#Shushi's writing
shushiyuii · 9 months
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Since I never finished Atlantic runaways and I never ended up posting this as it was supposed to be included with the finale-
Thought it could be a nice treat after so long, it’s at least some sort of finale?
I’m sorry for not finishing anything, but I think it’s clear I’ve moved on at this point but I’m still thankful to everyone I met in this community, the friends I made and all the people I inspired with my badly written stories. Thank you all for supporting me during those times back then- I do miss the old days though- /Gen
Update wise? Doing pretty good with some things sjwwjkwakam
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staystraykay · 2 years
TokyoRev Dad's: Baby's First Words
Sup Freaks! Sorry I've been very MIA lately. Had a lot of things to take care of and sadly I just couldn't fit any time into writing for you guys. But I am back and ready to kick ass!
So, we're starting up the TR Dad series and we are starting strong. Baby's first words and the line up for the comback is:
So let's rock-n-roll buttholes!
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“Come on, honey. Say mama.” You begged your nearly one-year old daughter. 
Raiya had begun babbling and baby talking a couple of months ago. She’s made up her own little words for things she wanted or needed, and sometimes you had to have your five-year-old son Rhys to translate for you. Like when she started calling her comfort blanket her shushie. You didn’t have a single clue what she had been crying for all day until Rhys came in and handed her the small purple blanket.
“You wanna say it. I know you do.” You said playfully, making her giggle and clap her hands together repeatedly. “Mmmah mmmmah.” You said slower, making a funny face to try and trick her into mimicking you. 
“Y/N?” You heard Rindou call out after you heard the door open and shut. 
“In Raiya’s room.” You answered before clapping you hands. “Ma ma. Come on, Rai. I know you can do it. Say ma ma.” 
“Hey, Angel.” Rindou hummed as he came into the room, blonde hair pulled half back, kissing the top of your head before joining you on the tiara rug. “Princess,” he cooed down at his daughter who was smiling and clapping.
“Hi Daddy!” Rhys came running into the room, launching himself onto his father’s back.
Rhys’s blonde hair was getting longer and along with his downturned eyes your sweet baby boy was looking more and more like his father every day. He even picked up on his dad’s death glare, which he mimics when he doesn’t want to do what you’ve asked.
“Hey buddy!” Rindou chuckled and reached his arm around to support the boys weight, carefully so he doesn’t fall. “Were you good for momma today?” He raised a brow and the little boy smiled and nodded his head.
“Yup.” He popped his p with a giggle.
“What about school?” Rindou pushed further.
“Green card all day.” Rhys said proudly with his chin held up. “Kouta had to move his card to yellow today.”
“Really? Why?” Rindou mocked a gasp.
You always loved that Rin was good with kids. Hell he was great with you even. So watching him be a dad, being a great father who was involved in his kids lives, well it made you fall deeper in love with him. When he had to work out of town he always called ever free second he got to talk to the kids, and with you. You were worried when you first found out you were pregnant with Rhys. You were only seventeen and rindou had barely turned eighteen when you found out. At the time you were afraid you were so young and he was involved in such harsh work you thought maybe he’d bail. But he hasn’t. Not for a single second once since the day you told him about Rhys. And when he found out about Raiya, and that it was a girl this time, oh you wish you could go back and relive the excitement and joy written all over his face. 
“He threw a car at Kenzia’s head.” Rhys sighed. “I told him not to, daddy. Is told him whats you told me. Haitani’s don’t hit girls, unless it’s their butt because they like that.”
“Rindou!” You gasp and smack his chest. “Rhys, honey, you don’t hit gets period.”
The five year old snorted and looked at his dad with a matching smirk and said, “ok momma.”
Oh when this boy gets older you have no clue what you’re going to do.
“Daddy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” You sigh and toss a half hearted glare at your husband. “Daddy’s been hit one too many times.”
“Da~” you heard your daughter attempt to mimic.
