#Scout Comics
fell-hound · 5 months
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Missing my vengeful murder lesbian.
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ultrameganicolaokay · 4 months
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Sidney Hammer #1 by Massacre. Cover by Massacre. Variant cover by Pablo Collar. Due out in March.
"She's not your average journalist. She's got a magic hammer, and she knows how to use it! Join Sidney as she battles gruesome ratzis and uncovers dark secrets involving bionic monkeys in this pulse-pounding, action-packed comic series. Designed for fans of trashy movies, this is your ticket to over-the-top, monster-smashing mayhem. Hold on tight – it's Hammer time!"
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rinconscout · 4 months
Insignias scout: coleccionando recuerdos
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¡Hola gente!, Quiero contarles que soy fanático de coleccionar cosas scouts, en especial insignias scout. Mi colección es mucho más que parches de tela, plástico y metal, es como un cofre lleno de momentos que marcaron mi vida. Algunas de estas insignias me las regaló mi abuela y otras cuantas me las regaló una tía a quien quiero mucho.
Otras, en cambio, representan mi camino en el mundo scout. Cada una simboliza un paso adelante en mi aprendizaje, crecimiento y las habilidades que fui sumando en el camino. Pero, entre todas, hay una especial: la insignia de responsabilidad que me gané en la tropa scout Cromañón. Esta insignia no solo es un reconocimiento, sino también un compromiso con los valores scouts: responsabilidad, liderazgo y ayudar a los demás.
En mi colección hay insignias de otros grupos, algunos son de otros países, y las más antiguas son de plástico, otras son coloridas y algunas con bordados, Hay insignias viejas y otras más nuevas, todas representan un orgullo para mi. Los dibujos son muy variados y creativos y todos en su conjunto representan un paso por el tiempo. 
Es como un recordatorio constante de lo importante que es ser scout y servir a los demás. Cada vez que miro a mi colección, me teletransporto a un viaje lleno de emociones, donde el esfuerzo, la dedicación y el compañerismo se mezclan con los recuerdos. 
Como ya dije estas insignias son más que pedacitos de tela, plástico y metal; son como testigos en este apasionante mundo del coleccionismo. Son el reflejo de mi viaje como scout que aún sigo recorriendo.
Y sé que no soy el único en esto. Hay millones de scouts en todo el mundo que también coleccionan estas cosas. Aliento a mis hermanos que construyan una caja de recuerdos y puedan tener su colección de insignias. ¡Es un hobby que nos une a muchos scouts! 
 Hasta la próxima. ¡Siempre listo!
Asunción, diciembre 2023
Nota: si alguien quiere colaborar con mi colección y regalarme alguna insignia, será bienvenida !!!
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salylockheart · 6 months
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I'm very pleased with this panel I drew :)
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mitsukii-ig · 2 years
247 layers later, it's finally finished!!
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AHHH! Super excited to announce DEATH DROP, a brand new series by myself David Hazan, Lucas Gattoni and @scoutcomics will be hitting comic shop shelves this summer! I couldn’t have asked for a better pair of Co-creators for my first industry rodeo and we can’t wait to get this into your hands. Apologies it advance for absolutely not sitting up about this till issue #1 drops this Pride 😅 Death Drop: Drag Assassin #1 (of 5) is due out in stores and digitally on Wednesday, June 14th. available to preorder from previews world now! 
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is-jan-jan-is · 8 months
Best comics by publisher:
I am bored and autistic and gay and so I've compiled an objectively subjective list of the 'best' books from each publisher. You're welcome, America.
IDW-honestly the current Star Trek run is phenomenal and we all love TMNT but I gotta give it to Atomic Robo.
Scout-Metal Shark Bro is so good that it honestly skewed my expectations for the entire publisher. They truthfully have two solid lines and the rest is an odd marketing campaign. The Black Caravan stuff was fun, though.
Boom!-SIKTC is undeniably amazing and 'We Only Find Them When They're Dead' is objectively top tier but for me, it's all about Coda. The art, the writing, the straight dude getting dunked on by his orc paladin wife-perfection. The first issue of the continuation just dropped and reading it was like returning home.
Ahoy!-Penultiman is pretty good but I think 'The Wrong Earth' is clearly their best title.
Valiant-hear me out, hear me out. I've collected ALL of Valiant's reboot, 2012-present. Unfortunately I must report that peak Valiant is X-O Manowar: Retribution. 1993 was a good year for whacky sci-fi comics. There is a scene wherein Aric of Darcia proclaims:"he must be like those men who prefer other men. I do not understand these men; but damn, do they make the best wizards!" That's peak fiction.
