What?!”
“This is why we don’t tell him things.” Tony muttered. 
“Why didn't you tell me?!” 
Tony crossed his arms. “We just did.”
“No, Steve did, Tony.” Natasha grumbled. 
“Let’s not do this, okay?”
Don’t wanna spend my whole life
Catching my breath
Leaves flew upwards as you drove slightly faster. You needed to get back to the Avengers. More importantly, you needed to reassure Steve you were okay. He was like a brother to you, despite being around 100 years old. He was always there for you, and you appreciated that. He was one of the only  people you told about your Seperation Anxiety.
Cause’ I been running round, and round and round!
And I got nothin’ left
Peter began playing with his sleeve nervously. “She’s okay though, right?” He asked anxiously. Tony met his gaze, and his eyes softened.
“I dunno, kid...I hope she is.”
Bruce looked at him in surprise. “Have you tried tracking her phone?” He asked.
Tony faltered. “Uhm. No.”
Natasha rolled her eyes and groaned. “Then track it.” She said harshly.
Tony put his hands up in mock surrender. “Alright.”
There’s nothing like a, sunset, skyline
To let you know you’re almost home
Ahead, the sun began to set over the horizon. You smiled to yourself, checking your watch. You had driven about 89 miles, and you were nearing the city. In the distance, you could spot the city skyline, it's lights shimmering in the growing darkness.
So Breath in,
And hold tight
Tony was quick to begin trying to track your phone. He stopped what he was doing, and turned with a frustrated look to the Avengers.
“Her phone must be dead.”
Sighs of disappointment were released throughout the room. Tony sat down, and massaged his temple. Steve was growing nervous. 
I’m coming home, tonight
Meet me in the valley where the kids, collide
Into the morning
You were driving fast, approaching the city. Your heart was racing anxiously as you saw the city getting bigger. 
Oh, my god
My town is coming alive 
Tony looked back up. 
“We’ll find her, Steve.” Natasha said to Steve reassuringly. Steve was visibly distraught, and was looking anxiously out the window.
Tony began to grow worried as well. Tony didn't have the same relationship with you as Steve did, but he still cared about you.
He wasn’t the only one. Natasha was anxious as well, and Peter was continuously pacing back and forth. You were like an older sister to Peter, always there for him.
I’m coming home, tonight
I know you’re ready for the sparks to fly
Into the morning
Finally in the streets of New York, you had about 10 miles to go. It was dark now, and you were getting even more anxious. You hated wandering the streets alone. Or, at least, not without telling your friends. 
Or should I say, family.
Oh, my god
My town is coming alive
Peter checked his phone. It was getting late. “How long has she been gone?”
“About a week.”
Peter went wide eyed. “A week?!” He asked. “Why wouldn’t you guys go to the police?”
Natasha crossed her arms. “Because Tony’s too good for the police.” She mocked. 
Tony relaxed, and raised an eyebrow. “Really?” 
Cos’ I’m coming home 
You were driving quickly, and partially admiring the view of all the city lights. They were really entrancing at night, and you couldn’t get distracted. You had to get back to the tower.
Yes, I’m coming home
Peter frowned. “Well, I’ll call the police then.” 
Steve looked at him, wide-eyed. “What for?” Tony asked.
“To help find [Y/n]!”
Natasha stood. “Peter, I admire your determination, but settle down.”
Peter was breathing heavily.
Time has a way
Of diluting emotions
Much time had passed and you were still maneuvering the streets, until finally you spotted Avengers tower, lit up brightly against the night sky.
But, I won’t let distance
Get in between us, no.
You pulled up to the sidewalk of the building, ignoring the numerous looks people gave you as you turned the keys, the car turning off. Not even bothering with the door, you leapt out of the car and raced to the sliding doors of the building.
I’m coming home, tonight
Meet me in the valley where the kids, collide
Into the morning
You rushed into the building and ran straight to the staircase, quickly believing that the elevator would be too slow, not giving anyone enough time to recognize or care that you had just ran into the building.
Oh, my god
My town is coming alive
You slammed open the fire-escape staircase door, and began to climb the stairs in a hurry. You were moving exceptionally fast.
