#tamtam talks
tamtam-go92 · 9 months
The Stories of Riverblossom View and Pleasanthills
This post on @katatty's Strangeswap AU reminded me on a stupid idea I once had after reading that Riverblossom Hills might be a spoof on Pleasantview, but of course I didn't have the time/guts/interest/thrive to actually realize it as a 'hood (though I still might!). I basically gives every (except for two) Pleasantview an Riverblossom Hill character as counterpart and is really funny and interesting for me to thing about:
The Broke family <--> the Ottomas family:
Samantha was left to raise two boys alone following her husband's suspicious pool ladder accident. With David acting out, can Samantha teach young Tommy to make the right choices in life?
Large families have a lot of love to share, but also require a lot of work - especially with more children on the way! Will grandma's help be enough to keep this family strong? -> Basically everyone is swapped, so Peter is dead, Samantha is pregnant with his third baby, Flo Broke lives with her son Skip and his family, Brandi is pregnant with twins. Sharla becomes a Broke and gets to be a blend of Skip and Brandi.
The Caliente family <--> the Wan household:
Was it just coincidence that those girlfriends arrived in the eve of Stella's disappearance? And is their interest in Morty physical... or fiscal?
Dina and Nina moved to town when their uncle, Tango, offered them his old home - which they just finished remodeling. Will they find excitement in this quiet town after the dust has cleares? Will Nina and Daniel make a life together? -> I think it was the Wan households description on the wiki that make me first think about this AU. Though I can't find the comment about the Wans being a spoof of the Calientes anymore. Very little is interesting about this swap, Nina is Patricia, Dina is Cleo and vice versa
The Dreamer family <--> the Martin family:
Andrew is pursuing his dream of being a professional gamer, while his son Jacob hits the books. And Andrew may have found his muse, but will his creativity be enough to win Sandra's affection? -> So basically this one is a bit creepy since it makes Jacob's canon (now adult) girlfriend his dad's love interest. xD And Jules O'Mackey is back to being Jacob's girlfriend - yay!
The Goth family <--> the Roth family:
Sandra is ready to start a family of her own, but can she tame the town Casanova? And can Morty bounce back after the disappearance of his wife Stella?
Having recently moved to Pleasanthills has had a wondeful effect on the Goths! Cassandra and Alexander are doing great in school, Mortimer found a great job, but Bella seems a bit restless... -> This might be the most obvious and gifts us with the amazing couple Cassandra Goth x Dirk Dreamer! Isn't it lovely??? Sandra would be about to marry Leod McGreggor and well that's the only interesting switch imo.
The Lothario family <--> the McGreggor family:
Who is Leod McGreggor? Is his engagement to Sandra Roth genuine? And what about the rumor that her mother, Stella, was last seen scaling the deck of his condo?
Don Lothario has a farm... and an orchard. Will he be so focused on gardening that he forgets to cultivate friendships? -> This is such a fun pair imo! The dishonesty in the McGreggor/Roth engagement would probably be more about his sexuality in this case though... And Don as a farmer in a kilt? A+!
The Pleasant family <--> the O'Mackey family
On the surface, Gabe and Alexandra O'Mackey seem to have the perfect life, but is their love a flimsy facade? And can Angela and Jules make the right choices when it comes to love?
After being caught cheating, it took Daniel some time to start dating again. Is his relationship with Nina meant to last? Will Nina and Lillith be able to work out their problems and realize how similar they really are?
Mary-Sue succumbed to the call of pottery and left her family to pursue her dream. Will living the Artist life be enough to keep her afloat? -> I was about to let Daniel live alone but then I remembered that Gabe and Jason Greenman are siblings, and Daniel and Jennifer Burb are siblings so this aligns nicely so Lilith gets to live with her dad. Angela now is an O'Mackey and looks like Jules and she gets to date David Ottomas, yay! Jules is with Jacob, as the universe intended and Lilith once was Dirk's girlfriend. =( I don't like DanielxNina much but it's the logical result. And Mary-Sue as bisexual potter living in a hut is just top-notch!
The Burb family <--> the Greenman family
Rose, Jason and young Daisy have decided to trade the fast-paced city life for some fresh air, and hope to make a nice home in Riverblossom View.
Jennifer gave up her name for the love of her green-skinned god. Despite the love that they share, will they be able to raise a happy, healthy child? Can John adjust to living in a town instead of the great outdoors? -> The biggest changes would be that Daisy now is Jason and Rose's biological child and thus a mixture of them both and of course her and Rose aren't plant-sims anymore. So John and Lucy are plant-sims and Lucy is John's plant-baby.
The Oldie family <--> the Ramaswami family
The Ramaswamis are simply one of the nicest families around. Their years together through good and bad have made them into the wonderful parents, and grandparents, they are today.
Herb and Coral are ready to settle down and start their life together! Will they settle in the beautiful town of Pleasanthills or find a new place to make their happy home? -> This would be so fun because it would make (elder) Sanjay and Priya Alexandra O'Mackey's adoptive parents! I know we have Alexandra's parents in her family tree, but this would be so cool, wouldn't it? And seeing a young Herb and Coral start the family they always wanted together? *chef's kiss*
The Caliente-Goth-Dreamer household:
Can Tango and Frieda cope with the loss of their close friend and face their own imminent mortality or will they find a way to cheat death? Will Darren and Dirk fina a way to fulfill their dreams in the great game of life? -> I love this the most as is gives the opportunity to explore sims that usually are already decreased. Of course that means we don't have Catherine and Betty. But isn't it just too perfect that Nina and Dina have an uncle (just like Cleo Shikibu is Catherine's niece) and Morty has unmarried aunt (just like Mortimer)? Those are a little too many coincidences, aren't they? So I see where the Riverblossom Hills is a Pleasantview spoof comes from!
Aesthetic-wise I would imagine it to be like that: Every Sim gets the age of their counterpart (I mean of course) and also their outfit. But otherwise they keep their looks (except it's stated otherwise) like hair-do, face, skin-color, makeup etc. The maps are switched, but everyone lived in their counterpart's house, so for ex. Samantha, David and Tommy Ottomas live in the Broke trailer but the trailer is on the Riverblossom Hills map (if this makes sense xD). I really wanna do this but I know that I don't have the time or the patience or the skills to do this as it would mean massive editing of relationships and memories etc. But if somebody feels inspired, feel free to create! Just please share the end result with me <3
Wow, this is long xD Which 'hood would you swap like this? Maybe Veronaville and Strangetown would work together (with everyone being related with each other). Belladonna has so many sims it would probably require two hoods to do the deed so both Desiderata Valley and Bluewater Village?
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toast-com · 2 years
ACOTAR would've been cooler if everyone had a gun or something.
That way Rhysand could've got his kneecaps blasted off by Tamlin.
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t34-mt · 5 months
ive been a follower of yours for a while and it looks like you make a lot of things on ms paint! if thats true, how do you find the patience to do all of that layering and editing and make a finished piece in the end? its gotta be some of the most impressive art ive seen on that program
Yes I do draw on ms paint, if not then it's not tagged on the drawing. Sometimes if i ever try to practice krita program ill often do the sketch on paint first cause im more comfortable there
It's not hard!! When you're used to draw on 1 layer you just learn to become fast, it's just natural now. people love to talk about how you have to be insane to work on there (to a certain degree yes) but if you just try and do it again and again you just learn your way through that's it.
