#tapper clone
coldbrewarts · 8 months
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I can’t stop drawing these two and I ain’t even written anything about them 😫 so here’s a bit of a breakdown.
Tapper (Clone OC)
He’s not a defective clone but he’s smaller than the rest and his voice is quieter and not as rough as the others. He is the leader of the 708th legion under General Jura and Commander Agria Dar (Jedi and Padawan OCs.). On a mission to accompany a Senator, Kala San (more later), the two become close friends. Upon a second time being the Senator’s company, they fall in love and later marry in secret, much like Anakin and Padmé. With the help of Ruth and Agria he gets his inhibitor chip removed during order 66. They eventually leave to help the clone rebellion.
Kala San (Senator OC)
A Senator from Be'rael, she was very vocal about the clones having rights, but was always drowned out by the rest of the senate. If she has a cause, you can bet she is passionate. Though she learned some self defense as a teenager, Tapper teaches her combat skills that later allow her to help the rebels. She’s very good at getting hurt, which causes Tapper to be a perpetual basketcase. She is sort of the equivalent of a prequels Leia.
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artbypockets · 10 months
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please look at my commando squad
thank you
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dystopicjumpsuit · 5 months
Congrats DJ!!! I'll finish filling out the form in a sec but for the datafiles could I possibly get one of my best girl Kala San??
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Love ya!!
Coffee, my dear! Thank you for celebrating with me! Kala looks so intriguing; I can't wait to learn more about her. She looks like my kind of criminal. 🫶
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Want a Datafile for your Star Wars OC? Find out how to get one here! Or check out other OC Datafiles I’ve created here!
Transcript in alt text and below the cut.
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Case #11824915
Suspect Identification
Name: Kala San
Chain Code: UNKNOWN
Occupation: Former Senator/Current Rogue
Wanted for: Aiding and Abetting, Theft, Treason
Status: AT LARGE
Criminal Profile
Criminal Activity: Aiding Rogue Clone Soldiers, Theft and Treason against the empire
Arrest Record: N/A
Known Associates: CT-2978 "Tapper"; Nova Squad
Current Location: UNKNOWN
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streets-of-vale · 9 months
Streets of Vale - Info Dump Body Morph Kit(s)
“The Body Morph Kit give the client the ability to reshape their body to be more in tune with their mood and changing desires” - SDC “Skin Deep Beauty” Products
Body Morph Kits are comprised of various individual procedures that can allow the patient to adjust various body traits. While these kits can be used to disguise one’s identity, they do not allow mimicry of other individuals, nor can they mask traditional identification systems such as retinal, fingerprint, or DNA scanners. Changes are cosmetic only.
The installation of such kits is extremely invasive, requiring weeks of recovery. All installations are permanent. Removal of required systems and modules will cause extensive tissue damage.
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(Images generated by perchance ai text-to-image)
Eye Kit The natural lens of your eyes are replaced by a special set of intraocular lens. These lenses are specially treated that with the proper application of a specific pattern of electrical surges will change the tint of your eyes. The controller for the system is wired into the brain, and uses the central nervous system to deliver the pattern of charges that induce the color change.
Voice Modulation - A special electronic amplifier is affixed to the patient's vocal cords. In the case of male patients, the Adam’s apple is removed. Using a similar system as the Eye kit a controller is wired into the brain, and using the body’s central nervous system to transmit a pattern of electrical charges, the patient can modify their voice with in the normal ranges of the human voice. 
Breast  / Buttocks / Facial / Hip / Thigh Augmentation Kits - Using an inert gel, a set of micro pumps upon activation can cause specifically designed sacks embedded in the appropriate location’s tissue and muscle to inflate or deflate. There by increasing or decreasing the size appearance of the patient’s breasts. - Storage tanks for the system are secured inside the pelvic region, fastened to the lower spine. While a specialized cloned synthetic elastic skin graft is used to provide more room for expansion in the patient's chosen locations.
Breasts = Allows for the increase of up to 1 cup size in female patients. In male patients, cup size ranges from A to B.  Buttocks = Moderate increase of 2.5 to 5 cm, with gentle rounding and shaping. Facial = Only provides for a softening or sharpening of facial features. Hips = Moderate increase of 2.5 to 5 cm, with a gentle rounding and shaping. Thighs = Moderate increase in diameter of 2.5 to 5 cm, with the appropriate tapper.
Synthetic Nails - The patient's nails and cuticles are permanently removed, and replaced with a synthetic acrylic system that is treated with a special polymer non-chip resin that when the proper pattern of electrical charges will change color and “grow out” up to 2 cm. The nails are retractable. The main controller unit is wired to the brain. This system has NO combat applications.
Hair Kit - Patient’s scalp is removed and replaced with a cloned synthetic one, that has been embedded with mono-filament hairs, set to the patient’s original hair color. The filaments are impregnated with a polymer that with a specific electrical charge pattern will cause a color change. The range of color pallet is with in the normal spectrum of light. As with other color change systems, the controller is wired to the brain. - This “hair” does not grow, so the patient must specify the length prior to installation.
Multi-System Control - In those patients that request multiple morph systems, the individual controllers can be swapped out for a multiple system unit.
(These Posts are to expand on Concepts/Ideas that will show up in the SoV stories. They are far from complete, and feedback is welcome.)
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garbagefarm · 2 years
Garbage Farm (#42)
2023-03-17, Garbage Farm session #42 (I think), spanning from Summer 4 Year 4 to Summer 15 Year 4
me (@mothmute )
E.B. (@salamand3rin)
Kimi (@2kimi2furious)
Highlights include, but are not limited to:
Alex is gonna start reading books and be a nerd now, to everybody’s horror
we’re out of wood!
Pierre called, says he has “the finest” seeds and produce
what produce is that, pierre??
Robin finished Pam and Penny’s new house!!
she spends some time rambling about the woodworking
we choose not to take credit, causing Pam to refer to their anonymous donors as “pure angels”
Robin evidently tells everybody anyway, ‘cause everybody seems to know.
“snitches get stitches, robin!”
Frucko isn’t visible in E.B.’s version of the cutscene, so she just sees me running around and doing a little hop
Should I buy shortcuts for $300,000? yolo
Harvey is nowhere to be found, it’s E.B.’s turn for garbage marital strife :(
We forgot to remind Kimi to make the fancy purple shorts
Haley sleeps through rock time when Kimi goes to use Emily’s sewing machine
Lewis is now afraid of and mad at Kimi
The ducks keep taunting us by going up to the edge of the pond ... and stopping.
