#Sea monster!cake
toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 4 months
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Little treasures
— — —
Happy Mother’s Day
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doppelneer · 7 months
But for my birthday my mom made me a lemon cake and I made myself some decorations out of a drawing via candy melts.
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The cake was good btw.
But after I did the candy melt thing I ripped up the drawing version and glued it into my sketchbook because I thought it would look interesting.
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Curious about the words on this page? It is just something I wrote that is kinda Au related. Could it be considered a poem? I guess it is??? IDK... but below is a version of it typed it out so it is more legible.
Their actions echoed out 
Like waves of cruelty.
Relentless gashes
Impetuously struck 
One after another. 
A rhythm of anguish
Cursed upon you agony 
Until you were dragged below. 
You drowned in these depths.
In your confinement
The water hollowed your guts.
Everything scarred
Leaving you with nothing but
The harrowing void
As your only company and
The constantly biting 
Never resting 
(perhaps even endless)
How long were you down there?
I'm very insecure about my writing but I'm trying and I'm curious about what people think about it.
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maltacus · 1 year
A Match made in Heavens, Chapter 11, Now Completed
The Alliance and Horde deal with uninvited guests and attempt to proceed with their ceremonies according to all due protocol, or if it was all due panic?
Right at that moment at least twenty new naga warriors entered the deck and Jaina became busy not letting herself be impaled. Like a land-living counterpart to grilled fish. A delicacy, if properly seasoned. But this mess all around them, there was only one word for it...
In a moment of respite Jaina focused on the Sea’s Daughter’s cannons.
She sent a naga hunter toppling back into the waves with an ice spike to its chest.
Two deafening broadsides drowned out all other noise. Not arcane round shot this time but ice. Ice that exploded out into thousands of shards and tore anything nearby to shreds.
Jaina turned to shout in the general direction of the quarterdeck.
”I DO!”
”Hate fish soup? You already said so.” Sylvanas was shooting left and right too fast for the eye to follow her movements and deftly leaping out of the way of harpoons and naga magic as she did.
”I bloody take you to be my damned wife! Anduin! Get this over with!”
”I now pronounce you – ” Anduin and Lor’themar blocked another swing with united efforts. ”Light damn it!”
”Both sides!” Lor’themar dodged and side-stepped to manoeuvre himself away from Anduin. The naga hissed and reached out to grab him but only got a severed tendon by the elbow for the trouble.
”I now pronounce you wi – ” Anduin blocked a furious downward strike with a resounding clang.
”I am honoured to declare you – ” Lor’themar tried before another swipe of the tail made him crash onto the deck. He groaned as he rolled to his feet.
”Just kiss and be done with it!” Anduin shouted.
”What’s on your mind?” Jaina asked just then and Sylvanas silently berated herself for her lack of attention. This was neither time nor place nor company to let her guard down in favour of daydreaming.
”Oh, I was just mentally comparing you to an itchy wool blanket.” she tried to say as flippantly as she could.
"Hi Mrs. Warchief!" the dark ranger then waved at Jaina.
"Uh...hi?" Jaina cast a quick glance at Sylvanas. "Mrs. Warchief?"
"Don't ask me."
"Oh, pardon, for a minute I was under the impression that you were in command of the dark rangers or something like that."
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batri-jopa · 1 year
Some less traditional decorations of Mazurek (traditional polish Easter cake) that I made:
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Whale Giant octopus
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Flower pot Bunny
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Tree Duck
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Another flower pot ...and "ugly" one to be eaten🤣
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vinescreens · 1 year
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Stardew Valley
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ltwilliammowett · 23 days
Cooking like a Sailor- Frisian teatime
Today it's going to be a bit Friesian again and this time the delicious treats come mainly from the North Sea islands and Halligen, where they usually originated before they floated ashore and were eaten or drunk there.
Now that we are approaching autumn with great strides, there are such delicacies. This was the time when many of the seafaring men returned home, which meant a rich harvest of specialities from foreign countries and often also the weddings were hold which were arranged the year before.
But let's start with the drink: tea punch, just the thing for the wet and cold season when it's stormy and raining outside.
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Ingredients: Black tea, köm and kluntjes (brown sugar candy).
But even more important than the right ingredients are the way it is prepared and consumed. If you are in a hurry, you have no place at the tea punch table!
The tea punch is served as follows: The teapot is placed on the teapot warmer and the pre-heated bottle of Köm is placed on the table. Don't be surprised: the tea punch cups are tiny. This has nothing to do with stinginess, but with cosiness. And this is how it works: Pour tea into the cup, add a dash of köm and sugar to taste. Listen to the Kluntjes crack, stir and drink hot. Have a chat and then top up again.
This drink has existed on the islands since 1735, when a ship with tea chests stranded off Amrum at Theeknobs, although at the beginning there was no knowledge of how to prepare the tea leaves. As a result, the tea was drunk quite thinly, which was also due to the fact that tea was something special that was not always available, just like schnapps. Köm is a spirit similar to aquavit with caraway seeds. The yellow (geele) Köm is particularly common in the North Frisian region. This is a spirit, usually made with grain, which is mixed with caraway and sometimes with a hint of aniseed.
The tea punch was of course also known on ships, but here the köm was swapped for rum and the punch was used to warm up rather than for chatting. Sailors preferred to do this on land.
What do you serve with tea? Hallig Knorken or Friesenwaffeln are best. This wafer-thin delicacy has been around since the 16th century thanks to the Dutch who settled in northern Germany. They were light waffles that were made with rum and then served with plum jam and cream. Again, these delicacies were either brought by the men or had to be bartered or bought on the land, as the islands and Halligen did not have huge areas of land available for agriculture and so there was a lot of trade with the delicacies from the sea.
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Ingredients for 4 people (this is the modern recipe) 4 eggs 200g sugar 250g butter 300g flour 3-4 tsp. cornflour 50ml rum 1 packet of vanilla sugar 1 pinch of salt
Bake the waffles in an iron and then serve hot with plum jam and cream.
Now we come to the highlight of every festive table - the Friesentorte. This magnificent cake is truly a precious piece. Because it requires valuable ingredients that were not always available back then and were therefore more likely to be found on festive tables. It is not known when it has been around, but probably since the 19th century, thanks to the sailors who brought many recipes with them from other countries. Like puff pastry, for example.
