lokh · 4 months
Okay, I won't lie NSW is more than slightly outside of my area of expertise when it comes to camping but the basics are the same anywhere. You said you have a tent and bag and some gear so we're not starting out at baby beginnings.
Step one, check the forecast. If its gonna be a heat wave or a cold snap or pissing rain wouldn't it be nice to know that before you're sitting miserable in a tent in the middle of nowhere? Plan accordingly, pack accordingly and you will be amazed how much you can deal with if you're prepared for it. Personally I have a nice rainshell with me at all times because it acts as a windbreak, water barrier, and exposure layer. I have taken a rainshell into the mojave desert where it never rains and I was right to do so because the wind got cold. I have occasionally been the overprepared dork, but I have more often been the only one not getting hypothermia.
Step two, know where you're going. As in, what to expect not just physically where it is. Are there restrooms? Water? Animals? Poisonous/stabby plants? Poisonous/stabby bugs? Other campers? Poisonous/stabby campers? Hazards? Cell service? Emergency services? Gas stations? Can you safely have a fire? Can you toast/grill your food or are you having cold dinner?
Step three, pack the most obscenely overdone toiletries kit you can imagine. Yes, this is actually important. My god, human bodies are messy. All your basic overnight goodies and then add sunscreen, bug dope, wet wipes or something similar, your own toilet paper and something to dig with if you're going out past available restrooms, and a small first aid kit. The kit doesn't have to be a full triage supply, tweezers, bandaids, antiseptic and maybe some gauze if you're clumsy. If you are gonna be doing a lot of walking/hiking I also recommend moleskin for blisters. Put the moleskin on BEFORE the blister pops.
Step four, look at the forecast again, assume it's wrong and pack for the worst weather possible. You need a dry pair of socks and undies. You need long sleeves and a spare shirt. Even if it doesn't feel like it, you will sweat through the day and get damp and if you sleep in the same thing you've been wearing you will get chilled. This is why every one says no cotton for camping, no matter where you are. I have a full change of clothes for sleeping so my day clothes can air and dry overnight.
Step five is food and its really each to his own for this one. If you're hiking out you will be more limited as far as weight/refrigeration, but thats somewhat of a trial and error thing. Freeze dried meals have their place but there is no reason it has to be your go to. Remember your water and remember that if you sweat and replace it with nothing but water you will be hurting. Powdered drink mix is your friend. If you're car camping and tenting next to the car I just bring a 5 gallon jug of water that stays in the car and refill waterbottles as needed. (Note: Senshi from dungeon meshi isn't actually an unattainable fantasy, you can cook a full scale meal in the backcountry if you really want to. It is several magnitudes more difficult than you would think if you are used to cooking in a kitchen, but it is possible.)
Step six is assessing your gadgets. If you want your phone you probably need a power pack to charge it. You will want a flashlight for the dark, not your phone, not glowsticks. If you want a camera you have to figure out how to carry that with you. You also need to figure out if you have cell service and a way to call for help. The more intense you get into this, the more you should look at getting a GPS or inreach/spot device, especially if you want to go alone. This is also a good time to come to grips with the falliblity of technology and get a paper map.
Step seven is for sleeping arrangements, which you seem to have covered. My rip is to set up sleeping stuff as soon as you get to where your making camp, so that way your bag has a chance to loft and your aren't fiddling with stuff sacks in the dark when your tired. And drunk if you're party camping. Open the sleeping bag before the tequila. Also a sleeping pad will protect your bag and also your joints so you don't wake up feeling like Rip van Winkle.
Have fun, be safe, don't be a dick and clean up after your self at your campsite. Sleeping in the dirt is a great time and I hope you enjoy your trip.
thank you so much!!!! i had a great trip but it wouldve been better if id followed your advice more carefully LMAO
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romanceyourdemons · 2 months
i’m sick of 15-35 year olds being the only ones wreaking martial arts havoc. let the oldest most creaky wrinkly person in the world be a tornado of untold destruction. and bring out the bizarrely violent children while you’re at it
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Projects for the alternate reality where I have a limitless budget
I am going to make ATV shot in the style of the terror and all of the various high drama shows arctic exploration, Except it is going to be a parody. And it is going to be about Vitus Bering and George Stellar and it is going to be petty and hilarious.
Is this homoerotic tension between explorers far from home in a strange land? No, actually we haven't made it out of Russia yet and we're out of rations. I hate you. I loathe you with every scrap of my soul and we have been stuck on this fucking boat for years. We've got scurvy. The naturalist is naming every animal that moves after himself. The captian is convinced that there is a spare continent floating around the north Pacific. There is not.
I hate you so much I'm pretending I found a new species of mermaid that looks like you so I can expound on how fucking ugly it is in the official expedition record. Hey look a sea cow, wow, they're easy to catch and taste delicious and the entire population breeds on the same island. I'm sure they'll do just fine in the face of violent colonization.
Hell is overwintering on fox island. I swear to God if you try to drag this into a cuddle for warmth enemies to lovers plot I will eat you for the privilege of turning you to shit.
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anghraine · 17 days
sea-salted-wolverine replied to this post:
Wdym Anakin mind tricking padme isn't real? You could chalk it up to bad writing from Lucas who isn't quite sure that women are people, but its pretty clear that by ep III that her grip on reality is toast. Whether or not it is a conscious effect on Anakins part is up for debate, but it is definitely a thing that happened
Not really the main point of my post, but no, that fan theory is not "real" in the sense of being remotely canonical for the films. It's nothing more than a popular headcanon nowhere even slightly stated to be happening in the actual films as written and produced. There's no reason in Lucas's films to suppose that the Anakin/Padmé relationship was coerced through a mind trick, that Padmé specifically would be susceptible to a mind trick, that she does not genuinely love Anakin or have any insight into his character, that her grip on reality is ever "toast," or that the mind trick (previously depicted as temporary and resistible) would work that way at all. Padmé is underwritten in ROTS in the way that cool girl heroines invented by men are often underwritten as grown adult women and especially as mothers, but that is not attributable to any character in the story.
