#Scale buildup prevention
souravsahay · 1 year
Water Tank Services
Tank Inspection: Regular inspections are crucial to identify any issues or damage in water tanks services . Professionals assess the tank's structural integrity, check for leaks, evaluate the condition of fittings and valves, and recommend necessary repairs or maintenance.Tank Cleaning: Water tanks accumulate sediment, debris, and microbial growth over time. Professional tank cleaning services involve the removal of sludge, disinfection, and sanitization to ensure the water remains safe and clean.
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artbyblastweave · 6 months
So one thing that irks me about discussions of the NCR is the idea that "they're flawed because they're trying to be America again. And Being Too Much America is what caused the War" without differentiating between the vast buildup of Nuclear Weapons and Geopolitical tensions, versus, like, being a republic and having a large-scale central state.
What's your thoughts?
I think the NCR circa New Vegas is textually intended to be repeating the USA's downward spiral. They're in the process of recreating the core dynamics of pre-war America- overconsumption of resources driving imperialist expansion, capture of the government by moneyed interests, and a prolonged conflict with a peer power that's suffering under similar expand-or-die pressures- but they're constrained from a one-to-one recreation mainly by the fact that they're working with a post-apocalyptic resource base, with the scraps left over from the last people who went down this path. Peanuts compared to the Sino-American war, but likely as close to that situation as the post-war-world is logistically capable of producing.
You see bits of this from the NCR perspective all throughout the game. There Stands the Grass is propelled by projections of incipient famine in the NCR due to rapid population growth, and you see the beginnings of this in Flags of Our Foul-Ups- O'Hanaran was sent to the Army by his family to lessen their food burden. Chief Hanlon's very first line is about how the NCR is overtaxing most sources of freshwater within the core territory, and he recounts how tiny groups of settlers backed by NCR logistics were able to take and hold a well in Baja against scores of locals; IIRC there's a cut event at Camp Golf itself where you'd see NCR rangers doing the same thing to Mojave locals encroaching on their water supply. The White Wash demonstrates that the NCR's sharecropping setup in outer Vegas operates at the expense of the locals, who can only get the water they need to support their own crops via subterfuge. If you assume that Heck Gunderson's underhanded Brahmin-farming empire in Beyond the Beef is supposed to parallel the real-world problems with the sustainability of beef farming, you start to get a sense of where all of that water is going and what structural problems (Heck Gunderson) might be in the way of allocating those resources more sustainably. There are likely more examples of this storm on the horizon that I'm forgetting.
As a result of all this, there's a level on which I think introducing the Tunnelers in Lonesome Road as a dangling White-Walker style Looming Apocalyptic Reset Option hanging over the west coast was gratuitous, not because it's Avallone grinding his axe with the idea of society rebuilding, but because it's simply redundant with the political situation already depicted in the base game- If you want the NCR to have collapsed by a future installment, just establish that they weren't able to put the brakes on in time and devolved into a completely dysfunctional oligarchy that collapsed under its own weight!
(Now, as a final note, one thing preventing me from fully committing to this take is that we honestly don't have a fantastic sense of what day-to-day life looks like for the average citizen in the NCR heartland, which I feel is kind of important. Because if the textual situation is supposed to be that the resource crisis is due to misallocation due to interests capturing the government, I like that a lot better than if the situation is genuinely intended to be that there are Just Too Many Goddarn People, because that's like. Lazy and Malthusian and leads to the usual ugly conclusions pretty quickly. More and more it's looking like the upcoming Fallout TV show is leaning into the recent decline of the NCR as a plot point, so, uh, fingers crossed they stick the landing when it comes to fleshing that out?)
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enneegon · 2 years
i woke up to a massive fucking SURGE of notifs on my dash, hello funky space iterator enjoyers
i come bearing LORE!!! (very long read i'm sorry i wanted to rant)
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so this guys full name is Hollow Intercession, Falling Space, All Mundane Order Towards Unawakened Discovery/HIFSAMOTUD (or just Discovery).
the astronomically (pun intended) long name is to celebrate their successful launch!! there were at least fourteen other failures before them
roughly ten times the size of a regular iterator (still deciding on the scale!)
four sets of wings (for moving in zero g)
vacuums to suck out biological waste and prevent slag buildup
massive communication arrays
overseers are used to photograph
personality wise they're actually extremely goofy, really outgoing and concerningly likeable. like they are so fucking silly. could definitely make any iterator laugh. cannot be serious for the life of them
purpose wise, they still worked on the great problem but were also tasked with researching space eg. taking pictures, sampling matter, naming planets.
(think big satellite or massive james webb telescope except the ancient version)
HIFSAMOTUD worked on their given tasks for a very short time after taking one look at the earth and going 'why the fuck do i have to be stationary and work on the great problem when you have all of them'
after MULTIPLE reminders HIFSAMOTUD just goes 'lmao no you gave me wings', breaks out of orbit and flies thousands of kilometres into space until the ancients completely lost connection with them. because of this, their model is discontinued in fear of this situation ever happening again <3
long after the ancients have all ascended HIFSAMOTUD floats their way back and makes a distress signal in hopes of contacting someone again - to their shock getting the attention of hundreds of iterators, all in different situations but being broken down by time.
