Yes I'm an angst writer. Yes I headcanon that Shiro is insecure and has anxiety (pre kerberos) but is really good at hiding it behind a wall of confidence
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spacesapphi · 1 month
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Thinkin ab the one mod where he expresses worries that his kids will end up like him and... Waaah...
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divinesapph · 2 years
"No you don't"
A one shot where mc can't and won't accept the feeling or thought of someone loving them. I mean, can you blame them? Thanks to society and the fucked up things they had to deal with in the human world. You'd think that they'd show at least a tiny bit of remorse towards though the poor demons who tried so desperately to prove their love to mc. But just like glass, there's only so much you can do to fix a broken heart, especially with such little time.
"Are you okay?" "Is everything alright?" "Do you wanna talk about it?" "Don't you think you're being a tad bit dramatic?" "You just need some time, that's all." "Not talking today, huh?" "I'm right here if you need anything, 'kay?" Pity. At least that's what mc would call it. They would scoff under their breath at the words of those they thought pitied them. It's not like mc hasn't shown that they care, no, no, don't get me wrong. They DO care. They've showed the brothers that they care, even. Otherwise, how would they have fallen in love? It's just the fact that mc can't accept someone else's love. They can't imagine someone actually loving them for them. And I mean, LOVE, love. Seeing the brothers try so eagerly to change mc's way of thinking, to let them know that there's still a rainbow shining after all that storming, to let them know that even mc, has someone who actually loves them. Seeing mc this way, hurts them more than mc themselves. But there was only so much they could do until, finally, they gave up. What's the point of trying to fight a battle if you aren't trained nor prepared? Giving up was the only option they resorted too. All except mammon.
I mean, how could you not accept mammon's love? It's mammon...right? He was your first. Your first demon, your first pact, your first demon you could lean on without being scared shitless of the outcome. The first demon you actually trusted. So why was his love not enough for you? Didn't you love him all along? Is he doing something wrong? Do you love someone else now? Is he too boring? Maybe he's annoying you? What is he doing wrong that's making you feel this way??
All of these towering thoughts forging in poor mammon's mind. But then came a day when he had a spark of hope. That maybe all of the time that he'd spent trying to prove his point to you paid off; Because today you had done something he wasn't so used to, something new that even the brothers would've just thought mammon was imagining it or even lying to himself. You had hugged mammon. To you, it was just a soft gesture of kindness, basically your way of thanking him for helping you out so much with the little things lately. Still, as I said, that was only your way of saying thank you, but to mammon, it meant a much deeper meaning than that. The way your arms wrapped around his torso, ever so gently, as your thumb lightly glided his back. For him, it was a very sensational moment for him. It took him a while since he was hesitant and just stood there, frozen in shock at your sudden movements. But eventually he began to return the favor and hug you back. He wrapped his arms around you and snuggled his face into your soft, cotton-like hair and took in your scent. His heart increased as his breath slightly hitched. He rested his self on you and embraced the moment. His eyes studied the ground under you as you took a whiff of his cologne. The thought of you couldn't leave his mind, everything else slipped his mind. Just like the words that slipped his tongue did, and it took you by surprise.
"I love you." He had said it so calmly that it almost sounded like he whispered it. But he couldn't help himself. How could he? He could no longer hide the fact that he was madly in love with you. "What?" Your arms crawl away from mammon, escaping his embrace as you process what he had just said. "I said--" "No-- no you don't" You fully pull away from mammon, looking him dead in the eyes. His eyes start to water, and you could've sworn you saw his lips quiver at your words. "Why--" "Why what?" "Why can't ya accept the fact that I--" "Love me?"*scoffs* The tone in your voice lets him know all he needs to know. All the hope and wishing he had done was useless, huh? Maybe his brothers were right. Maybe he couldn't help you. After all, he's just some money hungry lame excuse of a brother. What could he possibly do to change your mind? Maybe he should've just given up like the rest of his brothers. I mean, he wouldn't be standing here embarrassing himself with a fountain worth of tears dripping down his face, would he? "Your right. This was stupid. I'm stupid." "No, I'm--" "Sorry for wastin' your time." Before you could say anything else, he had already left. He didn't slam the door, but the sound of him closing it was so loud to you that it echoed throughout your mind. Why'd you have to be so stubborn? You knew he loved you. So why'd you have to make it all difficult for him? You really are pathetic. No wonder you're like this now. You had him in your grasp like you said you would, then promised to not let go. Then you did exactly that, like an idiot. Now he's gone.
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ao3-feedshance · 2 years
silence among the constellations
by Anemoia
On a superficial level, he knew his friends didn’t hate him. How could they? It was Lance they were talking about, he was basically unhateable. Even though he knew this like the back of his hand, he couldn’t help but feel like it was all a lie. A less-than-truth all for the sake of keeping him from breaking down. No one wants to deal with that situation, especially not Lance. It was so much easier to bottle it all up and pretend you never felt it in the first place.
