#Sakura the Naga
rainbowmurderhorse · 2 years
Do you mind explaining why this hasn't been posted yet? (At least as far as I've seen, my phone keeps glitching when I scroll too far on peoples accounts).
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If you say you have a handful of Naga OC's, do they have names? Are they all based off different types of snakes? Which one is your favorite if you have one? (Bonus questions: Do you have any lore with them, or world at which they come from?) HAVE A SUPER DUPER DAY, FRIENDO!~
hello there! Thank you very much for the ask!! Plz forgive me though this might get a lil long! As for the answer to the first question the simplest answer is that I'm a mix of scared,embarrassed, a lot of low motivation levels and my mental health being quite bad as of late but I'm gonna be trying to change that this year and post more even if it's just something small like writing some lore tidbits about my OCs or if I'm feeling brave and I like a picture or two I make I'll post it!
Putting this under a read more cause it did get long!
Now onto the next question which is Yes! They do! 5 of them have names one of them sadly do not and only three of them are based off of real life snakes in a sense.
Mike is my oldest one (I.E. I made him when I was much younger) and while I need to heavily revamp or retire him he was based off a small green snake that I once saw in a picture.
Sakura and Alto meanwhile are somewhat newer and based of an albino snake that I also once saw in a picture this one wore cute lil hats if I remember correctly. Alto is pure white with red eyes Sakura on the other hand has pink eyes and splotches/markings on his tail (I need to draw my snakes more often tbh but I do have this for reference for Sakura)
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The other three aren't really based on anything i iust went with what colors i thought I'd like the unnamed one's scales are red,Basil's scales are blue(they used to have red diamonds on the back but I need to redesign him a bit so idk if I'm gonna keep that or not)and for Kota I still need to come up with his color scheme.
For question Three I do love all my OCs don't get me wrong but sometimes I hyperfixate on two or three depending on my mood but if I had to Pick a favorite It'd probably be Basil as he's been the most used to RPs with my friends. He's followed Closely though by Sakura and Alto. I need to find more time to work on the other three.
As for Lore here's what I got for my boys (I'll try to keep it to a short version):
Basil: He lives by himself deep within the jungle and he works as a healer for all who need his help and can use magic (he can give himself legs if he needs too as an example). He tries his best to live a quiet and peaceful life but sometimes he does get dragged into things Depending on the universe he's in. He's an oc I that can fit into many different AUs. Basil can also be a little bit of a grump but he's really kind and you're close enough with him he'll gladly let you rest in his coils and he'll try to keep you as warm as he can.
Sakura: He is the butler/Right hand of Demon Lord/King Luna and takes care of his Master's home and affairs while his master is busy with other things. The two live in a town that mostly populated by monsters n the like and it's Luna's job to protect the town. Sakura was hired by Luna and he's been happily serving him for years, He's usually a cheerful and sweet guy who does his best to be friendly and welcoming to all their guests but he does have a hidden dark side that Luna is slightly intimidated by when it comes out as Luna is more used to the chill side of Sakura.
Alto: The Demon King of Medicine and Alchemy as a man(or well Naga) of Science he lives in a somewhat dis/gaea-esce world (aka the Netherworld or demon land) and is one of the many kings in this world. He is one of the most peaceful kings and due to him being a neutral party his kingdom is one of the largest and safest to be in because the last time someone tried to start a war with him all of the offending Kingdom's crops mysterious died and the water supply was poisoned to the point that if you stuck your finger in it you'd be dead in the next hour. That was all of Alto's doing and he threatened that he can and would do much worse than that if the war efforts persisted, needless to say all the Kings and Queens agreed that day to never go to war with his kingdom again. But don't worry he helped the offending get back on it's feet and returned the water back to normal.most of his followers and subjects are students of Alchemy,Medicine,Magic,etc and he is usually welcoming of beings of all shapes and sizes ranging from demons to humans and even angels as well.
The most surprising thing about Alto is also one of the most Ironic things about him he's incredibly shy especially around new people and is almost always internally freaking out(think Tam/aki from M/y He/ro or Sto/rk from Sto/rm Haw/ks((who I slightly based him off of)) ) People don't know this about him though unless they're incredibly close to Alto as there are very few people that work with daily with him and even fewer kings n queens who know what the true Alto is like as he almost always has a resting bitch face to put it bluntly and his glare tends to come off rather intense because of it(once he's in a safe, more relaxed environment or around his three closest friends he smiles more and he actually acts and looks quite soft). He does listen to his subjects though and does his best to fix any major problems that crop up and if his schedule isn't swamped he'll teach some classes at the local colleges plus much to his citizens surprise he's rather patient and kind when teaching.
Kota: is a captured specimen and was being experimented on by an evil corporation and that's sadly I have for him
Mike and the Unnamed Naga oc sadly don't have a sold story either but they will one day.
Sorry this got so long but thank you reading this if you did I deeply appreciate it!! And I hope that you have a super awesome day too!!!~^^
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a-titty-ninja · 2 years
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imustbenuts · 5 months
Dragons, Snakes, and the Missing Link
tl;dr The Missing Link is the Naga deity from Buddhism/Hinduism. (featuring jesus ichiban)
lowercase bc im tired today...
has anyone ever wondered how similar looking eastern dragons and snakes are?
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the eastern dragon originates from china tradition, and is associated with the heavens, rain, thunder, fortune, strength and benevolence. it is also associated with whimsicality, being that the heavens and nature tend to be very whimsical when it came to the lives of people.
