#Sheldon but he's evil now
coderzxd · 1 year
When you create a boyfriend because you're all alone
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worstcharacterpoll · 2 years
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[Image description: A tournament bracket of 32 contenders, labeled "Tumblr's most hated." The matchups on the left are Vriska vs. Pearl from SU; Rex from Victorious vs. Rick Sanchez; Ansem the Wise vs. Gul Dukat; Kylo Ren vs. Kokichi Ouma; Scrappy Doo vs. Sheldon Cooper; Pierre from Stardew vs. Mort from Madagascar; Seraphine from League vs. Heimskr; and Jurgen Leitner vs. Andre Glacier. The matchups on the right are Walter White vs. Light Yagami; Buck Cluck vs. Ross Geller; Bramblestar vs. Starlight Glimmer; Goro Akechi vs. Pariston Hill; Katsuki Bakugo vs. Berdly; Angel Dust vs. the Impostor; Olaf from Frozen vs. Hooty; and Zenos viator Galvus vs. Tony Stark. The bracket is red on a black background. End ID]
Here is the official bracket for the most Hated Character on Tumblr! Each round will last 24 hours, with a 12 hour break in between. Round 1 should start Feb 9, 2023 at 9:00 AM CST.
As a reminder, this tournament is for the characters that you hate the most, so always vote for your least favorite of the two options. The winner will be publicly executed.
FAQ under cut:
Q: Why did you put in x character and not y character? Aren't there more hateable characters from that franchise?
A: I wanted to keep the competition light-hearted, funny, and interesting. I intentionally avoided most shitty parent characters, dictators, characters who were meant to be hated, etc., as well as characters heavily associated with bigotry and sexual assault, and gravitated towards characters that were more divisive in fandom. Exceptions were only made for characters I am familiar enough with and can use my own judgement for. Using Zenos as an example: He is a villain who is very evil and meant to be hated, which I mostly avoided when taking suggestions for things I wasn't familiar with myself. However, he's very divisive between people who think he's a good interesting villain, people who don't think he's a good villain and don't like him in the story at all, and people who want him carnally. Walter White is also meant to be hated, but he has a meme status, and as a villain protagonist I think he's more interesting than most "meant to be hated" characters. Also, there are certain franchises that I simply didn't want to include. If JK Rowling wasn't such a real and horrible political presence, owing all her influence to Harry Potter, I would've definitely put Snape on the poll. As it stands, I don't really want to give HP any attention. TL;DR answer: Because it's funnier that way
Q: But I LIKE that character :(
A: As mentioned before, I specifically gravitated more towards characters who are more divisive rather than universally hated. They are usually more interesting, and there is more variety with those types of characters - you don't have shitty dad character #1 vs. shitty dad character #2. I actually looked for "anti-(character)" tags and discourse about that character when making decisions about who to include. lol If you actually like some of these characters (uh, my condolences), vote against them in their respective matchups.
Q: Is it too late to suggest a replacement?
A: Yes.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: I feed off of hatred and violence. I want to see who tumblr users REALLY hate.
Q: Why Pearl?
A: It was quite a while ago now so I get it if people don't remember, but Pearl discourse used to be a big thing and people argued that she was irredeemable for many of the things she did early on in the show. If you remember the "Pearl hates the Irish" meme, that was a parody of how much people hated her
Q: Why Hooty?
A: I haven't seen the Owl House but I'm told many people think he's annoying. Also he's voiced by Alex Hirsch and fuck that guy he did my boy Ford so dirty I'm still mad about this
Q: Why Starlight Glimmer?
A: MLP:FiM is another show I didn't really watch but she was a villain who got redeemed and became a main character and a lot of people think her redemption arc was rushed and botched and she actually made a lot of people quit watching the show. One of my close friends really really really hates her and I don't think that's an isolated incident
Q: Why Berdly?
A: Annoying. Personally I think his arc of becoming less annoying was pretty fun but a lot of people still hate him.
Q: Why Bakugo (instead of Mineta)?
A: I actually debated this a lot and held a preliminary poll which Mineta actually won. But then I decided democracy is dead because Mineta really wouldn't be as interesting as Bakugo in this tournament because he's basically universally hated. Bakugo is more interesting because people who hate him REALLY hate him, while people who love him REALLY love him. Kind of like Vriska. I think. I never read Homestuck and I don't plan on ever doing so.
Q: Why Tony Stark?
A: He's a heavily divisive character because he's a war profiteer billionaire with a superiority complex, but the narrative treats him as a morally pure hero. Also, he's MCU Spider-Man's mentor and most of MCU Spider-Man is basically defined by Tony Stark and he's not allowed to be his own character. There's a bunch of other stuff but I didn't watch and I don't care about most of the MCU. Personally I'm a really big Spider-Man fan and I despise him for what he did to Peter Parker but I shall refrain from making this a long rant.
Q: Why did you include characters that you're not familiar with?
A: I didn't want to exclusively have characters from my interests. I wanted a bit of variety. Before the poll started, I accepted submissions for candidates, and basically trusted submitters to send in decent characters. Some of the characters I ended up with may go against the vague guidelines I set for myself, which kind of sucks, but that's how it is now.
Q: This bracket sucks.
A: Make your own tournament then. I'm just some guy making a tournament on tumblr dot com for free. Don't take it too seriously.
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The Sides Are Dorks, Part 389534
I was wondering why the Sanders Sides tag was trending earlier, and then I saw. the Video. Anyway, here's my thoughts while watching the new vid (in list format) bc I haven't done this in a while.
[it's gonna be LONG knowing me]
"I would never be caught dead in a bowtie" *cuts to when Janus literally wore a bowtie in canon*
"yeah and I deserve it" -> ha mood
"Wrong, I ate an entire bottle of melatonin gummies" -> Patton. Patton, no.
"I could switch to green tea, and I'll still be a bitch!" -> also mood
hey. hey why you do that. why would you say that. (aka: Roman is offended by the mustache comparison)
"Where is my ruler" -> PLEASE it'd be so fucking funny
Virgil really be like "WRONG! I use the tildas you faker" (/j) (/lh)
Patton starts listing off every appliance that has heat stuff and I cannot. I CANNOT--
^and then there's the fridge. what did Fridge ever do to you? where's the lorreee
"wholesome friendship" // "how many holes we talkin'" -> yeah that makes sense
"No, he's just not worth an attack" -> Logan sounds like he's thought about this before
Roman Unscrews Imaginary Lightbulb, reaction is a family-friendly version of "Listen here, you little shit"
"get him" -> Virgil hates that Anxiety so much
Emile Picani Joins the Ranks of Rat Man by Sleeping in the Buff. it's canon now.
