#Sheila Grams Bennett
schrutexbucks · 6 months
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"Anna took Elena" "Yeah, I got that from your 600 voicemails."
The Vampire Diaries S1 E14 Fool Me Once
one gifset per episode 14/171
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andreal831 · 30 days
If you don’t mind, can you make a post ranking all of the mothers in TVDU (e.g. Esther, Lily, Hayley, Caroline, Liz, etc)?
Ranking of TVDU Mothers, Worst to Best:
16. Dahlia
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While Dahlia is not Freya's biological mother, she raised her. She was the only maternal figure Freya had over a thousand years. It goes without saying why Dahlia is dead last. While she is an excellent villain with a complex backstory, it doesn't change the fact that she was awful to Freya. So much so that Freya tried to take her own life, causing her to lose her baby. Dahlia had no love for Freya, only seeing her as a tool for power. She was ready to discard Freya as soon as a more powerful, easier to manipulate option came along. Dahlia never viewed herself as Freya's mother, which explains why she put no effort into being a good one.
15. Kelly Donovan
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It's honestly surprising how good of a guy Matt is considering he had Kelly as his only role model. Kelly abandoned her kids when they are both in high school to chase after a man, forcing Matt to work nearly full time to afford to live and take care of Vicki who had a known drug problem. She only ever showed back up when she needed something and wound up causing havoc in her children's lives. While we can feel sympathy for Kelly losing her daughter the way she did, Kelly then continues to abandon her son, forcing Matt to deal with the loss on his own. Matt throughout the series is seen struggling much more than his friends due to his financial insecurity and his very warranted emotional attachment issues. Every other male character is given slack for having mommy-issues, but Kelly really did a number on Matt and he is given no sympathy by anyone. Not even the other parents on the show who could have stepped up and helped.
We also can't forget her SAing her son's best friend, Tyler.
14. Greta Sienna
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We don't know much of how Greta was before Klaus killed her husband, but Greta allowed her hate and need of vengeance to consume her, shifting her focus away from her children, Roman and Antoinette. While she did care for them, risking Klaus' wrath to protect them, she then largely abandons them to lead her cult. Greta attempts to influence her children with her ideals, however, when Antoinette does not follow her beliefs, their relationship seemed to suffer. Roman also spent 50 years desiccating before Greta saves him. When they are reunited she uses him to get close to Hope, putting him in danger of angering the Mikaelsons. She then drags Antoinette into the conflict by manipulating both her daughter and Elijah with lies. Greta repeatedly put her own anger and hatred over her children, and it almost cost them their lives.
13. Lily Salvatore
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We are told that Lily cares for her sons, and we even get glimpse of it throughout the show. But like Greta, Lily largely abandons them for her cult. She gets some credit for attempting to take her sons and run, but then quickly loses them for letting her son take the blame for the missing money and be beaten by his father. Lily then fakes her own death, forcing her sons to mourn her, all the while leaving them behind to face the abuse she was aware of from their father. While she is a ripper and potentially worried about harming her children, the fact that she didn't hunt down Giuseppe and kill him puts her pretty low in the ranking. Damon and Stefan would have been better off being orphaned at that point. But we see her getting control of herself enough to form her new family, never once going back for her children.
Even when she is released from the prison world, she prioritizes her new family over her sons. While I have sympathy for Lily for what she likely went through with her husband, it doesn't redeem her as a mother. Stefan does attempt to repair their relationship, but it is in a large part due to his forgiveness and less of an effort on her part. She is a better mother to her heretics, but even then, prioritizes Julian over their needs until the very end. She gets a couple of points for sacrificing herself to protect her heretics, who she viewed as her children more than her own sons, however, it does little to help her rank as a mother.
12. Isobel Flemming
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Isobel does get some credit for knowing she wasn't ready to have a child since she was only a teenager, hoping Elena would have a better life with the Gilberts. But her caring more about her ancestor, Katherine Pierce, than her own daughter puts her pretty far down on the list. It seems that a lot of her actions against Elena are either from being compelled by Klaus or just fearing him, however, nearly all of her actions throughout the show seem to be putting her own daughter in harms way.
While Isobel clearly never wanted children and does not appear to be very maternal, she at least had the compassion for Elena to tell John to get Elena away from the Salvatores. While, as an audience, we may love the supernatural relationships, as a mother, Isobel did not want Elena to be invovled in the dangerous, supernatural world.
11. Katherine Pierce
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Katherine was forced to give away her daughter and that clearly stuck with her. We see glimpses of the mother Katherine could have been had her life been different, but that unfortunately wasn't the mother Nadia had. Katherine did attempt to search for her missing daughter when Nadia was still a child, which is more than a lot of these mothers do, however, when given a second chance with Nadia, Katherine struggles to bond her.
Like everyone, Katherine has some valid reasons for her actions, but it doesn't fix how she treated her daughter. Much of their relationship seems to be Katherine using Nadia, prioritizing Stefan over her own daughter. She gets some credit for being by Nadia's side at the very end, however, it's a little too late.
10. Esther
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This is a complex one because on one hand, Esther tried to murder her children multiple times. But on the other, she truly did lover her children in the classic toxic, Mikaelson way.
Esther only has her children thanks to her sister, Dahlia, and a bargain they made forcing her to give up her first born child. Esther is clearly devastated by this deal when she realizes just what it cost her, effecting her relationship with each of her children later.
Like Lily, Esther should have done more for her children to protect them in an abusive household. However, unlike Lily, Esther never leaves them. She does attempt to shield them from Mikael's abuse, often putting him to sleep or lying to Mikael to protect her children from her mistakes. Even after Klaus murders her, she still shows him forgiveness. Yes, she is attempting to kill him at that point, but I can't fully blame her.
At least the next time when Esther comes back, she attempts to give them another option rather than just death. While her actions are questionable, she does it out of love, which is more than a lot of the mothers on this list can say. At the end she sacrifices her life for her children. Similar to Katherine, it is too late, but it is clear she has a complex relationship with all of her children. They all show a fondness for her at points, signifying that there is mutual love there. Her sacrifice at the end at least allowed her children to attempt to remember her fondly.
9. Abby Bennett
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At least when Abby abandoned her daughter, she left her in good hands. It is clear Abby loved Bonnie, but for whatever reason decided she couldn't raise her. However, watching her prioritize her adoptive son over Bonnie was devastating. Bonnie didn't deserve that.
She gets some credit for showing up a few times when she was needed, however, the fact that she didn't even know Bonnie died shows just how out of touch she is with her own daughter. Abby's motivations are unclear as to why she couldn't be more present in Bonnie's life. They hint at it a few times, but the fact that Abby didn't even bother to show up for Bonnie when Grams died or when she lost her father speaks volumes.
8. Liz Forbes
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Liz and Caroline have a complicated relationship. Liz ends up raising Caroline on her own after husband abandons them. However, Liz's focus on her career tends to put a strain on their relationship. It only gets worse when Liz finds out Caroline is a vampire. Liz takes a lot of time, but eventually comes around to it and accepts Caroline, even saying she is proud of her. Liz standing up for Caroline against Bill was such a great moment for them.
Liz has the benefit of living longer than a lot of the mothers which allows her and Caroline to repair their relationship and even develop a close bond.
But she loses massive points for ignoring the twenty-something year old man hanging around her daughter and then later befriending him. Yes, she didn't know what Damon did to Caroline, but still. I need her to be a little more invovled in Caroline's life and recognize what she was going through. She is a cop after all.
7. Carol Lockwood
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Carol is yet another example in the series of a mother allowing their child to face abuse at the hands of their father. Like the other examples, we can't dismiss how difficult it can be for a woman and her child to escape abusive men, especially when they are well connected like Mayor Lockwood was. Carol seemed to be a better mother after the death of her husband. Although her elitism likely contributed to much of Tyler's bad behavior in the early seasons.
Carol gets massive points for never turning on her son even when she finds out he is a werewolf. While Carol doesn't appear to be an overly affectionate mother, she did everything in her power to protect her son with no hesitation. She was definitely in over her head trying to protect the town from the supernatural, it was still clear that her son was her priority. Her last words were trying to protect Tyler.
6. Pearl
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The worst thing Pearl did to her daughter was befriending Katherine Pierce which led to them being separated for a century, leaving Anna alone. We don't know much about their long lives, but it is clear Anna and Pearl had a close bond and clearly loved each other very much.
5. Jenna Sommers
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Again, Jenna is not biologically a mother, but she does become Jeremy and Elena's legal guardians after their parents die. Jenna is still so young when she takes on this responsibility, balancing school on top of managing two children mourning their parents. Jenna is far from a perfect parent, often letting her emotions cloud her parenting, however, she has a closer bond with her children than most of the parents on this list. She allows them to be messy and imperfect, but makes sure they still feel loved and safe. In her last moments, she spends them trying to protect Elena.
She gets massive points for finding Damon hanging around her teenage niece weird. But does lose some for not actually doing anything about it. Jenna likely would have been even better had they trusted her with the truth. A lot of her struggles was her attempting to make sense of what was happening with only half of the information.
4. Caroline Forbes
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Caroline clearly loves her daughters and would do anything for them. If we were only looking at TVD, then she would be right up at the top. But we can't ignore Legacies. While the writers do a better job of implying Caroline is invovled in the twins lives, there are just too many moments that it didn't make sense for her not to be present. She essentially, like so many of the TVDU moms, abandons her daughters due to writing.
I haven't seen Legacies, but even I know that Lizzie dies and becomes a heretic and Caroline doesn't come back for an entire season. While I believe the excuse is that Caroline is seeking a way to end the merge, the twins are still years away from the merge and her daughters needed her. Especially with how neglected they felt with Alaric prioritizing Hope. It's a shame the writers ruined Caroline as a mother because she was clearly dedicated to them when they were little.
3. Freya Mikaelson
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While Freya wasn't Hope's mother, she essentially becomes a surrogate parent to her when the rest of the family is forced to separate. Freya is willing to do anything for family and oddly enough that does lose her some points. At times she does allow her determination to keep her family together to put Hope in questionable positions. But it always comes from a place of love. She is also one of the few family members that stays connected with Hope after she loses her family. Freya would do anything for Hope and she proves it by being willing to turn into a vampire and take the Hollow to save her. Even though Freya is a late arrival to the Mikaelson family, she winds up having one of the closest bonds with Hope out of any of them.
She and Keelin also have a child later, so honorable mention to Keelin because, even with zero evidence, I just know Keelin would be such a great mom.
2. Sheila Bennett
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We don't know much about Sheila as a mother to Abby, but she took on that role for Bonnie and excelled. Sheila was one of the few adults who was actively invovled. She would do anything for Bonnie, even watching over her from the otherside. Anytime Bonnie needed her, she was there. They had such a special bond and Grams died far too soon. Grams knew just how kind and selfless Bonnie was and attempted to protect her from herself multiple times. But Grams wasn't much different, performing the complex spell, knowing it would likely take all of her energy. If Grams had lived, I just know she wouldn't have allows Bonnie to be taken advantage of the way she often was throughout the series. Sheila Bennett was a force to be reckoned with and no one was allowed to hurt her granddaughter.
Again, extra points for warning Damon to stay away from Bonnie, but she could have held that same energy for Stefan. We needed more mothers protecting their teenagers from being preyed upon by these 100+ year old men.
1. Hayley Marshall
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There's no question who the best mother, no best parent, in TVDU is. From the moment Hayley decides to keep Hope, she does everything in her power to make the best life she possible can for Hope. Not only does she protect Hope's physical safety, but she also protects her emotionally and mentally, something that is missing from a lot of the other parents. Hayley will do whatever it takes to protect Hope, even if it is not a popular decision.
She was at a large disadvantage since many of the threats to her child were leagues more powerful than she was, but she never backed down. The amount of enemies she faced off with, knowing she likely didn't stand a chance, all in the name of protecting Hope. She was ready from the beginning to die for Hope and inevitably did.
