#Save: Into the Sleeping Bag
eraserisms · 2 months
god where do i even start about your portrayal. i lovelove your shota, he feels real to me. points that's dad now ig. everything feels so picturesque to me, yet so grounded in reality that it's almost like.. romanticizing life in general. the mundane. there is simplicity in routine and there is hope in getting older. threads and plots just feel like home with you and i love that. ily, you and sho both!
I don't even know fuck all about Pokemon or canon Silver (other than basics & what you've told me), but I have fallen head over heels for that little boy just as much as Shota has. Silver is my son now. too. But you flatter me, truly. I love reading your writing just as much as I love writing with you.
As far as my writing goes, I have to agree with you about romanticizing the mundane. I know some people might find it boring, but I really enjoy doing threads that are just...day to day life. No flashy fights, minimal drama, just doing simple things such as writing characters doing the dishes or having a movie night. But, that isn't to say that I don't like writing those kind of things or darker and angstier things.
The feelings are mutual as far as feeling at home with you, and that goes beyond our relationship as writing partners. I am so happy that I decided to follow you back, and I feel that I have made a friend for a lifetime. You have changed my life for the better and I haven't felt this vulnerable with another person for a long time and it's like a breath of fresh air. I love you too and I'm proud to say that you're my friend. Thanks for being my bro.
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muckyschmuck · 7 months
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they should go on a hate date or something
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lokh · 4 months
Okay, I won't lie NSW is more than slightly outside of my area of expertise when it comes to camping but the basics are the same anywhere. You said you have a tent and bag and some gear so we're not starting out at baby beginnings.
Step one, check the forecast. If its gonna be a heat wave or a cold snap or pissing rain wouldn't it be nice to know that before you're sitting miserable in a tent in the middle of nowhere? Plan accordingly, pack accordingly and you will be amazed how much you can deal with if you're prepared for it. Personally I have a nice rainshell with me at all times because it acts as a windbreak, water barrier, and exposure layer. I have taken a rainshell into the mojave desert where it never rains and I was right to do so because the wind got cold. I have occasionally been the overprepared dork, but I have more often been the only one not getting hypothermia.
Step two, know where you're going. As in, what to expect not just physically where it is. Are there restrooms? Water? Animals? Poisonous/stabby plants? Poisonous/stabby bugs? Other campers? Poisonous/stabby campers? Hazards? Cell service? Emergency services? Gas stations? Can you safely have a fire? Can you toast/grill your food or are you having cold dinner?
Step three, pack the most obscenely overdone toiletries kit you can imagine. Yes, this is actually important. My god, human bodies are messy. All your basic overnight goodies and then add sunscreen, bug dope, wet wipes or something similar, your own toilet paper and something to dig with if you're going out past available restrooms, and a small first aid kit. The kit doesn't have to be a full triage supply, tweezers, bandaids, antiseptic and maybe some gauze if you're clumsy. If you are gonna be doing a lot of walking/hiking I also recommend moleskin for blisters. Put the moleskin on BEFORE the blister pops.
Step four, look at the forecast again, assume it's wrong and pack for the worst weather possible. You need a dry pair of socks and undies. You need long sleeves and a spare shirt. Even if it doesn't feel like it, you will sweat through the day and get damp and if you sleep in the same thing you've been wearing you will get chilled. This is why every one says no cotton for camping, no matter where you are. I have a full change of clothes for sleeping so my day clothes can air and dry overnight.
Step five is food and its really each to his own for this one. If you're hiking out you will be more limited as far as weight/refrigeration, but thats somewhat of a trial and error thing. Freeze dried meals have their place but there is no reason it has to be your go to. Remember your water and remember that if you sweat and replace it with nothing but water you will be hurting. Powdered drink mix is your friend. If you're car camping and tenting next to the car I just bring a 5 gallon jug of water that stays in the car and refill waterbottles as needed. (Note: Senshi from dungeon meshi isn't actually an unattainable fantasy, you can cook a full scale meal in the backcountry if you really want to. It is several magnitudes more difficult than you would think if you are used to cooking in a kitchen, but it is possible.)
Step six is assessing your gadgets. If you want your phone you probably need a power pack to charge it. You will want a flashlight for the dark, not your phone, not glowsticks. If you want a camera you have to figure out how to carry that with you. You also need to figure out if you have cell service and a way to call for help. The more intense you get into this, the more you should look at getting a GPS or inreach/spot device, especially if you want to go alone. This is also a good time to come to grips with the falliblity of technology and get a paper map.
Step seven is for sleeping arrangements, which you seem to have covered. My rip is to set up sleeping stuff as soon as you get to where your making camp, so that way your bag has a chance to loft and your aren't fiddling with stuff sacks in the dark when your tired. And drunk if you're party camping. Open the sleeping bag before the tequila. Also a sleeping pad will protect your bag and also your joints so you don't wake up feeling like Rip van Winkle.