"It's no one's business what bites me" -> Janus. Janus, the implications. Janus--
Patton reveals Logan's secret: Love for Donuts, feat. wiggly fingers
"Which is rude...because I am not young" -> also Sheldon is missing The Tie, which is essential for Serious Smart People (I guess)
Roman likes My Little Pony
"No, I didn't--" // "He did!" // "He definitely did." -> LMAO the Others confirming that Virgil had a meme phase
Ah yes: The Sponsor Section
Patton being like "some cookies are bad??" is funny to me lol
"--vaccuums" // "No" // "ignore that last one" -> goddamnit Patton (/pos)
"There sneaky people out there" *cuts to Janus*
Roman loves Barbie movies. Barbie Movie? whatever, he likes Barbie
"war against the evil cookies" // "wait--" -> haha. this is why I believe in Intruality so much
"I dropped another laptop in the toliet" -> another one?
conclusion: Patton and Remus are both accident-prone. an Intruality win. also they interacted for like, 2 seconds. another Intruality win
Sponsor Ends!
"ACTUALLY it was four times. bitch." (Sleep, basically)
okay but like. when the glasses are on the head, it's like they're invisible. I say as someone who loses their glasses, only to find them in stupidly obvious places. also mood
Virgil DEFINITELTY watched Patton do this for five minutes before he said anything
Roman is in love with his sword, Exhibit D
^(D is for--)
Logititties. that's all
Janus really said "wanna go, bitch?"
also: "I wouldn't be caught dead in a fish fight. I would poison you" -> ah, of course, a snake with style (/j)
"calculator is computer" // "that's technically correct, actually" -> where's the Logicality enjoyers when you need them
Roman Rage Quits at Roblox. also Insecurity
"bitch, I'm not that out there" -> this helps deduce the scale of What The Fuck Is Remus's Normal At
"True...or is it false?" -> he loves fucking with people, doesn't he?
"yeah" -> he sounds so resigned, nooo :(
Endcard Moment: Logan loves jelly-filled donuts
and that's it, folks! This was lovely. Silly gay personality traits.
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paragonrobits · 5 months
recently found out a well known Youtuber who has been deeply critical of Steven Universe in ways that I really fucking hate has apparently now criticized Delicious In Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi's character Laios as being a sociopath for, apparently, not being emotionally demonstrative and because he is a lovable weirdo who is all about his special interests, decrying him as a sociopath
Laios reads as EXTREMELY on the autistic spectrum; if he's not canonically intended to read that way, I'll be deeply surprised, and frankly this is not at all unsurprising to hear from this specific critic, though it DID anger me so much i almost went into a hatewatching frenzy just to see what the bullshit was, but i restrained myself because pouring acid into your brain does you no good
this instead illustrates a central point i tend to have with the mentality people like this critic have: they're dicks to autistic people, particularly those who cannot or will not mask to pretend to be allistic. They are what they are, and those people like me prefer not to stress ourselves out constantly pretending to be Normal because these particular allistic people hate someone obviously different from them
and that's what it really boils down to, isn't it?
Laios isn't like the Normal person; he's loud, often off putting without meaning to be, genuinely passionate and very compassionate without expressing it in a way the allistics might consider familiar. His character arc is all about caring for his sister, doing whatever he can to save her; its very textually obvious that he's not heartless.
But because he doesn't act like what these kind of people expect Normalcy to be like, they think he's an inherently bad person, or that he's a sociopath or whatever term they feel like bringing out.
I really can't stand allistics who have this kind of instant distrust and hatred towards someone that doesn't act Normal to them. It's the logical extreme of the way these people constantly complain about things being insufficiently pure (and if they are, they complain that its boring); going from constantly taking the absolute worst interpretation of someone to seeing a character who is undeniably heroic but is cheerfully weird, deeply passionate about a thing that is not especially popular or normalized, and not like the viewer, and doesn't emote like other people, and they conclude this character MUST be evil or fundamentally incapable of morality.
In short, the way they talk about a character who reads as autistic sounds exactly like the way those people talk about actual autistic people.
EDIT: since initially composing this post i found out this person is autistic, or claims to be so and ???????? that is BAFFLING, how the fuck can you be on the spectrum and still be this hostile to people like you is baffling, but they also think that Sheldon Cooper is good autistic representation (And that Family Guy has better LGBT representation than Steven Universe) so I don't know why anyone thinks their opinion matters beyond a case study for poor media literacy.
(personally I'm inclined to think this person is not on the spectrum at all but claims it for clout purposes, which seems to be a trend with this person in particular)
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bluestarjay · 5 months
Ahhh to piggyback off my last post a bit, I want to talk about Hinata family dynamics and angst hcs I have!! I've seen a lot of stuff about his dad, like he's dead, or they're divorced, but I've never seen anything where he's in jail or smth (just an idea), and supposedly there's a light novel in which Hinats mentions his dad works really late, but idk if that's true, I couldn't find anything online about it. My personal hc is that his mom works from home, so she can take care of Natsu, but from really early to really late. Shoyo is the one who cooks dinner for all of them, and overall, his parents are pretty absent. Not that his mom is evil imo or anything cause we've never really even met her, but I think in a way it'd make sense why we never see her, because all she has time for is work. I think realistically itd be something kind of like Young Sheldon in which Shoyo is Missy, fighting for attention and love, and Natsu is sheldon, the baby of the family who always needs something. His mom probably begged him not to Karasuno because it's so far, and since she works sm she never goes to his games, but assumes he lost bc they're the "Wingless Crows". It's not that she doesn't try to be in their lives,, it's just that she isn't trying hard enough. When Shoyo brings her her dinner, she'll probably ask him how his day was, but since he's such a people pleaser, he'll just say "fine" and leave it at that. He doesn't want to be a burden on his hard-working mother, and even though he's /clearly/ holding something back, she doesn't push for anything more. And the reason he acts so childish at school? He's treated like an adult at home. I think the hc that he can't cook is a little silly bc, realistically, he probably can. Even though it's not technically canon, it's sooo popular that hinata is fatherless and his mom works a lot, so of course, he'd have to be able to cook. His mom might even use him as a scapegoat a lot because he's in high school now, and he has responsibilities to fulfill, even if there was nothing he could've done. Orrrr, maybe it's more of a Cinderella situation then? Regardless, ik for a FACT that he is listening to Mitski when he's having mental breakdowns bc he is, in fact, a tall child who was so young when he behaved 25 😔😔 I think his dad probably was in his life back and forth, but his parents actually divorced after Natsu. Idrk what to make of him other than that bc he's either a piece of shit or a wonderful man who's dead tbh- ohhh, yeah, his mom takes him and Natsu out for ice cream when she has the time (which is rare), and while Natsu recounts all her fun little memories of 1st or 2nd grade, Shoyo kind of stares off and when his mom asks him about school, he just says the bare minimum, bc bro does NOT like talking about himself,, which I think he canonically does tell people a lot about himself when he's ranting, but I feel like irl he'd kind of try to derail the conversation and take it off from himself,, saying like, "Well enough about me, what about you?" Because he feels like they'd just be disinterested in him because if his mom didn't care, would they? And he's pretending that he doesn't mind not being able to hang out with friends or have a social life sometimes because he has to babysit Natsu since they can't afford a babysitter. Because he can't /stand/ being a burden on someone; so he's reallyyyy bad at saying no.