Yes, Padmé is tired in ROTS and misses a lot of what's going on psychologically with her young secret husband who is in a cloistered order of warrior monks fighting a long-term war far away from her, but she sees the threat of Palpatine and recognizes exactly what his accession as emperor means. Her mind is fine. And in Lucas's films, also, Anakin is never shown using the mind trick on anyone. It's not really his style—it's a sneaky short-term solution whereas he's smart and resourceful enough most of the time, but mainly reliant on overwhelming power and skill. His signature "trick" is the Force-choke, not the mind trick, and it's the Force-choke that he ultimately uses against her—not because he's been using his powers against her the whole time (including when he's not even there, I guess?), but as a mark of how far he has fallen by that point. That's lost if it's not a drastic change from their previous relationship. Padmé's own choices also lose all meaning if she was mind-controlled by Anakin the whole time, and her arc becomes deeply boring.
Tl;dr - it is very far from "definitely a thing that happened." It is a headcanon that doesn't reflect anything the movies are trying to do (whether they fail or succeed at doing those things!) and is, IMO, a pretty terrible headcanon as well in terms of the overall coherence of the story and characters and how their world is shown to work.
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
Today's Wet Beast Wednesday is about sea otters. I was originally going to do this last week in honor of the 24th birthday of Rosa, the world's oldest sea otter (and one of the oldest sea otters on record) but, well, I forgot. But better late than never.
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(Image: a sea otter on its back, yawning)
The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is one of only two otters to live in salt water, the other being the rare and poorly-understood marine otter (Lontra felina). Otters are aquatic mammals of the family Mustelidae, which makes them cousins to weasels, badgers, wolverines, and martens. While many mustelids can swim, otters have adapted to a primarily aquatic lifestyle. Sea otters are divided into three subspecies: the Asian sea otter (Enhydra lutris lutris) which lives from northernmost Japan up through the northwest Pacific, northern sea otter (E. l. kenyoni) which lives from Alaska down to Oregon, and the southern sea otter (E. l. nereis), found in California.
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(image: a sea otter relaxing on a rock)
The sea otter is one of the smallest marine mammals (only the marine otter is smaller), yet it is also the heaviest of all mustelids. Males are larger than females, averaging between 1.2 and 1.5 meters (3'11" to 4'11") and 22 to 45 kg (49 to 99 lbs). Females average 1 to 1.4 m (3'3" to 4'7") and 14 to 33 kg (31 to 73 lbs). I honestly thought they were around the size of cats and was surprised to find out how big they can get. Otters are the most recent of the marine mammals and have not developed the thick layer of blubber other marine mammals use to keep themselves warm. Instead, sea otters warm themselves with the densest fur of any mammal, with almost a million hairs per square inch. The fur has two distinct layers: a longer layer of waterproof guard hairs and a shorter underfur layer. The guard hairs keep the underfur dry and trap air between the layers. This air gets heated by the otters body heat and provides an extra layer of insulation. This is the same principle that wet suits work on. The air layer also provides some added buoyancy. Sea otters are positively buoyant and can float on the surface of the water. There are many other adaptations to an aquatic lifestyle that sea otter have. Their feet are webbed and have long digits, allowing them to act as flippers but also making them slower and more clumsy on land. The front claws have retractable claws and pads that let them grab onto slippery objects. When swimming, they use their entire real bodies, but primarily their hind feet, for propulsion. They can hold their breath for up to five minutes and have whiskers used to search for food in darker water. Their ears and nostrils close when submerged to keep water out. While sea otter can, and often do, move around on land, they are capable of living their entire lives in the water. Some evolutionary biologists think sea otters represent an early stage of marine mammal development and can compare them to more established marine mammals like cetaceans and pinnipeds.
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(image: a wet weasel holding a sea urchin)
Sea otters are carnivores whose diet consists mostly of hard-shelled invertebrates, though they will also eat fish. They forage for food on the sea floor in dives that usually last a minute. Their paws give them an advantage over other marine mammals, who can only use their mouths for capturing prey. Otters by contrast can pick up and move rocks and dig into the sediment. They are the only marine mammals to catch prey with their paws instead of teeth. Otters carry prey to the surface and eat while floating on their backs. Famously, they use rocks to break open the hard shells of their prey, making them one of the relatively few mammals to use tools (though tool use is proving to be more common than previously thought). Under each arm is a pouch of loose skin that is used to hold prey and rocks. Each otter has a favorite rock that they carry with them. Sea otters have blunt teeth used to crush through prey's shells.
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(image: an otter dining on crab)
While sea otters do spend a lot of time in groups, they are not considered truly social animals as they forage, groom, and defend themselves on their own instead of with help. Groups of otters are called rafts that typically have between 10 and 100 members, but can reach up to 2000 members. Rafts are single sex, each having only male or female members. When resting, raft members will hold hands to keep themselves from drifting apart. One social behavior they engage in is play, which is done frequently. Mating season happens in autumn. During summer and autumn, males will attempt to establish territories and push other males out. Females mover between territories at will. Males without territories will swim around and attempt to find females in heat. Males will attempt to mate with multiple females. During estrus, the males and females will bond through play and sometimes aggressive behavior. When mating, the male will bite the female's head, which can leave scars. Otters are capable of delayed embryo implantation, where they can wait for several months between conception and the embryo beginning development. Pregnancy lasts four months and typically results in a single pup. While males are absentee fathers, females are very caring mothers who spend almost all their time caring for their pups. The only time she leaves her pup will be when diving. The pup will be left floating on the surface, often wrapped with kelp to keep it from floating away. The baby will cry for its mother until she comes back. The mother will teach her pup how to dive and forage as it ages. Pups will stay with their mothers for 6 to 8 months (longer in colder areas), and sometimes until they are fully developed. Childless females will foster orphaned pups. Females reach sexual maturity at age 3-4 and males around age 5. They average 10 - 15 years in the wild and can live significantly longer in captivity. The oldest living sea otter is Rosa, living in the Monterey Bay Aquarium, who is 24 years old. The oldest sea otter on record was a female named Etika who lived to be 28.
