#The tired Unicorn answers
rainbowmurderhorse · 2 years
Do you mind explaining why this hasn't been posted yet? (At least as far as I've seen, my phone keeps glitching when I scroll too far on peoples accounts).
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If you say you have a handful of Naga OC's, do they have names? Are they all based off different types of snakes? Which one is your favorite if you have one? (Bonus questions: Do you have any lore with them, or world at which they come from?) HAVE A SUPER DUPER DAY, FRIENDO!~
hello there! Thank you very much for the ask!! Plz forgive me though this might get a lil long! As for the answer to the first question the simplest answer is that I'm a mix of scared,embarrassed, a lot of low motivation levels and my mental health being quite bad as of late but I'm gonna be trying to change that this year and post more even if it's just something small like writing some lore tidbits about my OCs or if I'm feeling brave and I like a picture or two I make I'll post it!
Putting this under a read more cause it did get long!
Now onto the next question which is Yes! They do! 5 of them have names one of them sadly do not and only three of them are based off of real life snakes in a sense.
Mike is my oldest one (I.E. I made him when I was much younger) and while I need to heavily revamp or retire him he was based off a small green snake that I once saw in a picture.
Sakura and Alto meanwhile are somewhat newer and based of an albino snake that I also once saw in a picture this one wore cute lil hats if I remember correctly. Alto is pure white with red eyes Sakura on the other hand has pink eyes and splotches/markings on his tail (I need to draw my snakes more often tbh but I do have this for reference for Sakura)
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The other three aren't really based on anything i iust went with what colors i thought I'd like the unnamed one's scales are red,Basil's scales are blue(they used to have red diamonds on the back but I need to redesign him a bit so idk if I'm gonna keep that or not)and for Kota I still need to come up with his color scheme.
For question Three I do love all my OCs don't get me wrong but sometimes I hyperfixate on two or three depending on my mood but if I had to Pick a favorite It'd probably be Basil as he's been the most used to RPs with my friends. He's followed Closely though by Sakura and Alto. I need to find more time to work on the other three.
As for Lore here's what I got for my boys (I'll try to keep it to a short version):
Basil: He lives by himself deep within the jungle and he works as a healer for all who need his help and can use magic (he can give himself legs if he needs too as an example). He tries his best to live a quiet and peaceful life but sometimes he does get dragged into things Depending on the universe he's in. He's an oc I that can fit into many different AUs. Basil can also be a little bit of a grump but he's really kind and you're close enough with him he'll gladly let you rest in his coils and he'll try to keep you as warm as he can.
Sakura: He is the butler/Right hand of Demon Lord/King Luna and takes care of his Master's home and affairs while his master is busy with other things. The two live in a town that mostly populated by monsters n the like and it's Luna's job to protect the town. Sakura was hired by Luna and he's been happily serving him for years, He's usually a cheerful and sweet guy who does his best to be friendly and welcoming to all their guests but he does have a hidden dark side that Luna is slightly intimidated by when it comes out as Luna is more used to the chill side of Sakura.
Alto: The Demon King of Medicine and Alchemy as a man(or well Naga) of Science he lives in a somewhat dis/gaea-esce world (aka the Netherworld or demon land) and is one of the many kings in this world. He is one of the most peaceful kings and due to him being a neutral party his kingdom is one of the largest and safest to be in because the last time someone tried to start a war with him all of the offending Kingdom's crops mysterious died and the water supply was poisoned to the point that if you stuck your finger in it you'd be dead in the next hour. That was all of Alto's doing and he threatened that he can and would do much worse than that if the war efforts persisted, needless to say all the Kings and Queens agreed that day to never go to war with his kingdom again. But don't worry he helped the offending get back on it's feet and returned the water back to normal.most of his followers and subjects are students of Alchemy,Medicine,Magic,etc and he is usually welcoming of beings of all shapes and sizes ranging from demons to humans and even angels as well.
The most surprising thing about Alto is also one of the most Ironic things about him he's incredibly shy especially around new people and is almost always internally freaking out(think Tam/aki from M/y He/ro or Sto/rk from Sto/rm Haw/ks((who I slightly based him off of)) ) People don't know this about him though unless they're incredibly close to Alto as there are very few people that work with daily with him and even fewer kings n queens who know what the true Alto is like as he almost always has a resting bitch face to put it bluntly and his glare tends to come off rather intense because of it(once he's in a safe, more relaxed environment or around his three closest friends he smiles more and he actually acts and looks quite soft). He does listen to his subjects though and does his best to fix any major problems that crop up and if his schedule isn't swamped he'll teach some classes at the local colleges plus much to his citizens surprise he's rather patient and kind when teaching.
Kota: is a captured specimen and was being experimented on by an evil corporation and that's sadly I have for him
Mike and the Unnamed Naga oc sadly don't have a sold story either but they will one day.
Sorry this got so long but thank you reading this if you did I deeply appreciate it!! And I hope that you have a super awesome day too!!!~^^
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eros-agape-art · 5 months
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I felt like drawing Trixie, but I also wanted to draw a kirin so here's a shitty rendition of Trixie Lulamoon as a kirin.
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no1deepspacehater · 7 months
You Get Into A Car Accident (Non Fatal)
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When he texted and you didn’t reply. He wasn’t worried.
When he went to your apartment, and you didn’t answer the door. He was mildly concerned.
When he saw on the news that a hunter was injured in a car crash. He grew worried.
And when he logged into the news feed of the UNICORN’s association, which shows direct information on all hunters, without proper pass, to see your status, he was frantic.
Nearly got into a car crash himself getting to the hospital, and when they wouldn’t let him in to see you, he flashed his high ranking badge, which got the message through.
You were unconscious when he got there, which suddenly reminded him how tired he was.
He prevailed through after checking with the nurses that you were okay, and with that, he pulled up a chair and blanket and fell asleep next to you.
You had to wake him up yourself after you had your breakfast (Saving some for him).
He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he blinked awake.
“You sure do know how to keep someone occupied (MC)… Try not to put yourself out of commission so often, or I’m going to have to find a new partner.” He mumbled absent mindedly as he consumed the rest of your fruit.
If you’re not being taken care of at his hospital, he’s going to whichever one you’re at and taking over immediately. He’s THE Dr. Zayne so of course, he’s going to have his way.
For plots sake you’re at Akso Hospital for now.
If he’s in his office, whatever he’s doing is stopped immediately as his main priority is you.
If he’s dealing with another patient, or in a surgery, he’s still going to remain with his current patient, but his nerves are at an all-time high, which somehow makes him work better.
Says absolutely NOTHING as he tends to your wounds. You can’t tell if he’s seething with rage at you getting hurt or deeply disappointed that you got yourself hurt.
When you finally get the courage to say something, all you can say is his name.
“Doctor Zayne…”
He says nothing as he finishes applying a bandage. Afraid to say anything else, you wait until he’s done.
He takes off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose, letting out a sigh. He looks in your eyes, his own reflecting a type of tiredness you’ve only seen a couple other times you’ve been injured, but with battles instead.
To him, although you put your life in danger being a hunter every day, he’s reminded that the casualties of life are another thing he has to worry about with you.
He caresses your face and just whispers. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
He’d called and texted, and you didn’t reply. Almost didn’t answer you when you called him the next morning.
When he saw you in the hospital bed, he got SO MAD.
Immediately hung up. You thought he was being a brat until he showed up to your hospital room exactly 10 minutes later.
“Some bodyguard you are…” He huffed, faux annoyed, as he pulled out fruit, water, a stuffed animal and balloons from his bag. How did he even get all this stuff in 10 minutes!?
Visits every day until you’re out. Argues with the nurses every time visiting hours come to a close. You have to tell him to shut up and go and apologize for him every time before they officially ban him from the hospital.
He brings his sketchbook in tow and draws scenes of you, you in the hospital, and car accidents tinged with red and dark blue. Even though they’re sketches, they still portray his feelings of anxious despair and sorrow of what could’ve been for the one he most cared about.
“Seriously, stop trying to get yourself killed all the time! … I don’t know what I’d do without you…”
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christhopersturniolo · 7 months
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summary: through the night, chris finds out y/n is a sleepwalker.
warnings: cussing, fluff
notes: english is not my first language, so i’m sorry for any mistake!
After taking a late night hot shower, getting my pajama pants on, I walk back into my room. Seeing my girlfriend on the bed, almost asleep, what I wasn’t expecting, cause she wasn’t home when I went to shower, she probably just got out of her work.
“Hey cutie, I didn’t knew you were already here” I crawl into bed, laying next to her, making me be the big spoon. I wrap my arms around her waist, I snuggle closer, and I kiss her cheek.
“Hey..” She answers sleepy, with her eyes half opened. I nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck.
"Long day?" I ask, usually she is full of energy at anytime, even by the time she gets home.
"Yeah" she replies with a tired sigh, her voice filled with exhaustion.
Feeling her tiredness into the air, I can't help but want to make her feel better. I hate seeing her like this. I whisper softly, "Well, lucky you, I'm here to make everything better." I plant a ton of soft kisses on her jawline, small giggles lefts from her lips. Despite the long day she had, her laughter fills the room with warmth and joy, like It always does.
She turns around, facing me, looking into my eyes with love, leaning her head against my chest and putting her leg over mine, making us get even closer.
We completely fall asleep.
In the middle of the night, I randomly start waking up, only to find Y/n's side of the bed empty. I look at the clock on the bedside, exactly 2:30.
I rub my eyes confused and I look around, maybe she went to the kitchen? Or maybe to the bathroom?
I slowly sit on the edge of the bed and start getting up, going downstairs to the kitchen. As I get in the kitchen, I notice Y/n, standing there and looking inside the fridge.
“Hey babe.. Are you looking for food?” I say with a quiet voice, she doesn’t answer, she’s not even moving. I get closer to her “Y/n?” I take a look at her face, her eyes are fully closed, what the fuck?
My heart quickens with concern as I realize Y/n is sleepwalking. “Princess.. Lets go back to bed, alright?” With a sigh, I realize I'll need to be patient and gentle to guide her back to bed.
Wrapping my arms around her waist, I carefully lead her away from the fridge and towards the stairs.
“I need to take the train before it leaves..” She mumbles, making me laugh. “Yeah.. Yeah.. You can take the train once you get in bed..” I whisper. As we make our way back to our bedroom, Y/n's sleepwalking murmurs continue.
“Where is Chris?”
“I’m right here love.. Right here..” We finally get into our room, I close the door behind us.
“I wanna date Chris..” I gently lay her in bed, under the covers, and I lay next to her. She snuggles up to me, I hold her closely.
“Oh do you want to?” I giggle.
“Chris took me on a date.. Did he took you too?” I kiss her forehead. “Damn I wish he took me on a date” I play along with her sleepiness.
“And how was that date?” I say trying my best not to laugh.
"We went to.. Jupiter and.. We danced with unicorns.." She whispers. I automatically start laughing the most, but not enough to wake her up.
“Alright cupcake.. Let’s sleep..” I slowly start closing my eyes, surprisingly, she doesn’t say any other word.
By the morning, I wake up with her on top of me, giving me soft pecks on my lips, cupping my cheeks with her smooth hands. Automatically making me smile. I wrap one of my arms around her neck, pulling her closer and making us switch positions, getting me on top, never breaking the kiss. “Good morning..” I say now kissing her cheek.
“Good morning” She smiles.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" I chuckle, I know she doesn’t remember anything.
Y/n blinks a few times, her expression confused. "Last night?" she repeats to make sure.
"Last night" I confirm, nodding "You had a little sleepwalking adventure to the kitchen" I yawn.
Her eyes widen in surprise. "No I did not. Oh gosh, that's embarrassing" She affirms, hiding her face in her hands. Chucking slightly.
I can't help but laugh at her reaction. “And you said how you wanted to date me” I tease, only making her more embarrassed.
“I mean It’s not a lie tho” She takes her hands out of her face, smiling. “I do love dating you”
"I love dating you too" I reply, leaning in to press a light kiss to her lips. "Even if our dates involve dancing with unicorns on Jupiter."
“Oh my fucking good..” We laugh.
im open for requests! 💭
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secretsofafangirll · 7 months
you're still my favorite girl
pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!oc
summary: in which chris and isabelle are childhood best friends, who have always had underlying romantic feelings for one another. when chris starts hanging around other girls, isabelle can't help but question their relationship.
tw: talk of insecurity, kind of soft!dom chris, sexual situations but no real smut. mention of fem!oc being "tiny". use of "ma'".
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"Come on, Belle," Chris shoots his hand out for her wrist and pulls himself from the couch as she walks away, "You'll have fun, I promise. Madi's gonna be there, Matt and Nick are going. If you're not gonna go for yourself, at least go for them." He pleads staring down at her, fiddling with her fingers.
"No, Chris. I'm sorry, but I'm not going. The last time I went to a party, someone threw up on me and one of Madi's old friends called me ugly, so," She raises her brows at the boy, "I will be staying in the comfort of my bed for the night with Sam and Colby on my screen."
She starts to walk away but Chris reaches out for her again, this time wrapping an arm around her waist hand colliding with her stomach and pulling her back, "Chris!" She giggles as she stumbles, her back coming in contact with his chest.
"Just stay here, B. I'll want to be with you when I get home. Just curl up in my bed and steal my clothes like you always do, hm?" He tickles her ribs and flexes his bicep around her frame.
"Fine," She huffs, throwing her head back against his chest, "but I'm wearing that unicorn, rainbow bullshit hoodie." Putting a finger in the air, she pulls away from his body, and heads for his bedroom.
"Okay, then I'm gonna head over. Be safe. I'll lock the door behind me and don't answer unless it's me, Nick or Matt. Behave." He points and narrows his eyes at me.
"Yes, sir." She jokes, putting her hands behind her back and bowing at the man. His eyes glaze over momentarily and his cool guy act falters for a moment.
"Love you, Belle."
"I love you, Chris." She calls and makes way to his bedroom.
It's been three and a half hours since Chris left and Isabelle has heard nothing but silence. Not one text or call. She called and texted him several times to ask when he's planning on getting home, as she's getting tired, but he hasn't responded to a single one.
She worries that something bad has happened to him but she knows that Nick and Matt would've called if anything went wrong. While Sam and Colby play quietly in the background of her thoughts, she chomps on her acrylic nails and stares off into space.
Anxious thoughts fill her mind and tiredness threatens to take over. What if he's hurt? What if something happened to Nick and Matt and Chris doesn't have time to tell me? What if Nick and Matt have no idea something is wrong with Chris and he's just suffering all alone with no one aware?
She knows this is the worst thing for her to be doing right now, so to distract herself, she hops out of his bed and saunters into the kitchen to get a glass of water. As she softly pads toward his bedroom door, she hears her phone vibrate against his nightstand. Immediately relief floods her chest and she turns on her heels to run back. She lunges for her phone and is only met with disappointment when she sees that it was just a stupid Instagram notification. But her heart drops when she sees it was Chris who caused the notification in the first place. So he has time to post on Instagram, but not to text his best friend back? Makes total sense!