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imaginary-regret-608 · 2 months
[Maryverse] - My Take on the Timeline, A 2-for-1 Universe and Magical Marys
Before I actually begin with what's been described in the title of the post, I wanted to give context for what I'm planning to do, as well as the project which I'm doing this for (as this is something that I've never done before, both and being Non-Undertale/Deltarune content).
Maryverse is a project that I'd recently talked about in my most recent Artfight-Based Post, where I'd given context for the currently-known plot 'where the three members of 'Catgirl at Heart' (Mary Rosemary, Sasha Tones and Skylar McMilliwood) have to compete against bands of different music genres to play at the Tower of Melodies in the middle of Kitty City!'
This theory originally began after I had made my Artfight attack for @marnielovesyouu on Artfight.
While working on the attack, I had found that the Main Character of the project, Mary Rosemary, was originally only described as an unnamed 'sona' with this image as the first example of what she looks like:
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I suggested about how the Current Design of Marnie's sona was an AU Version of Mary, with the two versions being seen interacting with eachother in two separate times, and the unnamed Mary (who I've been referring to as 'Surrealist' because of how her Reference Sheet is presented, as well as something later explained) being the source of eventually having the two separate versions. 'Surrealist' does have her place within the timeline that I was able to make.
Because the title to this post is longer than most other, I would reccomend abbreviation to 'Choker Theory', as it was the differences in (including designs which had returned in the later stages of Mary's life) and using to make assumptions for when and what would be happening during those times.
The youngest we've seen of Mary is at 10 years old as one of ‘the wee ones’, where Mary and Skylar were confirmed to know eachother as childhood ‘best friends forever’. Mary at this age has been described as sounding similar to Sheldon Cooper, or Milhouse Van Houten as an alternative suggestion from an Anonymous Ask.
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The usual purple accent in Mary's hair was red during this time (which caused the nickname of ‘Bloody Mary’ after a dyeing incident that was later solved by Skylar's Parents), as this was also the time when Mary had chosen to announce her transition to her parents, Laurel and Valentina. The change from her Currently-Unrevealed Deadname from to Mary could also potentially be symbolized by the accents changing from red to pink.
Mary's school life isn't very well-known, other than it's at a time when she still wore regular, red glasses and had a triangular hairpin. It's also where she begins dating Skylar and first meets Sasha in Highschool, as well as going to a Digigirl convention known as ‘PIXICON’ (who Marnie ‘replaced’ with Starlite meaning that it's now probably a Space Girls-Themed Convention instead).
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I've recently been thinking of Mary's Highschool having ‘Hairball High’ as a Headcanon Name to fit in with the other cat-based areas seen in Kitty City, and that it's where she would often play Peggle on the school computers (referencing the ‘evil bjorn’ art posted to marnielovesyouu's Tumblr Account on July 2nd of 2024 with Mary riding on top of Bjorn as he shoots lasers from his eyes), although ‘KAT COLLEGE’ is already something that exists separately. This time could also be when Mary learns more about Creepypastas and discovering the alternative meaning to her younger self's ‘Bloody Mary’ nickname, but that is another Headcanon Suggestion that I'd made (although it is somewhat based on an older idea from marnielovesyouu before ‘the wee ones’ had been designed about Mary being a creepypasta kid).
Her time at KAT COLLEGE has mostly been focused on developing plot points, with Skylar meeting Brittany, Coral and Megan, who turned Skylar against Mary for her being uncomfortably ‘weird and quirky’ when compared to who Skylar could be spending her time with. This time in Mary's life is when I imagine Mary first heard about Kitty City's Gay Bar, which currently doesn't have a canon name, but I've thought of it either being known as ‘The Purrdy Lady’ or ‘Catfight Corner’. She wouldn't reintroduce herself to Sasha at this point as he wouldn't be seen there yet, but Mary is there to take her mind off of Skylar's new “friends” after everything said by them about Mary had pissed her off (which is also based on Mary's recently-decided rule of how ‘she gets one piss per episode’).
Mary begins her job at a Hot Topic-Inspired Shop (which currently doesn't have a final name decided for it by Marnie) soon after leaving KAT COLLEGE, putting her people-pleasing tendencies to the unfortunate retail test, and it's where the idea for Catgirl at Heart is first thought of as a one man band. This would be where the name of 'Surrealist' would first be considered, with it being planned as a stage name for Mary to use during solo acts.
Although she eventually prioritizes lyric writing and being the band's guitarist/singer in present day, she's also shown to have experience with a microphone from when Mary can be seen holding one in the ‘All sold out? I have an idea!’ post from January 2nd, 2024 as she was simultaneously taking her shirt off (which was suggested through an Anonymeous Ask based on the tags of an earlier post which said about how ‘Apparently she wears a shirt sometimes’ from December 29th of 2023 where ‘She should take it off’ and ’what who said that’), as well as playing the piano and keyboard as other instruments, from what is later revealed from a sketch of her room, which is also possibly the case that ‘Surrealist’ is carrying on the second piece of art of her from June 15th of 2021. Because it has the keyboard inside that has only ever been seen inside Mary's room with her current design, it's likely that the keyboard is the primary instrument used to make covers of Video Game SoundTracks.
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However, after an overwhelming day of work and many crumpled pieces of paper later, Mary revisits the Gay Bar. And two seats along, likely two seats down and leaning on her elbow for the additional coolness factor, was Sasha Tones. Mary was quick to fall in multiple contexts, making an ass of herself as she clumsily lands on her face. It took multiple visits, minor accommodation and bite-sized interactions, but Sasha was eventually the one to make it official as Mary's BoyGirlfriend and behind-the-scenes guy for Catgirl at Heart (which Mary had forgotten to specify because of her moments of infodumping across various niche topics).
After Catgirl at Heart is formed as the one man band it was initially planned to be, Mary eventually receives her first fanart. It's a simple sketch of herself being seen leaving hearts around her, but with more emphasis on the ‘catgirl’ element of herself when performing. Likely because of the band's name, Mary had also been given a visible fang, as well as cat ears and a tail. But what really brought everything together in a bundle of emotion and felicity was the message attached, with ‘I 🤍 U’ written in the upper-left corner of the page. This is why she was making music. Not just for herself, but for others also.