HIFSAMOTUD, being in deep space where there is no oxygen for erosion, gets very concerned for their ground iterator friends.
they were already a massive communication system from the start, but they go off to rewrite some of their genomes so they can reprogram themselves. (and it goes surprisingly well! probably because they don't have resources to share with anyone and they told all their friends to shut the fuck up and leave them to focus)
they reprogram their coms to be a full global system for the iterators (invented discord) and use it to reconnect with older iterators and as a system where all the other iterators can communicate with each other. sorta like a server host!!
they also made a database for the iterators (registration) so they know who has been contacted and/or uses their system.
this is when the group of 'discoverists' form!! these are iterators who HIFSAMOTUD has registered on their database (in this au fp and lttm are discoverists!) discoverists are all anonymous and are given new aliases by HIFSAMOTUD - this can either be based on a role, or HIFSAMOTUD names them something space related based on their name or puppet colour, eg. OPERATOR, LIFEGIVER (roles) MOONLIGHT, NEBULA (colours) etc etc
these guys either don't work on the great problem, are massive space nerds, crave social interaction, are just here to fuck around or all of the above :)
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pancakeke · 5 months
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plant store had one of these terrariums on display plus some product brochures and let me tell ya I was crying and punching drywall cause I could not justify the expense.
its light seemed kinda sus though. the one on display was not especially bright. and the brochure was weirdly deceptive about random stuff. like it said the body of the terrarium is acrylic because acrylic is a superior material compared to glass because glass has a green tint. except there are different formulations of glass? standard glass has iron in it that results in a green tint but low iron glass exists and is nearly as colorless as acrylic. fish and reptile people find low iron glass products easily enough that it can't be particularly uncommon in manufacturing. I don't understand why the brochure felt the need to mention glass color in the first place. there was a whole page with a big graphic about it.
a part of the brochure about the terrarium's misting system was a lie + deceptive in a way that really pissed me off too. it said regular water would permanently cloud the acrylic surface. bizarre and untrue statement. any potential clouding would be comprised of calcium + other mineral deposits which are easy to remove. tho you shouldn't put water containing minerals in a sonic humidifier in the first place. mineral buildup would add additional stress/wear to the unit plus you'll have to regularly descale it cause enough scale might prevent mist from forming
this section also pushed bottles of special mister water (which they sold). it said they were the only water that should ever be added to the mister. they're just selling distilled water without elaborating on what it really is so you don't know you can buy the same shit for cheap at any grocery store.
ok you know what actually made myself really mad now and I don't like this thing anymore. fuck off with business practices like this.
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laurelnose · 8 months
good news! I don’t have a brain tumor 🥰
so basically what happened is
mid-december: i acquire Debilitating Migraine, 10 out of 10 worst pain I’ve felt in my entire fucking life Migraine, worse than the time I spent three weeks recovering from major surgery completely sober because I am inexplicably resistant to just about every class of painkiller I’ve ever tried Migraine. (I actually only rank the surgery experience about a 6 out of 10 on the pain scale.) we get the migraine down to Bad But Manageable by locating several new Christmas light strings that turned out to be flickering at speeds the human eye could not detect but my human brain certainly could and throwing them all out. I make a doctor’s appointment.
last week: I finally see my PCP. she prescribes me a triptan, which is an abortive med that is meant to stop migraine attacks. the triptan decreases the headache but does not remove it entirely. also, the damn thing keeps getting worse again. I try it three times over the week, which is the maximum number of times you’re supposed to take a triptan in a month. almost like you’re not supposed to have more than three headaches in a month or something?? weird. well, technically I haven’t had three. it’s all the Same Damn Headache.
this same day I also pick up a topiramate prescription, which is a preventative. i am advised i can start the topiramate even if i am not pain free. maybe if i give it a day or two it will help even if i am currently having an attack??
wednesday i see my PCP for followup and tell her i am still in pain. she offers to get me squeezed in to have an intramuscular toradol (heavy-duty NSAID) shot. this kicks in within 20 minutes and doubles my migraine pain. I was at 3-ish and now I am at 6 and unhappy about it.
i do not come back down from the level the toradol kicked me up to. i survive thursday by not doing very much of anything.
uh? holy shit? yeah, sure?
friday the pain becomes unbearable. back up to an 8, which isn’t the worst it’s been but it’s also Day Forty Fucking Two and I’m so tired. I leave work early & go to urgent care where they pump me fulla benadryl and dexamethasone. absolutely none of this is fun — the dexamethasone feels like a panic attack and the benadryl makes me dizzy and light-headed + makes it very hard to think of words? what the shit do people take benadryl recreationally for? but! the pain diminishes dramatically. after the IV’s done they get me in for a CT scan and are like hey! you don’t have a brain tumor! (I was not actually worried I had a brain tumor but it’s always nice to rule it out.) but you do have a sinus infection and a bunch of fluid buildup that’s probably triggering the migraine. (really? but I haven’t been congested?) yeah, no, it’s really deep in there. do you wanna do antibiotics and sudafed about that to clear up the fluid?
saturday morning the head pain is back but it’s mild and it feels LIKE A FUCKING SINUS HEADACHE and not a migraine anymore oh my god. Guess what kinds of headaches are fucking fixable and tend not to be intractable and unpreventable. It’s also like, a manageable amount of pain? It hurts but I feel okay?? I get thru work without taking my breaks in the dark with a heat pad? I look at headlights on the dark road coming home and am not immediately debilitated? 😭 Maybe in a week and a half when the antibiotics course is done I will actually just be Fine??
