#Series: Trek crews AUs
prue84 · 1 year
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(Part of the Crews AUs series)  |  USS Enterprise crew, SNW
The USS Enterprise senior crew and additional officers by 2259.68.
“Where no one has gone before” Ship’s Name: U.S.S. Enterprise Ship’s Registry: NCC-1701 Command History: Captain Robert April (2245-2250) Captain Christopher Pike (2250-PRESENT) Ship’s Class: Constitution Class Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser Ship’s Overview: The first Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise, it serves as the Federation flagship. Ship’s Service History, abridged: _ Constructed at the San Francisco Fleet Yards in San Francisco, California the Federation vessel registered NCC-1701 was christened Enterprise in a long line of ships of the same name. The Enterprise was launched on April 11, 2245, under the command of Captain April, who had overseen construction of the ship's components as well as its initial trial runs. << access complete service history >> Status: Active (2259) Timeline Name: Strange New Worlds Timeline Details: --- Annotations: --- Encounter date: --- Encounter location: --- Encounter cause: --- Crew complement: 428 (430) Crew manifest: _
Commanding officer: Captain Christopher Pike
First officer, Chief Navigator and Tactical officer: Commander Una Chin-Riley
Chief of security: Lieutenant La'an Noonien-Singh
Chief science officer: Lieutenant Spock
Senior helmsman: Lieutenant Erica Ortegas
Chief medical officer: Commander Joseph M'Benga
Chief engineer: Lieutenant Hemmer
Nurse: Christine Chapel
Navigator and Tactical officer: Lieutenant Jenna Mitchell
Science officer: Lieutenant George Samuel Kirk
Transporter chief: Chief petty officer Kyle
Training rotation: Cadet Nyota Uhura
This is the crew from the Season 1, pre-All Those Who Wander so to include Hemmer, who we didn't deserve to see die so early.
I left out all the named crew members that were seen only in an episode.
The tv show uses the old Stardate method. But according to Memory Alpha, 1x01 takes place in either 2259.42 or 2259.55 (there's a note about the episode occurring in the same day the events of Into Darkness happen in the AOS timeline.
Number of crew complement from a ship overview/scan seen in Discovery.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) Not satisfied. Everything looks better with the AOS colors (gray background). Also, there aren't much pics of the sets to play with. Some had to be taken from the tv show, which means dark sets.
Credits: Text about the Enterprise lifted from Memory Alpha's page of the U.S.S. Enterprise (memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Enterprise_(NCC-1701)).
Crossposted Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/97498.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/89028.html Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/Star-trek-edits-SNW-crew-958261129
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arttsuka · 2 months
Star Trek crew but cats
Too many cats
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almalvo · 2 years
Star Trek "AU1.0" Crew Concept (6/7) [100922a] (From memory)
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Star Trek "AU1.0" Crew Concept (6/7) [100922a]
Was STUPID FUN to do - drawn all from memory~! Hope you are all joining the hype train for "AU1.0"’s coming future! ;)
AU 1.0 coming soon #STAU1.0
Art timelapses coming in the future (youtube).
Art livestreamed on my twitch channel at “almalvo” - follow me over there with notifications to never miss when I go live~
Full HD art prints coming soon.
Support me on ko-fi, link pinned on my tumblr page~
PATREON COMING SOON ⏬ (HD renders/Process Timelapse Videos/Canvas Files/ Exclusive Projects/and more!)
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quasi-normalcy · 2 months
Every "Nu Trek" (2017- ) Series Ranked from Worst to Best:
Very Short Treks (2023): There's really no words for just how terrible this series is. I mean, I know that it only barely counts because it's explicitly not canon and has a total combined run time of about 15 minutes, but *my god* is it bad! Only one of its episodes is remotely funny, and even that manages to feel like it's driven its main joke into the ground by the end of its 2-minute runtime. The only thing that I can say for it is that is that it gives me an easy, uncontroversial choice for worst Star Trek series, not only of the last 7 years, but of all time.
Picard (2020-2023): Listen; I know that this series is unpopular with the Tumblr Trek fandom, but it actually breaks my heart to have to put it so low on the list. It has, in my own opinion, the best dramatic acting of any Trek series and among the best directing, and almost every individual scene, in isolation, is compellingly watchable. More than that, it has fascinating worldbuilding choices, you can really *see* the passion of the writers for what they're creating (at least in the first and third seasons), and Agnes in particular is among my favourite characters in anything ever. It's got a lot of great moments, too! Picard and Seven bonding over shared Borg trauma; Soji uncovering the truth of her identity; Jurati hacking the Borg Queen's brain; Picard's final farewell to Q; Shaw's Wolf 359 monologue; Geordi's reunion with Data...I could go on. And yet, it just feels like so much *less* than the sum of its parts! Incredible ideas are introduced and then just shrugged off to pursue much more boring ones. Story arcs feel pointless if not actively offensive. Absolutely baffling writing choices are made throughout, with no indication as to why. And the nostalgia baiting , particularly in the final season, becomes so intense that it just chokes the plot to death. One comes away haunted by the feeling that this series should be so much better than it is.
Discovery (2017-2024): Really, this is two separate series: a twisty, grimdark, sci-fi war drama and a gentle queer coffeeshop AU about scientists who talk about their feelings. Both of them have their moments, but they each fall down in the same way: a focus on epic, high-stakes mystery box storytelling that undermines one's ability to really get invested in the characters, or even know who they are when they aren't off saving the universe. Without that, while I liked many of the characters and loved seeing them science the shit out of things using teamwork and the power of math, it's kind of difficult to get invested in this series one way or another. In spite of its absolutely gorgeous visuals, it comes off feeling weirdly...flat.
Short Treks (2018-2020): Not a lot to talk about here; just kind of an anthology series of short films adjacent to Discovery, Picard, and Strange New Worlds. Mostly they're varying shades of mediocre, but a few of them are as brilliant as any episode of Star Trek ever made, so the series gets to be relatively high on the list.
Strange New Worlds (2022- ): This is the first entry on this list that, in my opinion, belongs on the top shelf with some of the best of the older series. And it achieves it basically by adopting the same formula as the original series or the next generation--socially conscious planet-of-the-week adventures with enough wit, cleverness and joie-de-vivre to keep it interesting. I remember in 2017, there was plenty of discussion of how it's possible to update Star Trek's formula for prestige television; how funny that the solution turned out to be "don't change it at all, just give it modern special effects and actual character arcs." That said, the series is a bit *too* beholden to the original, with focus primarily on a bunch of characters who aren't allowed to grow or change too much because we already know how they'll turn out. It would be even better if it were about a new ship and a new crew full of nobodies who we can come to love. Which brings us to...
Lower Decks (2020-2024): Above, I said that Picard felt like it should have been so much better than it was. Lower Decks, frankly, should have been so much worse. How is an adult animated sitcom with Rick and Morty style animation and constant memberberries this freaking good!?! Every episode is a master class in efficient storytelling, with 22 minute runtimes often feeling like they contain as much story and character work as episodes twice as long. And the characters are incredible--like TOS and TNG, they feel almost archetypal, and even though you've never seen them before, they slide so seamlessly into the Star Trek universe that it's hard to believe that they weren't just *always* there; that there was ever a time when you could imagine the Star Trek universe without just intrinsically knowing that Tendi and Shaxs and Mariner were off somewhere in the background. It's greatest success though, the reason why it's comedy works when it really shouldn't, is that it's only *slightly* sillier than the serious series. What we end up with a fantastic series with an ethos that is pure Star Trek, and in fact, if I had written this list a month ago, it would certainly be in the #1 spot. However...
Prodigy (2021-2024?): The first season of Prodigy is...charming. It's got some fun characters, some spectacular visuals, some interesting premises. And if the plots tend to be a little too simplistic to be engaging to an adult, hey, it's a kids' show. It's good. Solid. Above average. And if I had only the first season to go on, it would probably be in third position on this list. But then, a few weeks ago, it went ahead and dropped the best season of Star Trek in a quarter-century, and I really...I just cannot recommend this series highly enough. The sheer, ambitious scope of the narrative; the arcs it puts its character through; the cleverness of the writing; the fricking GORGEOUSNESS of it! And it does all this while redeeming deeply unpopular characters and plot points from other series, in a way that never feels forced or pandering. Not only is it the best Star Trek series of the 21st century, it's one of the best children's animated series since AtLA. Go. Go! Watch it! Watch it now!
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stra-tek · 10 months
The Animated Series' weird takes on Trek history deep dive!
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Check out S.S. Bonaventure 10281NCC from "The Time Trap", according to Scotty "the first ship to have warp drive installed"
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Among the council we see a woman in a white Starfleet TOS-ish uniform with blue collar and a science insignia, presumably a surviving crewmember.
TAS is weird because it was out of continuity during the 90's, due to Filmation's bankruptcy and subsequent rights issues and Gene Roddenberry's supposed dislike of it. As a result, episodes and novels were forbidden from referencing it even if a few were snuck in regardless and subsequent Treks took things in different directions.
Now in 1993 the Star Trek Chronology was released, largely ignoring TAS. It featured this same named ship, which subsequently made it into a Deep Space Nine episode via this graphic:
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And this Bonaventure design would be inspiration for the Phoenix in the movie First Contact
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So how does TAS' Bonaventure fit now? Ummmm not so well. Fans speculated she was the first ship to have a Dilithium powered warp drive... until Star Trek: Enterprise nuked that. And then TAS nuked itself on those details a little later...
April's Enterprise
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"The Counter-Clock Incident" is the first time we meet Robert April and his wife Sarah. Robert April was an early name, eventually changed to Christopher Pike for the 1st pilot episode of live action Star Trek and eventually James Kirk for the original series proper. Then retroactively made into different characters who commanded the Enterprise prior to Kirk.
Sarah comes out with "As the first medical officer aboard a ship with warp drive..." which is problematic to say the least.
TAS seems to imagine a universe where Bonaventure 10281NCC was launched shortly before the Enterprise, and warp drive and everything are all very new. The Star Trek Chronology and then the Enterprise series would move things back considerably, giving us the warp-powered Enterprise NX-01 with Dr. Phlox a century before Kirk's time.
Spock and the Enterprise's age
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In "Counter-Clock Incident", weird stuff happens and the crew are in a bizarre reverse universe where they age backwards. April begins as a 75 year old man heading to mandatory retirement, but as everyone de-ages he ends up a young man looking much like Jim Kirk. At that time, everyone else is a toddler. Spock lasts longer though, and is still functional on the bridge as a teenager until the last few moments. This implies Spock is the oldest by far of the TOS crew, which makes sense due to the long lifespans of Vulcans. However, beginning with that 1993 Chronology book and made official in Star Trek Beyond, Spock is only 3 years older than Jim, born 2230 and 2233 respectively.
And how old does this make the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701? This goes all the way back to The Making of Star Trek, which supposed the vessel is 40 years old at the time of TOS - something modern Trek would cut roughly in half. Strange New Worlds makes official her launch year as 2245, when Jim Kirk was 12 and Spock 15 (and in the Kelvin Universe, the Enterprise is launched much later in 2258 under Pike, but that's explicitly an AU where everything post 2233 is different)
The Man-Kzin Wars
I wrote a whole thing about the Kzinti in Trek here:
In Larry Niven's Known Space novel universe, the Kzinti were defeated when humans invented faster-than-light travel. In the 1970's, long before Star Trek First Contact, Star Trek Enterprise or the official Chronology book, I'd guess the 4 Man-Kzin Wars took place much as in Known Space, warp drive made the difference. But what does Sulu say?
"The Kzinti fought four wars with humankind and lost all of them. The last one was two hundred years ago..."
So despite "The Counter-Clock Incident" implying 40 years ago for warp drive and "The Time Trap" giving us a first ship with warp drive looking much like the TAS Enterprise implying it's not that old, now it's 200 years ago. Which in modern Trek would be around the time of Star Trek First Contact. I have a headache.
