#Sediment removal
souravsahay · 1 year
Water Tank Services
Tank Inspection: Regular inspections are crucial to identify any issues or damage in water tanks services . Professionals assess the tank's structural integrity, check for leaks, evaluate the condition of fittings and valves, and recommend necessary repairs or maintenance.Tank Cleaning: Water tanks accumulate sediment, debris, and microbial growth over time. Professional tank cleaning services involve the removal of sludge, disinfection, and sanitization to ensure the water remains safe and clean.
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blackh0letempest · 19 days
yeah buddy the threads that connect all together are thin as a spiders web yet stronger than any fabric known, capable of being severed under the right circumstances perhaps but never destroyed
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
Proposed logging project in the Daniel Boone National Forest (South-Central Kentucky, USA)
I found out about this recently and Ive seen barely any discussion or attention about it in real life or on the internet, so hopefully I can attract more attention
The USA Forest Service is planning to log 10,000 acres of the Daniel Boone National Forest near Jellico Mountain, near the Kentucky-Tennessee border. The plan includes around 1,000 acres of clear cutting.
We need mature forests to remove and store carbon from the atmosphere. This is disastrous from a climate change perspective.
The excuse being given (apart from the obvious economic incentive of logging) is that the tract is mostly "mature forest" and that the forest needs to have a "diversity of age classes" for wildlife. This is total bullshit, since less than 1% of old growth forest in the Eastern USA remains, and an 80-year-old forest is still incredibly young. This type of reasoning is greenwashing.
To make matters worse, the planned logging is on mountain tops, which will cause huge amounts of erosion and possible floods and landslides that endanger the people who live in the valleys below.
Kentucky experienced a deadly flash flood in the eastern mountains that killed 40 people last year. Forests help stop flash flooding by absorbing rainfall in a dense layer of roots and soil, draining it slowly into waterways; without them, mud and rainwater goes rushing straight into narrow mountain gullies rapidly, causing dangerous floods.
Mud and sediment rushing into streams also kills fish and aquatic life that need clear, clean stream water.
Kentucky has one of the most biodiverse freshwater ecosystems in the entire world, with only a couple states next to it having more freshwater species. Kentucky's forest streams have fresh water fish, crustaceans and other species found nowhere else on Earth.
The Southeastern USA has the most diverse freshwater life of any place on Earth, the most salamander diversity of any place on Earth, and the Appalachian Mountains are a global hotspot of biodiversity, considered one of the world's most biodiverse temperate deciduous forest habitats.
It is crucial that we begin building the old-growth forests of the future NOW!
Logging these forest tracts will facilitate invasive species to take over. Mature forests form buffer zones against invasive species. The forest will never grow back the way it was; it will be infected with Kudzu, Autumn Olive, Honeysuckle and other invasives that take advantage of the destruction and prevent the normal process of forest succession from happening as it should.
If you live anywhere near this area, talk to everyone around you about this, send them the links above and encourage them to do the same themselves.
Talk to your friends, your neighbors, people at your church, everyone you are in contact with or speak to in your day to day life. Tell them about the risks of flash flooding and landslides and the importance of preserving mature forest land. Any environmental clubs and organizations you know of, tell them as well.
Most people haven't even heard this is happening, and that's how they get away with it.
Public outrage protects priceless habitats all the time, so TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW. Tell people you don't know, even. Call and email organizations and people that might be interested, until you run into someone who has an idea of what to do. That's how change happens!
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potat0bag · 6 months
someone asked for a lore dump of my sea monster au in its current state, so here’s a dump from my alt retrospring a few days ago:
TW: injury, blood mention
Frye (human) lives on a nearby bay and is a fisher with a cute lil boat. One day she gets a tip about some sunken treasure and goes out with the intention and promise of paying off a debt. She takes the map she's given and goes out under the cover of night. It's a long search, but she eventually finds the point marked on the map and lowers a hook to see what she can dislodge. She hooks up something pretty damn heavy and connects the dots and assumes it to be the treasure, but on the way up it seems to snag on something. She tries to wiggle it free of whatever kelp it's caught in, but then it starts getting pulled down. She guesses it's probably just a sea creature and, getting desperate, takes out her harpoon and makes a shot in the dark before the treasure can be pulled away any further. And the water stains darker.
Surprise surprise, she's able to pull up the crate but an injured Shiver comes with it and she's initially alarmed that she shot a diver, but when she hauls them into her lap she realises from scale and tendril that they're decidedly not human. She hit them square in the eye - they're still breathing but are barely conscious when she hauls them up. She looks into the crate and sees that it's weighed down by rock and sediment, not gold or silver. She'd been scammed. She's gonna return empty-handed, unless... she barely considers it for a second before she looks down at the sea monster weakly gazing up at her with one less eye. And she makes a decision. She covers their eyes to try and prevent them from struggling and making the damage worse but it just makes them panic more. "Hold- still- you're gonna hurt yourself more-" and just wedges the handle of an oar between their jaws for them to bite down on assuming it's her arm. The wood cracks beneath their teeth.
Frye does her best with what medical supplies she has to patch them up and remove the spear from their face, and when she uncovers their eyes and pulls away the oar they shove her away and go to dive off before realising they probably won't be able to make their way back home with their limited eyesight. So it's just this silent temporary truce, they don't say a word to her as they guide where to steer and eventually make her halt. Glances at her once, and dives away, supposedly never to be seen again. Frye just feels guilt and- faint longing. It's a fascinating encounter. And it leaves both of them curious.
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The next day, she goes out fishing in the noon (having slept in from her late night antics) and something tugs on her line and startles her awake. She goes to reel it in, but a hand comes with it. A familiar, clawed one. She watches the scarred face peek up from the waters, studious gaze barging into her. And they pat the boat. And she lifts them on board, remarking how heavy they are. They snap that they're not, and conversation quickly spirals out, initially panicked and confused, but then. Softening as Shiver asks more and more questions, trying to understand her intentions. She profusely apologises, and they're fascinated by her and become a regular appearance for her.
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That's me trying to break it down anyway. They're really cute. Frye has that "shot them in the face with a harpoon" rizz.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
'I Want To Know Every Inch Of You' Collection Event
Ellis Twilight
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
♡ thank you @/candied-boys for sharing the story ♡
I was asked by Victor to take the body measurements of the members of Crown for health management purposes and examination—.
The first person I went to was Ellis because he was the easiest to request the favour from, and I was right.
He was very cooperative, and so I was able to quickly take his body measurements.
Kate: Thank you for cooperating, Ellis. I’m done measuring your upper body.
Ellis: That’s great. By the way, Kate, there’s something that's been bothering me…
Ellis: Can you lend me your hand for a little while?
Kate: …? Sure, here you go.
As I wondered what Ellis was going to do, his hand overlapped with mine—
Ellis guided my hand to his chest that was exposed for me to measure… and placed it against his bare skin.
Ellis: … You’re welcome to touch my body if you’re interested in it.
Kate: Huh!? W-Why…
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Ellis: Because I noticed that you kept staring at my chest while measuring it… or was I mistaken?
Kate: You’re… not.
Ellis appeared to have a slender build with his clothes on, but when he removed them, his body was surprisingly manly—
While earnestly taking his measurements, I couldn't help admiring his thick chest and defined abdominal muscles.
(I was pretending to be calm, but he caught me… This is embarrassing…)
Ellis: Go ahead, you can touch me as much as you like.
Kate: E-Even if you say to go ahead…
Kate: Wow, amazing…!
(But I still think that letting someone touch your skin is something to be more reluctant about…)
(Is Ellis used to being touched…?)
It was a brief moment of enjoyment. My heart started fluttering at how defenceless Ellis was as he let me touch him unhesitatingly.