I really shoulda gone to urgent care back in December. Too bad I didn’t quite realize you could go to urgent care for migraines until I’d seen my PCP for the first time and that couldn’t happen earlier bc, well, appointments are hard to come by.
I’m wondering in hindsight if the triptan WAS kicking the migraine more effectively than I thought it was and i couldn’t tell because I had a sinus headache underneath (which kept bringing the migraine back). this also explains why I was getting decent results with Vick’s VapoRub LMAO. Like some people do swear by menthol for migraines but it was probably helping the congestion too.
anyways this is why I’ve been quiet. I will be quiet for a little while longer probably bc the sinus headache is still not fun but it is getting better. in fact i had to get up and eat breakfast to take my antibiotic but it is sunday and i don’t actually want to be awake so i think i’m going back to bed
i am never letting anyone talk me into taking another NSAID ever fucking again.
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1hoverman0k · 1 year
Over One Billion Trillion Aliens Want Me Dead
Word Is:
Ive Got A Huge Bounty
On The Galactic Scale
This Keeps Me Moving
To Prevent Buildup Of Algae
In My Sneakers
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k9toothsolutions · 2 months
Finding Anesthesia-Free Teeth Cleaning for Dogs Near You: A Guide for Pet Owners
When it comes to your dog’s dental health, keeping their teeth clean is crucial for preventing plaque buildup, gum disease, and other oral issues. While traditional dental cleanings typically involve anesthesia, many pet owners are turning to anesthesia-free options for their canine companions. If you’re considering this method and want to find an anesthesia free teeth cleaning for dogs near me, this blog post will guide you through the process, highlighting key factors to consider and how to locate a reputable service provider.
What is Anesthesia-Free Dog Teeth Cleaning?
Anesthesia-free dog teeth cleaning involves a professional cleaning of your dog’s teeth without using general anesthesia. This approach focuses on removing surface plaque and tartar through scaling and polishing while your dog is awake. It’s designed to be a less invasive alternative to traditional dental cleanings, aiming to maintain oral hygiene with fewer risks.
Why Consider Anesthesia-Free Cleaning?
Reduced Risk: By avoiding anesthesia, you eliminate the risks associated with general anesthesia, such as adverse reactions or complications, especially beneficial for older dogs or those with health conditions.
Immediate Recovery: Your dog can return to their normal activities right after the procedure, avoiding the grogginess and disorientation often experienced after anesthesia.
Cost-Effective: Anesthesia-free cleanings are usually less expensive than traditional methods, making dental care more affordable.
Less Stress for Some Dogs: For pets anxious about anesthesia, an anesthesia-free cleaning might be a more comfortable option.
How to Find Anesthesia-Free Teeth Cleaning Services Near You
Start with a Search: Begin by searching online for “anesthesia-free dog teeth cleaning near me” or “anesthesia-free dog dental cleaning [Your City]” to find local providers. Websites like Yelp, Google Reviews, or local pet forums can offer insights and reviews from other pet owners.
Consult Your Veterinarian: Your veterinarian can be a valuable resource for recommending reputable professionals who offer anesthesia-free cleanings. They can also provide guidance on whether this approach is suitable for your dog’s specific dental needs.
Check Local Pet Clinics and Groomers: Some veterinary clinics, pet spas, and grooming salons offer anesthesia-free dental cleaning services. Contact them to inquire about their offerings, procedures, and pricing.
Verify Credentials and Experience: Ensure that the provider you choose is experienced and certified in anesthesia-free dental cleanings. Look for professionals who specialize in canine dental care and have a good track record.
Read Reviews and Testimonials: Look for reviews and testimonials from other pet owners who have used the service. Positive feedback and word-of-mouth recommendations can help you gauge the quality of care.
What to Expect from Anesthesia-Free Teeth Cleaning
Initial Consultation: Many providers offer a preliminary consultation to assess your dog’s dental health and determine if anesthesia-free cleaning is appropriate. This may include an evaluation of your dog’s overall health and dental condition.
The Procedure: During the cleaning, your dog will be gently restrained while the professional uses specialized tools to clean their teeth. The process typically involves scaling to remove plaque and tartar, followed by polishing.
Post-Procedure Care: After the cleaning, you’ll receive advice on maintaining your dog’s dental health at home, including tips on brushing, dental chews, and diet.
Questions to Ask Potential Providers
What is your experience with anesthesia-free dog teeth cleaning? Ensure they have experience and training in performing this specific type of cleaning.
What are the costs involved? Understand the total cost, including any additional fees for services like follow-up appointments or extractions.
What safety measures do you have in place? Inquire about how they handle pet safety and comfort during the procedure.
What is included in the service? Clarify what the cleaning entails and whether it includes a full dental exam or just a basic cleaning.
Preparing Your Dog
Familiarize Your Dog: If possible, help your dog get accustomed to the environment where the cleaning will take place. This can reduce their anxiety and make the process smoother.
Pre-Cleaning Health Check: Have your dog’s health evaluated by your veterinarian to ensure that anesthesia-free cleaning is appropriate and safe.