I feel like I should record myself doing it one day to prove its not dark magic, I actually now find it annoying to use multiple layers on other programs. One layer is just simple, you mess up then fix it by painting over until it's right, I feel like the 1 layer thing helped me improve in some aspects compared to when I used to draw on FA before. Also canvas too small? Thats fine you can make it bigger so easily it's so good
I also really like the crayon texture there it's what I use for everything, I think it's visible in this sketches from yesterday (2 are altuyur gijinkas of younger versions of ocs, morang ,tamtam, then just young maanul morang doodle)
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I also really prefer the simple UI, to be honest other art programs are a little overwhelming with all their buttons, especially since I'll just use 2 of them. I like just like having a few tools and colors
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thelov3lybookworm · 2 months
Prone to Infatuation
day 1: human tamlin
Summary: Feyre won't mind
A/n: happy @tamlinweek to all my fellow girlies who love tamtam!!! heres my lil fic for the first day of the week ❣️
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Coming over to visit her friend's ex had probably not been a great idea. It had been, obviously, a hard decision to make.
But did she regret it?
Absolutely not.
He had been her friend too once, and he did not deserve to be thrown aside after the messy break up.
Sure, what he did was not the best thing to do, but it came from a place of good reasoning. He should not have locked Feyre up in their shared apartment, but Y/n could not find it in herself to blame his actions when she knew of his past.
He had never had parents that loved each other, and so the only way he saw his father caring for his mother was when he would lock her up in the house. Tamlin was young, and did not understand that it was not love that he witnessed, but being a psychology student, Y/n could understand what he went through.
He could have definitely handled it better, but if someone just sat him down to tell him where he went wrong, he could have become better.
She was not erasing his mistakes or saying that he did not make them, but she understood his reasns behind them. He had made mistakes, sure, but so had Feyre when instead of just talking to him, she just up and left and moved on while Tamlin was left with no one.
So today, Y/n had decided to pay him a visit after hearing from Lucien that he seemed to be getting better.
With a deep breath, Y/n lifted her hand to knock on the door to his apartment. A few moments filled with the sounds of shuffling and one loud crash later, his form filled the doorway.
He looked... unkempt. His hair sticking all out in all the wrong places, dark circles under his eyes... He just looked so miserable.
"Um, hi."
He blinked at Y/n, seeming not to hear her words. But then he straightened, the shock fading from his eyes as he gave her an uncertain smile.
"Hey Y/n. What brings you here?"
"What, I can't visit my friends without reason?"
He blinked, leaning back. "Uhh. You can of course. I'm sorry-"
Instantly, guilt spread through Y/n. She reached out to touch the back of his hand, staring up at him. "Tam, I was joking."
"Oh. Right, sorry-"
With a sigh, Y/n wrapped her arms around his torso- shirtless torso-letting her head rest on his chest for a moment until he hugged her back.
He let her go after a moment, the sadness, the loneliness that shone on his face making Y/n want to commit atrocities.
As he led her in, she studied her surroundings, swallowing.
The place was meticulously clean looking, except for a few pieces of clothing here and there.
The house looked nothing like it had the last time she visited with Mor. That was back when Feyre had called them up to break her out of the house.
Everything had been lying on the ground back then, as if thrown around in a fit of rage. Y/n had been disgusted, but now all she felt was sympathy.
"So... how have you been."
Tamlin glanced back at her as he snatched his t-shirt form the back of the couch. "Better."
Y/n smiled, nodding.
"That's great."
He studied her for a moment, his eyes skeptical. But then he settled down on one of the chairs at the kitchen island, sighing. "It really is. You were right. Therapy does help."
That statement surprised Y/n. She could not remember talking to him about therapy except for that one time she had mentioned about it in passing, telling him something about her chosen subject of study.
"You are going to therapy?"
He offered her a small smile. "Yes. And it's been helping a lot."
Y/n placed her bag on the counter as she mirrored his position and smiled, genuine and happy. "I'm so glad to hear that, Tam. How is it going?"
"The therapist reminds me a lot of my mother, with the way she looks, the way she yells at me sometimes," He laughed. "I'm becoming better, that much I know. I've come to terms with the fact that not everyone stays forever, and that it is okay to let go of people. It took me over two months to get over my fear of losing people, but its working."
Her eyes prickled at the genuine joy he radiated, the way he seemed more open and vulnerable and happy about it too.
"That's amazing. You atleast have your friends, even though she left. You'll always have us."
He paused for a moment. "Does she know you're visiting?"
Y/n sighed. "She is not my mother, she does not need to know about my whereabouts."
"So she doesn't."
Her silence was answer enough for him.
"You should lave then. I don't want you to jeopardise your friendship just because you came to see her abusive ex."
Tears gathered in Y/n's eyes at his thoughtfulness.
"She won't mind."
I hope she doesn't.
If she got mad about Y/n just visiting Tamlin, Y/n couldn't fathom what Feyre would do if she found out about Y/n's little crush on Tamlin.
"Are you hungry?"
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A few hours, a bottle of wine and two large pizzas later, Y/n found herself spread on Tamlin's couch like a blanket as she giggled at something a drunk Tamlin mumbled from where he sat on the ground, leaning back against the couch next to her head.
Silence settled between them again, the awkwardness from a few hours ago nowhere in sight.
"I should get going."
Tamlin glanced at the clock on the opposite wall at that, nodding solemnly. "It's getting late."
Y/n rolled over, reaching up to twirl a strand of his hair around her fingers. "I don't want to though."
He turned his head to look at her, his face flushed from the wine. "Stay then."
Y/n smirked. "Already trying to get me into your bed huh. At least take me out on a date first."
He laughed, head thrown back. "Would this not be considered a date?" He said, gesturing to the half empty eaten pizza on the low coffee table.
He grinned, leaning his head closer to hers. "Fine then. Are you free tomorrow? Let me take you out on this date you want."
Suddenly, Y/n felt much more sober. "What?"
He huffed. "You basically have I like Tamlin written on your forehead in red paint, love. You can't expect me to not notice."
Y/n shot up, wrapping her arms around herself to do what, she didn't know. "I- I'm sorry-"
"Don't be. We're humans. We tend to fall in love and are prone to infatuation."
Y/n gave him an unamused look as she stood, gathering her things and heading towards the door.
She could hear him following her, but she ignored the urge to just die and reached for her coat hanging next to the door.
Tried to.
His hand caught hers before she could grab the material, tugging her back into his hard chest.
"I am not kidding Y/n. I mean it. Let me take you out for dinner. And not just because I want you in my bed."
She turned her head to look at him, failing to hide her blush due to his proximity.
He gave her a dazzling smile. "Let me take you out on a date. Let me court you, the way you read about in your books."
He nodded. "Really."
"So I'll pick you up at seven?"
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Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175 @starsinyourseyes @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @byyalady @lilah-asteria @girlswithimagination @gardenofrunar
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cookiesupplier · 1 month
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Forty
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd as usual, enjoy!
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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tags: @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @jordynyingling0219 @faceless-mirror
@nyxthedestroyerofworlds @wild-child-7747 @witchyweeb34 @black-damask1999
@jilliemiw86 @ilovesamkiszka @lyschko666 @lacktoesandtoddlerants
@bngurngheart @collapsedglasshouses @laurpartyprogram @sunsshinesunny
@malerieee @talialovesmiw @shilohrosechicken @thatchickwiththecamera @tamtam-elizabeth
Tag List is Open, please let me know if you would like to be added to it or in general.
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Talia had spent most of the morning with Ava. She promised her that Vinny was supportive of them spending some time together today after how the night before had gone, even if they had already been talking so late into the night. They’d decided that they had wanted to go out after being so cooped up, and went window shopping, just like they always used to, while Vinny decided to randomly jump online for a surprise streaming session. The fact that he’d pushed them both out of the door, assuring them that his subscribers would probably just love a surprise stream, eased Talia’s worry that he might be upset about her stealing more time with Ava. 
