#Shouya Ishida
elixrr · 1 year
HII!! I saw you wanted requests in your last post and I also saw you writer for a silent voice so I think it’s perfect to see someone (except me) write for it as well! So… may I request Shoya Ishida with a Male! or GN! S/O who doesn’t speak at all? like link from the BOTW game? I would say, the reader can hear big he doesn’t talk to anyone at all unless it’s someone their very close to like ishida and maybe what ishidas reaction would be when they just talk to him? hope that isn’t to hard :) thanks!
A Wonderous Voice:
Shouya Ishida x GN!Reader
Synopsis... you, who does not speak at all, suddenly decide one day to talk to your best friend, Shouya Ishida.
Author's Note... I am so, so sorry this took so long to get out!! I didn't exactly have the time to work on this, let alone even open tumblr until it was past midnight! I'm glad I got it done now & I hope you enjoy it <3
Warnings... None! Total, pure fluffiness.
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“...And in the end, she really did drop the ice cream. She tried to go back and buy another one, but the lady ran out of the flavor she liked.” Shouya Ishida snickered, stifling a louder laugh when recounting the memories. You sat there across from him, wide smile on your face as if you were holding back a laugh. That's how Ishida knew you found the story funny, even if he never heard you talk or even laugh out loud.
He smiled a tad bit more when he noticed the crinkles in your eyes when you smiled like that, as you closed your eyes and almost laughed.
“So then, uhm, after she was told that there wasn't any more of the flavor, she stood there for a good minute, and then she turned to me with this look in her eye, and– and she told me to buy the flavor for her!”
Ishida lightly yet dramatically 'slammed' the table with both palms. He giggled, and you snickered, too. Each time, he slightly opened one eye to see your expression, wanting to know if you really were enjoying this. His giggling died down, and this sweet smile plastered all over his face. He thought it was really sweet how, despite the fact that you don't talk, you willingly listen to him blabber with jumbled stories (accompanied by a few stutters) to drown out silence.
Suddenly, as he's lost in thought, you tilt your head and wave to him, confused. You semi-shrug with both hands and then point to Ishida, sign language for “what happened?”. He snaps out of his thoughts.
“Oh, no, nothing happened. I was just, uh, thinking of how to... word the next part?”
Ishida scrambles up a bit to regain composure before speaking again.
“So, I uh– I had to drop her home with our mothers first. Then I had to bike over to the convenience store just for a tub of ice cream!”
You were smiling, stifling a small laugh each time he progressed with the story, but then you heard someone approach from behind. You thought of something funny when imagining it in your head, and at long last, you opened your mouth to speak as you watched Ishida chuckle.
“Oh wow. Look who it is. It's Ishida and... who's this?” A certain girl with long black hair leaned on the table with her arms. It's that Ueno that Ishida's mentioned in the past. You fidget uncomfortably in your seat.
“They're my friend.” Ishida murmurs, short and simple.
“Oh. Hi.” She looks at you as if she was expecting something. You merely wave to her as a greeting.
“Pft, don't talk much, huh? What, you deaf too?”
“Ueno, please don't talk to them like that. They can hear perfectly fine. They just don't talk... m– much.”
“Oh sure, whatever. You've always had a thing for the quiet weirdos.” She scoffs, poking her tongue at Ishida as he rolls his eyes. Beside him and through sign language, he tells you not to worry.
You nod, but then you hear someone call Ueno's name from where the cashier is. You turn around and see someone with really short brown hair call over to Ueno. You realize that she doesn't hear said person.
You tap on the table near her fingers, and she looks over at you strangely. You point over at the direction of the cashier.
“Oh, so sad, I've gotta go. Bye-bye Ishida and his quiet little friend.” You and Ishida watch as Ueno walks away.
“...Are you okay, y/n?” Ishida stares over at you, concerned if she hurt you in any way, shape, or form. You simply nod and smile, to which he's relieved.
“Mm, are you okay, Ishida?” You ask casually, as if talking was an everyday occurrence for you.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm okay.” He responds, playing with his hands and fidgeting. He thinks about how to make things a little less awkward after Ueno came and killed the vibe.
His eyes trail off into the distance, pondering for a bit, until he realizes something. His eyes widen a bit as he stares directly at you.
You smile at him knowingly, and he smiles, still extremely surprised.
“Y- You—wait, what? Did you just say that?”