I’m coming home, tonight
I know you’re ready for the sparks, to fly
Into the morning
You were nearing the penthouse level, and you began to pick up the pace, ignoring the pain from your legs as they screamed for you to stop. Your adrenaline was pumping madly as you practically flew up the stairs.
Oh, my god
My town is coming alive
You reached the door, and kicked it open, which was completely unnecessary. You were now running down the halls. 
You were running hard, pumping your legs like never before. You needed to find them.
Yes, I’m coming home
Frantically, you rushed down the one hall you hadn't checked, the one that led to the conference room.
‘Please be there...!’
You ran to the room, and slammed open the door. Inside were a group of astonished Avengers. 
You smiled happily.
Oh Oh
You stood there for a moment, watching as Steve stood up.
Oh Oh
With a grin, you rushed to him, and leapt over the conference table, leaving everyone in shock.
You leapt into Steve’s arms, practically crushing him in a hug. You buried your face into his shoulder and smiling like a mad man.
Oh Oh~
Steve chuckled. 
“It’s only been a week.”
You laughed, and clung to him tightly. You gave him one last squeeze, before releasing yourself from his grasp and turning to the rest of the Avengers. You hugged the nearest person, which was Natasha. 
It was unexpected and she was hesitant to hug back, but she did so.
Next, you rushed to Peter. He immediately rammed into you, hugging you tightly. “You had us so worried!” He mumbled into your jacket. You hummed, and wrapped your arms around the high schooler. 
Finally, you went to Bruce, who insisted he didn’t need a hug, but you hugged him anyways, because, well, he did need one.
And finally, you looked to Tony who was staring awkwardly from the front of the table. You walked over to him and frowned. 
Then, you unexpectedly tackled him in a hug. He stiffened, but then hugged you back. “Sorry I broke your boots, Tony.” 
He laughed. “It’s all good Kid. We’re just happy your back.”
Hope you enjoyed! Send requests, and tell me if I should make more song-shots!
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pffbts · 6 years
What if you tried rewriting a short scene from the music videos or Save Me? The plot's already there, just your beautiful words to fill in the gaps ;)
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―genre: fluff; angst; crack; werewolf! au
―characters: min yoongi x female reader | ot7 x reader
―w.c: 2.4K
―author`s note: this was requested much long before the other ones but you see i had to think a lot (it turned into an au fic, i`m sorry)  because it was such an interesting request (a challenging one too) nothing least expected from the said sender. thank you for such request. much love
―inspiration: save me (mv) – the dark gloominess of the mv and the way the boys looked.
[05:40 PM] [the dusty smell, the faraway smell of rain gave a trailer of the fire burning as seven figures enlighten the attempt to a bonfire]
― namjoon`s eyes could bleed if it was physically possible. the sight beside him roared up the complicated emotions that stores itself inside the darkest alley of his brain and doesn`t come out not until the eyes witness something out of this world adorable and warm. jimin`s face was pushed against your neck and he was spooning you from behind. being the bigger spoon in the embracement, your back was slumped against his front, your knees almost touching your chest. jimin`s arms circled the whole of your body and the tip of his nose nudged at the soft spot against the end of your hairline.
yoongi glanced over at namjoon and his wide eyes and the loosely hanging jaw of the younger one. he wanted to laugh at this site but controlled himself for the sake of the sleeping figure of both you and jimin. taehyung and jeongguk have retrieved back to the forest, searching for more woods to keep the bonfire glow until the night completely fall on them.
“they`re really something, isn`t it?” hoseok chirped in, a rough yet softness behind each word. yoongi just nodded laying back against the grass, a hand tucked behind his head like a pillow.
“the stars are going to come out soon.” giving a side glance to your sleeping figure, he continued, “it`s almost time.”
a rustle from the direction of the forest and out came under the dusk of the day, the younger ones – taehyung and jeongguk each of them carrying logs of woods especially the latter one.
