#Should've known this would happen
mcrredacted · 2 years
wait wait wait theres only been ONE cock cage anon so far? unacceptable. I'm locking gerard up so he stops getting hard onstage, then once they come offstage I'll grope them and get him all horny and slowly pull the key out of my pocket but oops! time for the encore I guess they just have to wait
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y-rhywbeth2 · 8 months
I felt like scribbling out a concept for the (High Primate) ceremonial robes, then my deficit in attention made itself known and I stopped at this stage. Still not sure what I think of it, but it's the only design that "stuck" and I don't have the neurotransmitters left to afford editing (also I can't draw veils). Whose teeth were used in the lazily drawn bead work? Who knows.
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"Regardless of rank or gender, all Bhaalyn wore full ceremonial robes of deep purple or black with violet streaks of random size, shape and placement. The interior linings of the cowl and garments were always deep black, and a black veil was worn over the face to make the cowl seem empty to an observer. High-ranking priests sometimes added a scarlet sash to this costume, for easy recognition when ill-lit rituals were taking place. Curve-bladed ceremonial daggers were worn at the belt."
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The immense backlash at fic criticism on this blog specifically is kind of weird to me. Idk man don't like don't read goes both ways this is the fandom hot takes blog
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demodraws0606 · 1 year
You know what it would be so funny if q!BBH caused the destruction of the island just...
I don't know why, silly guy just brings destruction everywhere he goes.
Also idk the idea of the Federation bringing a demon on the island that caused a lot of natural disasters and then doing the pikachu surprised face when said demon DOES end up destroying their island.
I think it would be funny
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No but wtf was Mitsuya actually talking about here though??? Why is he so concerned?
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We're literally talking about the same Mikey who immediately forgave Pah for stabbing a guy (something Mikey and toman is very against). He then instantly forgave Peh for being involved in a plot to kill Draken and immediately forgave Baji for ditching them. The same Mikey who chose Baji over street hawke. The only friends we've seen him have beef with so far in the anime is Draken over that petty argument and Kazutora who yk did the whole brother killing thing and even then he forgave them both too. All Mikey wants are his friends to be safe and happy. So yeah of course Mikey is gonna choose them over the truce.
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Years of reading and writing disapproving parent fic have come back to haunt me, as I'M now the one committing faux pas in front of my partner's uptight parents 🫠✌️
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skyheld · 13 days
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thematicparallel · 2 years
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getting a little crowded in this backyard barbecue hello
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abrahamvanhelsings · 2 months
video game don't kill off my favourite side characters impossible challenge
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feluka · 1 year
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started sketching shams when he fell asleep next to me but he flopped on his back before i could finish it
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juliannos · 3 months
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and so I return
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barkovsasha · 3 months
re erod on his back : no ❤️ I will not stop
you're terrible for my brain, what if i spend the next two days exhausted and writing something about this!!!
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Roier's backpack just auto-ate the Adam's Apple Forever gave him and spawned a VERY loud mob that scared the hell out of Roier, Bagi, and both their chats LMFAOOO
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jade-gemstone · 6 months
Finding out I've been pronouncing my own character's names for a really long time is the worst feeling actually.
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captain-hen · 1 year
hey, next time you think of leaving an unwanted negative comment on someone’s post, you should try this amazing, never heard of before option instead:
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have fun <3
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Finally got a PS5 and I can't play for 10 solid minutes without getting nauseous. I'll throw up because my little game avatar took 1 sharp turn
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