“Yeah, I kinda did.”
He covers his mouth, now laughing a bit. You spoke. You spoke! Spoke to him! He couldn't have been more ecstatic that his best friend finally spoke.
“Your voice is so nice,” Ishida begins, smiling innocently. “I've never seen you— ah, wait, what did I just say?!”
“You find my voice nice?” You snicker, watching as his face burns up at his own thoughtless and sudden compliment.
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A Silent Voice - Koe no Kotachi
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iianfl · 11 months
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Character Analysis: Shouya from A Silent Voice
(Spoilers for A Silent Voice/Koe no Katachi)
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Shouya Ishida is one of my favorite anime/manga characters ever, and I’ve been meaning to make a post about him. In my opinion, he is the poster child for the perfect redemption arc. I want to talk about some of the reasons why his change of heart was foreshadowed/under the surface right at the beginning, and why we as an audience are rooting for him, despite the horrible things he did to Shouko.
A Silent Voice is currently one of the top anime movies of all time, and while I do really love the movie (KyoAni is amazing) I am a much bigger fan of the manga; it has more time to expand on the characters and introduces some smaller important plot lines. In this post I will be quoting some moments that were in the manga and not the anime, aka, Shouya’s internal monologue. Anyway, let’s get into it. I want to start with why I think Shouya went down the bullying path in the first place.
Environment and Role Models
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One of the biggest factors that influenced Shouya’s class’s toxic environment and led him to be a bully was having an uncaring ableist teacher. In the manga, the phrases “something we just have to deal with” and “this is your responsibility”, things that the teacher said to him regarding Shouko, repeatedly echo in Shouya’s mind whenever he interacts with her. At some points, the teacher actually laughs when the other students make fun of Shouko, letting Shouya (as well as the others) believe that it’s an ok thing to do. If Shouya had an adult figure in the classroom with a stronger sense of morality, he might have changed his tune earlier.
Shouya was also highly influenced by his peers (which makes sense because he was literally 11 years old). When another teacher comes into the classroom to explain what sign language is, there’s a very small panel before anyone else says anything, where Shouya thinks “that sounds fun”. At first, he’s interested in sign language and may have been willing to give it a shot. But then, Ueno suddenly starts complaining about how it’s much easier for them to use the notebook than sign language, and Shouya absorbs this and immediately goes back to thinking about how much of an inconvenience Shouko is to him.
Another influence on Shouya’s behavior is his home environment. I do not want to shade Shouya’s mom completely because overall I think she is a loving parent, but unfortunately she was not able to fully be there for her son because she is a single mom with a full time job. Even though he was in a caring home, he was not necessarily in one that gave him enough attention, and by the time Miyako realized what her son was up to it was too late. If she had given him more guidance earlier on in his involvement with Shouko, they may have been able to avoid disaster.
But all of these reasons aren’t excuses, they’re explanations. Regardless of why, Shouya contributed to Shouko’s severe trauma and did unforgivable things. So why do I think he’s the best case for redemption in anime?
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Shouya is repeatedly shown as having actual remorse for his past actions. This is why other bully characters like Ueno and Kawai are seen as far less likable than Shouya. Other people on here might have actual analyses about those two characters, but as for this post all I’m going to say is that I believe they are much more widely hated than Shouya because of their initial denial of having done anything wrong.
It’s also important to remember that Shouya changed his tune as soon as Shouko left. It wasn’t years after she left his school that he realized he was wrong, it was days. He as an 11 year old realized he was wrong for hurting her; he figured it out as soon as he noticed how she was protecting him from being bullied. And once he himself started to be harassed by his peers, he finally recognized the full weight of what he had done to her.
Some might criticize this moment, saying “Shouya only realized bullying was bad because he got bullied himself”, but frankly, what’s so wrong about that? Many kids who bully don’t realize the full extent of the emotional damage they’re doing until it happens to them. Through this experience Shouya was able to realize, “this is how much pain she felt from the things I did to her”. And that unfortunate shared experience is what drives him to have so much guilt and a desire to change.
Change of Behavior
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After his realization of the severe damage he had done to Shouko, Shouya started actively being more kind and thoughtful to others. He learned sign language in order to properly apologize to Shouko. He started helping out strangers and not judging people who are different (Tomohiro, Yuzuru). He acknowledged the severe financial strain he put on his mother and worked hard to pay her back.
