#Shiro Nanao
datesoma · 1 year
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Orient + flat colors.
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yeonban · 6 months
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CHRISTMAS GIFTS 2023 : Mikito & Nanao, @beastincidents
Seema Reza - This Poem Is Want | Clock Out at 2 | Archillect | DazzlingTiredEyes | Simon Leclerc - Hunters | Game of Thrones & HagridsDragons | Rachel McKibbens - Outhouse | Donna Tartt - The Secret History.
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alexiethymia · 1 year
summary: [Post-TYBW] Momo falls in love. It's messy business. 
[read on ao3]
part 1
It happens on an ordinary day.
They’re in his office sharing amanatto from Isane-fuku –no, Isane-taichou now (she still feels echoes of sadness. It seems so unfair for someone so kind to just be gone, for Momo to still remain when the reason she – and many others – remains alive in the first place is no longer here, and yet -), the weather is pleasant, a mild breeze entering through the open window that she cannot help but feel at peace.
When before, Isane-san might have joined her, unfortunately, her new responsibilities keep her busy. Rangiku-san, for some reason, had escaped with a hearty wave and a cheeky wink that she still had trouble deciphering. It was fortunate that her captain hadn’t been there when she made her speedy exit (however knowing Rangiku-san, it had probably been intentional), so when Hitsugaya-kun returns to a room bereft of his vice-captain, and containing only a package of amanatto and a sheepish smile, he can only sigh in resignation.
He apologizes for doing work while she’s visiting, but this – him at his desk, eyes glued to his papers but keeping an ear out, and her, animated and gushing about the newest manga she’s been reading – is more than enough for Momo.
He hadn’t really understood, but Momo was nothing if not a voracious reader, so when Hirako-taichou had brought back picture books from the Living World called ‘manga’ from his friends, it was inevitable that she’d get hooked. She even managed to get Nanao-san to join in her latest reading obsession, not without a lot of nudging from Yadomaru-taichou. Still, not even Yadomaru-taichou could get either of them to try out the racier ones she preferred.
It is in the midst of her latest spiel on the ending of a manga she had been reading (‘-so moving, even when it seemed like she loved another, he was steadfast-’ eyebrows bunched together in confusion, ‘I thought this was a story about hanafuda’ ‘It’s karuta, Shiro-chan.’ His unimpressed look shows he still didn’t understand the difference.) that he suddenly interjects.
“So it’s the same as that manga,” it’s awkward in his mouth, but he says it anyway, and only with a slight grimace, “with the princess and her guardian?”
Here, Momo stops, stares. “Which one?”
He waves the hand holding his brush around in a lazy gesture, “The one where the princess was betrayed by her first love who kills her father, and she runs away with her guardian. You said she eventually falls in love with her guardian who’s loved her since childhood.”
Momo continues to stare. Hitsugaya-kun, misunderstanding her gaze, shifts his eyes away, “Did I get it wrong?”
Momo flails, waving her arms wildly, “No, no! You’re right, it’s just like that one. It’s just…” She bites her lip, hesitating on whether or not to continue. Hitsugaya-kun merely raises a brow, waiting.
Momo shakes her head. It’s silly. It’s just that, she talked about that one with him, months and months ago. This is the first time they’ve actually been alone since the invasion. Whenever she’d go off-tangent, he’d be nodding along absentmindedly as he scrutinized another report Rangiku-san left unfinished. She’d always assumed he wasn’t really interested and Momo didn’t begrudge him that since she knew with certainty that he’d give her his full attention if it was something truly important. It was just nice to spend time with him.
She’d actually forgotten about that particular story till he mentioned it. It had resonated with her, a story about admiration turning into poison. Reading that story made her feel like water was filling her lungs, and yet she still pushed through, just so she could see that girl of fire reignited.
“It’s actually not yet finished. We still don’t know what happens to the both of them from here on out…” she says quietly, in contrast to her earlier energy. Hitsugaya-kun only nods. Funny, she remembers that story made her feel like drowning, so why is it that now, as she looks into Hitsugaya-kun’s eyes, she feels like burning like that girl of fire? (It was a story that resonated with her.)
That particular interaction done, Momo expects Hitsugaya-kun to go back to his reports, expects it, wishes it even (if only so she no longer has to look into his eyes). Instead, not only does he continue looking at her, he surprises her by saying,
“Your hair has gotten longer.”
She brushes the ends of her hair self-consciously, “What are you talking about, Shiro-chan? No, it hasn’t. It’s still the same.”
“Yes, it has,” he drawls.
“No, it hasn’t.”
“Yes, it has.”
Momo pouts. This is silly. What they’re doing is silly, arguing about her hair of all things.
Momo is happy about where they’ve ended up after the invasion. Shiro-chan’s shoulders are lighter as if his captain’s cloak isn’t so heavy anymore. The lines on his face have lessened, and Momo couldn’t be more thankful. But just because she was happier that he smiled more didn’t mean she wasn’t entitled to feel disgruntled at the self-satisfied smirk on his face, no matter how slight it may be.
She was about to launch into another denial when he surprises her yet again.
Shiro-chan – Hitsugaya-kun reaches his arm across his desk toward her. He lets his fingertips kiss the ends of her short hair, and brushes a wayward strand away from her forehead, before retreating.
It is only then that Momo breathes out (she didn’t realize she’d been holding her breath in the first place).
“Be careful,” he says, voice sly, “You don’t want to burn your hair off accidentally – again – like that disastrous kido training session.”
It takes a while for her to place the event, but when she does, she really can’t help the full-blown pout. Oh, she’s worked herself up and crossed the threshold to righteous indignation (otherwise, she’ll have to examine everything else going on right now). “Honestly, Hitsugaya-kun! That only happened because you weren’t paying attention!” Actually no, she’d just been recruited into the Gotei, and Hitsugaya-kun right after her. She’d been so excited to train with him (to impress him if she was being honest) that things got out of hand and her hair got caught in a shakkaho spell.
(She can’t believe she forgot, but now that she remembers, what sparks vividly in her memories is the rapid transition of Hitsugaya-kun’s expression from feigned disinterest to heart-stopping panic.)  
Graciously, Hitsugaya-kun doesn’t contradict her version of events, but he does catch her attention, “Hinamori,” just one word, her name, so firmly that she pauses (and holds her breath again) when he smiles (not a smirk or a grin, but a true-blown smile that she’s only ever glimpsed once-), “How many times do I have to tell you? It’s not ‘Hitsugaya-kun’, it’s ‘Hitsugaya-taichou’.”
This isn’t Shiro-chan’s smile, because she’s hardly ever seen him smile when they were kids.
It’s not that his cloak isn’t heavy anymore, it’s just that he’s grown into it, even if in truth he’s only grown a mere centimeter.
This is what she’d felt back then when she’d first seen that smile, this disquiet and unease, and curious perfect blankness that she’d felt when she realized that her Shiro-chan had transformed into a captain. That same feeling that she was being left behind, but still, the awe that she could not help, as she gazed at him soaring in the heavens, her Shiro-chan (because no matter what he would always be her Shiro-chan) protecting them all. This same feeling she’d pushed aside, unconsciously, time and again, in order to avoid thinking about it, because otherwise everything would – change.
(Oh, she finally understands, Rangiku-san.)
It happens on an ordinary day. The light doesn’t hit him just right. He hasn’t grown any taller than her. They still haven’t finished the amanatto Isane-taichou carefully packed for them as a souvenir. That brilliant smile slowly fades away into a look of confusion, the more she sits there, gaping at him, “Hinamori?”
It is on a perfectly ordinary day that Momo realizes she’s in love with him.
“Hinamori…?” He asks again, this time worry coloring his voice. He reaches out a tentative hand, but Momo bolts upright. She consciously stills her arms against her sides, else she’ll instinctually try and cover her (burning, burning) face.
“Hi-Hitsugaya-taichou!” She stuttered! She has never stuttered in front of him. She feels conscious of everything - her too-loud voice, the ends of her hair brushing her shoulders, her fisted hands, her scarlet face. “I beg your leave. I forgot that I have to meet with Hirako-taichou right about…now. Yes, now! I have to go right at this moment. Bye!”
And before Hitsugaya can so much as grasp at her – to ask what on earth was wrong, he didn’t expect his oft-repeated reminder to garner such a reaction, it was habit by now, was she mad at him, did he do anything – she has already shunpoed away leaving behind only the scent of peach blossoms, and a confused captain in her wake.
“Momo! Where’s the fire? What’s got ya in so much of a hurry?” One thing that Shinji noticed about his lieutenant was how graceful she was. Even when she was only walking, she always seemed so light on her feet, as if dancing on flower petals. There is none of that grace, here, now, as she barrels head first into him.
“Taichou!” Her head shoots up, voice so panic-stricken that Shinji’s heart jolts. He places the back of his hand against her forehead. “Ya running a fever or somethin’? If you’re sick, you should head to the fourth. Don’t go runnin’ yourself ragged, I promise I’ll finish all the paperwork.”
She shakes her head lightly. “Never mind that,” Wait, what? Momo not reminding him about his paperwork? This must be serious. “Do you notice anything different about me, Hirako-taichou?”
“Besides you bein’ outta breath, ya mean?” Even if he had no idea whatsoever about what was going on with his lieutenant, Shinji still decided to indulge her. If anyone deserved a scheduled psychotic break, it was her. He grasped his chin in hand and scrutinized her. Ah, he knew what this was about. His face was introduced enough times to a straw sandal for him to not say the right thing this time around.
“Don't worry, you haven’t gotten fatter. Heck, I think you should eat more. You’re light as a bird.” There, Hiyori would have no excuse to kick his face in now.
“Thank you, sir,” she says, voice clipped, “But no, I mean do you think my hair has gotten longer?”