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Today's variations also work with shortcrust pastry, but are not the original recipe
Bake two puff pastry bases (you can use ready-made pastry) Brush one of the bases (the top) with egg yolk and sprinkle with caster sugar Leave the second (base) plain After baking, spread the base generously with plum jam Spread not too little whipped cream on the plum jam base Cut the top into 12 even pieces and then arrange the pieces on top.
The wealthier the family the more the cake would consist of several layers. Which made eating even more complicated, because how do you eat this monster without smearing cream all over your face? Well, you take the lid off, eat the inside and nibble the lid separately.
So there you have it and I wish you a delicious tea time of a different kind. Enjoy your tea and your tasty treats like real Frisians.
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the-music-maniac · 2 months
I get a little annoyed when people's complaints about zosan stray into the "Sanji would never fall for Zoro because of personal hygiene issues" territory. Mostly because I feel like it involves a fundamental misunderstanding about their dynamic and also Sanji as a character.
First of all, Sanji smokes cigarettes and cooks seafood and shit. Even if he does shower daily, there is no way he smells like a rose garden. So there's that.
Second of all, Sanji is a COOK. You literally cannot be a cook if you're afraid of getting your hands dirty, if you're afraid of working up a sweat. He knows the value of hard work in that regard. For his craft, Sanji gets all up in some fish guts, he hunts, he cleans, de-feathers, skins, butchers whatever creature they've managed to hunt - come on y'all. That is not a man that would be a germaphobe. He keeps his workspace and himself clean cause that's the mark of a good cook, but the man would have no qualms about getting dirty. He ain't squeamish.
Third, Sanji's entire thing is that he ACTS like a refined gentleman, but he's a little bit batshit crazy in the same way all the strawhats are. He's one of the monster trio for a reason! They're all freaking unhinged, Sanji's first reaction to seeing sea monsters is to yell that he wants to cook it. He's fought so many battles, I've no doubt that there's blood soaked into the soles of his fancy loafers, caked into some of the hems of his suit pants. My point being that while him acting like he's a gentleman with "refined tastes" is no means deception (he probably has excellent taste when it comes to dining) he also doesn't fit that description entirely. He strives for it, in order to maintain an image, and it also plays into his whole "ladies man" thing as well. But he's not actually a refined gentleman in our traditional interpretation of the word. He's down to slum it if needed, and will kick a person's ass for not finishing a soup that has a bug in it because it would mean wasting food. Also the man has worn orange crocs. Refined my ass.
Fourth, you can deny it all you want, but Zoro and Sanji have always been and will likely always be, two people that match each other's freak. And by that I mean that all it takes is Zoro muttering one little disparaging comment, and Sanji is immediately there, ready to throw down, dirt and sweat be damned. If he were to complain about Zoro's supposed bathing habits and shit, while I don't doubt some of it would be genuine complaint, it probably would mostly be because it would annoy Zoro. But when it comes down to stuff Sanji actually gives a shit about, hygiene would probably not be high up on that list. He is 100% that motherfucker that would get heart eyes over Zoro eating sugar onigiri out of the mud to spare a little girl's feelings.
I get annoyed by people using that argument as if it's a legitimate reasoning for why Zoro and Sanji wouldn't get together. Like what impression of Sanji do you have in your head? You think the dude that constantly knocks foreheads with Zoro during their antagonistic (gay) posturing would get squeamish about Zoro being a little sweaty? Sanji can be your babygirl if you want, but we gotta stop acting like he's the type to get squeamish over stuff like that - there's no way that out of ALL the issues Sanji has yet to work through locked up in that pretty noggin of his, that personal hygiene would be the hold up on a relationship between these two. The zosan dynamic is Sanji complains loudly about Zoro being a disgusting brute and then will turn around and roundhouse kick a man's head off. Like yes, Sanji. That's not the pot calling the kettle black at all.
None of this is a complaint btw. That's literally my favourite part about Sanji, and Zosan as a whole. Sanji wouldn't be nearly as interesting if he was just a gentleman. Zosan wouldn't be as compelling if they weren't two lil peas in a pod, equally as unhinged. The only difference is Zoro puts literally no effort into trying to hide his level of derangement. Which is also very in character for him, btw.
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therobotmonster · 7 months
I know I wasn't supposed to.
But I went into the woods.
Another me came out.
We seem to be equally suspicious that the other is the imposter. I keep checking him for roots and he keeps doing the same to me. Is it a double bluff? Is he gaslighting me into thinking I'm the neverwas thing and he's the human being with organs and anxiety? Is he truly unaware he's a mockery given shape? If he can be unaware of it, I can be too.
That's kind of a lonely thought, really.
It's been several days and the tests are all inconclusive. We both bleed normal blood that doesn't turn into a spider and jump to the ceiling when you touch it with a hot wire. We know the same trivia. We pretended to know the same stuff we forgot that we were embarrassed not to remember. We both got uncomfortable at the exact same time when we walked into the cathedral.
We arm wrestled and didn't tie somehow, but we weren't sure if winning meant he was more likely to be fake or less likely.
I worry that we don't really know anything about accursed other selves from the woods.
Wikipedia has been less than helpful.
Mom claims she knows which one of us is her 'first boy' but refuses to tell us on the basis that she loves us both and thinks we should get along.
He thinks she can't tell and is too embarrassed to tell us. I think its because she wants to double her chance at grandkids. The difference in opinion is interesting, but is it a sign of an imposter, or the divergence of our experiences?
We've decided to flip for the job. I won, so I don't have to find new work. I don't know if that's a win.
I think the curse is that neither one of us is an unnatural imposter out to kill the other. Or else whichever one of us is the monster has realized they don't think my life is worth killing to steal.
I know I think about smashing that copy of my own face open with a rusty fire axe, a gush of sea water and blasphemous screams roiling from the empty hole that should contain bone and brains, and it just seems like a lot of trouble and effort.
I think I'm going to start going by my middle name.
Another me just showed up on our doorstep.
He's caked in mud, sticks and twigs in his hair, babbling about harrowing experiences. I'm fixing him some tea while the other-other me hands him the pamphlet we made just in case.
Now he's telling us about the Night King. Like we don't know.
I need a bigger place.