Maybe if he pretended for long enough, he’d actually start feeling like everything was okay.
Words: 1469, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron)
Relationships: Lance/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, shance, shangst, Mentioned Keith (Voltron), Mentioned Pidge | Katie Holt, Mentioned Hunk (Voltron), Hurt/Comfort, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Not Beta Read, shangst is my new therapy, its kinda cheesy, giving the toughest battles to my strongest characters, voltron in 2023??, more likely than you think
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44874385
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theartarmature · 1 year
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void-tiger · 3 years
Shiro Headcanon:
Shiro likes long-term space missions so much because Yes SPAACE!!!! and getting to really fly (and in general being more geared towards feeling energetic after dark verses being a “true morning person”—Garrison’s Pseudo Military Schedule or not.)
But something he won’t admit to, and something he probably doesn’t even consciously process: Long-Term missions means he has to be with the same crew from anywhere from several months to a few years. Meaning they’re also with him. Unlike when they’re Earth-Side, there’s not more pressing responsibilities, or his crewmates having other friends and family that they’d rather spend time with during their off hours verses sharing a meal at the cafe or local diner.
Shiro’s not alone anymore.
…and then there’s Voltron. These kids and Alteans actually seem to want him around, and not because of only what he can do. The Alteans seem to Get It with needing to bury oneself in work because there’s so much to do that just doesn’t ever stop (and things barely staying just under the surface that threaten to overwhelm when things get too quiet, too calm Too uneventful. Maybe keeping distracted and busy isn’t the healthiest coping strategy. But they get it—they have the same fault. And somehow guarding their hearts and schedules helps him gradually move away from needing that same crutch, too.)
And the cadets actually seem to like him better when he’s not presenting as infallible (like he’s always needed to Before for as far back as he can remember.) They need to play. They want him to play with them. (He still wishes he could be the person he was Before, especially for Keith’s and Pidge’s sakes. But…against all odds and hope, he might actually have a chance to make things right for Pidge. And unlike Before, Keith’s actually blossoming with how things are Now.)
Shiro’s not alone anymore.
And this time he’s pretty sure those around him actually want him there. Not because of what he can do or presenting only his carefully cultivated best behavior, but because they all chose to be. They chose him.
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icypantherwrites · 3 years
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New Fic: Exchange
Summary: They had wanted to capture Shiro, to take his life in exchange for the one he’d taken from them. But it’s not Shiro they end up with. It’s Lance. And this new exchange is no longer just a life for a life.
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sparklebitch · 4 years
Toxin (Shance angst)
Summary: Shangst where Shrio is holding his poisoned lover, Lance.
A/N: @izanagisbitch requested this over a year ago and I completely misunderstood it and wrote something totally different lol (it's quite a few prompts back. Title: Toxic Love). I was rereading some of my old fics and remembered it. So I wrote what they actually asked for 😂 Again, so so sorry!
Trigger warning: posion, sickness, death mention, super sad feelings
~   ~   ~
The leaves rustled loudly overhead. The wind whipped the branches every which way. Animals all around were scattering, fleeing to their homes.
A storm was approaching.
Shiro didn't notice any of this.
His only focus was Lance's struggling breath.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked for the fourth time. Lance rolled his eyes, but Shiro noticed a bead of sweat roll down his forehead.
"Takashi, you worry too much. I'm alright. It's just a- a stomach ache or something" he assured his worried boyfriend. Shiro held up his hands in defeat, but he wasn't totally convinced.
Shiro and Lance had been on a stroll through a nearby village that evening, seeing as how they would be stuck here for a while. They had arrived for a routine checkup on the planet which had recently joined the alliance, but when they had tried to leave, their ship mysteriously broke down. Coran informed them that it could potentially be a few weeks before he could identify the problem and fix it, so they should make themselves comfortable here.
The walk had started out nice. The weather was pleasant. The villagers were more than welcoming. One had even brought them tea to drink on their walk.
But a few minutes after leaving the village on the small dirt path through the woods, Shiro noticed Lance's breath becoming labored. At first he laughed it off, assuming it was from the large meal they had had, but the longer they were out, the harder it was to deny that something was actually very wrong.
They continued to wander down the path that led from the village through the lush forest that surrounded the civilization. Everything was so pretty. It would've been a perfect night if it hadn't been for Lance's obvious discomfort.
"How long do you think we'll be here?" Lance asked, trying to distract himself, and Shiro, from his pain.
"I'm not sure. Coran hasn't figured out what's wrong with the ship yet" Shiro said. Lance smiled broadly as he closed the gap between their hands. He intertwined their fingers and tugged Shiro closer to his side.