(originates from china, kind... of. bc theres more to this chinese origin. more under the cut)
further, it is said that should an emperor witness a dragon, they are guaranteed to be a good ruler and bring an era of peace and prosperity. this is effectively an approval from the heavens, ie, the Mandate of Heaven, and was as useful as the Divine Right of Kings argument for why rulers should rule.
its not too surprising that kiryu ends up also having a say in choosing Daigo or Terada as successors. (although he might have fucked up with terada, but Daigo became someone who is a good fit if not for the overwhelming odds stacked against him... theres also an arguement that kiryu wasn't quite Like A Dragon just yet in y1.)
so dragons are super duper important. and kiryu the character embodies what a dragon is, cool!
but then, we have... majima. who has the snake as a secondary motif of his irezumi, and i think has a secondary possible role that hasnt been pointed out yet in EN afaik
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so, ive done some digging for why people think majima has the snake motif, and one possible explanation is that snakes are associated with immortality, a messenger to the heavens, which does fit majima. juxtaposed to the short bloomed sakura in his irezumi, it reads like a very elaborate art piece with layers of too many meaning, majima is fascinating. anyway.
this article goes into even deeper details why snakes are popularly paired up with the hannya mask, but are kind of vague about it:
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what i want to zero in is... this word: Naga.
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to understand why the dragon is linked to naga, i need to explain 2 things. what the heck is a naga, and how buddhism traveled.
what's a naga?
a naga is this.... not the guy sitting in the middle, that's buddha. but the multi-headed serpent itself:
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so okay. this section is a very short summary and are worth reading more on your own, but here's the run down.
nagas are a class of serpent deity originating from hinduism. buddhism came due to a multitude of factors including rejecting hinduism's social caste system. as a result, it shares many deities with hinduism, including naga.
nagas can be depicted as multiheaded or single headed, and can transform between and in-between their snake and human form. nagas are based on cobras. in south and southeast asia, the naga is often depicted with a flap around the neck as characteristic of a cobra. or sometimes without the flap at all even.
this also means in some interpretations, nagas are as dangerous as they are benevolent/beneficial to humans (probably with the correct aptitude). this duality of good but bad if pissed off isn't at all exclusive to nagas, but in fact rather common with this sphere of deities. (sound familiar?)
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in buddhism, the most well known one is Mucalinda, who protects and shelters buddha in his meditation to attain enlightenment. hence all those pictures above
interestingly, their abode is the deep, deep waters. :)
they are a very, very important deity in buddhism due to their strong and close role to buddha, but because buddhism frames gods as just other higher beings trying to escape the cycle of samsara, the nagas are seen as a protector rather than be a god to worship. cool? ok.
journey to the... far eastern japan
for how buddhism traveled, its something like this (source):
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something to be clear about with this: buddhism did not arrive in japan without alteration. where ever buddhism traveled, it got reinterpreted as it moved on, absorbing local folklore and myth in the process, and then splashed about back and forth before hitting japan's shores. (but the scriptures was imported in its original form to my understanding. so the colloquial understanding is different from india's own.)
and hence why buddhism in japan is specifically called shinto buddhism: its a special blend.
with the case of nagas specifically, they seem to have entered china, and got mixed with the eastern dragon, and then passed onto korea and japan. some folklore of the dragon are also said to originally be stories about nagas, which we can see with the still present association with water and some divine knowledge.
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but, the nagas by this point have lost their human form and gained bitty limbs and whiskers and claws and now soar through the skies rather than stay on the ground. or look a little goofy even.
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(this dancing toothless dragon took off on douyin. i can attest to and confirm how much the chinese love goofy ass looking dragons)
in the chinese language, the sanskrit word naga was actually translated as dragon as well. hence all this mixing and remixing of things in the colloquial. notably also there was a chinese emperor known as Emperor Wu of Liang who was so fascinated with buddhism that he imported and promoted the religion, and likely appropriated aspects of the naga and mixed it with the dragon.
(i uh had to google in chinese to check and there was more than 1 article using the word dragon for naga. so nice to be a bye-lingual👍)
another important thing, japan already has their own big snake myths such as the yamato no orochi and tsuchinoko, but as for how influenced these are with buddhism is a bit of a toss up. there's definitely an exchange of sorts but its genuinely hard to tell where the line is.
so to summarize it all up
nagas are cobras to snakes to dragons.
both the chinese dragon and naga share similarities of being nasty when upset, and beneficial and benevolent to those they choose.
but, where the dragons are associated with the heavens and rain, the snakes are associated closer to the earth. both share an affinity with water.
effectively, cobras/snakes are the base for nagas, and nagas are the base for chinese dragons. so. majima's snake is like a stealth dragon.
but where the eastern dragon (kiryu) gives approval and disappears willy nilly, the naga (majima) stays and protect to the death.
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meaning, kiryu is like a dragon, and majima may have always been like a dragon all along too B). theres also further theming with yin yang with these two, with kiryu being the passionate fire and majima being the naturing water. but thats a whole other detour. this post is getting long and insane enough as it is
oh, but buddhism isnt buddhism without the enlightened buddha. so while i havent played 3-6 yet i bet its this daigo guy whose name literally means Big Enlightenment.