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jamieontheroof · 5 months
Random things I noticed while playing What Remains Of Edith Finch
There was a poster of the cannery that Lewis worked at on the boat.
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2. Edith Jr wears what appears to be an engagement on a necklace. Whether this is her ring or her mothers is not mentioned.
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3. At the start of the game, Milton's missing posters are EVERYWHERE. There is even a giant pile of them in a nearby lake.
4. The dragon slide that crushed and killed Sven is still outside.
5. As you walk toward the house, the music gets louder.
6. The swing that Calvin flew off decades ago is still looped around the branch.
7. There was a spare peep hole in the garage that didn't have any names or dates on it.
8. At multiple points throughout the game you can hear a train in the background, despite the fact that the train tracks are clearly destroyed.
9. There are multiple pots throughout the Finch house that looks like they have eyes.
10. One of the books the Finches possessed was 'King in Yellow', a book known for making anyone who read it insane.
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11. The house sounds alive, or like there are people constantly moving around it.
12. Walters bedroom is painted with both ocean and train designs. One of the paintings is the old house that Odin tried to bring to America.
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13. There are drag marks on the ground of Walters bedroom (most likely made when his drawers were taken out of his room.)
14. The entrance to the tunnels is hidden by a book called 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, a classic sci-fi story about a sea monster.
15. Molly's room is filled entirely with animal books.
16. There is a jelly fish on Molly's bed (possible connection to the monster??).
17. Molly has a chalkboard in her bedroom where she is a princess in an underwater castle and Sven is about to get attacked by a sea monster (slightly resembling the dragon slide).
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18. As shark!Molly starts falling down the cliff, she passes a road where headlights are briefly scene.
19. When the monster gets back to Molly's room, the window that cat!Molly jumped through is still open.
20. There are still Christmas decorations in Molly's room.
21. The curse is 500 years old. That is a lot of dead people.
22. In Odin's viewfinder, it states "His [Odin's] daughter, Edie, is already dreaming of new Finch house" showing that even though her own father died not even a week ago, Edie has already moved on.
23. The house is filled head to toe with books about death, including two that Odin wrote.
24. Sven's shrine does not have a log painting like the rest of the family. His portrait is painted on a simple canvas.
25. Edie has a number of strange tapes in her room including one titled "conspiracy now".
26. The toys from Gregory's final bath are still in the bathroom.
27. There is an old bottle of alcohol in the bathroom bin.
28. A lot of Sam's photos are based on Calvin (a swing, astronauts).
29. All of Milton's drawings are based on the death. (Molly = cat, Barbara = pumpkin)
30. There are cigarettes and gin on Sam's side of the room he shared with Calvin.
31. Calvin already had bruises, Band-Aids and a cast on his leg when he died.
32. Sam blames himself for challenging Calvin.
33. In the story, Calvin doesn't fall. He keeps flying.
34. Barbara's birthday cake is still in her room.
35. Barbara is holding crutches in her portrait.
36. There are totem-esc styles statues of both Calvin and Molly
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37. Barbara's outfit is over the railing.
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This is the same way the Hook-Man falls
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38. "Performance of her life" can also mean that it is the performance she is known for.
39. There are spare portrait logs in the basement.
40. There is a fake window in the basement.
41. Edie's grave is finished despite her dying and then nobody else going to the house.
42. There is no grave for Milton.
43. Lewis' grave has a crown on it.
44. There are times wear it seems like you can hear sobbing (this one may just be me).
45. There is a box of Kay's old stuff in Sam's bedroom.
46. Odin has a park named after him.
47. This isn't a fact but I think this may be one of the funniest photos of the game (LIKE SIR? YOUR DAUGHTER IS SOBBING!).
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48. Both Calvin and Dawn are on Sam's shrine.
49. Gus has a skateboard over his name.
50. Gregory has the soap bottle from his final bath in his shrine.
51. The music cuts out when Gregory isn't moving.
52. Same also blames himself for Gregory.
53. Gus never met his step mother.
54. Gus was crushed by the (totem) statues of his deceased relatives.
55. Dawn's light switch is the only one on
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56. Most of the rules are about past deaths. (No playing outside without permission : Calvin, No answering door for strangers : Barbara, No messes after dark : Molly (???)).
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57. Milton's garden has a castle (reference to the Unfinished Swan)
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58. There is a small Sanjay shrine in the classroom
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59. Edith JR did an assignment on her family history.
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60. Lewis drew on his desk.
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61. There is no death date for Milton on his peephole.
62. Edith JR wrote Milton's death date as 2003 (the year he disappeared).
63. The door from the flip book is in Milton's room.
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64. Lewis' dream Palace is decorated with fish.
65. The gnomes scattered around the house are outside the original house in Edie's story.
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66. The credits roll in reverse order.
AND THAT'S IT!! I had a few others I thought didn't need to go in.
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17020 · 6 months
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Reo Mikage faces the aftermath of his actions, and his ex-girlfriend (?) tries to move on. Part two of "ONE." Warnings: Reo Mikage, swearing, violence, fake everything!!! 3.6k angst to fluff to angst(???), both platonic and romantic relationships here, pro! post! bllk boys, no beta because how. this is too long.
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REO MIKAGE was an absolute mess.
His mind was of no help, either. The image of you and Seishiro at the club was on his mind, replaying constantly like a broken record. The minute he stepped outside, he met with his white-haired best friend, who received him with open arms.
"I'm so sorry she did that" he apologized, "it's better that she did this now rather than later. Plenty of fish in the sea."
Many tears (and many drinks inside Seishiro's apartment) later, Reo Mikage had been consumed by delusion. The more words that came off his best friend's mouth, the more determined he had become. Because yes, his best friend was right: there were plenty of fish in the sea, and instead of drowning in his own sea of tears, he should swim and see what he can find.
"And what you can find, is, a golden crown with two lions at its sides."
It was a gamble, sure. To distract his broken-hearted best friend with their upcoming matches and championships could earn him an earful, but it was their job after all. Reo surprisingly took it well, and made it his goal to stick to football, as relationships were a hassle. The Premier League was slowly coming to an end, and Champions League just reached quarterfinals. Football was forever. Besides, according to Seishiro, "trophies can't cheat on you, now, can they?"