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(image: two sea otters holding hands)
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(image: a sea otter mother sleeping with its baby on its stomach)
Sea otters are a classic example of an endangered species. They have been hunted throughout history for their fur. Eventually, this reduced the world population to less than 2000 individuals. They are now the target of conservation measures worldwide and local and international protections, which has helped the population rebound. They still have not regained their historical population or range, though reintroduction measures have helped them reestablish in historical territories. The southern sea otters are the most endangered. Famously, almost all southern sea otters alive today are descended from a group of 50 discovered in 1938, when the subspecies was almost extinct. Sea otters are classified as endangered by the IUCN. Sea otters are a keystone species, having a major ecological impact on their habitats. Famously in California, the near-extinction of southern sea otters resulted in a population boon of sea urchins (their primary prey) which proceeded to kill vast areas of kelp forest. Curren threats include predation, pollution, and habitat loss. Oil spills are particularly devastating to sea otters, as the oil destroys the air layer in their fur, destroying their ability to keep themselves warm.
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(image: an employee with MBARI releasing a rehabilitated sea otter back into the wild)
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aproposproposal · 3 months
@sea-salted-wolverine Be careful, the Brooks Range is kicking off. The North, the South, and the West are all getting ready. There's a subduction or volcano event coming again, I feel it in my bones.
I pointed out to my dad "We live on a hill and the school is about a mile that way."
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missroserose · 6 months
13 books meme
@introvertia tagged me in this (thank you, lovely, you're such a positive influence on my reading consistency <3) So let's talk books!
1) The Last book I read:
The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. Absolutely destroyed me—90's science fiction, examining the paradoxes of faith and the difficulties of cross-culture exploration, seasoned with a hefty dose of grief and frustrated desire. Might as well have been written for me.
2) A book I recommend:
The Wicked & The Divine, by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie. A sprawling examination of the celebrity-industrial complex, cultural and individual objectification, and the dark side of fandom culture. Well worth reading through in its entirety.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Starling House, by Alix E. Harrow. I'm a sucker for a fierce and driven heroine who makes things happen by sheer force of will, despite the odds being against her. Between that and the deliciously spooky atmosphere, I adored this book.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
<i>Good Omens</i>, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Hardly an original answer on this website, but it's a classic for a reason <3
5) A book on my TBR:
Victor Lavalle's The Changeling, thanks to @introvertia's recommendation. I know nothing about it but I'm looking forward to reading it!
6) A book I’ve put down:
The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield. I know that the accepted formula for self-help books is to present your one theory and explain why it solves every problem in the known universe, and I hate it, which is probably why I don't read a lot of self-help books. Needless to say, around the time this dude claimed that Hitler wouldn't have become a mass murderer if he'd followed the book's advice, I gave up in disgust.
7) A book on my wish list:
Honestly, I don't have many? I've been enjoying reading from the library, in part because my bedroom is already showing the strain of previous book-buying sprees.
8) A favorite book from childhood:
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, by Tamora Pierce. I read the entire Alanna series numerous times but I think this was my favorite—I really loved seeing her come into her own independence and learn a new culture (and one that accepted her unusual gender presentation).
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Again, depends strongly on the friend...but I can think of more than a few who'd enjoy the old-school gothic fairytale setting and viciously driven heroine of A. G. Slatter's All the Murmuring Bones.
10) A book of Poetry or Lyrics you own:
Hm...does the script to Hedwig and the Angry Inch count?
11) A nonfiction book you own:
The Devil in the White City, by Erik Larson—they practically issue you a copy when you move to Chicago. (In fairness, it's a cracking read.)
12) What are you currently reading:
Skin Folk, a collection of short stories by Nalo Hopkinson. I'm also rereading (or re-listening to) Mike Carey's The Devil You Know, and enjoying it rather better this time around—I think the first time I tried it, almost ten years ago, I was expecting something more along the lines of The Dresden Files and wasn't quite old enough to appreciate the more emotionally battered and worn-down middle-aged protagonist. Now, being a decade older and having lived through a global pandemic and seen rather more of just how terrible people can be to each other...I think it's more my speed. And possibly good research for if I ever get my angel noir story off the ground.
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Definitely The Changeling.
Bonus Round Shelfie?
I'm at a library right now but I might add one later!
Tagging: @klove0511, @sirsparklepants, @emiliosandozsequence, @skybound2, @ihni, @callieb, @lord-angelfish, @redmyeyes, @misschinablue, and @sea-salted-wolverine—no pressure, obviously, but I'd be interested in your answers!
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florasongs · 6 months
I think I just booped @sea-salted-wolverine about 200 times trying to hit the boop quota...
Get bapped
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iamthepulta · 7 months
Tagged by @sea-salted-wolverine. Thanks! This was fun!
Last song I listened to:
Eastward of Eden, by Amelia Day
Favorite color:
Deep green or teal blue. I really love teal.
Currently watching:
I'm so bad at watching shows. ^^" I guess when I watch with E, we're watching Mashle (anime) and Reddit Stories from Smosh, which isn't really a series but E and I have ended up treating it like one.
I'd love to watch Dungeon Meshi, this chemistry/poisoning anime, and more game lets plays but I'm horrible at watching media now. It makes me sad.
Savory! Sweet is great, but my body has a strict limit.
