#Sasuke: y’all fucking?
dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Neji lowkey picking up on Guy’s “eternal rival” stuff when it comes to relationships because he’s the only positive male figure in his life. The results are interesting to say the least.
Neji: Naruto, I have seen you splattered with the blood of our enemies, glowing with demonic chakra, and hunched over my dying body with corpses surrounding us in a bloody portrayal of our connection. So before we die yet again, I must tell you this: you are my eternal partner.
Naruto, the most heartfelt mf ever: I would do this all over again just to know you for a second longer.
Sakura, Sasuke, Lee, and Tenten in the background as they watch Naruto and Neji make heart eyes at each other m ownnb damn well this is the first time they met:
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Both because if anyone ever mentioned Neji had picked up the eternal rival thing he would deny it to his dying breath(s he would argue about his through many loops tbh) and also because the two of them would be so ferally protective over each other after they got out and so attached to each other after so much shared trauma that their relationship would be so much more than any friend/lover/etc could ever hope to encompass.
But partner? They had been partners for so long. Had felt the other’s blood coating their hands and heard their dying screams rattling around their head. Had stood back to back when everyone else had fallen and made the bastards work for it. Had clung to each other in the few times they made it long enough to see the night, neither sleeping but both so entwined that they shared each breath and felt their hearts beat in time.
They go into this strangers and leave battlefield married and everyone else is so confused.
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damconcha · 20 days
A man dies when he’s forgotten, right?
So when Law dies who will be left to remember the beautiful, prosperous country of Flevance and not the grotesque, deadly country it was made out to be?
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Kakashi: *shows countless times in canon he cares about his students and wants to train them, but a lot of that training is outright skipped for ‘more interesting storyline’
Weirdo’s: nah, Kakashi didn’t teach any of his student’s anything and didn’t care about them at all.
#like god DAMN#Y’all can’t handle an imperfect teach can you?#you can’t handle a character who makes mistakes but genuinly tried his hest#who was thrown into the job even though he did not ask for it#and STILL did his best#‘he doesn’t care about sakura’#WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE PROTECT HER AND CONTINUE TO SAVE HER IN ALMOST EVERY FIGHT IF HE DIDN’T CARE#‘he didn’t teach sakura anything’ yes the FUCK he did#he taught her chakra control which she obv excelled at#and a jonin level technique that allowed her to avoid being knocked out in the konoha crunch#and allowed her to wake Naruto up as well#‘he only ever tried to push his views on Sasuke’#no he didn’t#he only told Sasuke to stop seeking revenge when sasuke turned chidori#a move kakashi taught him to face a shinobi with an impenatable defence that WANTED TO KILL PEOPLE#there is a whole year before that where he knows Sasuke’s goal and never once tells him not to seek revenge#and him not being able to connect with Sasuke doesn’t mean his intentions were not genuine#sometimes people simply don’t understand each others trauamas and struggles#even when they desperatly want to#‘he was terrible to naruto’ fucking WHERE#He chose a specific sensei to teach Naruto chakra control#recogbizing it as Naruto’s weakness#and chose a dude who was a jonin specificlly because of his teaching capabilities#as for the fucking time skip#it’s made vary obviouse even before the team splits that Kakashi and all the other Jonin are on missions constantly#that’s the whole reason Shikamaru and a bunch of genin were sent after sasuke#instead of you know#FUCKING JONIN#None of the jonin were available#they were all on missions
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sinnbaddie · 7 months
The Naruto ask! 4, 6 and 19
Putting a cut here so y’all don’t have to scroll because it is rather long!
4. are the romantic undertones between naruto and sasuke intentional or accidental?
I want to say fully accidental because Kishimoto just cannot write romance but I can’t help but think that some scenes are just… too romantic to not be intentional. The moon/sun theme, naruto saying he would die with Sasuke if it came to that, the cover art of them having necklaces with each others faces, etc.
There are just too many instances where they fit together a little too well, I mean even dude bros call them gay, which is a feat in of itself.
So, while I can’t say for certain if it was either, I can say that if there was intention to it, it makes the canon couples look incredibly bad imo.
6. what makes the Naruto ending bad?
I’m rewatching rn and am currently in the beginning of the war arc, so I’m refinding out that there are just… so many things Kishimoto ruined with the way he ended the series.
My biggest gripe of course is Sasuke. He is one of my favorite characters and has been since the beginning. After freshly rewatching the scene where he nearly kills Sakura and knowing how his arc finishes is frustrating. Sasuke deserved justice, he deserved revolution and his clan’s name cleared.
If we’re following canon where Sasuke lives, then I think a full dismantling of the system – changing the way the entire village worked would’ve been a good start. Destroying the leaf was not the way to go about it and he was intent on it because he was (validly) emotional. It’s a huge disservice to Sasuke and readers to not see revolution happen because it pushes this idea that the oppressed have to conform to their oppressor, it’s super nationalistic but that’s more about the entirety of Naruto instead of just the ending.
Personally for me? Sasuke and Naruto dying at the end of their last fight would’ve been a more appropriate ending than Sasuke assimilating to the oppressive village that committed genocide against his clan for “peace”. I’m incredibly upset that Kishimoto wrote Naruto not actually doing anything for Sasuke and the remembrance of his people (lets also not forget the Hyuga), it feels disingenuous to Naruto’s character that he “went back on his word”.
It was set up so well for Sasuke and Naruto to die in the end and to make them continue living just backtracked on both of their writing.
19. pettiest fandom opinion you've blocked someone for?