Really, Talia just didn’t want to be that demanding friend, especially when she was already living in his house, and the thought that she might be verging on outstaying her welcome? It filled her with utter dread. Of course, the moment she was talking to Ava about the possibility of her considering whether it was time for her to go home, she shut her down immediately. Talia had tried to explain she thought she needed to sort things out back there for a little bit, but Ava hadn’t wanted to hear a word about it. She had been insistent that Talia still had so much she still needed to sort out with Ricky, not to mention whatever this was that was happening with Chris. Putting it off was not going to help anything. When Talia had looked at her quickly then, worried that her best friend was attempting to fish for more information about what was going on there. She had been clear the night before she was going to tell her, but not without talking to Chris about that. She knew how Ava could be wanting to know, but Ava knew how she was as well, especially considering her own situation. 
Relationships, soulmates, they weren’t easy, for anyone, at any time, well, Kyle and Jordan didn’t count, they were the lucky few. While it wasn’t a leap to guess this did involve Chris potentially in a relationship sense, Talia had far from even admitted that this had anything to do with this having something to do with Chris’ soulmate. She didn’t know if Vinny has or hasn’t said anything to her about Chris’ soulmate situation. After all it was only the band and his family that knew, and he said as much, he hadn’t mentioned Ava when Chris had told her. 
So they’d gone shopping. Well, they’d gone window shopping, hanging around the stores, and just having fun. It was something they used to do all the time, really just making time to hang out together out and about. Things had gotten in the way, life had got in the way, and it felt good that they could actually take the time to spend together now. It was late afternoon, when they’d gone back to Vinny’s and were finishing up watching a movie together, when Talia got a call from Ricky and Chris. The guys were asking her to come over, when they mentioned that they had an update from Chris contacts, and didn’t want to say anything else over the phone, it had gotten her attention. Oh, oh, that felt a bit weird, so of course, she agreed. She needed to know what they’d found out now.
Leaving Ava to Vinny, chuckling to herself when she got into Ava’s rental car after Vinny laughed about how he was finally getting his girlfriend back after she stole her for the whole day, how dare she.. It was nice to know he was joking. Talia would readily admit, people made her nervous sometimes, especially jokes like that from Vinny. Vinny’s opinion mattered, because Ava mattered, and the thought of ruining that balance between them was definitely a worry, too much, and she wasn’t sure how it would turn out. She was never going to be that friend that would make Ava choose. Knowing everything was fine with him was making it easier, or at least Ava assuring her it was. 
Not that it mattered right now, she was happy that Vinny seemed okay for the moment with Ava. What she was curious about was what Chris seemed to have found out and hadn’t wanted to tell her over the phone. That was what she was wondering as she drove over Chris place, picking up something for dinner on the way, she told them she would, even if it was a little early. She’d offered not wanting to worry about it like last night and if it was anything like yesterday, as fun as it had been, she didn’t think she could handle another night of strawberry covered chocolates. Though, she had a feeling if Rick was going to offer to make dessert again, he wasn’t going to risk those brownies not working a second time. Or worse, would he do the strawberries on purpose.. No, no, it was better she offered to take care of dinner tonight.
So that was how Talia turned up at Chris’ house with a few pizzas in hand. She picked up the meat lovers for Ricky, she knew it was a safe choice for him, vegan mediterranean for Chris because she knew he loved it. She picked up a vegan deluxe for herself as it was something she could share, and it was something they could all eat if they wanted. If she made sure that Ricky’s pizza was the extra spicy version, then that was for her to know after Chris chilli story last night, maybe she was looking forward to seeing his face while he was eating it. The first bite wasn’t that bad, she knew that much, it was as you continued to eat it, that was when the heat really hit, but all the same, that was how she turned up, pizza, garlic bread, drinks.. Dinner all ready.
Almost as soon as she rang the bell the door swung open and Chris was right there, just like last time, so it made her curious what was happening. He looked, well, she wasn’t sure if he was just nervous, excited, what was that look in his eyes as he seemed to want to vibrate out of his skin? Between Chris and Rick, who seemed to pop out of nowhere the next second to usher her into the house, both of them taking the small stack of pizza and food from her arms as they brought her in. There was a strange energy vibrating as she looked between the two of them right then, a tingle running down her spine as they ushered her into the house.
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It was starting to get to be a familiar feeling, sitting around the couches together, talking. Only this time, Ricky felt different. Instead of wound up and tense as a coil as he had been the last few times, he had hope. After all the mistakes, the missteps he’d been making with Talia, after how horribly he’d treated her, he knew he needed to make it up to her. Ricky had hope. He felt a bit more relaxed. That wasn’t to say he wasn’t sitting there, a little wound up, but tonight, at least, it was for a different reason. 
So as they were eating dinner, Rick let Chris take the reins for explaining everything with Micah. He started going over everything with the message board, and the freaky first phone call, then the weird spy craft moment that Rick had,
“Are you going to get to the point of the story any time soon, Chris?”
Ricky chuckled as he asked after he swallowed a bite of his pizza, glancing at Talia, the spicy sauce dancing on his tongue as he did. He knew what she’d done with his pizza, the smirk on her lips told the story what she was waiting for, he wasn’t going to give it to her. This was nothing compared to Chris’ chilli, nothing. Cheeky, though, very cheeky. He did wink to her though, he’d give her this one.
“If you want to take over, Ricky, be my guest.”
Smirking, as his attention returned to Chris.
“No, go ahead, he’ll get to the important part eventually, Sweetheart, I swear.”
Taking another bite of his pizza, it actually wasn’t bad. He was going to have to ask Talia later if it was a specific change she made to the order, or just a different pizza she’d bought to the ones he’d usually go with. After, of course, no doubt getting ribbed about admitting to enjoying it, he knew that was coming if he asked her at all. Maybe he could find a way around that, who could say. 
Finally, Chris got to the part about Micah explaining to them about the dangers about the testing with the other scientists. Ricky was done with his pizza by this point, even if he hadn’t been, he’d have dropped it to focus on Talia. He was worried how she might take this part, she had enough trouble with doctors, he didn’t want her to have to agonise over what might happen to her, to any of them.
“Sweetheart, don’t you worry for one second that we’re going to let anything happen, we’ve already talked it out. Chris has already deleted his contacts on the message boards, Micah himself pointed out that he should cut off all contact with the research departments, including himself.”
When Talia looked over to him the moment Ricky spoke, he knew she needed the assurances, even though he could see how strong she was trying to be. He couldn’t even imagine the thoughts going through her head right now, and if he was honest, he didn’t really want to.
“The only contact to anyone, in any way, is this burner phone number. Admittedly, to Micah, but it is only this burner phone, nothing else.”
Chris held up the phone Micah had called them on earlier.
“Micah has emphasised he will only call if he finds out someone else in the department has my name, or my contact info somehow. They should never have it though, JellyBean, I assure you. I did everything anonymously. Micah is literally the only person that knew anything about me personally, and yesterday was the very first time he spoke to a single soul other than me.”
Ricky watched as Chris reached for her hand, he wanted to reach for her too, but he remembered the night before. Even then, all it took was the slightest brush between them and for the flare of sensation linking their tattoos to burst through and overcome them, even with Chris in the kitchen. Not to mention trying to sleep last night, all he could think about was watching them both eat those damn strawberries. He honestly didn’t know if they had been the worst, or best, idea ever. Still, he’d gotten a dessert made in the end, so neither of them had been able to say a single thing, he’d met Talia’s challenge, hands down.
Talia looked towards them both as she spoke softly,
“What it comes down to is that we now all have two soulmates, and we can’t tell anyone?”
“At least no one we don’t trust with our lives. Essentially.”
Some might say that was a bit much when Ricky said it like that, but he didn’t see it that way. While yes, if the wrong person heard about this, it could go sideways really fast, and none of them was going to stand for that. He knew all of them had very tight-knit circles, though. Talia because of the painful past that she had, and for Chris and Ricky, their professional work, and their unfortunate history with stalkers, it came with the territory. 
