#Sharena x Laegjarn
I may as well put my brave face on and accept my punishment. So here’s everyone’s reactions to my Summoner and Fjorm having a baby.
First, the Askr Trio.
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Now, my favorites.
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Then, the girls (and Seiðr to rub the salt in the wound).
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Lastly, Laegjarn, who apparently knew this would happen.
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leoprime13 · 3 years
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An old fan art I should’ve posted a long time ago, of what would Sharena and Laegjarn’s kid would look like and her name’s Evelyn.
I wanted to add more, but I’m too lazy so here it is.
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josies-feh-stuff · 5 years
Forgot to post Kiran’s other characters after I posted the fake Alfonse build! So here you go, my Kiran’s two main teams...
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This is Kiran’s first team which he uses as often as possible...
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This is his second team that he uses for difficult missions since his first team has some limitations...he purposely chose them cause they are all cute girls.
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Kiran will also occasionally let Sharena go out on missions but only if he’s confident that she won’t get hurt because he see her as a sister!
(These are fake screenshots I got using a unit builder, I’m mostly just using this as world building in case I ever write any more fan fictions related to my Kiran oc and Alfonse!)
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summoner-kentauris · 2 years
what's the snacks and meals situation for the feh car trip?
trio+? anna packed food so they dont have to pay restaurant/gas station prices (also because as commander shes looking out for her PEOPLE). alfy is team boring ''we will be stopping every X hours for breaks and bathrooms and food and water'' and he will hunt people down to remind them to hydrate (he finds it strange he has to, because theyre all trapped in cars, how are they so good at dodging him). xander wishes he was on team boring but this is his first REAL road trip and hes not coping well with the low stakes. sharena and kiran are just here for a good time and they're dragging vero with them, and zach will kill you if you got crumbs in his car.
lets see other ocs...
eir and reginn are junk food snack command CENTRAL, eir because shes never heard of candy and reginn immediately sought to rectify that (also gives her an excuse to have a million bags of Doritos Hot Chips and crappy vending machine honey buns). helbindi joins anna in team Cost Effective Health Effective Meal Prep, and its killing ylgr who wishes dearly she was on reginns car ride. fjorm likes going to restaurants because its a fun part of the long drive experience, and laegjarn will absolutely indulge her immediately. hríds happy that everyone is together also he's the one who gets stuck with all the bills so its a good thing. everyone inhales helbindis food anyway.
líf and thrasir drive in absolute silence. there is no eating. they are happy
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iamdarkness · 3 years
To Feed a Tiger. Forces of Will.3
Chapter 3
Alfonse x Summoner, Alfonse X Summoner X Lif
And one sided (as of now) Dimitri X Summoner X Alfonse X Lif
Triggers for talk about mental health. It is Feral Dimitri after all. Mentions of death and depressive thoughts.
Sexual Harassment and maybe more than that.
Incest. (Freyr and mentions of Freya). Rater R for a little graphic scenes of battle and character death. Nothing we have not seen in the game itself.
-Hrid…- You hear Sharena say under her breath and it feels like all the happiness has been drained from her voice. Of course she would feel sad. Her big brother meant so much to her and seeing him suffer would make her suffer as well. They were so close. He was her best friend, confidant, protector and hero. Watching him so defeated had been a shock and more so that she herself had not reacted fast enough to prevent this. In a way she felt responsible as well.
-Summoner _______. Princess Sharena. Heroes. It is a pleasure to be your guest again.- Hrid says when he is close enough to take your hand and Sharena’s. His hand lingers on yours and you take it back to take Princess Laegjan’s.
- It is indeed as King Hrid has said, a pleasure to be here again.- Laegjarn says as she takes your hand and Sharena’s, her piercing red eyes watch you searchingly.
You greet them equally and introduce your heroes by name and title. You will not have them be nameless heroes to no one. They deserve to be treated, like the heroes that they are. As if sensing your unrest and because he has dreamed of your pain Freyr comes and stand by your side . He blocks Hrid from getting too close to you. You hear young Claude snicker behind you.
-How was your trip to the beach Summoner? I would have liked to come sooner so we could meet you there, but we had a little delay.
- It was great! We even had a sand castle contest and a nice nap.
-They even got a great tan!- Said King Claude nodding to Freyr in particular and you turn to give him a fake angry look. You notice he is watching Alfonse and he winks at him. Alfonse looks like he understands something unspoken.
- I will cherish mine. It was a wonderful and invigorating nap.- Says Lord Freyr to bring attention to his chest and he “looks” sideways to smile at you.
- I can’t say the same about mine my Lord! It stings a lot!- You tell him smiling.
- Yeah we got the wrong lotion, so now we need to go to the infirmary to get fixed up.- Said Sharena sheepishly. You notice Alfonse and Hrid are looking at Freyr’s bare chest. They can clearly see the white mark of your arm on it. Hrid looked a little scandalized and Alfonse… he looked amused. He looks sideways at Hrid.
-Is that…?
-Oh it’s my hand. I kind of hugged him while I was sleeping. Now if you all don’t mind. We need to get to the infirmary. I’ll see you all at the meeting.- You say and leave with the rest of your group to the infirmary. You hear Alfonse talking to Hrid.
-Everyone loves our Summoner. Some more than others and in different ways.- And there is a hint of humor in his words. <<At least he is having fun.>>
The meeting lasted three hours. Besides the heroes Anna had asked to attend, you had asked Hero King Marth, who was the oldest of the Marths and with more experience, Micaiah, King Claude and Lord Freyr. You were sitting between the former two. They had sat themselves with you in between before Hrid had claimed the chair next to you. You had seen Claude talking to Alfonse and thought they had a plan to distract Hrid or may be just make him re think his life. There was no announcement about the engagement, but Hrid said the royal ball that was supposed to take place in two wees was pushed back for two months. This would give them all time to prepare and gather more information.
- I also hope that by then it will be two good news to announce and not just one.- He tells you and Fjorm when the meeting was over. You feel Fjorm’s cold hand take yours and give it a squeeze.- Dear summoner, would you be so kind to sit by my side at dinner? I would very much like to talk about some important things with you.
-Sure.- You agree to it because, you want him to give you a reason to tell him you are not interested. Alfonse and Fjorm did not sacrificed themselves, for this man to think you are going to fall at his feet after a dinner. Besides, you were sure Claude and Alfonse were planing something and you trusted them. You turned to Fjorm and winked to let her know you got this. She blushed at this.
Once at dinner you do sit by his side. Commander Anna is sitting at the head of the table.Alfonse is sitting about three chairs from you, between Fjorm and Sharena. The chair next to you is the other head of the table and it is still empty. Suddenly, you see F Dimitri come inside the dinning hall. He seldom comes in here and you signal for him to come and sit by your side. He complies. Claude and Freyr sit on the chairs in front of you and Hrid.
Dimitri was dressed in a dressy black suit with blue cape that Forest had designed for you to give him. His hair was up in a ponytail.
-Dimitri. You look so handsome! Did you like the clothes?
-Thank you _______. I…they feel comfortable.- He says and his face is crimson red.
All through dinner Freyr and Claude kept on talking to you and taking your attention from Hrid. Claude was blatantly flirting and Freyr...you were looking at a different side of him, to be sure. It must have been because as someone who could be in your dreams, had the ability to see things others didn’t and know things about you that no one else understood, but he got your sense of humor. Something even Alfonse had, had trouble to adjust to, not understanding your references and knowledge. You had to read his same books to be able to make new references and jokes. After years of being together he had taken your humor and understood what you meant and some of the heroes even used your slang. Freyr was different. He knew stuff and he used the obscure references to make you laugh and it gave the conversation a more intimate feel.
Still you were giving Dimitri all the attention you could because he was important to you and wanted to make him feel that he was cared for.
-We should go to the beach tomorrow and make it a drink contest.- Says Claude smiling at you.
-Oh my Lord give me patience! I am not taking you to get drunk Claude. I have never seen you drunk, but let me tell you; you do not need it.
-I can not give you patience child. Only good dreams and many children.- Lord Freyr says smiling at you. Hrid stops eating to look at him. You notice Claude and Dimitri are doing the same. You laugh at it. You keep forgetting he is the god of fertility as well. Freyr turns to them and says amused.
-I am the god of dreams and fertility. Do you want my blessing?- He turned his closed eyes at Claude who laughed out laud and bring his hands off in a guarding motion.
Everyone seemed to breath again.
-Wait have you given ______ your blessing?- Claude asks and winks at you. You feel your cheeks heat up.
-I would give her, as many children as she desires.- He answers Claude. The wording is very on purpose and it seems it is not lost on the people sitting at the table. You hear Hrid chock on his food.<< Oh God! What are these guys doing!?>> You spy a look at Alfonse and he looks amused if not a little red faced and concerned, but amused non the less. You give Hrid your glass of water to drink and wait to see if he needs you to perform the whatever maneuver. He drinks the water and start breathing right. He thanks you with a blush to his cheeks. He looks mortified about the incident.
-Yes Claude. I’ll be having thirteen children.- You say the first number that comes to your mind.
- I’m going to need a bigger table at home then.- His eyes twinkle with mischief.
-You better. My whole soccer team and I will be visiting you often.- You hear sounds of laughter coming from various sides of the table.
-Hey! I meant children with my beautiful green eyes.- He wiggles his brows.
-Well you better start looking for a wife then, because those are a lot of kids to have. You better start soon.
-That is so mean!- He says fake hurt, dramatically touching his heart.
-You gave Dimitri your blessing.- Dimitri says suddenly, breaking the conversation and looking at Claude in a cold and annoyed manner. He is asking Freyr about baby Dimitri.
-May he never lack good dreams. They are the rest of the mind and the refuge of the soul.
-God, that is so true. I’m tired of dreaming of going to battle and finding my self back in school butt naked - You hear a noise like someone almost spit their drink. Hrid by your side actually laughs.- or zombies in the battlefield eating my heroes. The living dead. - You elaborate after you see Hrid’s confused expression.
-Are you afraid of school and the risen?- Asks Hrid trying to catch your attention away from Freyr and specially Claude.
-Heck no! Zombies are rotten corpses that eat the living like wild rabid animals. I used to watch a lot of moving pictures about them before coming to live here. I’m cool with risen. I even like the red eyes. I like red eyes. They’re kind of sexy, depending of whoever has them.- Of course you are talking about Lif.- And school…I mean…the bad part is finding yourself butt naked in a public place.
-I wonder what that dream means if it is a recurring dream.
-I think it means…- You get cut short by the conversation in the table next to yours.
-Oh You heard that Lord Corrin? The summoner finds red eyes sexy!- You hear Nile’s voice loudly tell Corrin.
-What the hell Niles! Why are you listening to my conversation?- You throw him your balled up napkin. He only laughs. Corrin who is sitting by his side, hits him with his elbow. You hear an “Ouch” followed by Niles laughing.
