#Salvador Espriu
useless-catalanfacts · 5 months
Hello! Another tumblr user I follow has posed a challenge: memorize one poem per month in 2024. I would like to include at least one poem in Catalan in my journey. Could you recommend any good poems or poets for this?
Hello! We have many very talented poets. My favourite poet is Salvador Espriu, other good ones are Miquel Martí i Pol, Vicent Andrés Estellés, Jacint Verdaguer, Maria-Mercè Marçal, Pere Quart, Josep Carner, Ausiàs March, Joan Maragall, Montserrat Abelló, J.V. Foix, Gabriel Ferrater, Joana Raspall, Joan Alcover, Enric Casasses, among others.
I'll add 7 of my favourite short/short-ish poems (+translation to English) under the cut. Poetry is very personal and these are just the ones that I really like, but I'll be happy if anyone else wants to add more of their favourite Catalan poems.
1. Enyore un temps que no és vingut encara (I Miss a Time That's Not Yet Come) by Vicent Andrés Estellés.
Enyore un temps que no és vingut encara com un passat d’accelerada lluita, de combatius balcons i d’estendards, irat de punys, pacífic de corbelles, nou de cançons, parelles satisfetes, el menjador obert de bat a bat i el sol entrant fins al darrer racó. Em moriré, però l’enyore ja, aquest moment, aquest ram, aquest dia, que m’ha de fer aixecar de la fossa veient passar la multitud contenta.
I miss a time that has not arrived yet like a past of accelerated fight, of combative balconies and standards, angry of fists, peaceful of sickles, new of songs, satisfied couples, the living room wide open and the sun entering until the last corner. I will die, but I miss it already, this moment, this bouquet, this day, that shall make me get up from the grave watching the happy crowd pass by.
2. Assaig del càntic en el temple (Attempted Canticle in the Temple) by Salvador Espriu.
Oh, que cansat estic de la meva covarda, vella, tan salvatge terra, i com m’agradaria d’allunyar-me’n, nord enllà, on diuen que la gent és neta i noble, culta, rica, lliure, desvetllada i feliç! Aleshores, a la congregació, els germans dirien desaprovant: «Com l’ocell que deixa el niu, així l’home que se’n va del seu indret», mentre jo, ja ben lluny, em riuria de la llei i de l’antiga saviesa d’aquest meu àrid poble. Però no he de seguir mai el meu somni i em quedaré aquí fins a la mort. Car sóc també molt covard i salvatge i estimo a més amb un desesperat dolor aquesta meva pobra, bruta, trista, dissortada pàtria.
How tired I am of this my craven, ancient, savage fatherland; and how it would delight me to leave, going north, where they say that people are noble and clean, cultured, rich, free, awake/unsupervised and happy! Then, my brethren would tell the congregation, disapprovingly: "Leaving his native place, a man becomes like a bird leaving the nest", while I, in the distance, would laugh at the law and the ancient wisdom of this my arid people. But the dream will never be followed, I’ll stay here until my death. For I too am full of cowardice and savagery, and with a desperate pain I love this my poor, unclean, sad, unlucky fatherland.
3. Divisa (Motto) by Maria-Mercè Marçal. This one's short and easy!
A l’atzar agraeixo tres dons: haver nascut dona, de classe baixa i nació oprimida. I el tèrbol atzur de ser tres voltes rebel.
I am grateful to fate for three gifts: to have been born a woman, from the working class and an oppressed nation. And the turbid azure of being three times a rebel.
4. Possible introducció a un epitalami (Possible Introduction to an Epithalamium) by Salvador Espriu
I posted this a while ago, find the text and translation in this post:
5. Plus Ultra ("Further" in Latin) by Jacint Verdaguer
Text and translation in this post:
6. Aquesta remor que se sent (This Murmur We Hear) by Miquel Martí i Pol.
Text and translation in this post:
7. Mester d'amor (Knowing How to Love) by Joan Salvat-Papasseit
Si en saps el pler no estalviïs el bes que el goig d'amar no comporta mesura. Deixa't besar, i tu besa després que és sempre als llavis que l'amor perdura. No besis, no, com l'esclau i el creient, mes com vianant a la font regalada. Deixa't besar -sacrifici fervent- com més roent més fidel la besada. ¿Què hauries fet si mories abans sense altre fruit que l'oreig en ta galta? Deixa't besar, i en el pit, a les mans, amant o amada -la copa ben alta. Quan besis, beu, curi el veire el temor: besa en el coll, la més bella contrada. Deixa't besar i si et quedava enyor besa de nou, que la vida és comptada.
