howhow326 · 9 months
Anyway, I just know Shadybug is going to be the best villain this show has and the baddest bitch alive because she's Marinette.
Hawkmoth? Played out.
Chloe? Boring.
Felix & Lila? Awful writing.
Villain!Adrien? We have like 10 of those.
But Villain!Marinette??? We have never seen that before because she's too powerful. The show would end if Marinette even got akumatized, according to Astruc. Marinette never gives up. She always wins, and now she's the villain. And if Shadybug's world is anything like the main universe, then all of the other villains must have been defeated by her by now. If this Marinette is anything like our own, then she probably doesn't even see herself as in the wrong.
Shadybug is the ultimate threat, the strongest antagonist that Marinette will ever face because she is her.
Shadybug is canon Saltinette.
Top ten posts that aged badly
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sweetiebean00 · 20 days
There is a severe lack of content for Marikim and I've consumed it in an hour, time to adjust that even if it's just me. Listen, I hate cannon, most of it anyway. I'm not writing with Marc or Luka, only because I don't feel wholey comfy writing them. Didn't get that far in the show😅😅 Didn't finish the Lila shit either, so if it's wrong - sorry? #####
To think, it all started with an akuma. 
No, not a poor person taken advantage of. More like a poor butterfly being used by a madman being taken advantage of. 
Kim was snorting, eyes rolling at Alix and Max as the duo continued to class from lunch. Max was lamenting the idiocy of their peers, of how Lila was obviously new and full of shit. A napkin take out someone's eye? Especially someone with glasses? Kim could hear his grumblings as Alix dragged him along, her snickering about whatever else that happened that Kim didn't care to pay attention to. While the new girl was objectively pretty, she was far too much like Chloe for Kim's taste. And Kim had made it a point to avoid anything resembling the blonde, he hadn't been the greatest when he'd been trying to impress her. Marinette had helped talk to Ivan after the Stoneheart thing, and since then Kim wants to say he's been doing better. No more silly tricks to impress and using actual words opposed to teasing to encourage have been shown to help loads. Max never hesitated to remind him of the odds when his old habits would make an appearance, but that's what happens when you're a teenager in the midst of an emotional, magical terrorist attack. 
He still can't believe he mixed his gym bag for his school bag, eyes rolling at himself as he wondered if Marinette would be willing to take a commission to keep him from mixing them in the future. He didn't even want to think about the number of times he did this a week, let alone a day. It had to-
Kim froze, dread like ice in his veins as he saw the black butterfly floating along. He swallowed, holding as still as he could manage when he heard it. Voices. The following sound of a slam had his brow furrowing and he took a deep breath. Is he witnessing the becoming of an akuma? The memory, the feeling of strings connected to his limbs as the world went dark sent a chill down his spine and before he knew what he was doing. Kim was charging into the room after the akuma, eyes narrowed when he found its target.
The world would burn before someone let her get hurt by a fucking akuma. It was getting closer, heading for an earring as she gripped the sink so tight her knuckles were white. Nope! Not today, Hawkmoth.
She jumped, eyes wide with fear and tears falling from her cheeks. A squeak tore from her throat at the sight of the akuma and Kim did the one thing he could think of. He threw his bag. Now what Kim forgot was how he hardly missed a target when he threw something, secondly, was his strength. His muscles weren't for show, if he wasn't working out he was usually doing some sport or another. If not challenging Alix, rollerblades versus his own human body. 
The bag slammed into the purple insect, slamming it into the wall. Marinette thankfully seeing his plan had dropped into a roll, moving from the Akuma and Kim didn't hesitate to snatch her around the waist and throw her over his shoulder before they were running from the locker room. Squished Akuma left behind. 
Kim didn't stop running, his blood roaring in his ears and all he could think was to get her away from the evil little thing.
 Not today, Hawkmoth, not his Cupcake. He didn't even want to think about the slaughter that would take place, because it wouldn't be a fight, a battle. Marinette would take out Hawkmoth and their heroes without fail. She was cunning, he's seen her climb the side of a building and not be late for class every other week. He's seen her when she's pissed, seen her fall and catch herself in a handspring. Seen her make Chloe back down. He wouldn't be surprised if Marinette would make Hawkmoth her little bitch.