-Summoner you were talking loud enough for the whole kingdom. This makes you laugh too.
You look sideways at Alfonse who is talking to Fjorm. She seems to disagree with something he said, sighs and nods.
After a while when some of the heroes start to get up from the tables you hear Alfonse clear his throat. Claude is looking at him and you turn just in time to see Fjorm say something to Hrid.
-_______. Would you care to sing something for us?- Asks Hrid.
-Right now?- <<Are this guys trying to kill me of embarrassment?>>
-Yes _____! Sing that song you sing with the guys on campaigns! - That was Claude.- Make it to Freya like last time! You don’t mind, do you?- He asks Freyr. Freyr shakes his dead.
<<WTH is he talking about?>> there are many songs you like singing with the heroes when in campaigns by the fire light so you are kind of confused. He makes a gesture and you get it.
-Oh…Fine.- You agree mostly because that song does not need the best of voices. You lean in to talk softly to Dimitri.- Dimitri. It is going to get loud.- He nods at you like he is ready.- You look around and catch Shigure’s eye and signal to him. He goes pink but nods.
-When a humble bard…-There was a choir of whistles, “Yeah!”s and shouts.
Graced a ride along
With Geralt of Rivia
Along came this song.
From when the White Wolf fought
A silver-tongued devil
Her army of elves
At her hooves did they revel . - Freyr does look entertained.
They came after me- Shigure stands and sings alongside you.
With masterful deceit
Broke down my lute
And they kicked in my teeth
While the devil's horns
Minced our tender meat
And so cried the Witcher
She can't be bleat
Toss a coin to your Witcher -Everyone starts singing. Hrid’s brows are knitted and he is looking around to see everyone singing. Even some of the heroes like Tibarn who had gone out had come back to sing.
O' Valley of Plenty
O' Valley of Plenty, oh
Toss a coin to your Witcher
O' Valley of Plenty
(Rest of the verses here)
Toss a coin to your Witcher
O' Valley of Plenty
O' Valley of Plenty, oh
Toss a coin to your Witcher
A friend of humanity X3 - You leave the last choir to Claude who has the perfect voice for the part. ( 1)
By the time you finish the song everyone starts screaming. You have no idea why they like that song so much but every time you all sing it; it feels like you are all pirates or something.
-Goddess! I love that song. For a minute I felt I was in a tavern somewhere in a town far away riddled with monsters and villains.- Says Claude.
-You mean Fodlan taverns anywhere?- Asks Dimitri. He sounds serious, but the gruffness of his voice is gone and it makes you happy to see him put the effort to joke around. Claude laughs out loud and can only nod to agree.
All around you could hear the heroes talking excitedly about one thing or another. Some where inviting others to the town tavern. Others like Lady Camilla is heard telling someone something like “We should dress like pirates next Pirate Festival dear!”.
-That was something, you don’t see every day.- Says Hrid smiling and he looks entertained.- You are something else summoner. Who is the Witcher?
-Freyr.- Says Claude at the same time that Freyr says your name.
- It is a story about a monster hunter called Geralt of Rivia, that is sent to fight a half goat or ram and half man who was helping some elves, who were the “terror” of the nearby towns. I changed it for Lady Freya and her dark elves, who we had to fight in our dreams some time ago, with the help of Lord Freyr. I say the Witcher would be Lord Freyr. He was the one who gave up his life to save us. I summoned him some time ago.- You raise your cup to him in a toast. He smiles at you.- Besides he has the long white hair and beautiful golden eyes.- Hrid looks at Freyr and Freyr opens his eyes to reveal his beautiful eyes. They are a liquid, luminous gold color. They glow as if with the light of liquid fire but not quite lava.
-I thought he was blind.- He says in wonder. You could understand him. Lord Freyr was a beauty to behold. Even in his animal form he was the most beautiful being you had ever seen. Even the ethereal beauty of Lady Freya was nothing compared to him. Everyone was either a little jealous of him, felt intimidated by him, or had a crush on him.
-Just sleeping. - Freyr says calmly.
-Talking about sleeping. I need to get the younglings to bed. Dimitri what are you going to do?
-Whatever you ask of me.- He says readily eyeing Hrid. He has noticed how clingy he seemed to be with you and he does not trust him.
-I would like you to come with me on my patrols tonight; if that is alright with you. -His brows furrow and he gives Alfonse a long look. Alfonse seems to be listening but avoids looking at you.
-I will come with you.
-Hey I thought I was coming with you my dear!- Says Claude.
-You can come to get the kids to bed if you want to. I am going to need a handsome prince for tonight’s fairy tale and Marth is busy.- You tell him teasingly. Hero King Marth who is walking by looks your way and blushes.
-That is so cruel.- He says and pouts.
-Summoner. I was wondering if you would like to take a walk with me in the gardens or I could take the watch with you.- Says Hrid.
-Omm, I really need to take Dimitri. There are things I would like to talk about with him, but if you do not mind you can come to story time and then take a walk. Since my prince charming is sulking right now. It looks like he does not want to cooperate.- You notice Claude is looking at Alfonse and you have this distinct feeling that surprises will keep happening before the night was out.
<<Seriously guys? Like my heroes need to be told to do weird crap.>>
Dimitri went to prepare for your watch together, but before he left, you saw him frown at Hrid who returned it with a cold look. This of course annoyed you to no end because no one treats your babies that way. You go to the living area where the children gather every night for a hero to tell them a tale. You do this twice a week, usually with Alfonse by your side. You really wanted to be petty and reenact Frozen with Hrid as the prince, but you remember Anna and Alfonse said to treat him right.
When you are done with the kids you and Hrid go take that walk in the garden and decide that if he starts coming on to you; you will have to nicely let him down. You are even waiting for the chance. You are sitting on a bench around the entrance that lead to the Eastern stables. Hrid has like the spot to take a rest and sit as close to you as possible. Lucky for you the hour was still early enough that many heroes are still around and you do not feel uncomfortable.
- The heroes are very fond of you _____. It is very impressive to see. I have been told so many things about you and I thought it would be impossible for someone to posses so many qualities like you; but I can see that not only are all of those rumors true…they do not make you justice . I can see what you do for the heroes and for the people. I was told you aided in a birthing yesterday.-You nod but say nothing when he keeps talking.- I remember the first time I saw you. You came to help heal me and ask if I needed anything. My sister Gunnthra was so fond of you. She believes you are destined to be part of our family. I can only agree with her good judgement.
- I feel very humbled by her favor towards me. I…- Just thinking about her, and her horrible demise brought tears to your eyes.- I wish I had, had more time to know her better. Sometimes… I wish I could see her in a dream and see her happy again. I also wish I could save Fjorm…from everything. -He looks moved by your statement but he has no idea that he is the one you want to save her from.
-It may do her good to spend a weekend at home. You could come and visit with her. It would bring us happiness if you did. It would make me very happy.- He says and takes your hand in his cold one.
-I think it would be good for her to do so, but I am afraid that as long as there is a war; my place is here and I can’t take more than a day off every week. You see…I…-There is a pause since you were distracted by someone walking on your far left, as if trying to not be seen.- Hey!! Valter? You are back!. What do you have there?- You get up and walk towards the tall man.
-A shake…- He says . He has heard you say that to other people jokingly. He is not turning around to face you and has something big on his shoulder.
- Valter?- He finally turns around and you see he is all bloody from a wound on his arm and leg. There are gashes as if from big paws.- Oh god Valter! You are hurt! Let me see! You’ve been gone for three days! I know you came early but look at you!
-I am fine summoner. I will go to the healers in a while. Here.- He lowers the thing he has been holding on his shoulder.- I gift you the man eater,that has been plaguing the villagers in the Western villages.- He places the mountain lion at your feet. His tall figure kneeling on one knee to better show his prey.
- A fine prey Valter. I could not have chosen a better hunter. -He smiles with pride. At first you and Valter had not see eye to eye, with his way of trying to make you be afraid of him and calling you prey.  Alter he had a lot of talking to by Alfonse and Leon/ Fomortiis, you had come to an understanding and now It was a better relationship. You may not trust him as a person but you trusted him to be himself and now you had a better understanding of his motivations and personality. You also valued and respect his skills.- I thank you for an excellent job.- You take our your handkerchief and clean his mouth. It is dripping with blood and it is not his.
-Will you partake of it Summoner?- He asks lifting it up to his shoulder again.
-Of course, but only after it is cooked if you don’t mind. Are you going to skin it in the kitchen? -He nods- I’ll go take a look during my watch. Valter don’t eat it raw! Those cats have worms in their meat. - He nods and smears your cheek with blood. - Valter…- you whine at his retreating back. He gives a loud laugh.
- Was he drinking its blood?
- Yeah, probably.- You say whipping the blood off of your face.- I’ve told him not to eat it raw. I am afraid he is going to get sick in the long run, but he told me he was not going to live that long. Now I am seriously thinking of not returning him to his world… I’m gonna have to adopt him or something. - You notice now Hrid is looking at you a little open mouthed.
<<What did I do?>>
-Summoner!- You hear the shout of a familiar voice. You see a mop of white hair shinning bright in the light of the torches. His red eyes burning with annoyance.- Naga’s brat changed his patrol to be my partner. Did you allowed this?
-No Mr. Grima. I didn’t know about this. Which of them?
-The first one…the one from the river.- <<Oh Marth>> He says it pouting. You take his hand.
- Grima, dear. You have to understand that sometimes people may want to be your friend. Has he ask you about Robin?
-No. Never.
-See? He is not interested in returning Robin like Chrom wanted to, not only because he has never been friends with Robin before, but because he knows quite well there is only you in that body. What he wants is to be your friend. You see, like you; Hero King Marth was summoned after death. He will be staying here after the war, like you. I have talked to him already Grima dear. He has no evil intention towards you. He just wants to be your friend.- He looks to his side and thinks for a moment.
-Fine worm; but if he so much as thinks about “bringing back” Robin, I’ll eat him.- He is still kind of pouting and kind of bashful about it. You ruffle his hair playfully. He growls but lowers his head to rest on your shoulder.
-Come here you grumpy dragon. -You give him a hug.- Give the man the chance you gave me and Alfonse. And if he so much as hurt a single hair of my -You whisper so only he can hear- Baby dragon ( 2 )…I will personally behead him or something.
-Don’t call me that worm!- then he adds in a softer tone-…eat him…- He sounds angry to other people but you know him well. He does not move his head. You don’t know it, but he sends Hrid a venomous look.
-I’ll eat him whole Grima. He’ll make some great tacos or burgers, sausages…Ug! I grossed my self out now.-  You say laughing. He gives you a low laugh as well.- I didn’t see you at dinner Grima.
-I was busy training.
