freedom-shamrock · 2 years
So I LOVE your Saltinette fic and I’ve gone back to it every once in a while to reread (I’ve bookmarked it obviously and tried giving multiple kudos - alas, one of AO3’s major flaws is the single kudo limit) and then see if the sequel is finished. I’m so excited to see it almost is! I broke my “don’t read unless completed for fear of being in incomplete-abandoned-hell-limbo” rule and I love it just as much as the first part!
I love how you’re addressing everything and having everyone realize their mistakes and take healthy steps forward, especially Juleka, Chloe, and Adrien!
I am a little curious - you don’t seem to be focusing on how charging Lila with fraud is affecting her and her family, and based on the trend of the fic you won’t, since it seems more about building up from loss and not getting revenge on Lila (which is completely valid and actually a nice breather from all the pure salt). But I am kind of curious about it.
If it won’t be touched on in the final chapter and won’t spoil anything (and if you’ve even thought of it), would you be willing to give me an idea of what’s happening to Lila? While the healthy moving forward IS refreshing, the little salt-gremlin in me is screeching and hoping that she won’t just get away with everything.
Regardless, I love the first fic and once the second, sequel fic is finished I’ll probably change my bookmark to the whole series rather than just the first fic. And I can’t wait!
I hope you have a lovely day! 💜
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this. We lost my mother-in-law unexpectedly in the end of October. Between all the things we need to do with her life's possessions and the holidays it's been a bit hairy here.
I'm so glad that you've enjoyed this series. It's been an important one for me; I was bullied as a kid and both my kids were bullied in their hell-hole elementary school. I'm delighted that I have proven worthy of you breaking your "only completed fics" policy, and I'm glad you're enjoying it. I should note that I posted the final chapter of "Treading in the Brackish Pool" just a bit ago, so the risk has paid off. :)
I didn't go into this with any intention of doing Lila-focused chapters. My goal with the first story was to show that leaving an unhealthy environment can be the best choice (and that it's not "letting the bad guys win"). With the second story, the goal was to show that sometimes we make choices that are damaging, that we can't always fix what we break, and sometimes we have to make our own closure. The mentions of gathering evidence and possible fraud charges, are all we're likely to see. In my head, however, I assure you that Lila is leaving Paris, getting court-ordered therapy (and a diagnosis), paying fines, and having a permanent criminal record. Thanks for your patience. So glad you've been enjoying this!
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seventh-dawn · 6 months
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glory is calling your name victory's for the brave resilient souls who persist
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alicentswife1 · 4 months
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・:*:。︎☀︎︎・:*:・゚Catelyn Stark as Hestia the Goddess of the hearth and the home.
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"I need to see her! Please! I need to know she's okay!" Kafka yells with tears in his eyes, worried about his friend.
Both Kiyoshi and Miyuki blinks to hear this but looks at him. "You are always welcome to see her." Kiyoshi said but he moves to let Kafka in if he wanted to enter.
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte
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For anyone who likes a good alien romance with plot and smut👌👌 I
happily give some recommendations .
There's one which give me Miles Quaritch x reader/oc vibes 😏
Obviously if you love big blue aliens (Na'vi)
You gotta check out Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon
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You can also go on the tag #iceplanetbarbarians and you'll find memes and art. It's a big fandom for this series.
There's a spinofff series of this called CORSAIR Brothers
And the first book ADIRON
Has a hilarious hero who's goofy and a himbo. Personal favourite 👌
Next if you want aliens who are very Na'vi like in culture but also don't hesitate to use technology then this one is for you
The Ash Planet Warriors
It's a spin off of the series Garrison Earth.
There are three races here the Vetusian, Jal'zar i.e The Ash Planet Warriors and Humans. The humans and Jal'zar are invaded by the Vetusians.
My favourite book in the spin off is this
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Enemies to loves, political marriage. Here's a summary
I won’t touch her. But I will torment her soul. While the other warlords mate with the daughters of our enemy, I want nothing to do with these political marriages. Fate calls me north, searching for what the shamans say will complete my soul.