―several months ago
the corridors of the schools always smell like chlorine and bad decisions. it`s like do you even want to walk through these corridors, do you even want to place yourself in those groups of girls and boys who flock the corners. flicking the topmost button of your school shirt, you leaned back against your desk chair. the sky just like the past couple of days has been gathering its clouds for a future downpour every dusk. you hate rain, especially when it happens during the monsoon season. somehow you`ve a different kind of opinion for the rain that comes down during the different season rather than its mother season.
collecting the books and stationeries you walked out of your class. the students next to you passing by giving a simple smile and a once-over. out of habit, you smiled back too. nothing`s wrong giving out some smiles, right?
soon you heard a number squeals and before you could look around anything, slow black dots started appearing and fading on the ground. it had started raining. you pulled out your transparent umbrella and without giving second attention to anyone walking out of the school ground.
the way it was raining, it was really convincing how you would definitely get half-drenched even before you reach half of your distance. the field which you passed by every afternoon after school was near to your sight and if you squint a little, you could see the faraway forest at the end of it. the daylights weren`t knocked out yet and you still had enough time to pass by the abandoned expanse of the field under the still dull daylight.
half way on passing by the field, you heard some guys laughing. it almost sounded childish – the way they were smiling. turning your head while slowing your pace, you saw seven guys standing there like a messed up circle and laughing. someone with a gummy smile caught your attention. it wasn`t until you continued staring at him that you realized he was looking at you too and his smile somehow passed onto you. this time your habit didn`t strike you instead you just looked away from them with the same look of shock.
all you could do that night was think what were the seven young boys doing when it was clearly raining harder than any day. the more you shifted on your bed, changing your position, the more their images started getting clearer inside your subconscious mind. next day, your mother suggested you to skip school but you wanted to go nevertheless not knowing what was in store for you that day.
it was raining that day too and just like any other day, you took shelter under the transparent umbrella of yours and just like last day, you found the seven guys standing there but this time they were scattered like Venn diagrams and they didn`t have the same kind of smile on their face. instead, they were frowning, their face more serious and your pace increased. but the more you walked fast, you felt a tension growing on your skin.
you did one mistake that day – turning back. the moment you looked back, all you could see was two greenish-golden eyes, everything black and large animalistic fangs coming at you from the closest distance ever.
―present day
namjoon`s eyes shifted to the mark on the side of your face, just passing by the folds underneath your left eye. the kind of mark only some unrealistic animal could do. something only werewolves could do. his inner wolf got the best of him and soon yoongi smelled the rage flowing from the younger one of the pack. being the leader alpha of three other alphas and sub-alphas, it has always been difficult for yoongi to control his boys but he has grown up with them. he knew them like no other being on this damned world.
“namjoon! let`s go for a stroll, eh?” yoongi jumped from his place, shaking his shoulder and offering a hand to the other alpha. “come on, let`s cool off before we stink more.”
it has been an inside joke for a long time now since you started hanging out with the pack. no, you weren`t some werewolf or anything. you were just as ordinary as the grass that you were lying on. it was just your maternal uncle who died one year ago from some mysterious disease was the teacher of these seven boys during their pre-wolf days. he wasn`t a wolf but he was an acquaintance with their world more than you. later you heard from the boys that it was one of the guys from some other pack who tried to attack him and not being able to stand the injuries, he had to sadly pass away.
that day it was another guy from that same pack. somehow this has been a regular thing, yoongi recalled one day to you, that every time any one of the human worlds compiles with the wolf world, this rival always had their way in hurting them. when you had asked why yoongi had jokingly said that maybe you guys are too tasty for their taste buds. a few seconds later, jimin who always had a soft side for you had tackled his leader and forced him to stay there grounded until he apologizes for the insensitive joke.
thankfully, the guys threw that enraged wolf and had somehow got rid of him. it was the first time you saw this much blood flowing out of you. when you touched your burning face, there was blood covered in both of your palm and half of it was flowing to your school shirt. the last scene you saw before passing out was those seven beautiful smiling boys turning into seven big black, brown and greyish-white wolves and lunging onto the out of pack one.