-I know. Here if you go to the kitchen and get something to eat’ I’ll give you this candy…but don’t tell Gaius about it.- He lets go.- Oh Valter is there with this mountain lion he killed. We ate roasted beef.- He makes a face. He dislikes Valter and mountain lion.
-I don’t like mountain lion. Fine. I’ll eat him instead.- He says smirking and turning to leave.
-No Grima! You’ll get sick!- You say laughing hard. You know he is kidding.
-That…That is the Fell Dragon Grima?- Asks Hrid when Grima is gone. You nod smiling.- The terror and destroyer of the world?- He looked at your face and can almost see pride in them, like a mother showing off his child who has done something great. And of course you feel pride. Grima was loved and happy. He no longer wanted to avenge himself, he wanted to be loved and be accepted. This was a big win for you.
The rest of the walk is spend like this. You walk for a while and then a hero shows up and take your attention away from Hrid. He seems a little frustrated but at the same time, that look he gives you, like you are something precious does not fade from his eyes. It is the time for you to go and you are about to say good night when he asks something of you.
-This night has been wonderful. I have seen you work your magic and the more I see, the more I think you would be a great queen.
<<Oh crap!>>- I am just a regular person who wants what’s best for her people and home. -<<Yeah sound more patriotic why don’t you?>>
- I know. That is the reason. I - He makes along pause and seems to change his mind on what he wanted to say.- I know, I asked this of you before but, I really would like to hear you sing. Only this time. Would you sing a love song? What would you sing to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with?
-I really am not that great a singer. I just like music a lot and since I came here I lost my… music so I sing it, to not for get it… besides I…that is very personal.- You say uncomfortable. This was going sideways fast and you knew it.
-I understand. I also understand you do not know me enough to fall in love with me. You must know by now I wanted ask for your hand in marriage, but I will not push it. I just want to hear what Fjorm has heard. It would make me really happy.
You think about it and realize that how worst could it really get? It was not like you were going to accept him any way. -OK, let’s walk this way.- You tell him and start singing when you are almost under Alfonse’s balcony.
I say I'll move the mountains
And I'll move the mountains
If he wants them out of the way. -- It did feel like you had to move a mountain to reach Alfonse, when you had just met. Now
look at you now. You could barely part from each other.
Crazy he calls me
Sure, I'm crazy
Crazy in love, I say.
I say I'll go through fire
And I'll go through fire -- There are flashes of you fighting alongside Alfonse to beat Surtr.
As he wants it, so shall it be
Crazy he calls me
Sure, I'm crazy
Crazy in love, you see.
Like the wind that shakes the bough
He moves me with a smile -- Yo see him in your mind’s eye smiling that rare sweet smile he has only for a few precious people and you.
The difficult I'll do right now --Well you did gave him an army of heroes and manage it well.
The impossible will take a little while -- And you will end the war and win it for him.
I say I'll wait forever --You look up to his window. Up till now you had been looking at the starry sky but the light in his room had gone out. He was surely looking out the window.
And I mean forever-- That was your promise. You will wait for ever for him.
If I have to hold up the sky
Crazy he calls me
Sure, I'm crazy
Crazy in love am I
Crazy in love am I. ( 3)
Luckily Hrid had not been here long enough to know where your room or Alfonse’s room lay. He did not know he had witnessed your promise to him.
-That was beautiful. That song… I could imagine you fighting against Surtr…Saving my land and my people.
<< Oh Lord! You have to be kidding me. This is what he got from this?>>
-You have to remember your highness, that I was not alone and I did the least of the fighting. You have Alfonse to thank for that and The Order. -<<And your sister’s sacrifice…>>
- I was lost in the song I have to confess. You look so beautiful right now. It is easy to forget everything else.- He steps closer to you. You are hit with the urge t to step back, but you have to stand your ground.- _____ I want to get to know you better. I want to be more than just acquaintances. I want to be..
<<God I hope he says best friends! Why can’t someone just come and save me?>>
-...more than just your ally. I want to be there when you need me and be the one you can count on.
<< Sir you are describing Alfonse…>>
-Hrid. I appreciate the sentiment. It is always a good thing to get to know the people that are important in our lives. I do agree with that, yet I need to tell you; that with the war and all the work I need to do; I can not offer you more than friendship. My priorities..
-She tells us all the same thing. Can you believe that? So very cruel Summoner.- Says King Claude from behind you.- I apologize for the intrusion, but princess Sharena has need of your help. Delthea drunk a kettle of coffee and is now running around playing pranks on unsuspecting heroes. I think she hid in the tower. Also Dimitri said he will be waiting for you in the library in half an hour.
-Oh Lord! Hrid, please forgive me for leaving you. Delthea is a very powerful and very imaginative witch, I can’t have her do this at this hour.
-I understand completely ______. In fact I would like to be of assistance.-  Hrid said eyeing Claude.
-That would be amazing. I just need to warn you about the consequences; but if you are alright with cat ears, be our guest. -Claude points to his head. Sure enough there lays a set of black velvety cat ears.
-Oh for God’s sake Claude! Wait. Is there a tail to match?…Oh what am I saying. I’m sorry Hrid. You better sit this one out. There are just so many guys with cat ears and tails I can manage in one night. I will see you tomorrow. Have a good night.
-As you wish. Good night and pleasant dreams.- You thank him and go away with Claude.
- You look so cute Claude.- You say and laugh.
-Mm interested in petting my ears  _____?
When you two are far enough, Claude takes his fake cat ears off and meet up with Freyr and Delthea who is not really playing tricks on anyone.
- I almost didn’t make it. I apologize ______ . I did hear you tell him you are not interested. That is good. I don’t think it will stop him though. It feels like no matter what we do, he can’t seem to mind that the heroes flirt with you. I mean I understand. I see you do this every day. You care for everyone and they can’t help but adore you and I understand it quite well and it only makes me love you more.- He says it matter of fact like he is not baring his feelings in front of other people.
-I know ____. I should have considered it. He just looks so stiff, controlling, possessive and well cold, I thought he would find it uncomfortable. Make him re think his choice. I’m thinking even you telling him you are not interested in a relationship may be making him more persistent. Like whenever you tell Valter not to eat mountain lion raw…He already ate the liver by the way. I saw him a couple of minutes ago.
-What?- Face palm <<OMG Valter. I feel like I’m dealing with toddles!>>
-Well. It is done. We will see what we can do tomorrow.
-I suppose. - You start walking towards the library where Dimitri would be waiting for you, but make some space to talk to Delthea quietly. -Oh Delthea. Did you ever find out what the book was about?
-Oh…I did ask Alfonse but he could not open it. He asked me where I had found it and I showed him. He had never seen it or heard about it before. He did not tel me the exact translation, but said it was about the first King of Askr. I asked him if I could help him find out how to open it and he said it was fine by him, so as soon as the Ice King takes off we get to work. I also told him I wanted to help him with his project and I managed to convince him to let me help. Like you say: “ Two heads are better than one.” he just told me not to tell you. ______ he is very upset. I am worried about him. I mean if he asked Claude to help him it means he is very desperate. That man better leave tomorrow or I will bewitch his underpants to be itchy for a month! What?! I can guarantee you he will never know it was us. Just like the time I turned Lord Virion’s undergarments pink. -she giggles.
- Was that you? Oh my God. -Virion was still looking for the culprit.- Please don’t do that. I don’t need more trouble for the Order or Askr. We can leave it as last resort though; in case we can’t find a way to break the deal.- You tell her to settle her down. When you finally meet up with Dimitri, you notice he is talking to Freyr and offering him something. On a closer inspection you see it is one of the key pendants to the tree house.
- I can not guarantee you she will not follow in a way, but no one will be getting in there but you, _____ and I, so there will be less chance of someone spiking your drinks. I am taking dreamless sleep pills and can’t dream. She will not tempt me.
- I feel touched by your gesture. I will take you up on your offer if you are sure of it.
-I am. I thought about it. I figure it would be hard to return to your room.
-Then I will stay with you. Thank you. I will wait for you reading in the library until you are done with your patrol.
- You can join us, if that is your wish.- Says Dimitri. Freyr seems to be thinking about it.
-I thin it is better for me to wait here. There are books here I have never read before.
Claude says his goodnights and leaves. Delthea stays to tell Freyr about the awesome book she found and where she found it. You are crossing the door to the outer grounds to talk to the inner wall guards. It is half past midnight.
-Dimitri. What you did back there for Lord Freyr. I am really touched and thankful for it. I thought about changing his room, but you know how all the rooms are the same except for Alfonse’s and mine, so it would be all the same. I was thinking to take him to my room and sleeping on the study. I was sure he would not agree to that. Then I thought to let him stay in one of the rooms at the infirmary.
-I thought about it when you told me what had happened to him. I am sure it was much more serious than what you mentioned.
- It is. It is much more serious.
-He seems to feel safe around you.- <<As do I>> He thinks.
- I wish I could save him from her.- << I already watched him die once…I could not take it if he were to die again because I failed.>> You do not voice your fears with Dimitri. It is better for him not to trouble himself with your fears.- I could have offered to sleep with him, but even voicing this sounds bad. Askr is so very conservative. - <<Although…We could camp out in the tree house with Dimitri! Wait…that sounds like a threesome or better yet a “treesome”…Damn!>>- we could…- You get cut short by your messaging pendant getting too warm. Something is wrong. Then you hear someone shouting your name. It is Gordin.
-______!!! Lord Freyr told me to tell you the Elmblan Empire is crossing our borders! They are about to attack the keeps in the Northern towns. He saw it some moments ago and sent Delthea to tell Commander Anna.
-Thank you Gordin! Dimitri. I need to tell Alfonse and Sharena.
-I can tell the princess!- Says Gordin seriously.
-Thank you! Let’s go Dimitri.- You feel the pendant again. It was Anna. The message was to get ready.
You are running down the hall to Alfonse’s room when his door opens up. You see Hrid and Fjorm getting out of her room down the hall.
-Lord Freyr saw Embla crossing the Northern border and attacking the keeps.
-Let’s get ready. Inform the heroes on rotation. We will wait for you in the War room.- You nod and walk yo your room to get to the list in the study, but you get waylaid by Hrid and Fjorm who tries to persuade him to wait until they are called.
-Are we being attacked?
-Not ourselves. The keeps in the Northern border are about to be attacked. We will probably march in a while. I’ll keep you posted. I need to call my heroes on rotation.
You enter your room and then the study. You hear Dimitri say something and then shut the door.
-_______. I am not in rotation, but I want to fight. Is Lord Freyr fighting too?
-Let’s see. He is in rotation…but…
- Let him go. It will keep his mind off of his troubles. I will fight too and keep my eye on him.
-If you are sure; I’ll add you to the rooster.- You start sending the magic signals to the heroes in rotation and once you are done you take the list with you to the War Room. On your way out you see Fjorm and Hrid are meeting after preparing themselves to fight. They follow behind you to the War Room.