"Maybe we'll be here for years" He said. Shiro frowned at the happiness in Lance's voice.
"That wouldn't be good" he murmured in confusion.
"Oh come on, it would be so fun! We could build a house!"
"Build a- Lance you don't know the difference between a phillips screwdriver and a flathead!" Lance, completely undeterred by this, continued.
"Of course we would have to have a front porch with a swing. And a nice sized backyard where we can plant a garden. I'd like to have two bathrooms, but we could make do with just one" He said to himself. Shrio stared at him in bewilderment.
"Wh-" Lance pressed a finger to Shiro's lips.
"Shh. We're just pretending babe. We're not really going to build a house" he whispered, as if it was a secret. Shiro's eyes softened in realization and he chuckled.
"Oh. Well... then I guess we'd need a decent sized kitchen with an island so I can cook you dinner" he pressed a flirtatious kiss to Lance's knuckles. Lance giggled but cut off in a sudden coughing fit.
The wind picked up around them as they paused for Lance to catch his breath.
"Okay, I think it's time we head back" Shiro said nervously. "You might be getting sick" Lance waved him off, though in his current state, doubled over and hacking up a lung, it wasn't very reassuring.
"I'm..." he coughed sharply. "F- fine" Shiro let go of Lance's hand and shielded his eyes as he looked around them, unsure of which way they had come.
When did they wander off the path?
"Let's- Let's head back the way we came" Shiro suggested. Lance nodded, groping around for Shiro's hand. He was too embarrassed to admit that his vision was blurring.
The two turned around and began their trek back toward the village. It was more difficult than they had anticipated, because of the weather.
Somehow neither of them had noticed how dark it had gotten during their walk. Angry looking dark clouds were looming overhead, threatening to break open and pour down on them.
Shiro's heart rate spiked as he continued to tug Lance along what he thought was the path. Everything around them looked the same. They were lost.
"Shiro..." Lance croaked. His began to stumble along, his head lolling lower and lower with every stop.
Shiro glanced over and thought to himself, "His skin is white as a sheet..." Before either of them could mutter another word, Lance collapsed.
The next thing Lance new he was laying on his side with his head in Shiro's lap. They had moved underneath a tree to shield them from the downpour that had started at some point.
"Wha-" Lance rasped. Shiro let out a loud gasping sigh.
"Lance! Shh... don't try to talk. Just relax. You collapsed" Lance was suddenly aware that his entire body was shaking uncontrollably. He was both too hot and too cold at the same time.
"What... happening?" Shiro has one hand in Lance's hair, and the other was gripping his hand.
"I- I don't know" There was a clap of thunder overhead. "We need to get back to the castle but..." He trailed off, staring up at the scene around them. The storm was so strong that the forrest has seemingly come to life. Trees swaying, limbs falling, debris flying through the air. "I think we'll have to wait out the storm" Despite being fairly well covered, Lance felt large drops of water splashing his exposed skin. "It's all going to be okay."
Lance listened as Shiro called to the others on his communicator. He couldn't make sense of what they were saying. All he knew was that Allura voice was frantic and she kept repeating several words like "poisoned" and "trap." The world continued to flicker in and out of focus for several minutes before Lance found the strength to speak.
"Shiro" Lance mumbled. His voice was barely audible over the howl of the wind. "Shrio, don't let go of me" he pleaded. He didn't want to frighten Shiro, but moments ago he became aware that he couldn't feel any part of his body.
Shiro searches Lance's eyes for the source of his pain, but came up empty. He desperately wanted to fix this, but he had no idea how.
"I'm here, Lance. I'm here. And I'm not letting you go. I'll get you back to the castle. You're going to be okay. Look, I think the weather is clearing up" he said, trying to stay positive. Lance knew it was a lie.
"I love you" Lance said, teary eyed. "Shiro, I love you"
"I- I love you, too" Shiro said through tears. "You're going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay" Shrio searched Lance's face as he tried to think of something to say, something to make this moment a little less scary. He didn't know what was going to happen next, but he was worried that this might be... That this might be the last moments he and Lance had together.
"Hey, we- we should get a dog" Shiro said, wiping the tears out of his eyes. Lance frowned for a moment, and then a faint smile ghosted his face.
"As long as it's a big one. And she'll... need a friend" he said hoarsely. He weakly lifted his hand to reach for Shiro's face, but he didn't have the strength. Shiro saw this and lifted Lance hand for him. He felt Lance's thin fingers brush against the stubble on his cheek.
"We can build a dog house for them" Shiro continued. "And- and we'll paint the whole house blue. The brightest blue. The neighbors will hate us" Lance made a noise that almost sounded like a laugh.
"We'll be happy" his voice was barely audible. He couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.
