sammysundog · 1 year
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Dina seems like she's already over it, but here is my Youtube upload plans for the coming week!
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herobrilne · 6 months
the calientes and the cooler calientes...
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nonsensical-pixels · 5 months
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so in the last week or so i've started getting these very random, very oddly-timed, and somewhat disturbing anon messages over on my main and @nonsensical-pixels-finds.
as anyone who's been following my blog will know, i most certainly haven't been in any beef recently, i've not received any 'hateful messages' before that first message; literally all i've done is post cc on the weekends and the occasional sims ramble lol. 'downplaying someone's mental disorder' what? i've most definitely not done anything other than reblog cc on my finds blog lmao.
the fact that the second message mentions ableism though, reminds me of @sammysundog's stalker situation. that's the only time that mental health has ever been 'discussed' on this blog to my recollection, and that was weeks ago. really not sure why i'm being targeted given that i've literally only reblogged that post but... 🤷‍♀️
tl;dr i'm turning off anon messages for this blog, and all others. sorry guys, if you've got the courage to ask me to do something for you, like a request, then you've got to have the courage to let me know who you are. and i'm sick of weird anons messaging me for completely off-topic stuff.
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have a hopeful piggy praying for the redemption of your soul anon, he hopes you'll see the light and leave his mum alone🤲
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radical-popcorn · 3 months
Why I'm Obsessed with Sammy Sundog.
Most of you in the Sims 2 community know me as @sammysundog's Ban Evader/Stalkerish person. I came to explain to you why I am so obsessed with Sam and why I bothered other people here on Tumblr and offer a formal apology because you all deserve the truth, and you all deserve an apology.
A lot of obsessions and parasocial relationships are a mental thing that stems from loneliness and abandonment. Hence, they attach themselves to a celebrity or a fictional character for comfort and to cope with their personal struggles,
It's not a voluntary thing that we do (no mental disorder is), it's just something that develops. One thing for sure is that I did not do it to be creepy, I'm all alone and have no one to turn to, so I want to be a part of Sam's community just so I won't be alone anymore or feel abandoned. None of this was done out of malice. I know I admitted to being in love WITH Sam, and that Sam was my bi-sexual awakening, but I, am in no way, delusional enough to think that we will ever meet in real life and be a couple, or even friends, I am sort of interested in being friends online but that's it, we don't even live in the same state. I just want a safe space to belong in.
I wasn't even trying to be creepy, hateful, or rude. I just come off that way due to a lack of social skills.
The reason I keep going after people in the Sims 2 community is because I was responding to people who responded to the post that Sam made back in December, the only reason I was angry at that post is because Sam made me look like an evil person when I just only lost my mind from being banned.
I tried to move on but everyone kept talking about me and that caused me to come out of hiding and respond.
I only bothered Sam a lot after I was banned because I really wanted to return to the community, I didn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable or creeped out. I'm not good at reading social cues because of my autism and I'm sorry about that. I also wanted to tell my side of what happened in May when I sent graphic imagery. I only sent it because I'm deranged and I was heartbroken so I did it, and I still regret it. It was not done out of hate, but that still doesn't make it right.
I also wanted to address the claims Sam made about me, I didn't do any of those things out of hatred either, I get angry and I blow up and say things I don't mean, I hate myself for it and I'm getting help.
Yeah, I admit, I said hateful and horrible things in the past, but that's different than actually being hateful. I regret every horrible thing I said to Sam, and I regret the things I said on Twitter before I discovered Sam.
Here is a link to another document I made explaining how I discovered Sams channel, and what exactly happened between us, if you are interested:
I'm sorry, everyone.
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moonbiscuitsims · 8 months
Olive Specter / Ophelia Nigmos (TS2 premade characters recreated in TS4)
Rules: Post a description and/or photo of what things your Sim/OC would take along with them in their bag. Tag other people you want to participate!
Thank you so much @hamsterbellbelle for tagging me and giving me an excuse to open Sims again!