You snapped your attention back down to her in shock. “What was that? You got it, Rai.” You smiled. 
She looked up at you and Rindou with her big violet eyes. “Da~ Da~” she babbled again.
“Come on, Princess. Almost there.” Rindou encouraged her, picking her up.
“Da da.” She pushed out with a big smile on her face, giggling and shrieking in her little baby excitement. “Dada! Dada!”
“Yes! That’s right, Princess. Dada is right here!” He cheered and smirked over at you. “Suck it. She said dada first.”
You glare and roll your eyes. “So? Rhys said mama first and he was our first born, so I still get the crown.”
Rindou smirked down at you and leaned in to peck your lips. “Mmm,” he hummed as he pulled away, “you’ve always had the crown baby. My first princess.”
“Ew,” you laughed and pushed him away before getting up. “I’m the queen.”
“My queen.” He added with a sexy knowing look. “Maybe we can make another little Prince or Princess tonight when the kids go to sleep.” He muttered into your hair before picking up both kids and running out the room to play with them.
Good God, what have you done to deserve this amazing man?
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“You’re hovering, Love.” Ran sighed as he walked in to the living room to see you and your son on the couch. 
For hours now you have been trying to get your son Kouta to say something. Anything. You were getting impatient and you wanted to hear him say something. You could have sworn he said ball this morning but Ran said it sounded more like a burp. So, here you were laid on the couch, son on your lap giggling because his momma was making funny sounds and faces.
“He’ll say something when he’s ready to. No need to rush the process.” He added before leaning over the back of the couch and booped your son on the nose with one of his long fingers. “Ain’t that right, kiddo? Tell momma it’s ok. You’ll talk when you’re ready.”
You glared before flatly saying, “Rhys said his first word yesterday.”
Ran snapped his eyes to you and said, “really? Rin didn’t tell me.”
You shrugged and went back to playing with your son. “Katie called me yesterday and told me.”
“What was it?” He asked you, brows raised.
You shrugged again as you made a funny face to make your son laugh. “She didn’t say. We were on the phone and I guess he said it just then because she rushed me off the phone.”
“So she didn’t tell you, you just happened to be on the phone with her when he said it.” He deadpanned. 
“She still would have called me.” You defeneded.
“Mmmm sure.” Ran continued to tease. “You’re not special.”
“Am too!” You snapped back, obviously letting him under your skin.
“Are not.” He amusingly continued. He always did love to see you all flustered and your feathers are ruffled up. It was satisfying to know that even after all these years and now a kid, he still could rile you up like this.
“Are so! Now take it back, Ran!” You pout, feelings slightly hurt.
You were a princess dammit. He better start remembering that.
“Mmmm no.” He sighed.
You looked to your son and faked cried. “Dada is so mean, bubba.”
Your one year old son looked at you and pouted. He looked to his dad and slapped his chubby little hand down on his dad’s head before curling up in your chest.
Did he just-
“Aw, baby.” You cooed as he rubbed his little head further into your chest. 
“Mama.” He repeated and you were just about ready to pass out.
“Someone’s protective over their momma.” You cooed and squeezed the baby close to you. “Mommy’s big protector.”
“Hey now, you don’t have to protect her from me.” Ran pouted and joined you on the couch. “I love momma too.” He whined.
Kouta looked at his dad and then looked at you.
“I know. He’s so whiney.” You said to your son, teasing your husband.
“Y/N.” He whined again.
You roll your eyes and look at your son. “What do you say? Should we share cuddles with dada?”
“Mama!” Kouta cheered and snuggled further into your chest.
“Sorry, Ran. You heard the kid. Momma only. No dad.” You taunted and mocked a shrug.
“Yeah right.” He scoffed before scooping you both up into his arms and curling up with you two. He looked at his son who was giggling. “You can share momma. I had her first anyways.”
