#Secure Customer Onboarding
kids-worldfun · 3 months
Secure Customer Onboarding With Digital Document Verification Process
Companies must identify authentic users to be on board. Fraudsters use digital technology to generate fake documents in place of legal documents. Moreover, counterfeit documents seem real, as minor variations often remain unidentified. In recent years, the United States reported 1802 cybercrime cases. Companies are required to use advanced technology to verify the documents. The document…
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
Hey if you happen to work for a small business and you use Office 365 for anything and you are not required to use 2FA to log in to your 365 account please talk to your tech people at work and see if they have plans for adding that to your security policy.
We're rolling out 2FA for all our clients who have been hesitant about it and some of them are onboard but many are resistant to the change and it's slow going and we've had 3 customers get hit with session hijacking attacks in the last month. I just had the office manager for one of the businesses we work with call me in tears because one of her customers sent $150k to a fraudulent bank account.
And if you are someone who works in accounts payable and you are doing business to business transfers if one of your customers asks you to transfer to a new account number you need to CALL THEM ON THE PHONE to verify that they really want you to use this new account before you send that money. Asking for an email with a past invoice is NOT a good enough defense against fraud if a malicious actor has taken over your vendor's email and has access to everything they've ever sent you.
While I'm at it, here are some things that I thought were very basic security stuff that are apparently getting overlooked.
CALL TO VERIFY CHANGES. This should be part of your normal policy. You should not accept payment changes, address changes, email changes, ownership changes, point-of-contact etc. from your vendors or customers without first getting on the phone and speaking to someone who YOU PERSONALLY have spoken to at the company in the past and confirming those changes.
DO NOT SEND SENSITIVE INFORMATION THROUGH EMAIL. Usernames, Passwords, Credit Card Numbers, Health information, Personally Identifying information, and all Banking information is all information that you shouldn't send even through encrypted email; either you enter that info on a secure portal or you talk to someone on the phone.
Never, ever, ever give your 2FA codes to anyone. No exceptions. If it's anyone who would legitimately need to access your system they have ways of doing it that do not require you to have access to the system.
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sadesluvr · 1 month
You join the mile-high club with a mysterious English gentleman. 
A/N: First BT fic! Been obsessed with this movie, and just had to make something with one of our favourite assassins. I had to do a weird amount of research on flying for this... It won’t be my last so follow for more! :)
Set pre movie. 
Word count: 2.5K 
Tags: SMUT / Porn with little plot / Minor spoilers for references in Bullet Train (2022) / Unprotected sex / Creampies / Hookups / Mentions of birth control / Quickies / Canon-typical language / Canon-typical banter / Minors + Ageless blogs DNI
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“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 4B7 to Tokyo. We are currently second in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately five minutes time. At this time, we ask you to please fasten your seatbelts and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. I’m Goldie, and thank you for choosing our airline. Enjoy your flight!” 
Hanging the speaker up, you smoothed out your skirt as you fixed yourself to take the final walk before take-off. ‘Goldie’ wasn’t your real name of course, but a nickname given to you by a sleazy boss. You would’ve hated it, but you found that it greatly helped with creepy passengers who were searching for a place in the coveted ‘mile high club’, or those who simply flew with the intention of sleeping with flight attendants across the world. On the contrary, it was always cute when toddlers cooed your name from across the plane, calling for you as if you’d known them their entire life.  
As you pushed past the curtain to the business class, your eyes fell on a pair of men; one dark-skinned with curly dyed hair, the other with long, slicked back hair and a moustache. They wouldn't have been anything out of the ordinary had the moustached man not been holding a phone to his ear. Great. There was always at least one person who never listened to the announcements, but there was something about those who rode in first or business class that held a different kind of entitlement entirely. 
Swallowing, you put on your best customer service and sauntered over to them. The dark-skinned man noticed you first, raising his brows before nudging the one next to him, who seemed deep into an important, but strained, conversation. 
“...Yeah, yeah. We get the kid and the briefcase, then the train to Kyoto...Yes, we know who we’re dealing with, I forwarded Lemon the briefing. Right, can we go now? Take-offs in two minutes --” 
“Excuse me,” you cut in. “You’re going to need to hang that up...” 
The man did a double take, holding his phone away from his ear as he glanced up at you. If it wasn’t his old English accent that captivated you, it was his eyes, a striking blue with hints of grey that seemed to stare directly into your soul.  
“I’m going now.” He said snarkily to the person on the phone before hanging up, placing the object into the pocket of his navy-blue suit before staring up at you with a charming, but cheeky smile. 
“My apologies darlin’,” he said, his voice as smooth as butter. “Work won’t give us a break.”  
“Don’t I know it?” you replied, shifting your weight as you prepared to move on. “Thank you, sir. Enjoy your flight...” you said before looking down at his hands; strong and adorned with gold rings.  
“...Nice watch.” You finished with a knowing smile. Given the parts of the broken conversation you’d heard, and the elaborate way they were dressed, you figured that they were at least some kind of secret service members - not that it was any of your business, of course. Still, there was something particularly arousing about the blue-eyed man in the three-piece navy suit with the nice watch, and you couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if you broke your ‘no-sex-on-the-job’ rule, just this once. If he wasn’t busy with mission stuff, of course. 
“Thank you, sweetheart.” He replied, the corners of his eyes wrinkling as he smiled, watching you as you walked off, admiring the questionably short length of your skirt in the process. Sitting back in his seat, he chuckled to himself before turning to see his brother Lemon hastily swiping through the movie selection on the screens. 
“The fuck are you doing?” 
“Tryin’ to see if they’ve got Thomas...” Lemon said matter-of-factly. “It’s alright though. I always come prepared.” he finished, tapping his laptop pointedly. Tangerine frowned, shaking his head as he sat back in his seat, side eyeing you as you made your way to your jumpseat in the corner.  
It was going to be a long journey, but at least he had a nice view. 
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
As soon as it had been safe to take seatbelts off, you’d wasted no time in making your way back down to the business area. The best part about the job was that you were able to walk about, getting a good glimpse at the passengers you thought were attractive – all under the guise of providing good customer service. The man with watch was reading a book, whilst the other seemed engrossed with whatever was on the screen, with his fingers covering his face in a concerned manner. They seemed like polar opposites, yet seemed to work so well together, something that made your job a lot easier when it came to seating passengers. If only everyone was like them. 
If it hadn’t been obvious, you were rather interested in the blue-eyed gentleman in particular. Whilst he hadn’t given you definite signs he was interested, you fixed your make up in your compact mirror regardless, and opened a button on your blouse so it was just a little lower than industry guidelines. It never hurt to try, and it certainly wasn’t as if you were going to see him again. 
Smiling, you guided a cart down the narrow aisles, stopping at the pair of men. 
The dark-skinned man, ‘Lemon’, as he had been referred to, answered first, eagerly pausing his screen to speak to you. 
“I’d love somethin’, love,” he said, holding the same accent as his partner. “D’ya have anything fizzy?” 
“Of course,” you hummed. “We have Coke – regular, Diet and Zero, Dr Pepper, Sprite, some SanPellegrino --” 
“I’ll have a Coke, love. Make it Diet...” he said, and you nodded, quickly finding the box for the right can. “It’s a shame ya don’t do any bubble milk tea up here...I got a real craving for one...” 
You laughed as you handed him the can. “Luckily for you Tokyo is full of great places to get one. You probably could even find one in their vending machines...Don’t get those in the West, do you?” 
“Certainly not in London,” he chuckled, opening the can and taking a swig before pursing his lips and tapping a finger on his chin. “Say, I don’t suppose you could settle a little argument for me, could you?”  “Oh here we go...” the other man interjected, drawing himself from his book to huff and look between the two of you. “Fucking unbelievable.” 
Lemon rolled his eyes.  
“That SanPellegrino of yours...Which flavour do you sell the most?” 
You bit your lip. 
“Depends...It’s usually lemon because people think it might taste like lemonade. The orange one never goes to waste, though...” 
Lemon gave the other man a pointed look, and he scoffed before looking at you. 
“Not to completely waste your time, love, but if you had to choose between a lemon or a tangerine...” he didn’t finish, probably because it would’ve pained him to, and moved his hands as if he were balancing weights on scales.  
You stared blankly between the two men, confused but utterly endeared. 
“Tangerines are good on their own, but lemons are far more versatile...”  “See?” Lemon said triumphantly, celebrating with himself before shaking your hand. “Pleasure doing business with you, darlin’.” He grinned before restarting his movie, moving on as if nothing had happened. You chuckled to yourself, conscious of the hundred other guests that needed you, but looked back to lock eyes with the other man, ready to ask him the same question. He wore a knowing smirk on his face, the curve of his pink lips still evident under his thick moustache and tutted chidingly. 
“Really thought you’d be on my side there, sweetheart,” he sighed. “Suppose you can’t trust everyone, can you?” 
“I’m sorry,” you pouted. “You must give it to him though. Lemons are pretty good.” 
“Darlin’ I don’t have a problem with the message, but the messenger,” he said, nodding to the man next to him. “He’s a grown arse lad watching Thomas, that one.” 
You chuckled, glimpsing at the screen to see that it was indeed correct. Shaking your head, you scanned the crafted features of his face before raising a brow. 
“So, what’s your poison?” 
“A gorgeous lady pushing a cart, it seems.” 