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you cant tell me hes got a irezumi of some buddhism/hinduism deity acala and have a name heavily associated with buddhist wisdom for no reason. and that he got effectively put into the position of the emperor of the kanto yakuza.
and given aaaaaall that ive written about above in regards to the intended function of these mythological deities/creatures, daigo fits the position of either emperor or buddha to a T.
now, a little personal opinion here, but it seems like RGG began rejecting the classism that comes along with the emperor system and really embraced the buddhist roots more as time goes on.
i say this bc even though i mentioned buddhism coming about partially as a rejection of the caste system, the social structure in old and current china and japan still has strong classism, rooted and continuing off old myth and religion (blame those old rulers for this). we see these in the theme of rgg and how even in the yakuza world theres a clear hierarchy, and in 7's civilian theres a clear undesired class of people.
then there's ichiban who keeps rejecting all of those judgey nonsense
interestingly theres also the bit where ichiban got handpicked by kiryu as well as a successor of sorts:
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and also kiryu telling majima explicitly to support ichiban after hes gone in IW in that scene. theres also some little fun bits about how ichiban is framed as jesus christ:
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and that according to some buddhist interpretation, jesus christ qualifies as Big Enlightened buddha material
so. uh. yeah.
majima is going to play a significant role in 9 i think.
idk how to conclude this but. i understand the writer and im going fucking insane as you might have noticed about 7/10 through this long post. anyway thanks for reading. become nuts with me.
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tanuki-kimono · 11 months
Is there any pattern with inspiration/relation to Konohana Sakuya?
Hi! Konohanasakuya-hime is the titular deity of Mount Fuji. She's traditionally associated with fleeting cherry blossoms because of this part of her myth:
Sakuya-hime met Ninigi on the seashore and they fell in love; Ninigi asked Ohoyamatsumi, the father of Sakuya-hime for her hand in marriage. Oho-Yama proposed his older daughter, Iwa-Naga-hime, instead, but Ninigi had his heart set on Sakuya-hime. Oho-Yama reluctantly agreed and Ninigi and Ko-no-hana married. Because Ninigi refused Iwa-Naga, the rock-princess, human lives are said to be short and fleeting, like the sakura blossoms, instead of enduring and long lasting, like stones (via wikipedia).
I have never encountered kimono or obi directly hinting at this goddess, but if you'd like to reference her, any sakura (flowers on trees or not, falling petals etc) and mountain pattern (Fujisan if possible of course ^^) would work nicely!
She's also a goddess associated with sake brewing, so sakura + sake objects (like masu or sakazuki cups for ex.) would be very cool!
If you are going a darker route, sakura + fire pattern could hint at the birth hut episode of her story - which also links her persona to volcanoes. (Note that sakura+braziers is usually a pattern association hinting at nighttime cherry blossom viewing parties)
(anyone played Okami around here? I just realized the camellia sisters could be a reference to this part of Konahana's mythos :3)
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askrikkaiandhyotei · 8 months
What are all your Super Sentai ships? (From Dekaranger onwards) You can even including crack pairings, which you started implementing in your AO3 sentai group chat story
Brace yourselves, this will be long…
Otps tagged on tumblr will be listed
* Ban x Hoji (Dekaranger, tagged as don’t call me partner)
* Sen x Umeko (Dekaranger)
* Kai x Yuka (Magiranger)
* Hikaru x Urara (Magiranger, tagged as my shining knight)
* Satoru x Sakura (Boukenger)
* Sosuke x Miu (Go Onger, tagged as red and silver engines)
* Takeru x Mako (Shinkenger, tagged as heaven fire samurai)
* Chiaki x Kotoha (Shinkenger)
* Alata and Eri (Goseiger, tagged as red and pink angels)
* Moune x Towa (Goseiger x Ryusoulger)
* Marvelous x Ahim (Gokaiger, tagged as a pirate and his princess)
* Joe x Marvelous (Gokaiger, tagged as beyond your dream)
* Gokaiger ot6 of any combo
* Hiromu x Yoko (Go-Busters, tagged as the cheetah and the rabbit)
* Daigo x Amy (Kyoryuger)
* Nossan x Candelia (Kyoryuger)
* Right x Tokachi (Toqger)
* Mio x Tokachi (Toqger)
* Right x Hikari (Toqger)
* Kinji x Misao (Ninninger x Zyuohger)
* Yamato x Misao (Zyuohger, tagged as the eagle’s world)
* Balance x Naga (Kyuranger, tagged as bn thieves)
* Lucky x Garu (Kyuranger, tagged as lucky pup)
* Lucky x Stinger (Kyuranger, tagged as shishi sasori)
* Lucky x Tsurugi (Kyuranger)
* Lucky x Garu x Stinger (tagged as kyuranger ot3)
* Kairi x Keiichiro (Lupat, tagged as w red)
* Umika x Shiho (Lupat)
* Umika x Tsukasa (Lupat, tagged as yellow and pink)
* Tooma x Noel (Lupat)
* Sakuya x Sena (Lupat x Kiramager)
* Koh x Nada (Ryusoulger, tagged as dino knight souls)
* Koh x Canalo (Ryusoulger, tagged as the prince and the knight)
* Asuna x Banba (Ryusoulger)
* Canalo x Sononi (Ryusoulger x Donbrothers)
* Yayoi x Canalo (Kyoryuger x Ryusoulger)
* Takamichi x Sayo (Kiramager)
* Shiguru x Juru (Kiramager, tagged as ruby and sapphire)
* any combo of Zox x Stacey x Kaito (tagged as either pirate and prince, gold and purple geats, w kaizer, or zenkaiger ot3)
* Flint x Suzume (Zenkaiger x King-Ohger)
* Sonoi x Taro (Donbrothers, tagged as love under the moon)
* Natsumi x Tsuyoshi and/or Tsubasa (Donbrothers, tagged as either the dream continues, a long dream, or donbrothers ot3)
* Haruka x Tametomo (Donbrothers x Kiramager)
* Sononi x Tsubasa (Donbrothers, tagged as love in black and white)
* Gira x Jeramie and/or Yanma (King-Ohger, tagged as the tyrant and the storyteller, evil beetle and punk dragonfly, or king ot3)
* Yanma x Shiokara (King-Ohger, tagged as w blue)
* Himeno x Rita (King-Ohger, tagged as selfish mantis and stoic butterfly)
* Kaguragi x Racules (King-Ohger, tagged as scheming kings)
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She’s a Naga Kabbit with a couple addons!! She’s printed in sakura pink PLA, and thoroughly pearlized with a medium. She has follow-me eyes made from paper and glass beads, drawn in glitter gel pen!!
