#Scorpio Ingress
seagull-astrology · 6 months
2023, October 23rd, The great luminary ingresses into Scorpio
Welcome Scorpio The Sun entered Scorpio this afternoon at 12:20 pm. I chose the Capitol Building since that’s where legislature happens and it seems the Speaker impasse is still on the front burner. The ascendant of 29 Sagittarius 33, gets the keyword of “Emulation” suggesting everyone wants to the be top dog, but in the Speaker’s case, no one likes him. The Sun is part of a yod from Jupiter…
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seafoamreadings · 16 days
moon into scorpio
with mars in aries this really can turn into a moon of seething. try not to stew on minor grievances too much, this is not the best use of your feelings. channel them into something more productive, preferably without starting a fight. same goes for obsessive feelings. do what you can to let go of them and move on, and to the extent that you truly cannot, do no harm with them, not to yourself or to anyone.
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saturniandevil · 8 months
Mars has entered his nocturnal domicile of Scorpio just now (9:04PM PDT)!
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
Wealth Indicators in the Birth Chart
     It’s ~officially~ Taurus Season, which makes it the perfect time to start talking about money, finances, wealth and prosperity. (Especially since 2024 Taurus Season is loaded with key dates for maximizing your worth and manifesting some serious cash.) 
     Do you ever wonder why some people seem to effortlessly attract abundance and prosperity into their lives while others struggle to make ends meet? The answer may lie in the stars – more specifically, in your birth chart. Astrology offers invaluable insights into your financial potential, revealing key indicators and markers that can guide us towards greater wealth and prosperity.
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The Money Planets: Jupiter and Venus
     In astrology, Jupiter and Venus are often referred to as the "money planets" due to their association with abundance, wealth, and financial success. Jupiter represents expansion, growth, and opportunities, while Venus governs money, luxury, and material possessions. The placement of these planets in your birth chart can provide clues about your financial potential and how you attract wealth into your life.
     For example, individuals with Jupiter or Venus prominently placed in their birth chart, such as in the 2nd or 8th house, are likely to experience greater financial abundance and success. Additionally, positive aspects between Jupiter/Venus and other planets can further enhance one's financial prospects, indicating opportunities for growth and prosperity.
The Wealth Houses: 2nd and 8th House
     In astrology, the 2nd and 8th houses are traditionally associated with money, possessions, and wealth accumulation. The 2nd house governs personal finances, earned income, and material resources, while the 8th house represents shared finances, investments, and financial partnerships.
     If you have planets or significant points (such as the Sun or Moon) in these houses, you may possess a natural aptitude for managing money, building wealth, and making shrewd financial decisions. Additionally, aspects between planets in the 2nd and 8th houses can provide further insights into one's financial strengths and challenges.
The Midas Touch: Aspects and Configurations
     In astrology, aspects – the angles formed between planets in the birth chart – play a crucial role in determining our financial destiny. Favorable aspects, such as trines and sextiles, indicate ease and harmony in financial matters, while challenging aspects, such as squares and oppositions, may present obstacles and challenges to overcome.
     For example, individuals with a harmonious aspect between Jupiter and Venus, such as a trine or sextile, may enjoy financial windfalls, opportunities for growth, and a natural ability to attract wealth into their lives. Conversely, individuals with challenging aspects between these planets may need to work harder to achieve financial success, overcoming obstacles and setbacks along the way.
Practical Tips for Harnessing Your Financial Potential
     While astrology can provide valuable insights into our financial potential, it's essential to remember that we have the power to shape our own destinies. By harnessing the insights gleaned from our birth charts, we can take proactive steps to maximize our financial potential and attract greater abundance into our lives. Here are some practical tips for leveraging your wealth indicators in the birth chart:
Set Clear Financial Goals: Define your financial objectives and create a plan to achieve them. Whether it's saving for a home, starting a business, or investing in the stock market, having clear goals can help focus your energy and efforts.
Develop Financial Literacy: Educate yourself about personal finance, investing, and wealth-building strategies. The more you know about money management, the better equipped you'll be to make informed decisions and grow your wealth.
Take Calculated Risks: While it's essential to be prudent with your finances, don't be afraid to take calculated risks when opportunities present themselves. Whether it's starting a new venture or investing in a promising opportunity, sometimes the greatest rewards come from stepping outside your comfort zone.
Cultivate an Abundance Mindset: Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance by focusing on gratitude, positivity, and abundance. By cultivating an abundance mindset, you'll attract more wealth and prosperity into your life.
Get a Money & Abundance Chart Reading: This reading is an invaluable tool designed to empower you with insights, clarity, and confidence on your path to wealth and prosperity.
Join Cosmic Cannibal LIVE for the Charting Wealth: Astrology Money Manifestation Workshop.  Dive deep into your birth chart and uncover the unique planetary placements and aspects influencing your financial destiny. Learn proven techniques and manifestation hacks tailored to your astrological profile, empowering you to attract money and abundance effortlessly.
     So yes, astrology offers valuable insights into your financial potential, revealing key indicators and markers that can guide you towards greater wealth and prosperity. By understanding and leveraging your wealth indicators in the birth chart, you can take proactive steps to maximize our financial potential and attract greater abundance into your life. Remember, the stars may influence your financial destiny, but ultimately, it's up to you to shape your own financial futures.
Read the article in full at CosmicCannibal.com
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For Tuesday, December 20 
At 6:32 am (PST) Jupiter goes into Aries - I made a whole post about it already! Anytime a long-transiting planet goes into a new sign there can be a shift felt; a shift in focus and an overall “vibe” change that may be difficult to explain. From sleepy and blind-faith oriented Pisces, which took us on a ride through some scary events, to brave and confident Aries, we may find ourselves feeling ready to “jump” starting on the 20th of December this year. The moon has a very busy day, and it starts out in a sextile with Pluto, which steadily strengthens and goes exact later in the evening. The moon sextile Pluto aspects opens us up to a deep well of inner strength, and can also heighten our intuition. We may feel somewhat more ready to take on what’s needed in order to ensure a sense of stability and “getting ahead”, especially with Pluto in Capricorn interacting with the Scorpio moon; Pluto is Scorpio’s modern ruler, and so there is a somewhat extra tinge of harmoniousness coming through this aspect on Tuesday. We may also be able to face certain aspects of our (and others’) inner darkness nearly unscathed, on this day. 
At around 10:00 AM the moon forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces, which can open up portals to the ethereal, as well as give us an imaginative boost for the day. Things that are hidden may whisper to us, as the moon in Scorpio represents what we cannot see with our tiny human eyes. We may need to be reminded to not get lost in our emotions or be overstimulated by how things feel; Neptunian and lunar energy commingling can sweep us out of the 3D and cause us to feel distracted. 
While the moon has us potentially inward and receptive to the slightest emotional movements and vibrations (Pisces and Scorpio) there will be an intense square with Saturn at around 10:00 AM (PST) . Saturn moon squares can bring depression, desire to withdraw from the world, or just an overall sense of heaviness. What Saturn likes to do is draw us away from anything that’s not “productive”, stabilizing or useful, and bring our attention to the things that are within our control and that contribute to success. Unfortunately Saturn does not have much sensitivity or tact with the tenderness and security-centered moon.  With Saturn aspecting the moon harshly on Tuesday while it occupies Aquarius, we may have difficulty relating to others or feeling a certain sense of belonging. Combining this aspect alone with all the Neptunian and Pluto energy seems as though we may have a really difficult time facing the external on this day; the inner world and dreamy escapism may be much more tempting than anything else.
The sun will be squaring Jupiter in Aries, which is an important aspect as Jupiter performs its ingress. The sun represents our vitality and lifeforce, as well as what drives us within a sense of purpose. Jupiter is higher ideals and abstract concepts and knowledge, and so with the two squaring off there could be a disconnect in terms of how we feel about ourselves vs who we really are. We may want to act without the necessary knowledge and minus a necessary linear plan. We may also find that our motivation burns out more easily than it can be applied. The remedy to balancing this aspect will be to truly ground and recognize our practical limitations at any given time, and to understand that something rushed is likely not done correctly.
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elminx · 6 months
2024: Major Astrology and Monthly Numerology Overview
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2024 is an “8” year [2+0+2+4=8]. 8 is the number of the infinity sign and the auroboros. All things come around in an 8-year, you can expect to achieve the highest highs, but also the lowest lows. What goes up must come down in an 8-year, but also, what goes down will come up all over again. The year will be dominated by two major planetary shifts (Pluto enters Aquarius and Jupiter enters Gemini) and a major personal planet retrograde (Mars). Note: Although all of these are important, I have bolded the events that I consider to be especially important.
