#Serenity Valley vibes on this one
eldstunga · 4 months
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@kanzensun's Vatia, the PTSD posterchild. Had a blast drawing this <3
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simpingforstardew · 8 months
misty [chapter two]
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pairing: sdv harvey x reader
synopsis: harvey has always been a man of routine and order— although just as he begins to tire of his life in pelican town, a new farmer moves to the valley and turns his life around. chapter two.
warnings: some angst in this one (tw/ description of familial death). pure fluff and romance; eventual smut, but that'll be tagged when the time comes !! please enjoy my harvey playlist while you read ♡ (this is crossposted from ao3).
word count: 1.6k
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The Stardrop Saloon, bathed in the soft glow of warm, dim lighting, welcomes its patrons with a comforting ambiance. The air carried the distinct aroma of aged wood and the faint scent of a crackling fireplace, giving the bar a rustic charm. The gentle hum of conversation mixed with the mellow tunes emanating from the vintage jukebox, creating an intimate symphony that echoed throughout the space.
In the games lounge, a haven within the heart of the saloon, the atmosphere took on a relaxed and casual vibe. Two arcade machines stand as silent sentinels; their screens flicker with pixelated adventures. The soft glow of the games cast dancing shadows on the well-worn couches nearby, a testament to the countless conversations and moments that must have been shared over the years. Adjacent stands the pool table adorned with worn-out felt and scarred by countless games. A haphazard arrangement of colourful pool balls wait patiently for their turn, illuminated by the warm glow of an overhead light.
“What the fuck? Fired?” Shane’s disbelief echoed through the saloon, as the cue ball he hits ricochets off the side of the pool table, “Just like that?”
“Yep,” You chuckle— both at the absurdity of your own misfortune, and Shane’s awful shot “HR claimed my ‘extended bereavement’ could lead to ‘performance issues’ and ‘wasting company resources’… Whatever that means”
Shane let out a snort, taking a swig of his beer. “And here I thought working in retail was a special kind of hell. Turns out even the corporate suits have their own issues.”
You accepted the pool cue he passed your way, unable to resist a playful jab, “Thanks, Shane. You’re making me feel so much better.”
The short man scoffs, grabbing his beer from the table behind him to take a long sip. “Just sayin’, you dodged a bullet getting the fuck outta there.”
Chuckling, you circled the pool table, searching for the perfect shot, “Well, it’s not all bad. Getting the boot from Joja pushed me to embrace farm life here. Guess I’m lucky in a weird way.”
“Yeah, lucky you,” he deadpanned, though a glimmer of curiosity flickered in his eyes. His attempt at sarcasm faltered as your shot proved victorious, sinking the 8-ball with a delicate tap.
“Talk shit all you want, but it seems like my luck’s holding up pretty well considering I just wiped the floor with you.” You flashed a triumphant grin, leaning the pool cue against the wall. Shane’s stoic exterior cracked, and for a moment, a genuine smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“Beginner’s luck,” he huffed, yet the twinkle in his eye hinted at a begrudging acceptance of your presence, “That kinda luck doesn’t count.”
“Yeah, yeah— A win is a win, Shane!” You shrug on your coat with a smile, heading towards the front door of the saloon, “You owe me a drink next time I’m here!”
Without turning to see Shane roll his eyes, you step out into the quiet darkness of the night. Your smile quickly fades as the door of the saloon swings shut, leaving behind the warmth of the bar. As you enter the town square, a serene hush settles over Pelican Town, its sett streets bathe in the soft, ambient glow of vintage street lamps scattered along the thoroughfare. The spring breeze carries the distant melody of an insectile symphony, the noise of crickets underscoring the serene ambiance that envelopes the town.
Strolling through unfamiliar streets under the moonlit sky, your steps echo against the rough cobblestones beneath you. Your shoulders are hunched against the night chill and your gaze remains fixed on the ground, a mosaic of uneven stones beneath your feet. Each step whispers a story of the town’s resilience, of seasons changing, and the curious rhythm of life in Pelican Town.
Once inside the farmhouse, however, you realize that you have made a grave misstep. Arranging for your grandfather’s funeral, clearing your new land of trees and shrubbery, drinking with the townsfolk— these had all allowed you to keep your hands busy and your mind blank. Now, alone in your dark farmhouse, you had no distractions from your new reality.
The house itself was bleak. Each attempt to redecorate felt like an intrusion— as if the space itself was resisting your efforts to make it feel like home. The bed stood as a lonely sentinel in the corner of the room, illuminated by the crackling flames of the fireplace on the furthest wall. The room itself was adorned with remnants of your grandfather’s presence; even your sleeping cat— Pixel— was the runt of your grandfather’s cat’s litter.
A small pot of forget-me-nots, once vibrant, now drooped listlessly on the windowsill. You reached out, your fingers gently brushing against the frail petals, a silent acknowledgment of the grief that clung to every corner of the room. You are at least blessed with a working CRT television, although with access to only two channels in the valley, the device feels like a relic of a bygone era.
A cold draft sweeps through the room as you look above the TV: the otherwise barren wall displays a single faded family photograph, featuring your late grandfather, grandmother, and you. The glass of the frame cracked during the move and the photograph itself never seems to hang straight. You move to bring the photograph down from its place on the wall, holding it delicately in your hands— as if it could shatter at any moment. The photograph captures a moment frozen in the sepia hues of nostalgia.
In the centre, your grandfather stands tall, a patriarchal figure with calloused hands cradling a newborn lamb. His eyes, warm and crinkled with a lifetime of stories, radiate a quiet wisdom that guided your childhood. Besides him, your grandmother’s hands gently cup a cluster of wildflowers. The fabric of her apron was slightly swept, caught in the breeze. In the foreground, you: a child with innocent eyes and a smile that mirrored the joy of the moment. Clutched in your small hands was a clumsy, makeshift bouquet. The backdrop was the farmhouse itself, standing proudly amidst a sea of greenery; the sun bathed the scene in a warm glow. Yet, even in this idyllic tableau, there lingered a subtle melancholy, as if the photograph itself harboured the prescience of inevitable goodbyes.
