#Server problems
fuck-customers · 24 days
I work in a public school district with over 30k students. I don't even know how many staff. Our IT department is like 70 people. That's not fucking enough. They announced a few months ago that they're cutting 9 people from the staff that are actually in the schools, AND today they announced that they're cutting all 8 of our part time employees. There were only 33 school-level staff to start with. We're losing over 40% of our man-hours.
For important context, we're a pretty up-scale district, at least for our region of the US. Projectors/smartboards or smart TVs with touch screens in every class, every student has an iPad or MacBook depending on grade level, etc.. This much tech and they're cutting 40+% of our hours.
Next school year will be real interesting, because the whole IT department is in agreement that we're not gonna push ourselves to keep up. Work will get done when it gets done, and if that bothers people then they can go talk to the guys in finance who decides IT isn't important.
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the-restau-rants · 7 months
A customer asked he they could have something that's not on the menu. We get this sort of request all the time, so that in and of itself wasn't that much of a red flag. When he followed it up with, "The kitchen has done this for me before", that's when the red flags started popping up. Almost any time that anyone prefaces a request with, "I get this all the time/I've had this before", it's almost always something stupid, and it's almost always a lie.
The customer proceeded to pull out his phone, and told me that he had taken a picture of it. Okay, crisis averted: If he has a picture of it, then he has, in fact, gotten it before. I look at his phone when he holds it up, and what do I see? Do I see a picture of the dish that he asked for, that he took at his table, so that we could recreate it in the future?
No, I do not.
What I see is a photo of the description of the item from another restaurant's menu.
Like, what the actual, literal fuck? Genuinely, I am speechless. I am upset that I lack the creativity necessary to make this up. He had a dish at another restaurant, and enjoyed it so much that he took a picture of the menu, and then took it to our restaurant, and asked us to make it for him.
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idisegnini · 1 year
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shriekingpotatos · 2 months
I almost had an aneurysm at work the other day when my coworkers randomly started singing ✨the jingle✨
I begged them to stop.
They were confused as to why I was so adamant they stop singing the theme song of Hell.
I refuse to let them know why. I’m okay with them thinking I’m insane. I’m not okay with them knowing how bad it tortures me.
Why must I be tormented so.
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amjcpvr · 1 year
When you have a man that’s not your man because he is actually your best friend but he acts like your man by cooking and buying you food, and calling you cute names, and having inside jokes with you, and always having your back, and cheering you up, and giving you attention when you tell him to give you attention, and gossiping with you about everything and everyone, and admitting he misses you everyday he doesn’t see you, and that he is quiet and miserable without you, and wants to get a matching tattoo with you, and asks if he can take you to dinner before holding your hand… nope, just a line cook lmao
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gramarobin · 2 years
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sulbitalu · 1 year
Got what I needed from town only to find out I bought the wrong sized fans.
This case is the worst case I have ever used. Nothing fits the way it has been designed. I had to drill out the rivets and change the design.
Got Unraid running which is a good sign since the CPU had bent pins during our trip here. Now to do some testing and hopefully having a server running again soon.
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sadshirleytemple · 1 year
if you don’t like cats, twerking, Yellowjackets and girls/gays/theys, you’re gonna have a bad time here
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ifixlinux · 2 years
SSH is a secured network protocol to access computers or servers in a local network or remote network. Whenever you need to install anything on your server or need to customize installed softwares or server configuration you need to login to SSH Terminal and apply changes from there...
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fuck-customers · 6 months
When the chip readers for credit cards first started rolling out at the place I worked, there was a glitch where if the customer took the card out before it was done, the entire register system would freeze. I always, ALWAYS, told the customers “Put your chip in and don’t take it out until you hear the machine beep, otherwise it could freeze the system and we will have to start the transaction over/wait/etc.” We also only had three check-out registers, and two customer service registers.