Jubilee is so so sparkly and I love her…….
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sakurasfallingstar · 1 year
ShiSaku Week: Day 4
The kingdom of konoha was one with many legends. From a boy who is a half Kitsune that protected the village from within the woods, to a Naga who promised power only to steal your boy and wear it as if it was their own.
Of course no once believed these legends. In fact, many of them where to to either scare the kids from misbehaving, keep them out if the woods, or to be a simple bedtime story. Nothing more than that. In other words, they were not real.
However, when a girl just shy of 16, was being chased by her villagers, she had to find reassure in those stories as she ran into the depths of the woods.
The deeper she went the farther their yells became, until they had stopped completely.
No one really dared to venture too deep into these woods. Especially, when one legends told of the flora moving on it's own and of fae who loved to torment humans.
Bow that her pursuers had stopped chasing her, she slowed down to walk. The animals of night where the only ones who kept her company with their sounds during her stroll.
At least that's what she thought.
If only she was aware of the red eyes watching her from above. The man followed swiftly and silently. He did not want to suddenly appear before her while her adrenaline was bearly coming down.
When she came to water fall,  Sakura knelt down next to the pool, cupping her hands  so that she could gather some water to drink.
The water was cool, and it quenched her thirst from all the running earlier. 
Taking her time, Sakura was her arms trying to keep the scratches from the branches clean. Then she splashed some on her face. She didn't  care that some of stray hairs from her pony got wet. All she wanted was to somewhat calm her racing thoughts. In fact, what she needed right now was a plan.
Ever since Ami, one of her school bullies removed the scarf, hiding her unnatural pink locks; she was deemed a witch. It also didn't help that she was proficient in medical practices. Sakura knew that rather than helping her during her trial, it would only be used against her. Witchcraft is what they would call it.
As you can guess, it was very uncommon, (more like unnatural) for a woman to know such knowledge in Konoha.
That was why she had to run into the forest. Had she stayed to fave trial; prove herself innocent she'd only be burned at the stake.
Tears began to slip down her face and into the watch. The stress and reality of her situation was beginning to get to her.
"Humans," a male's voice said from above.
Sakura shot up onto her feet. Looking up into the trees all around her.
"Whenever I encounter your kind, you're all either screaming or crying. Is that really all you beings know how to do," the voice said, boorishly.
"From the way you speak, it almost makes me thing you don't consider yourself human," she said, with her guard up.
His laughter echoed from all directions of the forest.
"So, you can talk back," he said, with amusement, "but how would you know if I'm human or not? Everyone knows of the legends that surround this forest."
Sakura glared at the tree tops, knowing full well he was trying to scare her. Well, it was going to take more than his silly mind games to scare her.
"Well, that's all they are. Legends. Things that guardians tell their wards to get them to behave. Now, if you're done playing your games; why don't you come out of the shadows and face me," Sakura yelled.
"That's big talk coming from a girl who was running from her own kind."
The voice this time came from behind her.
Whipping around to face the man, Sakura could help but hold her breath. Before her was a man with dark curly haired, and red eyes. The only things keeping him modest was the armor like material around his shoulders, and some very worn pants. However, what really caught her eye were the giant black wings.
"Breathe human," he said, with a smirk.
'Right. Breathing. Breathing is good,' Sakura thought, letting out the air from her lungs.
He eyed her as she slowly began to breathe in and out.
Shisui found her green eyes mesmerizing, but her pastel pink hair was something he found uncommon with her kind. In fact, it reminded him of a fae he once knew, but that was centuries ago.
He began to circle the girl. He couldn't help but question the practicality of herclothing as he lifted the first layer of her dress. This of course caused her to swat his hand away.
'She's quite brazen. I wonder how long she can keep that up,' he thought before asking, "What do the call you?"
Sakura now knowing the legends were true, went through ever one that her father told her to identify the being before her. "Ethereal beauty, wings, playful, and going by that smirk, very flirtatious.... Ah! I got it,' she thought, as she eyed his every move.
"Flora," she replied.
"Flora," he said, testing the name, " You know, somehow I don't believe that's you're name."
He rose an eyebrow and crossed his arms. He wanted her name. Since she managed to pique his interests.
"I know what you are. You must take me for a fool to give you any sort of power over me," she challenged.
It is advised to never catch the interest of a fae. Especially those belonging to the dark fae.
He got withing her personal space, he cornered her to the edge of the pool.
'What a horrible time to not know how to swim,' she thought, holding his gaze. She refused to show weakness in front of the fae. Especially now that they are centimeters away from eachother's face.
"Then what am I,' he questioned, giving her a smile while giving her a glimpse of his fangs.
Narrowing her eyes she didn't answer. She didn't want to be caught up in his games.
"Shisui," he said.
"My name. I think it's only a fair exchange for your real name."
"Nice try, but I'm not falling for it."
"And here I was going to offer my help," he said, with fake disappointment as he stepped back.
"And how would you be able to help me," she questioned, rolling her eyes.
"Don't you really think you can survive here in the forest alone? By now, you ought to consider that all the legends are true. I'll be honest, I am kinder to your kind compared to everything else in this forest," he said leaning against a tree.