Finding a reliable provider for anesthesia-free dog teeth cleaning near you can be a great way to maintain your dog’s dental health with fewer risks and a more affordable price. By doing thorough research, consulting with your veterinarian, and considering the factors outlined, you can make an informed decision and ensure your dog receives the best care possible.
K9 Tooth Solutions is founded and owned by Rachel Mercieca. We are one of the first to offer Anesthesia free teeth cleaning in Melbourne and Geelong. Rachel is very passionate about what she does, delivering first-class customer service, and exceeds expectations in Anesthesia free dog teeth cleaning.
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wayti-blog · 4 months
A large-scale transcontinental river system crossed West Antarctica during the Eocene
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"Extensive ice coverage largely prevents investigations of Antarctica’s unglaciated past. Knowledge about environmental and tectonic development before large-scale glaciation, however, is important for understanding the transition into the modern icehouse world. We report geochronological and sedimentological data from a drill core from the Amundsen Sea shelf, providing insights into tectonic and topographic conditions during the Eocene (~44 to 34 million years ago), shortly before major ice sheet buildup. Our findings reveal the Eocene as a transition period from >40 million years of relative tectonic quiescence toward reactivation of the West Antarctic Rift System, coinciding with incipient volcanism, rise of the Transantarctic Mountains, and renewed sedimentation under temperate climate conditions. The recovered sediments were deposited in a coastal-estuarine swamp environment at the outlet of a >1500-km-long transcontinental river system, draining from the rising Transantarctic Mountains into the Amundsen Sea. Much of West Antarctica hence lied above sea level, but low topographic relief combined with low elevation inhibited widespread ice sheet formation."
continue reading
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prismaticstarshch · 6 months
idk if I rambled about this before but there's contrasts between the songs for two different events in IITPP that I absolutely love
"Safeguard Procedure (Remastered)" vs. "Safeguard Failure (Remastered)"
what I love here is the differences in buildups; "Safeguard Procedure (Remastered)" has a longer, more suspenseful buildup, whereas with "Safeguard Failure (Remastered)", the buildup is much more dramatic, then has an abrupt change into a different melody, one that makes it easy to catch onto the fact that by now things are starting to go horribly wrong
"Shutdown Procedure" vs. "Shutdown Failure"
same points as above for the buildups (though "Shutdown Failure" doesn't have melody changes as drastic as "Safeguard Failure"), but the tone is VERY different - it's far more urgent and the scale used for both songs makes them sound way more serious, which is fitting because the shutdown procedure is literally the last resort to prevent what equates to an end of world scenario (also, one thing I find funny in-game is that even when "Shutdown Failure" is what's actually playing, the captions still say that "Shutdown Procedure" is playing instead)
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The Definitive Guide to Roller Skate Bearing Mastery
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Maintaining your roller skates is essential. Here are a few tips that can maximize your skating experience whether you are someone that prefers inline & quad skates.
Understanding Roller Skate Bearings: Roller skate bearings are the unsung heroes of every skater's journey, providing the smooth rotation necessary for effortless gliding. Composed of intricate inner and outer rings, balls or rollers, and a cage, these bearings come in various grades, denoted by the ABEC scale, to cater to different skating styles and preferences.
The Significance of Roller Skate Bearings: Efficient roller skate bearings are essential for achieving peak performance on the skating surface. They minimize friction, maximize speed, and enhance maneuverability, allowing skaters to execute intricate moves with finesse and confidence. Whether you're racing around a track or performing stylish tricks, quality bearings are the key to success.
Factors Influencing Bearing Performance: Several factors impact the performance of roller skate bearings, including:
Material Composition: Bearings can be crafted from steel, ceramic, or hybrid materials, each offering unique benefits in terms of durability and speed.
Lubrication: Proper lubrication is crucial for reducing friction and prolonging the lifespan of bearings. Skaters can choose from a range of lubricants to suit their specific needs and preferences.
Maintenance Regimen: Regular cleaning and maintenance are imperative for keeping bearings in prime condition. Skaters should inspect their bearings regularly for signs of wear or damage and address any issues promptly to prevent performance degradation.
Tips for Mastering Roller Skate Bearings: To unlock the full potential of roller skate bearings, skaters can implement the following strategies:
Clean bearings thoroughly using a solvent or isopropyl alcohol to remove dirt and debris.
Apply a suitable lubricant to bearings to ensure smooth rotation and minimal friction.
Rotate wheels regularly to distribute wear evenly across all bearings and extend their lifespan.
Store skates in a dry, temperature-controlled environment to prevent moisture buildup and rust.
Mastering roller skate bearings is the key to unleashing peak performance on the skating surface. By understanding the intricacies of roller skate bearings and implementing proper maintenance techniques, skaters can elevate their skills to new heights and enjoy a smoother, more exhilarating skating experience. So, lace up your skates, hit the rink or the streets, and let your well-maintained bearings propel you to skating greatness.
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crescent-mood · 6 months
Hello I hear that you are a dentistry student.
Is there anything you know of slash can think of that could be done to make the bi-annual Dentist Experience less intense? I have autism and sensory issues and the whole experience makes me so nervous I get close to vomiting because of how uncomfortable it is.