January is a “9” month. [1 (January) + 8 (2023)=9] Nine is the number of endings and completion.
Our Capricorn New Moon is a 2/2 New Moon: 10 (Capricorn Moon) + 10 (Capricorn moon) = 20 = 2+0 = 2 2 (Capricorn New Moon) + 9 (January 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2 Our Leo Full Moon is a 7/7 Full Moon: 5 (Leo Moon) + 11 (Aquarius Sun) = 16 = 1+6 = 7 7 (Leo full moon) + 9 (January 2023) = 16 = 1+6 = 7 Important January Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events:
1/1 – Mercury stations direct 22° Sagittarius 1/4 – Mars enters Capricorn 1/11 – New Moon 22° Capricorn 1/13 – Mercury enters Capricorn 1/20 – Sun enters Aquarius, Uranus enters Aquarius 1/23 – Venus enters Capricorn 1/25 – Full moon 05° Leo 1/27 – Uranus stations direct 19° Taurus
February is a “1” month. [2 (February) + 8 (2023) = 10 = 1+ 0 = 1]
Our Aquarius new moon is 4/5 new moon. 11 (Aquarius Moon) + 11 (Aquarius Sun) = 22 = 2+2 = 4 4 (Aquarius New Moon) + 1 (February 2024) = 5 Our Virgo full moon is a 9/1 full moon. 6 (Virgo Moon) + 12 (Pisces Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9 9 (Virgo Full Moon) + 1 (February 2024) = 10 = 1+0 =1 Important February Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 2/3 – Mercury enters Aquarius 2/9 – New moon 20° Aquarius 2/13 – Mars enters Aquarius 2/16 – Venus enters Aquarius 2/18 – Sun enters Pisces 2/23 – Mercury enters Pisces 2/24 – Full Moon 05° Virgo
March is a “2” month. [3 (March) + 8 (2023) = 11 = 1+1 = 2] Our Pisces new moon is a 6/8 new moon. 12 (Pisces Moon) + 12 (Pisces Sun) = 24 = 2+4 = 6 6 (Pisces new moon) + 2 (March 2023) = 8 Our eclipsed Libra full moon is an 8/1 Full moon. 7 (Libra moon) + 1 (Aries Sun) = 8 8 (Libra full moon) + 2 (March 2023) = 10 = 1+0 = 1
Important March Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 3/10 – New Moon 20° Pisces, Mercury enters Aries 3/11 – Venus enters Pisces 3/19 – Sun enters Aries (Equinox) 3/22 – Mars enters Pisces 3/25 – Lunar eclipse 05° Libra
April is a “3” month. [4 (April) + 8 (2023) = 12 = 1+2 = 3] Our eclipse Aries new moon is a “2/5” new moon. 1 (Aries Moon) + 1 (Aries Sun) = 2. 2 (Aries new moon) + 3 (April 2024) = 5. Our Scorpio full moon is 1/4 full moon. 8 (Scorpio moon) + 2 (Taurus Sun) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. 1 (Taurus full moon) + 3 (April 2024) = 4.
Important April Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 4/1 – Mercury retrogrades 27° Aries 4/4 – Venus enters Aries 4/8 – Solar Eclipse 19° Aries 4/19 – Sun enters Taurus 4/23 – Full moon 04° Scorpio 4/25 – Mercury stations direct 15° Aries 4/29 – Venus enters Taurus 4/30 – Mars enters Aries
May is a “4” month. [5 (May) + 8 (2023) = 13 = 1+3 = 4] Our Taurus new moon is a 4/8 New Moon. 2 (Taurus moon( + 2 (Taurus Sun) = 4. 4 (Taurus new moon) + 4 (May 2024) = 8. Our Sagittarius Full moon is a 3/7 Full Moon. 9 (Sagittarius moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3]. 3 (Sagitarius Full Moon) + 4 (May 2024) = 7]. Important May Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 5/2 – Pluto stations retrograde 02° Aquarius 5/7 – New moon 18° Taurus 5/15 – Mercury enters Taurus 5/20 – Sun enters Gemini 5/23 – Full Moon 02° Sagittarius, Venus enters Gemini 5/25 – Jupiter enters Gemini
June is a “5” month. [6 (June) + 8 (2023) = 14 = 1+4 = 5] Our Gemini new moon is a 6/2 new moon. 3 (Gemini moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 6. 6 (Geminin new moon) + 5 (June 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2. Our Capricorn full moon is a 4/9 full moon. 10 (Capricorn Moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 13 = 1+3 = 4. 4 (Capricorn full moon) + 5 (June 2024) = 9. Important June Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 6/3 – Mercury enters Gemini 6/6 – New moon 16° Gemini 6/9 – Mars enters Taurus 6/17 – Mercury enters Cancer, Venus enters Cancer 6/20 – Sun enters Cancer (solstice) 6/21 – Full moon 01° Capricorn 6/29 – Saturn retrogrades 19° Pisces
July is a “6” month [7 (July) + 8 (2023) = 15 = 1+6 =6]
Our Cancer New Moon is an 8/5 new moon. 4 (Cancer Moon) + 4 (Cancer Sun) = 8. 8 (Cancer New moon) + 6 (July 2024) = 14 = 1+4 = 5. Our Capricorn full moon is a 5/2 full moon. 10 (Capricorn Moon) + 4 (Cancer Sun) = 14 = 1+4 = 5. 5 (Capricorn full moon) + 6 (July 2024) = 11 = 1+1 =2. Important July Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 7/2 – Mercury enters Leo, Neptune retrogrades 29° Pisces 7/5 – New moon 14° Cancer 7/11 – Venus enters Leo 7/20 – Mars enters Gemini 7/21 – Full moon 29° Capricorn (astrological blue moon) 7/22 – Sun enters Leo 7/25 – Mercury enters Virgo
August is a “7” month. [8 (July) + 8 (2023) = 16 = 1+6 = 7]
Our Leo new moon is a 1/8 new moon. 5 (Leo moon) + 5 (Leo Sun) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. 1 (Leo new moon) + 7 (August 2024) = 8.
Our Aquarius full moon is a 4/2 full moon. 11 (Aquarius Moon) + 11 (Aquarius Sun) = 22 = 2+2 = 4. 4 (Aquarius full moon) + 7 (August 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
Important August Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 8/4 – New moon 12° Leo 8/5 – Mercury retrograde 04° Virgo 8/14 – retrograde Mercury enters Leo 8/19 – Full moon 27° Aquarius 8/22 – Sun enters Virgo 8/28 – Mercury stations direct 21° Leo 8/29 – Venus enters Libra
September is an “8” month. [9 (September) + 8 (2023) = 17 = 1+7 = 8]
Our Virgo new moon is a 3/3 new moon. 6 (Virgo Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3. 3 (Virgo New Moon) + 8 (September 2024) = 12 = 1+2 = 3.
Our eclipsed Pisces Full Moon is 9/8 full moon. 12 (Pisces Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9. 9 (Pisces full moon) + 8 (September 2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8.
Important September Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 9/1 – Uranus retrogrades 27° Taurus, retrograde Pluto enters Capricorn 9/2 – New moon 11° Virgo 9/4 – Mars enters Cancer 9/9 – Mercury enters Virgo 9/17 – Lunar eclipse 25° Pisces 9/21 – Sun enters Libra (equinox), Venus enters Scorpio 9/26 – Mercury enters Libra
October is a “9” month. [10 (October) + 8 (2023) = 18 = 1+8 +9]
Our eclipsed Libra new moon is a 5/5 new moon. 7 (Libra moon) + 7 (Libra Sun) = 14 – 1+4 = 5. 5 (Libra new moon) + 9 (October 2024) = 14 = 1+4 =5.
Our Aries Full moon is a 8/8 full moon. 1 (Aries Moon) + 7 (Libra Sun) = 8. 8 (Aries Full Moon) + 9 (October 2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8.
Important October Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 10/2 – Solar eclipse 10° Libra 10/9 – Jupiter retrogrades 21° Gemini 10/11 – Pluto stations direct 29° Capricorn 10/13 – Mercury enters Scorpio 10/17 – Full moon 24° Aries, Venus enters Sagittarius 10/22 – Sun enters Scorpio
November is a “1” month. [11 (November) + 8 (2023) = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1]
Our Scorpio new moon is a 7/8 new moon. 8 (Scorpio moon) + 8 (Scorpio Sun) = 16 = 1+6 = 7. 7 (Scorpio new moon) + 1 (November 2024) = 8.