Shane wants garbage money too, now, goddammit Robin
Speaking of Robin, she’s now hitting a cliffside with her hammer in the middle of the night
Kimi likes jumpscaring Lewis
Marnie just giggles about it
I get caught with iron crumbs all over my face.........
(There was a train but I missed it)
Robin mailed me some wood, I guess she realized we direly needed more (we always need more wood)
New cows, Jumbus and Zartino
Kimi says Stardew’s random animal names are “so cursed”
I begin breaking down the keg-shed, but hitting each keg is taking forever
hey, what if I just set off a bomb to break them? I’m so smart :)
lmao RIP me, laughing about it is the only way to keep from crying
Emily mailed me a sea urchin!!
We were talking before the session about somebody marrying Emily just to get her very special hat, only to give it to a sea urchin — this is approval!!
Worst part of making new kegs is gonna be getting enough oak resin, so I plant a buttload of oak up by the train station
ugh I’m gonna have to make extra tappers...
(it’s my fuckup, I can take responsibility for it)
A rare crow is spotted on garbage farm, eating the fiber field.
I start buying my way out of my mistakes (specifically: iron, copper, some wood, some stone, some extra coal)
Kimi borrows Frucko
Alex and Harvey both want to know what their spouses are gonna put in the soup. I guess they haven’t been initiated into that level of the Garbage Mysteries
Starting another pond, I get a special line about how Robin’ll start the day after tomorrow, since she always takes festivals off. I don’t think I’ve seen that before, it’s a nice touch!
okay, I made a bunch of extra tappers
Luau day!!
The melons are ready, but we can leave those for the day after
Everybody is at the luau except for Pizza :(
Every year, the Governor says this is the best soup he’s ever had—
is our soup getting better every year? is the governor a liar??
“maybe he’s forgetful” shhhh my theories are more fun
“maybe he goes around complimenting towns’ soups”
“maybe it’s a new governor every year, they replace the old one with a clone”
The Bloobening!
(ask not for whom the berry bloobs; it bloobs for thee)
Witchcraft?? In Garbage Farm???
(it’s just a void egg, we’ve got void eggs at home)
more cows, Bollello and Matchu
This is not good weather for sports!
Kimi visits the desert for fashion!
(dweeb fashion, she gets suspenders)
“we got oak resin?”
... actually, no!
Kimi stays up crafting in the shed and dies.
Marlon says he found her face-down in the mud ... in our shed.
E.B. tries to pick up some batteries near the desert obelisk and gets sent to the desert, good thing there’s a bus
“who’s watering the fiber? you don’t need to”
I think it’s Elliott, actually!
starting to tap the new oak
I suggest a garbage derby someday
KEG TUNNEL is starting to come online......!
fix my mistake ;_;
more kegs, also more preserves jars
Finish Kimi’s Hoe
if it isn’t finished already
Even more ponds??
We’re gonna need so many sea urchins
still need a big melon......
I mean I guess worst case scenario we leave the cauliflower up and try again next summer, right?
still need to venture deeper into skulls............
still need a prismatic shard for the museum???
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airdrophunting · 16 days
Lost Dogs: The Way - A Guide to the New Game from the Creators of Notcoin
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Ever caught yourself thinking your finger's worn out from endlessly tapping the screen in yet another Notcoin clone? Familiar with that feeling of disappointment from the monotonous "clickers" flooding Telegram? If so, you're not alone. Many of us wonder: are there any creative developers left who can make something truly worthwhile?
Amidst a sea of faceless "tappers" doomed to fail, a project has emerged that genuinely deserves attention. Meet Lost Dogs: The Way, the latest creation from the minds behind Notcoin.
What makes this game stand out from the crowd? First off, it's backed by the team that brought us Notcoin. That alone is enough to make you take a closer look. But the real kicker? Lost Dogs: The Way isn't just another clicker. Here, you'll dive into a world where game theory, social engineering, and mathematics intertwine. And yes, there's a dash of gambling addiction too - because why not?
In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the world of Lost Dogs. We'll dissect the game to help you squeeze out maximum benefit and enjoyment. We'll explore various strategies, learn how to pick the best cards, and of course, discuss how you can make some money playing Lost Dogs. And for those thinking ahead, we'll also ponder the prospects of WOOF tokens being listed on exchanges.
Game Rules
The essence of the game is simple, yet incredibly engaging. Every 24 hours, you're presented with a choice of three cards. Your task? Guess which one will be chosen by the average number of players.
This is where things get interesting. To win, you need to do more than just figure out what to vote for in Lost Dogs - you need to anticipate other players' behavior. Imagine we have three cards: A, B, and C. Now, if all players agreed to only choose card A, we'd easily determine the most popular card. But that wouldn't help us find the middle path in Lost Dogs, would it? On the other hand, if everyone decided never to pick card C, we'd know for sure which card is least popular. But again, this doesn't give us any information about the middle card.
The real trick and challenge of the game lie in creating a distribution of choices where one card ends up in the middle in terms of popularity. That's why a simple agreement doesn't work. Which card should you choose in Lost Dogs? To determine the middle card, players need to make different choices while somehow coordinating their actions. Moreover, the more players act chaotically or "randomly", the harder the game becomes for those trying to apply a strategy.
It's crucial to understand that there's no room for chance in Lost Dogs: The Way. Everything depends solely on players' decisions. In essence, it's an experiment based on people's ability to cooperate and develop strategies to influence the overall outcome.
How the Economy Works
The game uses three types of currencies, each playing its unique role. Let's take a closer look at each currency:
WOOF - This is the main coin of the game. You earn $WOOF when you guess cards correctly, complete tasks, or simply log into the game daily. How to cash out Lost Dogs? Given that the project is backed by the Notcoin team, there's a high chance that $WOOF will become a real cryptocurrency and be listed on exchanges.
BONES - These are the game's "chips". You always bet BONES on cards, regardless of whether you're using NOT or not. Your BONES supply refreshes every 24 hours, giving you a new chance at victory.
NOT - It's important to understand: you don't directly exchange NOT for BONES. Instead, by investing NOT, you increase your share in the pot. If you don't use NOT, when you win you only get access to 10% of the pot and a small amount of NOT and BONES. But if you've invested NOT, your reward in case of a win jumps up to 90% of the pot!
Game Strategies in Lost Dogs
The currency system makes the game multi-faceted and opens up room for various strategies. Let's look at three main approaches that players tend to follow:
Risk-Free Strategy
This strategy is suitable for those who aren't willing to risk their NOT. You play only with the "free" Bones that refresh daily. Yes, you'll get a minimal amount of NOT for your wins - just 1-2 coins. But don't underestimate this strategy! You're still earning a decent amount of $WOOF. And while this currency might seem useless now, don't forget about the long-term perspective. If $WOOF does end up being listed on exchanges, your patience could be rewarded.
