#Saki cares....in his own way
rottmntrulesall · 2 years
How does Venus handle both the 24 hr Kraang invasion in the good timeline and the apocalypse in the bad timeline? What’s her reaction to her orange brother becoming the world’s most powerful mystic warrior? Also, how do Splinter’s siblings react to learning that Leo nearly sacrificed himself?
In the good timeline: Now a toddler, she takes an immediate liking to Casey, (calls him CeCe) who's overjoyed to see her as a sweet innocent child. She's with April and Splinter when they face off with the female Kraang. But while her brothers lost their mystic abilities, Venus still has hers, since she wasn't there when the Kraang took them away...and she and Donnie have been practicing with them.
The female Kraang has Venus in one of her tentacles. Seeing the alien attacking her sister and daddy so viciously, makes Venus cry...then get MAD. You know how bad a toddler's temper tantrum can be. Using her intangibility to get out of the Kraang's grasp, grow bigger than her to pop her in her mouth chew her up like a wad of gum and spit her out, smash her up with her harden armored fist, split up into numerous clones to dogpile on the pink blob; Venus basically nearly kills the She Kraang until Splinter calms her down with a lullaby. Venus sleeps until she sees Leo go into the Portal with the main Kraang. She bawls her eyes out, thinking her blue big brother is gone forever. When Leo is brought back, she's happy and squealing his name.
In the bad timeline: Throughout the apocalypse, Venus has mastered her countless powers and is truly a force to be reckon with. She's taken down so many Kraang, but using her powers so much for too long drains her energy fast. She gets killed before Casey is sent back in time, Venus was trying to protect April and the other fighters.
As to Mikey being a powerful mystic warrior, she's thrilled and the two were a dynamic duo. Venus had fond memories of Mikey using his skills to make her laugh back when their little.
The Hamato Fam's Reaction: After the Kraang are gone for good now, the Hamato clan drop by for a visit. They get the rundown of what happened while they were. They were pretty horrified finding out that their family went through such an ordeal- WITHOUT THEM THERE TO HELP!
Once Leo told them about what he tried to do, well...
Saki yelled at him for being so foolish, but was impressed with his resolve and strength. Still said he was an idiot for nearly getting trapped in the Dark Realm with the Main Prime.
Nori scolded Leo as well, though more in a motherly way, like "You could've been seriously hurt, please don't worry us again." Hugs him out of relief and nearly snaps him in half.
Kenji checks Leo over and over too make sure he's still in one piece. Asks if he needs anything or if he would like to talk about it. Tells him not to do sacrifices like that again, especially when he's still so young and has his life ahead of him.
(Saki, Nori, and Kenji are parents themselves, so it makes sense they would freak out the most after Splinter)
Hiroki and Hikari both sobbed hard and nearly suffocated Leo in a group hug and asked if he needed any comfort snacks.
Mei didn't really react much aside from taking Leo's head and pressing her forehead against his.
~Leo is glad that he and his brothers have such loving relatives~
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getwonderhoyd · 11 months
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in tsukasas card i see references to three mythological creatures. the figures behind him are two kasa clones, lefty's shadow has a fox's tail while right's has a tanukis making them shapeshifters. kitsune are often messengers from gods and have a more refined reputation. tanuki are tricksters who love playing pranks on people, reflected in how each of them dress. tanuki also use a leaf to help them transform, which is why the middle kasa holds one. is he a tanuki too? its unclear
the other is the kasa obake, a yokai of an umbrella with one eye. when old belongings are forgotten and left in disrepair, they can transform into yokai. each kasa is holding a broken and torn red parasol iconic of the kasa obake, and only one of his eyes can be seen. even his clones eyes are hidden by the glare of his glasses.
whats unusual about the kasa obake is unlike other yokai, it has little to no basis in eyewitness accounts or folklore and is only seen in art, so it's considered less of a folk legend and more a fictional character. this has interesting implications for tsukasa who is the actor. he has a running history when it comes to identifying as the characters he plays in his cards, and seems to be the only character in this set "playing the part" of a yokai or spirit rather than just being with them. and theres something to be said about tsukasa in a gakuran, just like he wore in middle school, identifying with an object thats been left behind and ignored.
with tsukasa also holding the leaf like a tanuki, treating the kasa clones like completely separate people is not the way to go. lefty is prim and proper, like a textbook student. you could attribute him to the tsukasa who is responsible and reliable, the dependable older brother and troupe leader who wants to take care of everyone and puts their needs before his own. right is messy and confident, the loud, annoying, weird, silly, self absorbed and ego driven tsukasa. hes often reduced to one or the other, but with only one half it doesnt even look like him anymore. both sides are intrinsically him
tsukasa struggles a lot with how he views himself versus what he wants to be, squashing down what he identifies as less desirable traits to fit his ideal. this is most obviously seen in his last focus event, hiding his "ugly" emotions from wxs to maintain his image, but also in kaito, who embodies everything tsukasa hopes to be. theres much more, but tsukasa and identity has been a subtle but constant thematic through line for him. the kasa clones could be how various characters view him, how they often either love him or find him a nuisance. it could be the responsible and brave face he put on for saki and his parents, and now he has the potential to be looked after by someone else if he takes it. it could be the always okay always happy face he shows wxs while he struggles to actually be vulnerable and honest about his problems. it could be a whole host of things
theres so much symbolism in this card and im sure theres stuff i havent even noticed yet
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the-au-collector · 4 months
Linked Universe College Radio AU
Since I recently got some motivation to work on this one, I figured I would brain dump a little about my LU College Radio AU. It's basically a college/university AU but each of the main LU Links are somehow associated with their college radio station at Kakariko University.
Why radio? I was listening to The Oh Hellos when the idea struck me so each of the works are hopefully going to have titles taken from Oh Hellos songs. This will, hopefully, just mostly focus on the Links + the radio station but who knows? I added way too many characters to this braindump but oh well
The Links
Staff coordinator for the radio station
Broadcasting professor
Usually gets stuck teaching the freshman and sophomores
Married to the zoology professor, Malon
Taking care of Twilight's dog, Wolfie, until Twilight finds a dog-friendly place. Acts like he hates it, but he actually loves it
Infamous for being a hardass
"Call me Time. Don't call me Link, that's my nephew. Don't call me Professor Lon, that's my wife"
Has done just about anything and everything
Knows everyone, but just because he's been here so long and has done so much
Has officialy been an agriculture major, a meteorology major, a humanities major, a fine art major, a fashion design major, and an engineering major in the past
Has finally settled with being a broadcasting major after doing the Jaded Boys radio show with Wild
Part of the Jaded Boys with Wild, then is part of Triple Threat with Wild and Hyrule
Lives off-campus with his current partner, Ravio
Also lives with Warriors
Used to date a girl named Marin from Mabe City. No he doesn't talk about it
Does not like driving. Or storms.
Has a cane
Even in an AU he can't escape the Koholint Trauma
Campus cryptid
Everyone knows him. No one knows what he's studying
(It's engineering. He, Purah, and Fauna are a terror to the school together)
Addicted to energy drinks
Never studies, always passes exams
Always socially overbooked
Has amnesia and bad scarring from a house fire
Was adopted by Teba and Saki after said house fire
Has a twin brother named Age. Most people think Age is older but Wild's actually older
Was the one who coerced Legend and Hyrule into radio
Lives in a house off-campus with Twilight, Age, Sidon, Yunobo, Mipha, and Revali.
Has committed arson before
Has gotten arrested for committing arson before
Zoology major
Is the reason Wild's still alive
Used to be roommates with Wild in the dorms when they were freshmen
Took a gap year between high school and college
Has a dog named Wolfie
Regular guest on Triple Threat
Runs the Helpful Paws club, which is a club all about service dogs. Ilia helps run said club
Works on Legend's uncle's orchard during the weekends
Computer science major
Technology director at the radio station (yes this position only exists because of Wild)
Friendly rivalry with Wild because Wild breaks everything
Shadow is his step-brother
Fashion design major
Joined Legend and Ravio's lease at the last minute because of stuff that happened between him and his other roommates
Has a restraining order against Cia and doesn't talk to Lana
Is currently dating Artemis, a fashion merchandising major
Met Legend when Legend was doing fashion design. No one knows how they're friends. They fight all the time.
Legend forced him to make his own radio show when Wild roped Legend into doing the Jaded Boys. So now Warriors has a show called Wednesday With Warriors
Senior aviation major
Runs The Loftwings with his fiancé, Sun, and his best friend, Groose.
Has a bad habit of sleeping through his alarm
Currently taking care of his older brother's mouthy parrot, Crimson.
Also lives with Groose and Sun
Freshman metrology major
Super friendly
Cares more about the college experience than learning
Hyrule's roommate
After Hyrule starts doing Triple Threat, Wind gets the idea to do the Wind Waker podcast with Tetra where they sing sea shanties and tell pirate stories
Spirit is his introverted cousin and he's made it his goal to get Spirit to get out more
He also does the same with Hyrule
Freshman undecided major
Joins Triple Threat under Wild's insistence
Very shy
Grew up in a really small town
Wind's roommate
Is regularly forced out of the dorm by Wind but prefers to just wander around town and campus
Childhood friends with Dawn
Wid's twin brother who is very different from Wild
Business major, accounting minor
Dating Mipha, a senior nursing student
Rarely goes to parties, but plays damage control when Wild hosts them at their house
Does remember his and Wild's past. Wild's amnesia caused a rift to form between them for a while, but they're working on getting past that now
Was also adopted by Teba and Saki
Four's step-brother
Vaati's his dad, but he's cut Vaati out of his life now
Theater major with a minor in set design
Got his nickname from no one being able to see him onstage when moving props around
Everyone is convinced he has some sort of magical powers
A bit shy, and a bad boy
Dating Dot
Freshman engineering major
His roommate is Niko
Wind's introverted cousin who's often dragged out of his dorm by Wind
Would much rather spend time with construction documents than people
Sky's older brother who's not around a lot since he's in the military (he's a doctor)
Married to a woman named Hylia
Has a parrot named Crimson that he's trusting Sky to take care of
The Zeldas
Works at Kakriko Univeristy as a broadcasting professor
An old flame of Time's, but they've both moved on by now
Usually teaches upper division classes
Legend's older sister who lives in Castle City
Already graduated with a business degree
Comes around for the holidays and drops in occasionally to see how Legend's doing
Constantly overbooked with school
Double-majoring in anthropology and history
Part of hundreds of different clubs and student organizations
Hard to get a moment alone with her at all
Has recently gotten close to Rauru and Sonia, who are both anthropology students
Fauna's twin sister. Flora's younger, though
Political science major
Knows Twilight through Midna but since Twi and Midna broke up, Dusk doesn't really talk to Twilight anymore
Roommates with Midna and Artemis
Political science major and Four's childhood friend
Hopes to get into law school one day
Dating Shadow (her dad isn't too happy about this)
Lives with Aurora and Dawn and used to be roommates with Aurora when they were in the dorms
Fashion merchandising major
Warriors' girlfriend
Used to also be his housemate, but after things happened with Cia and Lana she moved in with Midna and Dusk
Still occasionally talks to Lana
Senior aviation major and Sky's fiancé
Runs The Loftwings with Sky and Groose
Also lives with Sky and Groose
Appears to be very level-headed on the outside, but is secretly kind of crazy
Ecology major with a minor in biology
Eventually becomes close friends with Wind
Roommates with Phantom and they get along like fire and gasoline
(seriously do not let either of those girls near a lighter... or boxing gloves)
Part of the Wind Waker podcast with Wind
Senior political science major
She, Dot, and Dawn live together
Dawn is her younger sister
Is going to move to Castle City after graduation
Refuses to go home after having a horrible falling out with her brother
Freshman early childhood education major
Wants to teach kindergarten and preeschool one day
Lives with her older sister, Aurora, and Aurora's roommate, Dot
Doesn't plan on returning to her hometown either
Childhood friends with Hyrule
Flora's twin sister who's majoring in engineering and minoring in biology
Best friends with Purah and Impa
Closer to Age than Wild, but she's in a lot of classes with Wild
It is a horrible idea to leave her, Purah, and Wild alone in a room together
Has a cat named Terrako, who hates everyone except for her
Her father puts a lot of pressure on both her and Flora, but Fauna feels it the most since she's the oldest
Freshman communications major
Tetra's roommate
She looks like any old upperclass girl but she is always ready to throw hands
Somehow becomes friends with Spirit
First's wife who's a doctor at a local hospital
Keeps an eye out for Sky even though she knows he doesn't really need it
Will bring Sky and his friends food and snacks
Absolutely willing to drive Sky and his friends home when none of them can drive
Very motherly and open
Some Others:
Time's wife who's a zoology professor
Twilight has started a protection squad for her (all the Links are part of it. Even Time)
Everyone loves her
Legend's partner
Business major
Has a bird named Sheerow who poops everywhere
Despite this he is the cleanest one in the apartment
Constantly roping Legend into new business ideas
Used to run a shop out of his and Legend's dorm room when they lived in the dorms together. Legend's pretty sure it was against the rules. Ravio doesn't care
Acts greedy, but is actually living off his loans
Never goes home. He goes over Legend's Uncle's house for holidays now.