“Where do you two think we should go from here?”
Talia’s voice was quiet, glancing between them both nervously, and Ricky had a feeling he knew exactly what the problem was. He had made his stance clear on soulmates before, well, after Grace, crystal clear. He didn’t want one, not with Talia, and even when Chris started showing signs, he obviously pushed him towards her instead.
Here, this was why he was a little wound up this time, not because he was having to keep his distance from Talia, and Chris, with the tattoos, but because of what he planned to say.
“Well, we go on a date.”
Soon as he said it though, he felt both pairs of eyes looking at him, Talia and Chris both turning to him, and he raised an eyebrow at him as Chris voiced what they were obviously thinking,
“Who are you talking to, Rick?”
Smiling, really, they were really asking him that, he just gave them a look, wasn’t it obvious?
“Both of you, idiots.”
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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thewulf · 21 days
hi if ur reqs are open, could you maybe write a fic with rhys where feyre is not his mate but reader? can r also be tamlins sister so when he locked feyre up in the manor, he also locked r with her? then r is just trying to break the barrier but shes draining her powers in the process so when mor and rhys arrive, r is just on the brink of passing out. thank you so so much! hope u have a good day!!
Hehehe I can certainly write this for you!! Idk why but writing Rhys is super intimidating lmfaoo. love him so much thoooo.
I'll make reader a "hidden" character. Aka people know she exists but TamTam never let her leave the court and always hid her away when other guests visited. She was kinda Feyre's only saving grace when she got back to Spring. Always talked her through things.
For plot cohesiveness we'll still have Feyre have a link to Rhys through the promise or something!!
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bloomboxygo · 10 days
Melodious' Design Review! (With tier list)
No matter what I'll say next, I cherish all of the wonderful Melodious Monsters that grace YGO with their presence. However, with a more subjective but analytic view on designs, or vibes... Some will come to be better than others. Even so, this'll just be an occurrence to talk about every Melodious.
Well, in order to make an image thumbnail I'll first post the Tier List. You can go do your rankings here if you so wish!
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...And now, let's properly review each Melodious, starting from the bottom.
-Ahm... (Some criticisms, but still fine!)
Honestly, the thing that bugs me about Tamtam's design is her outfit's color scheme. It's a mix of somewhat muted colors, most prominently the aquamarine on her puffy shoulder pads and thigh guards contrasting with the red around her blue corset, all because these two want to be decorated with gold as opposed to the orange over the aquamarine. It's just weird looking, and makes for a green-ish and red combination that, while striking when saturated, doesn't work super well when subdued. But, while the fact that she's the only Diva with an instrument, and named after an instrument, is weird, her tamtam has overall a really nice color scheme (gold on that purple-red is really good).
Honestly, there's not much bad at all with her, it's just two things: her face looks kinda kiddy-ish and small and I don't know what's up with the bandages on her arms. They're not consistent with the ones around her legs which at least sell themselves more as a decoration. Did she hurt her arms out of her being destroyed by battle a lot? Eh, who knows. The rest of her outfit's nice enough, but I especially like the hair that looks like a winged greek helmet.
Adorable (Great designs!)
You know what I said about muted color schemes? Opera's dress actually works very well because a more muted lilac is more delicate and a great contrast to Opera's pink cotton candy hair. It's also complemented by the structure of the dress with its multiple veils and the light pink cloud with blue notes that seams the bottom of it, as well as the wings on her back, give her an adorable feel. Could do something about the breastplate though, the way it's placed it plain looks... Odd.
An admittedly harder one to describe... The surface seems to be plain white with some gold and purple, but there's so much more beneath the surface. Many details which I find both cute and puzzling at the same time. I remember saying it before in a post which I think got deleted, but she has many space-like elements in her design: her antennae and Team Galactic hairstyle, her purple undergown, her "cape" which looks like a wave crash... Many elements. She's quirky, cute, but a bit confusing.
What a pretty, autumn-colored lady. It's a very warm coded color scheme that's pleasant to look to. Her skin provides a light contrast to that scheme, being violet as opposed to the yellow and orange of her dress and the pinks of her hair and headpiece, and it really brings a tender sense of warmth to her, fitting for a serenade. If anything, my only nitpick here is that the dress is a bit overdesigned: I dunno what the pink decoration on her left arms aims to communicate visually, and I don't like the green on yellow too much.
Now this is what I'd like to call a well-rounded design. Nothing too amazing, but no personal complaints! That white toga underneath the dark blue armor with the orange tips really sells the "greek" idea of the muse here. Also an interesting choice that they decided to cover her eyes. Whether she's blind or that's a costume choice, we may never know. Her headpiece and hair are also more fantastical than the rest of her design, which I have a hard time interpreting, but I don't think I necessarily have to.
Bloom Prima
This is another design I have no particular complaints of. Being a Bloom Choir Monster means she has a specific design theme to convey, that of the flower imagery. I feel like Bloom Diva does a better job a bit in all aspects at communicating that and with her design in general, but that more colorful, vivid color palette is more fitting of a youthful figure. Also her hair is really elaborate and kinda looks like two flowers in itself, and dark blue is an inspired color choice to contrast with the dominant yellow. Also the shoulder campanula boomboxes are a nice touch.
Bloom Harmonist
A VERY elaborate design in a role that is... Quite its own, so it's not tied to any previous imagery besides the flower theme. Her dress makes for an overall very pleasant and delicate color scheme, with an aquamarine main presence that meshes really well with the pink, as well as the green and softer gold accents. Also her plain look in her face (for lack of a better term, contrasting her with the Melodious' various skin colors), works very well with her flowing intricate hair and pretty, pretty flower at the top.
Sometimes the analytical part of my brain has to be the one to decide. By heart, I adore Couplet. And my complaint... Admittedly is hard to parse. Because... Dang, her design is just kinda all over the place, isn't it?
Well, not entirely. There is an obvious mirror with her and Refrain that comes with the plated parts of her dress. If you put these two together, you essentially form Soprano's armor in form. I think it's super cute and valid that these two complete each other in their designs. Still... The color scheme for everything else is... Wild. Mostly the blues on her puffy skirt are there to complement the blue and gold on her plated parts. But then there's various oranges, purple, a hint of black in her undershirt, her green skin and pink hair that aren't really present anywhere else in her design... That color scheme might have just been the point, to make her kinda look wild in contrast to Refrain, but probably there could have been a more colorful scheme because admittedly, besides the blue, it's kind of muted. Anyway, Couplet's pretty, she can dress how the heck she wants and I'm sure she's really happy about it.
Also another thing she shares with refrain are her back rainbow neon wings. I love them, they're so pretty, and it makes me kinda mad they've never been drawn. They go so well with their designs, especially Couplet's.
Flowering Etoile
This is undoubtedly the hardest placement for me. And the hardest one to see for most of you guys, I believe. Just A tier? Am I still hung up on the whole bottom half of her dress being too much? YES. Yes I am. There's a serious imbalance on how much there is at the top and the bottom. An elegant pink ballerina suit with music and gold accents, contrasting with the bottom filled with flowers, an alternate star mail, a layer of what looks like leaves under it, star ribbons and big top knots. And it's all just... Kind of hard to really understand because I get that there are supposed to be tons of references there, but it's just too much! Or... Is it? The card art showing all that bulkiness in full display doesn't help. So much so that most fanarts I've seen don't go for that full view of her, rather drawing her from the front, in which the star mail and everything besides her flower aren't that visible and it looks easier on the eyes, OR... Only draw the top part of her and the flowers on her hips. I believe it would have looked better if they unified the bottom part with that Yuzu flower theme. It's imperative that it stays on and I believe they're a really nice addition to the design! But what if it was just that flower gown? Or what if they went extra into it and make that a full flower dress? Though I guess that would make her have a harder time moving as she's a dancer...
