#Sesshomaru your daddy issues are showing
avionvadion · 10 months
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This shot, though.
This shot is so good. At this exact moment, he’s staring at his reflection on the tokijin and says, “Useless”. They didn’t have to time it that way or have him staring at his reflection on his beaten down very worn sword as he said it, but they freaking did.
*goes feral* *gnaws through metal* *claws at the screen*
I freaking love this moment.
Are they using tokijin as a representation of his mental state? It feels like they’re using tokijin as a representation of his mental state. Which makes him using tenseiga to protect himself and his brother after even better, because tenseiga is a sword of healing.
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changeling-fae · 9 months
G, L, Y, U for the asks!
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Lol, boy, and how! I live and breathe otp’s. My very first otp was probably Seto Kaiba x Serenity Wheeler, from YuGiOh. They were the first fanfic I ever read on fanfiction.net, lol. First otp ship I ever contributed to fandom for was Sesshomaru x Kagome from Inuyasha, where I wrote my very first fics and did fanart.
Though if we want to get really cheeky, I could argue that my very first ship was the knife and the spoon, from cutlery and making them kiss as a tiny kiddo, lol.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Hmmm, this is weirdly tough for me, not the complimenting part, but because I have a weird metric of how I view characters. Hm, let’s go with… Mizora. I’m overall neutral on her but I appreciate her petty bitch energy. If I were a cambion, I’d like to be as ambitious as Raphael but in reality I’d be like Mizora and I do appreciate a good petty play. It’s the Gemini in me, lol.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
I have many favorites but I’ll go with Harley Quinn from Batman, Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls, and since brainrot be real, Raphael from BG3.
Harley Quinn has been a favorite character of mine since I was a kid watching Batman the Animated Series. I’ve always been a fan of theatrical aesthetics (circus, theatre, commedia dell’arte, etc) and she’s just such a fun character. I’ve really liked over the years how she’s waffled between villain and anti-hero and how she’s not a perfect victim. Also Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy is a top tier ship.
Grunkle Stan because one of my biggest weaknesses in fiction is a sad morally grey older man but who is also protective of his family. He’s fucked up in his life so many times but he keeps trying. I’m a sucker for that. But also he’s just a great character. He’s made me laugh and cry and honestly that’s just a good criteria for any character. I’ve 100% played the fanmade Grunkle dating simulator and no regrets or shame.
And speaking of morally grey, or in this case, completely terrible older men. Raphael, my beloved. I played BG3 in its EA days and the very first time he appeared I was smitten. His voice obviously but also he had my favorite introduction into the game (and still does). The fact that his devil transformation involved a snazzy belt and different shoes is what really sold him to me. He’s so stupidly extra and it calls to my theatre kid nature, lol. I do miss the EA days of him roasting our camp 5 sec after inviting himself.
All that being said, I just enjoy his character within the game too. I like that he’s obviously a villain but he’s chill with us. In part because he wants something from us but I like that it kinda transforms for him into a double obsession. Obviously, crown comes first but there’s something just so delightfully fun about him writing about our character in his journal (entry number 2 is the stuff ships are made of). That he’s a cringefail theatre kid with daddy issues while being thousands of years old is partly what makes him endearing. I loved finding his fanfiction in his house and I love how stupidly bad his hell domination plan is (you’re doing amazing sweetie).
And one other bonus to liking his character is I got to make new friends and moots in particular in his corner of the fandom. 💖
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Hm, I’d say currently, Helluva Boss, I’ve got a couple friends into that show. It’s certainly on my list of things to eventually sit down and watch but for now I see it through what my friends show me. Looks good though!
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mythicamagic · 3 years
I love your kazama x kagome fic so much! ^^ from your pov, what do you think makes kazama so different from sesshomaru?
I haven't seen the Hakuouki anime so this is just my opinion on Kazama from the games but the short answer is - Kazama is like Sesshoumaru but with heaps more pride and a bratty/entitled/arrogant attitude.
I’ll break this down into three parts: As a lover, as a fighter, as a character. (Get ready for an essay XD)
As a lover:
His character in a romantic sense is more like… an in between of Sesshoumaru and Kouga. We don't know what Sesshoumaru is like in Canon in a romantic sense, but Kazama is verbally possessive by insisting on the whole 'my wife' thing but through his actions, we see that he supports MC in his route by 'doing whatever she wants.' He travels with her for two years, following leads about the Shinsengumi just so she might meet them again. From this we can infer that his love language is Acts of Service. He asks her what she wants to do next at each stage and then arranges transport, clothing and essentials like food and lodgings. He's quite attentive as a potential lover, (as seen in side stories from other games that are fan translated) arranging dates, gifting MC clothing and encouraging her to 'show every side of herself' to him. He wants her to be honest and open even if she's sad or grieving over the Shinsengumi. You'd expect a character like Kazama to be incredibly jealous but aside from a few moments, he's respectful of her autonomy if MC shows she has pride and conviction to see her goal through to the end.
With MC he's also very sure of himself in terms of relying on his wealth and power to attract her. He's teasing, and at times physical with MC (he grabs her chin a lot), though seems very incompetent with expressing affection honestly, a lot like a tsundere. He acts a little strangely by not being honest with MC about buying a gift ‘specifically for her’ and just so happened to have gotten it (and then slips up later) or lies about staying up all night to watch the fire (this is strange because Kazama never lies as part of the Demon Code.) Likewise, if he gifts her clothing he’ll make a remark like - ‘you will wear it, in exchange for the date I’m taking you on.’ In this way, he has a punchable but kissable personality as a love interest.
As a fighter:
Kazama is more barbaric/merciless to foes. Sesshoumaru uses more showy moves with flips, twirls and somersaults because he can fly and likes to prove his superiority over Inuyasha by flaunting how hard it is to land a hit on him. Don't get me wrong, Sesshoumaru can also be aggressive with punches and such or thrusting his hand through Inuyasha's back but they tend to serve a purpose- he thrusts his fingers into Inuyasha eye in order to get the black pearl, or he'll stab Inuyasha to keep hold of Tetsusaiga. Kazama however is downright cruel by inflicting pain on fallen opponents if they don't admit defeat- digging his fingers into bullet wounds, shoving their face into the ground repeatedly until they bleed or slicing at them with his sword over and over again. It's precise and designed to hurt for no larger reason than to make them feel pain. It says in his wiki that if he needs to do something he considers 'unpleasant' then he'll extract the most entertainment out of it possible. Therefore he seems to want to humiliate the stronger of his opponents in defeat and by extension assert his superiority that way.
As a character:
Kazama generally radiates a ton of smugness. He's more expressive than Sesshoumaru with both his facial expressions and mannerisms. Going into their backgrounds - Sesshoumaru suffers from daddy issues and sibling jealousy/rivalry. Kazama suffers from generational trauma. Both of these are left unsaid but can be inferred from how they talk about certain things. Kazama loathes humans arguably more than Sesshoumaru does because Kazama is at a point later on in history than Sesshoumaru is, and has therefore seen the genocide of demons. Humans (the shogunate) wiped a lot of them out or betrayed the clans, and then later on developed a drug from demon blood that could turn soldiers into furies or 'fake demons.' Sesshoumaru hates humans because they’re weak and his dad banged one. We don't know if his dad cheated on his mom or if she allowed him to have a mistress or anything about Sesshoumaru's home life.
We don't know for sure what Sesshoumaru's likes and dislikes are because they're not stated aloud but we can assume he likes combat, swords, fine clothing, walking and cloud watching (and later on cares for the children he protects.) He dislikes Inuyasha, Naraku, half demons and humans. Kazama likes/appreciates architecture, visiting shrines and temples, saké and his wife. From how he speaks, he also seems to know a lot about history and folk tales. He's defo more of a talker than Sesshoumaru as in one short story he talks about 'a foxes wedding procession' that happens when it rains on clear nights, a folklore tale. He dislikes humans and furies/fakes.
Sesshoumaru's home is never mentioned in Canon though from what we see of his mother's castle we can assume he ‘might’ have one of his own. Kazama’s whole village isn't shown from what I’ve seen but he lives close to the ocean. At the very end of one of the other games’ routes, he severs ties with the Satsuma who protected his clan during the demon genocides, and then says he will be moving his clan yet again, vowing to protect everyone.
I think we tend to forget how much of Sesshoumaru is ‘fan Sesshoumaru.’ There isn't actually a lot known about him in Canon. Kazama is kinda like 'fan Sesshoumaru' because he's stated to be the 'Lord of the West' in the actual text (though they mean the Lord of the western oni clans). We get more demon politics from him and see that he listens in most routes to Amagiri's advice, showing he's not fully rigid in his thinking and will listen to his fellow demons. Even at his very worst in Saito’s route- when Amagiri betrays him, Kazama doesn't kill him. There's more of a sense that he belongs to his people because he has such pride in his village/heritage and wants to assure their safety at the end of his route, moving them away from the reaches of war and humans. As part of the demon code, Kazama is forbidden from killing other demons but even if he ‘could’ at his lowest, he doesn't kill Amagiri- which shows I don't think he would anyway. He has so much pride and appreciation for demons as a whole that he doesn't want to kill one of his own. Sesshoumaru kills demons without a second thought if they’re in his way. This shows a difference in values and priorities. Sesshoumaru can afford to kill at his leisure because demons are still somewhat in their prime- Kazama is at a point where every demon matters and counts, to the point that he’ll stalk MC for years because he wants to take her away from humans to live with her fellow demons.