Dark Horse-look Hellboy is great. It's so good that I almost gave it to Mike Mignolia just on merit and industry influence alone. Unfortunately, Jeff Lemire exists. Black Hammer is perfect in every way. MIND MGMT was a strong second.
Image-Astro City. The characters are deep, emotional beings. Their stories breathe in the most human way. Most other titles conflate grit with maturity while AC makes you feel without several arcs of trauma porn. Also, im happy to see creators who remember that comic books are the home of wackiness. Its a slice of life hero series-10/10. Also Alex Ross. This (image) was annoying to choose because-despite suffering the unforgivable scourge of Robert Kirkman- Image has so many other good titles. Bitch Planet, Savage Dragon and Spawn (obligatory, obvi), Rumble, Chew, Outer Darkness, Descender/Ascender, etc .. not to mention Radiant Black. I still want to give it to Saga. Due to all the confusion with inage/wildstorm/dc having some claim to Astro City I almost skipped it entirely which is a shame but, yeah-Astro City.
TKO Studios-honestly, I'm not sure that this company is still kickin'. They were a fun little experiment though, with several enjoyable titles. I can't say any of them really blew me away. But, if I had to pick a 'best' I'd give it to 'Sentient'. Jeff Lemire can do no wrong.
AWA-they're too new for a selection to have any real meaning but 'The Resistance' is pretty good. It's been a couple years and I hope they produce something else that's quality because E-Ratic was a pretty big let down.
D.C.-Crisis on Infinite Earths. It's a given. There is something to be said about the cultural impact of Crisis. Originally, 'crisis' stories were crossovers of varying stakes. The comic gods(Perez and Wolfman) changed the game with this one. Also,every Crisis story which follows was similarly silly and serious. The pseudo science wackiness and over the top theatrics gets me every time. No other comic company gets it right. D.C. has been getting progressively better and better these last couple years, especially now with the phenomenal 'Dawn of D.C.' stuff. But if I was stranded on an island and could only bring one D.C. title it would be Crisis. ('83 New Teen Titans is of course a strong second)
Oni Press- their Rick and Morty stuff was a guilty pleasure (because it's really quite good but that means I have to spend money on Rick and Morty) and 'The Sixth Gun' was well made. Regardless, their best title was clearly 'Pink Lemonade'. Its chaotic indie fun that doesn't make sense and doesn't have too.
Massive/Whatnot Inc: these guys are really new, started 2022 I think. Not really sold on them yet but one of their first titles, quested, was lots of fun. Pretty small selection so far but what they do have is quality. 'Best book' goes to Plot Holes. Not only did Sean Murphy give us the most tolerable Bruce Wayne, he also gave us this creative joyride. It's equal parts wacky and sincere and best of all, it's in the Murphy style. Even though its early on in the run it's one of those titles you look forward to. throughout the month.
Marvel-Marvel peaked in 1999 with Earth X. Don't get me wrong, I love a great deal of Marvel books. Al Ewing's Ultimates (NOT Bendis) was great. Personally, my favorite Avengers story was the Celestial Madonna saga of the sixties, but Waid's run was great(obvi) and Hickman's was too. Hickman's Xmen stuff...also happened. Cates and Jason aaron had good Thor runs. The first and last of Aaron's avenger arcs were great. Peter David's many 'Spider' runs were fun and Dan Slott sure does exist. The Sam Wilson cap runs were all phenomenal, especially the Symbol of Truth run-and Kelly Thompson's run on Carol was one of the best ever. Good Marvel books have been dwindling lately but Jed McKay's 'Avengers' is honestly one of the best books out there. Unfortunately, none of that good stuff comes close to Earth X. The prose, the thorough examination of human nature, the Alex Ross of it all. Earth X was an ode to Marvel lore which read better than most of Marvel history. 'Nuff said.
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smashpages · 9 months
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Out this week: Orson Welles: Warrior of the Worlds #1 (Scout Comics, $4.99):
Milton Lawson and Erik Whalen show us what life might have been like for director/radio personality Orson Welles if War of the Worlds had actually been real.
See what else is arriving at your local comic shop this week.
