#Sharing the love
sadraccoon061 · 1 month
Anyway, instead of AI generated "Sims"/"Simblrs" why not celebrate & check out some of these wonderful, creative and talented people!
If you would like to be untagged please let me know :)
@gloomiegalaxie makes diverse, creative & curious & colourful Sims to add a pop of colour to your day, and they also make absolutely gorgeous atmospheric renders!
@occultradio has a distinctive & bold Sim style & takes fantastic in-game screenshots (mostly of the lovely Trace & Vis!) that look so good you might think they were rendered!
@eirwynadvets has fun & wonderful renders that will brighten up your dash and spark joy!
@azeterna has Sims & renders that are absolutely delightful, colourful and inspired!
@barbieaiden some truly breathtaking renders, the lighting and composition are just *chefs kiss*
@saruin has unique, imaginative & beautiful Sims & CC designs, as well as unbelievably flawless renders! What more could you want!
@sansabirdanne has stunning Sims, their screenshots have a dreamy feel to them which is lovely!
@yin-shimo has exquisite OCs and a really smooth render style which is instantly recognisable!
@puppycheesecake makes such a wide variety of Sims and each one is as much a piece of art as the last!
@fl0ptrait Evan & Courts are art in their own right but Fl0p also makes artistic and beautiful renders/edits!
@skaterboisims makes Sims/edits that look like they're straight from Cyberpunk 2077, they are so sleek!
@bansheeso has so many gorgeous and unusual Sims, really interesting Sim style too!
@aniraklova has such epic Sims/Screenshots, sometimes it's hard to believe we're playing the same game! Very inspiring!
@misvni has an instantly recognisable Sim style, they almost look like a painting they're so pretty!
@loony-moonsims has pretty Sims & recently started rendering and the results are FABULOUS so far so cannot wait to see where it goes!
I think that's enough people for now, if you're not on here DONUT PANIC I love you and I will probably do another one of these at some point.
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bunnies-and-sunshine · 9 months
Sharing the love!
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Wishing you all a Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it and a very happy Monday for those who don't. We also hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year!
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basmathgirl · 5 months
In Journey’s End it is very obvious that Jack Harkness, who likes hugging (physical contact) regardless if he knows the other person, doesn’t want to hug Donna. Is there a good reason for this? Or is it just another obnoxious way of the show making fun of “loud” Donna, who tries to flirt with yet another attractive man, but is turned down again?
Hello kind Anon
There was quite a build up to Jack's character being flirtatious with any person that might show interest; and then in Journey's End he practically shunned Donna.
Like you I thought this yet another joke at Donna's expense. The woman who cannot attract any man in the real world, apparently. What a laugh *waves poms poms of sarcasm* Yeah let's laugh at her...
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But I'm not laughing. In fact, I was livid for a very long time.
And then some lovely online friends pondered reasons for Jack's out of character behaviour. As a Time Agent with time-sensitive abilities, Jack would get the vibe that something special was where Donna was concerned. One suggested Jack was getting attachment vibes from the Doctor, that Donna was his and not to touch her. They pushed this further to suggest Jack could sense the Doctor and Donna would become one, and the Time Lord would not tolerate Jack acting inappropiately towards Donna.
Now this thought cheered me up a great deal.
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Hopefully, you feel better now too. ❤️
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survivingandenduring · 5 months
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There’s so much love in here for each other it’s so beautiful 😍💝
I’m shit at tagging etc cos I don’t really usually have anything to tag on here and imposter syndrome shouts noooo 😂😂
But if I’ve interacted liked or commented in any way on anything you have posted you are tagged 💜
I’m so grateful you are so generous in sharing the wonderful stories that you all create and take the time to respond to my random thoughts on them 😁💖
I’m so happy to have found a little corner of the internet full of like minded goof balls who have been so generous in your time and spirit. ❤️🥰
I look forward to getting to know you a little better 😊💗
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withoutyouimsaskia · 1 year
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Thank you for the love, sweetheart. Sending it right back at you! @dotieeee Also: @theviridianbunny @sturridges @marlowe-zara @roguelov @kellatron55 @endlessbittersweetdreams @grey0451 @deyasworld @ellooo0ooo @annievvv7 @honeybeezgobzzzzz @littledollll
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helloliriels · 9 months
Gifts are meant to be shared! 💝and I couldn't be more grateful for each and every one these lovely gifts! THANK YOU BUNCHES FOR MAKING MY YEAR BETTER!!! 💋- Liriels
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💝 Of Scars and Revelations by @catlock-holmes for Holmestice Winter 2023 (I MaDe A BaNnEr FoR YoU!!!)