So uh yeah...hope that answers your question anon bahaha
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greenapplebling · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
Hi! I love your question bc I love talking about my blorbos 💖
I won't rank it from 10 to 1 bc it will take forever lol, but I'm going from "least favorite" to "neutral favorite" to "absolute unchangeable favorite"
I tried to make it as spoiled-free as possible but I couldn't contain myself 😅
Least favorites
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
I didn't actually finish Inuyasha but I know the gist of it. I love his design and I find his journey as a character interesting. Sesshomaru is a villain that eventually becomes a reluctant ally, I watched Inuyasha as a teen and at that time media kept bombarding us with villains that kept getting redeemed at the end so watching Sesshomaru never actually getting redeemed was a breath of fresh air. Boy, it's so funny to see the struggle of the main characters in trusting him bc he never showed that he could be trusted and most of the times he helped it was bc it was convenient for him to do so.
Starfire (Teen Titans cartoon)
Listen. The soft girl archetype is not my thing but I?? love her sm??? For the soft girl of the group, she never becomes the go-to-damsel in distress (everyone gets to be saved one way or the other by their teammates at some point) and the show never makes her kindness into a weakness but rather into a strength which is highly appreciated. I guess my only issue is the design they went for her, I wished her hair was wavy or curly like in the comics for ex.
Alucard Tepes (Castlevania Netflix)
Pretty boy? Check. Long hair? Check. Vampire (dhampir actually)? Check. Queer? Check. Daddy issues? Check. Traumatized? Check. Craves for love but is stoic himself? Check. Alucard basically checks all the boxes to be my favorite and yet his writing and development makes him be in this section. I hope the spin off does him justice.
Neutral favorites
Peter Parker / Spiderman
Not much of a fan of the movies, but I grew up with him as my favorite superhero with cartoons like The Spectacular Spiderman (kinda sad it got cancelled), I also enjoyed him on Ultimate Spiderman (bc he acts like a total lunatic and I love it) and I love Peter B. Parker from Into the Spider verse, he becomes a reluctant father figure to Miles and it's amazing. Overall I think he's biggest charm is how relatable he is to us kids who grew up marginalized by our peers.
Mikaela Hyakuya (Seraph of the End)
I'm too biased towards him, okay? He's my little baby, literally the only reason I haven't dropped the manga yet. Is he well written? No. Do I still love him? Absolutely. Same reasons as Alucard but with a few more layers to it.
Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
Look, this is the only version I've been exposed to of the character, saying this bc I'm aware of people saying that mcu Wanda pales in comparison to comics Wanda. But I love her, ok? I would die for her. "But what if you were in-universe and she killed you?" Bro, I'll die in happiness if she was the one who killed me. I love her, I'm too much of a simp for her. The only issue I have is that she's not well written, I look at her and all I see is wasted potential, but oh well, Marvel Studios never cared about quality.
Absolute unchangeable favorites
Lapis lazuli (Steven Universe)
Steven Universe will always have a special place in my heart and Lapis lazuli has been my favorite character through the whole show. I related to her and her journey a lot. The writing uses her character to show PTSD; trauma and how the same traumatic event doesn't have the same effect on people; how the abuser/victim dynamic is not always the case on toxic relationships, sometimes the roles interchange constantly and they're both the abuser and the victim at the same time; how overcoming trauma isn't (always) lineal, most of the time is taking a step forward and two steps backwards. She had it bad but she persevered until she finally came on good terms with her situation and started to heal and I love her for it.
Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
It's been like 15 years and I still love this guy, even more so as an adult. Yu Yu Hakusho is basically THE comfort show for me, seriously I have since watched the anime in spanish, english and japanese. I'm love with his background and journey, all main guys have great development but Kurama's development is the most subtle but still powerful. The thing about him is that he struggles between trying to be what his loved ones expect him to be and accept that he can't erase who he used to be and what he has done on his previous life. He has an identity crisis (not in the way most fans make it out to be though, it's not a personality issue) about who he used to be, who he is now and who he really wants to be.
Jason Todd (DC/Batman comics)
I love him, your honor. He's a walking tragedy and I love him for that. He's representations for those who grew up on poverty and resorted to stealing to survive, for those who are suffering in the shadow and people, who have the means to help, look away from and act like if they don't look at them they don't exist. He's character is cathartic for those victims that wished they could've stand up and fight back, for those who wished for justice to protect them but failed. I have my issues with his character and how is used, but since most DC characters are ruined from time to time bc of the writing I kinda look past it lol.
Soooo, this is it!! I'm sorry it took me so long to answer, I wanted to give a mostly thoughtful answer
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boycottyashahime · 4 years
Hello! Anti-Sessrin person here. You said if this couple becomes canon it will ruin Sesshomaru's character development. I would love it If you could elaborate on that because you're always so eloquent and smart. It's ok if you don't feel like it, though. Have a nice day!
I've actually been looking for an excuse to sit down and write out a cohesive post on my thoughts about this. Contrary to what the shippers want to believe, my interpretation of Sesshoumaru and Rin's relationship doesn't have anything to do with my moral objections to child grooming. I happen to think there's plenty of evidence for a filial interpretation in the text.
First, I'd like to preface my little essay here by saying I'm going off the manga alone. I haven't seen the anime in a long time, because I dropped it when I got a little tired of trying to reconcile the inconsistencies between the two mediums. So, if you read this and have an impulse to say, "hey, what about that thing in episode such-and-such...", keep in mind that I probably just don't remember what you're thinking of.
So, let's go back, alllll the way back, to Sesshoumaru's first appearance. Here's a guy who tears off a dude's head for no other reason than to get the attention of his subordinates to demand a boat. Here's a guy who's spent a long time looking just about EVERYWHERE for his father's remains, not to pay respects, but to plunder them. Here's a guy who feels ENTITLED to rob his dad's grave for treasure he deserves simply for being his father's son.
Sesshoumaru begins his journey as a selfish, spoiled, entitled brat. He doesn't fit the usual profile of a kid throwing a tantrum on the street because he wants the expensive toy sitting in the window; he's very posh and very reserved, but fundamentally, his motivation comes down to the simple fact that he wants Tessaiga. It doesn't even really have anything to do with respect and admiration of his father, otherwise he wouldn't have been so eager to rifle through dear old dad's bones to get at a sword when he had another heirloom right there at his hip. Only Tessaiga was representative of the sheer destructive force he wanted to wield, so he ignored the fact that his dad didn't seem to want him to have it.
This is important, because at first, Sesshoumaru doesn't seem to think of his father in terms of the guy's intentions or the steps he takes for the sake of his sons. Like most rich spoiled kids, Sesshoumaru views the Inu no Taishou in terms of his prestige and how that priviledge can be appropriated for selfish ends. Sesshoumaru wants Tessaiga not because he needs it, but because it's a birthright, and reinforces his legitimacy. When it's clear that Tessaiga seals Inuyasha's youkai blood, keeps him from going berserk, Sesshoumaru loses interest in Tessaiga - it's just a crutch for Inuyasha, and there's no prestige in taking it from him or using it for himself.
Sesshoumaru doesn't start to REALLY consider his father's intentions for the swords until later in the manga, when it comes out that Tenseiga was originally part of Tessaiga, and Inuyasha was meant to get the Meidou Zangetsuha attack eventually as well. It's at this point that Sesshoumaru starts to question if daddy actually HATED him, to give him a rather neat power disguised in a lame shell, but only to develop it so Inuyasha can have it instead, even after Inuyasha already got Tessaiga in the first place. It kind of looks to Sesshoumaru that Inuyasha gets all the powerful cool shit their father left behind, and that there might have been some favoritism coming down HARD on Inuyasha's side.
Above, you can see Sesshoumaru has two interlinked but distinct issues that are addressed throughout the story - his lack of compassion and empathy, and how tied his identity is to his father's favor and prestige. These two are somewhat separated in the narrative; there's a kind of pause in Sesshoumaru's development while a bulk of the middle of the story deals more with other characters and their development, but there is a little bit of a thematic connection between the two halves.
We'll start with the development of Sesshoumaru's compassion since, well, that's where the story begins working on his character. Right before Rin shows up, Toutousai let's Inuyasha's group in on the sword Sesshoumaru carries around and what it does, indicating that Tenseiga requires a compassionate heart to function. A bit ham-handed, but RT isn't very subtle most of the time, so we'll allow it. This sets up the next few scenes in which Sesshoumaru is unable to move and must play captive audience to a little girl doing the literal opposite of what he's used to. Sesshoumaru's habit is to show up and kill things, with no thought to the years of history, relationships, thoughts, emotions, etc that he's snuffing out. But while he's reclined injured in the woods, Rin demonstrates actual LIFE and the preservation of it, that part Sesshoumaru never gets to see. It's made all the starker by how BAD Rin is at caring for herself, let alone the strange monster she found in the woods. She does exactly nothing to help Sesshoumaru, despite how hard she tries, and is even injured by others in her attempts. She is the very picture of vulnerability, the opposite of the strong and capable Sesshoumaru.
This is a stark contrast, because anything less wouldn't be enough to create the necessary awareness of Rin's struggles that Sesshoumaru needs in order to use Tenseiga on here. And I know I've said this before, but I really cannot stress enough how obvious I think the symbolism is when Sesshoumaru uses Tenseiga for the first time; a phallic object gives life to a child, and the object's owner looks after that life throughout the rest of the story. He's not very good at looking after it, and it's clear that he's not sure about taking responsibility for Rin at first, because she pleaded for him to come back for her when he and Jaken left her behind to requisition a sword from Gaijinbou. To me, it's reminiscent of a teenager who knocked someone up, and ended up having to learn to give a crap about the result.