There is also something to say about the bond they have throughout the show. Hope clearly feels safe and loved by Hayley, even when her life is in complete chaos. I don't think a mother-daughter bond comes close to the trust and love Hayley and Hope have for each other (besides Grams and Bonnie). Hayley had to be killed off in TO, because there is no way Hope would have been able to go through what she did in Legacies if Hayley was around. Hayley got one phone call from Alaric and dropped everything, traveling halfway across the country to bring Hope home. She disciplines Hope, but also talks to her, making sure she understands the deeper reasons for why Hope was acting out. There is nothing Hope could do that would make Hayley hesitate for a second to love and protect her.
I just know if Hayley had heard about a 150 year old vampire (Roman) hanging around her daughter, she would have immediately gotten invovled. She had gone down that path and wasn't about to let Hope get dragged down it as well.
Honorable Mentions:
Jo Laughlin - If Jo had been given the chance, she would have been a great mother. She was a very maternal person and loved the twins so much. Unfortunately it's hard to judge since Kai took that chance away from her. Valerie Tulle - Valerie is another one that I am just assuming she would have done a great job if given the chance to have her child. While she did a lot of questionable things, at the end of the day she was a compassionate person who would have done anything to protect her child. Miranda Gilbert - Miranda seemed like an overall good parent, seeming supportive and compassionate to Elena when she was having issues with Matt. I honestly don't remember how much she knew about the supernatural world or the vampire hunting her husband's family was into, so potentially problematic if they were dragging their family into the supernatural world. However, we don't know much about Elena's mother, but we do know how much she loved her. Hayley's Mother - Again, we don't know much about Hayley's mother, except for the fact that she agreed to her daughter's arranged marriage when she was an infant and that she sacrificed her life to protect Hayley. From what we are told, it seemed like Hayley's parents were on the right side of the war, but it is hard to say. Nadia Petrova - We assume Nadia had a child so she is in the honorable mentions as a mother, but we have zero information on what she was like as a mother. Kai's Mother - I'm just going to assume she was awful. We know Kai grew up not being allowed to touch others, and being isolated. We don't know anything about his mother, so it could be that she had no control over her own life, but considering she is never mentioned, it doesn't seem that her kids have fond memories of her. Tatia - People often forget that Tatia had a child, but she did. We know she took her child and ran to protect them after her husband died in battle, but not much else. There is no mention of what happened to her child after she died. However, she was a mother so she gets an honorable mention.
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lesbiansaltzman · 5 months
tvd character bracket
round 2, battle 33
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
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klausysworld · 7 months
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Love is a dangerous game.
Love is a fickle thing.
Love is unpredictable.
Love is merciless.
Love can be both feared and desired.
Love can make a woman do such awful things.
Love can drive a woman mad.
It drove me mad. It made me do awful things. It made people scared and it made people excited. It made me merciless, unpredictable and dangerous but my love was never fickle and it never will be.
Not when it came down to Niklaus Mikaelson.
It started off way before he arrived in town.
I grew up in Mystic Falls, one of the only witches in town alongside the Bennett family. When I was little, Sheila Bennet-Grams would always offer to babysit me from my mother. When I would play there with Bonnie my emotions would always get the better of me, objects would begin to float or catch fire. Grams would always pick me up and calm me down while telling me how powerful I would become.
She never mentioned magic to Bonnie, and I promised not to either even though we were so close. However my magic was something I had always been aware of and Grams said that finding control over it would be better than pretending it didn't exist.
Once I got a little older, she began to teach me things on other supernaturals. Starting with the Lockwood heritage and the basics of werewolves and then we went deeper, to Eenadu and how/why she created the species. Then a while later it was vampires. The basics first again and then the Originals, and Esther.
That was when I first heard of him; Klaus.
Grams spoke his name with such distaste but it stirred something inside me. She only told me the bast things, put a sinister spin on everything about them. So I had to do some digging myself.
He was just so damaged.
He was so broken, but so fixable.
He was just so loveable.
I knew he needed the doppelgänger so I convinced Bonnie that we should befriend Elena.
I knew he needed a werewolf so i befriended Matt through Elena which lead to befriending Tyler.
I knew he needed a vampire too but I didn't need to worry about that. I was certain that Katerina Petrova, Katherine Pierce, would pay the town a visit and death would follow her like the plague. She would either be my vampire or make me a vampire that I could give to Klaus.
And she did, just as predicted. So when I was sure that she had done everything for me: triggered Tylers 'curse', turned Caroline and collected the moonstone, I made my move in form of a letter.
It had taken a damn long time to find him. He moves, a lot. However, I too had made contacts over the last few years with other witches across the states and was able to pinpoint him.
And reach out.
Dear Niklaus Mikaelson,
We have yet to meet though I am certain that when we do you will be pleased. Come to where it all began for I have an opportunity for you to seize.
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It was simple but still cryptic enough to grab his attention. I sent it to him with my magic and patiently waited.
And planned.
Klaus would definitely want to create more hybrids. Which meant some sort of trip as soon as the ritual was over and his wolf was free. I also knew that he and Stefan were friends in the 1920s, courtesy of Gloria who was a witch I had met and remained in contact with who was also in communication with Klaus and helped me find the man.
So I was betting that he would find a way to take Stefan with him to find his hybrids and bring the ripper out of him, which would not be difficult. I remember when he had gone a little mad for human blood earlier in the year. It wouldn't take a lot to push him back over that line.
Now was a nervous when Katherine went missing which meant klaus was in town? Yes. But I was much more excited.
I could feel myself literally buzzing when I stepped into the Salvatore manor house, I could feel the magic rolling off of Alaric! I sat between him and Damon and I could feel my skin burning. Damon kept putting his hand on my knee to stop my legs bouncing, asked if I was on drugs a couple times too but didn't suspect too much. I hadn't revealed to everyone the amount I knew. Though Elijah knew that I was much more than I let on but I kinda wanted him to know.
Of course everyone knew I was a witch but they assumed I was an amateur, Bonnie knew I was better than I made out to be but still didn't know the extents of what I was now capable of. When you've been practicing magic since you were a small child your power ages with you, I knew that I'd only grow stronger. And so far I have.
I just hoped that he couldn't feel my magic as well as I could feel his. That was a silly thought. I knew that he couldn't, I had a spell to mask it.
Time went fast, one second I was sat next to him and the next he was walking out the door and Damon was asking what was wrong with me today. I got out of it and went home to my planning board.
I wondered how long it would take for him to know that it was I who sent him the letter. I wondered how he would react. I also wondered how he would be if I sent him another.
Dear Niklaus Mikaelson,
I see that you have arrived though not as I may have expected, Either way I hope you appreciate the ingredients that I have collected.
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I sent it via my magic again, I knew that it would lay waiting for him when he returned from the decade dance. It meant I was far too excited the entire time. Though I did my best to keep my mouth shut around Alaric Klaus himself.
Even when he revealed his true identity I had to bite back my smile, instead I allowed him to pin me, toss me and harm me until he though he'd won. I couldn't reveal my powers, the truth behind my innocent mask. I needed him to think I was weak but still interesting enough.
Bonnie ended up 'sacrificing' herself. To be completely honest it made me mad. Of all the people he could have hurt he had to choose her. I wouldn't have cared if it was any one else but Bonnie was the only true friend I had made, she wasn't here for me to use or bargain with. I liked her and felt my skin burn with rage.
So I made a little spell to cause Klaus an extensive amount of pain .
I got over it of course but I needed him to understand my feelings. It's the only way we could work.
I was pissed off that he hadn't used my chosen ingredients. Damon saved Tyler and Caroline and Bonnie was saving Elena.
Still, I watched his ritual anyway from a distance, my eyes lighting up as I watched his bones snap and his wolf rush to the front of his mind. Elijah's eyes locked on mine for a split second, a slight nod from us both before he took his brother to a place in the woods.
After that I had to babysit Damon while he whined and shook in pain. When his fevers got too bad I would place a cooling spell over his body and transfer some of his pain to myself. Despite not being Damons biggest fan, he was the one I got along most with out of the little group that had formed. He had a sense of humour and wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. Damon was no liar like most of the others and I admired that. Still, I did not trust him exactly but I didn't mind his company.
Eventually Katerina arrived, she did not look eager to see me however she delivered the cure as expected and revealed what I had assumed. Klaus had taken Stefan.
Unfortunately for Klaus, since finding him the first time, I was able to play a tracking spell on his soul. If I closed my eyes and chanted the right words I was able to find exactly where he was in the moment I did so. Which meant he received more letters.
They were always short and suggestive, never revealing quite how much I knew but just hinting at it. I knew it would annoy him, he would see it as child’s play but that's what made it all so amusing when I would whisper my spells and watch his jaw clench as he attempted to tear up the paper only for it to magically bind back together in mockery of his frustration.
It was when he arrived in Chicago that Gloria had me on the phone.
"I warn you child, he's been asking me to find out who's sending the notes. I wouldn't ever tell on you dear but you know how he becomes. Don't play with fire unless you plan to get burnt" she told me, her tone worried
"Thank you Gloria but you've always known I enjoy the burn. Even if he knows, I can contain him. I've been preparing." I murmur, as my fingers trace over the sketch of the cage I plan to create for him should it ever be necessary.
"Do be careful" she whispered, "They don't call him a beast for fun"
"I know" I hum "It's going to be wonderful" I stated, my mind picturng those golden eyes of his.
Gloria had to hang up when she heard Rebekah's voice nearing but messaged me an update later that day. Unfortunately I felt as her life was taken, by Katerina of all people though I couldn't be too surprised. Her obsession with Stefan never failed to shine through.
Not that I could judge.
Plus it worked in my favour. Klaus came back home.
I got to see him and senior prank night, he even grabbed my wrist. I asked if he just wanted to hold my hand which made him smirk and made my lower stomach implode.
He did in fact hold my hand.
Sure it was while he dragged me down a corridor but he held it all the same.
Then he started killing people and turned Tyler which made me happy. At least my werewolf was useful after all.
Eventually I got back home and went to bed, with Klaus still on my mind of course.
Things got much more interesting from then onward. Klaus was in town much more and always getting in everyones business. I both enjoyed it and loathed it.
It was lovely because it meant I got to talk to him, and because I knew so much about him already I was able to keep him entertained and talkative. Especially when it came to art. I had to research so many artists so that I could engage him in conversation for long periods of time. I convinced the others that it was to distract him while they did their stupid little plans but it was really just for me.
I still sent my letters but I was confident that he didn't know it was me. Somehow I had made him believe that I was brand knew to magic and practically hopeless which he apparently found 'cute'. Whether he meant it or not it still made me blush.
After a few months I had the cage made. It was doused in magic to ensure he couldn't ever escape and I had put in a bookshelf with books I knew he would enjoy as well as a sketch pad and an array of crayons. Pencils were a little risky as they had a point but I put in some blunt charcoal. I had vervain growing beside the cage and wolvebane on my bedroom windowsill. The cage was set up in my basement.
My mother never went down there, she still thinks it's all horiible down their. She also doesn't really practise magic anymore so she's basically a human and oblivious to my supernatural involvment.
Thanks to her unawareness I was able to go about things without even being that discreet. Even if she had picked up on it, she made no effort to intervene.
So I continued to indulge in my obsession.
It was mostly harmless, though my letters progressively became love letters. It was entertaining to watch his brows rise as he read the suggestive words, often now his fingers would trace over the lipstick print I had left in the bottom right corner. Occasionally I would wear the same shade around him, just to test my limits. Sometimes I would spray the paper with my perfume before sending it too.
Soon I began sending other things too, like a rose alongside the letter or a sugary beignet that I had made myself. Sometimes they would contain propofol or something similar. This, with a high enough dosage, would knock even the original hybrid out long enough for me to go on over. I would often sit down beside him on his bed, usually my fingers would stroke through his sweet curls and I would press a kiss to his cheek. Almost always leaving the same mark as I did on those letters and taking pride in the confusion that painted his gorgeous face when he would see it in the morning and wash off my mark.