Or an idol? It's kind of a thing I also noticed with Couplet and Refrain, but Etoile most of all looks more like an idol than a classical singer, and it's just a thing I can't overlook. Yuzu and idols haven't really stuck together much, so I dunno about that inspiration. Unless the Mikiyo Duel which was glossed over in the anime had that much of an influence. Despite all of that, I can't really put her low. I just cannot.
Like I said, the top half of her outfit is perfect and her hair, while a little wild, contribute to that comforting, feminine, and graceful look perfectly worthy of Rata's words "Color scheme of a warm hug". At a glance I can just FEEL it. And again... Fanart might have helped here because it focused on her top half.
She looks just like the right person to comfort and soothe you. Bit bulky at the bottom, but she's still a goddess.
SPLENDID (Fantastic designs!)
From now on, I've pretty much got no complaints.
The main deck Maestras will be almost put together because they have quite a bit of similarities when it comes to the style and clothing. They're very much inspired from the IRL composers, especially with the hair. Shopina's style feels slightly lighter than Mozarta's, it's a bit hard to describe: The dress is shown to have softer fabrics and a blue overall color scheme with some whites, which translates will with her light blue hair and lilac-pink skin. Also she has an ethereal piano. And back harp wings.
Mozarta's color scheme and dress feels stronger than Shopina's, with more plated parts adorning the gown, as well as a red scheme with gold accents. Also the conductor's baton is just perfect for a Maestra and she's the OG in that. A detail I really like about her is the lines underneath her eyes. It's something that just made me speculate future design philosophies behind other Melodious Monsters. And I like her simpler harp wings better than Shopina's.
In terms of color scheme, now I kinda see why I thought Couplet was a bit much in color. We kinda have that here, but more focused. Blue and black on her checkered skirt, and mostly purple on her bust, all complimented by a pretty gold mask. Also her hairstyle makes her look rough, like a blue flame, but graceful at the same time and I think it's how she moves with it (in the anime).
Oh, gorgeous. It's probably due to her elegance in her pose and demeanor, but I think she is. Purple color scheme with green skin is a really neat contrast, and I kinda like that her green hair's... Kinda messy looking? I dunno, it just looks cuter.
Well, we're getting to the OGs now. I think when it comes to "greek muse" Sonata's the fundamental one. Very uniform in color and maybe a bit too simple in her style, but a scheme that very much works nonetheless. Even so, I like more uniform designs and she pulls it off really well.
And hey, her dear companion! The actual OG in a sense, carries that same sense of semplicity, and I guess pulls off the look of also looking somewhat like a dancer with her dark brown outfit over her bronze skin, a pleasant contrast. She gets a bit different with it with her gap on her belly as well as that big cloth wrap around her hips, but the scheme works with her design. Also bronze and purple with her hair... She really has a cute face!
We have Couplet's companion right here. I tried to keep the two close in the tier list (that's why they're not ordered within the tiers) because they do truly complement each other. Refrain contributes the other plated parts, as well as a different styled pair of rainbow back wings, more rigorous and simple than Couplet's.
And it really seems to be a design philosophy to contrast the two. Refrain has quite a bit going on in her design, but she keeps it somewhat uniform in her color scheme, maintaining various hues of red that are also present in her hair, with a hint of orange for the dress (also keeping gold and silver accents) and yellow for the hair, and not only that, she wears an elegant and sleek full dress at the bottom as opposed to Couplet's poofy skirt. Very well kept overall.
Ooh mama.
They were probably pushing a bit with this design, I'll admit. Both well-endowed and her poofy dress makes her look... Curvier... For a lack of a better term.
Even still, the design has gone quite a bit away from the other Maestras while still... Being one in spirit. The hairstyle isn't quite the same, opting for a wild luscious redhead style that isn't quite like Schubert's, but that would be kind of hilarious to translate 1-on-1. But it really looks like flames. Her gold mask also accentuates that different look, while keeping the eyes full like the other Maestras to keep that distinction in design. The dress is also different as previously stated, more uniquely decorated, having a red pentagram that spirals on a black dress with orange tips. Also her baton kinda looks like a fencing sword, which I found really neat.
Anyway, gorgeous design. Even though the ornaments on her shoulders and hips are a tad weird.
SSSUBLIME (Creme of the Crop)
Well, we only have two left and you should already know who. Let's get to it.
Out of the new Melodious designs we've gotten, this is the real KILLER out of the bunch. Just. Gorgeous.
Could be because of my affinity towards these Maestras and how classy they look, but she takes it a step further by putting a spin on a concept that I feared would be represented and making it the main draw of the design, and just plain sublime on its own: a darker Fusion that could very well be a play off the Parasite Fusions Windwitch and Lyrilusc got, as if she's reenacting it.
I wouldn't have wanted to ever come close to that concept due to the whole Parasite thing angering and disgusting me, but she manages to pull that darker look with aplomb. Pure black dress with gold ornaments is a brilliant, tried and true color scheme, and contrasts with her pale blonde hair, pale white body and red eyes super well. Not to mention the transparent dark veil behind Bacha and that crimson under-dress right at the bottom are just the cherry on top of that design and the angle really shows off all of her dominant presence.
It all creates an inspired menacing look that offers a unique spin on the generally bright and light Melodious designs.
Bloom Diva
Even with all that said, and with the tiers not being ordered, people who know me knew I'd put her on the top. Heck, I've done an analysis of her already. And the design was a section of that analysis.
And yeah, despite all of Bacha's praises, I'll always have Bloom Diva as my favorite. Yes, even in design. Much of it still stands out today in her Maestra-like traits she inherited from Mozarta like whole azure eyes and marks underneath, her simple, yet elegant dress with some flower inspiration. THE FLOWER STAGE IS STILL THE MOST INSPIRED CHOICE THEY'VE DONE WITH MELODIOUS. I love it to bits, and it makes her stand out among all other Melodious Monsters.
What else can I say, really? You'll of course find more in the link, but I'm still very fond of Bloom Diva, her design, and what she represents. All making for a soothing, elegant and adorable experience with a hint of power and fright. Wonderful.
Anyway, that's it for me. Ranking Melodious Monsters probably isn't even that fair for me because I will cherish anything Melodious. I can't bring myself to dislike even one of them, no matter how they are.
I'm sure not many will agree with me on this, but that's okay. Tastes and all, that's really how it should be.
So, who are your favorite Melodious?
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bookishfeylin · 6 months
If Feylin was canon though all books, do you think it would be like a good choice to separate them to give feyre the time to grow on her own and like actually age up? Because even if Tamlin don't actually mean to be like that they are very apart in age... VERY. And I don't know if SJM's tried to compesated that giving all the males characters a brain of a horny teen but... the age difference it's still there. And we can observe (and I think you made a post about it) how biased Feyre can be depending of whom she is with... She doesn't complain, and WHEN she does a simple saying makes her shut again... I don't know if it something I create of her, like a mental image or if she's really like that... But my impression is that she accepted EVERYTHING so that she can still be with the person she loved. She's is so afraid of losing that she don't set boundaries or idk stood more to her morals... As we can see with Rhysand and with TamTam. She just so young. And it doesn't mare how much Sarah tries to show how strong she is and how Glowing and sparked, she's just a twenty two years woman, that was treated like nothing by her mom, ignored by her family to the point she was desperate that NO ONE tried to saved her :(. The only human relationship before the Fae was a console, but nothing more than that. When she see red flags she always tried to convince herself that it all HER, that she's the one overreacting... And all her romantic relationships look so dangerous...