After seeing this, Mary is quick to tell Sasha about it, which eventually has the idea of Sasha possibly joining Catgirl at Heart as more than just a behind-the-scenes guy. Although I'm not exactly sure how Mary and Sasha would be written because of the differences between my Writing Style and marnielovesyouu's, but I think that the idea of Sasha becoming the drummer would be described through how fitting it would be to what he has already presented herself doing as a biker and professionally chilled-out badass. But with a surprising opposite to how their dynamic was in the bar scene, it was Mary mentioning how good it would feel to see the two being drawn together that had settled it. After that conversation, flattery finds its drummer, if flattery's name was Catgirl at Heart.
Mary has been confirmed to keep every fanmade present that she's ever been given, which is why I think that she could also later embody these details from her first fanart, and will let her known silliness shine at times to make her guitar cable look like a cat's tail.
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Finally, although they have the least information available for them, there have been two future versions of Mary, which are a 22-Year-Old Future AU Version and ‘grandma Mary’. The Future AU Mary may not be canon, as marnielovesyouu has said that she will likely remain 20 after Marnie herself turns 20 (which she already has, and the was very impressive Fanart seen as a result of it!) because she doesn't want ro be ‘drawing grandma Mary on my deathbed’, but the idea of her ageing further is still a possibility.
22-Year-Old/Future AU Mary is the only one of the two being mentioned in this segment to have a design, which uses the second choker design from when Mary was only known by ‘Surrealist’ (which would've been after thinking of Catgirl at Heart based on My Take of the Timeline), as well a Jacket Design similar to Mary's from when marnielovesyouu was ‘MarnieSurr’ on Tumblr and Artfight in 2021 but with additional hearts seen across its sleeves.
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Although it isn't as timeline-focused as everything else described, ‘grandma Mary’ implies that Mary will eventually have children and grandchildren, meaning that Mary's body is still affected by traits of Alexandria's Genesis (‘Women also do not menstruate, but are fertile’) despite her purple eyes now being caused by contact lenses.
(Anything that hasn't been added to this description is either still quite unclear in regards to its canonicity, something that has definitely been retconned, or ideas likely to be expanded on in the potential Maryverse TV Series, such as how the Battle of the Bands will be presented.)
Everything under the 'Read More' is to marnielovesyouu's other project, Luluverse, which is another one of marnielovesyouu's projects based on Magical Girl animes such as Madoka Magica.
For a smaller, bonus theory, I also thought about the possibility of Luluverse and Maryverse being connected to eachother. Lulu has been shown to be a fan of Catgirl at Heart, saying that ‘their music has helped me a lot through some tough times’, even having a picture taken with all three band members. Mary and Lulu have also been seen together in two other posts, which include ‘OC universe…. CROSSOVER!!!’ and ’Lulu meets her favorite artist’, with Lulu even being seen wearing Catgirl at Heart merchandise.
Both also have forests that relate to the story of the Main Cast before a transformation (Mary and Skylar used to play in the forest when they were younger at a similar time to when Mary announced her transition, and Lulu finds Jam Packet at an abandoned house in The Dead Forest before her hair becomes ‘spikified’).
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There isn't as much to this theory when compared to My Take on the Maryverse Timeline (as that was what the focus of this post was meant to be with other ideas coming from the Timeline Take when researching these projects), unless I planned to expand upon the suggestion of Mary potentially having one of the rarer ‘ancient familiars’ that appear as being closer to animals in nature, such as the white ‘Birdy Birdy’ that Mary is seen calling over to her through whistling. that the jacket often worn by Mary is her magical girl outfit (similarly to how Lulu is with Jam Packet), which is also why she leaves hearts wherever she goes.
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I'm not sure whether Maryverse and Luluverse have hand anything similar to this made for them, and I've never done this type of content before, so I hope that you liked My Take on the events that have been publicly-revealed so far!
Even though it was nearly a week before everything to be final, I did enjoy getting to work on this and my previous Artfight attack and I hope that more people will be able to interact with you and your work, even if it was through a series of Anonymous Asks like I did!
Maryverse, Luluverse and all art by @marnielovesyouu
Choker Theory by @imaginary-regret-608
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cleverthylacine · 6 months
I'm not well versed in Transformers, but who is your favorite Autobot? What's one thing that if Hasbro called you up right now and said they would do whatever you suggested, you tell them?
My favourite Autobot is easy because I don't like most of them very much. I love Decepticons.
It's either Jazz or Ratchet or Rodimus, depending on the phase of the moon and whether my brain is in RavWaves mode or Deadlock mode.
Jazz and Ratchet and Rodimus are all people who probably would have been Decepticons if it weren't for a stroke of fate.
I also love Rosanna, but she's a civilian and she's been in like 3 things, one of which almost everyone hates.
The problems with Autobots:
they tend to use the same colour schemes which makes them hard to tell apart
many of them are boring af
the Decepticon movement was a legitimate revolution against an extremely bigoted and oppressive government, and the Autobots were the liberals who patted them on the hand and said "we can do this the nice way" even though most of them were from social classes that were literally disposable.
some of them are fucking fascists
some of them are just such goodie two shoes rule bound characters you have to laugh (Star Saber in anything other than IDW was probably the robot version of Sheldon Cooper once)
It's really only in TFA that I don't think Optimus Prime is a giant hypocrite. I don't hate him. I think he's an awesome character. I enjoy him a lot! I also write a lot of fic where he gets his aft handed to him, at least verbally.
But I don't really sympathise with him. Because even when he's unfailingly sweet, like in TFP, he's still...a part of the problem, not the solution.
In some series the Decepticons did become horrible and genocidal, which is wrong, of course, but that led in IDW at least to both sides playing atrocity chicken.
In other series the Decepticons are anti-human mostly because we're in their way and we like the Autobots. In the Bumblebee movie they never even wanted to come here, but they had to--it is Prime's fault that their war came to Earth.
If Hasbro was willing to do whatever I said I would ask them to create a series of all the femme characters most people don't know about. And not make them teeny tiny Core Class dolls. (I own a few of them because they're cute, but.)
I would get them to include Ravage now that ES has confirmed her for a femme. (She is ACAB, assigned cat at birth.)
This would also include:
Esmeral, who should really be a leaderclass because her husband is the size of a small planet (from the Victory manga)
General Strika, who is the least feminine female character in all of transformers and a butch goddess of war (from TFA and Beast Machines)
Botanica because she's cool AF
Rosanna and her evil twin Flipsides (Rosanna's in KP but both of them are in... TFA, I thought? For a heartbeat.)