Relationship status:
Am have boyfriend, name: E. He's really sweet. I love him. ♥
Current obsession:
Lizzie Twaddle (from my Liztlie AU fic) in a parka
Gen Zed in the mining industry. I have so many opinions lol, especially after this weekend. Fascinating topic that possibly requires two independent research teams, three control groups, and several mining engineers to dissect. I wish I knew what more of them thought of The State of The Industry. I feel like at some point I'm going to get an insta to be "slightly mainstream" to satisfy my never-ending curiosity and 'maintain a soapbox'. I don't want to, but I want to know them.
Ea-Nasir 👍
For this I will tag: @justanormalseagull, @harvestar, @oleworm, @olive-drab-punk and anyone else who sees this and thinks it'd be fun!
(I was braindead last night. Adding @thestudyofbasements :P)
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animerunner · 1 year
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Moving this out of the replies because it was getting too long.
I acknowledged a while back that tag has occasionally good points. And I see some good points made outside the tag as well. But I ended up muting it not because of a lack of good points. But I think it was some mix of what I was seeing both in and out of the tag.
Some of it I think was a mix of why certain tags and tropes were being used in conjunction with certain characters. Idk I didn’t hang out in the owl house critical tag regularly I’m just going off of outside the tag experiences if that makes sense.
I think some of the issue is not understanding why a trope or character might be in play. (Lord knows how many times I had to explain why Raine being possessed works on a narrative payoff. Like yes they should have done more with them that wasn’t angst. But some people just missed the point)
I think some of this comes down to not understanding why the writers picked a trope or character to use. And realizing that there are issues but ironically considering the tags name not thinking full critcial on why the writers might have gone with it.
Like another good example I can think of is people complaining that the Hexsquad wasn’t as involved in the finale. But also complaining about how much Hunter was picked on. Because if you drag the Hexsquad in you drag him in too.
Like bud
You can’t have both.
Idk if what I’m trying to say is making sense I’m sick again.
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d-lone-vultywr · 2 years
Homestuck Aspects as animals/creatures (both mythical and non-mythical)
(A/N: Take with a pinch of salt, as I only had second-hand understanding about Homestuck Aspects.)
Time (action, destruction): Clockwork knights, centaurs, large predatory mammals (lions, tigers)
Space (patience, creation): Frogs (or probably aliens, really)
Heart (self-identity, self-esteem): Solitary animals (like wolverines, tigers, rhinoceros), goblins/gremlins
Mind (decisions, logic): Androids/A.I.
Hope (imagination, belief): Angels (cherubs, seraphs, aengus), unicorns, fairies
Rage (outrage, violence): Dragons, other demonic creatures (ogres, orcs), animals with venom (scorpions, spiders, snakes)
Light (relevance, attention to detail): Will-o'-the-wisp, phoenix
Void (secrecy, mystery): Deep sea creatures, both real (gulper eel, anglerfish, collosal squid) and imaginary (Leviathan, Krakken)
Breath (freedom, direction): Birds (especially those capable of long-distance flight)
Blood (unity, structure): Herd/pack mammals with strict heirarchy, fish (especially those found in groups)
Life (viability, energy): Dryads, elves, gnomes, kobolds, forest animals
Doom (entropy, misfortune): Creatures of the dead, both real (hyenas, vultures, crows) and imaginary (grim reaper, zombies)
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hwats-the-big-idea · 1 year
My autistic ass has been up to some crazy shit these past few days. I started playing planet zoo and not even a week into the game the computer goes caput. Frame rate on every single game is absolutely horrendous, games don't even load past a single frame for 20 mins, and there's no internet to the computer yet (we just bought a dongle and are waiting on the delivery) so we can't fix it at all rn. Well, my hyperfixation just couldn't handle this absolute nonsense, if I couldn't play the game (I literally stay up for 2 days at a time playing nonstop lmao) I'd invest my time elsewhere. With a new dlc right around the corner and the games end on the horizon, I wrote a huge post on what dlcs I think pz needs before it finishes. I've been researching animals and pz for days, I'm happy to have some new animal facts under the belt now as well. Well, I went to post it to reddit and I just... can't. I get an unknown error. It's in reddit character limits but maybe the specific sub limits characters. Well I would've posted it and split it in half with the second half in the comments but I can only post dlc wishlist on Wednesday uk time 😭 by the time I finished everything it was already 4 am across the pond.
I really, really just want to document my crazy autistic ramblings and surmise my opinion as the most correct one as always lol, so I'm gonna post my post here and hopefully I'll be able to figure it out next Wednesday. I don't see a strong pz community here in tumblr so I'll probably be talking to myself but what else is new? Here goes. Is a long one, bois. Sorry the format is unpleasant here:
Here I list every dlc I think I’d want/would do good for the game before it ends. I go into 2025 with my wishlist just because I don’t think the game can really fully finish by 2024 even though I’ve seen some speculation we might just be getting one more year of dlcs. I’ve gone on to wrap up this year, speculate for 2024, as well as 2025.
This will be a long post, an opinion piece over predictions of what I genuinely think will come, and I’ll discuss my reasons why I chose everything after I list the dlcs. I’ve taken inspiration from wishlists, what bigger names in the community have been predicting, and just what I hope to see come to the game. In my speculations I focus mostly on diversity, uniqueness in looks and mechanics, as well as what we need from rigs for mods. I’ve tried to be as inclusive as I could in my selections so I hope there’s people who will enjoy what I’ve come up with! I’ve also only recently started playing the game so I don’t understand it in as intimate a way as long time players may and I’m probably overlooking some scenery items, so take my scenery speculation with a grain of salt. I’d love to hear opinions on it all.
2023 dlc wrap ups
Temperate scenery pack
-Sea otter (headliner)
-European red squirrel
-Collared peccary or European wild boar
-Chipmunk walkthrough exhibit.