Now in the Garrison Earth series the last book is very interesting.
It's the Miles Quaritch x reader/oc fanfics but in a book 👇👀👀
I conquered her planet and pillaged her body. Now I’m back for her heart.
A decade ago, I brought war to Solgad, home of the Jal’zar. I sacked the planet and slaughtered the people, all to save my race from extinction. Until one of their female warriors hissed defiance, promising me death at her hands no matter how her body longed for mine.
Each night, she came to end me, only to succumb to the raw urges of her mating heat.Each night, I gave her hungry womb what it needed, the way we coupled neither safe nor sane.
I was the enemy she couldn’t kill.She was the female I couldn’t have.
Together, we unleashed chaos.
Many solar cycles after the occupation, I return to Solgad, searching the ashen plains for her: my soulmate. This time, I will claim the Jal’zar female as mine, and nobody will get in the way.
Not even myself.
If you can, do read the entire series first if you want to know a little back story of the male character.
Now on to a villian from a different series
Zorus from Redeeming Zorus by Laurann Dohner.
Here's an enthusiastic comment about the character
Zorus, You Evil Bigot, M*ther F@cking, Sadistic Bastard!!! I have HATED You for SOOO LONG. Now I have to read your Love Story!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Anyway here's what's he's all about: Zorus is a member of the Ruling Council that governs cyborgs. His orders are law and must be obeyed. But Zorus is a sick bastard. He hates humans with a passion, and has been an evil terror to all cyborg males that have attempted to take a human female as a mate. He has gone as far as ordering them to be killed under the pretense that they were Earth Government spies searching for cyborgs.
But in a way his intense hate is justified. It's like if a Na'vi wanted to kill all the humans and Avatars (even the good ones), and all the hybrid children, because of what the RDA has done in Pandora.
Obviously this book is part of a series.
I'm sorry this spiralled into Alien villains but here's the last one
The Fractured Mate
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Comments on the book:
Halian was so damned evil in previous books, I couldn't possibly imagine how he could be redeemable. But DAMN if our author didn't come up with the absolute most genius, creative, plot twist of an explanation!
Again part of a series of many interesting alien characters. Best to read those so you get an idea of how bad Halian is.
Now three other good alien books (not a villain main character)
Heart's Prisoner by Olivia Riley
He's not like anything Lana has ever encountered.
Asset X: Massive, deadly, a little terrifying to say the least. A devilish warrior. And a killer. Captured on a hellish world after attacking a military campsite and now imprisoned in a state-of-the-art cell inside one of the military’s top bases--Lazris.
And Lana has been assigned to "study" him. To learn his secrets and gain his trust, if he is ever allowed to set foot out of his cell. As a top behaviorist, it is the biggest hurdle of her career.
Very alien looking hero and mostly from the FMC point of view so there's a whole lot of mystery around him and what he's thinking. When we talking alien this dude is very alien. Also, it's a slow burn. Definitely no attraction at first sight. Actually we're all terrified 😂
Next is Classified Planet: Turongal of The Darvel Exploratory Systems
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Cottonwood by R.Lee. Smith
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Have you seen District 9? If you haven't please do..one of the best Sci fi alien movies out there. Anyway this book has the same kind of aliens. And a sort of similar plot. It feels like a fanfiction if that movie but it's different from the book too. All the characters are well written and brilliant plot. If 'Hearts Prisoner ' hero is a 7 on the "how alien does he look?" scale, the aliens in this book are a 9.
Argurma Salvager #1 Broken Earth
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☝️ Hero's features inspired by the Predator in Alien vs Predator movies.
Saving Askara #1 Saving Askara
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This has :
First contact
Slow burn (almost all the books i mentioned are slow burn)
Learning the cultures (Ash Planet also is about learning a different culture.)
Anyway these are some of my favorites and the best sci-fi alien romance i love till date ❤️ obviously there'are many more that I've probably forgotten 😅
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@areborndream starter!
It was a pretty calm evening in Lust as Asmodeus was enjoying a nice relaxing walk. Sometimes he just needs to get out of the grind and stretch his legs. It also helped keep a good perspective on the condition and state of his ring. He'd be a poor king if he didn't at least try to stay on top of things.