She reluctantly clicks on the notification to open a story he posted. It's him with one of his other good friends in the influencer space, Paige. He has an arm draped over her shoulders while she curls into his side and blows a fake kiss at his smirking, smug face. The text on the photo reading, My day 1 #1 @paige.
An unfamiliar feeling washes over her. His day one number one? She thinks. What about me? I've known you since kindergarten.
She doesn't know how to describe this feeling. It was like her favorite toy being pried from her hands as a child. Or the spot on the best team in the world being given to someone else. Being given to someone better. Was it jealousy?
No way. She thinks. He's my best friend, I'm not jealous of someone who he's possibly romantically interested in. But when she taps on her profile and sees she also posted a story, she knows exactly what to expect. And boy is she jealous when she sees it.
Paige's post is a different picture. It's a picture of them, back to back. both with sunglasses pointing finger guns at the camera. Nothing's funny about the picture, but Isabelle can't help but laugh. Not at the way they look or the stupid sunglasses, but because Isabelle posted that exact picture of her and Chris not that long ago. She taps through a highlight dedicated to her best friends and two months ago, that exact pose pops up.
Rage courses through her veins. Jealousy and rage flow all throughout her body. You wanna steal my man and my posts? She thinks. And Chris wants to blatantly ignore my attempts to contact him but then be active on social media anyway? Go right ahead.
At this point, she doesn't want to call him or text him. She doesn't even really want to see him at all. Hell, she has half the mind to drive back to her own house and let him find his house empty. But she knows that isn't the right thing to do. So she stays put and tries her best to fall asleep in her best friend's bed.
Isabella had fallen asleep. Comfortable and warm in Chris hoodie and in his bed. He slowly crept in the front door with Matt and Nick two hours later, careful not to wake the sleeping girl. He signaled with his hand for the two to keep it down as he walked in. Though suddenly, Nick dropped his phone and the smack echoed through the entire house.
Chris' head whips around to Nick with wide eyes "Dude," he whisper shouts, "Shut the fuck up."
Matt and Nick make it to their respective bedroom quickly and quietly, eager to go to sleep after such a long night. Chris, on the other hand, is eager to see his sweet best friend. He ever so carefully pushes down the door handle and cracks the door to see Isabelle sleeping so peacefully on his bed, drowning in his large hoodie she swore she would wear. Her soft breaths making her hair move with every exhale, her small hand resting on the pillow beside her head. He takes a moment to take in her beauty. He can't help it. Chris has always thought she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. With her long dark hair and piercing green eyes, he could never deny beauty like that, even if she's his best friend.
He tips toes to his closet and closes the door behind him to change. He peels off his shoes pants and shirts, stripping to his boxers. He doesn't have it in him to shower tonight. After forcing himself to socialize with people he didn't even really like that much, all he wants to do is cuddle with the one person he can never get tired of being around. He quietly exits his closet, grateful that his girl is still asleep. He creeps over to his side of the bed and slides in carefully next to her.
He scoots in closer to her and wraps an arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. He peels the hood from her head and places a loving kiss on the top of it. However, he feels her shift beside him and she pulls her body away from his altogether, leaving no part of her touching him at all, save for his hand which is still tacked on to her waist. When he doesn't take the hint, she reaches behind herself, grabs his hands, and roughly tosses it off of her body.
Chris' brows raise in shock at her rejection and when he reaches out for her again, she scoots even further away, almost falling off the bed.
"Belle," He whispers. No answer. "Belly," He tries again a little louder. Still nothing. "Isabelle," He speaks in a normal speaking voice and places a hand on her hip but she only shrugs him off again and doesn't answer. He props himself up on his elbow stretches his body over hers and turns on the light, "Isabelle Bianca Lavigne, if you don't tell me why you won't let me touch you right now, I swear to god B," He trails off, his voice stern and assertive.
Isabelle finally answers at this, her face bare of any makeup, only covered in sadness and mild insecurity and she turns to face him. His eyes soften slightly at her expression but he maintains composure and control of the situation. He's always had that power over her. And in a strange way, both of them like it more than they should.
"There's nothing to say, I'm just hot." She lies through her teeth, and turns back over.
"Bullshit," He scoffs, "You're in a thick ass sweatshirt, under my heavy ass comforter and turned my fan off. Plus, you're always freezing cold. So try again, Isabelle, and this time, don't lie to me."
"Okay, Chris, if you don't want me to lie," She spits and turns to face him, "I text you five times and I call you six. I leave four voicemails and I even call Matt and yet, I get nothing but radio fucking silence from everyone. Then, my phone buzzes and when I think it's my best friend finally texting me back, I see he's posting on Instagram instead. And not only that," She continues, looking around the room as if there are imaginary cameras around, "He's posting other girls, calling them his number ones, as if his, correct me if I'm wrong, best friend isn't worried sick in his bed, because he won't text her back. So, sue me, if I don't want you to touch me right now, as I'm not feeling very loved." She huffs, rolls back over and turns the light back off.
Chris sits, his mouth agape in silence. She can shut him up real damn fast, it seems. She's never said anything like that to him. He's around other girls all the time and she's never reacted like that before. He blows out a long breath before reaching for her body again. He drapes an arm over her waist and starts to pull her against him again.
She struggles against his strength again but he whispers her name over and over in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. She gives in and relaxes in his grip, "There we go. Relax and let me talk to you, okay? And let me see that face, hm?" He pulls the hood from her head and turns the lamp on once again. There she is. He whispers to himself.
"Is this about Paige?" He questions, turning her onto her back and pulling her impossibly closer to his chest. He brushes her hair out of her face and behind her ear, his hand slipping under the hoodie and onto her bare stomach, his pinky slipping under the waistband of her panties; a habit he had made when she got comfortable enough to sleep without any pants on.
"Christopher," She groans slapping her hands over her face, "It's embarrassing."
"No," He grabs her wrists and pulls her hands from he face, "it's not. She's just a friend, I promise. She wanted to post those for some P.R. bullshit. I barely know her." He swears, looking into her innocent green eyes. His left hand plays with the hair on her forehead and his right hands still lies on her stomach and halfway in her underwear.
"You don't understand, Chris. I already have a hard time being your friend because of your fans. Sometimes I question if any of this is even worth it and then when I see shit like this, other women who just think you're young and sexy, claiming you and shit, it just makes me wonder if I'm really your best friend or if you just keep me around because you feel like you have to. There are so many women who could have, who should have you, but I feel like I'm just keeping you from being happy. Fuck, I mean, I react like this when someone just posts some bullshit about you. It's actually pathetic Chris. And not to mention, Paige is gorgeous. Like, the kind of beautiful you think is made up. Shes blonde and skinny and kind and social and successful, and everything I'm not. Just seeing you with her, looking so happy and so friendly and close. It made me want to tear my skin off, Chris. I've never felt like that before, and it's really scaring me."
Chris looks stunned next to her, his hand frozen on her head and on her waist. He closes his eyes and shakes is head, "Wait back up. One, fuck my fans and what they have to say about you. I love you more than I love any single one of them. Two, you are my best friends. Always have been. No other woman is ever gonna come between that. Third, sure Paige is pretty, but you. Oh, Belle, I call you princess for a reason. You are the most beautiful woman I have seen and I never want to hear you say you aren't, what was it, skinny, kind, social and successful ever again, do you understand?" He grabs her jaw and forces her face on his. She just stares into his eyes and nods like she's under a spell. "You are a goddess to me, Isabelle. If I have to get your name tattooed on my forehead and that promise burned into my skin for you to believe me, I will." He looks down into her eyes once more, his grip still strong on her chiseled jaw.
She leans into his warm body, his bare chest on display for her to touch. She flattens her hand against his left peck and stares into his blue eyes. His right hand moves to the small of her back, his pinky still in her panties. He presses her body into his, pushing her stomach into his groin. The two of them suddenly become very aware of two things: (1) The meaning of the conversation they just had. (2) The lack of clothing both of them have on. Chris clad only in his boxers and her in his sweatshirt with no shirt or bra and a pair of tiny lace panties.
"I don't just love you, Isabelle," He whispers, "I'm in love with you. You're my best girl, always have been. I can meet a thousand girls like Paige and you'll always be my favorite girl."
"You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that," She sighs, before stretching her neck to meet his, her nose brushing against his.
"God, Isabelle, you're gonna be the death of me", Chris breathes, before roughly pressing his lips against hers. He rolls himself onto his back, with his back pressed against the headboard. He grabs her hips and hoists her over his lap, allowing her to straddle his thighs. She places her hands on his shoulders as his hands roam her tiny body. The kiss is wild and wet as their tongues exchange saliva between them. Isabella involuntarily grinds her hips down into his, but Chris is too caught up in the kiss to notice.
"Tell me, ma', " He breaks the kiss and catches his breath, "Say it. Tell me you love me. I can't keep kissing you if I don't hear you say it."
She leans into his ear and blows a soft breath, causing his body to shudder, "I'm in love with you, Chris. I always have been."
With that, his hands squeeze her waist and his lips are back on hers. The kiss is rough and passionate and insanely sloppy. This time, when Isabelle swivels her hips on his, his breathe hitches and his hands shoot out to stop her, "Baby, baby." He pulls away form the kiss and the loss of suction sounds around the room, "You have no idea how bad I want to fuck you right now, but I'm too tired to fuck you how you deserve. I need you to answer me honestly Princess, will you be able to control yourself if I don't stop now?" He tilts his head. She bites her bottom lip and gives him guilty fuck me eyes, shaking her head. "So do I have to stop?" He questions one more time to be sure.
"I think so," She drops her hands from his shoulders and places them on his thighs behind her, her hips still moving slightly against his grip.
"That's okay. We can go to bed, I can hold you as much as I want. and in the morning, we can figure all of this out and if you're good, I'll fuck as hard and as good as my best girl deserves, how's that sound? Hm?" He questions, running his hands up her waist, teasingly tugging on her panties and letting them snap back every here and there.
"Fine, I guess." She gives in and flops over to her side, off of his lap, turning away from him.
"Ma' ," He chuckles softly, "I'm doing this for you, ya' know kid? I could fuck you right now, but it wouldn't be that good and you know that." He pulls her back over to face him and hikes her thigh over his lap and stomach as he lays down beside her, he head resting on his chest.
"Mhmmm" She hums annoyed and tired, lazily bucking her hips against his literal hip bone and groin.
"Settle, ma', " He whispers gripping her hip tightly and turning off the lamp. The two fall asleep, her hands curled up under her jaw and his hands roaming every inch of the body that will soon belong to him.
a/n: alright! how do we feel? i definitely got a little carried away and i'm not sure how i feel. let me know please! also, let me know if ya'll want a part 2.
like and reblog pls!!! i need my blog to grow....
all the love, she ☆
part 2 here!!!
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Always little wolf
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Fred Weasley x wolfstars daughter! reader
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Summary: While y/n and Fred walk home in the snow, the simplest conversation makes Fred sure of one thing, he's going to marry that girl
Warnings: established relationship, kinda luna lovegood type reader, reader loves random facts, kissing, so much fluff, one proofread
A/n: 0.7k words, day 4 we have another fluffy little blurb with freddie and wolfstars adopted daughter, enjoy xx
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Navigation | Fred Weasley Masterlist
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“Did you know…”
Fred’s already chuckling, the sight of you trying to get on your big fluffy coat whilst tipsy was cute enough, but combine it with an excited random fact? You have his heart melting like crazy. He was used to your random trivia but never grew tired of it, he loved it in fact, especially as it hardly ever related to anything you were doing.
Like when he first met you, you had tagged along with Harry and his dad, your godfather, James, to the quidditch world cup, instead of a 'did you know this about quidditch fact' whilst you walked up the stands with him him, he got a 'did you know otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t float away from one another?'
It was safe to say he had been at your mercy ever since
"...that...one second...that s-"
“Here…” he gently interrupts your fact before you can start, helping you get your hand through the sleeve “...good girl” he pecks your forehead, adoring the the grin he receives as you cheese up at him, eyes glassy, clearly only half here but the love in your eyes shines through
After one last shout goodbye to those at the party you and Fred brave the cold, his hand finding yours before guiding into his larger pocket to keep it warm
“It’s snowing” you note, free hand coming to wrap around his bicep, as your cheek presses into it
“It is...almost as pretty as you my love” he flirts, adoring your giggle before you let out a little yip, head shooting up to look at him as you move away slightly to smile up at him “What?”
“I forgot to tell you the fact” you say softly and his heart warms, secretly glad you remembered
“Hit me” he flashes you a goofy grin, unable to hold it back as he wraps his arm around you and leads you down the now snow dusted path
“Did you know that Scotland's national animal is a unicorn because there was this wizard whose pet unicorn followed him into a muggle battle?” you say, a little slurred and in a higher pitched tone, the same one you always used when saying your little facts  
Fred chuckles, pulling you a little closer into his side “Seriously?” 
“Siriusly” you start giggling 
“See this is the stuff Binns should have taught us…” Fred shakes his head “...actually you know what lovely? You should try and poach his job” he presses a kiss to your hat clad temple 
“Nah” you shake your head 
“Why not? You love facts, adorable at telling them, cute as a button so all the guys and gals will crush on you, be closer to your dads and uncle” he lists with a shrug, genuinely surprised you wouldn’t be interested
You stop walking, gently removing yourself from Fred's grip and taking his hands in yours instead. His eyebrows pinch but his face soon softens into a smile as he sees you shining up at him 
“Because then I wouldn’t see my favourite person everyday...” you answer simply, easily, almost like it should have been obvious but the next bit floors him "...and when I find out a new fact I can't tell anyone else until i've told you, I always tell you first"
He always felt it in his heart that he was going to marry you one day, but this was the moment he knew for sure...so much that in less than a weeks time you would be saying that three letter word to make it a reality
“Merlin I love you...” the words tumble out breathlessly in the same manor as yours "...so much...so...so much" he emphasises squeezing your hands
Your smile widens at that, a giggle escaping as you step forward, chests grazing “Ditto” you shine, placing a sweet kiss to his nose
He doesn’t let you pull away fully, instead dips down to capture your lips, hands slipping out of yours to cup your chilled cheeks while the snow lightens around you for a moment, large flakes fluttering down slowly like you were in some movie. The cold forgotten for a moment as your warm lips dance with one another, your hands gliding up to find his chest, not caring that it made your fingertips go numb
Your lips still ghost the others as you break away, your cheeks rising with your smile in his light grip as you whisper “Did you know if you remind yourself you aren’t a fish your hiccups will stop?” 
“You're pulling my leg” he whispers back
“Wanna bet Weasley?” you say letting your lips meet again tentatively
“With you? Always little wolf”
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Thank you for reading ♡
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dandylovesturtles · 3 months
Decided to write a quick little something for @whumperless-whump-event Day 4: chronic pain/"I'm used to it."
featuring, of course, Sidelined Leo!
like I said before, since it's disability pride month I'd like to do a few things for the Sidelined AU, so hopefully I will find time for more as the days go. For now, I hope you enjoy this!