Have fun, be safe, don't be a dick and clean up after your self at your campsite. Sleeping in the dirt is a great time and I hope you enjoy your trip.
thank you so much!!!! i had a great trip but it wouldve been better if id followed your advice more carefully LMAO
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barklikeagod · 8 days
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he thinks he can just sleep on my pillow like a person and i won’t care bc he’s cute. well it’s true
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have a fluffy lad
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 14 days
(rips pipe) if u think abt it tonaegiri is like a twisted version sherlock watson and moriarty
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genderfluidgothwitch · 3 months
Oh so now I get to have parasthesia in my feet as well as my hands? What the fuck did I do to deserve new symptoms this close to my DAY OF BIRTH
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eraserisms · 2 months
[[ We've been chatting for less than 5 hours but I can already tell we're going to have fun. I am reading your headcanons and verses. I like the idea of him having a lost child! The drama! Can't wait to start the boys with herbs, maybe they could run into bad guys along the way. ]]
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I feel the exact same way! I love the idea of quirkless Izuku runnin' around and targeting pro heros and running an underground casino. That shit is just so top notch and well thought out and I think that it's such a creative and innovative idea! You go Glenn Coco! And the cards? The cards idea my guy?? I think that verse/au is going to hit me right in the solar plexus.
But yeah I have a lot to say about Shota's phase of hypersexual activity but I haven't gotten around to writing about it yet. Actually, when I started writing Shota, I was under the impression that Shota was closer to 35 maybe 40 on the higher end. A friend and I (the one who got me into MHA in the first place) sometimes wrote Shinso as one of those unknown children.
But as far as our plant boys go??!?! I'm so excited! I have yet to actually write Shota's fantasy verse with anyone since I feel it's so underdeveloped. But it's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of and I just know it's gonna be a blast.
Also, knowing that you enjoy gardening makes the notion of herbologist Izuku all the more fun to me. I think what I like about RPing is that when you're writing with someone, you get to see a little introspection/personality of the person who is behind the character. Just from reading some of your headcanons and stuff, you've put a lot of thought into your Midoriya and it shows. So thank you, thank you for checking out my blog in the first place, I'm sure we'll have some fun!
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nabaath-areng · 3 months
On the train home and distraught over it. My heart lies scattered all over the dust grey floor in pieces that are both pitiful and innumerable.
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terraos · 11 months
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Three days of hard work! My sims are living luxury lives (they're all so mad all of the time)
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chronicallyzagreus · 1 year
I’d love to go backpacking but the material most equipment is made of will in fact make me cry (yay sensory issues!) so catch me out there like it’s the year 1900
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donut-entendre · 2 years
literally nuts that bethievesda thought players wouldnt like the settlement building. I have spent most of my time in fo4 just building shit. literally a fantastic tool to daydream abt ocs also
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roughentumble · 1 month
combining the superman vacation idea with the superbat divorce. so its been years since they split up, and the world is just Hating Superman like lex luthor is totally winning the publicity war no matter how many cats he saves, and clark finds out that bruce doesnt actually regret any of his shittier actions during their relationship. like he hates himself for ruining everything and deeply regrets pushing clark away, but he's also validated all his choices as "logical, even if they went south" even though it was largely just hating aliens for being aliens. so superman is pretty pissed, and kind of bitterly happy that bruce is raking himself over the coals even if he hasnt actually grown. and the growing unrest in metropolis has the authorities saying "we are going to go to luthor for access to kryptonite and if an officer sees you at a scene we are going to straight up attack you, we Do Not want you here, superman is Banned", so superman decides you know what. all this needs to cool off and i dont want to look at bruce's face for a while, fuck this, im going to rann, they have a yellow sun so i'll be fine. good luck to everyone but i cant help like this and if you genuinely want me gone then like, i will respect your wishes and then come back later and see what the temperature is like.
everyone has to scramble to fill the superman-shaped hole in protecting metropolis, crime is skyrocketing, luthor is taking over unchecked, and other supers cant take too much time away from their own cities to reign it back in. bruce is going over clark's disdainful stare in his mind over and over and over its just making him spiral like crazy, which makes him retreat further into the cowl to hide from his own pain. he's still barely gotten better because justifying his own actions was how he kept himself from just losing it everytime he saw clark and now his defense mechanism has been totally obliterated by the man himself's withering glare and "im disappointed in you" frown.
superman is getting bodyshots off a blue alien in a space club that has alcohol that actually effects him somehow, which is very exciting to him. most of it is like earth alcohol and does nothing, but exactly One Brand is made for a specific alien species and has what is basically to everyone else Super Poison in it, and metabolizing it has intoxicating effects on his kryptonian biology. cant kill him, but can give him a hangover, which is novel. everyone wants to dance with him and no one is shouting for him to come rescue them, which is a huge weight off his shoulders. he has an alien threesome just to see what its like. it's one of the best months of his life.
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luvuomi · 4 months
must stay awake for the next 6 hours…
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helianthologies · 4 months
cant play hades or hades 2 like i want bc im in such horrible tooth pain that i cant focus on almost anything. so instead im just watching streamers play it instead
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