#Shout into the void - Rambles
abductedlawnchair · 9 months
*ranting and raving and stomping on rooftops and flailing my arms about* HUMANS ARE AMIMALS!!! WE ARE ANIMALS!!! QUIT ACTING LIKE WE'RE NOT!!!
I am so goddamn tired of society acting like we're not!!! I am so goddamn tired of us as a society acting like we are above all the other animals!!! I do not care that we are the apex!!! We are fucking ANIMALS!!! Like, just take a step back and observe us like we have our own nature documentary on Nat Geo or something. Maybe with David Attenborough or whatever, idc. Just imagine it.
We are a species of apes that just so happened to gain the ability of extremely complex and abstract thought, capability of language, an almost absurd level of self-awareness, and the type of intelligence that allowed us to discover, invent, and develop tools. A species of apes that just so happen to have such a crazy level of curiosity that we have the capability to learn about the world around us, and beyond.
The way we learn and develop is fascinating. If you observe a toddler from that standpoint, watching them interact with the world around them, you'd see how natural curiosity is to us, in our human nature. Neil deGrasse Tyson has literally said that children are beings of chaos because they're curious and learning about the world around them.
We all have children in us, just like we have our ancestors in us!!! Our brains are wired like theirs. Relatively, we have been in this state of society for an extremely short amount of time!! Our brains and nervous systems are still wired to survive and keep us safe from predators and other dangers!!
We are social creatures!! We need love and connection to survive!! We can't do things on our own. The only reason we ever got to where we are is because we work together and communicate and share knowledge. The way society is right now is too isolating!! Humans aren't meant to be fighting for a place in society!! Haven't you seen zookeepers?? Or anyone who cares for nature in any capacity?? We have an incredible capacity for compassion and caretaking, because we have the capability to know and understand the inner workings of ourselves and countless other species!! Caretaking and compassion is literally an innate human trait!! We're supposed to take care of each other and the world around us!! We literally are capable of pack bonding with ROOMBAS, for fucks sake!! Little robots that our ape brains see moving around on its own, being part of our homes, and thinks "little guy is alive... I love him"!!! Isn't that beautiful???
We were an evolution of Mother Earth, Herself, to grow Her and expand Her and care for Her!!! Whether you believe in intelligent design or just the absurdity of it all, it still happened like that. We have the capacity to care for Her in an evolved level, yet we're fucking it up so badly right now.
Indigenous cultures have always been on the right track. They've always been right about this. They have always known that we are all pieces of the same organism, just like the atoms and cells and organs and electricity in your body are all part of one body!!
And btw, culture is another HUGE part of us being social creatures!! Being expressive and creative and connected!! That's part of our nature!! We're meant to sing and dance and laugh together!! That connectivity of us being a collective is So Important!!! Making fun of people for being "sheep", or having "herd mentality" every single time is so stupid because yes!!! Yes that's EXACTLY how we are supposed to be!!! We are social creatures, remember?? The whole point is that we do things together!!!
I know how society is rn isn't the end all, be all, but it just breaks my heart that this Capitalism shit goes against some of the most beautiful parts of humanity!! We are animals!!! We are cute and curious and compassionate and social and we need warmth and sunlight and sustenance from the earth and water and sleep and shelter from the elements!! We have instincts just like everything else!! We came from the dust and we will return to the dust because we will always be part of the Earth, just like all the other animals!! And somehow, despite all odds, despite how robotic Capitalism wants us to be, our human nature seeps into everything.
Take care of yourself! You are an animal, after all! <3
*climbs off rooftop... for now*
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fryday · 3 months
eternally grateful for the livestream format meaning they can't cut anything out or reshoot because how else would we have gotten to hear phil's voice when he (a) revealed he planned to bring sister daniel back and (b) was asking sister daniel how it felt to be back? i have never heard this man sound so giddy and breathless at anything before
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
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Ayo!!! It's been a while since I've drawn utau (utmv?) stuff in a fully rendered style, so.... when I saw @itsxroxannex had a dtiys I had to shoot my shot!
Actually, I don't think I've ever done a dtyis before 👀 so this was really fun.
(Speedpaint and More Process Rambles beneath the cut ♡)
I... actually don't think I've ever drawn Passive!NM either tbh. This entire drawing was kinda like a personal challenge to myself, since I often lack w/ backgrounds too.
I did kinda a study on the originals background, because I tend to just draw characters w/o a solid background, and when I do add a background characters usually blend into it a lil too well to discern figures, so the color choices and soft loose lines compared to the hard lines + cell shading felt really nice.