Leo can tell it's going to be a bad day the moment he wakes up.
The pain in his arms and legs has grown from it's constant dull thrum to a more present burn, and there's a pinch between his eyes that tells him a headache is on the way. Really, he's not surprised; the last few days have been really good. He even went out on a mission two days ago, and did a little skateboarding yesterday. It stands to reason that his body has crashed out on him.
Sometimes he feels angry and bitter about it. Today, he just feels a sort of resigned acceptance. And that means maybe it won't be such a bad day after all.
He hits the button on the side of the bed so it bends him into a reclined position, then fumbles around on his side table until his hand lands on his pill organizer. He should probably text someone to bring him water, but it feels like a pain, so he dry swallows them one by one and just resolves not to mention doing that to Dad or Raph.
Then he finally blinks the sleep out of his eyes and looks around his room and... darn it, his chair isn't here. Where'd he even leave it...
His memory is a complete blank on that one, so he sighs and clears his throat.
"Hey, Shell-man?"
There's only a second of silence before Shelldon's voice echoes from who even knows where. Donnie rigged his new room with more electronics than Leo will ever know about.
"S'up bro?"
"You know where my chair is?" he asks, like Shelldon can't track it instantly.
"You left it in the arcade, dude," comes the answer. "Want me to wheel it over?"
Yeah, no way he's getting himself to the arcade today. "Sure, thanks, Shelly."
"No problem, dude!"
Leo lets his head flop back on his pillows while he wants for his chair to be delivered. He fumbles around for his phone this time and takes a look at his reminders.
6:00 PM: Concert with Mikester
"Crap," he mutters, closing his eyes. Right, that yokai hip-hop group Mikey wanted to go see. Leo had promised he'd go with him, but he doubts he'll be able to do it now.
It's not that big a deal. Raph or Donnie will probably go with him if Mikey makes big enough puppy eyes at them. It's just, Leo had been kinda excited about it, too...
The dark buzz that heralds his anxiety flares up, and he sucks in a deep breath and lets it out slow. He doesn't want this day to turn terrible. He needs to relax and accept the things he can't change, like April always says. Even when it sucks.
There's a whir of electronics that signals the arrival of his chair. Leo waits until it parks itself next to his bed, then he swings his legs over the bed and stands up just long enough to sit down in the chair again. Even that leaves him feeling a little winded, but he doubts his arms could have handled the transfer so he doesn't bother trying.
He wheels around his room until he finds his big comfy unicorn hoodie, then drives out into the rest of the lair, making his way up the ramp to the kitchen. He can smell breakfast cooking, and hear Raph's voice.
"Morning fam," he says as he comes in, trying to keep his voice upbeat even though he already feels tired.
"Morning Leo!" Mikey echoes, turning around with a whole plate of waffles. His smile falters a little when he sees the chair and the hoodie. "Oof. Flare up?"
"Yeah," he admits, steering his chair into the empty part of the kitchen table. Mikey sets the waffle plate down, and without having to be asked Raph starts fixing some for Leo, with blueberries on top.
It took work for them both to find the line between helping and babying, but they're better at this now. Leo doesn't mind Raph helping him out this way, especially because he'd rather not make a mess of the kitchen table.
"Mikey, can you grab my fat fork?"
"It has a name," says a tired voice behind him, and Leo smirks as Donnie comes around the side and makes for the coffee machine.
"I just used it. It's the fat fork."
"It's a GeniusBuilt Secure Grip Adjustable Fork-"
"I'm not saying all that."
Donnie huffs. Mikey snickers, swinging around him to deliver the fork with the thick grip to Leo. He has another set with a loop that can secure to his hand if he needs it, but this one is fine for now.
"Thanks Angelo."
"Did you take your meds this morning?" Raph asks.
"Yes, Mom," says Leo, rolling his eyes as he cuts off a bite of waffle.
"Really? 'Cause Raph didn't hear you ask anyone to bring you water-"
"I had some leftover Gatorade in my room," Leo lies quickly.
"Uh-huh." Raph looks at him skeptically. "Leo, you know taking pills without water hurts your throat."
"Meh meh meh, you'll hurt your throat," Leo repeats in a mocking voice. Raph reaches over like he's going to cuff Leo on the head, then seems to rethink it and steals some of his blueberries instead. "Hey!"
"You are all so noisy already," comes Splinter's voice, and he finally comes into the room to join them, wearing the robe he slept in. He looks up at Leo in his chair. "Are you in pain, Blue?"
Leo hums an affirmative. "It's not that bad, though," he adds, because it's not. Comparatively.
Now it's his dad's turn to look skeptical. "Are you sure?"
Leo grimaces. "It's... a little worse than normal," he amends. "But I can handle it."
"Mmm..." Splinter walks off to get in his own seat. "Let us know if it gets worse."
"Yeah, yeah..."
The conversation moves on to other topics, up until Leo's wheelchair beeps at him. He groans, glancing down at the battery indicator, which is firmly in the red.
"You forgot to charge it, didn't you?" asks Donnie, looking amused.
"Shut up, I've been busy!" Leo snaps back.
"If you left it on the charger when you aren't using it then this wouldn't happen."
"Alright, anyone else have any criticisms for me today?" he says, except it comes out a shade too bitter and Donnie's grin falters.
Good job, Leon, way to be a dick. He winces, focusing again on his waffles. His arm is sore from the effort of eating and he wants to crawl back in bed and stay there, which is exactly the sort of attitude he's been trying to avoid.
"...I have the backup chair in the lab if you need it," says Donnie. A peace offering.
"Thanks," says Leo, returning it.
So after breakfast, Donnie helps him swap chairs. His main one is put on the charger and he wheels himself to the living room with the backup, then calls for Raph.
"Think you can help me get comfy, big guy?" he asks.
"Of course," says Raph with a grin. "What do you want?"
It's nice that he asks now, instead of assuming.
Leo directs him to help him onto the couch, then Raph gets him his fluffy blue blanket to cover him up. Even though he took his meds, he can feel the pain radiating at his hips and knees and he guesses he's going to need more later. He sets an alarm on his phone and settles in with a Jupiter Jim flick to fall asleep to.
He's not out yet when he hears the pad of feet, then feels the couch dip as Mikey sits next to him.
"Hey Leo," he says softly, and Leo gives a hum to let him know he's still awake. "You think... you're gonna feel up for the concert tonight?"
Oh right. Shoot. It had already slipped Leo's mind, and now he feels guilty all over again.
He opens his eyes and tilts his head so he can see Mikey. "I don't think so. I'm sorry."
"You don't gotta apologize!" says Mikey quickly. "I'm sorry you're having a rough day."
"It's fine," says Leo. "I'm used to it."
"I'm still sorry," says Mikey firmly. He gets up, then comes over so he can give Leo a very awkward couch hug. "I wish you didn't have to hurt," he says, sincerely.
Leo leans into the hug. Feels the dark buzz of anxiety ebb away.
"Hey, it's alright. All you guys make it easier."
Mikey beams at that, bouncing back up. "Hey, I know," he says. "I'll get Donnie to help me set up a sweet livestream so you can see the concert from right here!"
They don't have to go to all that trouble for him. But Leo looks up at his little brother's shining smile and can't say no.
"That'd be really cool," he says, and Mikey claps his hands.
"Yes! Okay, I'll go get Dee and we'll get on it!"
He races away. Leo chuckles, curling up under his blanket.
Maybe it won't be such a bad day after all.
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obrowne21 · 6 months
ʙᴀʙʏ ɪ’ᴍ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ
Chapter 2 - “Hates the Perfect Word”
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“Don’t stay out here too late, Baby.”
Sergeant Ken Lemmons was only partly joking with Baby when he said this to her. However over the three weeks of getting to know the stubborn blonde, he realized it wasn’t so far fetched for her to lose track of time.
And that would be proven correct as Baby was still out on the Airstrip, working away. She found it difficult to leave seeing as the view was so beautiful. The sunset painted the sky a warm orange and pink tone. A calm breeze briefly passed her, ruffling the tall grass, the trees, and even the bottom of her dress as it did so.
Sighing, she found a comfortable spot on a nearby crate. Busying herself by screwing two engine pieces together with a basic rod. The action was done smoothly like muscle memory.
A loud sound of an engine and the screech of tires had broken her peaceful state. Internally rolling her eyes, Baby prepared herself.
That could mean only one thing.
The jeep made a rough stop in front of her causing her to look up at the person responsible for the interruption.
Major John ‘Bucky’ Egan.
Even the thought of his name sparked annoyance in Delilah. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was about him that was so infuriating.
Maybe it was the way he walked around base like he was the king of the world. He had everybody under his spell, especially her brother Gale. She couldn’t understand how the two had ever became friends.
Or maybe it was how he would sometimes get caught looking at her but would never say anything.
It was like a game of tug of war. Always giving her signs of interest but then taking it back as if he physically and mentally couldn’t bring himself to go there with her. Like something was stopping him, more like someone.
She had a pretty good idea of who.
“A little birdy told me you were out here.” Leaning back in his seat, Bucky faced the woman.
Delilah, uninterested, gave him a nod before focusing back onto her work. “Never really liked birds.”
“Sad to hear that. They’re real fascinating creatures. I’m more of a unicorn guy myself-”
“I bet you are.”
After a beat of silence, Delilah glanced up to see him staring at her once again. It could’ve been because she had just rudely interrupted him but by the way the corner of his mouth twitched into his signature smirk made her think differently.
His eyes held nothing but admiration as he kept his gaze on her. The way she smoothly worked away like it was her second nature was wildly attractive. Not to mention the quick wits that shamelessly left her pretty mouth, which instead of feeling insulted he would always feel more amazed by her.
“Gale send you out here?”
“So tell me…Major Bucky,” The name rolled off her tongue as a taunt. Placing the tool and engine piece down beside her, she leaned back onto her hands. “To what do I owe the pleasure of being in your presence?”
Bucky watched as she seductively crossed her legs and tilted her head awaiting for an answer. The reminder that she was his best friends little sister kept blaring in the back of his mind. But it was so damn hard to listen to.
“Maybe I just want to be in yours.” Copying her action, Bucky tilted his head. “You ever think of that?”
”It’s hard to when you’ve been avoiding me like the plague.”
He knew exactly what she referring to. Part of it was intentional but at the same time he really never knew how to approach her. Which was odd for him.
John Egan never struggled in talking to women. However he would always overthink with Delilah. She made him nervous, in a good way.
“Can’t say I know what you’re talking about, sweetheart.” Bucky let out a nervous scoff knowing he had been called out.
The use of the nickname made Baby raise her eyebrows in surprise. “That’s a new one.”
“You like it?”
“I’m not sure yet.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve been called many things, Major Bucky, but sweet has never been one of them.”
“What?” He dropped his jaw dramatically, pretended to be shocked. “You’re the sweetest.”
Bucky watched as she let out an adorable laugh as she threw her head back. A small wave of pride washed over him at the fact that he got her to smile, let alone talk to him for more than five seconds.
“If I’m sweet then you’re a good singer.” She playfully jutted.
“Oh,” He placed a hand on his heart. “You wound me, Baby. I’d have you know I’m an excellent singer.”
“A little birdy told me differently.”
Looking away Bucky chewed away on the piece of gum in his mouth. Damn, she was good.
“If this birdy happens to be tall, boring, and has a head full of blonde hair on his head than you should ignore him and come see for yourself.”
Delilah laughed not taking him seriously. “Yeah, okay.”
“I’m serious.” He said. Eyes connecting with her honey brown ones. “There’s a dance, day after tomorrow. Come and I’ll make it worth your while.”
“Might skip out on this one.” She declined.
Nodding Bucky looked down. An idea popped into his head that might change her mind. “Huh, guess you Clevens are more alike than you want to admit.”
If there was anything he learned from witnessing the Cleven sibling duo was that they both were complete opposites. Buck was more serious, rule follower, and never really liked to do anything risky.
And although he didn’t talk to Delilah much, he would notice how she liked to do things in an untraditional way. Her presence here as one of the first female mechanics proves that. She also loved to make fun out of most situations. A small joke was always at the tip of her tongue and she could never keep it there.
He’d like to bet she loved to dance too.
Picking up the tool beside her she pointed it at Bucky with an annoyed glare. “Take that back right now.”
“Makes sense.” He shrugged his shoulders innocently. “Guess the ‘never have a good time’ genes got passed down to both of ya.”
“I can have a good time.” She rebutted.
Bucky nodded, not really convinced at all. “Okay.”
A moment of silence passed as Bucky continued to poke fun at Delilah as she thought over his words.
Letting go of her cheek, the one she was anxiously biting, Delilah sighed. “What times the stupid dance?”
A smile of victory took plastered across the Major's face as he mentally celebrated. “I’ll be there at 8:00, that’s when the real party starts.”
“Can’t wait.” She gave him a fake smile.
Taking a look around, they both knew that it was about to get dark soon and should head back.
Reaching over the passenger seat of the Jeep, Bucky propped open the door with one arm. “Hop in, sweetheart. I’ll give you a ride back.”
“I have a bike, you know?”
“That old thing?” Simultaneously the two turned to look at the bike leaning on the side of the crate she was sitting on.
“Yeah,” Delilah smiled proudly. It was one of the things she built on her own when she first got here. “Isn’t he pretty?”
“Well you men always refer to your cars and planes as woman, so I’d thought I’d return the favor.”
As the blonde continued to admire her piece of work, Bucky’s gaze shifted to her. Taking in her smooth tan skin and pretty freckles that he’d like to individually kiss. And finally her full lips that were just calling his name.
He watched as she grabbed the handles of the bike and easily kicked her leg over to get on it. He furrowed his eyebrows. “Baby?”
“I’d rather ride a thousand miles on this old thang than one in there with you.”
He was left speechless as she petaled away without a second thought. The fact that her and a Buck were siblings was still a shock to him.
No matter how different the two were they both had something in common. The Clevens had captured John Egans heart. With a Buck it was respect and friendship. And with Delilah.
Oh, Delilah. He hadn’t even got to know her fully yet and she already had him hooked.
Snapping out of his trance he started the engine before catching up and riding along beside her. Now he was back to looking between the road and her pretty side profile.
“Still got you to go to the dance with me.” He gloated.
Once again, John Egan had managed to make her smile. Shaking her head she tried to petal faster but he would just match her speed. “I hate you!”
“Hates a strong word.”
“Hates the perfect word.”
A/N : As y’all can tell I love a good slow burn. Hope y’all liked it! Let me know your thoughts on it please, I love to hear feedback.
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happy74827 · 10 months
Oblivious to Love
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[Mike Ross x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Finding that your crush was evidently hiding something from you became more nerve-wracking than you thought. But something tells you that maybe it's worth the chase through the office, much to Harvey's displease of course.
WC: 2323
Category: Fluff
I wrote this mostly for my friend (love you @yoursacredqueenmother), but honestly I wrote it for myself too. Plus, there’s barely any Mike Ross fics on this app so I wanted to give some popularity towards him.