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My sims of choice aren’t OC’s because I suck at giving OC’s personality haha I love premades so I chose Ophelia Nigmos and Olive Specter (I couldn’t choose lol). Was gonna only choose Olive as a eerie/spooky theme for October but I love Ophelia too much. These are my Sims 4 recreations of them though (mainly cause I have more clutter, more detailed lot and the sims 2 one and I find it easier to bunch clutter together with the alt key and tool mod, and I wanted to do a photo version). Don’t know if it’s ok to do the challenge with a premade or more than one sim or not OC but idc about rules
Please ignore the fact that none of this sh*t would actually fit in a bag :D Sims’ inventories are infinite anyway.
Ophelia’s bag:
Rainbow Beach Towel
Unfolded cardboard dance mat
Football (or soccer ball)
American Football
Water bottle
Letter from Johnny
Phone and Keys
Journal with doodles
Music journal (my Ophelia writes songs and raps)
Selfies with Johnny
Mini Pusheen
A naughty j**** Ripp gave her at school, but don’t tell Olive…Ophelia doesn’t wanna live buried in Olive’s lovely “garden” thank you.
Olive’s bag:
Creepy ass sh*t including:
A literal f**king Death Note (the Grim Reaper was like “yeah use this when you wanna see me hun”)
Dark Magic Tomes
A black rose in a skull from the Grim Reaper (his gift to her on their first death I mean date)
A vile of poison
A vile of one of her dead husband’s blood, she can’t remember which or why she kept it.
Her favourite perfume from Morocco
Sage smudge sticks for all those pesky victim ghosts, she really should have thought the whole murdering everyone and burying them at home thing through…
Tarot deck
Crystal ball (she uses it to talk to her dead husbands when she needs something or when the Grim Reaper ghosts her… 
A taxidermy crow
A creepy rat skull
A witchy dagger thingy
A revolver
F**king knitting
Neutral lipstick
I don’t really know who to tag tbh but if I didn’t tag you and anyone who sees this can participate and tag me if you want!!! It would be great!! 
Imma tag random mutuals and other blogs/players I like, no pressure to participate! 
@radical-sims @simarty @nf0xy @nefarrilou @simgone @faelegacy @hexpresso-macchiato @siliconesims @emperorofthedark @sammysundog (simsalutation to you <3 idk if you do these kinds of things)  @simmerprincess17 @adrift-in-andromeda @lowvintagesims @arachnophobic-larantula (I know yours isn’t a simblr, but in case you wanna do this challenge with your Cyberpunk or another game &lt;3) @half-rainbow-sandwiches
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neopronouns · 7 months
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flag id: a flag with 7 stripes, with the second and sixth twice the size of the rest and the fourth being twice the size of those two. the stripes are orange, bright pink, dark green, bright yellow-green, dark green, bright pink, and sky blue. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
samsundogcomfic: a gender related to sammysundog being one’s comfort youtuber/twitch streamer/channel
[pt: samsundogcomfic: a gender related to sammysundog being one’s comfort youtuber/twitch streamer/channel. end pt]
for anon! colors are from sammysundog's youtube and twitter icons and banners. the term is 'sam' from 'sammy', 'sundog', + 'comfic'!
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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moyokeansimblr · 4 months
Me: I'm so excited, I'm gonna finally start playing Veronaville today!
Also Me: Instead spends 5 hours moving my Strangetown/LFT Spreadsheet over to Notion because I found @sammysundog recently because youtube suggested me Early Strangetown and this video convinced me.
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Anyways, the only thing I'm not loving about it so far is I can't figure out if there's a way to zoom out to see more of the table 'cause I have a bajillion households and columns 🤔
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I love the ability have sub items because it makes it easier for me to include pets and dead sims on the same page. I've just put everybody's pets in the Pets tab, and right now Olive's the only one in Deceased. If you're eagle-eyed there's some spoilers here that haven't made it out of my never-ending screenshot queue yet 👀
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I'm also really enjoying the colored tags. On my spreadsheet I had separate sheets where I kept track of turn ons/offs and traits because they took up too much space otherwise. But now everything I keep track of is on this one page. I just have to scroll way far over 😆
I just decided to make this switch last night so I still mostly don't understand how Notion works...I kinda just did what Sam said to do in that video I liked above. But I like it.