Tundra animal pack
-Pacific walrus (headliner)
-Musk ox
-Arctic hare
-Southern rockhopper penguin
-Tundra swan, snow goose, Canada goose, or duck (harlequin, mandarin, wood, or mallard)
-American white pelican
-Pika, chinchilla, or white winter dwarf hamster
2024 dlcs
Taiga scenery pack
-Pallas cat (headliner)
-Golden takin
-Fisher cat, stoat, or European pine marten
-Yellow bellied marmot/alpine marmot
(Alternate species:
-North American porcupine
-American black bear)
-Japanese rhinoceros beetle
Islands animal pack
-Tasmanian devil (headliner)
-Japanese giant salamander
-Cuban crocodile
-Malayan civet/Asian palm civet
-Fairy penguin
-Goodfellow’s/matschie’s tree kangaroo
-American flamingo
(Alternate species:
-Coconut crab
-Coquerel’s sifaka
-Sumatran rhinoceros
-Marine iguana)
Scrublands scenery pack
-Saiga antelope (headliner)
-Alligator snapping turtle
-Roadrunner or burrowing owl
(Alternate species:
-Banded mongoose)
-desert tortoise or thorny devil
Rainforests animal pack
-Olive/hamadryas baboon (headliner)
-Coati mundi
-Bush dog
-Sloth bear
-Common squirrel monkey or black handed spider monkey,
-Golden lion/emperor tamarin
-Leaf cutter ants, thorny stick insect, or giant prickly stick insect
2025 dlcs to wrap up the game with
To preface 2025 would see dlcs that have huge game changing mechanics, it’s definitely just personal desires since it’d be a tall order for the year, but these are all things that so many people have really been asking for and I think are are things that we would all rather enjoy for the game before it ends. We wouldn’t be seeing very many animals in any of the packs (not like we have for the terrestrial animals), but with the right selections it would allow modders to really expand the library after the games end.
Barnyard scenery pack
-American Pygmy goat or boer goat (headliner)
-Jacob sheep
-Miniature donkey or Shetland pony
-Vietnamese pot bellied pig
Exhibit: touch pools
-Southern stingray or cownose stingray
-White spotted bamboo shark or brown banded bamboo shark
-Ochre sea star (or other sea star)
-Aggregating anemone or slate pencil urchin
-Atlantic horseshoe crab
Ground bird animal pack
-Secretary bird (headliner)
-Darwin’s rhea
-Marabou stork
-Roseate spoonbill
-Southern ground hornbill
-Kiwi or kakapo
Exhibit: cage exhibits
-Golden pheasant
-Raggiana bird of paradise
-Ocellated turkey
-Scarlet ibis
-Victorian crowned pigeon
Aquariums animal and scenery pack
-Bottlenose dolphin (headliner)
-West Indian manatees
-Manta ray
-Loggerhead sea turtle
-Hammerhead shark
-Black sea bass or black grouper
Exhibit: aquarium exhibits
-Yellow seahorse
-Compass jellyfish
-Giant pacific octopus
-Moray eel
-Tropical fish (clownfish, blue hippo tang, moorish idol, etc)
Aviary animal and scenery pack
-Scarlet macaw, blue and yellow macaw, hyacinth macaw morphs (headliner)
-Bald eagle or California condor
-Toco toucan
-Barn owl or great horned owl
-Laughing kookaburra
-Blue jay
Exhibit: walkthrough bird exhibit
-Sun conure
-Rainbow lorikeet
-Sulfur crested cockatoo
-Ecuadorian amazon parrot
These are all the packs that I have come up with that I think would be good enough to end planet zoo by the end of 2025. They don’t include anywhere near all the animals that we ultimately desire as a community but I think that the species are diverse enough to be able to mod most anything we want in. I’ll go on and talk about each pack individually now and why I chose what I did/what I think each pack would include.
A lot of people think that temperate and tundra will be the next inclusions, so they’re where I went with my speculation. For the temperate pack I’ve made it a scenery pack since that will be next if the scenery-animal pack trend continues. For this pack I’ve included a few animals I think are necessary for the game. First I’ve included the sea otter, an animal we could never see through mods, and one people want to see. I’ve also included the tanuki, I think it’s an animal that a lot of people would just enjoy having in the game. I also have the collared peccary or European wild boar, honestly either of them, or some other pig, would work in this spot, we just need more pigs in the game. And I have the European red squirrel, it’s found in some zoos, and would just be an interesting animal and rig in the game. I also have a chipmunk walkthrough exhibit, an idea from J-Double U, which I think would just flesh out walkthrough exhibits. We’d see bats, butterflies, birds (hopefully), and with this one a mammal so I thought it was a good inclusion. For scenery I think it’d be very nice to see some rustic wood cabin/camping sort of aesthetics. I’m an Oregonian myself so the Oregon zoo is dear to me, and I’d love some scenery that just says “temperate rainforest”. I’ve also just recently started playing the game so maybe I just haven’t had the chance to see every single piece we have yet, but I would love for some more diversity in our wood options, especially in sizes and shapes it all comes in. I’d also like some foliage like blackberries and furze/gorse bushes, California poppies, as well as flexi color wildflowers. As well, I know we lack trees that have a real canopy, I think some canopy trees would be really nice here. I think we could see some other scenery options, but I’d just love lots of stuff themed around a cooler climate. I think we also need some new stone pieces, bricks, and just simple flexi color building materials. I loved what we got in the tropical pack, I’d like to see some of that sort of stuff themed around a temperate climate as well and even more basic in its building capacity. … Tundra For the tundra pack I’ve included the walrus, a very much needed animal in the game, as well as some requests such as the wolverine and the musk ox. I’ve also included the arctic hare because we really could use a lagomorph of some sort. I’ve also included the rockhopper penguin because I think it’s one of the penguin types we’re lacking in diversity, and with frontier’s new animal modeling the yellow feathers would come out great on them. I’ve included the American white pelican, but really any pelican could find their way in this spot. I know the Australian pelican is the community’s desire but the American white fits the tundra theme better. Honestly though whichever pelican finds their place here we’d see the others through mods. It also was just a hard decision in general on the other water fowl. We need swans, geese, and ducks in the game and we don’t have any good rigs for them. I don’t think even the pelican rig would suffice. Honestly if it could be done by frontier I’d love to see at least both one duck and one goose in this pack, but ultimately for moddings sake I think either or would work out just fine. Really I think it’d just be a matter of which frontier personally would want to include, but I’ve dropped my choices down here. For the exhibit animal I’ve included a few options for mammals, I’d love to see more mammalian diversity in the exhibits. I think any of the choices here would be a good option really. I think chinchillas would really stand out but they’re also a somewhat common pet animal so it might be nice to see one of the other too as well.