Our Taurus Full moon is a 1/2 full moon. 2 (Taurus mon) + 8 (Scorpio Sun) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. 1 (Taurus full moon) + 1 (November 2024) = 2.
Important November Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 11/1 – New moon 09° Scorpio 11/2 – Mercury enters Sagittarius 11/3 – Mars enters Leo 11/11 – Venus enters Capricorn 11/13 – Full moon 24° Taurus, Saturn stations direct 12° Pisces 11/19 – Pluto enters Aquarius 11/21 – Sun enters Sagittarius 11/25 – Mercury retrogrades 22° Sagittarius
December is a “2” month. [12 (December) + 8 (2023) = 20 = 2+0 = 2]
Our Sagittarius new moon is a 9/2 new moon. 9 (Sagittarius moon) + 9 (Sagittarius Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9. 9 (Sagittarius new moon) + 2 (December 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
Our Gemini full moon is a 5/7 full moon. 3 (Gemini moon) + 2 (December 2024) = 5. 5 (Gemini full moon) + 2 (December 2024) = 7.
Our Capricorn New moon is a 2/4 new moon. 10 (Capricorn Moon) + 10 (Capricorn moon) = 20 = 2+0 = 2. 2 (Capricorn New moon) + 2 (December 2024) = 4.
Important December Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 12/1 – New moon 09° Sagittarius 12/6 – Mars retrogrades 06° Leo 12/7 – Venus enters Aquarius, Neptune stations direct 27° Pisces 12/13 – Full moon 23° Gemini, Mercury stations direct 06° Sagittarius 12/21 – Sun enters Capricorn (solstice) 12/30 – New moon 09° Capricorn Do you like my work? Please consider supporting me on Kofi - there are options for a one-off tip, to commission an astrology report, to become a long-term supporter, or to buy some of my art!
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ms-m-astrologer · 21 days
Cosmic Events: June 2024
Executive Summary: very short void Moons, very long Opportunity Periods, heavy mutable energy at the beginning.
Lunar Phases
Monday, June 3, 02:36 UT - Balsamic Moon, 28°01’ Aries
Thursday, June 6, 12:38 UT - New Moon, 16°18’ Gemini
Growing up a little bit. “Things” are in the process of change, and we want to meet it with maturity and graciousness. Trying to suss out the future in order to make the best of it. Recognizing when something is over and moving on.
Monday, June 10, 04:34 UT - Crescent Moon, 4°48’ Leo
Friday, June 14, 05:18 UT - First Quarter Moon, 23°39’ Virgo
Tuesday, June 18, 07:15 UT - Gibbous Moon, 12°33’ Scorpio
Saturday, June 22, 01:08 UT - Full Moon, 1°07’ Capricorn
Trying to do our own thing, but the damned world keeps intruding itself. We have to adjust. Steady, hard work with a practical endpoint is a good outlet.
Tuesday, June 25, 12:15 UT - Disseminating Moon, 19°25’ Aquarius
Friday, June 28, 21:53 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 7°40’ Aries
Void of Course Moon
Sunday, June 2, 22:04 UT (Aries) - Monday, June 3, 05:55 UT (Taurus)
Wednesday, June 5, 08:09 UT (Taurus) - 08:36 UT (Gemini)
Friday, June 7, 12:16 UT (Gemini) - 12:41 UT (Cancer)
Sunday, June 9, 19:05 UT (Cancer) - 19:29 UT (Leo)
Tuesday, June 11, 19:16 UT (Leo) - Wednesday, June 12, 05:39 UT (Virgo)
At 10 hours 23 minutes, this is the longest void Moon in June.
Friday, June 14, 17:54 UT (Virgo) - 18:12 UT (Libra)
Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT (Libra) - 06:38 UT (Scorpio)
Wednesday, June 19, 16:19 UT (Scorpio) - 16:32 UT (Sagittarius)
Friday, June 21, 22:58 UT (Sagittarius) - 23:08 UT (Capricorn)
Monday, June 24, 03:05 UT (Capricorn) - 03:14 UT (Aquarius)
Tuesday, June 25, 22:30 UT (Aquarius) - Wednesday, June 26, 06:08 UT (Pisces)
Friday, June 28, 08:45 UT (Pisces) - 08:52 UT (Aries)
At seven minutes in length, this is the shortest void Moon in June.
Sunday, June 30, 04:56 UT (Aries) - 12:00 UT (Taurus)
(Note that out of 13 void Moons, eight of them are under half an hour long in total - and one more is only 33 minutes long. This is because Neptune is very late in Pisces, moving from 29°40’ to 29°56’ during June.)
Transiting Ceres/Capricorn is retrograde all month.
Transiting Pallas/Scorpio is retrograde all month.
Transiting Juno/Virgo is in her post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn begins the month in its pre-retrograde shadow; it stations retrograde on Saturday, June 29.
Transiting Pluto/Aquarius is retrograde all month.
Monday, June 3 - transiting Mercury enters Gemini
Sunday, June 9 - transiting Mars enters Taurus
Monday, June 17 - transiting Venus enters Cancer
Monday, June 17 - transiting Mercury enters Cancer
Wednesday, June 19 - transiting Vesta enters Leo
Thursday, June 20 - transiting Sun enters Cancer
(Aka the Cancer Solstice.)
Opportunity Periods
Tuesday, June 4, 23:04 UT - Wednesday, June 5, 08:36 UT. “This Last Quarter Moon OP is a good time to get organized, let go of what is no longer necessary, and finish up projects.”
Friday, June 7, 12:41 UT - Sunday, June 9, 19:29 UT. “Long OP while the Moon goes through the entire sign of Cancer, great for finding or expressing love after your emotions are renewed.”
Friday, June 14, 18:12 UT - Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT. “An excellent waxing Moon OP for commerce, arts, networking, or partying.”
Wednesday, June 19, 05:24 UT - 16:19 UT. “Short OP filled with intense emotions. Good for deep thinking and reflection.”
Thursday, June 27, 14:57 UT - Friday, June 28, 08:52 UT. “This is a good opportunity for connections as well as expressing love and compassion.”
Et Cetera
The Cancer Solstice takes place on Thursday, June 20, at 20:51 UT. It’s much like the Full Moon chart of the next day; only the Moon moves very much. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all together in Cancer, sextile Mars/Taurus - which is a great setup for minding our own business. But….
The Sag Moon is the apex of a mutable t-square, though. Mutable = new problems arising, dealing with responsibilities (Saturn is involved). Something happens, and burying our heads in the sand is the wrong approach.
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 months
Aries risings and eclipses: comebacks and rebrands
There's a few celebrities that caught my attention in the past couple of weeks and I felt the urge to look at their charts and talk about them a bit. What I've quickly realized is that… they're all Aries risings and we just went through a total eclipse in Aries and are still battling through a Mercury retrograde (also in Aries). So, this is an Aries rising-only astro news compilation.
During the recent Easter break I found myself having a Shakira moment, reminiscing on her old hits and belting out Underneath Your Clothes. I thought that's probably thanks to Mercury just stationing retrograde, which often makes people go back to old stuff. And then I thought… What if everyone's having a Shakira moment now?
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And this is when I realized suddenly she's everywhere: giving a surprise show at Times Square, being a guest on Hot Ones, giving a ton of new interviews that flood my YouTube recommend page. She just released a new album but seems like this is a huge reset for her and her name is, once again, on everyone's lips. Shakira is an Aries rising and an Aries Venus with nodes in her 1st and 7th axis - she's not quite an eclipse baby (although almost a Full Moon baby!) but nodes close to her axis may make her sensitive to eclipse seasons. Her ascendant ruler, Mars, is exalted in the 10th house in Capricorn, giving her a slow and steady rise to success and a grounded, solidified place in the public eye.
Interestingly, she received an MTV Vanguard award just last autumn at a time of her exact reverse nodal return, which already foreshadowed things for her.
Her new album was released on March 22nd this year, just a couple of days after Sun ingressed into Aries and a few days before the eclipse. What's important to note that she's also going through her Jupiter return in Taurus. Mercury retrograding in her 1st house makes people and the media reminisce on her career and what she achieved up to this point. Of course a planet retrograding in someone's 1st house can cause a hiccup of some sorts and that happened in her case as well - there was a small outrage surrounding her comments on the last year's Barbie movie and how she and her sons hated it.