Shinji narrows his eyes and looks closer, huffs out, “Nah, it hasn’t changed a bit.”
Evidently, that had been the wrong thing to say. Flabbergasted, Shinji could only watch as his lieutenant buried her face into her hands to muffle a frustrated scream.
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babymagi · 1 year
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I wanna do this trend so fookin bad but i have no FUCKIN idea who I'd do for it hELP
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deathfavor · 1 year
Seiroku (at Nanao & Mikito): Hey, quit fighting... Nanao: It’s not like we’re friends you know! Seiroku, internally: 😭
seiroku really gets shut down every time he tries to bond with others. Also he’s sick of the shiro fanboys and fangirls fighting.
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rays-of-fire-and-ice · 8 months
From Afar
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Prompt: text messaging
Rating: K/General
Setting: Starts off in Full Bringer arc, carries on into the ten-year time skip.
Synopsis: In which Toshiro and Momo start texting.
AN: we’re almost at the end of @yearoftheotpevent's challenge! This time, I went for something so different from anything I’ve written before (in terms of format anyway). I took a section from my earlier post, but everything else is completely new. Note that the names for Hitsugaya switch in each section to indicate who’s point of view the messages are being viewed from.
I hope you enjoy it!
Hinamori: Hey Shiro-chan! ヾ(•ω•`)o Text me back so I know that this worked. Hitsugaya: It’s Captain Hitsugaya. Also, you missed a ’,’. Hinamori: Good, it worked!
Hinamori: Also, you don’t have to grammatically correct in text, Shiro-chan.
Hinamori: How was your day? Hitsugaya: It’s CAPTAIN HITSUGAYA, Hinamori. My day was fine. What about you? Hitsugaya: Also, I didn’t mean those capitals because I was angry, just emphasizing the point. Hinamori: I know (❁´◡`❁) My day was great! I found the fourth volume of the Crimson Chrysanthemum saga while I was on my break!! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Hitsugaya: Also, Captain Hirako and I got all of our paperwork done before the end of the week ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ He’s got this new CD from the World of the Living and I think it helped me focus. Hitsugaya: That’s good. I’m glad you found that book, I knew it was important to you. Hinamori: What did you do today? Hitsugaya: Mostly reviewing reports. In my break, I started work on a new sculpture. Hinamori: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Hitsugaya: I wasn’t done. Hinamori: Sorry!! m(_ _)m It’s just you didn’t text for a while after your last message. Hitsugaya: There’s a time limit? Hinamori: Not really, but there’s an assumption that if you don’t message after a certain time period it means you’re waiting for the person to respond or you’ve left the phone. Hitsugaya: What’s the time period? Hinamori:…It depends?? Hitsugaya: Why are there so many vague rules around this?! Hinamori: You’ll get it in no time (✿◠‿◠) I’m so glad you decided to start texting, we can talk to each other more regularly now!
Hitsugaya: We’ll see, I may end up not liking this.
Hinamori: One step at a time! Anyway, tell me more about your day!
Shiro-chan: Is now an okay time to text you?
Hinamori: Hi Hitsugaya-kun! ヾ(•ω•`)o
Hinamori: Yes, it is.
Shiro-chan: Is Matsumoto with you?
Hinamori: No, but she came by earlier with the paperwork.
Shiro-chan: At least she did that.
Shiro-chan: Any idea where she’s gone to?
Hinamori: Do you have her contact details? You could just text her directly.
Shiro-chan: I’m not going to do that.
Hinamori: Why not? (´・ω・`)?
Shiro-chan: Because I’ll never hear the end of it from her.
Hinamori: What do you mean?
Hinamori: Are you still there?
Shiro-chan: Yes.
Hinamori: Sorry m(_ _)m It’s just that you didn’t text anything back for a while. It’s okay, you don’t have to elaborate. I could text her if you want? ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Shiro-chan: Don’t bother.
Hinamori: Maybe she’s with Nanao-san. I heard they were going to go over some Women’s Association planning.
Shiro-chan: I will never understand why you’re all so secretive about your activities.
Hinamori: We’re not secretive!
Shiro-chan: Shouldn’t you be doing work?
Hinamori: I could be saying the same for you too!  ̄へ ̄
Hitsugaya:  Is now an okay time to text you?
Hinamori: Sorry for the late reply!! m(_ _)m Yes, it is.
Hitsugaya: Did I leave my bento box in your office?
Hinamori: I was wondering who it belonged to! Yes, it’s here.
Hitsugaya: I’ll come around to collect it in an hour.
Hinamori: Take your time! Was it from your lunch with Captain Hirako?
Hitsugaya: Yes.
Hinamori: Sounds like it was productive according to the Captain O(∩_∩)O
Hitsugaya: If you call playing music and deliberately signing your name backwards productive.
Hinamori: ^_^|||
Hinamori: He’s a good captain.
Hitsugaya: I’ll be over soon.
Hinamori: Look what I found!! q(≧▽≦q)
Hitsugaya: You can send pictures on these?
Hinamori: Of course! Didn’t Rangiku-san tell you?
Hitsugaya: She still doesn’t know I’m texting.
Hinamori: Really, what’s the harm in telling her?
Hitsugaya: Don’t go there.
Hinamori: …All right.
Hinamori: Anyway, what do you think? Aren’t they cute?!
Hitsugaya: Are they meant to look like cats?
Hinamori: Yes!! I really like the orange one, it’s so sweet looking (≧∇≦)
Hitsugaya: It’s not all about the look, Hinamori. Can they actually spin?
Hinamori: Want me to by them and you can find out? (o゚v゚) o
Hitsugaya: No, I outgrew spinning tops years ago. I’m not a child anymore!
Hinamori: It’s okay to still have hobbies from when you’re a child, Hitsugaya-kun.
Hinamori: But if you’re sure, then I’ll leave them (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Hitsugaya: There’s nothing stopping YOU from buying for yourself or someone else.
Hinamori: You’re the only person I still know who used to play with them, and I don’t know how they work.
Hitsugaya:…I’ll show you.
Hinamori: (⊙ˍ⊙)
Hinamori: Really?!
Hitsugaya: Don’t tell anyone.
Hinamori: I won’t! Even though there’s no shame in it!
Hinamori: I’m buying them! *: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Hinamori: Thank you, Shiro-chan!!
Hitsugaya: Why are you thanking me? We don’t even know if they spin.
Hinamori: We will next time we have a lunch break together!
Shiro-chan: Is now an okay time to text you?
Hinamori: Yes, it is. Also, you don’t have to ask me that every time, you can just text me whenever and I’ll answer when I can *^____^*
Shiro-chan: Noted.
Shiro-chan: I can’t see you today, we’ve got business to take care of in North 58th District.
Hinamori: That’s okay!
Hinamori: Good luck with your work! (❁´◡`❁)
Shiro-chan: Thank you.
Hinamori: I have some reports you need to authorize. Is it okay if I come by now?
Hinamori: Shiro-chan?
Hinamori: I can come by with them tomorrow, they’re not urgent (*^_^*)
Hinamori: Is something wrong?
Hinamori: Oh, how did that happen?!
Hinamori: I’m sorry, Shiro-chan!! (>人<;) I shouldn’t have messaged you!
Shiro-chan: Also, sorry for all the capitals.
Hinamori: Rangiku-san just messaged me about it. She seems really ecstatic about this!
Shiro-chan: I’m going back in and stopping her right now.
Hinamori: It’s not her fault, please don’t be mean to her!
Hitsugaya: I just reread your message from two days ago. Did you still need me to authorize those reports?
Hinamori: Hitsugaya-kun! Yes, actually. I can come over now if you have time (・ω・)b
Hitsugaya: Not yet, Matsumoto is on her way out. I don’t want her here to bug us about texting.
Hinamori: Ah, she already spoke to me about it at our Women’s Assoication meeting yesterday.
Hitsugaya: Not in front of everyone else I hope!
Hinamori: No! Just the two of us. Honestly, would it be so shameful for everyone to know you’re texting? Most Shinigami I know do.
Hitsugaya: It’s unbecoming of a Captain to engage in frivolous things so often.
Hinamori: Well, we don’t text that often, and you text far less than Captain Hirako.
Hitsugaya: Of course he does, I’d expect that from him.
Hinamori: What does that mean?! (゚ д゚ )
Hitsugaya: Matsumoto just left. You can come over now.
Hinamori: I’m on my way ε=┏(・ω・)┛
Hinamori: But don’t think I’ll forget what you just wrote!
Hinamori: On second thought, I just ran into Rangiku-san. It seems she was aware of these reports already and was coming to get them?
Hitsugaya: Did she read my texts?!
Hinamori: No, she didn't. Captain Hirako mentioned them yesterday at the Lieutenant and Captain's meeting.
Hitsugaya: Why didn't she tell me about them?
Hinamori: Apparently you were really busy with reports and trainign schedules, so she thought to not add this on to your work until you had more time.
Hitsugaya: Wait, are you texting in front of her right now?!
Hinamori: ^^;
Hinamori: I mean, she knows now...
Hinamori:...She wanted me to send this.
Hitsugaya: Why did you take a picture with her? Tell her to get back here right now!
Hinamori: She's on her way.
Hinamori: Good luck with your mission tomorrow!
Shiro-chan: You heard?
Hinamori: Abarai-kun told me. I hope everything goes well with Kurosaki-san.
Shiro-chan: I’m certain it will. Kuchiki will be giving him his powers back. We're just there to observe and defend in case of threats.
Hinamori: Ah, that makes sense!
Hinamori: I have to get back to work. Have a good day! (✿◠‿◠)
Hitsugaya: I need an opinion.
Hinamori: Hi Hitsugaya-kun! ヾ(^∇^) Sorry for the late reply, I was finishing up some orientation with the new recruits. Did you still need a second opinion?