Almost always for disliking my faves. I just recently blocked someone for disliking Might Gai and some others for shipping characters I don’t like together😭
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tanjir0se · 1 year
Ok. So every time I get zooted my bf and I watch an episode of Naruto. I have never watched an episode of Naruto sober. So take this with a grain of “I was incredibly intoxicated at the time”
When Sasuke stands in front of the needle attack or something to protect Naruto and then gets fatally wounded ? and then in the background behind him dying it plays like. A montage of all the times they were. Friends???? INCLUDING THE TIME THEY KISSED ON THE MOUTH ? Then he dies in Naruto’s arms?
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h8ani · 1 year
Prompt #21 with Sasuke from Naruto please! 🥰 Surprise me!
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Part One → Part Two → Part Three → Part Four
Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha x Reader
Anime: Naruto
Word Count: 3k
Synopsis: you hate him and he hates you, but when he shows up out of nowhere demanding to speak to you all of those years of pent up hatred come out
Warnings: this is the first smut I wrote in years so that’s a warning in itself, rough doggy, all characters are of age/aged up, dirty talk, angry sasuke, oral (female receiving), missionary for 2.5 seconds, angry reader at sasuke
Prompt: “This doesn’t change anything between us.”
A/N - look I actually tried really hard on this and I lowkey wanna make a pt2 to this so please tell me if y’all would want it! Feel free to request a prompt!
"Isn't he so cute!"
"I'm going to marry him someday."
"Sasuke is so cool!"
Hearing his name you couldn't help but roll your eyes. You couldn't stand his attitude even at your young age. It was always someone trying to one up the other, whether it be you excelling in your chakra control or him beating someone else in seconds in a sparring match. You hated him, you hated his attitude and you hated how every girl would throw herself in front of a kunai for him. You hated Sasuke Uchiha and he hated you.
Your feelings towards him weren't one sided either, he could've left you alone but no, he had to bother you any chance he got. Clearly he developed damage to his brain where he can't learn to develop the skills of empathy and self control.
The teasing wasn't that bad, it was the shitty tricks he'd pull and act like it wasn't him. If you wanna pull a prank on someone at least take ownership instead of being a pussy. Did you just call a 12 year old a pussy? Yes. Yes you did. Sasuke Uchiha at 12 years old was a pussy and you've told him that to his face too.
"You're leaving." You say as more of a statement than a question. You look at the brooding kid in front of you, his hand on his backpack strap tightening as he stares angrily at you.
"What does it matter to you?"
"It doesn't but-"
"Then shut up and mind your business." He interjects quickly causing you to stare daggers at him.
"You're a pussy." You push off from the wall you were leaning on and brush past him. "You were weak during exams and you're weak now." You begin to walk away past him when his grips the collar of your shirt and slams you back into the wall you were on. "Hey asshole!-"
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." He cuts you off, his face only mere inches from you.
"You wanna kiss pretty boy?" You shove him away as hard as you can creating some distance between the two of you. "Just get the fuck out of the village already."
And so he did.
You couldn't feel any happier once Sasuke was out of the village. The pain in your ass wasn't there anymore and you felt like you didn't need to prove yourself as the top of your class anymore even though you have been graduated from the academy for over two years. You were perfectly fine without him, everyone else he supposedly made 'friends' with, if he was even able to make actual friends that is; they were worried, suddenly wanting to go out and retrieve him like he was taken. Once again Sasuke was the top priority to everyone minds.
You couldn't care less about Sasuke Uchiha.
He hasn't crossed your mind on your own accord in years. You hadn't seen him in years, you know he's still a topic around the village but you tend to zone everyone out when he gets brought up and at this point in time it's been working. Out of sight, out of mind, he could have gotten himself killed in a random battle and you don't think you'd shed a single tear for him.
You hear a bang at your front door which catches your attention immediately, you go to ignore it thinking it's the neighbor's kid across from your apartment kicking the ball they had against your door until the banging becomes repetitive, the more bangs coming from the other side of the door the louder they became. You swing the door open looking to see who or what was the cause of the annoying noise only to be shoved to the side into the door frame. "What the hell!" You raise your voice grabbing the wrist of who barged in, you get overpowered and pulled back into your apartment and the door gets slammed. You look up at the intruder who shoved his way into your home and see him. "Sasuke?"
Sasuke looks frustrated to say the least. He has the same signature scowl he's always had on his face and the same posture with his arms crossed over his chest while looking around your apartment. There doesn't seem to be a difference in the way he looks at you either, the same hatred behind his eyes as always, even with him being the one rudely shoving his way inside.
"(Y/N)." He said simply with nothing coming after. You waited a few moments if he was just trying to be dramatic with his entrance. He never said anything after that.
"Why are you back in the village?"
"I'm not." You roll your eyes and huff a sigh.
"Why are you here in my apartment then?" You mimic his body and cross your arms over your chest, his head turns to face you and his eyes stare at you intensely. You'd say you were used to this but after so many years you've grown unaccustomed to the look he used to give you because it was nothing like this.
"I'm here to talk, I need to-"
"Why am I supposed to care what you need?" You  insert before he's done speaking. He huffs a breath and soon enough his eyes shoot the daggers you remember.
"I don't expect you to I just need-"
"How about you tell me why you left the village in the first place?" You cut him off mid sentence once again. You don't care about his needs, you don't care about him at all, but you'd like some answers. "Was it like everyone was saying? That you just wanted to grow stronger? So did you find it? Did you get stronger like you wanted?"
"That doesn't matter I don't need to answer that right now, you clearly already know the answer to that." He rolls his eyes and let his arms fall from his chest.
Sasuke was never a man of many words, he was never a man at all he was just a little boy, but with his responses you can't help but bug him about it. Call it being nosy or call it you always zoning everyone out the second you hear his name so you never actually found out the reasoning for him abandoning the village.
"So you're still weak? You're still that little kid who does nothing but bitch and complain about wanting revenge. You may have grown up in these last few years but you're still that sad, pathetic, weakling-" Your shoulders are shoved and pinned to the wall behind you in a moment, you gasp out at the sudden jolt in your back and look up at the angry ravenette.