"Yeah, baby" Shiro said softly. "We'll be happy. Forever. Happily ever after" They both fell silent.
Lance's breaths grew shorter, the pauses between grew longer. His lips fell open as he let out small pained noises. He was in complete agony. The storm continued on around them, though it had let up a bit. Shiro considered making a run for it, but he knew that it was pointless. Lance would never make it. And any movement would cause even more pain for Lance.
It was the hardest decision Shiro ever had to make.
Through the deafening sounds of the rain, Lance could hear Shiro singing softly in his ear.
When the others finally found them, the storm had long passed. The morning light bathed the spot that Shiro and Lance were huddled. Allura sprinted to them with a questioning face.
Shiro cranes his neck to look at her. His face had smears of dirt and tracks of tears. He looked beyond exhausted.
"Shiro...?"Allura said questioningly. Shiro smiled weakly, more tears dripping down his nose, falling onto the boy clutched in his arms. He shook his head, his face breaking.
"He's gone"
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Eternal Flame (Shangst)
Shiro shouldn’t have chased after Lance- not after realizing that Lance and his clone were in a relationship. Shiro should have sat down and thought this through, he should have taken a goddamn breath and asked himself how the hell this would affect their current friendship now. 
But he didn’t- Shiro approached Lance against his or anyone’s better judgment. 
He found the somber boy in the training room. Now it was obvious why he’s always looking so heartbroken whenever he looked at Shiro. He wasn’t seeing Shiro, he was seeing it. 
And even when Shiro asked Lance how he felt about the real Shiro, he never expected for Lance’s words to carry so much weight. And Shiro didn’t want to humor this obviously blind crush. Lance wanted to explain at first, but then Shiro didn’t want to understand. 
How could Shiro possibly understand that while he was barely existing, Lance had not only befriended a fake version of himself, but fallen in love with him? That wasn’t the real Shiro- it was a clone and they weren’t the same person. How could Lance catch feelings for that? It didn’t make sense- Shiro didn’t want Lance’s love- especially when that love was never directed to him in the first place. 
It was exactly why Shiro couldn’t delay this conversation any longer. 
They stood opposite each other- thick silence in the air. Lance reached out, and Shiro stepped back. Where was this going? 
“Close your eyes,” Lance instructed the man, his voice borderline on a whisper, “Give me your hand,”
Shiro hesitated, but after staring at Lance’s outreached palm for the better half of a dobash, he finally rested his hand in the blue paladin’s grip. Lance curled his fingers around Shiro’s- the gesture so intimate and strange that Shiro nearly snatched his hand away. 
Lance sighed softly, “Please Takashi, listen to me.”
There he went again- calling him by his first name. It almost always tricked Shiro into letting his guard down, but it was an honest slip. For some reason, Lance was more used to calling him by his first name than anyone else. It had to be the biggest clue that they had something more than friendship.
Shiro let his eyes drift shut, “Okay- now what?”
Lance shifted his hand, pulling it to himself until Shiro felt himself touch Lance’s smooth shirt. It was warm, and… he could feel the throbbing heart under it. Consistent and loud against his palm. Shiro pressed his hand closer- listening without his ears. 
Lance’s voice was definitely in a whisper- almost trembling, “Do you feel my heart beating…? Do you understand?”
The next part was so quiet, so soft and Shiro felt Lance’s heart quicken almost immediately, “Would you feel the same?”
How could he? He wasn’t the same person- the same man who befriended, no, who loved Lance in the past. That was a different version of him, in another life- Lance was, and will always be just Lance. 
Lance swallowed, “Or am I only dreaming…?”
Shiro pulled away, and opened his eyes. He found himself looking into Lance’s eyes of unshed tears. But no matter what pity or what sorrow he felt for his heartbroken friend- he couldn’t let Lance continue to live in a fantasy. 
Shiro put on a soft smile- the smile of a friend who doesn’t want to break someone very dear to them, but needs to. “Lance… you’re an amazing person and a-”
“But you don’t love me,”
God- why did this have to hurt so much? Why did Lance have to fall in love with his clone- why not Allura? She would have known how to handle this better than Shiro. But Shiro knew what must be done. He should treat this like a bandaid, pull it off quickly and get it over with.
“No Lance, I don’t love you.” Shiro said calmly- and how he wished he didn’t see how Lance visibly staggered back, “I’m not the same man who you fell in love with. That’s not me- and I don’t want you living in a fantasy world where you and I have this happy-ever-after where we marry or grow old together and… well...”
Shiro shut his eyes- he did not want to see Lance cry, especially since he knew this was his fault, “Lance, ‘us’ is never going to happen. I can’t love you,”
Shiro didn’t have to open his eyes to see Lance’s anguish, he heard it in the boy’s voice when he whispered, “Why…? What’s wrong with me?”