“Smooth,” you hummed, unable to ignore the way a dangerous heat shot through your stomach and down to your core, making your legs feel like jelly. He’d hardly done anything, and yet you were under his spell. “What would you like to drink?” 
“Nothin’ at the moment, love,” he grinned. “I’m a bit peckish, if anythin’...” 
Sighing, you quickly checked the man out again, this time eyeing his body. Broad shoulders, muscular thighs, thick legs...The total package.  
“Hurry, up! I’m thirsty!” Someone from across the aisles said. The man was about to argue, but you halted him, nodding in the direction where the voice came from.  
“I tell you what,” you said softly, lowering your voice as you stared into his eyes, your composure so controlled that it would’ve been impossible to tell that your heart was pounding in your chest as you spoke. “-- Us staff have our own snacks. If you meet me by the toilets in fifteen, I can get you some...” 
“Don’t leave me hangin’, sweetheart.” The man grinned, not-so subtly uncrossing his legs and giving a cheeky wink before you headed off down the aisle. Gripping onto the handle of the cart, you tried your hardest to walk straight, excitement boiling in your loins as you counted down those fifteen crucial minutes with every strained smile at a customer. 
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
He was there when you arrived. 
“Took ya’ long enough -” was all he said before cupping your cheeks and pulling you into a passionate kiss, pressing your body against the wall of the bathroom. It was by far the most glamorous place to have sex, but there was something about the sleaziness of it all (with such a put-together man, nonetheless) that made it that more enticing. His scent was an ode to his masculinity; aromatic and woody, and it consumed you as he kissed down your neck, nipping at your collarbone as his large hands caressed the sides of your body. You moaned, writhing your front against his pelvis, desperate to feel the outline of his erection against your own. Admittedly, you weren’t entirely sure what to do with your hands, settling to drape them around his neck in fear of messing up his hair. He seemed like a man who took pride in his appearance, and he certainly wasn’t going to be able to fix it up in an airplane bathroom. 
“Feel me, darling. I don’t bite...” he whispered, his hands now sliding between your thighs as he fought to push your panties to the side. You took this as a hint, and you combed your fingers through his roots with one hand, whilst the other fumbled to undo the button on his trousers, difficult to do with his considerable bulge. You let out a broken gasp as you felt his cock, likely over average sized with a nice girth, and he shuddered in response. 
“Goldie, is it? You’re a naughty one...” he sighed, slipping a finger into your wet cunt. 
“Mhmmm,” you crooned. “’S nickname. I don’t suppose you’ll give me yours?” 
“You’re a bright bird, ‘m sure ya figured it out.” 
“Tangerine, huh?” you hummed, throwing your head back as he began to finger fuck you, his gold rings adding the extra girth that would prepare you nicely for his cock. “I like tangerines...” 
“Ya didn’t seem to back there.” 
“Well, give me a reason to...” you chuckled, and he grinned, grunting before he hoisted your leg up around his waist, his cock dangerously near your entrance. 
“Better be quick,” you teased, staring at him through your lashes. “They’ll get suspicious if I’m not back in five.” 
Tangerine chuckled.  
“I can do that. Just know it’s not a reflection of me at my best.” he sniffed. 
“Good to know.” 
Your words were unfounded as he pushed into you, his girth filling you completely as you moulded perfectly around his cock, gripping onto his shirt as he began to buck his hips. The man grunted, accosting himself to the feel of your warm, wet hole – raw and unfiltered, sighing into the nape of your neck as he fucked you. He steadied himself with his hands, gripping onto your thigh with one as the other rested above you, lending him the luxury of staring into your eyes as he drilled you. 
“God...” you panted, your lips wet and raw from his kisses. “T-Tan -- You’re so good...” 
“That’s it, love,” he beckoned, words rolling off his tongue like honey as he rolled his hips deeper into you. “Say my name...” 
“Tangerine...” you whined, eyes fluttering shut as you drowned out the vacuum-like ambience around you, focusing on the small grunts and sweet nothings the man whispered into your ear, his warm breath sending chills up your spine. The room around you was making a slight creaking sound, and you barely even cared that your calf was banging slightly against the door.  
With every passing second his thrusts became more focused, solely intended to bring you both to that point of ecstasy- yet you didn’t doubt that Tangerine was the kind of man who made sure you finished, even if he himself didn’t.  
His hair was beginning to become undone now, brown strands falling in front of his face, just barely clouding his vision, but enough to make him look even hotter. Both of your shirts became more and more dishevelled as he pressed up against you, the muffled sound of his clothed thigh against your bare ones becoming more frequent as he growled, the sound coming from deep within his muscular chest. 
“Fucking hell, darlin’...’M gonna make a mess...” he hissed through laboured breaths. “I’ve gotta pull out --” 
“It’s alright,” you lulled, and you could’ve sworn that his cock twitched at the phrase. “I’m on the pill...” 
“You naughty girl...You’re gonna get me in trouble --” he groaned, throwing his head back as he gave you a few fast and sloppy pumps, shutting his eyes as you clamped down on him during your own release, creaming around his cock as he filled you with his own. You dug your nails into his clothes as you rode off your respective highs, hair and clothes askew as he rubbed small circles your trembling leg before lowering it to the ground. 
Panting, there was a brief silence as you dressed yourselves, with Tangerine preening himself in the tiny mirror. 
“You look good as gold.” You said with a smirk, fixing your hat.  
“Thanks,” he said with a broad smile, popping some gum into his mouth as he looked you up and down. “You’re a dime a dozen, y’know? Fly this route often?” 
“Sometimes,” you hummed, opening the door so that the sign no longer read ‘occupied’. “Why, are you thinking of coming back?” 
“I’ll be headed to Kyoto,” he said, looking around before he stepped out. “Maybe I’ll catch you there.” 
“Yeah,” you grinned, fixing the final button on your shirt. He’ fucked you so good you could barely even remember what your next journey was. “Maybe.” 
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pareidoliaonthemove · 3 months
Left for Dead
Part One
Scott Tracy breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the wheels of the ‘conventional’ jet he was flying left the tarmac.
His never failed to feel lighter once he was no longer touching the earth, but this time the relief was more intense than usual.
As he guided the executive jet – once Jeff’s favourite plane, a sleek long-haul commercial jet that had been the Aviation arm of Tracy Industries flagship product, and dubbed ‘Tracy One’ – exactly through the ‘gateway’ at the end of the runway climb out, the radio crackled to live. The heavily accented English of the Departures Controller for Trondheim Lufthavn gave him his final instructions to clear the Lufthavn’s controlled airspace and join his filed flightpath out of Norway and back to Tracy Island.
He only let himself relax as he hit his cruising speed and altitude, and activated the pre-programmed autopilot.
Reaching back he caught the retractable tray table and dragged it towards him, before picking up his insulated mug, a custom-made gift from Brains that allowed him to ensure he had hot coffee available on a solo flight in the plane.
He couldn’t help glancing back at the safe built into the bulkhead at the back of the cockpit. He still had grave reservations about getting TI involved in the construction of the World Government’s new high-security computer system to be based in Norway; but the World Government had wanted Tracy Industries for their reputation for excellence and security, the TI Board wanted it, and most importantly John wanted it.
Scott tried not to think about the fact that his brother was likely to include a backdoor to the system.
But Scott had been convinced that it was in the best interests of all involved to take the project on, and he had gone to Norway to meet the key personnel and personally take receipt of the plans. TI facilities would produce the various key components and they would be shipped to Tracy Island for construction by one Hiram K. Hackenbacker
Scott sighed, even Brains had been excited by the prospect of getting to look at the designs, and the attendant programming that the hardware would be running. Something about the specifications for the “new ‘unbreakable’ encryption protocols”, and “the next major breakthrough in computing, practically quantum!”
Scott was worried that the two – three if Alan inserted himself into the mix – computer nerds would back-engineer the TOP SECRET computer and incorporate it into International Rescue’s equipment.
When – and Scott was not an optimist when it came to this sort of things, so it was when and not if – the rest of the world figured out that they had that technology, there would be some uncomfortable questions that Scott would be left to try to answer.
And he was resolutely NOT thinking about what Eos could do with all that processing power. Scott had reached a truce with the Space Monitor’s pet AI, but he hadn’t made peace with it … her. She had come dangerously close to killing John, ‘misunderstanding’ or not, ‘self-defence’ or not.
Harming his family was the one sin Scott Tracy could not forgive.
The next hour or so disappeared quietly as Scott brooded on his misgivings, carefully watched the plane’s gauges, and the sky.
Sometime after the onboard computer indicated that it had successfully completed its mandatory handshake with Chinese Air Control Scott stretched, arching his back and spreading his toes within the confines of his shoes. Flying alone was great for relaxation, flying alone long distances however … no matter how good the autopilot, a good pilot never left the controls unmanned.
Tracy One, while fast, was no Thunderbird One. I’m getting soft, Scott thought bemused. Too used to the multiple mach speed of his usual means of transportation.
Settling back into his seat, Scott once more scanned the gauges … only to see them all fade out as the engines whined their rollback to idle and shutdown.
Scott swore, unbelieving, hands once more on the controls, as he quickly hit two buttons, setting his transponder to squawk distress mode, and deploying the RAT, a small drop down wind turbine that dropped from the planes undercarriage and caught the airflow, generating enough power to get some gauges and controls working.