His younger sister, Hilda, often sleeps over and Legend and Ravio's
Has a horrible relationship with his father, Yuga
Sidon, Mipha, Revali, Yunobo:
Wild's housemates alongside Twilight and Age
Revali claims he's the only reason the house hasn't burned down
Revali is also one of Teba and Saki's adopted children, and had a bit of a superiority complex over being adopted first (he was there first) when they were kids. He's gotten better, but he's still a bit of a jerk to Wild. He and Age have bonded over Wild constantly giving them heart attacks
Sidon is a sophomore political science major who is super friendly, but has a hard time stopping conversations. Head over heels for his girlfriend, Yona. Is also super tall and often mistaken for being the older sibling
Mipha is a senior nursing student. Sidon's older sister, Age's girlfriend. If there's a medical emergency, chances are the Links are calling Mipha first even though they really should go to the hospital instead
Revali is a senior aviation major and hopes to join the air force after college to "get away from the filth" (meaning Age and Wild. He would never call Tulin filth)
Yunobo is a sophomore geoscience major. Works at his grandpa's coffee shop, Goron City Coffee
Urbosa, Daruk, Riju:
Urbosa is Riju's aunt and and mother figure to Flora and Fauna. She lives in Castle City, but often comes to Kakariko to give guest lectures. She's a businesswoman
Daruk is Yunobo's grandpa who owns Goron City Coffee. He often lets the radio host events at his coffee shop, and acts like a father figure for Wild's friend group
Riju is a freshman business major who wants to be like her aunt, Urbosa. Flora and Fauna see her as their younger sister.
Teba, Saki, Tulin:
Revali was adopted first, then Age and Wild
Teba is retired from being in the military
Saki teaches private singing lessons
Tulin is the Baby of the family and is in middle school. He is an absolute terror. Never let Wild babysit him, they will both get into trouble. Tulin is everyone's favorite and Tulin will use that to his advantage
Twilight's friend who helps run the Helpful Paws club
She has a huge crush on Twilight but doesn't want to overstep, especially after the bad break up with Midna
Rusl, Uli, Colin:
Twilight's family in Ordon who adopted him when he was about 8
Colin's just starting high school and is dealing with a lot of bullying, so he calls Twilight often for help
Rusl is a detective, but he's on paternity leave right now since Uli just had their daughter
Grandpa Smith:
Four and Shadow's grandpa
Took them both in after their mother died and Vaati went to prison
Four was usually a good kid, but Shadow was a little terror
Lives in Kakariko City so he gets to see his boys often
Cia and Lana:
Twins who both had huge crushes on Warriors
Cia got jealous when Wars started dating Lana
Cia is a psychology major, but now is largely known as the campus creep
Lana was a fashion design major, but changed schools after the drama with Warriors happened
Sky and Sun's roommate and fellow host of The Loftwings
Proudly boasts that he's their best man
Also a senior aviation major
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proseka-headcanons · 2 months
- So in pjsk, our children ofc have their own parents. Some are nice (godbless Ken Shiraishi), some are not the best but theyre trying, but some are just straight up fuckin assholes (looks at mafumom and harumichi).
- But well, not all parents are perfect are they? so all of pjsk's parents are assholes in some ways just bc. (yes even Ken is somewhat)
- Literally i'm only setting this up for angst
- Ok and like, half of the cast's parents dont approve of their children pursuing music or at least try to make them only do that as a side hustle yknow, instead of actually going pro.
> The pjsk cast units all hold concerts/shows (except for n25, but sometimes they perform music live)
> None of the parents ever came to them (except people like Ken, since he's the only responsible adult in this game apparently, and thats a low bar considering who Ken is)
> maybe Minori's mother watched her perform on tv, or Mizuki's parents heard her commotion in their room making music, or smth like that.
> Look i dont read MMJ or L/N stories that much so maybe some of them have nice parents?? im writing this on a whim
> Anyway their parents either never goes or rarely goes, for one reason to another.
> But imagine their reactions, when they finally, finally, decided to make an appearance to their kids' concerts/shows/live;
Imagine Shinei Shinonome, watching his son, who he said cannot pursue music, up there on a live house stage, singing with so much emotions that Shinei can feel it himself. Imagine Harumichi, who goes just to see how "good" his failure of a son is, only to get a fuckin whiplash when he heard his son's powerful singing voice. Imagine Kohane's parents, who always worries about her doing street music at god knows where at ungodly hours, always telling her to just stop, only to gape when they witness Kohane, who used to be so timid, now singing with a voice so loud and so beautiful. And Ken Shiraishi grinning proudly at An and the others bc hey, at this point VBS is his kids.
Imagine Tsukasa's neglectful parents, who never goes to Tsukasa's shows in favor of Saki's concerts, decided to come bc Saki asked them, and can only watch as Tsukasa takes the fuckin stage, like the star he always talks about becoming, and then asked themselves, "what have we miased this past few years?". Imagine Emu's father who never have a very good relationship with his daughter, decided to come to like review WxS performance or smth, only to be surprised when he heard Emu's singing and dancing (Emu's siblings are proud af). Imagine Nene's parents who never thought much of their daughter, one day got an invitation from her, and when they came, they watch in awe as their daughter shows them the reason why she's called the Songstress. Imagine Rui's parents, who cares so deeply about him (i think?) but never goes to his shows, finally has time, and doesn't regret coming as they witness the amazing performance that their son directed.
Imagine Kanade's father, watching N25 live concert on youtube, and slowly, faintly, recalling a familiar soft voice within all the voices who resonates in the live (i think he lost his memories right??? i forgot what happened to Kanade's father). Imagine Mafumom, watching live of her daughter's singing, how much emotion, how heavy the lyrics are, and maybe, just maybe, she for the first time doubted herself a little. Imagine Shinei, who always doubted his daughter, having his jaw dropped bc not only the illustration of the live is gorgeous, his daughter's voice is so filled with emotions that he felt shivers, just like when he heard Akito sang for the first time in a live house. Imagine Mizuki's parentd, who never rlly cared of what Mizuki does as long as she's okay, decided to take a look at her live, only to have their jaws dropped because wow, their daughter's singing is amazing.
- I wanna make scenarios for MMJ and L/N too but i dont read much of their stories 😭
rlly the WxS and N25 also has a little bullshitting bc i dont read all of their stories either. the only scenario im sure would happened is VBS bc i practically read almost all of their event stories, plus the ones in the past that i missed.
- yeah i just want to see pjsk parents seeing how much their children grow and getting a whiplash from it. imagine them reacting to like, all 5 units holding one giant concert. and you can see the contrast, the difference between each unit's parts, but their melody resonates nonetheless.
- also i think i sent an ask about the Shinonomes headcanon but it hasnt been answered? idk if it went through, but i did ask if i can be an unofficial mod there, so once again, can i be unofficial mod Tsukasa? :3
SOBBIBG SCREAMING CRYINH. pjsk parents can suck it tbh but their room for redemption is soooo interesting to me.
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thrilling-oneway · 8 months
Tsukasa Tenma
I've mentioned it before but WxS is the group I would consider to be the least close on a personal level. It's complicated to put into words. They clearly love and treasure each other dearly and Our Happy Ending really works to show us just how much their friendship means to them and how broken they would be without it. But despite that there's still barriers. I come back to what Rui said in KAITO's initial card about how he and Tsukasa aren't the kind of close friends who talk about their childhood memories. Like... how to put this. WonderlandsxShowtime is an incredibly tight-knit and valued circle of friendship, but Tsukasa in particular very rarely divulges information about his past. Mainly in regards as to how he came to be like this, like Tsukasa. They know about the shows and that he wanted to make Saki smile but there's those small personal details that are only known because of Toya telling Rui about them.
WxS is incredibly important to Tsukasa, Our Happy Ending is evidence enough of that in that he actually broke down crying for the 3 whole seconds they were disbanded. I think it's more obvious that they're important on a professional level (thanking Emu for hiring him in OHE, thanking Rui for being their director in the connect live), but he does care about them on a personal level he's just less vocal about that part. It's still very obviously there but just not explicitly in the words "I love my friends thank you for being with me", and by no means does it need to be. Maybe the audience interpretation is not helped by the fact that Tsukasa is somewhat single-minded about theatre. He throws himself all into that - theatre comes first, evidenced by Phoenix where he neglects his health for the sake of a role and his development. As well as this there's the fact he tries to tackle most of his challenges alone, rather than asking for help. He goes into tunnel vision when theatre is concerned, although it has been stated a few times that his childhood experiences very much did shape who he is, and I do wonder if having to take care of himself so often from such a young age plays into his mindset of having to do things on his own, even when he encourages his friends to do the opposite. However, over time he is gradually learning to, well, learn from other people. He's got WxS and he's got other actors around him to help him, and he is learning that he can rely on them when he hits roadblocks. A star shines brighter because of those around him, a lesson he learnt well in the main story.
And while there isn't really anything to confirm this, I get the feeling that part of the reason he never got an event covering his feelings over the disbandment and overall seemed to be far more ok with the idea is maybe because he's a realist in some ways. As I said, nothing to actually suggest this, mainly just thinking what would make sense given his childhood where he was constantly exposed to the harsher things in life through Saki being in hospital for a lot of it. That said, he kinda just doesn't like to think about negative things. We see him faced with the possibility of the group disbanding a few times, but his reaction is always to worry about it later, and enjoy it now. Or something along those lines. Like think about in Dazzling Light where it takes him a while to realise that actually he used the piano when he was lonely the same way Torpe used the stars. Or in Phoenix at the Sky's Edge where he has to force himself to break down in defeat and accept that he isn't as good as his peers.