If you know its pleasure, don't skip the kiss for the joy of loving has no measure. Let yourself be kissed, and kiss after it for it's always on the lips that love lasts. Don't kiss, no, like the slave and the believer, but like the passer-by does with a delightful fountain. Let yourself be kissed -fervent sacrifice- the more burning, the more faithful is the kiss. ¿What would you have done if you died before without fruit other than the zephyr on your cheek? Let yourself be kissed, and on the chest, on the hands, male or female lover -the cup raised high. When you kiss, drink; may the glass cure the fear: kiss on the neck, the most beautiful place. Let yourself be kissed and if there's yearning left kiss again, for life is finite.
These are some I like. You can find more Catalan poems in this blog's tag #poesia.
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ma-pi-ma · 6 months
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Bimbo che dormi, non l'hai sentito?
Svegliati con me, guidami la paura
di viandante, questo dolore
di occhi di cieco in mezzo alla notte.
Salvador Espriu, Il viandante e il muro
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hijadelviento · 1 year
Detrás de esta puerta vivo, pero no sé si puedo llamarla vida.
Cuando vuelvo, al atardecer, de mi diario odio contra el pan (¿no sabías que tengo la inmensa suerte de venderme a trozos por una moneda que llega ya a valer mucho menos que nada?), me quito un viejo abrigo, la esperanza, y me adentro por los caminos de mis ojos, por el vacío espanto donde siento, más allá, a mi Dios, más allá siempre, más allá de los falsos profetas y de extrañas culpas y de este viejo necio enfermo de los versos disciplinados, como éstos, con pintas de oscuras marcas que el afán de los críticos un día aclarará para vergüenza mía.
Sí, puedes encontrarme, si te atreves, detrás de la glacial nada de esta puerta, aquí, en donde vivo y siento esta añoranza y el grito de Dios y soy, con los nocturnos pájaros de mi soledad, un hombre ya sin sueños en mi soledad.
Salvador Espriu. "Es propia de mi mundo una reservada felicidad".
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arf5506 · 7 months
What it was: my policeman
What should've been: El bon policia (the good policeman) by Salvador Espriu
For those of you who don't know, el bon policia is a comedic play which explores the relationship between two men, which even though it's not mentioned explicitly, it's clear they are in a romantic relationship (they even have children together). It's very funny and it has a happy ending (unlike my policrman,which is very bittersweet).
Just a 10/10
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no-passaran · 1 year
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Salvador Espriu
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villings · 2 years
Yo te soñé, invisible majestad que planea por la faz de todas las cosas. Arraigado en el dolor de la ceniza, un hombre tan sólo, te llevaba, sepulcro, padre muerto, dentro de mí, en silencio, y te llamaba con palabras de viento de antiguos milenarios, que la ira encienden. Nunca respondiste al clamor y me dejabas en el miedo a la noche, fuego secreto, alta llama, árbol Dios en la noche.
Salvador Espriu
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aescheretalks · 11 months
He donat la meva vida pel difícil guany d’unes poques paraules despullades.
He vist la meva vida com un mur en el silenci de la tarda i el seu pas.
I’ve given my life for the difficult gain
of a few bare words.
I’ve seen my life as a wall
in the silence of afternoon and its passing.
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thaurusus · 1 month
A vegades és necessari i forcós que un home mori pero un poble, pero mai que un poble mori per un home sol.
Salvador Espriu.