Sakura's hands become fists. She really wanted to hit something. Well, more like she wanted to hit Shisui. She hated that he knew full well that he knew that she couldn't survive in the forest alone. That he knew she'd need someone like him to help her.
Looking down at the grass, she said, "Sakura. My name is Sakura."
If anything his smirk seemed to turn into a smile. That smile dispire it looking sweet, held some wickedness. She belonged to him now.
"See? That wasn't so hard," Shisui said, lifting a hand into the tree.
Sakura watched as she broke a small branch. From his hands came a shimmering gold like mist. It covered the branch, and small white flowers began to bloom from it.
He beckoned her her over, before placing the branch in her hands.
"A peace offering."
"Thank you," she whispered.
The next morning the villagers of konoha went out in search for the girl.
The forest was different during the day. It was more forgiving; less alive.
The only traces of the pink haired girl they found were strands of her pink hair by the pool of the waterfall and pieces of her dress in the trees.
Sakura haruno became one of the many legends told to the villages' young for generations to come.
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imasallstars · 1 year
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Further information regarding the CINDERELLA GIRLS UNIT TOUR live has been revealed! The tour will span a mini live once a month from JANUARY 2024 until JUNE 2024. Each stop will feature three units performing.
The voice actresses participating in this stop are as follows:
Hagoromo Komachi [Rika Tachibana (Sae Kobayakawa), Ru Thing (Syuko Shiomi)], Atarayoduki [Masumi Tazawa (Ayame Hamaguchi), Misa Kayama (Tamami Wakiyama), Hiyori Nitta (Karin Domyoji)], Kakuriyogatari [Yuuki Takada (Yoshino Yorita), Chiyo Ousaki (Koume Shirasaka)]
Dea Aurora [Yuko Iida (Kanade Hayami), Aya Suzaki (Minami Nitta)], Lazy Lazy [Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Asami Takano (Frederica Miyamoto)], Ruby Countess [Maki Kawase (Tsukasa Kiryu), Nanami Yamashita (Yui Ohtsuki), Yui Ninomiya (Makino Yagami)]
One Steps [Saya Aizawa (Hiromi Seki), Satomi Amano (Hotaru Shiragiku), Karin Takahashi (Nono Morikubo)], Fairy Tale*My Tale [Minami Tsuda (Miho Kohinata), Minori Suzuki (Hajime Fujiwara)], Sola-iris [Rika Nagae (Hayate Hisakawa), Yuki Nakashima (Yuuki Otokura)]
Triad Primus [Ayaka Fukuhara (Rin Shibuya), Eriko Matsui (Nao Kamiya), Mai Fuchigami (Karen Hojo)], Dark Illuminate [Maaya Uchida (Ranko Kanzaki), Shiki Aoki (Asuka Ninomiya)], VelvetRose [Kaoru Sakura (Chitose Kurosaki), Risa Sekiguchi (Chiyo Shirayuki)]
Sexy Guilty [Eri Suzuki (Yuko Hori), Azumi Waki (Sanae Katagiri), Yuri Noguchi (Shizuku Oikawa)], Hero Versus [Sayaka Kamitani (Hikaru Nanjo), Yuki Nagano (Reina Koseki)], Beat Shooter [Makoto Koichi (Haru Yuuki), Hana Tamegai (Risa Matoba)]
Positive Passion [Sayuri Hara (Mio Honda), Chinatsu Akasaki (Akane Hino), Yuuki Kaneko (Aiko Takamori)], Seiten Tennyo ✦NEW✦ [M・A・O (Fumika Sagisawa), Rana Morishita (Kako Takafuji)], #UNICUS [Megu Umezawa (Akari Tsujino), Miyu Tomita (Akira Sunazuka), Seena Hoshiki (Riamu Yumemi)]
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murasaki-rose-art · 1 year
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Medium: Prismacolor and Copic Sketch Markers, Prismacolor pencils, Sakura gel, and Faber ink pens.  Background made in PSPv8.
Last of the old chibis...I promise.
So while this one came about while I was brainstorming ideas for the contest, it was obvious I couldn't use it.  However, the idea just wouldn't leave me alone so I just had to draw my cute naga Yuugi and Yami interacting.  Yami transformed by the Orichalcos decides to claim Yuugi.  The puzzle reacts to protect its' master and transforms Yuugi into a naga as well.  That's why Yami's underbelly is green and Yuugi's is gold to represent what power changed them.  Obviously Yami approves of the change.
Originally posted to my Deviantart account: January 12, 2015
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halloween-neko96 · 3 months
Black like the night, his fluffy fur.
Deep like the sea, his glassy eyes.
Under the moon, he is lurking.
Like illusion, gone in the mist.
Into forest of unknown land,
At the witch's house, live a black cat.
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Master List
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Halloween_Neko/pseuds/Halloween_Neko
One Piece 🏴‍☠️
Dream Catcher | ASL Solo Trio AU
That day, he didn't lose one brother. That day, Luffy lost both of his brothers. And everything changed.
This is a story about a Luffy who lived through his childhood alone, about a Luffy who lost both of his brothers.
eclipse (the day the sun was eaten)
stardust (crossing path of two supernovas)
The Ocean Where The Stars Follow You | ASL Never Met AU
The one Roger trusted his son with wasn't Garp. That one small difference created a whole lot of changes.
In which, Ace was raised by Rayleigh, Sabo still tried so hard to leave the Goa Kingdom, and Luffy grew up without brothers.
ASL - Intro 1 | Early Childhood
ASL - Intro 2 | Career Choice
Butterfly Choices 🦋
A little flap of a butterfly created millions of changes.