He skid to a halt, lungs burning for air and chest heaving. They were... at the park? Oops. Marinette was poking his back, his sides. Sharp nails digging in for attention, and another one of those squeaks tore from her throat as she clawed at his back on the off chance his rapid stop made her fall. Puh-lease. He played sports, his hands were probably one of the most guaranteed safe zones in the world. Well, maybe. Ladybug or Chat Noir might be safer. 
"Kim, I think you outran the akuma." She said softly, and he chuckled. Heat flaring in the back of his neck as she wiggled to be put down. "Did... did you throw your backpack at an akuma?"
He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck now that she was firmly on her own two feet. Her pigtails were disheveled and Marinette's eyes rolled. Lips pulled into a smile as she tugged the ribbons free from her dark hair. Kim grinned, she was smiling! A far cry from the tears she had been shedding when he first found her. The question burned on his tongue, but it might not be a good idea to talk about it right now. Maybe after she seems a bit more at ease? He shrugged, starting down the path of the park and mentally fistbumping when she started along with him.
"That's my gym bag." He grimaced, "Though now that there's akuma juice on it... Hawkmoth can have it."
She laughed, her arm nudging into him as they followed the small path at a slow pace. Kim never thought he'd be skipping class with Marinette Dupain-Cheng, then again, he didn't think he'd have to save the literal sunshine from an akuma. But everyone has their days, everyone has bad days. Kim frowned, probably didn't help everyone was pushing her about today. He heard Nino and Alya criticizing her, but before he could've asked what was going on Lila was claiming a napkin was going to take out Max' eyes. Kim remembers the way his eye twitched, the way Alix immediately stood after Max made a very dry comment and started to preach Lila, her sarcasm missed by the new girl as the trio began to gather their things and leave. Ignoring the tales of wonder of Lila's sacrifice behind as Max proceeded to rant and rave about their classmates having less intelligence than a single cell organism if they believed that.
"Your sacrifice will be remembered," She snickered, patting his shoulder. "I'll make you a new one, if-if you want that is. So it won't be lost in vain?"
"Oh hell yeah!" He fistbumped, ready to brag his ass off about getting a custom design from Marinette and to flex on Alix and Max, on Ondine, on his teammates, mostly on Alix though. "I will never say no to a DC original! Alix is gonna be pissed!"
"Oh, I can make her on-"
Kim interrupted her, grabbing her by the shoulders and pressing into her space. His face turned serious, brows furrowed as he stopped them mid-walk. When he spoke his voice had dropped into just barely above a whisper and eyes staring at her intensely.
"Whatever you do, don't make her one." She squeaked, her cheeks heating as Kim continued. "I want to forever have bragging rights on that little shit."
Marinette blinked, once, twice. Then she snorted, eyes rolling as she playfully pushed at his chest. He grinned, mischief glinting in his eyes as she proceeded to grumble. Trudging along the path quicker, and aware of the effortless way Kim kept up. Never once losing the smile that made dimples form in his cheeks. She delighted in the mock hurt and offense that took over his expression when he actually heard what she was saying. The giant athlete bemoaning her cruelty and begging her to reconsider giving Alix more things to allow Shortstack to have bragging rights on him. 
"Maaaaarrriiiii," He threw an arm around her shoulder, hearing her squawk as he leaned some of his weight onto her shoulders. Snickering as she stumbled about under his hold. "The betrayal of a sweet treat as yourself cuts ever deep as a thorn of roses!"
"That made no sense!" She laughed, shoving at his arm that was refusing to budge. "Kim! Get your meaty arm off me you oaf!"
"Oaf? Oaf?! Oaf!" He staggered, hands pressing into his chest as he spoke with an exaggerated huff. "How dare you! I am a theater jock!"
"Oh, is theater still your secret side piece to sports?" Marinette teased, and Kim grinned. Hands in his pockets as she stared up at him, shoving her fringe to the side. Her hair flawlessly turning into a brain under her deft fingers. He hadn't seen her with a braid in years. He forgot what she looked like with it. "I thought you dropped theatre last year."