"Shut up." He growls lowly and if looks could kill, not that he could but you'd probably drop dead if he wished it.
"Make me you prick." You look at him, your stare unwavering as the pressure on your shoulders feels tighter.
There is no sound in your home but everything seems to be buzzing in your ears. Sasuke's face only inches from yours, seemingly just like when he left the village. You feel a sudden wave of nostalgia if you can even call it that as it wasn't a fond memory to think back on. You wait for his response, you look into his eyes and can't decipher what's going on in his head. His grip on your shoulders loosen before he crashes his lips onto yours, his hand now finding a place onto the back of your neck to pull you even closer to him.
Your eyes widen in shock as you don't kiss him back. The kiss surprising you but what is even more of a shock is who is kissing you. You feel him pull away and the look he gives you is mixed with annoyance and frustration. "Just kiss me back." He pauses and smirks, "Or are you too much of a pussy." Your eyes darken with anger as he used your insult to him against yourself. He doesn't wait for your answer before he pulls you back to his lips, you instantly kissing back.
The kiss was hard and the only emotion behind it was the hatred you feel towards him. Your lips molded together as you two kissed, his hand found it's way from the back of your neck to tangling itself in your hair while you felt his grip tighten sending a tingling sensation to your scalp. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue in heating the kiss up in an instant.
You could feel him press against you, his leg sliding between yours and pressing against your clothed core, a small sound comes out but is quickly swallowed down by him. His lips leave yours to slowly kiss down your jaw, it was excruciatingly slow the way he kissed you, from your jaw to your neck to the sweet spot he found almost instantly. You bit back a moan but he made sure to take his time marking up your neck.
The feeling of his thigh was hard to push to the back of your mind, all you could feel was Sasuke and what he was doing to you. You hate him, you hate how he's making you react right now and you hate at how good he is and neither of you have even taken a single piece of clothing off of each other yet. You hate even more the needy words that come out of your mouth next.
"Bedroom." You say almost breathlessly, you could feel the smirk he gives against your neck before quickly going back to your lips. His hands slide to your waist and pull you to him and walk you back not daring to break from the kiss. He pushes open one door and you feel your ass bump into something hard and cold, you pull away from him to see you backed up against your washing machine. "You idiot, this is the wrong room." You roll your eyes and walk past him going into your bedroom.
"How the fuck was I supposed to know that it's not like I've been in your apartment." He scoffs following you and kicking the door shut.
"Oh I bet you must've dreamed-" your words were short lived as he spun you around and kissed you quieting you down.
Kissing Sasuke wasn't like all the books you've read, it wasn't sweet, it wasn't like being with your ex's when you were in love. His kiss was full of passion, it's a kiss of desire and a feeling of pent up frustrations he nor you have been able to let out. Frustrations at each other, at the world, at everything. Sasuke was a damn good kisser too which annoyed you even further.
His lips left yours to tug off your top, the fabric quickly being discarded to a random corner in your room. His eyes ate your figure up, seeing how your breasts layed there perfectly in your bra you were wearing. A low groan left his lips as he went to kiss up your chest, his fingers hooking onto the waistband of your skirt and started to tug it down past your thighs pooling around your ankles. You quickly kicked them away and pulled at his shirt. "Off." You demand and he takes no time in removing his shirt before pushing you back to the edge of the bed and dropping to his knees."
"Spread." He now is the one demanding. You go to spread your legs before pausing and closing them causing a confused look to cross his face.
"This doesn't change anything between us. I still hate you." His confusion quickly deadpans before shaking his head.
"God shut up." He spreads your legs and pushes your panties to the side before slowly swiping his thumb along your slit and pressing it to your clit causing you to gasp. "You're soaked." It was more of a statement than anything but feeling his thumb start to roll little circles on your clit sent a shockwave up your body. You watched him as he stared at your pussy.
"Are you going to sit and stare or are you going to actually do something pretty boy?" Your words rang in his ears and he slowly looked up at you, the same irritation growing in him like it did all those years ago when you'd call him that name. His thumb left your clit and his index and middle finger slowly pushed it and curled causing you to let out a small moan. He could feel you already clenching around them as he started to pump them in and out of you. "Stop calling me that." His head dipped down between your thighs and licked a long swipe before settling on your clit making you let out another moan.
"I can't help it." You say running your fingers through his hair. "You're a pretty- ahh fuck..." Sasuke sucks on your clit harshly, his fingers curling and uncurling from your gspot making your mind go fuzzy with the pleasure he's giving you. Your fingers tighten in his hair tugging slightly, "Fuck Sasuke." You throw your head back taking in the feeling of his tongue and fingers working on you. You can feel the coil in your stomach tighten up and you screw your eyes shut feeling the pleasure hit you. You feel dizzy and can't focus on anything but Sasuke. He tugs your panties down past your hips and tosses them to the side before finally undoing his pants. You fall back against your bed, chest heavy as that was one orgasm that knocked the wind out of you.
You feel the bed dip down before you're turned over to your stomach, a harsh smack heard before you felt his hand come across your ass. "Ass up." He says, his voice low as he picks up your hips positioning them to his liking. You feel him bring the tip of his cock up and down your slit causing you to shiver. You can just feel the smirk on his face before he pushes in giving you no moment to get adjusted. You let out a mix of a moan and groan feeling him stretch you out, you not having any sort of sex in a while is the excuse you'd like to give but you also didn't expect Sasuke to be big in the slightest.
His hands gripped your hips and brought you back with each thrust, you arched your back and dropped your head letting out small moans as he hit a spot in you that you haven't felt before. "You ever felt this good before with anybody else?" You could hear the smugness in his voice. "You're so fucking tight, don't tell me, you weren't saving yourself for anyone were you?" He chuckles as he thinks what he's saying is funny, you throw your hand back ready to smack him but he quickly catches it and pins your arm behind your back pushing you further into the mattress as he slams into you at a slower pace. "Of course you weren't, you take my cock too well."