Fingers automatically worked at the controls, reconfigure for maximum glide, run through the midair engine restart procedure. And …
As Scott immediately recommenced the restart, he was on the radio: “Mayday, Mayday, Maday. This is November Tango India Zero One Charlie. Twin engine roll back, loss of power. Attempting restarts. Requesting assistance to squawk location.”
No response. Scott cycled through another engine restart attempt as he waited, nervously watching the altitude numbers seemingly freefall. There was no way he was descending that fast, surely?
Two more attempts at transmitting the mayday resulted in silence. The engines refused to restart.
Scott reached for his collar and swore. The meeting had been so high security even IR’s integrated collar coms were not allowed. And Scott had been in such a hurry to get back to the Island that he hadn’t changed his clothes, only ditching the ordinary – albeit obscenely expensive – coat, suit jacket, tie and cufflinks.
No direct link home. No mid-air rescue for Scott Tracy.
No matter. He could manage.
Abandoning his attempts to restart as the altitude numbers screamed down under the threshold.
His plane was going to kiss dirt. All he could do was make it as gentle as possible.
Scott switched his attention to scanning the ground below him, looking for a suitable space. Thank god he had elected to fly west towards home, meaning he was over the Gobi Desert.
Sand was preferable to water, no matter what Gordon said.
Sand would make for a nice soft runway, provided Scott managed a tail-first. Letting a leading edge dig in would be a disaster. Even with the International Rescue approved safety features retrofitted to the standard executive jet, there wouldn’t be much for his brothers to recover if she dug in and flipped, or windmilled around a wing.
“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. November Tango India Zero One Charlie. Restart negative. Unpowered landing necessary. Requesting immediate assistance to squawk location.”
Scott breathed carefully, focusing on his search and not the possibilities.
Off in the distance Scott spotted a level area, large enough for the plane to coast to a stop on her belly.
He breathed out, mentally calculated the distance and descent, and carefully reconfigured the plane, setting the ailerons and stomping on the rudder to bring her tail around into the head wind and shed speed: side-slipping. He gently slewed her back the other way, ensuring she maintained the correct heading, but shedding altitude and speed.
This was a dangerous aerial ballet. More so than any dogfight he had been in during his service. One wrong move …
Scott’s hands were sweating on the control yoke. His heartbeat deafened him.
Oh, there was going to be so many lost of control drills for his brothers in the future. It had been too long since they had run any.
His luck held all the way down.
He managed to line up to the long axis of the space, and his tail kissed sand at the edge of the smooth space.
Metal screamed as sand ripped at the undercarriage as Scott gently lowered the length of the plane onto the dirt, and deployed all flaps and slats, increasing the resistance to the air, even as the sand resisted the movement of the hull.
And Scott became a passenger.
He kept his feet at the rudder pedals, trying to keep the plane moving in a straight line. Yaw risked rolling. But it was largely a futile effort, the path was set, determined by physics, geology and … geography!
Scott’s heart leapt into his throat as the plane hurled itself over the top of a rising dune that had been hidden by his approach angle. It was a significant drop down the other side, and the plane had lost enough momentum that it had little aerodynamic power.
The nose fell, and Scott heard yelling.
It took the eternity the plane was falling to realise that it must be him.
Impact was hard.
Metal screamed as sections of the cockpit rushed towards him, dislodged and distorted.
Something above him broke loose, swinging down into his field of vision.
It was the last thing Scott saw.
This is Part One of my last Febuwhump Prompt from MariaShades, Part Two will actually address the prompt, but work's been mental, and Scott's been a little shit and really didn't want to crash his plane ... Oh well, better late than never.
And if I post this half, I'll stop faffing around with it and actually write the second half. In theory.
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dcawritings · 5 months
I’m going to make a masterlist for all the AUs I might write for, but in case anyone wants a taste of the kind of enabling chaos that goes on in the Superstar Daycare discord server, here’s the list of AUs I’m positively feral about:
Freddy Fazvibes (Sex Shop AU)
Digimon AU
Borderlands AU
Livestreamer / Vtuber AU
Stardew Valley AU
Color of Your Eyes AU
(Longer description of each below the readmore!)
Freddy Fazvibes (Sex Shop AU)
William accepts and admits that he has some unresolved issues between himself and Henry, and decides to open a sex shop after learning he's a furry and it makes him quite happy. The shop -- technically still under the Fazbear brand (Henry is happy for his friend but thoroughly confused) -- features character mascots and lines of toys based on the parent company alongside an up-and-coming VR system to allow people to experience the company (sexual or otherwise) of their favorite characters!
The reader is just one of many customers after discovering the niche but passionate community the store and its characters have. It's bad enough that it's a sex shop with sex toys; how are they going to handle having their favorite character offer to demonstrate using one of them?
No deaths occur in this AU, it's just some good wholesome fun (as wholesome as a sex shop can get) where we don't need to worry about why the animatronics have genitals.
Digimon AU
The reader was supposed to be a member of their generation’s digidestined, but the others were killed by a mysterious power in the digital world many years before the present day. The reader discovers this information as an adult after being pulled into the digital world by a mysterious masked puppet creature who seems to know all too much about them. Trapped, they learn that their two digimon partners (Sun and Moon) had been waiting for them all that time; waiting for their human partner that never showed up when the digital world needed them most.
The reader finds themselves battling through not only their own tentative connection with the digital world as an adult, but also with their own partner as Moon has all but rejected them due to trust and corruption issues. Can the reader heal Sun and Moon's pain, regain their trust, and manage to save the corrupted souls of the other digidestined before the digital world falls apart at the seams?
And who could this mysterious evil force even be?
Borderlands AU
Sun is a prototype of a new line of caretaker bots designed by Hyperion to serve multiple domestic roles for people rich enough to afford them. The spaceship housing him during his live beta-testing experiences an unknown error and crashes on Pandora, where the reader (an ex-Hyperion employee) rescues him from the wreckage.
Things grow even more confusing when Sun realizes that he has a second personality onboard his processors, one that the reader had inadvertently helped to create when they worked for Hyperion: Moon, a military security protocol, and the true reason that the ship had gone down over Pandora. How will Sun deal with learning that his abandonment was part of the testing -- and what will he, Moon, and the reader do when they learn about the ECLIPSE protocol?
Livestreamer / Vtuber AU
After saving them from the Pizzaplex ruins, the reader helps Sun, Moon and the newly-formed Eclipse settle into day-to-day domestic life with them. Though the reader assures that they don't need to, the three search for ways to help pay bills -- keeping them charged has tripled the electric bill alone. So, unbeknownst to the reader at first, the trio take up being a vtuber, quickly becoming quite popular for their unique avatars (which is literally just them rendered into a live2d model) and wide variety of streamed content.
They all play all sorts of videogames, but Eclipse has become very popular for drawing furry art while Moon's realized that people really like his voice in ASMR content. Before they know it, they're able to help pay the reader's bills and beyond, leaving their amused and surprised caretaker to support both their newfound hobby and try desperately to ignore how the twitch chat is always asking if they're dating.
Stardew Valley AU
After the reader's grandfather passes away, they learn that he had left them an entire farm to care for as they liked. An entire plot of land beside a whole new town of people to meet, including the enigmatic trio of automatons powered by forest magic, and are apparently as old if not older than the town itself.
Sun is sweet as can be and helps tutor Jaz and Vincent alongside Penny, while Eclipse is a very soft-spoken personality who you're certain has been heavily damaged at some point (but he's often too busy tending to the community gardens to care). There is a third automaton, but he's only active after sunset -- some townfolk call him a demon and a menace, while others seem to find his pranks quite endearing. Moon is... an enigmatic figure, and it will take some time to get to know him properly.
Color of Your Eyes AU
The reader is just another employee of Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, far from friends and family that they barely remember after moving away several years ago. They work a normal job in the daycare with a normal apartment and go to a normal doctor about normal symptoms of a chronic illness they've been dealing with since they were little -- or so they're told.
Is it all actually normal? Are they human, or are they... something else? Surely not, else it would mean their entire life is nothing more than a lie, a fabrication.
This is an AU about the reader learning they are actually a humanoid animatronic and that everything in their life -- their background, their parents, their memories -- are just that. A lie. They have been the property and research subject of Fazco's R&D division the entire time.
But at least they have Sun and Moon to help them understand not how to be human, but how to be a person again.
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bleachbleachbleach · 7 months
tbt to that time someone in the Seireitei had a candlemaking side hustle
where the draw was that each candle was meant to evoke different types of reiatsu, as described by the traditionally florid prose of candle/perfume descriptions. There was some press around the candles' potentially homeopathic effects, and though the 12th put a stop to that pretty quickly, some shinigami had standing orders for the candles because some users swore that burning the candles could help augment one's own reiatsu. (One wing of the 3rd Division barracks did burn down, but that's neither here nor there.) You could commission custom blends if you paid for a reiryoku reading, which the candlemakers then used to whip up a candle specialized to you.
Where things got really tricky was when the founder of the Gotei Candle Co. tried to step it up and offer a limited edition Gotei Captain candle set, where each candle was meant to describe/evoke the reiatsu signatures of, well, the Gotei Captains. You can't normally brand things like that without express permission of the Council of 46 (though notably not the Captains' individual permissions, which don't factor into this at all, officially), but the Gotei Candle Co. knows that the SWA gets permission to run their calendars every year, and they thought if they did a Gotei Candle Co. x SWA collab, it would be a real knockout event.
