#Sanitized Callie
asheternal · 10 months
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role reversal AU!
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waxsuyaaa · 10 months
hellaur im back its so cool storyline by @possiblycringe
go watch it
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possiblycringe · 4 months
(Post Rescue)
So glad you managed to find her, even if things are... not ideal.
How responsive is Callie? Like, does she flinch if you shine a light in her eye? Jump at loud noises?
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(Asks are still open!)
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nonepizzaleftgirl · 1 year
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My first big finished piece, a sanitized Callie based off an AU by @possiblycringe! Extremely happy with how this one turned out, took me almost a week all in all.
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nephilimbrute · 10 months
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more stuff
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worldsewage · 8 months
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A Secret Santa drawing, namely for @possiblycringe ‘s Sanitized Callie au! This was so fun to draw! Extras / Close-Ups under the cut.
I mentioned this to pops already but: I tried to lean into the “the person i was before” aspect of it, namely the realization that she is no longer the same Callie. I really enjoy that idea, and I wanted to make it look almost lonely and frightening , especially as a former celebrity, spot light type of stuff.
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Rambling about Marie....
I wanna quickly talk about something because i was looking around on Inkipedia and i stumbled across this interesting dialogue exchange from Callie and Marie during the live performance at Tokaigi in 2018.
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Now i have talked about the official translation of this dialogue before a while back and it's surprisingly very different from the translation done on Inkipedia. Now this could be just a very rough translation and that's why the Inkipedia one is so different but i find it to be very interesting.
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In the original Japanese dialogue it's more clear that Callie is making a joke and playing around with Marie and Marie freaks out a little. But Callie says "just kidding!" to ease Marie. However, in the official English translation, Marie is way more harsh and seemingly dismissive of what Callie has gone through. And Callie just goes, "Whatevs!" Like... it's pretty damn different tone wise.
The English translation makes Callie seem more like some airheaded idiot that doesn't remember what happened because "oooo brainwashing ooooo", but in the Japanese script, its more clear that Callie is being obviously snarky and cheeky towards Marie and she does remember what happened which is more in line with her character. Callie is not a dumbass, you have been fed lies. She's able to pick up on other people's emotions, especially her cousin's as she quickly says "just kidding!" to make sure Marie doesn't freak out too much and to know she's just joking around with her.
(Side note, only in the English translation do they call what Callie has gone through "brainwashing" and other characters like sanitized Agent 3 and Marina Agitando even though that's not really happened. In other languages it's always referred to as hypnosis. We don't have a fan retranslation of the Japanese dialogue for Splatoon 2 from my knowledge so i cant comment on that either unfortunately.)
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Now to get to the point, It got me wondering... Does Marie have trauma or any sort of stress from Splatoon 2? And is that why she's way less snarky towards Callie in Splatoon 3 because she's terrified of Callie ever running away again and doing something irrational like joining the Octarians? From the Squid Sister Stories we can see that Marie often worries about Callie and overthinks a lot.
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Even though Marie seems a lot more happy in Splatoon 3 and has matured a lot since the first game, like Splatoon 1 Marie is a different person from Splatoon 3 Marie. I think most of that maturing is out of fear and anxiety. Like you can't just brush aside your own cousin running away and the next time you see her, she's wearing some crazy outfit and is trying to murder an agent you hired to go find her in the first place. That would mess anyone up and especially someone like Marie who does have some mental troubles brewing under the surface.
I kinda wished they dived a little bit more into it but alas, we don't have a lot of stuff to go off of between Splatoon 2 and 3 as by the time the thrid game comes around Callie and Marie have matured and grown a lot in those 4 to 5 years. Which is good of course! But... I really would have liked to see Marie deal with the aftermath of those events. Maybe I'm asking too much i don't know...
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hiroshotreplica · 1 month
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i already felt so dead, so what's the harm in it?
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octogirlscreations · 6 months
During the Great Turf War, the Octarians would often rise far earlier than the Inklings would.
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Not much has changed in todays age.
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prisma-clr · 1 year
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Number 8,108 (Also note, this is not Agent 3. She WAS Agent 3, the first one before the events of Splat 1.)
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asheternal · 10 months
Oooooooooooohhh in role reversal dedf1sh au what’s up with Marie? And does dedf1sh have a partner as an artist or are they still solo?
I'm working on the designs for this but here's some info so far:
Marie and Callie went on hiatus, but Marie felt like Callie would've wanted her to keep doing stuff, so she teamed up with Ded on a side project under a different alias
They mostly post it online
Over time Callie gets back into music with Ded under another side project
Oops it's metal
The squid sisters come back at a point once they feel ready
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ask-the-sagents · 1 month
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possiblycringe · 4 months
Has Callie made any jokes yet? Or, I guess, really any other signs of life
(Side Order)
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Asks are closing soon, last chance!
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veeloopz · 10 months
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my pieces for @heroshotzine! Be sure to check out the leftover sales! It’s ending soon! If you want some Agent 3 goodies, now is the time!
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“I’m not sure what to make of it, but the Captain says...
‘You’re always you, no matter what you look like.’“
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stupid-puppycat · 1 year
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I FORGOT TO UPLOAD THE FIRST ONE HERE RAA!!! also callie one is a warm up sorry for the weird colors bleh,,
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