Howlback (done like her twin sister Ravi, with biped-to-quad transformation that does not involve extra limbs hanging off, because both MMC and Xtransbots have done it just fine) from the Cobalt Sentries who never got a show
Lyzack (from Victory -- the twin sister of Leozack who defends the home front and is a teal and pink seeker)
Nautica (from the IDW comics, who is the most adorable of nerds even if she is Ravage's unwanted aemula/kismesis/hatecrush until they make friends)
the Megatronia combiner which includes Megaempress, Trickdiamond, Lunaclub, Flowspade and Moonheart)
Minerva (yes there's a legacy but it's tiny and they made it a walgreens exclusive)
Clobber (from Cyberverse)
Nightbird (G1 not ROTB)
Termagax (Megatron's mom from the IDW 2019 series)
I have nothing against Elita-1, Arcee, Windblade, Chromia, Moonracer and Slipstream but some people can name hundreds of male characters and only those six and not even all of them.
If I was also G-d of the Transformers franchise as a whole, I would revive Kiss Players, cut out all the bad sex jokes and dropped panties of teenagers, rename a few things -- we do not need a base called "the spiral vagina" -- and take the plot we were actually given in between sex jokes, which was very cool, and write it all out as a comic/story/cartoon. They did the plot in the last few episodes of the radio show after kind of leading up to it very slowly between dirty jokes.
Everyone says Kiss Players is the worst thing Transformers ever made. I'm sorry, that's RID 2015, which is a Transformers show for the "Blue Lives Matter" crowd where the entire plot of the show is to find all these low-class Decepticons who are from denigrated castes that escaped from a prison ship and throw them all back in jail. Like seriously fuck you very much.
I will take perverted panty jokes over asskissing the cops any day. Besides some of the stuff that looks so bad and gross looks so bad and gross because it is--you're not supposed to be down with it, you're supposed to guess that a certain person is being groomed looooong before she figures it out. and the main human characters are actually Secretly Lesbians
I'm sorry this is way more info than you asked for but this is my main hyperfixation other than thylacines, fossas, small wild cats that can't eat you, and other cute weird predators.
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insidejizz · 2 years
ROBOTUS alpha-beta headcanons
first writing post is gonna be some general headcanons for everyones favorite robot =) feel free to request any other characters , or anything at all 
// he wont outright say it but he. has a bias against bears because of bearo now.
mostly he just makes like petty comments if he sees a bear or anything? calls them stupid and annoying
of course this would quickly change if anyone gave him something that was a bear.
hed make some comment about it, something about how "you must not know me very well if you thought this was a good gift" but also he. wont give it up no matter what.
like if they offered to get him something else? its instantly 'no takebacks live with your choices' because he refuses to genuinely say he likes something that is bear themed.   but he does.
// i think if he had access to more shows (reagan please give him access to ur streaming services PLEASE) he would still love lighthearted cheesy shit like sitcoms
like as much as he enjoys high stakes where humans all die (lol), he finds it a lot more fun to watch shows where its just a bunch of. harmless idiots existing.
the office, parks and rec, schitts creek, etc etc. 
of course this makes him. insufferable to any non-sitcom enjoyer but if you show him other things you can wean him off of it u just gotta find other funny shows
one time he compared reagan to sheldon from big bang theory. he didnt….. mean it to be mean? it was a simple observation, but it did NOT go over well with reagan 
other shows he would enjoy, imo;
the good place
game shows! he gets SO heated watching gameshows bc he will play along and get mad if he cant get the answers right shgsghjdsjgn
gravity falls
// does not know his own strength sometimes and will just like crush shit in his hand accidentally
like he doesnt. MEAN to but hell be holding something and then flex his hand a little to make sure its not locking up and WHOOPS he crushed that solo cup and now reagan has to fix a beer-logged robot arm
tries to hold a cardboard box gently and just rips holes into it trying to get the right strength grip on the box
with things that are more solid, hes just fine because he can stop when he feels resistance and know he's holding it firmly but not breaking anything
but with fragile things? there is no resistance and then its broken and hes like. aw fuck
// myc gave him a furby at one point. said he found it in storage and it reminded him of ab because it never shuts up and runs on batteries.
ab HATES it. absolutely loathes the thing. it sets a bad example for robotkind, its UGLY, its ANNOYING, and he CANT MAKE IT SHUT UP.
has taken out the batteries before . insists that it kept going even after he took them out so he just put them back in anyway
( in reality he took the batteries out, got lonely, and put them back in)
he gave it a name but its like. a WEIRD ASS name. its essentially just a glitch noise
said he did it bc "no human should ever be allowed to sully its name" which is. oddly endearing in his own way
if you are able to sneak up on him you might be able to hear him cooing at the furby. plots world domination with it like an evil mastermind and his cat
cried watching the first equestria girls movie, refuses to admit he cried watching the first equestria girls movie.
he also… secretly imagines the gang as the mane six? it wasnt hard for him to decide who was who and he will just sit there during meetings like "haha that is SO rainbowdash of you myc…."
(if youre interested, his assignments are :)
myc ; rainbow dash
glenn ; applejack
gigi ; rarity
reagan ; twilight sparkle
andre ; pinkie pie
brett ; both spike and fluttershy. ab will argue for both and he will win the argument.
(btw he sees himself as sunset shimmer<3<3<3<3)
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misterah13 · 1 year
Plankton Got Served but happy ending
When SpongeBob told plankton it was mr krabs dressed up as pearl plankton still didn’t believed him and that’s when spongebob decided the one thing he will do is to go and show plankton the truth. When he leaves a red bus came speeding along plankton watched at it hit plankton as everything faded into darkness. Then plankton wakes up finding himself standing on a pillar overlooking the darkness. When he looks down he can see all the whale species bowhead whales, sperm whales, killer whales, orcas, beluga whales, blue whales, etc. When plankton look up he can see the light which is the definition of heaven. That’s when plankton speaks.
Plankton: Now there’s sometimes when i was evil and sometimes when I was good. And now I ask myself….do I count myself as a villain…..or a friend….? Now if I drop down to the abyss that means that i will be tortured by those whales…..but if I go to the light that means that i will find peace knowing I deserved to be in the afterlife. Ok I choose the light!
As plankton pointed the light the stairs to the light appear as plankton walked up to the light as the screen turns white for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds plankton find himself at a white field with a white tree. Birds were chirping, Wind is blowing, and most of all….he see his family, cousins and ancestors. Plankton smiled as he teared up with joy as he asked himself. “I finally made the right choice didn’t i”. As then the screen turns white again but this time back to the road where plankton got hit mr krabs and spongebob walked out to plankton when mr krabs said “Don’t worry me boyo he will be-“ as they both saw plankton’s corpse on the road spongebob and mr krabs were horrified as mr krabs said “sheldon?” And then the final part of the episode is in the afterlife plankton is relaxing laying at the white tree and that’s where the episode ends.