Oh how I love writing underrated kings.
When you first met Mike Ross, he was nothing but a loser, a sorry excuse for a man. From his annoying habits of always being right to his slightly disheveled appearance, the way he always looked like a lost puppy in the morning. Everything about him was just... annoying.
Yet you couldn't help but fall for him. Fall for that crooked smile that seemed to make your knees wobble, those blue eyes that you swore were made out of crystals, and that damn brain of his. God, his brain was impressive. And every time you watched him work, you could only think that this guy was a fucking genius. He was just a brilliant person, and you knew it.
And he knew you knew it. Mike Ross was a very talented man, more talented than you. The way he talked, his words seemed to flow out of his mouth as if they were enchanted, and with one single phrase, he could convince you of the existence of unicorns. He had always had this way about him. It was like he could get anything he wanted by simply giving a smile. And even though Mike didn't know this about himself, he was able to make you melt with just a few words.
And after getting to know Mike better, you found that he was an amazing person. Sure, he could be a bit cocky at times, but his cockiness always came with the fact that he knew he was doing something right, and he was willing to admit to his wrongdoings when it was necessary. That's something that not everyone is willing to do, and you found that really impressive. He also had the most caring eyes you had ever seen, always willing to take care of anyone who needed help. Mike was a great guy, one of the best you knew. And when it came to his intelligence, you had no doubt that he was the smartest guy in the world.
But you still couldn't help but think, what was a guy like Mike doing with a girl like you?
You were nothing compared to him. He was intelligent, quick-witted, and attractive to boot. He was like the epitome of a perfect human, while you... you were just another boring girl who happened to be lucky enough to be in his life. You could never compare to someone like him, someone as amazing as Mike Ross.
It wasn't long before your feelings for him began to show, and when they did, it was inevitable that Mike would find out. It seemed that he could read you like a book, and you had no idea what gave away your feelings, but you had a sense that Mike had caught on early. Of course, it was only speculation, but the evidence was… well, there. He came up to you more, wanting to hang out with you, and his words to you were even sweeter. You were too embarrassed to think straight, and you had no idea what to do with yourself.
"You alright?"
It was lunchtime when Mike decided to show up, his blue eyes glancing down at you. His question took you by surprise, and you gave a quick nod in response.
"Yeah...yeah, I'm alright," you said, looking down at your salad. "I'm just a bit tired today, that's all."
He seemed to buy your answer because he didn't push any further on the subject. He just continued on as if nothing had happened. But something did happen, and you could tell that Mike was avoiding your eyes. You noticed this right away because he would never look away from you for so long, and you began to grow suspicious. What did Mike know?
The first person you decided to chase down and confront was Donna, the woman who knew anything and everything. She was like the goddess of knowledge, and if there was anyone who knew what was going on, it was her.
"Alright, what's up with Mike?" You questioned, waiting for an answer.
Donna looked up, giving you a questioning look. "What do you mean?"
"Don't give me that, D. You know exactly what I mean. Mike is being… I don’t know, he's being strange. I know you know why."
The older woman gave a sigh, taking a bite from her salad. "I don't know, he hasn't told me anything," she replied. "But are you sure he’s the one being weird? Because, you know, you're not exactly normal yourself."
"I am exactly normal!"
"You're so not normal."
"And how would you know that? Have you ever seen me? I look normal to the naked eye!"
Donna only smirked in response.
"You're useless," you groaned, turning away from the woman and sitting down at the table. Just as you did so, Harvey decided to walk past on the way to Jessica’s office. Of course, Harvey. Mike and him are practically glued at the hip.
He must know something.
"Harvey!" You shouted, causing him to halt in his tracks. The man turned around, his face contorting into one of confusion when he saw you. The confusion only stayed for a minute, though, because the second you went to open your mouth, he shut you down.
“Nope. I’m not doing this," Harvey said, pointing to the door. "Not this time."
"Doing what?" You asked, following behind him as he continued on his way. "You didn’t even know what I was going to ask.”
"Doesn't matter. I’m not getting involved with you and Mike."
"How’d you…?" You stopped yourself before you could finish your sentence, watching Harvey continuing on his way to Jessica's office, ignoring your complete presence.
Why was everyone avoiding you?
"Alright, what the hell?" You said, stomping back towards Donna. She gave a look of concern as if she was expecting you to explode any second now. “What’s going on? Please, tell me. Please don’t make me go to Louis. If I have to hear him talk about going mudding one more time, I might just snap. I swear to God-"
"Alright, alright," Donna interrupted, holding up her hands in defense. "But just remember, you asked for this."
"Just tell me, Donna. Tell me now before I die of curiosity!"
Donna sighed, rolling her eyes and looking you dead in the eyes. "Mike knows.”
"Knows what?"
"He knows.”
Oh no.
Donna must’ve immediately picked up on your panicked state because she was suddenly in front of you, grabbing onto your shoulders and trying to ground you as your eyes widened in sheer panic.
"Calm down," she whispered, shaking you slightly. "Just breathe."
"Is this bad? I think this is bad. This is bad. I’m going to die of embarrassment now. I won’t even be able to look at him ever again-"
"Stop." Donna slapped you in the face, her actions taking you by surprise. "Look, I'm going to tell you what I told him, alright?"
You only gave a small nod in response.
"After Mike asked—”
“He asked?!”
“Shush! After Mike asked if you were in love with him, I asked if he was in love with you."
"He wouldn’t say. So, I asked him if he thought he was, and he didn't give me an answer.”
You blinked at her. "Okay. I don't think this is helping."
"You don’t understand. That’s a good sign. When you want to tell someone how you feel, but you don't want to give them the satisfaction of saying it out loud, you refuse to answer a question when someone asks if you feel that way about them. It means they really care, you know? Mike doesn't want to risk telling you how he feels, but he doesn't want to lie to me."
You stared at her, unable to respond. Donna just gave a sigh and patted you on the head.
"Look, all I'm trying to tell you is that this might work out. Just give it time."
You, in fact, didn’t give it time. You practically went insane to the point of going back to Harvey to question him again. This time, he gave you an answer.
"Does Mike like me?”
He gave you a confused look as if he were expecting you to explain what the hell you were talking about.
"…I’m going to pretend like you asked a real question," Harvey said, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t know if you've forgotten, but this is a law firm. Not a damn soap opera."
"I need to know!" You pressed. “I know Mike said something to you. That man cannot keep anything secret. It's just not possible."
"Dammit," Harvey muttered, rubbing his temples. "This isn't something I want to deal with right now, I’m busy-"
"Harvey, it’s a simple yes or no. I will literally leave you alone for a whole week if you tell me. I promise I won't bug you at all; I swear on my life. So, please. Just tell me."
Harvey sighed, putting down his pen. There was a part of you that felt bad about interrupting his work, but this was too important just to ignore. You had to know.
"Mike likes you, kid. Now get the hell out of my office," Harvey said, waving you off as you left, feeling a huge weight off your shoulders.
Oh, man. Oh boy. This was actually happening. Mike Ross, the smartest man in the world, liked you. The smile that surfaced on your face was involuntary, and you couldn’t help but put it on full display as you walked past Donna, who raised an eyebrow.
"You need to talk to him," Donna said. "Or else you'll never stop smiling like an idiot."
That's what you did.
The second you saw Mike, you rushed to his office, where you could see that he was alone. You entered quietly, making sure to close the door behind you as Mike looked up, his blue eyes locking with yours.
"Hey," he said, clearing his throat as you made your way towards him. “I was just—”
“Harvey said you liked me.” You blurted, causing Mike to freeze. You didn’t mean to just come out and say it like that, but you couldn't stop yourself from doing so. He looked a bit shocked, but his expression quickly changed to one of curiosity, his eyebrows arching.
Then, he did something you hadn't been expecting at all. He gave you a smile. Mike Ross, the man you had been pining over for years, gave you a smile that made your knees wobble, and you felt your stomach tighten.
"Funny enough,” he said, leaning back into his chair, still wearing that grin on his face. "Donna said the exact same thing about you.”
You couldn’t help the soft laughter that escaped you because it was funny. Donna and Harvey. Everyone seemed to know except you two, and that was almost humorous. But it wasn't enough to stop your nerves because you still wanted to talk to him.
"Listen, Mike-"
"No," he interrupted, shaking his head. "Not until you listen."
He paused for a moment, waiting until you were fully in attention before continuing.
"You don't need to say anything," Mike said, his voice taking on a serious tone that surprised you. "I’m smart enough to know how you feel about me. I knew it as soon as I saw the way you looked at me. Sorry that it took me so long to say something, but I wanted to make sure it was real, you know? Because you can't just trust someone based on looks, not with stuff like this. You know?"
“I’m rambling, aren’t I? I’m totally rambling, aren't I?"
"I feel really awkward right now," he said, a nervous chuckle escaping him. "Because this is normally the part where you would just kiss me, but you haven't done anything of the sort."
"You want me to kiss you?” You asked, your heart pounding so loud that you could feel it in your throat. “That’s a little bold, don't you think?"
Mike leaned forward, giving you a look that caused your heart to practically leap out of your chest. His eyes seemed to be sparkling as if he were asking a question you already knew the answer to.
"Since when has anyone said I was shy?"
You let out a small gasp, almost like a squeak, as he grabbed onto your hand and pulled you closer to him. The chair Mike was in was not made to sit two people, and you had to squeeze in between him, your bodies pressing against each other.
He leaned into you, his nose brushing against yours as he closed his eyes, giving you a second to do the same before he kissed you. It was soft and warm, and the second his lips touched yours, you were gone. His hands came up to your face, and you could feel his fingers caress your cheeks as you pressed into his kiss.
The first time you kissed someone, you knew it was special. Something about it caused butterflies to swarm in your stomach, and you wanted nothing more than to continue this for the rest of your life. But as you kissed Mike Ross, you knew that it was even better.
His kiss was passionate and full of longing as if he were kissing you for the first time. It was a feeling you never experienced before, and it was amazing.
When the two of you finally parted, your cheeks flushed and your lips slightly swollen; you couldn't help the giggle that escaped you, watching Mike as his face turned slightly pink.
"That was… wow.” Mike bit down on his lip, trying to hold back his smile. "I never knew."
"Never knew what?”
Mike looked up, giving you that crooked grin that you adored so much. "That a kiss from you can make my heart stop beating."
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snowyslytherinowl · 1 year
Joyous Nightmares - Part 3
PAIRING: Severus Snape x (Professor) Reader
SUMMARY: A year after surviving the Second Wizarding War, Severus Snape begins to have joyous nightmares where he dreams of having a wife and a daughter. These dreams bring him nightmares because he doesn't believe that he'll ever get married or have a family of his own. So what happens when the wife in his dreams is revealed to be you?
Warning: Nothing graphic, but Severus’s near-fatal attack by Nagini is described. Angst and nightmares once more. 
Part 1 | Part 2
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*GIF isn't mine, unsure of credit
Sleep overcomes an unwilling Severus that night. Dreams also invade his sleep since his dreamless sleep potions haven’t finished brewing. 
Nighttime approaches as Severus walks down the path toward Hagrid’s hut. He wonders if his daughter had fun with the gamekeeper that day. His question is answered when the door of the hut bursts open and she comes running towards him. For a five-year-old, she runs amazingly fast. 
“Daddy, Daddy! Hagrid showed me unicorns and hippogriffs!” she shouts. Practically launching herself at his legs, she grasps the fabric of his trousers and points at Buckbeak. “He let me pet Buckbeak too!” The gamekeeper emerges from the hut and approaches the pair, smiling. 
“Oi, Professor Snape! Sorry. I didn' mean ter let her run out o' the house, tha' one.” he apologizes. “Yer daughter is a sweet little girl.”
 “Thank you for watching her and showing her your creatures, Hagrid. She has been excited to play with the live versions of her toys for a long time.” He smiles down at his daughter and cocks his head in Hagrid’s direction. “Sweetheart, what do you say to Hagrid?”
“Thank you!” she says and hugs Hagrid’s legs as she smiles sweetly up at him.  
“O' course, little one,” he replies and pats her affectionately on the head. 
Severus’s daughter grabs his hand and they walk back to Hogwarts together. Along the way, she rambles about every creature she petted and fed. Severus warmly smiles at his daughter’s excitement. Several students stare as Severus passes by them with his daughter in tow. “Should you not be returning to your houses?” he sneers at them to protect his reputation as the harsh dungeon bat. The students quickly scamper away and Severus beckons his daughter to their quarters. 
He pushes the door open to the sound of music playing from a small radio and fire crackling from the fireplace. Water rushes from the shower and Severus’s daughter is about to open the bathroom door when he stops her. She looks disappointed, but he reassures her, “Wait for Mummy to finish her shower and I will warm up milk for you. All right?”
She nods and jumps onto the sofa. He searches the fridge for milk as the bathroom door creaks open, revealing you in pajamas. “Hi. I thought I heard you two coming in. How was Hagrid’s, sweetheart?”
“He showed me unicorns and hippogriffs!” she gushes. A unicorn plushie flies into her hands and she changes the body of the unicorn to have a yellowish tint. “One of them looked like Angel, but she was a baby so she was yellow.”
“How cute is that!” you say enthusiastically. “Next time we can look at them together!” The both of you giggle and Severus smiles as he turns on the stove. He warms the milk for his daughter and when he hands it to her, he finally notices her features. She has his black hair while every other feature mirrors yours: the eyes, nose, lips, and cheeks. Soon after she finishes the milk, her parents wash her and put her to sleep. 
Once Severus changes into his nightclothes, he cuddles with you in bed. Water remaining from your hair wets his shirt, but he doesn’t care. He focuses on how he can feel your breasts through the thin fabric of your pajamas and how your legs are practically fused to his. He tilts his head down and sees you looking down at him. “Are you tired?” you whisper and move your hand from his jaw to his chest. You take more time tracing your hand down his stomach and where he needs it most while wickedly batting your eyelids at him. 
“Not when your hand is all over me.”
You laugh softly and kiss his neck. “Then let’s stay up a little longer.” You swing one leg fully over his leg and lower your body onto him. Severus tilts himself upwards and presses a kiss onto your lips.
A whirlwind of emotions runs through Severus, but the emotion that prevails is longing. He considers you to be a friend and has never recognized that perhaps, he does harbor romantic feelings for you. You have the sweetest smile, the gentlest eyes, and the most beautiful laugh. How was he such a fool not to realize the true meaning of the warmth enveloping him whenever you laugh? And Merlin, that dream. He selfishly wishes it had carried on so he could feel your body enveloping his. 
Then a sense of guilt hits him. You see him as a friend and nothing more, for Merlin’s sake. He’s ashamed that he dreamt of you in such a way. How can he possibly sit next to you in the Great Hall in a few hours and look at you like nothing has happened? The worst part is that you won’t even know why he’s ignoring you. But it’s better this way; he can’t fathom the look of disgust on your face if you knew that he dreamt of your hands roaming over his body. You’re too good, too kind for this. Especially since you just offered to accompany him to Hogsmeade and the Black Lake. 