Delusion had struck him unlike ever before. Reo Mikage was a like a sponge cake, soaking up his best friend's poisonous, yet effective advice. He became a monster, letting his frustrations out on every training session. Reo overworked himself, to the point where he barely had any rest, and it showed.
Draws, losses, yellow and red colored cards raised. Reo Mikage had reached a new (professional) low. A match against Luton was scheduled to take place in a few days, and what came next came as a shock to no one, except for Reo and his loyal companion.
Reo Mikage was to be benched for the next few matches of the season.
The issue with the sponge cake of Reo Mikage was, that he was undercooked. Rising to the very top, then completely deflating after cooling. A hard exterior with a liquid interior, yet to solidify. What seemed like his peak to him, was an all-time low for his peers.
The match against Crystal Palace ended with him earning a red card, after a display of violent conduct against another player. The locker room was like entering a colosseum, as everyone from Manshine City watched Reo Mikage receive lecture after lecture. The last lecture, though, stood out to him.
"As soon as you stepped into this stadium you should've left your home life behind, because you're here to play ball, not with women's feelings. Don't know why you're the one sulking, if you're the one who caused hurt."
Gasps and 'oohs' were barely heard as the everyone in the locker room suddenly quieted down. Reo's eye twitched.
"Say that again."
The man in front of him sighed. "As soon as you stepped into this stadium you should've left your—"
Before he could finish his sentence, his head hit the metal behind him, and a streak of blood ran down his nostril. Reo Mikage had swung at the man in front of him, pushing him towards his locker. "Not sure why you're called a panther when you're so fucking slow."
The man tried to maintain his composure, using the back of his hand to wipe the blood off his nose. "Not sure why you treated Yn like shit, she didn't even cheat."
"What do you know?"
"I know your piece of shit lackey lied to you" the man facing Reo retorted, raising his voice. "I sat in the booth in front of them, Nagi was the one to grab her hand. You should really use glasses you blind bitch."
Reo's eyes widened as his lips parted in surprise. He was speechless, turning to his best friend and awaiting his response. In return, Seishiro averted his gaze with a sour expression on his face. It was a no brainer. It was the face of a guilty man.
"It's not true, right? Seishiro?"
"Nagi it's not true, though, right? Slowpoke's just talking out of his ass, right?"
Absolute. Deafening. Silence.
"Look, I did you a favor" he spoke up, finally daring to look at his best friend in the eye. "She was a parasite that made you sloppy."
He was shocked, with no words able to come out of his mouth. The persona he had built for the past few weeks came crumbling down before all his peers as he realized what he had done. He was an asshole, and had been led astray by toxicity.
Reo Mikage collapsed.
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Prior to getting punched in the face, CHIGIRI HYOMA had spent every minute of his time by your side.
After Reo had left on that fateful night, Chigiri offered a warm, tight embrace, as well as a late night-drive to your apartment, with a quick stop at the nearest convenience store. He was certain you were going to need comfort, and after accidentally watching the whole debacle, it was the least he could do.
You woke up the next morning, seemingly confused as to how you managed to get yourself home. Last night had been a blur, both mentally and physically; your teary-eyed vision was not of any help. Turning to your nightstand, you were stunned.
A gift basket.
It was made up of essentials. Pills (for the raging headache after a hectic night out, and also for your liver), a face mask and eye patches (for the puffiness after crying), cold medication (because crying can lead to a small, yet annoying cold), and electrolytes to help restore your body. It was also, strangely enough, made up of your favorites. Favorite snacks (both salty and sweet), favorite beverage, and favorite... flowers. With a note. Flowers? From who?
'Hope you feel better :)'
Slowly (and carefully), you got up from your bed, sliding your feet into your slippers and heading out towards your kitchen. What caught you off guard, was, the fact that a red-haired Manshine City player sat comfortably on your couch, turning his head your way.
"Morning, Yn. How'd you sleep? You like the basket I left there for you?"
"Respectfully, Chigiri, how the hell did you get in here?"
He let out a soft laugh, shaking his head. "I guess you don't remember, but I dropped you off after last night to make sure you got home safe. You gave me your keys and told me to come back in the morning."
So, you were that drunk.
Before you could even apologize, the doorbell rang. Chigiri stood up from your couch, making his way towards the door and opening it, only to reveal a delivery guy with a few boxes in his hands. Chigiri received the boxes, handing the guy some bills. He turned around and pushed the door closed with his back, walking towards your dinner table and setting the boxes there.
"I got us some toast and smoothies. You need to replenish your body with sodium and carbs after a night out, y'know?"
It was nice, you had to admit. To be taken care of after such a horrific night was precisely what you needed. It was a safe space which you clearly needed: the breakfast was delicious, and Chigiri's company was comforting. It was therapeutic, with you telling him how you felt and letting a few tears slip, and him listening to every word while using the sleeve of his sweatshirt to wipe your tears away.
It was so nice, in fact, that you had not realized that the breakfast turned into a twelve hour hang out, which later turned to weekly hangouts, which later became 'let's just let Chigiri move in and basically become my roommate' hang-outs.
He was the company you never knew you needed, a breath of fresh air, if you will. Every day off he had meant a new activity for you two to try out, a new adventure, and a new fond memory. From painting mugs, to visiting zoos and aquariums, baking, a walk in the park—you name it, you and Chigiri had done it all.
It was hard not to notice the lingering touches, the lost puppy eyes, excuses to be near each other. It was bound to happen. For the past few months, he had been by your side, helping you heal and holding your hand on each step of the way. You wondered if he felt forced to do so, or if he genuinely cared. His actions seemed to insinuate that he did, but there was a sprinkle of doubt on your mind. You guessed you had Reo to blame for that.
It was too soon. Besides, there was the possibility he did this out of friendship, not out of love. Nonetheless, you were certain of one thing: Hyoma Chigiri had become your safe space.
The day of the altercation, Hyoma made sure to stop by his place to clean up his nose before going to yours. He did not want for you to find out, because it really was not relevant, as it could set back your progress towards healing completely.
As he stepped onto the elevator of your apartment complex, he pressed the button of your floor. He felt his phone buzz, and as he pulled it out from his pocket, he read it was a message from Reo.
Mikage I'm sorry. I didn't know the truth about everything, and I'm sorry I punched you.
Hyoma sighed.