The taiga pack was a hard choice, but for the sake of the game and rigs it has to offer I’ve opted for the mustelids and the marmot over the black bear and the porcupine. Since we already have both a porcupine rig and lots of options for a bear rig these animals will easily find their way into the game through mods at its end so I chose the animals I think would offer something more unique to the game. I chose the fisher, pine marten, or stoat here because we really could use a more traditional weasel in the game imo. The Pallas cat is a popular request, so it was a necessary inclusion. I’ve chosen the Japanese rhinoceros beetle as the exhibit animal but because I absolutely love these insects and would want to see them in the game. I think that scenery pieces could represent some part of Eurasia, like Russia or Italy, I imagine we could use some bold, round shapes, with a large selection of rounded building pieces. I think it’d be nice to include some more cold climate pieces especially ones that represent a modern culture and without any Christmas theming to it.
For the islands pack it was a bit of a tossup on certain species. I’m most partial to this pack myself since it includes some of my own highly requested animals: the Tasmanian devil, the Japanese giant salamander, and the Cuban crocodile. The t devil is definitely a very, very requested animal. I also think the giant salamander and Cuban crocodile just also provide something unique we haven’t really seen in the game. For the salamander its a massive amphibian that I’d just love to build for in game, and the crocodile is a smaller croc that would have higher land requirements and a bit of a running-esc animation which I both unique for the game. I’ve included the fairy penguin since they’re such a beautiful bird, probably my favorite penguin, and we just don’t have any very tiny penguins like it in the game. There’s been many requests for various penguins, but I think for the majority of them we could easily find them through mods, the fairy penguin is something more unique in its regard. I’ve also included the tree kangaroo, a request from some, and a civet, which I think both bring a unique arboreal lifestyle to the game. I think having unique animals like them, plus their rigs, in the game is important for it at this point. I think my most controversial inclusion would probably be the American flamingo esp since we can see it through mods and all of the alternative animals I have seen as requests by the community, but personally I think it’s just a crime to the game we don’t have a pink flamingo. They’re what I’m familiar with in zoos and absolutely my preference for flamingos over the greater flamingo. Though I think the coquerel’s sifaka and coconut crab are very interesting animals that would give unique mods to the game. Honestly the flamingo or any of the alternative animals would fill this spot well. I’ve included the tenrec as the exhibit animal because it’s very unique and would provide some mammalian diversity to the exhibits. I think there are so many other good choices here, but personally I’d love to see a mammal.
I’d love to see a scrublands theme come to the game personally. Here I’ve included the saiga antelope and the gerenuk, both ungulates, but I think both are very unique ungulate forms and I’d still like to see the diversity with them. I think they’d both provide something interesting to the game and animals fun to build for, especially the gerenuk with its browsing. I think we could even see a browsing enrichment item inspired by the gerenuk come to the game as well to really get a sight at their rearing. I’ve included as well either the roadrunner or the burrowing owl, both unique ground birds I think that would be very fun for the game. Personally I’d prefer to build something for the roadrunner, but I think that burrowing owls might be more iconic and more requested, so I’ve included them both as an option here. Lastly I’ve included the alligator snapping turtle in this lineup. It’s a huge reptile, one I think the game could definitely use for our zoo building, and just so peculiar looking. I think it’d really be a statement animal that I’d love to build for. For the exhibit I’ve picked the desert tortoise or the thorny devil, I’d like to see others. For the scenery I definitely want to see scrublands scenery. We have desert and grass themes items already, but I’ve been living in Texas for just over a year now and I’m enamored by just how beautiful it is here and I don’t think the game really captures just enough scrub/grass/swamp aesthetic. I’d be looking for scenery pieces that really feel like a swampy boat ride through the scrublands, I find foliage like the Texas madrone and the saw palmetto beautiful and definitely could be included in a scrublands pack. Outside of those two I think just any plants you generally find in scrublands, swamps, plains/prairies, pampas, etc would be good. I think with the grasslands pack being an animal pack the scrublands being a scenery pack would bring in lots of new foliage. People also often are sinking trees down into the ground to represent small bush plants, I think with a scrublands pack we could see lots of foliage that can represent what people are doing with trees as actual bushes. I think we could also get more rocks in this pack, rocks that represent the beauty of a place like Utah, and/or some rocks in flexicolor.