This is too much for him to handle and his body begins to shake. Tears run down his cheeks and sobs wrack his body. The nearest vase becomes the victim of his emotions as he throws it at the wall, shattering it into porcelain shards. He kicks a messy pile of books and they go flying, knocking down other items they’ve hit. He grabs his wand and explodes a glass jar, spilling its contents everywhere. Severus attempts to calm himself by balling his fingers into a tight fist until his knuckles go white and blood is drawn from the fingernails pressing his palm. Slow, shallow breaths escape him, but they do nothing to calm his internal state. 
Finally, he collapses onto the bed, head between his hands, and allows the emotions of all the dreams to overtake him once more. A selfish part of him wishes that he truly did have a daughter that looks like you. Wishful thinking, that is, considering that you’d never dream of dating him, let alone marrying him. 
A knock sounds on the door, startling Severus. He swallows his sobs and wipes his eyes with his hands. Though, whoever is on the other end knows he’s inside since they knock more insistently this time. He attempts to ignore them again. Cold chills run down his body when he hears their voice. “Severus, I know you’re in there! Please, open up!”
It’s you. What a fool he is for forgetting that you’re patrolling the corridors tonight. He doesn’t know what to do. Leave you at the door or face the one person he never wants to face again? Who is he kidding? He wants to see you more than anyone in the world, but he has to push you away. Then again, it would be cruel to you to completely ignore you, so he settles on shouting, “I am fine! You can leave!”
“Stop lying to me! I heard crashes in there!” Usually, your voice is gentle and kind; now, you sound insistent and a little desperate. A pang of guilt hits him once more, so he swings the door open. 
The light from your wand shines onto Severus, causing him to shrink back in an attempt to hide his puffy red eyes. With the way you’re staring at him, you must think of him as an ugly, pitiful creature. “Oh, Severus. What happened? I’ve been worried about you for so long! Please, talk to me,” you beg and you sound like you’re on the verge of tears. How sweet you are for caring so deeply about him. 
“I… I…” he stammers and you draw your head back to look at him expectantly. He quickly breaks eye contact and points at the smashed jar and its contents oozing on the floor. “I am upset because I dropped my favorite potion ingredient.” 
You raise your eyebrows at him. “I don’t believe you.” The concern is still there, but he feels like a silly schoolboy being caught in a lie. 
Sighing, Severus whispers, “What do you want me to say?” He wishes you would leave him to his thoughts and accept his lies, but Merlin you will not give up. It would be so much easier for you to stop caring about him. 
“The truth,” you say and let go of him. He misses the warmth of your hug, but you soon take his hands into yours. Blood reddens his normally pale skin and he’s thankful that your wand is pointing downward so you can’t see his face too well in the darkness. “You don’t know how horrible I feel every time you walk into breakfast dead tired like you’re an inferi or something. Sure, you’re grumpy most of the time, but you snap at the students more than usual. I know something is wrong and it kills me that you won’t talk to me about it. I’m your friend and I promise that I won’t judge you.”
“Yes, you will,” he grunts and tears reform in his eyes. Get a hold of yourself, Severus tells himself. He blinks away the tears and retracts his hands. 
“You will judge me,” he whispers. “You have no idea what I have been thinking and you would be revolted if you knew.”
“You’re wrong.” You sound more determined as you speak. “I’ve always known that you’re a good person even if your tongue is sharp. When you killed Dumbledore and took over as Headmaster, the other professors and staff members would rip you apart behind your back. I never partook in that. I knew that you were serving as a double spy and that every deed you did was so we could win the war. No matter what happened, my belief in you has never wavered. So whatever this is, I don’t think it can be worse than pretending to be a Death Eater.”
He turns around and steps toward a shelf without the broken glass so you can’t see the tears falling out of his eyes because of your utter devotion to him. How could he go through with his plan of ignoring you when you’re so loyal to him? Caution is thrown to the wind when Severus confesses, “I have been having nightmares. In these nightmares, I dream that I have a wife and child.”
A pause fills the air and Severus finally looks you in the eye. You look somewhat relieved now that he’s confided in you, but your face has fallen. “Do you not want to get married and have kids?”
A year ago, he wouldn’t have hesitated to give a firm, indefinite “no.” Now, though? He supposes he does. A wife and child would certainly fill the loneliness he’s forever had in his heart. “I do. It is only that I…” he hesitates, “I do not believe that I will ever get married or have children.”
“Why’s that?” 
Embarrassment burns at his cheeks and more tears threaten to spill from his eyes. Oddly, this feels worse than that moment by the Black Lake with Lily. It feels like you’re forcing him to confess how he feels for you, how he’s just realized that he longs for you no matter how genuine and supportive you seem to be. “Do not make me say it.”
“I don’t understand,” you say. Honesty fills your eyes, beckoning him to open up to you. 
“Look at me. No woman would want to marry, let alone date me,” he says and he gestures at himself. He runs a finger along his greasy hair and hooked nose to demonstrate his point that he’s a hideous dungeon bat. A dry, humorless laugh escapes him in the hopes of lightening the mood. 
“That’s not true,” you reply and step toward him. In the dim light from a glowing insect in a jar, Severus can see your eyes and the look in it is something he can’t decipher. 
“I appreciate your words of consolation, yet they are nothing but a white lie,” he scoffs and turns away from you. 
“They aren’t,” you whisper. You step towards him cautiously, in case he’ll swat you away. But he doesn’t. You move to him until you’re so close that he can feel your breath on his face. 
For a second, Severus wishes that you’d kiss him. She would never want to do that, he thinks to himself. His cheeks redden in embarrassment at his inappropriate thoughts. 
But your face is moving ever so close to him, and then you’re getting on your tippy toes, and your lips are hovering right next to his, and you finally kiss him. His head spins as your hands cup his face and pull him impossibly closer to you. He doesn’t know where to put his limp arms, how to breathe, or why you fancy him, but all that matters is the exhilarating feeling of your soft lips against his chapped lips. 
You finally release him when you need air, but you lean your forehead against his and breathlessly laugh. With his newfound ability to move, he places his hands on yours and laughs with you. 
Eternity seems to pass as you stare at each other until Severus whispers, “When?”
You understand without clarification and you tell him, “I don’t really know. I guess I always found you handsome.” Severus rolls his eyes and opens his mouth in response, but you silence him with a quick kiss. “I don’t want to hear any of it,” you say and kiss his nose. If you’re willing to kiss his nose, then perhaps he shouldn’t feel so insecure about it. 
“After the battle, I noticed that you were missing from the Great Hall. I walked through the area with the wounded at least twice and I couldn’t bring myself to look at the dead until I had to. It was when I couldn’t find you amongst the dead either that I finally realized how I felt for you. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if I missed out on the opportunity to tell you how I feel,” you whisper and give a dry laugh. If Severus wasn’t listening intently, he wouldn’t be able to hear your low voice. “But when you were healing, I didn’t want to burden you with how I felt. And then I guess I was too shy.”
Unbeknownst to Voldemort, Severus carried the antidote to Nagini’s venom wherever he went. When Voldemort left the Shrieking Shack and he gave his memories to Potter, he poured the vial down his throat and healed his bite wounds. The loss of blood knocked him out until the battle was won and even when he regained consciousness, he could barely find the energy to move. Although he eventually managed to apparate to an unoccupied building in Hogsmeade, he realized he wouldn’t be welcome amongst the others at Hogwarts. A desolate street seemed to be the best place to hide and he slumped along a wall, allowing himself to regain his strength. 
Then he heard your voice calling out for him. At first, he thought he had fallen asleep and he was dreaming of you. But when you crouched in front of him and inspected his body for wounds, he vaguely recognized you as a real, living being. He didn’t question why you were looking for him or why you didn’t kill him as you apparated him to St. Mungo’s. Sometimes he pondered those questions, but he never asked you why.
“I am glad you found the courage to say something now.” Severus brushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear and initiates the kiss this time. Gaining confidence with your confession and previous kisses, he lets his hands roam down your body until they rest on your waist. As his tongue slips between your lips, he thinks that he will never get tired of this delightful feeling. 
Soft breaths sound around the bedroom. Severus feels your chest rising and lowering as you sleep cuddled against his body. One arm is wrapped around you and supports your head, while the other gently soothes the baby sleeping on his chest. He knows your daughter can’t sleep with her parents in bed for now, but he wants to enjoy comforting his child before he puts her in her crib. 
The view outside the window isn’t the same as the one in his dreams; the grass outside is green and the flowers grow in beds around the yard, but other cozy houses surround his own. But perfectly recreating his joyous nightmares into a reality years later doesn’t matter to him. All that matters is that he has the two of you and that his joyous nightmares no longer haunt him; they only bring him joy. 
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rrat-king · 3 months
"Do you ever get tired of answering questions about your eye?" Kristen asked, looking over at him from her spot on the couch.
Fabian paused, looking up from where he had been checking his phone and looking around at the other counselors in the lounge.
Most of them were checking their phones as well, checking what they had missed in the 24 hours since their last break, only Riz and Fig close enough to overhear the conversation.
"I mean, yeah, a little bit," he told her after a moment, "but, it kinda comes with working with kids, and at least they ask. It's worse when they just stare and don't say anything."
Kristen nodded, looking down at her hands as they tangled with the friendship bracelet she had been working on.
He half wondered why she was asking before he saw it, the scar that wrapped around her hand where her pinky clearly used to be. "You don't have to tell them what happened, you know. You can just make shit up to mess with them."
"Really? You do that?"
"Oh of course," he huffed out a laugh, leaning back in the beanbag he was sat in. "My favorite is to tell them that Adaine shot me in the eye on the archery range."
"You cannot keep telling the campers that Fabian!" Adaine threw a pillow at him from across the room, glaring as he caught it. "My entire thing is archery safety and you're going around disparaging my good name!"
"Really, I'm kinda helping," he reasoned, avoiding another pillow as she threw them his way. "I'm teaching them what happens if they don't listen to you."
Adaine huffed, realizing that she had no more pillows to throw and instead settling on cursing Fabian out under her breath, clearly not into his line of thinking.
"You could say a fish ate it," Riz provided next to Kristen on the couch, tuning into the conversation.
"Or that you traded it with a mythical creature," Fig added on, popping up from her spot on the floor below her. "Maybe a unicorn? Or a jackalope?
"I once told a camper that the white in my hair was from being possessed by a ghost and he beleived me, so really you can say anything." Gorgug told her from across the couch.
Kristen smiled, nodding at them thoughtfully as she looked around at them. "How many different stories do you think I can tell before the end of the session?"
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swee7dream · 3 months
how would the dreamies react to their s/o regressing for the first time in front of them after being super stressed and not being able to be a little ? ^^
it’s been a long time caregiver!nct dream x gender-neutral!regressor!reader
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genres sfw age regression content, established relationship, hurt / comfort, angst in some, bits of fluff in all warnings involuntary / vent regression, regression block, negative self-talk, haechan's is long sry dni if you sexualize age regression. not only blocking but also reporting.
author’s note i'm SO sorry this took so long for me to get out. i promise i didn't forget about you, nonnie! i might've geared a little bit ( a lot ) off the prompt at times but i still hope you like it ! thx 4 requesting !
mark lee (ᓀ‸ᓂ) wc 642
With all your responsibilities lately, Mark finds it logical that you don’t regress as often as you used to. The last time he remembers was over three months ago. He misses taking care of you, hearing your sweet voice call out for your 'Mack!'. But he doesn’t want to burden you even more with any expectations to do anything you weren’t feeling up to do. He wasn’t planning to bring it up. Honest.
That was until you started coming home to avoid his kisses and go straight to bed. That moment left a pang in his heart.
In the silence and tension of your apartment, Mark finds himself in your little corner of tiny things, picking up your toys and dusting off your coloring books with longing. He misses his baby, so he’s going to get his baby back, he decides, no matter what it takes.
“Oh look, that new Disney movie came out you said you wanted to go see it, right?”
“I’m tired, Mark.”
“…okay.” He bites the inside of his cheek.
Just keep trying, Mark. You got this.
“Babe, I’m doing laundry. You want me to wash Cheese Doodle?” He knocks at your office door.
“Huh?” You raise your head as if you were a fish out of water. “Uh, yeah. That’s fine. Thank you.”
“What is that?” You give the box in Mark’s hand a look.
“It’s a game. Picked it up at the store. It’s like… Twister? But there’s something different about it. I dunno, I didn’t pay attention to the label and just bought it. Chenle asked that we bring some kind of board game for his party on Saturday.”
“Oh. Well, I have a thing on Saturday so tell him I can’t go but I hope everyone has fun.”
As the saying goes, the fourth time’s a charm.
“You’re not going to bed?” You rub your eyes, already in your night clothes and under the sheets.
“Not really tired,” he replies with a shrug as he makes his way out into the kitchen. “I think I’m gonna make myself some angel milk to get the sleeping juices going. That always worked for you. You want some?”
You’re already pretty tired, the events of the day had sucked every last drop of potential energy from you. Still, some angel milk in all its sweet, vanilla-tasting glory makes you lick your lips.
“…yeah. Please,” you answer.
When he comes back from the kitchen, he has your warm drink in one hand and Cheese Doodle—your orange puppy stuffie—in the other.
“Sit up for me, baby,” he says softly as he sits down on the edge of the bed, not wanting to spill anything from your favorite mug.
“Unicorn…!” You notice, taking the pink and rainbow cup in your two sleeve-clad hands. “Thank you.”
“Mhm.” Mark smiles. “and I just took cheese doodle out of the laundry too. Used the fabric softener that you like. Wanna feel?”
“Oh.” In a second, you’re like a cat rubbing your cheek against Cheese Doodle’s fur. “Smells good, Markie. Thank you.”
”Of course, baby. Feeling tiny?” He asks only now that he’s 95% sure you are.
”Little bit,” you admit into your mug, slurping quietly to not burn yourself.
”Aw.” He pouts. “That’s good. You know, Markie missed you, baby. I haven’t held my baby in such a long time.”
”Missed Markie too.” You blink at him with sleepy eyes and a milk mustache. “Lot.”
”Wanna cuddle for a little then?”
”Just for a lil' bit.” You nod, placing your angel milk on the bedside table.
Mark knows the mug will be forgotten by the morning but he'd rather make and waste a million angel milks than for you to forget him and Cheese Doodle again.
huang renjun ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა wc 594
“Oh that’s a nice painting, Jun,” you praise, resting your chin on his shoulder as he sits on a stool. “Very pretty.”
“I feel like it’s missing something, though,” he says with a frown. “Here. You paint something.”
“On your canvas?” You look at him. “No way, love. I’ll ruin it.”
“You won’t. Now take the brush.”
“I won’t.” You step back and cross your arms. “I’m not gonna mess up this painting you’ve been working so hard on with my clumsiness.”