Hello! Thank you so much for the ask.
Indeed, I am a dentistry student, finishing studies very soon.
Here's some things that might help you or someone else out, hopefully.
Hear me out. If possible for you, make it so there's the least amount of effort that needs to be put into your appointment by the dentist or hygienist. What I mean by this is: take care of your teeth properly. And yes, I know how difficult this can be, especially when you're going through a depressive episode or a particularly rough patch. No judgement here!
What do I mean by taking care of your teeth properly? The usual: brush at least twice a day and floss. But there's more to it.
Use fluoride toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste tends to be more abrasive and I generally don't recommend it for that reason.
Medium or soft-bristled toothbrush. It will be more forgiving if your brushing technique is a bit too harsh.
Start brushing on the lingual side of your teeth first. That way you'll prevent the buildup of calculus where it usually tends to collect. Therefore, you might not even need scaling on your next appointment.
If you don't have the dexterity or patience for dental floss, use flossers.
To help your teeth re-mineralize and perhaps even stop surface-level caries from developing further, use products such as Tooth Mousse that contains "liquid enamel".
Try to actually go to the dentist as often as they suggest you should. The dentist assesses the risk of you having cavities or gum issues and how often you should have check-ups. Dental work usually gets more expensive and invasive the longer you let yourself go without regular visits.
If you consume a lot of soft drinks, have an eating disorder, acid reflux or vomit often, do not brush your teeth immediately after getting your teeth exposed to the acid. This over a period of time will combine erosion and abrasion to the enamel and dentin and can be very damaging. Instead, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water, then fluoride mouthwash, and wait at least 20 minutes before brushing your teeth. I know it feels disgusting but it prevents damage to the teeth that might need fixing in the future.
When it comes to visiting your dentist/hygienist:
Inform them about your sensory issues. If they don't take them seriously or accommodate them, maybe it's better to switch to someone else, if possible. I know advocating for yourself can be difficult but a good medical professional will take it into consideration.
Nausea can possibly be prevented with nitrous oxide or antihistamines. The former is often used for more invasive procedures such as tooth extractions. The right kind of antihistamines can reduce anxiety and nausea. If you want to consider those, talk to your family doctor about them and see if it's a good fit for you.
If you're very nervous, schedule an introductory appointment that will only be specifically for getting used to the dentist or hygienist as a person and the environment of the office. Voice your concerns then. Going to a pediatric dentist specifically might be a good option.
Ask the staff to walk you through every step of the way so you're not surprised by the experience.
If you dislike the sensation of your tongue getting really dry while getting a cavity filling done, ask beforehand if there's a possibility of using a dental dam during the procedure. It might be uncomfortable in other ways but it will keep your tongue moist.
That's all the things I've thought of so far. I might add onto it in the future. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have and I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability. If you have any specific sensory issues and would like to share, I'd love to try and help out!
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eelhound · 1 year
"[Van] Jackson 
Since the 1970s, America had repeated military buildups in response to perceived threats. Whether it’s the Soviet military buildup, or the War on Terror, there have been multiple periods where we do these large-scale buildups. This is why America’s military is so ginormous. We have done that under conditions where we don’t raise taxes in four different instances since the 1970s, and because we don’t raise taxes and spend so much on the military, we have to bring in large amounts of foreign capital to finance it. And so, you create global imbalances when you’re the giant sucking machine sucking foreign capital into your economy.
The result of that is not just global imbalances, which produce things like the Asian financial crisis, but it also produces imbalances in our own economy, too. It creates real estate bubbles. So, this is a giant volatility machine to the global economic order and the financial pipes that bring the capital to us. We know it’s a giant volatility machine. It’s driven by high risk financial instruments and speculation, and all of this is pretty destabilizing, in a financial and creating bubbles sense, but it also creates a system where all of these developing economies in Asia have to suppress labor rights to be competitive in the export market because their models of development rely on exports. This system that we perpetuate in the name of supporting military primacy, and military primacy is supposed to in turn support the system, prevents domestic redistribution and balanced capital labor relations in these other Asian economies and countries.
And so, not only are we creating conditions where labor rights get repressed, and imbalances in other countries, it creates systems of kleptocracy and oligarchy, which is rampant in Asia — not everywhere, but it’s pretty prominent. It’s structural violence, and structural violence is what gives way to greater political insecurity, and makes countries need Chinese capital. Chinese capital spreading around Asia is one of the things American foreign policy is so worried about, but we’re creating conditions that we don’t like, and then we do things that worsen those conditions.
[Nathan J.] Robinson 
Yes, it seems ultimately kind of self-defeating, even though we might say that what lies beneath the rhetoric of freedom and openness is the desire to pursue dominance and hegemony, or what the U.S. would call 'U.S. interests.' Ultimately, I think one of the conclusions of your work is that our current approach is not actually leading towards a world where the United States gets everything it wants, but, in fact, is putting not only other people but also ourselves in quite a bit of danger. 
Yes, the thing that Washington has to wake up to, and that I’m worried that it will not because it has incentives not to, is that the requirements of peace and primacy are deeply at odds with each other. Peace requires a certain degree of economic interdependence, regional cohesion, inclusivity in various ways, and above all, military restraint. Primacy requires the opposite of all of that. It requires the formation of rivalry and geoeconomic blocs. It requires containment against your rising rival, arms racing, and weapons proliferation.