Chigiri Say sorry to Yn, not me. (xxx)-(xxx)-(xxxx) That's my therapist. Clearly you need her more than I do. Don't even think of apologizing until you've changed. She doesn't need to deal with your shit right now.
The elevator's doors opened, and he stepped up to your door. With a few knocks, the door opened to reveal a happy you. A better you, that had a giddy smile on her face, instead of her lips curled downwards with tears running down her cheeks. A healed you, that was ready to take on the world, as her eyes gleamed with life.
"Are you ready, Hyo?"
He nodded as he took your hand in his, stepping back inside the elevator with you, going down towards the parking. After the match against Crystal Palace (and its gruesome aftermath), you offered to treat him to some sweets at a coffee shop you both liked.
As you and him arrived at the coffee shop, his phone began to buzz like crazy. His phone began to heat up from the amount of text messages he was receiving. He opened them, only to realize that he was in trouble. The first message he opened was a link from Isagi, which was a tweet leading to a news article.
Isagi "CHIGIRI HYOMA PUNCHED IN THE FACE BY MIKAGE REO IN LOCKER ROOM ALTERCATION. The red panther received a punch after winning 4-2 against Crystal Palace. A thread." This true?
Isagi More importantly, does Yn know?
He quickly turned his phone off as he held the door open for you, guiding you to a secluded table at the back of the shop. It was for privacy, because Hyoma Chigiri was one of England's most popular players after all.
It was not unusual for you and him to receive so many weird stares. Especially with the disguises you had on.
It was tradition, and it was something you did even with Mikage. In order to avoid crazy fans or paparazzi, you opted for stupid disguises, like sunglasses, hoodies, sun hats, caps, and more. This time was no different, with Hyoma having his hair tied into a bun, wearing a gray hoodie and a pair of polarized wraparound sunglasses. You, instead, opted for a cap and cateye sheer sunglasses.
The staring felt... somewhat strange. People from the coffee shop already knew you and Hyoma since you frequented the shop, but this time, their gazes lingered a bit longer than last time.
"Umm... Hyo... why's everyone staring at you?" you questioned, genuinely concerned as to why everyone stared at the man in front of you.
"Probably has to do with the fact that I screwed up in our match against Luton" he shrugged, feigning indifference.
Hyoma was glad that you had decided to block both your name and Reo's on your social media tags. It was done for obvious reasons, of course. The mere thought of Reo Mikage would have made your soul leave your body (in a bad way), so you opted to block both of your names to avoid gossip and the media trying to decipher your breakup.
This meant, of course, that only Hyoma and the rest of the world could see the tweets, the paparazzi pictures of you two, the speculation, the blind items of 'trusted sources' (which were garbage), and the overall buzz on what was deemed 'football's biggest love heist'. In the public eye, Hyoma Chigiri was a home-wrecker. A home-wrecker that fell HARD for his teammates ex-girlfriend. A total simp.
Unbeknownst to you, a certain red-head had his eye on you for some time. To him, you had been off-limits. Before, he felt utmost respect for Reo, so there was no breaking 'bro-code' when Reo told him and Seishiro that he was starting to fall in love with you. More importantly, he knew that, as long as you were happy, he was happy, even if it was with someone else. Naturally, that initial attraction faded over time, settling to admire you as a friend instead.
Hyoma internally cursed as he realized that maybe it did not fade completely, and that maybe, just maybe, he had been given a second chance. There was no more 'bro-code', seeing as him and his 'bro' had fallen out, and he already was a home-wrecker to the media, so there really was nothing to lose in regards to reputation.
What Hyoma Chigiri was afraid of losing was you.
He feared that if he were to confess, the beautiful 'whatever-it-was' that you two had (because he knew for a fact this was not a friendship) might end due to his feelings being overwhelming for you. If anyone was to make the first move, it had to be you.
And Hyoma was so glad you did.
After the coffee shop, he drove you back to your place. Hyoma offered to order takeout as a way to thank you for the coffee shop snacks. It was getting late, and as per usual, he was going to spend the night. The couch was all set up and ready for him. It had his blanket and his favorite pillow, along with a stuffed animal (a panther) which you had gotten for him at the zoo. He was about to lay down, when your voice stopped him in his tracks.
"Hyo... can you sleep in my room tonight?"
He spared no time in following you to your room, with his blanket and pillow in hand. As you climbed onto your bed, he set the pillow and blanket on the floor. You laughed as you shook your head, patting the spot on your bed next to you. "I meant up here, with me."
Carefully (and while trying to maintain his cool), Hyoma climbed up to the spot next to you. You scooched over to his side, placing your head on his chest and your arms wrapped around his torso. Feeling him tense up, you slowly loosened your grip.
"I'm sorry, it was wrong of me to do that, Hyo. I'm so sorry."
His arms were now on top of yours, readjusting them, thus tightening your grip. He bent down to leave a kiss on your forehead, reassuring you that it was more than okay for you to do so. A content sigh escaped your lips. "I like this" you smiled, "I like us."
"I like us too, princess."
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It had been a year since you last saw Mikage.
It had also been around six months since the wish Hyoma Chigiri pushed away for so long had, at last, come to fruition, with him honored to be given the opportunity to call you his girlfriend.
The relationship was kept private. It was as if an unspoken agreement had been settled, with yours and Hyoma's friends not daring to ask about the status of your relationship, or if you had finally settled on a label other than 'just friends.' Aside from the usual photos taken by fans or paparazzi on the street, there were no public appearances or statements to clear things up.
Until the end-of-season party.
The end-of-season parties were hosted by each club once the season is finalized, usually sending out special guest invites to players from other clubs, or even having joint celebrations with them. Manshine City sent their invites, reaching former members of Blue Lock, and even providing each guest with a plus one.
There was no doubt on Hyoma's mind. It was time to go public.
It did not take long for you to be convinced to attend, seeing as this would be you and Hyoma's debut as an official couple. Media involvement was at an all-time high, seeing as there was a rise in popularity for Manshine ever since the 'internal conflicts' between players were shown to the public.
As you got ready for Manshine's end-of season party, you noticed a medium sized velvety box on your vanity. Curious, you opened it, revealing a beautiful necklace, at the center being a pendant in the shape of an initial. Your initial. As you took it out of the box, you heard your boyfriend's footsteps as he walked into your room.