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seansilv25 · 11 months
"Plankton: 1% evil, 99% hot gas"
Wassup, chums! Continuing on, we now have the maniacal head of the Chum Bucket and rival to Mr. Krabs, Plankton! (or Mecha Plankton, as he's called in-game. But that's nothing compared to his first name being Sheldon)
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clementine-side-blog · 3 months
Timothy Klitz SFW Headcanons
Summary: My personal SFW headcanons for Timothy Klitz. I didn't really worry about keeping these headcanons based in the year the movie came out, so...modern AU? I guess? Idk.
(A/N: I imagined Klitz having graduated high school and being in college while writing these headcanons. So like he's around 20 and lives in his own apartment)
(Read Below For Headcanons)
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He's a fairly quiet person and he tends to be shy. It takes him a while to get comfortable with someone.
When you get to know him though, he's really funny and sweet.
His sense of humor is really good! He's always telling jokes and is good at making uncomfortable situations easier to handle with lighthearted jokes.
When he gets a crush on someone, he can barely handle being in the same room as them.
He's the type of guy to have dreams/daydreams about his crush and space out while staring at them.
Timothy is a very responsible person. His parents were always out of the house on work trips, so he learned to live on his own. This proved useful when he graduated and moved into an apartment of his own.
He's a very smart man. Klitz graduated highschool with a 4.0 GPA, all A's, and even did tons of community service. Now that he's in college, he's still the top of his classes.
He's a nerd asf.
He can be a little cocky when he gets in a relationship with someone. Once he realizes that they love him and that it's not an elaborate prank, he gets a confidence boost.
I feel like his IQ would be around 100-115? It would definitely be above average, but not insane.
Summary: He's sweet, shy, caring, confident (eventually), smart, and funny.
He collects comic books/figurines. Basically imagine Sheldon's room from Big Bang Theory.
Occasionally he draws things. He's not the best at it, but he's improving. He likes using charcoal, but he HATES the texture.
I think he has OCD. It's not that intense, but it makes him want everything to be neat and tidy. He has a morning/night routine that he follows down to the last word.
It is very rare to find his apartment untidy/dirty. He cleans his whole apartment at the end of every week.
He plays video games a lot. His favorites are Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, COD, Fallout, and Diablo. But he occasionally plays Minecraft when he has a chill day.
He loves music. He listens to basically everything except country music. He loves metal/nu metal a lot though. Some random bands/singers he likes are: Weezer; ICP; blink-182; Green Day; Korn; Beach Boys; Kings Of Leon; Radiohead. (not all, but just a few)
He is a goody two shoes asf.
Loves going to concerts.
He can play acoustic/electric guitar.
Once he graduated high school, he got a haircut. It's still long, but he made the bangs less blunt and got layers in his hair. It looks like a less messy wolfcut, almost. If that makes any sense.
His favorite color is green, but he really loves mossy green.
He can get very protective of the person he is dating.
Loves to cook.
One of his favorite movies is Fight Club. He can rewatch it and never get tired of it.
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Friendship Showdown: Preliminary Round #29
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Pep and Cadebra (Adventure Time): you know peppermint butler right? well this dumbass got hit with a biochemical attack during the series finale and got turned into a kid again. but that’s ok because now he gets to go to school in his own tv streaming special. and get a new bestie friend who loves him SOSO MUCH even though he Could kill her and Wants to. she saw this man wailing crying in their dorm and was like oh I’m going to be his friend forEVER. him murdering several adults onscreen in front of her while possessed and then trying to murder her as well did not deter this love. the first thing she ever saw him do was tear a man’s head off (he was fine) and then steal one of her schoolbooks. at the end he’s like “I still want to be an evil dark wizard when I grow up:((((((“ and she’s like “sounds good to me!” (<— lives in a society where evil dark wizardry is Forbidden). He may be the only wizard in advtime who supports the kind of magic SHE likes to do. they’re so inseparable honestly
Gabriel Montoya and Bill Shakespeare  (Bill (2015)): bill is a movie about the early career of shakespeare aka bill. gabriel is a trans assassin who is hired by the spanish king to pretend to be an actor and kill bill, but then she discovers she actually likes acting and betrays the king. also bill is the first person to respect her identity and treat her as a woman so she saves his life and they become best friends who work together in the theater
Sheldon Cooper and Penny (The Big Bang Theory): they're just... great. I mean they're neighbours, Penny doesn't understand Sheldon's neurodiversity at ALL and mocks him a lot, but also she's the most supportive person whenever he has a breakdown or when he's in a pickle or when he has emotional turmoil. On the other hand Sheldon sneers at Penny's lack of education, failed career, or sexual activities, but cares a lot about her and even speaks about her in his nobel prize acceptance speech to say she's one of the best friends he ever had and the only one who doesn't also have a doctorate or something.
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Mega Man X6 Part 1
It’s here.
At long last.
So in this first video I only go through the intro stage and the alternate route of Shield Sheldon’s stage in order to beat Nightmare Zero and so unlock the real Zero as soon as possible. Therefore I won’t focus on gameplay now since there’s not much to talk about here.
No let’s talk about this thing’s plot for a second or two
As I’ve previously stated: no X game has a throughly good plot. They’re usually full of contriveancies, plot holes, characters acting like morons, things left unexplained in the games themselves and just lots of angst for the sake of it.
X6 however may just take the cake
If there’s a recurring theme in this game’s plot it’s “Retcon”. This game, its whole existence, is just one big retcon, a retcon used to bring back things to their status quo after X5 had brought them to a close. This game exists for the sole purpose of telling the fans “No wait! We’re not actually ending it! Things are getting right back where they used to!” so that Capcom could keep milking this series a little while longer
The opening cutscene, which is really only a recount of X5, contains about 4-5 retcons within the first minute, I’m dead serious:
First off the game seems to act as if both the Good and Bad endings of X5 are canon at the same time, which is simply impossible and convoluted at best
We’re told and shown that Zero crashed his shuttle into Eurasia to stop it like in the Good Ending and we’re told that he succeeded...only for its remains to crash on the Earth with cataclismic consequences....like in the Bad Ending
But unlike the Bad Ending this seemingly doesn’t cause the Colony virus to mix with Sigma’s Virus on Earth thus infecting Zero and turning him evil since we’re shown his death scene as it happened during the Good Ending plus X remembers him while in X5′s Bad Ending his memories of him are wiped out.
We are ALSO told that this game takes place only 3 weeks after X5, despite that game’s epilogues for BOTH endings taking place 3 YEARS after the fact.
It’s the first minute of the game, we haven’t even pushed a single button yet but continuity is already broken. Kudos. Not even Sonic 06 was that fast.