And the whole point of the ending of the story is that him feeling sorry for himself and hating himself for the rest of his life isn’t going to undo his past behavior. All he can do now is operate with a better mindset going forward and make a positive difference instead.
Obviously, no one should be forced to or feel obligated to forgive their bully/abuser. But the story isn’t about whether Shouko should forgive Shouya, it’s about whether Shouya can change into a better person. I think it’s a very harmful ideology to believe that people who were bullies as children will be the same person forever. The world isn’t divided into ‘good people’ and ‘bad people’, it’s made up entirely of people who are capable of doing both good and bad things. And I really like how the protagonist of A Silent Voice is someone who had done bad things but is now choosing to be different.
Anyway, this was super long so thank you if you read all of it. Please let me know your thoughts on Shouya or any other characters from this movie/manga.
Thanks for reading!
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madara-fate · 6 months
A silent voice the representation of overt and covert bullying. We see our main character experience different form of bullying
Initially, Ishida experienced bullying in terms of people writing on his desk, which was rather overt. Then afterwards, he experienced bullying in terms of exclusion, which was rather covert. So in that sense, yes he kinda did experience both types of bullying,
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Shouya Ishida from A Silent Voice is a child of divorce!
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beneaththetangles · 1 year
One of the great struggles for Christians is figuring out how to navigate life in a world that doesn’t embrace biblical values. How to stay on the narrow path when the culture is so different—and often opposed—to biblical living? Our team finds some examples of how we might do so through how characters in several anime—Akiba Maid War, Princess Mononoke, A Silent Voice, and Oshi no Ko—live their lives. Join Paris, Mike, and Twwk, who’s sitting in for Tyler, as they investigate how those characters walk and talk differently from the world around them!
0:00 - Introduction 1:25 - Game—This or That 8:40 - Spy x Family Cast Question results 10:26 - Living biblically in an unbiblical world 11:09 - Discussion—Shiipon and Akiba Maid War 17:27 - Discussion—Ashitaka and Princess Mononoke 23:42 - Discussion—A Silent Voice��and an ungracious world 32:40 - Discussion—Oshi no Ko and idols, authenticity, and culture 45:37 - Cast Question 46:15 - Closing
Cast Question
What’s your advice for living biblically in an unbiblical culture?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
(Read More)
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mina-ahavi · 2 years
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siix-eyes · 6 months
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sebfreak · 1 year
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“Starting tomorrow, I´ll look everyone in the eye. Starting tomorrow, I´ll listen when people speak to me. Starting tomorrow, I´ll be better.” 
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(Happy Birthday my dear Shouya Ishida; June 6th)
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janmenart · 7 months
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Cabbagetober Day 22 - Voice
I loved this manga so much in high school :)
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choujinx · 3 months
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KOE NO KATACHI (2013-2014) by ooima yoshitoki
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mahnameisqq · 2 months
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Doodles of my thoughts on the Breadwinners x A Silent Voice crossover! 💚
Hope you agree and like them! 😚🫶
This all started because Swaysway and Shoya Ishida share the same voice actor Robbie Daymond.
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qurolo · 9 months
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Shoya Ishida, unfortunately my biggest kin 🥲
Anyway, here’s him and the reference
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eosov · 1 month
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madara-fate · 4 months
So twitter is a place where any opinion exist. So when the topic about a silent voice someone describe this movie as an entitled incel who get romance without any effort, i have no doubt this person never even watch the movie. Then there's someone mentioning about the disability representation is not great which is valid opinion, another person give opinion this movie will be more interesting focusing on nishimiya instead of ishida ok still valid, then another person said ishida get rush redemption or he's redemption is very bad. The movie i know people involved in this movie doesn't have bad intention however the damage is already done
People who only watch the movie not reading manga they give the most horrible take on ishida character. So people blame and hate ishida for taking most of the screentime when its actually wasn't he"s fault to begin with. Ishida is also neurodivergent which is he's mental health issue he's anxiety and panic attack
If certain people think that the series would have been better if it had focused more on Shouko, then fair enough. However, to hate on Shouya for essentially being the protagonist and having most of the panel/screentime is nonsensical. Óima wanted her story to be from the perspective of the bully who began suffering from severe social anxiety, and eventually turned over a new leaf. If these people want to read or watch a similar story from the perspective of the disabled person, then they can write their own story about that.
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