Ellis: What’s the matter?
Kate: Do you… let anyone do this as long as they ask to?
I regretted those words the moment they left my mouth.
I knew that Ellis was kind towards everyone, and yet my words sounded like I was reproaching him.
Ellis: …
Ellis: … It’s okay. I’ve never done anything that will worry you.
His response was vague, it seemed like he was answering my question but at the same time not really.
I noticed that he paused before responding.
(What sort of things would “worry me”? I was only kind of wondering if he had let people touch him…)
These little things Ellis said and did left an uneasy feeling in my heart, like sediments that had yet to settle down.
(I don’t have a reason to be feeling this way, so why am I…)
Ellis: If you’re still bothered by it… do you want to touch somewhere else?
Ellis: … This place is somewhere I really have never let anyone see or touch.
Ellis: It’s special for you, Kate.
Kate: Wha…
Ellis pulled my hand again.
The hand that had been touching his chest moved down his abdomen and stopped at… his waist.
Kate: Ellis…?
Ellis: Here, no one has ever touched me here and below.
Kate: U-Uhm… normally, this isn’t somewhere you should let just anyone touch, you know?
Ellis: What do you want to do, Kate?
Ellis: I want you to do what you want, instead of what’s considered normal or commonly done.
Ellis: I’m always thinking about how to make you happy.
Even though that was how Ellis felt about everyone, I was the only person in his eyes right now.
Kate: I…
(... If there’s anywhere on Ellis’ body that only I’m allowed to touch, then I want to touch it.)
The word “special” sounded so sweet to hear, it made me forget all about my previous response.
Ellis: … Do as you like.
At last, I gave him a small nod.
Ellis: We can take it slow. Let’s start with… the first joint of your fingers.
Was Ellis pulling my hand or was I doing it on my own? I didn't know that anymore.
It felt like a dream, like I was outside of reality, my fingers went under his bottoms.
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Ellis: The second joint…
My fingers advancing into his bottoms felt his rough skin. It was hot and moist.
Ellis: Mm. … Fufu, got to the base of your fingers already?
Ellis smiled like a mischievous child who had played a succession prank.
Despite his innocence, it felt like I was doing something wrong… it scared me.
Kate: Um, I…
I came back to my senses and withdrew my fingers, lightly grazing against Ellis’ deepest part. (ahem)
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Ellis: Nngh…
Ellis: Sorry… I made a weird noise because it tickles.
Kate: I-It’s fine…
The small noise Ellis made was stuck in my ears.
(I’m the only one who can touch him here…)
(Was that cute noise he made just now only for me?)
I couldn't get it out of my mind, I wanted to touch him and hear it again.
(But if I go any further…)
Ellis: … If it’s good with you, touch me more.
Ellis took my hesitant hand and let me touch it again through his bottoms.
The part I touched was hot and needy, I gasped.
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Ellis: Because it became like this… I want you to help me.
Kate: B-But… I’m in the middle of… taking your body measurements…
I remembered what the initial purpose of me being there was, and spoke in a voice that trailed off.
Ellis: Then… can you check here with your hands too? It won’t be a problem if it's for measuring, right?
Kate: … G-Got it.
(This is just an additional part of body measurements, just in case…)
Like a butterfly drawn to sweet flower nectar, I slid my hands under his bottoms again.
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Ellis: … Haah…
I watched him while stroking it slowly, Ellis let out a hot frustrated sigh.
Ellis: K-Kate…
(... I’m strange. I can’t stop watching him.)
He looked so lovely and adorable losing his composure because of my hand, I wanted to see even more of it.
Driven by an urge to keep going, I varied the amount of strength exerted by my fingers to pleasure him.
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Ellis: … ggh
Kate: Here…?
Ellis: Nn… so good…
Ellis bucked his hips slowly, rubbing himself against my hand.
It made me happy knowing that I wasn't the only one who wanted it.
(... I want to give him even more pleasure with my hands.)
It started out with only my fingers, so I went on to wrap my entire palm around his shaft and continued pleasuring him.
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Ellis: …!
Kate: S-Sorry. Am I using too much force…?
Ellis: No… it's okay, it just feels so good.
Ellis: You can touch it however you like. … My “here” is exclusively for you, Kate.
(Exclusive for me…)
The fog I felt in my heart at the thought of Ellis letting someone else touch him cleared up.
(That’s right… I want to monopolise Ellis. I want him all to myself, and only myself.)
(I don't want to let anyone else see and touch him…)
I finally knew exactly what I was feeling, and so there was only one thing left for me to do.
As long as time permitted, I continued touching Ellis where only I was allowed to, and watched as he took shallow breaths.
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intomore · 4 months
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"Svolte di Popolazio," 1956
In 1956, an extraordinary event took place in Venice, Italy, when the famous canals of the city were drained and cleaned for the first time in centuries. This remarkable undertaking was known as the "Svolte di Popolazio," or the People's Revolution, and it was a massive civic project aimed at improving the sanitation and infrastructure of Venice's historic waterways.
Over the centuries, the canals of Venice had accumulated layers of silt, debris, and waste, leading to unsanitary conditions and posing a threat to the city's architectural heritage. The decision to drain and clean the canals was made in an effort to address these issues, restore the waterways to their former glory, and preserve Venice's unique cultural and historical identity.
The draining and cleaning of the canals required meticulous planning, coordination, and labor-intensive work by a team of engineers, workers, and volunteers. Water was pumped out of the canals, revealing the muddy bottom and hidden treasures beneath the surface, such as lost artifacts, sunken boats, and centuries-old structures.
As the canals were emptied, the cleanup crews set to work removing tons of sediment, debris, and rubbish that had accumulated over the years. The process involved dredging, scrubbing, and excavating the canals to remove the layers of detritus and restore the waterways to their original depth and clarity.
The draining and cleaning of the canals was a monumental effort that captured the attention and admiration of Venetians and visitors alike. The project not only improved the sanitation and aesthetic appeal of the canals but also highlighted the importance of preserving Venice's unique heritage and architectural marvels for future generations to enjoy.
The event symbolized a sense of civic pride, community effort, and commitment to the preservation of Venice's cultural legacy. The draining and cleaning of the canals in 1956 remain a historic moment in the city's history, showcasing the resilience, ingenuity, and enduring beauty of Venice's iconic waterways.
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dougdimmadodo · 11 months
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Hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus)
Family: Wrasse Family (Labridae)
IUCN Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Named for its elongated snout which it uses to root through sediment in search of crabs and other seabed-dwelling prey, the Hogfish is a unique species of wrasse native to the western Atlantic Ocean, where it mainly inhabits areas near coral reefs (particularly reefs dominated by soft corals.) All Hogfishes are born as females, but as they progress through their lives some may develop into males upon reaching older age; members of this species live in small schools consisting of numerous small females and a single large male (which can be distinguished from the females around him by his larger size, darker colouration, longer fin spines and the distinctive black spot near the base of his tail,) responsible for fertilizing all the group's eggs, and in the event of the school's male dying or otherwise being separated from the rest of the group the largest, oldest remaining female will lose the ability to lay eggs, increase in size, develop the colouration of a male and gain the ability to produce sperm, taking his place. In addition to changing in colouration when changing sex, Hogfishes are also known to be capable of changing colour in order to avoid detection by predators (taking on duller colouration to match their surroundings upon spotting predators such as Sand Tiger Sharks,) and surprisingly it seems this colour-changing ability is managed purely by the chromatophores (colour-changing cells) in their skin with little input from the brain, as the skin will continue to change colour to match its surroundings for a short period even after being removed from the fish's body.