-Fjorm, you are not in rotation. You are part of the base defence today. You want to come with?
- Yes. I already changed my turn with Mathilda. Oh and I found Valter on the way. He said he will be ready when you are.
-He is not on rotation. In fact he was supposed to still be off today, but returned early…well I guess. He can come.
- What is this about rotation?- Asks Hrid. He is dressed in full armor and ready to go.
-It is the way to manage the heroes. One part fights, another part is left as reserves and the defence stays to defend the castle and the people of town in case there is an attack while we march off. The heroes change every battle. Right now we are about to see where we are about go and what we are about to do and decide if we need to do some changes in the groups. Just like the Royal army.
-You manage it all by yourself? Impressive.
-Well it is my job to get to know the heroes abilities and weaknesses . Then decide who works better in what situation and what they should be doing and who to send them with. You know, tactician’s planing. I make the suggestions and then Alfonse, who is the brain decides if the draft is right for what he thinks the enemy is doing and stuff. He’s a genius. Then Anna makes the final decision… but I mean I also like to have other opinions. Like Robin’s and Soren’s for example. It is all simple and regular army managing.
- Well. Not really. Remember when we fist met and you had suggested this to Commander Anna, because you were afraid someone would try attacking the castle when you were away, just like the time Embla had tried to destroy the Summoning Ruins? I also remember Anna apologized to you for not taking your suggestion of having a fire brigade before Surtr attacked into consideration. It was also your idea to make the Heroes their Order Cloaks to blend in with the surroundings and re designed the Regular Army’s new camouflage uniforms. The Royal Army even changed theirs as well! (4)
<< God Fjorm! Don’t help me look good now!>> Hrid looked impressed. Fjorm looks sorry.
-I saw the changes. I like the new uniforms and their usefulness. Amazing!
-Well none of those ideas are mine. I just took them from what the armies use in The World of Steel. I mean, sometimes Alfonse lends me his brain cells and I do come up with some good ideas, but mostly it is him doing the job. I just help along.- Fjorm laughs at this. She knows what you mean, but the two men look at you with different levels of confusion. You finally arrive to the War Room and after asking if you wanted him to wait outside, you let Dimitri stand by your side during the briefing. Fjorm had stood on your other side and signaled Alfonse to stand by her. After a moment she whispers a quiet “sorry” in your ear. She moves from between you two to go talk to Laegjarn. You can feel Alfonse’s hand lightly touch yours when she leaves. God! How you wanted to touch him. Hold his hand and disappear from the world.
Since Lord Freyr’s dream was a forewarning you had time to get to the site and wait for the enemy to attack. It would be an ambush. You fear you will have to spend the trip avoiding Hrid and stealing moments to talk to Alfonse. During the first part of the night when you were walking besides F Dimitri, you remember he had wanted to talk to you about something important.
-So Dimitri. What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?- Dimitri looked taken aback for a moment and then he looked around to see if anyone was hearing you.
- I…I have been watching Lif when he comes to watch you…- He says and suddenly you are attacked by the memories of your last encounter.- I apologize for not telling you directly…I did not know if he was real or not.
-Lif…-<< My Alfonse>> the thought passes your mind faster that lightning and you had no time to question it.- I… I can see why you would think that. He is… He looks so …-<<Beautiful>>- different. My regret. -You had know he had seen Lif. Of course you did, but you wanted to let him tell you in his own time after that one time he avoided the subject.
-I saw him go inside your window…I am sorry. I was not thinking strait. I let him in, not sure of who he was until you mentioned him. I just knew he loved you and he wanted to be near you… so I let him. I wanted to know what he would do. Understand him.
You lower your head before someone notices your watery eyes as they fill up with tears. Those words were breaking your heart… and now he was gone.
-Don’t worry about it Dimitri. I practically invited him. I also understand you… and I can see your instincts are working just fine. I trust them and I trust you. Besides. I wanted to see him so badly. I was not sure if he had survived and now I know he is…still fighting.
- You love them both…
- I… I do…Do you think me wicked?
- At first. When I did not know who he was. I understand now. Would you tell me how it went? All of it? I want to know about him.
- I don’t blame you for wanting to know. He is an interesting person. I mean, he is Alfonse but…They are the same, but different. Alfonse plays the violin you know. He plays like the angels in heaven…They are both violin music, but different pieces you see? Both highly intelligent and both seriously passionate in everything they believe and do…but like music Alfonse is intense but contained, controlled, like Vivaldi’s Winter And Lif is just as intense but unbound like Devil’s Thrill…Both beautiful to behold but …Oh crap I forgot you don’t know what I’m talking about. The music sound kind of like - You hum the music and explain the differences in rhythm and tempo. You look at him to see if he gets it and you see him smiling. You have never seen him smile.- Heh… I got a little carried away didn’t I?- He nodded.- Were you there when he left?
- Yes.
-I still have to tell Alfonse. I forgot to do so with the…arrival of our guests and everything else.-You backpedal to not tell him about the engagement.
-You will tell him? Everything?
- Of course. I don’t want to keep secrets from him. He knew what I was doing. That was the reason he was not home. We wanted to help him. We even had a plan on how to do so and…you saw. It all went sideways. Alfonse knew Lif would decline our offer, but I wanted to believe. I could not even tell him the plan… I felt so selfish asking him to stay.
- It would be painful to be around you and not be near…
- (sigh) yeah…and let’s not forget Sharena.- You start telling him how everything had started. How you all had thought he was the first king of Askr and then found out the truth. You tell him about Sharena’s flowers he had placed in that shine he had made. You tell him about your Summoner’s coat folded neatly among your favorite flowers. His parent’s crowns. How he had built the shrine because there was no bodies to bury and no tombs to take flowers to. You explained his plans and how he had changed his mind to help you. How he had been used like a marionette by Hell to kill you and how you had finished her with the his most precious possession. His Summoner’s Breidablik…you omit it was your own weapon or so you thought.
After a while there is a pause in the trek for rest and meals. By this time the sun was already coming up. While you are talking to the men,you are interrupted by Hrid who wants to be your guard during the battle.
- King Dimitri is her guard today. He is her support.- Says F Dimitri in his gruff voice. Hrid looks coldly back at him, and you sense he is about to retort. There is tension in the air and you have to intervene.
- I appreciate it and you are welcome to stay, but he is right, Dimitri is my baby sitter this time.
- I understand you already have your support, but it would ease my mind if I could stay by your side. This way I can protect you and observe the way you lead your men. If needed I will assist in battle of course and like I said before in the meeting; you can use my men as if they are your own. As I wish you will see them one day.
-I… Thank you your Highness…- Dimitri was scowling and you could tell he was beginning to get angry.
-Were we not on first name terms _____?
-I apologize for interrupting, but I was wondering if his Highness would help me out.- The voice came from behind Hrid. It was Charlotte. Her huge soulful eyes were fixed on Hrid.Her voice was all sweetness and her demeanor bashful and coy. To her side Groom Marth stood looking at Dimitri.- Your sister said you could help me.
<<Oh Thanks GOD! I could kiss Fjorm right now!>>
-Oh Hrid this is Lady Charlotte of Nohr. She is a trusted friend and ally.- It had taken a while to warm up to her after the incident with Alfonse. He had to explain to her, in the coldest of voices that he was not interested in her in any sort of way and that, what she was doing was harassment and it was punishable in Askr. Prince Xander had been called as well and he had been even less lenient. After working with her you found out she was actually pretty cool when she was not obsession with someone. You even gave her pointers on what she was doing wrong with guys. Everyone knows guys do not like desperate women and she radiated desperation.
-I would help her, but I am afraid I am not tall enough.- Says Marth. Hrid excuses himself and goes to help Charlotte. You can tell he is very annoyed by the redness on his cheeks and ears. Charlotte turns to you and winks. Marth gives you a small smirk and asks if he can talk to Dimitri. They both leave to where King Dimitri is waiting for them. As soon as they leave, you feel someone tap you in the back. You turn around and King Claude takes a finger to his closed mouth and signals for you to follow him.
- Please tell me I am not as persistent and annoying as that man!- He says in a quiet hiss. You walk a little into the wooded area by the road and see a figure dressed in white waiting for you.
-Thank you Claude. I owe you. And for the record. You are not annoying at all and I enjoy spending time with you.
-Then minutes Alfonse. Make the best of it.- Claude says and winks. You turn around and Alfonse is blushing.
He walks up to you and takes your hand. He says nothing but his eyes speak volumes. His other hand comes up to your face and caresses your cheek. You lean into his touch and close your eyes. He kisses your forehead and then embrace you. You circle his waist as he cradles your back and head.
Meanwhile King Dimitri, Savior King Dimitri and Marth are talking to Fallen Dimitri. F Dimitri had gone to ask them what was happening to you and what was the deal with the king of Nifl. K Dimitri and G Marth had weighted the options of telling F Dimitri what they knew. They decided to tell him about the treaty and that he should be patient and threat the King with respect so that Askr could gain the aid they will need if they were to be attacked by another kingdom. They will tell him about the engagement after Hrid leaves.
-Yes. Apparently he is interested in building a relationship ending in marriage with her, but we all know she is not interested in anyone but Prince Alfonse. Still, we have to be careful and polite with him.- Explains Marth.
-Fine ,but if he so much as breathes wrong, her way I will cut his head off.- He is about to go when he is stopped by his other self.
-It is not wise to project your feelings towards her. She will not return them. Better men than us have tried and failed. She wants only to help you and it will only hurt you both.- Says King Dimitri.
-I understand who her heart belongs to and I would not come between them.- He wondered if any of them had seen the way you looked at Lif, or had seen how much you love each other, or if they only knew about Alfonse. The way he saw it; he knew better than any of them who your heart belonged to. Divided as it was.
Dimitri found you talking to Alfonse just at the edge of the forest by the road you were taking; but he did not approached you. You were looking at a map, but seemed to be talking about something else. He spied Hrid talking to the blonde girl who wanted to marry a rich man. Her charms were being neglected by the prince who kept scowling and sending you furtive looks. Dimitri could hear you talking thanks to his finer sense of hearing.
-Can we talk about that after the battle?- You ask Alfonse. He scowls.
- What did he do? Did he hurt you?
-What? No! He refused our help, just like you said he would. He left…for good this time.
- There is more.
-We should focus on the battle ahead. I don’t want to mess up something important because our head is in another matter.- Alfonse closes his eyes. He is loosing his patience and probably thinking there was something worst than what actually happened. You sigh.- I wanted to wait until later to tell you. The truth is just that, he refused our help, said he could never be my friend and that even if he agreed to be helped, he doesn’t believe we can help him. He showed me his face…then kissed me. - Alfonse palled and rubbed his face. He looked annoyed but at the same time relieved.- I did not tell him about my “memories”. I don’t know what he would do, if what we think happened to me, is real.- Alfonse looked even more relieved by that. Dimitri wondered what that meant.