The frame, once resplendent, now bears the scars of time—a crack here, a chip there. The glass that shields the captured memories has grown cloudy, as if the passage of years had draped a delicate veil over the faces of those who once shared laughter under the farmhouse’s sturdy roof. A sob escapes your throat as a tear splashes on the glass of the portrait; hesitantly, you place the photograph on top of your small table. You take a step back. You chuckle solemnly, wiping your eyes using the back of your sleeves as you yawn.
Pixel mews softly, as you climb into the cold sheets of your bed, before falling back to sleep. The silence of the farmhouse envelopes you like a weighted blanket, as moonlight floods through the windows of the farmhouse. It seemed that sleep was becoming increasingly elusive as you tossed and turned in bed.
The gratitude for your budding friendship with Elliot and Shane brings a bittersweet comfort, as you stare up at the ceiling, watching the way the moonlight casts a silver glow above. Elliot was the first person in the valley to approach you. His efforts to get to know you eased your anxiety about the new town. Shane was a tough nut to crack, but you suppose any stranger is your friend after too many beers— at the very least, you had a new drinking buddy.
The doctor you met before entering the saloon flashes through your mind as your eyes flutter shut.
‘Harvey,’ You mentally correct yourself, ‘His name is Harvey… and he doesn’t like decaf.’ You softly exhale, a smile tugging at your lips. He was… cute? A little bashful, sure, but he was more than gorgeous enough to make up for his nerves. Your face heats up thinking about his broad, towering figure; and the way his moustache curls up with his coy grin; and the way his dimpled, freckled cheeks blush so intensely when you look into his forest green eyes…
You turn to cover your face in your firm pillow, attempting to control your wondering thoughts; eventually, your breathing slows and your blush fades as you finally drift off.
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morgenstern16 · 1 month
You know, out of all the final dungeons in Trails, the Liber Ark has by far the best vibes. A lot of final dungeons in Trails are some kind of creepy dark castle/ruins but the Liber Ark has this serenity that nothing else in the series comes close to.
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You walk through beautiful greenery and go through pristine houses and walk down clean pathways, which look they've only seen a bit of wear, not the literal centuries they've been gone. You really get the sense that this was literal paradise (at least for a while before things went to shit) for the ancestors of the Liberlian people.
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There's this sense of wonder as you explore the city, but at the same time it feels very alien to the setting. You feel just as out of place as Estelle and the rest of the party do when you're exploring it, but at the same time there's a sense of familiarity to a 21st century player in terms of the technology that Estelle's party wouldn't get. It combines to create this uncanny valley sort of effect where you can see how this all came about but it clashes so much with the late 19th century to early 20th century level of tech that you've been used to seeing in the Sky games.
The music is absolutely beautiful as well, but as you listen to it you can hear a bit of the Aureole motif (at least I think that's the Aureole motif, I'm not a music nerd), which by this point you've come to associate with danger and threat.
All of this comes together to make a final dungeon that's both gorgeous but also deeply unsettling at the same time in the best way possible. I'll be honest, most of the final dungeons in Trails just have one image each in my mind but I feel like I can remember a lot of the twists and turns in the Liber Ark ages after I've gone through it because it's just that memorable.
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saiintofdiirt · 6 hours
I listened to two moons by boywithuke again and it just hit me some of the lyrics kinda describe what you wrote for Parrot finding out Clonefies. like literally apparently the whole song is about "unmasking" someone and feeling betrayed (two moons dream symbolism or something) and also this part:
I don't feel serene (No) No, I don't feel too clean (Oh) And I don't want to be the one to make you cry I'll play inside, I'll start a fire I'll tell your friends that I lost my mind It'll take a while, but I'll start to smile
though the song does sound more like "betrayed and not forgiving" overall
I had never heard the song before now! Two Moons for the unfamiliar. I See The Vision. . . so much conflict and unmeaning pain !!! tho I wont even lie "And I don't want to be the one to make you cry" is calling my nameeeee
this made me generally think of songs relating to the vibes. . . I think I've mentioned this somewhere, but The Garden by The Cranewives is them to me whichever way you wanna paint it— the shame and secrets and desperation for someone to dig up the garden and stay rahhhh I think both of them want their honesty to be okay, to be without shame even if it is shameful, because between them it shouldn't hurt.
On Melancholy Hill is an old favorite, and the line "Where you can't get what you want, but you can get me" haunts my dreams. This is very Clonefies coded to me. 2D is so lost and despondent vocally, but trying so hard to lyrically pull himself together with pseudo romance, yet everything is tinged grey, and that is Clonefies to me in a way. It's not perfect but man. In a similar vein, Dark Red by Steve Lacy to me is that kinda circular thinking pattern Parrot develops after the fight of desperately not wanting to lose Wifies and spiraling into desperation, hoping to convince him they belong next to each other despite Parrot's fuck ups. Not exact. but I enjoy it.
A general Clonefies song I am So Not Normal About is Valley of the Dolls by Marina and the Diamonds. Electra Heart era Marina you will always be famous to me. And Touch by Daft Punk and Paul Williams is the non-human trying to be human song of all time ofc. "Sweet touch/You've almost convinced me I'm real" what if I threw up and died. This song is why I'm so abnormal abt Clonefies being touched gently I think. I think this song gave me plauygues.
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florihye · 4 months
moots as animals or flowers
i’ll do flowers they remind me of >,< sry if i 4got u! also i can only put 10 images, that’s why some peopel got two, others only got one. 💗
@bywons — lewis flax! they look so serene, and that’s what sru’s theme reminds me of! also they’re so cute and small and pretty and calming like sru heh
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@sainns — tulip means perfection and love! anna’s perfect and super lovable so this is perfect guys. also she’s as bright as a tulip so ya :)
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@onlyjjong — baby’s breath these flowers r so cute just like lili! i was initially gonna give her a lily flower, but this fit more tbh. they remind me of her!
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@cupidhoons — carnations! maybe it’s just cuz of her theme or something, but liz reminds me of these flowers. they’re so poised and elegant yet lighthearted at the same time, akin to liz!
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@flwrstqr — lily of the valley idk why, they’re just sooo dainty and gentle and small and cute, and nini is all of those things. she is the embodiment of this flower!!
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@lcvclywon — lotus flower they’re so beautiful and yuya is very refreshing, just like these flowers 😖 she’s such a fun person to talk to!