But, even if you don't accept that symbolism as particularly significant, Rin being a child, and human, and weak, unable to survive on her own, are important characteristics to how Sesshoumaru's compassion develops. Sesshoumaru is one of the strongest characters in the series, and he rarely has to worry about his own safety. And since he's in the habit of just murdering everyone he comes across if they're in his way, he's never had to worry about the safety of anyone else, either. When Rin comes into the picture, though, Sesshoumaru is faced with the uncomfortable reality of vulnerability in general. Through her earnest and incompetent attempts to foster survival in a world that can and does crush her, she's opened his eyes to how the disadvantaged, those without a powerful youkai lineage to rely on, have to struggle.
Rin herself has nothing to offer Sesshoumaru within this context of supreme vulnerability. She's not a friend, because she can't offer mutual support or use a skill to their benefit as a team. She's not a lover, because, well, she's a child and sexual/romantic attraction are conditions that wouldn't allow Sesshoumaru to extend his compassion beyond just her. As a mostly helpless kid, Rin has to rely upon Sesshoumaru and his power to survive, and Sesshoumaru employs his strength to keep her alive, getting nothing but a sweet smile out of it all. She gets all the benefits, he has all the obligations. This is PURE compassion - using one's advantages to another's benefit because you care about them, and not because you derive something from it as well.
This is why making Rin into Sesshoumaru's lover is a REALLY thoughtless take. It puts conditions on the compassion and muddies the message.
Moving onto Sesshoumaru's continued character development in the latter part of the story, the sword drama starts back up with slow, when Toutousai shows up and offers to reforge Tenseiga into a weapon. Sesshoumaru discovers that because he got angry enough to break his primary weapon in defense of Kagura's honor, he's triggered the next evolution of Tenseiga into something that can murder. Which is what he wanted at the beginning, yay! I want to point out here that Toutousai says Tenseiga noticed a change in Sesshoumaru's heart - anger for the first time for the sake of another. This implies that what Jaken said about Sesshoumaru getting tangled up in the fight against Naraku because Naraku kidnapping and using Rin to manipulate Sesshoumaru hurt Sesshoumaru's pride is actually accurate; he just really hated the thought of Naraku trying to use him, even if it was a failed attempt.
After going through HELL to develop the Meidou into a full circle (literally), Sesshoumaru then learns that the Meidou belongs to Tessaiga and Inuyasha, and that it's supposed to be handed over. Now, part of Sesshoumaru's angst over this idea, I think, is not just "did daddy love Inuyasha more?", but also the assumption that Inuyasha would have to KILL him in order to retake the Meidou Zangetsuha into Tessaiga. Thinking that your father meant for your little brother to kill you at some point to take your stuff is a pretty disturbing thought, to be entirely fair to him. This is why, when Sesshoumaru jumps into the meidou to take back control of the Naraku-possessed Tenseiga and breaks it deliberately, he spends the rest of the time in there moodily resigned to disappear. He genuinely believes that his father meant for him to die at this point, and even after they get out of there, he seems genuinely depressed.
This is Sesshoumaru's lowest point as a character. He's lost something he thought his father had meant for him, at his father's own wish, and he can't help but question why his dad would give him something just to take it away and give it to Inuyasha. It looks for all the world like favoritism, and since the Inu no Taishou is dead, there's no asking him what the hell the meaning of all this is.
This is all leading to one of the most infuriatingly ridiculous scenes I have ever seen in a manga - when Magatsuhi has crushed Sesshoumaru and everyone thinks he's been killed/absorbed, Magatsuhi is blown apart and rendered unable to reform by the shiny new sword clutched in Sesshoumaru's newly regrown arm. I could talk your ear off about how having Sesshoumaru stop being an amputee is erasure of consequences for his actions, or how being given back an arm is kind of a slap in the face for actual amputees, and where the mother f*ck did that sword come from anyway, but that's not what this essay is about, so I'll just keep all that to myself. The point of this is articulated by Toutousai when he says that Sesshoumaru had to let go of Tessaiga and his father's heirloom to stand on his own as a daiyoukai.
We've already gone over how Sesshoumaru is one of the most powerful characters in the series, who rarely has to worry about his well-being. He's just really strong without having to try. Sesshoumaru had already learned that he didn't need Tessaiga ages ago - he knew this when he learned that Inuyasha needed Tessaiga to keep from tearing himself apart eventually. But when he thought he had been passed down something from his father that was truly meant to be his, only to put all this work into it so that Inuyasha could have it, that embittered him again. It's not that he wanted the sword necessarily, but the thoughts and consideration of his father, who seemed to be putting everything he had into Inuyasha.
But his previous experiences protecting and considering someone (in some cases, multiple someones) weaker than him should have tipped him off. During the very battle in which he got his new arm and sword, he was actively helping those around him avoid Magatsuhi and keeping them close because he had a plan and the strength to carry it out. He was willing to take the extra step to protect Inuyasha and friends before trying to take care of Magatsuhi though, and that was the point. He put everyone else's needs ahead of his own, even Inuyasha's, and he did it without even thinking.
Toutousai just articulated what Sesshoumaru should have already intuitively known by that point. He never needed his father's heirlooms, the swords, his dad's power. They were unnecessary for him from the start. Inuyasha needed a leg up, because his own BODY could kill him after a while. But Sesshoumaru always had the capability of being great on his own. He just needed to finally separate his ego from who his father was and become his own person; stand on his own as a great youkai. While I don't agree with the execution, I can get behind the big lesson - don't rely on your daddy's wealth and influence to prop you up, and do the work to build a personality and identity of your own.
Which is ANOTHER reason why making Rin into a lover would be a thoughtless take. It would walk back Sesshoumaru's final lesson about being his own person apart from his father.
So, there you go. A comprehensive post regarding my take on Sesshoumaru's character development. I could add in a bit about Sesshoumaru coming to understand his father's consideration and the lengths he went to for the sake of protecting Inuyasha by having to give similar consideration to Rin, but I think this post is long enough, and that one statement on that aspect pretty much sums it up. Let me know if you would like me to elaborate on any of this, or if you would like to argue any of the points, I'm up for it. Might take me a minute to respond, mind you, but hopefully it won't take as long as it did to draft this behemoth.
Take care.
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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THE AWARD NOMINATED FIC CONTINUES! Now nominated for the 2020 3rd Quarterly Inuyasha fandom awards for best dark! This is the second time I've been nominated for best dark, you guys trying to tell me something? LOL! Maybe I should post a comedy soon? I do love writing a dark plot for Inuyasha though...
Speaking of posting fics, I have a couple up to bat for next. I was wondering if you guys would be interested in having a say? I could post the choices on Tumblr? If that is something you'd want or if you don't tumble and want me to post them in my ANs, let me know!
Thank you all for your support. Another nomination... I mean I was blown away with the first one! This really is a great Fandom. I had honestly considered leaving fanfiction completely until I entered this one. Now I want to stay! My originals are going to suffer but oh well I guess. I'm almost done with one original and I'm super excited about it! I might take a small break from originals once it's done and out to publishers to work on some fanfiction. I also still don't have a keyboard, typing on my screen currently. If I thought I had gorilla fingers before... Top of my list to finish, Daddy Issues (SM) and STYH.
Anyway, enjoy all!
Oh am I supposed to still tag? Idk if I am I think most of you have this bookmarked. @underwater0phelia @lavendertwilight89 @mamabearcat @nartista @nopenname22 @echobows @superpixie42 @smmahamazing @redflamesofpassion @jme-chan @cstorm86 @cicleydark-light @ruddcatha @lavaffair @kirrtash @sistasecbhere @inusgirl @obsessandfangirl @britonell @lordofthechips @mcornilliac @faolenwolf @classyhumanathletepalace @keichanz @phoenix-before-the-flame @artisticloveexpressitsall @lamuertadehambre @noyourenotreal @mitty-san @thenoammonster @little-deeluna @royaltrashpanda @sailorbabydoll92 @storyweaver2017 @malditamigs @adorabubblesblog @lilms-obsessed @petri808 @anniehcresta @fan-dumpp @itzatakahashi @utakuprincess @theschultinator @all-too-ale​ @little-inukag-obsessed @theseagullqueen @queenofthesquirps @inusgirl @jolinaaa00 Do you guys want me to tag you? For this and other things I post? Please let me know!!!
Chapter Eight
"Didn't...Inuyasha say something about a six-year-old?" Kagome asked, pulling a stool near and sitting to listen intently to Miroku.
"Inuyasha was six, living with his mother with no word from his father when he met Naraku. His father was never in his life and his mother didn't know a damn thing about demons. So when Naraku found Inuyasha and tried to pull him into his gang, Inuyasha cried as loud and as hard as he could about the bad man trying to steal him. Naraku fought back against the cops, of course, but this was around the time that anti-demon repulsion was coming into fashion. Naraku didn't know what hit him and it was all thanks to Inuyasha that the cops even knew what to use on the fucker."
"Okay.. so Naraku hates Inuyasha. With the looks around the yard, I would think that would be in his favor?"
Miroku huffed, "Yes and no. Naraku will crush anything that Inuyasha touches so no one touches him. And Naraku was one of the demons that helped in the purge."
"Hold on, is that what demon killer meant?"
"Yes. The purge of 06 was carried out by demons."