High-Risk Strategy
For thrill-seekers and those after big wins, there's an option to play "high stakes". Here, the main focus shifts from accumulating $WOOF to increasing your capital in NOT, which already has real value. However, remember: despite all the elements of strategy and math, this game is in many ways similar to a casino. Play responsibly and risk only what you can afford to lose.
"Advanced" Strategies
There are more complex approaches to the game, including using multiple accounts to create "arbitrage" in bets. We don't recommend resorting to such methods as they may violate game rules. However, if you're not new to crypto and fully understand all the risks and consequences, then by all means, go for it.
As you can see, Lost Dogs offers opportunities both for crypto newbies who want to earn some cryptocurrency without risk, and for experienced "crypto-heads" ready for more serious stakes.
How to Increase Your Earnings in Lost Dogs
Look, regardless of whether you're playing with real money or not, it all boils down to the number of BONES. As we mentioned earlier, whether you win or lose, the amount of BONES is fixed and refreshes once a day. But how much exactly this fixed sum will be depends on you. There are several ways to increase the BONES you're given:
Completing tasks. Check out the BONES section and complete all the tasks. Most of them are simple, but pay attention to the "Connect a wallet with $NOT" task. For this, you'll need a TON wallet with a balance of at least 125 NOT.
Owning NFTs. Lost Dogs has its own NFT collection. Holders of these NFTs receive more NOT.
Bonuses for "Gold" and "Platinum" status. If you have Gold or Platinum status in Notcoin, you'll also receive an increased amount of BONES.
Participating in squad battles. Additional rewards are provided if you're part of a successful squad. You can join your "favorite team" in this bot.
Referral program. Well, it wouldn't be complete without one 🙂. We think this doesn't need explanation - invite friends, get $WOOF directly to your balance.
There are also "boosts" in the game, familiar to us from other games. There are only 2 here:
For 50 Telegram Stars, you can change your card choice at any time.
For 200 Telegram Stars, you'll receive double $WOOF in case of a win.
Prospects of the Project and WOOF Token Listing
Our forecast for Lost Dogs is as follows: the listing will indeed happen, and the coin actually has a future. Here are several arguments for why this project is worth your attention:
Real value of the coin. Unlike many projects where people hope that "play money" will suddenly turn into valuable cryptocurrency, the situation here is different. Part of the game's economy is already tied to a real cryptocurrency - NOT. Thus, players are already assigning a "price" to WOOF.
Support from the creators of Notcoin. The project is being developed by the Open Builders team, which has repeatedly proven its ability to create successful products. Remember TonStarter Launchpad, Notcoin, Community - there's every reason to believe that Lost Dogs will be successful too.
Unique idea. Against the backdrop of many monotonous "clickers" without any particular idea or philosophy, Lost Dogs stands out with its concept and mechanics.
Doesn't take up much time. The game doesn't require constant attention. You don't need to check in every hour, turning entertainment into a chore. It's enough to log in once a day, choose a card - and that's it, nothing else is particularly required.
In conclusion, we'd like to give a small piece of advice: view Lost Dogs primarily as a game, not as a way to make quick money. Enjoy the process, the interaction with other players, and the strategic planning!
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ramrodd · 2 months
Trump picks a VP who hates him
J.D. Vance is typical of the sort of right wing ass hole the Navy reliably produce since the days of when John Paul Jones was the biggest swinging dick in the room, He's a clone of Ron DeSantis and his politics has evolved from his association with Steve Bannon to the national populism of George Lincoln Rockwell, That's why he got the job, He and Trump are the Poster Boys for the white supremacist agenda of Project 2025, going back to Skull and Bones at Yale in 1960, There was a reason why Gore Vidal assumed William F. Buckley was a closeted queer, Its very Greek, in a Pauline Theology kind of way, A source of the moral confusion evident in the thinking of Pro-Life women is the fact that is denied almost universally in the American Christian community that Paul is as queer as a South Beach drag queen, Hie and Timothy are joined in a Greek ritual bonding that amounts to marriage. One of the metrics that indicates that all academics are totally clueless as to Paul's homosexuality is the consensus that Paul didn't write 1 & 2 Timothy because the idiom shifts so far from Romans. That's the point: Romans was written on the basis of being submitted for peer review in Rome while the Timothies are like John and Abigale in correspondence, The Timothies are closer to Paul's authentic voice of anything outside of Acts.   Because of solo scriptura and the critical historic analysis of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction, they cannot discern the contrast between the asexual misogamy  of Peter to the intimate sensuality of John to the Joe "Just the facts, Ma'am" Friday of Luke to the oral sex of Paul, As a consequence, most white supremacists, associated with the gun culture tend to associate phallic eroticism with manliness in a YMCA/Bett Midler at the Continental Baths kind of way, Anyway, it causes a cognitive dissonance that is reconciled by the MAGA community by sexual arousal, And Paul's Epistles do that to women, So, that's what they are counting on with J.D. Vance, I mean, it is clear that Gym Jordan was getting blow jobs from Dr. Strauss on a regular basis, which is why he is always int shirt sleaves: Jordan associates sex with power and power with all things Project 2025, Now, it so happens that Real Clear Politics has identified itself to me as part of Project 2025, they are like The Simpsons of FOX TV: Fascism can seem to be kool if Conservatives like Tucker Carlson can weave some Simpsons and Seinfeld into their disinformation. The rabid right wing in media have been given the perfect storm of Jake Tapper bedwetters in Media and the anybody but Biden Boomer Democrats who want to dictate how the torch of Camelot will be passed to who, And, just for the record, I think this assassination attempt was a Project 2025 false flag like the Russian Nazification Oligarchs employ in Britain to isolate Putin, This guy was not shooting at Trump, but just shooting, It may have been a statement if he focused on the teleprompter, but Trump was hit by shrapnel for a teleprompter and not wings in the ear, As I understand the trajectory of the bullets, Trump actually turned his head slightly just before he reacted to his ear and presented a far cleaner shot at the back of his head than just an instant before, But the fragment came from a different direction, Why that building was outside the security cordon is inexplicable, It only require one more gun to deny that roof to the shooter. I mean, how that guy could not have been noticed by the pros on the field is likewise inexplicable. I mean, JFK ordered them to keep the bubble top off the Lincoln, And no left wingers were in a position to have anything to do with that roof. False flag.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