You could feel every inch of him with every hard thrust he gives you, feeling him deep in your stomach as you grip the bedsheets tighter and tighter.  "Please go faster." You whine out without meaning to. Sasuke pulls out and flips you to your back before slowly pushing back in making you moan. He leaned forward his thrusts picking up pace and making you look at him.
The close proximity of him making you nervous all of a sudden, missionary was for eye contact, kissing, all of that intimate shit. Doggy style is much more your style with Sasuke. You don't have to look at him. The smirk on his face makes you question him before he speaks. "Who knew you were such a needy sub." Your eyebrows furrow as you go to speak but the words died on your tongue when Sasuke brings his fingers to your clit again bringing you close to your second orgasm. "You're just taking my dick like a good girl, aren't you?" You shake your head refusing to listen to him. His fingers move faster on your clit giving you the perfect amount of pressure to send you back over the edge. Your eyes squeezed shut and head pressed back in your mattress as you orgasmed for the second time in the night. You can feel Sasuke's hips stutter as he fucks you through your orgasm, his pace quickening even more before you felt him stop and let out a low groan as he came inside you.
Your eyes shoot open as you smack his arm, "You did not! Not inside you idiot!" You shove him off of you as you quickly go to your bathroom that's connected to your room.
Sasuke chuckles to himself before letting out a small "oops." He sits himself up on your bed and gets himself dressed. He can hear you grumbling in the bathroom and the shower starting to run as he gets finished. He stands up and makes his way around your room walking to the door before his eyes laid upon picture frames on your dresser. He can faintly see pictures of your closest friends, some recent and some old but what catches his eyes the most was a picture taken when you were in the academy. It was when the top of the class got a picture taken and both you and Sasuke tied for number one. Both of you were upset that you had to take a picture together and it was evident on your faces. Your arms were crossed while glaring at the camera man and whoever had to have forced the picture and Sasuke was looking over to the side, his hand on his hip and looking as annoyed as ever.
Out of all the photos you put in a frame you put that one even as you hated him.
Hate. It's a funny emotion. Isn't it?
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Lines from my Nart ships that made me go “damn, y’all gay asf”
“I considered Madara a gift from the divine” - Hashirama (like damn okay when am I gonna be someone’s gift from the divine? I see u, u poetic Shakespeare ass mf)
“Come on Itachi, this is you and me that we’re talking about. So don’t worry, it’ll be fine” - Shisui (the sweet smile he gives Itachi, good god)
Shisui: *plays with Itachi’s hair*, Itachi, at a later date: *thinks of Shisui and subconsciously plays with hair* (this is so soft oh my god they were in love)
“You were my hero,” Kakashi to Obito (fell to my knees. Obito was his hero?? The person he looked up to, who saved him? On god just like that??)
“It’s okay now, Kakashi. You don’t need to suffer anymore,” - Obito (they were literal enemies here and all Obito wanted to do was offer him comfort, end me now)
“And what of Izuna?” - Tobirama (hear me out: why did he care?? He felt something. Izuna was his perfect match, he knew he crossed a line by actually hurting him fatally, he felt guilt, he was worried)
“So only my wind…can strengthen his fire” - Naruto, about Sasuke (holy fuck this is one of the gayest lines in this entire fucking show be so honest)
“Touch one hair on his body, I dare you,” Hashirama, to his literal brother, protecting Madara (was he gonna hurt Tobirama for Madara? The drama? The suspense??)
Obito: *awakens Sharingan by protecting Kakashi*
Madara: *awakens Sharingan by having to desert Hashirama*
Sasuke: *evolves Sharingan by thinking Naruto literally died*
Itachi: *awakens Mangekyō after witnessing Shisui’s death* (also, there’s something so absolutely personal about the way that Shisui knew his death would give Itachi the Mangekyō? He just knew Itachi deeply loved him? Ow???)
Perfect scores, model shinobi Itachi, having just deserted an ANBU mission to save Shisui from Danzo only because “something didn’t feel right” (oh so you have a sixth sense for Shisui. He’s your soulmate, is what you’re saying)
Itachi recognizing Shisui’s “soul” in Naruto, giving him Shisui’s deadliest weapon and his final piece of him, and smiling(!), happy that Sasuke has him to watch over him (translation: I recognize that you love Sasuke the way Shisui loved me and he made me feel safe so I know you’ll protect Sasuke)
(Addition) this shit:
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(Like hello??? Smirking and calling him a fox?? Hashi rly said “damn he’s so deadly it makes me hard”)
There’s probably more but it’s 1am and I feel like this dude writing this so I’ll just post to retain a shred of sanity
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otakubimbo · 2 months
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.The Rabbit and The Wolf
Bad date and confessions
You’re still trying to get your not a date but a date with Iruka out of your head when you get some information that sends you into a spiral.
Ch 1 2 3 4 5
master list
OBN: okay so i realized that i uploaded chapter 4 twice so here's chp 5, it's a lil shorter than the regular chapters cause i cut the original into 2. hehe. mwah!
All night long Kakashi’s face plagued your dreams, tossing and turning with the thoughts of him. As you awake, if you could even call it that since you didn’t even sleep, you realize you’re covered in sweat and your bonnet has escaped you in the night.
“Fuck” You groan attempting to pull yourself from the entrapment of your sheets. It was a long day before it even began, dragging yourself to the bathroom to get a good look at yourself. Yeah, you looked exactly like how you felt. Like shit. Hopefully, a shower will fix you up a bit; the steaming hot water should put some life back into you.