I also decided to go back to Procreate for this one too! Normally I draw w/ Medibang these days, but I learned to draw utau stuff on Procreate and so drawing them elsewhere feels wrong.
And, of course, the last note I'll add in the actual post: my sketch process is trash lmao. Literally I just wing the shapes of clothes and junk based on the vibes and resize as needed. I love looking at the og sketch tho cuz it's so... bald. No under-form, no indicator of limbs, nothing.
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Welcome! You have found the madness of my blog. 
You can call me Darcy, Darce, Ash, Angel, or a nickname. I do not care (also if I tell you that my name is Angle, I meant Angel, I just can’t spell 😭)
I use she/her and they/them pronouns. I am a demigirl :)
I identify as asexual and panromantic and a burden
I reblog a lot, put random polls, and post random things about my life.
My other account: my oc: @a-poetic-apollo-kid
Lee Fletcher: @the-forgotten-apollo-kid
Naomi Solace: @best-country-singer
Naomi Solace for a closed rp for demigod’s mortal parents: @all-time-alt-country-singer
Cabin 7 ask blog: @cabin7-chaos
I created different Naomi blogs cause they are apart of two different closed rps, and I run the second one
how I run my blog:
Feel free to message me, i promise I’m nice, if you just want to talk or need to vent. I support everyone, (unless you’re a dick - homophobic, racist, sexist, etc) 
I use ‘girl’ ‘gurl’ ‘guys’ ‘dude’ and ‘bro’ as gender neutral terms, if you’re uncomfortable with it or sm just let me know :)
also I use <3 platonically, again let me know if you’re uncomfortable with it :)
a list of my moots here lmk if you want to be added (as long as we are mutuals)
poll tag list if you want to be apart of my tag list for polls please comment on this to be apart of that
Things I follow: 
(There might be more tbh)
Heartstopper -Anything Alice Oseman | Good Omens | Young Royals | Red, White, and Royal Blue | Avatar the last air bender | Percy Jackson | Doctor Who (a bit-not really) | Anything gay/queer/LGBTQIA+ | Hamilton 
There’s more, I’m just forgetting lol 
I love music and books- please if you want to, send in recommendations.  music peoples I listen to:
Cavetown | Conan Gray | Baby Queen | Olivia Rodrigo | Wasia Project | Orla Gartland | Taylor Swift (a bit) | Beabadoobee | Girl in red | JVKE | Bailey Spinn | Alexander Steward | Au/Ra | Natalie Jane | PEGGY | Lauren Spencer Smith | Billie Eilish
(These people all have more than one song on my main playlist)
Tags: Darce has a question - for polls
Ash shares their vast knowledge - for asks
Angel shouts into the void - for vents
Darcy needs you to see this - for reblogs
rambling Darce - for rambling
Darcy has a lot to say - for my headcanons
I’m going to try my best to use these :)
Extra: I have a YouTube channel… I post edits/videos of heartstopper and Percy Jackson
picrew: here
I think that’s it, please be nice :)
I do it for the girls and the gays
(gays being anyone in the LGBTQIA+)
credits: thank you soooo much @bleep-bloop-boo for the name and @ ideas
Thank you @homocidalpotat for my tag names
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neurodivergenttales · 4 months
Always torn between relapse and recovery
Never fully committed to either
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friendly-jester · 2 months
i'm thinking about evil and why i love it so much and there's so many reasons but the main one is just the characters and their relationships with each other. they feel like real people. fully fleshed out and realized characters and not just fake people i'm watching on a screen which happens in shows of similar genres.
and then the relationships and bonds they've forged are just... amazing. i love david and kristen's love so much. they can't be together because of david's preisthood and kristen being married to andy but just being together as friends, as coworkers, as confidants, as soulmates is enough for them and i just find that so... incredible. their dynamic and relationship is my favorite in the entire show. which you think would make me hate andy as he's an "obstacle" for them being together but it's actually the exact opposite. i LOVE andy. i think he's a great character. he's funny and protective and clearly loves with his whole heart. i think the love and devotion he has to kristen and the girls is very charming and i genuinely don't like when bad things happen to him because he doesn't deserve it. yes i want kristen and david together so so bad but not at the expense of andy. i don't want him to die and i don't want him to get his heart broken either so i'm just in space of well how would it happen then?? *cough* THROUPLE *cough* because at this point my main man andy has been through enough and deserves to be happy with his wife and kids!!!!
i wanted to talk about ben dynamics too but this is getting too long so maybe another time after getting my thoughts together more 🫡
edit: ben post here
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emwallas176 · 1 year
OTP Formula:
Weight of the World on Their Shoulders 🤝 Person Who Knows Them Better Than Anyone
Bonus: anxious 🤝 repressed
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missskzbiased · 3 months
Inspired by a fellow Polin Stan, I must say this here.