Jojo Siwa
Switching lanes let's get to someone that is now talked about in the media excessively but for the wrong reasons and that is… Jojo Siwa. Now, I had to read up on her after I saw people poking fun at the way she's presenting herself but apparently, she was all rainbows and sunshines until she changed her color palette to black and is now calling herself edgy and groundbreaking. She was on Toddlers and Tiaras I believe… so you get the vibe.
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Siwa is a Taurus stellium (makes sense with the bows and glitter) with Aries rising, of course. Her ascendant ruler is right next to Neptune in the 11th house, which can bring potential problems when it comes to how she's being received by the public. The badazzledness of the sweet sweet Taurus is amped up by the flashy Jupiter in Leo (opposed by that Mars and squared by Mercury, certainly adding to the loudness of her personality and the, let's say, overall audacity).
The nodes are pretty significant for her as well, as her Sun is accompanied by the north node (really intensifying the Sun's radiant quality) and… she's actually an eclipse baby, being born in the middle of the eclipse season, only three days after a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. So we have double the strength of having eclipses in her 1st-7th house axis, as well as being an eclipse child in general.
So the "rebranding" seems, well, on brand for her at this time. But again, Mercury retrograding in her 1st house seems to not serve her well, especially given she has it retrograde natally as well. Uranus being co-present in her sign, a bubbly Taurus, paired with Jupiter, which is still a pretty badazzled planet, didn't result in a true 180° switch that she aimed for. In turn we got a somewhat inflated (Jupiter) sense of self and a warped view of things.
But the plus side is that the current Jupiter transit also helped her gain popularity as her video for the new song passed 23 million views on YouTube. Talk about expansion!
Rihanna didn't make a comeback in the same sense Shakira did but she surely made people talk. The singer is allegedly an Aries rising but she also has quite an Aries planetary party with Moon, Venus and Jupiter there as well. And in a true Aries fashion, even if she's not necessarily doing much with her career at the moment, she made sure to remind everyone of herself, especially that she's also in her 1st house profection year so it's all about "ME!" - something an Aries loves.
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Rihanna made the headlines by doing a fashion spread for the Interview Magazine. And, to be more precise, by posing in a nun-inspired outfit. The cover photo made some people outraged, while others were sighing in awe. The news broke pretty much on the eclipse (the morning after I believe).
Rihanna dabbles in these high-fashion, obscure themes probably because of the mixture of her Pisces Sun (religious themes? She surely went all-in for the Catholic-themed MET Gala a few year back) and her Aries stellium in the 1st. The ram likes to shock and be bold and sexual but considering she also has Moon and Venus - two feminine planets - in the sign, makes her bold and daring in her fashion choices as well.
Billie Eilish
The last person I want to talk about is… Billie Eilish. I know, I KNOW, you may think "but she's a Pisces rising!". Well Billie somewhat went through a different kind of rebrand and it's that her birth certificate has just been obtained and according to the new info, she is, in fact an Aries rising.
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The confusion might be there although if, like me, you see a massive Pisces influence in her, her "new" ascendant ruler is Mars… in Pisces! A corrected birth time is a big deal already, especially given the eclipse and Mercury retrograde - both helped "refresh" her astrological persona and "status" as an Aries ascendant. But that is not all, as on the day of the eclipse Billie announced a brand new album that she will debut on May 17th.
What's great about this date is that Mars will already be in Aries, probably making her a lot more active. Also, that is only one day before Jupiter cazimi and Venus conjunct Uranus - a great time to release new things into the world. Interestingly, Venus and Uranus will conjoin just a couple of degrees away from Billie's lot of fortune in Taurus. I truly love when astrology is doing its thing.
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visiblenostalgia · 28 days
The Future of The Internet: An Intuitive Deep Dive Into The Madness Of Millions
First off: This is gonna be a prediction on such a mass scale. I don't expect anyone to really FULLY pick this up (it is a prediction after all, so it's like throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks). But from what my spirit guides are telling me to do right now, they want me to push this out as far as I can because of the Pluto In Aquarius permanent ingress happens next year. We're all changing for the better and somehow the internet is going to FULLY reflect that. Why am I capitalizing 'fully'? Three of the most mundane planets are influencing this. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The icey planets are changing the paradigm soon and it's gonna flip a whole switch on our digital reality. Kind of like a 'whopping us into some sense' type of way. A rough face slap essentially. Or would it be like a baby giraffe who just arrived and has gotta walk on stubbly legs? Who knows. And because of the current state of hateful and aware affairs.... it looks pretty tribal and yet all too liberating at the same time. Without further ado, more below the cut!! ~ <3
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Now most aren't really too speculative on where the internet started, but with a little research on hand, there have been speculations that the original basis for the internet and how it was programmed in it's "alpha" form, would be around October 29th, 1969. It was mainly a military owned and insider personnel type thing. Used for the benefit of the government to send messages to its military at a faster rate than normally possible at that time. Doesn't help that if we keep it to the basics of the sun being in scorpio (the personification of what 'underbelly' means), and knowing the ruler of that sign being Pluto (which so happens to be in a mercurial/communicative sign, Virgo), insider communication seems to check out perfectly. Setting the precedent of what's to come.
On closer inspection Pluto sat at the last decan of Virgo. Taurus being its sub-ruler. Which brings its slow-notoriety and slow-growth to the public eye.
Because after over a decade, the internet has its "beta" release because of Xerox's more interactive systems. Networks being more common, has brought more information sharing and an ultimate release for IBM systems. The computer went from a government owned invention, to a technological advancement for business and relaying data on stock prices on January 1st 1983. Very much a business incorporated sign for it to be born in, being Capricorn, we look to its ruler Saturn for extra conformation. Again, more notions of privacy and economy come to the internet. It sits once more in Scorpio. Dealing with the 'underbelly' once again. Taking another chance to look at the ruler of the sign Saturn was sitting in, it brings us to Pluto being in Libra. Which libra does deal with connections and solid foundations among people. Agreements and liability. Saturn's exalted sign as well, don't forget.
So the two (Saturn and Pluto) are in mutual reception. Businesses and powers-that-be are in symbiosis despite neighboring one another. Neutralization of any discomfort (which makes me think of a sextile -- a sextile that isn't a sextile at all (man, ping that to your notes about mutual reception hehe)).
Then, when 1984 came around, the Macintosh released the FatMac. Bringing the computer to the Homefront with a 'computer for the rest of us'. A bit of virtue signaling to the future of where computers were ULTIMATELY headed. We love Apple. God bless the genius of Steve Jobs y'all <3 (besides we'll do a whole bit on this at some point the more I think on that). But to bring the internet to the Homefront, coding had to have improved. Which, once more and finally, do we get to the internet "driving down your neighborhood street". It finally comes home on April 30th 1993. A nearly exact opposite to the "alpha" release we discussed all the way at the beginning of this section. This is where the 1.0 phase of the internet comes in. The World Wide Web ("www"). From personal studies on dates I thought were significant, colored blue like this, this day would particularly stick out to be a very Saturn and Moon dominant day. Jupiter being in third. It brings a structural (Saturnian) and personal (Lunar) backdrop to what's coming down later. HTML was released this year as well. Bringing more of an emphasis on that structure. Setting off more of the creativity in some people. In terms of modality, it was Cardinal heavy. Pioneering and brand new. Plus, because of the newness to this invention and the fact that this IS the 1.0 release, it started a... settling the Oregon trail kind of energy.
I know, the connotations of saying that are very dark, but an analogy is an analogy. We colonized the digital space as a human race. And we still do with the sphere of the STILL current invention of Virtual Reality.... lil food for thought..
Let's backtrack to the nineties once more shall we? I'm not done (cause we're only getting started!)
Established and released in November of 1994, this started the wide WIDE reach to have people start their own website. A lot of the energies involved were once again tied to Scorpio. Now beginning to show the Piscean side on top of that. Tying in more creativity and personal-ness to the sites people had made. Capricorn being involved too, enhancing the structure of the internet once again with the infamous release of this digital product.
To make another very similar analogy to American history, the internet has brought a sense of decentralized-ness. Or, if we were going to use a more 'american-historical' term, it was a 'confederation of sites'. No big central power to the way in which it worked. Even if you had search engines. It was all of the people who made them.