It's turning out to be very cold here tonight and some people say forties and we say it's in the thirties and getting colder so there is something amiss what it is is the ships are turning on their engines and they are revving it up and we believe some of them are getting ready to launch up north and tons of people going up there because of the cold and they get it there's a huge number of four wheel drive vehicles that went up there gigantic and their outfitting them all it's a massive massive number and it's going to really wipe out pretty much most of the pickup trucks I think it ruined it's going to be three quarters of them globally it is not a great way to transport stuff and it's mostly illegal stuff so not a big loss but it's a massive number and not that great in the snow but we're getting ready in case we need to transport stuff and we did too we we have big trucks around this is a monumental occasion we're putting warnings out to make it very cold here tonight and below freezing so we do suggest people stay warm and indoors and with the doors and windows closed
-at the pseudo empire and clones are positioning to try and take advantage and the clothes have been doing it all day and some people noticed and have been moving into position and there's going to be a battle in Florida today tonight that's going to be very big in moments and we hear there's heavy gunfire in fort Myers. Our son and daughter do a little research and we see that they found evidence of massive threats on him and a tunnel access created off Cuba and our son and daughter thinks that that is to put the gold in from Cuba that was taken from mostly Florida and it's white gold and they believe it was used in the massive comet empire ship that might still be there the ship might still be there. And the world trade centers will might signify when JC plans to depart. And it's because when the water melts it will go down into tunnels and then it'll be pumped to back out our son and daughter feel that it will depart when the freeze out occurs in order to not sufficiently warm the Earth which would tell people that they were leaving or had left and they would just not have time cuz they've been found out
Thor Freya
We have to get on this and we think it's real and we don't hear anything from the polls and that's a bad sign and we're beginning to take a look now they're supposedly a big s*** there
Mac Daddy
I know it's there and we did not build because of men and ships were not surviving in the huge huge tapper tap roots they're bigger than the entire Continental of South America and or North America they're gigantic he just keep that in mind
Tommy f
Were going to clear the board there's too many troops here by the pseudo empire. They're here in town there are several groups preparing to meet them and they're afraid and they're out guns and out mannnrd
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abcnewspr · 1 year
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ABC/Jeff Lipsky* 
Called “the most important political TV show in America” by The New York Times, “The View” is a priority destination for our guests and must-see viewing for our loyal fans with up-to-the-minute Hot Topics and invaluable conversations with live broadcasts five days a week. The Daytime Emmy® Award-winning talk show ranks No. 1 in Households and Total Viewers among the daytime network and syndicated talk shows and news programs season to date. “The View” is executive produced by Brian Teta and is directed by Sarah de la O. For breaking news and updated videos, follow “The View” (@theview) and Whoopi Goldberg (@whoopigoldberg), Joy Behar (@joyvbehar), Sunny Hostin (@sunny), Sara Haines (@sarahaines), Alyssa Farah Griffin (@alyssafarah) and Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) on Twitter. 
Encore broadcasts for the week of Aug. 7-11 are as follows (subject to change): 
Monday, Aug. 7 (OAD: 6/12/23) — Eva Longoria (director, “Flamin’ Hot”) 
Tuesday, Aug. 8 (OAD: 6/13/23) — Jesse Tyler Ferguson (podcast, “Dinner’s on Me”); Ken Jennings (author, “100 Places to See After You Die: A Travel Guide to the Afterlife”) 
Wednesday, Aug. 9 (OAD: 6/14/23) — Gabrielle Union (“My Journey to 50”; “The Perfect Find”); Pamela Dias, mother of Ajike Shatrell Owens who was allegedly fatally shot by her neighbor, joined by attorney Anthony Thomas 
Thursday, Aug. 10 (OAD: 6/15/23) — Hannah Waddingham (“Ted Lasso”); “The View” celebrates Alyssa Farah Griffin’s birthday 
Friday, Aug. 11 (OAD: 6/6/23) — Lala Kent (“Vanderpump Rules”); performance from Broadway’s “& Juliet” 
Encore broadcasts for the week of Aug. 14-18 are as follows (subject to change): 
Monday, Aug. 14 (OAD: 6/20/23) — ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl; Chris Paul (author, “Sixty-One: Life Lessons from Papa, On and Off the Court”) 
Tuesday, Aug. 15 (OAD: 6/22/23) — The Political View with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA); co-hosts’  Favorite Things Under $50: Summer Edition 
Wednesday, Aug. 16 (OAD: 6/27/23) — Jason Alexander (director of Broadway play, “The Cottage”); performance from Andy Grammer 
Thursday, Aug. 17 (OAD: 6/28/23) — Kim Cattrall (“Glamorous”) 
Friday, Aug. 18 (OAD: 6/1/23) — “The View” kicks off pride month with Montana State Rep. Zooey Zephyr, who was barred from the state’s House floor for opposing multiple anti-LBGTQ+ bills; Nick Mohammed (“Ted Lasso”; “Maggie Moore(s)”; “Nick Mohammed is Mr. Swallow”) 
Encore broadcasts for the week of Aug. 21-25 are as follows (subject to change): 
Monday, Aug. 21 (OAD: 7/11/23) — Jake Tapper (author, “All the Demons Are Here: A Thriller”); Raven-Symoné and Miranda Pearman-Maday (podcast, “The Best Podcast Ever”) 
Tuesday, Aug. 22 (OAD: 7/12/23) — John Boyega (“They Cloned Tyrone”) 
Wednesday, Aug. 23 (OAD: 7/13/23) — Geraldo Rivera 
Thursday, Aug. 24 (OAD: 7/18/23) — Performance from Michael Bolton 
Friday, Aug. 25 (OAD: 7/19/23) — The Political View with 2024 Republican Presidential Candidate Will Hurd; Jenna Lyons (“The Real Housewives of New York City”) 
Encore broadcasts for the week of Aug. 28-Sept. 1 are as follows (subject to change): 
Monday, Aug. 28 (OAD: 7/21/23) — Christopher Nolan (director, “Oppenheimer”) 
Tuesday, Aug. 29 (OAD: 7/25/23) — Jim Gaffigan (“Dark Pale”); Paul de Gelder (shark conservationist and shark attack survivor; Discovery’s Shark Week  “Florida Shark: Blood in the Water” and “Deadly Sharks of Paradise”); “The View” kicks off “The Ladies Get Lit” series with the co-hosts’ favorite summer reads 
Wednesday, Aug. 30 (OAD: 7/26/23) — Jason Reynolds (author, “Miles Morales Suspended”); “The Ladies Get Lit” 
Thursday, Aug. 31 (OAD: 7/27/23) — The Political View with Beto O’Rourke; “The Ladies Get Lit” 
Friday, Sept. 1 (OAD: 8/1/23) — Deena Nicole Cortese, Jenni “JWOWW” Farley, Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola, Vinny Guadagnino, Angela Pivarnick, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino (“Jersey Shore: Family Vacation”); “The Ladies Get Lit” 
Encore broadcast for Sept. 4 is as follows (subject to change):
Monday, Sept. 4 (OAD: 8/3/23) – Neil deGrasse Tyson; “Rock and Roll Man” performance 
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coldbrewarts · 8 months
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Kala and the Rebel clone boys!