Hitsugaya: Yes.
Hitsugaya: What do you think of this artwork?
Hinamori: o(*°▽°*)o
Hinamori: You sent a picture!
Hitsugaya: It's not a big deal.
Hinamori: I guess not, it's just you haven't done that up until now ^^;
Hitsugaya: Matsumoto and Minagawa (our third seat) have said we need more artwork in the division. Obviously not in the training rooms, but perhaps the library or main office. What're your thoughts on this one?
Hinamori: It's beautiful! ♡(ŐωŐ人) Is it watercolour?
Hitsugaya: I think so. It's of a valley in the southern Second District, we have juristiction over it so I thought it was appropriate. Do you think it would fit in the main barrack's hall?
Hinamori: Yes!! It could be near the entrance!
Hitsugaya: Minagawa said the same thing.
Hitsugaya: All right, I'll go buy it tomorrow.
Hinamori: How exicting!! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Hinamori: I need to get back to the office, Captain Hirako and I need to finish off some reports.
Hitsugaya: He better be helping you with those.
Hinamori: He is, and if he isn't, I can do them! ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ
Hitsugaya: There's no excuse!
Hinamori: I can call him back at anytime if he's not there.
Hitsugaya: You're showing your Tiger of Paperwork side, Hinamori.
Hinamori: I bet you're laughing right now ( •̀ - •́ )
Hitsugaya: I won't say.
Shiro-chan: Happy birthday, Hinamori.
Hinamori: Thank you, Hitsugaya-kun!! (●’◡’●)
Shiro-chan: I can’t come see you today, but I’ll try in the next few days.
Hinamori: You don’t have to, I understand that you’re busy right now ^_^
Hinamori: We should really visit the Junrinan some time.
Hitsugaya: This seems out of the blue.
Hinamori: Ah, sorry! m(_ _)m
Hitsugaya: What made you think of that?
Hinamori: I just realised it’s been a while.
Hitsugaya: You’re right, it has been.
Hinamori: Maybe we could go some time next week?
Hitsugaya: At this stage, June 14 works best for me. It seems to be when I’ll have a proper break.
Hinamori: I can make that work! See, texting is good for organising things like this!
Hinamori: I’m excited now!ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Hitsugaya: We’ll see, but I’ll aim to keep it free.
Hinamori: Are you on your way?
Hitsugaya: On my way to what?
Hinamori: Sorry!! I was meant to text Rangiku-san. It’s for the emergency Lieutenant’s meeting.
Hitsugaya: She’s on her way.
Hinamori: Thank you.
Hitsugaya: I'm about to go into the Captain's meeting, I'm turning this off.
Hinamori: Okay, same. Stay safe.
Hinamori: Hitsugaya-kun, are you all right?
Hinamori: I heard from the Captain what happened.
Hinamori: Text me when you can.
Hinamori: I’m sorry, it’s been a two days and I haven’t heard from you.
Hinamori: I want to come and see you, but everything is in chaos here. It seems to be that way for everyone.
Hinamori: If that’s why you haven’t texted back, that’s okay. I was just worried after what Captain Hirako told me. What the Quincy did to you and the other Captains is unforgivable. Please let me know if there’s any the Captain and I can do to help.
Hinamori: I hope you’re okay
Shiro-chan: I’m sorry, I only just saw your messages.
Shiro-chan: I’m fine.
Hinamori: Thank goodness! I was trying to find time to come over and see you.
Shiro-chan: You don’t have to, it sounds like you have a lot happening.
Hinamori: It feels disrespectful to text you about what happened.
Shiro-chan: We don’t have to discuss it now.
Hinamori: If you’re sure.
Shiro-chan: I really am fine. I’m focused on training my zanjutsu right now.
Hinamori: I’m glad to read that. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.
Shiro-chan: There’s no need, but thank you. I need to get back to training soon.
Hinamori: Do your best!
Hinamori: Hey, Shiro-chan, are you awake right now?
Shiro-chan: It’s Captain Hitsugaya.
Shiro-chan: Why are you still up?
Hinamori: I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have sent anything. Please ignore my message.
Shiro-chan: It’s fine. Why did you text me?
Shiro-chan: You’re breaking the ‘texting rules’, Hinamori. Are you still there?
Hinamori: Haha, sorry. I guess it’s no use.
Shiro-chan: Why are you up?
Hinamori: It’s hard to sleep right now.
Hinamori: It’s strange, I just remembered were planning to visit the Junrinan on June 14. That was three days ago…I almost feels like I jinx us by suggesting it.
Shiro-chan: Don’t be silly, that had nothing to do with the invasion.
Hinamori: I know you’re right. I guess I’m trying to make sense of all of this. So much has happened.
Hinamori:I just can’t help but be vigilant.
Shiro-chan: It’s understandable, but you need your sleep.
Hinamori:The Quincy could show up at any moment. Don’t you think about it too?
Shiro-chan: Yes.
Hinamori: Is that why you’re up too?
Shiro-chan: It’s mainly paperwork.
Hinamori: Why are doing paperwork at this hour?
Shiro-chan: It needs to be done. We’re falling behind.
Hinamori: …Do you need some help with it?
Shiro-chan: You should sleep.
Hinamori: You should too, but it looks like neither of us are going to.
Shiro-chan: You don’t have to help.
Hinamori: I want to.
Hinamori: I can be over there in 20 minutes.
Shiro-chan: Only if you’re sure.
Hinamori: Thanks for walking me back!
Hitsugaya: Why are you texting? You should be asleep now!
Hinamori: I’m about to go, just wanted to thank you.
Hinamori: And also thank you for the tea and for hearing me out too, I think both helped to calm me down a little.
Hitsugaya: It’s not a problem. Thank you for helping with the reports, I can help with some of yours.
Hinamori: There’s no need. Good night! (*^▽^*)
Hitsugaya: Goodnight, Hinamori.
Shiro-chan: I had to get a new denreishinki, my last one was broken at some point during one of the battles in the war.
Hinamori: Shiro-chan! That’s a shame, now you don’t have our text history! ╥﹏╥
Shiro-chan: It’s not a big deal.
Hinamori: I guess not, but I like to look back and have memories of those times.
Shiro-chan: We didn’t really text that much, so the history wouldn’t be that extensive.
Shiro-chan: I think I can understand, even so. I no longer have that picture you took.
Hinamori: You mean the one of Rangiku-san and I?
Hinamori: Here!
Shiro-chan: Thanks.
Hinamori: I didn't realise you liked it (´• ω •`)
Shiro-chan: It's not a bad picture. I was used to having it there on my denreishinki, I guess.
Hinamori: That's so sweet, Shiro-chan! (≧▽≦)
Shiro-chan: Captain Hitsugaya!
Hinamori: We should take a picture together too (●'◡'●) If you want to, that is.
Shiro-chan: I'll think about it. As is, we won't have time right now.
Hinamori: How have you been?
Shiro-chan: Busy with planning the reconstruction of the districts under our jurisdiction.
Hinamori: Same here, its so much work.
Hinamori: I guess we won’t be seeing each other for a while.
Shiro-chan: Yes.
Hinamori: Good thing we started texting before all of this!
Shiro-chan: It is proving to have it’s uses.