A lot of things bothered me in Pt.2, but one of the things that bothered me the most was the fact that Show!Colin doesn't get a chance to show Penelope that despite being mad, he still loves her.
We, as an audience, can see his facial expressions while he is ALONE and kind of follow through his journey to understanding his feelings. But he doesn't communicate. And that's a real problem.
Yesterday, while thinking about it, I compared it to what we call "Metagaming" when we play RPG. As players, we hear things and we know things that our characters aren't supposed to know, and while interpreting our characters, they shouldn't know it just because we know it.
Pt.2 felt like a huge metagaming to me because Colin (and Eloise. I have many more complaints about her) only express what is important to people that aren't Penelope, and somehow Penelope still finds it in herself to be understanding. That's not how it works.
Colin was mean. Was he right to be so? Yes, I think so. Of course, he could have handled it better were he more mature, but he's 22 and he's a man in a society that gives him much credit only for it. So yeah, I'm not mad because he said some hurtful things. I'm not mad because he wanted his space. I'm mad because they didn't allow Penelope to react properly to it.
Colin goes to Cressida and says all that stuff about the letters. Great. He doesn't talk about it to Penelope.
Colin goes with a "It's not up to you" regarding a thing that relates to Penelope a 100%. He shuts her off, and instead of starting from "You're my wife, and I won't allow anyone to harm you" (which wouldn't be my go choice either, I'd prefer him to listen to her), he goes "No one will tarnish my family's name. Oh, and no one will blackmail my wife". It's almost a second thought.
"Missy, but she has his name, and he's considering it". Yeah, but the speech doesn't FEEL like it. It feels like he cares about his family (good) and his name (good) and his pride (name and not blackmailing HIS wife). They could at least have phrased it better, they could have showed more feelings as to Penelope hear him saying "I love you and I'll protect you" instead of "I love my family and your stuff won't bring us down".
Colin goes away when he discovers she's LW. He isn't concerned about her well-being at that moment, and THAT'S OKAY. HE WAS HURT, SAD, MAD. HE WANTED TO INFLICT PAIN. Again, that's not okay nor mature, but it's UNDERSTANDABLE. That's how flawed people act, and we're all flawed. Okay.
But then they could have him showing her that he cared at some point. When they meet before their marriage, instead of letting her go alone, he could have gone with her.
"But Missy she's been doing it for years. She doesn't need it. She says so. Her book self says so too"
Not once we see Colin putting aside his anger to care for her, and loving is also caring while mad. It's not only about being well while everything is perfect. It's about caring even when you're awfully awful. In any way. It could have been a breakfast tray. It could have been listening to her. It could have been sharing something.
"Missy, but they dance together at the wedding and there's the nod"
Yeah, but that's before Pen goes "I'm Whistledown and you have to come to terms with it". Up to that point, it's like Colin assumes she'll give up on herself because of their marriage. And after she says she won't, he fails to show her how much he truly loves her. We see this at the final episode, when she goes "I understand if you want a divorce, I don't want to harm YOUR family". Because that's all he showed her. And then he gets confused, because in his head it's clear that he loves her so much and nothing should keep them apart, but he doesn't translate it to her throughout the episodes.
It turns out to feel like a "Tell, don't show" kind of thing. They didn't show her that he loved her. They told her, with a confession that I honestly hated. I don't want to hear Colin say "If my purpose is to love you, then be it", I want to hear him say "That's your purpose, and I understand fighting for one. You inspired me to fight for mine, I could never ask you to not do the same, and I want us to fight for our purpose together. I'll always be by your side"
I don't know. Do better. Just do better.
Also, Penelope didn't burst even once. I can't conceive it. But this will be for another rant, cuz this is too long already and no one will read it.
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finniestoncrane · 27 days
ok well goodnight that was a day well spent getting all the upgrades for pearson at the camp only to find out you don't get an achievement for it lmao
tomorrow i'm going to get japanese toast and i'm excited!!
also if i've missed a message from anyone in my depression absence i apologise!! i'm trying to make sure i'm all caught up but i'm scared i've missed something ;-; if it's on discord then... i don't know what to tell you i'm even slower getting back to things there just now lol BUT I AM TRYING!!