-We will talk about this when we get home. Hrid will be your guard today. He asked Commander Anna. -His jaw muscles were moving with tension.
- Goddammit! Well so will Dimitri. I am not changing my plan. He is lucky I did not choose Grima. I’m being nice here Alfonse…a good girl Alfonse.- You smile coyly at him and at first he is confused, but you see him redden. He has no idea of your real meaning, but just looking at you giving him that look is enough to make him melt. He knows you are flirting, but he does not know the context. He is about to say something when you both hear Anna give the command to start the march.
After a meal brake, Fjorm comes to talk to you.
-_____. I heard my brother has asked to be your body guard. You have to deny him.- You look at her confused.- _____ remember our traditions. If he saves your life or Alfonse’s; you will owe him a life debt. I…do not understand him. I would not have thought him capable of using something like this or even demanding it of you, but he seems so different. I am not sure if it is because he has been alone without mother and Gunthra to guide him or something, but he looks different. I am just doing this as a precaution. I swear to you he is a good man and a honorable one, but I also know that he is stubborn and will fight for what he wants and what he thinks is best.
-I believe you Fjorm. I actually like him as a person. I just can’t help be angry at his ideas and the outcome of his requirements for the treaty. I will appeal to his warrior pride and make him be in the battlefield, just not close to Alfonse or Sharena. Deal?- She smiles and blushes when you take her hand in yours.
That night there is no time to put tents up. You put your roll up by Sharena and Fae who sleeps between you and Grima. You have noticed Grima had given the small dragon some of the candy you had given him. Fae is slowly becoming a younger sister of sorts to him. She started following him around and he let her after he was told she was alone in the world and had been isolated for a long time. She had been well taken care of, but had no living family. Although she had people who loved her and knew some half dragons, she was immediately drawn to Grima after she had heard of how he had been treated and how he had been isolated and alone. She had told you she wanted to help him. They were both alone.
You were awaken by a soft voice.
-The family has grown.- Alfonse’s smiling face is looking down at you from his sitting position by your head. You look around to find Fae had moved to Grima’s side and some time in the night, young Tiki had laid down on his other side.
<<OMG! What do I do?!>> You did not want Grima to wake up to find her there and get angry. You look at Grima and see that his eyes are open. He moves his hand from under Tiki’s head just a bit and signals you to not make a noise. <<Oh OK then..>> He closes his eyes again.
-Care to patrol with me?- Alfonse asks and you get up to join him. Hrid had, had the last watch and was sleeping now. You would be leaving in a few hours and arrive at the keeps before twilight.
-I guess it has grown. I wonder why the dragons just leave their kids so young wander around in the world, all alone like that.
-They probably have their reasons to do it.- He says quietly. You were thinking of arguing your point but remember that he himself was not as close to his parents and had had a more or less lonely childhood. If it wasn’t for Sharena he would have been much more of a loner. You decide to change the subject.
-Free for some hours then?- You ask. He looks back to where Hrid is laying asleep by his sisters.
-At last. Care for a tea after the patrol?- He asks you smiling. You take his hand and look him in the eyes.
-I’ll be happy to.
You do the patrol and drink some hot water since you could not find the tea. You talk for a while and fall asleep together sitting by the fire. This is where F Dimitri finds you to wake you up to re start the journey.
The second day goes on just like the first. Hrid comes often to talk to you and more often than not some heroes come to take you away for one reason or another. You walked alongside K Claude mostly and Grima who was followed by young Tiki and Fae. At some point Hero King Marth came to walk alongside and carried a sleepy Tiki who had placed a flower on his tiara. Fae pouted until Grima carried her as well. You looked back one time to find Chrome watching longingly at them.
You arrived past midday to the Keeps and after you help them all to settle and then seek Hrid out. You did not notice Alfonse had followed you and stayed in the shadows to wait for you.
-Hrid. I wanted to talk to you.
-You see… I don’t know how to say this… It is just, I wanted to ask you something. -He he looks at you expectantly with a small smile adorning his face. You also try not to sound flirty but keep it as interested.- I was thinking back at the time we found you in Muspell and remembering how you were fighting. Well the reason I was reluctant for you to be my guard was that I was curious about your style and I wanted to see more of it.
- Oh! I see. I was desperate and not at my best.
-Being desperate to save a loved one is probably when people are at their best in my opinion. Maybe not technique wise but at least morally.- He reddens and bites his lower lip a little.
-I would love to show you my style. Where do you want me?
<<Is he…?>>
-Umm. I was thinking of placing you, if you are alright with it of course; on the right flank, by Lord Seliph. That way you are in the fray and still close enough.
-It sounds good to me.- He says.
- We can talk about it after the battle. - You say because you knew he would want to hog the time again and because now at least you had something to talk about that does not sound awkward to you.
You attended the meeting with the Royal Army Officers. Alfonse had sent a messenger before hand to warn them. They had arrived some two hours before you.The plan was laid out for the officers and and after some debate it was approved. The Royal Army was very set in their ways and your suggestion on an ambush by militia attacks was taken with skepticism. You had met this kind of drawback before and it was always smoothed over by the heroes and Alfonse. The later had avoided your gaze every time you had asked for his opinion and you notice he looked angry. He had stood as far away as possible from you. Meanwhile Hrid had stood next to Claude which was as close to you as he could get.
As soon as the meeting was over, you sent out the mages and scouts to set up confusion wards in case enemy scouts came and saw you already there. Then mines were placed by the mages for when the enemy arrived. Not explosive mines but paint. The paint was magic and it help to immobilize , by temporally blind and confuse the enemy warriors; giving you precious time to attack them or retreat as needed. They also had the side effect of giving people hives. You seek out Alfonse to talk to him. You find him in the armory.
-Alfonse. I need to talk to you.- He does not turn to you and keeps on checking his gear and weapons. He looks like he wants to ignore you.
- I have no time. We can do this after the battle…unless you have someone to talk to later instead?
-Yeah… I promised Hrid we would talk about his sword style and technique…and that is what I need to talk to you about.
-I need to go check on the men.
-It will be just a minute…why are you so angry any way?
-What do you mean angry? Why would I be angry? Did you do something to anger me?
-I don’t think so…Look any way; Fjorm came and told me not let Hrid be my guard…- He looked at you now.- because she did not want him to save me or something and then I would owe him a life debt.
-What? He wouldn’t dare...- Now he looks even angrier.
-Yeah she doesn’t believe that either, but she says he looked different in a way and it is a “just in case” kind of thing, so I went to talk to him and ask him to fight. I was afraid for you as well as Sharena. It is better neither of us owe him something. - He nods. He still looked annoyed but at least he did not radiated that miasma of doom he does when he is really angry.
- I.. heard you talking to him.
-Oh! So that is why…Oh Alfonse!- You look around to see if someone is watching and take his hand. He leads you a little away until he finds a small door that he opens and you find yourself in a small closet full of weapon polishing products.
-I’m sorry I should have told you I was going to do that, but I didn’t found the time with so much stuff to do.
-No…I should not be jumping to conclusions. It is just…- He suddenly hugs you and kisses you on the forehead.- I…I love you so much…- He lowers his face and is about to kiss you. You feel like the butterflies in your stomach are having a party in there.
(Knock, knock)
-You two. It’s time to go!- Alfonse jumps back at the sound of Niles’ always suggestive words. You open the door and frown at him. Niles looks around inside the closet and smirks.- So…how was the sword polishing?
<<Oh I wish Niles!>> You roll your eyes at him.- We were only talking. You look back at Alfonse but he is looking down at his feet. You have never seen him look so guilty before. <<Adorable!>>
-Just talking huh…I love “just talking” with people inside closets too.
-Oh I wish Niles, but you went ahead an ruined it by knocking at the door. Besides we were in there for only like thirty seconds! Oh wait…Is that how long you “talk to people in closets”?
-______!!- Comes Alfonse’s voice behind you.
-.…Oh you got me good Summoner!- He says and starts laughing out loud.- I forget you are not afraid to use that tongue.
<<Oh Niles if only you knew… That’s exactly what I was trying to do.>> He looks at your face sees that little smirk and he just knows and laughs harder.
-Don’t worry your Highness. I am an expert at keeping secrets. I would give you fifteen minutes but we really need to go.- Alfonse comes out after you and his face is redder than a tomato.
-Wait. Let me fix your cloak.- He stops and lets you fix his scarf part of the cloak. You linger around his neck and then pass your fingers through the locks of hair loose from his crown. He is looking at you and you see his lips part and look at your lips for a second. His tongue comes out slowly to lick at his lower lip. The moment is so intimate Niles turns around to give you privacy and for once keeps quiet.
-You look good.- You tell him and his cheeks redden a little more.- Let’s go.- You say and both of you follow Niles out of the armory to Anna who is waiting for you.
The Emblian Empire attacked at midnight. The Askrn forces had let them get close to the bait, which was the keep where the the town people were hiding. Then the militia attacks were started in the enemy rear. Your surprise attack was successful and when they tried to retreat the mines enclosed them in where the men were not stationed. The battlefield was alight with fires suddenly burning, this way you could see where the heroes were and what they were doing.
From your position on one of the highest hills outside of town you could send the signals to the men and not be reached by enemy fire. King Savior Dimitri was by your left side monitoring the danger and the rear. Waiting for the moment he had to act.
Although you had smoother over the problem with Alfonse, he seemed still to be in a bad mood. He fights with the same skill as ever, but you could see there was something else in there. The same quality to his strikes that Lif had in his…like he really wanted to hurt something.
-Beruka tell Innes there’s an enemy sniper hiding far to his right flank over the tallest tree. - You mouthed over to Beruka who could read your lips. She nodded and before taking of to warn Innes.
Once in a while you look over to Hrid to check on his team and actually evaluating him so you would have something to talk about later on.
Next is Valter whom you had told to stay and rest after being on that hunt he went on. He seemed just as efficient, but there was a slowness to his strikes that if not corrected could end in a bad situation. You touch your medallion and say his name. It would let him know you are watching him or have something to tell him. He turns to you after making sure there is no danger.
- Are we the prey or are we the hunter?- That did it for him. No one would call him prey. He seemed to regain vigor, speed and strength.- Good. That’s my hunter boy.- You could hear Azura and Shigure singing over the noise. You turn to watch the others. Michaelis, Minerva, Seliph, Olivia,Eliwood and Roy, Hector, Rath , Eirika, Lyon and Ephraim…
You take your spyglass to watch the farther part of the field and spy on Xander, who is the leader of the Emblan army. He is watching you it seems, so you wave at him. He lowers the spyglass and for a second it looks like he is about to wave back but thinks better of it. This makes you chuckle. That man is actually a good man and you could understand his position. He not only kept Veronica company and keeps the vultures that try to make her their puppet away from them, but he had smoothed out some problems that could have escalated without his help. Without him the war would be worst and who knows where Veronica would be or what she would be doing. He kept her human.