"Hope you like it. Your name is lovely, so own it."
He took the necklace from your hands, swiftly placing it on your neck. Your phone began to ring, the caller ID reading Isagi's name. He had called to let you know he and Bachira were parked outside the apartment, waiting for you and Hyoma. Seeing as they ended up in Champions League quarterfinals and decided to stick around for a while in London, it was no surprise they got guest invites to Manshine's party. This meant carpooling was mandatory.
The party was flooded with journalists.
It was to be expected, of course. As players arrived, journalists approached them as if on queue, each one had a camera and a microphone on hand, as they were expected to cover the whole event.
So it was no surprise when you and Hyoma got approached by a journalist, hoping to ask your boyfriend a few questions about his thoughts on the season, as well as to congratulate him on his performance. The journalist asked Hyoma who was 'the gorgeous woman who stood at his side', to which he proudly smiled, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
"She's the love of my life."
After a cordial 'congratulations' and a few pictures (which were definitely going to trend on the internet for weeks), you excused yourself as you walked towards Isagi and Bachira, wanting Hyoma to have a one-on-one with the journalist. You were about to approach them, only to be stopped by a tap on your shoulder. You turned around, your eyes widening in astonishment.
"Oh... umm... hi Mikage."
'This is going to be one hell of a night' you thought, unsure of how the hell Reo Mikage had the balls to actually strike up a conversation. His gaze lowered from your eyes to your chest, fixated on the sparky initial which hung on the shiny, silver chain.
"Uhh... nice necklace."
"Thank you."
"I'm sorry."
Flabbergasted, you raised your eyebrows. He sighed as his gaze was now focused on the ground, as he was unable to look you in the eye. You could tell he was beyond nervous, as he fidgeted with the sleeves of his suit.
"I'm really sorry, Yn. I let my emotions get the better of me, and more importantly, I didn't trust you. I'm sorry that I didn't hear your side of things and just broke things off like that. I've been to therapy since then, and I thought now was the right time to apologize."
You stood there utterly dumbfounded, unsure of how to react. One one hand, it felt soothing to know your ex-boyfriend finally worked on himself, but even then, his actions still cut you deeply, and a part of you wished he never showed his face again. Even with mixed feelings, the corners of your lips raised to form a smile.
"It's okay, Mikage. Let's leave that in the past, okay?"
Sure, Mikage was the one who left you hurting, feeling like you were stuck at the bottom of a well with no one left to hear your pleas. He was the one to destroy you completely, after not caring enough to know your side or even listen to what you had to say. But if there was one thing you learned with Hyoma, it was that, to be at peace with yourself, sometimes it was better to forgive.
Mikage's eyes glimmered as tears threatened to trickle down his face, a smile growing on his face. Slowly, his hand reached for yours.
"Do you think we can... you know... give us another..."
You wasted no time in pulling back your hand.
"I hope you find true joy, Mikage, I really do. I just hope I never get to hear about it."
He slowly inhaled, letting out a shaky breath. You felt a strong arm wrap itself around your waist, and as you looked to your side, there was your boyfriend, Hyoma.
"Everything okay here?"
Mikage's eyes met with the redhead's.
"No—yeah—I was just leaving" he stuttered, "seems like you've got it from here."
"Don't you worry, yeah? I got her now."
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cozage · 1 year
Hey! I saw your request being open!
Could I have Monster trio (separate pls) with a female s/o that Sees her lover stressed/despressed/ down what you like, so she makes them Some dessert to their taste? To Show them love and being there for them? So just pure fluff!
Thank you again and take enough Breaks and have a nice day/night
A/N: I was a big fan of this. I hope you liked it!
Characters: gn reader x Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
Cw: sad boi hours, but still really cute!
Total word count: 1k
Luffy doesn't seem as crazy as he usually does. He’s not running around or screaming as much, he’s more wandering around the ship, staring out to sea in thought. It’s kind of alarming for everyone on the ship, honestly
Double chocolate cake. It’s his favorite thing to eat, and luckily it’s something you can make pretty easily
You whip up the cake, and leave the spoon and the bowl off to the side for him to lick up later (sorry Sanji- you know he hates when Luffy does that)
He doesn’t even come into the kitchen when he smells the cake baking, and you take it out early just to get it to him faster. 
When he sees it, the biggest grin appears on his face. And then he sees the battered spoon and bowl, and his smile somehow gets bigger. He starts to get tears in his eyes from happiness
He swallows it almost entirely whole, and he licks the bowl and the spoon completely clean of any HINT of chocolate. You could put it back into the cupboards, that's how clean they look.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask, and he stares into the cleaned bowl he’s still licking at. 
“It’s Ace’s birthday today, I think.” he finally answers after a few long moments. “We made up birthdays for each other since we didn’t know our own.”
“Well, Happy Birthday Ace.” you say softly. “Should we have a party?”
Luffy’s smile returns. It’s not as big as it was before, but it’s there, and you count it as a win. “I think he would like that a lot.”
He’s grumpy. Zoro is usually grumpy, but today he’s extra grumpy. 
Zoro doesn’t like to talk about his emotions, and you know that better than anyone. So instead you remind him of your love…from a distance.
Desserts are hard for Zoro. Chocolate and candy are far too sweet for him to enjoy. But, surprisingly, you know he does like mochi. So that’s what you make. 
It takes a lot of time and effort, making the sticky sweet rice balls and the ice cream to match. But luckily all you have is time today. You know when Zoro gets in his funk he doesn’t want to see or talk to anyone. 
You make a few of each; green tea, strawberry, red bean, and just regular vanilla, and climb up to the crow’s nest where he’s hidden away. 
You open the hatch and you can see him look over to see who has disturbed him, his eyes full of irritation. They soften slightly when they see you, but not by much. 
“I just brought dessert for you,” you whisper, placing the plate down and starting to shut the door. 
“Wait!” he demanded, slight desperation in his voice. “Do you want to eat with me?”
You smile at that, and climb up into the crow's nest. The two of you sit silently and eat the dessert until it’s all gone. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked him.
“No,” he snapped instinctually. “Sorry,” he quickly corrected. “Thank you for the food. It was really good.”
“Sure thing” you smile, blowing him a kiss and winking at him, taking your leave. “Let me know if you need anything else.” You see him nod and you’re thankful that you get to leave him with a smile on his face. 