After your shower, you hadn’t even realized that you were already running behind, you would have to go visit your sister after training or you would be late. Barley putting yourself together, you hurry to the training grounds, but you are still late to your standards especially since Sasuke was already there.
“You look terrible” He comments, noticing you as you walk up.
“Thanks, didn’t notice.” You say pushing your palm into his forehead for his rudeness.
“Must have been one hell of a date.”
You groan with an exaggerated roll of your eyes telling him to watch his mouth, “It wasn’t a date Sasu, first of all. Second, where is your respect for your sensei and her personal life?”
“I’ve known you for too long for that to matter,” he says casually which makes you roll your eyes even harder as you give your body the stretch that he needed. Unfortunately, he was right, he was like a little brother to you, and just like a little brother, he was annoying.
“Are you seeing him again?” His question throws you off guard. He wasn’t one to usually ask these kinds of questions.
“Well, well, well, aren’t you nosy today? I mean, Yeah, we are friends. We will see each other when ya know we all hang or whatever.” You respond with a shrug of your shoulders.
“So, it didn’t go well.” He comments chuckling to himself. You flick him right in the forehead this time.
“Please stop” You groan putting your face into your hands. The last thing you wanted was more reminders of last night.
Eventually, the rest of the team shows up, well besides Kakashi of course, and they immediately both start pestering you about last night. The vein in your head would explode at any moment if they wouldn’t stop bothering you about it, so you made them a deal. If they could land a hit on you before Kakashi showed up, you would tell them about your night. You assumed it was going to be easy, except the training that you had been putting them through was having them show actual improvements. There were movements that you could feel they may have to take them with some type of seriousness.
“Well better luck next time, kids” You chuckle taking a place beside Kakashi as soon as he decides to arrive, “Took you long enough.” You elbow him in his side.
“I was actually late for a reason today. We have a mission.” He states holding up a scroll in his hand. “We just must deliver this, simple enough. But there is a festival happening in the village we are going to so I thought it would be nice. A reward for all the hard work.”
Naruto and Sakura celebrate, of course, while you look at the man confused. You place your hand on the side of his face to check for warmth.
“You sick? Who are you and what have you done with Kakashi?” You question as you’re still trying to gauge his temperature. He swats your hand away. You have never known this man to do anything easy.
“Yes, I’m fine. There's nothing wrong with taking things easy for once.” He remarks casually.
“Hmmn, well y’all have fun with that.”
“Oh. You’re coming on this mission too.”
“Me?” You question and you can see him smirking under his mask.
“Yes, you.” He responds, bringing even more joy out of Naruto. “We can discuss the details of the mission. Everyone else go get ready, it’ll be a three-day trip.” He dismisses the kids, and you stand there knowing that there must be something else going on for you to also have to go.
“So, what’s the actual mission?” You ask him once the kids leave.
“Your favorite, a little recon, a little stealing intel.”
A huge grin spreads across your face. These were your favorite missions, and they were always your favorite with Kakashi because there would always end up being some type of bet involved between the two of you.
“Oh, this is going to be fun. Just like old times. I knew you weren’t getting soft on me” You playfully pushed him.
“There really is a festival and I do want the kids to enjoy themselves, that wasn’t a lie.”
“Awh you are getting soft on me in your old age.” You laugh at him while he just rolls his eye, and you stick your tongue back out at him in return. You were really excited for this. Back to what you were good at, what you loved. Maybe get to fight a bit, hopefully. You haven’t gotten your hands dirty in so long.
The two of you go your separate ways and you head to see your sister since you didn’t get to see her that morning.
The first thing out of her mouth when she sees you is about your ‘NOT’ date, which makes you immediately groan before you fill her in on everything that happened. By the time you were done, your sister was laughing her ass off at the whole ordeal.
“It’s honestly not that funny.” You grumble crossing your arms. Your sister was laughing so hard it was bringing tears to her eyes, which she wiped away before settling down.
“It actually is considering you didn’t view it as a date at all and then he had such confidence to kiss you. It’s hilarious.”
At the very least, you were glad to bring a smile to her face even if it was at your expense. She was looking better and healthier, she even was feeling better according to her. Maybe she would be able to leave soon, you hoped.
“Anyways,” You start, making her lay back down “I actually have a mission to go on tomorrow with Team 7.”
“They’re sending those kids on such a dangerous mission it requires you to go?” She questions, a bit concerned.
“Nah, it's mainly a mission for me and Kakashi, they’re just coming with us because the old softy wants them to go to this festival.”
“Awh, he really is a sweet man” She compliments, and you snort.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. It should be a fun easy mission though.”
“Good, I know you're ready to get back out instead of babysitting your big sister.”
“Don’t be silly, you always come before anything. You and me.” Your hand reaches out to hers, grasping her small fingers gently.
“You and me” She repeats back to you, using her other hand to pat yours, “I know.” Her smile is soft and gentle.
The two of you talked casually after that, about random things and whatnot until you had to leave. As you leave the hospital, you run into Kakashi.
“How’s she doing?” He asks as a greeting.
A smile sets on your features, your eyes softening with the thought of her “She’s doing really good actually, a lot better. I really think she could make it through this. Ya know, unlike our mom.” The smile on your face, wavering a bit.
“Well, she’s strong like you so I know she’ll be fine,” he says attempting to calm your thoughts, it’s as if he can hear the worried voice in the back of your head.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” You say, pausing to look at him, realizing you had never thanked him for looking after your sister while you were away. “Uhm, thanks by the way.”
He looked down at you confused, “For what?”
“Ya know, checking on my sister and everything while I was off on all those missions.” You say avoiding his gaze.
“Of course, the both of you mean a lot to me, “he says so casually as if that didn’t make you stop breathing for a second.
‘The both of you’.