Then from the North Eastern side of the Keep the flank breaks and reinforcements pour in. You knew about them and were prepared for them, that was what the mines were for. What you were not prepare for, was one of the heroes in the enemy lines. Adrestian Emperor Edelgard, dressed in her Reds and golds armor lead the reinforcements. You hear a hiss from S K Dimitri at the same time you feel your medallion warn you. It was Alfonse. You turn to watch him but you know full well what he meant. He points to F Dimitri. He has isolated himself as he always does. His backup Marth, is blocked form getting to him by a couple of lancers. Alfonse made his way to him, but before he reached him Dimitri looked up. It seemed like he could hear orders being given and recognized the voice.
Dimitri saw Edelgard and he froze for a second. Then he started to walk her way and he looked like he was not paying attention to his surroundings. Alfonse started to make his way towards him and so did Marth. You signal King Claude who is near by covering Alfonse, but he had already seen the scene unfolding. He started felling the enemies that were about to hit Dimitri. You signal Dimitri himself. At last he seems to react, but instead of returning your call, he started to relentlessly and brutally kill the enemies on his way.
You hear SK Dimitri growl in anger. You reach for his hand and squeeze it gently.
You can see with the spyglass that Edelgard has taken notice of Dimitri. She stands for a minute watching him and you see her close her eyes. The face she makes is almost one of regret. She turns around, then signals something to her men and she starts attacking the opposite flank. On her stead another hero is sent. Death Knight.
-Oh FUCK… Death Knight.- You had seen him before. That man was insane and brutal. He did not listen to orders and actively has tried to kill your heroes any chance he has. You see him make a bee line to where F Dimitri is trying to follow Edelgard.
You see it as if in slow motion. Ferdinand came down on Dimitri even before Death Knight arrived. You had not even seen him coming. He drove his lance with enough force to behead someone and the speed to not miss. He had the advantage of surprise. Dimitri could not deflect or evade; but before Ferdinand’s lance hit its mark; a golden shield came up to protect a falling Dimitri. Alfonse had reached Dimitri just in time to jump on the way of the strike and effectively striking the blond out of the way. Alfonse almost fell down with the force of the strike and the effort not to step on the fallen blonde. He stood with his legs on either side of Dimitri’s upper body. Then the second strike came just as he was trying to gain his footing. The force of the second strike almost made him stumble and had him straddling the blonde. Alfonse could do nothing but shield himself and Dimitri. He turned to see if Dimitri was alright and his faces were inches apart.
He was about to tell him to get up when they heard a yell. Ferdinand was falling down his horse and an arrow was stuck on the horse’s flank. Claude was covering him while trying to keep from getting hit by enemy arrows. This gave Alfonse the time he needed to get up. Alfonse was standing up when Death Knight’s scythe came sideways and hit his shield on the side enough to fling it and his arm away form his body. He deflected the rest with the sword.
Sparks like fireworks flew from Folkvangr. Death Knight was poised to strike again. Watching from the ground Dimitri was struggling to get up. He was backing away so he could get up and not be on the way.
You watch it all from your post. Unable to do anything about it. You feel like the life is draining from you with every beat of the heart. Hel’s scythe; coming down slowly and yet so fast. Just like it had done for Anna and Sharena before. It strikes Alfonse to behead , but the angle and motion playing their part have another idea. The scythe misses badly. He is falling down…
…..He is falling….he is …. outside the Order's castle in a training arena. You followed him to see him train. He is doing something you had not seen him do before. He jumps and twirls his sword to gather power and at the point of the strike there is a beam of power coming out. The attack is one of the most powerful you had ever seen. It may even rival Aether.
-Incredible…- You say behind him. He turns and smiles at you. His naked torso glistening with sweat. In another time he would he dying of shame from being found with so little clothes.
-Do you like it? I am trying to create something powerful to kill her.
-Alfonse that is amazing! How do you call it?
-I don’t know yet…I want to make a future for us with it. Maybe then we can end this absurd war and get married,- He gets close to you and touches your cheek with his fingers. - My beloved _______. He kisses you slowly on your lips and then kisses your forehead.-…I might call it…
-DOOR TO THE FUTURE!!!!- Your yell resonates over the cacophony of voices and yells of the battlefield. Breidablik lights up…
This program is messing up my grammar instead of helping, especially names. I have no idea how many times I have gone and fixed them. When I transfer it to the page it gets messed up again. I think it gets confused because I write in different languages XD
As a side note, I am trying not to make Hrid sound like he is an asshole at all. I like him a lot, but the guy is in love and is very possessive and jealous of Alfonse who he believes belongs with his sister and passes most of his time with you so…He just wants a chance for you to get to know him and fall in love maybe…and maybe…and maybe…
I have this head canon that if Valter ever hears Guren no Yumiya from Attack on Titan it would become his National Anthem XD. Bless Natewantstobattle and his covers.
Have you ever wonder why Lif’s face and original skin only covers his nose and his mouth seems to be lost and to have no bone inside?….yeah…I do.
1. The song I am referencing here is the metal cover by Dan Vasc:
2. It is said that Grima is 2000+ years but I seriously think that he can’t be that much older than Tiki was around the time of Shadow Dragon. So to me he is still a kid. A very neglected and abused kid who is lashing out in the worst way, because he is so powerful. I am doing this because I think that a gown up Grima would be more a love interest and I don’t want that in this story. Also I ship him with Evostrashbin’s Summoner. BTW I’m so happy Evo got Halloween Mr. Grima! I love it!
3. Crazy He Calls Me. Natalie Cole’s version. I love this song all thanks to my father. I choose it because I could see the co-relation with the story line and situation.
4. I mean. I get that the order is supposed to be the good guys but dressing in white all the time in battle? That works well in winter and Nifl, but that’s it. That Lord of the Rings cloak, the Lorien Elves gave The Fellowship would be awesome to have for the Heroes on more stealthy missions. Camo uniforms would also work wonders on the Order’s favor.
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faireth-reed · 3 years
FEH ships
Saw @lucry-writes making a list of FEH ships and it made me ship Nótt x Hríd. Going to add all my current ships, which could work either romantically or as great friendships:
Bruno x Alfonse: been there since book I. Bruno also makes sense with Sharena or Xander, but I'll put this one.
Fjorm x Laegjarn: sorry for being boring. But things really changed a lot when Laegjarn got introduced in Heroes, so here they are.
Veronica x Laevatein: when they get a bit older, or just friends. During Loki's tempest trials, I imagined her introducing the two of them. Two princesses who don't speak much, but can have much in common.
Helbindi x Gunnthrá: hear me out. They already met in the beach. Gunnthrá received him with open arms after knowing everything he'd done for Ylgr. She had such a good impression of him that I want to see moee interactions. Also, there'd be a lot of teasing.
Sharena x Eir: Sharena can be shipped with practically all book protagonists, but her pure intentions absolutely reached Eir. After all that angst, they deserve to be happy. Also, the other protagonists would be very supportive.
Surtr x Múspell: fire edgy men.
Freyr x Ash: I tend to forget about these two a lot, so this popped in my head like 5 minutes ago. They just... Suit each other? Imagine them relaxing on the grass or something.
Hríd x Nótt: responsible people who actually have a funny side. They would just have so much fun.
Woah, that was actually a lot. I don't ship much from book V despite being my favourite one, but it's okay. All of these ships are like Tana x Cormag for me. You can either see them as friendships or romance, but they are close characters.
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archivedflammes · 4 years
Ship bias - Laegjarn
-||[Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse!]||-
(In no particular order)
Tumblr media
Laegjarn x Fjorm
Laegjarn x Fjorm
Laegjarn x Fjorm
Laegjarn x Fjorm
Laegjarn x Sharena
(Literally only have two ships for her xD)
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alice-in-idol-land · 5 years
Smol questions, the requests are closed for Icons or for fics? Because I really loved the Fjorm x Sharena one and would like to ask for more!! (or Fjorm x Laegjarn if possible QwQ)
It took me awhile to get to this because... inspiration... But I’ve decided I want to keep this blog (mostly) icons and stuff, since that’s that it was originally for;; I’ll probably write here every now and then for fun but... I’ve made a dedicated writing blog over at @aliceinidolland (same url without the dashes... creative I know;;) for the stuff I do write! There’s some new Fjorm/Sharena there if you want to check it out;; ♡
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the-alpahaca · 6 years
14 days of Valentine’s Day (Laegjarn x reader for Cupid’s Arrow event)
*Kicks down door* Howdy y'all, so this is my writing entry for the Cupid’s Arrow event. This is dedicated to the lovely @femme-blem !!! I’ve actually read some of your writing before so I was super excited but also scared to write for you uwu, hopefully you’ll like this fic. I chose Laegjarn because I wasn’t sure if Azura was your favorite character because you were similar to her (I remember mentioning that in your blog once so I also took this into account while writing this, omg that sounds so creepy I’m so sorry) or because you prefer her romantically. If it’s the latter I’m so sorry but hopefully, you’ll still be able to enjoy the fic since I honestly worked very hard on it. I’ve only written one other fic before this and it was so Danganronpa so I’m sorry if the fic is in any way bad or the characters are OOC, etc. If this fic is not to your liking I can totally make another one for you, I wouldn’t mind! I also really really wanted to upload this during Valentine’s Day, it still is where I am at and hopefully it’s also still the 14th wherever you are too lol. 
The people behind the event: @fire-emblem-drabbles @imaginesforfe
Word count: 2,194
Today marked the start of February, and when you think of February what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Valentine’s Day of course! Before pondering any further, you’d decided to ask the Order of the Heroes if they celebrated Valentine’s Day in Askr or any of the realms and to your not so big surprise, they had no idea what you were talking about.
Though you weren’t exactly the most popular back in your world, you’d always have at least one friend to celebrate Valentine's Day and maybe even exchange presents with, but you ultimately figured that this wouldn’t be the case this year. Nevertheless, you still decided you’d give out presents to the heroes, as a thank you gift for the friendship they’d shared with you.
Just as you were about to start writing down a list of what to get each hero, you heard a knock at the door of your study. When you told them to come in, you noticed it was Laegjarn, who carried a tray with two cups of tea and some biscuits.
“I saw you were still awake and so figured I should bring you some tea, hope you don’t mind?” She asked with a small smile on her face as she entered the room. She placed the tray on your desk while she sat across from you. “You’ve been exceeding yourself these past few days ‘y/n’, so it would only be fair that I express a small token of my gratitude, hope it’s of your liking.” She said as you took a sip from your cup of tea.
“It is, thanks.” You responded. You sat there in silence for a bit enjoying your tea before Laegjarn finally spoke again.