"I did, but I didn't like that one class I took instead, oh the one with the thing and thing?"
"Home Economics?"
"Yes! It was laaaame, besides maman is going to show me how to do all that stuff this summer so I took theater and dropped it."
Marinette nodded, "Well if you want help cooking, you know maman and papa will help in a heartbeat."
"What, not gonna help me at all?"
She rolled her eyes, "I know you know how to cook, I also know you pretend not to when anyone asks."
"Rude. Fair, but rude."
They walked for a few moments in silence, the sound of the trees rustling in the wind. The smell of the flowers drifting through the air and surrounding them as the sun warmed them from a cloudless sky. The park wasn't filled, which made sense since most of the occupants of the park were currently in class or at work. Never in their lives did they think they'd end up skipping class, especially together. Not when he skips for sports and bets, and she skips for battle. Not that he knew that last bit.
"Thank you." She said it so softly, he wasn't sure he heard it. "For-for helping me, get away from the akuma and making me... yeah. Sorry you caught me, well..."
"Mari?" She hummed at his question, watching their shoes as they walked. "Why were you crying in the bathroom?"
"Was it that chick, Alya? I know you've gotten close since she transferred, and it's good seeing you making new friends on your own." He stopped their walk, gently turning her to face him and lifting her chin from the ground. "But if she's not turning out to be all that great, you know you're always welcomed to break Bustier's rules and come sit with me and Nath, or even Nino, I know she banned the four of us from sitting together because we were hiding you and Nath from her so you could draw, but-"
"It wasn't- it wasn't Alya..." Marinette admitted, he raised a brow. Her gaze broke from his and she sighed. Her shoulders slumping. "Okay, her and Nino didn't help. But, it's-it's fine. We don't have-"
"Cupcake, unless you don't want to talk to me about it, which you know you just have to say so, what happened? Let your big strong knight be your shield again!" 
She laughed, the sound soft, if a little pained. She heaved a breath and when she leaned into his side, he didn't hesitate. Wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close as they continued to walk. It was silent, comfortable. He missed hanging with her, with Nathaniel and Nino. He wondered how well Max and Nath would work together, or Alix and Nino. Considering he can't imagine ditching old friends for new, or new for old. Maybe that's what Marinette needed, some new friends too! He was already thinking of dragging Max to the bakery one day with him, to bond with her. Well, they did like video games and-
"Lila threatened me."
The world stop. The air left his lungs as his vision went dark around the corners. Lila threatened Marinette. Lila threatened Marinette. The Italian sausage threatened! He swallowed the urge to storm back to that school and just take care of that problem growing like fire in his chest. How dare. How fucking dare that new bitch. 
"She should've stayed in Italy." 
"Kim -NO!"
Her hands clawed at him, and Kim grunted when Marinette threw herself onto his back. Like that would stop him. He bench presses her weight, on a light day! He growled, she growled back and it didn't stop him from starting the track back to Dupont. Oh that bitch!
"Kim I don't have a bag to throw if you get akumatised! Stop!"
"Get off."
"No!" Marinette climbed further and he forgot how much a fucking spider monkey she was. "I will tell you everything but only if you promise not to do anything rash! I did and I got expelled."
He froze. She was expelled. Lila did that. Kim remembers asking Max to look into the cameras, remembers Nathaniel looking at the heirloom and telling him that it was a necklace from Gabriel Agreste. He knows because Marinette sent him the picture of them from the window earlier that same week to give inspiration for his art. They had already been on the way to make Damocles look when she had been sent back to class, her expulsion ending and Kim had noticed the look on Lila's face. She had been happy, and now Kim knows why. 
He could see her over his shoulder, her bluest blue eyes wide and darting through the sky over their heads. She was looking for an akuma, watching out for him. Which... considering the butterfly probably no longer smashed against a wall in the locker room, it is a fair precaution. He took a measured breath, fists clenching at his sides. He focused, trying to reel his anger in even if part of him dared the butterfly obsessed freak to send one after him. Just so he could tear it apart with his hands, or better yet. Marinette has carried a sewing kit with her since she wanted to become a fashion designer and he knows she has a pastel pink seam ripper in her purse. 