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anticlluis · 2 months
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El Atlas Catalán de Cresques Abraham FUÉ EL PRIMER ATLAS DEL MUNDO , EDITADO EN EL AÑO 1375
reproducción facsímil de los mapas originales en desplegables de hermosos acabados y reproduccción de un grabado de Antoni Tápies, firmado y signado EA, realizado exclusivamente para esta edición PROLOGO Y POEMA:
Prólogo de Josep Porter y un poema de Salvador Espriu AÑO: 1975 Reproducciones del original de 1375 PÁGINAS: 140 págs. EDITA: Diáfora, S.A. TAMAÑO: 33 x 24,5 cm
ENCUADERNACIÓN: Encuadernación en balasquín con sobrecubierta a 4 tintas. IDIOMA: Catalán/Castellano ESTADO: Buen estado.
COMENTARIOS: Edición exclusiva limitada y numerada. Ofrecemos el número 96 de 1000 ejemplares.
Edición conmemorativa del 600 aniversario de la creación del atlas original (1375 - 1975).
Prólogo de Josep Porter, un poema del Salvador Espriu inspirado en esta edición acompañado de un aguafuerte facsímil de Antoni Tápies signado E.A., hecho especialmente para esta edición. Además, incluye una reproducción facsímil de los mapas originales en desplegables de hermosos acabados y una extensa explicación de los mismos.
El Atlas catalán o Mapamundi de los Cresques es un libro del siglo XIV que contiene varios mapas manuscritos que cubren todo el mundo conocido por los europeos de la época. Se conserva en la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia en París y es una de las obras cartográficas más importantes de la Edad Media.
Las fotografías forman parte de la descripción
140 € más gastos de envío
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Hoja y Arena - Frank Moreira (2024)
Cuando Said llega al Salvador Espriu teme que se repita la misma historia de siempre: verse convertido en el centro de los cuchicheos y las miradas furtivas de una cuadrilla de alumnos críticos por el simple hecho de caminar con muletas. Las mudanzas constantes y el capacitismo a su alrededor lo han vetado de establecer cualquier tipo de conexión significativa, por lo que ha crecido lleno de…
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veredes · 5 months
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19 Viviendas de Protección Pública de alquiler y espacio público en Salvador Espriu 37, Palma (IBAVI) | Carles Oliver – Antonio Martín – Xim Moyà – Alfonso Reina Ferragut
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
Here's a beautiful poem by Salvador Espriu (1913-1985). I'll first add the original poem in Catalan, and below I have translated it to English.
Durant el llarg estiu hem vist cremar molts boscos al nostre vell país tan desarbrat. Quan tramuntava el sol, de l’incendi del vespre s’alçaven foc que lentament obrien les amples portes de la desolació de la nit. Ronden garbí o migjorn: sempre, sempre el sec alè del vent damunt els camps. L’eixut estroncà dolls, arrasava collites, endinsa en el record fressa de pluja per vinyes i rials, camí de mar. Però segueix, tristesa enllà, el designi de vida, car fou escrit que l’amor venceria la mort. Ara un home i una dona joves resolien casar-se, i nosaltres acollim somrients el coratge dels qui confien que hi haurà demà.
During the long summer we have seen many forests burn down in our old and so tree-less country. As the sun was setting, a flame would raise from the evening's fire which would slowly open the wide gates of the night's desolation. The South-west wind and the South wind* patrol: always, always the wind's dry breath on the fields. The drought dried up streams, destroyed harvests, drove in the memory of the rain's sound through vineyards and riverbanks, towards the sea. But, on the other side of sorrow, the plan of life continues, for it was written that love would defeat death. Now a young man and a young woman decided to marry, and we welcome with a smile the bravery of those who trust that there will be a tomorrow.
*the South-west wind (garbí) and the South wind (migjorn) in the Mediterranean are hot and dry winds that blow from the Sahara desert.
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masticadoresdeletras · 8 months
Amnistía: ¡No!
El líder de Junts, Carles Puigdemont, ha publicado un mensaje en las redes sociales tras conocerse que su partido había alcanzado un acuerdo con el PSOE para apoyar a Pedro Sánchez. En el tuit, Puigdemont cita un poema de Salvador Espriu: “Dejar de ser aquel perro fiel que lamía la mano del amo tanto tiempo, y convertirse en único señor”. Y añade: “Esto es lo que nos mueve desde que hoy hace…
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juuanre · 8 months
Amnistía: ¡No!