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saggitary · 2 years
Ok, so we all know that Ahsoka is older than the clones, but they all see her as a little sister because they all look and act like they’re in their 20s. But, Ahsoka has more life experience with like pop culture things than they do. So basically what if one time the Torrent Squad took Ahsoka with them for a night out in Coruscant and at one of the clubs, a song (I’m using Baby Got Back) started playing. Fives and Jesse start doing the intro and Ahsoka joins in and none of them think anything of it because most people know the intro. 
Then they get to the actual song part (they all know “I like big butts and I can not lie” part so they all are singing it) and then it gets past that part and they all kind of tapper off because none of them know it past that part (including Fives and Jesse)
Then all of a sudden they realize that Ahsoka didn’t stop and they all watch in shock as she continues to rap the entire first part of the song. 
Then Fives is all “how do you know the lyrics too that song?!” and Ahsoka just rolls her eyes and responds,
“I was probably listening to that song before you were even born.”
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Every few days I just get in a baby clones mood and just think about those poor babies growing up on Kamino and all the shittyness going on there, like having to meet certain standards, fear of standing out, for some only having their squad for comfort and very few adults who care and don't have the time to actually take care of every squads' needs, and then even for the ones that have an Alpha, there's always the fear of being taken away because they don't actually have a say so things like Edee and Neyo happen, and Bral and Faie and 😭😭😭
But then also I'm thinking of all the babies with their Alpha dads just trying to take care of them but having no idea what to do and they're 4 to 1 and they're so small and fast and how are they alway sticky and bathtime just soap and water everywhere and com eback here, and bedtime was 2 hours ago what do you mean you can't sleep or a baby cadet being scared and their squadmate sneaks them off to their Alphas' bedroom for snuggles and teaching them whatever they can think of and cuddlepiles and they learn to always carry some kind of wet wipe cuz the babies need them and anytime one of the babies barely show interest in animals or a show or books or anything they make sure they've got so much of it because that's their kid and they want them to have more in life than just training and someone learn how to make litte "stuffed animals" out of old blacks and pillow stuffing and they make little tiny ones for them to keep and again I just 😭😭😭
Knowing that some Alphas end up taking another squad after OV with the "help" from their first squad (sideeye Edee and Six) makes my heart burst just the thought of Edee boys with Edee babies and Six with his hoard of maniacs🥺🥰
Though can only imagine what that's like for the other squads like Bral squad with little baby Brals (think of Faie or Hound with the babies🥺🥺) or Chekar with little baby smartasses Chekars, just the possibilities
17 could never take over another singular squad since his first were so memorable but I always figured he adapted ARC training to just taking on a bunch of the older squads at a time who were just young enough to never have made it off Kamino but old enough to not be considered "up for adoption" in the same way, and sorta "training" them for a bit and since he has more of an insight into all the different batallions through ARC training and also having trained most of the commanders he can kinda help with allocating older cadets to a Clan that can take care of them better idk since I know the Alphas' kidna got stationed in different places after OV I figured 17 kinda sticks with Rancor and/or the cadets and helps out there since he more than most took on an almost purely teaching role
There's the Alphas who have to wrestle their cadets into baths, and the ones that have to pry them out of baths. There are the Alphas who are consistently at bath time seen rocketing down the hallways because a soapy naked baby karking scud missile just made a break for it again the third time this tenday and why the kriff was that door unlocked 77???? (It was unlocked because kih'vode Alphas are still kih'vode and watching an ori'vod slingshot himself around a corner in hot pursuit of a Little is great entertainment.)
Imagine all the other fun tracks to this album:
Where Did You Get That And Why Is It In Your Mouth?
Where Are Your Shoes
Where Is Your Other Shoe (Reprise)
I Just Cut Your Nails Yesterday, Why Do You Have Claws
What's That Smell
Do Not Touch That
How Did You Get In There
Why Are There Now Five Of You
Yes It's Bedtime
Your Own Bed (Reprise)
One More Story (Refrain)
Yes Baths Are Required
What Do You Mean You Don't Like It, You Liked It Fine This Morning
and other toe-tappers!
Squads teaching new squads how to be terrors. Alphas teaching new squads how to be terrors and inflicting them on old squads. Whole companies, multiple companies, raising squads. Just a giant jumble of family!!!
(Make no mistake, 17 absolutely calls even the full-grown ARC troopers 'brats'. He will stop calling them brats when they stop being brats. He will call them brats forever.)
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lovewillthaw-j · 4 years
Frozen II/RBTI discussion (1/2)
I’ve been encouraged by the recent likes on my Elsa/Ralph+Vanellope parallels post to finally finish this post which I started more than half a year ago. @super-mam-te-moc contributed ideas and encouragement for this post, thanks dear!
I can’t help but notice the parallels between Frozen 2 and Ralph Breaks The Internet (RBTI, also known as Wreck-it Ralph 2). These are both sequels to fantastic movies where the first installment established an incredibly strong bond between the two main characters (Elsa/Anna; Ralph/Vanellope), but by the end of the sequel, the two main characters are separated.
This first part will discuss the parallels between the movies.
The parallels
1. Fun times at the movie’s introduction
As the movie starts, we see the pair having fun and enjoying each other’s company. Ralph and Vanellope drink root beer at Tapper’s, race in Tron and spend hours talking with each other. Elsa and Anna have fun at the harvest festival and enjoy a game of charades.
2. Ralph/Anna don’t want things to change
From their very first scene, Ralph and Anna express that life is perfect and that they don’t want things to change. (Ralph more strongly so than Anna)
Anna: I dont worry [that nothing is permanent] because... well I have you and Elsa, and Kristoff, and Sven and the gates are open wide and...and I'm not alone anymore... // I’m holding on tight to you...
 Ralph: Why would I wonder if there's more to life when the life I got is perfect? ...  I wouldn't change a thing.