She felt sick, swallowing thickness beach down her throat. "Why would demons do that to each other?"
"Well, ones like Sesshomaru were promised their freedom. Which of course they didn't get. But Naraku… he did it for power. And the idiots that ran this place back then let him get away with consuming countless demons before cutting him off. He killed about a hundred demons and thirty humans that day."
"You were there?"
"No. I'm not that old! Geez, woman! No, my father was there. He was a guard once before his curse consumed him."
She brushed the back of his cursed hand. "It will consume you too?"
Miroku nodded and moved on quickly. A sore subject. "Inuyasha's reputation isn't helped by the fact that he put a lot of the demons in here."
Her head was starting to spin. "Inuyasha was part of the Anti-Demon Squad?"
"Ug. Always hated that name. So contrite."
"You were on it too?"
"Yes. We were partners. Hence why he tolerates me. But then the tables turned and we were the ones on the wanted boards. All because he has demon blood in his veins and my curse."
"I was thrown in here, too, for being different." They had a short moment of solidarity and moved on. "If you both hunted demons then why does no one hurt the people you touch?"
Without saying a word, he lifted his cursed hand and waved it. "I'm also not a half-demon. That's frowned upon by both sides apparently. Never bothered me. Who he's related to also doesn't help. Plus, I don't have Naraku gunning for me. Inuyasha never had a chance, getting thrown in here."
"Couldn't he have lobbied for a different prison? There are at least… three?"
Miroku shook his head, "the public wasn't told this, but after the purge, they knocked it down to one prison."
"But..but...that means…"
"All the caught demons are all right here in one convenient spot. Cuts down on funding"
"So if this place becomes overpopulated again…"
"Luckily new demons don't come in much anymore. With people like me and Inuyasha no longer on the force," Miroku gloated, "they don't catch that many anymore."
She huffed, "for such a good demon catcher, you'd think you'd avoid getting caught!"
"Yes, well, what do all humans end up getting caught up in no matter how hard they try?"
It took her no time at all to figure that one out. "You? And Inuyasha?"
"Inuyasha's girlfriend turned him in while I," he sighed heavily at the memory, "I was turned in by one hell of an enchantress."
Kagome had gotten caught saving the man she once loved. There was nothing she could say on the subject, she was just as pathetic as they were.
"Inuyasha is just trying to protect you the only way he can. If everyone thinks he hates you, they'll leave you alone. Although now I'm not so sure there's a point. Looks like Naraku has it out for you regardless. What did you do to get in his sights?"
Rolling her eyes and her stool away, she started straightening up to leave. "I took some blood. He didn't want me to but I didn't have a choice! The Warden was breathing down my neck. I don't regret it, doing it got me this infirmary and now I can do what I love, helping people."
"They're not people, Kagome. They're demons."
"Same difference!"
"No. Not really. If it weren't for the runes they wouldn't even need a Doctor."
"Well there are runes and I am needed."
"Runes or not, you're definitely needed here, Kagome."
She was still thinking it over, but now she was sure. A talk with the Warden was a necessity.
It didn't take as long as she expected for the Warden to find time for her, stopping by the infirmary. And he didn't give her a fight on her sleeping in there either like she thought he would. Either her argument, being ready even in the middle of the night to help and not needing much guarding like the demons in the prison, worked really well or Onigumo had other reasons. She didn't kid herself, the grin he wore the entire conversation told her it was the latter.
What he gained from her being here, she didn't know but she gained as well, getting away from Inuyasha.
Miroku's story that day had been nice, it was good to know someone in here had a heart. But it also showed her what having a heart did to people here. Inuyasha would forever suffer more than the other inmates. They could connect with others, maybe even fall in love and have some kind of life in here. Inuyasha could never have that.
So really, she was doing him a favor. Getting out of his hair would only make things easier for him. This way, he no longer had to force himself to care or not about her.
Inuyasha wasn't in the cell when she got her things, a few extra pairs of scrubs was all she had, and she was glad for that. The last thing she wanted to do was explain and see the relief spread across his face. Now a few weeks later and she almost never saw Inuyasha, proof positive that he was glad to be rid of her and she tried not to let it bother her.
It was a good thing, that didn't mean she was happy about it.
Now the keys to the infirmary were hers for good, locking everything away and pocketing the keys when the door opened. Koga was leaning heavily on one of his men, blood dripping to the floor. Pointing to the bed without a word, she got the needed items and pushed her stool to his side. His friend left, shutting the door behind him.
"What happened?"
Koga glanced at the wound like it was nothing, a long and angry line that continued to drip blood on the floor would be nothing but a scratch to a demon under normal circumstances. "Your friend attacked me."
"Excuse me?" Her disbelief was rolling off her tongue.
"Kagura. I think she was hoping for solitary. Wants to be back beside her man."
That actually made sense. Sesshomaru got a couple days a week out of solitary and those days were spent enjoying the cooler days outside or with Kagura. Usually both at the same time. It was really endearing, the cool-headed Sesshomaru falling at the feet of the hot-tempered Kagura. She should really have a conversation with Kagura, see if she could get her to come to the infirmary for a private meeting.
"Kagome," Koga grabbed one of her hands and stopped her work, "I'm glad we have a moment together like this. I wanted to give you another chance to think about my offer…"
She pulled roughly from his hold. "I told you, no. I don't need or want your protection…"
"Why? Because you have the Hanyou's?" She remained silent and Koga snickered, "He won't protect you. Not from everything. And he's nothing compared to Naraku, who has a hardon for you."
They both ignored the small jump in her chest at the mention of that name. "Naraku is locked away in solitary."
"For now. They let him out every now and then you know? Not as often as Sesshomaru, obviously. And there are other things to be protected from."
Kagome hadn't had many struggles since she'd been here, focusing on wrapping his wound instead of his words. Because they were false. "I'm fine."
"Of course you are! Because of me! The only reason you've had it so good is because I've kept you from the worst of it this whole time!" He shouted at the top of her head.
He was like a child, acting out when he didn't get the attention he wanted. So she didn't give him what he wanted, continuing to watch her hands. "I'd prefer it to being your woman. I know what happens to them."
Silence rang out for a few solitary moments. Then Koga took her hand again, stopping her work to her agitation. "It wouldn't be like that, Kagome. I… I like you. I want you to myself."
Throughout her life, Kagome had received a few confessions. Each time it was a shock. She never once thought of herself as someone 'wanted' or 'likable' like that. She was self-confident to a healthy level, but she never took the time to consider others romantically. Even Hojo, it took her some time to collect herself and give him an answer when he confessed. But, even though it was a surprise, she knew she felt nothing of the kind back to Koga.
"I… appreciate that. And your protection. But I can't give you anything more than friendship. I'm sorry."
Roaring, he got up at that, standing over the bed and her with a glare that had his eyes glowing. "You'll regret this, Doctor."
His continued immaturity was on full display as he stomped out. Kagome just found it annoying. She made it through her younger years unscathed only to get locked up and deal with bullies like this? It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
It started out small, the differences in 'life without Koga's protection'. Mostly just more kid's stuff.
The nods she used to get turned from grimaces to indifference thanks to Naraku, making the hazing that much easier to occur. Someone would walk by her at lunch and tug her hair. It hurt but it wasn't enough to scare her into Koga's arms. Next, it was shoving. In line for food, out in the yard, walking around in the halls. Then tripping.
All they were really doing was making her look and feel like a klutz.
Combine the three and it hurt pretty bad though, especially when they didn't let go of her hair until after she hit the floor hard. By now she knew who to look for too. And for some reason, it was Koga's women. That had her a little worried that things would only get worse and that he would eventually send his men after her. No way was she going to break though, she refused to be someone's bitch. She'd rather be beaten to a pulp.
Which was very likely to happen before Koga's pack went all out, his women clustering around her for another dose of 'life'. They had already gotten her in the cafeteria today but it looked like they were upping their treatment, coming up from behind as usual.
Hands on her back, she knew what was coming and stepped to the side. This didn't stop them from tripping her but it did keep them from getting a hold on her hair. Her long braided cord was still aching from when they tried to rip it from her head earlier. Her side step put her on a different path, one that had her colliding with another body once she lost her equilibrium. Or rather had it forced from her instead of lost.
It was the first time in weeks she hadn't face planted to the floor. Instead, her face was planted firmly in a chest that had hands wrapped around her biceps. "Oi watch where you're going!"
Slowly lifting her head, Kagome prayed she'd heard wrong but it was undeniable even before golden eyes glared down at her. She had successfully avoided Inuyasha since the day she moved into the infirmary. Three weeks of not seeing his molten orbs on her and now she was practically on top of him.
She wasn't a fool. He was avoiding her too. How else could it be possible, a large jail but not that large, that she didn't see so much as a wisp of his white locks disappearing around a corner? He wasn't avoiding her now, his hands still on her even as she got her bearings. His glare quickly passed from her to the women softly cackling behind her. Their laughter stopped but Kagome knew their hazing was far from finished.
The women moved on but Inuyasha still had his hands on her, slowly turning from holding to rubbing. "You alright?"
She shrugged off his question but not his touch, missing it more than she cared to admit. "I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle."
"Koga is trying to pressure you…"
"I know," she sighed, "he confessed to me a few weeks ago…" Inuyasha tensed but she ignored it, "I told him I just wanted to be friends…"
Now he laughed, the sound echoing off the walls and a few others that passed by. Inuyasha didn't seem to have any struggle being seen touching her all of a sudden. But there weren't many around to see this. "I wish I could have been there to see that!"