In which, a slightly different Luffy in a slightly different world picked up a slightly different crew.
Prologue - Romance Dawn
Entry I - III
senbazuru (a thousand paper cranes) | Reincarnated Semi-SI AU
Before meeting and swearing siblinghood with Ace and Sabo, Luffy had sworn siblinghood with two others when he used to live in Foosha Village. In Luffy's old fashion, he forgot to tell them about it.
In which, Luffy has more sworn siblings besides Ace and Sabo, Uta wishes that Luffy bothers to inform her about the new siblings he has added to their sworn siblinghood, and Sally should have seen this coming when she realized that Luffy forgot to tell them about Ace and Sabo.
Intro 1 - Sally ♣︎ Starting Point
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Bungou Stray Dogs 📖
For Wanting A Page | Exploring The Worlds Within The Book
Within The Book, there are multiple worlds, each with a different story to tell.
section 1 - the book
the other me (whom you met in a dream) - The very first part of this series, portraying my theory about Atsushi, The Book, and their connection.
section 2 - looking mirrror
through the looking glass (broken mirror, echoed images) - A multi-chapter fic where an ability replaces canon!Atsushi with a bunch of AU!Atsushi, causing everything to go haywire. Set after Cannibalism and at the start of Decay of Angels saga.
kaleidoscope of a certain weretiger (into the pages) - An index about all versions of AU!Atsushi in my collection.
snippets between the pages (a moment within the book) - A collection of snippets of moments that happened between the worlds within The Book.
section 3 - into the pages
the ghost of an old time (of river and bandages) - An adventure of canon!Dazai into the world of teal!Atsushi, set before the event of through the looking glass (broken mirror, echoed images).
there are no bandages on me (to mourn the death of a stranger) - The world of teal!Atsushi, the ghost of yokohama from the divergence point up to Atsushi’s 18th birthday.
Of Poet and Novelist
A list of my Bungou Stray Dogs Original Characters (all based on real-life authors/poets)
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Naruto 🍥
Aka no Sakura (red is our color) | Reincarnation Team 7 AU
Six Paths (someone takes me home) | Sannin-Mentor Swap AUs
Mitsuki and Team 7 [Moonlight and Snake Vessel] | Alternative Team Konohamaru AUs
Mitsuki and Team 7: [Three and Seven] - Mitsuki and the collection of his teammates in Team 7 across multiple dimensions. (This also includes the details on each AU.)
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Boku no Hero Academia 🥦💥
The Omniscient Outsider | Yuubi Naga's Guide Into BKDK-Verse
The Masked One | OC with original quirk
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Boboiboy 🍊
The red means i love you | Canon Divergence Red Duo-centric AU
Cake 🍰 | Halilintar with cakes and mystery plot
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Miraculous 🐞🐈‍⬛
Shatters Alters | Into Miraculous-Verse AU
Adrien woke up in a strange Paris where no one seemed to know him and everything was so different. Meeting up with unfamiliar people with familiar faces, will Adrien figure out what happened to him?
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44gamez · 8 months
Nikke tier list and reroll guide February 2024
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Rank Nikke characters S A2, Admi, Anis: Glowing Summer time, Alice, Blanc, Centi, Diesel, Dolla, Dorothy, Emma, Responsible, Harran, Helm, Helm: Aquamarine, Liter, Ludmilla: Winter Proprietor, Marciana, Maxwell, Modernia, Naga, Noir, Noise, Privaty, Rapunzel, Crimson Hood, Rupee, Scarlet, Scarlet: Black Widow, Snow White, Snow White: Harmless Days, Tia A 2B, Biscuit, Drake, Laplace, Ludmilla, Makima, Mary: Bay Goddess, Moran, Pepper, Poli, Energy, Quency, Sakura, Quantity B Anne: Miracle Fairy, Brid, Epinel, Folkwang, Jackal, Maiden, Mast, Mica: Snow Buddy, Miranda, N102, Nero, Nihilister, Noah, Rupee: Winter Shopper, Sin, Soda, Tove, Vesti, Viper, Yan, Yuni C Anis, Aria, Cocoa, D, Emma, Exia, Frima, Guillotine, Leona, Mary, Milk, Neon: Blue Ocean, Novel, Pascal, Quiry, Rapi, Rei, Sign, Sugar, Yulha D Anchor, Belorta, Crow, Delta, Ether, Eunhwa, Himeno, Isabel, Julia, Mica, Mihara, Neon, Neve, Product 23, Rosanna, Soline E iDoll Flower, iDoll Ocean, iDoll Solar, Product 08, Product 12, Soldier EG, Soldier FA, Soldier OW Source link Read the full article
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cextra-loz · 1 year
Oh anime is your comfort series? Oh you are anime girl obsessed?