To make an astrological connection to this, Saturn (structure and now coding), was in Aquarius. A sign dedicated to the underdog and smaller man. The 'we-the-people' kind of energy that we see now with Pluto in Aquarius in 2024.
God had blessed the United States back then am I right?
Time flies and now we land on the date December 17th 1996. CSS and coding for the 'look' of a website makes itself a lot more accessible and easier for people to grasp. Better yet, it was a tool released for the folks willing to enhance usability and design for their digital experience at the time.
The energies on that date were relatively splashed. Nothing too significant. And with my synesthesia, the one thing that comes to mind when someone says 'splash' is paint and iridescence. Bringing more of that emphasis on the freedom to design and enhance a users experience in the personality of sites that were created. By 1996 though, Pluto has finally reached Sagittarius! GEN Z REIGN SUPREME (despite our never-ending depression we'll get through it though I promise you that)!! Again, igniting that need to bring a sense of adventure. More people start to join the online space. With Saturn at zero Aries by this day (structures in detriment and a new Saturn cycle sadly), there's a theme of freshness and the slates wiped. So, again, more pioneering and newness. Hell. This is where Saturn and Pluto are in trine with one another. And if the powers-that-be externally meet up in harmony like this, oh you know it's gooooooddd.
The golden age of the internet begins.
Although started with water, invert the alchemical triangle to the upright position..... and alchemy begins to take shape. so to say~
Alrighty! We made it to the y2k movement pre-2000s. color was all the rage thanks to CSS and HTML makes it much more possible to code ones own sites. The tools continue to evolve and become more advanced. Not to mention the commodified Windows 95 and 98 experience was well underway this year, and Macintosh brought in Mac OS by this point. I mean... do you see this absolutely gorgeous graphics on both of them????
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(even though they were rivals, they both had a lovely look to them)
what comes next after these years? 1999 of course! A BIG PROPRIETOR FOR 2.0
Geocities get's acquired by Yahoo! (January 28th 1999): This day was huge with a lot of energies being torn between Taurus and Aquarius (yet, I see the contrasting energies actually quite beneficial to one another). Most of the Taurus comes from the degrees in which some of the planets were situated (using degree theory as a base for this). But the contrast on both has fixed earth and fixed air. Some would say it's because the detached and logical energy of Aquarius doesn't get the slow to grow and traditional ways of life side of Taurus, but I see them coexisting. Like how fog creates the dew in grass on those very revitalizing yet calm 'last days of school' that you may have experienced. Take what resonates as usual. If it doesn't es fine. But it's foggy air, calm winds and the dew sitting on cool crisp grass. It's a good mix. Hell one could say it's Venus and Uranus working together. A wonderful (Venusian) surprise (Uranian) to the collective. Hell it made Geocities far more accessible because of Yahoo being a rising name in the internet search engine space.
HTML 4.01 (December 1999) Maybe it was an attempt to absolve the 'y2k' bug, maybe it wasn't. But what it DID bring, was more unanimity to the eventual structure of the internet. The Taurus-Aquarius energies are still prominent, yet it was slightly different with Jupiter at 25º of Aries. Doubling up on Aries energy since 25º Aries is on an Ariean degree. So, more luck in pioneering more sites for more online adventures. Saturn in particular was in 11º Taurus (in the Aquarian degree) when the released occured this month. Bringing more of that 'stability' aspect to the freedom to code. And then the outer planets were set in Aquarius to Taurus degrees. Except for Pluto..... Sagittarius 10º.... Capricorn degree. This was gonna lead to success either way.
So, what else? We made it to 2000. And 2.0 was at its time. It brought such big risers like YouTube, Facebook and MySpace this decade. Geocities continues to be used and with that, there was more of an emphasis on respect for what people brought to the online space.
It of course raised the question about living double lives and with the invention of proto-social media, personas slowly begin to fall. Eventually there's more real-life integration and an 'everyone in' type energy because of Pluto in Sagittarius destroyed the boundaries of intercontinental travel with the advent of speaking to someone on the other side of the planet with your PC. Fucking wild shit man.
Soon, the 2010's approach. Windows 8 is soon to release in the next few years
.... it brings us to another component.
2013 - Neocities
The indie web. An alternative to Geocities because it used HTML4.whatever at this point. Evolution is pretty hard to pay attention to when you're tryin' to write a whole thing on the history of how we function on the web; just to prove a point.
Before we go on about the astrology of such, this year also marks a turning point in the internet. I personally see this as the seed for delusion and craze. Social media starts to make our real life selves more noticeable. Sure, it enhanced communication to an even MORE personal level. But, the internet was highly synthetic and had fictional tones. So, the homogenization begins with bringing those same sites who were rising stars in the 2.0 era, into the current state of affairs. They became big conglomerates. Years continue with them starting to implement ad-revenue systems, stock exchange and other such money-power-lucrative systems that the newly ingressed Pluto in Capricorn is willing to expose. By 2019, geocities is completely shut down. Personality has been swiped away in trade of Wix's dull and corporate look.
Back to my point, a secret stem to this internet begins to slowly form. Neocities.
June 28th 2013
Because this site is a major nostalgia revamp, its ultimate goal of replicating and replacing the former private-on-public-server brethren has since reached its goal today. Look to Tumblr and you notice the culture if you throw in the hashtag for it. Most people don't notice since they're too busy protesting thanks to Neptune in Pisces being our current cycle. Yet, when you want to leave the homogenized internet for something a little more personal and free to your own designs, then this would be your ticket. But it's gonna take effort to code a site.
Much like it takes effort to build a home, this release has a slight pull toward more of a water dominant presence. Bringing the full story of privacy and personality full front and center. But, because of the addition of fire in its chart, there's a lot of support for the freedom to adventure out and stand out. So, Fire and Water heavy.
It's best to work in short bursts. But put your ALL into it when you can/do.
With the advent of Neptune in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, and Pluto in Aquarius being on the precipice of what's to come, I think there'd be point where the homogenization of the internet is going to be too much to bear. I'm not trying to make this an eventual doomscroll, but don't you feel like the internet is kinda..... dying? Do we really need AI? Do we really need Bitcoin? Do we reallyyyy need this or that or anything to digitally exist other than just a little taste of our souls? I see a split (fracture) and a break.
if push comes to shove and we DON'T regulate AI or make it so where it's NOT subscribe able and it's a free service (i.e. we teach people the ways of building these mechanisms and make it easier to do so), then the internet is gonna split.
You'll have social media (the first one in the group), suddenly fall. The toxic nature could start to die down and become less and less significant as we get around to moderating our use. Respect could come back this way, but with the advent of that, it's the responsibility that comes with using the internet. Being careful with what you put out and more needs to teach digital literacy at a younger audience.
Fandom could take a slight hit because of this. Having a full-circle experience of everything I had to know about what it means to be in one, from being banned, blocked to accepted and loved, as well as the arguments over logistical means in a fictional world (which by the way Neptune in Pisces loves to blend reality with the incomprehensible imagination and raw emotions we get). Antiship and Proship wars too. (That's also gonna be something I wish to talk about with my Neptune in Aries predictions) But because of the 'digital literacy' clause and intent of stuff stated above, it'll take a slight hit where fandom may have a more respectful way of saying or doing such and so. Silent blocks, DNI alerts, the usual that we're so encompassed to.
Other than that: Forums or modified forums become the norm as we revert to a more personal and open lifestyle with the digital space. Doxxing and callouts will still happen, yet I feel as a greater disdain and utter repulsion for it could occur. All of this could be known as ADAPTATION for some. Better yet, true RESPECT.
If push comes to shove and the internet space begins to get a little too dicey and personal, basically making it more of that TRIBAL sense of finding your people (not to mention it starts to also devolve to where there's cases of subconscious levels of aggression and too many 'what-if's' being thrown around -- i.e. assumptions, accusations and subliminal hate), then something out there or somewhere is gonna completely tear apart the fabric of the internet. For a bleak example: a foreign country hacks into our digital region. Our VPN.
Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars rules knives and seperations. Wars. If Neptune rules over the subconscious over everyone, this could bring about primal actions on a structure like this.
! not to mention that Saturn (code, structure), conjuncts with Neptune (dissolution and dissolving/illusions and spiritual destiny)... and Aries is known for the anger and drive that it has......
we could revert back to a 1.0 like state of mind. Addictions to social media will have huge withdrawals. Attention and clout chasing will get worse outside of that, and it just straight up becomes a crime.