It’s hard to tell when Sanji is upset about things, but there’s one main thing: He hides in the kitchen. So when you realize he hasn’t come out to see you halfway through the day, you get suspicious. 
You wander into the kitchen and he looks up from his manic whisking of some kind of batter. He didn’t even look up to see you come in, and you can see three trays of cupcakes already made behind him. 
“Sanji?” you call, and he looks up like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“My love! Are you hungry? Are you sad? Do you need something?” he’s scanning your face to see if you were angry at all, worried he forgot something. 
“Sanji.” You walk over and take the bowl out from his hands, setting it on the counter. Your hands cup his face so his eyes only focus on you. “Breathe, Sanji.”
You breathe in and out with him a few times, trying to get him to calm down. Once his breathing calms down and his eyes seem a little less scared, you both feel better. 
“Out,” you command, and he looks at you funny. “I’ll handle this mess in the kitchen. Go sit by Chopper’s inflatable pool with him.”
He needs something simple, something refreshing, so you decide to stick with the basics. A homemade vanilla bean ice cream with a lavender lemonade. 
He comes in several times during the process, and you kick him to the curb every time, He can’t even get past the door before you’re screaming “OUT!”
Luffy cleans up the cupcakes and batter, and you do all the dishes while the ice cream is mixing. 
When you take it out to him, he cries a little bit. “You know me so well,” he sobbed, mouth full of ice cream. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked, looking over at him. 
“Not really,” he says, and you nod. That’s fine with you too. Some things are just too hard to talk about, but you’re glad you could get him out of his baking spiral at least. 
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toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 9 months
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“Quite a bit of confidence there, hm?”
— — — — —
The Leviathan of Ghost Spit; an alternate universe
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brittle-doughie · 8 months
Mozzarella Cookie said that she never someone as intriguing as Golden Cheese Cookie. How about Y/N Cookie.
You: (Proceed to list everything you’ve gone through in your journey from chasing a cake hound to fighting inter-dimensional criminals to facing off against the licorice sea monster to fleeing from a giant mermaid, even fighting against a red dragon at one point!)
Mozzarella Cookie:
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aayakashii · 9 days
granite and soft sand
Warning: mentions of violence and gore; angst.
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Alan's fists were merciless.
He punched once, twice, thrice; a meteor shower falling down onto a wasteland.
Splatters of blood gushed out of the anomaly's body as he beat it down into a pulp – until there was nothing left; until the flame of its wrong, unholy life had been snuffed out by his hands and the ground it once stood upon was painted red.
Alan's ears rang loudly, silencing the inhuman screeches of agony from the thing that laid battered under his arms. It was long gone. The only sounds left were the splatter of its blood and guts onto the ground.
Alan's ears rang loudly, silencing your voice as you tried to save him from drowning in an ocean of grief of his own creation. You tried to yell louder than his grunts as he blindly hit the ground, voice hoarse and tired and persistent. You'd bring him back.
“I'm alive, I'm alive” you repeated, loudly, as he painted himself in red.
A small, lonely lighthouse in the midst of a raging sea. His boat crashed against the unforgiving waves, lost. There was no helm to steer him to safety in your arms. Still, you shined a light on his path.
Through his blurred vision and foggy mind, Alan finally heard your voice cutting through the dense mist of his violent trance.
He felt the warmth of your hand gently touching his back, shaking him lightly to snap him out of his daze.
He found your tired eyes, searching for a sign of conscience underneath the veil of grief and hatred that had clouded his vision.
You were alive? You were alive.
Alan reached out his arms towards you.
He had to feel you were real – that his mind did not decide to torture him even more by plaguing him with visions of a lost love.
In his memory, your cry for help – your cry for him, as the anomaly dragged you away where he would not be able to reach – echoed endlessly. It sounded like the swan song for his happiness.
All that he recalled after that was red.
Alan reached out his arms towards you. And then he stopped.
Bits of guts stuck to his skin and blood drenched his arms and his clothes. The iron smell was abrasive inside his nose. Beside him, an unrecognizable pulp laid still – cause of death: the anger of a hateful man.
It was all so red, so red, so red.
You reached out for him with your hands and intertwined his fingers with yours. He tried pulling away immediately.
The spoils of his rage had no glory and no dignity; he couldn't allow you to be dirtied by his violence.
And you couldn't let yourself be pushed away by hands that seeked nothing else but to protect you.
His fists were of iron, yet his skin was a petal under your touch, and you carved your nails into him, steeling your hold.
You'd cake them in the blood he spilt, if only not to leave him alone in his despair.
You finally pulled him into your arms, through his protests and flails, pressing his head flush against your chest.
His breath caught in his throat and he closed his eyes, a foreign pressure building up behind them – he didn't even remember what it felt like to cry.
“I'm alive, I'm alive”, each heartbeat drummed rhythmically in his ears, reminding him that you were there.
“I'm alive, I'm alive”, your lungs filled with the putrid air that surrounded the both of you, reminding him that you were there.
Your hands gently brushed his hair, matted with sweat, as you held him.
Alan was kneeling on the tainted ground, arms limp beside his body – he didn't deserve to hold you as well – and he stared at the bloodstains he left on the fabric of your clothes.
“I'm a monster.” he murmured, his thunderous voice just a fearful whisper against your heart. “I'm sorry.”
You kissed the top of his head and held him tighter.
“You saved me.” you replied, pulling his arms and placing them around your waist, where they belonged. “You're my hero.”
Fallible, angry, made of granite and soft sand at the same time.
Like every hero.
Like every human.
Alan choked out a small sob.
And you held him, amidst the blood and guts, as he allowed himself to cling tightly to you.
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Okay I tried to do something ✨️poetic✨️ so I apologize if it sounds confusing rip
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curioscurio · 16 days
[Short Story]
80 Percent
One day, we developed the technology to completely map out and visualize every single living creature and object in the ocean. The machine had been running for a few years and received an extraordinary amount of funding from scientific organizations around the world.
When it finishes its job, the results are to be instantly shared around the world.
On the final day of the countdown, everyone started getting giddy with excitement and curiosity while waiting for the results.
"This is really magnificent. Who knows what incredible forms of life we're going to find?" An intern in New Zealand bounced with nervous energy and smiled.