name eveyr anime girl >:3
2B (Nier: Automata)
Mikasa Ackerman
Yūko Aioi
Taiga Aisaka
Ritsuko Akagi
Moka Akashiya
Homura Akemi
Alita (Battle Angel Alita)
Misa Amane
Android 18
Anita Hailey
Ann Takamaki
Aqua (KonoSuba)
Ami Asai
Athena Asamiya
Mina Ashido
Tsuyu Asui
Asuna (Sword Art Online)
Cagalli Yula Athha
Rei Ayanami
Baby Bonnie Hood
Benten (Urusei Yatsura)
Queen Beryl
Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
Boa Hancock
Alisa Bosconovitch
Euphemia li Britannia
Sarah Bryant (Virtua Fighter)
C.C. (Code Geass)
Carrot (One Piece)
Caulifla and Kale
Michelle Chang (Tekken)
Chi (Chobits)
Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball)
Lacus Clyne
Jolyne Cujoh
Tomoyo Daidouji
Golden Darkness
Lala Satalin Deviluke
Momo Belia Deviluke
Nana Astar Deviluke
Chrome Dokuro
Ed (Cowboy Bebop)
Elena (Street Fighter)
Emma (The Promised Neverland)
Ami Enan
Junko Enoshima
Etna (Disgaea)
Felicia (Darkstalkers)
Maya Fey
Mia Fey
Pearl Fey
Anya Forger
Yor Forger
Haruhi Fujioka
Chika Fujiwara
Toko Fukawa
Yuno Gasai
Rias Gremory
Toru Hagakure
Sakura Haruno
Hatsune Miku
Misa Hayase
Lucy Heartfilia
Leona Heidern
Hestia (character)
Kagome Higurashi
Himawari Kunogi
Hinako (anime character)
Tohru Honda
Hinata Hyuga
Yuko Ichihara
Midari Ikishima
Orihime Inoue
Lum (Urusei Yatsura)
Konata Izumi
Sagiri Izumi
Yumeko Jabami
Oscar François de Jarjayes
Kyoka Jiro
Abigail Jones
Juri (Street Fighter)
Kagura (Azumanga Daioh)
Kaho Mizuki
Nezuko Kamado
Kamiya Kaoru
Madoka Kaname Midna
Mitsuri Kanroji
Urumi Kanzaki
Karin Kanzuki
Yuu Kashima
Ayumu Kasuga
Sakura Kasugano
Misato Katsuragi
Tomie Kawakami
Ami Kawashima
Nadeshiko Kinomoto
Sakura Kinomoto
Kyoko Kirigiri
Saya Kisaragi
Miyuki Kobayakawa
Kohane Tsuyuri
Yuri Koigakubo
Yotsuba Koiwai
Kirino Kosaka
Yui Kotegawa
Koyomi Mizuhara
Rukia Kuchiki
Nobara Kugisaki
Minamo Kurosawa
Motoko Kusanagi
Minori Kushieda
Anna Kyoyama
Lady (Devil May Cry)
Nunnally Lamperouge
Connie Lee (Dr. Stone)
Lenalee Lee
Lillie (Pokémon)
Lina Inverse
Luna (Sailor Moon)
Makimachi Misao
Mari Illustrious Makinami
Hitomi Manaka
Mako Mankanshoku
Wendy Marvell
Ayeka Masaki Jurai
Ryūko Matoi
Sakura Matou
Meiling Li
Chiyo Mihama
Sayaka Miki
Mai Minakami
Fujiko Mine
Lynn Minmay
Mikoto Misaka
Misty (Pokémon)
Kirari Momobami
Ririka Momobami
Morrigan Aensland
Multi (To Heart)
Naga the Serpent
Mio Naganohara
Yuki Nagato
Nino Nakano
Nakuru Akizuki
Nami (One Piece)
Chiaki Nanami
Naru Narusegawa
Atsuko Natsume
Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
Queen Nehelenia
Nico Robin
Darya Nikitina
Chisato Nishikigi
Himari Noihara
Arale Norimaki
Yuzuriha Ogawa
Mamako Oosuki
Suo Pavlichenko
Yomiko Readman
Rem (Re:Zero)
Revy (Black Lagoon)
Ritsu (Assassination Classroom)
Ritsuko Akagi (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Winry Rockbell
Roll (Mega Man)
Rose (Street Fighter)
Rebecca Rossellini
Ruri (Dr. Stone)
Saber (Fate/stay night)
Haruna Sairenji
Sakaki (Azumanga Daioh)
Yuri Sakazaki
Sakura (Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle)
Chiyo Sakura
Kyoko Sakura
Haruko Sakurai
Izumi Sakurai
Shirō Sakurai
Mary Saotome
Ranma Saotome
Chie Satonaka
Erza Scarlet
Yuzuki Seo
Serena (Pokémon)
Yoruichi Shihōin
Mika Shimotsuki
Kaguya Shinomiya
Hakase Shinonome
Kuroko Shirai
Mai Shiranui
Noelle Silva
Elexis Sinclaire
Sinon (Sword Art Online)
Skuld (Oh My Goddess!)
Sonomi Daidouji
Asuka Langley Soryu
Kallen Stadtfeld
Celty Sturluson
Suika (Dr. Stone)
Super Sonico Sonichu
Haruhi Suzumiya (character)
Secre Swallowtail
Swindler (Akudama Drive)
Kiyomi Takada
Saya Takagi (character)
Sora Takenouchi
Taki (Soulcalibur)
Tomo Takino
Yukari Tanizaki
Utena Tenjou
Teresa Beria
Origami Tobiichi
Rin Tohsaka
Mami Tomoe
Trish (Devil May Cry)
Ayu Tsukimiya
Akane Tsunemori
Sarada Uchiha
Ulala (Space Channel 5)
Ochaco Uraraka
Urd (Oh My Goddess!)