Image Source: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/49432-Lachnolaimus-maximus
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
For this Wet Beast Wednesday I'll be going over one of my favorite animals: the horseshoe crab. The first thing you should know about horseshoe crabs is that they aren't crabs. They aren't even crustaceans. They're chelicerates, which makes them a close relative to spiders, scorpions, and sea spiders (not actually spiders). The name comes from the shape of the hard shell that covers most of the top of the body. There are 4 living species of horseshoe crab and many more are known from the fossil record, stretching back to the ordovician period around 480 million years ago. For comparison, that makes them about as old as the first jawed vertebrates if not older, and quite a bit older than the first land vertebrates. They are often called living fossils as they have changed relatively little in millions of years. Living fossil is a misleading term as the species alive today are not the same as those living alongside or before the dinosaurs and there are differences in morphology.
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(image: a horseshoe crab from above)
While the most famous feature of the horseshoe crab it its large shell, there's a lot more going on on its underside. At the front of the body are the legs and mouth, which aren't all that distinct. Horseshoe crabs have 6 pairs of limbs. the front pair are known as chelicera, which are used to move food into the mouth. After that there are pedipalps, which most chelicerates use for food handling or for picking stuff up, but which horseshoe crabs use as another pair of legs. Males have modified pedipalps used for grabbing onto females when mating. Finally there are the true legs, the back pair of which is the one used mostly for pushing the animal forward. All legs except to back pair have claws that can be used for picking up food but are too weak to be used for defense. The mouth is located in the middle of the legs. The bases of the legs are rough and serve the same function as jaws, giving them the name gnathobases (gnatho means jaw). Imagine having your legs come out of your face and you have to walk around to chew and you know what it's like to be a horseshoe crab.
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(image: a horseshoe crab with body parts labled)
After the legs comes the next body segment, which is home to the gills. Horseshoe crabs have book gills, which seem to be an evolutionary precursor to the book lungs seen in spiders and other arachnids. Horseshoe crabs have five pairs of these gills, each located on a flap that can move back and forward. Each flap is covered in over a hundred tiny membranes called lamellae that are used for gas exchange with the surrounding water. Horseshoe crabs keep their book gills moving rhythmically to keep water flowing over them. They can survive on land for several hours as long as their book gills stay wet. Because the gills can flap back and fourth, they are sometimes used to swim. This is only seen in young crabs as the adults are too heavy and they usually swim upside down.
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(image: a horseshoe crab swimming upside down because I couldn't find a decent gif)
At the very back of the body is the telson or tail. Despite looking like a stingray tail and being related to a scorpion's stinger, the horseshoe crab's tail is harmless. They will raise it to try to scare off predators, but its main purpose seems to be flipping the crab over if it ends up on its back. The telson and legs can grow back slowly if removed. Like ofter chelicerates, horseshoe crabs have an exoskeleton and need to molt regularly, leaving behind their old shell. Females are larger than males, who will cling onto their shells during mating. Amusingly, some small horseshoe crabs will cling onto bigger ones just to get a free ride. They are predators whose diet consists mostly of small mollusks and worms. Horseshoe crabs prefer to live in shallow water with sandy sediment and are often found in bays and estuaries. Horseshoe crabs have 9 eyes. The most prominent are a pair of compound eyes that are easily visible on the shell. In addition, there are 3 pairs of simple eyes capable of seeing visible and ultraviolet light located behind the compound eyes, on the front of the shell, and on the underside by the legs. Another simple eye is the parietal eye located just behind the pair of simple eyes on the front of the shell. And if that isn't enough, they have a cluster of photosensitive cells on the tail. Horseshoe crab eyes have the largest rod and cone cells of any animal, over a hundred times the size of a human's. Despite this, they have very poor eyesight, mostly distinguishing between light and dark.
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(gif: horseshoe crab righting itself)
There is one species of North American horseshoe crab and three Asian species. The one I am most familiar with and have had the chance to both see in the wild and handle is the North American Limulus polyphemus, which ranges from the Gulf of Mexico up along the Atlantic coast to Maine and southern Canada. Recent genetic studies have shown that there is very little mixing between a population around the Yucatan and the rest, possibly representing a subspecies or separate, related species. Some of the oldest DNA ever sequenced (about 2 million years old) was of L. polyphemus and was found off the coast of Greenland, suggesting their range was much larger in the past when the oceans were warmer. The northern population (north of southern Florida) Have a yearly mating season taking place in the spring during high tides and especially on the full and new moon. Females will crawl onto the beach to lay eggs in shallow burrows, which the males will then inseminate. Female can lay up to 80,000 eggs per year. It takes offspring about 9 years to become sexually mature and they can live an estimated 20-40 years. L. polyhemus has been extensively studied for topics including eyesight, circadian rhythms, and blood clotting.
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(Image, mass horseshoe crab mating on a beach)
Horseshoe crabs have been studies for medical purposes regarding their blood. Their blood is bright blue and contains an important chemical called Limulus amebocyte lysate or Tachypleus ambeocyte lysate depending on whether it comes from the North American or Asian species. LAL/TAL reacts with a component in the cell membrane of gram-negative bacteria by clotting. This allows it to detect the presence of many species of bacteria, even dead ones. Tests using LAL allows scientists to detect contamination. The LAL test has been used in the US since 1977 and has been used for vaccine production, making horseshoe crabs responsible for saving millions of lives. To get the blood, companies will catch large amounts of horseshoe crabs and extract blood before returning them to the water where they will tell stories of being abducted by aliens to other, more skeptical crabs. The companies claim to have a mortality rate of 3-5%, but independent studies suggest the proper value should be 15-30%. A few artificial alternatives to LAL have been developed, but adoption of them has been slow and horseshoe crabs are still extensively caught and bled.
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(image: horseshoe crab blood extraction)
The living species of horseshoe crab are all classified as vulnerable or endangered by the IUCN. Threats include habitat loss and fisheries. All species are fished for bait and the asian species and eggs are used for food. Catching for blood extraction also poses a threat. Horseshoe crabs are considered vital species in their environments and new protections should be enacted.
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techs-goggles9902 · 6 months
Can you do at Tech lives fan-fic (like if Tech is CX-2)??
CX-2 is all that remains
Warnings: prosthetic stuff, mentions of blood and stuff, contact lenses 💀 scars and stuff, bacta usage, memory issues (ik nothing super bad but what if you had a fear of contacts??) TBB SPOILERS
Word count: 1457 (WHOA I WENT OVERBOARD)
A/N: IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG ANON. I genuinely love the bad batch but I HATE WRITING THEM SOMETIMES 😭 I feel like I’m butchering their characters. But I gotchuuuuu!!! Lmk if I should continue this.
Requests are open! See Masterlist for details!!!!
IMPORTANT NOTE: some of this was supposed to be italicized but my copy and pasting removes it, so some of this stuff are their thoughts. Just an FYI
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“You recognized it, too,” Hunter whispers to Crosshair as the group hurries up the rocks.
”I did. You said he died on Eriadu,” the sniper replies in a low mumble.
“He did… Wrecker watched him fall.”
”Well, obviously he survived. Next move?”
”Follow through with the plan, Cross. I’ll have Echo double back and take us down there.”
”But… it’s him?”
Hunter pauses. When he speaks, his voice cracks, “Tech’s alive. And with the Empire.”
Tech - no, CX-2! He had to get used to that - needs to get out of the water, and fast. The current pulls at him as he grips a narrow rock beneath the surface.
His helmet can only keep him alive for so long, he needs air sooner rather than later.
This isn’t ideal. The cybernetics will never last if their circuits are drenched.
His slender fingers lose their grip on the rock. One, two, three. The Shadow loses his grip entirely, his gloves ripped apart at the seams as the sharp ridges cut into the calloused flesh of his fingers.