BUT photo calendars are one thing and reiatsu signature candles are another, and when this went to the Council of 46 they found that they DID actually have to consult the Gotei, to determine whether or not the candles constituted a breach of military security. And this had to go to a Captains' Meeting vote. The voting was split across several positions:
captains who believed the candles constituted a breach of military security because anything COULD be a breach of military security
captains who realized that believing that would mean greenlighting the idea that the candles were accurate to their reiatsu in any way, which might tacitly confirm the notion that the candles had actual homeopathic validity, on which grounds they refused
captains who believed in the candles, actually
captains who were willing to say the candles were a breach of military security and all that other stuff just because they did not want the candles to exist
captains who had no real opinion on military security or science but disliked the candles, yet still refused to tarnish their principles by pretending the candles were legit even if it meant they had to be a candle
In any case, the Council of 46 refused to make a move without evidence-based deliberation from the Gotei, so they had to spend hours and hours sniffing candles as part of the process. And the 12th wanted to run a test so there'd be science-backed proof that the candles did/did not accurately type Captain reiatsu, because they did not believe captains sniffing things constituted actual evidence-based anything. There was some pushback against this, but ultimately the 12th prevailed and the REASON the 12th has all the captains' reiatsu typed--and having this done is now part of any captains onboarding, even post-candle debacle--is because OF THESE DANG CANDLES.
Eventually the Gotei decided, fuck it, these candles are a no-go, I don't care. But then Sasakibe brought up the fact that to deny them outright was technically a violation of the Commercial Clause of 1457, which states that when military procedure infringes on free trade within the Seireitei, it must offer an alternative enterprise as part of the sanction. After all the candle business, having to deal with this hangup was the closest the Gotei has ever come to executing mass ritual suicide in Yamamoto's office. Strange but true. The candles, man.
Anyway, at some point Byakuya leaks this to Shirogane, because He Cannot With This, and Shirogane suggests "okay no candles but what about eyewear tho" and Byakuya brings this to the next Captains' Meeting and Byakuya is, briefly, a HERO to his peers, and Shirogane is a HERO and that's why they let him leave the Gotei entirely and open up a glasses store.
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acceptccnow · 7 months
Discussing Partnerships in the High-Risk Merchant Processing Industry
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
In the current financial landscape, the high-risk merchant processing industry plays a crucial role in facilitating transactions for businesses considered riskier by traditional financial institutions. As businesses aim to expand their reach, partnerships become a key strategy in navigating the complexities of accepting credit cards.
Merchant Account Processing: Building Trust through Collaboration
In the realm of high-risk merchant account processing, establishing reliable partnerships is of utmost importance. Given the unique challenges associated with high-risk businesses, collaboration between payment processors and merchants can lead to innovative solutions that address specific industry needs. One primary advantage of strategic partnerships in merchant account processing is the ability to pool resources and expertise. Payment processors, with their knowledge of compliance requirements and risk management, can work closely with high-risk businesses to create tailored solutions. This approach not only ensures smoother merchant onboarding but also fosters a relationship built on trust and understanding.
Accept Credit Cards: Expanding Market Reach
For businesses operating in high-risk sectors, the ability to accept credit cards is a game-changer. Consumers increasingly prefer the convenience of card payments, and businesses unable to accommodate this preference may find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. Partnerships in the high-risk merchant processing industry can open doors for businesses to seamlessly integrate credit card acceptance. Payment processors, equipped with the latest technologies and security measures, can guide merchants through the integration process. This enhances the customer experience and broadens the market reach for high-risk businesses, enabling them to tap into a larger consumer base.
Payment Processing: Mitigating Risks through Collaboration
Effective risk management is at the core of successful high-risk merchant processing. In a landscape where fraudulent activities and chargebacks are prevalent, collaborative partnerships become instrumental in developing robust payment processing solutions. By leveraging the expertise of payment processors, high-risk merchants can implement advanced fraud detection tools and security measures. Shared insights and data analytics can further enhance risk assessment strategies, allowing businesses to stay one step ahead of potential threats. Through these collaborative efforts, the payment processing experience becomes not only secure but also efficient.
Enhancing Customer Support: A Focus on Service Excellence
Providing exceptional customer support is crucial for building long-term partnerships in payment processing. Collaborative efforts between payment processors and merchants can extend beyond transaction processing to include comprehensive customer support services. By working together, payment processors can offer dedicated support teams that specialize in high-risk industries. These teams are well-versed in the unique challenges faced by merchants in these sectors and can provide timely and knowledgeable assistance. Whether it's addressing payment issues, resolving disputes, or providing technical support, a strong focus on service excellence strengthens the relationship between payment processors and merchants, fostering trust and loyalty.
Staying Ahead of Regulatory Compliance: A Shared Responsibility
Compliance with regulatory standards is a top priority for businesses in the high-risk merchant processing industry. Collaborative partnerships play a vital role in staying ahead of evolving compliance requirements and ensuring adherence to industry regulations. Payment processors can actively monitor changes in regulations and communicate them to their merchant partners. By sharing insights and providing guidance on compliance best practices, payment processors help high-risk businesses navigate the complex landscape of regulatory requirements. This collaborative approach minimizes the risk of non-compliance, protects businesses from penalties or legal issues, and maintains a strong reputation within the industry.
By working together, payment processors and high-risk merchants can proactively address compliance challenges, establish robust internal controls, and demonstrate a commitment to operating ethically and responsibly.
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flyingprivate · 2 years
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Elvis Presley’s 1962 Lockheed 1329 JetStar,
For decades, Lockheed’s JetStar was the executive jet of choice for countless A-listers, recognized dignitaries and star-studded celebrities, and this 1962 Lockheed 1329 JetStar is no exception, as it was once owned by the king of rock ‘n’ roll: Elvis Presley. Presley acquired it from OMNI Aircraft Sales Inc. on December 22, 1976 for the princely sum of $840,000.
When Elvis took ownership of this particular JetStar, registered with the FAA as N-20TF, the entertainer was no stranger to luxurious aviation acquisition. He had already amassed a modest fleet, which included a custom Convair 880 named the “Lisa Marie” that went by the call sign of Hound Dog 1, along with a second JetStar identified by its call sign of Hound Dog 2.
With a busy touring schedule, these crafts were needed to transport the singer, his TCB band, backup groups, Col. Tom Parker and the ever-present Memphis Mafia to venues, concerts and appearances all around the country. Elvis kept several pilots on retainer that were ready to fly him to adoring fans at a moment’s notice.
This JetStar is one of several private jets owned by Elvis Presley, with two currently on display at Graceland. Inside, the cabin features wood paneling and red velvet upholstery with gold-finish hardware. There’s seating for nine by way of six plush chairs that swivel and recline, along with a couch. An onboard entertainment system is tucked away in a media cabinet, featuring a television, RCA VCR player and audio cassette player, and headphone ports with audio controls are located at every seat. A galley contains storage and a meal-prep area complete with a Kenmore microwave and beverage dispenser. At the rear is a lavatory along with additional storage and cubby areas.
In the spring of 1977, the jet was sold, later ending up with a Saudi Arabian company. The JetStar was then moved to Roswell International Air Center (ROW) in Roswell, New Mexico, where it’s been stored for decades and resides to this day. The aircraft will require disassembly to be shipped, and coordinating assistance is available. Documentation joining the jet includes a copy of the Aircraft Security Agreement document signed by Elvis Presley, a copy of the Aircraft Bill of Sale and Official FAA Blue Ribbon documents. While the P&W engines and many cockpit components have been removed and no engines or replacement parts will be included with the sale of Elvis’ jet, it serves as an incredible restoration opportunity and a chance to create a unique Elvis exhibit for all the world to enjoy.
This JetStar is a truly rare bird with immense appeal and one that will do nothing but shake up the crowds at Mecum’s 2023 Kissimmee auction. Elvis and his effect on the music industry are known the world-over, and this opportunity for a new owner to acquire an extravagant piece of his aviation past is a momentous occasion with untold room for flights of rock ‘n’ roll fancy.
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supportivecircle · 1 year
i ran a sonic based dnd campaign for a year
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my folders on drive and on my desktop are filled with so much crap
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we didn’t get to finish it but the campaign document was sitting at around 130 slides and we still had a final stretch to go. it was post metal virus arc by a few months, sonic didn’t come back immediately (in fact he wasn’t sent to the Sol Dimension, he warped to the Twilight Cage. the players who knew Sonic expected Sol Dimension. i robbed their minds. i ROBBED them. THATS RIGHT. DARK BROTHERHOOD WAS BEING WORKED INTO IT. LOOSELY. WE CLOWN IN THIS MOTHERFATHER.) so Amy didn’t step down but Jewel did become her administrator of the Logistics branch of the Restoration, while Amy lead the Security branch. 