“What are you talking about? You always add something to my paintings.” Renjun gives you a look. The look that makes you want to roll your eyes.
“And they’re always so much better before me.”
“You don’t think that.”
“I do.”
“Why are you talking about yourself in this way all of a sudden?”
“Because it’s true!” You explode. There’s a burning in the backs of your eyes as you keep talking. “All I’ve been doing lately is messing up stuff for other people. I’m no good, Renjun.”
“My boss thinks it, my team members think it. I know you think it too!” You sob.
“Stop it, Jun.”
“Darling,” he repeats, taking your hand in his. “come here.”
He pulls you in with one hand and wipes your tears with another, so careful he almost makes you think you are glass.
“What’s in that green binder in the bookshelf over there?” he asks.
“What?” You furrow your brows. “I don’t know.”
“Go check.”
You give him a look but make your way to the oak bookshelf; filled with sketchbooks, novels, and a singular green binder. You look at Renjun when your fingers touch the spine and take it out only after he nods. Your knees wobble as you flip through the pages so you let your bottom hit the floor.
In the binder are the handwritten notes from back before the two of you even started dating; flirtatious exchanges recorded on coffee shop napkins, gum wrappers, and ripped-up bits of college notes. The next stage of your relationship is at the flip of a page; rushed post-it notes of domestic living with 'I love you!'s and 'Don't forget to eat!'s kept safe in the plastic sheets.
You look up at him with surprise but he only nods his head for you to keep flipping pages. You flip through empty slips until you almost reach the back cover and find all the drawings you’ve made for Renjun over the years while in regression. Each and every one. Even the ones where you're mad at him and have him eaten by monsters.
“You kept them…” You pass a finger over a drawing you made of the two of you, your stickmen-selves holding hands and smiling in a rocket ship.
“Of course I did, baby. How could I throw away something so perfect?” You hear his voice next to you, having gotten up from his seat to crouch next to you on the floor. He gently pulls your head into his chest and his lips drop to kiss the top of your head. “I don’t think you mess up things, my love. Ever. You simply change their direction. My Lovebug is the most creative, innovative person in the whole wide world, didn’t you know?”
“Junnie…” You sob, the dam of pent-up emotions finally seeking release.
“Hi there, babybug.” He whispers. “I’m right here, lovey. Right here. Let it all out.”
lee jeno ૮ .◜◡◝ა wc 655
“Babe, the ice is melting and your coke is turning into gross, brown, sweet-tasting water,” Jeno warns.
“One second, baby. I just need to finish this assignment real quick,” you mutter with your bottom lip bit in place.
It seems you’re still in the same clothes from three days ago, the same amount of time Jeno’s seen you stay in bed studying. He’s beginning to think your butt might be attached permanently to the mattress at this point. When it comes to your bedside table, your 5-hour energy from lunchtime being the latest addition to the food trash and empty water bottle pile doesn’t fill him with any more positive thoughts.
“When’s it for?” He sighs. “Your assignment.”
“…what?” You turn your head to him but your eyes stay on the screen. “Oh, um, Friday.”
“It’s Monday. Come on.” Jeno pulls at your arm like a spoiled child. “I’m not even making you shower or anything. I just wanna hang out with my hermit, stinky, computer nerd. Will you grant me my wish please?”
You look up with a half-offended, half-amused expression and your jaw dropped.
“I’m not stinky!” You fail to shake off your arm from his hold. “I told you I’m coming! I just really need to finish this.”
“Ye- ah!” You squeal as Jeno pulls at your arm, throwing you over his shoulder. “Jeno! I’m serious!”
“I’m serious too. Monday to Friday is five days-”
“Four days!”
“-and that’s more than enough time to finish your assignment.” He refuses to acknowledge your interruption. “You are going to eat a proper dinner with me on the couch as we watch TV and you’re gonna like it, you got that?”
“Augh…!” You groan, going limp on him.
“Oh, I know.” Jeno pouts as he sets you on the couch, covering you in your train-print fleece blanket. “I’m so mean, aren’t I? Asking you to take a break when all you wanna do is work, work, work.”
You just stare at him, squinting your eyes as you fail to hide a smile.
“Well unfortunately for you, gumdrop, babies don’t work! So I’m afraid I can’t let you do that. The police will come after me if I do. Child labor laws or something like that.”
He leaves a quick kiss on your forehead right before speeding to the kitchen. Jeno’s eyebrows wiggle in a wave when he returns with your food; apple slices, chicken nuggets, and fries all in their respective spots in your divided plate.
The original pasta and movie date night plan being scrapped for a Nono-Gumdrop night doesn’t phase Jeno. In fact, it excites him. Your projects and exams and assignments and professors... he tries so hard not to hold resentment against them all as they pull his baby away from him. But tonight? Tonight is different, and for once in his life, caregiver Jeno is triumphant.
“Thank you…” Your fingers wrap around the blue silicone and Jeno engulfs you in a bear hug when he sits down. Tight but not so tight it obstructs your arms when eating. “What are we watching, Nono?”
“Max and Ruby.” He smiles when you gasp.
“Love Max and Ruby!” You gush with a mouthful of apples.
“Do you?” Jeno drops his head to the side. “You do? You do? Nuh-uh. I do. It’s my favorite show in the whole wide world.”
“Well, ’s my favorite show in the whole galaxy!”
“Yeah? Well-”
You squeal, feeling ticklish when he nuzzles his stubble on your face.
“Nono, stop!” You giggle.
“Eat up, gumdrop.” He sighs, the feeling of his baby in his arms and eating a proper meal for the first time in days is an incomparable joy. “Two episodes and then it’s bathtime.”
“Ah, boo, Nono!” you whine but it turns back to giggles when he compresses you in his arms.
lee donghyuck ʕ˙Ⱉ˙‧:ʔ wc 994
“You there, Angel?”
You shake your head.
It feels strange, like your body isn’t yours, as you hold on tight to your dolls in your hands and see none of the lively sparkle in their eyes you usually do when you’re small.
“I’m broken, Hyuck,” you say with such a lack of emotions that you can’t tell if it’s actually you who is speaking. “I did everything right. I got dressed, I put on the music box, I’m trying to play for God’s sake. And nothing is working still. I feel ridiculous. A grown adult trying to act like a child.” You scoff.
“Hey, stop.” Donghyuck’s firm tone sends a shiver down your spine and you pull away. His shoulders drop when he notices; you’re scared and he’s only making it worse.
“That’s my baby you’re talking about, you know?” He tries again, with a softer tone this time. “Don’t talk about yourself like that. You are not broken.” He holds your cheek.
“I’m just so tired, Hyuck.” Tears come up and blur your vision. “Everything has been going on for so long at the exact same time and I just- I can’t anymore. I need to just step away from reality for a little bit but I can’t even do that. My brain is just locking me in here in this state of suffering for who knows how long and I have no way of getting out. Not even for an hour.” You sob.
“I know, lovely.” He wraps his arms around you, letting you in turn wrap your arms around his legs from your seat on the floor. “It’s been so much for so long. You deserve a little break. Take a deep breath. Let’s try to let go of all these grownup worries, okay? We can pick them back up later. Come on, Angel, breathe.”
Channie called you Angel and you still don’t feel small. The realization makes for more tears to come up but you refuse to let another defeated cry leave you. The denim of his jeans is rough on your face but not rough enough to make you stop using it as a tissue for your tears.
“…okay,” you creak out. “Breathe in. Breathing in…”
“There we go.” Haechan passes a hand over your head, the sensation soothing you somewhat. “And out. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Good job, Angel. Nice long deep breaths.”
You repeat the action several times, following his counts and pushing yourself to feel his jeans under your fingertips and smell the woodsy notes of his cologne to ground yourself.
“Everything sucks,” you say after some moments of silence. “Everything sucks. I didn’t even ask for any of this. I just want to be small,” your voice breaks.
“And you will be.” Donghyuck’s touch is gentle, encouraging you without words to look up at him. The pad of his thumb is warm when it wipes the tears from your face, brushing against your damp lashes. “You will be. I promise.”
“I don’t know what to do, Hyuck. I’m all out of ideas at this point,” you admit.
“How about just trying to feel not sucky?” He scrunches his nose, the most tender of smiles painted on his face. “How about… just drawing a picture? Just one. Doesn’t have to be with crayon or marker like when you’re feeling tiny. It can be whatever you want it to be. Don’t think about being small, just about drawing.”
“…draw what?”
“Hm… what about your dolls?”
When you unwrap yourself from his legs to look at said dolls, it gives Donghyuck the chance to go grab your art supplies. Your dolls don’t have that lively aura you see them with when you’re small but you can almost feel a sort of pity and empathy from them. It reminds you of the type of support your friends give you in their messages despite the country lines separating you.
“And I’ll draw… a car. Jeno’s been getting me into Formula One.” Donghyuck pulls you out of your thoughts when his voice is so close it makes you turn to see he’s taken a seat next to you on the floor. He opens a pencil case right in front of you two and takes a black pencil for himself to begin sketching on some paper.
“Really?” You opt a red pencil.
“Yeah. It’s pretty interesting.” He shrugs.
“But ’s so boring.” You sniffle up some snot from your lightning-fast crying session. You didn’t even cry for that long, how come you can feel your eyes swelling? So annoying. “They just go around in circles.”
“It’s not just that though. There’s—pass me the red? Oh, you have it. No, it’s okay. I can wait—there’s like a ton of beef between them. I like watching the interviews and stuff. It’s like watching basketball or football.” Haechan lets out a groan as he lays on his stomach, resting a cheek on his fist. “That’s really pretty, baby.”
“Y’like it?” You move to mirror him, turning your drawing for him to see better. “Think I’m gonna add some other stuff too.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know yet,” you admit. “Probably you. I always like drawing you. And then… your red car. You can take me and the dollies on a road trip. I like it when we have fun together.”
Affection floods out of Donghyuck, letting out an adoring ‘aw’ as he hugs you, leaving kisses on all the spots he knows won’t lead to a tickle fight.
“So cute! I always have fun with you. My Angel...” he hums into your temple.
“My Channie…” you mutter under your breath, sketching his head four times bigger than the rest.
na jaemin ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ wc 664
“I’m okay.” You rub your nose. “Just a couple sneezes, Jaem. It’s not a big deal. I can keep studying for a little while longer.”
“You sneezed four times in a row.” Jaemin stands next to your desk chair with his arms crossed. “Do you know what that means?”
“What?” You sigh, knowing he won’t leave until you entertain him.
“You have the plague.”
“The what?”
“The plague.”
“Baby, I don’t have the-” Achoo! “the-” Achoo! “the plague…”
You move your mouse around your screen and click away at it but it doesn’t hide the reflection of Jaemin’s intense stare into your skull. He’s not amused. You spin your chair around.
“I don’t have the plague,” you repeat with a clogged nose, not even convincing yourself this time. “…I just have a little cold.”
“I wonder where you could have gotten that from, hm?” He turns you toward him by the chair’s arms and traps you by holding onto both of them and leaning in until your foreheads almost touch. “Maybe from studying a little too much? From stretching yourself too thin? Pushing yourself past your limits? Hm? Hm? hm?” He turns his head at an angle with each question, being obnoxious about his accurate statements.
“Five minutes.”
“I just need to email this professor.”
“I have a group project.”
“Good thing you have groupmates, huh? Come on, get off your pretty little butt.” He grabs you from under the armpits, placing your feet on the ground as if you were merely a bag of rice. “We’re playing hospital.”
“No…” you whine with dragging feet the whole time Jaemin guides you to the kitchen, his gentlemanly hand giving you no chance to run as it rests on the small of your back.
“Yes…” He pouts at you as he fills up the syringe with orange medicinal syrup. “Babies need be good and take their medicine when they are sick, okay?”
“Jaemin-” You pull your head the other way, holding his wrist away from you.
“Baby…” he sings, dodging your attempts. “Say ‘ah’, pumpkin.”
Pressing your lips tight doesn’t do anything, the plastic tip of the syringe still slipping in and filling your mouth with bitter medicine that makes a lame attempt at orange flavoring. You shake your head, still rejecting the cold syrup as it goes down, but it does regardless, chilling your throat when it does.
“Drink some water, baby.” Jaemin holds up a cup (when did he fill that up?) and you take it as if it were the key to eternal life.
“Taste so icky,” you say with your face scrunched up like a raisin. “Hate it!”
You’re sick and suffering from forced consumption of medicine. Jaemin knows this. Jaemin shouldn’t smile. But he just can’t help it! His baby is finally back after such a long, long time. he thought he was gonna die from BWS (Baby Withdrawal Symptoms).
“Aw…” His hands reach out to hold your face and squish your cheeks together. “Baby doesn’t like medicine? Babies don’t like yucky bitter things. Babies like… sweet yummy things! How about some hot chocolate, lovey-dovey?”
“Chocwate?” you ask with raised eyebrows.
“Hot chocwate.” His nose scrunches as he pinches your cheeks. “Does that sound good?”
“Yeah!” You hop free of his crab claws. “Hot chocolate! Wanna, wanna, wanna!”
“Be careful, sugarplum!” Jaemin laughs, twirling you with such ease it feels as if you were in a dance. “Why don’t you go put something on the TV while I make us the chocolate? Whatever you want, baby,” he says, but you’re already out of the kitchen and looking under blankets and cushions for the remote.
“Spongebob!” You hold it up to the ceiling like it were the sword in the stone.
“Except Spongebob. You know that shrinks your brain.”
“Aw!” You slump but quickly straighten up like a ruler. “Ah- Ah- Achoo!”
zhong chenle (ᯟ︿ᯏ) wc 622
“I’m so proud of you.” Chenle pecks your head as you hold his waist from behind. The smells coming from the stove you two stand in front of are nothing if not heavenly. “Pretty, funny, kind, graduated. How’d I bag you?”
“Mmm, I dunno.” You shrug smugly, as you look out the window. A content sigh leaves you as your eyes follow the raindrops that slide down your window. “Must’ve done something good in your past life.”
“Must have,” he hums. “Set the table for me? I’m basically almost done.”
“You got it.” You peck his cheek. “Smells delicious. Jaemin give you cooking lessons while I was gone?”
“I’ll have you know I’m a great cook. I don’t need any cooking lessons. Never have.”
“Ah…” You roll out the placemats with a sarcastic nod.
“But if I did, I would go to Donghyuck.”
“If you did, I would approve. His soups are good.”
“Mine are better.”
The music playing from the speakers and lights in the apartment all shut off at once, not even the hum of the refrigerator sounding in the silence, the darkness. The thunder is so close it feels like footsteps. Heavy, angry footsteps coming close. Closer and closer to you.
The power comes back as soon as it left but you can’t seem to recover as fast. You don’t even remember dropping down to hold your knees, and in the dark you didn’t see how many tears came up to overflow from your eyes. Chenle calls out your name but it sounds so distant it doesn’t even register. It feels like you’re running out of oxygen like a deep sea diver falling hopelessly down to the ocean floor.