So in summery, TAS is amazing and it's continuity is utterly flawless and it's everything else made since that's wrong even when TAS clearly wasn't paying attention to what it itself had established.
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twinkboimler · 1 year
spirk fic recs
to mark this blog hitting 125,000 posts I thought I'd throw together a fic rec post of some of my favorite spirk fics! There are so many recommendations I could make, but I tried to recommend ones I don't see recommended as often. Fics are included under the read-more, enjoy!
These Hands, If Not Gods by greenforsnow (Explicit, 18,200 words). A post-Amok Time fic where Spock is still experiencing plak tow symptoms, and Jim does his best to help Spock out. One of the first spirk fics I read, and I am such a fan of how Jim is written in this fic. One of my favorite takes on TOS spirk, it's an all-time fave
It's Only Art (if it makes you feel something) by Wrath_of_Bones (Teen and up, 24,231 words). I thought the ending of this fic was really lovely. Jim tries to figure out who's been painting a series of paintings that have been appearing in the art studio on the ship. SO much pining. Perched in the Soul by Betazoa (Explicit, 12,847 words). During an away mission, Spock accidentally bonds them together in an attempt to save Jim's life. There is SO much pining and sexual tension in this fic as they struggle to try and keep things platonic despite the bond needing to be consummated.
The Bond by TheVulcanBobDylan (Explicit, 12,371 words). A post-Amok Time smut & hurt/comfort fic. I really enjoyed the characterization of everyone in this, and there are some moments that really tugged at my heartstrings - Spock has so much anxiety about bonding with Jim, and the feelings Jim feels are incredibly human, so real and complicated. So good.
TOS Movies:
Shakedown Cruise by Rhaegal (RhaegalKS) (Explicit, 23,122 words). This fic has a lot of pining and yearning, all as a result of Spock still missing memories following the fal-tor-pan. Jim longs for Spock to remember, missing the relationship he and Spock used to have. Jim feels a lot of hurt; Spock may be alive again, but Spock is still remembering how to be himself. So, so good.
And Then I Let It Go by kianspo (Explicit, 10,632 words). The most popular fic on this list. Post-Star Trek Beyond. The crew has a bit of time on their hands as they wait for the new ship to be constructed. During that time, Spock up and leaves, cutting off all communication, and Jim tracks him down. I really love how this fic explores the post-Beyond version of these characters and what they've all just been through.
kuv kath-vuk fator by AgentStannerShipper (Explicit, 56,475 words). An AOS take on Spock's pon farr. So much smut at the end, really need to underline the explict rating and the tags on this one. This fic also has some good Nyota & Jim friendship content that, let's be honest, is lacking in a lot of trek fic. Jim works with Nyota to learn some Vulcan because he's nosy and is trying to figure out why Spock is requesting medical leave (spoiler alert: it's pon farr), and by the end of the fic, him having put in the time to learn the language pays off and makes the final part of the fic super satisfying. Check the tags on this one to see if it's right for you.
Weekend Lover by ValiantBarnes (Cimila) (Explicit, 30,016 words). Academy-era. AU where they have a one night stand in Riverside, and while Jim expects to never see Spock again, once he runs into him in San Francisco, they start hooking up again. Check the tags; the smut in this story is really what's pushing the plot here. Intense and really good, I'm a big fan of the ending to this one, I've read it multiple times.
The 1,000 Hour Sleep by spqr (Mature, 27,227 words). I've reread this fic at least four times already since it was published last year. This fic nails Strange New Worlds Jim despite us having him for only an episode, and it's such an entertaining AU: Espionage with Jim as a spy whose path keeps interweaving with the Enterprise and its crew. Jim gets exposed to some radiation that won't let him fall asleep but sleep is required for the radiation to leave his system - this is where Spock steps in to help Jim sleep via a meld. I find something new I love about this fic every time I read it. Additionally, there's some fantastic "crew as family" content, and it explores the family dynamics between Jim and Sam, too. It's such a well-constructed fic, cannot recommend enough.
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celestialvoyeur · 4 months
A really fun AU fic in which Spock finds himself demoted and relegated to duty on a remote outpost on an inhospitable planet. There he meets Commander James T. Kirk and a crew of incompetent, aggressive, and mostly drunk officers. He quickly realises that all is not what it seems!
A great mix of action, mystery, conspiracy and romance. Nice if you're looking for a change of pace from starship based stories!
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milkteamoon · 9 months
2023 fanfic review ✨
Meant to do a wrap up a few days ago but I got busy — so I'm doing it today! Here's a big long list of fics I read and enjoyed in 2023 (not all were published in 2023, but several were!). Ratings may vary, so please read the tags!
▷ Ask an Exec by shinyopals — (rated T, complete, 6/6) A series of posts to a workplace management advice form made by a particularly strange poster. This one was so fun to read along with, and Opal always nails it with the unique storytelling methods.
▷ And We Are Full of Stories to be Told by saintbleeding — (rated T, oneshot) a meeting somewhere else. Just...just read it. You'll like it, I promise.
▷ Particular by aza — (rated G, oneshot) Jon doesn't like anyone, but sometimes he likes this one. I love a good ace Jon fic.
▷ Stay Here Under My Tail by ravenxavier — (rated M, oneshot) after Jon's statement habits are discovered, him and Daisy take a ride. I love this fic's depiction of Jon and Daisy's relationship, with just the right amount of s4 anxiety.
▷ The Wounded and the Blessed by hihereami — (rated T, oneshot) an au set in the 1950s where a priest makes friends with a very lonely doctor. Y'all, the yearning in this fic...... literally left me staring at a wall for hours after finishing. A must read.
▷ Strange Manner by inkfingers_mcgee — (rated T, complete, 17/17) needing money, Martin signs up for a dubious app for blood donors and meets a very particular vampire in the process. Also kept up with this fic as it was coming out and had so much fun being tugged along for the ride. A great universe and a great lot of fun!
▷ A Measure Outside the Lines by rend_herring — (rated E, oneshot) after fleeing to Scotland, Jon and Martin navigate their post-Lonely relationship. I know there's a million safehouse fics out there, but this one is just...so sweet... There are so many lines I want to quote but I'd just end up quoting the whole fic haha.
▷ It Blooms by godshaper — (rated M, oneshot) Martin meets a mysterious stranger the day before his wedding. Fae au!! This one has a really fun universe and a deliciously excellent fast burn.
▷ On the Factual Particulars of the Death of Mrs. Blackwood by saintbleeding — (rated T, ongoing, 5/?) primarily sourced accounts from one Mr. Martin Blackwood regarding his new job at The Magnus Archives. This is a really fun victorian au that really nails the style and character voices.
▷ Sun in an Empty Room by transjon — (rated T, oneshot) the in between after the apocalypse. I love a romantic bad-ish end fic, and this one is very fun.
▷ Communion Past the Need of Speech by pieandsouffle — (rated G, oneshot) a hologram and a former borg drone have a lunch date. Star Trek au anyone?? Star Trek au.
▷ Gertrude is Still Around by occudo — (rated T, series) an au where Gertrude is still archivist and the archival crew members are her assistants. This one is technically a comic series but I'm putting it on this because it's my rec list and I can do what I want okay!!!!!!
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
The Forgotten Spaces | ch 2 (jjk)
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☆summary: you've been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
☆pairing: photographer and dancer!Jungkook x dancer!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, there will be mature content in later chapters)
☆genre: slow (SLOW) burn enemies to lovers, college!au, slice of life!au, angst (oop), smut and fluff
☆warnings: a hangover (some throwing up), brattiness, cursing, insults bc they are stupid (respectfully)
☆word count: 7.7k
☆a/n: Another week, another chapter! Once again, thank you to my beautiful beta reader @moonleeai for her help on this chapter!
☆series masterpost here
☆Read What Was Hidden here, the fic that inspired this whole story, written by @daechwitatamic, one of my fav human beings on this app <3 It follows the story of Jo and Taehyung before The Forgotten Spaces
For this meeting of our end of the world
It's with you that I want to sing
On the threshold of the memories the dead of today
Them that breathe for us
The forgotten spaces
Je t'écris - Gaston Miron (rough translation by me)
Sunday, April 29th
                You don’t know what’s worse. The pounding in your head as you wake up, or the immediate nausea that hits you when you realize everything is spinning around you. You crack an eye open to see you forgot to shut the blinds in your drunk state last night, and rain splatters on the window. You’re lucky it’s not sunny, otherwise your head probably would have imploded right then and there.
You sit up, wincing as the nausea rocks against you harder, determined to throw you off the cliff until you’re throwing up. You hold on strong though, breathing in slowly, holding it before you release it. You’re still dizzy after that, but it doesn’t feel like you’re seconds away from throwing up. It’s enough for you to slip out of bed, and your feet catch into your discarded clothes from last night. You almost fall, but you catch yourself at the last minute, stepping over the pile before making your way to the window. You crack it open a little, and the smell of rain overtakes you, right as a cool breeze moves on your naked form.
You always sleep naked, but somehow you have a sock on right now. You furrow your brows, trying to remember when you put it on because you sure as hell weren’t wearing it in your heels last night. It’s too much thinking for your poor brain, and let out a shaky breath as nausea finds you again.
You lean your head against the windowsill, and mist from the rain outside cools your forehead, until you’re able to stand straight again. You take off the sock, throwing it somewhere in your room to be picked up later before gathering the courage for the trek to your bathroom. It’s a good few meters, and you have no idea if you’ll make it.
You don’t really have a choice, so you take a deep breath from the rainy world outside to steady you before taking a few steps. You’re halfway through when you realize nausea is going to win, and you run the rest of the way to throw up in the toilet.
There’s not much for you to throw up, and bile burns your throat for a few seconds before you’re able to sit back. The cold tiles feel like heaven, and you lie down, shutting your eyes. You must have fallen asleep, because you wake up a while later, feeling way too confused as to how you got to the bathroom. You shrug it off, sitting up and wincing at the sore spots in your back.
It takes you a moment to collect yourself before you’re able to stand up, and you grab the glass beside the sink to pour yourself some water. You down the whole glass in a few long gulps, feeling dehydration in every inch of your body. You pour yourself another glass, from which you take a single small sip before making your way to your room.
You sit on your bed, eyes watching the wet world outside. It’s not raining anymore, but drops of water are still drying on the window. From the looks of it, it’s probably going to rain again, dark clouds looming low over the horizon.
What you like about drunk you is that there is a couple things she never forgets. Taking off your makeup and doing your skincare being one. Always plugging in your phone, another. So your phone is fully charged as you grab it, and you read through your notifications as you sip the water.
You’ve gotten a lot of texts you entirely ignored last night, as you usually do when you’re drunk. One of them makes you pause for almost a full minute, and you’re still not sure it’s real when your phone’s screen goes black from you not having touched it in a whole minute.
[02:37 am] unknown number: please don’t fkg flirt with my friends lol
You don’t have to rake your brain to figure out who might have sent that text. The fact that he took the time to type it out and send it to you is surprising, even unbelievable. You didn’t even know he had your phone number saved.
You don’t know what to reply. So you say nothing for now, mind reminiscing of the events of last night. Of Jeon Jungkook reappearing as if he was never gone, to be a prick in your side once again. A thorn stuck under your skin. Not really hurting, but gosh if it isn’t annoying.
You scoff. You know he’s talking about his friend Jimin. You weren’t drunk enough yet to forget that, and last you checked Jimin was the one flirting with you. Jeon Jungkook is out of his mind if he thinks you’re the one to blame.
You decide to fully ignore the text, moving to your conversation with Jiho instead.
[10:36 am] Jiho❣️: brunch??? 🥲
She sent it about twenty minutes ago. You’re in no state to hit the city and go brunching right now, and you lie back on your bed.