He breathed again, eyes closing. In through the nose, out the mouth. He could feel her warmth against his back, could smell vanilla, of warm bread, and cookies from the wind. Could feel her hair brushing against his skin as her arms locked around his neck. Holding tight to keep from falling. Her ankles locked on his stomach to keep herself up, and feel her purse pressing into the small of his back uncomfortably.
Kim relaxed, thoughts of tearing something apart with his bare hands replacing thoughts of dismembering something to make Hawkmoth stay the fuck away from him. From her. He needed to go hit a punching bag as soon as he could, just the thought had his anger fading away. The tension in his muscles easing as she continued to cling to him like a koala. 
After a moment, he felt her slide against him. Her fingers clawing down and he shuddered, goosebumps breaking across his skin as she came to stop. Her hands curled in the fabric of his red hoodie gathered at his lower back. His neck burned, and he resisted the urge to roll his shoulders back. Ignoring the pleasant little buzz coming to life in his blood, pushing at all the thoughts trying to rush to the surface. 
He needs her not to do that again, that felt way too good. His mind betraying him with the million and one ways her grabbing at his back could be twisted. He needed a cold shower after beating a punching bag, maybe one of the guys from his sports team would be willing to go a few rounds in the ring with him later? He was going to need it, even if the only reason he felt all pleased is because he liked backrubs. Stop looking at him like that.
She hesitated before taking his hand, leading him down the path until they came across a far off spot. Bushes filled with roses laid about the area and Kim realized she gave them privacy. He didn't know if he liked the idea of this spot, of her taking someone here, probably Adrien because it had become quite clear she had feelings for him. Feelings for the blonde prince, as Alix said to him one day when her phone wouldn't shut up and Alya was trying to scheme them together without Marinette knowing. 
Shaking the thoughts to the back of his head, he waited as Marinette slid against the trunk of the tree. Watched as she slowly stopped with her knees to her chest against the bark and caught his eye before patting the seat beside her. Offering him a seat even if the invitation had been there when she started leading him to the secluded little piece of safety. Kim settled beside her, lifting his arm and resting it on her shoulder when she leaned into his side. The smell of vanilla, of bread and cookies surrounding him with the fragrance of the flowers. She fidgeted, her fingers picking at each other until he caught the aforementioned digits in his other hand and squeezed. She was stalling, maybe trying to get that overworking mind of hers to figure out how to start it all. Kim didn't mind, he'd gladly wait for her to get the words out. She's always been worth the wait, even if he wasn't the most patient of the bunch. That was Nino’s and Nathanial's expertise, but Kim... he could listen. He could sit still for her.
When she began to speak, Kim had reminded himself to keep his mouth shut. To hold his questions to the end as her soft voice washed over him. Any other day it would've been peaceful, would've been nice even. The stuff out of those fairy tales Rose loved so much. He breathed through his nose, letting it out through his mouth slowly with every new thing she told him. When she finished, they sat there. Breathing as she let the weight fall off her shoulders, as he took it from her as he always would. Maybe she should rely on him more? She tossed the thought before it could finish forming, focusing on the questions he asked in that slow, calm, yet tight tone. She prayed to Tikki that Kim wouldn't leave, and wouldn't do as Alya did, what Nino did. Wouldn't do what Adrien did...
Before she could spiral, he squeezed her closer. Earning a squeak as he snickered, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. The pink on her cheeks making his smile genuine, despite the protective rage simmering in his eyes. How he didn't attract an akuma, he wouldn't know. What he did know was that he had several things added to his agenda and clear in his mind. 
For starters, Adrien Agreste is no prince charming. Not in any of the storybooks, or tales of love and daring do. Not in a million years, not hers at the very least. Take the high road? Really? That was not the way to handle a school yard bully, maybe tabloids, maybe lie-rags. Maybe even crazy fans. But not a person threatening to tear someone down amongst their peers. It took everything Kim had to not scowl, not to pull out his phone and text the model. Alix' love for the twisted version of the stories came to mind, the one when the princes were the real bad guys of the stories. 