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fell-hound · 1 year
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“Would you rather die alone, or with someone holding your hand?” AND WE LOVE YOU - a soulcrushing queer war drama - is now available for preorder from your local comic shop! Life is Strange x All Quiet on the Western Front, in this 64 page comic about a young soldier who bleeds out all her memories after being slain on the battlefield. It drops Feb 1 2023 from Scout Comics and features two amazing covers by @li-vermin-il and @skyepatridge !! How to order? You will be able to find it online or in stores from any shop that sells (floppy) comics! Ask for AND WE LOVE YOU or you can email/show them the screenshots from the previews page above!
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ultrameganicolaokay · 4 months
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Lipstick Cliqa #3 by Kayden Phoenix and Marcelino Servicio. Cover by Cameron Prior. Due out in March.
"After Morissa's grandmother is killed by a rival gang called the Stitches, Morissa and her Lipstick Cliqa crew vow revenge. Morrisa and the LSC conspire with the Chamberlains to kick the invading Stitches out of the Boils - only to be double-crossed and nearly wiped out by the ruthless Chamberlains."
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robwrecks · 1 year
My interview with the awesome @fell-hound!
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rinconscout · 5 months
Un colombiano en Yaguarón 
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¡Hola gente! En esta ocasión les vengo a contar la experiencia épica que vivimos, junto a mis compañeros scouts durante el campamento del 14 y 15 de octubre de 2023, con mi Comunidad de Caminantes AMANDAJE del grupo Scout N° 10 Niño Jesús de Praga. Resulta que decidimos  realizar un campamento en la cima del cerro Yaguarón, distante a unos 50 km de la capital Asunción. 
Fue una aventura increíble desde el inicio porque muy temprano nos dirigimos hasta Yaguaron, y a las 10:00 aproximadamente iniciamos una caminata por la ciudad dónde pudimos conocer el “Paseo de los Mitos” que nos permitió observar murales alegóricos a los 7 monstruos de la mitología guaraní: Teju Jagua, Mbói Tu'i, Moñai, Jasy Jateré, Kurupí, Ao Ao y finalmente Luisón. Visitamos también varios lugares como la casa del Dr Francia, la iglesia de San Buenaventura y finalmente el imponente cerro Yaguarón.
Luego de un breve descanso al pié del cerro, mochila al hombro iniciamos la escalada. Ya en la cima, armamos nuestras carpas y comenzamos a compartir anécdotas entre nosotros. 
A la tarde mientras disfrutamos del atardecer tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer a un mochilero colombiano que estaba recorriendo América. Este chico tenía historias fascinantes para compartir, y su espíritu aventurero nos inspiró a todos porque en cierta medida los mochileros son muy parecidos a los scouts, también les gusta viajar mucho y conocer lugares.
Nuestro nuevo amigo de unos veinte y tantos años de edad se destacaba por su bondad y profundo amor por la naturaleza. Lo más sorprendente de él era su habilidad para tocar la flauta de manera excepcional, no una flauta moderna, sino una tradicional y fue justo en ese momento que tuvimos la oportunidad de disfrutar de su arte. 
En el cerro Yaguaron tuvimos muchas experiencias extraordinarias y la más sorprendente fue sin duda conocer a esta persona que agregó una dosis extra de emoción a nuestro campamento. Este intrépido viajero nos contó sus historias de travesías por Venezuela y Brasil, y cómo su pasión por las experiencias al aire libre lo llevó a recorrer Paraguay, aterrizando justo en nuestro campamento.
Mientras veíamos el atardecer nos contaba sobre sus travesías y cómo encontrar formas creativas de financiar su viaje. Desde hacer artesanías hasta lavar platos a cambio de comida, este chico nos enseñó que la verdadera magia está en vivir cada experiencia al máximo.
Gracias a su carácter, establecimos una buena relación, especialmente con uno de mis jefes: Heber, quien es conocido por su enérgica personalidad. Después de una conversación prolongada y amena, el joven continuó su camino.
Así que, la próxima vez que se aventuren en una travesía, recuerden la cima del cerro Yaguarón, las historias del mochilero colombiano y la magia que se encuentra al explorar la naturaleza. ¡La vida está llena de sorpresas y aventuras emocionantes! Y este genial encuentro que tuvimos, se convierte en una de las mejores anécdotas que, junto con mis compañeros, la vamos a recordar siempre.
 Hasta la próxima. ¡Siempre listo!
Asunción, diciembre 2023
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salylockheart · 6 months
Sneak peek at a comics I'm working on. Coming June 2024 👀🦎
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heroinstitute · 4 months
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anything to help, chef!
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