[10:57 am] You: can we go in one hour? I’m barely alive
[10:57 am] Jiho❣️: lmao mood
[10:58 am] Jiho❣️: yes ma’am. I’ll text the rest
You send her a thumbs up that she laughs-reacts to, which makes you chuckle. It’s the first truly human thing you’ve done since you woke up and it helps to make you feel less dead inside. Enough so that you sit up and drag yourself to the shower. You let the cold water wash away the remnants of your hungover, though you’re pretty sure it’s the Advil you took before that truly does the deed. You’re getting dressed when there’s a gentle knock on your door, and your mother doesn’t wait for you to tell her she can come in before she does.
"You were out late last night," she comments as she walks in.
She heads straight to the window, and she shuts it as you just stand there, wet hair from your shower soaking through your shirt.
“Was I?” you sarcastically say.
Either she misses the sarcasm, or she really doesn’t care. “Had fun?”
It’s suspicious. She doesn’t usually want to know if you’re out having fun. Which means she probably has something she wants to ask of you, and you steel yourself for the question.
“Yeah,” you flatly say.
“There’s going to be a dinner at your aunt’s house,” she reveals. “I said you were coming.”
You roll your eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh. “When?”
“Next Saturday.”
“I’ve got practice on Saturday evening.”
She doesn’t care, because she merely shrugs her shoulders. “If you can go out at night instead of practicing, I’m pretty sure you can afford an evening with your family.”
In truth, you don’t mind dinners with the family. You’d prefer them if your mom wasn’t there to remind everyone of all the mistakes you’ve dared to make in your life though.
“I’ll see,” you say, only so she lets it go for today. You actually have no intention to do so, but it works well enough so that she leaves your room, not closing the door behind her.
It makes you clench your jaw as you move to do it yourself, and then you finish getting dressed, grumbling about annoying mothers as you pull your jeans on. You were considering a pair of pale dress pants a moment ago, but with the wet world outside you’d only risk staining the fabric. So jeans it is, and five minutes later you’ve dried your hair enough to pull it back into a neat bun. You only then grab your phone, and Jiho’s already texted you.
[11:27 am] Jiho❣️: do u remember bridget from last night? heather asked if she can come?? [11:34 am] You: ??????????🤯 [11: 36 am] Jiho❣️: ?????????? what’s going on [11:36 am] You: they hooked up???? [11:37 am] You: i didn’t know heather’s into girls [11:39 am] Jiho❣️: dead that that’s the first thing u think about💀 [11:40 am] You: looool am i wrong tho [11:41 am] Jiho❣️: just come down plz, I’m terrified of ur mom🥲
You laugh out loud, before quickly grabbing a pair of socks to put on for the boots you’re planning to wear. You head downstairs and sure enough you find Jiho in the living room, talking to your mother with a mortified look on her face. She sees you before your mother does, and you stifle a laugh at her widened gaze. She glares at you, before blinking a few times as your mother asks her a question.
You intervene then, walking in the living room to rescue your best friend. Your mother wishes you a good brunch, in that cold detached tone she uses whenever she just wants to be rid of you, and you quickly make your way outside, Jiho in tow.
“I know I shouldn’t say that of your mom,” Jiho says as you step outside, “but she is so weird. She’s like a robot or something.”
You laugh. “I know, I’m the one that’s forced to live with her.”
You walk in silence for a few seconds, huddled close together under the umbrella Jiho pulls over you as soon as a drop of rain falls from the sky. “Anyway, Heather?”
You shriek. “What did she say?”
Jiho pulls her phone out of her tote bag, handing it to you. You unlock it, before going into the messages.
“I can’t believe the first person Heather brings home is a girl.”
Your eyes skim over the conversation. It’s a lot shorter than you thought it would be, and you shriek all through it.
[11:01 am] Jiho: u up for brunch? [11:04 am] Heather💃🏼: oooooooh [11:04 am] Heather💃🏼: brunch!!!!!!! [11:05 am] Heather💃🏼: always [11:05 am] Heather💃🏼: can I uuuuuuuh bring Bridget🫢 [11: 13 am] Jiho: ???? [11:14 am] Jiho: bridget? [11:16 am] Heather💃🏼: i might have brought her home last night [11:17 am] Jiho: HEATHER WTF [11:17 am] Jiho: yes plz bring her [11:18 am] Heather💃🏼: 🥰🥰🥰
“This is the best plot twist of the year. I don’t care about nationals anymore, I have reached heaven,” you say, handing her phone back to Jiho. “I didn’t even see them talk all that much last night.”
Jiho chuckles, and a gush of wind sends water splashing right into your face. You dry it with the back of your hand, mindlessly.
“That’s because the other girl…”
“Jo?” you provide.
“Jo made you drink shots back to back for like an hour.”
You wince. “No wonder I feel like shit right now.”
“At least you don’t look it.”
You roll your eyes, pushing her gently. “Please, I’ve seen my face in the mirror this morning.”
 “I stand by what I said.”
You laugh together, and the conversation moves to other subjects involving last night, revolving around Hobi, though by the slight blush on Jiho’s cheeks you know she’s trying not to talk about it too much. After all, it’s probably one of the first times she’s actually hung out with Hobi outside of practice.
You let her gush, teasing her whenever she mentions stuff you actually remember from last night, and soon enough you reach your usual brunch spot. Heather and Bridget are already there, and your eyes widen at the sight of Heather’s sweater on Bridget’s frame. You and Jiho exchange a knowing look, before making your way to where the two girls are standing.
“Morning,” you greet them.
Bridget flashes you a bright smile. “Hey! Not too hungover?”
You chuckle. “Your friend was determined to kill me last night, wasn’t she?”
“That’s Jo for you.”
It makes you laugh, and a hostess appears to guide you to your table. Jiho asks for six seats, and you only understand why when Chaeyeon and Lance appear about twenty minutes later. Lance is still wearing his clothes from last night, and blush dusts Chaeyeon’s cheeks. Not the kind of blush caused by the cold, no. It’s the walk of shame kind of blush, though the smile on her lips tells you she probably has no regrets at all.
They sit with you, and you’re halfway through your meal by the time Lance addresses you directly. “You talked to JK last night?”
The table falls in a hushed silence, and all eyes turn to you. You scrunch up your nose, shrugging your shoulders. “Tried to get him to explain why he left but he’s stubborn.”
“He’s always been,” Heather points out. She exchanges a look with Bridget. “He… probably left because he was tired of…” She seems to be looking for an excuse, and it comes upon you that she appears to know something you don’t.
You’ve never been one to push people to speak, so you just watch as she struggles to find words. She never finds any, and Bridget is the one to talk.
“He just wanted to focus on college.”
It’s almost harsh, the way she says it. As if she wants all of you to drop it. It piques your curiosity even more, damn you, and it takes everything in you not to ask why Jungkook out of all people would want to focus on college.
Isn’t he studying visual arts anyway? It’s not like it implies a lot of studying.
Jiho doesn’t have your chill, because she says, “That sounds awfully like a big excuse, huh?”
You stifle a laugh, and Chaeyeon intervenes with a completely oblivious, “Who’s JK?”
Heather lets out a small anxious chuckle. “He’s someone that used to be on our dance crew.”
“He dipped last year without telling anyone why,” Lance adds, leaning closer to Chaeyeon.
They exchange a look that leads to both of them blushing, and you purse your lips as you look at Jiho. She’s got the same look on her face, and you would have burst out laughing if Bridget didn’t talk.
“I’m sure he had a good reason,” she says, shrugging her shoulders. “He’s not the kind of person to do something without a reason.”
You scoff. “Doesn’t mean the reason is good.”
“What’s with you and JK being at each other’s throat anyway?” Bridget asks.
You like her. You don’t know why but you like her. Even if it seems as if you’re fighting with her right now (albeit subtly), you respect her for defending her friend. Because clearly Jungkook is her friend, and she’s the type to protect the people close to her. It’s cute, and instead of angering you, her question makes you ponder for a time.
“We’ve just never really liked each other,” you say, shrugging your shoulders.
“Oof,” Heather puts in. “They always fought before JK left. It was kind of annoying.” She shoots you a look. “Sorry.”
 You shrug again. “Nah, you’re good. It really was annoying. That’s why I think we’re better off without him.”
Lance only then returns to the conversation, after having spoken to Chaeyeon, ignoring all of you for the last few minutes. “Honestly we might be. If you pull up with a good choreography I think we might be just fine. Just need to convince Hobi to stop trying to get us to be seven.”
“I’ll work on that,” Jiho says beside you.
It’s her turn to receive everyone’s attention. “What, ‘cause you think Hobi would listen to you?” Heather asks. It’s genuine, the way she asks, with a slight pout to her lips.
Jiho flushes red, shrugging her shoulders. “We’re a team, I can help.”
“Right,” you say, offering her salvation. “We’ll figure it out.”
Heather sighs, sitting back in her chair. “I kind of missed when JK was on the team though.”
 “That’s because you were crushing on him for the longest time,” Lance teases.
Clearly, he’s completely unaware that something happened between Bridget and Heather. You glare at him, trying to knock some sense into his head, but it’s already too late.
Bridget doesn’t look like she cares. She only laughs, playing with a piece of pancake on her plate. “Who can blame her, have you seen the man?”
You have. And he’s far too full of himself to be even remotely attractive to you. You refrain from saying so, preferring to let the conversation move on from Jungkook’s subject. Instead, you eat your breakfast, listening to everyone talk as you sip on your orange juice.
Your phone is face down on the table when it vibrates, and Jiho puts hers down a second later. You grab yours, subtly looking down at the screen.
[12:49 pm] Jiho❣️: u look upset☹️
You make sure no one is looking before you reply.
[12:50 pm] You: jk texted me last night
The sound Jiho lets out next to you is somewhere between a snort and a cough, and she recovers well by faking a real cough this time. It seems to go unnoticed to everyone but you, and she looks at you with round eyes before replying.
[12:52 pm] Jiho❣️: y didn’t u mention before😤 [12:53 pm] You: bc it’s nothing. he’s stupid [12:53 pm] Jiho❣️: 😤😤😤
You laugh as silently as possible, before screenshotting Jungkook’s text. You send it to Jiho, before adding,
[12:54 pm] You: hope this is a good enough apology [12:54 pm] Jiho❣️: he said WHAT [12:54 pm] Jiho❣️: also, the unknown number i’m dead💀
You put your phone back face down on the table, indicating that the conversation is done for now. Jiho is glaring at your profile, but you ignore it. Just like you ignored Jungkook’s text, really. It works well enough, and Jiho lets it go to focus back on the conversation around the table. It gives you the opportunity to think about what to reply to Jungkook, though you still have no idea.
It’s only later in the evening that you find yourself with something to reply to him. You know it’s going to piss him off, and you send the text with a mischievous grin on your lips.
[10:03 pm] You: who’s this?
Thursday, May 3rd
                For someone that’s been dancing since you were a child, you know nothing about creating a choreography from scratch. Maybe you’d be able to do it for a lone dancer, but a group of six? Your mind has been completely empty.
It’s infuriating, really. And you think Hobi might as well murder you when you tell him you have nothing. And you’ve watched hundreds of hours of other choreographies since Sunday, but still your brain is completely empty.
‘No thoughts, head empty’ has never been so real.
You’re sitting cross-legged on your bed. It’s late at night, and your laptop’s screen has gone black a while ago as you scrolled through your phone. You’re stalking the Instagram pages of other dance crews, trying to figure out what kind of moves they are going for for nationals. Your goal is to head away from anything that might resemble what other crews are doing.
Which is quite a harder task than it seems when you’ve never even choreographed anything before.
How did Jungkook manage to do this? Back when he was still part of the crew, Hobi asked him for choreographies all the time. He always had something new, something fierce and something never done before. No wonder your dance crew has had so much success so far.
But you are running out of choreographies created by Jungkook, the last one having been used at nationals last year.
You scoff, running a hand through your hair. You only have two days left for a choreography, and you really don’t think you’ll make it. There’s always the option of asking Jungkook for help, but something about it doesn’t sit right with you.