“There’s nothing wrong with you!” Shiro defended, fists clenched at his side, “This is simply inconvenient-”
“So our love is inconvenient…?”
“Yes- I mean no. I mean…” Shiro rubbed his temples, still refusing to open his eyes, “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be- we’re friends Lance, and I hate hurting you.”
“Then…” Lance paused, and Shiro heard the boy’s breath hitch. There was some shuffling, and a few sobs. Shiro wanted to reach out- to comfort the boy and to just hold him close, but that would only hurt them both. Lance needed to get over it.
Lance inhaled sharply, “Then can I mourn?”
“Mourn… what? The clone?” Shiro bit down on his bottom lip, wishing they could move on from this topic, “Why?”
There was something dark in Lance’s tone, “Because the man I loved is dead. Replaced. You will never be him and I need some time to understand that,”
Why did Shiro feel as though those words should have been directed at his clone and not him? Wasn’t Shiro the one to be replaced by the clone? But the sheer emotion Lance revealed with those words, made Shiro almost wish he had threaded a little lightly. 
Shiro jumped when he felt Lance’s hand clasp his shoulder- and flinched when Lance coolly said, “You can open your eyes Shiro, there’s nothing to see here.”
And even when Lance had walked out the room, Shiro still kept his eyes closed. He didn’t open them until his own heart had stopped pounding- but this was no love, only fear. For their friendship- for Lance. 
Yet, Lance never mentioned it. That very afternoon, when they had sat down for team dinner, Lance was his jovial self. Even grinning at Shiro like everything was back to normal. And even if Lance’s smile faltered once or twice when Shiro laughed, it didn’t matter. Lance and Shiro understood- there was nothing between them, and there never will be. 
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Wildest Dreams
‘He said, "Let's get out of this town. Drive out of the city, away from the crowds' 
“Ready to go?” Shiro asked as he closed the back of the vehicle. 
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Adam kept his arms crossed over his chest. A friendly smile on his face. 
Shiro grinned at his boyfriend, taking a couple of steps toward him. “That is classified.” 
“You want me to spend our spring break in an unknown location? Are you trying to murder me?” Adam played back, his eyebrows raising in playful suspicion.
Shiro rolled his eyes, “I have told everyone that we are spending break together. Why would I kill my boyfriend of six months during this trip? I would be the number one suspect.”
Adam clicked his tongue, “touché.” 
Shiro released a deep laugh. “Okay get in the car we need to go.” 
“Okay okay, don’t rush me.” Adam opened the car door. Quickly sliding in. 
‘Nothing lasts forever’ 
‘He's so tall and handsome as hell’ 
Fingers snapped in front of his face. “Adam! Stop ogling your boyfriend. We have work to do.” 
He waved his hand to his friend. His eyes not leaving Shiro once. “Skin-tight shirts should be criminalized at the Garrison.” 
Shiro was wiping his forehead with a rag. His black shirt clinging to his skin with sweat. Perfect eye candy for Adam. 
Shiro met his eyes, sending him a small wave. Adam waved back, his friend groaning as they dragged him out of the training deck. “I know he’s hot but we still have work to do.” 
Adam let his collogue drag him. He was hot. How did he manage to score Takashi Shirogane? 
‘I can see the end as it begins’
“It’s terminal.” 
Adam closed his eyes, trying to stop any tears from falling. He wasn’t the one that needed to break down right now. He needed to be there for Shiro. 
He took a shaky breath. His heart shattered into a million pieces as he forced the next question out. “How long?” 
Shiro sighed. His body curled into himself as he squeezed his hands closed. “Two to five years.” 
Anger formed in Adam’s gut. Two to five years is nothing when you want forever with someone. “This is bullshit!” He found himself standing, the room blurring some due to unfallen tears. “Fucking bullshit!” 
Shiro looked up at him, his face holding an expression of heartbreak and exhaustion. “Adam.” Even his voice was tired. 
Adam found himself pacing. Words spilled from his lips. “Our lives just started! We just graduated what do you mean two to five years?! There's nothing they can do to help? No treatment or medicine?”
“The only medicine they have will simply prolong it. It won’t cure it.” 
Adam’s knees hit the floor, sobs threatening to consume him. “This isn’t fair.” His voice broke on the words. 
Shiro slowly moved toward him, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. “I know. I know it’s not.” 
“You can’t leave Shiro. We still have so much to do.” 
“I know,” his voice rumbled in his chest, pulling Adam even closer. “I’ll be here as long as I can.” 
‘I said, "No one has to know what we do.” His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room. And his voice is a familiar sound.’ 
Adam stared up at the ceiling, the only sound filling the room was Shiro’s breathing. His fingers trace random shapes on his exposed skin. Trying to memorize every aspect of him. The feel of his skin, the curve of his body. Everything that made up Takashi. 