If you meant so much to him, why did he leave you alone after your night together and then immediately avoid you? If you were going on this mission with him, you would have to ask him. It had been hanging in your thoughts for too long.
“Thanks anyways. Can we walk and talk?” You ask nervously, not knowing how you would be able to approach this.
“Uh, sure.” He says and you immediately turn and start walking in the direction of your house feet moving automatically. “What did you want to talk about?” Your behavior was confusing him because you’re not one to act so nervous, hands fumbling with a shruniken with your lips pursed in thought.
“I was just thinking” You start not knowing where to really go with the conversation. He can tell there is really something on your mind so he’s patient and allows you to get your thoughts together.
“Ya know this is our first mission together since before my sister's wedding.”
“It is” he commented, assuming where this conversation was going. He just thought you were going to let it go by the way you had been acting previously.
“And then my sister's wedding happened.” You continue, even though you brought up the topic it was as if you were avoiding the main point.
“it did” His gaze follows down to your face as you steel your nerves to proceed.
“And then what happened after.”
“And then what happened after.” He repeated back to you, making you stop in your tracks to face him. You finally look up to meet his gaze on you. His expression is unreadable, but you knew you had to continue regardless of your hesitations. What were you supposed to be afraid of?
“Why did you leave and then disappear on me?” You ask, looking him dead in the face hoping your voice sounded stronger than you felt. There was a long silence between the two of you. His face is still unreadable, and you hoped he couldn’t see the small panic you were feeling. Luckily for you, your expression was as unreadable as his to him. Eventually, he’s the first one to break eye contact with a sigh.
“Because afterward, I realized I was in love with my best friend,” he confessed, lifting his head back up to hold your gaze once again.
 It felt like your brain stopped working for a second. The gears in your head are completely unmoving.
“I’m sorry. What?” You ask, as your brain finally comes back online.
“I said,” He took a step forward, taking your face into his hand. The rough pads of his fingers move along your cheek. “That night I realized I was in love with you. That I had been in love with you for so long. And that terrified me because I didn’t want to lose you.”
You just stare up at him, eyes big as saucers blinking.
“You were in love with me?” You ask barely above a whisper. This was not what you expected.
“I am in love with you.” He corrected. ‘Am’ present tense.
taglist: @smarsd
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bainutwater85 · 2 months
Could I have NSFW headcanons for Suigetsu & Sasuke?
definitely 💕🙌🏾
cw: degrading, toxicity (suigetsu&sasuke) baby-making/trapping, unprotected sex, rough sex, humiliation (suigetsu)
do not heavily reference MY headcanons please
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no morals or empathy for you whatsoever. If he wanted you to strip and show everyone your tits, then he’d expect you to do so.
not too controlling but is clingy as FUCK after sex. like ‘dick-still-in-your-vagina-and-won’t-let-you-go’ type of clingy.
not much of a cuckold but makes an exception once or twice w sasuke. Only because he has a fair amount of trust within him to not try anything more then what’s offered .
sooooo and i mean soooo possessive snd obsessive to the point it’s concerning. I’d say separation anxiety but he’d threaten you with some sexual shit. You sit there with a unbothered face like “really? please, idc.” cause why you threaten someone with a good time.
if you two are out on a mission with other members, he’d risk it all snd fight to share a tent with you just to rub your clit in the middle of the night while you’re trying to fall asleep. but his pleas are too much to endure so you succumb to him. But tbh, you were feeling a little in the mood that night, you just tried to sleep it off.
will fuck you outside, but in the shadows.
wants to be with you wherever and whenever. knows he can’t so when he feels stressed snd needs to relive himself he just pulls out a picture of you and fucks his fist.
cums in tissues when he jerks off because if he doesn’t then who will clean up that mess? certainly not him.
has a bad fucking potty mouth and makes you cry on your already worse days. even during sex you wonder if he actually meant what he said when he called you fat whore.
hates condoms, hates the way it feels i’m his cock, hates that you make him wear it snd will pull it off mid backshot.
also possessive but won’t get you to strip for others, him for sure but you’re body is set for his eyes only and will literally air the whole place out if someone catches a glance of your nip slip.
clingy, but isn’t annoying either. has you wrapped around his finger snd his cock. You try to leave he won’t protest cause he knows that YOU know you won’t be able to last a week without him or his fucking skills. He’s a pro, a trendsetter fr.
has a hand on your waist but always on your neck so you don’t get outta place or lime when you’re around him or about to argue with others. Always and i mean always puts you in your place. and that’s under him, ass up; face down. Vice versa, when he’s feeling a little snappy and having one of his episodes— you put it all on his face.
makeup sex is always the norm in this shared sex like of y’all’s cause he’s always doing so,etching to piss you off or make you cry. No no, he doesn’t mean it— he just got some problems but nothing a uchiha dick can’t fix.
has a potty mouth as well but once you’ve told him to tone it down, he did. i guess he’s just so high and up about himself he’s so use to degrading literally anyone.
if you WERE to leave him tho. he’d try to “talk out” but his charisma finds it ways into your panties and he has you laid on your back with a belly full of his cum. Now what? you most definitely ain’t leaving him nope.