There were a couple close calls where I had assumed him to be passed out only to find him waiting in his bed, then I would have to be more forceful with putting him to sleep. Often magic was involved and I would lay with him, stroking the area I had struck him with my power to soothe the sting away.
Since then I had noticed his glances over his shoulders as he walked and the way his fingers would nervously tap against his scotch glass. I couldn't deny the pleasant feeling that buzzed through me at the knowledge that I made him nervous, borderline afraid. He even went so far as to have one of his hybrids stand guard outside of his room when he slept. So I had to climb up through his window. It was a hassle really but it got easier each time I did so.
I found myself in his room pretty much every single night. Something about how he was when he slept was so peaceful and innocent that I couldn't help but crave it. It soothed something within me.
What was even better than watching him while he slept?
Finding a painting in his art room...of me!
It was beautifully done and looked just like a photo. If i hadn't touched it to feel the layers of paint then I wouldn't have known he created it. A true, genuine smile graced my lips when I held it and I couldn't help but go through all his sketch pads to find more.
My next love letter hinted toward the art but I think that he was beginning to over think the notes at this point. They were driving him a little mad.
I considered leaving him alone for a little while but then he started getting into trouble. Too much trouble. The kind that got him hurt and stabbed by white oak. The kind that had him ready to leave Mystic Falls.
So I had to start eliminating threats toward him.
I went as far as hospitalising Elena, making it look like natural causes so that the others would have to leave Klaus alone for a while.
I befriended Rebekah, started learning things about Klaus's childhood, the little things that meant so much to him. So I went home and hand carved him a wooden wolf and left it on top my letter.
Slowly, I think he began to have suspicions. Sometimes I catch him watching me with a very calculative look in his eye though he would break into a nervous smile and look away, often walking out the room entirely. I didn't like that.
He tried to distance himself but I wouldn't let him. I thought it was clear that he was mine by now. If he had figured it out then he should be happy and relaxed knowing that it's me, not tense and worried. What did he think I would do, really?
Didn't matter. Time went on.
Thanksgiving came and went, Christmas and then New Year. I always sent and received a present. The Mikaelsons actually threw a Christmas ball which I of course attended and I was able to bag multiiple dances with Klaus. I also danced with Elijah, he directly asked me if I was the one messing with his brothers head, we were whispering and I made a little spell so Klaus couldn't eavesdrop. I confirmed it without actually admitting it and made some little threats for if he should try to stop anything, after I left for home.
I continued with my visits, my growing friendships and my gifts. And then valentines day came around.
I had been contemplating whether I treat it any differently to every other day. I never had before however this time I had somebody to think of, somebody I loved.
So when I woke up, I decided that perhaps I'd at least go see Klaus today.
What I had not expected was a large bouquet of roses, bunched into the shape of a heart set on my dining room table with a typed note attached.
Dearest Y/N, I don't usually engage in human holidays however you've recently changed my perspective. I hope you don't think I've been oblivious to your advances, I'll admit they've been affective. Love Niklaus
The note made me smile. The rhyming scheme matched all my letters and this was all the confirmation I needed that he had accepted my feelings.
So I got dressed into a dress, the same deep red as the flowers he had gifted me with the eyeshadow and lipstick to match. I drove myself to his home and this time knocked on the door.
Klaus must have been waiting for he opened it as soon as my knuckles hit the wood and he was dressed to perfection. His blood red tie matched my dress as though he just knew and his hand held out for mine without a word being said. I nodded to him and held his hand, enjoying the way it caused my magic to ignite inside me.
I was lead inside to the area which was usually primarily empty and used for parties and events however it was down littered with rose petals. Fairy lights and candles lit the room and a little square table rest in the centre of the room covered by a white table cloth with two golden plates hidden by gold plate covers sat waiting to be revealed.
"Oh wow" I whispered quietly. This was most definitely not something I had thought of occurring. I heard Klaus clear his throat a little as he hesitantly slipped his hand round my waist causing my tummy to flutter pleasantly before he kept leading me over to the table. He proceeded to pull out my hair, waiting for me to sit and then carefully pushing me closer to the table before sitting opposite me.
"I do hope you'll enjoy the food though if you don't I can be sure to get you something else-" His voice began to speed up, I could see his nerves playing.
"That won't be necessary, I'll have what I'm given and I'll enjoy it" I state simply with a reassuring smile. He returned it and nodded quietly to himself as he lifted the cover off of his play and I did the same. Underneath was a beautifully cooked slice of beef wellington with potatoes and a few vegetables alongside and a sauce to go with.
"I was going to do starters as well but I didn't want you too be too full as I have more for us to eat later" he explained quietly.
"Later?" I question with the slight tilt of my head and he smiled.
"We have a lot to talk about" He answered and I hummed, lifting the wine glass to my lips and allowing the rich taste to please my tongue. I licked my lips clean, watching as his eyes followed my tongues movements as he sat a little straighter. "However," he began, clearing his throat again making a slither of amusement make its way to my face. "For the moment, I just want to have a valentines dinner with you, my questions will wait for after." He decided and I nod, happy with his arrangement.
"Very well" I agreed as I cut into my steak and pastry and popped a piece into my mouth, moaning at the flavour and locking my eyes onto his. His adams apple bobbed and his eyes darted to his plate making me grin.
Dinner was mostly small talk, a few flirty comments through desert before he took our empty plates out to the kitchen. I got up from my seat to follow him but he shook his head and asked that I stay while he cleaned. I agreed without resistance, if he wanted to do the dishes then I wouldn't object.
He was back in just a minute and holding his hand out for me to take again, which I did. Then I was brought upstairs which made me raise a brow, "Already huh?" I ask teasingly.
He glanced over his shoulder at me with a knowing look "Don't act like you don't spend nearly every night in my room" he replied making my eyes roll playfully.
He pulled me into his room and closed the door behind me. On the bed lay every single letter I had written him, I clicked my tongue as I looked over the generous pile and slowly glanced up at his face. His arms were folded over his chest and he had that look in his eyes that just told be to begin.
I smiled up at him and let out a little laugh "Right..." I muttered, "Well..., okay, can we sit for this?" I asked and he hummed, gesturing two chairs that we went to.
And then I started talking. A lot.
I went from the start, Grams. There was no point lying to the man, so I just laid it all out bare for him. From the first time I heard his name to the first time I was able to see his face to the first time we actually met, to now. It took hours of explaining and answering questions for silence to actually come around.
His expressions changed throughout the discussion, sometimes he looked a little confused, sometimes he even looked a little afraid but for the most part he just looked intrigued. When I was done and his questions stopped flowing, he leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling.
"You're crazy" He whispered and I felt my demeanour change, just as I went to snap his eyes went back to mine and a wide smile spread across his face. "You're so insane, I love it" he murmured before my face was in his hands and his lips were on mine.
I'll admit it took me by surprise so it took me a minute to react. Of course I kissed him back, would have been really dumb not to at this point.
His hands seemed to be everywhere all at once, every single nerve I owned stood on edge for him and my magic began to flow a little too fast than I was used to. Klaus pulled away, a chuckle leaving his lips making my eyes, which I didn't remember closing, open.
"You've set the curtains on fire sweetheart" he mumbled, stroking a few strands of hair behind my ear as I took a breathe and silently mended the curtains with my mind. A kiss was placed behind my ear and I breathed in deeply. "I can't believe you let me think you couldn't even light a candle when I met you" he muttered and he smiled.
"You let everyone think you were Alaric, so..." I trailed but he tutted.
"Ah, ah. Everyone except for you as it turns out so we are in no way even. You have been tormenting me, lying to me, watching me sleep..." he smirked and I rolled my eyes, "borderline assaulting me!" he exasperated and I dropped my head back with a sigh. His lips pressed to my neck in response and I hummed with a clenched jaw. "You do not like to be teased" he stated and my eyes flicked to him "I'm not mad" he told me but I didn't think he was anyway "your methods for my...affections have been questionable-"
"Well-" I interjected but he shook his head and kissed my lips again which was a seemingly affective way to keep me quiet but I liked it.
"But" he cut in "It has been incredibly sexy to watch you pull an unbelievable amount of power moves under everyone's noses, including my own. I look forward to seeing how many more moves you have" he whispered, his voice becoming progressively lower.
My gaze fixed on him, my eyes narrowed a little. Was he saying what he wanted to say or what I wanted to hear?
His hands slid down my sides to the backs of my thighs before he lifted me onto his lap, having me straddle him in his chair and causing my dress to ride up. My hands held onto his upper arms lightly, he looked back at me with the same calculative look I'm sure I was wearing. His head tilted to the side making my lips twitch, he looked cute like a confused pet.
"I don't take well to being played with" I tell him and he frowned.
"I'm not playing" he replied, his hand caressing my thigh in a way that made an unfamiliar warmth spread through me and I wasn't quite sure what to do with it. For some reason I had mapped out a plan for every scenario except for one where he actually showed the interest I wanted from him. "I wouldn't toy with you Y/n. Should I have wanted to harm you I would have just done so"
"You don't think I'm a threat?" I question and he furrowed his brows
"Do you want me to see you as a threat?" He asked confused and I hesitated, did I?
"Maybe?" I whispered, unsure and he huffed softly.
"You have been dancing around me for almost a year now, don’t you think it’s time we both give in?” He murmured and I stared at him. Slowly his hands brushed higher up my thighs and he pulled me closer on his lap making my heart pound. “Will you let yourself give in to me?” He asked as his fingertips grazed the thin material of my panties. “No more stalking or knocking me out…just be with me, you can sleep beside me…with me and I’ll give you everything you could ever want”
I hummed quietly and clenched my jaw as I felt and heard the elastic in my panties snap. His hand pulled the fabric away from my body and tucked them into his pocket as his eyes locked on mine. I shifted a little on his lap, my thigh clenching around him as I felt my pussy flutter against the erection that was pushing against his suit trousers.
“You have no idea how hard it was to figure out who you were” he muttered as he pushed my hips back and forth in a slow motion. I could feel my skin heating up as my sensitive flesh rubbed over his pants. “You drove me mad” he whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear making a warm shiver slide down my spine.
A breathy moan fell from my lips as I felt his hips grind up against my bare pussy. “Do you remember that letter you wrote, you were practically begging me to fuck you” he reminded making my eyes shut, my lips parting as I moved my hips with his to receive the perfect amount of friction against my clit. “Do you know how many faceless dreams I’ve had of you? I had to guess what your pretty moans would sound like, how tight your cunt was, I need to see if my imagination was accurate” He practically purred against my neck.
I kept grinding myself on his crotch, panting softly to try catch my breath and my thoughts and his hands cupped my ass firmly. They brushed across the tops of my thighs before a finger was rubbing my clit making my hips thrust up and a moan to escape me.
My hands curled into his jacket, I always had the control in situations. I needed the power and the control yet I couldn’t even think about taking it right now. I just needed to chase that feeling.
I couldn’t help the choked sound that left me when a finger plunged its way inside of me. At this point my hips were rutting against his hand, my pussy surely dripping onto his pants but I couldn’t stop myself.
“Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart” his voice cooed against my ear and I moaned aloud. Kisses burned into the top of my neck and base of my jaw, “I’m gonna fuck you against all of your little love letters” he mumbled and I cried out his name weakly.
Another finger stretched me open with my clit was rubbed ferociously making my hips stutter and thighs tremble with need.
His mouth captured mine as I felt my resistance snap. My body shook and my head felt light as my lips pushed against his with force. After he pulled back and let me catch my breath he lifted me up and dropped me onto his bed amongst all the notes I’d left him in the past.
His body knelt between my legs and his face hovered over mine as he brushed his nose against mine.
I think it was that moment that I knew:
Love would destroy us both.