As I said, WxS are important friends to him, even if he usually only vocalises this on a professional level. Like even if it isn't said it's obvious by his actions that they mean something personally. He respects Emu's wishes to make people smile over everything because they align with his own. Both of their dreams were sparked by a loved one that they treasure dearly and with their whole heart. He wants Emu to be happy as well, and wants her to be more open with the troupe (Smile of Dreamer), and in Wonder Magical Showtime, he put the competition that could get him a head start in his career aside for Emu's dreams to uphold her grandfather's legacy, knowing full well that he was giving up an opportunity for himself. It was a completely selfless act for her benefit.
He respects Nene's talent and aspirations, and again they align with his own, to be able to be good enough to see stages worldwide. Even if they bicker, he does care about her, checking in on her at school to see how she's doing in her new class (Hello Good Day), and encouraging her as she improves her singing and works towards her dreams. He gets genuinely worried for her and not just the show in Holy Night when she hits a roadblock with her singing. Admittedly I think their relationship is a little less defined that Tsukasa's relationships with Emu and Rui, but also I am going off memory on this one so it might just be that I remember Nene events less. Nonetheless, they have a lot of respect for each other, despite their bickering and Nene usually acting annoyed at him, they are still close friends who are important to each other both personally and professionally. Due to them being the main actors of the group as well, they naturally fall into that respectful and friendly rivalry. Both of them are incredibly talented and can see each other's abilities as a goal to work towards, though this is more defined from Nene's side, given she's slightly more focused on the singing side of things over acting.
Skipping over the relationships that don’t involve Tsukasa and going straight to Rui because, well, this is an analysis of Tsukasa. But, how to put it, it feels like Tsukasa and Rui’s relationship might be one of the most misunderstood within WxS? Like maybe it’s because they’re the designated comedy duo as Oddball 1-2, but also there’s like 2 and a bit events dedicated to it so I dunno. Anyway.
Tsukasa dislikes the Oddball 1-2 bit because he doesn’t like getting in trouble at school. In 2nd year he was the class president and in 3rd year he joined the disciplinary committee because he didn’t like the fact he had a bad reputation and was supposedly (definitely) considered a problem child. He adamantly refuses that he is a problem child and wants to be a responsible model student. That's the issue he has with it. He actually doesn't actually mind doing all of Rui's stunts even if he does complain sometimes, because he knows even if they sound dangerous Rui wouldn't do something that would get him hurt (Wonder Halloween).
Tsukasa's relationship with Rui is built on a mutual trust, because obviously as an actor and director they have to be able to understand and work with each other (Curtain Call). Tsukasa trusts that Rui will help him to shine, Rui trusts that Tsukasa will perform under his direction to 12000%, and they trust each other to put on the greatest show together. And again respect comes into play because of their aligned goals. That said their relationship isn't strictly limited to the professional side and Pandemonium is definitely the biggest game changer in that aspect. Actually while everyone talks about the end there's actually a couple earlier scenes that are needed to add the full context of it, even if the event is mostly from Rui's POV. Actually the most important scene is probably the part where Shizuku tells an anecdote about her and Tsukasa as kids and then mentions that Tsukasa is the kind of person who really loves his friends, and then Rui realises that Tsukasa had been looking out for him the entire trip and making sure he was getting along with his classmates. So even if it's not from the POV of Tsukasa himself, it's very clear that Tsukasa does care about Rui a lot and values him as both a good friend and a director. They actually become significantly closer after this event if recent interactions are anything to go by (Tsukasa's new 2* has them going shopping together, something Emu and Nene do often who were always closer friends than the boys were).
I don't think the scene at the end was one-sided either. Even though Rui says that he was able to change because of Tsukasa, what Tsukasa said in response isn't wrong. He accepted Rui's thanks, but he still turns it back on him because it's true that even if Tsukasa gave him the chance to stand on stage, Rui never would've actually changed if he didn't take his hand. Tsukasa's pretty selfless when it comes to the people in his life. While yes, he can be selfish sometimes about his dreams, but that's just what you have to do when you're passionate about something. With people it's different. He does the same thing with Saki, and a few other characters. Tsukasa has positively impacted the lives of multiple characters but when it's pointed out to him he will find a way to turn the situation on its head and find how those people took what he gave them and helped themself with it because that's just who he is. He's happy to see his friends happy and will point out their good points that they fail to notice. Tsukasa didn't need to talk about his own experiences then either. That would be very out-of-character for him. It wasn't his moment to share, not to mention he doesn't talk about that sort of stuff to anyone but his family. It was Rui's moment to express his gratitude and Tsukasa's moment to accept it, not unload his trauma (also, it was a Rui event).
I think part of the reason Tsukasa's events are heavily focused on him and only him when the others get events that are more tied to their relationships with the unit is simply because his arc is more closely linked to his personal growth in regards to acting. While Emu had plenty of friends, she didn't have anyone at Wonder Stage with her, she needed people to take her dream seriously. Rui had been outcast by everyone around him and just needed friends to accept him for who he was. Nene was shy and needed an outlet to rediscover her passion for theatre and people to encourage her to push through the past trauma holding her back. WxS obviously was what set off Tsukasa becoming a better person, but he always has dealt with everything personal alone. Even in the main story after WxS split, he went to the SEKAI and had to unpack his childhood memories by himself (I guess a plushie did help him out actually), and he had to get Emu back by himself.
Rui and Emu's events are especially slightly more focused on their relationships with the unit, because they're the ones who have always been pretty satisfied with where they are. They have their dreams, and they're working towards them. But what has always been the most important for them has always been having friends who truly accept them and take them seriously. That's why they were the ones who got the events focused on the possibility of the unit disbanding. Because WxS is especially dear to them.
On the other hand, Nene and Tsukasa are the ones with huge dreams of a worldwide stage. It's clear Nene wants to go to Broadway (fes card), and Tsukasa mentions wanting to go abroad multiple times. Their events are always focused on them honing their talents and skills to get closer to that dream. However there is a stark difference in how they do it. While Nene still often works on her own, she's always been pushed forwards by the others, she knows she can rely on them, and she even got to meet her idol and be mentored by her. She's got a stable (professional) support system and knows that there's people to help her out even if the work is something only she can do.
Tsukasa is the opposite - he tries to deal with problems alone. He doesn't take help until he's pushed himself as far as he can alone, he lies to Saki when she's worried about him. As I said earlier, it genuinely does seem like he feels he cannot accept help, that he has to work alone. Because the game makes it very clear that Saki is massively important to him, she is literally what sparked his dream in the first place, him lying to her is a big out of character moment for him. Phoenix makes it very clear that his craft comes first, but he also has a very unhealthy mindset when it comes to some of the roadblocks he faces in said craft.
The thing you have to remember is that all of this comes from Saki. Specifically, the situation she and her family were in way back when. Saki was chronically ill, and she had to be away all the time. It was all completely out of her control. However, in one instance of her being home, Tsukasa saw how happy she was at a play, and he built his entire life around that. And obviously as Saki's illness worsened, he started to develop a persona to make himself more confident and mature. He had to take care of himself even when he was a kid because of how often he was left in the house alone. Not to stray too far into speculation, but the thing is when these sorts of things happen at such a young age they will start to mesh with who you are. Because you are growing and if you're having to be completely independent and put on a persona to act in an ideal way, that is going to grow into you. And it very clearly did, just read the main story and it's clear that persona and idea of being independent got to his head. It's also clear that he pushed a lot of what actually caused those things to happen to the back of his mind, the SEKAI existing is proof he never really forgot, but he pushed it away for some reason, presumably because it isn't a nice thing to think about. It's never outright confirmed, but to me it seems pretty clear that the things that happened in his childhood shaped how he acts now.
Actually, a lot of his arc outside of him improving as an actor is about learning the lesson that he cannot do everything alone, and that there are people here to support him. It's what Rui teaches him in the main story when he leaves: Tsukasa cannot become a star on his own. When Tsukasa runs into roadblocks he usually will try to deal with them on his own at first, which is what most people would do, of course. However he tends to really push his limits before he accepts help, because he's stubborn, and it's frustrating that he can't work out how to get into character for certain roles. But there's a very clear development in how he accepts help. Compare the main story, where he only cared about himself and couldn't work well with other people, to Phoenix, where he's surrounded by people to support him and is able to openly show his insecurity to them. However, there's a certain disconnect between his personal and professional sides; even as he learns to open up about his problems, they're specifically his professional ones.
I think the reason his relationship with WxS is less obviously important, with you instead having to read a bit between the lines to see it does go deeper than just coworkers, is simply because Tsukasa isn't good at dealing with his emotions, mainly regarding his past (also, as I've said, he just never really vocalises it). He was worried for Saki but he had to be brave for her, he had to be happy so she could be happy, he couldn't be vulnerable because a good big brother isn't vulnerable, so he created a persona for himself. He had to take care of himself and was lonely so often, but Saki had it worse, so he would play the piano and then he pushed the experience aside when it was all over. Even if Saki had it worse, Tsukasa didn't have it good. And as I said, he pushes it aside. He rarely talks about his childhood. Saki and Toya obviously know, and Rui knows what Toya told him, but Tsukasa just never brings it up to anyone outside of his family. He's not great at processing his emotions. I think all of that sort of builds up an emotional wall between him and WxS that just makes him seem less close in a way. It's there, the closeness is there but it's limited by the fact he holds so much back compared to everyone else. There's a lot of things they don't know about him that so far has had to come from a third person (that being Toya in a couple area conversations and Never Give Up Cooking).
And, of course, it does make sense that he was able to grow closer to WxS through theatre, considering just how much of his life it takes up. Theatre is so so much to him, so it's no wonder that as he learns to open up about how he feels, the feelings that he opens up about connect to his craft. But it's that, the fact that it's all theatre. It takes up so much of who he is, which is by no means whatsoever a bad thing, but there's still a lack of his life beyond that. The phrasing there is a bit misleading, so let's put it this way: obviously WxS and we as the audience know he's an excellent older brother, he's incredibly kind and loves and cares for his friends so much, he gets pretty good grades in school but he does cram, he's loud and bombastic and loves being in the limelight, and most importantly he loves theatre, and wants to make people smile just like his sister did way back when. But then only his family and we as the audience know about the other things from his past, like how much of a toll Saki being in hospital took on him, how he was lonely, the extent to what the piano means to him. Pretty much all of what WxS knows about him is about him now. They don't know much about his past outside what they've been told by other people. You don't have to know about someone's past to be their friend, but knowing about their past can help you to understand them better, their inner workings and how their past shaped them into who they are now. It can help you to develop a deeper personal connection. Even if they don't get a whole event and it's only mentioned in passing, like Kohane for example (though it's plot relevant for her), every other character has discussed their past with their unit, be it their childhood or only a year before the game is set. Tsukasa is the only character who has his past shown and talked about who doesn't ever talk about it with his unit (outside the basics of Saki and shows). We're shown more than quite a few characters get but these scenes are only for the audience and his family to know about, not his friends.