It’s patently obvious that by pursuing primacy, we’re making ourselves the enemy of what remains of the Asian peace. It’s that insistence on primacy, coated rhetorically as openness, that is undermining the sources of the Asian peace. The preservation of stability the past 44 years is something that we somewhat take for granted in Washington, and we shouldn’t because it’s eroding rapidly, and Trump was simply a very vibrant data point along a larger trend line. And so, we’re not on a good track."
- Van Jackson being interviewed by Nathan J. Robinson, from "Why This Foreign Policy Expert Thinks Americans Dangerously Misunderstand China." Current Affairs, 16 May 2023.
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libertariantaoist · 1 year
News Roundup 7/17/2023 | The Libertarian Institute
News Roundup 7/17/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
The House on Friday passed its version 2024 National Defense Authorization Act in a vote of 219-210, which largely fell along partisan lines due to amendments added by Republicans relating to social policies in the military. AWC
A group of Senators have reintroduced legislation to prevent an American president from withdrawing from the North Atlantic alliance. A version of the bill failed to pass the legislature during the Trump administration. The Institute
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said Monday that he will be the Republican co-sponsor of an amendment to the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that aims to block the provision of cluster bombs to Ukraine. AWC
A Kremlin spokesman said Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin after his short-lived mutiny. AWC
NATO is set to drop the requirement for Ukraine to go through a Membership Action Plan (MAP) to join the alliance, AFP reported on Monday. AWC
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a new military buildup in Eastern Europe. He claimed the move was needed to combat Russian aggression. The Institute
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has agreed to back Sweden’s NATO membership on the eve of a two-day NATO summit in Lithuania. AWC
A Ukrainian general told CNN on Thursday that Ukraine has received a shipment of US cluster bombs, controversial munitions that have a devastating impact on civilians. AWC
NATO will push back a decision to open a liaison office in Japan to this fall or later due to French objections to the plans, Nikkei Asia reported on Monday. AWC
The House on Thursday night voted down an amendment to the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act that would have prohibited the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine. AWC
The Washington Post reported Thursday that US officials at the NATO summit in Vilnius were so angry over Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s criticism that they almost scaled back the commitment made to Ukraine in NATO’s communiqué. AWC
President Biden on Thursday signed an executive order allowing the Pentagon to mobilize 3,000 reservists for deployments in Europe, where the US military has significantly increased its presence since Russia invaded Ukraine. AWC
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday that Russia will view US-made F-16 fighter jets in Ukraine as a nuclear threat because they are capable of carrying nuclear weapons. AWC
Hungary has said it will approve Sweden’s NATO bid now that Turkey has dropped its objection, but both the Hungarian and Turkish parliaments will not take up the issue until the fall. AWC
President Biden and other Group of Seven leaders on Wednesday pledged long-term support for Ukraine and announced that they would each negotiate a bilateral security deal with Kyiv. AWC
Rheinmetall, Germany’s leading arms maker, will open a plant to manufacture tanks and other armored vehicles in Ukraine within the next 12 weeks as the West is looking to boost Ukraine’s weapons industry. AWC
British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said Wednesday that Ukraine needs to show more gratitude for the support it receives from the West when asked about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s criticism of NATO’s communiqué. AWC
Sergey Naryshkin, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), confirmed on Wednesday that he spoke with CIA Director William Burns after Yevgeny Prigozhin’s short-lived rebellion. AWC
The Biden administration is quietly debating whether or not to provide Ukraine with Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), which have a range of up to 190 miles, The New York Times reported Tuesday. AWC
The White House said Tuesday that NATO membership for Ukraine isn’t going to happen anytime soon since it would mean war with Russia. AWC
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday defended the Biden administration’s decision to arm Ukraine with widely-banned cluster munitions, which have a devastating impact on civilians. AWC
Eleven NATO members agreed on Tuesday to start training Ukrainian pilots on US-made F-16s in Europe this August, the first step toward getting the American-made fighter jets to the war zone in Ukraine. AWC
NATO leaders issued a communiqué on Tuesday at the end of the first day of the alliance’s summit in Vilnius that dealt with the issue of Ukraine’s future membership. AWC
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Tuesday that the Biden administration will move forward with a $20 billion sale of Lockheed Martin-made F-16 fighter jets to Turkey. AWC
NATO is set to drop the requirement for Ukraine to go through a Membership Action Plan (MAP) to join the alliance, AFP reported on Monday. AWC
A senior Defense Intelligence Agency official has described the war in Ukraine as a “stalemate” and said none of the weapons the US and NATO are providing will help Ukrainian forces “break through” in their counteroffensive. AWC
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday that Russia has a “sufficient” supply of cluster munitions to use if Ukraine employs the controversial weapons. AWC
Belarus announced Friday that members of the Wagner mercenary force were in the country training Belarusian soldiers. AWC
The White House said Friday that the 3,000 reservists President Biden has made available for the Pentagon to deploy to Europe would serve “administrative” functions. AWC
A US Navy spy plane flew over the Taiwan Strait on Thursday as China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was conducting drills to the south of Taiwan. AWC
President Biden’s nominee to replace Gen. Mark Milley as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Tuesday that he would pursue establishing more bases in the Indo-Pacific region and increase support for Taiwan to prepare for a future war with China, Nikkei Asia reported Wednesday. AWC
Indonesian President Joko Widodo warned Friday that the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) can’t become a “proxy” for any country as tensions between the US and China are soaring in the region. AWC
Pyongyang accused the US military of conducting provocative surveillance flights which infringe on its airspace and trespassed in its exclusive economic zone on Monday. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) admonished Washington that if such provocations persist, American reconnaissance planes may be shot down. The Institute
Washington, Seoul, and Tokyo held joint naval drills testing missile defense in international waters between Japan and South Korea on Sunday. The Institute
Middle East
A new US intelligence report has reaffirmed that Iran is not trying to build nuclear weapons despite constant claims made by Israel and Western media outlets to the contrary. AWC
Washington announced a plan to deploy additional fighter jets to the Middle East to prevent Iran from seizing ships in the Persian Gulf. The Pentagon is additionally evaluating proposals to send more military equipment into the region to address Russian aircraft operating in Syrian skies. The Institute
US Central Command on Sunday said that it killed an ISIS “leader” in a drone strike in eastern Syria that it launched on July 7 and suggested that a civilian may have also been injured in the bombing. AWC
US Africa Command (AFRICOM) said Sunday that it launched three airstrikes in Somalia and claimed the bombardment killed 10 al-Shabaab fighters. AWC
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breanne-says-boo · 2 years
Alright I got to write down my full thoughts because I'm seeing so much nonsense being pushed around.