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Kaito, your five year old son, was helping you today and keeping his ten month old sister Miyo distracted for you. You needed the help today honestly. Miyo had woke up at six this morning and she hasn't ran out of energy yet. And with Mikey off handling 'business' today you had absolutely no help.
So, while you worked on making lunch to take up to your husband, Kaito decided he would step up and keep Miyo distracted. He was currently playing peek-a-boo with her on the living room floor. You could hear the gurgling giggles in the kitchen and every once in a while a childish 'boo!'.
"Kaito, honey, please go get your shoes and grab your sister's too." You called from the kitchen as you started to wrap up the bento box up in the black fabric.
"Yes ma'am." He called back and you could hear his little feet thudding off to his room.
"Hi Princess!" You cheered in a fake excitement for your daughter. She turned her little head towards you, her blonde hair cascading down from two pigtails. She clapped her hands with a big smile on her chunky little face. "Wanna go see daddy?" You asked and she squealed. "I'll take that as a yes."
"Here you go, Momma." Kaito said as he handed you Miyo's pink sparkly shoes Mikey just had to get her.
You son sat next to you and slipped on his spiderman light-up shoes before standing up to help you get things together. He honestly was mommy's little helper. You're going to cry when he grows out of this.
"I got Miyo's stroller ready, Momma. Daddy's lunch is in the bottom." He stated before he went to grab your purse off the kitchen table.
"Ok, buddy. Thank you." You smiled as him after you finally wrestled your daughter's shoes on. "Come on, Princess. Let's go see daddy." You sighed and stood up to strap her into the stroller. "Kaito, when we get outside you jump on the back ok? We gotta get there quickly today."
"Yes ma'am." He called from the front door that he was already unlocking.
You finally got both out the door and closed the house up. The walk to Bonten wasn't far from your house. Mikey liked to stay close in case he needed to get to the office for an emergency and also he said hiding in plain sight was always the best option. What cop would believe a known mobster was living a block away from his office? You didn't necessarily agree with that, but if Mikey went in he'd be coming right back out anyways so you didn't care. Half the damn city was in Bonten's pockets.
Thank you Kokonoi.
"Momma, can I push the livater button?" Kaito asked, still not quite getting the hang of the word elevator.
You smile down at him and rub his pale blonde hair. "Sure. You remember daddy's floor number?"
"P for pimp house!" He cheered.
"Pent house. Pent." You quickly corrected.
Sanzu probably taught him that.
You're going to rip his pink hair out.
"Penthouse." Your son repeated, feeling out how the word formed in his mouth.
You sighed as pushed the stroller up to the elevator doors. "Ok, Kaito, push the button pointing up."
"Ok!" He cheered and jumped off the back of his sister's stroller. "Up!" He chanted as he did his little happy dance waiting for the elevator to come down. "Up! We goin up! Right, Miyo?" You adored how your son always thought to include his sister. It made you a proud momma.
Miyo squealed again which made both you and Kaito laugh.
The elevator dinged and before the doors could fully open up, Kaito was already jamming his small body into the metal box. You tried to reach out to grab him in case anyone was in there he didn't need to see, but lucky you it was only Kokonoi.
"Uncle Koko!" Kaito cheered before launching him at the Chanel dressed man.
He looked up from his phone and saw you before looking down to the mini version of his boss. "Kaito. Y/N." He nodded to you before bending down to talk to your son as you joined them on the elevator. "How's the prince today?" Koko asked kindly before ruffling your son's hair.
"I'm good. I helped momma today." Your son bragged before giving the filthy rich man a big smile.
"Did you now? How'd you do that?" He played along.
It was always so funny to you how well Kokonoi did with kids. Normally boujie rich people don't like kids. They think there gross or loud or sticky or hazardous or in most cases all that wrapped up in a three foot body. But oddly not Koko. He loved Kaito and Miyo both. You remember all the too nice Chanel baby clothes he tends to get for both of them. The damned wind suit your son had on is an overly expensive Nike set Koko gifted to him as 'clothes you can get dirty'.