(omg bookish I'm so sorry I was just gonna ask a simple question but then I get all angsty... I hope you doing fine btw)
This is actually a really good question, but if you want me to be completely honest I think the answer to that has more to do with what type of story Sarah would've written after ACOTAR had Feylin remained canon. though I will acknowledge that the age gap even makes me feel ick at times too
These books are fantasy fairytale retellings, BATB retellings to be specific, so there's no way to wholly make that healthy. If Sarah exclusively went with that angle, the "ehhhhhh its just a fairytale my readers can look the other way and accept the relationship because its just a fictional fairytale retelling", then IMO it would work just fine. Fiction doesn't need to be sanitized, after all, and especially if it were solely marketed towards adult readers who are aware of the dangers of real life age gap relationships then Sarah wouldn't really need to. We can let it be fluffy and cute with no further introspection on the age gap because it's only fiction.
It's a more nuanced convo if we're talking YA, because as @longsightmyth has pointed out before teen pregnancies are often caused by teen girls hooking up with older adult men, not boys their age, so the romanticization of the age gap in YA and how Feylin plays into that needs a more nuanced look. Maybe here I'd argue yes, they could be separated and then meet back up decades later. That's actually. Hold up. that could be a good fic idea
And if we're also going to do the whole "abuse and domestic violence and red flags" theme from ACOMAF, then IMO I'd also say yes--separate Feylin, let Feyre grow older, and then Feyre decades later, as an established adult, can be used to explore those themes of red flags and abuse as she'll be in a place mentally where she can healthily enter a relationship with someone older than her.
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aho-dapa · 1 year
a completely indulgent snippet from my fic
(lucien and feyre confront each other but it’s just lucien being angry on tamtam’s behalf / a really rough draft / idk this scene will make it in either) 
“I have had my fill of watching you two dance pitifully around each other. Before you left, both of you were ignoring each other’s pain and pretending that you both were not broken. I am sick and tired of you putting everything on Tamlin’s shoulders.”
Lucien stops and then turns, strangling any of the words Feyre had in her defense with the absolute fiery rage in his eyes. He snarls his next words at her
“So don’t you dare belittle the love Tamlin has for you as a by product of fateful coincidence simply because it is not Cauldron Made–as a stepping stool that led you to your beloved flying rat. Just because he wasn’t your mate when he watched you die, I watched him die right along with you. You want to know what is truly ironic, even though you came back to life–came back to him–both of you were still under that damned mountain. He still is.”
“You are my friend, Feyre,” Lucien softens a bit at this but continues on just as steely, “but Tamlin is like a brother–is a brother–to me. He is some of the only family I have left. I will not stand by and watch as you continue to twist that ashwood dagger you stabbed in his chest with for the sake of revenge. This Court knows the consequences and emptiness it brings, and has known it for far longer than you have been alive. I do not care if Rhysand is your mate, if you still love Tamlin or not, leave him be. Leave him be, Feyre, for he hurts all the more because of you. Especially since you won’t let go of the hurt he has done to you.”
Feyre doesn’t even know how to react. The sudden unleashing of Lucien’s rageful plea lashes against her heart and she bleeds. The next words Lucien says are quiet but without its earlier bite. “You know, Feyre, I knew that Under the Mountain changed you, of course it had. It changed us all, broke us all in some way. It seems the Night Court has changed you yet again.”
This time Lucien’s words did have their familiar bite even though he said it with an exhausted air of absolute truth even she could not deny. After all, had she not also thought the very same?
“It seems that the shadows of the Court of Nightmares have also slithered their way into your heart, Feyre."
"How dare you. How dare you do this to me and him, when you know, you know, what it will do. What it will do to this place that you once called home. My home. How dare you try to break this Court when we trusted you to help us rebuild it. You have abandoned this Court more than once and dare to call yourself High Lady of another. Dare to admonish what we are trying to build and judge us for not trusting you when you have proven that you cannot be trusted. When I still thought you could be a friend like you once were. I would be careful, Feyre, of what you are allowing yourself to become."
Feyre bristles and she’s already baring her teeth at Lucien, “You don’t get to force me to forgive him for what he did! What he just did the other day! He hurt me! He trapped me here!”
Feyre strides closer to Lucien, feeling dangerous with the amount of anger and hurt in her chest, “You say that we were both still under that damned mountain, well guess what–there will always be a part of me under that mountain. Always. I gave up everything for him while I was there.”
She watches Lucien’s eyes flash but her next words are broken enough that they make him pause, “I killed for him. I died for him. And when I came back, all I wanted was to not feel trapped under that mountain again. That’s all I wanted–all I needed. Instead, he hurt me, Lucien…”
Both of them knew that she was not just talking about what had happened in the study. By the way the corners of Lucien’s eyes crinkle in distaste for Tamlin’s actions, Feyre also knew that he understood.
The sight of it brings forgotten tears to her eyes and she allows her rage to swallow them in an overwhelming wave. She would not cry in front of Lucien. Not after what he just told her. To forgive Tamlin. Even just the thought of it makes her mouth curl in disgust.
Lucien breathes in deeply through his nose and his angry eyes look expectantly at her to continue. Feyre pauses and almost thinks that Lucien is leading her into trap, except… she feels good. Like she had been drowning for ages and she finally was able to get a breath of air. He’s making a space for her to let it out. If not with Tamlin, then… at least to him. To someone who knew them both.
Someone who witnessed the love and pain she shared with Tamlin. With someone who also loves Tamlin the way some broken part of Feyre will always love Tamlin–that same human part of her that was still there on that cold hard floor, dying. For him.
Her heart aches and her stomach lurches. While she and Rhysand shared their past of affection and betrayal for Tamlin, she never gave herself a moment to understand where those feelings were coming from. Yes, she loved Tamlin, so when she was hurt by him, she felt betrayed. Then that betrayal led to anger and a desire to hurt. Yet that was not at the heart of it all.
Some part of her knew from the moment she broke down in that room full of thorns, that she and Tamlin would never be the same. A different type of change had happened than the one she had experienced under Amarantha.
And more than her hurt, more than her anger, she grieved.
Even now, her heart grieves for the happiness and love and joy she once felt with Tamlin.
Something once so bright and beautiful, a joy that she gave all of herself to, would always, in some way, be dimmed by who both she and Tamlin now were.
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tamtam-go92 · 8 months
I want to watch Fullmetal Alchemist again - send help. (I don't have the time to. Plus, it's not on Netflix anymore. It might be on Amazon Prime though... Please it's horrible, every October I get the urge for a FMA rewatch... Talk me out of it!)
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vergess · 2 years
Sorry to burst into your asks like this, but I'm really interested in the exocolonist datamining-can you tell me what/where to find the file you looked through?
So! Number 1 thing!! You never have to apologize for asking me to talk at great length about something I love. I am extremely autistic. This is one of my favourite kinds of social interaction.
Now then!!
I play on linux, so all the files are just out there in the open and most of them are plain text files with custom file endings.
I don't know what the file structure looks like on windows, but since the game seems to have been written in java, probably basically identical. Assuming nothing is encrypted on windows either, I would say this game is the most beginner friendly for data mining I've ever seen.
So for me, the files are in ~/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Exocolonist/Exocolonist_Data/StreamingAssets/ and then in the Data and StreamingAssets folders.
On windows, that would be in your steam folder, then steamapps/common/Exocolonist/Exocolonist_Data/StreamingAssets/
You can also just right click on the game in steam, and go to Manage > Browse Local Files. That will open you to the main Exocolonist folder, so you'll navigate to exocolonist_data/StreamingAssets/
The data folder is where you will find the bulk of the writing for endings, character profiles, cards, card abilities, etc. If you want to modify how much a particular card is worth, view the full names of characters you only see mentioned briefly, etc, this is the folder you want.
The Stores folder contains the actual "gameplay" parts, in the sense that the buildings, locations, jobs, combat calls, etc are in it. That includes mid-game dialogue!
There's also a specific file in Stories called 'unimplemented memories' that shows the specific coding syntax for modifying the game, to ensure any changes you make look and play correctly!