The current throws him back into another rock, his backpack absorbing most of the impact.
There, he thinks as the water starts to seep into his body suit, I just need to make it to that ledge and my odds of survival increase significantly.
He feels his cybernetics digging into the tender flesh of his legs. The part where the river meets land was so close, yet so far. Reaching out a bloody hand, his shredded fingers are met with rough sediment.
”Echo, Rex, please. It’s him! I feel it,” Hunter says, trying to keep Echo from making the jump into hyperspace.
“Hunter, what if it’s n-”
”Rex, your buddy isn’t coming after us. He let us go. There’s no risk in going down there,” Crosshair cuts in. Echo and Rex glance at each other.
Rex, Echo’s expression says, what if…
Echo, Rex’s body language reads, you said it yourself. He’s gone.
You didn’t give up on me.
Rex’s gaze softens. “Fine. You have ten minutes.”
Hunter lets out a breath, clasping Rex’s shoulder. He says, “I owe you.”
”You owe me a lot, Sarge.”
Echo lands the ship just off the riverbank but is still hidden in the trees in case Wolffe changes his mind. The ramp opens with a soft hiss and plants itself on the rocks with a gentle thud. The river laps against the rocks like white noise, the water running down the cliff adds to the effect.
And there, lying on the rocks, still half in the water, lies the Shadow. Barely conscious and panting, his bloodied fingers groping the sediment.
“Maker… Gregor, get the med kit!” Echo yells back into the ship as Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker trip over themselves to get down to the riverbank.
“Shit… Hunter, is he…” Wrecker asks in a low tone, kneeling down beside the semiconscious clone.
“His heart’s beating,” the sergeant replies.
“Damn… Wrecker, can you get him on the ship? Gently?” Echo asks, leaning down to check the assassin’s pulse.
“I got him.” Wrecker slowly turns the clone onto his back and snakes an arm beneath his knees and back. “I gotcha, I gotcha…”
CX-2 feels himself being lifted up off the ground, his helmet removed, his head resting on someone’s shoulder plate. He hears voices calling out to him, hands lowering him down onto something somewhat comfortable. A bunk?
His armor taken off his wet bodysuit, said bodysuit is either peeled or cut away from his body.
“Cybernetics aren’t the best quality… just a pawn in Hemlock’s game,” a gruff voice says.
“Oh, Tech…” a softer voice says.
“I told you that you should’ve taken medic training,” a different voice comments. A scoff follows.
“Stow it, Cross.” Cross… that seems so familiar to CX-2. All the voices do, even the soft, feminine one. A warm liquid oozes out of where prosthetics meet flesh. Blood.
“Shit, Gregor, hand me the gauze,” He knows this voice…
“Echo, keep pressure. I’m getting him bacta,” Echo… warm hands trail down his body, checking for further injuries.
“Crap… these prosthetics are absolute trash, I should know. Not even connected properly… Tech, if you were awake to see this mess…” the voice, Echo, scoffs. CX-2 hears a smile in his voice.
“Are…are they as good as yours?” CX-2 hears his own voice ask that. He doesn’t know why he said that. In fact, his mouth moved on its own accord. All sounds around him cease and everything’s quiet except the soft hum of the ship.
“I… no, sorry, bud…mine are cooler,” Echo responds. CX-2 feels a subtle smile tugging at his own lips. Why? These are the enemy. Someone tends to his mangled hands, cleaning them and wrapping them tenderly.
“Tech…” CX-2 hears that name being called over and over again. Whispered in his ear. Murmured into his forehead as soft lips make contact with the scarred skin. Breathed into his hands as someone holds them gently.
His eyes open, just for a moment, meeting the gaze of five pairs of brown eyes. “Tech is gone,” he says. “CX-2 is all that remains…” He’s out like a light a second later.
Hunter’s heart felt like it was stabbed, trampled, cut out of his chest, and thrown out onto a rock to die. Tech is gone… the words echo through his mind all the way back to Pabu. This wasn’t the reunion he had in mind when he realized the Shadow was actually his little brother.
Crosshair doesn’t know how to feel. He abandoned his squad, his family, for the Empire. Is this karma, he thought.
Nonsense, Tech’s voice whispers in his head, this has nothing to do with you. The rational explanation is that the Empire succeeded in turning me into an assassin where they failed to turn you. Do not blame yourself, Crosshair. There was nothing you could do to stop this.
But I could’ve known, Crosshair’s voice whispers back to Tech’s, we would’ve been at Tantiss together.
And how could you possibly have known that, Cross?
Wrecker just tries to keep Omega away from their unconscious brother. “He needs his rest, Meg.”
“I won’t leave until he wakes up,” the blonde replies, crossing her arms. “I’m not bothering him, anyway.”
Wrecker sighs, placing a hand on her scrawny shoulder. He mutters, “Tech’s always been the one to take care of us… it’s weird that we’re taking care of him.”
“I know… what did he mean by ‘Tech’s gone’?”
“I… I don’t know. Cross said the Empire erases their previous lives while they turn them into… this. He’ll pull through and we’ll be losing to him in dejarik in no time.”
Echo was confused. Tech had just asked him about his cybernetics, meaning he did in fact remember them, at least somewhat. He stares out the viewport in the cockpit, his fingers picking at his scomp link. Tech always hated when he did that.
The next time CX-2 resurfaces, he’s staring up at a - wooden? - ceiling, definitely not a ship’s. A house? Hut? Cabin? He groans, lifting a hand up to pinch the scarred bridge of his nose. His face was littered with thick, ragged scars. Ever since Eriadu.
He looks at his hand in surprise as he sees its bandage has been changed recently. Where is he? CX-2 sits up slowly, orienting himself as he goes. The room is warm, small but not small enough that you feel claustrophobic. A window is above the bed he’s currently lying on, soft light filtering through the translucent curtains. He strains his neck to peer out of it.
He gets off the bed, looking down at his prosthetics, which start just below the knee. They’re sturdier as he stands and they don’t restrict his movement like they used to. They’re… comfortable.
He quietly - as quiet as you can get with two durasteel feet - leaves the room, examining the hallway. A kitchen is down the hall, so he heads there. Wincing, he looks around the corner to see if anyone’s there.
There is.
“C’mere, Tech,” the sniper says, gesturing to the seat at the island beside him. CX-2 hobbles over to it, taking a seat silently.
“I’m not the brother you remember,” he rasps, looking out the window.
“No shit… no goggles?”
“Hemlock thought I should wear contacts so the goggles don’t break out on a mission.”
Crosshair hums in response.
“Why did you come back?”
The sniper takes a moment to respond, “Couldn’t leave you behind.”
It’s CX-2’s - no, Tech’s - turn to hum in response. He feels Crosshair leaning against him slightly.
“You’re not who you used to be, but we’ll get there. Right?”
Crosshair scoffs, “Good to have you back.”
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Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @hellhound5925 @dangraccoon @skellymom
Please let me know if you want to be taken off or join the list!!!
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dnalkaline · 10 months
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I have a major surgery coming up and the date got bumped up to Dec 15th. (I'm likely going to be fine they just have to remove some stuff and I'm not gonna be able to work for a few weeks.)
I don't have the energy to list these all on etsy right now so they're all Pay What You Want + Shipping (Usually like 5$ if you live in the USA) until Dec 13th.
Payment info:
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/hshinai
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/dnacademic
Cashapp: $hshinai
Venmo: @ hauntedshinai
If you want me to make a custom etsy listing for you to buy them I can also do that: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Alchemodel
If you don't want to buy anything and can't donate then reblogs help. If you want better photos of an object then feel free to message me. Most of these are meant to be like protection/lucky talismans and if you want deets you can ask me.