Hinamori: See! I told you you’d come around! ^_^
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cleaetpauline60 · 2 years
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These are all of my Heroine Otome Game posts. If he misses a heroine please let me know in PM. ;) Thanks ! List #2 here : https://cleaetpauline60.tumblr.com/post/692736430000291840/these-are-all-of-my-heroine-otome-game-posts-if
Abe Kaguya [ Furue Yurayura to ]
Aigasaki Kohana [ Magic Kyun! Renaissance ]
Aika [ RE:VICE[D] ]
Aikawa Chihiro [ Clover Toshokan no Juunin-tachi ]
Aileen Olazabal [ Arabians Lost ]
Airei [ Souten no Kanata ]
Airi [ Kami-sama to Koigokoro ]
Airi [ Shiro to Kuro no Alice ]
Airis Riedel [ Lost Alice ]
Aizaki Koi [ Himehibi -Princess Days- ]
Akagami Mashiro [ Kyoukai no Shirayuki ]
Akane Rin [ Ayakashi Gohan ]
Akazawa Karen [ Mashou Megane ]
Aki Miyazu [ Kanuchi ]
Akino Minori [ Step -Futari no Kankei wa Ippo Zutsu- ]
Akitsu Shino [ Dairoku: Ayakashimori ]
Alice [ Ikemen Kakumei ]
Alice Liddell [ Heart no Kuni no Alice ]
Alicia Hildegarde [ Mahoutsukai to Goshujin-sama ]
Amahashi Miku [ Garnet Cradle ]
Amamine Mika [ DesperaDrops ]
Amane Aika [ I DOLL U ]
Amano Hina [ Blackish House ]
Amano Nanao [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 7 ]
Amasawa Akari [ Sympathy Kiss ]
Amelia [ Death Connection ]
Anastasia Lynzel [ even if TEMPEST ]
Andou Serika [ Last Escort 2 ]
Anesaki Nozomi [ Watashi no Real wa Juujitsu Shisugiteiru ]
Ange [ Angelique Etoile ]
Ange [ Angelique Luminarise ]
Angelique Collete [ Angelique Special 2 ]
Angelique [ Angelique Retour ]
Angelique [ Neo Angelique ]
Anna Hiiragi [ Lucian Bee’s ]
Anzaki Kaoru [ Tsumikui ]
Aqua [ Fantastic Fortune 2 ]
Arashiyama Mari [ Storm Lover 2nd ]
Aria Austin [ Vinculum Hearts ]
Arisu Yurika [ Taishou x Alice ]
Aru [ Princess Arthur ]
Asagi Akira [ Scared Rider Xechs ]
Asagi Haru [ Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku ]
Asagiri Kanna [ Hanaoni ]
Asahina Yui [ Kiniro no Corda Starlight Orchestra ]
Ashe [ Under the Moon ]
Ashihara Chihiro [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 4 ]
Aspashia [ Desert Kingdom ]
Atano Rio [ Dynamic Chord ]
Awaki Kotone [ Gensou Kissa Enchanté ]
Ayase Yuki [ Sachi no Tenbin ]
Ayashi no Miya [ Ayashi no Miya ]
Ayazuki Mei [ Meiji Tokyo Renka ]
Azumi Ritsu [ Tengai ni Mau, Iki na Hana ]
Canna [ Arcana Famiglia Collezione! Piccola Amore ]
Cardia Beckford [ Code: Realize ]
Catarina Claes [ Otome Game no Hametsu Flag ]
Cecilia Falias Temirana [ Temirana Koku no Tsuiteru Hime to Tsuitenai Kishi Dan ]
Ceres [ Shuuen no Virche ]
Charlotte [ Zettai Meikyuu Himitsu no Oyayubi-hime ]
Chihiro [ Tokyo Yamanote Boys ]
Chikage [ Genji Koi Emaki ]
Chloe Sheffield [ Princess Britania ]
Chocolat Meilleure [ Sugar Sugar Rune: Koi mo Oshare mo Pick-Up! ]
Christina Ranzaad [ The Second Reproduction ]
Christine Daaé [ PersonA ~Opera Za no Kaijin~ ]
Claire Eithéa [ Orfleurs ]
Cocoro [ Re: BIRTHDAY SONG ]
Collete [ Riddle Garden ]
Cyrus Tistella [ Steam Prison ]
D'Artagnan [ Musketeer: Le Sang des Chevaliers ]
Diana el Circled [ Fantastic Fortune ]
Eleanor Vert [ Ai no Uta ]
Elise Scarlet [ 0 Ji no Kane to Cinderella ]
Emily [ Eikoku Tantei Mysteria ]
Emma [ Genso Manège ]
Emma [ Ikemen Ouji ]
Enma Rin [ Tengoku Struggle ]
Eri [ Nameless ~Dangsin-i Gieoghaeya Hal Dan Hangajiui Geos~ ]
Erica Fleur [ Mother Goose no Himitsu no Yakata ]
Erika Arenia [ Kazeiro Surf ]
Erika Klause [ Tanbi Musou Meine Liebe ]
Eve [ Clepsydra ]
Eve [ Yuukyuu no Tierblade ]
Eve [ Yuukyuu no Tierblade ]
Felicità [ Arcana Famiglia ]
Fiona Galland [ Black Wolves Saga ]
Fraulein Gilbell [ Meine Liebe II ~Hokori to Seigi to Ai~ ]
Fujieda Neri [ Zettai Kaikyuu Gakuen ]
Fujii Kanako [ Torikago no Marriage ]
Fujimori Saya [ Hiiro no Kakera - Shin Tamayorihime Denshou ]
Fujioka Haruhi [ Ouran Koukou Host Club ]
Fujisaki Futaba [ Fortissimo ]
Fujishima Nanako [ Shinobazu Seven ]
Fujishiro Mao [ Cafe Cuillere ]
Fujiwara Mei [ Fantastic Fortune ]
Fujiwara Miki [ Tsuki no Hikari, Taiyou no Kage ]
Fuka [ Ozmafia!! ]
Futaba Chitose [ Seishun Hajimemashita ]
Futami Nina [ Dynamic Chord ]
Fuyuura Megumi [ Getsuei no Kusari ]
Genjou [ S.Y.K  ]
Gerda [ Snow Bound Land ]
Gojou Saki [ Sakuragatari ]
Hairi Lalique [ Cendrillon palikA ]
Hanamaki Ichiko [ 7′scarlet ]
Hanamiya Kazuha [ Period Cube ]
Hanasaka Airi [ Star's Lover "ReaKoi" Datte, Ii Janai! ]
Hanna Ellington [ Will o’ Wisp ]
Haruno Sayuri [ Bonjour♪ Koiaji Pâtisserie ]
Hasumi Yuki [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 5 ]
Hatanaka Tomoe [ Money Parasite ]
Hayama Haruho [ Photograph Journey ]
Hayama Tsubasa [ Kaleido-Eve ]
Henrietta Grimm [ Zettai Meikyuu Grimm ]
Heroine [ Amnesia ]
Heroine [ Doubt ~Usotsuki Otoko wa Dare?~ ]
Heroine [ Guang Yu Ye Zhi Lian ]
Heroine [ Ikemen Genjiden ]
Heroine [ Mystic Messenger ]
Heroine [ RearPheles ]
Heroine [ Ren'ai Banchou 2 ]
Heroine [ Ren'ai Banchou! ]
Hidetomi Misawo [ Gyakuten Yoshiwara ]
Hiiragi Miu [ Dynamic Chord ]
Hiiragi Noriko [ KoiGIG ]
Hijiri Futaba [ Bloody Call ]
Himeko [ Kannou Mukashibanashi ]
Himemiya Nagisa [ Royals ~Itoshi no Ouji-sama~ ]
Himeno Kyouko [ Glass Heart Princess ]
Himeoka Kokoro [ Miss Princess Miss Pri! ]
Hinagiku [ Utakata no Uchronia ]
Hinamori Amu [ Shugo Chara! Mittsu no Tamago to Koisuru Joker ]
Hinata Ema [ Brothers Conflict ]
Hino Kahoko [ Kin'iro no Corda ]
Hinohira Aoi [ Fantastic Fortune 2 ]
Hinokami Chie [ Hitofuta Kitan ]
Horikita Yuki [ Harajuku Tantei Gakuen Steel Wood ]
Hoshino Ichika [ Collar x Malice ]
Hotaru [ Geten no Hana ]
Ichi [ Hana Oboro ]
Ichigo [ Koroshiya to Strawberry ]
Ichijou Shiori [ School Wars ]
Ichikawa Tsuyuha [ Shiratsuyu no Kai ]
Igarashi Yuna [ Storm Lover ]
Ilza [ Yoiyo Mori no Hime ]
Inafune Saki [ Bakudan★Handan ]
Inori [ Side Kicks! ]
Inuzuka Shino [ Satomi Hakkenden ]
Iori Saya [ Asaki, Yumemishi ]
Isshiki Misa [ 9 R.I.P. ]
Iris [ Eternal Wish ]
Itou Aki [ Panic Palette ]
Itou Ayako [ Diary ]
Izumi Shio [ Walpurgis no Uta ]
Izumo [ Hyakka Yakou ]
Jed [ Haitaka no Psychedelica ]
Julia [ Moujuu-tachi to Ohime-sama ]
Juliet Capulet [ Romeo vs Juliet ]
Kagurazaka Kaname [ Houkago wa Gin no Shirabe ]
Kaguya [ Jooubachi no Oubou ]
Kamikawa Nanami [ Himehibi -New Princess Days- ]
Kamiki Sakuya [ Kaminaru Kimi to ]
Kan'u [ Jyuzaengi ]
Kanna Isora [ Pandora ~Kimi no Namae o Boku wa Shiru~ ]
Kanno Hotori [ Un: BIRTHDAY SONG ]
Kanome Chisato [ Byakko Tai ]
Kanzaki Asuna [ Rakuen Danshi ~Dare mo Shiranai Mou Hitotsu no Rakuen~ ]
Kanzaki Hina [ Butterfly Lip ]
Kashino Zakuro [ Sweet Clown ]
Kashiwagi Kira [ Mizu no Senritsu 2 ]
Kasuga Nozomi [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 3 ]
Kasuga Tamaki [ Hiiro no Kakera ]
Katagiri Kaede [ Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu ]
Katagiri Kanade [ Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi ]
Kataoka Yue [ Marginal #4 ]
Katsuki Sayu [ Enkan no Memoria ]
Kawai Marika [ Ohime-sama datte XXX Shitai!! ]
Kawana Hina [ Bad Medicine ]
Kayana Takamahara [ Kanuchi ]
Kayano Yuuna [ Arcobaleno! ]
Kayo [ Ken ga Kimi ]
Keika [ Kimi ga Tame, Koishi Midareshi Tsuki no Hana ]
Kidou Saya [ Sengoku Himeuta ]
Kim Heejung [ Dandelion ~Neoege Buneun Baram~ ]
Kinami Mizuki [ Kannagi no Mori ]
Kinoshita Tomoe [ Sangoku Rensenki Sakigake ]
Kirishima Kozue [ Urakata Hakuouki ]
Kirishita Konoha [ Dynamic Chord ]
Kisakino Emi [ Himehibi Another Princess Days ]
Kitamori Manami [ Vitamin Z ]
Kiyoha [ Gyakuten Yoshiwara ~Ougiya Hen~ ]
Kobayashi Mariko [ Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden Gaiden: Kagami no Miko ]
Koharu [ NORN9 ]
Kohinata Kanade [ Kin'iro no Corda 3 ]
Koihana Sora [ Koi no Hanasaku Hyakkaen ]
Koizumi Akane [ Gakuen Club ]
Koizumi Saki [ Jingi Naki Otome ]
Kojou Shio [ D.C. Girl’s Symphony ]
Kokura An [ Otome Ken Musashi ]
Komori Yui [ Diabolik Lovers ]
Konohana Saya [ Gakuen K ]
Kouda Saya [ Custom Drive ]
Kousaka Amane [ Teikoku Kaleido ]
Kozuki Erena [ Chouchou Jiken Rhapsodic ]
Kuga Mikoto [ NORN9 ]
Kurihara Misako [ Purelover Flavor ]
Kuromon Sumi [ Shinigami Kagyou ]
Kuronuma Sawako [ Kimi ni Todoke ~Sodateru Omoi~ ]
Kurou Nadeshiko [ Clock Zero ]
Kurumi Haruka [ Moshi, Kono Sekai ni Kami-sama ga Iru to suru Naraba ]
Kusanagi Yui [ Kamigami no Asobi ]
Kuze Tsugumi [ Nil Admirari no Tenbin ]
Lapis Idocrase [ Majestic☆Majolical ]
Latchia Fielitz [ Tokeijikake no Apocalypse ]
Lied [ Heiligenstadt no Uta ]
Liese [ Bara ni Kakusareshi Verite ]
Liliana Adornato [ Piofiore no Banshou ]
Lilith [ Beyond The Future ]
Lily [ Solomon’s Ring ]
Lisa Bernet [ Grimm the Bounty Hunter ]
Little Dracula [ Princess Nightmare ]
Liv Tresor [ Kuroyuki Hime ~Snow Black~ ]
Lucette Riella Britton [ Cinderella Phenomenon ]
Lucia Sol [ Chronostacia ]
Luciel Evlis [ Black Code ]
Lulu [ Wand of Fortune ]
Lumina [ Soshite Kono Sora ni Kirameku Kimi no Uta ]
Luna [ Shiro to Kuro no Alice ]
Lydia Greene [ Mermaid Gothic ]
Lynette Mirror [ Cupid Parasite ]
Lynn Darcy [ Amour Sucré ]
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quirkthieves · 3 months
“eavesdrop” Nanao about Mikito... get his ass
"Imagine the most annoying kid in the world." She begins, tapping her chin contemplatively.