Between that and save files being basically plaintext with a button on the 'load game' menu that will take you directly to them in your file system you you can edit them even easier, this game is a GREAT choice for learning more about how to datamine or mod a game. Everything is so straightforward.
I mean, the code is fully commented, with all human-readable variables and methods. That's insane! I didn't even code shit that tightly when I was in school, actively being graded on it!!!!!!!!
The endings are all written out in Exocolonist - endings.TSV. I mean that's. That's SO straightforward!! You can open TSV files in any spreadsheet editorfor a more visually pleasant experience, or in a plain text editor if you're hardcore for the sake of being hardcore.
Oh, save games are actually located in your documents folder (I think?) on windows, and in the home folder on linux. The folder is helpfully called "exocolonist/save_games" so it's very simple to find. You can edit your save files (which end in .JSON) in any plain text editor. For windows, I like notepad++ since it will automatically color code the formatting. For Linux, I use Kate but any of the ones that come pre-packaged will do just fine.
Some of my favourites so far from fucking around where I don't belong:
The "releasing endorphins" card you get for distracting Tangent from her Big Government Project by fucking her is called "TangBang" in the data. This is, to me, the single funniest phrase on earth. I can't stop saying it.
Unimplemented Memories contains tons of non-canonical filler text including gems like:
"Git outta me bloody face, ye sodding nullshite!" Vace yelled, as Rex blew him another kiss.
~set bg = pinup_tammy_saved WOW you saved Tamtam! Tammadammadingdong lives!
Anemone Enhancement: Scaly lizard lady. > facts
marz: "Ho ho ho welcome to _my_ bridge which _I_ am totally the boss of." dys: "Ug Marz this place smells funny." marz: "He who smelt it dealt it, Nerd."
But, most importantly of all, the dog-like creature that tries to kill you/Anemone in the opening sequence??
Is named Doggo.
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nuwanders · 1 year
📒💧🎀 Mathyas...
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
Mathyas is largely interested in current affairs, politics, history, and philosophy/theology! Anything meaty with some real-world application. He enjoys the odd bit of literature (throwback to crime and punishment by renowned indoril writer feradar davthayesi) but would probably be bored by much discussion of it. He has an argumentative streak and enjoys any conversation with an element of friendly debate to it-- even where he is totally uninvested in the outcome lol
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
oh boy a lot of this will be answered in the WIP i'm currently working on 👀 without spoiling too much, i think most of mathyas' earliest memories are from around the time his father died (when he was eight-ish) as it was pretty formative for him. he's not a particularly sentimental person so i doubt he'd have kept many childhood mementos but he did have a stuffed bantam guar plushie called tamtam 🤧
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care?
talked a little about his usual fashion sense here! this would apply to fancy parties and for most of his working day, as he would have been in and out of meetings and appointments for the greater part of it. in his down-time he'd have chilled out in linen tunics and baggy pants :)
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
crack plotwist: feyre, reader and eris become a threeway couple and flee to the autumn court w their kids and live happily ever after.
on a serious note I think the resault of rhysand doing all of that would be devestating for the court aswell as their life. Like i’m dying to see s scene with the inner circle reacting to either reader being the mother of rhysands child or them reacting to what rhysand did. I think there would be nothing that could save him. Manipulating her thoughts into agreeing into giving into him???? sounds very amarantha if i may say so. Also him not giving a shit ab his own MATE and son is just crazy. Feyre needs to leave asap. Literally flee, maybe to a redeemed tamlin?
oh my god anon you're giving me ideas 👀
initially I had planned on feyre staying with rhys, but like, I also hadn't planned on rhys coming to talk to reader or manipulate her
now the fic has taken that turn and... redeemed tamtam just sounds so good
i love you so much my darling anon, thank you for this idea ❣️❣️❣️
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cookiesupplier · 21 days
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Forty-Two
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd as usual, enjoy!
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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tags: @faceless-mirror @missduffsblog @tamtam-elizabeth @witchyweeb34 @tearfallpixie
@wild-child-7747 @shilohrosechicken @lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens @valiantroeagleangel
@bngurngheart @dominuslunae @collapsedglasshouses @embracethereaper42 @emmmm127
@sunsshinesunny @spicywhenspeaking
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Talia was ready, Ricky had told her yesterday before she left that he was going to pick her up along with Chris. She had offered to meet him there if he’d only tell him where they were going, but he’d been stubborn and refused to tell her what he had planned. More realistically, Talia probably thought he had absolutely no idea what they were going to do and him asking them on this date was spur of the moment and now was scrambling on the fly. What else could it be, he’d only just confirmed they were all without a doubt soulmates together yesterday afternoon, it wasn’t like he’d been planning this date for a while. Ricky had been vehemently against wanting to date her, wanting to date anyone, let alone having anything to do with soulmates, thanks to Grace. Let's be honest, Talia not only didn’t blame him, she had been feeling exactly the same way for years now, at least about the soulmates part. The dating part had been partially made that way because of the soulmate side of it.
So no, she didn’t blame him one bit, and yes, she thought he was scrambling now find something that was worthy of this date, at least she hoped he was. Then again, if anyone could get a reservation, or whatever he had planned, for something last minute in this town, it would be a member from a band that had made a name for themselves. Not to mention called this town home. Who knows what he could be coming up with on the fly. 
By the time the pair of them had finished with work together to get her ready, Talia felt like a porcelain doll, plucked, and polished to perfection. At least she had managed to talk her out of the stiletto heels she tried to convince her to borrow. There was no way she would have wanted to wear them on a date even if she’d known where she was going, let alone a mystery date. So instead she was wearing some mid-heel wedges. They were enough that they still made her ass look phenomenal according to Ava, but still felt like she had solid footing, she never felt like she had the balance to tiptoe in stilettos anyway. Ava had tried to claim to convince her that it wasn’t balance, it was confidence, but all it got from Talia was an eye roll as she turned back to the mirror to finish her makeup.
Now, she was waiting in the foyer of Vinny’s house until Ricky and Chris got there. She had always planned to. However, Ava tried to insist on going even one step further than that, just waiting for them to come to the door apparently wasn’t enough for her. This was an official date, Ava had even wanted to open the door herself like she was her overprotective parent. Only to have Talia scoff slightly and glancing over to Vinny.
“Hey Vinny, so, you know how I’m not a cock block while I’m living here?”
Oh, watching his eyes go wide right then was amusing, perfect.
“Right, so-”
“Ava, babe, let's go make some popcorn and watch a movie-”
Yea, he was getting what she was throwing down, now, whether Talia would actually do what she was implying, making his sex life very difficult and all that? That was beside the point. Obviously, Vinny wasn’t about to take that risk by letting his girlfriend get in the way. Talia couldn’t help but chuckle a little as she witnessed a complaining Ava being pulled along as Vinny sort to get her out of the way as she waited for Ricky and Chris to arrive. Hopefully it wouldn’t take them much longer. She was at least still waiting inside, Ava might not get to usher Ricky and Chris inside to interrogate them as she had wanted to, but Talia was still going to expect them to come to the door like gentlemen. It was a date, after all. It was almost a shame Ava was already practically living with Vinny, she’d skipped this part, cheater.
Oh, oh! There was the doorbell. Hearing a squeal from the kitchen and Vinny’s voice calling Ava’s name, followed by a No, Talia laughed, good luck Vinny wrangling her tonight, he was going to need to. Talia had a funny feeling, if Vinny didn’t manage to keep her occupied, she was going to get plagued with messages all night with how the date was going.. Actually.. Before she reached the door, she turned her head and called out back into the house,
“Vinny, confiscate her phone, will you?”
“Consider it done!”