Especially after his only reply to your last text message was:
[10:27 pm] unsaved number: 🙄
He sent that on Monday night, a little over twenty-four hours after you replied to him, and you haven’t said anything in return. You don’t really want to talk to him or to see him again, if you’re honest. Especially not after he said you were a bitch.
No, you usually don’t do insults, and the fact that he did really doesn’t sit right with you.
 But you’re not stupid. You need help for the choreography, and you ARE running out of time. So you bite the bullet and type out a text that you reread at least a hundred times before clicking on send.
You immediately shut your phone and put it face down on your couch next to you, before clicking on your laptop to make the screen come to life again.
                Jungkook is sprawled on the couch, one arm under his head as he looks at a show on the TV. Taehyung and Jo went up a moment ago, and he’s decided to watch another episode before going to bed. Mostly because his leg has been hurting like a bitch today.
It always does after his physical therapy appointment.
He’s dozing off, eyelids heavy as he watches the action unfold on the screen. In all truth, he’s not really paying attention. He received your text before Taehyung and Jo went to bed, and he’s been thinking about it since then.
So far, he hasn’t found anything annoying to reply, so he’s making you wait. Little do you know, Hobi actually asked him the same thing. Not that Hobi doesn’t trust you, but Jungkook has always been the choreographer.
You’re more of a dancer than him though, but he’d never admit that to you. No, he rather prefers making you feel like you’re not good enough, just because riling you up gives him a weird sense of satisfaction.
It’s been that way since he met you, back when you were sixteen. The first thing he had noticed about you then was that you were pretty. The soft kind of pretty, the one that comes with having everything given to you whenever you wanted it. You joined the dance crew almost at the same time as him, so he always felt like there was competition between you. It only became worse when he realized who your mother was, and that you had joined a dance crew at your mother’s studio.
He had thought it was insulting that they had taken you, because clearly you didn’t need a crew to be a dancer. In all truth at first you had been friendly competition. It’s when he had realized how much better you thought yourself to be that he had started teasing you, insulting you subtly whenever he got the chance.
It’s second nature now, and whenever he sees you he just feels the need to rile you up. To make you frown and stomp your feet, with your little fists resting on your hips. You probably think you’re intimidating when you do that, but he’s always just found it cute.
He sighs and shifts on the couch, wincing at the pain that shoots from his knee before returning to its usual background intensity.
Indeed, the pain never goes away. It’s always there, gnawing at his nerves until he loses his temper. He reckons he’s been losing it more and more in the last few months, but that’s only because the winter cold made it hurt far more than it has hurt so far. He’s glad that summer is coming now, and he already feels it in his knee.
It’s a hopeless wish, but he hopes one day his leg won’t hurt anymore.
Another sigh escapes the confines of his chest, and it turns into a startled gasp as someone throws something soft on him from behind the couch.
“What the fuck?” he grumbles as Jimin’s iconic laugh is heard.
His friend moves around the couch before sitting at Jungkook’s feet while the latter pushes the soft thing – a sweater – off his face.
“You’re so lost in thought you didn’t even hear me come in,” Jimin teases as he leans against the couch, turning his head towards Jungkook. “Still thinking about that girl from Saturday?”
Immediately Jungkook grows defensive. “No? Why would I be thinking of her?”
Jimin just raises his eyebrow, a shit-eating smile on his lips.
“Fuck off.”
“You’re still jealous,” Jimin teases, and Jungkook struggles to sit up so he can punch his friend in the shoulder.
“I was not jealous.” He feels hot, and his brows knit together. “Just fucking let it go.”
Jimin shrugs, pouting. “No.”
“You’re an ass.”
Jimin looks away, eyes settling on the TV. He doesn’t say anything except letting out a laugh, and the laugh in and of itself is even more infuriating than whatever he could have said. Jungkook scoffs before laying back down.
“Seriously though,” Jimin says after a few blissful minutes of silence. “What’s your deal with her?”
Jungkook rolls his eyes to the back of his head. “I have no deal with her. And it’s not because you ask the same question a thousand times that the answer will change.”
“So you won’t be angry at me if I tell you I dmed her on Insta?”
Jungkook’s eyes shoot to Jimin’s profile, and the smirk on his friend’s lips make him want to punch a hole into his head. “You did not?”
“So what if I did?” Jimin asks. “As you said, ‘I have no deal with her’.”
Jimin’s imitation of his previously uttered phrase forces Jungkook to sit up once again. This time he throws his legs on the side of the couch until his feet touch the ground, and he sits back against the backrest, playing with his piercing to keep the annoyance at bay. He chooses to remain silent, because he knows saying something will just make it worse.
“This is gold,” Jimin still says, and he starts laughing again. “I’ve never seen you worked up about a girl before.”
“I am not worked up about her.”
Jimin throws him a no-bullshit look, an eyebrow cocked sassily. “No, of course not, my bad bro.” Another snicker, and Jimin adds, “You’re sulking”.
“Do you want to die?” Jungkook asks, entirely serious. Because he does want to kill Jimin, if only to shut him up. “She’s annoying, I don’t give a shit about her. Besides, I don’t even dance anymore. You should know that.” He speaks fast, and his voice quickly falls into the same simmering anger that takes over him whenever he thinks about the consequences of the accident.
Jimin notices the change in him and immediately backs off, shrugging his shoulders. “I know.”
It ends the conversation, and they watch the rest of the show in a tense silence, until Jungkook finally decides it’s time to go up to bed. Jimin wishes him good night before disappearing into the kitchen, and Jungkook climbs upstairs.
If Jo and Taehyung were not already in bed, he probably would have slammed his door shut behind him for good measure, but he’s not that much of an asshole. Not when his friendship with Taehyung still feels fragile, even after the talk that they had a couple of weeks ago.
Instead, he softly closes the door behind him, before heading straight for his bed. He plops down, wincing at the ever-constant pain in his leg. He wonders if he’ll ever get used to it; it doesn’t feel like he will. Especially not when he doesn’t feel it for a few seconds when he wakes up, and he almost forgets he ever got in a car accident in the first place.
“Fuck,” he mutters, rolling on his back. He looks up at his ceiling, and the purple glow of his LED light does almost nothing to calm him down.
He needs Jimin to stop teasing him about you. He also needs Jimin to stay fucking clear of you, because he knows his friend. If he can’t have something, it makes him want it even more. He usually finds it funny, but somehow it strikes a nerve right now.
Maybe because he’s always fucking upset about everything now. Like how you pretended it wasn’t him that texted you the other day. Who else would have texted you anyway?
It reminds him that you actually texted him about an hour and a half ago, and he’s yet to reply. He groans, grabbing his phone from his pocket before opening it. It directly opens to the conversation with you, and he rereads your text.
[9:56 pm] You🙄: i might ignore jimin if u help me with a choreography
Does that mean that Jimin actually did text you? It makes Jungkook’s heart feel heavy in his chest, and he frowns as he rereads your message a couple of times, teeth pulling at his piercing.
He wants to reply something to spite you, just because he can. But now that Jimin said all of that… Jungkook can’t help but think maybe he should just accept. Because he doesn’t like the thought of you with his friend at all, and he knows you well enough to know you would do Jimin without a single ounce of hesitation if it can piss him off.
Maybe that’s why he finds himself replying with,
[11:31 pm] Jungkook: already accepting defeat i see [11:31 pm] Jungkook: yes i can help
You were already typing something by the time he sent the second message, and he watches the three little dots disappear before reappearing again. It takes you almost a full minute to reply, and he wonders how many times you’ve rewritten the text that appears in front of his eyes.
[11:32 pm] You🙄: i need it by Saturday [11:32 pm] Jungkook: bruh
You don’t say anything for a while, and he puts his phone away to go take a shower and brush his teeth. His mind is already coming up with something to help you with, and he’s almost appalled with himself. Why is he so willing to help you?
He’s settled under his comforter when he finally grabs his phone to see if you replied. You have and he smirks as he reads your text.
[11:34 pm] You🙄: plz don’t be a bitch about it, hobi only gave me a week🥲 [10:47 pm] Jungkook: and u still have nothing? outrageous🤨
Satisfied, Jungkook moves to put his phone away, but it vibrates in his hand before he does. You sent him a bunch of looking-up emojis, and he just replies with the one blowing a kiss. You’re quick to reply once more, and he rolls his eyes before laying back in bed with his phone in hand. He’s not annoyed though, just amused. Surprisingly so.
[10:48 pm] You🙄: can u come to the studio tmrw?
Jungkook wets his lips, and he’s about to reply when his brain comes up with an image that makes him freeze. He thinks about you, in bed. For some reason, his mind decides you’re lying on your side, hair loose around your head. You’re looking at your phone, and the light caresses your features ever so softly. It strikes him so bad that he finds himself pressing on the Facetime call button before he even realizes he does.
He’s appalled for a time as he watches his own reflection on his screen for a couple of seconds, the sound of ringing filling his room. He’s convinced this is a bad idea, and he doesn’t think you will pick up.
To his surprise, you do pick up. But all he can see is what looks like a wall.
“Why are you calling me?” you ask, and your voice is dripping with annoyance.
That’s how he likes you to be, isn’t it?
“Figured it’d be easier that way,” he replies, and he wonders if it’s just him or is it suddenly more hot in his room?
You remain silent for a time, and he wonders if you’re looking at him on your screen. It’s hard to know what you might see there. Even though he knows he’s an attractive man, there’s something about your disdain for him that’s always made him feel a little insecure in your presence.
Maybe that’s why he’s always riling you up.
��Mmh,” you hum after a moment. “Can you then?”
He’s all but forgotten what you asked him by text before he called you, and it takes him a moment to formulate an answer. “Probably.” There’s a mischievous smirk on his lips when he adds, “What do I get in exchange?”
He hears you scoff, and his smirk melts into a grin. “I’m not going to let you flirt with me at almost midnight.”
“Then why did you pick up?” He’s being a little shit. It feels refreshing and his smile doesn’t waver from his lips. Especially as you don’t say anything. It makes him chuckle. “Thought so.”
“You are as annoying as I remember you to be, Jeon Jungkook.”
The way you say his name, with a low voice that sounds a little like danger, makes him gulp, and the smile dies on his lips.
“I wouldn’t want to disappoint,” he says, and just like that he feels like he’s regained control. He can almost hear you roll your eyes, which brings him to say, “Why don’t you show your face?”
“Why? Do you want to see me?” you ask, and it’s almost a purr.
His heart picks up its pace in his chest, and Jungkook is glad for the purple light in his room. He’s pretty sure it hides the blush on his cheeks. “Just weird to be staring at a wall when you get to see my handsome face, no?”
“Who told you you’ve got a handsome face?” you tease, but you still finally show on the screen.
You’re not wearing any makeup, and your hair is a mess. Jungkook almost wants to point it out, but he doesn’t want to make you go away, so he just shrugs.
“My mom?”
“I don’t think that counts,” you say, and this time he sees you roll your eyes.
He moves until he’s lying on his back, holding his phone over his face. He wets his lips, before saying, “Anyway, yes I can.” He pauses, looking away from his phone before resuming his attention on you. “Only if you bring something to eat.”
You look up as if annoyed. “Alright, whatever it takes.”
He immediately jumps on the occasion. “Whatever it takes? Let me reconsider what I want.”
To his surprise, you laugh, and he’s struck dumb for a good ten seconds.
He gulps. “So what?”
“So what do you want?”
He doesn’t know. He’s really struck dumb, but then his brain goes down the dark road again. He wants his leg to stop aching. He wants it to be so he’s never left the dance crew, so he’s never had to give up on his dreams. It sobers him up real quick.
“Uh, just food is fine.”
If you’re concerned by his switch in behaviour, you do not show. You only watch him for a few seconds before saying, “I have no idea what you like.”
“Just anything”, he says. His eyes trail away from his phone, and he doesn’t let you say something else before adding, “Listen, I gotta go, but text me what time you want me to be there?”