"You know, the kind that pull the legs off of bugs because they don't realize the world doesn't revolve around them yet. And then make him an adult, and also your older brother." Filling in the newbies was always hard, especially when it came to the third. She really shouldn't be biased, especially when Mikito could be listening in at any moment, but...
"He's strong. Really strong. And really mean. But immature, too. It's best just to avoid getting on his nerves, because he'll make it your problem forever. If you're lucky, you'll never have to work with him... his abilities are nasty, but best for solo work. It's not like me and Shiro. He doesn't really like working with others."
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lgbtqmanga · 10 months
New Releases July 25, 2023
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Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels! vol. 3 by Kuro Itsuki
Asumi-chan’s got a problem. Well, two. First off, she’s been desperately scouring the city in search of her childhood crush, Mai, who she knows works in a brothel. Now her search has dropped a whole new problem into her lap: she’s gone to so many brothels she’s broke! Fortunately, a friend from university, Nanao, has offered her a live-in job. But even then, work is only a temporary distraction from the ache Asumi feels to continue her journey of sexual experimentation.
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How Do We Relationship? vol. 9 by Tamifull
Both Miwa and Seiko have new girlfriends, which means they should be spending more time on their romantic relationships and less time together. But even though they’re trying to give each other space, they can’t help turning to each other for moral support when issues arise. Are they actually closer than ever now that they’re apart?
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My Dear Agent vol. 2 by Ebino Bisque
Professional bodyguard Riichi has recently entered his first relationship ever with Mario Tachibana, the mysterious newbie agent whom Riichi was tasked with training and housing. After discovering Tachibana is actually the illegitimate son of the conglomerate's CEO and his ward's secret brother, Riichi realizes there's a lot he likely doesn't know about his new partner.
When Tachibana starts acting more aloof and coming home late, Riichi can't help but worry that his boyfriend is hiding more secrets from him. Riichi has trained his entire life to maintain composure and keep a handle on any and all situations that may arise, but in this uncharted new territory, will he be able to protect his most precious first love?
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What Did You Eat Yesterday? vol. 20 by Fumi Yoshinaga
Wedding bells are in the air as Gilbert/Wataru and Kohinata begin preparing for their upcoming nuptials. Pushed to his limit by the stress of finding an LGBTQ+-friendly venue and getting wedding-hot, Gilbert turns to his good friends Shiro and Kenji for the comforting company and soul food he knows he can rely on. This save-the-date announcement also means Shiro can finally broach a conversation years in the making with Kenji, and colors a significant step he takes in connecting his family with his life partner. And because when it rains it pours, big changes are also in store for Shiro at work...
6 notes · View notes
apuppetmuseum · 10 months
screaming about the new orient chapter below
I WAS FUCKING RIGHT ABOUT KOJIRO NOT BEING EFFECTED BY WHATEVER THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING. makes sense that it's his new powers but i also still stand by my previous statements
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god i hate this for naotora but also it was very hot on aijiro's part (there are two wolves inside me, one is kojiro and the other is shiro)
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oh....okay this is fine. i don't have feelings at all actually
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2 notes · View notes
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the obsidian seven eight
77 notes · View notes
datesoma · 11 months
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Orient: Volume 19, color page.
13 notes · View notes
yeonban · 4 months
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3 notes · View notes
alexiethymia · 10 months
summary: [Post-TYBW] Hitsugaya fixed his tabi on the engawa as he waited for Momo. Not for the first time, he was gripped with that sense of déjà vu. First sunrise. First shrine visit. A lot of the firsts that he remembered in his life was with her.
[read on ao3]
Notes: I don’t consider myself good at domestic fics, so this fic had plenty of inspiration, mainly @rays-of-fire-and-ice, @canariie, and @bleachbleachbleach‘s head canons especially about Jurinan grandma and Momo’s calligraphy. It was also inspired by the Hitsugaya family in Untitled Collection and the warmest place in the world, as well as all of the HCs about hitsuhina children that I just went and bit the bullet and did my own version. I’m also way too late for HitsuHina week, but I really wanted to finish this work based on the prompt fireworks.
Soshun mazu sake Ni ume uru Nioi kana
New year and first Sake and the fragrance of plum blossoms Being sold
“Kira’s spouting off haikus again which means he’s plastered and that’s our cue to go. Thanks for having us, Hitsugaya-taichou!”
“Heh, you sure it isn’t because you’ve made your darling wife and daughter wait up for you and now you’re scared you’ll be greeting the new year with a sandal to the face?”
“Shut it, Hisagi-san.”
“Oi, oi, show some respect Abarai. It should be Hisagi-senpai.”
“Ehh Kira, isn’t that haiku out-of-season? Isn’t it too early for spring? Ah, but it fits perfectly with the umeshu doesn’t it, taichou?”
Kira just ignored the whole drunken lot in favor of shaking Momo’s hands. For some reason, he seemed to be crying.
“Just a small new year’s gift, Hinamori-kun…ah…eto,” Kira mumbles all the while still vigorously shaking her hands. Only a strained furrow in his drooping brow signified his strain as if trying to remember something important amidst the drunken haze he was in, “My mistake,” he amends, “I mean, Hitsugaya-san.”
Perhaps it was the same furrow mirrored in the captain’s expression that caused him to remember, but in truth Hitsugaya’s expression wasn’t really directed at him. In truth, it wasn’t only Renji’s wife who was maybe slightly displeased with him.
“No need to be so formal, Kira-kun! We’ve known each other for ages.” Despite that she consented to be supported by her back, she wasn’t as fully nestled by his side like in her moments of true contentment where she would be languid and soft against him.
She was the perfect hostess so she’d never let anything in her expression show except a welcoming and bright smile, but Hitsugaya didn’t know her for centuries for nothing. The smile she had now had the same subtle curves as the exact same smile she showed him when she said, ‘What do you mean? Of course, I’m not angry, Shiro-chan, how silly,’ when he’d eaten the peaches she had apparently been saving when they were just carefree kids back in Jurinan. Moments like this made memories like that feel simultaneously as if they were eons ago and also as if they just happened yesterday.
Hitsugaya sighed.
“Momo, you know you can’t drink for a reason.”
Everyone in the party turned to look at him at that. True it was stern as was characteristic of Hitsugaya-taichou, but at the same time it sounded conciliatory. Perhaps that was why Momo let her smile fall, and let a slight pout overtake her features. Internally, Hitsugaya sighed with relief. He’d rather she shows that she was displeased with him than hide it.
“I know, but still for you to go so far as to ask everyone to bring plum wine, precisely because you know I don’t like it…” When Madarame-san and Ayasegawa-san brought some over, she thought nothing of it. When Hirako-taichou had dropped by in human world attire clapping Toshiro on the back with enough force that he fell, irritated and grumbling, and ruffling her hair softly as he placed the bottle and a new jazz vinyl in her hands, she thought it was a funny coincidence. But when even Nanao-san with the soutaichou dropped by, her with books and him with more of the stuff, that’s when she began to put two and two together.
Maybe it was a bit much for new year’s celebrations, but it had also been a housewarming of sorts, and Momo was touched with all of the small tokens of welcome and well-wishes. Pity it had to be something she wasn’t fond of. But Momo was nothing but gracious so she accepted it all.
Abarai-kun and Hisagi-senpai looked at each other sheepishly, while Kira-kun looked just about ready to drop at the thought of possibly having offended her with their gift, but Hitsugaya-taichou insisted, and you never said no to Hitsugaya-taichou when he used that tone (rather you never just said no to Hitsugaya-taichou period).
At least Matsumoto-san was thoughtful enough to bring peaches which was probably why she was giggling at their expense.
Seeing Kira-kun’s shaking legs and increasingly off color (he might faint with how white he was becoming), Momo decided to let up with a sigh. Looking up at her husband who was looking at her straightforwardly, Momo found that she really couldn’t stay mad especially when the person in question was sure he had done nothing wrong. And anyway he also mostly abstained from the alcohol, only taking a few sips in order not to be rude to their guests. She leaned into him even as Hitsugaya-kun teased her lightly, “You would have snuck a few sips if it was fruit wine.”