For the rainforest animal pack I included the muntjac. I know the dik dik is a more highly requested animal but it’s a scrublands animal while the muntjac is a rainforest animal. I also have the alternative of the southern pudu, I’m just most partial to the muntjac personally (I find their scent glands to be so fascinating looking). I also wanted to include either the Chinese water deer or the Siberian musk deer, but I think with the muntjac we would easily see mods for all of these animals honestly. I think any of them could find their place in the slot I allocated for the muntjac. I included lots of primates in this pack, a baboon of some kind is a very requested animal, and personally I just don’t feel like we have enough small primates in the game. The capuchin just isn’t enough for me, so I’ve included another monkey of some kind (squirrel or spider I think would be good choices, though we could see potentially another option), as well as a tamarin. I think both of these animals would just look great in a pz zoo and provide what I think is needed diversity to the primates. I’ve also included the sloth bear here. Honestly it was hard to include just one bear in all of my pack ideas here because sloth bears, black bears, and spectacled bears are all highly requested animals. Really I think any of them could find their way here, especially since rainforests aren’t just limited to tropical jungles and can be temperate forests, but I did limit myself to just one bear choice since we ultimately will have the rigs for more bears to find their way into the game through mods I saw them as a less important inclusion for that reason. Lastly I’ve included in this pack the coati since we really ought to have a coati in the game, as well as the bush dog. They aren’t common in zoos but South America has some of the most unique canids and people just don’t know about them, I think including one (outside of the popular maned wolf) would provide a unique learning opportunity on these amazing animals, plus it’d just be so cool to have a semi aquatic packing canid in the game I’d love to see it. For the exhibit animal I chose leaf cutter ants, though I can see they may be difficult to do because of their size, though I do think leaf bits would help that. If they just aren’t feasible I’ve included a couple stick insect options since I’d also love to see these animals in the game. I chose to make the rainforest pack an animal pack since we already have lots of jungle-like scenery in the game, I wanted to give the scenery spotlight to some other biomes, especially since the tropical pack recently was a scenery pack.
The next four packs are definitely tall order packs. They’d bring big changes to the game, but I think changes that we as a community would like to see. They’re all highly requested pack themes, and I think that the new mechanics would breathe new life into the game. They’d really let it live for a long time after its completed.
This barnyard pack brings to the game a petting zoo mechanic, as well as barn themed set pieces and some small aquarium set pieces to set up for the aquarium pack itself and to include in the touch pools. I chose a goat, a sheep, a donkey/pony, and a pig over animals like rabbits, chickens, or guinea pigs because I think it’d be much easier to do just a “crouch and pet” animation. Smaller animals would need a much larger change to mechanics so my animal choices are all medium sized. I’ve also included touch pools. I think they would be a great inclusion to the game, and I think fit in the “petting zoo” theme as well. I’ve included some stingrays and sharks which the touch tanks at Stingray Cove in the Denver zoo really inspired me. Really I think that touch pools could be incorporated in a few ways. They could include some construction pieces to make a few touch tanks of different sizes, maybe some dedicated concrete and glass pieces to build them that can contain water like the barriers. The other animal species I’ve included in the touch pools are sea stars, a horseshoe grab, and an anemone or sea urchin, which are all pretty common animals in touch pools. I think similarly to the barnyard animal petting animation, the touch tanks could use the same or similar animation. I think the scenery for this pack would definitely be a lot of barn/farm and touch pool aesthetics.
Ground birds
Here I’ve included lots of ground bird species that people want to see. Not much to say, I think they’re all pretty common requests, and fulfill the community’s desire for more ground birds. The unique mechanics for this pack come from the new form of exhibits, and exhibit rehaul. I think everyone wants a little bit more out of exhibits, be it changing their sizes, shapes, or more in depth editing for them. The exhibits for the birds in this pack come as cages which would house the exhibit bird species. It was a long time ago and I don’t remember where it was, but I walked down a long alley with all kinds of birds in it and I’d really want to capture that kind of feeling with this. I’ve included a few exhibit bird species here, I don’t think these species would fly, but honestly that’s frontier’s ultimate decision.
This pack brings the long desired aquariums to the game, and I chose a selection of animals that I think would all provide unique mods to the game. I’d talk about the mechanics for this, but I think that Rudi Rennkamel summarizes it much better, I’ll link that video at the end of this post. In short, I think they would work similarly to the touch pools, just on a much larger scale. This pack would bring a lot of new pieces all themed around aquariums and provide us with everything we’d need for building a small aquarium zoo. Again, Rudi talks about this much more in depth.
The last pack we’ll see come to planet zoo is the aviary pack, which will bring flying birds to wrap up the game. I’ve chosen a selection of birds that would bring a variety of rigs to the game, which is why I’ve included a bird like the blue jay. I think that most of the birds listed here are pretty common requests from the community, and any others we’d want to see I think can come from mods. This pack also brings a walkthrough exhibit for birds with many species of parrot, something that everybody wants to see. I think this pack also would bring new building pieces to make aviaries, and similar to the aquariums, we would need to make a suitable habitat first before we could fill it with the animals. I think we’d see lots of bird enrichment items, glass, netting, wiring, in many shapes such as round, triangular, pentagon, and hexagon, anything that we’d need to make a suitable aviary for the flying birds.
The end I think after the aviary pack we will see a few free updates to the game. Updates to fix bugs in the last year of dlcs, updates to animal models and behavior, mechanics, the works. I think 2026 would be a year of tlc for the game and just getting it prepped to be finished for good. Sorry this post was so long, I just had some fun with my speculations here.
The videos:
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diana--williams · 2 years
English movies 2015-2005
The Age of Adeline
Fifty shades of grey
Crimson Peak
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
The Martian
The Intern
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
Insurgent (The Divergent series)
Jupiter Ascending
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
The Boy Next Door
Inside Out
Fantastic Four
Ant Man
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Jurassic World
The Good Dinosaur
Hotel Transylvania 2
Love, Rosie
Seventh Son
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Victor Frankenstein
The Man who knew Infinity
X Men: Days of the Future Past
The Fault in Our Stars
Vampire Academy
The Maze Runner
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Dracula Untold
I, Frankenstein
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
300: Rise of an Empire
Kingsman: The Secret Service
The Amazing Spiderman 2
Rio 2
The Theory of Everything
Guardians of the Galaxy
That Awkward Moment
Transformers: Age of Extinction
Big Hero 6
How to Train your Dragon 2
Step up: All in
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
Seventh Son
The Mortal Instruments: The City of Bones
The Conjuring
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Man of Steel
Oz, The Great and Powerful
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
G. I. Joe: Retaliation
Jack the Giant Slayer
Iron Man 3
Star Trek Into the Darkness
The Croods
The Wolverine
Thor: The Dark World
Now You See Me
Monster's University
The Smurfs 2
Despicable Me 2
Safe Haven
Romeo and Juliet
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
Snow White and the Huntsman
Pitch Perfect
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Amazing Spider-man
Mirror Mirror
Step Up: Revolution
The Hunger Games
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Life of Pi
The Avengers
Rise of the Guardians
Hotel Transylvania
Underworld: Awakening
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax
Taken 2
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Ice Age: Continental Drift
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
John Carter
Titanic 3D
Monsters Inc.