So I go through Shield Sheldon’s stage which is incredibly simple, short and uninteresting, just such a Meh kind of level, go through its alternate path (more on those at a later time) and defeat Nightmare Zero
And then the real Zero inexplicably pops back up from the dead
Judging from his words he was waiting for X to take care of his fake copy because,as we all know, Zero is a really bashful guy who is super self conscious of his public image and what others think of him, like when Sigma mocked him in X5 about his past and true evil nature and Zero told him to shut up because he doesn’t care. Or in the Zero series, where Zero will be branded a literal terrorist but he won’t give a fuck because he does what he think is right no matter what others think of him. Truly a very bashful guy
And when X rightfully asks him how the fuck can he even be alive, his response is simply “I hid myself while I tried to repair myself”
This is not one of this game’s innumerable mistranslations, no this is ACTUALLY what he says in the japanese script.
I want to remind you that, last we saw him, Zero looked like this
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I also want to remind you that his last thought were about how his death was perhaps for the best, since he came to the conclusion that his dark origins presented a threat to the world, after all Sigma had nearly ended it in an attempt at awakening Zero’s evil self.
I want you to picture Zero suddenly thinking “What the heck am I thinking!? Dying SUCKS!!”
He then drags his pierced, legless torso with the one arm he has left allllll the way to the nearest town, through what appeared to be a big desert landscape in this now ruined, post apocalyptic Earth where the very atmosphere is toxic and, according to X6′s intro narration, “Reploids can barely work”. He then finds a random mechanic and goes “Dude, got some spare parts?” and starts rebuilding his body with his one arm over the course of 3 weeks. His very VERY advanced body. So advanced in fact that not even Dr.Cain, the greatest scientist of the 22nd century, could repair it in X2, and that, according to Signas and Lifesaver in X5, goes beyond modern science’s understanding (same deal with X’s body), something that even X6 reminds us of later on.
And I must assume he must’ve installed a pretty powerful bullshit generator while he was at it because there’s no way any person with an IQ over the negative digits could ever buy any of this....which is why X and the gang immediately believe him despite the former having SEEN the state Zero was in in X5!!
Now here’s the thing
There’s an optional conversation between Zero and Dr.Light that seems to imply that it was actually the latter who repaired him, as Zero explicitly asks him if he knows who it was that did it
First off:
This implies that he’s genuinely bullshitting in this scene: why? No really why? X is your best friend, he was clearly distressed by your death and you make this shit up for....reasons?...to hide your insecurities...? Why!?
But even putting this aside: the idea that Dr.Light repaired him, aside from being sketchy on principle (he’s a hologram, this issue is also present in X5 where he’s shown repairing X offscreen, but whatever Sci-Fi magic I dunno), literally contradicts X5: in an optional conversation between the two Light explains that he can’t create armors for Zero because he knows absolutely nothing about his body structure. This makes sense: Zero is Wily’s robot, not Light’s. But X6 wants me to believe that Light went from not being able to create armors for Zero due to his little understanding of how Zero works...to just perfectly rebuilding over half of his body from scratch in a little over 3 weeks. Beautiful.
We’ve just started. JUST started.
In the next video we’ll take a step back from this miserable excuse for a story and look at the actual levels and gameplay
Oooooohhhh boy. It’s gonna be a doozy let me tell you...
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Disney Month :Babes in Toyland
The 5th review of Disney Month is a request from @themousefromfantasyland ,the musical Babes in Toyland
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In this 1961 film Mary Contrary (Annette Funnicello ) ia about to marry Tom Piper (Tommy Sands ) but the wicked Barnaby (Ray Bolger ) seeks to wed Mary for her large inheritance ,and sends two mercenaries Gonzorgo ( Henry Calvin ) and Rodrigo (Gene Sheldon ) to do away with Tom
So I didnt grow up with this one ,I first saw it a few years ago when I first got Disney + and decided to fill some of my gaps of Disney classics I hadnt seen .This is based on the 1903 opperetta (Very loosely from what I have heard ) and its been adapted a number of times ,the ones I have seen are the Shirley Temples Storybook adaptation with Johnathan Winters as Barnaby and of course the LAurel and Hardy 1934 version which is very much my favorite of the three I have seen (Which is homaged in this film as Gonzorgo and Rodrigo are very much inspired by Laurel and Hardy ) .As for Disney's version,I have now seen it three times.....And while enjoyable it is not as good as it could be
Lets start with what I do like :I very much love the set design and aesthetic ,it does go for an almost artificial feel, like you are watching a play or a cartoon.I think the cartoony effects are a bit much ,but love the elaborate sets and props anduse of puppets for menacing living trees and the talking goose Sylvester . I especially like the nursery rhyme town set it looks so good . The finale is amazing ,where a shrunken Tom leads an army of toys against Barnaby ,with some cool stop motion and some fun gags .
The three bad guys are the best part of the movie ,they get three of my favorite songs,and they are just so funny .The mercenary duo are played by Henry Calvin and Gene Sheldon ,best known for another Disney property , the TV series Zorro ,where Calvin played the bumbling Sergent Garcia and Sheldon played Zorros mute sidekick Bernardo .I have become a bi8g fan of Disneys Zorro ,so it is fun to see them here as lovable villains and it is also fun to see them as a duo ,as their scenes in Zorro tended to be fun .They get to show off their main talents ,Sheldon showing off his mime skills as the silent of the pair and Calvin getting possibly my second favorite song in the film ,showing off his beautiful baritone singing the darkly comic Slowly He Sank Into the Sea .They are very much diffrent then their Zorro characters ,Calvin getting to play a competent villain who despite being a thug speaks almost eloquently as Gonzorgo as opposed to the well meaning but not that bright Sergent Garcia who was often saddled with evil bosses in Zorro , and Sheldon while again playing a silent role is completely diffrent as Bernardo was a heroic intelligent character ,here he is the goofy character ....Who is also a little blood thirsty as Roderigo ,I kind of love it .Now the best piece of casting HAS to be song and dance man Ray Bolger as the main villain Barnaby who by consequence is the best part of the movie . On a meta level ,Bolger is most well known for another fantasy musical ,playing the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz ,so it is fun to see him go from a lovable character to a villainous one , but honestly they just struck gold with this casting.Bolger is a very physical actor(Makes sense since he was a dancer ),a lot of the character is in how he moves,so he know how to twirl his cape ,lurk about ,and just becme this creepy old miserly villain.He's also just a perfect comedic villain ,clearly having a ball playing this cartoonish bad guy ,but doesnt OVERDO it,he knows when to dial it back and be a threat ,he is the mustache twirling bad guy personified .I should also mention that villainous trio get a pretty fun villain song with We Wont Be Happy Till We Get It ,but I have to talk about Barnabys solo song.....Which might be my favorite scene in the film :Castle in Spain ,a villainous seduction song where Barnaby tries to woo Mary .Its a fun song on its own,sung wonderfully by Bolger ...But the best part: BOLGERS GOT MOVES .I'm not a dance person ,but even I am impressed by his dance solo in this film,and despite being 22 years after Wizard of Oz he hadnt lost a step