“Hey,” you take a sharp inhale at Chenle’s warm hands holding your cheeks ground you back to reality. “Hey, the power went out. Everything’s fine. You’re okay. You’re home, you’re with me. Nothing is gonna hurt you here, you hear me? You are safe.”
You almost knock Chenle over from his crouching position when you throw yourself on him, but he reads your body language just in time to catch you. His lips press into your hair, your temples, your shoulders, the softest of touches as you wail into his shirt. His heart breaks at how fragile you seem in the moment, like a porcelain doll with a chip. You sob and babble to the point that Chenle can’t understand what you’re saying. All he can catch is one word.
There’s nothing for you to do but cry, Chenle’s learned with time, so he lets you do just that. He lets you cry in his arms there on the floor and when you’re finally willing he attaches you to his hip as he walks around. He wipes your tears with a paper towel and makes sure you get a bottle of water to drink from to rehydrate.
His eyebrows furrow when you turn your head to dodge his spoon, rejecting the meal you were so looking forward to less than twenty minutes ago. This meal which was meant to be a celebration of not just the end of your education but of all your life up to this point. Of your growth, your endurance; of all the stress you put yourself through to come out victorious in the end.
You’re still victorious, he thinks. Even now as you fill up the apartment with tears, he’s so proud of you. His partner, his baby, the strongest person he’s ever met.
“Come on, dollface. Just one spoonful, yeah? Need you to eat,” he tries again.
park jisung (∩˃o˂∩) wc 668
“What’s that giant box?”
“What giant box?” He looks at you on the couch. “...I thought you were napping.”
“I woke up. What’s with that giant box you’re pushing into our house?”
“Oh, this?” Jisung looks down. “It's… a box.”
You blink, irritation in your tight-lipped smile at your boyfriend’s lack of cooperation.
“I know it’s a box, Ji. I'm asking what’s inside the box?”
“Box… stuff…”
“That’s not my name!” He whines as he shuts the front door. “My name to you is Ji! Or Baby! Not Jisung! It’s so scary when you call me that...” He sighs. “It was supposed to come before you started your vacation time, while you were at work.”
“Why?” Your eyebrows come together into a questioning frown.
“Because- just- you’ll see soon. Pass me the scissors? Thanks.” He pecks your lips, taking the scissors from your hands and pushing your back away with little force. “Now go. Get! Your surprise will be ready in a minute. Go… brush your dolls’ hair or something. It’ll be super quick.”
“Doll hairs? is it a Little gift?”
“Shoot.” Jisung bites his fist. “...can you just go in the bedroom already? It’s not a Little gift. It’s not.”
The instructions that came in the box of the not-Little gift said construction would only take thirty minutes. Not to fear, with super handyman Park Jisung to the rescue it only took three hours and two people.
“We’re done!” You clap, looking in awe at your brand new play kitchen, pink and wooden and creaky and yours. “Jiji, finish!”
“Yeah.” He sits back on the floor, wiping the sweat from his brow. “We’re finished. D’you like it?”
“It’s so pretty, jiji!” You beam, hugging his head and squeezing the brains out of him.
“I’m glad you like it, bub.” He nods at his work in approval. “You deserve it. Worked so hard recently.”
“Thankie!” You get up quickly, running barefoot into the bedroom to come back with a box of play food in all colors and sizes.
“Make you a lenonade, bubby!” You begin adding ice to a cup and add a lemon to it. “Ice cold lenonade.”
“Oh, I love your lenonade. Thanks, baby.” He takes the cup, making gulping noises and finishing it off with a loud and satisfied ‘ah!’. “Actually, are we playing restaurant right now?”
“Um… yeah!” you decide. “Welcome to my rest’rant! What would you like to order?”
“I would kill for a good burger.” Jisung pats his stomach like a starved man. “I hear you guys have some good ones, is that true?”
“The truest!” You smile. “One burger, comin’ up!”
You turn back to your kitchen and hum to yourself as you place a burger patty on the stove.
“No pans for that?”
“No pans!” You shake your head. “Special burger.”
“Ah, must be.” He mutters behind you.
When it comes to building time, Jisung acts like a to-be-blacklisted customer.
“Could I have no onions in my burger? I’m allergic.”
“No, you’re not.”
“It’s just play pretend, honey.”
“Oh. Then, yes you can, sir! No onions.”
“And no tomatoes please. I don’t like how the seeds get stuck between my teeth.”
“No tomatoes!”
“And could you cut the cheese? It kind of sends me to the bathroom.”
“Ew… okay, no cheese, either!” You toss the slice of play cheese to the side.
“…could you also remove the meat? I’m vegetarian.”
That’s the final straw. No meat? You look down at his ‘burger’: bread, lettuce, bread.
“This is what you want?” You turn to show him his order.
“Oh yes.” He smiles, clasping his hands together in anticipation. “That’s my burger! So tasty. Thank you, shop owner.”
“You’re welcome…” You give him a look. “Ketchup?”
“No thanks.”
“Bleh! Pass.”
“…barbeque sauce?”
“Oh, that’s my favorite! Lettuce and barbeque sauce burger, my favorite.” He licks his lips.
“Jiji, ew!” you whine.
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tag list ( ask / comment to join ! ) @mystarsohee @cupofwyn @iwontlettheselittlethingsslip @aeriaeri
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igotbloodonmyhands · 7 months
Nightmares / Part I
Note: I made this two parts since I really wanted to post this but couldn't find the energy to write for the others tonight. Tomorrow you'll get Price, Rudi and Soap tho (I used alphabetical order, that's why they're last). Trope: Fluff, angst, hurt comfort Word count: 1.303 Trigger warning: Mention of torture
Alejandro: Alejandro was no stranger to sleepless nights. It took an eternity for him to fall asleep, worries and sorrows keeping him awake. When he did finally fall asleep, the nightmares came. He'd stand in the town square of Las Almas, having to watch as his family, friends and comrades were put against a wall. He couldn't run or scream, just stand there. When he suddenly stared in the barrel of a gun he finally woke up, shirt wet with sweat, the rooms silence filled by his heavy breaths. "Joder (Fuck)", he mumbled, getting up and putting on a new shirt. It was 0200 (2 am). He decided to get a tea. As he stepped in the community room he was surprised to see the lights on, you standing in pyjamas in front of the boiling kettle, a mug in your hand. "(Name)? What are you doing in the kitchen an two in the morning, tesoro?" You turned around, grinning but tired. "I could ask you the same, Ale" He sighed and grabbed a mug and tea bag (Spanish orange) "Can't sleep. You?" "Same. Do you... Wanna talk about it?", he shook his head. "Not right now, I think.... Just need to think about something else" You shrugged. "Understandable" You two sat down on the couch, sitting in silence, drinking the tea, each lost in their own thoughts. "Would you rather fight one hundred duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?", you suddenly asked. He looked at you like you had grown two horns. "Ehhh, madre mia, the horses, I think?", he answered. "Me too. Even though it would depend on the horse" He chuckled. "Are you trying to distract me?" You grinned "Is it working?" He rolled his eyes "A bit". You leaned you head on his shoulder, and after a moment he put his head on yours. "Good" You continued to banter about random nonsense until, finally, fatigue overcame you and you finally fell asleep. It was the best sleep either of you had gotten in a while.
Gaz: Falling asleep wasn't the problem. But as soon as Gaz drifted off into dream land, he was haunted. Faces of fallen comrades screamed at him for not saving them, the screams of agony of their last moments, the pleas of enemies he tortured filled his mind. With a muffled yelp he shot up in his bed, chest heaving. "Fuck", he muttered, getting up and pacing up and down in his room. His heart was beating like a racehorse. He grabbed his gym bag and decided to head to the training rooms. He was surprised to see the lights on, the thudding of fists hitting the punching bag filling the room. "Not bad, (name)", he stepped closer, looking at you. You sighed. "Can't sleep either?", you asked. He nodded. "Yea. Damn nightmares", he punched the bag, making it swing violently. You stepped back, sitting down on the mat and leaning against the wall. "Wanna talk about it?". He thought for a moment before turning his attention back on the bag. You thought he'd just ignore you and stay quiet, but as he started punching the bag, he muttered under his breath. "I couldn't save them. I killed them" His punches got harder and more aggressive. "It's my fault. It's my fault". You weren't sure who he was talking about, but it didn't quite matter right now. "Hey, hey, Gaz", you tried to calm him down. "Cmere", you patted the mat next to you. He seemed to contemplate for a moment, but then finally sat down next to you. A shuddered breath escaped him as he slumped in on himself. You opened your mouth, but quite honestly you weren't sure what to say. So you just sat in silence, but it wasn't an awkward feeling. It felt... Safe. Suddenly, you felt his head on your shoulder, and smiled, leaning yours against his.
Ghost: For Ghost, a good nights sleep was as common as a unicorn. Everytime he closed his eyes, he was there again. Buried alive, in a coffin, squished next to a decaying body. But this time, he didn't get out. He thrashed and screamed, unbeknownst to him not only in his sleep, but it was no use. He was trapped, he was trapped, he was trapped. Panic flooded his every fiber, but he just wouldn't fucking wake up. His eyes widened when he finally woke up. His breath came in short, shuddering gasps, tears staining his cheeks. He wanted to run, he needed to run or else he'd suffocate. He almost fell over putting on his pants and running shoes before he ripped open his door and ran. He didn't know where, he just needed to run. The sky was still dark, with the faintest shimmer of violet light creeping up the horizon. He aimed for the woods behind the barracks, mindlessly running along the paths. "Fuck, Riley, watch your step, big boy", a sudden voice squeaked. He opened his eyes which he didn't remember closing. He looked down, seeing you knocked over on the ground. "Sorry", he mumbled, giving you a hand and pulling you up. "What are you doing here at this time of night?", you raised an eyebrow. He shifted his weight. "Can't sleep". "Me too...", you looked at him. His gaze was weird... Dead, somehow. "Do you... Want to talk about it?", you asked carefully. "No", he said, voice firm. "Come with me", you grabbed his arm, leading him to a bench nearby, guiding him down and plopping next to him. "I'm here for you, you know that, right?" He gulped. "Yea..." A deep sigh escaped him. "...Thank you". You smiled, leaning your head on his shoulder. "No problem", you mumbled, feeling him relaxing under you.
Horangi: They were here, they'd kill him, fuck, he needed to hide, he needed to hide. Horangi panted, clenching his fist in the sheets. His eyes opened wide and he rubbed the scars on his face. He grabbed a pack of cigarettes and stepped outside, sliding down the wall. He lit it and took a deep breath, letting his head roll back and closing his eyes. "Whatcha doin there?", you voice suddenly sound beside him. "빌어먹을!" (Fucking hell, may be a bit wrong since I don't speak Korean) He had jumped up, sighing when he saw it was just you. "Stop sneaking up to me like that, (name)". You chuckled. "Heh, sorry". You sat down next to him. "Can't sleep?", you looked up at him. He nodded. "I don't wanna talk about it". "Then lets just... Sit" You leaned against him, feeling the tension melt slightly from his form.
König: As soon as he closed his eyes, the memories came. He was strapped to a chair, only dressed in boxer shorts, his hood gone. He felt exposed. They whipped, beat and cut him, the scars still evident on his skin. He stood up on shaky legs, the scars on his body aching. A small tin of ointment stood on the table, which he grabbed and carefully rubbed it in. He was not gonna fall asleep anytime soon again. With a heavy sigh he put on his clothes and shuffled towards the armoury. He plopped down on a bench and started cleaning his guns. "Hey there", he hadn't heard you, and immediately pointed the empty gun at you. "Scheiße! You scared me!", he mumbled. You giggled, sitting down next to him. "Sorry". He rolled his eyes and watched him clean his weapons for a minute. "Can't sleep?", you asked. "Nightmares", he answered shortly. You leaned your head on his shoulder, feeling his muscles move under it as he wiped down the barrel of his gun. "You can always talk to me, you know?", you mumbled. "Yea... Danke"
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rainintheevening · 5 months
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Okay, here goes.
The unicorn...
His name is Erah, or at least that's the most easily spoken version of his name
He can't talk, not human speech at least
He was born mute
He can talk horse, or the more complex dialect common among Talking Horses anyway
This is how he communicates
When they meet in Aslan’s camp, startling each other around a corner, Peter is honestly more struck by a creature who doesn't talk than he is by any of the ones that do
In all the fuss and hubbub, and with a sword hanging at his hip, Peter doesn't mind the unicorn's quiet
His eyes say plenty
Oreius translates for him
Philip also does this for Erah
Anyway Peter learns the unicorn's name, and that he thinks it would be the highest possible honour to be Peter's mount both in training and in battle
Unicorns do not let their riders fall
Except Erah does
He is horribly ashamed of this after the battle
Peter is desperately reassuring
"You got shot! You almost died! Lucy had to heal you with her magic cordial!"
Peter's never really ridden before
But on Erah's back he feels safe and strong and steady
On Erah's back he feels a lot more like the king he needs to be
When Erah first joined Aslan’s camp, along with his friend Philip the Talking Horse, he was planning to ask Aslan why he was born mute, why he'd been cursed in this way that had led to so much pain in the death of his dam and the sorrow of his sire
He wanted to ask Aslan to fix him, to make him like a normal unicorn
When Oreius brought him to Aslan, Erah could only whicker an approximation of the Lion's name, before he fell silent and trembling under the weight of that gaze, that saw every thought, and every suffering, and every way he felt inferior and broken, and... loved him.