Hana Uzaki
Kiri Uzaki
Tsuki Uzaki
Yanagi Uzaki
Shion Uzuki
Faye Valentine
Mereoleona Vermillion
Mimosa Vermillion
Anna Williams (Tekken)
Elf Yamada
Momo Yaoyorozu
Akari Yukimura
Mikan Yuuki
Maki Zen'in Zelda
Zero Two
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imustbenuts · 5 months
just wanted to say that ur irezumi symbolism post Destroyed me .. but also i gave majima's tattoos some thought, cause the whole sakura motif symbolically contradicting the snake motif thing confused me for a bit...
tbh? i think that this juxtaposition was very deliberate, and i wanted to dump my Brainthoughts about why that is since i think you'd appreciate it :)!
snakes shed their skin consistently, just as trees shed their leaves and how flowers shed their petals. i feel like majima's irezumi exists to highlight the transitive nature of this routine and how it's a product of change in the environment of a given thing, like the seasons passing or a snake literally outgrowing itself.
it's one big metaphor for the human version of a ship of theseus: majima can change and slough himself of whatever facade he had, and this process of removing waste he doesn't need anymore can imply venom and violence OR the beautiful, fleeting fragility of existence itself. but either way, there's always one specific factor that serves as a common thread between those personalities and events. u wanna know what said common thread is?
his anger. his rage. the hannya. no matter what era or 'season' majima is in, his disdain toward tojo is literally the factor that defines him as the person he always will be 💔 and i think there's even MORE symbolism in using a hannya specifically, but i don't know enough about noh theatre to confidently speculate about the usage of hannya in majima's irezumi and what that might imply.
tl;dr majima's anger/rage is eternal with him and it's the defining factor that makes him, well, majima. even if he chooses to let that shedding process be violent and explosive or delicate and beautiful he is still the same snake or sakura tree at the end of the day. because no matter what angle you look at a hannya mask from, it's still a hannya, and it's still a mask
yay, thank you anon!! man majima is FASCINATING.
i think the hannya mask, rather the noh masks are known for giving different expressions depending on the tilt and the lighting? he has a theme with being adaptable and as u suggest, transitory throughout his life. the nagas has this slick adaptability theme too.
majima's core doesnt change. he looks unpredictable and never the same but. his core is always the same.
hes so ROCK. yakuza/rgg is so very rock
i feel sad for majima tho, he never seems to be able to catch a break and truly be happy for long ;; weh the writers are mean. sometimes i look at the popularity ranking they conducted in 2013 and 2018 and i understand why majima is number 1 cabaret ojisan
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bc and idk how but they made majima win by A) being strong and B) fumbling kiryu's writing at points especially in 2 probably by accident. so majima wins like this:
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hes so good
howd they accidentally make the not-mc this good
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laslow · 1 year
☕ Our muses drinking something warm on a cool evening
Autumn Prompts!
He'd formed an unlikely friendship with Sakura over the long weeks of heavy coursework. More waits for them to tackle over fall break, but annotations can wait for one evening.
Some student committee or another organized an annual party signaling the start of break. Held on the campus park, students of all levels and majors were invited to participate. Laslow, in a rare stroke of wisdom, decided to go with a friend, instead of ending up disappointed when his date inevitably turned sour.
Carefully, he weaves between the crowd with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. Thank Naga they shared a mile-wide sweet tooth. So few understand it these days.
She's seated on a picnic blanket when he returns. The crowd is thinner here, at the park's fringes.
"Ta-da! One cup of hot chocolate, my lady," he says with an exaggerated wink. She takes it off his hands and he sits beside her, sighing in contentment.
"Wait, wait, a toast!"
Laslow clinks his cup against Sakura's, mountain of whipped cream wiggling dangerously with the motion. "To days spent with good friends, to cold weather and--" he pauses for dramatic effect-- "most importantly, to love!"
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It turns out I wrote quite a bit this year - enough that I may have forgotten and you may have missed it - so I'm going to pick a favourite article or two from each month and then post a link here:
**January:** Xenosaga III is an incredibly frustrating game content to pick over (and *over*) some thin, half-told plot threads instead of trying to push things forward in a way that matters, makes sense, or finally makes Shion a likeable/relatable/understandable character.
**February:** Somehow I published *fifteen* articles on Sakura Wars 1 & 2 this month, on top of all the usual business. Take a look! I had a lot of fun with this.
Make sure you take a look at this brilliant X68000 action-adventure too:
**March:** Let's go with... Gunparade March. Oh! March for March! Wow, I wish I'd thought of that at the time. Anyway! This is a fascinating post-apocalyptic school/strategy/relationship game, and I hope I did it justice.
**April:** The Eldorado Gate Corner started this month, so that definitely deserves a mention. Ever wondered what Capcom's seven part Japanese Dreamcast RPG series was like? I've got it covered!
The other one I want to mention is this piece on Tokimeki Memorial 2. It's a phenomenal game that isn't afraid of its predecessor's mould-breaking success.
**May:** It's RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RACEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR! Of course it is. How does a game with one track remain this *electric* decades on? By being RIIII-[cough] Ridge Racer :D
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leechan1018 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Taiki  お 誕生日 おめでとうございます 山崎大輝!! . 27歳おめでとうございます🤍🌟 . からの俳優 宇宙戦隊キュウレンジャー . ヘビツカイシルバー/ナーガレイ . Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger: Naga Ray Hebitsukai Silver  . Next is Kenji Shibata/ on October 4 ( Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive ) Emi Sakura on October 4 ( Gatoh Move )  Kei Horie/Gaku Washio on October 4  ( Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger )  Naruki Doi on October 4 ( Dragon Gate )  . 2022年10月03日 10 / 3 / 2022 #宇宙戦隊キュウレンジャー #ヘビツカイシルバー #ナーガレイ #山崎大輝 #山崎大輝生誕祭 #山崎大輝生誕祭2022 #誕生日 #おめでとう #スーパー戦隊シリーズ #いいねした人全員フォローする #フォローバック率100 #フォローバ100 #uchuusentaikyuranger #hebitsukaisilver #nagaray #nagarei #taikiyamazaki #happybirthday #omedetou #SuperSentai #japaneseactress #likeforlikes #likesforlike @rrrrrlight103 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQcCEDrIvQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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