Info about the materials under the cut. I'll cross them out or something when they're sold:
Black string with lobster clasp, semi adjustable ~22" long.
Black leather with lobster clasp, semi adjustable ~18" long
Stainless steel chains in 18", 20", and 24"
If you need another lengths, I have some copper-toned chain that can be cut to any length. If you want the custom sized chain, I also have copper-colored lobster clasps that are larger than the average size if you have a hard time using the regular ones.
All pendants are wrapped with copper wire. The ones that have silver-toned or gold-toned wire are wrapped with plated copper.
Moons: (about 4-5cm long. warning these can be on the heavier side for amulets)
M1 - Dyed sapphire cabochon along with beads of tiger eye, cat's eye, agate, shell, moonstone, and an aura quartz point
M2 - Dyed emerald cab, tiger eye, fluorite, agate, quartzite, aura quartz point
M3 -Tiger eye, glass, plastic, aura quartz
Ammonites: (about 5 cm long)
A1 - Ammonite fossil, tiger eye
A2 - Ammonite fossil, tiger eye, cat's eye, sunstone
B1 - (8 cm) Dyed ruby, cat's eye, faux coral, carved garnet
B2 - (5 cm) Dyed ruby
1 - (9.5 cm) Coyote teeth, glass, onyx, blue lace agate
2 - (9.5 cm) Coyote teeth, malachite, onyx
3 - (9.5 cm) Coyote teeth, labradorite, onyx
4 - (10 cm) Coyote teeth, glass, carved and dyed emerald
5 - (7 cm) Bismuth, carved/dyed emerald
6 - (8 cm) Carved/dyed emerald, dyed sapphire, agate
1 - (6.5 cm) Rutilated quartz, strawberry quartz, fluorite
2 - (8.5 cm) Dyed emerald, rutilated quartz, fluorite
3 - (5 cm) Dyed/carved emerald, glass
4 - (8 cm) Rutilated quartz, tiger's eye, fluorite
5 - (9 cm) Glass, citrine, aura quartz
E: (all about 10 cm long)
1 - (I have 3 of these) These are all stones except for the plastic rainbow heart but I don't remember what stones. Also a dyed quartz point.
2 - Glass, agate, aquamarine, aura quartz
3 - Glass, quartz, shell
4 - Glass, aura quartz
5 - Glass, onyx, coral
6 - Glass, onyx, aura quartz
7 - Glass, citrine, aura quartz
1 - (12 cm) Glass, dichroic glass, agate, aura quartz
2 - (8 cm) Dichroic glass, fluorite, onyx, tiger eye
3 - (8 cm) Dichroic glass, sea sediment jasper, tiger eye
4 - (9.5 cm) Dichroic glass, tiger eye, aura quartz
Beaded Necklaces:
G1 - (~24") Coyote teeth, coral, glass, faux coral, onyx
G2 - (~18-19") Mixed metal, resin, wood, jade, glass, ceramic
G3 - (~21") Enamel / mixed metals, agate, aquamarine, glass, sodalite, reconstituted shell
G4 - (~18-19") Agate, ceramic, lava rock, glass, howlite
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blueiscoool · 8 months
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Rare 1,000-Year-Old ‘Viking Sword’ Found in Poland
Thought to be older than Poland itself, archaeologists have hailed the discovery of an ancient sword at the bottom of the Wisła as being “a national sensation”.
The discovery was made last week during dredging works conducted on the river running through the central city of Włocławek where, during routine silt removal, workers noticed an oblong, metal object amid the extracted sediment.
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Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji Włocławek were the first to break the news, writing on their social media: “During works on the marina an item was excavated that has a great chance of gaining unique status.
“After quickly consulting with Mr Olaf Popkiewicz from the History Seekers society, it was tentatively dated to around the 9th century.”
Soon after, the Provincial Office for the Protection of Monuments took the weapon to Toruń, handing it over to researchers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University.
Inscribed with the words Ulfberht, just eight other such swords are known to exist in Poland, and only 170 in the rest of Europe.
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Sambor Gawiński of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian branch of the conservator’s office underlined the importance of the discovery, saying: “This is an extremely valuable find. We know that these so-called Ulfberht swords were produced somewhere in Central Europe, but it’s not known exactly where.
Continuing, he added: “They were manufactured using very specific methods using carbon steel and a very precise composition.
“The amount of carbon steel that was used was strictly defined, making the sword very strong and flexible – its durability and combat value depended on this.”
The inscription was found following an X-ray of the object, with Gawiński saying that this dates the sword to before 950 AD.
“More importantly, after lying in silt for over 1,000 years, the sword has been preserved in excellent condition,” he said.
Valued at over PLN 100,000, the sword's fine condition is likely to aid historians looking to find out more.
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As it stands, much mystery surrounds the sword, in particular how it ended up in Włocławek.
With other 40 such implements found in Norway, some have speculated that it belonged to a Viking.
Others, meanwhile, have suggested that it may simply have been acquired by a local as part of a merchant transaction.
Experts, though, have warned against jumping to conclusions. “Several theories have been posted and so far all variants are acceptable, but we need to wait for the results of more detailed research,” says Gawiński.
By Alex Webber.
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bunniesloveanimals · 4 months
The Cape Fear Shiner, a golden boi
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The Cape Fear Shiner, Notropis mekistocholas, is a small endangered species of minnow only found in the Cape Fear River Basin in North Carolina. It's protected under the Endangered Species Act and is extremely hard to find, currently only being found in two rivers and a few tributaries.
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Cape Fear River, North Carolina. Their range fell with the construction of dams across the Cape Fear river basin, preventing the fish from reaching their critical habitat and other populations of their species, decreasing genetic diversity. Dams also change the movement of water, and still water is not ideal for this fish, nor is the abundance of its invasive predator, the flathead catfish.
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Flathead Catfish, Pylodictis olivaris. The shiner is very susceptible to changes in water quality, which have also decreased their populations. Things like increased sedimentation, the dumping of wastewater into local waterways, and runoff from cities and agriculture all hurt this fish and prevent them from thriving. The overflow of manure lagoons from hog farming are especially a problem that affect the waterways. The disappearance of this fish shows how the water quality of North Carolina is declining.
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Manure lagoon, North Carolina. However, there are efforts to keep this fish from disappearing. There have been dam removals to allow fish to reunite, captive breeding to increase their numbers without relying on the small wild populations, fishers targetting invasive fish like the flathead catfish, and general efforts to improve water quality across North Carolina with improved regulations. There is hope for this fish to recover and return to its previous abundance.
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Many Cape Fear Shiners, Notropis mekistocholas.
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chickenparm · 11 months
live reaction (wriothesley/f!Reader) pt. 2/end
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this is a continuation of this fic(livestream), though it's not necessary to really read that one. please be mindful that the reader does have gendered parts in this one in comparison to the previous entry.
AO3 Link
Prev Part
3,279 Words - NSFW
(voyeurism, mild pining, dirty talk, somnophilia, m!masturbation, f!receiving oral, vaginal sex)
Gripping the busted camera in his hands, Wriothesley stands in his office and stares somewhere into the middle-distance. His gut churns in an odd mixture that takes a moment for him to analyze. Only when it’s begun to settle and the sediment is separated from the supernatant does he realize that the anger and embarrassment had been suspended in a kind of thick, syrupy excitement.
With a clatter, it hits the floor, and his hand braces against his desk as he wraps the other around his cock with almost bruising tightness. Someone had been watching for god knows how long. Watching him, probably even enjoying the sight of the Duke slouched in his chair, working off some of the stress that builds when he least expects it. 