"You didn't need to be. Because he responded the same as he is now. Childish pranks and hazing. People are so immature here!"
"Demons," he corrected her again, "and most have been locked up in here since before puberty. They don't know how to act like adults." His hold dropped and he started to back away. "So how did kids in your schools act when they didn't get their way?"
She knew the answer and she didn't like it. "I get it. Any advice on making it stop?"
He was leaving her behind so she followed at a distance. "If Koga wants you to be his 'girl' then there's really only one way to make it stop. Unless you want to be his?"
Turning to look at her over his shoulder, Inuyasha teased her in a manner that had her wondering if he was actually curious. "Yeah, that's a big 'no'."
He chuckled, turning back around. If anyone were to watch them it would look like she was just walking behind him, not that they were having a conversation. "Then you gotta become someone else's bitch."
"Nope. No way. Forget it, I'll just take the hazing."
He stopped and spun to face her. "Even if that includes getting your bones turned to paste? Can't help others with only one arm."
"I'm a Doctor in a jail infirmary. Not a surgeon in the cancer ward. One arm will serve me well enough." His eyes went impossibly wide at that but she ignored it. "Can I pretend to be someones? Like you?"
Taking a step, he removed the distance between them. "I don't pretend."
Maybe he was trying to scare her? It was pointless, she didn't fear Inuyasha in the slightest. Of all the people here, he was the only one she trusted to the fullest. It was why her heart picked up its pace whenever he was close. The fact that he was drop-dead gorgeous didn't help though, his strong jaw flexing more the longer she held her ground and head up to him. Crossing her arms over her chest and hoping to muffle the sound, she took a slow and deep breath. Not to speak, but to breathe in his Earthy scent that she had missed.
He broke first, shaking his head. "No. Even faking a relationship with me would only bring you more trouble."
"Would it? Naraku already has it out for me. And everyone here may hate me but they won't touch me thanks to my Doctor status."
His mouth hung open for a moment, thoughts turning in his head. But then it slammed shut and he seethed. "Miroku."
"What else did that damn gossip tell you?"
She kept her mouth shut and shook her head. Anything else that Miroku had told her was more like hearsay, it didn't really tell her anything about the man before her. And she rather hear the details from Inuyasha when he was ready, not forced to explain.
"Doesn't matter. Things would only get worse if you associate with me. Which, you know or you wouldn't be living in the infirmary." His tone was accusing and she took great offense.
"I moved out so you'd have one less thing to worry about. Besides, I was tired of the angry puppy routine."
"Dog references. Nice." He said with a grimace.
"You're welcome!" She smirked.
She watched the corners of his mouth fight with him for a moment, wanting to smile but not before her so they ended up twitching. "You should talk to Miroku. I'm sure he'd looove to have you as his 'bitch'."
Kagome wasn't too sure about that but Inuyasha knew him better than she did. Giving him a nod, she expected the 'conversation' to end. Except Inuyasha reached up and gently pulled the small elastic out of her hair. She never asked how but Kagura had given her a few from her 'stash' of hair supplies. And now it was around Inuyasha's wrist like a bracelet.
While her hair still maintained its shape, it was only a matter of seconds before it completely unfurled. That wasn't fast enough for Inuyasha, carefully loosening her strands until they fell apart, a long cape down her back. He stared at her for a few more heart-pounding seconds, breathing in deeply like she had moments ago when he got close and her lungs weren't restricted from his actions.
"Just wear your hair up and out of reach. It won't be much longer till they cut it off like a trophy. Probably what Koga wants them to do the most."
Swallowing hard, she kept her eyes on his, watching as he looked all around her face, neck, and shoulders. As if drinking her in. "What would he do with something like that?"
Instead of answering her question like a normal person, he reached over and took a handful of her hair. Then pressed it to his nose as an example, closing his eyes as he breathed in her scent deeply. It confused her body because she really liked him smelling her, oddly, but that mixed with the image of Koga doing the same thing. Inuyasha was a dog and Koga a wolf. So although different, they would have many things in common like their addiction to smells. If Kagome went by Inuyasha, she must smell really good to those with sensitive noses.
Suddenly, he dropped her hair and stepped back. She had forgotten that the distance between them wasn't the norm, feeling the heat of his skin on hers he was so close.
Turning on his heels, Inuyasha shoved his hands into his pockets and quickly moved away from her. "Just make sure it's a fake relationship with Miroku."
He called to her, not turning to speak to her as he was too busy getting as far away as possible. Inuyasha was out of sight when she realized he didn't get her back her hair tie.
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eternalnight8806-3 · 4 years
WARNING! This is an anti SessRin post! So if this is content you don't wish to see then kindly be an adult and keep scrolling!

Any messages, asks, comments or reblogs that are hateful about this post will be ignored/deleted.
Ok, so this is not meant to start anything with anyone or create any drama whatsoever. But I ran across this post and I feel like I need to say something about it. I'm not doing this via reblog to hopefully avoid any drama by me stating my opinion on this post.
I will not be sharing where I found this post or who posted it, again to avoid drama.
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****end of bitchy post****
Ok, here we go. *cracks knuckles*
You’re not talking to the “quiet people”, you’re talking to those of “us” who are
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Hmm. See, right from the very first paragraph of this you’re already contradicting yourself. You’re telling those of us that don’t like the SessRin ship that we’re prejudiced and mean. You say you don’t judge our opinions, yet you’re already cussing at us like we told you that you’re personally molesting eight-year-old Rin.
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Cancel culture?? Seriously? That’s where you want to take this? Honey. Baby. Sweetheart. Sit down. You’re about to get schooled. I’m assuming by “cancel culture” you’re implying that those of us who are anti SessRin are somehow cancelling those of you who enjoy this ship. Nope. Hasn’t happened. SessRin is still very much alive and going strong, despite those of us who may dislike the ship for reasons I will definitely get into in a minute. Those of us who feel strongly that SessRin is simply wrong don’t sound stupid for saying the ship is problematic for a multitude of incredibly good reasons. Tbh, you sound like a 12-year-old screaming at her mommy because she won’t let you go to mall. It’s childish and honestly, pointless.
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Honestly, this line just makes me fucking laugh. We’re the ones who are getting butthurt? US? SERIOUSLY?!?! You’re the one plastering your nasty comments about anti SessRin shippers and making vast assumptions that are grossly untrue. Absolutely nothing has been confirmed about the identity of Sesshomaru’s hanyou children’s mother. Obviously, she must be human but beyond that, she could literally be anyone.  Personally, I don’t give a fuck if Sesshomaru ends up with anyone, let alone a human. For all we know he raped a human and she happened to get pregnant from it. Do I believe that’s what happened? No. But I am in no way “pitching a piss fit because I’m not getting my way.” 😒
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Ok, this next line I have serious issues with for a whole bunch of reasons. 
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1. I hate to break it to you but grooming a literal child to later be your bride/mother of your hanyou children is vastly harmful. The idea that this is ok, even in the realm of fantasy, is just toxic and super gross. 2. Perpetuating child grooming, pedophilia, child trafficking, etc., is more than gross, it’s just plain wrong. 3. The fact that you SessRin shippers have to defend yourselves this much should tell you something about what you’re shipping. Maybe it wouldn’t be ok in the real world, for damn good reasons. 4. Creating this fantasy about an eight year old girl idolizing the demon/man who saved her from actual death twice to the point of loving him romantically says way more about you and your obvious *Daddy issues* than it does about those of us who understand that this ship is wrong. 5. Romantic SessRin is not fucking canon. Atleast, not yet. It might be, we don’t know yet. But having the assumption that you’re right just because the kids are hanyou is just being stupid on your part. Making posts like this shows how much of an asshole you are.
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Pfft. Now ain’t this some damn irony? Who’s the one screaming at the fandom for supposedly being exclusionary and getting *butthurt* that we find issue with your precious ship? Hmm. Well, lookie here! It’s not the anti SessRin shippers!  I have never, ever, attacked anyone who ships SessRin. I seriously don’t agree with it, for the reasons I’ve already stated. But I do tend to leave people’s ships alone. I might state my opinion about it if I’m comfortable with you, but otherwise I just ignore romantic SessRin content because it makes me want to gouge my eyes out and scream at the world that you’re all fucking gross for thinking this is a good thing to ship.
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McScuse me?? What?? 
Please, someone show me where in Takahashi’s writing that child grooming is a “basic trope.” I would genuinely love to see this because I’ve never seen it. And if it’s truly a Japanese trope, then that says so much about how repressed sexually the Japanese are to the point of sexualizing children (i.e. Lolita culture, schoolgirl/ sailor girl trope, etc.), and that’s just not fucking ok. And anyone with half a brain should agree with that.
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Well, see, I would have, but you had to go and be a complete and total gross as fuck dumbass who needed to be schooled that sexualizing children (yes, that’s what it is, even if it’s adult Rin. I don’t fucking care how much you try to defend it, that’s a fucking fact,) is fucking WRONG.
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I usually do. But you attacked us with no provocation or reason. So, how about you take your own advice and stay on your side of the InuYasha fandom with all your gross, pedophilic friends and you can fight for them all you want over there. I’ll be over here with the sane adults who don’t find children sexy. I’ll leave you with this, a final quote from your ignorant ass post.
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keichanz · 5 years
Move Your Body || pt. 2
Part 1 || Part 2
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“When’s your next class with Sango?” Inuyasha asked her around 4 am and tipped back a water bottle to drain the rest of its contents.