Now I'm gonna set one up for Veronaville, and I SWEAR I'm gonna start playing it this week 😅😅
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julescant · 11 months
Can You Use Story Progression for Rotational Play in The Sims 2?
another interesting video by @sammysundog
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platinumaspiration · 2 years
100% inspired by SammySundog's Veronaville youtube series, the Summerdreams are now fairies! Finally, something for them to do in my game.
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Titania started the round wanting to get married and have a baby (accompanied by a fear of having a baby). Her cat and dog are her babies since Puck has left and Bottom is on her way out
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Get yourself a man that looks at you the way Hal looks at Bottom. Get yourself a woman that looks at you the way Tara looks at the bass. Or get a best friend like Jill. Seriously, Hal, Jill and Bottom are inseparable. They'll all be going to university together after the next round.
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And to highlight the house midway through their round, Titania and Oberon were invited to Crypt O the Night club by Kent Capp only to be a set up so Oberon and Kent could kiss in the corner.
Oberon is officially no longer a Short King but a Napoleon 😣
Titania used the payphone to call a cab as the distress of the incident drove her hygiene and hunger to the brink. Regan and Juliette followed her outside as if they were genuinely concerned over what happened. Though, I think Regan is just enamored with Titania.
The rest of the round they did nothing. Literally. They didn't interact with each other, they just existed. In hindsight, I should have made them cast spells on each other lol.
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sundogsam · 4 months
Just a post for pinning on my blog
🌵 Hi my name is Sam!
🌵 They/Them
🌵 Butch Lesbian
🌵 Late 20s
I post random stuff I like or find important here. My sideblog is SammySundog, I post sims content there. I also make YouTube videos and stream on Twitch under the same username.
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chuubachelor · 1 year
I love these tags!! One of my favorite simblr (@profesionalpartyguest) tagged me on this one 💖 Anyone always feel free to tag me on those because I love it.
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Cowplant! On my current uberhood Olive is growing her garden with her new pet Cowplant that also grants her to live forever (since she drinks their life essence)!
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Match all the way, always and forever.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? I'm gonna be honest, I don't cheat but I don't like the Sims 2 fat body type, it doesn't represent a fat person imo. Any other sim game is better regarding this.
4. Do you use move objects? I do, but I'm more of a functional player, I want every animation and routing to be perfect, so I avoid using it every time.
5. Favorite mod? New Lifetime Wishes, ACR (gotta try this edit version!), Community Time Mod and Monique's Hacked Computer.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Here in Brazil, especially back in the day, you would find pirated Sims games more often than originals. It wasn't different for me! I got Sims 1 Pets because I was an animal lover gal 💖
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Didn't even knew there was a different way to say it other than aLIVE
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I don't like creating Sims on Sims 2 very much, but I love to create myself and set it as a random townie on my hoods. :)
9. Have you made a simself? When I used to play Sims 4 more often I used to, a lot! On Sims 2 I'd say I'm a very FaceType 01 or 02 girlie, no fun face very standard. I'm often said irl I do look like a Sim, which is funny to me (because I agree).
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Creative, Cat Lover, Kleptomaniac (sorry I like to steal from big corporations), Loner and Eccentric.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? I love them all, but I'm a simp for black hair.
12. Favorite EA hair? female: updoo and male: caesar
13. Favorite Life Stage? Adult
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Mostly gameplay, but sometimes I get the itches to build (mostly decorate).
15. Are you a CC creator? No, but since I'm a designer I'd love to try some wall decor, paintings or even clothing CC.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I have some mutuals, but not many! I like everyone here and would love to make friends, but my shout-out goes to @shitysimp who always likes my posts and is a sweetheart 💖
17. What’s your favorite game? The Sims 2, I like the other ones but The Sims 2 represents a very special time in my life.