Come Our Happy Ending, Tsukasa's relationships with the others is clearly an important one. There's a reason he's broken up by the very real possibility of the group splitting up. As I said, he tends not to dwell on the negatives, he always pushes those aside unless he has no choice but to face them, and this was one of those times he had no choice. WxS has given him so many opportunities as both a craftsman and as a person. He's a better person because of them, he's changed because of them, he's closer to his dream than ever before because of them. Even if he doesn't always vocalise this, even if he still puts up walls and limits how close their relationships can be, those relationships are still nonetheless valuable to him. As said by Shizuku, Tsukasa is someone who really loves and treasures his friends, his friends and family are the most important people to him. Despite how bombastic of a character he is, he's extremely nuanced and there's a lot of subtlety when it comes to how his experiences and the people in his life affect him. He just needs to be a bit more open to talk.
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walkingsnakes · 11 days
Tsukakaaaa he's so hated (at least by tiktok ig) but he's my silly billy. Genuinely one of my favorites, so I'm gonna share some headcanons as well for him like I did Saki!!
Some of these will be about disability, cause I like it <3
Tsukasa Tenma HCs
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• He struggles with his volume a lot. When on the WonderStage he doesn't use a mic due to the fact that he always makes it peak. He doesn't need one anyways, he's as loud if not louder then the speakers just by himself.
• He's very much shoot first, questions later. This leads to him misunderstanding a situation and being rude or mean "back" to the other person. When he's tired this becomes more of an issue.
• Saki and him have a photo album they made together as kids in the hospital. He has pieces of papers and some of the pictures in his wallet, but the rest of the book stays in his room taken care of properly.
• He struggles understanding his own emotions. He will get frustrated and not understand exactly why, and have to go find an outlet. It's hard for him to talk during these times due to the immense amount of emotion he's struggling with in the moment feeling overwhelming.
• He takes early morning runs. He likes the cool air and the way it gives him better air control.
• This bitch is a theater kid.
• He's surprisingly good with kids
• Him and Nene talk the massive amount of shit together. They're gossip buddies. Rui also joins in sometimes ofc, but mainly him and Nene do this. Emu listens but doesn't often actually contribute.
• He's autstic. He doesn't like telling people that. Emu and Rui clocked that shit on day one and he got a little frustrated.
• Hates. Silk. Hates it so much.
• Has stuffed animals on his bed that he sleeps with. He says it's because they make good pillows and have good texture. While this is true, that is not the reason they're on his bed. Nobody believes him, they all know why they're on his bed. (He feels comforted and safe by them.)
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Feel free to add on!!
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ssruis · 12 days
My personal take on the tsukasa + toya dynamic is that like. Tsukasa helped toya a lot by giving him the familial warmth & unwavering support that he was not getting from his own family & encouraged toya to do what HE wanted to do with his own life instead of following what his dad wanted when he didn’t enjoy it, as well as kinda being toya’s only source of normalcy and activities outside of the piano as a kid. It’s not a stretch to say that Tsukasa changed Toya’s life for the better (causing him to meet Akito, discover what he’s actually passionate about, meet VBS, actually communicate with and stand up to his dad) and saved him from a future he would hate, it’s literally stated by Toya. Multiple times. & tsukasa still continues to be a huge supporter of toya and does his best to care for him. This stuff is made obvious over and over again -
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(Tsukasa’s Kamiyama festival card story)
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(Kamiyama festival)
- but toya also helped tsukasa a lot when they were kids too, even if it’s a bit less obvious (only stated outright in one card story iirc). Toya mentions not actually seeing Saki a lot when he was younger, as she was in and out of the hospital
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So it was typically just him and Tsukasa. Tsukasa’s entire dream in life was sparked by seeing how happy a play made saki, and his strange (said fondly) personality in the present day is because he was constantly trying to make her happy with shows/acting when they were kids. Realized it cheered saki up when he put on the Future World Star personality -> constantly acting/emulating the actors he saw on stage or on tv to make saki (and later toya) happy at a formative age -> it gets baked into his personality -> now it’s not even an act it’s just how he is. It’s incurable. (Not a bad thing, just something that explains why he’s such a freak)
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A large part of tsukasa’s identity is also being a big brother, which is made really difficult when you’re separated from your little sister constantly, she’s often suffering and miserable, and there’s nothing you can do to help her. As he mentions frequently, her happiness is a priority for him (sorry you’re gonna have to trust me on that one if you for some reason doubt that. Image limit. You understand. One example of many is in one of Saki’s birthday cards.)
And as hard as it was for Tsukasa to be powerless in that situation, it was way harder for Saki, because she was the one in pain/seriously ill/hospitalized throughout a large portion of her childhood. She mentions that she forced herself not to cry in front Tsukasa as a kid so he wouldn’t be upset (doll festival), and while it was happy tears in that situation it’s a safe bet that she tried to do it with any negative emotions too - but she was also suffering & acting happy all the time in that situation would be impossible for an adult, let alone a small child.
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(Toya’s doll festival card story)
Tsukasa couldn’t help Saki, but he could help Toya, and through that he was able to help himself/feel a little better. He could cheer Saki up, but that was about the extent of what he could do - he couldn’t stay in the hospital with her or ease her pain or take away her illness. Toya needed a friend/older brother figure/escape from his dad, which Tsukasa actually could provide. I feel like there was definitely some transference there where Tsukasa (unconsciously) just took all the big brotherisms he couldn’t do with Saki and redirected them towards Toya. Which, again, isn’t a bad thing, because he *was* helping toya through this, they formed a genuine strong bond, and it helped him deal with his emotions. + saki got a bonus brother to play with when she was home.
I think people want to water their relationship down to just “haha tsukasa adopts people as his siblings” which isn’t even true* and ignores the very specific set of circumstances that led to Tsukasa considering Toya his younger brother, and the circumstances that led to Toya seeing Tsukasa as an older brother figure, as well as the fact that they’ve known each other for like a decade at this point AND the fact that their parents are close friends.
Their relationship is so strong because it is built off of them both helping each other, not because Tsukasa randomly saw a sad kid and went “you’re my brother now.” Which is also why I’m not a fan of [x random character] is a tenma.** Plus, does saki’s relationship with that character not also matter? Toya’s relationship with Saki is a pretty big part of why he’s considered a part of the family***, even if he’s not as close to her as he is to tsukasa.
*In Tsukasa’s head a star is a good big brother and given that both of those things are deeply entrenched in his personality, he mother hens his friends & does his best to act like a responsible and reliable person towards everyone. As I’ve mentioned before, Wxs KAITO is a reflection of Tsukasa’s ideal self (reliable big brother/leader figure) - nobody says KAITO is adopting siblings left and right (wrt the other vocaloids/wxs). Notably, irrc, wxs KAITO & normal KAITO both desire to be seen as a reliable big brother figure by others, but as a general thing and not a “this guy is literally my brother” thing. Tsukasa is the same situation. He likes to provide a good example for his juniors because that’s what he believes a star should do, which is also why he gets so irritated about Rui “tarnishing his reputation” whenever they get in trouble, and what prompted him to join the disciplinary committee in his third year after hearing underclassmen be like wow the 1-2 oddball finish are so wacky & crazy. Acting like a big brother =/= literally adopting people as siblings.
** you do you though if you enjoy those head canons more power to you. It’s just not my thing (known canon purist).
*** give me like 10 minutes I have stuff to say about that as well that will have to go in a reblog. Image limit strikes again.
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sunshine-overload · 28 days
[BSTS] Main Story S5Ch8 'Long Night' - Part 2
part 1
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Chapter 2
-rehearsal room-
akira: .......
takami: What's wrong, Akira?
akira: Nothing. Was just thinking that Saki-chan hasn't visited for a few days now. 
takami: That's true, maybe she's been busy. Does it discourage you that she's not here?
akira: Obviously. I want her to see how hard I'm working. Have there been any updates on Sin? You ran into Unei on the way here didn't you?
takami: I didn't speak with him directly but it appears Sin has been discharged from the hospital.
akira: Oh? And what about Kokuyou?
taiga: I still haven't been able to get in contact with him. Feels like he's ghosting me.
takami: It's possible he's shut his phone off for personal reasons.
akira: Personal huh...
-sin walks in-
sin: Can you hear the footsteps in the night?
taiga: Woah!? Sin is here!
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akira: You sure got here quick. I heard you got caught up in a car accident?
sin: ...I'm fine. I just took a little knock to the head.
taiga: That doesn't sound like nothing.
sin: There were no problems found when they examined me.
akira: .......
takami: You sure got caught up in an unlucky situation. Have you spoken with the person who injured you?
sin: The shadow does not possess a name.
takami: I see, so you don't know who it was...
taiga: So it was a hit and run? You seriously need to be more careful.
akira: Well, what matters is that he's ok. Now it's just Kokuyou we need to worry about... Where the heck is he?
sin: All that can be found inside the empty box is dusk. Before night falls you must block out the light.
akira: I have no idea what you're saying man.
taiga: I feel so restless, a Starless without Kokuyou in it is so weird.
takami: True... On the off chance he doesn't show up I think we should prepare a back up plan. Akira, do you have any ideas?
akira: Without our leader I'm the highest in command yeah? I know that already. We'll proceed with a version of the show with me as the centre. Find someone to fill up our missing spot.
takami: I've already asked Kasumi to help us. Mokuren gave their consent as well.
akira: Then we're already all set? You're so capable it's almost annoying y'know.
Chapter 2 extra
-starless hallway-
takami: Kei, have you heard that we haven't been able to contact Kokuyou?
kei: I have. If W has a missing man do you intend to borrow a substitute from another team?
takami: Worry not, we've already asked someone. Kasumi will be filling in if Kokuyou does not show up in time.
kei: Then why are you speaking to me?
takami: I was just wondering if you're also in a bit of a pinch. Your mind is elsewhere isn't it?
kei: It is none of your concern. You should focus on your own performance.
-starless office-
akira: How mean can a person be? How did Mokuren even eat that many?
takami: What happened?
yakou: It seems that Akira bought some protein bars but Mokuren ate every single one of them.
mokuren: Obviously. Think of it as payment for me letting you borrow Kasumi.
akira: Aren't those completely unrelated matters?
takami: We're thankful for Kasumi's help though. This way we don't need to delay and can proceed with rehearsals.
yakou: Still, it's pretty unusual that Kokuyou hasn't shown up or contacted us yet.
takami: Indeed. We can't get a hold of him at all.
mokuren: It can't be helped, want me to replace him instead of Kasumi?
takami: Someone like you wouldn't be able to sub in for Kokuyou. It's true that you used to be a W member too but you're in a league of your own.
mokuren: It's not like you to try and flatter me, Takami. You owe me one.
takami: It's not flattery, I'm being serious. And I understand that we're in your debt.
yakou: 'Abandon the Dawn' is the name of your new show huh. I think Kasumi will be able to blend right in.
mokuren: Hopefully it interferes with his C lessons. That way he'll require make-up training.
yakou: You shouldn't be saying that, Mokuren. Kokuyou isn't here so please cooperate.
mokuren: You think I care? I've done my part in helping them already.
yakou: So, if Kokuyou does return, will you have him take Kasumi's place?
akira: Eeeh, nah. We'll just have Kasumi perform the whole run.
yakou: Well, I have no complaints as long as everything goes well. It looks like it will be a success at least.
mokuren: You're lucky this is happening while the owner isn't here. He'd be making a fuss about disbanding their team right now.
yakou: I can't deny that... Still, I wonder what happened to Kokuyou. Is he sick? Has anyone checked his apartment?
takami: No, I haven't been to check. Could anyone lend me his address?
akira: Don't worry, I'll go check on him. I'll leave it to you to teach Kasumi the choreo, Takami.