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chronic-escapixt · 11 months
His Rose ~ Part 1
(Kai Parker x Bennett OC fanfiction)
content warnings/tags ~ Dark fiction, CNC, dubcon, yandere, murder, abuse, trauma, smut, stalking, innocence kink, dacryphilia, manipulation. Minors DNI
I don't claim ownership of The Vampire Diaries or its characters. All credits go to the rightful owner(s). I only own my original character(s).
Word count: 1.6k
K.P. Masterlist
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Bonnie's life was on the line.. again.
The Other Side was collapsing, time was running out and as the anchor to the crumbling realm, she knew she wouldn't be spared. She stopped at her home and let Rose know. The news absolutely crushed her sister. Rose felt like she just got her back from when she died last summer. Becoming the anchor was her second chance at life but now it was being ripped away. Rose didn't even have time to argue a solution before she squeezed her in a tight hug and said goodbye. She was out the door, dashing off to pull Elena, Damon, and the others back from the Other Side.
Rose watched as the door shut behind her, wiping the wetness from her eyes before charging into Sheila Bennett's in-home study. From her life as a practicing witch and occult studies professor, their late grandmother had shelves full of ancient grimoires, scrolls, texts and items so she ought to have something that could save Bonnie. As the minutes ticked by, the piles of useless books stacked around her grew with her desperation.
"There's nothing here!" she muttered, slamming the heavy grimoire closed. The force rattled the desk and the shelf above it, knocking a scroll down in front of her. Rose blinked away her frustrated tears and lifted the dusty scroll, blowing it with her breath to reveal the Latin handwriting and symbols.
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After pulling her friends back to the living world, Bonnie anticipated the approaching light. She glanced back, meeting Elena's solemn gaze. They all gathered behind her, no words left to say as they watched their beloved witch meet the very fate she had saved them from. She knew she couldn't save herself and she accepted that. She only hoped that within the next few moments she would find peace with her grams and father.
The moment she closed her eyes, she felt a jolt of energy lance through her. Something changed. When she opened them, she was amongst the others but Rose stood a few feet away, the wind of the collapsing dimension tossing her brown curls, the white light reflecting off her face.
Horror gripped her when she realized she was no longer linked to the Other Side, Rose was.
She offered Bonnie an apologetic smile as she watched tears bead down her shocked face.
"I love you, Bonnie," she uttered just before the light consumed her completely...
and she was gone.
The brightness subsided as the wind around her settled to a calm hush. Rose could finally open her eyes and found that she was standing in the same place, at the boarder of Mystic Falls but everyone had disappeared.
She dashed around town calling out Bonnie's name, looking for her, their friends or anyone but it was completely deserted. She stopped to catch her breath in the middle of the town square, the usually bustling epicenter was empty. That's when panic set in, worrying that she was actually dead, though this didn't seem like the “peace” described or even hell. For that matter, she didn't feel dead, in fact she felt very much alive something she realized when her stomach growled. “Dead people don't get hungry," she told herself as she walked into the Mystic Grill. Much like everywhere else, the Grill was desolate. She made her way into the kitchen and found it fully stocked with alcohol and food that seemed up to date, so the town couldn't have been abandoned too long ago, she thought. Rose made a quick sandwich and walked toward the bar when her eyes fell upon the bulletin board. She nearly dropped her plate when she read the date on the calendar.
May 9th, 1994.
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It didn't take long for him to notice that things were different. After 18 years of complete solitude, he grew accustomed to the consistency of the realm. His strong ability to detect the presence of magic, made it all the more obvious to him when the young Bennett witch touched down in his prison world. He tracked her down to a Virginian town called Mystic Falls where he first saw her in the living room nose deep in a grimoire. He slipped through an unlocked door and watched her silently out of her view. He figured she was looking for anything that would explain where she is or how to escape but she likely wouldn't find anything in those texts. Luckily for her, he planned on revealing everything...
In due time.
Just over a week passed and unbeknownst to her, Kai was watching the entire time. He’d stay up while she slept, curled up with her fuzzy plush lamb she called lamby. Most nights she’d clutch the stuffed toy to her chest and just cry herself to sleep. Like a sad shelter commercial, he enjoyed the pathetic display, though he hated the little white lamb with a passion, fantasizing about how much more she’d cry if she woke up and it’s head was cut off.
He observed everything, from her tendency to talk to herself to the she way she put tension in her lips when she was concentrating on the Latin of her texts. Clearly, she was a beginner and her general naivety would come to his advantage once he finally decided to make his move.
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Rose swayed her hips as she rounded the corner, pushing her grocery cart while singing along to ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody' by Whitney on her Walkman. He sat in a fold up lawn chair in the center aisle of the otherwise empty market, munching on a bag of pork rinds and watching with an amused grin, wondering when she would finally notice him. After deciding on a box of Count Chocula, she finally turned from the shelves and their eyes met. Her mouth fell open as she paused the tape and lowered the headphones from her ears. He smiled and gave a slight wave.
“Were you there the whole time?” She blurted breathlessly, taking him in. His face had a pleasant balance of soft and sharp features that made him both cute and intimidating and a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. The dark brunette wore a hooded jacket styled over a graphic tee, denim jeans and worn out converse.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to interrupt. You sounded amazing by the way.”
Her cheeks burned, “t-thank you… umm who are you?”
“Sorry, manners, I’m Kai. Nice to meet you.” He set aside the bag and stood up from the chair. Her eyes followed his ascent until he stood fully, towering over her. “And you are…?”
Her ears got hot. “Oh right! Rose- I’m Rose… excuse me, I haven’t spoken to another person in a while. I promise I’m not normally this awkward…” she sighed and averted her gaze downwards.
Kai shoved his hands in his pockets, “can’t be any worse than me I've been here since the very beginning.”
“You’ve been all alone for 18 years?" she uttered in disbelief.
Kai forced a laugh, “It's not so bad. There’s no traffic, everything’s free and privacy isn’t an issue… now, there is the crippling loneliness but that only creeps in once in a while.” He casually plopped back down on his chair and grabbed his chip bag.
“There’s no way out of here, is there?” She sighed.
"Nope, not unless you happen to be a Bennett witch…” he scoffed as though the thought were incredulous and popped a rind in his mouth.
Her eyes lit up. “Wait, I am! I am a Bennett witch.”
Kai grinned, “well then the odds just got a lot better.”
“So, is Kai short for something?” She asked as they walked back to her place. Kai offered to push the cart for her.
“Malachai,” he replied.
“Malachai,” she practiced softly.
“But I prefer Kai,” he tagged on.
“What about you, Rose is short for what? Rosemary or… Rosalie?”
She giggled. "You’re close, it’s Rosalina but I prefer Rose.”
“Rosalina... that's pretty, much more fitting if you ask me.” The way he said her name made her want to bite her lip but she opted to return his smile instead.
“This is me,” she announced when they came to her house. She led him inside where he was kind enough to help her put away the groceries.
“So, what is this place?” she asked.
“One of many prison worlds created by the Gemini coven. Anyone who opposes them is gifted their own personal hell dimension. I got mine on my 22nd birthday.”
“Why would they do that to you?”
He sighed, “most of it is coven politics- what you know and who you know, ya’ know? Long story short, my family betrayed me for more power. I don’t really like talking about it.”
Rose understood and decided not to pry. “So, you know how to get us out of here?”
Kai leaned forward on the counter while he explained the Gemini coven always left a back door to their prison worlds and it was called an ascendant. Under the direct light of a solar eclipse a Bennett witch is to use her magic and blood to activate the device and transport them back to the real world. “We’re going to need a locator spell to find the ascendant. Without my magic, I haven’t been able to find it.”
“When is the next eclipse?” Rose asked.
“Time works a little differently here… the month of May repeats itself over and over, starting with the 9th. Every third time May 9th comes around the eclipse happens.”
"The last eclipse just passed a few nights ago… that means we have about three months to wait.”
“On the bright side, we have plenty of time to find the ascendant,” He noted with an optimistic air. It amazed her how he managed to be so hopeful and positive even after being trapped for 18 years. “After all this time, 3 months is nothing,” he murmured.
She thanked him for helping her with her groceries. “Well, I’m going to make stuffed chicken for dinner. You can stay if you want.”
“You just met me and you’re asking me to stay for dinner… I mean, I could be a serial killer,” he finished with a charming smirk.
“You’re too nice to be a serial killer,” she put matter-of-factly while taking out the chicken breasts.
“Ted Bundy was nice,” he retorted.
She smiled at his wit. “Are you staying or not? Because I need to know if I’m making one chicken breast or two.”
Kai relented, “Oh, alright. How can I say no to stuffed chicken?”
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klonnieshippersclub · 5 months
I know Klonnie is non canon but I don’t like the name Hope for their child. Klonnie existed as a ship long before Hayley and Hope came into the picture. Do you feel the same on the name?
Hope's name lacks personality and is very basic. That isn't a bad thing but it doesn't fit among the Mikaelson names. I guess the simplicity suits Hayley more than anything. It also sucks that she's called the "hope" of the Mikaelson family from the beginning. It's a lot of pressure to be the one to redeem a family who spent a millennium being evil.
On the topic of baby names, I hate when I read a fic and Bonnie names her kid after her mother or Grams. It's very unoriginal and uncreative. Why would Abby even deserve to have a kid named after her? She was a deadbeat who neglected and abandoned Bonnie. At least, Rudy made sure the lights were on at home. Abstract names don't really suit Bonnie either. Bennett names all seem to be very classic and feminine (Emily, Amelia, Lucy, Abby/Abigail, Sheila, Joanna). Klaus would suggest Thor as a baby name and Bonnie would ignore him. That can be the name of the Bennett-Mikaelson family dog.
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melmedardasworld · 1 year
Ayana should have gotten a bigger role.
In S3, I wished we got to see Bonnie explore more of her legacy through her. Hell, it didn't even have to be tied directly to Esther or the Mikaelsons, though that was then the main plot then. Also, Ayana was Esther's mentor and taught her magic.
But the episodes when Grams helped Bonnie destroy Esther's necklace. It could've been a great intro for Ayana, who informed Sheila, who then told Bonnie not to get involved cause that's 'Original witch business'.
I imagine Bonnie consulting more than just her Grams, but just her ancestors in general. We already got Emily and then Ayana.
Aside from being a healer and practicing Spirit magic, did Ayana still have a husband? How many children did she have? She had at least one because she sealed Esther's coffin and preserved her body through their line's magic. Also, It was a requirement that only a Bennett, in this case Bonnie and Abby, could open it. The spell needed 2 generations of Ayana's bloodline.
Also, since she was a mentor, Ayana taught her children first and foremost.
Like even taking out the Mikaelsons, where did Ayana go after the whole vampire creeation mess? Did she stay in the New World, or go back where she was from/born? What happened to her kid(s)? Where were her grimoires, if she had any?
I have a whole other headcanon about the spell preservation about the Bennetts in general: it isn't through Grimoires, but through their bloodline. - might expand it or not. My thing is Grimoires can be stolen and taken, and passing knowledge in history wasn't always done through writing but oral as well.
Aside from Grams, Bonnie's interaction with her family/ancestors is soooo.... meager.
Like, even Spirit magic could have remained a thing since A) Qetsiyah made the Other Side and B) they could have guided her in a much better way.
But anyway, since this is getting too long.
Only seeing Ayana in S8 again was kinda a nice callback, but not fulfilling at all for me! Like, the lore and everything would not have existed without the Bennetts!!!