At that you seem surprised, as if you didn’t expect him to want to hang up so quickly. Your brows are knitted together when he looks back at you. You look as if you want to ask a question, and he really feels like he doesn’t want to hear it. He’s glad when you just scoff, and say, “Alright?”
He offers you a tight-lipped smile. He feels like an asshole, but you’re suddenly the last person he wants to be talking to. “Good night.”
At least he’s not an asshole enough to hang up without saying goodbye.
Friday, May 4th
                You won’t lie, you’re a little anxious at the thought of being with Jungkook alone. It’s not something that ever happened before, and in all truth you don’t know why you suggested it. Why didn’t you ask him to come tomorrow instead, when everyone would be there to work on the choreography?
You feel stupid, but then again you don’t want the crew to know you had to ask Jungkook for help. You can only hope he doesn’t say anything to the rest, but it seems unlikely. Last you checked he doesn’t talk to anyone anymore except Hobi.
You’re in a small studio, away from the main class ones. It’s a studio you usually use when you want to dance alone in peace, and it’s almost forgotten by everyone that comes to your mother’s dance studio. It’s cozy to you, maybe because it’s always been a refuge to you, a safe haven whenever Jiho’s house couldn’t be one for you.
Right now, it smells like fried chicken, because that’s what you were craving before you came to the studio. You arrived an hour ago, even though you only told Jungkook to be here around 5 pm.
You needed to mentally prepare yourself after all. You’re not sure it really worked, and when Jungkook texts you to say he’s outside, you feel like this is all a bad idea. You still text him the number of the room you’re in, and as you wait for him, you look at yourself in the mirror to ensure you look okay.
You don’t even know if you do. Don’t know why you curled your hair and put on a little bit of makeup either. Maybe because Jungkook has a tendency to point out every little flaw on you.
He arrives about a whole five minutes later. He’s holding two bubble teas, and your eyes widen as he smiles at you.
“Hey,” you greet him, and you take a few steps towards him before stopping in your tracks. You motion towards the chicken. “I got Korean fried chicken.”
“Thought it smelled like it,” he says. He finishes crossing the distance between you two, handing you one of the bubble teas. “Do you like this?”
“What flavour is it?” you ask, taking it from his hand.
A strange sensation goes through you as your index touches one of his fingers. You frown at the feeling, before taking a sip from the bubble tea as he says, “Banana milk”.
You hum in content, and your eyes are almost bulging out of your head when you realize he’s gotten it with jelly instead of tapioca. “How did you know that’s my favourite?”
 He makes a weird face, with his nose scrunched up a little. “I didn’t, I just took two of my usual.”
You don’t like that you have something in common with Jungkook, so you say, “Did you have to make banana milk bubble tea disgusting?”
He looks infinitely confused for a few seconds. “Uh?”
“Never mind.”
There’s an awkward silence, and your eyes slide to the fried chicken. “Do you want to eat first?”
He takes a sip of his own bubble tea, making the silence stretch until you feel like disappearing through the floor. He probably does it on purpose, just to unsettle you. It’s so long you look back at him, an eyebrow raised in annoyance.       
“Sure,” he finally says, and he offers you the shit-eating grin he usually uses to piss you off.
Your brows are a little furrowed as you look at him for a few seconds, annoyed, before you finally move to where you left the food on the ground. You sit cross-legged, ignoring Jungkook’s heavy gaze on you as you put the bubble tea down next to you and open the box of fried chicken. Jungkook hasn’t moved, and you roll your eyes as you glance at him.
“What are you waiting for?” you ask. You sound just as annoyed as you feel, and it only doubles up when he looks at the floor with an eyebrow cocked.
“You expect me to eat on the floor?”
You sigh exasperatedly. “Last I checked, there’s no table in the room.”
“We can go to the cafeteria.”
Your shake your head, lips stretched in an upside-down smile. “Just.” You motion at a vague spot next to you. “Just fucking sit and eat.”
“Why don’t you want to go to the cafeteria?” he asks, and he takes a long sip of bubble tea as you just glare at him. “Are you ashamed that you asked for my help?”
There it is. The teasing glint in his eyes. It’s the same as last week, and the same you have been used to for what now, eight years? It makes his eyes sparkle, a little innocently, though you know the reason behind is not innocent at all. No, if Jungkook has a little angel and a little demon on his shoulders, he’s been listening to the little demon since you’ve known him.
“You’re making me regret asking you for help,” you complain, biting down on your tongue to keep the ‘asshole’ that wanted to follow your sentence.
He’s smiling now, bright and happy. “Then I’ll just go.”
He makes no move towards the door though, and you just raise your eyebrows. “Alright. Go.”
He surveys you for a time, as if gauging if he can actually go. He pouts a little, and you frown, looking away from him. You grab the sauces you got with the chicken, opening the lids of each of them to busy yourself. You don’t want to look like you want him to stay.
You reckon you don’t actually want him to stay. You wish you could get help from anyone else but dreadful times call for drastic measures, uh?
“Damn,” he says, and he chuckles, before finally walking towards you. He sits on the other side of the box, but he makes no move towards the chicken for now. “You’re really that desperate?”
Your eyes shoot to him, and you hope he feels the blade of the daggers they hold. “Can we just be professional for once?”
“I’ll be professional if you promise not to ask me why I left the crew,” he says, falling so serious you almost get whiplash.
You have considered it, you won’t lie. But it’s not like it matters anyway, especially not now that the crew has finally accepted to be six instead of seven.
“I don’t give a shit as to why you left the crew,” you let out flatly, before taking a bite of chicken.
It’s savoury, with just enough crunch to make your little monkey brain go haywire. It’s almost enough to make you forget that you are currently alone in a room with the person you dislike the most out there.
Jungkook seems surprised by your comment, and you think there’s a flash of disappointment on his features, but it disappears too quickly for you to analyse. Instead, he frowns, before scoffing as he shakes his head. “Is that why you were such a bitch about it last week?”
“Did you come here to call me a bitch or to create a choreography?”
Your outburst is loud and unexpected, both to you and him. His eyes just widen, and he raises his hands as if to show he’s not dangerous. “Woah, calm down.”
It’s probably the worst thing to tell you whenever you’re angry, but even as you see red you bite down on some chicken again. Keeping your mouth occupied is the only thing you can do right now to keep yourself from blowing up in his face. Considering you really do need his help, that is.
“You are not a bitch,” Jungkook says. He scoffs again, and his eyes drop to the chicken in your hands. “You acted like one, there’s a nuance.”
You look at him in disbelief. “Am I the law student here or is that you?”
“Is that a compliment?”
He’s annoying. A prick, a pain in the ass, an asshole and everything in between. Especially as he just starts smirking, as if he knows he’s struck the right chord.
“Somebody fucking kill me right now,” you grumble as you look up to the ceiling.
There’s nothing up there to save you from Jeon Jungkook, so you let your gaze drop back to his face. He’s looking at you, features set in a calm mask, and it takes you by surprise. He looks different like this, more mature. More like the adult that he is now, and less like the sixteen year-old you met back then.
He sighs, before grabbing a piece of fried chicken with his free hand. He dips it in sauce, before taking a bite. He chews for a few seconds, and then swallows it down with a sip of banana bubble tea. You’re not sure the flavours go well together, but he doesn’t seem to care as he just dives in for another bite.
You echo his sigh with one of your own, and then you start to eat too. The meal is surprisingly spent in silence. You think it’s supposed to be uncomfortable, but for some reason sitting across from Jeon Jungkook while eating fried chicken is anything but uncomfortable. Strange, that’s for sure, but you don’t feel awkward.
Maybe it’s because he’s rarely this silent, and your soul is singing to the gods above in thanks for the peace.
And then you realize you might have more than gods to thank. Because Jungkook really is professional. He came with ideas for songs you could use, and for most of them he’s already thought up parts of choreographies. You don’t know how his brain does it, and you’re a little amazed for a time. You don’t let it show, because God forbid Jeon Jungkook and his oversized ego know that you think something positive about him, but you really are impressed with him.
And a lot more thankful than you’d ever dare to say.
One thing you notice though, as Jungkook shows you some moves, is that he doesn’t dance like he used to. There’s something a little mechanical with the way his body moves, as if he’s a machine that’s missing a little bit of oil.
Maybe even a lot.
He’s halfway through his idea for the third song he suggested when you notice him half-assing a leg move that you’ve seen him doing to perfection a hundred times before. He stops as his eyes fall shut, and darkness takes over his features. You’re a little taken aback, as you stand next to him, and you look at him in the mirror.
It takes him almost a good thirty seconds before he opens his eyes again. “Sorry.”
If he hadn’t been so professional in the last hour, you probably would have given him shit, just because that’s how you and Jeon Jungkook work. But right now, all you can think to say is, “Is something wrong?”
He meets your gaze in the mirror. His is heavy, sad, and it makes him look exhausted. Like he hasn’t slept in a few months, and you realize maybe he hasn’t.
Maybe he really has a good reason as to why he disappeared from the dance crew in February last year.
“I’m out of practice,” he says flatly. It’s a lie and he’s not a good liar. As soon as the words are out he looks down, pulling at his piercing.
“We can go with the first choreography,” you say tentatively after a moment of silence. “I think it’s the one that’ll work the best considering everyone’s strength.” He slowly nods, but he remains silent.
And you’re right. The one he’s showing you right now would have been good to make him shine on stage, but he’s not going to be there.
“Okay,” he lets out after he sighed loudly. “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.”
You purse your lips, eyes still boring into his forehead. His hair is falling in front of his eyes, and he seems as if he’s fighting demons standing there. You turn towards him, tilting your head to try and catch his gaze. It fails miserably, but you still say, “Are you okay?”
It breaks him out of his trance. He scoffs, glancing at you once before holding his head up high and running his hands through his hair. “Don’t act like you care.”
It takes you aback, and you just stare at him without even blinking for a little while. He’s right, you don’t care, so why are you asking?
It’s your turn to scoff, and you furrow your eyebrows as you turn away from him to face the mirror again. “Okay,” you mutter. “Sorry for trying to treat you like a decent human being. I forgot you’re an asshole for a moment there.”
You realize the insult is out a long time after you’ve finished your sentence. Actually, you only realize because Jungkook finally looks at you again, but only to glare. His brows are knit together on his forehead, and you notice his clenched fists at his side.
“You know what, I think I’m done for tonight,” he says. He chuckles bitterly. “Let’s see what the crew does when you come up to them with half a choreography because you can’t even create one.”
You would have apologized if he hadn’t said that second part. Now, all you want to do is punch a hole in his face. “Are you fucking serious? Do you need me to beg on my knees for your help?”
He smiles, but there’s no warmth. Just contempt, and it’s a disgusting look on Jeon Jungkook’s features. “Yeah, get on your knees.” He adds your name, saying it like it’s an insult, before continuing, “Let’s see what you fucking look like when you beg on your knees.”
It makes you want to throw up, and you just turn your back to him as you walk to where you left the empty containers of fried chicken and sauce. You gather them up with shaky hands, before straightening. You reckon your whole body is shaking, as it usually does when you’re really angry. The kind of angry that makes you want to murder people, and surprisingly enough, it’s the kind of angry only Jungkook and your mom have ever succeeded at getting out of you.
It’s an ugly feeling you don’t like, and for that reason you storm out of the room, not even caring to see if Jungkook is following. No, all you can think of is that you need a breather, some fresh air to cool down the boiling of your blood. Otherwise you might just kill Jungkook, and you don’t think you have the energy to hide a body at the moment.
You make it all the way to the evening world outside before Jungkook actually calls your name behind you.
You swirl around, and one of the containers fall to the ground. For some reason it makes you even angrier, and you just throw the rest of them next to it. It makes you feel incredibly stupid, and you’re bending down to pick them back up when Jungkook says, “I’m sorry I said that”.