Lowering her own drink that Inuyasha had provided for them sometime around two in the morning, Kagome sighed and tilted her head as she thought.
“Um, Wednesday,” she supplied. “I know she does them every day, but I can only come in every other because of classes.”
He nodded. “After your sessions with Sango you’ll come up here and we can begin our own. A month isn’t that long to come up with an entire routine, so plan to stay all day. I’ll provide food and shit and we can take breaks.”
Kagome wrinkled her nose but nodded without complaint. He was right; they didn’t have a lot of time, and with her having classes and his own job demanding his time, they couldn’t get together every day.
Inuyasha grunted, carelessly tossed his empty water bottle onto the table and released a hearty belch, ignoring Kagome’s look of disgust as he snatched up her phone and brought up her messaging app.
“I’m sending myself a text so you’ll have my number,” he told her, typing out a quick “hi” and sending it before handing it over. “Feel free to text me about any ideas you might have, or questions you wanna ask. Don’t matter when, if I’m busy or in a meeting I’ll reply when I’m done. I’ll do the same if I think of something and we can brainstorm.”
Kagome took back her phone with a nod and walked over to stash it in her bag. She spotted the remnants of her destroyed t-shirt and suddenly remembered her state of dress and blanched. Oh crap, what was she going to wear when she left?! She couldn’t walk home in nothing but shorts and a sports bra!
Inuyasha followed her gaze, watched her eyes go wide and the color drain from her face and rolled his eyes, walking over to his own discarded shirt on the floor and tossing it at her.
“Here,” he said as she automatically caught it. “Just bring it with you Wednesday and if you forget, it’s not a big deal. It’s just a shirt.” He shrugged and raised his arms above him in a stretch, releasing a yawn. Fuck, he needed to get to bed soon since he had a meeting in like...five hours. Shit.
Sending him a grateful smile but not without a blush, Kagome pulled his shirt over her head, immediately feeling better now that she had some cover. True, she’d been in nothing but shorts and her bra for the past few hours and she was more or less used to it now, but part of her still felt the need to hide herself. But they were working on that, and she couldn’t begin to express her gratitude for his help.
Picking up her bag and shrugging the strap over her shoulder, Kagome leveled him with one last genuine smile.
“Thank you,” she said softly, sincerely as her eyes collided with deep amber, “for everything. It means a lot that you’re taking the time to do this and...well.” She laughed softly and lifted a shoulder in half-shrug. “I appreciate it.”
Inuyasha studied her for a moment, golden eyes speculative, before he quirked a grin at her. “It’s my pleasure, babydoll,” he told her, being completely honest. “I’ll see you Wednesday. You okay to walk by yourself?” He didn’t like the thought of her walking alone at nearly 4:30 in the morning, but he really did need to get some sleep. However, if she asked him to accompany her he wouldn’t say no.
“I’ll be fine,” she assured with a smile, touched that he truly seemed to care. “It’s not far, just a ten minute walk. See you Wednesday.” She turned and headed toward the doorway, giving a yawn. Damn, she hadn’t realized how tired she was. She was very glad her first class wasn’t until noon.
“I’ll text you,” Inuyasha murmured as he watched her go and after she disappeared into the elevator, giving one last wave and smile before the doors slid shut, he sighed, shut off the lights, locked up, and headed upstairs to get some much needed shut eye.
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Inuyasha fell heavily into his office chair with a groan and immediately started yanking off the tie that had been gradually suffocating him since nine that morning. It was now a little after noon and he’d just returned from the meeting that had run much longer than originally planned. It was the quarterly meeting, where Sesshomaru and his advisors went over profit and a bunch of other technical jargon that he didn’t particularly care for, and he had been bored out of his goddamn mind for the majority of it. Sesshomaru had kept sending him warning glares whenever he couldn’t hold back a yawn but he couldn’t help it; while he didn’t need as much sleep as the regular human, it had still been a while since he’d stayed up that late and he was paying for it now.
Finally loosening his tie with a grunt, he let it hang around his neck and leaned back in his plush chair, tossing an arm over his eyes and debating on the merits of a brief nap. But then he remembered he had an appointment at one with some spoiled brat that fancied herself a dancer because her rich daddy had called the day before and practically begged him to see her. Inuyasha had only said yes just to get the guy to shut up; he had no intention of taking on another client. Not right now, anyway. Between his actual jobs and the side project he had going on with Kagome, he didn’t have nearly enough time to dedicate to the private lessons that had been requested.
At the thought of his blue-eyed, dark-haired “student,” a grin lifted the comers of his lips and miraculously the pounding in his head lessened a degree. He’d only spent a few short hours with her, but already Inuyasha was eager for tomorrow to come so he could see her again. He liked her spunk, admired her determination and the flash of temper that always sparked in her eyes whenever he criticized her form or made her do a certain move again, but better and faster.
Though clearly not a fan of his methods of instruction, Kagome never complained and did as she was as told, preforming a move again and again and again until he was satisfied. She was a hard worker, he was quick to realize, and a fast learner which blessedly made their time together much easier. He was really looking forward to the day where she could put everything he taught her together and put on a little show for him, but until then he was content in slowly getting to know her in increments.
He’d learned little snippets about her life last night during times when idle chatter had been had, things like she’d been friends with Sango since middle school, she had a younger brother, and being a nurse had been a goal since she was a little girl. She liked helping people, she was a terrible cook, and she was deathly afraid of spiders.
Inuyasha had also learned she’d only ever had one boyfriend, some shmuck named Houjo she’d dated in high school, and they’d broken up when he left for the States for college. She was a virgin – he’d gleaned that obvious information by himself – she was completely inexperienced when it came to intimacy, and she really, truly thought that she wasn’t the least bit attractive.
Inuyasha frowned. He wasn’t stupid; he knew a single night and him simply telling her it was false wasn’t enough to convince her otherwise. He didn’t understand how such a knockout like Kagome could possibly have self-esteem issues, but everybody had his or her reasons, he supposed.  
Something might have happened in her past to make her think that, or maybe even something had happened just recently, but whatever the case Inuyasha was making it a personal goal to make her see herself through his eyes. She was a beautiful young woman worthy of praise and confidence, and he meant what he’d said; if he had to say it every day, shower her with compliments until she blushed and stuttered like a schoolgirl, he would.
Heaving a sigh, Inuyasha lowered his arm and cracked his neck, glancing at the clock and thinking he should probably get up and get something to eat when his office door opened without warning. His top instructor walked in like she owned the damn place, donned in her usual work attire of tank top and capri leggings with her dark hair secured in a high pony-tail.
Sango hip checked the door closed and strode over to his desk, calm as you please. Then Inuyasha noticed what she had in her hands and instantly he was alert, ears perking up and back straightening in his chair as he leaned forward.
“Fuck, I love you,” Inuyasha muttered as she set down a hot coffee from Starbucks and a McDonald’s bag on his desk. Knowing from experience not to immediately chug down the steaming brew, Inuyasha went for the food first, fishing out a Big Mac and barely getting the wrapper off all the way before chomping down with a groan of pleasure.
“I know,” Sango answered as she sat on his desk as opposed to one of the two chairs in front of it and sipped her caramel frappe. “Figured you’d be hungry since you never eat breakfast and your meeting ran late.”
Inuyasha grunted, polished off the burger with another three bites, and then started on the fries next.
“And also,” Sango continued a little too casually and idly played with the straw of her drink, “after I apologized about forgetting to unlock the door last night, a little birdie told me today that you didn’t get to bed until very late, hence the java.”
Then she paused and cut her eyes to his and Inuyasha froze.
Goddammit. He really should have known she’d tell her. Didn’t she say they’d been friends since middle school?
Heaving a sigh and rolling his eyes, Inuyasha shoved a few more fries into his mouth and then took a careful sip of his coffee. He let his silence be his answer and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes as he savored the Americano with one sugar. He tasted a hint of mocha too and he grunted in approval.
Sango’s lips twitched. “Are you seriously going to help her come up with an entire dance routine?”
He glared at her over the rim of his venti.
Unfazed, the dance instructor shrugged and turned her gaze to her drink, taking another pull on the straw. “I was just curious,” she said innocently, trying not to smile.
Her boss’s scoff told her exactly what he thought about her curiosity and that time she couldn’t hold back the grin that spread across her face.
“What’d she do to get you to help? Bat those big blue eyes at you and smile?”
Inuyasha stared at her for a moment, his expression unreadable, and then kicked up his feet onto his desk and leaned back in his chair as he nursed his coffee.
“I offered,” he told her.
Sango’s smile dropped. “What?”
He raised a brow and took another sip of his espresso.
Sango blinked at him and then her eyes widened. Holy crap, he was serious.
“Holy crap, you’re serious,” she said, incredulous.
Inuyasha looked a little offended at that and scowled at her. “Why the fuck wouldn’t I be? Despite what you and the pervert think, I ain’t heartless, Sango. The girl clearly needs help, and as it just so happens I have the qualifications that fit her needs perfectly. She’s just another client and just because she’s your friend doesn’t make her any goddamn different than anybody else.”
Sango’s stare hardened and she squared her shoulders. He may be her boss, but he was also her friend, and she wasn’t about to take any of his shit.