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deafchild2000 · 2 months
Inheritance Profile: Bonnie Bennett
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• Bonnie Sheila Bennett
• February 5th, 1993 (Mystic Falls, VA, Age 35)
• Alive (Resurrected/Granted Rayna's Remaining Lifespan)
• Nightingale store owner
• Traveler
• High School Student (Graduated)
• High School Cheerleader (Formerly)
• Member of the Spirits (Formerly)
• Anchor to the Other Side (Formerly)
• College Student (Formerly)
• Prison World Prisoner (Formerly)
• Elena's Life Link (Formerly)
• Vampire Huntress (Formerly)
• Bon (by everyone)
• Child (by Sheila Bennett)
• Honey, Baby (both by Abby)
• Cuz (by Lucy Bennett)
• Bon Bon (by Katherine and Damon)
• Little Witch (by Kol)
• The Bennett Witch (by Klaus, Qetsiyah, Silas , and Alex)
• Bonnie McCullough (an alternate identity)
• Witchy, Judgy, Wicked Witch of the West, Medusa, Bonnie the Teenage Witch, Destroyer of Dreams, Bonica-Magica, Sister, Rayna 2.0, Crazy Bitch Bonnie (all by Damon)
• Bonster (by Kai and Damon)
• Town Witch (by herself)
• Cute Witch (by Julian)
• Bonnie the Good Witch, Silly Witch (by Enzo)
• Love (by Enzo and Klaus)
• Goddess, Best Bennett, Bonita, Ms. Bennett, My Mentor, Badass Bonnie/Bennett, Last Bennett, Cassandra Nightingale (by Harmony)
• Bonnett, Ms. B, Bionica (by Alyssa, Dana, and Penelope)
• Witch
• Ghost (Formerly)
• The Anchor (Formerly)
• Supernatural Huntress (Formerly)
• Female
• Qetsiyah † (Ancestor)
• Qetsiyah's Unnamed Child/ren † (Ancestor)
• Ayana † (Ancestor)
• Ayana's Child/ren † (Ancestor)
• The Witch of The Five † (Ancestor)
• The Witch of The Five's Unnamed Child/ren † (Ancestor)
• Beatrice's Mother † (Ancestor)
• Beatrice Bennett † (Ancestor)
• Emily Bennett † (Ancestor)
• Emily's Unnamed Brother † (Ancestor)
• Emily's Unnamed Children † (Ancestor)
• Marie Bennett † (Ancestor)
• Rose Bennett † (Ancestor)
• Ernestine Bennett † (Ancestor)
• Amelia Bennett † (Great-Grandmother)
• Sheila Bennett † (Grandmother)
• Abby Bennett Wilson (Mother)
• Rudy Hopkins † (Father)
• Jamie (Adoptive Brother)
• Sheila's Unnamed Sibling † (Great Aunt Or Uncle)
• Pauline Bennett † (Aunt)
• Pauline's Unnamed Sibling † (Aunt Or Uncle)
• Joanna's Mother † (Cousin)
• Joanna Bennett † (First Cousin, Once Removed)
• Lucy Bennett † (First Cousin, Twice Removed)
• Harmony Kenner (Legal Ward)
• Herself (Twice)
• John Gilbert (Indirectly/3rd time/With Klaus Mikaelson)
• Jeremy Gilbert (3rd time)
• Malachai Parker (Twice/Temporarily in the Prison World)
• Matt Donovan (5th time)
• Some Phoenix Stone Vampires
• Katherine Pierce (indirectly)
• Stefan Salvatore (indirectly)
• Herself (1st and 2nd time)
• 5'2" (Feet)
• 1.58 (Meters)
• Black
• Green
Early History
Bonnie Sheila Bennett was born on February 5, 1993, to Rudy Hopkins and Abigail "Abby" Bennett in Mystic Falls, Virginia. She is the youngest and last known member of the Bennett family. Sometime when Bonnie was a young child, her mother had abandoned her, after taking down the Original Vampire, Mikael and losing all of her powers, to protect her best friend Miranda Sommers-Gilbert's adoptive daughter Elena, who is a Petrova doppelgänger needed to break Klaus' Hybrid curse. It could be assumed that since her mother abandoned her, that it was her Grams that had raised Bonnie for most of her life. Even though it isn't implied, it appears that her father, Rudy, gave Bonnie Abby's maiden name "Bennett". During Bonnie's early childhood, Bonnie became best friends with both Caroline Forbes and Elena.
During the weeks approaching December 22, 2008, Bonnie is a sophomore at Mystic Falls High School.
Her maternal grandmother Sheila Bennett at one point tried to explain to Bonnie about her witch heritage, although Bonnie dismissed this because she thought that her grandmother was drunk.
Bonnie is repeatedly ready to sacrifice herself for her family and friends without any hesitation. As her powers grew, she's stepped up at every opportunity to protect her friends, even if it meant trading her life in the process. Her spell-casting abilities most definitely came in handy when the Originals came to Mystic Falls. Gaining the power of Expression, she was able to take down two Original vampires, as well as the very first immortal, Silas. Despite the warnings from her Grams, she combined spirit, Expression, and dark magic to resurrect Jeremy back from the dead. While successful, it was too much for her and the spell killed her in the process.
Existing on the Other Side as a ghost, her very ancient and powerful ancestor, Qetsiyah, transferred the status of Anchor to the Other Side from Amara to Bonnie, allowing her to exist on both sides of the living and the dead. However, Bonnie was forced to feel the pain of every supernatural death and no longer had access to the powerful magic she once had.
After Markos violently tore his way out of the Other Side with the help of the Travelers, it began falling apart. His unnatural resurrection unbalanced the Other Side which threatened Bonnie with permanent death. Despite great effort on both her and her friend's part to save the Other Side, it eventually imploded on itself as Bonnie and Damon spent their last moments together. However, Shiela's last act made sure that Bonnie would be fine. Before it's destruction, they were engulfed by a white light.
Bonnie and Damon found themselves back in Mystic Falls. However, they were forced to repeat the same day, May 10, 1994, over and over. Though Damon retained his vampiric abilities, Bonnie was unable to perform magic. Eventually, they learn that this world is inhabited by another, Malachai Parker. When Kai attempts to kill Damon, Bonnie arrived just in time and regained her magic at the prospect of losing the only friend. Bonnie learns that she, rather her blood, is the key to free themselves from the prison world, using a Gemini artifact, called the Ascendant. Sacrificing herself, she sends Damon back to the mortal plane and is forced to endure Kai's torturous pursuit until she's left alone in the prison world without her magic. Reminded by her friends, she travels to Novia Scotia and retrieves Qetsiyah's calcified blood and reclaimed her own magic, freeing herself from the prison world. Her experience with Kai and her time in the prison world, however, drastically changes her. She decides to puts herself first but continues to suffer signs of PTSD, such as being unable to adjust to other people. With time, Bonnie falls back into her old life, but not before imprisoning Kai in the 1903 Prison World. However, he escapes as had Bonnie did, an links her life to Elena's. As long as Bonnie was alive, Elena would be forced to slumber in a magical coma.
With the return of the Heretics, a coven of siphoner-witch, vampire hybrids, Bonnie and her friends eventually turn to the Armory for help. However, in exchange, they want Bonnie to unseal the Armory's vault that was magically sealed by Lucy. Refusing to unleash a monster, Bonnie went into hiding with Lorenzo St. John. Over the course of three years, they developed a romantic relationship. Enzo eventually learned that Armory's anti-magic pills that were helping Bonnie hide from them were also poisoning her, an illness that could not be cured and would eventually kill her. Rayna agreed to transfer her last life to Bonnie. As the spell is completed, Rayna revealed that Bonnie became the new shamanic huntress in her place. After Damon destroyed the corpse of the last shaman, Bonnie's connection to it also broke, freeing her from her duties and abilities as the huntress.
However, her magic did not return, leaving her devastated over the loss of her powers as well as Enzo and Damon being taken by the Armory's monster, Sybil. Bonnie was eventually reunited with Enzo after he was freed from Sybil's mind control. However, upon his tragic death at Stefan's hands, Bonnie unleashed a psychic blast, preserving Enzo's spirit in a newly created dimension. Eventually, she and Stefan fight Arcadius, the Devil himself, which led to Stefan killing him, though Hell was not destroyed — Katherine was its new ruler. Letting go of Enzo, Bonnie can regain her magic. With her magic restored and with the support of her many ancestors across the centuries, they managed to destroy Hell itself and Katherine along with it. Bonnie's eventually able to free Elena from her magical coma, sparing both of their lives. Determined to keep her promise to Enzo, she decided to live her life to the fullest and wanted to see the world and enjoy her life.
At some point after her travels, Bonnie returned to Mystic Falls and opened Nightingale's Gift Shop & Apothecary, a new-age shop that acts as a cover to get rare herbs and information from places she's traveled to.
Sometime after she came home, Damon and Elena approached her because they had fertility issues and wanted her help. She agreed, but her spells yield no results time and time again. This resulted in a fight between them and spoken words that permanently strained their relationship, leading Caroline, Alaric, Matt, and Jeremy - the only ones she speaks to.
In 2024, Bonnie meets a young girl named Harmony when she walks into her shop looking for herbs for a spell. After an insightful conversation (that ended up being spoken in French), Bonnie's had a vision of a younger version of the girl surrounded by angry figures when they shook hands. Upon delivering herbs and donated blood to Salvatore, she ran into Harmony and her sister, Hope - and quickly realized she was Klaus's daughter. Considering her history with the Original Family, Bonnie kept her distance, which soon proved to be a challenge when Harmony came back to her store and asked to be mentored by her. Initially declining, Harmony persisted and did whatever she could to get Bonnie to accept her.
On February 14th, the 6th anniversary of Enzo's death, already having a bad day, Bonnie blew up on Harmony in frustration and stated she'd never take her on because she's selfish like her father. Realizing what she said, Bonnie instantly regretted it but Harmony teleported before she could apologize. Over drinks, Caroline - having heard about what happened - explained to Bonnie that Harmony was different and sought her out because she wanted to be strong. The next day, Bonnie saw Harmony outside her house. Bonnie tried to apologize, but Harmony easily said she understood, rationalizing she realized pursuing Bonnie without explaining herself was selfish. Harmony explained how she hated her family outside her mom, Hope, and her adoptive brother. Having been put through indescribable pain because of their selfish actions and her father's pursuit of power - it only makes sense Bonnie would see her the same way and believe she was threatening her. So to prove to Bonnie otherwise, Harmony used an Incendia spell and lit her hand on fire. Horrified, Bonnie rushed towards her to put out the fire, however, she noted that way Harmony seemed to want to be in pain before extinguishing her hand. Using healing oil coupled with Harmony's healing, Bonnie told her what she did was reckless. Harmony points out that now that Bonnie knows she would rather hurt herself than hurt her, she can teach her. Bonnie describes what she did as a form of emotional manipulation, which Harmony disagrees with as she's an empath and knew she had no intention of using Bonnie's personality to get what she wanted. Hearing this, Bonnie asks why she wanted to be mentored by her and not her Aunt Freya. From there, Harmony explains her life since was 6 from living on the road, being tortured, and discovering she was a reborn soul previously victimized by her family, and her desires to be nothing like them. She also proceeds to explain the situation of her why she hates Freya. When Harmony was learning the information taught by the Mikaelsons, she got curious as to how Esther created vampires. Her intuition allowed her to connect vampirism to Silas and Qetsiyah. After that, it snowballed until she came to learn Bonnie's story. Sick of how pursuing power has led to pain, she chose to not seek it. Learning Bonnie's story and the history of the Bennett and how they shaped Mystic Falls prompted Harmony to want strength...and admitting anyone who tried (and succeeded) to kill her family and fought off hellfire was someone she aspired to be. However, she also stated she wanted to know Bonnie as someone who wields power and strength and might help her stay the worst of the "Mikaelson attributes". While conflicted with the possibility of being dragged back into the Mikaelson family, Harmony's honesty coupled with her obvious self-harming prompted Bonnie to agree to being her mentor with intention of keeping an eye on her. Sometime after this, she had video calls with Vincent Griffith and Ivy Rashid (her witchcraft teacher and Seer mentor) and was paid a visit by Harmony's adopted brother/father figure, Marcel Gerard.