Well I think thats about it-Oh wait no the rest of the movie exists,gotta talk about that .OK I know that sounds harsh ,I honestly mostly like the movie but I'm sorry ,this movie has dull elements......And the dullest are the leads .Now Annette Funnicello does an amazing job ,and Tommy Sands has one fun song "Floretta ",but their characters are just cardboard and I dont like the kids who Mary looks after either .Honestly I could roll with that though,the appeal are the villains,the set design ,effects and the music , and that stuff is mostly good.....But then the film gets to Toyland which is the most boring part of the film until the climax
Toyland is just two guys in a toy shop ....And it stops being a fantasy film ,and becomes this weird science fiction comedy ,and its just underwhelming.Ed Wynn and Tommy Kirke do a great job ,Ed Wynn is always a hoot , but they feel so out of place (ALso the toymaker played by Wynn I feel is too mean to Grumio played by Kirke )and I am just not into the toyland setting
Overall I am split on the film,I ADORE parts of this film....And the other parts are kind of dull.I do reccomend it because the fun parts are so good ,it is enjoyable but it isnt perfect .Its an uneven film but some of the performances ,the music ,and aesthetic make it a good time
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @goodanswerfoxmonster @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @amalthea9 @marquisedemasque @filmcityworld1
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bluestarjay · 5 months
I've been wanting to make this for a little while now,, but I wanna know people's opinions and headcanons on the Hinata family. This is also kinda piggybacking off my last post,, Since we have seen Shoyo's mother, and we've seen Natsu, obviously, but we haven't seen his dad. I've seen a lot of stuff, yk, the regular deadbeat/not in their life, I've seen dead, I've seen divorced, etc. A hc for his dad I've never seen before tho is that he's in like jail or smth, so if anyone finds that interesting, there's that 🤷‍♂️ but I want headcanons for Hinata family angst :333 every time you search for it on here it's just "pov: y/n breaks up with shoyo :(" like no stfu and get out I don't want that,,, Anywhoooo I actually find it interesting where one of, if not both of his parents kinda suck, and I personally think if you were to create a Hinata family angst situation it'd most realistically be like Young Sheldon, in which Shoyo is Missy, fighting for attention, and Natsu is Sheldon. Not because she's smart or anything lol just because she's the baby of the family and she's favored more. I think that would make sense. He loves the attention from his teammates and gets along with players so well because he wants someone to love him. I've heard that there's a light novel where he mentions his dad working really late, which would still make sense and stuff, but tbh idk if that's real. OR OR OR his mom not having any faith in his volleyball skills, begging him not to go to Karasuno because it's so far, telling him not to be disappointed when they lose (out of pure love and concern ofc). Being too busy to go to games because she has to work to provide for him and Natsu, but just assuming they lost because it's Karasuno. A headcanon I have for his mom is that she works from home, but like from really early to really late, just so that she can be at home for Natsu because "shoyo can handle himself". He probably makes dinner for everyone, too, because his mom is so busy with work that she can't cook. He acts childish at school and with his friends because he's treated like an adult at home. And this isn't even meant to be an evil mom situation, yk? It's just that their circumstances are really unfortunate; single mom with two kids, on low income and is unknowingly putting a lot of stress onto her son. But on a lighter note, on the days she has work off, she takes shoyo and natsu to get ice cream!! She does try to be in their lives, like when shoyo brings her her dinner, she asks him how his day was (he says "good" and leaves it at that). He doesn't want to bother his mom, so he rants to his teammates and classmates (who are annoyed by this), and while she does occasionally offer to listen to him rant all about his day or his problems, he declines because she already has so much to do. That would be the main reason it's so unfortunate; he's really humble and kind and doesn't want to be a burden on his hard-working mother, but his mother doesn't try hard enough to be in his life; she asks and doesn't try any harder when he declines, as if it's not obvious he wants to say something, but is holding back. God, this started out about his father, and now it's all about his mom. Anyways! There's not enough angst fics out there, I've looked through every tag, and there's so little. God, I could make so many posts about hinata angst!!
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got any hcs for the big bang theory? any of the characters (or all ahaha), the choice is yours :-)
Agghjrsdh sorry I’m late!!!
I’ve had a lot going on I hope you’ll still find this relevant.
I have a lot of HCs for every character but to make it simpler I’ll do 3 each
* Very ticklish neck (cannon) and he gets jittery whenever people come near it
* HATES being tickled and considers it “immoral” and “childish”. (But doesn’t really hate it when it’s Amy, she’s special. He’ll still call it childish though)
* He never denies that he’s ticklish. He never lies. If someone asks him, he responds, with a straight face: “Yes, very much so. But if you suggest testing it out I would very much recommend you call an ambulance in advance”.
* He has such a cute and sheepish grin and he definitely shows it when he’s tickling people (he also calls himself the Tickle Monster)
* If someone asks Leanord if he’s ticklish, he’ll crouch and squeek: “No?”
* Penny kisses him to disarm him in tickle fights, and he falls for it every time. He is very smart though, so he probably just kisses Penny with full knowledge that he’s about to get his sides squished.
* Ok so Penny says “Ok sweetie” in that sarcastic Penny way whenever Leanord or Sheldon deny their ticklishness I don’t make the rules
* Penny is such a vicious ler: she discovered how ticklish Leanord was pretty much immediately after they started dating. Her painted nails really do the trick.
* She isn’t ticklish anywhere except for her stomach: and Leanord is so smug when he tickles her there
* He. Is. Ticklish. Everywhere.
* He bursts into high pitched laughter even before being touched
* He hates it when Raj tickles him, which is unfortunate because that smug bitch loves it
* No because he’s so adorable!! His little grin!!! And when he’s tickled his laughter is so snorty and squeeky-
* Because Raj couldn’t talk to women, Howard liked to amuse himself by tickling Raj in front of Penny so he can’t protest-
* But that’s ok, because Raj is one of us 😏
* Ticklish under her arms, on her ribs and around her belly
* Never got tickled before: she didn’t even know she was ticklish!!
* she repeatedly suggested to Sheldon that they have tickle fights, (cannon), but she finally got him to agree on their wedding day. That was the first time she got tickled! However, she greatly underestimated her own ticklishness and lost!
* She’s. Ticklish. Nowhere.
* An evil tickler who never smiles at who she’s tickling. (Well, sometimes she can’t help grinning when her Howie jumps a bit)
* She slaps people who try to tickle her, like a boss.
That was super fun to write! Thanks for the ask (:
Now, to the next one….
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