One thing's for certain. We learn a lesson of being careful to not put our personal information out there. .... but that break gives a chance for the proto-web to come back. Hyper-personalization and drive to keep it within chat services like Discord could become even more so the norm or remain as they are. HTML 6 could come out and bringing the retro look with offline capabilities to the public. So as long as we're careful not to once again put our information out there, then that might bring us to once again let the people shine. The key theme with the break is RESTART.
I apologize if it did seem bleak or aggressive. It’s what I channeled and like I said, if you don’t resonate with it, don’t have to worry about it. 🧘✨ my last couple of statements before we close this off with resources, and one is gonna sound a lot like Smokey The Bear.
Care will prevent the destruction of our exchange in ideas and communication. Only YOU can prevent the 'break'. so let's strive for a 'split' alright? ~visiblenostalgia
and then there's something one of my professors had admitted.
"We have more information than ever, but we're more uninformed than ever."
and a small song before I really tie this up.
love you guys <3
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sensualnoiree · 6 months
venus ingress into scorpio dec. 3
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Today Venus moves into Scorpio, relationships may experience intensified passion & a desire for deep connections. However there's a caution against obsessive tendencies, urging mindfulness in both romantic and financial pursuits. For Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, Leo, & Aquarius risings 👀....
Venus dives into Scorpio, heating up Scorpio risings' 1st house vibes. Expect to be walking around wit an extra sizzling aura & a magnetic allure for the next month. Dive deep into self-love and expression without drowning in intensity.
Taurus risings, Venus sets the love stage in your 7th house. Relationships are going to get intense, demanding both trust & emotional depth. Do watch out for any signs of possessiveness & intentionally balance that love scale, you got this my beautiful bulls!
Libras, Venus lands in your 2nd house realm. Your wallet might be feelin the love, but watch out for impulsive spending! Focus on the other aspect of the 2nd house where you can attain true self-worth, not just a healthy bank balance.
Leos, Venus paints your 4th house in passionate hues. Family bonds will intensify; home becomes a love haven. Just beware of getting too territorial—consider the desire and needs of others and spread that love, my strong hearted lions!
Aquarius risings, Venus takes charge of your 10th house. Your career may gain a dash of charm & relationships could heavily influence work. Aye now hey now, don't mix business with pleasure too much—balance is key!
for more info follow me here! 🤸🏿‍♀️
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astrojulia · 1 year
Mermaid’s Guide to the Stars: Astrological Predictions for May 2023
May Calendar
May 1st - Pluto Rx in Aquarius
May 5th - Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
May 7th to June 5th - Venus in Cancer
May 12th - Waning moon in Aquarius
May 15th - Mercury in Taurus
May 16th - Jupiter in Taurus
May 19th - New Moon in Taurus
May 20th to July 10th - Mars in Leo
May 21st - Sun in Gemini
May 27th - Waxing moon in Virgo
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Reminder: The dates are dd/mm/yyyy!
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Aries Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, it looks like you might still be adjusting to the new events brought by the powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. Pluto will begin to retrograde on May 1st and will remain that way until October 11th. Although Pluto's fame can be scary, it affects the world more than the individual. On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year is coming. This lunar eclipse in Scorpio comes in a tense aspect with Uranus, so be attentive to your financial matters and regularly check your bank account and credit card to avoid strange charges. It's possible that you may need to insure your beloved belongings before the eclipse arrives. Alternatively, you may have a large pending payment related to a loan, taxes, or repair bills. Additionally, it's possible that you may discover an employee or partner is embezzling funds if they work for themselves. Another possibility is that this eclipse activates the subject of surgery in your life.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until June 5th, allowing you to feel comfortable and pleasurable in your home. If the expense brought by the eclipse referred to the purchase of a property, now you may be thinking about how to decorate that new space.On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in Taurus, helping you have more clarity on financial matters and ways to make money. The following day, on May 16th, Jupiter will ingress into Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, bringing great blessings to your financial and material life.On May 19th, there will be a New Moon in Taurus that comes together with Uranus, well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This moon also activates material matters, indicating that to grow financially, sometimes you will encounter instability. However, this moon opens a door for money to flow, indicating the birth of an idea or project of a new source of income in your life.Mars begins to transit through Leo on May 20th and will remain in this sign until July 10th, helping you accelerate a project or idea that involves increasing your earnings. However, be aware of excessive authoritarianism and individualism, which can turn into selfishness and generate fights in relationships.On May 21st, the Sun will ingress into Gemini, and you will turn to matters involving lectures, courses, and studies. In summary, May 2023 will be intense and full of events, from financial events to opportunities for growth and learning.
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Taurus Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might be adjusting your life to the new patterns painted by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. It was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur between 2023 and 2024.Pluto starts retrograding on the first day of May and will continue until 11/10. Before settling in Aquarius, Pluto will briefly go back to Capricorn from 11/06 to 20/01/2024. In 2023, we will still experience a kind of transition, with Pluto allowing us a free sample from 23/03 to 11/06 of what it will do in Aquarius and then returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.This Lunar Eclipse occurs in Scorpio on 05/05 in a tense aspect with Uranus. This eclipse could reveal someone close to you who is not honest. Make sure everything is going well in your relationship, as someone close to you may not be honest, and you would find out at the time of the eclipse.Two days later, on 07/05, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until 05/06, and this movement will help you with any unresolved conversations or issues in your life.On 15/05, Mercury will resume its direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you express yourself and communicate better. The next day, on 16/05, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until 24/05/2024. Jupiter makes everything it touches grow, and it will be pouring blessings directly on your head, inaugurating a 12-month period ahead where luck will be on your side in countless ways, making you live one of the periods of greatest personal and material growth of your life.May holds a New Moon in Taurus on 19/05 that comes together with Uranus, well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon marks a new chapter in your life, a new version of you being born, a new way of presenting yourself to the world. Pluto will be supporting this Moon and from where it is, adds a touch of power and glamour to your image.In a month where everything fits, there is also room for a change in Mars, which begins to transit through Leo on 20/05 and remains in this sign until 10/07. Mars will help you get involved with a property or make repairs and improve your home. Alternatively, if you are not involved with your physical home, you may be focusing on a family matter.On 21/05, the Sun will enter Gemini to stay until 21/06, and you will focus on matters that involve your earnings and material resources, trying to understand how to achieve more success in this area. In a month where everything happens, there is room to move money too, and thus ends the intense and eventful May of 2023.
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Gemini Rising and Sun
Hey, in May you might be adjusting your life after a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur in the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.On May 1st, Pluto will begin to retrograde and stay that way until 10th November. Pluto is already in Aquarius until 2043, but before settling definitively in this sign, it will briefly return to Capricorn from 11th June to 20th January 2024. In 2023, we are still in a kind of transition, as if Pluto allows us a free sample of what it will do in Aquarius from 23rd March to 11th June, and then returns to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year is waiting for us. This lunar eclipse occurs in Scorpio and is tense in aspect with Uranus. Full moons are more emotional than new moons, and eclipses carry the strength of three full moons combined in one. Something will end and something will begin related to your work and health.Changes are happening in your work. If you own your own business, make sure no one is diverting money that belongs to you. Be careful with co-workers, perhaps they will reveal a secret of yours or you will discover something about them that shakes the relationship and it won't be possible to see them the same way as before.Your home life will also suddenly become volatile. It is possible that suddenly your house needs some repair due to a leak, breakage, or structural repair needs. If you have pets, keep a close eye on them around this eclipse.Uranus works to find a weak link in your health. Watch out for anxiety and try to relax in the days surrounding the eclipse, keep your schedule free and flexible.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until June 5th, bringing material prosperity into your life. It can bring salary increases, increases in the value of your products and services in the market, and even a rewarding and quite profitable promotion.On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you organize your life and routine to preserve your well-being. The next day, on May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, and this is a great gift for your physical, mental, and spiritual health.On May 19th, a New Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This moon also activates spiritual matters and the focus on self-care and well-being. It marks a beginning, a first step.On May 20th, Mars begins to transit through Leo until July 10th, bringing a series of trips and moving writing and speaking tasks. If you work writing or speaking in public, you will be highly sought after now.On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini, bringing a recharge of strength and vitality to you.