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@jjelly [cant tag] — hibiscus they remind me of the summer like blythe does! also they’re very bright and beautiful, just like blythe is!!!!
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@dioll — irises they’re so royalty vibes, like nae. i also think irises r very pretty, and they remind me of nae’s writing style.
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neetily · 23 days
꣑୧ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ── MATCHUP EVENT: Date #7
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♡ cupid's victim number seven!! ♡
tysm for your kind words friend!!! i really hope you enjoy this little matchup, thank you for taking part and for your patience <3 !
─ you have one new message from...
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Sebastian . . .
you left your new book at my place, guess you'll just have to visit again soon to pick it up x
Why? nerdy loser with a heart of gold, what's not to love?! he matches your introverted nature really well i think, but i also think that when you start getting comfortable and turn into a yapper, he really enjoys being the listener! could listen to you talk aaaaaall day if he could, appreciative of the times where you pick up on his slack when it comes to socialising. although, i do believe that he becomes a little better at yapping... but he's too busy listening to you to become a true yapper! also, while i've described him as a loser above, i don't actually think he's a loser!!! he just gives off those outcast/loner vibes i feel like you'd appreciate, someone nice and secluded who you can connect with on a deeper level than most. a solitary relationship together, if that makes sense? you both share a love of video games, and reading too! nerdy nights in together is the way to go, i think. perhaps when you read, sebastian would be behind you playing a video game! or when he reads a comic, you'll be laying beside him on a handheld console. those kinda nights are his favourite with you! soft, slow, and relaxing.
on a spicier note, i think he's the type to match how kinky you are! he'd be so down for whatever with you, calling you his little pup, humiliating you in privacy (because you're all his and no one else gets to share!!!).
ps, he thinks you look soooo cute when wearing glasses <3
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Gamer time! . . .
gently, he shushes you. short and snap, just like his thrusts into you; how they barely delve too deep into your tight little cunt so as to avoid causing the loud slap of his balls against just how wet you are. but it's pressed right against your hot to the touch ear, a quick hush, followed by an even softer "dont'cha wanna win?"
because of course you do, seeing as this was your idea in the first place. rudely interrupting the rather serene library date with a degenerate whisper, his book falling to the table with a thud. wanna see who moans first? truly, an awful idea. even if the library in the valley is mostly unused, spare the mornings with penny and the kids.
but it's late. much later, now. only a few fellow residents visiting the library during the day, leaving the two of you alone with gunther in the corner, and sebastian is sure that your little game won't be much appreciated, nor tolerated within such quiet walls.
and he doesn't really wanna get caught either, his jaw tight and tense in an effort to keep his moans hidden as your cunt sucks him off so well, massaging his leaking tip with squishy walls, a barely audible squelch ringing in his ears when you huff in frustration back at him. can't even answer him properly, fuck; you're only making things more difficult for him... especially with wobbly legs between his own as he helps you stand up, fucking into you from behind, squishing your front against some long forgotten about books.
it's just that you're so enticing, convincing him to at least try and hold out, annoyance building in the pit of his stomach every time he has to refrain from fucking you as full as you deserve. wet little cunt just coating the inches of cock he's able to fuck into you without making a sound, almost convincing him to moan fuck it and teach you a lesson in manners.
but if there's one thing about him, it's that he doesn't lose. not to any game. and he's not about to change that now, shoving his fingers down your throat in an effort to effectively shut you up too, because he doesn't wanna let you lose this time either. because that'd be too humiliating, and he thinks you've been humiliated enough, knowing that he's the real winner here. right?
because he's nice like that sometimes.
— you like to... do something creative when alone! here is a moodboard that i think fits your matchup!
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Kylar . . .
need you again please please please come hang out with me i miss you i need you so bad
Why? fail boy fail boy fail boy to the max! the literal DEFINITION of pathetic loser boy, perfect for your tastes, i think! he's just such a wet cat of a man, sopping wet for you, begging and pleading for your help <3 he's also, obviously, a yandere after your own heart! something that i see you'd enjoy! you want a loyal little dog who thinks you can do no wrong? kylar is for you! im imagining him begging and sobbing at your feet like that one meme: date me or i'll kill myself LOL. and you would date him, because you like them pathetic <3 i think he's also a gamer like sebastian, but perhaps a bit more hardcore? seeing as he doesn't work, he'd be able to spend all day gaming with you if you'd like! and even if he only reads doujin's, at least he reads, right? but for real, kylar would shape himself to fit whatever you want, so long as you promise to love him no matter what! he just has a base that i think you'd enjoy too, he checks a lot of your wants. yandere, gamer, reader, kinky, and loser! but like an actual loser as opposed to seb hehe <3
he would make sure to hold you and hug you and keep you nice and safe and warm in his big house <3 you wouldn't have to worry about a single thing! even if he is a loser, he's a dependable loser, yknow? would give you everything and anything you ask!
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Public Display Of Affection . . .
the public park bathroom isn't his favourite place to be buried balls deep in your pretty puppy cunt, but alas, it's not the worst place ever either. especially when his fast fucks result in your loud whining moans, all pitchy and broken every time his precum beading tip kisses against your cervix, unfairly humping at such a brutal pace. proclaiming your love and affection for him over and over again, all while he ruts into you like a dog in heat.
god, he can barely stand up straight himself, completely forgetting all about the date he was supposed to be on with you. one he wouldn't ordinarily agree upon, a hand in hand stroll through the local park like a normie couple. it's hard for him to deny that it was a nice day for it, but he hated the idea of anyone but him getting a look at how cute you are, seething to himself until you promised to sweeten the deal for him.
he hadn't expected this, though. squeaky stall door giving away exactly what he was doing to your poor puffy little cunt even without the loud whines and sobs his cock fucks out of you, tight hole drooling all over his thighs, fuck. he can't catch his breath from how eagerly he fucks into you, possessive with his thrusts, obsessed with how pretty his name sounds when you choke on it.
he isn't complaining, mind you. huffing dirty words down your hear in-between sobs, his breath hot as it fans over your cheeks. "tight little puppy, are you in heat? need a good breeding, don't you? oh, don't worry— i'll— fuck, i'll breed you, i'd do anything for you—" he babbles on and on, getting lost in his words that serve mostly himself. because you're too fucked out on his fat cock to actually reply to him; he merely takes the sickly sweet squelch of your cunt sucking him in further and deeper as an answer instead.
and then when he does eventually breed you, you can tell your pups all about where they were conceived! on such a cute little park date, right?