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Hiiii bonten Rindou hc???? Pleaseee. Love him frr
To be honest, I intended for this to be almost exclusively for haikyuu… BUT FOR YOU MY FRIEND! *pounds chest* I SHALL GIVE YOU THE RINNY OF YOUR DREAMS. Also you didn’t specify what kind you want so ima give you my finest shit, which happens to be my head cannon prowess. (Totally not because I hate writing dialogue, no,no, that’s so stupid 😳) Also important side note: I aint spend days finishing the Tok rev manga not to use it tf outta here. Tokrev and Jjk content is welcomed proudly.
idk if I’ll make a part 2, but on the off chance I do, look foreword to girldad Rinny content.
status: unedited
warnings: cursing, slightly sexual situations (but no smut), mafia bs, blood? Fluffy bullshit, Rindou being a dick hole, the ick, my bad Spanish
💜Bonten Rindou Hataini. Headcannons~💜
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The first thing off the bat, I definitely think he is on the demisexual spectrum. I know everyone else be saying that he would be all about just sleeping around like that, but to be honest, I think that that’s more of a Ran thing. I feel like the only reason he would go to strip clubs and shit like that for work, and would actually be really grossed out when people would coddle him. If he was to have a significant other, it would have to be someone he has known for a long time, or from his old delinquent days. My best idea would be a calm friend who would give him the notes from his skipped classes. And in return he’d take them out for food or some shit. Somewhere along the way y’all would just be like, “we’re totally together right?” “Duh, why else would I put up with you.” Yeah he a lil bitch.
Any way, as for him as an adult, all I gotta say is “Mmmm Papí ¿quieres una besito?~”. Like Jesus Christ man has no right being this freaking fine. Sexy Jellyfish ass boy
Yakuza Daddy🥵. This man will spoil the everlasting shit outta you, and go to Walmart for his own shit. But had does it in the most obnoxious way possible. He gets you a necklace? “Hey babe, gotchu this, your old one was musty af, take better care of your shit.” Awww you want a new dress? “Sure babe, but just know that thing barely covers shit, and will be gone by the end of the night.” You want something just random? “Wtf am I a walking ATM? No, pick it tf up, I’m buying it, you can’t stop me. Quit arguing before I buy you 3 more.”
But when it comes to himself? Yeah he only indulges in suits and Jordan’s. Other than that, he has an avengers shirt he had since he was 12 and a pinball machine. That’s the extent of his possessions. Well that and the watch you got him for his birthday, but shhhhh he can’t let you know he cares ewwwww.
Man is literally the biggest (for lack of better word) Tsundere. Like Top three in anime. Like you got 1.Kageyama 2.Sasuke 3. Him. Like manz would rather die than say he cares. His love language is quality time and gift giving, so he’s more show you he loves you, but won’t say it first. The kinda mf that when you say I love you to them say, “Yeah I know, I love me too if only there was someone out there who loved you.” Like manz is so obvious I wanna kiss him to shut him the fuck up. (I think I have a type.) like bro the me love you tf?
In terms of icks there is one thing I no for fact. This mf wears socks to bed. And not the cute fluffy kind. The musty ass crusty socks he wore all day, then stepped in water, and now you gotta deal with it while yall cuddling. I hate this mf.
On a more serious note, because of his Bonten Bs, he doesn’t have a lot of time for us. So we make time. His time. We just barge in during his meetings, lay across his lap, watch TikTok’s, while everyone (him) are just looking like “is this bitch serious!?” >:|
Anyways, because he’s so busy all the time, the majority of what he wants to do when he gets home is just to sprawl out on the couch and just stay there. You can cuddle with him too or whatever he doesn’t mind🙄. But fair warning, he’s the kinda dude who is only ever in the mood for either ww2 documentary’s or like deep sea documentary’s. Like mf has the same movie taste as my dad, I can’t with him. It’s a good day when you can convince him to try something actually entertaining. And you know what he picks? The Fucking exorcist. He’s an asshole. The kinda dude to pretend he’s unfazed, but his left leg physically won’t stop shaking.
speaking of movies, I know I say this every time, but scream Halloween costumes. Yes. Give me Rinny as ghostface please, I’ll freaking sell my soul. Especially if it’s not the robe but one of the like dry fit and leather harness- *incomprehensible pterodactyl noises* 🥵
anyway back to cuddling, his go to position is literally the Hakari and Kirara thing. Like this mf will always have a hand on your ass. He doesn’t like PDA but this? Yeah you can’t stop him. He is an ass guy, it’s just where his hand naturally gravitates.
I cannot explain the urge to play daddies home by usher every time I see him. Like he and my baby daddy Gojo have partial custody over that song. Like bro. Yes.
Tbh I don’t see him having a big wedding. Or any wedding. I think his thing would be just handing you his debit card and saying “pick some shit out. No, don’t worry bout the price I’m rich for a reason.” And after that yall just elope to some tropical place across the planet for like a month.
speaking of travel it’s a pretty common thing for you. Just that it’s always last minute. Like bro don’t even give you time to brag to the your friends. Man just pulls up 10 minutes before y’all need to go to the airport and says, “get ready, we’re going to France. How long? Idk a month? Boo hoo bitch. Stay home then. Mhm that’s wtf k thought”. Manz is such an ass but you gotta love a walking wallet.
My last thought I’m gonna share is how he physically won’t use nicnames. Like babe is the physically most he can bring himself to do. Maybe baby. He gives himself the ick every time he thinks of doing anything else
all in all, he’s the one who is always there for you, and expects the same. He’s a great guy, under all the stress and yakuza bs. Treat him well, or I’ll treat him better😤
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry this took me so long to write, I’m working on another request too, and more importantly, my final exams for collage, love that. But even do, if you liked this, please like and request something, and I will definitely be posting. Love y’all so much, I’ll see yall later.
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pr1ncessasuke · 2 months
So shipping genin sasuke and Sakura isn’t weird but shipping killua and gon is? When did shipping become inherently sexual or do ppl just want to bend logic when it comes to gay ppl. Fuck off Y’all are so weird
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kashisbby · 5 months
Watching episode 51 of Naruto Shippuden and as much as I love the show, it also sucks so fucking bad because cmon now Sakura and Naruto, y’all are fucking pathetic. Sasuke don’t fucking care about y’all but y’all would cut your fucking heart out for that man. Sai and Kabuto both told they asses like ‘Sasuke don’t fucking care about y’all, he’s not the same motherfucker you went on those 2 missions with back when y’all was little ass kids. Not one time has he brought y’all up in the past THREE FUCKING YEARS!!! But here y’all are ready to choke on his dick the second you get a whiff of his bitch ass. MOVE THE FUCK ON!’