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i made a custom warlock subclass (balance unsure) for wisps patron that had an experimental prototype variable wispon the restoration was testing based off of whisper’s
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i pieced together a map of the main continent based off of: tabbing in and out of the sonic forces map screen to get the rough landmass and locations of “zones”; some work people online did to try the same thing; cream’s WRONG map (she says thats north but cuhLEARLY in forces this cannot be the case dear god help me you stYUPID CHILD); and amy’s Restoration map was of no help to me at all because it shows Central City on the coast where Seaside/Sunset would have been, and also on a northern shoreline while barricade town is on the end of an entire peninsula. so i FIXED it. i fixed ALL of it. also there is a small town named Degrassi near the snowline south of Winterburg. because we love Degrassi. make it canon Evan Stanley if you somehow stumble across this. whisper into Flynn’s ear like wormtongue and get this done for me, whatever it takes, because i know you can make it through. maybe name it like Dagrassy. idk you’re the talent not me.
we had started in 2020 and played for two months before taking a year hiatus to play a magical girl campaign in the FATE system. some highlights of the campaign:
at one point early on, a piece of the orbiting ruined Death Egg fell to the earth in an event known as a “Death Fall” and landed on Orchardville. the players got to team up with Whisper to infiltrate it and deactivate the systems onboard controlling the badniks coming out of it. mimic was also there to steal data for starline.
the Bad Guys didnt split up like in canon, instead eggman had been working real lowkey on finding where sonic warped to to finish him off, and starline became better at being a leader. mimic was still doing stealth ops. rough and tumble were given a task of leading bandit activity in the western part of the continent to keep the Restoration busy. honestly, i just didn’t want to think about what to do with the Zeti so they never came up. its a whole thing. probably not well thought out grand scheme but no one asked questions about the Zeti.
i stole the entirety of the death house from curse of strahd but toned it down to just make a spooky haunted house segment near windmill village and i played the instrumental loop of pumpkin hill for at least 30 minutes at one point as ambience.
one of the players had a truck that over time got suped up with upgrades to be a complete wrecking ball with a lightning cannon to shock badniks and an on-board AI the inventor made based off of his boss, Lanolin, named LAN who would activate with the phrase LAN-Online.
the players helped begin the healing of the Green Sand Hill Zone by uncovering the underground main hub Egg Pyramid that had been controlling the Egg Pyramids in Forces and were draining oil out from the earth. they fought Thunderbolt the Chinchilla there, who had been running the operation for Eggman while he was working on his grander plans.
one player was offered a FIST BUMP in the first session by Lanolin and refused cause the character was an old grouch. this stain on their character was never cleaned.
there were several starline’d versions of badniks that appeared the closer they got to his operations. incredibly obvious knock offs with a new color scheme. starline also freaking died by being outplayed by Eggman.
there was a recurring merchant they met in the first city and almost every major city afterwards who was actually a wizard who inherited wealth from their bastard father and decided to open up a series of pawn shops across the world called Thorne’s Tradery (her name was Juliet Thorne). she refused to use offensive magic out of an oath she took, but was doing her best to help the Restoration by supplying their agents (and civilians) with easy access to a fair place to trade and possibly get magic/advanced tech items (not for civilians).
i did what SEGdont and had Tangle and Whisper finally resolve their blatant romantic tension with the aid of the player characters. we stan these lesbian queens. tangle was a monk who had “determination” or something instead of Ki, and whisper was the same warlock subclass as the player character, but a lower level. i never got around to making an amy statblock but she was going to be a battlemaster fighter with some character feat type stuff akin to divination wizard’s portent, and would have focused around giving players advantages/extra actions in combat when not beating stuff with her hammer.
the finale was going to have the entire team go super-mode via chaos emeralds (screw the canon) and fighting a giant invasive monstrosity from the twilight cage threatening to destroy Central City, while Sonic was still dealing with REALITY SICKNESS from his time spent in the cage. they’d have had unique abilities, a theme song on their turn (Endless Possibilities Rockestrate My World version, Reach for the Stars, What I’m Made Of, and Knight of the Wind), and a one-time reaction called “We’re All Counting on You” that would have provided them with an emergency supply of rings from notable NPCs they had bonded with during the game. it was going to be hype.
i was far FAR too lazy to draw my own characters on top of maps and writing everything, so i used a freaking ton of OCs i found online as character pieces. possibly controversial to some, but i never passed them off as my own and knew i’d never be able to draw or show artwork of them in any posts online i made about the campaign cause they aren’t my characters. so unfortunately, i cannot make or post artwork of player character Periwinkle the Pangolin making out with her witch girlfriend Rosaline the Fox. i did make this little guy though: Georgie Greenhorne, the deer, and avid child scout. he has several badges.
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anyway decided to finally make use of this account to post something of substance and then probably nothing else.
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i also found this old meme i made about one of my player’s Forces OC (the brown dog) and mine, who appeared in the campaign as the CANONICAL BUDDY near the end to fist bump with knuckles. i also have this cursed lanolin with no fluff in the back. check it out. tell your friends.
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soullessfawn · 2 years
Fawn’s Space / Alien AU Fic Recommendations
Oops, wrong human by PollyPocketChewer
Wilbur is the exalted one's most trusted advisor. He has been for so long. So naturally when they're trying to establish peace between the galaxies and Earth, he's sent to pick up Earth's diplomat.
Problem is, he grabbed the wrong human.
very normal human behavior by iregretallmydecisions
Tommy has a secret. No one knows. Not the nice lady at the corner store, not the weird guy at the video game store, not Tubbo, and certainly not any of his housemates. He's an alien, sent to study Earth. It's not easy, keeping that secret when he's living with three humans, but he can do it, he's sure.
Wilbur has a secret. He's not told a soul and never intends to . He's an alien, sent to study humans on Earth, so that his people can make first official contact. It's not easy hiding what he truly is, especially when it comes to his three human housemates.
Technoblade has a secret. He's very good at keeping it, but sometimes it's... difficult, around his three human housemates. Loathe as he is to admit it, Technoblade cares about them, and perhaps even feels guilt over his lies. His race wants him to determine whether or not Earth is an ally or an invasion site. But, for the sake of his people and new friends, he will keep his secret.
Phil does not have a secret. He has never, once in his life, kept his mouth shut, even when Puffy tells him to. It's not his fault no one else believes aliens exist. At least his new housemates, normal as they are, seem to tolerate it better than the last guys.
In Orbit (Around You) Carmen_In_Space
"What is he doing," Techno asks as he looks at where Philza's staring at the security feed.
The cameras show the human in his room-turned-cell, dragging all the furniture around. The security cameras don't have audio, but Philza doesn’t need it, because he can hear the sounds of furniture dragging across the floor from all the way down the hallway.
"I think he’s redoing his room," Philza answers.
"He’s bored, guys," Wilbur says from across the room.
"I dunno," Philza mumbles, "he seems to be quite entertained doing this."
or, Philza, Wilbur, and Technoblade have a stowaway on their ship. Philza's determined to befriend it.
and wonder why they never soothed your fevers by chrysomyxa
The thing Wilbur keeps coming back to, petulant as it is, is that this is all incredibly unfair.
They’ve all been onboard The Twitch for a week straight, give or take, traveling through hyperspace as much as the ship’s engine and hyperdrive can take for such a long journey. Deep space is fast approaching, which is something the natural galaxy-hoppers hesitate at, let alone any one planet-bound species like humans. He’s probably the only human for thousands of kilometers around, at this point.
So where the fuck did he pick up a virus?
(Wilbur gets sick onboard. And, being Wilbur, attempts to hide it from the rest of his confused but concerned alien crew.)
Journey of an Ice-time: The Rooster Festival by HumanErrorDiscord
All the easiest sources of protein and meat are automatically out,” Wilbur worries, claw tapping against his custom made chair. “Since…Phil. So, we’d need the expensive shit or we’d need to figure out what Tommy’s missing from the meat and ice.”
“I’m missing the CRUNCH Wil, are you listening?” Tommy shouts.
“Shut up, child,” Techno chimes in. “Keep distracting the bird.”
“FUCK YOU, TECHNO!” Tommy screams, about to get up when Phil protests and gently tugs him backwards with another ‘follow, follow’ noise.
Damnit. His hands are tied and he has no options.
“You devious motherfucker,” he forces a scowl and leans into a scritch. “Trickery.”
“Why don’t we buy eggs?” Ranboo says, ignorant. And…
Hell breaks loose.
Lost in Translation by SilverWing15
Techno’s seen a human before, an adult, in the distance.
They don’t look intimidating.They don’t look like much, honestly. Small-ish, built more solidly than Ender and Elytron, but not the bulk of Piglin.
They don’t look like they should have been able to soundly kick the ass of the Dreamon fleet. But that’s what they bloody well did. And now nobody wants to mess with them. Its the prison yard principal on a galactic fucking scale. Take down the biggest guy in the yard and nobody fucks with you.
Nobody except for whoever was stupid enough to steal a human kid. Because, as it turns out, even baby humans are fucking nightmares, since this one managed to crash an entire ship on its own in presumably an escape attempt.
Of course it then managed to get itself caught again by Ender authorities. Who dumped it in here and then into Techno’s fucking lap--thanks, Phil.
OR: Fifteen years ago, humanity reached out to the stars, and the great bully of the galactic playground came and tried to beat up the new kid. Only the new kid kicked their ass, and all the rest of the kids on the playground are too scared to go talk to them now.
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jonnowrites · 4 months
Sylvia Cooper - Chapter 1: Making a Withdrawal
Set years after the events of Honour Among Thieves, the next generation of the Cooper Gang works to uncover a worldwide conspiracy... and make some cash along the way.
Sylvia crouched on the edge of the rooftop. A night time chill brushed her hooded coat and a smile crept across her muzzle beneath her face mask. Her brown, striped tail eagerly swished side-to-side as she stared at the building across the street. The Parisian skyline was where she felt most at home.