— you like to... do something creative when alone! here is a moodboard that i think fits your matchup!
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twstgarden · 3 months
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✰ ❝ match-up trade for @moonscattering❞
━ match-up trades are open. for more information, please visit the catalogue and the rules. commissions are open. ko-fi is available if you want to support me. ━ a florist sorting through the flowers to find your perfect match. according to the red tulip’s petals, your matches are…
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━ 𝙡𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙖 𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙚 ━
➻ the retired general of briar valley who is also known for his mischievous personality as a third-year student of night raven college appears to be your best match.
➻ lilia knows how to match your energy - whether you'd become hyper and energetic or calm and reserved, he knows how to get along with you. he isn't exactly intimidated by the mysterious vibe that comes along with you during your first meeting. if anything, it intrigues him.
➻ do not be fooled by his charmingly impish exterior as he is capable of connecting with you emotionally and knows not to draw a line. he can handle your sarcasm the longer you spend time together as he has no problems being sarcastic back to you as well. it is guaranteed that there will be entertaining remarks between you two from time to time.
➻ when you are hyper-fixated on something, lilia knows when to indulge in your interests or let you be - if you wish to do it alone. however, if you end up sleeping most of the time, he comes prepared. after all, he's known other people in his life who tends to sleep a lot, albeit not purposely.
➻ your relationship with lilia will be harmonious, yes. however, there will be a hint of spontaneity here and there as it is in his nature to be a little spontaneous. if you can keep up with him, you'll have a grand time. if you prefer to lay low and have a serene pace, he would not mind either. with lilia, you do not have to say much for him to know what you need or want even after a long, tedious day. there is a good balance between prioritizing one another and achieving your own goals, having your own lives.
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━ possible matches: ➻ jamil viper (understanding and responsible, may suit your partner preferences) ➻ vil schoenheit (mature and incredibly responsible, he can tell what one feels without needing for the other to spell it out for him) ➻ azul ashengrotto (has the tendency to read people and can make you feel seen - in a good way)
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━ 𝙜𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙪 ━
➻ the honourable captain of the silvermane guards appears to be your best match. his reserved yet loyal personality may suit your tastes.
➻ gepard's calm personality may make you feel safe and protected, but in a way that feels overbearing. there is a balance between focusing on you over everything else and having a proper life outside of your relationship.
➻ he may not realise you were starting to be sarcastic to him at first, but once he does, he doesn't comment much on it and finds it amusing, to say the least.
➻ he may have thought you were quite withdrawn at first, but he isn't entirely intimidated by your mysterious personality. he eventually learns how to get close to you and how to tell your moods based solely on your mannerisms.
➻ even if it may not look like it, gepard is capable of noticing even the smallest details about you. he knows how you like your tea early in the morning, how many sugar cubes you would place in your tea if any, or even which cup you'd like to use the most even if you say you have no preferences.
➻ a relationship with gepard would be rather stable and rarely do you ever have any large disagreements that end up badly.
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━ possible matches: ➻ jing yuan (polite and kind, might have a stable and fulfilling relationship) ➻ luocha (won't feel overbearing and may even be a great partner, but there is something about him that makes him difficult to trust) ➻ welt (another great match on paper, but there is a sense of something lacking)
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━ 𝙠𝙖𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖 𝙠𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙝𝙖 ━
➻ the wandering samurai from the once-famed kaedehara family appears to be your best match.
➻ kazuha is gentle and carefree, quite polite and well-spoken too. he carries an aura of kindness and grace that might have been due to his family's former status, but rarely does it even seem obvious that he is from a renowned family with how humble and gentle he acts.
➻ he will be friendly with you, and over time, he notices your sarcastic tendencies rather quickly. however, he won't say much about it as he knows it means you already find yourself comfortable with him.
➻ rarely will there ever be stressful situations between you two due to his understanding and gentle personality. if something is amiss or an issue arises, he would find ways to solve the problem with you rather than having pointless arguments that get you two nowhere.
➻ he would love to bring you around on his adventures, and knowing your love for photography, he hoped the adventure would encourage you to take more pictures of what you find beautiful.
➻ kazuha would also not hesitate to bring you meals that he knows you'd like - whether they're made by his own hand or he bought them - he only wants to make sure you've eaten. if not food, he'll bring your favourite tea and share a cup with you as you both spend some quality time together.
➻ you would have a serene relationship with kazuha filled with new experiences and travels.
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━ possible matches: ➻ ayato kamisato (the head of a renowned clan, might have the tendency to spoil you) ➻ neuvillette (appears compatible on paper and rarely will have conflicts together) ➻ diluc ragnvindr (princess treatment, but not too overbearing and does not spoil you too much that makes it seem like he can't live without you - he knows where to draw the line between prioritising you and focusing on his own goals)
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© twstgarden 2024 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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neoyi · 17 days
Any fav Soundtracks in sea of stars? The ambience Soundtracks are really ngl
I actually answered this in my side blog where I live-blogged Sea of Stars:
I fully recommend checking out the SoS tag there if you wanna read up approx. 65 bazillion posts where I analyze and gush over the game, though be mindful my side blog is an Adult Blog For Grown-Ups, so please curate and filter as needed (most of the SoS content there is sfw, but there's at least, maybe like two, risque fanart I posted up there.)
That said, I'll copy and paste what I wrote there here (with some editing):
"In the Womb of the Stars" is my defacto, most favorite song in the entire soundtrack. It is unsurprising that I picked a Yasunori Mitsuda vehicle (not that Eric W. Brown is a slouch!), it is incredibly ambient as you described. It's also ethereal, peaceful, hopeful, and conjures images of starry night skies so perfectly. I feel simultaneously content yet surrounded by mysteries I've yet to discover.
Other fave tracks...
The Great Archives: This actually wasn't in my original list. I liked the song a lot, but didn't know if it was one of those things I'd be listening to quite as much as the others on the list, but it grew on me more and more. Few could really make a theme song that genuinely sounds like "Old Wizard Lives and Smells Like a Library", but "The Great Archives" managed it very well.