Feeling as if they were intruding into some soft and fluffy scene, the vice-captains couldn’t help but feel second-hand embarrassment at being the witnesses to a married couple’s fight (if it could even be called that).
“I hope Rukia and I aren’t as obnoxious as that,” Renji whispered discreetly.
“You totally are. It’s just that your lover’s quarrels are more explosive.”
“That’s good. I’m happy for you Hinamori-kun, er I mean, Hitsugaya-san, no I mean Momo-kun!” For some inexplicable reason, Kira started crying into his arm again.
“Ahhh, taichou and Momo, could you stop making the rest of us feel so single?”
“Ahem, Rangiku-san, would you do me the honor of- “
“Yosh! That does it. Time to take this party over to the Kuchiki manor. I’m sure they’ll have some high-class sake!”
“Hey, wait a minute! When did I say- “ But Hisagi just slung his arm over Renji’s neck in a chokehold, while dragging Kira behind him. Hitsugaya privately commiserated, both with Abarai and Kuchiki. Matsumoto was a whirlwind who couldn’t be stopped. Feeling a migraine coming on at the prospect of having to pay for any potential damages, he almost didn’t notice Matsumoto sidle up to them and spirit Momo away for a careful, and yet cheerful hug. Nuzzling her cheek against Momo’s, she whispered, “Don’t worry, I’ll sneak you some fruit wine sometime.”
Hitsugaya growled in warning at hearing that, “Matsumoto…” but Momo only laughed and hugged the buxom woman tightly, as his vice-captain winked at him. “After everything, taichou, I promise. Lieutenant’s honor.”
Hitsugaya calmed down, and sighed. He’s been doing a lot of that lately. Nonetheless he greeted his vice-captain, “Happy New Year, Matsumoto. I’ll be counting on you greatly for the upcoming year.”
“Thank you for visiting, Rangiku-san. Have a Happy New Year!”
With a lazy salute, she waved them both goodbye, and in a while they were both finally alone. Hitsugaya didn’t mind the company of his colleagues, while he knew Momo enjoyed it. Still, he didn’t want her to get too tired. Spying her drooping lids, he gently shook her, mindful of both her hands wrapping around her midsection, “Time for bed, sleepyhead.”
“Mmmm,” Momo yawned as she placed both arms around her husband’s neck while he scooped her up, “Hey, Shiro?”
“Hmm, what is it?”
“You know you’re going to have to drink all that sake right? And I won’t help with a single drop,” Momo giggled sleepily. As much as Momo disliked plums, she knew Hitsugaya-kun didn’t have a taste for alcohol either. Snuggling deeper into her husband’s broad shoulder, she smiled peacefully.
Hitsugaya blanched.  
“I’ll give some to Matsumoto.”
Momo felt a hand waking her from restful slumber.
Blearily opening one eye, she spotted Hitsugaya-kun already up with a bemused look on his face. He had always been the early riser between the two.
Stretching her arms and yawning, Momo fixed her hair while Hitsugaya-kun patiently waited beside her. It was still dark out. Her stomach suddenly grumbled, and while she might have been embarrassed about it before, with how often it kept happening these days, she just got used to it.
Hitsugaya-kun passed her a bowl of the leftover toshikoshi soba she’d prepared for them which she took gratefully, warming her hands on the reheated bowl.
She still felt slow as molasses, but luckily Hitsugaya-kun had always been alert. While she sleepily slurped at the noodles still only half awake, Hitsugaya-kun merely arranged her so she was comfortable leaning against his front. He even tucked her in their blankets, leaving none for himself since the cold didn’t bother him. Once he was assured that she was comfortable, he slowly opened their sliding doors so they could view the night sky. It was but a moment later that the inky blackness was replaced with slivers of rose light.
With no words passing between them, together they watched the first sunrise.
Hitsugaya fixed his tabi on the engawa as he waited for Momo. Not for the first time, he was gripped with that sense of déjà vu.
First sunrise. First shrine visit.
A lot of the firsts that he remembered in his life was with her.
Memory was a funny thing in Soul Society. While he remembered nothing of his old life, if he were to fix a point in time where his life started here, he found that she was always in his firsts - that her smiling face was the beginning of everything.  
First smile. First laughter. First friend.
First love.
Though he took a while to realize it. (Or perhaps like a circle, there had been no fixed point and some part of him had always known.)
Finished, he leaned back on his arms as he looked up at the withered branches. Though some things remained the same, perhaps a lot of things also changed. He remembers his first shrine visit with Momo and baachan. Back then he’d been impatient and rushing her so that they could get a move on already. But his grumbling had died in his throat when he saw her come out with a new yukata. It was nothing fancy, not even a kimono, but it was new. Everything about her then was new, from the first time he saw her put her hair up in a bun, small wild flowers threaded into the strands by baachan, to the new dusty pink yukata with plum blossoms scattered across it she had saved up for.
‘How do I look, Shiro-chan?’
‘…You look fine.’
It wasn’t even close to what he wanted to say, but only Momo would still smile brightly at him like that, leaving him dazed.
The plum blossoms were starting to bud, he noticed. Glancing down at his own kimono, he thought wryly that this was a far cry from the threadbare yukata he’d worn back then. Deep midnight blue and black, with whorls of clouds, on the back a great mighty dragon, shining in white as it rushed alongside a surging river, such that you wouldn’t know where the river ended and the dragon began. Truthfully, it was a bit ostentatious for his own tastes, but baachan had sent it and baachan had probably made it, so he would wear it gratefully.
Hearing the sliding doors open, he turned, a teasing remark of, ‘Finally done?’ at the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t even get the chance.
How could he even say anything?
Just there, Momo in a resplendent silk furisode, cloaked in white and vermillion. She gave him a little twirl and he spied the phoenix at her back, feathered tail curling all over her, along with flowers bright red and yellow, exploding like fireworks. There were subtle patterns of teal and green that matched his eyes, while her hair was held up with a matching red kanzashi, stray locks curling over her ear and feathering her forehead.
Separated by years, two moments in time, and he still finds that his breath catches.
“How do I look, Shiro?”
A blush on her cheeks, eyes sparkling, happy and at peace.
He smiled.
“You look beautiful.”
Some things changed, but some things would always stay the same.
“I wonder if baasan got our card,” Momo murmured thoughtfully as she rubbed the silk between her two fingers. Hitsugaya-kun just hummed and nodded as he made a path for the two of them in the crowd, hand gripping hers firmly. She continued touching the silk with her other hand, softly marveling. It really was beautiful. Baasan must have started as soon as she finished with their wedding clothes to get these to them on time. The subtly sparkling white on her furisode reminded her of her shiromuku safely put away back in their private quarters at home, while the black in Hitsugaya-kun’s kimono reminded her of his montsuki. Baasan had playfully added Hyourinmaru’s four-point star as a crest, while lamenting that she couldn’t decide if she wanted Momo to wear white, or a colorful iro-uchikake.
Watching the softly falling snow outside, she had made the decision for her. Momo loved white. Baasan had only chuckled and said next time then. Letting the long sleeve fall smoothly from her hand like water, Momo smiled wondering if this was her version. This wasn’t their first shrine visit since they were married, but it was still a kind of first nonetheless.
Hitsugaya-kun briefly glanced back at her. “Don’t worry, we’ll visit her soon.” She nodded, still smiling at him.
“Yatta, I got great blessing! What did you get, Hitsugaya-kun?” Momo looked pleased with herself and that was more than enough for Toshiro, even as she couldn’t help her giggle at seeing his own fortune, sue-sho-kichi, small blessing to come. Toshiro wasn’t superstitious, but was the small really necessary?
Toshiro wasn’t superstitious but he’s been noticing a pattern lately. Momo tended to pull out good fortunes, almost always Dai-kichi, sometimes Chu-kichi. If the overwhelming misfortune she faced meant that the cosmic scale was being tipped back in her favor, then Toshiro thought that there was justice after all.
She traced the characters on her fortune, machibito, a person being expected or waited for, “The person you’re waiting for will come,” she mouthed softly, even as Toshiro’s heart jolted at seeing shussan on her fortune slip.
Even in moments of calm like this, sometimes the anxiety would spike up. To shake off the silly urge of wanting to bite his thumb nail he smoothed over endan and negaigoto on his own slip almost obsessively.
Hirako once told him that everything in reverse would come the right side way up eventually. He didn’t put much stock in the other captain’s words, and much less did he put stock in pieces of paper, but if they meant that Momo would have a lifetime of fortune and happiness, then he would believe them wholeheartedly. It was nothing less than she deserved. And if nothing else, he’ll believe in himself. He’ll will those fortunes to reality if he had to.
“These are good fortunes, aren’t they Hitsugaya-kun?”
They were.
Just before they were about to pray, Momo suddenly asked him, “What did you dream about, Hitsugaya-kun?”
“Nothing much, just the past.”
Momo suddenly chuckled, “I had an auspicious first dream, a hawk flying high in the sky.”
“Oh,” Toshiro raised a brow, questioning. People talked about signs all they liked but it was actually rare to dream about them.
Momo smiled sheepishly, “Hehe, well to be exact I dreamed about the first time Hitsugaya-kun showed me his bankai. I remember being so amazed at seeing you fly.”
Toshiro’s brow raised even higher, “So I’m a bird now, is that it? You know you can’t just make up signs like that.”
Momo just smiled back impishly. “I’m collecting luck. It’s a lucky sign if I say it is. It’s up to us to make our own happiness after all.”
Toshiro just sighed in fond exasperation, he’ll tell her later if she asked but he had dreamed about a moment in the past. It wasn’t a specific moment, in fact it could have been every moment, but he had dreamed of a simple scene of them eating watermelons and watching the sunset.