If you don't want to read, be my guest. The TLDR is this:
1.) The abuse we have already seen from Lestat has not indicated that physical abuse towards Louis would be the next step in the currently established pattern of abuse.
2.) For this to be a toxic "romance" by name, there needs to be some level of co-understanding or consent to the abuse or power-dynamics provided OR at the very least a reason for Louis to stay with Lestat in curent conditions. We haven't firmly established this yet. Louis loves Lestat but that is not enough on its own.
3.) Everything was already established that was needed to give Claudia the push to poison Lestat and take Louis and run to Europe. While it does add to the reasoning to give it urgency, it's unnecessary.
Putting book characterization aside and focusing on what has been established, AMC's Lestat is depicted as someone who is desperate for love. He ultimately believes in choice, but will do his damnest to ensure that "choice" works in his favor; not too unlike canon. Lestat is violent, yes, but only in removing obstacles that stand in the way of getting the love he craves. Consider the church scene in which Louis is turned: the choice to follow Lestat is ultimately Louis', however Lestat has murdered the priests in that church-those who could persuade Louis otherwise and turn him away OR rat out Lestat as the vampire he is. Consider Lestat killing Lily, Louis' confidant and escape. Lestat has said himself his ultimate fear is lonliness.
So, when Lestat puts it in his head that Louis is going to leave him for Claudia, why is his rage put upon Louis?? With the characterization, and the thematic BUILDUP, we have already seen, the fight should continued to happen between Lestat and Claudia. She is framed as being as much of a killer as him. She is framed as his mirror- having similar emotional and mental difficulties as him. She is the obstacle from Louis' affection in Lestat's mind. While I do agree that the eventual conclusion that Lestat draws is that Louis cannot say he loves Lestat (which we see in the cloud gift scene) and makes sense given what we see earlier in the episode, there is NO reason for him to beat Louis to a pulp like that and no reason why the scene couldn't continue with Lestat dragging Claudia away. It should go without saying that I don't WANT to see Claudia suffer physical abuse (the scene with Killer hurt enough to watch) at the hands of Lestat nor do I think it should have happened period. I'm saying if this is the route the show wanted to go, it doesn't make sense.
Lestat is abusive, yes but it's primarily in the form of violence towards others and isolation, gaslighting, and neglect towards his own family-it's mental abuse. For Lestat to say he's been "holding it in" all this time to prevent himself from hurting Louis, what other scenes have suggested this?? None that I can recount. Anytime he has argued with Louis previously, we don't see violent tendencies struggling to stay caged in or being misdirected. It's typically Lestat saying hurtful shit and acting out in manipulative passive-aggressive ways (i.e. Lestat bringing the soldiers home).
Yes, in the books Lestat and Louis have physically fought on a few occasions, but to this scale, and so incredibly one-sided? Especially when you're trying to paint this Louis as someone who stands up for himself? Never. You can chalk up Lestat's reaction as being motivated by grief or trauma, but if that's the case, why does he repeatedly and confidently continue the beatings even after he's had a moment to assess? Because it's motivated by choice and by anger.
I've seen a lot of comparisons between Hannibal's Hannigram pairing and Loustat particularly after this episode. The difference being is we as an audience understand how Hannibal views and interprets love in his own fucked up way and how Will begins with empathizing with this point of view to taking this viewpoint as his own. While there is a power imbalance, there is a mutual understanding that, while doesn't necessarily give consent, allows room for the other one to take control of the other in their cat-and-mouse game. That's not happening here. The violence here that Lestat shows has not been accepted or understood by Louis. He is purely victim here. Which wouldn't be an issue if we saw Louis openly accept this role or be broken enough to attempt Lestat's point of view, but he's been against it every step of the way.