A new sort of resentment built inside him. For Bustier's constant victim blaming teachings, and for separating him from Marinette in the first place. If they were together, Lila wouldn't get the fucking chance to push the sweetest girl in school to the back of the class. Not only that, but she also wouldn't get her nasty ass claws inside Kim like she did Alya. 
Which brings him to his next point.
Alya is no friend of Marinette's. When they got banned from sitting together, he and Marinette had challenged each other. To make friends with whomever they got seated next to. Just her luck she got fucked with blonde prick and fake news. He took a breath, giving Marinette another squeeze. Best friends push you to do your best, but they don't push you into doing your worst. When you aren't comfortable, when you're scared, they are the spotter to catch the weight you're lifting. Alya hasn't been that for Marinette for a while now. 
Not only that, but what person schemes to hook up their bestie with their crush when neither have had a decent conversation? Or encourages the stealing of phones, privacy, and what was it? Oh yeah, stalking. After Kim was far more calm, he would be marching Marinette's ass home and telling her to take down everything. No schedules, no knowing everything there is about him from the internet. No future birthday presents, none of that shit. You're supposed to help coach the crazy, not encourage it. For fuck's sake!
Kim made sure to make a note to himself to have a long overdue chat with Nino. Take him out, sit him down, and if Kim's lucky, Nino can give Alya that dose of reality she apparently needs. If not, well, Nino has always been as protective as Kim. The duo never hesitated to protect Marinette and Nathaniel on the playground as they grew up, or from the teachers. They might have drifted, but they were still friends. 
Kim stood, tugging her up with him and offering her a charming smile. She blinked up at him, but let him lead her out of the park to the Bakery. Kim had some work to do. No sausage haired new chick was going to alienate his honest to kwami best girl.
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freedom-shamrock · 6 months
Question where can I find your Saltinette Fic on AO3 its strange I can't seem to find it. Do you have the link for that?
Sometimes things don't go as right as we'd like on AO3. You'll Find the Soduim is Harmful to Your Heart series (which starts with Saltinette) here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1640167 Thanks for asking!
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artzychic27 · 2 years
Imagine this- Akumatised Marinette/Saltinette: And so I built a bomb. Tonight this school is Vietnam.
… How did you know I was listening to Meant to Be Yours?
Like, no joke
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broadwaycutie16 · 5 months
Calling all Adrien stans! Calling all Marinette salters! Calling all salt fic haters!
For those of you who don’t know, I wrote a sequel to the infamous Karma of Lies fanfic, with the help of a friend, and have decided to start a series where I write sequels to fix certain salt fics, especially those who are harshest to Adrien. But I would like some co-authors. Anyone who is interested, please comment on this post.
No one sees me but know I’m right here by kellikat23
Rejection AU by various
The Wolves in the Woods by FoxWitchWrites and Rafe_Minsi
Two Letters by CartoonAddict564
The Karma of Lies by CartoonAddict564 (because that one is just so horrible and needs more sequels)
Karma Overbalance by Shadymissionary
New Life and New Friends by Cornholio4
What Goes Around Comes Around by Cornholio4
Leave comments if there are any other stories you want to see.
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dizzying-faust · 1 month
One of my worst fears as a Marinette fan is people thinking just because I like her means I must be an Adrien and Alya salter, when I actually HATE the salt the latter two get.
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salad-juice-enjoyer · 2 years
Every now and them I remember AO3 having an "Alya redemption" tag and I feel the need to murder someone.
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jennrypan · 1 year
If you have to make your characters ooc to make your other character a good villain.
It makes nooo sense why everytime Lilas on screen she makes characters act completely different and it adds to the salt despite various things stacking against her what the fuuuuuck.
I was rooting for the season to not bring up so much dumb ass salt but here we are and to no surprise its about Lila again.
And now people are gonna start shipping her[Marinette] with Damian or some shit and shes gonna be completely void of her actual character traits. God dammit.