3. Early signs of Elsa/Vanellope feeling unsettled where they are
Also early on in the movie, Elsa and Vanellope express that they feel unsettled where they are. (Vanellope much more so than Elsa) Vanellope is outright bored, Elsa feels a pull but is unsure and afraid.
Vanellope: doesn't the very nature of our existence make you wonder...if there's more to life than this? ... // A new racing game would've been cool. ... // every bonus level's been unlocked [in Sugar Rush]. I know every shortcut. Man, I'd kill for even just a new track.
Elsa: ♪ I'm not sure I want things to change at all ♪ ...// ♪ Who knows deep down I'm not where I meant to be? ♪♪ Every day's a little harder as I feel my power grow ♪♪ Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go ... ♪
4. Big event happens!! 
A big event occurs in each movie; in RBTI, Ralph’s actions lead to the steering wheel being broken and Mr Litwak (the arcade owner) pulling the plug on Sugar Rush. In F2, Elsa awakens the spirits and there are huge disturbances within Arendelle (the wind, the earthquake) driving the people out and preventing them from returning.
In both, there are irreversible consequences - the candy characters and racers of Sugar Rush are displaced, similar to the Arendellians. There are well-animated sequences of the massive exodus. And, since Vanellope is the “princess-ruler” of Sugar Rush, she is responsible for the well-being of all her subjects, just like Elsa is the Queen of Arendelle. 
And of course, the big event forces the pair to go on a journey, to a new world.
5. Ralph/Anna start to display insecurity over Vanellope/Elsa
Again, Ralph does this much more than Anna; Ralph’s insecurity is, after all, the subject of the movie’s big climax and the title of the movie (his insecure “clones” break the internet) He starts by asking Tapper incessantly every 30 seconds whether he’s seen Vanellope.
Ralph: she said...being friends with me wasn't enough for her. Not enough? I'm a great friend! Right, Tapper? Right?
Anna: You've been hearing a voice and you didn't think to tell me? ...  // You are not going alone. ... // I won't let anything happen to her.
6. The journey starts
Elsa and Vanellope are shown to be enjoying the new world (the forest, for Elsa and Slaughter Race, for Vanellope)
Elsa: This forest is beautiful.
Vanellope (talking about Slaughter Race): I know. It was so exciting! 
Whereas, Ralph and Anna are preoccupied with not getting separated, and worrying over Vanellope/Elsa.
Anna: Where’s Elsa? I swore that I wouldn't leave her side.
Ralph: Hey, wait for me! Kid, come back! Wait! Hey! Don't leave without me! ...  No, no, no. Me and the kid are like shoes and socks. Or peanut butter and bacon. One cannot exist without the other.
7. The third party (the Voice/Shank)
The third party isn’t introduced at the same time for both movies. In F2, the Voice is heard very early in the movie, when Elsa is standing at the balcony. In RBTI, Shank (Gal Gadot’s badass character) is only introduced in Slaughter Race, about 1/3 into the movie.
The third party is attractive to Elsa and Vanellope. (This is the point where I expect Elsamaren shippers to tell me that the third party is Honeymaren, which I’m totally cool with)
Ralph and Anna are aware of the third party and respond to it, albeit slightly differently. Ralph openly dislikes Shank; Anna can’t understand it, but respects that Elsa is hearing a voice.
Ralph: Oh, come on. I don't trust that Shank one bit.
8. Inevitably, conflict happens between R/V and E/A
As the journey progresses, Elsa and Vanellope are shown to have changing priorities and they don’t seem to mind the dangers of the new world. Ralph and Anna just want to protect their counterparts and appear chagrined that they (E/V) are so attracted to the “wrong” things (by their definition). Ralph openly says that he thinks V has been brainwashed. This clash leads to misunderstanding and conflict. 
Here’s Ralph and Vanellope disagreeing over Slaughter Race and Shank:
Ralph: Man, oh, man, that place was scary. Vanellope: I know. It was so exciting!
R: No, exciting is when you smile. Scary is when you clench your butt, and my butt is still clenched.
V: Oh, come on, are you honestly telling me... that Shank lady wasn't the coolest person you ever met? Ralph: Cool? Name one cool thing about her.
V: Um, let's see, she looks cool, she talks cool...she drives cool, her hair is cool, her car is cool... Ralph: Wait a minute, are you saying my hair isn't cool?
In F2: Elsa tames Bruni and for a moment becomes mesmerised by the Voice and starts walking after Bruni (almost as if she’s forgotten that she came here with Anna and the gang), leading to the first heated exchange: “You don't want me to follow you into fire, then don't run into fire. You're not being careful Elsa.” Elsa also encounters the Earth Giant and again is mesmerised and starts following the giant, leading to another heated exchange: “Please tell me, you were not about to follow them!”
9. The big “betrayal”
In RBTI, Ralph realises that Vanellope has gone to Slaughter Race by herself and is talking to Shank behind his back (through the convenient plot device, “Buzzzface”, a video chat app) and he cannot deal with it. He feels betrayed and abandoned and fails to hear the wise words that Shank is dishing out. This leads him to formulate the plan of infecting Slaughter Race with a computer virus.
In F2, Anna gets pushed away by Elsa in the ice boat/sled outside the shipwreck. Anna is angry and feels that Elsa has broken her promise to “do this together”. I must confess, even as an F2 lover, I really didn’t like Elsa’s actions in this scene. Poor, poor, poor, poor Anna!! I have an idea for re-writing this scene to achieve the same final outcome with better treatment of Anna and more “realistic” behavior from the sisters, let’s see if I have the drive to complete it. (your encouragement would be helpful!)
Thanks for reading part 1!