18. Do you have any sims merch? No I don't, but I feel like buying some wall decor in the future, maybe just the promo image of Sims 2.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? I do but it's abandoned, I was creating a NSBC for Sims 4 but got bored and left the game to play Sims 2.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? @platinumaspiration @profesionalpartyguest @sammysundog @microscotch and many others many many others, you guys are amazing! From Sims 4 i love @clumsyalienn.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? A lot, I've been playing this game since 2002, I believe. I try to stay out of downloading a bunch of things since it kinda makes the game laggy and me not likey laggey gamey.
21. What’s your Origin ID? I don't play Sims 4 anymore.
23. How long have you had a simblr? A few months.
24. How do you edit your pictures? Photoshop, but mostly I only use the reshaders in the game and am ok with how it looks.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I want Sims 4 to continue launching many packs so my favorite CC creators for Sims 2 convert them 💖
i'm tagging @shitysimp @gaypleasantview @budgieflitter @simm-mouse
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radical-popcorn · 2 months
So Sammy Sundog and their community said they banned me because I made them "uncomfortable" and never told me what I said, or what I did, they just said inappropriate behavior as if that told me anything.
DayDreamer even claimed I made people uncomfortable on purpose?! I literally have Autism and have trouble understanding social cues and may have accidentally said things that made everyone uncomfortable without realizing it. Here is the message they sent:
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I have to deal with and accept people's reactions to my behavior?
I can expect those who I offended/made uncomfortable and act like nothing happened? Really?!
This is coming from a community that wants to normalize pushing puberty blockers on 6-year-olds, they want to normalize bringing children to drag shows and strip clubs, they want to normalize grown men who identify as women, with their penis still intact, to go into a woman's bathroom and locker rooms where women and LITTLE GIRLS are getting undressed, and these "Men" are exposing their penis's to these little girls!
And Cis-gendered people are supposed to accept that even if it makes us uncomfortable otherwise we'd be transphobic bigots if we didn't.
You can't forgive me, or let me be a part of your community because I made you uncomfortable with talking about my job, yet you think it's okay for grown men to get naked in front of little girls and vice-versa. and people aren't allowed to speak out against it.
No Clare, the question is what don't YOU understand?!
Not to mention Spell-Bloom called ME vile just because I threatened to kill myself after I was banned. (It is literally NOT MY FAULT OR MY PROBLEM that you misunderstood)
I'm Vile and dangerous... but you allow the things I mentioned in the red text. You guys have bullied me, stalked, and harassed me as well, you stalked people who had nothing to do with this situation, you almost bullied me to suicide, you say terrible jokes in chat, and I have been in a few Twitch chats since I've been banned and NO one is making jokes about Baby Grills, or Making Children Sleep outside or play with feces, literally no one jokes about a sims boob size every time they see her or takes pictures of her boobs, no one jokes about feet. "We aren't the only Twitch community that makes these jokes" GET REAL. Yeah, you fucking are! You made fun of depression in a recent machinima when that girl was lying on the floor after her son died. People with depression lay/sleep on the floor all the time which is a completely normal thing that people with severe depression do!
But I'm the bad guy?
I would NEVER make these types of jokes, but somehow I made everyone uncomfortable. GET FUCKING REAL!
You guys also claim you are neurodivergent, but you banned me and shamed me for having more severe symptoms and conditions than you guys do. You also bashed Cindy for her BPD (which is the hardest mental disorder to live with) AFTER she lost her baby.
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neopronouns · 5 months
that "samsundogcomfic" flag you posted per request of another anon is most likely from SammySundog's stalker. the stalker has been harassing Sam since April/May 2023. if you'd like to see proof more info please see the google doc: https://shorturl.at/fhpy3
i understand the concern, but i don't really want to delete the flag since there isn't a way to 100% confirm the request was sent by someone with bad intentions
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sammysundog · 5 months
Back in Early Pleasantview! Let's check out the Pleasant-Oldie home 👀 twitch.tv/sammysundog
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sammysundog · 6 months
Happy Saturday! I am LIVE now on Twitch playing more of our Custom Hood! twitch.tv/sammysundog
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sammysundog · 5 months
I am live now playing more Early Strangeview!! www.twitch.tv/sammysundog
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