Chapter 2 SideA
-starless balcony, evening-
kei: ....... (sigh)
takami: Kei, if you're looking for something then I think I could help you.
kei: No need.
takami: Stealing back what's been stolen is just a simple game of cat and mouse.
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kei: And so what if it is? I am just doing what I must.
takami: It's just like you to be persistent . Then, how about you utilise my help?
kei: Why would I do that?
takami: Because I can prepare what it is that you need. For example, I could prepare a perfect replica, that would be useful to you, would it not?
kei: I refuse. I have no intentions of being used by you.
takami: I'm doing no such thing. All I want from you is information. About the Miki-san's and Iwami-san, and various other things.
kei: You really think I'll agree to that? 
takami: I'm up for further negotiations whenever. Kasumi interrupted us last time after all.*
kei: You mean back during W's 'BLACKSTAR' performance? It's too late for that now.
takami: Not for us it isn't. I'd like to avoid any unnecessary confusion.
kei: So you're trying to gain my gratitude?
takami: Who knows... It's just, because of the rumours spreading about the owner's absence, the power balance of this area is in danger.
kei: So you're saying continuing this farce of a play is your keeper's wish?
takami: —So, what will you do?
kei: It's obvious what my highest priority is. For now I shall dance to your tune.
takami: I wasn't expecting you to agree. In that case, negotiations are complete. I'll let you know when things have been prepared.
-takami leaves-
kei: ...He's annoying to deal with. I'd rather not associate with him, but I have no choice.
-kei's phone rings-
kei (on phone): It's me. What is it? 
I'm not happy about it, but not knowing Kokuyou's location is the only way to protect her. It's only for a few days, I can put up with leaving Saki to him for that long.
What? But that place is close to... Why would he go there, of all places…
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kei (on phone): No, for now it is still safer than her being here. Understood, I'm grateful for the update.
-kei hangs up-
kei: Birds are suited to the freedom of the sky... Will I allow it to be swallowed up by the shadow of fate?
*Takami is referencing the talk in S2Ch6 - SideB 2 extra
Chapter 2 SideA extra
-behind starless, day-
hinata (on phone): Hello~ It's me. Yeah, that's right, I went and checked a locker at the train station for him. He's a real slave driver~ Not to mention when I finally found the right locker it was empty! Like, why did he send me there if nothing was inside? It doesn't make any sense~ Also the other day he randomly told me to go and search for Sin and—
-kei appears-
hinata (on phone): Oh, sorry, I gotta go. Someone that's hard to deal with just showed up.
kei: Chatting away on the phone during your work hours, you truly are taking your obligations lightly.
hinata: I'm on my break! I'll head right back so don't get on my case about it. And so? You got business with me or something? I'm not in the mood for a lecture.
kei: You were the first to discover Sin after he was injured, weren't you, Hinata?
hinata: What? You want to talk to me about Sin? I was told by Iwa-san to look for him... It was awful, he was bleeding everywhere and I had to call an ambulance.
kei: I see. So there were no other witnesses and you were the one who claimed he'd been in an 'accident'. There's no way to prove that is the truth.
hinata: What do you mean by that?
kei: Oh I wonder. You above all should know best what I'm insinuating. I'm just wondering if the theory that the first person on the scene is the most suspicious holds any weight.
hinata: W-wait a minute, what are you saying? You don't think I did something do you? Go ask Sin yourself, he'll tell you the same thing! It's the truth!
kei: Indeed, I have already asked him. He told me that you saved him.
hinata: Then... You suspecting me was just a bluff? Tch, don't piss me off, you're messed up in the head, you know that?
kei: I simply wanted to hear your understanding of the situation. Return to your work.
hinata: Oh shut up, you idiot! You're so freakin' annoying!
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-hinata leaves-
kei: Setting him up as the first one on the scene and sending him to pick something up at the train station lockers... I wonder if Hinata himself even realises the extent in which he is being used.
Chapter 2 SideB
-old messy house, night-
kokuyou: ...It reeks of mould.
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saki: This place is...
kokuyou: Relatives of mine own this house. When I was a kid they looked after me for a period of time. After my grandparents died my relatives moved away and no one has lived here since. Being here again is nostalgic but this place is a complete mess. Come on in, there's still space to move around.
saki: Please excuse me.
kokuyou: Sorry about the mess. If anything gets in your way just push it aside. It's still dark out, what time is it— Right, we left our phones behind. I can't even check the time.
saki: We can't check the news or anything either.
kokuyou: I wonder if there's anything in my jacket pocket... My lighter and... This isn't gonna be useful.
saki: What is that?
kokuyou: It's an mp3 player. I put our new show's song on it.
-koku starts playing 'abandon the dawn' instrumental-
saki: (This song...)
kokuyou: .......
saki: Um, Kokuyou-san, I really am sorry for getting you involved in this.
kokuyou: There's no need for you to apologise. This isn't anything new and it's not like I could just leave you be.
saki: But your show is starting in a few days... I know, why don't you let me stay here for a while? You can head back to Starless and prepare for your show.
kokuyou: You want me to leave you on your own? Don't be ridiculous, we’re past the point of going back now.
saki: I don't want to cause you any more trouble than this.
kokuyou: Sin told me to hide you away for a week. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do. A week means I should make it back in time for the opening show. Things should calm down by then. Team W has Akira and Takami, they can handle themselves. 
saki: But you need to rehearse too, Kokuyou-san. Otherwise you won't be able to synchronise with the others.
kokuyou: Don't tell me you're worried about me messing up. I don't need any advice on that front. So long as the Starless stage exists, I'll be there.
Feel free to use the house however you like. Don't mind me. You're probably still on edge but try and get some rest. You're tired, so don't go overthinking things. I'm gonna go check something out back, don't go outside.
Chapter 2 SideB extra
-kokuyou's relatives house, evening-
saki: Nn...? I fell asleep…
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saki: (What time is it...? Looks like it's evening... I wonder where Kokuyou-san is.)
kokuyou: You awake? I didn't think you'd crash right here, I even cleaned up a room further in the house for you.
saki: Sorry, it wasn't intentional...
kokuyou: It's fine, you must've been really tired.
saki: Did you sleep too, Kokuyou-san?
kokuyou: Yeah, just a bit. I checked out the area too. There's a small strip of shops nearby, so if you're hungry we can grab something to eat. There's a public bathhouse there too. The shrine behind the house hasn't changed either. This place really is just as it was in the past.
saki: Oh right, you said this was your relative's place didn't you? Did you come here to play when you were little?
kokuyou: Yeah, something like that. Since I haven't been here for a while I figured we'd be safe coming this far. It doesn't seem like we've been followed but don't go wandering off on your own just in case.
saki: .......
saki: Is there nothing that you want to ask me?
kokuyou: If I did, would you even have any answers?
saki: That's...
kokuyou: I know that you don't know what's going on either. So asking anything would be pointless and only trouble you, am I right?
saki: Sorry...
kokuyou: There's nothing you need to apologise for. I've told you this already. Even if you had answers, you're not the only one who wouldn't talk about it.
saki: What do you mean?
kokuyou: Those at Starless are all the same way. If you ask them anything they're not the type to give you an honest answer. So, don't worry about it.
saki: ...Thank you.
kokuyou: Anyways, did you want to step out for a bit? We can go buy something to eat.
saki: —Um, Kokuyou-san.
kokuyou: What is it?
choice: I want you to get back in time for the performance / thank you for helping me
>thank you for helping me
saki: Thank you so much for helping me.
kokuyou: Don't sweat it. As if I could just leave you be in that situation. Now go and get yourself ready to go out. Your bedhead is pretty impressive.
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saki: Uwah, I need a mirror! I'm borrowing the bathroom!
-saki runs off-
kokuyou: ...I'll have to do something about this.
>I want you to get back in time for the performance 
saki: I want you to make it back in time for your performance.
kokuyou: You... —Understood, thanks. Now go and get yourself ready to go out. Your bedhead is pretty impressive.
Chapter 3
-rehearsal room-
akira: Aaand we're all done. As always you're quick on the uptake huh, Kasumi?
kasumi: Ahaha, I'm glad you think so. Maybe it's thanks to the fact you're the centre.
takami: We've gotten used to the new centre as well. The show has taken shape.
taiga: As expected Akira's version of Tristan is way too flashy. I could never~ 
akira: I'm always giving it my all y'know. Man~ I wish Saki-chan was here, I wanted to sing my words of love to her.
taiga: She hasn't been visiting recently. I guess she must be busy.
takami: I heard she hasn't been feeling well. Kei was worried about her.
akira: Wha, I hadn't heard that. Is she ok?
takami: I don't know the details, but I hope she feels better soon and is well enough to come visit again.
kasumi: Same~ I'd love for her to come and see the new show. And if possible, I hope it can be performed by the whole of W. So... Any updates on Kokuyou?
taiga: Nope. I think his phone battery is dead.
takami: Didn't you go check his apartment, Akira? 
akira: I did, but his motorbike wasn't there and I couldn't find him anywhere either.
sin: If the evening is destined to become darkness then the curtain of the night becomes meaningless. Furthermore, a dull blade cannot cut through the stars. That is all there is to it.
takami: It's not easy to be optimistic in a situation like this.
akira: Don't overthink it. We just gotta do what we gotta do.
taiga: A performance without Kokuyou huh... I never even considered it being a possibility. Has W ever put on a show without him before?
akira: Nope. Not that I know of at least.
taiga: I see, I'm a little worried what the audience's reaction will be like.
akira: I told you, we just gotta do it. Quit your mumbling.
taiga: Huh? Ah... Got it, sorry.
kasumi: Ahaha, Mokuren always says that if you're worried then it means you haven't practised enough, Taiga~ Let me help you with a Team C style intensive training course.
taiga: What? Hold up, since when were you this sort of character? No way!
kasumi: Can we start over from the top, Akira?
akira: ...Yeah, sure. The overall level of our performance is fine but if you're concerned about Taiga then let's focus on him.
taiga: Give me a break here!
sin: The diffused reflection of the light produces a false image. All we can do is follow the winding spiral as it disappears down into the void.
takami: No matter what happens, I just hope this is put an end to quickly.
Chapter 3 extra
-starless restaurant area-
heath: Gui, you're acting differently from usual.
gui: ...Am I?
heath: The colour of your aura is wavering. Did something happen?
gui: ...No.
heath: It wavered again. Is this about Saki? It is, isn't it? I haven't seen her here in a few days now and she always visits a lot, especially before a show starts. If you know something then tell me. Don't lie.
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gui: I can't tell you.
heath: Oh you ‘can't’? I see what's going on here. Fine, I'll go and ask Kei then.
-heath leaves-
gui: Me too... I want to know what's going on as well.