Gentleman comes up to purchase his electronic. Puts chip in. I explain the way I always do. He takes the card out before it’s done. System freeze. He apologizes, and I reiterate that if he takes his card out before it’s fine the system will freeze. We move to another register while the first one reboots. He puts his card in. I tell him again not to take it out till it beeps. Again, he takes it out before. Second register is now frozen and has to reboot. When we moved to the third register, I asked him to hand me the card so I could perform the transaction myself. Idk if he was being malicious with his incompetence but he got REALLY pissy when I told him not to touch his card and that I would take it out for him. He asked for a manager. When the manager came over he literally told the customer “You’ve cause two registers to be down because you didn’t listen to instructions. I’m sorry but what else did you expect?”
One of the rare moments where management took my side.
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the-restau-rants · 1 year
What Do I Know?
 As I was preparing to leave my last job for my current one, the head office decided to switch over our POS to a new system. And after months of dillydallying, they picked a date for the upgrade, and decided that the perfect time to upgrade to the new system was half an hour before service on a Monday morning. Monday lunches, they reasoned, are typically the slowest shift, so it’ll give us plenty of breathing room. And, by coincidence, it happened to also be my last shift with the company, so I had to learn a new POS for one day, and then never use it again. Ah, well, what can you do, right?
So, after they got everything installed, I decided to play around with the system for a bit, to see what I could make it do; and, more importantly, to see what it couldn’t do. Things that guests would ask for, things that people would need, options that it needed to have in order to make everything run smoothly. And after about ten minutes, I had a punch list some thirty items long, of things that were necessary for the computers to be able to do, that they currently couldn’t. And I brought this list to the POS tech that the company had sent out, and I told him, Hey, here’s a list of issues that I’ve found after a little playing around with the system; can we maybe get some of these fixed before service starts?
And he looked at me and just sort of scoffed, and said he was busy with more important things.
And inwardly, I was like, Yeah, what do I know, anyway? It’s not like I’ve been with this company for eight years, it’s not like I opened every store in this corporation, it’s not like I’ve spent the last five years as the lead corporate service trainer and literally wrote the company’s service training program, and the last three as this company’s in-house POS tech; I clearly have no idea about what a computer system at a restaurant needs to be able to do.
But outwardly, I was like, You know what? In three hours, this is officially no longer my problem, so whatever. So I kept the list to myself, service began... And we had the busiest Monday lunch we had had in about six years. And every single issue that I had found with the computers absolutely came up, and the tech had to try to fix things on the fly, often causing new problems that cropped up later.
And I just kept to myself, because hey, what do I know, right?
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shriekingpotatos · 7 months
This is going to be the first thanksgiving I’ve ever worked (as a server) and I have a feeling it’s going to be… interesting.
I’m preparing for all of the “awe you have to work today instead of spending it with your family :((( “
as if the entire reason I’m here isn’t because of them and if they didn’t come in, we’d have no reason to be open but GO OFF lol
Hopefully everyone is nice and it’ll be fine.
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protons0010 · 2 years
There was a time when science and technology were not so complex. We used to spend a lot of time entertaining to watch a few channels on our home television. Contact was made by letter, stamps were purchased from the post office, wrapped in a paper envelope, stamped and dropped in the mailbox for destination. Then the telephone set is actually a wired voice communication system. From the office to the court, people would take a telephone connection at home. Then the real mobile phone, but with it only voice calls could be made.
That was not long ago, 15 years ago. The technology was very simple. But since 2005, high bandwidth (bandwidth key), affordable internet, computers, later smartphones and other technologies have changed the world. But one thing must be admitted, that is that the Internet is at the root of all our so-called modern technology. Everything is now online due to the vastness and convenience of the internet. We all rely on online now. Starting from television channels, hospitals, offices, courts, all institutions now rely on the internet as well as online. In private life we ​​are no less dependent on online.
However, today's article is not about how we depend on the Internet, but about why the Internet is so powerful and so powerful. Friends, we know the use of internet step by step, once we had to watch TV with only line connection at home, we had to install antennas, but now we can do live streaming of television directly using various apps and websites on the internet.