It had been so tranquil that when he woke up he was disoriented at how Momo seemed to have grown overnight while Granny was nowhere to be found. Had she snuck into his bed to sleep again? Concerned, he wondered if she had another nightmare, before noticing her clasped hands in front of her. It hit him all over again, like a kidou spell, the immense but quiet happiness. Uncharacteristic of him, he had woken her because he couldn’t contain himself. The scene of watching the sunset in his dreams replaced with watching the sunrise. They had been surrounded by the mountains of their hometown in his dreams. Perhaps that counted?
A clap interrupts his reverie. Softly but enough for him to hear, Momo releases her prayer for the gods to hear as well, ‘may they be clever and strong’.
Toshiro contemplates whether or not to tell her that prayers were usually silent, but he decides against it. He doesn’t mind. Anyway, he knows what his own prayer will be.
It’s the one he’s been wishing for every night for the past year.
Hatsuyuki ya suisen na ha na no tawamu made  
The first snow Just enough to bend The daffodil leaves
“I thought that you wanted your first calligraphy to be…”
“I know, I know what I said, but I can’t seem to think of anything,” Momo’s eyes as she looks up at him are pleading.
Stroking her head to calm her, he then picks up the paper to carefully store away. “It’s still good.”
Momo pouts slightly perhaps thinking he was only placating her. Unfurling it, Toshiro observes it more closely, “No really, it’s good. As always your handwriting is almost too pretty,” he smirks. Momo only puffs out her cheeks and crossed her arms pretending to be offended. Really her husband could still be so childish sometimes, finding it hard to say what he wanted to say. But Momo could still read him just the same. To him, anything she said or did was beautiful. She was beautiful. It was as simple as that.
Cupping his chin in hand, he asked her, “Do you want this here? I can place it in the entranceway.”
“No,” she shakes her head, “I made it for the tenth division. I hope Rangiku-san also likes it.”
“You know her. I’m sure she’ll love it.” Finally putting the paper away, he dragged over another writing desk to place in front of her. It was easier to move around and sit without his captain’s cloak over his shoulders. He can’t remember the last time he went so long without wearing it. “Speaking of Matsumoto, I hope the tenth division barracks is still standing.”
“Hush,” she chides, even as she smiles and puts brush to paper to begin another stroke, “You know Rangiku-san can be counted on when it really matters.”
Copying her, he also drew a straight line downwards, though perhaps less elegant looking. His strokes were blunt and precise, sometimes heavy-handed in places where the ink would bleed out, much the same as him. He was good at dispensing reports quickly and efficiently, but wasn’t really suited to crafting pieces of art (unless it was with blade and ice), slowly and with care. This was more Kira’s domain, or Momo’s. She could get so absorbed in each stroke that perhaps an hour would pass before she was finished with just one kanji. She wrote like she drew, as if there was meaning and an entire world in each line that made up a character. And perhaps for her there was. “I know, I know. I haven’t even had any reports yet so they can’t be doing too badly without me.”
He hadn’t said anything, but perhaps Matsumoto sensed that he would prefer not to be bothered unless it was truly an emergency. She was an excellent vice-captain like that, although he rarely said it out loud. Again, perhaps, many would call it uncharacteristic of him, that he wasn’t worrying every minute about his squad but he had enough on his mind and in his heart right now. Gazing at Momo in front of him, humming as she added another stroke, he let out a subtle sigh of relief.
He could leave it up to Matsumoto.
It’s Momo who wakes him up this time around, brimming with excitement.
“Shiro-chan, look! It’s snowing!”
How nostalgic, he thinks sleepily at hearing her laugh, ‘she hasn’t called me that in ages.’
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, anxiety once again begins to creep in, contrasting his wife’s honest pleasure. ‘Won’t it be too cold for her?’ There were times in the middle of the night when he would unconsciously place space between the both of them, memories flashing back to those early days when he couldn’t control his powers. But without fail and as if she had some sixth sense for it, she would only draw nearer, looping hands and legs together so he would find it harder to escape, mumbling incoherent things all the while as she drooled on him. He had no choice then but to fall blissfully back into sleep.
Noticing her husband’s contemplative gaze as he looked outside, Momo sighed and wagged a finger to catch his attention, “No messing with the weather, Shiro. I’m fine.” Cross-eyed, Toshiro reluctantly nodded. “Good,” she chirped. One crisis averted she snuggled closer, and waited for him to put his arms around her.
Suddenly and without warning, colors bloomed in the sky, a multitude of flowers sparkling brightly and dazzling. Momo could only gasp in delight.
‘Fireworks in the snow, huh?’ A far-off memory that couldn’t hurt them now.
Certainly, it was too cold, but drawing the presence nestled in his arms even more closely to him, Toshiro found that he didn’t mind. The fireworks were spectacular yes, but his gaze was permanently drawn downwards. Blue, red, yellow, pink played off across her face in flashes. He could watch fireworks forever illuminated in her eyes. There, they would never fizzle out, the sparks would never die, rather they would shine brightly forever, so long as she kept looking at him.
Suddenly overcome with feeling, he wanted exactly that. He could only whisper her name, even if there were only the two of them, “Momo…”
“Hmmm,” she responded turning to meet his eyes with her own despite the display continuing above them, “What is it, Shiro-cha –“
He was a patient man, he was. And he’ll ask forgiveness for interrupting her later, but at this moment, he wanted nothing more than her lips on his. He should let her get some rest, he should, his mind was clearly telling him that he should, so why was his treacherous body tightening his arms around her, one hand roughly weaving fingers in her hair as he tilted her head back.
She was no better, fingers wound as tightly in his own hair, drawing out a soft groan he tried to muffle against her neck, as he kissed it feverishly, softly biting to leave blooms of his own on the milky skin, a counterpoint to the flowers up in the sky. Hyoten Hyakkaso without his zanpakuto, though these flower burned rather than froze.
There were times he was deathly afraid he would freeze her, but right now, nothing else plagued his mind besides her, and as he drew her down with him, for once he didn’t mind the snow, for he was sure he could warm her as long as he kept her close.
Up in the sky, the fireworks brightly shined and illuminated them both.
They write together quietly, Momo occasionally showing him a character to ask his opinion on it. She had already finished with the first one, excitedly showing it to him in a bit of feverish excitement.
The strokes for ‘flower’ and ‘fire’ were lively and vibrant. It matched her perfectly. Toshiro had agreed immediately.
It was the second one they were having trouble with. Toshiro had suggested the characters for ‘spring’ and ‘tree’. It reminded Momo of Tobiume, and Momo didn’t exactly mind it for ‘spring’ matched with his own ‘winter’, but something still felt out of place.
“Isn’t it too early for spring?” In truth, it was more that she wanted more of him reflected in these strokes and lines. She places ‘sun’ next to ‘happiness’.
Hitsugaya-kun only shrugs. Momo could only smile at him fondly. “I hope they’re more like you,” she says as she idly traces the strokes for ‘wish’.
Hitsugaya-kun merely smirks back at her. “Then looks like we’re in conflict since I hope they’ll take after you.”
Momo sticks out her tongue in playful indignation. “I’m sure the kami-sama will listen to my request over yours. I’ve been collecting more luck after all.” ‘Clever and strong,’ was what she had prayed for, ‘just like their father’.
Hitsugaya-kun shakes his head in amusement. Peering over to her side, he looks at what she’s been working on, “That could work.”
Momo hums thoughtfully, looking at the character this way and that. It seems perfect – a wish, a hope, a prayer – but it didn’t seem to be quite exactly what they were looking for.
“What have you got?” She leans more to his side, before bursting into a fit of laughter. If Hitsugaya-kun is embarrassed, he makes a valiant effort not to show it. On his paper, the character for ‘big’ in bold, black, strokes. Momo’s face softens at seeing the character under it, ‘shine’. It might be her own imagination that it seems like it’s glowing.
“They’re perfect.”
They made it just in time for the fire festival. Perhaps it was incongruous for them to be burning something they’d been working on for days, but this was just its own kind of prayer.
Both of them hold paper lanterns, in his, ‘Hanabi’ in her own script, in hers, ‘Haruki’ in his. Small bright lights cupped into the palms of their hands. As one they let both lanterns go, up in the sky, where they’ll burn brightly and send all their prayers up to the sky.
Fervently, Momo clasps her hands together, Toshiro a steady and unwavering presence around her.
She hopes.
Even if they had hoped for peace to continue, truly their idyllic days couldn’t last. They were still commanding officers, and when Matsumoto shows up on their doorstop one day, he knows exactly what it means.
He knows, but it doesn’t mean he has to like it.
Rangiku likes it no more than her taichou. She can’t even tease the both of them over the marks she spies not covered by Momo’s kimono. “Taichou…It’s Naruki City.”
He closes his eyes in aggravation, fingers closed over the bridge of his nose to stave off the migraine, as Momo and his Vice-captain look at him concerned.
For once, he wants to be selfish. It’s so close, too close. For once, he wants to forget about his captain’s cloak and his responsibilities and just stay here to shelter Momo from everything. Opening his eyes, he meets Momo’s own and is both equally dismayed and encouraged by the resolve he finds there.
Momo didn’t become a Shinigami to be protected. She became a Shinigami to protect. And it’s the same for him (except doesn’t she know by now, after everything, that she was the one he wanted to protect most of all).
Without words, she goes to get his captain’s cloak. If she feels his hands shake as she helps him put it on, then at least only she would know.
She cradles his face in her hands, arms going up to reach him now instead of down. He doesn’t know what she sees in his face, if it looks like he’s about to cry, but she only smiles calmly, ruffling his hair. When before, he had swatted her hand away, now he only leans into the simple comfort. He closes his eyes as he feels Momo draw him down and touch her forehead to his. His erratic heartbeat slows at hearing her breathe.