Finding Nemo
The Twilight Saga: The Breaking Dawn Part 1
Crazy, Stupid, Love
I am Number Four
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
Sucker Punch
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
The Art of Getting By
Real Steel
Green Lantern
Captain America: The First Avenger
X-Men: First Class
The Smurfs
Kung Fu Panda 2
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
The Adventures of Tintin
No Strings Attached
Jane Eyre
Mars Needs Moms
Monte Carlo
Puss In Boots
Happy Feet 2
Two Brothers
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Remember Me
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Alice in Wonderland
Black Swan
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale
How to Train Your Dragon
Love and Other Drugs
Despicable Me
The Last Airbender
Clash of the Titans
The Losers
Piranha 3D
Iron Man 2
Tron: Legacy
Shrek Forever After
Toy Story 3
The Spy Next Door
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
The Karate Kid
Knight and Day
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Step Up 3D
Eat Pray Love
Nanny McPhee and the big bang
Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale
Resident Evil: After Life
Its Kind of a Funny Story
Easy A
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Tourist
Gulliver's Travels
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Sherlock Holmes
Angels and Demons
The Da Vinci Code
The Proposal
17 Again
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Land of the Lost
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Star Trek
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
G. I. Joe : The Rise of the Cobra
Bride Wars
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
Astro Boy
The Princess and the Frog
The Young Victoria
Dorian Gray
What Happens in Vegas
Step Up 2: The Streets
Journey to the Center of the Earth
10,000 BC
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Kung Fu Panda
The Incredible Hulk
The Day the Earth Stood Still
The Eye
Babylon A.D.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Scorpion King 3
The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior
Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who!
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
The Forbidden Kingdom
Slumdog Millionaire
The Golden Compass
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Ghost Rider
Evan Almighty
Music and Lyrics
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Shrek the third
Spider-man 3
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
Resident Evil: Extinction
Step Up
The Devil wears Prada
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Night at the Museum
Monster House
Mission Impossible III
Ice Age: The Meltdown
Just My Luck
X-Men: The Last Stand
The Ant Bully
Underworld: Evolution
Happy Feet
The Pursuit of Happyness
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Pride and Prejudice
King Kong
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Aeon Flux
Sky High
Fantastic Four
The Son of the Mask
Tom and Jerry: Blast off to Mars
The Ring Two
She's the Man
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I have been watching you rb gif sets from the fall 2006 for like 2 weeks now and I have never seen the movie or even heard of it. Generally one can get the gist of the movie from seeing that many gifs BUT I HAVE NO FUXKIN CLUE WHAT THIS IS ABOUT.
Murder? In couture? Lee pace is there. Spanish? Maybe a period peice? Very pretty.
I haven't Googled yet but if you feel like enlightening me I feel like that in itself would be entertaining.
Ha, I actually just finished typing up some info on this for another user, so I hope you won't mind if I paste that here:
How to explain...
We open on a hospital somewhere in southern California in the early 1900s. Our protagonist is a young Romanian girl, Alexandria (her family recently fled to the US), who broke an arm falling out of a tree in the orange grove where her mother now works. She meets a stuntman, Roy (played by Lee Pace), who broke his back attempting a particularly insane stunt to try and impress a fellow actress. The girl asks Roy to tell her a story, and one of the fun parts of the movie is the disconnect between the imagery Roy clearly intends and the way Alexandria actually imagines it (since she has a very different frame of reference). We quickly find out that Roy is suicidal after his accident, and that despair starts to seep into the story and to affect his relationship with Alexandria outside the narrative as well. Without saying too much more, it's an amazing movie with insane visuals and phenomenal acting and I cannot recommend it enough. No one is ever streaming it legally for some reason, so I recommend checking your local library for the DVD, which also has a bunch of awesome commentary.
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Get off tumblr and get some damn work done
Or y'know, if thats not gonna happen, i have a tagging system nominally in place for your browsing pleasure. But I'm human and I miss a bunch so no promises.
Cat tag is #adventures of my sharp and fluffy roommate
All the specifically Alaskan goodies should be under #from the far north
Hunting is just classed as #hunting and I'm trying to catch all gun mentions under #firearms for filtering purposes
My husband has his own tag and its #sunshineman
I use #garden of the wolverine and #kitchen of the wolverine for all the nonsense I get up to there.
#Wolverine warbles is just my talking tag and I've been trying to cashe all my original posts as that
My doodles and drawings and paintins and otherwise should all be tagged as #my art. Probably. Maybe.
I also have an art blog which I use as a reference repository and portfolio. Its @sea-salted-wolverine-arts, but I only use it as an organization tool so everything there has definitely shown up here at least once.
But seriously, you've probably been on Tumblr for too long today. Go do something offline.
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catboyjacobi · 7 years
Do you ever have a person
Who just makes you so happy to talk to, to see, that you just get a bubble of happy in your chest? And then as you talk to them or see them it just gets bigger and it kind of hurts but it's a good hurt because you're just so happy to have them in your life? And it kind of hurts to breathe but in the way the air on a crisp autumn morning is painful to breathe but so fresh and wonderful? And you just love the person so much that the happy-pain is overwhelming and you feel like you can't talk but you need to talk and let them know how much they mean to you?
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