Her eyes were set on a large building across the street. A large holographic sign glowed with the name Chat D’or Bank with the symbol of a sleek golden cat. Her smile grew with anticipation.
She tapped the side of her mask and activated its onboard Binocucom. The Binocucom was just as its name suggested – a set of high-tech binoculars doubling as a communicator. The display came to life, a small scope appearing in the centre of her vision, and a pair of small windows flickered to life beneath the lenses. The face of a rabbit girl appeared on the left screen, while on the right was her own. She wore a confident smirk while the rabbit looked more apprehensive.
“Okay, Lily,” she said, “ready for an old-school bank heist?”
“Sylvia, are you absolutely sure about this?” asked the rabbit. “I’ve told you who owns Chat D’or , right?”
“Julien de Griffe,” Sylvia answered with a nonchalant smile, “entrepreneur by day, crime boss by night. Don’t fret, girl – what we’re doing is one hundred percent morally sound.”
“It’s not the morality of it that worries me,” said Lily. “It’s the fact that you’re about to break into a high-security building owned by one of the most powerful people in the city.”
“By that definition, it’ll be my third one this month. Any safe ways in?”
“I’ve got the schematics in front of me, and your best method of entry would be that air vent on the roof.”
Sylvia watched as the vent in question pulsed light blue on her Binocucom, showing through the concrete walls, and she zoomed in the lens for a closer look. “I see it. My first stop is the security office, right?”
“Right,” Lily nodded. “Just put that drive into the computer and I’ll take over from there.”
"And if anything goes wrong, we have Plan B," grinned the raccoon. "Talk to you inside."
Sylvia deactivated the Binocucom and pounced off the roof. She arched forward into a nosedive and reached for the small crooked staff on her belt. With the press of a hidden button, the staff extended into a long cane, its hook snagging onto a telephone wire. Using the rebound, she bounced back into the air and landed both feet on the wire with practised precision. Holding out her arms for balance, she danced across to the bank rooftop.
The thought of breaking into a place with security tighter than a wedding dress nearly made her burst with excitement. A lesser thief would be at least nervous about committing such a caper, but Sylvia was a Cooper – the latest in a family of master thieves dating back to the days of the Egyptian Pharaohs. What set her apart from other thieves, aside from the obvious skill difference, was that a Cooper only stole from other criminals. After all, where was the honour or the fun in swiping Joe Nobody's wallet on the street corner? Hence why tonight's target was one of the most influential men in Europe, who after some digging, turned out to be taking advantage of his bank's customers by overcharging them and keeping the bonus tucked away for himself. His leadership of the biggest criminal syndicate in Paris certainly didn't help his case either.
Once close enough, Sylvia jumped off the wire and dashed across the roof to the air vent. She pushed another hidden button and the cane retracted, the tip of the blunt end flipping open to reveal quite the Swiss army knife of thieving tools. She opted for the universal screwdriver, removing the bolts on the vent grate and quietly setting it down. She hooked the cane back on her belt and dove head-first into the vent, sliding down a ways and slowing to a safe stop after a bend.
"Okay, you're showing up on my screen," she heard Lily say in her earpiece. "The security room's just up ahead–take a left, then another left, then two rights, then three lefts, then another-"
"Lily, Lily," hissed Sylvia. "Remember what we said about 'one step at a time'?"
"Sorry," Lily muttered. Sylvia could hear the blush on her cheeks. "Take the first left."
Sylvia followed Lily's directions and scurried through the ventilation system. For a moment, she found herself wondering if any of her ancestors were claustrophobic. That would be quite the obstacle. 
She peered through a grate and watched as one of the bank's night guards strolled along the floor, blissfully unaware of her presence. Sylvia was never worried by guards–she could slip down there, pick the dude's pocket and get back in the vent before he even had a feeling something was wrong.
The floors and walls coated with lasers the guard was walking through, however, she wasn't so confident about.
"de Griffe didn't skimp on the security," she whispered.
"It's a system that responds to facial recognition," Lily explained. "You get scanned when you go in, and if your face is in the database, you can go around those lasers no problem."
"But my beautiful face…?"
"Will get deep-fried, yes. Until you get that drive to the security room, that is."
"I'm getting, I'm getting."
Sylvia continued her journey through the vents, swiping through cobwebs with her cane. Some more lefts and rights later, she looked through another grate.
"You should see a room overlooking the main bank floor," said Lily. "Big bulletproof windows and a Silverkey 7000."
"I see big bulletproof windows and a big fancy computer," whispered Sylvia. "And a guard typing away on it."
"If only we had someone on the team who could sneak up on a lone guard and knock him out."
"Twist my arm, why don't you."
"Camera in the room is down, go ahead."
Sylvia rolled her eyes and slowly opened the grate to silently land behind the guard. It helped that he was too busy dealing with an offline camera feed to look over his shoulder. She slunk up behind him and with one swift motion, extended her cane and knocked the hapless guard into the air, grabbed his shirt with the hook and brought him down to the floor with an overhead slam to knock him out cold.
If Dad could see that, she thought with a proud smirk.
"Okay, now plug the drive into the Silverkey 7000," Lily instructed.
Sylvia looked around, blinking cluelessly.
"The big fancy computer."
"I knew that." After double-checking the guard was indeed unconscious by prodding his face with her cane, Sylvia crept up to the computer and fished a small flash drive out of her pouch. It took her a few seconds to find the right port.
"Sweet," said Lily. "Don't get comfy, this'll just take a sec."
"How long's a se--"
"Done. Head for the elevator."
"Huh." Sylvia retrieved the drive and ducked back into the vent. "And this'll stop me getting cooked by the lasers?"
"Yeah, but you'll wanna avoid going on the floor anyway. Computers are often easier to fool than guards."
"You'd be surprised."
Sylvia scurried to another grate and silently lowered onto the floor. She pushed the button to the elevator and watched a security beam scan her up and down. After a second, the doors slid open with a ding and she went inside, using the tip of her cane to tap the button for the top floor.
"I've got you on the security cam," said Lily. "Currently blurring you out."
"Aw, but how will anyone see me?" Sylvia mock-complained.
"Why are you so eager to get arrested?" She could hear Lily's frown.
"Ahh, you know I don't mean it."
"Anyway, de Griffe's office is just outside the elevator. He doesn't keep any guards or lasers up there because of all the requirements just to access the floor."
"The requirements we just bypassed."
"You got it."
The doors opened and Sylvia slunk to the wall, creeping along it before leaping to the opposite side, repeating the process down the corridor.
"I just told you there's no one there," sighed Lily, watching through the cameras.
"It's called 'drama', Lil." Sylvia knelt down at the door and produced another tool from her cane–a universal lockpick. She made short work of getting inside and took a look around the spacious office.
"Why do bad guys always have giant paintings of themselves?" she asked, looking at a huge portrait of a lynx in an expensive black suit leering down at her. "Talk about an ego problem."
"I don't think Sylvia Cooper: Master Thief of the World is one to talk about ego," snarked Lily. "Anyway, turn on that computer and plug in the drive."
The raccoon did just that and perched herself on the leather seat, idly running her hand on the smooth desktop while Lily worked her magic.
"You think we should get a mahogany desk?" she wondered.
"Where would we put it?" asked Lily.
"In the hideout, obvs."
"But where in the… oh." The rabbit's tone turned nervous. "Oh, this is big ."
Sylvia's ears perked. "What's up?" The computer screen suddenly had windows of details and names popping up.
"It's not just bank customers paying kickbacks. There's cops, business owners, politicians… and they're all from different countries. de Griffe's taking huge sums from nearly everyone in Europe!"
"Explains all his fancy stuff."
"And that's not all – he's not just taking money, he's also giving it away. To different names, but at regular intervals."
"You got the deets?"
"Copying them onto the drive. Just make sure it gets back here in one piece, because that's the only copy and I do not trust the Cloud."
"Got it," said Sylvia. "While we're here, we should make sure this extra money goes back to the proper owners. Y'know, the ones who really need it."
"I'm sure the mayor will be happy to repay us for uncovering this interest scam."
Sylvia could tell Lily was wearing a smirk as big as hers was. "A few thousand Euros? That's quite kind of you, sir."
She nearly jumped out of the chair as an alarm began blaring. A red light started slowly flashing.
"Oh, carrots!" gasped Lily. "I think I tripped a hidden alarm!"
"I thought you shut down the security!" said Sylvia. Metal shutters came down over the windows.
"It must be on a separate system! I'm working as fast as I can!"
Sylvia rushed to the door and pressed her ear to it. "I can't hear a thing over this stupid alarm."
"I have to transfer this data first," Lily insisted. "Once it's safe, I'll shut the backup security off."
"Something tells me it's not backup security."
"Just a little more…"
Sylvia anxiously hopped in place, darting her eyes around for an exit. The windows were barred, there were no air vents, and the hallway outside no doubt had an army of guards rushing toward it.
She reached for her cane and started fidgeting with it.
Sylvia raced to the desk and grabbed the drive. "Sweet. Now if you could just find me a way out?"
"I'm trying to get through this firewall, but it's a lot tougher. I think you're onto something, Sylvia – this isn't just backup security. It looks like there's a whole other grid just for de Griffe's office."
"What makes him so special?" remarked Sylvia. The alarm suddenly turned off and the lights returned to normal. "Oh, nice going Lil."
"Um, that wasn't me," muttered Lily.