Mooncradle: Particularly its night theme. The part where it sounds like it twinkles is a good first impression of the kind of whimsy this game excels at. Bardcore version of this was also good.
Dance of 1,000 Suns: Such a good title for Garl’s theme. It’s so bouncy and joyous, a perfect fit for the perfect boy.
Teaks, the Traveling Historian: The beginning kind of sounds like an ol’ West theme, though further listening, it’s pretty clearly meant to portray her mile-a-minute observational skills.
The Mole Masons: Especially its day theme. It’s just so upbeat and perky.
Serenade of Respite: This was my fave for the longest time until "In the Womb of the Stars." It's just so soothing. Legit feels like this was a leftover from Mitsuda's "Chrono Cross." That's how good it is.
The Storm Calls for You! Cheesy concertina aside (and maybe because of it), this boss theme is a BANGER.
Settlers Island: It sounds both like Christmas and Stardew Valley: very cozy.
The Town of Mirth: Cozy x10. Love how relaxing it is. Both day and night are great.
Monuments to the Ancients: Kinda feels like it’d make a good credits score, honestly. It has that same vibe I feel whenever I listen/see the credits to Super Mario Bros 2, actually.
Shoppe: I like the overall shop theme in SoS, but the Docarri one is the best. It’s the prettiest sounding one.
The Frozen Peak: Holy shit, this one is an EARWORM.
The Bamboo Forest: Incredibly serene. Just slap a screencap of that locale on YT for ten hours with that music, and add in some trickling water sound effects and BAM! You got an ASMR.
Volcano Pursuit: Also a banger. I don’t really gel with a lot of, like, lava-themed songs (y'all can’t ever top DKC 2’s “Red Hot Bop”), but this one is really, really fun.
Elegy of the Hero: Hi, I’m gonna get on my hands and knees and cry again, thanks.
Stars Align on the Assembly Line: Love it. Would rave to it.
Ascension: Godspeed, Solen and Luana…
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Do you have a short and fun podcast? Genre preferably fantasy or sci-fi or horror :) I’ve listened to a bunch of podcasts already but I recently listened to Absolutely No Adventures which I just binged, cause it was so short. (A small sample of vibes that I’ve listened/am listening to: TMA, malevolent, WOE.BEGONE, welcome to Nightvale, absolutely no adventures, the adventure zone, the penumbra podcast, brimstone valley mall, kaleidotrope, the bright sessions, Sherlock and co)
Idk if this is anything. I’m just looking for something short that I could listen to, if you can’t think of anything necessarily short, I’m also always open to whatever you think is good!!
hello friend !! here are a bunch of shorter, finished shows you could easily binge and which I would rlly recommend :
When Angels Visit Armadillo - I recommended it a few times already but it's short and it slaps
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Directive - rlly good, it gets to you in a very specific way
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Deviser - great horror, like rlly GREAT
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Dreamboy - a bit weird at first but fascinating and unique
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SEREN - really good unknown little show, I was waiting to be able to recommend this one, it's awesome
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enjoy !!! ♡
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Asks are open!!
How about a S/O who’s extremely shy - so much so that they have facial paralysis in the form of a RBF and the approachability of a brick wall.
Ingo relates very much with the RBF.
However, they can get really enthusiastic and loud when they’re discussing something they’re passionate about with someone they consider close. Which is practically no one because Hisui’s a rather closed-off place, the natives not exactly being the example of ‘friendly’.
It’s a slow and steady road to get to their heart, but it’s absolutely worth it with how sweet they can be.
(This can be with any character you choose, but please have Ingo be one of them.) (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Cute!! I’ll do a warden ingo bonanza, just for you!
Ingo can see it well, unlike others, how your face hides your reality. Your resting face is that of sternness, seriousness, the kind that dissuades others from you in fear of unwarranted retaliation. Ingo knows it well, what you’re going through. And he can see in your eyes that you’re far more than the assumptions made against you
So he works. It’s slow going, with the differing homes you both have. You remain in Jubilife while Ingo must return to the Highlands. But he comes to Jubilife more often the further in your quest you go. And you come to the highlands more to search out elusive Pokémon amongst the peaks and valleys. Ingo does his best to help you with the latter, spending quiet time in your presence as he shows you where Pokémon like to hide. The former, he approaches you still, asking for your company to the Wallflower, or for a battle at the Training Grounds. Your prowess is as fierce as your face, but Ingo knows you’re more than meets the eye
Slowly but surely, Ingo witnesses you blooming like a rare flower. Your expressions open up, smiles and frowns and wide eyes and scrunched noses. Ingo could watch you talk, making expressions to yourself, for ages. But as your friendship grows, and Ingo gently prods you about things you can remember from your past, he witnesses a burst of light. You glow like the sun, voice growing from its usual soft tenor until you’re echoing through the highlands, beaming as you tell him about this and that and how much you adore it, how much it’s shaped you
Ingo watches, reclined on the grass, in silent wonder. In that beautiful moment, his heart flutters, and he recognizes the warmth you bathe him in. The calmness, the comfort, the solidarity, all of it points inward. Deep within his chest, love snakes out, flooding his veins as his heart beats hard. Ingo watches you speak, so joyous and serene, and loves you sorely
He can only pray that his courting methods, borrowed from the Pearl Clan, speak to you how you have spoken to him
Ta da! It’s a little artsy and full of idioms and such, but I dunno! This request gave me a soft love vibe <3
Hope you enjoy it!
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theexploretibet · 7 months
Tibet Everest Base Camp Trek Lets You to Vibe with Majesty
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The Tibet Everest Base Camp Trek is a once-in-a-lifetime journey that promises an amazing time in some of the most stunning scenery on the planet. As they walk over difficult terrain and high hills, daring explorers have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the rich culture of Tibet in this lonely and mystical region.
Travelers get ready for the voyage ahead in the energetic metropolis of Kathmandu, Nepal, where their journey starts. Upon acquiring the required documentation and equipment, travelers take a picturesque flight to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. As travelers soar over the Himalayas' snow-capped peaks, their excitement for the breathtaking scenery that lies ahead grows.