El líder de Junts, Carles Puigdemont, ha publicado un mensaje en las redes sociales tras conocerse que su partido había alcanzado un acuerdo con el PSOE para apoyar a Pedro Sánchez. En el tuit, Puigdemont cita un poema de Salvador Espriu: “Dejar de ser aquel perro fiel que lamía la mano del amo tanto tiempo, y convertirse en único señor”. Y añade: “Esto es lo que nos mueve desde que hoy hace…
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
July 10 ZODIAC
Horoscope and character for those brought into the world on July 10 They are happy, lively and wonderful mates, albeit too reckless in affection. They need to enjoy benevolence and diversion. They appreciate games and any type of amusement, taking little consideration of obligation. Regardless of that, they care profoundly about their standing and dread analysis, to which they are exceptionally delicate. They are very serene individuals in conduct. They appreciate extravagance in any structure and endeavor to have it regardless of whether their assets scarcely permit it. They like ocean travel. Absolutely adamant, they can deftly guard themselves against the assaults of their foes and shrewdly clear their path through life, uninterested about the rules that a great many people observe. Nor do they spare any work in their battle for riches. They appreciate official functions and customs. In spite of the fact that they appreciate storing cash, they happily spend it on dress and adornments. What would it be a good idea for them to be careful about? Their unnecessary awareness hurts them throughout everyday life, as it doesn't permit them to ascend to places of government and frequently stops them. They sincerely connect with others so firmly that they frequently find it challenging to differentiate between their own sentiments and those of others. Hence, their current circumstance can significantly impact them. All of the limit and close to home overabundances harms them profoundly. What compromises them? Misconceptions with family members and monetary misfortunes look for them. They can have blissful relationships with individuals brought into the world during the times of October 22 to November 23 and February 19 to Walk 20.
July 10 ZODIAC 
 Assuming that your birthday is on July 10, your zodiac sign is Malignant growth July 10 - character and character character: mindful, energetic, clever, discourteous, indiscreet, reckless calling: drug specialist, author, excavator tones: silver, gold, purple stone: fluorite creature: pig plant: Larkspur blossom fortunate numbers: 4,8,11,24,48,59 very fortunate number: 1 Occasions and observances - July 10 Beatles Day Chile: Custodian's Day. Mauritania: Military Day. Argentina: Trader's Day. Bahamas: Autonomy Day. July 10 VIP birthday celebrations. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1902: Kurt Birch, German physicist (d. 1958). 1902: Nicolდ¡s Guillდ©n, Cuban writer (d. 1989). 1902: Antulio Sanjuan Ribes, Spanish theater entertainer and writer (d. 1982). 1903: Werner Best, German legal scholar and Nazi pioneer (d. 1989). 1903: John Wyndham, English author (d. 1969). 1905: Wolfram Sievers, Nazi German physicist (d. 1948). 1913: Salvador Espriu, Spanish artist (d. 1985). 1914: Joe Shuster, Canadian visual artist (d. 1992). 1920: Owen Chamberlain, American physicist, 1959 Nobel Laureate in Physical science (d. 2006). 1921: Eunice Kennedy Shriver, American extremist (d. 2009). 1921: Jake LaMotta, American fighter. 1921: Francisco de Asდ­s Sancho Rebullida, Spanish legal scholar and foralista (f. 1995). 1923: Baron Hamner Jr., American creator and maker (d. 2016). 1925: Mahathir container Mohamad, Malaysian State leader. 