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howhow326 · 9 months
What the fxck?
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Why does she look like... that. The black jacket + fishnet fingerless gloves and black nail polish combo are great... but like... w h y. Why a pink skunk stripe and weird peek a boo bangs??? I also don't think her boots match her outfit well, but I don't like normal Marinette's shoes anyway.
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This angle makes her look really bad.
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That's better. Despite being an AU character, the use of colors on her outfit is honestly better than normal Ladybug. Marinette looks a thousand times better with actual black hair and the red eyes blending into the rest of her design is better than the blue eyes. Makes me wonder why Marinette even has blue hair and eyes...
*cough* racism *cough*
Anyway, this girl looks like Saltinette, which makes me think the writers are stealing more ideas from fanfiction.
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quickspinner · 1 month
Do you have any hidden gem fics or lesser known authors you would recommend for Lukanette?
I'm not going to lie, it's way easier to call to mind friends' fics so the same names tend to pop up when I'm trying to think of recommendations, so this is a great question. I don't really want to claim these are 'hidden gems' or 'lesser known authors' just because they're not in the circle of authors I hear from and talk to frequently, so let's put it this way: here's some works I love that haven't come up in the recs I've been asked for recently.
(full disclosure some of them are still written by friends 😂 but may be older or don't get as much love as I think they deserve)
I don't know tumblr names for most of these authors so I can't tag them but if you recognize your fic here and would like to be tagged, shoot me a message or leave a reply and I'll edit the post to add it.
A Discordant Song by Bounemr (this one is not heavy on the lukanette but I still love it)
Standing Here All Alone by Thistle_and_Thorns
Cherry Blossoms at Midnight by FrivolousFlare
The Feel of Music by Renigan
Juleka vs. the Forces of the Universe by @goldenlaurelleaveswrites
Drunk Talks (and Sober Confessions) by @chrwrites
Saltinette by @freedom-shamrock
if you know, you know by RenderedReversed 
i'm in a world apart (a world where roses bloom) by nonbinarynino (STILL one of my absolute favorite ever stories)
In Vino Veritas by Marie_Chambers
The Hope of it All by Marie_Chambers
Crowned by @semi-slaughtomatic
Five-Minute Time Machine by L3245
Wingwoman by @mintaka14
So, You Met Tchaikovsky? by @mamanabeille
The Swan Song of One Marinette Dupain-Cheng by Wolfsbaene
the reason you stay by @eat0crow
Ewww... Not even dead by @bloody-writes
Acmé by @astronavigatrix
Or I could Just Kiss You... by @livrever
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang (Lukanette Week 2019) by @semi-slaughtomatic
Brave New World: Lukanette Week 2019 by seasonofthegeek
Chai Tea and Fresh Starts by @freedom-shamrock (I still looooove this one)
Awards and Appreciation by whatarubberchicken
music to knit a broken heart by Nanimok 
In Between the Metro by damagectrl
Okay, disclaimer on this one: It is adrienette endgame, but I enjoy the Lukanette part of it so much that I'm listing it anyway. When I reread, I just stop before they breakup. I don't know that this kind of recommendation would actually be appreciated, so apologies to the author. 😂 More of What Was Once Mine by RavenclawPianist 
Oooh and I haven't read this one myself yet but friends are gushing about it so I'm reccing it based on that: Hunted by the Night Light by hislittlelady (NSFW)
Have fun! and be sure to leave the authors a comment, I'm sure they'd love it.
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
Using Jeanette to make jabs at salt tropes is so much fun
Yeah it is.
Jeanette: So you're going to apologise right?
Bustier: For what?
Jeanette: Not demanding Lila give you a doctors note. and believing her lie about tinnitus.
Bustier: Are you asking me to interrogate a student about a medical condition? Do you want me to get fired?
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freedom-shamrock · 1 year
So I LOVE your Saltinette fic and I’ve gone back to it every once in a while to reread (I’ve bookmarked it obviously and tried giving multiple kudos - alas, one of AO3’s major flaws is the single kudo limit) and then see if the sequel is finished. I’m so excited to see it almost is! I broke my “don’t read unless completed for fear of being in incomplete-abandoned-hell-limbo” rule and I love it just as much as the first part!