After reaching Lhasa, travelers spend some time getting used to the high altitude while touring the old monasteries and vibrant marketplaces. For their trekking expedition, this phase of adjustment is essential as it helps their body acclimate to the thin air of the Tibetan Plateau. Travelers marvel at the exquisite artwork of the Potala Palace and the tranquil serenity of Barkhor Street as they take in Lhasa's rich cultural legacy.
The Journey Begins
After rising to the heights and raising their spirits, travelers start their journey to reach Everest Base Camp in the Tibet Everest Base Camp Tour. The road meanders across untamed landscapes, passing through lofty alpine mountains and wide valleys scattered with vibrant prayer flags. Travelers pass hospitable nomadic settlements and yak herds grazing on the alpine meadows along the route.
Reaching Base Camp
Travelers eventually reach Tibet's Everest Base Camp, a destination for travelers from all over the world, after several days of hiking. Travelers are in awe of the overwhelming force of nature as travelers stand in the shadow of the highest mountain on Earth. Praying for peace and prosperity, prayer flags flutter in the breeze as the Khumbu Icefall gleams in the sunshine.
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Thought and reverence
Gazing at Base Camp's magnificent landscape in the Tibet Everest Base Camp Trek, travelers consider the path that takes them here, one paved with obstacles, victories, and profoundly beautiful moments. Travelers have a fresh awareness of life's fragility and a strong sense of connectedness to the natural world while surrounded by the majestic Himalayas.
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laundry-room-minty · 7 months
All Podcast's I've Listened to
This isn't in any spefic order. I just started to keep track of them in my notes app after I had listened to about 30 and then later changed to a Spreadsheet so I could put more info for friends.
For spin offs/continuations if it could be listened to without knowing the base material I put it as another podcast. An "*" means I did not finish the podcast. Either it's one that I only listen to a couple episodes a month to make slow progress OR it's one that I just stopped cause it wasn't the time/vibe for me.
I listen to Podcasts during work hours so about 35-40 hours a week.
Podcast list below cut.
Welcome to Nightvale*
The Magnus Archives
Wolf 359
Primordial Deep
Janus Decending
Midnight Burger
I am In Eskew
Silt Verses
Red Valley
The Penumbra Podcast*
Old Gods of Appalachia
Monstrous Agonies*
Wooden Overcoats*
Zero Hours
Amelia Project
Archive 81
The Hotel
The Milkmen of St. Gaff*
The Bright Sessions
Alice is Dead
Wandering with the Dead
The White Vaults
Deep Vaults
The Mistholme Museum MMM
Strange Case of the Starship Iris
Hello from the Hallowwoods*
EOS 10*
Trial And Error
Dining in the Void
The Antique Shop
Nowhere on Air*
Brimstone Valley Mall
Of Gods and Lanterns
Desert skies
Desert Skies FM
The Far Meridian
The Diary of Aliza Shultz
The Storage Papers
The Cellar Letters
Greater Boston
The Cryptonaturalist*
The Sounds of Nightmares
Sinclair wants to Help!*
3:57 (Anthology)*
Where the Stars Fell
The Land Whale Murders*
Forgive Me
Tiny Terrors*
This Planet Needs a Name
Clockwork Bird
The Call of The Void
Tales From the Low City
The Attic Monologues
To Chart a Well Trod Course
The Wyrd Side
Life with Althaar
Death by Dying
Dead Letter Office of Somewhere Ohio
Department of Variance of Somewhere Ohio
Cooking (with) the Smiths
Tower 4
The Night Post
The Pasithea Powder
Nine to Midnight
Mars Best Brisket
The Wanderer
Moonbase Theta Out
Who is Cam Candor?
Ask your Father
Twigs and Hearts
World Gone Wrong
Patron Saint of Suicide
Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason
Someone dies in this Elevator
Give Me Away
Traveling Light
The Tower
Working Tidal
Birds of Empire
Attention Hell-mart Shoppers
The Last Diner
End of Hope
Sorry about the Murder
Secrets of St. Kilda
Do you Copy?
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gretchensinister · 2 years
And another thing! (More Dark Crystal interpretation and headcanons.)
B) I realized this list’s organization makes no sense. ANYWAY. I understand why the urskeks had to be like, immediately calm and serene etc. at the end of the movie but I think that in a narrative that allowed the exploration of this moment there would be massive internal freaking out because (and here’s another headcanon that I will fully fight for) each skeksis and mystic is a full being after living separately for one thousand years! There can be no seamless merger, no instant undoing of that! Or at least, that’s what I’m going to assert, because I think it’s a massive disservice to all the mystic and skeksis characters to just have a thousand years of life experience count for nothing. I think that’s a pretty bleak idea.
Anyway, one of the reasons I argue for this is actually because of SkekGra. He was able to grow and change from being the Conqueror to being the Heretic and actively taking steps to end skeksis power on Thra. If a skeksis can grow and change, that means that they (and the mystics) are real, whole, beings, even if they started life as halves of their originating urskek. There’s something in them that is whole, and simultaneously something fragmented. (It’s one of those capital-M Mysteries.) Consider succulents. If you break off leaves to propagate them, for a limited amount of time the leaf is something that could (if you had magic) be put directly back on the plant and then yeah you’d have basically one unchanged plant again. But if you have the separated leaves grow independently for long enough, then you have a whole other plant. Magically putting them together is putting together two plants, not two plant pieces.
ALSO I’m a fan of when even magic doesn’t allow things to be fully undone. So, sure, the urskeks are reunited but they were two whole people for a thousand years. It’s a new problem. (lol maybe they left so quickly because they were on the very edge of coherence/keeping it together.)
B.ii) The ending of the Dark Crystal movie was a neutral ending/the urskeks didn’t learn what they could have. This hot take comes to you from considering that both the skeksis and the mystics overall distance themselves from the life of Thra, though with very different motives and results. The skeksis distance themselves from Thra by claiming to be superior to all beings on Thra and destroying whatever they feel like, but they also seem closed off from Thra by mostly staying in the castle and also with their customary 87 layers of elaborate clothing. On the other hand, the mystics distance themselves from Thra by remaining in their valley and being so little in the world that they’re not commonly known by most other beings. Also, I get the vibe that they try to take as little from Thra as possible, which isn’t bad, but I interpret it as coming from the starting point of “we shouldn’t be here and we deserve nothing”—an abjection vibe. Neither the mystics nor the skeksis are living as part of Thra, and as I said in A.iii I think that they are meant to be creatures of Thra, or at least try to be. (I fully don’t care if some art book contradicts this. I find this way more interesting.) The ideal is not to put oneself as superior to Thra, nor to leave it as untouched as possible, but to live on it, as a new part of it. (What is a planet but a superorganism? Also humans are superorganisms, too, on a different scale, and like, a lot of evolution on a microbial level involved invading or harmful microorganisms basically being given jobs by the organism/cell they invaded.) But most of the mystics and skeksis don’t interact with Thra on the level of being part of it, and they don’t grow and change enough to maybe become a secret third thing when they reunite. Their urskek forms are exactly what they were to begin with.