-gui leaves-
-starless backrooms-
heath: Hold it, Kei. Have you put her in danger again? Where is Saki? Tell me where she is this instant.
kei: Calm down, Heath. I am aware that you currently do not trust me.
heath: (coughing fit)
gui: Heath...! Heath, breathe. Slowly, in, out, in, out...
kei: Are you here to question me too, Gui?
heath: (coughing) ...Sorry, I'm fine, Gui.
kei: I understand your concerns fully. However, there is no need to worry as currently she is safe. In order for her to avoid any further danger, she has left the immediate vicinity.
heath: ........
heath: Is she truly safe?
kei: Yes. There is someone with her to protect her. And that is neither you nor I.
heath: And can you trust this person?
kei: ...Somewhat.
heath: Why... why can't it be me? Why the fuck are you standing around here instead of helping her?
kei: Because I must be here in order to protect her. Doing so is the very reason for my existence. Gui, look after Heath. Search within yourselves for your own reasons to be.
gui: Ok.
-kei leaves-
heath: ...Godammit. Why am I always so powerless?
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Chapter 3 SideA
-break room-
akira: Thanks, Kasumi. You've really saved our asses this time around.
kasumi: Oh no, it's no problem. I'm just happy to be useful. But... Don't go overdoing it, Akira.
akira: Hm? What's this? Are you looking out for me? If so I'd rather it be a cute girl that's fawning over me.
kasumi: Ahaha, noted~ Well, I'll see you in our next rehearsal then.
-kasumi leaves-
akira: .......
-nekome appears-
nekome: That was one one big sigh. You must've been working hard, you alright?
akira: Well I'm not alright anymore. I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now.
nekome: Looks like I caught you at a bad time~ Though that's to be expected, your team was suddenly thrown for a loop after all.
akira: Thrown for a loop huh... Funny hearing you of all people say that. By the way, Nekome, you wouldn't happen to know anything would you?
nekome: About what?
akira: Like why someone would suddenly disappear, or where they would go if they decided to. You have experience in those areas after all, could you give me some advice?
nekome: Hahah, that's a tough question. Kokuyou and I are completely different too.
akira: Completely different? What do you mean by that?
nekome: I mean that we value and prioritise different things. The things that we can't abandon.
akira: I don't get what you're trying to say.
nekome: Hey, Akira, do you have any spare change on you?
akira: Don't extort me, you haven't even answered my question. 
-nekome buys something from the vending machine-
nekome: Hahaha, sorry. To be honest though, Akira, I don't know either. So, I'm sorry for all the trouble I must’ve caused~ It even bothered you, right?
-nekome leaves-
akira: Look at that, he had plenty of change on him. Why is he like this...
Chapter 3 SideA extra
-police station-
kei: The person who assaulted you has been arrested. However he was merely a thug working under someone else's orders. By the way, Hinata mentioned that he was told by Iwami to go and look for you... He didn't appear to have any intention to hide that fact either. 
sin: He is using his pawns to his convenience. Those who know nothing are easier to control. Anything else?
kei: The item that was stolen from you had already been passed off to a different courier. However the ghost is not on the move. Before long, the one in possession of the card shall also be arrested.
sin: Meaning it has not reached that man's hands yet?
kei: Those who already work for money are easily convinced by more money.
sin: I see. So you're just waiting for them to fall into your trap. Alas, it is clear who is pulling the strings behind this. We should prepare our next move.
kei: I made a deal with a faithful dog. His keeper is preparing to go on the hunt.
sin: You made a surprisingly bold choice.
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kei: It was necessary to assure the bird's freedom.
sin: So you're willing to get your hands dirty if it's for her sake. That is just like you.
kei: It's still not enough. The shady groups around here are already looking for new positions.
sin: Hm, it's bothersome. Has news of Haseyama's absence gotten around?
kei: The cover up has reached its limit. 
sin: The pests infecting the nearby area should have been exterminated though.
kei: It's still not enough. That is why I must immediately change my approach.
sin: Meaning that taking back her card is the top priority?
kei: Exactly that.
Chapter 3 SideB
-kokuyou's relative's house, day-
saki: (Today marks the end of the week Sin-san told us to run for... Tomorrow will be the opening show of Team W's performance. I wonder if Kokuyou-san could get there in time if he went alone on his bike? I could take the train...)
saki: ...Hm? Where is Kokuyou-san actually? Maybe he went outside.
-time pass, roadside path, day-
saki: ...He's not here either. I wonder where he went.
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-screen glitches-
saki: (W-what was that? For some reason... this path feels familiar—)
kokuyou: What are you doing out here, Saki? I told you not to wander around by yourself.
saki: I'm sorry. I just wanted to check how you were.
kokuyou: I was visiting the shrine out back... Sorry for leaving you on your own.
saki: No, it's fine. I also— Huh?
-screen shakes-
saki: (Ngh... My head hurts... Why...?)
kokuyou: ...We've had a conversation like this once before, haven't we?
saki: Once before... With me?
kokuyou: I don't know. I just remember when I was a kid, I was waiting for somebody here. Tch, I can't recall anything else.
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saki: (Huh...? This has... Happened before...)
kokuyou: Anyways, let's head back. You look pale.
saki: I'm fine, more importantly, Kokuyou-san— Back then, why did you come here?
kokuyou: Back then? What are you talking about?
saki: (Why did I ask that... What ‘back then’ am I even talking about?)
-screen glitches-
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saki: Sorry I... I don't feel so good after all...
kokuyou: You ok? You look awful, c'mon let's head back.
saki: But... Your show...
kokuyou: That's not important right now. We're heading back for now, you can say your piece later.
-quick flashback appears-
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saki: (My head hurts so bad... It's no use, I can't even think straight anymore...)
kokuyou: Don't overdo it, here, lean on me, let's go.
saki: Ok... Sorry for the trouble.
kokuyou: I told you already, we’re past the point of going back now. Just stop thinking about it.
saki: (Stop thinking...)
-saki closes her eyes-
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Chapter 3 SideB extra
-kokuyou's relative's house, evening-
saki: Nn… Hm...? I'm...?
saki: (This is... Kokuyou's relative's place...?) 
kokuyou: You awake? Feeling any better?
saki: Kokuyou-san... What time is— The sun's already setting!?
kokuyou: Yeah.
saki: (If it's evening then... No but, if he leaves right now he could still make it.)
saki: Kokuyou-san, if you leave now you'll be able to make it back in time for tomorrow's opening show.
kokuyou: And leave you all alone after you just collapsed on me? If I felt like leaving you I would have done so already.
saki: ...I'm sorry... I really am...
kokuyou: Quit worrying yourself over it, I can afford to miss one show.
saki: Kokuyou-san...
kokuyou: Team W isn't just me. The rest of my team can manage. Akira's got his voice, Takami can organise... Recently Taiga has even been proving himself. And lastly there's Sin. He's surprisingly good at creating that trademark W atmosphere. He may have been injured but that won't stop him. That's just the kind of guy he is.
saki: ...You have a lot of faith in them all, don't you?
kokuyou: I wouldn't say that... It's more that I just know how those on my team think. So don't look so down, none of this is your fault. 
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kokuyou: —Five years ago, when I first met you, you looked like any other regular woman just living her life. Even now, I still just see you as a normal woman. Except, you've been targeted by some suspicious group that I don't know and you've even been kidnapped before. Do you really think I'm heartless enough to just leave someone like you to handle all that on your own?
saki: Kokuyou-san...
kokuyou: It's fine, get some more rest. You still look pale.
saki: This is all my fault... I'm so sorry...
-saki falls back asleep-
kokuyou: ...What to do.
saki: This is all my fault... I'm so sorry...
girl: This is all my fault... I'm so sorry…
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-flashback end-
kokuyou: ...Tch... Why does it hurt? Why is the scar on my neck hurting all of a sudden?
-flashback, alleyway-
sin: Peace cannot be achieved if old wounds still ache. —Proceed with caution, Kokuyou, Saki.
-flashback ends-
kokuyou: ....... (thinking)
(to be continued)
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helloworldjj · 2 months
no thoughts only tsukasa and the way he emphatically includes anyone without a second thought
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he may be just the littlest bit dense and overwhelming when interacting with others but he has that bright-eyed enthusiasm and willingness to accept others wholeheartedly that reminds me of how younger kids are. and not in a “wow he’s so childish and immature” way. he’s just so BRIGHT and unapologetically himself in the way that kids who are beginning to experience the world tend to be. and that’s such a perfect contrast to the rest of the cautious heart class.
despite his childhood loneliness, his personality wasn’t dampened and he’s honestly not what you’d describe as “cautious” lmao. he kinda skipped that phase where kids become self-conscious of their actions and suppress themselves for the sake of fulfilling expectations. whereas the others in the aptly named cautious heart class have aren’t as true to themselves in some way and are working to be more so
mafuyu, trying to find herself again and obviously having her “good girl” persona
honami, working to stand for her own opinions and ideas instead of always appeasing everyone
kohane, learning to be more out there and to stop worrying about what everybody thinks so much
haruka, always being in idol-mode and realizing that it’s okay to take breaks from that. (her story is different from shizuku’s and how shizuku previously had to hide her clumsiness and whatnot to be the perfect idol in Cheerful*Days, but I think that naturally as an idol, there’s going to be discrepancy between Haruka as a person and Haruka in the eyes of others/fans. this is very apparent in the miya girls school festival event where a girl tells haruka that she’s realized haruka isn’t some unapproachable professional idol that people think her to be. saki inviting haruka to the event committee provided haruka the opportunity to relax and show the less serious, regular-high-school-girl side of herself)
at first glance, tsukasa might seem like he’s an outlier in the cautious heart class. but in actuality, he fits so well because he’s just so great at encouraging the rest of the class to throw away any “cautions” about fitting into a certain expectation and just be themselves instead. obviously he himself doesn’t seem to care much about what others think of him, so he shows the others that it’s not so bad to put yourself out there
hence why he seems to be leading the class in the MV (when I watched it, I initially found it odd that he was so prominent lmao. I have thoughts on rui’s placement in the MV as well but i feel like that’s gonna turn out to be another long ramble LMAO)
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tsukasa tenma, you endearing, endearing little man <3
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dumping-ideas · 8 months
Okay, now my appreciation post for WxS digest anime
I love how theatrical it is!! But first, have some of Tsukasa's poses first
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And some of his pathetic expressions
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Sometimes I wonder why I even like him, but that's okay, he's adorable.
I love how it opens with a curtain and WxS!Miku greeting us (and the blue balloon before the title), and how the curtain and the close-up of Tsukasa's eyes are showing the viewers parts of the play--the prologue, the conflict to the falling action, and then the denouement. Very neat, and no wonder they shuffle the game's prologue to when Tsukasa realizes his feelings in the main story (chapter 13) because it is supposed to be the climax of the play. And the music!! The fun orchestral part only plays on prologue and denouement, while it's very quiet in the middle to build the atmosphere.
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Tsukasa definitely looks pathetic and embarrassing in the early parts of the digest anime, but I don't think his ridiculous expressions can defeat that meme-able Akito's expression lol
And it was really obvious compared to other units digest anime, but Tsukasa is definitely the star of the show (pun intended). In L/N main story, Ichika is not present for one of the most important moments (Honami & Shiho) and everyone have their moments to shine. In MMJ and VBS, Shizuku & Airi and Akito & Toya have their own plots where Minori & Kohane take a backseat role.
In WxS main story, Tsukasa is the protagonist who moves the plot along (and Emu as the deuteragonist). He's the main character who gets invited by the weird girl, invited the rest of the cast, makes the unit fall apart, finds the strength and will to make it all up, and gathers all of them together again. This digest highlights it by showing no two characters interact together without Tsukasa (except the hiding Nene and WxS!Miku).