And his thoughts that had been aimless and half-assed just to get him through were now pinpoint focused on the image of a formless figure hunched over a camera terminal, watching enraptured. It had been a female voice through the speakers - at least he’s pretty sure, though he wouldn’t care either way - and he wonders if the sight of him nearly coming apart had been enough to make them grow wet with their own desire. 
It’s enough to have him doubled-over, his efforts paying off with the audible wet sound of his cum hitting the top of his desk, palm slick with what’s been smeared around. And in the moments after - when he does his best thinking - Wriothesley comes up with a plan of action. 
Faintly, somewhere in the distance, you hear the sound of a bell ringing incessantly. You try to count them, but lose interest quickly in favor of rolling over onto your stomach and burying your head in the few pillows you have, blankets kicked off without a care. Sleep seems like a better idea, you’re so exhausted. Losing out on a few coupons is fine. 
Unconsciousness claws at you, dragging you back into your dreams as you settle. Deep breath in, breathe out, you’re almost there until your body jolts in a hypnic jerk and that makes you grumble and only try even harder. With great success, you completely disregard any need to be awake and out of bed. 
It’s while you’re in the midst of a dream about something fanciful or other that your door opens rather carelessly, groaning in protest as the quickness of entry. And then it stops, a hand curled around the edge to keep it from opening any further than would allow entry to the single newcomer. Quietly, beneath their breath, a little “shit” before the door shuts fast. 
And you don’t even stir, so adamant you are to skip the day. 
Wriothesley leans against the door, locking it and staring openly at your figure in the dim room. You truly hadn’t roused at all after your quick slip into slumber last night - you’re not even wearing pants, and you’ve left yourself all but displayed for him to see upon entry. 
This had to be on purpose, right? Wriothesley distinctly remembers telling you that he’d swing by to remove the camera while you were working, so why are you here? Wriothesley’s lungs deflate with a long exhale through his nose as his eyes truly adjust to the darkness and he can see more than he’d initially witnessed. 
You’re not just curled in bed demurely, snuggled up in your blankets. No, you’re sprawled on your stomach, one leg hiked up, all but beckoning him to see your cunt in the high definition his little camera hadn’t afforded him last night. 
In his mind, the first thought is to just leave. That’s likely the first thought that went through yours when you’d been snooping on him. And just like you, he freezes and takes another breath, going against all his better judgment to move closer, not away. Had you been this enraptured? 
The part of him that maintains the smallest amount of stifled ego says yes, that you hadn’t been able to tear your eyes away from him as he’d touched himself during a moment of privacy. Just like he can’t stop taking steps forward - only two, the room is so small - and pressing one knee into the thin mattress to hold his weight. 
An arm’s length away, Wriothesley could reach out and touch. Really get a handful of what he’d been thinking about for a little longer than he’d expected. The object of his dreams last night and the reason for his uncomfortable erection this morning - one that hadn’t quite died down even after handling himself to the thought of you again.
Just a touch, he promises himself. Enough to fuel a few of the less savory thoughts he’s been having, and then he’ll leave. Only a swipe of his fingers to slick them with your cunt and he’ll disappear in his office once more, drawing lungfuls of the scent as he tries in vain to work through his frustration again. 
And the camera will still be here, so maybe…
Wriothesley smooths a palm up the back of your thigh, thumb pressing into the muscle as he goes, divoting the skin and enjoying the give of you. So kindly you’ve left yourself open, comfortable in your sleep if not entirely indecent. Both hands reach out, cupping at your ass and squeezing both cheeks together before pulling them apart, growing a bit greedy with what he’d like to see - everything.
Your asshole - off-limits for now, he won’t take too many liberties - and the folds of your pussy, just the slightest bit wet. Anticipation laces his shaking exhale as he leans closer, eyes darting up to ensure you’re still sleeping before he uses his thumbs to pry apart your labia and really see what he’s been dreaming about. 
Last night, he’d been given a glimpse. The quality of the camera wasn’t the best, but god, could his mind fill in the blanks. How sweet it is to be able to spread you open and see that you’re just as pretty as he imagined you’d be. Glazed-over eyes rake over the sight of your cunt, his thumbs pressing a bit too hard as he imagines what you’d have looked like if he did come down here last night. 
If you’d fallen asleep just the same, would his spend still be here, leaving you sticky enough that pulling you apart in this way fills his ears with the smearing of his cum?
Wriothesley doesn’t realize he’s leaned in until his nose brushes against you, and he stops with a bated breath. Just a touch, he’d promised, but maybe a taste wouldn’t hurt? Just enough to have you blooming across his tongue, then he’ll be satisfied and leave you alone. 
The taste, he thinks, is not enough. 
Flattening his tongue, he presses it against your hole and pushes, as if that would squeeze arousal from you that he hasn’t earned just yet. Looking up at you, along the length of your body, his fingers dig in and what becomes just a taste devolves into nothing more than greedy devouring of your pussy. 
The fluttering of your walls around his tongue is addicting, squeezing and pulling as if you want more and more. And if you’re going to ask him so nicely, he’ll gladly oblige. You’d put on such a nice show last night, truly more than he’d been hoping for, so the very least he could do is keep going until you tell him to stop. 
From above, your quiet little puffs of breath and sharp inhales spur Wriothesley on. Like little pleas for him to keep going, Wriothesley drags his tongue down, rolling it across your clit in quick passes until it’s swollen and slick. Your hips tilt back toward him, chasing his mouth every time he rears back to take a breath, as if he needs to dive into you. 
Letting go with one hand, he slips it down his front and undoes his pants with easy quickness, barely paying attention to the way he falls free until the tip presses against the skin of your calf. Rather than take himself in hand, he uses his fingers over top of his cock to press himself to your leg, dragging for friction that matches the glide of his tongue through your pussy. 
From the back of his throat, strangled and breathless, he moans against your cunt, and you whine in return at the vibration. Back and forth, smearing his pre-cum against your leg with little care, he grinds himself against you and lets his eyes drift shut. Just a little more and he’ll be satiated. Then he’ll make it up later when you inevitably ask why the camera is still there and your cunt is licked clean. 
Maybe even raw, if he can’t get a handle on himself sooner rather than later. 
Carefully, he chases his own pleasure while giving you yours, avoiding making the bed groan in protest any louder than it has to. Each roll of his hips smears his fingers with his arousal, beading up at the webbing and pooling against your skin until each movement is effortless, no matter how tightly he holds. Wriothesley’s scalp tingles at the feeling of fingers scraping along it, twisting into his hair and pulling his face ever closer. 
And then his eyes shoot open, mouth pressed suction-tight against your cunt as you look over your shoulder at him with a sleepy grin. 
“Odd choice of breakfast, Your Grace.”
And he can’t very well answer with his mouth full. But you don’t allow him that sort of reprieve, not like he really needs it. The only viable answer is the one he’s already been giving. Wriothesley’s tongue pushes into you again, aching with the strain of trying to taste you as deep as possible. Your moan curls with appreciation, and from the corner of his eye he watches your toes curl, matching the cut of his own hidden grin. 
Wriothesley is sure he must look like a sight. Hair mussed, cheeks ruddy, eyes half-lidded and punch drunk on something he hadn’t expected to partake in. But the look in your eyes that reflects back at him is undeniably adoring, filled with that same unmistakable hunger that got the two of you mixed up in all of this in the first place. 
Stronger than your grip, he pulls his head back with a wet inhale, chin coated in a shimmering mixture of his own spit and your coaxed arousal. A flash of disappointment crosses your gaze, easily rectified by his hand squeezing hard enough against your ass to bulge the flesh between his fingers, nails leaving crescents against your skin. 