"Now I can get a good look at you." A man's deep voice caught Sylvia by surprise. "Sylvia Cooper, I presume? My name is Julien de Griffe."
She looked at the monitor, and her heart skipped a beat at the lynx glaring at her. His indifferent expression was mostly hidden by his steepled fingers, but that did nothing to help the icy glint in his eyes.
“Smart enough to invade my place of business while I’m out of the country,” he continued, “and yet stupid enough to get caught.”
“Having your office on a different security system is cheating!” Sylvia protested. She then asked Lily quietly, “That is cheating, right?”
“Don’t distract me,” Lily muttered. “I’m nearly done.”
“I’m afraid whatever you’re scheming is doomed to failure,” de Griffe said. “The proper authorities have already been called.”
“Like I’m scared of some donut dunkers,” scoffed Sylvia. “Besides, they’ll be pretty interested to learn about this little racket you’ve got going on.”
“Bold assumptions, girl.” Sylvia saw the hint of a smirk behind the lynx’s hands. “The proper authorities I speak of will be more interested in finally apprehending a Cooper.”
Sylvia lowered her head just a bit, to hide the surprise in her eyes.
“My security team will keep you company until then. Au revoir.”
The video call ended, and Sylvia let out a quiet sigh. She had a feeling she knew exactly who he called.
“Done!” Lily gasped.
Sylvia grabbed the drive and hopped off the chair. The door was suddenly kicked in, and a small squad of guards surrounded her from all angles. She felt like she’d never get used to having this many guns pointed at her.
“Freeze!” one snapped. “Don’t move a muscle!”
“Put your hands behind your head!” another ordered.
Sylvia looked between the two. “He wants me to freeze, and he wants me to put my hands over my head. You two are gonna have to decide what we’re doing here.”
“Quiet,” the largest guard, a burly polar bear woman, snarled.
Sylvia rolled her eyes. “Uh, Lil, I’m in a bit of a bind here. We’re gonna have to go with Plan B.”
The moment she finished talking, the polar bear rounded on the other guards. A huge fist knocked one of them flying into the wall, and another was knocked out by the butt of her gun being thrown right between his eyes. She grabbed the last two by the shirts, lifted them off their feet and slammed them into the floor. 
Sylvia watched with a grin, thinking of that movie she watched once where a sleeper agent was awakened by a key phrase.
“Plan Brooke never fails,” she chirped. “Nice work, big girl. You really got into character too.”
The polar bear grunted and bumped Sylvia’s waiting fist with her own. “We done here?” she asked curtly, ignoring the pained look on the raccoon’s face.
“We’ve got everything,” said Lily through both their earpieces. “Head back to the van.”
The two dashed back to the elevator and made their way down.
“Heads up,” Lily said, “there are guards heading your way."
“You redirect traffic then head for the van,” Sylvia said to Brooke. “I’ll take the scenic route.”
Brooke nodded. Once the door opened, she clumped across the floor while Sylvia hid beneath the floor panel. She pressed a button on her gloved palm, and her body faded out of sight starting from her feet.
“She’s headed to the vaults,” said Brooke. Sylvia pounced up to an open grate just as Brooke ushered the guards into the elevator, and scurried back up to the rooftop. Once she was outside, her body fizzled back into view.
“This active camo thing is awesome. Recharge time needs work, though.”
“It’s a prototype,” Lily said defensively.
Two familiar clicks behind her made Sylvia pause mid-step.
“Hold it right there,” she heard a man say. Young, around her age.
She turned around and caught the hard glare of a fox pointing a pair of pistols at her. His grey fur went nicely with his dark red shirt and black jacket, blue jeans and black boots. A gold star glistened out on his chest.
Sylvia lowered her hood, revealing her brown shoulder-length hair, giving him a grin.
“Hey, bro.”
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kyndaris · 2 months
Days of Transit and Films
Living in Australia, the first day of travel is almost always the most uneventful. Why? Because in order to reach any other country (besides New Zealand) involves a bloody long flight. So, it was with my trip to Japan via ANA (which took about 9 hours and 45 minutes or so). It also didn't help that there was congestion at Sydney airport, which delayed our departure time by upwards of thirty minutes. By the time we landed in Tokyo, it was nearly 9 PM local time and bleachpanda and I needed to go through customs, collect our baggage and check-in to our hotel.
Thankfully, getting through immigration didn't take too long for either me or bleachpanda. With our luggage in tow, we breezed through quarantine and went about securing ourselves a taxi to take us to our hotel for the night: Toyoko Inn II in Haneda.
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On the 9 hour flight over to Japan, I kept myself entertained with several films while bleachpanda battled with motion sickness. Still, she managed to watch Barbie despite sleeping for the majority of our time onboard. As for me, the films I watched included: The Marsh King's Daughter, Puppy Love, Lyle, Lyle Crocodile and Dumb Money. An eclectic collection of films that started off strong in the psychological thriller genre before dovetailing into a lighthearted romantic comedy and animated child film. Then I finished it off by watching a meme-heavy film about gamers rising up and sticking it to the man.
Sadly, during my flight over to Japan, I didn't get much reading done. Nor could bleachpanda and I have any riveting conversations given her proclivity for motion sickness and had her eyes closed every time our plane hit turbulence.
But what to say about the films I binged on the way to Japan? Well, The Marsh King's Daughter was a movie that tickled my interest a few months back when I first saw the trailer. It starred Daisy Ridley and Ben Mendelsohn and so was immediately on my radar as a weighty exploration of the human condition. While it wasn't exactly the most riveting watch, it still managed to capture my attention for the duration of its run-time.
After enjoying the tension-heavy film about family, love and toxic obsession, I decided to watch something I could completely shut my brain off. Enter: Puppy Love starring Lucy Hale and Grant Gustin (two actors who caught my eye back when they were starting out. One featured in a guilty pleasure show I watched back when I was in university - Pretty Little Liars - and the other started out as an antagonist in Glee before becoming the better version of the fastest man alive).
From Puppy Love, I hopped over to watch a film about a singing crocodile and the wacky plot shenanigans that come from a half-animated, half live-action musical starring the likes of Shawn Mendes, Javier Bardem and Constance Wu. Is it strange that there's a singing crocodile whose exact origins were never exactly explained? Yes, but the songs are catchy and it's a nice feel-good film.
And even though Lyle doesn't speak, he can readily communicate through song - which, admittedly, beggars belief but these aren't things one should think too hard about.
Then finally, after nearly nine hours in the air, and fully from a sandwich dinner, I settled the headphones back onto my ears to watch Dumb Money. Though I never did watch it in cinemas, I did read about how people were using the RobinHood app to hold the line against The Man when it came to the shorting of the GameStop stock back in 2021.
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At 8:57 PM, we landed at Haneda airport. After our plane taxied to its designated spot, we traipsed down a set of stairs for the waiting shuttles that took us to the terminal proper. Due to the late hour, we were the only flight going through immigration and customs, smoothing exiting the airport about twenty minutes to ten.
One short taxi ride later took us to our hotel close by. I, of course, managed to embarrass myself by trying to close the automatic door of the cab. It was only when I heard the driver tell me twice to stop that I realised the error of my ways. Still, we managed to check-in to the hotel only a few minutes past 10 PM. Once inside, bleachpanda and I dumped our gear and flopped onto the bed, exhausted from a day on the plane.
The next day, I woke up early and puttered around our shared room as bleachpanda snored away. At 7 AM, bleachpanda's alarm went off and after spending 45 getting ready, the two of us headed down for breakfast. Once full, we visited a local shrine nearby as well as a 7-Eleven wherein I bought a banana and milk.
Returning to our hotel at around 9:30, it was back on the road for the two of us as we headed to Narita airport for our flight to Seoul. We arrived with barely any time to spare as we checked-in for our flight and sped through security. Still, we managed to try out Japan McDonald's. I picked a Teriyaki Pork Burger (which was mildly disappointing because of how dense the sauce was) and bleachpanda enjoyed an Ebi Burger. Full, we boarded our flight to Seoul, wherein we were treated with another heavy meal.
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At 4:30 PM, we landed at Incheon International. On the flight, I watched Venom: Let There Be Carnage while belachpanda slept on, too ill from the turbulent start to our flight. The sequel to Sony's Venom was a fun watch, even if it didn't win any awards. Tom Hardy, I can most assuredly say, is living his best Eddie Brock life, given the banter between our two protagonists.
In fact, it reminded me of my relationship with bleachpanda during the trip. I'd tease and aggravate her, she'd threaten to murder me in my sleep...
And yet she'd still comply with all my walking demands as we managed to rack up a 14,500 step count average over the three weeks we were out and about on our overseas trip.
Once we grabbed our luggage and went through South Korea immigration, we took a taxi to our hotel in the heart of Seoul. After wechecked in to our hotel in South Korea: ENA Suite Namdaemun, bleachpanda and I ventured out to enjoy a nice meal out at Michelin Star winner: Korea Ginseng Chicken Soup.
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vaulttecvevo · 4 months
"smart" home security cams are such shit if u ever need video surveillance get cctv so it doesnt stream ur yard to some unsecure rando companys server thatll stop working when they go under
like a few months ago a smart home company went under and all their customers showers stopped working hdksjdkrt one has to laugh
its the rent seeking! they could make these systems standalone and w all parts onboard, but then how would they make u pay a subscription? 🥺 death. to all of them.