Electronic transfer is currently the main means of exchanging money in the bank, we can withdraw money from anywhere through debit credit card. For this electronic transfer and transaction, internet or internet server is required. For university admission but we don’t have to travel from one district to another; We can fill up the form on the website at home with the help of internet. In fact, how are these on the Internet? But the question remains. We have already learned in detail in this article about a network that is a connection to the Internet, but how is it possible to do all the necessary work in this great network? Yes friends, today we will know in detail about the engine of the Internet, the thing that is playing a major role in this massive functioning of the Internet, in detail.
Data center and its use
The service that we do not use on the Internet is usually operated from a central location, and this central location is called data center. Suppose you watch a video online on YouTube, then press the play button - then the command goes from our local ISP to the International ISP (ISP key) to Google's data center, from there the request is processed and the digital data of the video goes back to our device in the same way. Come on in, take a look at the video - it happens in milliseconds.
In fact, it is the technology that makes this data exchange between data centers and devices happen in a matter of milliseconds. A network that has made it possible is called the Internet. Today I will talk only about this data center. And this data center is the engine of the internet, this data center is the lifeblood and the main driver of the internet. There is no data center, no internet.
We use various services of Google, YouTube, Gmail, Google search, Google data center is working for these. Again, I am using various services of Microsoft, so the data center of Microsoft is working. The university's admission form is being filled and submitted on their website, here too he is working in the university's data center. All the banks in Bangladesh have their own big and small data centers for electronic transfers and transactions. All the important websites of the government of Bangladesh are run on the other side of the government's own data center.
Data center work
A data center is an infrastructure. This infrastructure consists of a combination of powerful computers and servers. Many servers here receive data from the network, process it, control it and send it back to the subscriber level, in the meanwhile the work of sending and receiving data is done by the Internet. Data centers do the same thing day and night. The image of a data center is usually like this - in a large room or building, since there are many servers, they are arranged on top of a large refrigerator-shaped rack. Here each server is connected to the same network. The servers are done with very high specifications. In these data centers, each server handles all the work in an integrated manner, collects data from the customer level, processes it and delivers it to the customer level as an understandable data, all the responsibility is on the data center.
I can say the unit of these data centers is the server. Just as a single cell in an organism is a single server in a data center. Each of these data center servers works based on specialized software installed by their company. It can be seen that sometimes about 40-50 servers of three or four racks are working together based on the same software or algorithm. Speaking of Google, you search or search on Google for various reasons, it is seen that about 1000 servers are working together to provide process and results to various searches of Google users. Gmail's mail management controller is working with 1500 servers simultaneously. When you are visiting a website, all the small tools or big tools inside that website, the design of that website, the bandwidth cost for the website that the visitor is visiting are all controlled from the data center. Programming these data center servers in a very complex algorithm, these algorithms have now gone to another level. As a result of the use of augmented reality in these algorithms, data center servers are artificially providing new experiences to various online service users. However, just keep in mind that the servers run on algorithms. For example, for Google search, Google uses special Google search algorithm which no one else knows.
The technology used in modern data centers is cloud computing systems (what is cloud computing). Here no data is stored on any single machine or server. Here the data is stored somewhere in the data center. And so even if a server is lost in the data center here, users do not have to suffer. However, if the data was only stored in the storage drive of a physical server, then surely there would be a fear of losing data if the server crashed.
Now it depends on the different companies what they will actually do with their data center. There are companies that want to sell their web data, web hosting, virtual servers and VPS with their data center and they arrange their data center and the server's algorithm or software operating system accordingly. For example you need space on Weinserver to create a website and for that you will take webhosting or VPS (Virtual Web Server), for this you have chosen Bluehost company. Bluehost will then give you the space you need from their data center, for which they will charge you. For your information, the data centers of the companies that work for web hosting and web services are much bigger. There are big companies like Bluehost, Hostgator, BigRock, Reseller Club under Endurance International Limited. These large web hosting, web service organizations operate on the basis of multiple data centers owned by Endurance Limited. So if you have a website, you are also using the data center directly with money.