“Rise and shine,” his voice is ragged, thick with pleasure and spittle. Eyes darting down, he watches in undisguised wonder as you visibly clench around nothing. “Just my voice, huh? Barely even said anything.”
“Could probably cum just from your voice.”
“Yeah? Wanna try?”
As much as Wriothesley would love to barricade the door and spend the next few business days spouting whatever nonsense he can think of to watch your pretty little holes flutter, he agrees with your immediate petulance, your lower lip jutting out just so. The effect is as intended whether you expected it or not and he crawls the rest of the way on the bed, uncaring of his boots against your bedding. 
Fuck it, he’ll show some preferential treatment and get you something nicer to sleep on. 
Releasing his cock, he uses his sticky hand to press at your lower back, keeping you pinned, while his other grabs at your hitched knee to straighten out your leg. Swinging his knee over, you find yourself locked in rather nicely with the heft of his cock tucked neatly against the seam of your ass. 
A breathless little sound of giddiness leaves you as he shifts you around effortlessly, your legs kicking a bit at the knee as if to test the give that isn’t there. “Does it have to be this way? I wanna watch, Your Grace.”
“Yeah, you like watching, huh?” Wriothesley can’t keep the amusement from his voice, even if his words hold truth. “Not this time.”
Your mouth opens, likely in a rebuttal of some sort that he’d love to hear under normal circumstances, but he’d like it much better if any sounds you made from here on out were completely incoherent. So, without any warning, as your voice crafts the first syllable, he rolls back just enough for the thick head of his cock to catch on your entrance. 
And it sounds much sweeter than anything you were going to say. So much, in fact, that he can’t keep up the pretense of delayed gratification any longer and pushes forward into you. Inch after inch with little room in between for you to breathe, Wriothesley stretches your pussy out until you’re taut and straining to accept him. 
And still you take more, until his hips dig into your ass and your thighs tremble beneath him. A surprising lack of volume is attributed to your little mewls of pleasure. Gaze darting up from the lewd image of your body struggling to accommodate him, Wriothesley hums in disapproval as he realizes you’ve buried your face in the scant pillows that you have, the fabric of one clenched between your teeth.
“C’mon, none of that now,” he slides a hand up your spine, hooks it around your shoulder, pulls until you’re arched unnaturally. Wriothesley only lets you go when your elbows plant into the bed, keeping your face well away from the bedding. “You sounded pretty good over the speakers, but man… I really want to hear what you sound like when you cum on my cock.”
And then he leans down, pressing deeper, mouth against your ear, “Can you do that for me, pretty girl?”
The squeeze of your cunt around him is exquisite, enough to draw a choked little laugh out of him. “Gonna take that as a yes. So keep your face out of the sheets, alright?” And for a moment, you don’t answer, your lip drawn between your teeth as your eyes clench shut in quiet ecstasy. That won’t do either, and he blows out a sigh as he rocks forward a little. “Or if you really want to be quiet, then I’ll just shove your face in them.”
The forward rut of his cock makes you whine meekly, mouth falling open to facilitate the sounds that will surely follow, and he’s satisfied enough with that answer that he turns his head to press a kiss to the skin beneath your ear where it’s softest. “Still good for me, I like that.”
And when you whimper on his withdrawal, cunt clinging to him like your very insides don’t want to let him go, well… Wriothesley likes that, too. 
His first thrust is slow and steady, pushing apart every little inch inside you to accommodate his cock before pulling it away just as lazily. Any quicker and it’s not going to last as long as he wants, though it’s not like this was anything like what he expected. Everything had snowballed from the moment he stepped in here, the moment he installed that camera, the moment you’d looked in on him in his office. 
There’s no point stopping it, but he can at least slow it down, and he doesn’t relent when you start to wiggle beneath him, trying in vain to push your hips up and back to make him go faster. A sharp hiss leaves you, the knee pads of his boots digging into your hips when you shift too much, and it’s as good a deterrent as any to keep you still and pliant beneath him. 
“Appreciate you being so accommodating, by the way.” Wriothesley doesn’t miss the way his voice doesn’t hold the same steady quality as usual, instead coming out between little pants of breath as he gleans just as much pleasure as you do. “Was gonna be a man of my word and get the camera out, but then you just had to go and invite me in, huh?”
Not quite how it happened, but he can see the little twist of a smile on your lips between open-mouthed moans, your fingers gripping at those pathetic pillows. Snapping your jaw shut, you hiss through your teeth as he shifts his angle to sit upright once more, looming over you from on high. An apology sits on the tip of his tongue, stifled once he realizes it was a sudden sound of pleasure, not pain. 
So Wriothesley rocks back, then forward, leaving you empty before filling all those spaces with himself again. And the stifled wail you give him in return is just what he’d been hoping for. He just knew you were a loud one. And if not, then he surely planned on making you that way. 
It’s cold enough in the Fortress that each wet thrust of his cock into you feels like a bed of embers, your cunt starting to accept him with more and more ease. Each pass all but bullies you open until he can finally set a pace that he’s been dying for, one that leaves your body rocking beneath him, your fingers scrambling for more purchase than a few thin pillows can give you. 
Wriothesley can help with that, he thinks, and falls prey to his own intrusive thoughts by snatching up your elbows, fingers locked tight around them to keep you from being fucked away from him. They’re the perfect leverage to arch your back, your hips tilting with the movement and his cock pressing into the wall of your cunt just right. 
Incoherence is what he wanted, and the sounds that tumble from your lips unfiltered are exactly that. Half-finished syllables, whines, cries for him to keep going, just like that. Each plea from you brings him closer, coupled with the sudden sensation of you clamping down viciously tight, as if you mean to break him. 
He’s not sure that you stop cumming, his movements precise but losing their rhythm as he falters in the face of his own release. Each wet, squelching movement drags him further along, sucking him in and demanding he stay there to keep you full. So he does, rather comfortably in fact. Only a few more thrusts until he’s cumming, each throb of his cock is met with an almost-pitiful moan from you. 
It’d be easier if he’d had a little more foresight to undress rather than just get his cock out, but you don’t seem too keen on complaining when he gathers you to his chest and settles on his side, his length still stuffed neatly inside you. Warmest place in Meropide, he’s certain. 
Slowly, your breathing comes down from its hurried pace, dipping so low that Wriothesley wonders if you’ve nodded off on him again. With a little extra indulgence, his fingertips run up and down the length of your arm, his other tucked beneath your head as a pillow. Meropide continues clanging on in the distance beyond the door, feeling a little more far away than usual. 
A little too long for his liking, you finally pipe up. “Didn’t mean to sleep in.”
And that answers that question, he thinks. It wasn’t on purpose, but he’s glad you were feeling a little lazy, nonetheless. “For what it’s worth, I didn’t come in here intending on any of this, either. Guess we’re both causing lots of little accidents, huh?”
Your face turns to bury in his arm, and his laugh bubbles up and out of him at a speed that surprises even himself. Squeezing at your hip, he grabs your attention. “I really did intend on just getting the camera and giving you some space. To be honest, I wasn’t really sure if you wanted to go any further.”
“And then you decided to gamble on eating me out?”
“Would it make you feel better if I told you what I’d really planned on doing when I saw you laying here half-naked?” Wriothesley’s hand slides up your stomach, between your breasts, all the way to grip your chin and direct you to look at him from over your shoulder. “I planned on soaking my fingers in you before retreating to my office.”
“Hoping I’d catch you again?” Your voice is breathless - teasing, but lacking as much weight as it should. “You busted the camera, I’m sure.”
“Could always reinstall another one. With a nice private terminal, just for you.” You flutter around him, his breath hitches with barely-concealed excitement. “Oh, you like that idea? Being able to just drop in and watch me working?”