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Cancer Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, you might be adjusting your life to the new designs painted by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. It was the first of a series of eclipses happening on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. On May 1st, Pluto will begin to retrograde until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius for a long stay until 2043, but before settling in this sign for good, it will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th, 2023 to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, we will still experience a kind of transition, as if Pluto allows us a free sample of what it will do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th, and then goes back to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year awaits us. You might be thinking, "Another one?" And the answer is yes, we usually have four eclipses per year, and in some rarer years, even six eclipses are possible. This eclipse will affect two important areas of your life: romance and children. There is a possibility that you may hear something worrying about the person you are romantically involved with, or that a casual incident may reveal something that prevents the relationship from continuing as it was before. If you are in the midst of a separation or divorce, you may be in conflict with your ex about children if you have them. Of course, this eclipse is not inherently negative. If your dating or marriage is strong and happy, the surprise that the eclipse brings may even be highly positive, making you cry with happiness and emotion.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, bringing peace and well-being. Venus will help you feel good in your own skin, making you calmer and more diplomatic, more graceful and courteous. Venus will also make you a more vain person, and this is a good time for aesthetic treatments or changes in appearance.On May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, and this is a great gift for the realization of your dreams. Jupiter makes everything it touches grow, and it will be pouring blessings on long-held dreams, such as having children, visiting a place, living a great love, or simply acquiring a property or a certain lifestyle, inaugurating a 12-month period ahead in which you will realize a great dream, be it material or personal, making you live one of the most fulfilling periods of the decade.On May 19th, a New Moon in Taurus that comes together with Uranus brings a novelty, which can be an invitation or a proposal. It is also supported by Pluto, indicating that you will be relating to important people in your circle.Mars begins to transit through Leo on May 20th and remains in this sign until July 10th. Mars will help you earn more money from now on, adding strength, courage, and speed to your earnings.The Sun will enter Gemini on May 21st, and you will turn inward, to your intimacy and privacy, wishing to be more behind the scenes.
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Leo Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, you'll still be adjusting to the changes that a powerful solar eclipse in Aries brought to your life. It was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year will occur, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio. This eclipse will activate matters involving your family and home, and you might be surprised by unexpected repairs and maintenance needs. Also, if you live in a rented space, keep an eye on your rental contract. You might also receive unexpected news from someone you live with.However, Mars and Saturn will be oriented towards the eclipse, creating a comforting and stabilizing vibe amidst the unpredictability.Two days later, on May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through the sign of Cancer, adding emotional well-being and comfort. On May 15th, Mercury will resume its direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you resolve any work or career-related issues that were at a standstill or some kind of misunderstanding.On May 16th, Jupiter enters Taurus and stays until May 24th, 2024, ushering in a 12-month period ahead where you'll see your career shine brightly. You'll be making a name for yourself! May also holds a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th that is conjunct Uranus, well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This moon also activates career and professional life matters.In a month full of movement, there will also be a change in Mars, which begins to transit through Leo on May 20th and remains in this sign until July 10th.On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini, and your focus will turn to events, social gatherings, and friendships.
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Virgo Rising and Sun
Hey, in May you might be adjusting to some new changes in your life due to a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This is the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. On May 5th, Pluto will start its retrograde phase and will remain retrograde until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius for a long stay until 2043, but before settling definitively in this sign, it will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, we'll still be in a kind of transition, as if Pluto allowed us a free sample of what he'll do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th and then return to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year is waiting for us. This lunar eclipse will occur in Scorpio. The family of eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis began in 2021 on November 19th with a lunar eclipse in Taurus. Two new eclipses have recently arrived in this axis on October 25th, 2022, and November 8th, 2022, as a solar eclipse in Scorpio and a lunar eclipse in Taurus. This lunar eclipse that occurs in Scorpio on May 5th comes in a tense aspect with Uranus, which means its own nature is to be completely unpredictable and the ruler of chaos. This eclipse will shed light on matters involving contracts and written documents such as subpoenas, correspondence, or notifications.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until June 5th, adding a touch of fun to your life. On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you resolve any pending issues or delays involving travel, foreign affairs, and academic pursuits. The next day, on May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, and this is a big move for you and the place you live in. Jupiter brings expansion, advancement, and going beyond boundaries and will be pouring blessings on foreign affairs and travel, inaugurating a 12-month period ahead in which you will be traveling a lot.May holds a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th, which comes together with Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon also activates matters involving travel and foreignization, and it touches on issues involving academia and university education. It may mark the moment when you receive news of a visa or foreign residence approval or at least, a trip to a state or country different from your own.On May 20th, Mars begins to transit through Leo and remains in this sign until July 10th, which may be an uncomfortable period for you. Mars will be activating matters involving silence and retreat, which can be stressful and unsettling. On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini to stay until June 21st, and you'll focus on your career and professional life because this will be a phase of success and recognition in this field.
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Libra Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might be adjusting to life after a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first in a series that will happen between 2023 and 2024. Pluto starts going retrograde on May 1st and will be retrograde until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius, but before it got to this sign, it briefly went back to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, we'll be going through a transition, as if Pluto is giving us a free sample of what it's going to do in Aquarius before going back to Capricorn. On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year awaits us. We usually have 4 eclipses per year, and in some years, up to 6 are possible. Eclipses always come in pairs. This eclipse will bring news about salary, economy, or an unexpected expense. Mars and Saturn will be beautifully aligned for the eclipse, highlighting career and financial help. Venus starts its transit through Cancer on May 7th, indicating that prestige increases in career. Mercury resumes direct motion in Taurus on May 15th, helping you to have more clarity on how to deal with money. Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16th and will strongly move material issues such as profit, investments, and acquisition of material goods. May holds a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th, conjunct Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon speaks about a new investment, an acquisition, money that you decide to invest in something so it can grow. Mars starts transiting Leo on May 20th and remains in this sign until July 10th, helping to increase outings and move social relationships. The Sun enters Gemini on May 21st, and you will turn to matters involving travel, vacations, and new experiences.
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Scorpio Rising and Sun
Hey, in May you might be adjusting to the effects of a powerful solar eclipse in Aries, the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.On May 1st, Pluto will begin its retrograde and stay retrograde until October 11th. Before settling in Aquarius until 2043, Pluto will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, this means a kind of transition, allowing Pluto to show us what it will do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th, before returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.Pluto has a scary reputation, but its forces are felt more collectively than individually. On May 5th, we'll have the second eclipse of the year, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio. We usually have four eclipses per year, and in some rare years, up to six eclipses are possible. Eclipses come in pairs, and the Taurus lunar eclipse of November 19th, 2021 marked the beginning of the eclipse family on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The subsequent solar and lunar eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus that occurred on October 25th, 2022, November 8th, 2022, and October 28th, 2023 take the themes to a more advanced level of discussion.The lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th brings a tense aspect with Uranus, making it hard to predict what might happen. However, you can expect this eclipse to bring your attention to a romantic or commercial relationship that could become closer and more exclusive.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, and you'll feel a strong desire to try new things and break the routine. Additionally, if you're open to love, look beyond borders as you may find a passion in your life.On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in Taurus, helping you to talk and establish the terms of a relationship. The next day, Jupiter will enter Taurus, bringing blessings to your partnerships and inaugurating a 12-month period where you'll take further steps in committed relationships.On May 19th, a New Moon in Taurus marks a new chapter in your life, whether in a commercial or romantic relationship. Pluto will support this Moon, indicating a major transformation for the better.On May 20th, Mars will begin transiting through Leo until July 10th, promoting your career and helping you achieve professional awards and accomplishments.On May 21st, the Sun will enter Gemini, leading you to focus on material investments and profits, which will be reflected in your career thanks to Mars' hard work.
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Sagittarius Rising and Sun
Hey there! May is bringing some pretty big astrological changes that could have an impact on your life. The second eclipse of the year is set to occur on May 5th, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio that might reveal hidden enemies and secrets. It's important to stay calm and flexible when dealing with the situations brought on by the eclipse. However, the good news is that Mars and Saturn will be nicely oriented for the eclipse, which could bring a comforting and stabilizing vibration amidst the unpredictability.In addition, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer on May 7th, which could increase your material power and bring in some extra cash. On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you clarify situations at work and improving your health.On May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus and kick off a 12-month period where it supports good professional opportunities and healing and improvement for your health.May also brings a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th, which could mark an important new beginning in your professional life or bring in a new client for your business. Mars will also begin transiting through Leo on May 20th, which could help you seek professional development.Finally, the Sun will enter Gemini on May 21st, which might lead you to look at your partnerships and value those who are loyal and stand by your side.