I love how you’re addressing everything and having everyone realize their mistakes and take healthy steps forward, especially Juleka, Chloe, and Adrien!
I am a little curious - you don’t seem to be focusing on how charging Lila with fraud is affecting her and her family, and based on the trend of the fic you won’t, since it seems more about building up from loss and not getting revenge on Lila (which is completely valid and actually a nice breather from all the pure salt). But I am kind of curious about it.
If it won’t be touched on in the final chapter and won’t spoil anything (and if you’ve even thought of it), would you be willing to give me an idea of what’s happening to Lila? While the healthy moving forward IS refreshing, the little salt-gremlin in me is screeching and hoping that she won’t just get away with everything.
Regardless, I love the first fic and once the second, sequel fic is finished I’ll probably change my bookmark to the whole series rather than just the first fic. And I can’t wait!
I hope you have a lovely day! 💜
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this. We lost my mother-in-law unexpectedly in the end of October. Between all the things we need to do with her life's possessions and the holidays it's been a bit hairy here.
I'm so glad that you've enjoyed this series. It's been an important one for me; I was bullied as a kid and both my kids were bullied in their hell-hole elementary school. I'm delighted that I have proven worthy of you breaking your "only completed fics" policy, and I'm glad you're enjoying it. I should note that I posted the final chapter of "Treading in the Brackish Pool" just a bit ago, so the risk has paid off. :)
I didn't go into this with any intention of doing Lila-focused chapters. My goal with the first story was to show that leaving an unhealthy environment can be the best choice (and that it's not "letting the bad guys win"). With the second story, the goal was to show that sometimes we make choices that are damaging, that we can't always fix what we break, and sometimes we have to make our own closure. The mentions of gathering evidence and possible fraud charges, are all we're likely to see. In my head, however, I assure you that Lila is leaving Paris, getting court-ordered therapy (and a diagnosis), paying fines, and having a permanent criminal record. Thanks for your patience. So glad you've been enjoying this!
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flightfoot · 16 days
Ur a pretty fair voice in my opinion when it comes to the whole mess in miraculous. Would you mind telling me what your favorite things are about Marinettes appreciation of Chat Noir in Canon? Not fanon, CANON.
I'm still grieving LadyNoir and recently I'm feelin very down in life in general and now I don't have my comfort show and ship anymore the way I used to love them for.
The way Marinette treats Chat Noir in and outta her transformation never stops hurting my poor broken LadyNoir heart n as much as I wished I could love the potential of her love for him as I once did, it just feels so paper thin and shallow to me now after everythin this show did.
The show is clearly trying to have her feelings for him be smth now, but for me it never seems to go beyond her infamous vague heart eyes the show likes to hav her throw around for damage control & surface level appreciation of his presence when she has to. But if you'd tell me that she still has no real feelings for him, I would believe u, cause he as a person doesn't truly matter at any given moment her words have to MEAN something more than a vague "<3" she's never asked to back up with anything worthwhile (srry, I know you've heard that complaint a million times before. It's at least comforting to know that others feel the same)
Wasn even her taking any interest in Chat for his person in the first quarter of season 5 only caused by Marinette wantin to proof Alya wrong and that her love for him instead of Adrien is real and valid? That's so disheartening...
Going through the tags isnt helping either, cuz most i find it is either much more fanon than Canon, or it's in line with Chat prrty much being her servant now instead of her finally giving care back
Idk, I hope I'm not bein too much of a downer. So imma get back to my question now. Maybe u can help me see Canon in better light again.
Could you tell me what you like most bout Marinettes and Ladybug's connection with Chat Noir? Things she does for him, what she values in him and so on and so forth?
I like the times we see her getting upset when Chat's hurt, or when she comforts him when he's clearly not feeling good. I adored how angry and upset she got in Timebreaker when Chat was "killed" in front of her for the first time, how she suddenly became more vicious. She doesn't want to lose him.