The plush of your lower lip catches between your teeth, and Wriothesley dips forward to coax it back out with a swift kiss, one that briefly smothers you before he pulls away. 
“I’ll see what I can do.”
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helenofblackthorns · 10 months
I was bored & got thinking and developed a theory for twp; that the academy is going to stop being "Shadowhunter" academy. like one of the greater themes in the modern timeline especially is blurring and eventually removing the line between Shadowhunters & the Downworld - something that really kinda starts in City of Glass with Luke convincing the Clave to allow Downworlder representatives on the Council. and now Luke's the Headmaster of the Academy in Exile so I just feel like it's the next logically step?
the Academy has always had a problem when is comes to anti-Downworlder sediment; we see it in 1899 with James & the 80s with the Circle & in 2008 with Simon. It's basically a breeding ground for it. part of fixing the problem could be opening the doors to Downworlders & put them on an equal playing field for once (I mean, look at the impact Simon had). Obviously curriculum would have to be specialised for different species but things like history wouldnt be.
like the only current Downworld equivalent is the Praetor Lupus, which was completely destroyed by Sebastian. yeah Maia's rebuilding but it's not her only responsibility, since she's also the leader of the Manhattan pack & the representative of the Council - also it would take decades to get the Praetor to what it once was. so what if Maia & Luke decide to combine them, since the missions of both are quite similar.
so like, any young (or recently turned) shadowhunter or downworlder can attend & learn about their world & their powers. how fitting would it be if Max could attend as a student & even do training if he wanted to but not be the only downworlder there. also I feel like a school would be really useful for warlocks in particular lmao. they're the most unorganised of the Downworld & their current system is "hope your parents are good and figure it out from there" (has famously not worked)
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ruthlesslistener · 11 months
Hi hello I have been very obsessed about your concept of territorial gods lately. How far must two (or more) gods' domains/territories overlap in order to actively cause conflict, or at least activate their territorial tendencies?
Heyo, glad to hear that you're stuck with the same brainrot that I gave myself!! The answer here is a mix of two things: personal animosity (ie, Radiance vs Unn), and niche overlap. I tend to take a very biological/ecological role to the gods of Hollow Knight because it's incredibly fun to me, but also because there is a small nugget of merit in the game itself- the major conflict is between two gods of Light, with a minor background turf war happening between Unn and the White Lady, two gods of greenery. In these cases, land = resources such as the density of worshipers, which is important because to an ascended god, receiving tribute is what sustains them and grants them their power + longevity. Essentially, worship = food, so being possessive over the source of your food is what leads to territoriality.
For the Pale King and the Radiance, both gods of Light, whose followers worshiped them as the source of said light, this means that they shared the same religious niche as each other and thus were incapable of coexisting. If a bug prays to the Light, they could mean either the Old Light or the New, so a previously-steady source of worship turned to something more capricious, even though they differ slightly (PK is the moon, Radi is the sun). Neither can or want to share. That's why PK converted the moths to worshiping him even though the territory he physically claimed was below the Radiance's and the people that he came to primarily rule over were the beetle tribe, rather than the moths- he needed to eliminate his competition by weakening her source of power. The ceding of Crystal Peak to Hallownest was something that happened incidentally, but was necessary to fully remove the Radiance from her seat of power and thus eliminate her as competition.
(That's also why I don't believe that the diminished Moth Tribe we see in-game is because of him- that would have been shooting himself in the foot. If worship is what sustains a god, then why willingly destroy your livestock? Radiance seems to have done it out of spite, but that's because the Radiance herself is a very spiteful individual, whereas the Pale King was cold and calculating.)
For Unn and the White Lady, I see it more as a primary vs secondary succession takeover, a ceding of old territory to a new, more powerful god (albeit unwillingly). Both are gods of greenery, but Unn is old and fading, and the White Lady is...well, not exactly new and spry, but she certainly doesn't seem diminished, not by anything other than her grief. They are both nature gods, but there's a slight bit more difference between their realms in that Unn is a god of moss (nonvascular plants) whereas WL is known by the Root, aka vascular plants. That's kind of why I see the White Lady encroaching onto Greenpath as a secondary succession sort of deal- in my headcanon for Hallownest, the first god was the original Shade Lord (or the Void itself, rather), and the caverns themselves were full of the Void Sea. Then, over time, the Sea slowly receded to the Abyss- helped in part by the arrival of the Radiance- and left bare rock caverns behind. Unn took advantage of this bare space to create the Mosskin and start converting the bare rock to verdant greenery via her moss (much like how mosses and lichens irl colonize and break down bare rock for minerals), and then the accumulation of sediment from her centuries as a god allowed for WL and her rooted plants to take hold and start colonizing the space in turn.
As for the Radiance and the Shade Lord- that came about partially because they are fundamental opposites, and partially because the Radiance herself is a very offense-heavy person by nature, as we see from her relentless attacks and willingness to throw hands (lasers?) in-game. Rather than squabbling over resources with another god, like she did with PK, the Void was a threat, a predator of sorts, so she had it and its followers eliminated. Crystal Peaks is as far from the Abyss as physically possible, and the moths seem to have stuck to the surface or near-surface of the caverns, but the mere prescence of the Void itself was enough to threaten her, so burned it away and slaughtered any and all who refused to either swear fealty to her, or continued to worship it. That's why there's so few traces of the Void civilization left, and why the Snail Shamans (who have a connection to void magic) are mostly hidden away, and why the place you can get the Abyss Shriek is full of their carvings + the dreamnail dialogue Our voices will cry out again. She saw a predator near her nest, and so she preemptively destroyed it. Justified, I suppose, but uh, not to that extent.)
(PK clearly didn't have the exact same reservations as the Radiance did, but then again, Soul is not the antithesis to Void the way that Essence seems to be- probably bc of the moon metaphor going on with him vs the Sun vs the Night one that Radi and the vessels have. He can work with the Void, even if its dangerous to him. Though I shall also make the case for him having a scientific curiosity for it which affected how he interacted with it.)
All of these reasons are also why PK and WL can coexist peacefully too- PK is a God of Light and Mind, WL is a God of Root and Life. Their aspects and realms of worship don't conflict with each other- they coexist. So a mutualistic relationship is not only possible, it's beneficial, and that indeed seems to be why they thrived so well pre-fall. It's also why Hallownest (as in, the Hallownest that the Beetle Tribe claimed) was also so big- because those were the territories of two gods merged and working in tandem, rather than guard what they had alone. It's also why other Higher Beings could exist next to PK with relatively little conflict, since he had no interest in their worshipers and they wanted nothing to do with his- though WL ofc had some contesting with Unn.
I will say that in my hcs as well, unascended wyrms are the exception to all of this- they are incredibly territorial because their massive ever-growing bodies are nutrient sinks on both the mortal and spiritual plane. That's why they're incredibly violent interritory altercations, despite the rule of thumb for pretty much all living things being a conflict-avoidance policy if possible: territory wars and/or mating events can also double as a massive food source if they can kill the other god, so fights often rapidly escalate to the death with them because if they can't win a territory, then hey, might as well raid the coop while at it. This isn't something of 100% certainty because if a fight turns bad for them then they WILL disengage to conserve energy (and they usually do their damned best to avoid other wyrms in general), but that isn't something you want to risk. I hc that PK arriving to Hallownest raised a whole bunch of alarm bells in the residant gods up until he killed himself to be reborn anew, which was such an un-wyrmly move that it settled everyone's hackles back down again (bar for Radi, but she never would have been able to coexist with him anyways). And then PK giving up his wyrm form meant that he didn't need to eat practically at all on top of the energy gains he got from worship, so that saved everyone a lot of trouble too.
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