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Capricorn Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might still be getting used to the changes brought on by that powerful solar eclipse in Aries that happened earlier this year. Pluto, which has been in Aquarius since 2023, will briefly move back to Capricorn in June 2024. It's a kind of transition year where we get a free sample of what Pluto will do in Aquarius, and then it moves back to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.The eclipses always come in pairs, and on May 5th, we'll have the second eclipse of the year, a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that comes in tense aspect with Uranus. This eclipse will affect your friendships and the groups you're a part of. You might accidentally stumble upon a secret involving one of your friends. Or you could experience a difficult situation or even a separation from a friend or group you belong to. But don't worry, there's also a chance that something good could come out of this eclipse, like a pleasant surprise related to your friendships.On May 7th, Venus begins its transit through Cancer and will stay there until June 5th, bringing happiness and lightness to your close relationships. On May 15th, Mercury will go direct in Taurus, helping you to see romance and fun grow even more in your life. On May 16th, Jupiter will ingress into Taurus and stay until May 24th, 2024, bringing considerable happiness and personal fulfillment to your life. This will be one of the most enjoyable periods of the decade for you!In May, we'll also have a New Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus and well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon will also activate the areas that Jupiter will help grow, and bring some exciting news. On May 20th, Mars begins to transit through Leo and stays there until July 10th, activating money, inheritance, wills, and investments. On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini until June 21st, and you'll be taking a closer look at your daily routine and professional life.
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Aquarius Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might still be adjusting to the new changes brought about by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first in a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.Pluto has already moved into Aquarius for a long stay until 2043, but before settling into this sign permanently, it will briefly return to Capricorn from 11/06 to 20/01/2024. So in 2023, we'll still be going through a kind of transition, as if Pluto is giving us a free sample from 23/03 to 11/06 of what it will do in Aquarius, and then returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.The second eclipse of the year will happen on 05/05. This lunar eclipse in Scorpio will be in a tense aspect with Uranus, activating issues involving your career, reputation, and professional progress. Unexpected changes at home and in your family life may be affecting your work and professional development. Try not to overload your schedule because when this eclipse arrives, you may find yourself in a situation where your career needs you as much as your family does.Uranus can be unpredictable, but Mars and Saturn will be beautifully aligned with the eclipse, touching on your ability to reinvent yourself, survive crises, and even profit from them. With Uranus involved, it's impossible to say exactly what an eclipse will bring, but I can tell you that Mars and Saturn will create a comforting and stabilizing vibration amidst the unpredictability of the eclipse.On 07/05, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until 05/06. This movement will come to resolve setbacks and even conflicts that the professional environment may be experiencing.On 15/05, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you resolve any family issues that have come to light and have been worrying you or even harming your career and work. The next day, on 16/05, Jupiter enters Taurus to stay until 24/05/2024, and this is a great gift for your family life as well.May holds a New Moon in Taurus on 19/05, which comes together with Uranus, well-supported by Pluto but tense with Saturn. This Moon also activates issues of home, family, and household, and you may be inaugurating your new home on this date or very close to it.Mars begins to transit through Leo on 20/05 and remains in this sign until 10/07. Mars places a lot of emphasis on close relationships, whether they be work or romantic, so you may be very focused on forming a bond or committed relationship with another person, whether it be in love (marriage) or in a business partnership or collaboration.The Sun enters Gemini on 21/05, and this is a period when you may start thinking about the subject of children, and a growing desire to make your mark in the world may also emerge.
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Pisces Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, you might still be adjusting to the changes brought about by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was just the first in a series of eclipses that will take place along the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. On May 1st, Pluto will begin its retrograde motion, which will last until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius for a long stay that will last until 2043, but before settling definitively into this sign, it will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. So, in 2023, we will still be in a kind of transition, as if Pluto is giving us a free sample of what it will do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th, and then returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year awaits us. This lunar eclipse in Scorpio comes in a tense aspect with Uranus and will affect one of these areas for you: long-distance travel, immigration, citizenship and foreign residence, publishing and broadcasting projects, college and graduate school opportunities, and legal issues or lawsuits. You may need to make an unexpected trip or rush to solve a problem involving travel or immigration documents.On May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus and stay there until May 24th, 2024. This is a great move for you to further increase your ability to express yourself and reach an incredible number of people willing to listen.On May 19th, there will be a New Moon in Taurus, which comes together with Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon also activates matters involving communication and business. Any attention you receive in May can attract some rivalry and competition at work, which can ignite sparks of conflict and friction in the professional environment. It's best to ignore it.On May 21st, the Sun will enter Gemini and stay there until June 21st, and your focus will be on your family and home.
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[24] Astronalia | Mariane Chagas. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@astronalia . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
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seagull-astrology · 8 months
2023, October 23rd, The great luminary ingresses into Scorpio
Welcome Scorpio The Sun entered Scorpio this afternoon at 12:20 pm. I chose the Capitol Building since that’s where legislature happens and it seems the Speak impasse is still on the front burner. The ascendant is 29 Sagittarius 33 and as shown on the chart below, we have a yod up in the tenth house, just missing the Sun by two degrees. Inconjuncts are aspects that highlight planets that do…
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seafoamreadings · 1 month
moon into scorpio
spend some time with your deepest inner self. avoid projecting the need for depth and understanding onto the desire to pry into anyone else's life.
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saturniandevil · 8 months
Mercury has entered Scorpio just now (11:41PM PDT)!
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After referencing the ingresses from 1919, this is where I'm at right now:
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Scorpio
Mercury: Direct
Venus: Cancer, Direct
Rising: Leo
Midheaven: Aquarius
Which puts his birthday May 21 - June 8
- Nuthouse Anon
Kind of tempted to make it May 25 just for shits and giggles lol.
Lemme look through wikipedia and see if any thematically fitting, television-related events happened during that timespan.
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pallastrology · 3 months
march notes
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artwork by amedée julien marcel-clément
vibe check for the month! life is hard right now for a lot of reasons, but keeping an open mind and open heart is the way to go. the month starts out relatively serious, sentimental even, with a triple conjunction between the sun, mercury and saturn in dreamy pisces trining the moon in scorpio and forming a sextile to jupiter in taurus. it's a great time to note down your reflections on the month prior, where you're at, where you want to go... daydream a little, it's good for the soul. if you're feeling low in energy this week, that's okay, take a little time to rest and recuperate for the month ahead.
after this weekend things start ramping up, culminating in the pisces new moon on the 9th - this conjunction forms a sextile to uranus in taurus, helping to balance out some of the sombre sensitivity this new moon can bring. if you haven't had chance to figure out your goals for the month yet, now is the perfect time to solidify them and start working on them. what's one thing (no matter how small it may seem) you can do to get closer to your dreams?
the new moon really feels like a new beginning this month, as immediately afterwards mercury ingresses into aries; conjunct the moon and sextile pluto in aquarius, this is a transit that makes me think of a sudden, lightning-bolt kind of realisation. whatever you're coming to terms with or starting to work on lately, this might speed up the process, bringing you almost-uncomfortably close to mastering an aspect of yourself or your life. venus soon ingresses into pisces, softening and smoothing out after a month of being in cerebral aquarius. this is much needed now we're working our way towards the firecracker that is aries season.
speaking of aries season... looking at the transits, i was struck by how much potential there is this month, especially in the latter half, for conflict and arguments. if i can give some advice, i'd say to think before you speak, consider keeping a journal to reflect on situations, rather than bottling it all up and then exploding, and focus on yourself right now. don't mind what other people are doing wherever possible, and stay calm when dealing with conflict or stress - easier said than done, i know. at the same time, there is a lot of potential for really enlightening conversation, full of honesty and vulnerability. choose wisely who to open up to, but don't be afraid to communicate openly in general.
the full moon in libra, hitting on the 25th, kind of wraps march up. the sun forms a sextile to pluto in aquarius, while the moon trines it, which is an interesting little triangle for sure. that sudden realisation i mentioned earlier? maybe now is the time to put the issue to bed, if you can of course. consider a ritual to let go of whatever it is, there are lots to choose from but i'm personally a fan of writing it down and then burning or washing it away. burning feels more appropriate given the elements at work here, but whatever feels best to you is the best method for you. all in all, this month is full of opportunity and expression, but isn't a month to share every thought you have with every person you meet. enjoy your march, and take care! xo
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