1926: Algeria Laya, Venezuelan instructor, scholar and political dissident (f. 1997) 1926: Fred Gwynne, American entertainer (f. 1993). 1928: Bernard Smorgasbord, French painter (d. 1999). 1928: Alejandro de Tomaso, Italian-Argentine hustling driver (d. 2003). 1931: Alice Munro, Canadian author. 1934: Jerry Nelson, American puppeteer, maker of The Muppets (d. 2012). 1934: Adelma Gდ³mez, Argentine instructor and organist (d. 2011). 1934: Sondra Schlesinger, American virologist. 1938: Paul Andreu, French draftsman. 1938: Tura Satana, American entertainer (d. 2011). 1940: Helen Donath, American soprano. 1941: David G. Hartwell, American distributer (d. 2016). 1941: Montserrat Grases, a youthful Spanish lady, pronounced revered by the Catholic Church (d. 1959). 1942: Rodrდ­guez, American performer and author. 1942: Ronnie James Dio, American performer (d. 2010). 1943: Arthur Ashe, American tennis player (f. 1993). 1945: Ron Glass, American entertainer (d. 2016). 1945: Virginia Swim, English tennis player. 1946: Sue Lyon, American entertainer. 1946: Stuart Christie, English author and supervisor. 1947: Arlo Guthrie, American performer. 1950: Greg Kihn, American vocalist. 1952: Liudmila Turდ­shcheva, Russian tumbler. 1954: Neil Tennant, English performer, of the band Pet Shop Young men. 1955: Marდ­a Josდ© Cantudo, Spanish entertainer. 1958: Bდ©la Speck, American artist. 1961: Jacky Cheung, Hong Kong entertainer and vocalist. 1962: Santiago Ostolaza, Uruguayan soccer player and mentor. 1963: Marco de Brix, Paraguayan vocalist (d. 2009). 1964: Eloy Olaya, Spanish footballer. 1965: Alexia, Greek blue-blood. 1968: Hassiba Boulmerka, Algerian competitor. 1969: Hurricane Harold, American entertainer. 1969: Jonas Kaufmann, German tenor. 1970: Gary LeVox, American vocalist and musician, of the band Scalawag Flatts. 1970: Jason Orange, English vocalist, of the band Take That. 1970: John Simm, English entertainer. 1972: Sofდ­a Vergara, Colombian entertainer and model. 1972: Anabell Rivero, model and Venezuelan TV entertainer. 1972: Tilo Wolff, German performer. 1974: Imelda May, Irish rockabilly vocalist. 1975: Ruth Gabriel, Spanish entertainer. 1975: Stefდ¡n Karl Stefდ¡nsson, Icelandic entertainer 1976: Edmდ­lson, Brazilian soccer player. 1976: Adrian Grenier, American entertainer. 1976: Ludovic Giuly, French footballer. 1976: Patricia Lდ³pez, Chilean entertainer. 1977: Chiwetel Ejiofor, English entertainer. 1978: Jesse Lacey, guitarist and American vocalist, of the band Shiny new. 1978: Kotaro Koizumi, Japanese entertainer. 1979: Gong Yoo, South Korean entertainer and vocalist. 1980: Thomas Ian Nicholas, American entertainer. 1980: Jessica Simpson, American vocalist. 1981: Giancarlo Serenelli, Venezuelan driver. 1983: Kim Heechul, South Korean entertainer, moderator, radio personality, model and vocalist, of the band Very Junior. 1983: Gabi, Spanish footballer, Atlდ©tico de Madrid player. 1984: Imprint Gonzდ¡lez, Chilean soccer player. 1984: Marდ­a Julia Veil, Peruvian model, Miss World 2004. 1985: Mario Gდ³mez Garcდ­a, German soccer player. 1987: Josuდ©, Brazilian soccer player. 1989: Carlos Zambrano, Peruvian soccer player. 1991: Marდ­a Chacდ³n, Mexican entertainer and artist. 2001: Isabela Moner, American entertainer and artist.
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x00151x · 1 year
Efemérides literarias: 19 de mayo
Acontecimientos 1897: en Reino Unido, Oscar Wilde sale de la cárcel de Reading (donde había sido confinado por homosexual). 1972: en España, Salvador Espriu es galardonado con el Premio de Honor de las Letras Catalanas. Nacimientos 1780: Victor de Bonald, escritor, abogado y periodista francés (f. 1871). 1828: Manuel Ibo Alfaro, escritor español (f. 1885). 1890: Hồ Chí Minh, político,…
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