wszczebrzyszynie · 2 months
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pluto rzeczy których nie chce mi się kończyć ee monster podobał mi się bardziej
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dovesonoituoiocchi · 1 year
Ho passato la mia intera esistenza a sentirmi in colpa, a non sentirmi abbastanza e ad avere paura di non essere amata.
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jenbunny-star · 6 months
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Always High
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emperornero · 10 months
największe scamy polskiego systemu nauczania w podstawówce :
"sposób na alcybiadesa" nie był o tym gościu z grecji
"ten obcy" nie był o kosmitach
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pick-a-plush · 4 months
Any penguins, or Club Penguin plushies?
OMG CLUB PENGUIN! I can’t tell you how many hours I spent on there! I would get home after school, quickly do my homework, and be on there as long as my parents would let me. Those were the days 🥰
My brain imprinted HARD on Gary the Gadget Guy (even though my dyslexic brain thought his name was gray), oh how I wanted to be just like him. So let’s do a poll with some of the most iconic Club Penguin characters! Obviously this isn’t anywhere near all of them, but these are the first I think of!
This post is in honor of the many club Penguin baddies out there!
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faithful91 · 1 year
Young Gojo is cute
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kemafili · 3 months
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( I stole these from trip sorry trip I love you trip) Elf Senshi I think I hauve COVID. 🤑😧
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papesatan · 4 months
Ho trascorso le ultime settimane a flagellarmi testa e animo, sotto processo, ripensando ai miei furenti urlacci e alla logica paura dei bambini, per venir poi rimproverato dai genitori perché "non li sgrido abbastanza" e "gli faccio fare tutto ciò che vogliono". Mi torna alla mente in proposito la favola di Esopo: "Il contadino, il figlio e l'asino", ovvero come fai sbagli. Io giuro che ci provo a non mandar nessuno a fanculo e star calmo, ma poi vado a pulire il bagno e trovo laghi di pipì a terra. Potrei impazzire, poi però succede sempre qualcosa che mi fa tornare il sorriso, tipo Mirko che, avendo deciso di stracciare Daniele nella disfida dei regali, s'è presentato ieri con una busta carica di doni. Due libri comprati in edicola, tre santini (perché da grande vuole fare il papa), un portachiavi motivazionale, un disegno in stile Rorschach, un montone da presepe e il pezzo pregiato della collezione, un pupazzetto di Spiderman in posa plastica con tanto di ragnatela. S'avvicina Loris e fa, bramoso: "Giuseppe me lo regali?"
👿👿👿👿👿👿 Nei tuoi sogni, forse.
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doc-jim · 6 months
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They gave me an extra sticker and I got inspired
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Garmadon dies and finds someone waiting for him in the Departed Realm.
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"I forgot you.."
"Ever since you were summoned out of me and resurrected, I didn't know if I'd ever see you again."
"I'm here. I'm back... And I want to be whole again."
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i1976blunotte · 1 year
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The final of Sailor Moon Crystal.
The final many of us want.
Here, for you all.
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ragazzoarcano · 1 year
“E molte volte, in effetti, l'unica colpa che hai è il senso di colpa che non dovresti avere.”
— Germano milite
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localguy2 · 2 years
Sensi Garmadon was literally one of the greatest characters in Ninjago
His arc in Rebooted with Lloyd was done pretty well, slowly but surely teaching Lloyd about the true boundaries of his power
But God damn he shined through so much in Season 4, it gave us a look into a scenario where Garmadon was the mentor for the ninja (temporarily) instead of Wu, and like FUCK I'm so mad they killed him off
And if that wasn't enough the writers decided to kill him AGAIN in Season 5
On top of that, his dynamic with Clouse is just nothing short of pure art, its literally just both of them going "I specialise in the art of kicking your ass in 50 million different ways" and I'm all for it, it also gave us a lot of lore for the serpentine wars and how Chen got to this point with Clouse
And of course the elephant in the room for this guy, his sacrifice at the end of season 4
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"I yearned to make the world in MY IMAGE.
I never realised I already had... In You."
That line fuckin took me when I originally watched season 4, like it's so damn tragic, and I really wish the writers kept him in the story longer, but at the same time his sacrifice was what made S4's ending so powerful
So uhhhh yeah, thanks for coming to my Ted talk about why Sensi Garmadon is an amazing character
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canesenzafissadimora · 2 months
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Allora una donna con i capelli bianchi e il vestito nero, dolore e anni addosso dappertutto, gridò con tutta l'aria che aveva trattenuto. Sul primo silenzio del distacco fresco, gridò da sirena, da cagna, da madre, a sillabe stracciate: Sal va to re e. Un nome solo, chiamato e perso a gola rotta, ferì a vita mio zio, giovane impiegato bello, elegante, bravo a cantare e a suonare la chitarra a orecchio. Quando lo raccontava la sua voce scendeva in un tono spezzato e ripeteva in sordina, ma certo esattamente, quel grido. Gli saliva la pelle d'oca. ... Si stampa a caldo e a caso il dolore degli altri su di noi.
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innamoratadellenuvole · 2 months
Il pesce con una spruzzatina di limone sopra 😋
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Senshi's "Grilled Kelpie Thigh"
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