So even though the reunification at the end of the movie was formative for me, revolutionary even, when so much other fantasy relies on eliminating the darkness/evil, and this movie had the opposing beings reuniting, now I’m like, “actually you didn’t take that concept all the way.” The skeksis and mystics kept themselves apart from each other. So yeah, they reunited...but did they learn how to face their destructive/darker impulses? How to balance those impulses within a full being? Did they learn how to accept being in the world, and being part of it, neither withdrawing out of shame or destroying out of pride? I don’t think they did! The mystic halves and skeksis halves are both still present in each urskek, maybe even more separate than before, even if the body is whole again. Again, this is me, but I don’t want magic to instantly solve the problem of “I have the capacity to do harm and I have done harm, to myself and others, through action and inaction. Now what?” No instant enlightenment! >:(
My headcanon is that any mystic-skeksis pair that actually did the work towards unity and harmony instead of relying on the massive magical whammy of the Great Conjunction to become one again would perhaps be able to become a new kind of being, clearly moving forward instead of trying to go back (because you can’t go back exactly. Also I accept the non-movie (and non-show as well?) detail that the urskeks on Thra were banished from their homeworld in which case 1) as I said I don’t think they really learned anything by being separate skeksis and mystics for 1000 years so whatever led to the banishment has not been solved 2) maybe going back to the people that banished you is not the move—especially when I think some material says it was these urskeks being too individualistic—as in, having personalities—as in, deviating from a pure ideal—that led to the banishment. HOT TIP: If you’re banished from a group for being impure, don’t go back.)
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uk-traveller · 2 years
Weekend Getaways from London
London is a one-stop destination offering endless things to experience, explore, and admire, but you might still require a break from the bustling city glamour. Well, the UK tourist visa not only offers you to explore the famous city but also has tons to venture outside the city. Within a few hours, you will have a plethora of weekend getaway options, whether you prefer a car, bike, or train.
With a perfect plan to enjoy the best weekend, we have picked the top places for weekend getaways from London.
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The city of dreaming spires, Oxford, is home to some of the world's most famous universities and a perfect weekend getaway destination from London, as you don’t just have to be a student to admire its charms. With every brick holding ancient history, the city is a wonderful cultural hub, giving you plenty of great places to go, eat, and drink.
No matter what age you are, it’s always worth exploring the history of Oxford University, including its colleges and other attractions such as the Ashmolean, the Pitt Rivers Museum, and the Bodleian Library, while wandering through the Port Meadow before stopping for some great burgers. Buy some great souvenirs and other items in the covered market, and if the weather is on your side, a picnic and punting excursion is a must.
The Cotswolds
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The absolute definition of the English Countryside, The Cotswolds would pop up without any need for further thought. Ancient villages, shingle-roofed cottages, and miles of lush rolling grass where there is no shortage of sheep. The Cotswolds is a serene natural beauty to behold, making it one of the best weekend getaway locations from London.
With each region having its own charm, for a short weekend, head to Gloucestershire, packed with honey-coloured stone cottages and relaxing scenery. Enjoy the day at Westonbirt Arboretum, walk along the gazing cattle, take some snaps, or take clay pigeon shooting lessons at the Cotswolds Clay Club.
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This liveliest beachfront city on the southern coast of England is just an hour and 40 minutes from London. Brighton is a vibrant place to spend holidays, and as the unofficial LGBTQ capital of the United Kingdom, the city’s year-round festive vibes make it the perfect fit for fun day trips from London.
Explore the vintage stores and cute cafes of the Lanes, wander around the strolls and arty Boutiques, and in the evening, head over to Brighton’s most lively bars, pubs and clubs. Enjoy a relaxing walk along the Seven Sisters, a series of the famous Chalk Cliffs.
The Lake District
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If outdoor adventure is your ultimate goal for this weekend, the Lake District is thriving with more than 900 miles of wilderness scattered with chocolate box villages. The site is perfect to visit at any given time, packed with a picturesque patchwork of lakes, woodlands, and lush valleys.
The Lake District is great for getting outdoors-hiking around the hills, paddling across the lakes, and exploring the country lanes. If the weather is great, hike up on Kendal Mint Cake and climb Scafell Pike-the highest peak in England. Visit the world of Beatrix Potter while you enjoy some yummy snacks in the Grasmere Gingerbread Shop.
The southern tip of England is one of the country’s most popular beach weekend trips from London. Cornwall is worth the hype to enjoy a weekend along the breathtaking coastlines along 300 miles of dunes.
The sea, sand, and sun are always at the top of the list, but adventure activities and history aren't far behind, with all of them venturing through cliffs, mediaeval harbours, and oak-forested creeks. Enjoy dipping with basking sharks and seals before walking down stepping-stone cliffs to experience tide pools, surfing, and body boarding.
From picturesque streets to seaside towns, London's outskirts have a lot more to offer. Pack your bags, pick a place, and get going for the best unwinding sessions.
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lilaxwinemoved · 2 years
🎵 + Leon & Kurt for Vasco but also hear me out 🎵 + my De Sardets and Kurt (if it's too much to do, you can choose one of the twins!)
Send ‘ 🎵 ‘ ( + a character/ship ) and the receiver will name however many songs they’d like that they associate with that particular character or ship.
Kurt & Vasco
I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You) (Kurt's having a Rough Time during the first half of the game (especially when he learns about the coup.) I very much think of this song in that context. He experiences a lot of inner turmoil as he tries to figure out where his loyalties lie.)