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burningthetree · 1 year
this is my villain origin story I can feel it
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marzywuz · 4 months
Not enough people talk about how cove is autistic and not in the fact he is or isn't autistic (..which he canonically is) but in him with actual autistic traits
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Like I need more things of cove info dumping just randomly
I need more of him stimming
I need more of the guy being overwhelmed
Hes my favourite piece of autistic rep and its kinda sad the fandom sometimes boils him down to being hot or a 'cinnamon roll' which is an interly different thing
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djevelbl · 19 days
Quick question — could you realistically make latte art on IM!Cup's hair????
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idontreallyexistyet · 2 months
what is c!tommy ?
(im not sure i understand this interest of yours but i would like to hear you talk about it and help me understand, i dont think I'll ever like it to the same degree but i rlly want to be supportive!!)
(you don’t know what can of worms you’ve just opened/pos)
C!Tommy is short for ‘Character Tommy’ which is talking about the streamer/youtuber/vlogger Tommyinnit’s character when he streamed on the Dream SMP back in 2021-2023(?)
When I was listening to the song my mind went straight to C!Tommy in exile. He was exiled for playing a prank which Dream claimed (correct me if I’m wrong it’s been years) he did for attention with malicious intent.
In exile a part of Tommy so desperately wants to end it, but the other part of him wants to prove that he’s not just a spotlight starved kid. So when I heard the chorus “give my injection of attention and just let me overdose~” my brain went straight to C!Tommy on the dirt tower.
Thank you so much for asking about this by the way, when I was deep in my DSMP phase there was no one I knew who was as into it as I was so I never really could talk abt it. If you have any interest in my opinions abt the lore I remember then send an ask or a DM please!! I would love to ramble.
And as a thank you for reading this far here’s a quick, shitty little doodle I did:
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excelsior9173 · 1 year
thinking thoughts again…
i think my interpretation of euclid has shifted a little.
i still hear a sense of farewell, a finality. but it also has an elements of thanks. i was listening and heard the lines “and in reverse you are all my symmetry/ a parallel i would lay my life on”
and i always get caught up on the fact that he addresses the recipient of those lines (the way i hear it) as “you all”.
it takes me back to vessel’s speech from the room below. how he talks about how it’s not right for him to be told that he saved our lives, but rather that we all, the fans, saved his.
those two lines in euclid now sound to me like a thank you to the fans. a recognition of the fact that we are all broken humans, but this music has brought us together to save each other. to take care of each other.
i have so many feelings about this song, so many feelings about this band. i have no idea how to express them but this gets me there somewhat lol
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ravixen · 1 month
re-opening this blog briefly to document the fact that my friends and I got VIP floor tickets to see seventeen. AND it's on my birthday
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secretsofthewilde · 2 months
Margaret Curruthers is such a good addition in Deadloch, because by the time we realize that the killer is most likely a male (and therefore isnt her), we already know that she's a threat we just don't know how bad her actions have been yet. Her calling Abby over about Miranda's earing and her "trespassing" confirms to us that she is in fact a rich white woman who weaponises her privilege over the aboriginal women around her, despite her claims of charity. She honestly could have gotten away with her behaviour (both current and past) if she hadn't decided to;
1) try to punish Miranda for refusing her offer
2) Go back to the Island to try and cover her past sins (her brother's body)
It's doing this and revealing her true nature, which sets her up to fail. Even if she hadn't been bitten by the snake in an act of karmic justice, her choice to try weaponise her status against Miranda and Tammy would have been enough to cement the already brewing suspicions about her true nature, and therefore the Island dispute would have come out eventually.
But because she couldn't handle the thought of coming under suspicion and her true nature being revealed, the second she finds out her brother's disappearance is being looked into she acts rashly and goes the the Island and seals her fate.
Even the fact that the girls were attempting to help her out when they find her bitten, despite at this point already knowing she called the police on Miranda for trespassing, shows brilliantly how the girls believe in community and supporting each other whereas Margaret for all her public philanthropy doesn't truly care for the others around her - as we just witnessed her abandon the other women arrested with an obvious lie that she intends to get her lawyer to help them out too.
The island was never hers, and we see this when despite her constant warnings to everyone about the tiger snakes, she met her end by disturbing the snakes' natural habitat in her attempt to bury her past sins.
In a show that constantly points out the flaws of men/the patriarchy, it's nice to see them not only successfully but (imho) brilliantly write a storyline underneath the main plot that shows the villainy of colonialism that persists to this day in women like Margaret.
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