Data center maintenance
All the computers in a data center are reconnected to a main computer. From here the staff or server engineers see if all the servers are running properly. The servers in each data center are connected in such a way that if one of the servers has a problem here, the rest will not. When something like this is caught on the main computer, an engineer goes to the server, puts a display and the necessary equipment with the server, identifies what the problem is with the server, identifies it, and throws it away later. And these engineers are called internet doctors.
Data centers like Google, Facebook where a lot of important user information is stored. In this case, data center engineers have to be very protective. A separate server is usually kept in the data center for backing up these data. If for some reason even the slightest problem is observed in the hard drive or SSD drive of a running server, then the data of that hard drive is restored to another good hard drive and a new hard drive is set up. In companies like Google, old or damaged storage drives are discarded so that no one can steal even the slightest bit of a user's data. The same goes for Facebook's data center.
These data centers have to be kept open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And it consumes a lot of electricity. Google's data center in the United States uses its own powerstation, from which uninterrupted power is always provided, as well as backup power. According to a survey, Google has 13 large data centers around the world, with a total of 200 tons of carbon dioxide emitted from power stations or plants per day. Power's thoughts are gone, now let's keep it cool. So many high-capacity servers must be hot! They cannot be left behind. So all the big data centers have a huge system for cooling Some data centers are air-conditioned, while large data centers like Google have water-cooling systems like spider webs, and so on. These cooling systems also cost a lot of power. And as an alternative, Microsoft has experimentally set up small underwater data centers, which are still being piloted. Cooling costs are reduced due to being under seawater, they have a desire to bring it to a wider range in the future.
A data center is a unique Internet station. The stations from which data is served to us. Here each piece of data is given different forms, the data is processed, controlled, transported to different places through a network. Hope you got a good idea of ​​what a data center thing is. You must have understood that data center is the lifeblood of internet. So don't forget to leave a comment below. If you like it, you must share.
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mors-et-virginem · 2 years
Highlights from a 16 hour shift
-tables being mad at me because we were out of food they wanted
-drunk unstable guy accusing me of being a witch because I spilled ice cubes, started slamming his fists on the bar and trying to get in my face, had to call police, they show up 2 hours later and it’s not even a cop who knew about the incident he just wanted a to go order
-being forced to go outside and listen to an unhinged ramble from the woman who came in with the unstable drunk guy about her sex life before she ran off into the night
-my tables were like I’m so sorry, but didn’t tip me. When the dude was being crazy nobody spoke up for me, nobody did anything while a man twice my size tried to square up with me, not even my coworker, and it took someone from back of house to get him to leave.
-the person who was supposed to relieve me didn’t show up. Found out from back of house they refused to work the shift but just didn’t say anything. My ex/room mate showed up thinking I was getting out at my usual hour to give me a ride. Complained about waiting around for me before he left and told me I was “being rude to him” because he showed up shortly after the incident and I was filled with adrenaline and anxiety; but was still responsible for closing out tickets and helping my staff go home. Even though my manager didn’t want me to work this shift because it would put me into overtime, Nobody would come in so I worked a 16 hour double.
-Tables post crazy dude were less awful by a slight degree. But I was still snapped at because of back of house issues. I was so stressed at this point I started crying and told them I would pay for their meal.
My last to go order were a drunk couple, and the woman just…didn’t like me. Talked to me like I was stupid, slurring at me and snapping her fingers. Was angry that the menu didn’t “read the way it should” (what does that mean???) When I got their order packed, after verifying with the chef that it was correct with my own two eyes she made me unpack it and show her. At least the guy with her seemed to realize she was being a bitch for literally no reason and tipped me nicely.
I’ve never done this before but if anyone wants to buy me a cup of post traumatizing shift coffee I would be so grateful.
Cashapp $hotchipsplz
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sunbentshadows · 3 months
Hey all, you know how internet searches suck now? When the results are awful, full-of-AI, death-of-the-internet levels of bad?
Start appending date constraints to your searches - "before:2023".
My results have gone from 90% AI bullshit to ~60% usable - which frankly at this point is a huge improvement.
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