Or like, for times when she's comforted Chat, I adore how calmly and patiently she spoke to Chat in Reverser, after his courage was taken away, how she gently coaxed him where he needed to go. I took great solace in that, the first time I rewatched that episode, since I'd been exposed to a lot of Saltinette at the time, and I needed the reminder that Marinette does, in fact, care about people, even when it's inconvenient.
While I wish that Marinette had really thought through Chat's potential reaction to someone new showing up with her Miraculous without warning, I DID love that Marinette had this long list of protips. I especially liked this one:
Marinette: (v.o) Protip 33: When Cat Noir tells a joke, try to laugh at it even if it isn't funny. It makes him happy.
Even in episodes where I have a problem with the way Marinette conceives of Chat Noir, I generally still like elements of it. Like even in Ephemeral, while I think it was very, very wrong for her to try to trick Chat the way she did, she WAS doing it because she didn't want to risk Su-Han taking Chat's Miraculous from him. Or in Kuro Neko, when she didn't want to give the miraculous back to Plagg to give to Chat Noir, because she was afraid they'd end up back in this same situation, and she didn't want to keep hurting him.
At her core, Marinette cares about Chat's feelings and wants him to feel good, to be happy. The issue comes from her not seeing things from his perspective, from being terrible at reading him. Marinette has a lot of compassion towards Chat Noir, she just doesn't understand him.
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Well, that's why I invented "Jeanette", Marinette's awful cousin from London (according to wikia, Sabine has a sister in London, that she doesn't like), whose personality is "1-to-1 Saltinette"
So Marinette could beat up Saltinette without need of Rabbit Miraculous or "Akuma-/Senti-based shenigans"
Everyone just has an evil british cousin.
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broadwaycutie16 · 1 month
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Do you people even read what I write?!
Marinette may be miserable at the end of the fic, but what happened to her does not dwarf what she left for Adrien. With the baggage she left him, he would have ended up homeless, wondering which would kill him first between starvation, freezing to death, or even some crazed vigliantes who decided to get rid of him because they thought he was Hawkmoth’s accomplice. Marinette’s fate is bad, but at least she has a room, meals, and a chance to earn her living, and she’s safe from the people who hate her, which is way more than what Adrien would have had had the truth never been revealed. She’s less of a slave and more of an indentured servant.
As for Adrien, despite what the original fic would have you believe, his actions back then WERE childish immaturity. I’m not saying he wasn’t wrong, but he at least believed that everything would work out, and that Marinette would be okay in the end. But it’s clearly stated in the fic that Marinette’s actions were not the same as his, because she did them purely out of spite. And he says in Chapter 9 that he does want to help her to not repeat his mistakes, but there’s nothing he can do because this time everything the people are mad about is true.
Marinette’s actions didn’t stem from insensitivity and immaturity INSTEAD of malice, but from insensitivity and immaturity AS WELL AS malice. She let what she knew to be a dangerous criminal, capable of horrible things, to walk away free with millions of euros, enabling her to ruin who knows how many more innocent lives, just to spite Adrien for not being a better friend. Her trauma in KoL was bad, but at the end of the day, it was just some teenage drama, which she could have easily solved in other ways. She left Adrien to suffer for the rest of his life, woth irreversible damage, over some stupidity that he could have easily grown out of given time.
Marinette did all the same things Adrien did that supposedly earned him his punishment, and she did them on a much bigger scale, and for no real gain but instant vindication. Karmic Backlash is telling salters to put your money where your mouth is, because if Adrien really does deserve what happened to him because of what he did, than the same logic dictates that Marinette deserves the same if not worse, since she did the same things on a much bigger scale and for no reason but to get back at others for being dumb teenagers.
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dizzying-faust · 1 year
I don't like the idea of "normalizing mischaracterizing your favorite character" because some people go too far to the point that said character barely acts like the source material version.
Especially worse when they treat said characterization as a fact and get uppity when canon contradicts it.
Not to say people have to be 100% accurate with characterization nor can't have fun with headcanons. But there's a fine line between that and warping the character to the point there just, as someone put it best, an OC with a flesh face.
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