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ramrodd · 2 months
Who Sen. JD Vance is, and why he was chosen as Donald Trump's running mate
J.D. Vance is typical of the sort of right wing ass hole the Navy reliably produce since the days of when John Paul Jones was the biggest swinging dick in the room, He's a clone of Ron DeSantis and his politics has evolved from his association with Steve Bannon to the national populism of George Lincoln Rockwell, That's why he got the job, He and Trump are the Poster Boys for the white supremacist agenda of Project 2025, going back to Skull and Bones at Yale in 1960, There was a reason why Gore Vidal assumed William F. Buckley was a closeted queer, Its very Greek, in a Pauline Theology kind of way, A source of the moral confusion evident in the thinking of Pro-Life women is the fact that is denied almost universally in the American Christian community that Paul is as queer as a South Beach drag queen, Hie and Timothy are joined in a Greek ritual bonding that amounts to marriage. One of the metrics that indicates that all academics are totally clueless as to Paul's homosexuality is the consensus that Paul didn't write 1 & 2 Timothy because the idiom shifts so far from Romans. That's the point: Romans was written on the basis of being submitted for peer review in Rome while the Timothies are like John and Abigale in correspondence, The Timothies are closer to Paul's authentic voice of anything outside of Acts.   Because of solo scriptura and the critical historic analysis of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction, they cannot discern the contrast between the asexual misogamy  of Peter to the intimate sensuality of John to the Joe "Just the facts, Ma'am" Friday of Luke to the oral sex of Paul, As a consequence, most white supremacists, associated with the gun culture tend to associate phallic eroticism with manliness in a YMCA/Bett Midler at the Continental Baths kind of way, Anyway, it causes a cognitive dissonance that is reconciled by the MAGA community by sexual arousal, And Paul's Epistles do that to women, So, that's what they are counting on with J.D. Vance, I mean, it is clear that Gym Jordan was getting blow jobs from Dr. Strauss on a regular basis, which is why he is always int shirt sleaves: Jordan associates sex with power and power with all things Project 2025, Now, it so happens that Real Clear Politics has identified itself to me as part of Project 2025, they are like The Simpsons of FOX TV: Fascism can seem to be kool if Conservatives like Tucker Carlson can weave some Simpsons and Seinfeld into their disinformation. The rabid right wing in media have been given the perfect storm of Jake Tapper bedwetters in Media and the anybody but Biden Boomer Democrats who want to dictate how the torch of Camelot will be passed to who, And, just for the record, I think this assassination attempt was a Project 2025 false flag like the Russian Nazification Oligarchs employ in Britain to isolate Putin, This guy was not shooting at Trump, but just shooting, It may have been a statement if he focused on the teleprompter, but Trump was hit by shrapnel for a teleprompter and not wings in the ear, As I understand the trajectory of the bullets, Trump actually turned his head slightly just before he reacted to his ear and presented a far cleaner shot at the back of his head than just an instant before, But the fragment came from a different direction, Why that building was outside the security cordon is inexplicable, It only require one more gun to deny that roof to the shooter. I mean, how that guy could not have been noticed by the pros on the field is likewise inexplicable. I mean, JFK ordered them to keep the bubble top off the Lincoln, And no left wingers were in a position to have anything to do with that roof. False flag.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
It's a huge number of people who want these two idiots and Dan out and they're screwing everything up and they don't know how to do things right and they're ruining the work that they did for a long time and we are watching them screw it up and we know how they're messing up and we also have some messages for them all the guys are dead they tried to attack the obelisk they tried attacking five obelisk and they suck but you know it's a lot it's like 200,000 or something number and they say they're going to keep doing it and we say so what and it's all the more luck by the way that's what they're doing and I said we certainly saw what you're saying you have to overwhelm it and these will be gone Missouri stupid and you know they waste a lot of time and wasted manpower. I'm going ahead and getting rid of their cloning and in the Midwest and other areas where we have access to I don't want to hear about it anymore it's terrible we have to have one area that doesn't have this s*** heads in it and we're going in and grabbing all the factory equipment and parts and stores and everything now in the Midwest in the middle of upwards in the middle downwards we're grabbing all the factory equipment and all the materials and all of the parts that are made everything out of there we're evacuating it all out and we're proceeding upwards and we're proceeding downwards and they're evacuating ahead of us and we're doing it now cuz that was ridiculous. It's a huge number of people lost. But a bigger number of people are lost going after the tap root it's huge. It doubled it's 200,000 artillion an hour and spent like 3 hours at that so it's a huge amount and that's all the tappers and holes against numbers and pretty soon it's going to be more.
The ship's offshore and they put them in the tunnel and they came in and they came up and it's Tommy Allen and he did it was about 50 good size ships about half mile and he's coming up all morning and you can see him and ask him what he's doing and it's sort of went after him a little and they're preaching their ships right now all of them and they will confiscate them and scrap them and turn them into real ships. There's seagulls here because they were pushed here by the wind and they thought it was a normal breeze usually brings food in and it didn't so trying to figure it out and I think people ate it all so I kind of bothering people and people don't know what it is so they go out there and see ships it says oh you is he idiots out there that's the ones out there. So there's seagulls behind our son's apartment and couldn't believe it we heard it and he sort of figured out what's going on and it's been going on for days a couple weeks actually and the diamond mine is halted.
It's exhausting here that the air level is lower it's only about 16 and it goes up at night 25 gives you a headache and there's a big problem with that hair it should be over by the end of the week but it's still pretty big.
Thor Freya
A bunch of things happening in British Columbia prior to the starkiller base being attacked and his Star wars and I like it a lot
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klauskalgreeves · 3 years
Rakata Prime was an unaffiliated planet on the outer rim. Claims had been reported to the GAR that there had been a hostile invasion of separatist forces terrorising the natives, and the Supreme Chancellor had sanctioned that the nearest General and Clone division investigate these claims. Given their close proximity to the planet (being in the Outer Rim at the time) the 212th had been selected to inspect the nature of such allegations. Cody and a squad were sent ahead of time (with great displeasure to all those involved) as Obi-Wan and the rest of the battalion were needed to wind up on a humanitarian mission they were currently engaged in.
They had landed on the planet two days ago, having spent the first few days taking notes of the landscape and designing a battle plan. Rakata prime was a primarily dry planet, with extensive plains of nothing but farmland and rolling trees.
Easy enough to stay discrete if they stuck to the tree line. But with enough space to plant their heavy guns as a second line of defence.
In all it was the kind of planet Cody had seen a hundred times over.
Once he’s briefed the men he gives the order to press forward, standing back and watching as the troopers move out. His initial intention had been to comm his general in the quiet revive and give him a quick update before the fight begins.
This pause allows him to catch two stragglers fall behind.
He frowns, observing from his vantage point as the two figure seems to linger close to the tree line. The cleanliness of their armour is a straight give away that they’re both shinies: as is their demeanour.
From what he can see, one man is tugging at the others shoulder, helmet whipping back and forth in a way Cody knows is more nervous than observational. His partner is crouched on the ground, hand smoothing over something in the dirt.
Once it appears that the two are going to fall behind Cody starts forward, approaching the pair.
They don’t notice him straight away (something he’s going to have to take note of), but now he is closer he can half understand why. The shiny on the ground is fixated and the shiny trying to pull him away is muttering a nervous spiel of regulations, fingers of his spare hand tapping a nervous ‘click click click’ against his thigh plate in a way Cody is surprised the Kaminoan’s didn’t condition out of him.