In the following months, Bonnie came to enjoy Harmony's presence, even stating she recognized pieces of the "Old Bonnie" in her. She always answered her questions and gave her the truth, as much as she could. However, this did not come without its challenges - such as the death of her Uncle Finn and the legitimacy of Josette Saltzman, which led to the discussion of Kai Parker and how Harmony believed Jo wasn't telling the full truth on the buildup of the night he killed his siblings. This discussion led to an argument in which she defended Jo and condemned Kai, leading to Harmony spilling some surprising revelations about her goddaughters, Lizzie, and Josie Saltzman. The argument only settled with Bonnie admitting being traumatized by Kai and her actions around it possibly being the difference between everything cultivated at Jo and Alaric's wedding. She had also found herself caught in the middle when Harmony was asking about Klaus's misdeeds in Mystic Falls and Tyler Lockwood, learning how the young girl's Seer Sight had introduced her to the late werewolf and realizing Hayley & the Mikaelsons were actively keeping their connection a secret from her.
In 2023, Bonnie noticed Harmony was distancing herself from her. She later learned of Anastacia, a spirit raped by Kol Mikaelson, and how she periodically ensures her student endures a psychic-mimicry of the attack as a result of her rapist-muderer's family choosing to spare him despite learning the truth. Learning how Harmony deals with the monthly attacks by going to the Old Lockwood Cellar to deal with her attacks, Bonnie begins to become protective of her and helps block the attacks. However, Harmony didn't want her attacks blocked off, explaining that by doing so, Anastacia would be forced to relive her trauma over and over again - and despite it all, Harmony would rather endure it than let her soul carry that pain. While she didn't agree, Bonnie found immense respect for it and tried to help minimize the worst of the physical aspects of the assault. At some point, Bonnie woke up one night to a surge of magic coming through her and knew something was wrong with Harmony. She began calling her, then Hope, and then anyone at the school until she got dressed in a hurry and astral projected to Salvatore - only to find it in disarray and chaos as students were evacuated from the building and all the windows had been shattered. She eventually found Dorian, who led her to Emma, who explained a high-pitched scream erupted out of nowhere and sent a soundwave that shattered the windows. When asked how it happened, Emma directed her to the nurse's office and found a few teachers burning herbal incense over Harmony while she was unconscious. It was revealed Harmony was the one who screamed and Hayley was already on her way to get the twins while the students were being sent to the Lockwood Mansion until repairs were finished. When Harmony and Hope returned, she noticed that the former was having issues staying awake. It didn't take Bonnie long to realize Harmony was dealing with insomnia and forcing herself to stay awake, and immediately took action after Harmony set a teacher assistant on fire after she'd fallen asleep and he tried to wake her up. While remorseful, Harmony refused to say what was happening. But then, she felt a surge of fear and panic one day, and went to Salvatore only to find out something shocking: Harmony had developed a period. Hayley had to come and take her back to New Orleans for a whole week, from which a phone call from Ivy revealed that Harmony was basically holed up in a shack in the bayou because of her unstable emotions until it was over. After she returned, Bonnie wanted to know what happened but didn't press her due to the drastic change she was going through.
During Witch Week at Salvatore, Harmony begged Bonnie to come as she wrote a paper based on a "witch from history she admired". She attended and ended up meeting Hayley Marshall and Freya Mikaleson for the first time - and while she had heard of the former but never met her when she first came to Mystic Falls, she instantly disliked both of them. When Harmony's speech came up, she was touched (but expected) that she chose her. However, she noticed Harmony started bleeding down her leg and gripping her neck before passing out. Rushing up to her and taking her to the infirmary, she, alongside Hayley, Caroline, and the guidance counselor - Emma Tig - watched in horror as Harmony reluctantly revealed in tears bite marks all over her back, another forming right before their eyes. Recognizing them as vampire bites, Bonnie was furious, as well as Hayley, not hesitating in trying to convince Harmony to tell her who was doing this. However, Harmony wasn't saying who did it, with only answering a series of questions that ultimately revealed that a vampire in Mystic Falls was responsible. Bonnie was able to ascertain that it wasn't someone at Salvatore feeding off her.
Eventually, Bonnie and Emma put together that the vampire bites are part of a psychic attack, similar to Anastacia's. With Hayley's input about Ana, Emma theorizes that Harmony was "uniquely sensitive" to victims of sexual assaults, going as far as to say her Empathic senses subconsciously zero in on the victim and she only becomes consciously aware when she meets them or maybe their attacker - making Bonnie quickly realize Harmony came across someone who was victimized by a vampire. After that, she put two-and-two together and realized this vampire attack was likely responsible for Harmony's glass-shattering scream, her insomnia, and the cause of her period. On a day out to lunch at the Mystic Grill, she noticed Harmony stiffen and glance around nervously. Picking up that the vampire had been there, she had taken Harmony out of the building and talked to her. However, she realized Harmony's mannerisms and rambling reminded her of someone ringing a hint, she later visited Emma, who gave her a drawing Harmony made to "show" what happened. She realized the victim was Caroline. Confronting her best friend, she was appalled to hear Caroline confirm the truth and she realized only one person at the time could have done it: Damon Salvatore. Demanding an explanation, she became furious when she realized Elena knew about this and hadn't told her for years. Afterward, she visited the rebuilt Gilbert House and attacked Damon before Elena could do everything. She was stopped by Caroline and Alaric, who suspected she would be there. Enraged, she demanded to know why Caroline didn't even tell her or even get Mom at the time, as they would've done everything to protect her. Caroline admitted it was her choice not to tell her (which conveniently kept her mom on their side) and as a vampire, Damon couldn't hurt her anymore or presently as she keeps his enemies from coming after him and he wants to live his human life in peace with Elena. Following Caroline saying that it was also her choice to forgive him, Bonnie tells her it's not her choice anymore, as her silence made another victim out of Harmony - who already can't get justice from Kol.
Later on, Harmony confides in Bonnie about the truth. She thinks her Seer Sight subconsciously gleaned that Caroline was a rape victim. However, it didn't register until she first met Damon. She explained how she dreamt of being in Caroline's place and woke up in the middle of the assault, however, a hallucination of the Damon of that time followed - leading to her supernaturally, terror-charged scream. Unlike Kol, who eventually appeared a week into her "routine attacks", Damon's hallucination followed her everywhere and taunted her when she was asleep, leading to insomnia. With that, Bonnie pieces together that the Spector of Damon must've been taunting her when she burned that teacher's assistant, triggered by the fact he was a vampire (and once his touch registered as "vampire", she attacked thinking it was Damon). Realizing that Damon's hallucination must've attacked her during her speech at Witch Week, Bonnie comforted the girl who she realized has now been traumatized by two vampires (or former vampires in Damon's case). and told her while Caroline made her choices, it was her own decision to speak out about what happened. Bonnie eventually learned that Damon was banned from the Salvatore school and had a spell cast on him to keep away from Harmony unless she approaches him first. But soon after, she learned Harmony recanted her statement and Bonnie suspected Caroline had something to do with it - a sentiment she shared with Hayley (who she heavily dislikes, and knows wouldn't let the blonde vampire off the hook if she suspected as much). Because of these revelations, Bonnie renounces her friendship with Caroline and tells her that as a consequence of what she did to Harmony, her daughters would not be welcomed in her home. She even tried to stop donating her blood to the school as a result, but Dorian and Emma managed to convince her not to. While it had hurt to distance herself from her twins, Bonnie didn't want to do anything that condoned Caroline's actions and what Harmony experienced.
In 2024, Bonnie took in Harmony's friends, Penelope Park and Alyssa Chang, as her unofficial students when Harmony formed the Midnight Falls Coven. She initially labeled Penelope and Alyssa as "witches up to no good", but quickly understood the foundation of their friendship with Harmony as "witches too smart for their good". Bonnie also agreed with Harmony that the circumstances surrounding the death of Alyssa's parents were suspicious as well as how that information got out before she arrived at Salvatore. Harmony asked for her advice because she wanted to tell Penelope and Alyssa she was a Mikaelson. Bonnie told her to only tell them if she truly trusted them and if they could be trusted back, only to discover they took it in stride and Penelope had already figured it out before being sworn to secrecy. This eventually leads Bonnie to be introduced to Gia, a vampire whose soul was bound to Harmony's violin. Unsurprised to hear of the circumstances of her violent death by Klaus, Bonnie easily helped Harmony improve her boundary spell that allows Gia to be a visible, tangible spirit using crystals. Sometime after this, Harmony started asking if she knew anything about three students who disappeared a year before she enrolled in Salvatore. Identifying them "Diego Garcia", "Jade Wellington", and "Wendy Estrada", a werewolf-vampire-witch trio likely a part of the first graduating class but never graduated - as if they vanished. Considering Bonnie was still traveling at the time, she didn't recall anything. But then, Harmony tells her about the February 19th Massacre where a bunch of Mystic Falls students were killed in the woods, followed by a vision Harmony had in her first year of the three students appeared to have been in detention via barrier spell and - even more shockingly - Josie was the one that freed them. Bonnie asks her what she's implying, to which she thinks the trio might've been responsible for the massacre and Alaric might've done something to them, maybe even killed them. Recalling how she knew that Salvatore was literally on probation that first year by the Town Council, it didn't take much to imagine those deaths would've called for the school to be shut down indefinitely if Alaric and Caroline couldn't control their students. Realizing Harmony was onto something, she asks Harmony to keep this to herself. She doubts Alaric killed them and maybe sent them home if they had families. However, Harmony doubts that and reluctantly admits she, Alyssa and Penelope broke into the school office and found records that with the exception of Wendy, Diego and Jade were orphans. Exasperated, Bonnie tells her that given everything that happened between her and Caroline, while she could believe Harmony definitely stumbled into something, she ends up giving her "blessing" to covertly investigate what happened.
In 2025, with Lizzie and Josie's upcoming 11th birthday coming up, Bonnie helped Harmony find gifts for them since she wasn't attending but was annoyed to hear they excluded Hope from their party. Harmony tells her she's worried because she doesn't trust Alaric to not do something that'll set them off as his one-on-one sessions with Hope already make her a target for their bullying. Acknowledging this, Bonnie tells her that if Alaric was aware of the situation, he'll put a stop to it. However, Bonnie came to regret that as she got a call from Emma on the twins' birthday that Lizzie, Josie, and Hope fought with Harmony. Rushing to the school, she got the whole story of the twins attacking Hope because Alaric brought her there against their wishes and Harmony tried (and got injured) to break up the fight. Hearing that both sets of twins got punished, Bonnie argued that Alaric's extra attention on Hope led to this, dishing everything she's been told. Alaric argues that Bonnie's no better by mentoring Harmony, saying at least he acknowledged both Harmony while she hasn't reached out to Hope. However, she emphasizes that her and Alaric's methods work differently for the Mikaelson twins with opposing views of their family.
After this, she's told of Lizzie's recent diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder but isn't surprised considering the Gemini family history and her experience of sociopathy with Kai. However, Bonnie hears from Harmony and her coven about the contents of Lizzie's (supposedly secret) therapy diary and is appalled, as that shouldn't be public knowledge but became so because Josie was behind it. She warns the trio to not start anything as it became painfully clear to her that Lizzie might not know her diary was outed. While she was proud to hear Harmony put a stop to it, the scenario reminded Bonnie of the last time that sensitive information was leaked (Alyssa's parents), and can't help but think it's no coincidence despite happening twice. She was surprised to learn of Harmony's quotebook she made for Lizzie and the effort she put into it only to hear Lizzie didn't seem to appreciate it but let her know there was nothing wrong with trying.