It had been half a year since his diagnosis. Since he was told that he wouldn’t live to thirty. He would be lucky to make twenty-eight. 
Adam did his best to remain happy. To move through his everyday life pretending that the love of his life wasn’t on borrowed time. Pretending he wasn’t pissed at whatever sick being or universal thing did this to Shiro. 
He knew Shiro saw right through him. But he remained so calm. So collected. He was the one sick and yet he seemed at peace. Adam was envious of his calmness. How he never seem to worry about how many days he had left. That he was content as long as he was with Adam. 
Shiro stirred some, lifting his head up. Blinking sleepily at his lover. 
Adam smiled at him, running his hand through his hair. “Morning.” 
Shiro leaned into his touch. “Morning.” 
Adam stared at him a bit longer. His heart filled with a mix of love, admiration, and comfort. Feelings Shiro always brought him. “Will you marry me?” 
Shiro's eyes widened, “what?” 
Adam repeated himself, his fingers gently playing with the end of his hair. 
“Yes,” Shiro grinned, pressing his lips to Adams. 
‘Nothing lasts forever.’ 
‘Someday when you leave me I bet these memories follow you around.’ 
“I’m going. Everyone cleared me. The doctors said I can!” Shiro took a deep breath, trying to keep his anger at bay. 
“You could die out there!” Adam raised his voice, not caring who could hear them through the walls.
“I’m going to die here! At least let me do something with the time I have left.” 
A tense silence filled the room. Both of their chests rose and fell quickly. Fight after fight had occurred in the last couple of months. Since Shiro put in his application for the Kerberos mission. 
But they had never felt like this. Never felt like it was teetering on the edge. The fragile class they surrounded themselves in finally cracked. 
“It’s the mission or me. You can’t have both.” 
Shiro’s eyes filled with heartbreak, “Adam. You can’t make me choose.” He pleaded. His voice cracked as tears threaten to consume him. 
Adam looked at him with sternness, his mind was made up. No matter how much Shiro begged, he wouldn’t change his position. “Pick one.” 
Shiro closed his eyes, sucking in a tight breath as a couple of tears slipped down his face. “Please.” 
Adam moved, grabbing his bag as he stepped closer to Shiro. A gentle hand cupping his face. “I’ll never forget about you Takashi.” 
A small piece of metal was pressed into his hand. Familiar lips pressed against his cheek. Footsteps moved through the room, a door opened, and then silence. 
Shiro opened his eyes, looking down at his palm. A ring glared back at him. He allowed his body to crumple, releasing screams he had held in for so long. Allowing himself to break. 
 ‘Say you'll see me again even if it's just pretend.’ 
“Good work Champion,” a Galran threw him into a cell. Closing the door and waking away. 
Shiro rested his head against the wall, hugging his knees into his chest. He closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing. Letting his mind wander.
He smiled to himself as an image of Adam filled his mind. The way he smiled at him, how he said his name. The way his face scrunched up when he was stuck on a problem. The spice of his cologne, how he faintly snored when he slept but never admitted it even when Shiro recorded it. 
He moved his hand against his chest, gripping the two rings that hung on a string. He was going to get home and see Adam again. He was going to make things right. 
Sorry :/ 
Not really this was spinning in my mind for daysssss 
This is also a low-key prequel for my upcoming Adashi fic. That fic will go into more depth with flashbacks and things like that but this does set the tone and stage for how things will start. 
This was based on Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift, I don’t own any aspect of the song, all credit goes to their proper creators. 
Thank you for reading <33333 
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lances-wormhole · 5 years
Imagine post-s8 or whatever Lance singing “When He Sees Me” from Waitress the Musical
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romonoa · 5 years
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Smh my head
IDC if you steal this meme or not I give outright permission to steal this meme even tho I made it. I know, I'm pretty gracious. anyways follow me I have three followers lmao. also, I didn’t use a reference photo for this so...
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icymakesazine · 5 years
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There’s no tricks here! This zine event is all about the treats! Or, should I say, TREATS?
The event runs from now through end of the day Saturday, Nov. 2 via my Bookshop and it’s up to you how many treats are being handed out!  Here’s what our treats could be!
A Collection of Langst Volume Two: The addition of the fic Twisted Kaleidoscope
Going Down in Flames: A Keith Angst Collection: The addition of the fic So Cold*
Brothers in Arms: The addition of the fic Nowhere I’d Rather Be**
My Favorite Toy: The addition of the “paired” fanfictions of No Use for You and its soft sequel I Pledge Allegiance To... 
A Short(er) Story Collection: The addition of the fic Quarantine
* October Patreon Fic of the Month fic ** Unreleased but Patreon previewed fic of hurt!Lance with protective!Shiro and some Shiro!angst too ♥
If 15 or more zines/books are ordered during the event: 
We will get ONE of the above fics added to a zine voted on via poll; most votes will get the fic!