So as it stands right now, there is no interpreting this as a romance, which implies some sort of agreement between two people, like R*lin J*nes says it is, until we see some reconciliation on Louis' part to match Lestat's point of view. You can rectify this is by openly establishing that Louis' love for Lestat is greater than his fear of him or disgust in Lestat's behavior. While we've seen lovey scenes between the two and we know Louis loves Lestat, Louis has not shown us an opportunity where his feelings of love trump any conflicting morals. It's only implied due the fact that Louis happens to stay with Lestat despite seeing everything. Louis loves Lestat because he feels "seen" in his pain but we haven't revisited this notion since it was first discussed in the first episode. Why else does Louis love Lestat?
So yes, we can have our little fucked up, non-ethical queer relationships, as we should, but at least make it make sense for what you're saying is the whole point of this show???
Oh, and this scene as an "explanation" as to why Claudia needs a reason to poison/maim him next episode? The episode already had the PERFECT setup into book canon that would allow us to still understand Claudia's rationality into poisoning Lestat and running away to Europe while still also sympathizing with Louis and Lestat and they went completely left field. It was already established that Lestat is verbally abusive and secretative to the both of them. It's already established Claudia is not mentally stable in her thinking, has violent tendencies as a coping mechanism, and she's looking for answers. It's already established that Lestat does not want to and will not let them leave (could be stronger emphasized but it's presence is there). That should be enough! In the books, Claudia gives Lestat poisoned bodies to drink from as an apology gift. We had Claudia return to apologize to Lestat (and Louis). That was it right there!! I was waiting for it.
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vanmathiscp · 1 year
Is periodontal cleaning necessary for Kids?
Periodontal cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a dental procedure that removes plaque and tartar buildup from teeth and gums. While this procedure is commonly associated with adult dental care, it can also be important for kids, particularly if they have early signs of periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth. It can be caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar, which can lead to inflammation, bleeding gums, and eventually, tooth loss. Children can develop periodontal disease if they have poor oral hygiene habits, a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates, or other risk factors.
In general, it is recommended that children receive a professional dental cleaning every six months, as part of a routine dental check-up. During these appointments, a dentist or dental hygienist can assess your child’s oral health and determine if periodontal cleaning is necessary.
If your child has symptoms of periodontal disease, such as red, swollen gums or bleeding when brushing or flossing, your dentist may recommend a periodontal cleaning to remove any buildup of plaque and tartar. This can help to prevent further damage to the gums and teeth and ensure that your child’s oral health remains in good condition.
In conclusion, while periodontal cleaning may not be necessary for all children, it is important to have regular dental check-ups to assess their oral health and determine if any additional treatments or procedures are needed.
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coolingtowersystems · 2 years
Make sure your cooling tower is installed properly for efficient cooling
If you’re looking to stay cool all summer, cooling tower installation can be a great way to ensure your home stays comfortable. However, it’s important to make sure the installation is done properly for efficient cooling. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of proper cooling tower installation, as well as the steps to ensure it’s done correctly. Read on to learn more about how you can keep your cooling tower running smoothly all summer long.
The purpose of a cooling tower
A cooling tower is a device used to remove heat from any liquid through the process of evaporative cooling. It works by taking in hot liquid, such as water, and passing it through a fill or packing material. As the water passes through the fill, it is exposed to air, which cools the water down. This cooled water can then be used for industrial processes or air conditioning systems. cooling tower are essential to many industrial processes and can help improve energy efficiency. They are also beneficial for keeping temperatures regulated in buildings and other structures. Regular maintenance of a cooling tower is necessary to ensure that it is functioning properly and efficiently.
The benefits of having a cooling tower
Installing a cooling tower has many advantages, particularly during the hot summer months. Cooling towers help reduce the strain on air conditioning systems by providing an additional source of cooling. They also increase efficiency, as they allow for lower temperatures to be reached with less energy. Cooling towers can also improve air quality, as they filter out airborne contaminants and other impurities. Additionally, they are relatively inexpensive to install and maintain, making them a cost-effective solution for cooling needs. Furthermore, they are built to last and require minimal servicing, so you don't have to worry about replacing them anytime soon.
The types of cooling towers
When considering a cooling tower for your home or business, it is important to consider the type of tower that best fits your needs. There are two main types of cooling towers - natural draft and forced draft. Natural draft towers use large stacks of air to draw warm air away from the cooling tower while forcing cool air into it. Forced draft towers utilize fans to force cool air into the tower, providing more efficient cooling. Additionally, cooling towers come in various sizes, depending on the volume of water needing to be cooled. There are also counterflow and crossflow designs that utilize different methods of distributing the water throughout the tower. Finally, there are also wet cooling towers which are very efficient but require more maintenance than their dry counterparts.
The importance of regular maintenance
Regular maintenance of cooling towers is essential to ensure their efficient operation. It helps prevent wear and tear, prolongs the life of the tower, and ensures optimal performance. Regular maintenance also helps identify potential problems that may lead to costly repairs in the future. Inspections should be performed every three months to check for any signs of corrosion, scale buildup, leaks, or other issues. Cleaning should be done regularly to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated over time. Additionally, chemical treatments should be applied regularly to reduce microbial growth, which can lead to decreased efficiency and even health hazards if not properly managed.
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