And suddenly he didn't need to ask, he only knew that he was loved, exactly as he was, and oddly, that was quite enough of an answer
It became a blessing in one way, he later told Peter, as he would likely have left if Aslan had healed him, and then not met Peter
Peter learns him, learns every little way he communicates, the thousand different snorts and whickers and whinnies, the tilts of ears and head and back hooves, the shake of mane or swish of tail, the volumes read in his liquid dark eyes
They make their own language in a way, and Ed is fascinated by it, but can never really parse how they speak without words
So Erah the mute unicorn becomes High King Peter's battle horse
Legendary, iconic, the boy king of Narnia in his red tunic with the gold lion rampant, the silver sword called Rhindon, and the white unicorn he rides
No, riding a unicorn is not normal, but Erah doesn't care one whit, he wants to do this for Peter, his High King and his best friend, and Peter quickly comes to trust no other mount like Erah
Peter always leads the charge in battle, riding with the cavalry and the great cats
Edmund prefers fighting on foot, and often marches out with the foot soldiers
Philip is actually not fond of combat, and prefers it when Ed leaves him behind
Philip trains the girls to ride as well
Philip is also a great debating partner, and there is a running joke that Ed honed his conversation skills with his horse
Erah and Peter save each other's lives many times on the battlefield
Erah often takes Peter for a gallop when the High King is tired or discouraged or worried
Often Ed and Philip will join them, and the four are a beloved sight
Erah also likes being ridden by Lucy
She often tells him how beautiful and handsome he is until he would blush if unicorns could do that
Eventually Erah gets married to a sweet unicorn mare
Her name is Pearl
He still rides out to battle with Peter but doesn't live at the castle anymore
He doesn't want to have a whole herd like stallions normally would, one mare is enough for him, and he has to be there when Peter needs him
They've had three foals by the time the kings and queens vanish
No one knows exactly what happens
Philip is lost, uncertain, he spends days scouring the woods
Till he sees Aslan in a dream, and the Lion asks him why he mourns, asks Philip to trust, and tells him to 'be always ready for the coming of your king'
He comes home to Cair Paravel, and the worst part for him is having to tell Erah that Peter is gone
And Erah looks at him, and his eyes shine when Philip repeats Aslan’s words, because he'd heard the exact same thing in his own dream
'Be always ready for the coming of your king'
Back in England, the new school the boys get sent to has stables, and Peter is down there on the second day, talking to all the horses
He rides every chance he gets
The schoolmasters and boys who knew him before are surprised by how good he is
He's oddly regal in the saddle
Even more he often rides bareback
Ed rides too though not as much and only one particular horse
Edmund is a one horse boy
Peter gets very good with horses
They are much easier to talk to than his classmates
If anyone's having a problem with a horse, someone's gonna yell 'get Pevensie!' and more often than not, Peter can settle the animal down
But though he gets to know some of the horses quite well, nothing ever comes close to the bond he had with Erah, and as time passes and he misses Narnia more fiercely, sometimes riding is a painful reminder of what he has no longer
Now unicorns live long, and Erah lived near twice as long as most, saying farewell to many in that time, including his mare Pearl, and his beloved friend Philip, who also left many decendants behind
He never stopped waiting, never stopped looking for his king's return
Sometimes he would watch the sun set at the end of another day, and in the blaze of glory he would see Aslan’s face
He always wanted to ask 'why' but then he never did
He didn't understand why Aslan would take his beloved friend away, but he would never forget that he was loved, and Peter was loved, and they were all held between the great paws of the Lion anyway
Perhaps, he thought, near the end, King Peter had already gone ahead to Aslan’s country, and really it was Peter who was waiting for him
Erah did not see the Telmarine invasion
His great-grandsons fought in those bitter battles, and they suffered greatly in the losses
Unicorns were heavily persecuted as very obviously magical creatures and most of them fled north
North to the land that had been High King Peter's special domain
The legends of the high king and his white unicorn remained
It was a terrible blow to Peter, to return to a Narnia so changed, and to discover his old friend so long gone
Glenstorm knew the old legends, retelling several of them one night around the fire, while tears slid down Peter's cheeks, and Lucy curled close under his arm, and Caspian turned his head away, feeling like an intruder
Later, in a private moment with Aslan, Peter asked only one question: 'did he die at peace?'
Aslan said only (but very very gently), 'he waits for you still, son of Adam. Be at peace'
After they go back to England, Peter treasures his memories of Erah's friendship and loyalty, even writing a little memoir about the unicorn
He still rides whenever he can
He hopes he will see Erah again some day
In the end they are both rewarded
Erah finds he is mostly right for it seems he has no sooner arrived in Aslan’s country than there is the sound of much joy and the laughter of reunion
He sees two tall men, and he calls the blond one's name and Peter laughs, because, well, it's actually not surprising in the least that Erah should speak aloud, but it is still wonderful, and they run together
Peter wraps his arms around the warm neck, and Erah wraps his chin around Peter's back, and then Peter is up, astride him
Philip is talking next to them, and Ed is laughing and there is a whole wide open stretch of green in front of them, and the sweet smelling wind is singing their names with the Lion's breath
So they ride fast, and they ride free, and Erah and Peter are a king and a unicorn belonging to each other, and they follow the Lion wherever he goes
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ninakuli · 10 months
Do you hate me?
Bo Sinclair x reader
I'm back!!!😈😈😈 hope you guys like it, it's not really good sorry.
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Today, a good day, sun hanging on the sky and shining, it's a good day for take a walk... But to you? It's just another melancholy day. Your knees pressing against your chest, you curls up into a ball and snuggling in the corner of the room. You deep in thought... But of course not thinking about what rainbow, unicorn that's happy wonderful things, you thinking about hate, you feel like everyone hate you, although they didn't say it out but still feel the vibe... But it is you thinking too much again? Or everyone really hate you? You can't sure anymore, you're tired, you just want to run away from all of these, people, social media, gam... Etc, you just want to stay alone and being sad a few days, then all will back to normal right? Like you always do... Suddenly a figure approach you, strange... You didn't notice someone open the door and come in, maybe because you're too lost in your thoughts, but did it matter?
"Hey Y/N, ya alright?" Familiar voice, familiar southern accent, familiar smell, car oil, cigarettes, cologne... Oh, it's Bo, your favorite person in the world... Maybe, you not sure now... Maybe he hate you too? You only worry about this, the last thing you want to happen is he hate you right? Be hate by the person you in love, it must be painful...
Then you hear some noise... Oh it's Bo try to get your attention, maybe you should reply, or he'll be angry again if you keep ingore him.
You lift your face up to look at him "Ya alright?" Did he concern about you? It's pretty strange... Like everyone know, he's a jerk, well, maybe a trauma grumpy jerk, but honestly you love him this place too.
You nods "Yea, I'm alright" "No you not." He sit next to you and light up another cigarette "What's ya issues this time" he sounds impatient, but he just like this, you can't deny you hate it, maybe a you love it too? But it's doesn't matter now, now better reply him... Maybe this is the only chance to find out the answer of your question? But you too afraid to ask, but this is the only chance, he concern about you use his jerk way, right? Or did this fake?
"D... Do you... Hate me?" You finally get the courage to ask, your voice a little bit trembling, you're nervous, nervous about the answer "Wha?" He frown and looking at you "The fuck why I'll hate ya? If I hate you, you already be a wax statue in the House Of Wax." Hmm... This answer make sense. He scoffed "C'mere." He wrap an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him, it's rare, he normally always be the one be hug or stick around by you, he not good at show affection too, it's a presious time, and this is just what you need too...
After don't know how long you feel better "Time for work" you both head to the gas station and back to the daily.
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thescarletnargacuga · 3 months
WARNING: unhinged Ragatha, SO much digital violence, NPCs die
"CUT!! No, no, NO!! Do it again! Do it right!" An NPC wearing a ball cap labeled "Director" threw a script down on the ground in frustration.
Jax dragged a hand down his face. "We've done this scene 87 times!!"
"And we'll do it 87 more times if you don't do your job and act right!" The NPC gripped the arms of his chair, fit to break. "Go again! Reset!" The movie set came to life with activity. People rushing to reset props and touch up make up on the actors.
"Jax, please, just do what he says." Ragatha pleaded. She was as tired as he was, plus she was standing in bad heels the whole time. At least he got to stay barefoot. "We won't be able to finish the adventure until the movie's finished." She coughed when an NPC powdered her cheeks.
"I agree. This is getting very dull." Kinger said from his position next to them. "Just go with it and it'll be over soon."
"But why did I get this part? Why can't you be the groom??" Jax tugged at the tight tux collar choking him.
"Because I play the part of an ordained minister better." Kinger said matter-of-factly.
"I'm not exactly thrilled about it either, Jax. I'd much rather kiss Kinger. At least he wouldn't complain the whole time." Ragatha sneered.
Kinger had a smile in his eyes. He looked to the maid of honor and best man. "You two holding up okay?"
"My legs are numb." Gangle whimpered. The dress she was forced to wear was heavy on her spindly body.
"I should have stayed at the circus with Zooble." Pomni muttered. At least she got to wear a suit, so she wasn't too uncomfortable.
"Hey! Could we fix the best man's hair?" The director called out. "He looks like he just crawled out of bed!"
"I'm a GIRL!!" Pomni snarled, only to be ignored. Another NPC rushed to her and adjusted her hair.
Jax sighed and pinched the area where the bridge of his nose would be if he had one. "Shut up, you little cross dresser. Yelling at the moron doesn't do anything. Caine made the director a bit too passionate about his movie."
"Tell me about it." Ragatha crossed her arms. "I read the script, we're not even in the final scene! There's a whole other act that centers around our characters fighting a horde of mutant unicorns"
"Say what?" Jax gaped.
"Yeah, once the wedding scene is over, a horde breaks in and we fight. Pomni dies in your arms, Gangle escapes with Kinger but we break into the church's armory and fight them off."
"There's an armory??" Jax grew increasingly interested.
"Yeah? Did you not read the script?"
"Of course not, I have you to do it for me." He grinned. "Do you know where the armory is now?"
"Yeah, it's under the altar behind Kinger." She arched a brow. "Why?"
"Things are about to get interesting. Hey, D-man, we doing this scene or what?"
"If you're finally ready." The director answered incredulously. "From the top! Quiet on set! Camera! Wedding vows take 88 and...action!"
Jax and Ragatha held hands, believably happy looks on their faces. Kinger opened his book that had nothing on it. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join two hearts and souls to be one in the eyes of God." Kinger raised his hands up, light poured in through the stained glass window behind him that had Caine as this movie world's proclaimed religion. Pomni subtly rolled her eyes. "Mr. Smith, would you say your vows?"
Jax cleared his throat. "Maggie, you've been by my side bringing love and laughter into my life when I've needed it most. I feel like I've known you forever. Maybe even in another life. You have a heart of gold that I intend to have and hold forever. I love you."
The director looked at the script. Jax was improving some of his lines. At least the scene was still moving along.
Ragatha was blushing for real and completely forgot her lines. Jax was so convincing when he actually tried. She almost missed her cue and winged it the best she could. "Oh, Jack, my love. You have been my rock. When life was too much, you'd bring me back to earth and tell me...it doesn't matter. You've put things into perspective for me when my mind would run away. You've stood steady fast against the world, no matter what it threw at you. Your bravery is inspiring, I will always love you."
The director checked the script again. "What..?"
Gangle and Pomni looked at each other, but stayed in character.
"The rings." Kinger said and Pomni handed them to Jax. He slid the rose gold ring on Ragatha's finger and said, "With this ring, I ask you, are you ready to kick some [%$!#]?"
Before the director could yell "cut", Jax kicked the altar over and pulled out the first weapon he could reach. A good old boot-zooka. He aimed it at the director and fired. The director dove out of the way in time for the boot to turn his chair to splinters, and the crew scattered screaming in terror.
"Grab the camera!" Jax ordered as he reloaded.
Kinger slid over as fast as he could and hoisted the cinema camera off its stand.
"Whatever you do, don't stop rolling! We're finishing this movie our way!" Jax fired again at the director, who took it to the face and was thrown through a set wall.
"This is insane!" Pomni grabbed a random weapon, it looked like a weird water gun.
Gangle didn't grab anything, she hid behind Kinger.
Ragatha could hear frantic neighing over the calamity. She saw horses with an inhumane amount of paint and prosthetics plastered onto them tied to a far wall. They were apparently the mutant unicorns they were supposed to fight in the next scene. She dug into the weapons and found a huge butcher's knife. She looked at Jax, who had run out of boots and was grabbing a shotgun.
"For once, I agree with you. Let's get these [%$!#]holes." She wielded her knife and ran to the horses.
Jax grinned so much, his face hurt. "[%$!#] em up!" Security came to control the situation and Jax leveled his gun at the first NPC that tried to rush him. The gun exploded and a roll of dollar bills hit the NPC in the chest, downing him. "Buckshot. Heh, I get it." He racked another bundle and fired.
Ragatha cut the ropes tethering the frightened horses. One by one, they ran in random directions. They galloped off in straight lines and didn't stop for anything in their way; not NPCs, sets, walls, or Pomni.
"Everybody run!! They're mad!!" An NPC, who Ragatha recognized as the one who constantly did her makeup by shoving powder in her face, screamed. "Oh, you haven't seen anything yet." Ragatha threw the knife and it lodged itself in the NPC's head. They fell backwards to the ground. "By the way, your makeup skills are TRASH!"
She never realized just how much rage burned beneath the surface. It felt so good to finally let go, at least in the moment. She'd probably hate herself later, but right now, she didn't care. She yanked her knife out of the unresponsive NPC and looked for her next target. An NPC was baring down on Jax as he was fighting off three others. She ran up and started chopping.
Jax turned to see the absolute ruin Ragatha had left the NPC in. She was huffing, her hair was disheveled, and gripping the knife like an axe. "Anyone every tell you you're gorgeous when you're crazy?"
She tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled at him. "Someone has now." She tore at her wedding dress; losing the sleeves and frills. She ripped the skirt so she could move faster. She blushed when Jax wolf whistled at her.
Pomni whimpered as she shakily held her gun up at some advancing security NPCs. She pulled the trigger and hot glitter glue shot out and covered everyone in front of her. They screamed until the glue hardened, turning them into glittery gooey statues.
"Atta girl, Pomni!" Ragatha encouraged.
Pomni did not share Ragatha's enthusiasm. "ARE WE DONE YET!?"
"Do you see a portal? The movie isn't over! Kinger! Get this in frame!" Jax shot another NPC in the leg.
Ragatha chased another NPC past a supply closet. She stopped in her tracks when the word flammable stuck out in her periphery. The door was locked, so she hacked away at the handle like a madwoman. She opened it to find stacks of crates marked for various pyrotechnics and explosives. She gave a grin that would make Jax proud. "Jackpot."
The director was coming to after being booted through the wall. He groaned and climbed out of the hole in time to see Ragatha come out of the fire closet with an oversized roman candle. She fired at some of the few remaining security. Multicolor balls of sparking fire rained down on her enemies.
The director tried to scramble away but the butt end of a shot gun punted him into the supply closet. He crashed into the crates, one dumping half sticks of dynamite into his lap. He looked up in fear to see Jax looming in the doorway. "You know, without that hat. You're no more distinguishable from the rest. You're nothing but an annoying hack rack." He flicked the hat off the director's head with the barrel of his gun.
"Please...please don't hurt me."
"Oh, I'm not gonna do anything. You see, my bride is a bit pent up. You're all hers." Jax stepped back and dropped his weapon.
As if on cue, Ragatha came over and jumped into Jax's arms.
Jax caught and held her like the battle bride she was.
Ragatha aimed the giant roman candle at the director. "And they lived happily ever after!"
"Mother[%$!#]!" Jax held tight as the roman candle kicked back. It sent three colorful fireballs into the pile of explosive crates, blowing them and director sky high. The explosion blew back Ragatha's hair, silhouetting her against the fiery glow.
Jax couldn't help himself. In the literal heat of the moment, he kissed her. He expected to be punched or berated but...she kissed him back. She dropped her weapon and wrapped her arms around his neck. His grip on her tightened, holding her close until the kiss came to an end. They parted only enough to look each other in the eye.
"You don't have to keep pretending, dollface." The usually degrading nickname held a tone of endearment.
"I think we should both stop pretending." She kissed his cheek. "I think this could work if we let it."
"Yeah....maybe it could."
Kinger cut the camera. With the movie complete, the portal back to the circus opened.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed it, please leave a comment or check out my blog for more TADC oneshots!
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