If 30 or more zines/books are ordered during the event:
We will get TWO of the above fics added to a zine voted on via poll; top two vote getters will get the fic!
If 40 or more zines/books are ordered during the event:
All THREE zines will get an additional fic!!!
As you can see, the rewards are only for zines BUT any combination of books (so My Favorite Toy, A Short(er) Story Collection, and The Burning Bright Series) also count towards these goal numbers. 
And heaven forbid...
If 50 or more zines/books are ordered during the event:
In addition to all three zines getting bonus fics, Your Favorite Toy and A Short(er) Story Collection will also get their listed additional fics. 
Talk about treats ;p Let’s see if I’m giving out any! Any questions feel free to shoot me a message or post below :) This will be the last big event (may be one more smaller one right before the end) so if you want a chance to have even more fanfiction in your hands, now is the time to get shopping!
AO3 | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Bookshop (Preorders Close Nov. 20!)
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angstyzebra · 5 years
Lance has been overworking himself as a result of his insecurities and Shiro is there to help him.
This is my gift for @veltron for the @langstron gift exchange! I hope you enjoy!! (Read it below or on AO3 here!)
The team was having a meeting about their next mission. Allura was talking about which planet they would be travelling to and which creatures to avoid there. Lance knew this was important and that he needed to pay attention, but his mind kept on wandering off without him even realizing it.
Lance knew he was the weak link, and couldn’t stop thinking about it, especially after what happened during the mission a week prior. He messed up and it could have killed someone. Thankfully, they got the information they needed and everyone got out with no more than a few scrapes and bruises. The angry scolding from Keith and Allura hurt, but the disappointed look he saw on Shiro’s face was what really got to him.
Shiro and Lance had been together for a while now, and their relationship was going very well. But the uncomfortable tension between them since that mission was upsetting. They hadn’t talked much since then, but that also could have been due to their busy schedule as paladins.
Maybe Lance was overthinking all of this. Maybe the lack of sleep was getting to him. Or maybe it was the fact that he was starting to feel under the weather.
He couldn’t sleep well that night after the mission, and instead decided to get some training in. “Some training” ended up being five hours, almost to the point of passing out on the training room floor. Lance thought he would sleep better the next night from the exhaustion of all of that training. However, as always, the universe was out to get him and he ended up training the next night as well. And the next. And the one after that.
Basically, he had only gotten about two hours of sleep each night for the past week, which probably explained why he was so tired during the day. Lance knew this was bad for his body, but he was the weak link. He needed the extra training so he could be useful to the team. Pidge, Hunk, and Coran were incredibly smart, Allura and Shiro had amazing leadership and planning skills, and Keith was a talented fighter. Lance didn’t have any special skills like the rest of them, he was only there to pilot Blue.
His head shot up and realized everyone was staring at him.
Allura approached him with a furious look, and stopped mere inches in front of him. “Have you been listening to any of this? Do you even care about being a paladin?”
Lance’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment. “Of course I care.”
Keith then stepped forward next to Allura. “Then why did you look like you were about to fall asleep? Are we boring you?”
“No, I’m just tired.” Lance mumbled. He was already feeling irritable, and a second scolding from Allura and Keith in the same week was definitely not helping his mood.
Before anyone could say another word, Shiro stepped in front of Lance and took control of the situation. “That’s enough. We’re all worn out from these constant missions, so why don’t we take the rest of today to get some rest?”
Allura looked as if she was going to argue, but instead sighed and left the room without another word. The other began filing out afterward, slow and sluggish in their movements. Shiro was right, they all needed a break.
Lance silently made his way to the training room, despite what Shiro said about all of them taking the day to rest. He didn’t deserve to rest, he needed to be a better paladin.
Lance hadn’t even gotten through halfway through the first practice level before he heard someone call out “end training sequence!” He turned to the door and saw Shiro walking towards him with a concerned expression.
“What the hell, Shiro? Why’d you stop it?” Lance bit out. He regretted it as soon as the words left his mouth, feeling guilty at seeing the surprised and hurt look on Shiro’s face.
“Lance, we seriously need to talk.”
Lance froze, afraid of what was going to come next. Was Shiro going to break up with him? Kick him off the team? He felt himself fall forward to the ground, and then everything went black.
Lance woke up feeling refreshed and in a much better mood. He yawned as he sat up, stretching his arms over his head.
“Hey there, sleepy head.” Lance turned and saw Shiro sitting beside his bed with a teasing smirk, holding a tablet in his hands. He must have been looking over information for the next mission.