Before Spring Break of 2025, Bonnie was alerted to a fire breaking out in Harmony and Hope's dorm. After bringing clothes she had for overnight visits, she and Hayley (via astral projection) confronted Alaric and Emma over how the fire started. With the origins of the fire unknown, she - along with Penelope and Alyssa - helped the twins salvage anything from their dorm. She noticed Harmony crying over a pair of destroyed Chinese lanterns and discovered Alyssa made them for her, which Harmony took as a memento of the start of their friendship. Bonnie noticed Hope had a matching pair, to which Alyssa admitted that she thought the twins were behind gifts being left in front of her door during her first months at Salvatore, so she made two pairs of lanterns before finding out it was Harmony as no one would do that for someone who killed her own parents. Later on that week, Bonnie was called by Emma, who alarmingly told her that a video she made with Harmony over Anastacia was seen by the whole school. Trying to figure out how, Emma revealed that the file cabinet it was in had a spell on it that worked to react specifically to her magic. Realizing the only way to bypass that spell was to either lower it or take away the magic completely, it dawned on Bonnie that it was either Lizzie or Josie that broke into it. She arrived at Salvatore, only to find Lizzie was put into a sleep-like state. Bonnie initially thought it was Hope in retaliation for her sister, only to find out she had an alibi. After Lizzie had an episode in her sleep, Bonnie found Harmony in the Old Mill and scolds her for doing that to Lizzie. However, she sees Harmony already regretted it and admits she reacted in anger as she never thought Lizzie would do such a thing to her. Bonnie asks why she even did it, only to be shocked at learning Josie was behind the dorm fire and in Lizzie's irrational reaction - believing Hope did it to ruin her Spring Break - she ended up hurting Harmony instead. Harmony asks her to help her undo the spell, and Bonnie agrees under the condition she apologizes. With no hesitation, she agrees and lifts the spell off of Lizzie. Bonnie confronts Alaric with the truth while having Caroline on speaker, asking how Lizzie and Josie were going to be punished. Angry that Alaric response was to hide the truth, she responds by telling Alaric that Salvatore would not be getting blood donations from her anymore if his daughters were getting protected while Harmony was hurt in the process. She also states that from now on, their relationship is strictly professional in terms of needing her for anything. The incident ends with Harmony breaking off her friendship with Lizzie and Josie, to which Bonnie comforts her. It also prompted Harmony to question Bonnie if Josette Laughlin, the twins' biological mother, was a good person, as this behavior couldn't be all Alaric or Kai Parker - as easy as it would be. Harmony knew sociopaths were made and for all Kai's choices, Josette couldn't have been oblivious to stop him. Understanding what she's thinking, Bonnie assures her that Josette was a good person but honestly replies that even the best people have dark sides they aren't proud of. She even uses Harmony's retaliation as an example, as she knows she tries to be good yet she chose revenge against Lizzie so easily. So Bonnie tells her that everyone makes their bed in the end while living with their consequences, and forgiving these deeds is their choice.
During the summer of 2025, Bonnie kept in touch with Harmony while she dodged Alaric's attempts at reconciliation. She also reconnected with Valerie Tulle, who was currently in London working as a museum curator. Surprised to hear how much has gone on, Valerie commended her for her devotion to putting up with a trio of witches that reminded her of her sisters when they were alive and doesn't judge her for putting Harmony first even at the loss of Lizzie and Josie's relationship. Regaling how her students had a lot of questions about the Gemini Coven and her family, she set up a meeting between Valerie and them - from which the witch-vampire enjoyed immensely and found that Harmony raised some surprising questions that she never thought to ask, warning Bonnie she had her hand full with her. However, she was still worried, and rightfully so, when she learned of what happened to Harmony regarding the Crescent Pack and the Nguyen triplets. In contrast, she didn't have much with Alyssa spending the summer working in her store & having a fling with a new werewolf named Jed while Penelope was exploring Europe with her mom.
When Summer ended in September, the start of the year seemed calm until she learned Harmony fell into a fountain in the Town Square and nearly drowned at the annual End of Summer Party. Once Bonnie learned from her that she felt Klaus's presence as the one holding "her" down and drowning her, she realized Harmony was officially on the path to discovering her mother's time in Mystic Falls. Against her better judgment, Bonnie found herself talking to Matt about this - who while knowing what happened to Tyler in New Orleans, was not happy that his late best friend was Hayley's big ugly secret. Over the next few months, Bonnie watched as Harmony learned about the late Carol Lockwood and grew obsessed with Tyler Lockwood even more. She confided in her worries with Emma, who always suspected this would happen considering the young man was Klaus's tragic yet better counterpart. Harmony was the type to grasp onto anything "good" and "real" in her eyes and most of the men in her life don't fit that ideal. But then, she learned Harmony did a spell on Tyler's tomb that allowed her to see his past pending where he's been. Bonnie tried to warn her of this, but Harmony demanded that she needed to know what happened. In her eyes, Tyler was everything Klaus never was and couldn't be - why exactly did Klaus end up killing his mother? Bonnie ended up calling Marcel, Vincent, and Ivy - warning them that Harmony was on the verge of finding out and knew it was gonna be ugly. But for the most part, as much as they knew how Harmony was going to react, they also knew Hayley was warned this was going to come out and nothing stops Harmony when she's on a trail. Towards the end of November, Harmony disappeared for 24 hours, and surprisingly, so was Matt. Bonnie, Alyssa, and Penelope did locator spells while the others tried to contact Matt, but Harmony was cloaking herself and Matt so they wouldn't be found. That night, Matt called her in a frantic and caught her up to speed: Harmony had found out the truth of the 12 Hybrids and Hayley's involvement. Starting from how she approached him at his home, Matt ended up telling her what he knew about the past, especially when Hayley came onto the scene. Following this, Matt took her to places like the Lockwood Mansion, and the Cellar, and out of town to Whitmore University where Atticus Shane's office used to be. From there, Harmony used her Seer Sight to watch everything play out, even lingering because openly admitted to lying about Hayley's parents being dead - they were in hindsight, but he used another couple and posed them as her parents - after she left his office. As it got late, Harmony thanked him and teleported away. Bonnie realized Harmony might have gone to the sight where the hybrids were killed. When she got there, Harmony wasn't there but Bonnie felt that she had been and smelt fresh blood on the ground. Bonnie had Matt take her to the Cellar, where there was more blood but no Harmony. With one last ditch effort, they traveled to the Town Square which was empty except for Harmony and a fountain that was brought out for the Winter Wonderland fundraiser. Seeing that she was drowning herself, she and Matt pulled her out as the young girl screamed in despair. The next few days were horrible, Bonnie having Harmony stay in her house while forbidding anyone from seeing her. Hayley called, but Bonnie made quick work of telling her that unless she was calling to grovel and say she regretted what she'd done - Harmony wouldn't be taking any calls from her. Hope and her other students couldn't see her either. The entire time, she was consoling Harmony - who had developed a sense of self-hatred and depressed.
After Hayley and Klaus's deaths, Harmony moved in with Bonnie as her legal guardian and changed her name "Harmony Eve Kenner".
Bonnie was a good-hearted, bubbly, sweet, fun-loving, spirited, and optimistic individual. About other people, Bonnie is described to be kind, warm, sympathetic, caring, compassionate, empathetic, selfless, and self-sacrificing. Bonnie has shown that she makes a very loving, devoted, loyal, and caring friend. Bonnie could be considered to be a very spiritual person and she briefly believed herself as a psychic before discovering her true identity as a witch as well as learning of her witch heritage. However, Bonnie begins to suffer immense grief, loss, pain, and tragedy as well as the losses of people close to her, most notably, her Grams and Jeremy. She begins to become a much more serious and even depressive person. Although she has shown that she is generally an optimistic person, she has also shown that she is capable of being depressive, withdrawn, martyring, and apathetic. After her Grams dies, she distanced herself from Elena and her friends in Mystic Falls.
After years in Mystic Falls and traveling the world, Bonnie grew to become a strong, empathetic, caring women who commands respect and is unafraid to show what she's capable of. These aspects come to point when she became the mentor to Harmony Kenner, the secondborn daughter of Klaus Mikaelson. Rocky at first, Bonnie was quickly able to understand the young tribrid and even acknowledge the parallels the two share.
Powers and Abilities
Bonnie is a very powerful witch, as well as one of the most powerful witches of her family lineage seen. Having discovered her heritage in a relatively short time prior, her powers have developed exponentially throughout the years. Within at least two years, she transformed from a simple novice in the art of witchcraft to a nearly unstoppable force capable of taking down the oldest and most powerful supernatural creatures as well as controlling nature to a great extent. This could be attributed to the fact that she descended from a line of powerful Bennett witches that began with Qetsiyah, an extremely powerful witch responsible for creating the Immortality Spell.
Bonnie has great experiences in Traditional Magic, Spirit Magic, Dark Magic, and its subset, Expression Magic. She is also well-versed in the consequences of breaking Nature's rules and has lost her magic more than once and also regained it just as many times.
Bonnie is the only witch on the to have participated in the creation of two different dimensions, having created a psychic afterlife dimension through her latent psychic abilities and a magical Prison World rooted in Gemini magic by empowering the siphoner witches Lizzie and Josie Saltzman and aiding them in their spell.
• The Anchor
After returning from the Other Side with Qetsiyah's help, Bonnie could interact with those in the mortal plane and the supernatural purgatory. However, she was stuck with having to deal with the recently deceased supernatural creatures that have to pass through her to get to the Other Side. Through a powerful and complex spell, she was capable of bringing the denizens of the Other Side back into the mortal plane through physical contact.
• The Huntress
Upon receiving Rayna Cruz's last life, and becoming the supernatural Huntress, Bonnie gained new abilities. The most prominent ability Bonnie gained was enhanced strength, even more so than that of Rayna before her and any vampire, including the Originals.
Although Bonnie lost the ability to practice magic before becoming the Huntress, her ability to do so did not return. With the Eight Everlastings all deceased, Bonnie lost the abilities afforded to her through her status as the Huntress.
Physical Appearance
Physically, Bonnie is a very beautiful and attractive young woman. Bonnie has a heart-shaped face, with full cheeks and a pointed chin. Bonnie has very soulful and beautiful eyes; She has clear and soft light brown skin with long, luxurious dark brown or soft black wavy hair. Having been a cheerleader, Bonnie has a slim yet athletic figure. Bonnie is also rather petite at about 5'2". Bonnie regularly changes her hairstyle, regularly styled in very tight curls and sometimes soft waves. Her fashion sense or style is described as being gypsy chic with a bit of a hippie trend and she dresses casually in nice tops and jeans, but on special occasions, she will dress up in trendier and fancier clothing.
• Bonnie is a feminine first name of Scottish or Scots-Irish origin which means "pretty", "beautiful", "charming" or "attractive". It is pronounced BAHN-ee or BON-ee.
• Sheila is from the Latin form of "Celia", the feminine form of the Roman clan "Caelius" meaning "heavenly", or "of the heavens".
• Bennett is an English and Irish language surname related to the medieval given name Benedict, both ultimately from the Latin word Benedictu, which means "blessed" or "one who is blessed."
• Bonnie's birthday is February 5 and her astrological sign is Aquarius.  
• She talks in her sleep.
• When Bonnie was nine years old, she lost her favorite teddy, Ms. Cuddles.
• ⬆️ It's later revealed Caroline stole it and buried it.
• Bonnie swore as the surviving, living Bennett that she would never have kids.
• Bonnie's blood type is O-, the universal blood donor type.
• Bonnie initially didn't like pancakes but learned to enjoy them after her time in the Prison World.
• ⬆️ After she fell out with Damon and Elena, she went back to hating pancakes.
• Bonnie is the best friend of Elena, just like their mothers Abby (Bonnie's mother) and Miranda (Elena's adoptive mother).
• Her car is a blue ribbon metallic Toyota Prius registered JR7-5183.
• Bonnie once stated that she can't cook, but she eventually learned to make easy meals.
• Bonnie's house number is 2136.
• Bonnie as a witch has practiced four types of magic so far: Traditional Magic, Spirit Magic, Dark Magic, and Expression. She currently practices Traditional Magic.
• Bonnie spend 278 days inside the 1994 prison world.
• Bonnie was once considered Damon and Elena's best friend until they fell out.
• Bonnie has died more times than any other witch.