“I know for a fact that Kagome’s not paying you so don’t tell me she’s not any different,” she spat, her protective instincts kicking in as they always did whenever her dear friend’s delicate nature was compromised. “She thinks you’re helping her free of charge out of the goodness of your heart, and I swear to god, Inuyasha, if she’s another one of your charity cases to get more publicity or you want you want your payment to come from other means—”
“Shut the fuckup, Sango,” Inuyasha growled and shot forward in his chair so fast Sango flinched back. Golden eyes flashing fire and fangs exposed in a dark scowl, the half-demon seethed, “Kagome’s not a goddamn charity case and you know I would never take advantage of her innocence like that, or anybody else for that matter, so fuck you for even saying that.”
Alarmed by the heated vehemence in his voice, Sango snapped her jaw shut and simply stared at him with wide magenta eyes, at a complete loss for words. She’d never seen him react like this before about any woman and it was completely unexpected, if a little disconcerting. She supposed he head every right, though; she always lost her head a little whenever it came to Kagome’s safety and she admitted she shouldn’t have accused him of such a horrible thing, because he would never do that.
“Not that it’s any of your business, because it’s not, helping Kagome is actually helping me,” he continued, still glaring, though his voice had lost its growl. “Sesshomaru’s been on my ass about new material and this is the perfect opportunity to get it. Kagome gets her dance, shoves her victory in that bitch Kamlyn’s face, and I have new material to give to that tightwad. Everybody wins.”
That said, Inuyasha sat back in his chair once more, lifted his coffee to his mouth, and looked to the side, his eyebrows down low over his eyes. He glowered at some random point on the wall, still pissed that his friend would even insinuate he would ever take advantage of a woman like that.
A tense silence developed between them after that and Sango stared pensively into her drink while Inuyasha nursed his coffee and fished his phone from his pocket. He’d gotten a text earlier during the meeting but hadn’t had the chance to check it yet...
Sango sighed, drawing his attention, and he flicked his gaze over to her, expression carefully blank.
“Look, I’m sorry,” she began, looking and sounding guilty enough that his anger softened a little and he gave her his full attention. Sango glanced at him and grimaced. “You’re right, I know you would never do that. It was stupid.”
He snorted but her glare quickly shut him up.
“It’s just...” Sango sighed again and pushed her fingers through her bangs, brow furrowing as she gathered her thoughts. “You have to understand, Inuyasha, Kagome is...fragile. I was honestly surprised when she told me she signed up for this competition because she...well, she...”
“She has no confidence,” Inuyasha supplied for her and at her look of surprise he sighed and nodded. “I already know she has low self-esteem and thinks its necessary to hide behind baggy clothes. It’s another reason why I chose to do this, Sango. I wanna help her. Really. Kagome is fucking beautiful and I want her to see that.”
He stared directly into her eyes and the sincerity was unmistakable in the honeyed depths. Inuyasha was being totally and completely honest and if Sango were being honest herself, she was floored at the hanyou’s dedication to this cause. It was one she approved of, definitely, but in all of her years as his closest friend, she’d never witnessed him going this far for any woman before.
And with a start, she realized that he was exactly what her shy, self-conscious friend needed. Inuyasha’s unique brand of arrogance, dedication and tenacity would no doubt draw Kagome out of her shell and slowly transform her into the confident, brave woman Sango knew she could be.
Sango would just consider it a bonus that Kagome was also just what the doctor ordered for the oftentimes hotheaded hanyou, even if he didn’t realize it yet.
Finally offering her friend a genuine smile, Sango nodded once. “Keep me posted?” she asked. “And if there’s anything I can do to help, I’ll do my best.”
Releasing a breath, Inuyasha nodded in return and thrust a hand through his hair, glancing at the clock. 12:28. He still had a bit of time left before Daddy’s Little Princess showed up, so in the mean time he had one last question for his friend.
“Hey, Sango,” he began, idly tracing the cap of his coffee with a claw as the instructor glanced over at him inquisitively. “...Why is Kagome like that? Did something happen?”
Sango sighed and took another drink of her frappe, brows dipped down into a slight frown. She’d had a feeling he’d ask, and while she supposed he had a right to know since he was going to help with Kagome’s self-image, it didn’t make it any easier to reveal. Perhaps Kagome herself should be the one telling him this, but Sango also knew it wouldn’t be right for him to ask, and her friend wouldn’t reveal that information to him without cause anyway.
“It goes without saying,” she began slowly, “but please keep this to yourself. Kagome hasn’t always looked the way she does, Inuyasha. When she was in elementary school, before I met her, she was chubby and mercilessly picked on because of it. She told me she didn’t have a lot of friends because of how she looked, and it only got worse when she entered middle school. She gained a little more weight, and the bullying got worse, to the point she would refuse to go to school the next day.
“The day I met her she was surrounded by high school boys and they were calling her names, bullying her about her weight, and laughing because she was crying. I managed to chase them away by screaming for the nearest teacher and threatening to kick them in the balls if they didn’t leave her alone and ever since then Kagome has been my best friend. I became her protector against the bullies and it wasn’t until Kagome’s appearance started to hinder her health that she decided to do something about it.
“She started exercising daily, with me being her constant support of course, eating healthier, and taking care of her body. By high school she looked like a completely different person, a lot like she does now, and that’s when she got her first boyfriend.”
Inuyasha frowned. “Houjo.”
Sango blinked in surprise. “She told you about him?”
He shrugged. “In passing. She didn’t give any details and I didn’t ask.”
“Anyway,” she continued and took a sip of her drink to wet her throat. “Dating Houjo helped a lot with Kagome’s self-esteem, but even he couldn’t erase the scars from years of bullying. And even though they parted on friendly terms because it was a mutual breakup, Kagome regressed back to her previous way of thinking and now it’s just a subconscious habit to dress in baggy clothes and deny any compliment that’s given to her, an instinctive way of protecting herself, I imagine. I’m always telling her she looks great, but she just blushes, shrugs, and changes the subject.”
Sango sighed and chewed on the end of her straw with a thoughtful frown. “She’s still eating healthy and exercising when she can, but you have to understand, Inuyasha, after years of being called degrading names, bullied because of how she looked, and believing she was ugly or didn’t deserve affection, I’d imagine it’d be quite difficult to accept any sort of praise, even if it’s true. She’s been cruelly conditioned to think like that, and without Houjo there as a constant reminder that she’s worthy and beautiful...”
She paused and stole a look at her unusually quiet half-demon boss and friend. Inuyasha was staring down at his desk, claws tapping against the thick paper of his coffee cup as he drummed his fingers. It was hard to determine what exactly the prevalent emotion on his face was, however judging by the dark frown that gradually lowered his brows over his eyes and the way his lip curled over sharp fangs, Sango wagered that anger had reigned supreme.
Relatable. Sango often felt the same whenever she thought about how rough her best friend had had it and the desire to go back in time and kick some ass was always present.
But then it vanished as quickly as it had arrived and Inuyasha shook his head, closing his eyes as he thrust a hand through his hair. It was obvious he was still perturbed at this new information however, because though less prominent, the frown on his face hadn’t diminished and he sat back in his chair. The rough grunt he emitted as he lifted his coffee to his lips articulated exactly what he thought about that and Sango nodded.
“Same,” she agreed.
Translation: I don’t fucking like this.
Then he sighed, nodded, and cut his eyes to hers with the steely determination that Sango recognized and her expression softened into a smile as she easily decoded what that meant.
But I’m gonna do my damnedest to fix it.
“Good,” Sango whispered and by mutual agreement, the two lapsed into silence as Inuyasha finished off his coffee and dumped the evidence of his lunch into the trash while Sango noisily and obnoxiously slurped up the remnants of her frappe.
Inuyasha’s ears pinned and he pegged her with an annoyed glare. She returned it with an innocent smile and while keeping eye contact, drew on the straw one last time, resulting in another grating slurping sound. He scowled at her.
Visibly pleased and resisting the urge to cackle, Sango sucked up the last of the tasty caramel before finally tossing it into the trash. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and dug around in his desk for his cigs and lighter, lamenting on the fact that his friends and instructors were children in adult bodies.
“By the way,” Sango said as she prepared to leave, “you’re one o’clock is here.”
Inuyasha paused and aimed a frown at her. “How the hell do you know?”
She smiled sweetly. “I saw her waiting in the lobby when I got back from getting your lunch. She was quite rude and demanded that I ‘fetch Mr. Taisho tout de suite, he’s expecting me and I mustn’t keep him waiting.’ So I gave her my murder-smile and said, ‘Right away, miss,’ then came up here and had a half-hour conversation with you.”
Her boss stared at her blankly for a moment and then a delighted grin spread across his face. “You are a fucking queen.”
“And don’t you forget it,” Sango quipped with a wink and headed for the door.
Inuyasha snorted and looked at the clock. From what Sango told him, Miss Daddy’s Princess must have gotten here shortly after he did, nearly a fucking hour early. What the actual fuck.
Growling in annoyance but figuring he might as well get it over with, he grunted and said, “Send her up.”
“I’m not your secretary,” Sango snorted as she reached the door and swung it open.
“I’m sorry, who signs your paychecks?”
“That’s Queen Bitch, thankyouverymuch.” Sango flipped him off and Inuyasha returned the gesture, straight-faced.
Rolling her eyes and grumbling, his friend finally left his office, but Inuyasha didn’t fail to miss the smile that crept onto her face right before the door closed behind her.
Chuckling, Inuyasha shook his head and wondered not for the first time how such a sorry son of a bitch like him lucked out with such amazing friends before once more rifling through his desk for his nicotine sticks. He ended up finding them on his desk under a pile of paperwork along with his lighter and he wasted no time in lighting up.