“If it’s alright of me to ask, why are you doing up so late at night? I thought your council meeting had ended a few hours ago, you can’t possibly be developing strategic plans at this hour.” She frowned, you quickly shook your head.
“It’s nothing like that, I’m creating a list of presents for all of the heroes, that’s all.” You said. “Oh? But I thought you said Christmas was celebrated in December.” She mentioned with a confused look on her face, her reaction made you giggle a bit.
“No, this is for another holiday, it’s called Valentine’s Day that's celebrated on February 14th. You basically celebrate the love you have for your friends and significant others. Though it’s not necessary to give gifts to others, it’s common to give out things like chocolates, flowers or anything to signify the special bond you have with them.” You finished.
“That...sounds really nice” replied Laegjarn with a soft smile. She quickly realized though that because you were the only one who was really aware of this holiday, you would not be receiving presents this year.
“Laegjarn, is something wrong?” You asked. She seemed bothered by something and you couldn’t bring yourself to understand why.
“It’s nothing.” She quickly answered. She stood up from her seat and walked towards the door. “I should head back to my room, it’s getting really late after all. You should rest as well, you’ve worked plenty today. Good night ‘y/n’”.
“Good night,” you said as she closed the door behind her. She was right, you’d been working nonstop almost all day plus you were really tired. “Guess the list’s gonna have to wait till tomorrow.”
“So, have you decided who it’s gonna be?” Laegjarn sat at the end of her sister's bed, who was having a late night talk with her when both were having trouble sleeping. In one hand she held a small velvet box, while in the other she twirled a single shiny diamond ring. Her royal advisors had been coercing her into choosing a spouse, as she was now at the appropriate age for marriage.  “No, I haven’t”.
Laegjarn sighed deeply, her royal responsibilities weighing down on her. She’d need someone who could be a good ruler, conscientious and thoughtful, level-headed when needed, maybe someone like ‘y/n-’. She quickly cut herself short on that thought. You were already someone burdened by too many duties, it would be of poor judgement on her part to trouble you with more. Besides, you probably wouldn’t return her feelings…
“Huh?” Laevatein moved her head to the side in a confused manner, she’d accidentally voiced that last part out loud. “O-oh, don’t worry about it Laevatein, get yourself some rest.” She said.
She gently ruffled her sister's hair with a motherly smile before standing up. She wished her a good night and closed the door behind her. She kept on thinking, Valentine's Day, huh? Her first and last Valentine’s day with you before she had to marry. With that in mind, she went to sleep for that night.
You woke up the next day just like you would any other day. You finished your normal morning routine and were about to leave for the training grounds when you noticed a neatly wrapped gift sitting right in front of your door. You picked it up and read the tag attached to it ‘For y/n’ it read. You decided to go inside your room once again, but before you, you swear you heard some footsteps swiftly scatter away, though you paid no attention to them.
‘This is... for me?’ you thought to yourself. You unwrapped the gift and opened the long box that was concealed underneath all that decorative paper. You gasped softly as you realized what was inside the box, it was a quill, a beautifully crafted quill, perhaps a bit too beautiful to use regularly. Next to the quill also came a note which said ‘I know you spend much of your time writing, either for battle strategizing or for pleasure, therefore I decided to gift you with this. I hope it’s of your liking’.
You scanned your eyes over the note to see who’s signature it had but were surprised to not find one. ‘A secret admirer’ you speculated. The gift was far too nice to be from anyone, so it definitely had to be a royal. Was it Sharena, maybe Alfonse? That didn’t seem right. Fjorm? Hríd? Gunnthrá? One of the royals you’d summoned? Maybe, just maybe though, it was Laegjarn. No, you thought to yourself, your crush? That seems a bit too idealistic from your part. Whoever it was, you were definitely grateful for the gift they’d given to you, if you ever were to find out who they were, you’d make sure to give them your thanks. Unbeknown to you, there was plenty more from where that came from.
Over the next couple of weeks, you’d find yourself receiving all types of gifts, from expensive chocolates, lavish teas, and books to more elaborate things such as finding out that your duties had been done for the day and even your very own horse! Admittedly, every morning you’d wake up a bit excited, enthusiastic to know what you’d get next, though because you’d been receiving them for about two weeks now, you weren’t expecting this gift giving to last much longer.
Laevatein approached Laegjarn’s room and to her surprise found her pacing around the room in deep thought and panic. “Are you alright, Laegjarn?” Laevatien asked her big sister who she suddenly found herself worried for, it wasn’t that often you’d find Laegjarn in a distressed state.
Laegjarn, surprised by her sister’s sudden appearance, revealed what was troubling her. “As a matter of fact, I am not Laevatien. I had arranged for some fine art utensils to be delivered to someone tomorrow, the 14th, but with the emergence of snowstorms, my package will not able to arrive on time. How could I have not foreseen, I suppose I got ahead of myself.” she said crestfallen.
“Aha, so you’ve been giving gifts to someone. I figured as much, don’t see why you’d need a horse when you already have a dragon” she finished with a chuckle, then a brilliant plan came to mind. “Worry not sister, I actually have the perfect gift in mind. I’ll leave it at their doorstep for you if you’d like” she said with a small smile.
Laegjarn was a bit hesitant. It’s not that she didn’t trust her sister, but the fact that she didn’t know what you’d actually get. The alternative to this though would be you not receiving anything, and that just wouldn’t do, especially on Valentine’s Day.
“Alright, thank you Laevatein” she said. “It’s no problem, I’m glad to help.” Laevatein was about to leave when Laegjarn spoke “I forgot to mention to you who they are, they’re-” Laevatein cut her off “Y/n, right?” she responded. Laegjarn only nodded, bemused on how her sister knew of this detail, she wasn’t very open about her feelings after all. She could only hope that all would go well.
So, it was finally the 14th, Valentine’s Day. You were pretty excited to give the others their gifts, despite you not getting one in return. There was something you needed to do first, however, which was check if by any chance there was a gift sitting outside your room, just like there had been for the last couple of days. Once you verified there was a small box outside you brought it back inside your room to open it, just like you would every other morning. When you opened it you were completely astonished to find a small diamond ring placed inside a small velvet box. You could only stare at it as you tried to register the situation at hand, someone had proposed to you? As you started contemplating as to whether you would turn down or not your secret admirer, you came to recognize the diamond situated on the ring. Those were diamonds from the kingdom of Múspell.
It took you a moment to find your bearings before you sprinted out of your room towards the training grounds. It made sense, only Laegjarn knew about Valentine’s Day, you had told her yourself. Once you arrived you urgently searched for Laegjarn, finally finding her sparring with some of the other heroes. “Laegjarn!” you called out for her while running, desperately trying to grab her attention. Once you did you arrived in front of her flushed and a bit out of breath.
“Good Morning Y/n, how can I be of service?” she asked you kindly. You tried to catch your breath before speaking to her. “Is this… is this from you?” you questioned her while still panting. Laegjarn’s smile was replaced with a look of pure shock and panic as she came to recognize the ring in your hand. You were still a bit dazed but that couldn’t have stopped you from noticing the intense blush that started to cover Laegjarn’s face. Laegjarn opened and closed her mouth in an attempt to speak. She could spot Laevatein from the corner of her eye with a big smirk on her face. You swear no one had seen Laegjarn this flustered in their life. She simply uttered a small “Yes” immediately followed by her saying “B-but please don’t feel obligated to-”. Once again, Laegjarn was cut short by you holding your hand in front of you as to let you speak.
“Here” you said as you handed her a letter. Laegjarn was confused but nevertheless decided to take the letter you gave her and read it. It was a love poem, from you to her, for Valentine’s Day. She stared back at you with an even deeper blush than before.
“My ‘secret admirer’ inspired me to also anonymously confess to the person I love as well, but I guess that was you all along” you finished with a light blush coating your face.
Laegjarn was next to speak “Yes, it was me all along. When you informed me about Valentine’s Day and you told me you how you planned to give out presents to the rest of the heroes, I felt it unfair that you would not be receiving any, so I only thought it fair that you received the same amount of gifts as the ones you planned to give out.” You were completely amazed at Laegjarn and how thoughtful she had been. You couldn’t help but instantly embrace her from the sheer happiness and love you felt for her at that moment.
“Of course I’ll marry you” you said with a bright smile covering your face. Laegjarn returned your embrace and gave you a shy but tender kiss, all of her love for you expressed in that single act. Afterwards you both gazed into each other's eyes smiling from ear to ear.
Laevatein watched you from afar, smiling to herself and giving herself a pat on the back. Ever since she had seen Laegjarn leave that quill on your doorstep with hopeful eyes she came to realize that you were the one she was talking about that night, who she wanted to marry. After all those years Laegjarn took care of her, she deserved to be happy, and now she would be for the rest of her years to come with you by her side.
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TWR zine info, v.5
Together We Ride is a zine that explores the similarities that can be found throughout the Fire Emblem series’ considerable cast. Each individual artwork in this zine features multiple characters from different games spanning across the FE series. Volume 5 consists of 36 full-color illustrated and prose pages by our artists and writers (listed below), each featuring combinations chosen by them.
The zine will be printed on a 9"|22.86cm x 6"|15.24cm gloss saddle stitched booklet. Preorder date: May 1st - May 31st 2019 Release date: late Jun - early July 2019
Celes , Treekianthia , Garmmy , Ale , Flamingopunch , Gem , Jun , Reri , Harblkun , Keirin , Billie , Gzeidraws , Laurencin , YukiBushido , pepperbell , reidiantdawn , Who , Llutei , Prim ,  missyunfa , Fowi_G , serenes-art , Avietta , amuk , leporidae
Volume 5 artwork and prose includes the following FE characters
Heroes: Eir, Hel, Lif, Thrasir, Bruno, Veronica, Gustav, Henriette, Alfonse, Sharena, Laevatein, Laegjarn, Helbindi, Loki Shadows of Valentia: Berkut, Rinea, Nuibaba, Marla, Hestia, Duma Fates: Corrin, Elise, Iago Awakening: Chrom, Robin, Yen'fay, Say'ri, Validar, Gangrel, Aversa, Grima Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn: the Black Knight, Sephiran, Ashera Sacred Stones: Selena, Lyon, Valter Sword of Seals/Blazing Blade: Desmond, Brendan, Uhai, Kenneth, Darin, Jerme, Ursula, Lloyd, Linus, Sonia, Nino, Fire Dragon Genealogy of the Holy War/Thracia 776: Arvis, Julius, Ishtar, Travant, Deirdre Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem: Katarina, Kris, Xane Fire Emblem Warriors: Darios
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clauderiegan · 6 years
Shackled [Kiran/Summoner x Alfonse]
A/n: welcome to angst town. slight unsanitary and mild suicidal thoughts tw. you can read it on ao3 if you prefer the format here
It's been about three days since they'd been chained up and things seemed to be getting worse already. The old saying was that people adjust to adversity, but Kiran must be faulty because they find themselves losing hope as each day goes by (not that they can tell time well here; it's so dark and the barred window so small that sometimes they don't even realise night has passed). They sleep fitfully on the stone prison floor; drink the stale, stagnant water given to them and choke down the horrible rations solely meant to keep them alive for another day. Their wrists hurt like hell; the shackles seem to weigh heavier each morning that passes. They've lost weight already; they could probably fit their arms through the bars now, though the rest of them could hardly follow.