"I hope it's hiding epic and delicious sea monsters, like in hollywood movies!" A lighthearted seafood chef in Spain jokes.
"There could be a sponge out there with the cure to cancer!" A sick child in America coughs out to their nurse.
Oil and fishing industries everywhere were hosting company parties; celebrating the new abundance of supply to support the crushing weight of demand.
A salaryman in Hong Kong playfully groans. "Anything but the same old boring fish we see all the time. I'd love to see something like a never-before seen creature with octopus-like intelligence!"
"It's nice to know that, despite all of mankind's careless neglect of the ocean, there's still an abundance of nature still untouched by humanities pollution." An environmental activist in India comments.
Deep in the middle of the Atlantic, a scientific research boat sits filled with passionate marine biologists.
Someone hastily bought a cake to celebrate the hard work everyone had put into the project over the years. The team didn't know what kind of discoveries they'd run into, so it was decided that a baby shower themed cake would have to do. On the top, in blue frosting, was written: "Congratulations! It's a____!"
Presumably, the blank was to be filled in once the data from the machine was compiled.
The machine beeps once, echoing throughout the research vessel, and everyone races to the screen as fast as their legs will take them.
They read the results.
No one says anything.
"That can't be right. Someone go and reset the device and run it again." The head scientist sighs, confident that they had run into an error.
Another twenty minutes go by.
The machine beeps once.
The updated model is largely the same as the previous one.
"...maybe it's not done loading." Someone shatters the silence, and the crowd of scientists flinch, but no one dares take their sights off the screen. Nobody breathes. It's the same outcome on the third try, as well.
The visual simulation on the computer screen shows a complex 3D model of all the life in the entire ocean.
There are whales gliding between continents, sharks feasting on squids, and squids feasting on sharks. Gorgeous and intelligent octopus that can change the color of their skin at will. A pod of humpback whales could be seen off the coast of Antarctica. All of the diverse and colorful life living in the ocean swim before their eyes in a transparent globe of digital seawater.
It looks just like a modern map of the ocean as we know it.
"I don't understand. It looks exactly the same." Someone whispers.
"Exactly. Humankind has only been able to explore around 20 percent of the entire ocean on planet Earth." The head scientist gulps, eyes still hooked to the glassy screen.
"So," someone's voice begins to waver. "You're saying that the other 80 percent..."
No one answers. No one blinks.
"It's... empty. It's not detecting any life signs that we haven't already discovered. It's empty." Someone says.
Someone thinks about pollution.
Someone thinks about shark fin soup.
Someone thinks about the stock market.
Someone thinks about a pet store; shelves lined with dozens of fish that float upside-down and belly up at the top of their tanks.
"... we're all that's left." Someone says.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 9 months
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The Day We Learned to Argue ~Part 1~
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect grammatical errors.
This is just a rough translation.
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One sunny afternoon, away from the bustling city, two men with strikingly similar eyes crossed paths.
Rio & Silvio: "Ah."
They both murmured and grimaced simultaneously.
Rio: "......."
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Silvio: "Why are you here?"
Rio: "It's none of your business! Ow, ow, ow! Let go!"
Rio: "Fine, I'll talk, just let me go!"
Rio: "Lately, the kids have been spreading a rumor that a monster haunts this place."
Rio: "I had a bad feeling after hearing that, so I came to check the situation."
Rio: "It's close to Emma's walking path, so I wouldn't want her to be in danger."
Silvio furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he gazed at Rio, who smiled happily at the memory of his master.
Silvio: "........."
Rio: "What's with that face? Kids have this incredible knack for sniffing sketchy places, you know?"
Rio: "Even if the rumors seem far-fetched, there could be unexpected incidents hidden behind them."
Silvio: "Did you remember一"
Rio: "Are you curious, by any chance?"
Rio: "My master, who is popular with people of all ages, heard a story before."
Rio: "The Great Fairy Incident: The Story of a Beautiful and Miracleous Encounter between an Unexpected Fairy and一"**
Silvio: "Shut up. If you don't shut your mouth right now, I'll shove those mushrooms growing over there in your mouth."
Rio: "That's a poisonous mushroom. Are you trying to kill me!?"
Rio: "Anyway, why are you here? I told you my story, so tell me yours."
Silvio: "Hah! I heard a rumor about a giant monster that likes jewels."
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Rio: "So you're the same as me, huh?"
As Rio mumbled and Silvio smirked, a rustling sound echoed, and then several rough-looking men emerged from the bushes.
Silvio: "Looks like your bad feeling was right."
Rio: "Seems like it."
Rio: "But with this, I can keep Emma out of danger. I can handle them easily."
Silvio: "........."
Rio: "What's wrong?"
Silvio: "I was just thinking of testing your skills."
Rio: "Sure, go ahead. Watch, and I'll finish this quickly."
A man with a lewd grin drew his sword, and at the same time, Rio pulled out a knife from his pocket.
Silvio: "Watching from the sidelines doesn't suit me. I'll help you, so be grateful."
Silvio also drew his sword, pointing it at the men.
The men momentarily faltered in the face of the duo's determination. However, they quickly remembered their advantage and regained their composure, launching an attack.
Easily dodging the simple and uncoordinated attacks, Silvio and Rio found themselves back-to-back, effortlessly fending off their opponents.
Rio: "They outnumber us, but this is a piece of cake."
Silvio: "I agree. I don't feel like losing."
Silvio: "This time, it's easier since you're not dragging me down."
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Rio: "What do you mean, 'this time'?"
Silvio: "Nothing."
When the two were still children, under the dazzling sunlight on the shores of the Benitoite sea一
Valerio & Silvio: "Ah."
Valerio: "........."
Silvio: "What are you doing here?"
Valerio: "It's none of your business."
Silvio: "Shut up. Talk, or I'll stuff this shellfish in your mouth!"
Valerio: "Ugh, it definitely looks poisonous. If I eat it, I'll die."
Silvio: "If you don't wanna die, then say it already."
Valerio: "I heard there's a monster here, so I came to check it out."
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Valerio: "That rumor has been going around among the local kids."
Valerio: "One of the noble kids heard it from a servant's child and told me secretly."
Valerio: "What about you, big brother?"
Silvio: "I'm here for an inspection."
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Part 3 ╎ Part 4
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