The sound of the elevator chiming outside his office was his only warning and he just barely managed to shove his hat down onto his head before his door was unceremoniously thrust open and his one o’clock appointment sauntered in without a care in the word. Inuyasha cocked a brow at her audacity at not bothering to knock before barging in but said nothing, leaning back in his chair and peering at the woman that strolled confidently toward him from under the bill of his hat.
Crossing his arms, the cherry of his cig flared orange as he inhaled and Inuyasha watched Miss Daddy’s Princess give him her best beauty pageant smile that he bet she practiced doing in front of a mirror and claimed one of the plush chairs before his desk. He first thing he noticed was that her tits were so full of silicone they could be considered paperweights and when she not so subtly thrust out her chest, they threatened to spill from her very low cut blouse. Christ, the buttons looked about ready to burst open and Inuyasha nearly choked on smoke as he disguised a laugh.
“Mr. Taisho,” she purred, crossing her legs at the knee and causing her short skirt to ride up either further. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. I was here nearly half an hour ago, but that bi—uh, that lady made me wait.” She huffed and pretended to pout.
Inuyasha didn’t deign that with a comment and took in the rest of her, releasing a stream of smoke in a smooth exhale. Tanning salon worthy dark skin, long brown hair with so much product in it stung his nose, and the greenest eyes he had ever seen.
Contacts, he surmised and flicked the ashes off his cig into an ashtray. She was pretty, he’d give her that, but in an artificial way and he was willing to bet her personality was just as fake as those rock hard bags on her chest. She knew how to manipulate a situation and what to say to get what she wanted, but that was okay. Inuyasha had dealt with countless women like her before so he was prepared for whatever she threw at him.
“Miss...Soma, was it?” Inuyasha drawled and stuck his fag between his lips again.
She smiled again, perfect white teeth flashing. Of course.
“Call me Kamlyn, Mr. Taisho.”
Inuyasha choked on his next inhale and surged forward, blindly reaching for the half-full bottle of water sitting on his desk.
He lied. He certainly hadn’t been prepared for that.
Kamlyn Soma, the bitch that had apparently been tormenting Kagome for the past three years, blinked and frowned at him.
“Are you...okay?” she asked and actually sounded genuinely concerned.
Chugging back the contents of the bottle, Inuyasha held up a finger in the universal “one moment” signal and after successfully soothing the irritant in his throat, he lowered the water and released a loud breath.
“M’fine,” he finally answered and looked around for his cig, scowling when he found it on the floor by his feet. Grumbling he stooped down to pick it up before settling back in his chair, inspecting it carefully.
Eh, whatever; he gave a mental shrug and placed it between his lips again. He didn’t want to waste a perfectly good cig he’d just started and besides, his office was vacuumed daily and shampooed monthly from the same company he hired to clean the studios.
Remembering he had an audience, Inuyasha turned his attention back to the woman before him. She was still eyeing him a little strangely but wiped the expression from her face when his eyes connected with hers, straightening her back and offering him another practiced smile.
“What can I do for you, Miss Soma?”
He stared at her and wordlessly opened his mouth to let a few tendrils of smoke drift lazily upward.
Undeterred, Miss Kamlyn Soma, aka Kagome’s Tormenter, cleared her throat and launched into an entire spiel that Inuyasha was positive she practiced for hours beforehand, complete with the sultry lilt to her voice.
“So, Mr. Taisho, I have a...proposition for you.” Her smile turned rather suggestive and she leaned forward in her seat, deliberately showing a generous amount of cleavage. “You see, my school is having a dance competition...”
Eighteen minutes later, lazily puffing away on his second cigarette without a damn care in the world, Inuyasha watched in unabashed amusement as Kamlyn Soma stormed out of his office, face beat red and body stiff with anger. Aside from an ear flicking beneath his hat when she slammed his door as hard as she could, he didn’t react and merely tapped more ashes into the ashtray, calm as you please.
Her less than stellar behavior had been entirely expected. When her methods of seduction had failed to garner what she wanted – i.e., assistance in planning a show-stopping routine – she’d thrown a tantrum and resorted to threatening him with her daddy’s money and power. Inuyasha had been unimpressed – Ryukotsusei Soma couldn’t do shit to him – and once more turned her down with the true reasoning of he was too busy.
He’d been professional and polite, keeping his tone respectful even when her calm composure had begun to deteriorate and she’d tried one last tactic, desperation causing her to lose all pretenses of seduction and outright promising him that she’d give him the ride of his life if only he would agree to help. She’d pay him generously of course, implying that money would not be the only means, but when still he’d replied in the negative, even looking bored while he said it, that was when she’d dropped her façade and her viper attitude had shown its fangs.
Inuyasha had merely watched, face blank, as she’d ranted and raved at him for a good five minutes, threatening that she would destroy his reputation and pretty much throwing a little spoiled princess hissy fit before huffily stomping away and childishly slamming the door in her wake.
Fuck, but Ryukotsusei must have the patience of a goddamn saint to put up with that every day.
Snorting, Inuyasha carelessly tossed his hat onto his desk, freeing his ears, and reached into his pocket to retrieve his phone. Waking up the screen, he was a little disappointed to see the text he’d received earlier wasn’t from Kagome, but then again, it wasn’t that surprising. Considering how insecure and shy she was, it was a given she wouldn’t text him first, probably thinking she’d be bothering him or something and not wanting to be a nuisance. He hoped soon she’d be comfortable enough to text him whenever she wanted, but for now he was content to initiate their conversations.
Ignoring the message from Kikyou telling him to call her later, Inuyasha brought the text he’d sent from Kagome’s phone last night and swiftly typed in a new message.
you’ll never guess who I just had the pleasure of meeting with and then stormed outta my office looking pissed enough to commit murder
He hit send, paused, and then sent a second one. mine, specifically
Expecting it might be a while before she replied since he had no idea what her class schedule entailed, Inuyasha flipped up his laptop and decided it’d be a good idea to actually get some work done. He needed to check his emails, reply back to some if necessary, call and check in with a few of his clients, call Kikyou, draw up some contracts, review and sign a few contracts, file said contracts, go over payroll and yell at Miroku for his frequent habit of coming in late, and then go over some reports that were past due.
Fuck my life, he groused, grumbling as he brought up his email, crushing the stub of his cigarette in the ashtray and lighting up a fresh one. He stared longingly at his office’s custom bar he’d added in some years back but thought better of it. Sango would kill him if she caught him drinking in the middle of the day, no matter how justifiable it was after putting up with someone like Kamlyn Soma for nearly twenty minutes, and he was pretty sure he’d finished his JD last week anyway.
He wasn’t even half-way through reading his second email when his phone buzzed beside his computer. Surprised, but delighted, Inuyasha abandoned the email to swipe up the device and lean back in his chair to read his newest text.
He snorted even as the corners of his lips quirked up into a slight grin.
A one kamlyn soma maybe you’ve heard of her
Her reply was instant that time.
GET. OUT!!!!!!!!!
Inuyasha laughed.
srsly. tried seducing her way into getting me to help w her dance was hilarious
Taking a drag, Inuyasha exhaled through the side of his mouth and idly tapped this thumb against the screen as he waited for her to reply. The three dots appeared, vanished, appeared, and then disappeared again and he frowned when it stayed that way. He narrowed his eyes, and then to keep himself from asking what the hell she was doing, he closed the app and after thinking about it for a split second, brought up Facebook.
He brought up his friends, found Sango, and browsed her friends until—ah. There she was.
Grinning victoriously and with a single tap, he brought up Kagome Higurashi’s profile and took his time going through her timeline, chuckling at some of the memes and pictures she’d shared that gave him a glimpse into her sense of humor. Then he came across a selfie of her and Sango, looking positively radiant as they laughed together, and his expression softened.
Truly, how could she ever think that she wasn’t pretty with something like this as proof?
He’d just decided to browse her albums to see what other gems he could find when finally his mobile vibrated with an incoming message. And instead of the lengthy reply he’d been expecting because she was taking so long, the notification that dropped down had his brows snapping low over his eyes in an annoyed frown.
You agreed??
Ears pinning flat against his head and growling low, Inuyasha gripped his phone with both hands and hastily typed out his response, pissed the hell off that she actually had to fucking ask that in the first place.
what the fuck kagome NO I didn’t agree u don’t fucking think I would actual
Inuyasha stopped mid-word. Blinked down at his phone and reread what he’d typed. Then he sighed, briefly closed his eyes, and promptly deleted everything he’d written before starting again.
no babydoll. I didn’t my time is yours
He hit send and dragged a hand down his face as his previous anger quickly fled. Kagome was insecure and Kamlyn was her hot, although still fake as fuck, enemy; it wasn’t farfetched that she’d assume he would agree. He was a businessman, and what businessman didn’t want…well, more business? He’d have to keep reminding himself that Kagome was just acting on instinct, doing what her brain had been unconsciously hardwired to do, and he’d definitely have to start exercising more restraint.
It was like Sango said; Kagome as fragile, or at least her state of mind was, and Inuyasha knew if he directed one of his infamous blowups at her, it would cause more damage than he could repair. And he’d never be able to forgive himself.
Blessedly her reply came much quicker this time around and glancing down at the mobile cradled in his lax grip, he released a breath and was suddenly infinitely glad he’d decided to change his last message.
Grinning, Inuyasha sent the dog emoji back, practically able to hear the giggle he knew it would elicit, and then grudgingly put down his cell to actually get some work done. In a significantly lighter mood than before, he went back to his email, unaware of the smile that lingered on his face as he scanned the page.
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Part 3
Buy me a coffee? :)
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