You finish picking the trash up, before straightening. “I don’t give a shit about your little fucking apology. I’d rather shoot myself than spend another fucking second in your presence. Just leave, and please never come back.”
He doesn’t move, and his tongue darts out to wet his lips. “I can finish the choreography and give it to Hobi.”
“Just do that, I don’t care,” you say, shrugging your shoulders.
He slowly nods but he still doesn’t move. It occurs to you that he does look apologetic, as if he wants to go back in time and erase what just happened.
“Why are you still looking at me?” you ask, but some of the fight in you is starting to dissolve, leaving you feeling exhausted.
“I just…” he trails off, and he scratches at the nape of his neck before letting his hand fall at his side again. “I’m just really sorry, that was disgusting of me.”
“I already said I don’t care, Jeon”, you say through gritted teeth. “You just reminded me why I hate you so much, so thanks for the wake-up call. Just give Hobi the choreography and leave me the fuck alone.”
“There’s no but,” you interject before he can say more, and your voice is shrill, high-pitched. You probably sound crazy, and you sigh deeply as you remember that you’re out in the street and that anyone can hear you. As a matter of fact, you’re pretty sure the guy walking on the other side of the street just turned to look at you curiously, attracted to drama the way moths are attracted to a flame.
Jungkook falls silent. For good this time. He just nods, and he digs his hands in his pockets. He holds your fiery gaze for a few seconds longer, and then his gaze just drops to the ground as he starts walking away.
 If you cared about him more, now would probably be the time that you say his name and apologize. But you’ve never cared about him, so you watch him go, satisfied to know you’ve won this argument.
It’s childish and petty, but Jeon Jungkook really does bring out the worst in you.
Once his form is out of view, you move back into the building to throw away the containers. It takes you all but thirty seconds before you’re out again, and you grab your phone to ask Jiho to come over.
[8:41 pm] You: i’m about to commit murder or arson or both😤 [8:41 pm] You: can u come over to diss Jungkook with me🫠
Jiho’s answer only comes later that night, when you’re positively cooled down, lying in bed as you watch your favourite anime.
[11:23 pm] Jiho❣️: sry, didn’t see this before, i was at my uncle’s
You pause your episode, before moving to your messaging app.
[11:23 pm] You: it’s fine, i feel better now😶 [11:23 pm] You: he was a fkg asshole tonight [11:25 pm] Jiho❣️: WAIT [11:25 pm] Jiho❣️: wtf did i miss [11:25 pm] Jiho❣️: what were u doing with jk🤨 [11:25 pm] Jiho❣️: why didn’t u tell me u were gonna see him [11:26 pm] You: uuuuuuuuuuuuh😅
You press send, and you laugh as Jiho almost immediately calls you.
“What the fuck” is the first thing that she tells you as you put your phone against your ear, quickly followed by, “Are you having a fever? Why were you with JK?”
You wince, and you shrug your shoulders even though she can’t see you. “I asked him to help with the choreography for Hobi.”
 “You bitch!” Jiho bursts out. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you just tell Hobi you were struggling?”
You laugh, and it really helps to forget your anger towards Jungkook. “I’ve got some pride, you know? I really wanted to be able to bring something to dance practice tomorrow.”
And then you go on to tell her everything that happened, and to your surprise, she laughs at Jungkook’s comment.
“What’s funny?” you grumble.
“Girl,” she says in between two fits of laughter. “You opened that door so wide. He’s Jeon Jungkook, of course he was going to jump on it and say something like that.”
You reckon she’s right. Jungkook really is the kind of cocky guy that thinks he can just say anything without any consequences.
“Right,” you mumble. Your phone vibrates against your ear, and you put Jiho on speaker mode to see who texted you. You choke on your saliva as Jungkook’s unsaved number is now at the top of your texting app. “Jesus fuck.”
“What’s up?” Jiho asks.
“He texted me.”
She’s laughing again, and maybe Jungkook is not the one you’ll need to murder after all. “What did he say?” she eventually asks once she’s calmed down.
[11:34 pm] unsaved number: just letting u know that hobi asked me to be there at dance practice tmrw
You repeat the text out loud for Jiho, who hums pensively. “Damn, is JK really going to be our choreographer now?”
You’re not surprised she’s jumped to that conclusion. You have too, and you saw it coming the moment you told him to talk to Hobi.
“I am never coming back to dance practice if that is the case.”
“Oh come on,” Jiho lets out. “Nobody cares about Jungkook. We can’t lose you too.”
She’s not wrong. Losing another member would completely annihilate the crew, and you’ve been part of it for way too long to ever consider leaving. It’s part of you now, and it’s been so for so long you think you’d probably die if you left.
Or at least turn into a very bitter version of yourself.
You’re about to go to sleep, a while after you’ve hung up with Jiho, when you finally decide to reply to Jungkook. Only because you don’t want him to be too much of a little shit tomorrow.
[12:58 am] You: ayt lol, sry about earlier
You don’t know why you apologize. You just do it because it feels like the right thing to do. The “be the bigger person” kind of thing to do, and now that you’ve talked to Jiho, you feel like you can actually be that person. That, or maybe it’s the fact it’s been long enough since you saw Jungkook that you don’t quite feel like murdering him anymore.
[1:05 am] unsaved number: no worries:) i was a dick
Your phone lights up on your night stand but you feel too tired to check it out. As if being the bigger person takes too much energy. Maybe it does, and you’re asleep before you receive the next text.
[1:09 am] unsaved number: i hope u like the rest of the choreography😌
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Ooooof when will they stop fighting uh? Let me know what you thought of this chapter!!
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2023. Do not copy, repost or translate.
Taglist (strikethrough means tumblr isn't letting me tag you my bad):
@chimchimmarie | @pamzn | @sugaluvmyg | @tearyjjeon | @jkclouds | @libra04 | @parkinglot-nights | @ggukieasy | @omnomnomtron | @jichimx | @synnfulqt | @leedoesntknaur | @oopscoop | @melodiesforari | @pornichet
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ravenwriter16 · 2 months
Creative Minds Think Alike
Episode One---Episode two---Episode three---Episode Four (Here)---Episode Five---Episode Six
Featuring the Amazing: @kinshenewa
Reminder! If the content creator doesn't approve of how i represented them, or their AUs/OCs then I will edit my work or DELETE it. It's not my intention to mock or belittle anyone's work. This series is supposed to showcase amazing creators!
I do not beta read! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
I stand there in the hallway, my back to the wall with all the windows. Arms crossed and feathers bristling. I tap my foot impatiently while tugging on my collar. My formal wear was tight and uncomfortable, the emblem badge on my chest feeling very heavy as of late.
I look around again, my annoyed expression disappearing whenever some castle residents. I smile and wave at them, my frustration not directed at them. I pull out my pocket watch, clicking the button and watching as the lid flips open. I check the time, tsking and closing it with a flick of my wrist.
“Those Staff Bots are late.”  I grumble, folding my hands behind my back.
My eyes dart to the wall in front of me. Between two doors, was a big movie poster. The caption read ‘Captain Foxy’s Pirate Adventure’. Featuring, of course, Foxy in his pirate ensemble along with pirates Freddy and Bonnie and mermaid Chica.
I smile, snorting in amusement quietly. “I’ll have to check in with the captain one of these days…that reminds me I have to sort through the pirate DCA AU files 1K-854…”
Beeping draws my attention. I slowly turn my head to the right, staring down the two Staff Bots. I raise a brow, “What’s been taking you so long?”
“Moons.” One beeps, the top of its head bearing deep scratches.
I drag a hand down my face, sighing heavily. “Okay. I’ll add ‘Send out proper Staff Bot care instructions’ when I get back to my office. Do you need to go to P&S or can you function?”
They both raise their toolboxes and pull on the rim of their baseball caps.
I smile, stepping forward to rest a hand on their shoulders. “Fantastic. Now, shall we?”
They nod and I pat their shoulder once before stepping towards the poster. I examine it for a moment before reaching up and pressing the fox icon above two crossing swords on his hat. It pushes in with a click and the sound of gears turning and shifting follow after.
“The Creator is already expecting us and we are running late.” I turn my head slightly over my shoulder, “So let’s do the best we can.”
The two give affirmative beeps.
The sounds from the poster cease, and it swings open. I nod my head, snapping my fingers as I step into the room. The Staff Bots follow me in without a second thought. The room starts off as dark then warm hues of purples, yellows, and blues light up the room.
It was a large circular room, with a dome ceiling that looked like it could retract to allow one a view of the sky.  On the floor is a beautiful mosaic of the Sun and the Moon. The tiles shining with the sunlight streaming in from the large windows circling the room. Flowing curtains of purple hand above each window.
Along both sides of the room were hallways that lead to utilities and/or storage. In the center of the main room was a small pillar. On top of this stand was a crystal ball, thick golden and silver threads keeping the orb in place.
“Kinshenewa? Hello? We’re here to fix the pipe leak.”
 The Staff Bots behind me stop while I trek closer to the crystal ball. I reach out and hover my hand over the shining orb. Images float to the surface, but none of them were of the Creator I was looking for.
“Hello?” A voice calls out.
I look up, not able to stop the blood from draining my face. In front of me was the Celestial Jester known as Sun. His blue eyes spot us and the frills around his head flutter. He claps his hands together as he saunters over.
“You must be the crew Cadence hired.” Sun gives a small bow, “I am Council Member Sun. And you are?”
“Archivist Number 16 Ravenwriter. But you may call me Raven.” I return his bow with one of my own.
I straighten up and gesture to the Staff Bots, “I hope you do remember the policy regarding the help?”
Sun pouts, “Yes…I don’t know why though.”
I level him with a stern stare, “Because all you DCA variants think it’s funny to destroy the people keeping the castle running.”
Sun laughs, “Oh yes…It was very fun last get-together.”
“For YOU. I, on the other hand, had a MOUNTAIN of paperwork that took me WEEKS to finish.” I shudder, wings puffing up.
Sun perks up, finally laying eyes on my wings. I don’t like the look he was giving me or how his hands twitched. I clear my throat, “Um…KINSHENEWA?!”
A clattering sound could be heard from the hall to the left. “Coming! Coming!”
I heave a sigh of relief. Stepping into the main room was a six-foot tall woman. She drags one hand through her wavy brown hair. When she turns, I can see that some of her hair was shaved on the left side, leaving the strands to be too short compared to the other side, but long enough to be tucked behind her ear.
She was wearing a pair of black, jean shorts and a black t-shirt. The clothing fitting and showcasing her built body. Her black shoes leaving small wet puddles as she steps into the room.
Her hazel eyes find mine. She breathes out a relived sigh, “Raven?”
“That’s me. So sorry to bother you, but we’re here for the pipe burst you reported. Could you please point to the bathroom?” I tilt my head with a smile.
“Yeah. I just came from there.” She jabs a finger behind her shoulder, “Right down there.”
I snap my fingers and the Staff Bots zoom away, beeping as they speed down the hall. I pull out my pocket watch and check the time, “Should be done in no time, Miss Cadence.”
“Thank you! I cannot take another day of Eclipse complaining about what the water does to his electricity…” She shakes her head the looks to Sun, “When will he be back again?”
Sun tilts his head, holding his chin, “Should be around dinner time. Something about a big bounty he couldn’t pass up.” He waves his hand dismissively.
Cadence looks back at me, “Do you want to sit down while you wait?”
I smile, “Yes please!”
I follow her to the couches in the middle of the room. The pillows being stars, moons, and suns. Even some plushies of the Daycare Attendant were there. I take my seat on one of the couches, sitting between a Moon plushie and a sun-themed pillow.
Sun and Cadence take the couch opposite of me. Sun pulling Cadence into his lap and nuzzling the top of her head. Cadence looks me up and down.
“I’m sorry, but have we ever met before?”
I shake my head, “Not that I’m aware of. But in your defensive, I have been held up in the office and…peeling alien potatoes…”
Sun wrinkles his nose, “Is THAT what that smell is?”