No, I'm not the man I used to be lately See you met me at an interesting time And if my past is any sign of your future You should be warned before I let you inside
Leon & Vasco
Dear Fellow Traveller (I think about these two with this song in a kind of angsty way but dghshdh. I hear it and I always think of a scenario where the two parted ways. Leon, going back to Serene after the events of Greedfall. And Vasco, setting sail once again with the Nauts.)
Dear fellow traveler under the moon I saw you standing in the shadows and your eyes were blue You put your hand out, opened the door You said, "Come with me, boy, I want to show you something more"
You spoke my language and touched my limbs It wasn't difficult to pull me from myself again And in our travels, we found our roads You held it like a mirror, showing me the life I chose
And now we turn to my beautiful city Black skies changed into blue And my love is so wise and so pretty But tonight I still dream of you
Kurt & Anastasia
Girl Inform Me (Please bear with me for Kurt and the twins. They haven't interacted yet so these songs are basically just vibes and ideas.)
Girl, inform me all my senses warn me Your clever eyes could easily disguise Some backward purpose It's enough to make me nervous Do you harbor sighs, or spit in my eye But your lips when we speak Are the valleys and peaks of a mountain range on fire So let me walk these coals 'til you believe I can cut the mustard well enough 'Cause you know as soon as we breathe we scrutinize Unknown quotients, you must be using potions How else could you tie my head to the sky? This new convection has left me wondering why I can't concern myself with ordinary tripe Like what's this morning's paper got to say? And which brand of coffee to make This is no umbrella to take into the wind But before we begin, is there nothing to kill this anxiety?
Kurt & Nova
King And Lionheart
Taking over this town, they should worry But these problems aside I think I taught you well That we won't run, and we won't run, and we won't run And in the winter night sky ships are sailing Looking down on these bright blue city lights And they won't wait, and they won't wait, and they won't wait We're here to stay, we're here to stay, we're here to stay Howling ghosts, they reappear In mountains that are stacked with fear But you're a king and I'm a lionheart A lionheart
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wildhighs · 18 hours
Valleys in Himachal
Discover the Most Beautiful Valleys in Himachal with Wild Highs
Himachal Pradesh is a paradise for nature lovers, adventurers, and peace seekers alike. Known for its picturesque landscapes, towering mountains, and crystal-clear rivers, the state is home to some of the most enchanting valleys in India. If you’re looking for an unforgettable retreat into nature, exploring the stunning valleys in Himachal with Wild Highs is an experience you won't want to miss. Whether you're into camping, trekking, or simply soaking in the beauty of the mountains, these valleys offer a perfect blend of tranquility and adventure.
Tirthan Valley: A Hidden Gem
Nestled in the lap of the Great Himalayan National Park, Tirthan Valley is a serene and unspoiled destination. Known for its pristine beauty and calm atmosphere, Tirthan Valley is ideal for those who want to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life. From trout fishing in the clear Tirthan River to trekking through the lush forests and exploring nearby waterfalls, this valley offers something for everyone. The village of Gushaini, often referred to as the "Gateway to Tirthan Valley," is a perfect starting point for various adventures.
With Wild Highs, you can enjoy luxury camping in this breathtaking valley and explore the Great Himalayan National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
2. Barot Valley: A Paradise for Adventure Lovers
One of the lesser-known yet incredibly beautiful valleys in Himachal, Barot Valley is perfect for adventure enthusiasts. Surrounded by lush green forests and flowing rivers, Barot is an ideal location for camping, trekking, and fishing. The Uhl River, which flows through the valley, is a hotspot for trout fishing. In addition, the Barot Hydel Project and the scenic beauty of the valley make it a great spot for photography and nature walks.
If you're looking for a peaceful retreat combined with thrilling outdoor activities, Wild Highs offers an incredible camping experience in Barot Valley. Wake up to panoramic views, explore hidden trails, and enjoy the fresh mountain air.
3. Parvati Valley: The Spiritual Heart of Himachal
Parvati Valley is known for its mystical charm and has long attracted spiritual seekers and travelers from around the world. This valley is home to popular destinations such as Kasol, Tosh, and Kheerganga, each known for its vibrant culture and scenic beauty. The river Parvati cuts through the valley, creating awe-inspiring views of the surrounding peaks and forests.
While Kasol is famous for its hippie culture and backpacker vibe, Kheerganga offers a soothing trek that culminates in natural hot springs. Parvati Valley is not just about adventure; it also offers a tranquil escape for those seeking solitude and meditation. For an immersive experience in the spiritual valleys of Himachal, Wild Highs provides customized trips to help you connect with the serene energy of this region.
4. Spiti Valley: A Journey to the Cold Desert
If you’re looking for something truly offbeat, Spiti Valley is one of the most unique valleys in Himachal. Known as the "Little Tibet of India," Spiti is a cold desert valley offering a stark contrast to the lush greenery of other Himachali valleys. The barren, rugged landscape, towering monasteries, and ancient Buddhist culture make Spiti a spiritual and adventurous journey like no other.
From trekking through Spiti’s high-altitude terrain to exploring ancient monasteries such as Key Monastery and Tabo Monastery, Spiti is a haven for both thrill-seekers and spiritual explorers. Wild Highs offers tailored trips to Spiti Valley, allowing you to experience this remote region in comfort and style.
5. Kullu Valley: The Valley of Gods
Kullu Valley, often referred to as the "Valley of Gods," is one of the most famous valleys in Himachal. Known for its apple orchards, lush green landscapes, and historic temples, Kullu is a must-visit for anyone exploring the region. The town of Manali, situated at the northern end of Kullu Valley, is a hub for adventure sports like paragliding, skiing, and river rafting.
For those looking to escape the crowds, Wild Highs can take you to the quieter parts of Kullu Valley, where you can enjoy the peace of the mountains and explore the region’s hidden gems.
Himachal Pradesh is home to numerous breathtaking valleys, each offering its unique charm and adventure. Whether you're seeking peace in the valleys in Himachal or looking for a thrilling outdoor experience, Wild Highs is here to make your journey unforgettable. From the tranquil beauty of Tirthan Valley to the rugged landscapes of Spiti, our luxury camping and adventure trips allow you to explore these valleys in comfort while immersing yourself in the natural splendor of the region.
Book your next adventure with Wild Highs, and let the magic of Himachal’s valleys rejuvenate your soul!
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