• Bonnie's mentorship with Harmony parallels that of her ancestor, Ayana, and Harmony's paternal grandmother, Esther.
• ⬆️ Bonnie has stated the parallel is much healthier with Harmony because she's willing to learn from her mistakes.
• ⬆️⬆️ The tie between Bennetts and Mikaelsons (from creating Immortality to the creation of Vampirism) is one of the major reasons Harmony wanted to be mentored by Bonnie.
• After her travels, Bonnie speaks French, Spanish, Portuguese, and a bit of Hebrew. She understands Swahili and Arabic.
• Bonnie purposely named her store to reference The Good Witch.
• Every few months, Bonnie donates blood to be used by Salvatore's students.
• Bonnie and Harmony share many things in common:
• ⬆️Being tormented by Kol and Klaus Mikaelson on some level.
• ⬆️Have psychic-rooted abilities (Bonnie's a Psychic and Harmony is a Seer/Empath.)
• ⬆️Created/taken in souls in a psychic plane.
• ⬆️Loyal and protective of their friends
• ⬆️ Willing to sacrifice for those they love
• ⬆️ Open to learning new things.
• Bonnie is Lizzie and Josie's godmother.
• Bonnie is still in contact with Valerie Tulle.
• Bonnie swore as the surviving, living Bennett that she would never have kids.
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authormikamathews · 11 months
Five Improvements to Bonnie Bennett's Story
 I love Bonnie Bennett, but so many things put her behind and prevented her from shinning forth as the amazing character she was... so I came up with Ten suggestions for plot lines that would have been amazing and fleshed her out more beyond the tool she was written to be. 
1. Have her work with Lucy! Lucy was Bonnie's amazing, powerful cousin forced into Katherine's servitude in season two. She was in for one episode and killed off, off screen naturally, after serving others like most of the witches in TVD! Having her be a frequent flyer, helping mold Bonnie into a powerful witch that could fight off vamps, serve her own interests and not be a tool to suffer for the benefit of others would have been nice! Giving Bonnie some support would have been grand, and fleshed her out personality wise as well. 
2. Give her a better Love Life! No one needs romance to complete them, but Romance was pivitol to TVD! You needed love as far as they were concerned. That Bonnie only really had to major loves, one that cheated and one that died... was irksome. They even fleshed her later love interest bonding with her off screen for crying out loud. No, literally any improvement here would have been great and helped again give Bonnie personal connections to heal and grow and be happy and that would have been amazing!
3. Have her call out Sheila! Everyone loved Sheila, Bonnie's Grams, but that woman was selfish, a drunk and unhelpful. She barely taught Bonnie anything, hid her heritage until it was too late and just... did so little. Bonnie snapping at her spirit, who always interfered, would have been epic. Let Bonnie find her independence in her gaining total independence and freedom away from those that neglected her like her Grams. 
4. Her own storyline/life! This is a bit vague, but really any storyline away from the rest of the cast. Let's see her explore magic, her heritage, the spirits of her bloodline, other witches, different branches of magic and so on. Have her tap into parts of her powers more used early on, like her medium and psychic skills... anything really. Seeing other skills like painting, drawing, writing, judo, mechanics, anything would have been nice. Bonnie's personal life was left a blank to us, we got so little, seeing something more from Bonnie would have been epic. 
5. Happiness! Everyone talked in the series about Elena's trauma but Bonnie suffered as much as she did. She was tortured, captured and cheated on by the boy she resurrected. Used by her friends often, she died for crying out loud. She lost her father and Grams and was neglected and abandoned by her mother! Really, happiness in given to Bonnie at all would have been such a shake up, that just leaving it vague still gives so many paths for her.  A better love life, exploration of her past and future, new hobbies, other friends, independence, a connection to the spirits... the list is endless... 
So... this is a bare list, but if you have any suggestions, feel free to share!
So... yeah!
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fatefeared · 7 months
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( Kat Graham • She/Her • Cisfemale • 18 •) did you hear IT'S CALLED DIGNITY. HAVE SOME, IT'S FREE? it reminded me of BONNIE BENNETT. rumor has it they’re from the PAST. they say they’re a WITCH, that explains why they’re loyal to THE FOUNDERS COUNCIL.
Name: Bonnie Bennett
Age: 18
Gender: Cisfemale
Date of Birth: February 5th
Place of Birth: Mystic Falls
Species: Witch
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Mother: Abby Bennett Wilson
Father: Rudy Hopkins
Grandmother: Sheila Bennett
Siblings: Jamie (Adopted brother - currently unknown to Bonnie)
Bonnie's wiki is found here.
Unknown to Bonnie, she's about to face some big changes.
She just learned that she's a descendant of the Salem witches and that she and her grams are supposedly witches.
She's kind of shrugging it off because it just sounds insane, but it's constantly nagging at her.
While keeping up her social life, she's figuring all this information out from her grams and teaching herself magic.
Bonnie is open to all plots!
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itshotsht · 2 years
Summary: [Post s5 Finale] Damon and Bonnie were ready to die, to leave everything and everyone behind. Despite all of their damaged history together, one moment will redefine their entire relationship. What happens when fate has other plans?
Pairing: Bonnie Bennett x Damon Salvatore
"Memories of You" (Preview):
She licked her lips and palmed the floor underneath her. There were so many times she had been here, so many times where she and Sheila played around with her gowns and wigs and just had a little fashion show right there, in that bedroom. Or the actual version of it.
It started when young Bonnie became fascinated by the creative way Sheila would patch up her ripped jeans or shorts after she fell down while playing with Caroline and Elena. Back when she was just another regular kid. The first few times, the older Bennett would take the closest fabric she had and matched it with the item that needed repairing, but after realizing that Bonnie was going to keep showing up with ripped clothes and blaming it on having to win whatever game they'd been playing that day, Sheila decided to decorate her granddaughter's damaged clothes with flowers, bees and other cute animated patches. When she showed Bonnie her renewed cardigan with a row of butterflies going up the sleeves, the young girl's face lit up brighter than the sun.
Bonnie remembered it perfectly.
She also remembered how she and Grams came up with the idea of making matching jackets for Elena, Caroline and herself. On weekends, when her dad dropped her off, she and Sheila would wear the most random outfits and use the hallway as a catwalk. The sounds from the vynil records playing in the living room traveled through the house and swayed the Bennett's spirits. Time went by so fast and after many laughs and silly poses, Sheila would help little Bonnie to bed and tuck her in, but not before reading her a bedtime story right on that chair, the one sitting close to the window.
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lesbiansaltzman · 4 months
tvd character bracket
round 3, battle 47
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esserisupremi · 1 year
Bonnie's full name is Bonnie Sheila Athena Rose Bennett - Dandridge
Bonnie's birthday is February 5th, she was born in 1991 and currently 32 years old. She works as a teachers assistant , working with young witches and warlocks who have both autism and dyslexia .
Her mother is Abigail Bennett ( Bennett witch turned vampire ) and Vincent Dandridge ( warlock/ turned white-lighter post death ), she was born to both in Mystic Falls Virginia.
She has a younger sister Brittney. They are a year apart and share the same birthday.
After being abandoned by her father, mother and step-father, Bonnie ( and Brittney ) was left to be raised by her grams and gramps.
Bonnie is not only a Bennett witch but also a white - lighter. She’s actually trying to adjust to her growing powers as one.
Quite recently Bonnie and Brittney found out about the sovereign side of their paternal family. Bonnie continues to be in denial ( unlike her sister ) about it.
Bonnie has a feline companion named Rajah. He was a gift from Lucy to help with her abandonment problems.
Bonnie loves plants. Granted, she also loves flowers but plants are what she collects the most.
As selfless as she is, Bonnie has learned how to say no over the years ( with the help of her sister Brittney and cousin Lucy ). Being used by ex’s and friends, she had enough and simply decided no more.
Her grimoire is her favourite book. She loves to learn about and create new spells.
From her gramps, Bonnie learned how to cook various of things. From breakfast dishes to dinner entrees.
Also from her gramps Bonnie learned how to play the piano and guitar.
Her favorite Disney movie is Aladdin.
Bonnie is allergic to parsley, wolfsbane, almonds, bees ( but she loves them ) and frogs.
She loves nature documentaries. Ones about creatures in the ocean will have her the most tuned in.
She is a hopeless romantic. It takes a special someone to unlock that part of her heart.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 years
As I said before, 1x11 to 1x14 is written around Elena's fear of Damon. That's why Elena goes from "This is kidnapping" to actually being kidnapped. From Bonnie's locator spell to Sheila's. Noah’s hoodie to Ben's. Damon not compelling Elena to Ben thinking he compelled Elena. Damon playing the white knight to Stefan playing the white knight. 
Best to view Stefan and Bonnie opposite Damon and Elena, and at the same time, view Stefan opposite Sheila. It's the only way for me to explain the parallels, which go like this..
Stefan destroys what Damon/Elena built in 1x11. Sheila destroys what Stefan/Bonnie built in 1x11. Stefan withholds from Elena.  Sheila withholds from Bonnie. 
This pulls in 1x3, as Elena invited Damon into her home. 
"Waiting for Elena to invite me in." "Literally. The one who opens the door."
Stefan tries to act as a seal on Elena's house. "Some seals keep vampires from entering." Sheila hides the truth about the seal on the tomb. "This one keeps them from coming out."
The parallels end with Damon and Sheila.
Stefan knocking on Sheila's door. “You know what I am. And yet you offered me your hand, which means you wanted me to see that I can trust you.” Damon knocking on Sheila’s door. “You got some nerve knocking on a Bennett witch's door and asking her for anything.”
Elena helps Damon without regard to how Stefan feels about it. "We can't leave him in there. We promised him. Both of us." Bonnie helps Stefan without regard to how Sheila feels about it. "Help me or I'll do it alone."
This is what happens with their 1x11 split, with Damon choosing to build his trust in Elena instead of Bonnie. Bonnie’s trust is built in Stefan, Elena’s trust is built in Damon. Bonnie’s trust in Damon comes later, as she isn’t the head of their circle of friends, Elena is. Damon essentially formed a friendship with the leader of the pack when he formed a friendship with Elena. 
Sheila ultimately dies because she thought she could desiccate Damon just as Stefan tried to do in 1x5. Because she and Stefan withheld information. Bonnie loses her Grams because she refused to give Damon the talisman when he asked for it. "I'd like it back, please." And refused to give it to him even though she believed it to be his. She also loses her Grams because, like Elena, she's blind to the reality of just how equal these brothers are. The vampire killing device is written opposite Emily’s talisman.
“No. You're not gonna hurt her, Damon. Because deep down inside, there is a part of you that feels for her.”
“You won't kill her.”
Stefan knows Damon can’t compel Elena, and he knows he won’t kill her, yet he doesn't want Damon in her life no more than Sheila wants Damon in Bonnie's. Unlike Sheila doing it to keep Bonnie safe from Damon, Stefan does it because either he wants Elena all to himself... or he wants to continue controlling the narrative on their past... just as he tried to desiccate Damon for the sake of hiding the fact that he’s a vampire. 
“Now nothing can come between you and Elena. Except the truth.”
And Stefan does just that... continues withholding from Elena. Unfortunately for Stefan, he either gives Elena the truth... or Damon will. 
A reason Caroline is written opposite Vicki. Caroline becoming a vampire is on both Damon and Bonnie, just as Vicki’s death is on both Damon and Stefan. 
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hellsmouthhq · 8 months
who could u see laura harrier working for ???
laura harrier ?? you mean the loml ?? i adore her !! she could totally work as anya jenkins , fred burkle , sheila bennett ( a younger version of grams or bonnie's daughter ! ) , willow rosenberg , emily bennett , kendra young , evelyn giles , parker halliwell , valerie tulle , darla , aurora de martel , daphne gunn , faith lehane , keelin , ruby bennett , joan gunn , jenny giles , harmony kendall , lucy bennett & peyton halliwell !!
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