I grimace, “Yes…”
The door to the room opening, draws all our attention. Moon steps in, carrying a few books in his arms as he closes the door behind him with a sigh. When he turns around, he stills upon seeing me.
He looks to Sun for answers. Sun smiles, “She’s here for the busted pipe.”
“Oh.” Moon nods his head, walking closer, “You mean the one you broke because you were trying to fix it yourself?”
“HEY! I wasn't the one who thought flushing an ENTIRE roll of toilet paper was a good idea for an experiment!"
“By the way,” Cadence ignores them both as they argue back and forth. The jester’s voices loud but I could still make out her voice. “Will this cost anything?”
“Nothing at all!” I reassure. “But I will need you to review and sign some documents. Nothing big, just stating that if our services were unsatisfactory then we’ll send another maintenance crew by to fix our mistakes.”
“Sounds great! Ompf! SUN!” She swats at Sun’s hands, which were squishing her face into his chest. Moon was now on the couch, pulling one of her arms closer to him.
She was literally in caught in a tug-a-war.
I raise a brow, “Is this normal?”
“Sadly, yes…” her sigh was defeated, showing her resign to her fate. Cadence looks over at her shoulder, eyeing the hall were the sounds of drills whirling and metal clinking echo from. Moon succeeds in stealing her away from his brother, smirking victoriously.
Sun pouts, standing, “Fine! I’ll prepare some mash-potatoes then!”
He huffs as he turns on his heels and heads to the other hall way.
I smile, “That reminds me, we received another shipment of Sundrops and Moondrops. When would you like us to deliver it to your room?”
“Anytime is okay with me. Was there any difficulty with the shipment?” She reaches up and scratches the spot under Moon’s chin.
“We encountered a Troll trying to sneak in past the gates, but he’s been neutralized and some of our Y/n Placeholders are dealing with him as we speak. There is no need to worry.”
“A Troll huh? How many does that make today?” she tilts her head.
“Twenty-Three…” I sigh, leaning back against the couch. “They’re relentless…”
Cadence snarls, baring her teeth while clenching her fists tightly. Moon growls as well, feeling his creator’s anger. I can feel her Auora pulsate from her, feeling like a ton of bricks were weighing down on my chest. A bright purple light surrounds her and takes over her eyes.
Trolls were no laugh matter. They can sneak into the castle at any time and cause unnecessary chaos. They wreck anything they can get their hands on. Painting their sludge over Creator’s paintings and drawings. Adding hate notes when they find written scrolls. They trash rooms or steal supplies.
They were pests.
“By the way.” I stand up and dig a small pouch of ruby hearts out of my pocket. I hand it to Moon, who takes it and gives it to Cadence. “This is on behalf of the Council of the Aligned Society of Creative Minds. They thank you for letting them hire Eclipse to hunt down some wanted Frauds.”
She calms down, the lights fading and her eyes returning to her normal color. I even feel the weight on my chest rise.
“No problem.” She smiles, taking the bag, “Please feel free to call on him anytime.”
“Will do!” I smile.
The Staff Bots roll out, beeping affirmatively before wheeling to the door and exiting. I nod my head, looking back at Cadence, who was now on her feet.
She walks me to the door, “Thank you again for your help.”
“Anytime! Oh!” I stop for a second, “I also wanted to tell you that the castle is hosting a gala in a few days. Would it be okay if you could help me gather some things for the theme?”
She crosses her arms, “That depends? What’s the theme.”
I laugh, “Celestial Dreams~. Or so I’m told…”
“Sound’s fun, I’m in!” She smiles, patting my back.
I wince at her strength, wings shooting up. She opens the door, and I step out.
“Have a great rest of your week!” I bow in farewell.
“You too!” She waves.
“Sweetling?! I have the mash potatoes!” Sun calls out
She perks up and takes off running, the door slowly closing behind her. I wait to make sure the door is securely closed. I smile at the echoing of the lock clicking in place.
I turn and walk down the hall. I pull out a Sundrop that I had swiped from the bowl near the door. I unwrap it and pop the orange treat in my mouth.
I smile, humming to myself. “Yum!”
That's Episode four! Thank you again @kinshenewa for letting me use you and your AMAZING Celestial Jesters AU. If you guys haven't read it, go check it out!
Sorry if this fic was hard to follow! But I had a lot of fun writing it and talking with @kinshenewa regarding her room and her AU!
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed yourself! Have an Amazing Day or Night!
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prue84 · 1 year
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(Part of the Crews AUs series)  |  ISS Enterprise crew, TOS Mirror
The ISS Enterprise senior crew and additional officers by 2267.
“Where no one has conquered before”
Ship’s Name: I.S.S. Enterprise Ship’s Registry: NCC-1701 Command History: Captain Robert April (2245-2250) Captain Christopher Pike (2250-2265) Captain James T. Kirk (2265-PRESENT) Ship’s Class: Constitution Class Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser Ship’s Overview: The flagship and pride of the Imperial Starfleet, its mission to conquer and submit new civilizations for the dominance of the Terran Empire. Ship’s Service History, abridged: _ << unavailable data >> Status: Active (2267) Timeline Name: Mirror Universe Timeline Details: Terran Empire, repressive government, in place of United Federation of Planets. Same people as prime universe, good characteristics swapped for morally bad one (and vice versa). Annotations: This parallel universe coexists with the prime universe in the same space, but on another dimensional plane. Superiors who fail to follow the rules of the Empire can be killed by other officers looking for promotions. Torture is a common form of interrogation, discipline and punishment. Encounter date: --- Encounter location: --- Encounter cause: --- Crew complement: 418 (430) Crew manifest: _ Commanding officer: Captain James T. Kirk First officer and Chief science officer: Commander Spock Chief engineer: Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott Chief medical officer: Lieutenant Commander Leonard McCoy Chief communications officer: Lieutenant Nyota Uhura Science officer: Lieutenant Marlena Moreau Senior helmsman and Chief of security: Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu Chief Navigator: Ensign Pavel Chekov Captain's personal guard: Crewman Farrell Transporter chief: Lieutenant Winston Kyle Security guard: Crewman Wilson Security officer: Ensign Davis
All the characters shown have appeared in the episode (duh!) but positions, on top of the names of two, aren't strictly canon.
There is no official motto for the ISS Enterprise. I decided to modify the classic intro into one that would fit for the Empire.
The tv show uses the old Stardate method. No specific stardate is offered, besides the year.
In some renderings, the Terran Empire emblem is added on the hull. On the I.S.S Enterprise, as we see it in both the original and the CGI-remade episode, the emblem is missing. I decided to stick with the canon.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) Not satisfied. Everything looks better with the AOS colors (gray background). Also, working with characters taken from screencaps is a big no-no in my house.
Credits Don't own anything on this. Some text about the Mirror Verse lifted from Memory Alpha's pages about the Mirror Verse and the Terran Empire.
Crossposted Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/97704.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/89166.html" Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/Star-trek-edits-TOS-Mirror-crew-959268252
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chillychive · 8 months
Suppose it's time to mention this AU to finally give me the motivation to start posting it... or at least bits of it.
Star Trek Life Series AU (season 1)
Some general information:
This will (hopefully) be a fic posted on AO3. To make it feel more Star-Treky, it'll be broken up into seasons and episodes. It'll have Trek like nonsense with better planning and character consistency. It'll feature Life Series, Empires, Hermitcraft, Evo and possibly other MCYT characters. NOT RPF. Some of the species mentioned will be real Star Trek species, others will be made up by yours truly to fit the design of the character. It'll be an ensemble style story, like TNG. Knowledge of Star Trek is NOT required in the slightest, but it might enhance your reading- it will have hidden references/have some episodes based on real Trek episodes.
I've been working on this for genuinely a year, and I'm overhauling the original idea as well. At the minute it's 13k words and a whole lot more planning.
PLEASE send asks if you're curious. I have SO MUCH MORE but I didn't want this post to be too long.
With that out of the way, let's get on to the main characters:
Species: Human and Risian Department: Tactical Rank: Lieutenant Design Notes: Pearl's Risian tattoo is fading. Otherwise her design is fairly similar to your average human Pearl. Significant Relationships: Grian, adopted brother (same age), Gem, roommate turned best friend turned partner in later seasons Other: Most of the story will follow Pearl. She grew up at Starfleet academy with Grian, her parents taught there, and her dad still does. Her mom is dead... or is she?
Species: Human... that is until Evo... Department: Tactical, Bridge Crew (until Evo) Rank: Lieutenant Commander (maybe) Design Notes: Fairly standard Grian, is a human (until Evo) Significant Relationships: Pearl, adopted sister (same age) BigB, academy friend Impulse, friend, Joel, roommate Other: Grian is a prankster. He was promoted to bridge crew literally only hours before the ship left starbase for the first time. He grew up on Earth at Starfleet Academy, with his parents, both of whom taught at the Academy. *his parents are not the same as Pearl's- they grew up together at the academy since their parents were friends, and they basically grew up like siblings- they often forget they're not actually related, by blood or legally* He's an accomplished pilot, but actually has tactical station on the bridge. A few months in, he is assigned to lead a mission to a new planet... and a few months later when the ship returns for rendezvous, he's not among the landing party. He's presumed dead and will not return to the story until the finale. The shuttle they take to the planet is called the "evolution"
Species: 1/2 Bajoran, 1/8 arkarian, 1/8 ktarian, 1/4 an unnamed species Department: Botany, with a LOT of Tactical training too Rank: Lieutenant/Ensign Design Notes: Gem has a very complicated design. She has the bajoran nose ridges, paired with a barely noticeable version of the ktarian spikes plus faint arkarian ridges on her head. She has small antlers-like structures on her head, that have little fungi things on the end that occasionally move around in response to signals from certain mushrooms. Her pupils are massive and look out of proportion with her eyes, and in bright light she can barely see. The reason for this is because the unnamed species' DNA isnt very compatible with the other species- they have vestigial eyes, which makes Gem's eyes very weak and very sensitive to light. To compensate, she wears a shaded visor and takes breaks often. She also has very light bones (thanks to her unnamed species DNA), which leaves her susceptible to breaking bones easily. Let me know if you want more information on that species. Significant Relationships: Fwhip, twin brother Pearl, best friend/roomate/partner later on Other: Her combat skills are top tier because originally she was told she couldn’t do security training because of the fragility of her bones + her eyes, so she basically went “okay bet” and then learned how to avoid getting hit perfectly. She’s fantastic at dodging and was soo good that security training couldn’t say no to her. She made it through the academy with top notch security training, and then decided to instead go into botany, designing better ways to grow plenty of different plants. She also often gets pulled into security forces when needed as her botany isn’t a 24/7 job. This is especially true whenever they go anywhere with a low light level as that doesn’t affect her as much as it does many of the others, since she’s used to dim light.
this isn't a complete list, so lmk if theres anyone else you're curious about and I'll explain!
thank you for reading if you made it this far... this got longer than intended, and i only got through the 3 main characters...
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kay-elle-cee · 7 months
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A restless waves rise and fall microfic (series). 🏴‍☠️ Pirate Jily AU. @jilymicrofics February Prompt 28: Daring || 996 Words
It's been ages since they'd been ashore, and James is itching to get his feet on solid ground. The past few months had been upending in the best way, ever since he and Lily found out she was with child, but James longed for the solid ground beneath his feet and a respite from the ship and all the duties warring for his attention.
They drop anchor in a harbor near the shore and the landing party—Fabian, Peter, Frank, Henry, Benjy—gather around the railing and work the dinghy into the water. James counts the coin in his pouch a fifth time as they wait for Sirius to join them, wanting to make certain this trek wouldn't be for nothing.
In her latest correspondence, Euphemia had impressed upon him the importance of a variety of fruit in Lily's diet as her pregnancy continues. On a ship such as The Minnie, fruit was always front-of-mind in an effort to keep scurvy at bay, but the rations per crew member were small—certainly not enough for a woman with child. He'd done some asking around at their last port and learned of a woman in a nearby French colony who dealt in the fruit trade.