 On top of it all, as much as they were embarrassed to admit it; they stunk. Rags that weren't washed, sweat that accumulated from the Muspell heat and the stench of their waste which was in a chamber pot only cleaned out in the end of the day made them feel quite repulsive. As much as they were looking forward to being rescued, the idea of the Order of Heroes actually seeing them like this made their stomach clench. 
As much as they want to hate Laegjarn for capturing them... there's a part of them now that realises the two sisters are prisoners to Surtr both in their own ways. Laegjarn had treated them with dignity and care in the day they were in her captivity, carmine eyes glimmering with worry. She looked even more pained when she saw Kiran being led into the castle - to be locked away until Surtr either found a way to exploit their legendary weapon for his own gains, or if the former failed, to be executed. For one glorious moment, Kiran thought she was going to step forward and stop him being lead away by Loki- but she collected herself and stood back, lips set in a grim line. It was one of the last things Kiran saw before the days and days of loneliness inside this horrid cell.
Still... they didn't hate her, not truly.
Surtr on the other hand? Pfeh. They grimace, thinking of the disgusting King and his delusions of grandeur. If they couldn't be rescued, better to die than to aid him. If their hand was forced... Kiran would not let themselves live to serve him. They would find some way either to flee or die by their own hand before even lifting a finger to help that bastard. And Loki? The smug enchantress looked far too delighted to be locking someone away in a cell, cooing and batting her eyelashes and promising "she wouldn't forget you down here, dear!". The mockery in her voice was palpable and Kiran, hands shackled and divine weapon seized, could do nothing but take the brunt of it.
They sigh softly, trying to relax into a comfortable position. The floor was terribly uncomfortable and their shackled arms prevented fully lying down in a natural position, but they tried their best. It seems no rescue would be coming today.
They begin to wonder if a rescue was coming soon.
They could hardly determine how many days had passed now; perhaps they could hazard a guess at 9 or 10.
The smell was starting to get to them.
So hot.
Alfonse is coming, right? Sharena? Anna too?
They'd be back in Askr soon, with a nice fluffy bed.
They'd put Feh again and she'd hoot happily and Anna would be cheering and Sharena would probably be crying and Alfonse-
They didn't get to tell him.
They didn't want to die before they told him.
They didn't want to die but they didn't want to keep going on.
Was it night or morning? Naga only knew.
They cry softly, but stop soon enough. Crying won't solve anything and they don't want to dehydrate themselves even further.
With guards who refuse to talk to them, a sole visit from Loki days ago who promptly deemed Kiran 'too defeated to be entertaining' and depressing surroundings, sleep is the only comfort they have left. Well, besides the fact they haven't seen Surtr yet. Kiran doubt he would be bothered to visit unless it was to demand they use their weapon for something, but it had yet to happen.
Small mercies...
They dream of the night sky in Askr and a prince with golden wings beside them.
They don't know what day it is, but it seems delirium has finally arrived for they can hear rapid footsteps in the corridor despite no guard being present for another hour.
"Oh good, maybe going mad will make this less insufferable" they think to themselves idly, waiting for the sound to gradually stop.
It doesn't.
Kiran jolts up from their slumped position against the wall, cringing as the shackles pull against their raw red skin. But the pain is almost immediately forgotten upon seeing the face on the other side of the bars.
"A-Al...?" they rasp out, embarrassment at the weakness of their voice and appearance mingling with desperate, sudden hope.
"I'm here!" he cries out, shoving a silver key into the cell's lock.
Kiran's heart almost leaps out of their chest when the door swings violently open, clanging against the bars. They raise their head, blinking back tears of joy as Alfonse shoves his way inside the dreary door. He was here, he was here!
"Kiran! Gods, what happened to you?" he said, horror on his face as he took in the summoner's frail body.
"Al..." they whisper, starting to cry in earnest now.
They felt so happy and disgusting at the same time. There was so much they wanted to say: "Thank you, I'm scared, Take me home, Don't look at me"
Nothing came out except quiet crying.
"Oh, Kiran..." he said softly, kneeling down in front of Kiran and raising a hand to their shoulder.
Kiran no longer cares if they are ratty, rank and gaunt; they dive into his arms, sobbing. He was here. The Order of Heroes must not be far behind and for him to have the key meant they must have made a sizeable push into the castle's defences. Anna, Sharena, all their Hero friends... They were safe. They came to save Kiran. They were going home.
"Al... oh Alfonse" they choke out, each word stinging in their throat but liberating all the same.
The prince says nothing but continues to rub their back soothingly. It was the nicest thing they had felt in what seems like forever; grinning so hard it felt like it would split their face, they nuzzle closer into Alfonse's neck.
Kiran blinks in confusion as the flowery scent of perfume enters their nose. It seems to be coming from Alfonse's clothes?
"Al, what's that smell?"
"What smell?" he replies, face carefully blank.
"The... perfume?" they say slowly, suddenly feeling tense.
Alfonse's face doesn't look quite right anymore.
A cold, creeping feeling takes over them. Alfonse's face doesn't look like Alfonse's face. Something is missing, or different, and he smells like perfume. Perfume they've smelt before. Perfume they smelt on Loki as she lead them into the dungeon-
Kiran almost vomits. The realisation is a punch to the gut, a wave of misery crashing down upon them.
"Too defeated to be entertaining" she'd said.
"Kiran? I don't understand what you mean" said 'Alfonse', expression carefully schooled into faux compassion.
"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" they shriek, each word tearing their throat and their heart in pieces.
"Kiran, you're worrying me!" comes the false plead.
Kiran sobs, rattles their shackles to no avail, dry heaves. They're losing control of their emotions, reactions, functions-
"This isn't real, is it?"
The accusation hangs in the stale air.
Alfonse's face is blank, and then-
a smirk.
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pokemagines · 7 years
future child. (sharena x reader)
anon asked: “Hi! I’ve been replaying FE: Awakening and playing FE: Heroes a lot lately, so I got inspired to ask this for Alfonse and Sharena. They’re just hanging out when out of nowhere this kid appears and claims to be Alfonse’s/Sharena’s future child. And then the summoner (not in a relationship yet) walks into the room and the child says “oh look, it’s mother/father!”. How would they react?”
a/n: second half to this ask as promised! ngl sharena needs more love!!
   sharena flops down on her bed, sighing. today’s battle against laegjarn and her allies had been somewhat of a phyrric victory. sure, you ended up catching laegjarn, but the allies that fought beside sharena had been gravely injured. had it not been for elise, she doesn’t want to think of what would have happened to her friends.
   she holds her hand above her head, examining the newly formed calluses from gripping her lance so tight. letting out a groan, she makes a mental note to ask fjorm how she keeps her hands so soft.
   a quiet knock snaps her out of her thoughts, and she sits up, wondering who it would be. her first thought is that she hopes it’s you, but she quickly pushes that thought aside, going to open the door. swinging the door open, she spies a teenage girl, wearing a similar cloak as you do, with curly blonde hair with strawberry highlights, her [your eye color] eyes eyeing her up familiarly.
   “ah, mother!” the girl beams, “there you are!”
   sharena freezes, looking down at the girl. did she just call her mother? surely there had to be some sort of confusion. but then again, the child did look like the spitting image of herself. surely...
   “i’m sorry, i have no idea who you are, darling.” sharena eyes the kid sympathetically, the child letting out a goofy laugh. sharena’s heart skips a beat, that laugh sounds so much like someone else’s she knew...
   “sure, okay,” the girl rolls her eyes, pushing past her and into her room. “leave the pranks to me, mother.” sharena is tempted to laugh out of confusion, but instead she says:
   “i wish i could say this was a prank, but i really don’t know who you are.” she puts a finger to her lips, puzzled. she remembers robin telling her something about how her future children came back and how it was very weird at first to have a child only a few years her junior, but lucina and morgan were so lovely she didn’t mind. there would be no reason to lie about this, she just feels it’s odd for her own daughter to be a stranger to her.
   “are you serious? you don’t recognize me? juliet... you know, your favorite child and all?” she teases, sitting on top of the chest beside sharena’s bed. “did you hit your head in the last battle? do i need to call elise?” she opens her mouth to speak, but as she does, another knock is heard, this time it was you knocking on the open door.
   “uh, hi...” you say awkwardly, waving. “i just came to return your cape! gerome just finished stitching it up so...” you hold it out to her, shooting a nervous smile.
   “well it’s about time,” juliet grins, “mother was just saying she didn’t remember me, i think we need to get her to a healer.” sharena gives you a confused look, and you flush pink. ‘daughter?’, you think, ‘what was she talking about?’
   “mother? you mean sharena is your mother?” you sputter out.
   “...yes. seriously, you two are acting odd today.” she crosses her arms, the baggy cloak shifting and sliding off one of her shoulders. “did something happen when i was gone today? did someone slip something into you guys’ food?”
   “no, i just think you’re from a different time than us.” sharena gets closer, taking juliet’s hand into her own. “i mean, do i look as old as your mother does?” the child is silent for a minute, before answering:
   “...no, you do look very young. i just thought that you looked nicer today.” she lets out a snort, “your hands are just as callused as hers, though.” sharena laughs, turning to look at you. 
   “wait, sharena, do you really think this is your daughter from the future?” you run a hand through your hair, in shock and disbelief. “i mean, not to seem like a skeptic, she does look a lot like you, but this is weird, right?”
   “stranger things have happened.” she merely shrugs, “i just met her, but something about her is... familiar. call it women’s intuition but i know she’s telling the truth.” the room grows silent, and you let out a sigh, laughing quietly.
   “alright, juliet, if sharena believes you, then so do i.” you break the silence, and juliet lets out a ‘tut’ noise.
   “you always did take more convincing than mother.” she smiles wickedly, “which is why i love you.” 
   “wait, love me? am i--” you fluster, the pieces just now starting to fit together. both sharena and juliet give each other a look, and burst into laughter, sharena’s cheeks holding a light blush. truth be told, she was glad that you were her future spouse, there was no one she’d rather spend her life with. even if you two weren’t officially dating yet. 
   “gods, for a tactician you can be slow sometimes.”
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leoprime13 · 4 years
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My S Ranks on FEH. And yes, I do ship them.
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leoprime13 · 4 years
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Just bored and want to show off these three again.
Fight me.
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leoprime13 · 4 years
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Sharena with her beloved former Muspell general and dorky Summoner as her lovely couple.
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