Course, while most folks avoided him, he did notice a perculiar...sensation in the air. Something wasn't right. There was some kind of...divine presence, he believed it to be. But it wasn't angelic, it was strictly different. He never felt anything quite like this before, and thus goes to investigate.
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And then he sees it. A small moth on the sidewalk. Fluffy little one, with a divine power residing within her. He didn't know what she was, but she looked young all the same. And so, he had to approach this carefully.
"Hey there little bud. What are you doing out here?" He asks gently, taking a smaller form to look less intimidating.
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uldahstreetrat · 4 months
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PLD Week - 4. Shield
"Should you fall, your souls shall burn for eternity..."
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thatghostelizabeth · 5 months
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popping-your-culture · 5 months
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xysidhequeen · 1 year
Did Jason open up his trauma to Jazz? Since she is the group team mom
Oh my Ancients, yes. She cracked that boy open like a walnut. It took a bit, but Jazz reminds him somewhat of Barbara and Harley, so he warmed up to her fairly quickly overall. She really taught him what it's like to have a big sibling(sorry, I love Dick but he was a shit older brother before Jason died).
Jason will talk to Jazz about things he'd never say to anyone else. He actually opens up to Ember and Kitty too, but they're more for when he wants someone to cry with and to have get all enraged on his behalf. Jazz is who he talks to when he wants to fix it.
It wasn't always like that. He had to learn how to differentiate. Had to learn when he needed help, when he had things that needed to be fixed. He had to unlearn the emotional constipation and phobia of talking about his feelings he learned from Bruce too. But Jazz is used to dealing with teenage boys who won't admit they're hurting even on pain of death. She's good at subtly working their pain out and helping them confront it. (She learned a lot from helping Danny and from her Psych classes so she's more crafty about it too)
Jazz is one of the biggest reasons Jason is as stable and emotionally healthy as he is. He's not healed completely. He won't be until he gets closure with Bruce and the Joker. And there's some things that will always stick around. Trauma leaves scars. But without Jazz, we wouldn't have the Jason we do in TKAHRK we'd have someone far closer to the Jason from UTRH.
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asteroidgalore · 5 months
Erato (62) is the Greek Goddess of Erotic Poetry.
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She’s also important in lyrics. In terms of analyzing and recognizing hidden meanings of lyrics in our favorite songs, she is a goddess to call upon!
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alicentswife1 · 4 months
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・:*:。・:*:༅ Rhaenys Targaryen as Gaia the personification of Earth. Gaia is the ancestral mother of all life.
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||Erased from history: New blood||
Have you heard of the most dangerous bloodline in the city? Well, most have and know who they are being the dangerous mafia family blood line.
The Saima family.
It's been a long time since this family came to this city starting from the bottom and moving up now becoming well known for their dangerous power, their stealth, and strength. Even when having the main three heads rule after the loss of the parents.
Right now the first head leader twins Hanoka and Kiyoshi saima was looking at someone who was indeed nervous. Seeing two of the most dangerous people in the world. Water blue eyes from the woman looking deadly with the other having the same. Those eyes were darkened while the sister was twirling one of her assassin daggers.
Though it seems the Patterson family sorta owed the Saima family for letting them even getting a head start in their town.
"So let me get this straight? You don't have the money you owe our family in order to pay off your dept? That won't due you know. We already told you we are expecting you to pay us back." Kiyoshi said with his arms crossed but his twin sister was flicking the blade in her hand looking bored. Her black hair on one shoulder to look at the member of the Patterson family.
"So again, how are you going to pay us back? You know the serious risks for not doing so."
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neganerd · 1 year
I'm ngl i think people in the fandom are romanticizing Betty's sacrifice as "badass sexy wife saves the day" instead of "young woman with identity and self esteem issues gives up on everything for a man she just met"
I know y'all like the ship, but some of y'all are ignoring what the series is trying to tell us.
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lucianinsanity · 1 year
Going insane about that old man and all the gays in different realities
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