“I’m off.”
“Please go and come back,” she says as she bows on the engawa. There is no fear in her eyes, only trust as if telling him, ‘go and I’ll be here to welcome you when you return’. He wishes it was the same for him. He swallows before turning forward. He stops Matsumoto with a hand to her shoulder.
He has no words. “Matsumoto…”
Eyes widening in understanding, she starts worriedly, “The reports say there are at least five arrancars, taichou. I already commanded the rest of the troops stationed there to come back. I was planning to handle them myself…but the soutaichou said the both of us needed to be there.” Hitsugaya was glad she didn’t go by herself. He appreciated the soutaichou intervening on his behalf. Knowing Matsumoto, she would have rushed there headstrong and foolish for his sake.
All the points she raised were valid ones, but again all he could say was, “Matsumoto, please…” I need you here.  
There were moments where no words needed to be said, and the communication between a captain and vice-captain could be almost telepathic. This was one such moment, and as Rangiku gazed up at her not-so-little anymore captain, she could only smile in resignation, “Gotcha, taichou. But when you come back, I’m expecting an all-expense paid vacation. I’ve been working my butt off! Hey, Momo,” she called back, already making her way into the house, as Momo gazed at him with a question in her eyes, “Let’s go together!” Hitsugaya only smiled back.
Committing the sight of his wife and vice-captain smiling together, he tightened his grip on Hyourinmaru and set off.
Both his mind and body were on auto-pilot. He was glad Hyourinmaru had his back. It wasn’t like back then when his zanpakuto had to artificially mature him just so he could handle his own bankai. He had fully matured in all senses of the word, and had full mastery of his true bankai.
It was good that he was alone. There was no collateral damage except the enemy so he could release Shikai Hyoketsu without repercussions. But without Matsumoto there to support him, he felt more alone than ever.
He was getting tired. He lost count of how many enemies he had slain, of his own wounds and bruises. There was only one thought in his mind – to get home no matter what.
Using his sword as a crutch, he breathed out heavily before suddenly slashing out Hyoryu Senbi at the new presence he felt.
The shadow dodged and clicked his tongue. “Is that anyway ta greet yer elders? Ya look like you’ve been through hell. Need a little hand?”
Disoriented, Hitsugaya could only gape at the newcomer, “Hirako?”
“The one and only.”
Hitsugaya might have thought he was hallucinating but there was no mistaking that too-wide grin and tacky haircut. “What are you doing here? Naruki City isn’t under your jurisdiction.”
That carefree smile suddenly turned serious, “No it’s not, but I know someone who is under my jurisdiction. And I’m sure she’s missin’ a neglectful husband.” Hitsugaya growled at that. “What’re ya doin’ here? Do I have ta tell my daughter to divorce you?”
“For the last time,” a vein ticked in his forehead, this seemed like an eerily familiar experience he was having, “She is not your daughter! And anyway, you didn’t answer my question.”
He might have if not for another presence suddenly jumping in, “Oh, what? Am I interrupting a lover’s quarrel or something.”
“Nah, just an in-laws spat.”
What the hell?  
He couldn’t decide what expression he was supposed to be showing. Maybe Hirako decided to finally take pity on him as he decided to answer him. “The soutaichou sent us because it looks like someone forgot to bring their vice-captain.” Heh, more like they persuaded him. Even if that softie hadn’t already been ready to pull him out after hearing he stupidly went alone, Shinji’s sure Lisa’s kick to his backside, and Nanao-chan’s sharp glare would just about do the trick. Eh, a few misplaced forms never hurt anyone. “Color me surprised when I found out Naruki City was actually under the fifth and the eight’s joint jurisdiction. Who coulda been so stupid as to put it under the tenth’s all this time?”
Hitsugaya didn’t know what was going on.
Shinji sighed. The kid could be so slow sometimes. “Oi, Hitsugaya. Lisa also brought her vice-captain. I’m sure two captains and a vice-captain would be more efficient than one captain. Yer not needed here, so wouldja just hurry on to where you’re supposed ta be already?”
Finally shaken out of his stupor, he could say nothing. He put his own misgivings aside, and bowed low.
“Thank you.”
As the tenth squad captain shunpoed out of there, Shinji let out a whistle. “What d’ya know? The kid has manners after all. Let’s hurry this up Lisa. I got a grandchild to welcome.” “Lame,” Lisa replied, completely deadpan.
He let it off.
It was a joyous occasion after all.
She wasn’t there. She wasn’t at home.
His mind was perfectly blank.
He couldn’t feel her reiatsu anywhere.
What was his seventh seat doing here?
“Matsumoto fuku-taichou brought Hitsugaya fuku-taichou to the fourth.”
Hitsugaya-taichou immediately left without even greeting him, but Takezoe didn’t hold it against his captain. With a dozen children of his own, he’d been where the young man was now. He only hoped his captain would make it in time.
He doesn’t remember how he reached the fourth, only overwhelming panic.
He could feel the temperature lowering, but only distantly, the calls of his title heard in a vacuum as if he was somewhere very far away.
‘Hitsugaya-taichou, please reign down your reiatsu.’
‘Taichou, please control it, it might affect the patients.’
‘It might affect…’
He felt as if he was roughly woken up from sleep. Heavily, he lifted his head up, “Matsumoto…”
“Taichou,” Rangiku said more softly. Her little captain wasn’t so little anymore. More than once he’d had to support her when Shiba-taichou left, and even after…
But now, as she sees how he trembles under her hands on his shoulders, subtly curling into himself, eyes haunted, she is taken back to years past, to a little boy so afraid of hurting the people he loves.
Matsumoto’s voice brings him back. He can sense a cacophony of reiatsu, all mingling together, that it was hard to tell them all. Abarai with his daughter, both Kuchikis even, Kira, Hisagi, his squad, members from other squads, her friends, their colleagues, their friends.
But that only serves to forcefully remind him that he was doing it again, he can’t stop it, he’s the greatest danger to those around him, to her, he can’t ever protect her, and as he shivers, the ice creeps up even faster.
“Taichou,” Matsumoto says, voice still soft. Placing her palm firmly against his heart, she pleads, “Please. Listen.”
A thunderous sound, more presence than voice. Hyourinmaru
A sound like wind-chimes, laughter threading every word. He gasps.
“It’s alright,” Matsumoto assures him, smiling brightly. “She’s alright. She knows you’re here.”
In the end, both their wishes are granted.
Both their children have her hair, hers lit like a coal flame, his softer and reminding him of forests and trees, the coming of spring. His hair was too unique to be passed onto anyone else, she manages to joke, but no matter because she still got what she wished for. Rubbing both chubby cheeks and coaxing both eyes to open, he sees what she means when he sees his own eyes reflected back at him. Brightly shining with an inner light.
They would shine brightly, he vows to himself, as he envelops her, all of them, to him, while he buries his face against her hair.
“Shiro-chan,” she laughs, the happiest she’s been, “Are you crying?” She hardly if ever has seen him cry. She nuzzles her cheek to his. “What am I to do with my crybaby husband?”
He can’t even manage his usual ‘shut up’ amidst his tears, only hugging them closer.  Thank you.
Momo smiles. The person you’re waiting for will come.
He did. They did.
They were all home.
35 notes · View notes
babymagi · 1 year
Nanao: You know, for example, for me I'm nonbinary so I identify with they/them pronouns Shiro: Yup and there's nothing wrong with that, the Obsidian Goddess loves you and she will continue to love you 🥰 *Later* Shiro: YOU NEED TO LEAVE HER ALONE! Nanao: Master it's they/them pronouns! Shiro: YOU NEED TO LEAVE THEY ALONE! Nanao: THEM, Shiro! Shiro: I'm trying 🥺
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deathfavor · 7 months
@yeonban said: "we just missed him!" Mikito's voice is between disappointed and irritated, and he's staring at the marks left by the bushi with a rather childish pout. The Date's grand general seems to have rejoined with his band after having been on his own with a mere couple retainers for a while, courtesy of Nanao's intel, and now the chance of swiftly taking his head has passed Mikito by. He wonders, then, if he should kill Nanao for having failed (or better said, refused) to stall them until they came, or if he should simply accept the unsatisfying outcome and search for a hot spring instead.
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" Well, it WAS Nanao who mentioned seeing them. She was probably slow to spot them. " Seiroku folds his arms with a sigh as he stares down at the marks the stare up at them from the ground. " No surprise there though. She has her uses at time, but this definitely isn't one of those times. " Although...Seiroku really couldn't think of any particular time when there was one. Outside of maybe doing something for Shiro once in a blue moon. " . . . Maybe. I'm not so sure, considering the puppets I use can typically do the same as she manages. " At least she was a different face to make up the eight if nothing else. That counted for something even if it was a stretch.
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Seiroku looks around for a moment, arms folded across his chest while he watches the sunlight fall through the leaves in the canopy above them. " That didn't work out. But pursuit at this point would be useless and likely just be a bigger inconvenience in the long run. Either he's noticed her and thus ambush would be pointless and throw other plans off, or other plans will be disrupted if we go much further. " It's sound logic, and that's exactly what the black dog is counting on. ( It doesn't matter. Either way, Soma is safe. ) " And frankly, I'd rather slaughter more bushi than putting those plans back for one man who might not even know how close he came to death's jaws. "
He unfolds his arms, clasping his hands together as seriousness shifts to something lighter and cheerier. " It would be a shame to have come all this way for nothing though. There's a town not far from here known for their hot springs and crystal rivers, and excellent sake. I'm going. " It wasn't, or at least shouldn't, be surprising to any other member of the eight. Seiroku often spent a large amount of time by the water regardless of where he was. " So? " He turns his gaze down, expression cheerful. " Want to make a day of it? It's been such a long time. "
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