Or is that what I say to my TV every time one of them mentions Sasuke??
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thesauce8 · 22 days
Why do some of y’all only credit Itachi with the positive aspects of Sasuke’s development. If you’re going to credit him for his contributions towards Sasuke then you should probably include the bad things too.
Yeah, he made Sasuke physically stronger. He also tortured him, broke his mind, told him to kill his best friend, let him go to a creepy snake man who wanted to take his body, forced him back into the cycle of hate when he was finally doing better, made him go catatonic from the mental trauma he inflicted on him, physically beat him, killed his entire family, told him the reason he left him alive was because he was so weak that it wasn’t even worth it, groomed him into being the most hateful creature alive, was planning on taking away his free will, etc.
Let’s not pick and choose.
Oh wait, I forgot that Itachi loved him so none of that matters. All the trauma just poofs away and the only reason Sasuke is still fucked up is because of [insert curse of hatred or filler bs] or because he’s just a whiny, ungrateful brat.
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gaycodedvillainy · 1 year
Ok y’all can thank the Naruto server for this one coming up, but we were talking about Itachi’s really erratic motives — specifically how he seems to say one thing and do another where his brother is concerned, and how for a supposed “genius” his plans are usually either self defeating or rely on events he wouldn’t have known about to come about.
If we take the theory that he was used via Shisui’s eye, his lack of clear logical reasoning around the whole event would make sense. Shisui’s eye (for anyone having forgotten) is capable of total hypnosis, but only once every 10 years.
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That it’s a complete hypnotism would explain why his story never quite adds up like it should, even once it’s all allegedly told. (He still can’t make it add up to himself either.) But he also can’t question it exactly — but this sort of makes his logic fall apart weirdly as it builds on a faulty narrative which conflicts with his stated goals… etc.
Also Itachi not just either going ahead and using it to hypnotize Sasuke to begin with instead of the weird bird swallowing BS mess or just not doing that didn’t even make sense to the people he was explaining all this to at the time. (Bee straight up asks him why he wasted so much time making Naruto eat some bird if this was the plan.)
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However if he either had a weird priority tree via hypnosis which fucked up his already existing plans *or* someone thought using Sasuke to KO a few big hitters before being ultimately hypnotized back into being controlled (less likely option… but also perhaps an already tested strategy?). But like slipping “and then get hypnotized into protected Konoha for some fucking reason idk” into the little brother repeating history for a Mangyeko criteria could work especially if it had actually happened in that order before
This is why I wonder if he had the same drive forced into him. Because “ok whatever, but you have to protect Konoha no matter what” as an impulse drive which was also counter to his actual priority tree would definitely make for a lot of the same erratic choices…
And who had a plausible motive (and also very little canon characterization to say he wouldn’t do this)?
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And there he says it, to Itachi, notably still in possession of the eye (which does not need to be in your body to be used, as proven when Itachi uses it later without grafting it to himself).
And furthermore, this took place ten years before Itachi is talking to Naruto here, explaining that he couldn’t use Shisui’s eye earlier both because it needed to charge for 10 years and because he was ethically opposed (except where his brother was concerned I fucking guess….) Meaning that it had been used and that he must have had some way of knowing this besides checking it.
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Now we know that Shisui was prevented by Danzo from using his eye to help with the whole Uchiha Coup situation, and whether he committed suicide or faked his death (a lot can be argued for the latter) this was the last time he had either eye, so barring other evidence or a different use for it, I think he used it here to override Itachi’s priorities.
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uchiha-saradas · 2 years
narusasu shippers fr need to keep their shit OFF the sasusaku tag. the show ended YEARS ago and both sasusaku and naruhina are canon ships and ALWAYS WILL BE CANON.
and no, me not shipping narusasu does not make me or others homophobic it just means we don’t like the ship, just like some of y’all don’t like sasusaku or naruhina and that’s fine. not to mention that both naruto and sasuke have referred to each other as brothers/best friends several times and are also the literal reincarnations of brothers.
y’all can ship whoever the fuck you want but QUIT coming after sasusaku and naruhina stans downplaying the ships to try and make yours seem better. y’all are forcing this ship so hard and it’s pathetic honestly.
lastly, toxic narusasu stans will constantly shit on sasusaku or naruhina on both the ship tags and then get mad when we do the same??? y’all are some hypocrites i stg
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psywebcomic · 11 months
In honor of halloween, what are all of y’all’s plans!
[CAT: these are their answers from "last year" in terms of the comic timeline. there will be a halloween chapter eventually >:) answering like its the day after. bcuz it is]
PSY: I just watched a movie with my mom. As usual. 
MELODY: i threw a party for the pride center!!!! it was soooo much fun hehe!! i was a kitty cat =^.^= tate got too fucked up and spilled strawberry mikes hard lemonade all over my carpet lol but its ok i forgive him it was kinda funny
JABS: per tradition, my online friends and i had an in-costume scary movie watch party. i dressed as a bloodied sasuke uchiha. we planned to watch three movies: donnie darko, scream, and hellraiser. we made it through donnie darko, however, one of my friends got too scared during scream, so we watched little shop of horrors instead. all in all it was a fun night. 
TATE: went to melodys party. got WAY too fucked up and spilled strawberry mikes hard lemonade all over her carpet </3 sorry melody lol. it was kinda funny tho. was a slutty nurse :P
GUY: I took my younger siblings trick-or-treating! :D I didn't plan to wear a costume, but my siblings insisted that i needed one, so they wrapped me up in toilet paper like a mummy haha! we had a lot of fun :)
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