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reginap5 · 6 months
Sweden's Exemplary Anti-Corruption Stand: A Deep Dive into KYC and AML Practices
In the realm of global integrity and transparency, Sweden stands tall as the paragon of virtue, earning the coveted title of the world's least corrupt country, as per the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). Behind this remarkable achievement lies Sweden's unwavering commitment to combat corruption through robust Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws, particularly focusing on stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols. These protocols require financial institutions to verify the identity of their customers and any transactions they make. Furthermore, Sweden has implemented measures to protect whistleblowers and to ensure that any instances of corruption are investigated and prosecuted.
The Pillars of Trust: KYC in Sweden
Sweden's success in maintaining its reputation for integrity is deeply rooted in its proactive approach to KYC. The KYC process, an integral part of financial and business operations, plays a pivotal role in preventing corruption and money laundering by ensuring thorough identification and verification of customers. Sweden has invested heavily in its KYC system, building a comprehensive database of customer information. It has also implemented strict regulations requiring companies to report suspicious activity to the government. As a result, Sweden has become a world leader in the fight against financial crime.
KYC Solutions: More than a Mandate
KYC in Sweden goes beyond mere compliance; it serves as a comprehensive solution to safeguard the financial ecosystem. The emphasis on accurate customer identification, risk assessment, and ongoing monitoring establishes a formidable defense against illicit financial activities. Sweden's KYC system also promotes customer trust and increases customer convenience. By streamlining the onboarding process, customers can easily open an account and start trading. Additionally, the KYC system provides customers with better control over their money, as they can easily monitor their account activity.
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Compliance at the Core
Sweden's commitment to compliance is evident in its KYC practices. Striking a delicate balance between stringent regulations and practical implementation, the country has fostered an environment where businesses operate with transparency and adhere to the highest ethical standards. Sweden's KYC regulations are designed to prevent money laundering and financial crime. The country has put in place a comprehensive set of measures, including customer due diligence, to ensure that businesses comply with the law. Additionally, Sweden has implemented a reporting system that allows authorities to track suspicious activity in real time.
AML Laws in Sweden: A Global Benchmark
Sweden's AML laws are not just a legal requirement but a testament to its commitment to global financial integrity. The country's legal framework provides a solid foundation for detecting and preventing money laundering activities, contributing significantly to its stellar position on the CPI. Sweden also has a strong commitment to international cooperation and information sharing, which helps to further strengthen the AML legal framework. Additionally, the country has implemented strict regulations on financial institutions, including requirements to report suspicious transactions.
KYC Service Providers – KYC Sweden Leading the Way
Sweden has emerged as a frontrunner in KYC solutions, with a focus on providing efficient and reliable services. KYC service providers in Sweden leverage advanced technologies and methodologies to offer the best-in-class identification and verification processes, setting the gold standard for global counterparts. Swedish KYC providers also provide the highest level of security, protecting customer data and complying with all local regulations. Furthermore, Swedish KYC providers offer a wide range of services, including onboarding, identity verification, and fraud prevention.
KYC for Swedish Businesses: A Necessity, not an Option
For businesses operating in Sweden, KYC is not merely a regulatory checkbox but a fundamental practice. The stringent KYC requirements ensure that businesses are well-acquainted with their clients, mitigating the risk of involvement in any illicit or corrupt activities. It also helps to protect the rights of customers, as it ensures that they are aware of who is handling their data. KYC also helps businesses to identify any potential risks associated with doing business with a particular customer.
Global Impact: KYC Sweden's Ripple Effect
Sweden's commitment to KYC and AML has a ripple effect beyond its borders. Businesses operating globally, including Swedish enterprises with international footprints, benefit from the robust KYC measures in place. This not only safeguards these businesses but also contributes to the overall global effort against corruption. As a result, other countries and organizations are encouraged to implement strong KYC and AML measures, which help to create a safer business environment for everyone. Additionally, these measures help to protect consumers from malicious actors and financial crimes.
Sweden's standing as the world's least corrupt country is a testament to its meticulous implementation of KYC and AML laws. By placing compliance, integrity, and transparency at the forefront of its financial practices, Sweden has set a precedent for nations worldwide. As businesses and governments grapple with the challenges of maintaining trust and financial integrity, KYC Sweden's model of KYC and AML serves as an exemplary beacon guiding the way forward. The integration of KYC solutions is not just a legal requirement for Sweden; it is a proactive strategy that continues to fortify its position as a global leader in the fight against corruption.
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cybervehiclebuilding · 7 months
Pravaig DEFY SUV India: A Comprehensive Review of Design, Price, Range, Features, Specs & More
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The Pravaig Defy SUV emerges as a pioneering creation in India’s automotive industry amidst the gradual global shift toward Electric Vehicles (EVs). Crafted meticulously to combine efficiency, reliability, and style, this innovative electric car beckons to those embracing the electric revolution while offering a compelling choice for both prospective EV buyers and the merely curious about this transformative mode of transportation.
Unveiled on November 25, 2022, in India, the Pravaig Defy EV epitomizes an efficient and dependable daily mode of transport that aligns with the safety standards of traditional gasoline-powered vehicles while significantly reducing carbon footprints. The SUV offers an impressive array of features, including sleek design elements, all-wheel drive, spacious interiors, comfortable seating, and an unwavering commitment to safety — all in a single variant, providing a streamlined choice for those venturing into the realm of electric driving.
The Defy’s exterior presents an angular and bold styling, blending rugged aesthetics with subtle crossover elements, creating what Pravaig aptly terms “brutal sophistication.” From the sharp front-end cuts to the panoramic fixed roof, this SUV exudes an aerodynamic design boasting a drag coefficient of 0.33. Additionally, its 18-inch alloy wheels and optional “aero covers” not only enhance its range but also contribute to the SUV’s highway driving efficiency.
Step inside, and sustainability takes the center stage within the Defy’s interior, showcasing sustainable fabrics crafted from recycled materials like PET and vegan leather upholstery. The cabin offers a seamless blend of technology and comfort with a 15.6-inch touchscreen display, onboard gaming capabilities, 3D sound from Devialet, and separate climate control zones for front and rear passengers. The SUV’s security measures, including a unique key card and a robust data privacy policy, reinforce the user’s peace of mind.
The Defy’s safety suite encompasses adaptive LED headlamps, a 360-degree camera system, and a 77GHz solid-state radar. Meanwhile, its dedicated skateboard platform, housing a 90.9kWh lithium-ion battery, positions the Pravaig Defy at the forefront of sustainable electric powertrains. The dual electric motor setup delivers an impressive 407 horsepower and 620 Nm of torque, offering an exhilarating driving experience comparable to established EV SUVs.
Charging options are versatile, allowing owners to opt for home charging using an optional 7.2kW home charger or rapid charging at 150kW DC stations. These charging solutions, coupled with a range of over 500 kilometers, cement the Defy’s practicality for daily usage.
Pravaig’s emphasis on user data security and a comprehensive service network spanning across 34,000 PIN codes in India complements the Defy’s overall offering, ensuring a reliable and customer-centric ownership experience.
In conclusion, the Pravaig Defy India spearheads India’s electric mobility sector, combining striking design, sustainability, robust powertrain, and user-centric features into a package that epitomizes the future of electric vehicles.
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teamarcstechnologies · 7 months
What features you should have in your panel management platform for market research?
A panel management platform for market research should encompass various features to efficiently manage and engage with participants while gathering valuable insights. Here are some essential features:
Panel Recruitment and Profile Management: Capability to recruit, onboard, and manage panelists, including profile creation and segmentation based on demographics, preferences, behavior, etc.
Communication Tools: Integrated email, SMS, or push notification systems for sending invitations, reminders, and updates to panel members about surveys, studies, or events.
Survey Creation and Management: User-friendly tools for creating diverse types of surveys (e.g., multiple-choice, open-ended, rating scales) with branching logic and scheduling capabilities.
Incentive Management: Ability to manage and distribute incentives or rewards to panelists, ensuring fairness and accuracy in reward allocation.
Data Security and Privacy: Robust security measures to protect panelist data, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).
Analytics and Reporting: Tools for real-time tracking, monitoring survey responses, and generating comprehensive reports with actionable insights.
Panelist Engagement and Feedback: Features to foster engagement, such as forums, communities, or feedback mechanisms to encourage discussions and gather qualitative insights.
Mobile Compatibility: Responsive design or dedicated mobile apps to facilitate participation and engagement across various devices.
Integration Capabilities: Ability to integrate with other systems or tools, such as CRM software, analytics platforms, or social media, for seamless data flow and analysis.
Panelist Experience Enhancement: Constant improvements based on panelist feedback, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience while participating in surveys or studies.
Panel Health Monitoring: Tools to track panelist activity, prevent survey fatigue, and maintain the health and quality of the panel.
Customization and Branding: Options to customize the platform's look and feel to align with the branding of the research organization or client.
Panelist Support and Helpdesk: Accessible support channels for panelists to address queries, technical issues, or provide assistance when needed.
APIs and Scalability: APIs for scalability and flexibility, allowing for future enhancements or integrations with evolving technologies.
By incorporating these features into a panel management platform, market research organizations can effectively manage their panels, gather high-quality data, and maintain strong engagement with participants, leading to more accurate and insightful research outcomes.
Online Community Management Software
Online Project Management Platform
fraud detection and reporting tool
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