Sherlock has returned from his presumed death, but he isn't the same he used to be, after experiencing torture and trauma. His friendship with John isn't the same either, can they rekindle their friendship, or maybe even become something completely new? Maybe a stay at a hotel after a case could help them rediscover their bond. LOVE THIS SO MUCH !!!! 💖😍🎁 John & Sherlock finally GeT SoMe!!!! (SleEp ThaT iS!!!) haha, baths, only one bed, hurt/comfort, with plenty of feELs!!! 💋
🎁 Human Urges by @topsyturvy-turtely
John hated it. He utterly and truly hated it. Despised himself for it ... That stupid, always present, torturing urge to be kissed!
💝 The Case of the Serial Secret Admirer by @hasenkind687
It is seven days until Valentine's day. Humbuk - if you ask Sherlock. But then, anonymous gifts appears!
🎁 "John what the bloody hell are you doing?" by Atrocious_Magpie
Sherlock catches John baking cookies while listening to abba, what do you think happens next?
💝 This perfect JOHNLOCK IMAGE for 'It Belongs in a Museum', made by @a-victorian-girl
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🎁 Live from the Morgue by @disfictional from Holmestice Winter 2022. (i MaDe A BaNnEr FoR YoU!!!) 💀🎙️tysm!!!
A very special podcast episode 'Live from the Morgue' with Molly Hooper, featuring guest star Sherlock Holmes, discussing his years away (playing dead) - while John listens ...
💝 Mrs. Hudson's Crack Brew by @chriscalledmesweetie for 2022 Year of the Crack Fic!
Mrs. Hudson is beginning to regret the part she played in bringing Sherlock and John together. Not to put too fine a point on it, those boys are LOUD. Can she find a way to make things better? Or will she only make them worse? It all depends on your perspective…
🎁 Knitting Needles Out by @fluffbyday-smutbynight
Knitting. How hard could it be? Pretty hard, as it turned out. Especially cable knitting.
💝 This lovely GIF collab made by @liquor-liquor-lips for 'pack up the moon, and dismantle the sun' quote by WH Auden & all the reichenbach feels. 💋
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🎁 Shared Proximity by @fluffbyday-smutbynight for Holmestice Open Promptfest Winter 2021
“As ever, you see but you do not observe. Our respective lives are so enmeshed together, that such labels - like flatmates or colleagues or, yes, even friends - evidently fall short. Partners might do it, and it’s not a coincidence that it’s a stand-in for couple.”A definition might prove necessary, but still not enough in itself. What's the next step?
💝 (Full) Contact With Nature by @fluffbyday-smutbynight
Sherlock puts all his weight on him pushing him back on the ground, and simultaneously catches John’s arms and pins them down ...
🎁 A Story of Scent by maelle_lardeux & 💝Un affaire de sentur by malle_lardeux (french translation) 🥰 for @ohlooktheresabee & me
It's amazing how smells can affect people's emotions, in a good or bad way.C’est incroyable comment les odeurs peuvent affecter les émotions des personnes, d’une bonne ou d’une mauvaise façon.
🎁 The Mystery of the Red Pants by @simplyclockwork for Holmestice Summer 2021
A few spectacular laundry mishaps lead to revelations between Sherlock and John - and maybe a bit more ...
💝 Practice Date by Fantasy_Fan_26 (so brilliant!)
Sherlock wants to go on a date with John to figure out his feelings, but doesn't want to be rejected, this is the plan he comes up with ...
OMG I love them all!!!