Oh, she didn’t know if there was a scuffle, or if Vinny had taken her phone at that exactly moment, but then:
Laughing as she moved towards the door, hearing the echoes of Ava’s complaints as she made it to answer the knock. That was one less thing she had to worry about at least, she could get the run-down of her date, after it was over and not pestering her during their date. As the door swung open, her eyes fell on Ricky and Chris.
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They’d both walked to the door, of course, there was no way they one of them was going to stay in the car. Ricky not only had been the one that planned the date, he knew where they were going, but Chris insisted. There was no way that they were both going to stay in the car and just honk the horn to wait for her, no chance. Something about tonight felt like they’d been waiting for this date forever, which was rather funny, because Rick, had been in a committed relationship for years, so how was he waiting for this? 
He’d almost gotten engaged to Grace, even.
Yet, there was still something about tonight, something that felt, right. While it felt like he’d had years of his life ripped away, and that fear, that pain, he wouldn’t lie, it was still a wound that was open. He’d catch himself with moments wondering about what she was doing when he’d get reminded of her, fuck, how long was he going to be reminded of her, and it was going to kill him her lies, and the manipulation. Then he thought of Talia, and the relief, it wasn’t instant, she actually made the pain worse for a while. After all, there had been a moment when it was like he just couldn’t breathe. Then, now, when he could take a breath, that pain bled away and everything felt better. Adding Chris to the mix, and Rick felt so much calmer. The paranoia about worry about whether he could trust himself, just as he said to Talia, he wouldn’t lie, it was till there, but trusting both of them, together? That thought was so much easier. That was why he was here, that was why he was sure he could do this now.
So yes, it felt like he’d been waiting for this day, like something in him had been holding his breath waiting for this moment when everything was just how it was meant to be.
Taking one car, it was just so much more reasonable that Chris following him in his, Ricky drove them to Vinny’s to pick up Talia. No, he wasn’t giving Chris a hint of where they were going for their date. Both of them were dressed nice and casual, nice jeans, shirts, jacket hoodies, Chris knew him pretty well in that. Rick had no idea however what to expect from Talia, and he hadn’t told her what to expect from tonight.. So when the door opened and they saw her in that red dress.
Oh, that dress. 
He would be worried she had been expecting something far more extravagant than he had planned, but all he could think about, as he looked over her, was how exquisite she was. Her eyes were bright, and the fact that they were dressed casual didn’t seem to make her blink. If anything, she giggled happily as she quickly came out of the front door of the house, closing it behind her. 
“Damn, JellyBean, aren’t you something gorgeous tonight, sure we have to go out Rick?”
Smiling at the question from Chris, and the way Talia’s cheeks brightened from the obvious appraisal from them both as they walked down the path at the front of the house towards Ricky’s car in the driveway. 
“If we don’t, put that dress to waste, be a damn shame Spookie. You do look absolutely amazing, Sweetheart.”
Ricky couldn’t help but jibe at him, which had the blushing Talia in another pearl of giggles as they got to the car, which he wasn’t about to complain about in the least.
“Come on now, that's Talia’s nickname for me.”
Ricky just had to grin, chucking as Chris complaint, enjoying the way the other man’s face flushed all the same when he called him it. He might be complaining, but it had an effect, it was obvious.
“But it's so much fun making you squirm just now.”
He grinned as he opened the front passenger door for her, Chris could sit in the back, he wasn’t about to regulate Talia to the back when she had come out dressed up like that. Chris was just going to have to deal with it, but considering the way that he went straight for the back door without any fuss, he certainly didn’t seem to mind when Talia slid into the front seat.
As he climbed in behind the driving wheel, before he even got the car started, Chris was asking from the backseat.
“Now that Talia is here, can we get a hint of what we’re doing, or where we are going, now?”
Ricky shook his head with a laugh. Chris had been trying to get the information out of him all morning, but he’d been refusing, telling him that it wasn’t fair to tell him, but not Talia, of course, he’d use that against him.
“You just can’t be patient and accept a surprise, can you, Babe?”
Now that, got even more of a reaction from him than Spookie, that was definitely Talia’s, and with that, Ricky just grinned, yes, he had a good feeling about how this night was going to go. Starting the car, ready to get going as he pulled out of the drive and onto the road so they could get on their way. Ricky smirked as he focused on the road ahead, glancing in his rear view mirror at the squirming Chris in the back seat, knowing the effect he’d had on him. Enjoying the effect he’d had on him. Still, he was the only one that had any idea where they were going, so he had to focus, and he did. Change of topic, something else.
“So, Talia, what was up as you came out, all amused, practically giggling like a school girl.”
That just seemed to make her giggle again,
“That, was because I got Vinny to confiscate Ava’s phone. I mean, with how she has been all day, not to mention the fact she had planned to answer the door and wanted to interrogate the two of you before our date? I just knew she wasn’t going to leave me alone all night long, so after sort of, implying I’d cock block him if he didn’t help me, he called Ava off, and asked him to confiscate her phone. Then I walked out the door as she complained.” Her explanation was met from both men by a round of laughter, just the fact that she’d used the implication of cock blocking Vinny to get him on her side tonight had been hilarious enough. It was definitely a smooth ploy.
“Oh that's smart Sweetheart, very smart.”
“I love it JellyBean, remind me never to get in your way.”
All three of them laughing as they drove, their date night starting off in good spirits already.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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omobread · 1 year
🎂 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ My Intro ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆🎂
🧁 : ̗̀➛ Name(s): marz, sunni, lila, tamtam
🧁 : ̗̀➛ Pronouns:I'm fine with any prns but he/him so DO NOT use he him on me thank you
🧁 : ̗̀➛ Gender: cis female
🧁 : ̗̀➛ Age: 12
🧁 : ̗̀➛ Favorites: TAMARI. ghost and p, omori, serial experiments lain, Evangelion, yume nikki, oneshot,horor stories, comedy animes, horror animes, art (especially traditional art), painting, watercolor, gardening, cats!!, flowers(especially '' Lilly of the valleys '' flowers), cookies, shorts, leg warmers!, gloves, sweaters (especially baggy ones), kikuo and zip up hoodies (I love and other stuff I can't remember :) (ask me if you want to know anything else abt my favorites)
🧁 : ̗̀➛ Triggers: people who eat their mouth open(chewing noises), veins, being watched, NSFW, people who make fun of me, vacuum noises, '' annoying '' noises in general, mirrors, people who say slurs a lot!
🧁 : ̗̀➛ Extras: please I'm begging you dm me if you want to be my friend!! I really need friends :-) and btw I have social anxiety so I'll probably eb scared to talk to you at frist
🧁 : ̗̀➛ DNI list: pedophiles, proshippers, racist, h!tler supporters ect... + people who repost GHOST's old art
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ghostwise · 1 year
👾 !!!
On two legs but my feet never touch the ground I got my head in the soil, leave no prints to be found The nature's strength, the wonder who I am A weakening force, all echoes from my past Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone… gone.
This one is a Tamlen song, and while some lines seem to be from his pov others feel like Hamal talking to him...
And the battle goes on And the love that you felt Will be here when you are gone And the songs that you sung And the words that you meant Will be here when you are gone
One of my big headcanons re these two is that their close bond prior to encountering the eluvian led to them sensing one another afterwards, in much the same way that Wardens sense darkspawn and even other Wardens.
Hamal has increasingly severe nightmares and night terrors during the Blight--to the point that Morrigan often has to intervene with magic. It gets worse as Tamlen becomes more Blighted, and is at its absolute lowest point when they're in the Deep Roads. Tamlen, meanwhile, loses all sense of himself until only his driving urge to find Hamal remains; it is his last tether to this world, snapped clean when they finally reunite during the ambush and Tamlen dies for good.
That's pretty sad though, so to end on a positive note, did you know their childhood nicknames were Tamtam and Hamham?
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