And the climax, god, how much the flashback focuses on Saki's smiles makes me feel so much warmth. Tsukasa is focusing so much on Saki's smiles that he wants to make her smile as bright as that too. I also love how it shows how Tsukasa just duct-taped some cardboard as makeshift wings for a show for Saki. You can see how much effort Tsukasa did to make her smile, and even though it looked pathetic and shabby, he didn't care as long as she smiled.
........It's the 88☆彡 reference again.... the early lines...
"I’m sure somewhere along the way, I realized (this is…) Just a child’s play (La La La~ sparkling, twinkling) You showed your smile"
In that hospital room, Tsukasa knowing that it's just a poor imitation of the wonderful play that they saw together, but he didn't care because the important thing is that Saki is smiling.
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I love them.
I like (most of the) scenes that they choose, and I like how over-the-top the scene between Emu and Tsukasa in the beginning, and Nenerobo is also adorable.
Everyone is adorable, actually, even the 180 cm Rui.
Actually, Rui's solo scene in his garage just goes to show how disappointed Rui was by what happened. He's not only just angry at Tsukasa for blaming Nene so harshly, but he's also sad because his hopes of having friends to do shows together became naught again. In the beginning where Tsukasa asked him to do shows together (12,000%), it's obvious that Rui didn't really trust him but deep in his heart he wanted to trust Tsukasa. Rui saying "you can't become a star" to Tsukasa might hurt him as much as it hurt Tsukasa, added by the pain of having his trust betrayed by hurting his dear childhood friend.
But the Emu and Nene capture Rui together scene is very adorable.
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And have this Tsukasa reaching out to Rui with the light behind him.
As expected of a future star.
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cupcakeslushie · 9 months
HOLLY SH*T (about the last update)
When Leo gets his memories back does he also remember those (f*cking)400 days?
How would Leo have grown up to be like, if his memories weren't taken from him? (would he have become kind of like Donnie?)
will he ever open up to someone about this?
Does he have some kind of triggers left from the experience, even though his memories wee taken from it?
I adore your work and Have a great week 😁
1. 🤗
2. So, Leo’s issues are like a leak in a dam constantly trying to be held back. Kitsune’s magic can suppress or manipulate his memories, but a lot still manage to get through. Hence the need for the repeated sessions, and then later the Empyrean, to act as a booster to her magic—as Leo has built up a tolerance over the years, making it less and less effective. Leo does remember some things. Unfortunately, every time he starts to ask questions, he’s been so conditioned to seek out Kitsune to ‘fix’ his mind and suppress his emotions. But some of his memories were impossible to erase completely. They followed him around like little shadows, haunting him, and his choices. Leo is not stupid. He more discerning than he let’s on, and like Saki said, fear can be a powerful motivator. By the time Leo’s managed to claw his way up to a better position, he’s been fed so many lies that he doesn’t even trust his own reasoning. It’s just easier, and less painful to follow orders, no matter what his brain is constantly trying to tell him.
3. Tbh Leo probably wouldn’t have been very different from how he is. Shredder is a lot more…calculating in his abuse of Leo, than Draxum was for Donnie. Draxum was so unpredictable and volatile in his abuse. Everything that Donnie tried to do better, never seemed to help lessen his torture. It was just pain for the sake of pain. Shredder may be a monster, but his abuse had a goal—to make a warrior he could puppet into killing Yoshi. Saki didn’t just provide constant trauma, he gave positive reinforcement when Leo did something right, and used careful manipulation to bend Leo over to his side. All Kitsune’s spell did was make it easier and faster. If Shredder hadn’t had magic at his disposal, then it would’ve just taken more time and effort to break Leo and remold him, or Shredder might’ve just cut his losses and killed him.
4. Leo doesn’t want to burden his brothers with things that have already passed, and that feeling only gets stronger after he’s been saved from the Dark Armor. He’s constantly insisting that he doesn’t feel one way or the other from those days. It happened, but he says he feels so disconnected from it all. Leo’s earlier return to his family had already been filled with so much fighting, thanks to his withdrawals when he was first brought home causing him to act so erratic. Leo thinks as long as he’s not shouting at his brothers, or trying to attack Splinter, that he’s dealing with everything pretty well. Obviously that’s bullshit. But he’s gonna do a lot of healing during his trip with Usagi.
5. Leo’s worst triggers are when his family is in danger. Those times are when he falls back into either total bloodlust, or a more ruthless mentality, in order to protect them. Leo getting recaptured and thrown back into a cell will be like a wave of memories and trauma hitting him at full force. Like I’ve mention in point 1. He never totally forgot certain things, but the months spent free of Kitsune’s influence makes his second capture so much worse. He’ll be feeling all that fear and panic unfiltered, for the first time in years, and he’ll be able to recall the true horror of it—not the watered down, warped simulacrum Shredder wanted him to remember. Which loops back to point 4 about Leo’s lack of admitting his feelings being a coping mechanism. Once he gets rescued, unconsciously, he’s trying to mimic the dampening effect of Kitsune’s spell, by insisting through sheer force of will, that everything is fine. He can only convince himself that he’s unaffected by everything he’s experienced for so long.
6. Thank you!!! I hope you have an amazing week as well!
I’m sorry if this is kinda rambling, all these ideas be more clearly implemented in the comic, (at least I hope lol).
I also can’t remember how long ago I’ve even talked about Leo’s memory problems in one of these replies. I might be totally backtracking cause I think I’ve said before his memory was wiped completely, but I’ve been thinking it would give more complexity to his choices, if it was revealed his memory was actually more intact than Mikey’s this whole time. Mikey brain just needed a little boost from Raph, because his issue came more from him being so young that things faded over time. With Leo, it’s like a battle where his brain is trying to latch on to what it can to fight the effects of Kitsune’s spell. So his memory may be full of holes and beaten with a stick over and over, but it’s still knocking around in Leo’s head.
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citruscitrushope · 3 months
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@kerizaret your wish is my command >:3
So basically this au is an attempt to be somewhat close to the Torpe play as I can (unlike my other Dazzling au where it just uses the designs from the cards). WxS are an unnamed band that performs in a small vaguely British city, Rui as their leader. The Virtual Singers are shape-shifting beings that can appear in different forms to help out the different groups, such as secretly being the animals that helped Torpe have someone to listen to him play. The characters are all somewhat older than their canon counterparts (~22-23), purely so they can do things such as have jobs and live alone.
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Tsukasa Torpe-Tenma is the "protagonist" of this story, the most recent addition to Rui's band after proving himself as a capable pianist. He's somewhat shy and uncertain, yet spirited, and he can be somewhat grumpy at times. Before joining the band, he played piano at the town's tavern often, and he still does from time to time. He has a few peculiar magical abilities, such as light manipulation and the ability to talk to animals, though he hasn't quite realized that these things are abnormal. He lives at the edge of town with his two younger siblings: Saki, a conductor on a mysterious magical railroad, and Toya, a singer and florist. Most people simply call him "Torpe" outside of his siblings and people who have known him since he was a child.
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Rui "Danchou" Kamishiro is the leader of the band, who plays the flute and is the main one that gets them venues to perform at and writes the songs they play. He had initially given up performing after his music was seen as too "weird" but meeting Emu revitalized his dream to be a part of a band. He's kind and compassionate, the crossroads between a dreamer and a realist. He's somewhat teasing at times, but it's all in good fun to make others smile. He enjoys writing in his spare time as well. Most people call him Danchou (director/bandleader) outside of a few people who knew him before he took on that role.
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Emu Otori is the co-founder of the band alongside Danchou, who plays various percussion instruments for them. She'd always wanted to make people happy with music, as her family owns a large corporation that manufactures instruments (think something like Yamaha but old). She came across Danchou performing when he thought no one was around and found herself drawn to him and his music, deciding that she wanted to start a band with him. She's cheerful and optimistic, always willing to try new things to make others happy. Despite her corporate background, she's creative and passionate, always willing to stand up for her dreams. She lives in a large house outside of town with her family, but occasionally stays with one of the others to stay closer to them.
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Nene Kusanagi is an accordion player for the band, recruited by Danchou when Emu encouraged him to start a band with her. She used to perform often, but freezing up while with the first band she was in led her to give up performing. Danchou and Emu managed to encourage her to try again, thus she joined the band, marking the last edition until Torpe. She's quiet and somewhat sharp-tongued, but she greatly cares about others deep down, and is incredibly passionate about music. She also dabbles in writing her own music sometimes, but much less so than Danchou. She is Danchou's childhood friend, and one of the only people who calls him Rui.
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The two Virtual Singers that the band, mainly Torpe, interact with are Hatsune Miku and "Fuuga Kaito", the bartenders of the tavern that also occasionally play music (Miku plays the harmonica, Kaito the trumpet). They are incredibly supportive of the band and their goals, and often end up helping them in subtle ways. Outside of the forms they take on when with the band, they also occasionally shapeshift into animals that help Torpe out from time to time, no matter how annoying they may seem to him.
All of the other units exist in this world as well, each represented by a different card set, I might make posts about them as well if people want them.
Leo/need: Live with Memories
MORE MORE JUMP!: Cast a Spell on You! + Re-tie Friendship
Vivid BAD SQUAD: The Vivid Old Tale (before joining them Toya used his colofes design)
Nightcord at 25:00: Insatiable Pale Color + Colofes
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revelry-in-severity · 6 months
Daemon Sanrio AU!! (From someone who doesn't know anything other than names and appearances of the sanrio characters)
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Miku owns the nice fancy restaurant in town where Tsukasa and Mafuyu work at as waiters, though Tsukasa usually takes over most of the work and leaves Mafuyu with seating people which is fine by her as that doesn't involve much most of the time. She does have to push him around a little if he's thinking to much about Rui though. Haruka and Nene rotate on who's going to be the show at Miku's restaurant. It's a very good night if the three of them decide to perform together.
Almost everyone ends up here anyway due to it being in the center of town and a nice meet up place
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Kaito is Rui's first mate despite being older and owning the ship they all work on and Rui often returns to the city when they are running low on supplies. Minori had joined thinking it would be easier to possibly see some of Haruka's shows if she were traveling. Until Haruka decided to station herself, but Minori sticks around on the ship because it's fun.
Kaito's main job is supposes to be cargo delivery but if most of the cargo actually belongs to Rui and is mostly parts, then that's neither here nor there. Minori works as a waitress, but mostly sticks to Kaito and Rui as she's very slow due to not wanting her clumsiness to get the better of her due to the waves
Rui also returns often to see Tsukasa and the others. It's always a big scene between Rui and Tsukasa when they are reunited or saying goodbye
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Airi, Ena, Mizuki, and An all work at a boutique shop with Airi and Mizuki on the clothing side and the other two on the accessory side. An mostly joined as a way to get back at Akito and poke fun at Ena liking her more than him. Ena did it to see who would get more customers, while the others are just a bonus for her
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Emu and Shiho work at a bakery and Honami often stops by to buy food. Shiho does have to be on the look out sometimes as Emu likes to be experimental if she can. Honami also has her own apple orchard and she'll drop off fresh apples for them to use.