"Are we ready?"
James' head whips up at the sound of his wife's voice and she's standing before him, a smug, defiant look on her face as she sheathes a sword at her hip. Lovely as ever, her buttoned overcoat hanging open around the small bump of her belly, the wind picks up some tendrils of her hair and brushes them across her face as she stares at him, eyebrow quirked as if daring him to say something.
He takes the bait, regardless.
"What are you doing?" he asks in a hushed tone, aware of the wary eyes watching them. The bickering (for lack of a better term) between Captain and First Mate had gotten quite frequent over the last month aboard the ship, with Lily's insistence to continue doing her duties and normal and James' arguments to the contrary. "We agreed you'd stay and man the ship."
"Remus said walking would be good for me." Her smile is sweet but her eyes are a deadly, glittering green.
James' gaze flickers up to where Remus watches them from across the deck, shrugging apologetically. For a brief moment James questions whether it's actually the medic's orders or if his wife had somehow...suggested that he prescribe her such a treatment, but before he's able to really ponder it too much, his eyes catch on the missing member of their landing party next to Remus.
Clutched in Sirius' hands are the ship's maps and a compass, a distinct lack of a weapon on his person.
"Winds have picked up," he says by way of an explanation. "Anchoring here gives me an opportunity to make sure our next course is accurate. Besides"—here, his brows raise—"Evans wasn't taking no for an answer."
A resigned sigh passes through James' lips as his eyes travel back to Lily. Though her body continues to undergo the changes of pregnancy, she refuses to sit out of duties or missions. He had agreed with that course of action at first, but lately Lily was experiencing more pain and he could see her fighting through it as she stubbornly pressed on with her tasks. He really thought her sitting out this little quest was an unspoken signal that they were on the same page, but it appeared that was a discussion that they'd undoubtedly need to have soon.
Still, Lily's face glows with the spoils of her triumph, and James can't help feeling—in this moment—happy that she's gotten her way. His lips turn up slightly at the corners as his gaze sweeps from her to the rest of the landing party.
"Alright, let's load up. This should be relatively straightforward."
A chorus of 'aye's rings out and as Lily turns to make her way to the dinghy, James gently grabs her arm, lowering his voice to where only she can hear.
"The second you start feeling any sort of pain or fatigue, you rest. Understand?"
"That's an order, Lily. From your captain."
Lily's eyes narrow, but the way she chews on her cheek as a delicate flush crawls up her neck satisfies James enough that he releases her arm.
"Aye, Captain," she relents, holding his gaze a moment longer before walking over to the railing and kicking a leg over. James watches nervously, already dreading that night's inevitable argument but feeling firm in his belief all the same.
They'd make sure she had everything she needed for their child, but she has to start recognizing her limitations. He'd never ask her to bow out from her duties altogether, but it will only get harder. And for her sake—and the baby's—she needed to stop pushing herself.
A hand on his shoulder startles him from his fugue of worry.
"If it makes you feel better," Peter says, a sympathetic smile on his face as his blue eyes glint with determination, "I won't leave her side."
Some of the tension evaporates from James' body and he claps the man on the back as he moves to the railing of the ship. Peter was the best swordsman on the ship and while James would be very surprised if this meeting went sideways, he's learned enough to know the chance isn't ever zero. Someone to aid Lily should things go south, to keep her from pushing herself to her limit, greatly alleviates some of his stress.
Peter's swinging his leg over the side—the last of the landing party other than James. James expels a breath, shaking out his hands. Lily's decision (deception) to join the landing party had thrown him for a loop, but there was no going back now.
And well, maybe she'd be amenable to his requests once she was plied full of every fruit in the Caribbean.
Read on Ao3
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symphonic-scream · 1 month
Okay. New au.
Persona 5 star trek ish au
So. Yeah. I'm a mega star trek nerd. I watched Next Generation when I was 7 with my parents and I've watched most of the series since so. This was bound to happen
The gang are rogues running around in an older Starfleet ship, looking for answers that command won't give them. The ship they have, nicknamed the Blue Velvet, was declared destroyed, along with her crew. Yet, Morgana wakes up in the bridge, and goes off to gather others who want answers from Starfleet
So they're running around, following old logs from the Velvet's running days, trying to figure out what really happened by interacting with the alien communities.
Each member has their own answers they want. Futaba and Makoto's parents were mentioned as crew in the logs, but they were unaware. Starfleet told them each something different. Ann and Ryuji are looking for proof of corruption after a scandal involving their friend was buried. Yusuke? He wants to find out what his mom was searching for. Haru? Her dad is funding Command and has been caught shuttling intergalactic slaves to work in his factories
Anyways. Here are their races! Some are from the series. Some are, custom. I'm not slick
Joker - idk man he's got lil horns and big wings
Morgana - some kind of cat alien
Ryuji - human
Ann - human
Yusuke - Vulcan
Makoto - She's half human, half some kind of alien. No one knows for sure what her other half is, and she wants to find out. She's got a long, thin tail, bright red eyes, two little horns sprouting from her forehead, and her ears are like a cat's
Futaba - rescued from the Borg
Haru - half Betazoid (learned combat from Klingon officers when she was originally joining Starfleet)
Goro - android
Sumire - Romulan
Their confidants are all secretly helping them. Iwai secretly sends them shipments of goods, Starfleet info, and locations of safe zones for them to hide in. Takemi gets the medical supplies and helps out when they encounter strange illness and shit
Anyways. Yeah.
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gnomeonamelon · 2 months
July 18, 2012 > July 26, 2012
The Apennine Mountains, Bologna, Venice, The Adriatic Sea, Malta, Epirus
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ANS Below:
The further I get in this series the more au it becomes I swear...
Ash's story in this Book:
When we last left off, Ash had trekked through Tartarus with Nico and was driven mad by Maniae towards the end of her journey. She was practically a wild animal at this point, with only Piper's charmspeak keeping her from attacking her friends (and Piper and Leo, who she's never met).
When the Argo is flying over the Campanian Apennines (southeast of Rome), Arion finds Hazel. When she gets on her back, Ash sprints to the side, leaps of deck, and flies after them. They head down the mountains to the west coast, to The Sanctuary of Apollo in Pompeii. He cures her and gives them valuable and direct information regarding what could happen and what they should do (he wants to save the world and his sister too after all). Hazel must learn to manipulate The Mist, and Ash can teach her.
From there, she is getting to know the Argonaunts while teaching Hazel. She's also getting to know Nephthys, the goddess she's been hosting for the last year but only really connected and come to peace with after being trapped in the recesses her own mind by the Maniae.
After reaching the House of Hades, Ash fights alongside her comrades and friends on both sides. When the dust settles, she calls out for her grandmother, the key that unlocked new doors for her, to help her friends. Trivia comes to her aid.
Ash will join the Parthenos Party, using her previous experience and magic expertise to lead them through the Labyrinth.
Changes to Canon:
Since Apollo doesn't have a Roman name, I imagine him serving a more important role in guiding the 7. He would be the one to meet Hazel and tell her that she needs to learn magic to defeat Pasiphaë. He's also the one to heal Ash of her madness (god of medicine and all that).
Apollo's role here would also serve as an explanation for why he gets stripped of his immortality in Trials of Apollo. I'm still workshopping but he prevents a worse fate for the 7 and the crew I'm affectionately calling the Parthenos Party.
2. Hecate
Hecate has a Roman name in Trivia as well as being dramatically different, potentially being fused with Artemis and Seline into Diana I'm unclear on that front. With Ash existing, it makes the switch to Apollo pretty seamless.
3. Timeline
As for the timeline, I decided to have the battle with Khione take place while Frank, Hazel, and Nico are in Venice. This is why they aren't in the battle. It would also give Leo more time with Calypso since I'm shrinking the amount of time it takes the Argonauts to get to Epirus (instead of MoA:HoH being 5:18, its now 12:9)
4. The Fourth Wind
This change would also lead to the crew meeting the fourth wind spirit, Eurus, the east wind (but that's a different post). He is the one that sends them way off course. They officially meet all 4 winds and Aeolis in Heroes of Olympus.
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tj-dragonblade · 5 months
oooh Star Trek AU and cruise verse part 3 for the wip game! xo @hardly-an-escape
Hello hello! Yes! The Star Trek 'AU' was more idea than WIP until this-here round of WIP-ask gaming. Now it's got a bunch of drily-expository introduction to the scene, which is progress I'm delighted to have made. The first bit can be found here; this snippet follows on directly from that:
They meet yearly at the least, now, every 7th of June by Earth calendar reckoning, and Dream often drops by once or twice in between as well. It's been a wonderful change the last four centuries from the six that came before; their friendship is genuine, solid, lasting. Hob makes the journey back to earth every year that ends in 89, always returns to the cradle of London and the New Inn, still standing all these centuries later, to mark the turning of another century in their relationship. But in between the centennial tradition, Dream will meet him where he happens to roam, and the age of space travel means he can roam farther than he'd ever imagined. Currently he's been crewing cargo freighters out in the wormhole sector, where new and exciting things have been happening for the last few years. He's been to the Gamma Quadrant a couple of times, the entire other side of the galaxy! Sometimes he still can't quite believe it but it's absolutely brilliant; he loves just mucking around out here, experiencing things that his peasant brain could never have fathomed in his natural mortal lifetime. Then the last freighter he'd signed onto had started smuggling for the Maquis, and when her captain inevitably went to Federation prison for it, he'd cut loose from the rest of the crew and drifted back to Deep Space 9. He'll find his next berth soon, he's in no hurry, and in the meantime. Dream is here for their annual visit. "My dear friend," he greets, standing as Dream reaches the table. "It is good to see you." He clasps Dream's hand, settles a firm grip to his shoulder with the other, the sorts of physical greeting he never would have dared a few centuries back. But Dream has grown, their friendship has grown, and pulling him into a light one-armed embrace is now not only allowable, but reciprocated. "Hello, Hob," Dream murmurs, as they draw apart, and the warmth in his crystal blue eyes is unmistakable.
Cruise-verse Part 3 is not officially committed to wip status, but the unavoidable reality is that I keep scribbling down bits of conversations they could have if I decide I'm going to go ahead and write the third installment. Of this series, I suppose I should specify. Here's a bit of one of those conversations, which you'll see is still in the almost-entirely-dialogue stage:
"Holy shit…you're Morpheus Ateleíotes, head of the Oneiros branch of InfinityCorp??" "I would much prefer you continue to call me Dream; indeed, to think of me as your 'just Dream' from the cruise." "Alright alright, I can wrap my head around that. Just Dream it is, between you and me. Just. Gimme a minute to process." "That you have fucked a high-society recluse?" "I mean you were in the priciest suite on that ship; obviously you were loaded but I never—oh, hold on a tick, didn't I just see something in the newsfeed about a divorce being finalized?" "Yes, that is one of the things I wished to talk about with you today." "So you were still married when we hooked up at sea?" "…Yes. Technically." "Oh my god, I'm an adulterer??" The glittering of his eyes seems more amused than affronted. Dream tilts an eyebrow. "You were not married, so strictly speaking—" "I am party to adultery, gorgeous, don't argue semantics." "I apologize for not being forthcoming about my marital status on the cruise." "Mmyeah, might've been nice to know?" The warmth of his smile keeps the words light, free of any real sting of recrimination. "Would it have made any difference?" Hob looks him up and down, gaze sweeping over him, appraisal with a backing of very fond heat. "Absolutely not. Still would've fucked you senseless for the asking. And I do get why you wouldn't want to haul your messy baggage into your fun tropical fling." "Truly, you are the most beautiful and understanding party to adultery I could have hoped to find."
I've also posted a bit of later (and more fleshed out) conversation on a last-line-tag-meme previously.
(@hardly-an-escape just in case your tag in the original ask doesn't ping you)
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