“Hey, what are you-” It was then that everything came back to him. Lance groaned and buried his face in his hands. “Shiro, I’m really sorry. I was being such an ass earlier and-”
“Lance.” Shiro interrupted. “It’s okay, really. I understand what was going on with you now.”
“You do?”
Shiro turned the tablet for Lance to see. It was displaying his training log for the past week. “You’ve been working so hard, Lance. This shows how much you’ve improved and I am so proud of you for it.”
“Really?” Lance asked, embarrassed from the praise.
“Of course. But you overworked yourself to the point of collapsing. You trained so long every night, and it’s obvious now how little sleep you’ve been getting.”
Lance looked back down to his hands in his lap. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to be a better paladin, to catch up to all of you.”
Shiro frowned at that. “Lance, what are you talking about? Why do you think you need to catch up?”
“Because all of you are obviously better than me. You all have these unique, helpful skills you can contribute and I… I have nothing.”
Shiro moved to sit on the bed next to Lance and wrapped him in a tight hug, stroking his hair and peppering kisses to the top of his head. “No, baby, you are so important to this team. I don’t know where you got the idea that you aren’t helpful, but it’s not true. You are so talented with your sniping, it’s because of you that we’ve gotten out of some dangerous situations.”
Lance shook his head. “But I really messed up during the last mission. It was my fault that someone could have been hurt.”
“Lance, everybody makes mistakes. Keith and Allura were too harsh on you and I talked to them about it already. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it too, but we’ve been so busy. I’m sorry, Lance, I really should have gone to you sooner.”
Lance sighed. “It’s okay. Thank you, Kashi.”
Shiro smiled, a fond look in his eyes at the nickname.”Now, how about you and I spend the rest of the day relaxing together?”
Lance nodded. “That would be nice.”
“On one condition, that is. You have to actually get a reasonable amount of sleep tonight. No training.”
Lance hummed in thought and smirked. “I don’t know… I think the only way I’d be able to do that is if I slept next to someone.”
Shiro scoffed, pushed Lance back onto the bed and pressed kisses to his neck. “I think that can be arranged.”
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void-tiger · 4 years
Me: *smacks Shiro’s bicep* I can fit so much self-projected Acengst into this bud
Shiro: ...nO.
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icypantherwrites · 3 years
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New Fic: Wake Me Up
Summary: Lance discovers he isn’t the only one wandering the castle in the wee hours of the morning. But unlike his insomnia, it’s a nightmare that seems to have driven Shiro from bed. Except that Shiro is apparently still having said nightmare. And Lance has now become a part of it.
Story snippet:
He continued to hold his hands up, not approaching but not retreating where Shiro would take that as a reason to give chase and Lance knew without a doubt Shiro could and would run him down and catch him, as Shiro stared at him, chest heaving and body shaking.
“Shiro,” Lance kept his voice soft. “It’s me, Lanc—”
Shiro lunged.
He dodged Shiro’s blow, stumbling backwards with a louder shout of, “Shiro!” that the man did not seem to hear. He only cocked his fist and lunged again and Lance once more dodged, heart roaring in his ears and adrenaline pumping in his veins as Shiro was trying to kill him.
He took a step backward to create more space between them so he could more easily dodge…
And his back hit the wall.
His eyes widened.
Shiro charged.
And Lance had nowhere to go.
Lance’s hand to hand was not anything to brag about and even if it was trying to do so without any type of weapon against Shiro’s prosthetic would be the definition of stupidity.
He didn’t have much of a choice.
He intercepted Shiro’s point blank strike with his now empty mug, the porcelain shattering at the impact — and Dios, that could have been his head — and Lance instinctually squeezed his eyes shut to avoid any shards, feeling them pelt his cheeks and face.
They had nothing on the hand — burning hot and oh Dios — that wrapped around his neck.
“Sh—” Lance got out before his words were cut off with a choked cry as Shiro lifted him clear off the ground with one hand and slammed him against the wall, Lance’s head rebounding off and vision flaring white.
When it returned speckled with black spots it was to Shiro’s face level and mere inches from his own, teeth bared and sweat running down his temple and over the dark scar, and pupils barely visible in wide, terrified eyes that couldn’t actually see reality right now.
“Sh-Shiro,” Lance gasped, both of his hands reaching up and trying to pry at the metal fingers digging into his throat. “It’s m-me.”
Shiro only slammed him back against the wall, Lance’s shoulders that time taking the brunt of it.
And then Shiro squeezed.
Read the story here
This fanfiction is a Patreon Fic of the Month, which is a Patreon exclusive fanfic that supporters get to help choose by voting on a prompt/trope and a character that I then write a 5,000 word fanfiction of. If you would like to read this fanfic, as well as hundreds of thousands of words of other additional bonus content and support an author, you’ll want to subscribe to my Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $5/month; less than a fancy cup of coffee! Subscribe here today!
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