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Luka is actually the owner of the boutique, but Airi is the one who usually ends up doing more of the business work for her as she would likely ends up losing the papers. Meiko used to help her out, but now she mostly roams around and helps any of the stray animals she sees. It doesn't matter how dangerous. Everyone has to hold Shizuku's hand when she's out making deliveries and they often wonder who's bright idea it is to let her keep the job. They usually get a nice walk out of it though
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The three who never leave their houses. Kanade still likes composing music as often as she can. She still needs to be check in on as she doesn't leave the house. Meanwhile, Rin and Len are often working on their art projects. Rin likes writing while Len likes experimenting with 3d builds
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Touya skates around town to make his dad angry and Akito joins him every chance he can. It's because Touya didn't actually know how to skateboard beforehand and Akito needed to be the one to teach him how after he wondered if he would be able to jump down the stairs with the board because he knew the physics of the jump
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Saki is a frequent visitor to any and all places. She'll make Ichika and Kohane join her and they'll often just sit around and talk. Ichika has been learning photography from Kohane and Kohane uses the chance to take care of all the flowers in town as they walk around. They've been putting together a scrapbook for everyone
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proseka-headcanons · 3 months
hiii i just found this blog and i know there are a lot of trans hcs but i wanted to add my own real quick - just the tenmas though i do have hcs for all the others too essentially all three of them are trans, tsukasa is transmasc nonbinary, saki is transfem, and touya is transmasc genderfluid. saki "came out" (more like just expressed she wanted to be a girl) when she was really little and she decided she liked the name their parents picked out if she was going to be a girl. when tsukasa came out to the two of them, saki actually suggested his name to him and he accepted it immediately. it took touya a longer time to figure things out on their end but when he did she asked the other two to help pick out a new name for them. they are the silliest family to me and they are so important to me also sorry for the hc dump
YES all of them are trans. saki 100% transfem. this blog's top post is literally a post from me saying "transkasa. hit post." (and a reblog of it with a picture of tsukasa holding a trans flag. and i stated in another reblog that he's transmasc to me) toya is transmasc as well. let's be real no cis person looks like that. to me he's a trans boy who likes to crossdress sometimes. who cares if he never crossdresses in canon? he does to me. ehehe i love the tenma siblings so much sorry for chiming in, over to mod toya! - 🎀
No need to apologize for chiming in!
Now personally I think the Tenmasibs swapped names HOWEVER. I also really love your idea it's great
As for Toya IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII have actually no Idea what way I percive them to be Trans in He's Trans in Every way at once. Transmasc? Yep. Transfem? Absolutely. Non-Binary? Of course. Any Identity you can think of, it Fits Toya methinks. Toya just kinda. Exists. -🍇
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moodyl69 · 5 months
I wanted to request Tsukasa Tenma x gnreader fluffs headcanons about a relationship, only if you feel comfortable doing it! ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
dating tsukasa
warnings: none
fandom: pjsk
character: tsukasa
notes: OMGG first req!!!! i've written for tsukasa Once (year old saki angst.... /neg) so this should be good practice! this req was kinda vauge so i took some creative liberties hope you don't mind :) (req. by anon)
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tsukasa... he's such a silly little guy
as soon as he realized he had a crush on you, his first thought was to tell you as soon as possible
he definitely gets advice from saki on how to go about it
being himself, he had to make it grand in his own way. he'd bring you a bouquet of your favorite flowers and tell you how much he adored you
(all with a blushing face)
as a boyfriend, tsukasa will show you off everywhere
everyone who goes to his school knows about you
wxs in particular never hear the end of it (he has definitely suggested a show idea based off of you two)
"we could have a prince, played by yours truly, and a great ruler, played by my lovely y/n...."
"respectfully, tsukasa, shut the fuck up." (nene in particular is TIRED of him)
he loves pda, and will press kisses to your hand every now and then
the only time tsukasa gets embarrassed with physical affection is when you do it back
if you kiss him while he's rambling, he'll go beet red and won't say anything for a solid minute (record breaking)
tsukasa is very protective over you. aside from saki, you are the most important thing to him
if you get hurt, he'll be there right away to take care of you. if you're sad, he'll buy some of your favorite things to cheer you up
no matter what it is, he insists he's always a call or text away (and literally, he is)
he's all about treating you like royalty. saying he'd do anything for you is an understatement
because tsukasa would literally do anything for you
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writingwhimsey · 4 months
Married to the Enemy- Shingen Ch. 5
Chapter 5
After returning to the inn from his date with Ava, Shingen made his way to the veranda, deciding to sit out and gaze up at the moon as he sipped on some good sake. His mind couldn’t help but to wander to the date he had spent with Ava.
It appeared his new bride was truly special. She seemed to truly care for others. She just wanted everyone to be happy. It must have been that drive to make others happy that led her to agree to an arranged marriage.
He had to admit he adored the way her face lit up when she talked about her work as a seamstress. She had looked so passionate and full of hope. He knew he would need to make sure she was able to work with the seamstresses in Echigo. “Maybe I’ll even be her first customer.” He murmured to himself as he sat silently making his plans.
Though Shingen had always wanted a loving wife and family, he had given up the hope of having those dreams realized long ago. He couldn’t imagine putting loved ones through a difficult ordeal. Yet it seemed the only way to bring true peace had been to ally with the Oda and that had meant entering into this marriage. Kenshin would never agree to such a thing and Shingen didn’t want to foist Yuki into an arranged marriage either. He wanted Yukimura to be able to have the life he wanted. So it seemed only natural for Shingen to take the role himself.
And though this was an arranged marriage, Shingen was going to make sure his wife was comfortable and happy. With whatever time he had remaining, he would make sure her days were happy and spent doing the things she loved.
A couple days later…
After what felt like a small eternity of traveling, we finally arrived in Echigo and were soon crossing the castle gates. When we arrived, what looked like a streak of black, blue, and white seemed to rush at us…well more specifically Sasuke.
“How dare you take so long to get back!”
Sasuke was nimbly jumping off of his horse and dodging the attack. He soon had to draw his own sword as the streak materialized into a strikingly beautiful man. “Lord Kenshin, please…” Sasuke protested with a calm face as he blocked a blow from the man.
“No. You took too long, especially when I didn’t give you permission to go in the first place.”
“I’m sorry Lord Kenshin, but I wanted to be there for my friend.” Sasuke replied.
“You deserve this for going against Lord Kenshin’s wishes and attending the wedding. I was all that was needed to attend in our lord’s stead.” Kanetsugu spoke.
I was watching all of this with a stunned expression on my face. That was when I felt Shingen’s large hand come to rest on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, this is just Kenshin’s way of showing he missed Sasuke.” He assured me.
I turned to look at Shingen, a perplexed look on my face. “Really?”
Shingen nodded. “Yes, he’s not very good at expressing himself without his sword.” He was then hopping down from the horse and offering me his hand. “Allow me to help you down, my goddess.”
I took Shingen’s offered hand and slid down from the horse, though I still couldn’t help but to worry over Sasuke…and did he really go against Kenshin and come to the wedding just for me? He really was such a good friend. “Should…should somebody help him?” I asked, still concerned.
“He’s usually pretty good at handling these things himself.” Yukimura spoke up as he hopped down from his own horse. “But if it gets too intense I’ll help him out in a minute.”
“And I thought our guys were strange.” Saki said with a giggle.
“Lord Kenshin, we do have a banquet planned for this evening.” Sasuke said, as he jumped back from Kenshin and managed to sprinkle ground spikes to stop the man from advancing. “Also this isn’t the proper way to welcome Ava to your castle.”
Kenshin was then turning to look at me with Shingen, a glare clear on his face. “Ah, the woman, who helped stop my war with the Oda.” He muttered.
“Kenshin, Ava is my wife.” Shingen said. “And I would think you could recognize what a brave thing she has done. 
Kenshin continued to glare at me. “Whatever, just make sure you stay out of my way, woman.”
I was feeling a little irked by his attitude…and being called woman. “Excuse me, but I have a name and it’s Ava. And since we’re all part of an alliance now, and I’ll be living here, the least we can do is be civil and you greet me by my name.”
Sasuke and Yukimura were both looking at me with mouths slightly agape. Kanetsugu looked at me like I had just committed some egregious sin and Saki was looking at me with an amused smile.
Kenshin seemed taken aback, but was slowly sheathing his sword before jumping over the ground spikes. “Just see to the preparations for the banquet and you had better have brought back some excellent sake to make up for all of this.” He declared as he walked away.
“I knew you were brave.” Shingen said, smiling warmly at me.
I felt my cheeks flushing from his praise. “I don’t know about that. Sometimes I just say whatever pops into my head without thinking…it’s really gotten me into trouble a few times.”
Shingen smiled at me. “I find it an admirable quality.” He said. “Now, come and I’ll show you and Miss Saki to your rooms.”
Some servants were coming to take mine and Saki’s luggage into the castle, while other attendants were taking the horses to the stables. Saki and I followed Shingen inside as he showed us around, taking us to the rooms we would be living in.
“Saki this room is yours.” Shingen said, gesturing to a door. “I hope it is to your liking and it is right here next to Ava’s room.”
Saki smiled. “Thank you, my lord. Makes it very easy to be able to attend to my lady.” She was then winking at me. “I’ll check it out and start working on getting it set up.” Which was her way of saying she was giving me and Shingen privacy.
I smiled at her, but felt my cheeks reddening at the thought of being alone with Shingen like this. Shingen was reaching for my hand. “Allow me to show you, your room, my bride.” He said, once again making me warm all over, especially with the look in his eyes.
“Okay.” I replied, my hand warming up in his larger one.
Shingen opened the door with his free arm and led me inside. The room was beautifully decorated with the most beautiful hanging scrolls and fine arts. The folding privacy screen was gorgeously hand-painted. There were wooden shelves and a wooden chest for clothes and other things. There were vases with fresh flowers…it was honestly more extravagant than my room at Azuchi.
“I hope everything is to your liking.” Shingen said. “I picked everything out for you.”
“Thank you…it’s all so lovely…it’s too much really…” I said, feeling a bit flustered.
“I can’t have my wife in a room with anything less. You don’t put a flower in a plain vase.” Shingen said, lifting my hand to place a kiss on the back.
“I…thank you.” I replied, my face on fire. It was then that it occurred to me that he said this was my room. “So…uhm…you said my room…uh…”
Shingen smiled at me, his gray eyes warm. “I thought it might be more comfortable for you to have your own space.” He told me. “Unless you are ready to share a room with me.”
“I…we’ve only had one date.” I replied, my face heating up further. “I…I do appreciate your consideration.”
“If there is anything you need, just let me know.” Shingen told me. “And speaking of our date… would you attend the banquet with me tonight as our second date?”
I smiled. “I think that would be a good date.” I agreed. “Are…are these banquet formal?”
“No. Very informal actually.” Shingen answered. “Very relaxed. We mainly use them to keep Kenshin pacified with plenty of sake.”
I couldn’t help but to laugh. “Does he get a little less…violent and stabby when he has enough sake?”
Shingen nodded. “Sometimes.” He answered. “I am very much looking forward to spending this evening's banquet with you, though.”
“I am looking forward to it, as well.” I replied.
Shingen smiled. “I will let you get settled and I’ll be back to escort my lovely bride to the banquet.”
“That sounds good.” I replied.
Shingen continued to smile, his gray eyes on mine as he brought my hand up to his lips placing a kiss on the back. “Until tonight, my goddess.”
The warmth of Shingen’s lips lingered on my hand once more. Shingen really knew how to make me melt. I was going to be a puddle…and we’d only been married a few days. 
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