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Plus these translated fics 💖:
🎄Шерлок – это женское имя [Sherlock is a Girl's Name] translated by Flamyenko_No_Kami 🎄Б��тылочка [Spin the Bottle] translated by Flamyenko_No_Kami 🎄Таксофон [Payphone] translated by Flamyenko_No_Kami  🎄Эксперименты по проводимости [Experiments in Conductivity] translated by Little_Unicorn 🎄【福华福】[授翻]Kiss Me Now Before You Go/离开前请吻我 translated by 十三横夏 [Whale_Juan] 🎄Dawno utracone [Long Lost] translated by Tulippa 🎄Помни меня [Remember Me] translated by Little_Unicorn
Is there anything better than a fandom gift??
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foxsoulart · 4 months
Which of your TMayNT pieces were your favorites to do?
Do you have any favorite TMayNT posts you've seen from others?
Ooooh, uhh...ummm. This one
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And this one
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Oh and this one
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I like crossovers if you couldn't tell
Some tmaynt posts I really liked, this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one
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thissquirrelgirl · 1 month
A reminder to everyone that you're awesome and that I appreciate you!
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mvdeanw · 10 months
Show yourself some love 💜 - engagement is down and we’re all struggling with something or another. Answer this ask linking your least popular and most popular fic/art/gifset on tumblr and/or reblog them with #MiseryLoveTrain.
Send this to other creators to share the love.
Hello my lovely!
I'm sorry for answering so late. I'm having a bad.. year.. ❤️
The ask is very sweet . Thank you for thinking of me . I know I've been a stranger, but you are one of my favourite people . I hope you are doing well .
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So my most popular post is this one. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to like and reblog any of my work. It means a lot!
As for the most non popular one, I don't know.. they are many, I guess, lol. I've created a lot. But let's focus on the one that people love the most.
Tagging some faves plus everyone else who feels like sharing. Love all creators and authors. You all make me happy! I'm glad you exist.
. Thank you.
@queenofallerdalehall @deansraspberrypie @waywardbaby @mylittlecornerfandomium @aborddelimpala @sensitivehandsomeactionman @deanwanddamons @jensensgotyoudean
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quinloki · 7 months
You got games on your phone?
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You trying to make me cry today?
I LOVE YOU! On my way to retrieve the Sun for you! The other stars ain’t enough!
Not many games, but I got some cats? Wanna see?
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corrienteallita · 2 months
💜💜Love train! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love! 💜💜
I'm loving seeing your colourful builds!
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You know, you are the absolute sweetest for being such a cheerleader and sharing so much love!
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alpydk · 2 months
Thank you for answering my question!
Please accept this random love -
Yesss, love!!!!
Have this love in return; LOOK AT HIS BIG SADS!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
do u have any good bllk tickle fic recs?????
Heyo! You bet I do! :D
Tickle Monster by the lovely @ticklish-n-stuff! Lee!Rin makes my heart soft, and Sakura absolutely killed it with her fic!
The Perfect Match and Lights Off by @thatoneticklewriter! Some Bachisagi here, some Baronagi there- what's not to love??? The way they write is beyond lovely so I highly recommend!
Tickle Me by @lee-lucius! Y'all, this is BEYOND SOFT! Lee!Bachira wanting tickles but Isagi not quite taking the hint is my life fuel akjrjkaejkrajker
This isn't a fic, but @myreygn has the BEST Nagiri headcanons ever- they make me softer than melted butter and I adore her so check them out! :D
And of course- I've got a whole onslaught of Blue Lock fics and dabbles myself if you're ever in the mood :P These are the one's that immediately come to mind, but I'll keep my eyes peeled for more Blue Lock fics out there :D
Thanks for asking! :D
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sunshineandlyrics · 10 months
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Louis sharing the Love 💙
FITFWT Cardiff, 15 November 2023 via @tomliBoo28
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <3
ty so much 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
@v1x3n , @the-whispers-of-death , @reaper-chan666 and @/anon thank you all too
(do I have to do this to 32 people??)
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eorzeanflowers · 6 months
You too ha! Take that! 🩵
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