“hnnggh,” jimin groaned behind you. it has been almost five minutes and your arms felt numb. the warm breath from jimin and the wolfish hotness flowing out of him filled up your whole system. you realized that even after an hour-long shower tonight, you would still smell like werewolves. but that didn`t matter to you because you`re used to such acts. you knew jimin has a soft side for you but it wasn`t like that romantic. it was like having a very special bonding with someone irrespective of their gender identity, like meeting up an old friend and picking up the pieces of the past conversations. like someone who`s a constant in your life.
if there`s one person with whom who had a nerve –wrecking relationship, it was min yoongi. there`s always a different kind of sensation whenever yoongi smiles at you or your eyes meet with his. it`s like he`s calling for you and somehow the more you give him that attention, he draws himself closer to you. but losing patience is not in min yoongi`s agenda. he deals with people far more restless than you. also, humans aren`t capable of being a werewolf`s mate, yoongi convinced himself who had researched their world more than anyone. even if it happens it`s like one in a million chance. so chances are very rare, but people like you who pull him against gravity is rare too.
hoseok tried helping you by slowly and gently putting jimin`s hand off of your body and let it fall against the cold grass while you move from his embrace. letting out a sigh, you thanked hoseok without any words – just a little smile and nod. hoseok winked at you giving you a lazy thumb`s up.
looking around you, you realized it was only hoseok and jimin around you. the other five were missing. you say five because jin, a sub-alpha has got into med school a few months ago after your regular hangouts with the pack started. he never intended to stay in the pack and continue his life as his inner wolf would convey. he always as ever tried to diminish his inner wolf by putting up the human gene in the topmost priority.
last time when you met him, it wasn`t along with the pack. it was just him and you in a small, dimly lit café.
“i want to fall in love. i want to live just like any other normal person lives on this earth. i don`t care what my inner demons call out for. i`m going to fight them and find a solution for myself.”
when you asked about the boys, he had smiled sadly.
“i think it`s time you take the responsibility of turning them into more human. i know you`re only one who can do that because there`s something uncharacteristically ravishing inside you. it`s like you have a fire inside you which you`re trying to hide.”jin continued to stare at your changing expression and when you didn`t let you gaze falter, he nodded his head smiling with second-hand satisfaction, “anyway, take care of the boys and don`t let min yoongi manipulate that head of yours.”
when you said his goodbye, you thought he was just throwing stupid big words at you. everyone around you has high expectation of you and they think they know all about you. it was strange how you yourself didn`t know what you`re capable of. can you throw those big words at yourself? can you even be what jin thought you could be? looking back at it now, it felt like some unrealistic pretentious dream. you wondered if jin is doing well in the med school and not throwing rampage around the campus with his dad jokes.
 “oh look! gguk and tae is here!”
 “it`s getting dark,” lifting your eyes, you took in the orangish hue of the sun and the dark clouds that engulfs the other side of the sky. “i should probably get back home.”
 “what about the bonfire?” your attention shifts to a panting namjoon jogging back at your direction from a small distance with yoongi strolling behind him. no, you shouldn`t be feeling like this. it`s just him walking with his soft pace completely overthrowing his wolfish instinct and be the stud one here. your gaze remained on him, his hands stuffed inside his pockets, his head down. look up, you said in your mind, look at me!
 everything after that faded against the background. the sounds of namjoon`s pants, the groans of jimin, the soft peal of giggles from taehyung and jeongguk and along with that hoseok`s conversation with namjoon. it was just you and him. his eyes on you, and yours returning the same deed. it was just the empty field of grass in-between both of you. his pace slowed more than before and you felt like something was putting you grounded to the place where you were sitting.
 why? you asked yourself, why were you feeling like this? what is there in those sharp-edged eyes, those lips that part to shamelessly show off the gummy smile?
 “we`ll return before it rains. stay with us.”yoongi broke the emptiness in-between both of you.
 lunatic. he was a lunatic to give you such feelings. he wasn`t even trying and you weren`t even complaining. it was just like two magnets pulling at each other and losing battles but nevertheless going towards each other. coming at last in front of you, he plopped next to you and then without giving you any moment to process or ask about his whereabouts, he rested his head on your lap, turning towards your tummy, he wraps a hand around your waist to nuzzle his face into your stomach.
 yoongi breathes in your essence. there was no doubt in his mind now. he could clearly hear you a few seconds ago, his inner wolf got tainted with your smell and your voice called for him to look up and meet your eyes. all he needed right at this moment when the clock strikes 05:40 PM was the feel of your hand running through his hair and he would finally sleep with the doubts being lifted.
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