“Find anything interesting?” He asks, crossing his arms and taking a step back as the pair shoot upwards instantly, fumbling to remove their buckets.
“Sir! Commander! Sir!”
Both men are now standing at attention in front of him, which gives Cody a better chance to scrutinise them.
As he had initially distinguished, their armour is squeaky clean- not a scratch or battle tell insight. In fact, it’s painfully apparent that the two men haven’t even had the chance to settle onto the negotiator: the colours of the 212th are absent from their helmets.
The lack of time clearly hadn’t deterred the curious trooper from trying, however, given his paint-stained fingertips. A sloppy line of gold has been added to his companion's chest plate, streaky in a way that comes with using fingers instead of a brush. On his own armour, there is a slapdash attempt at what looks like a wave on his shoulder plate: though it’s clearly bled and looks more like he’s leaned against a wet wall.
Cody appreciates their attempts at individuality, though he is less than impressed by their carelessness so thus displayed.
“What’s your name, troopers?”
Gold fingertips answers first. “I’m jitter! Sir! Commander, I mean. My names Jitter.”
Nervous tapper answers second. “Click, Sir.”
‘That makes sense’ Cody thinks, inclining his helmet and purposely looking in the direction the rest of the squad is headed- now out of sight.
“Well Jitters and Click, you must have a good reason to be falling behind on your first campaign. I’d love to hear it, since it was clearly so important.”
Click begins talking before he’s even finished his sentence, fingers tightening into fists and relaxing. It seems the longnecks had tried to curb the habit after all.
“We are so sorry, Commander. We didn’t mean to fall behind; we can only apologise. We’ll join the rest of the men and report to you afterwards for punishment. Again, we're sorry. Come on, Jit.”
But Jitter doesn’t seem so inclined to move. The shiny hesitates, feet shuffling from side to side in a way that isn’t necessarily nervous. In fact, Cody would stipulate that the movements are not born from anxiety, but are a way of whipping up as much dust from the ground as possible.
“It was my fault, sir. Click has nothing to do with it. We’ll be on our way now; I only got distracted by the flowers.”
That pauses his impeding lecture, if only for the sheer irregularity of the sentence.
“The flowers?”
Instead of speaking Jitter produces a small white flower and holds it up in presentation.
“You’ve fallen behind and risked attack for flowers?” Cody asks incredulously, quirking his eyebrow.
Click’s face is now flushed, and Jitter seems at least abashed, ducking his head down to look at the plant in his hand. “I’m aware it sounds bad. It’s just... we’ve never seen one before, sir. I was only curious, see. We’ve been on Kamino this whole time- we didn’t know there was ground that wasn’t hard and that places didn’t rain all day. And I saw the flowers and got distracted. I’ve only ever seen them in a book, once. I didn’t know they were real things. But it's my fault we've fallen behind; Click doesn't deserve to be punished for my mistakes.”
Cody is taken aback, and the lecture he had prepared dies in his throat.
Sometimes he forgets what it’s like to be a shiny leaving Kamino. Perhaps it was different from him- he was CC class, and his training left absolutely no room or time for curiosity. But for many of their men it’s natural to be fascinated by all the little things life offers.
He’s never met anyone spellbound by dirt and flowers, but the innocence and childlike wonder are vaguely endearing.
Cody sighs, switching his gaze between the two until he starts to see them physically squirm before he beckons his head in the direction of the trees. “Hm. Well, Jitter, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time after this campaign to explore the exciting properties of dirt. But right now, you’re needed on the front lines. Move out, troopers.”
This seems to spur both men, and Click begins pushing at his brothers back, casting a thankful look at him.
“Sir, yes, sir,” they reply in tandem, straightening their spines and marching on in the direction the others went in.
Cody takes a moment to watch them, shaking his head fondly under his helmet before he follows behind.
Looks like he’s got another twin pair on his hands. If their anything like Waxer and Boil, he’s looking forward to getting to know them.
If Cody thought the battle was bloody, the aftermath was bloodier.
He stands amongst a sea of white plastoid that had once been reverently marked with gold markings- now stained red and splattered with mud.
Around him, the bustling sounds of equipment being packed up is eerily loud compared to the oppressive silence that comes with loss. As always, he feels a weighty sense of responsibility as he looks out at the bodies of his brothers: those he knew personally and those who had only just left Kamino. Death does not discriminate; he understands, but Cody is their Commander, and every battle his men die is another blow to his unwavering resolve.
Sighing heavily he scrubs a hand down his face, allowing a lingering moment to breathe through the brief flare of anger he feels at the fact they cannot recover the bodies and give them the funeral they deserve. Such is the consequence of war, apparently. His only solace is that they will have a remembrance ceremony later to share memories about their brothers who are now marching on.
It’s as he’s walking back to the ship that his attention is snared. To his left are two bodies: one thrown over the other. It is not unusual for some of the vode to defend their ori’vod or batch mate. However, what catches his eye is the unusual armour decoration- a poorly painted chest plate, streaks still visibly even under a layer of grime. His stomach drops instantly and he drops his gaze without much thought to the clone curled underneath, catching sight of painted fingertips curled around a fistful of dirt.
A crushed flower lies just out of reach, yellow this time.
Cody closes his eyes.
Here lies a body of a shiny who had only just stepped foot off Kamino. He didn’t know some places didn’t rain. He hadn’t seen vast planets of grassland; he hadn’t seen the great desert plains and the bustle of city planets like Courscant. He had barely seen any of this universe, and now he never will.
He died in the mud that he had found so fascinating only hours before, along with his brother who radiated nerves and careful consideration.
They were just shinies. They were just kids.
But the Republic don’t see them that way. They’re just soldiers, to them.
They’re nothing but buckets. Feet on the ground. Numbers.
Cody signs again, allowing one last moment to glance at the sad scene. Such is the way of war, he understands. But that doesn’t make it much more manageable.
It never has, and it never will.
He bends down, picking up the crushed flower and places it on Jitters chest plate. Then he straightens his shoulders and moves on, heading back to the ship so they can meet the rest of the 212th at the rendezvous.
At remembrance that night, no one comments on the freshly painted flower on his shoulder pad.
No one needs to.
After all, no one understands loss quite like the clones.
They don’t have possessions. They don’t have homes with trinkets and items. Memories are all they have, and dedications are all they can give.
Jitter and Click never got to experience much in their life cycle, but Cody won’t let that be in vain. He’ll live for them.
And from now on, he'll take more time to appreciate the flowers.
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