"Lots of stuff! But I mostly play with Miyo for Momma, so she can get things done." Kaito smiled even wider as Koko laughed and told him how good of a job he was doing.
"You coming to see Mikey today?" Koko asked you.
You nodded and said, "He forgot to grab lunch, and I refuse to let you guys suffer. I know how mean he can be to you guys if he doesn't eat." You chuckled sympathetically.
Koko nodded knowingly. "I was just on my way to the convenient store to get him something. He's been testy today."
The elevator dinged and opened up to the bonten pent house. Your son dashed out quicker than either you or Koko could react and before you knew it your five year old was out of sight.
"Kaito, wait!" You called.
You really needed to explain to him why he couldn't just run around in daddy's office. Or come up with a kid friendly reason. Telling your five year old that his father is a mobster who's killed people and beaten other's in this very office until they were unrecognizable.
"Daddy!" You heard your son cheer.
"Kaito?" The panic and confusion in your husband's voice was clear. "Where's your mother?"
"I'm right here." You sighed as you rounded the corner to see Mikey on the couch along with the Haitani brother's who were passing a joint back and forth and Sanzu who was cleaning his gun. "Kaito, I have told you, you cannot run away from mommy." You sighed as you gripped your son's shoulder.
"Uncle Sanzu what's that?" Kaito ignored you and asked the pink hitman about his gun.
"Huh? This? A nine-"
"It's nothing you need to know." You cut him off and glared at the man.
"Put it away." Mikey growled lowly and the hitman nodded and quickly took the 9-milimeter to his office.
Before you could turn on the Haitani's you heard the sliding of the balcony doors and saw the two finishing their roll on the balcony. At least the two of them had some type of manors. Who the hell starts breaking down what a gun is to a five year old? It's not like he doesn't have kids of his own. He has a son just a couple years younger than Kaito at home.
"Hi, Princess!" Mikey cheered as he picked his daughter up our of her stroller. "How's daddy's favorite girl?" He cooed as she squealed and giggled.
"Excuse me?" You snapped and raised a brow.
Mikey stiffened and then looked at you with a wink before kissing your brow. "Besides you my love."
"Mmmhm. Sure." You mocked rolling your eyes. "Well, your favorite girl has kept momma up since six this morning. Just playing and playing." You smiled at your daughter and cooed.
"Has she? You gotta let momma get her sleep, Princess. She's mean to daddy if you don't." Mikey teased and you shot him a quick glare.
You both started playing with her when Kaito started playing with his miniature soccer set Mikey kept at the office for him. Said he always wanted to make sure his kids could come visit him and have something fun to do.
Miyo noticed her brother and started babbling for him.
"You see bubba?" You asked as Mikey bounced her.
She looked at you then back at Kaito and suddenly screeched out, "Bu-ba!"
You and Mikey both froze and then looked at each other.
"Did she just-"
"Uh huh." You nodded.
"Bu-Ba! Bu-Ba!" She called out again and again, getting better every time.
Mikey finally put her down and she crawled off quickly to her brother, calling him as she did so. You looked over to Mikey and saw the pout on his face.
"Manjiro," You warned, "let your son have this."
"But I wanted to be her first word. I'm dada!" He pouted aloud to you.
You rolled your eyes and pecked him on the lips. "You're always going to be her daddy and she's always going to be your princess. Her first word doesn't change that. And you should be happy your daughter loved her brother. Maybe they'll be close and we'll be some of those lucky parents with kids who get along."
"Doubt it." Mikey scoffed. "Emma and I use to fight from sun up to sun down. Enjoy this while you can."
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Writer's Guide
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Headcanon : Where their Crime Writer! S/O asks a question ft Akutagawa, Atsushi, Ango Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting.
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I still question how you made him like you back
All it took you to ask him and this babygirl experimented it.
"Hey Akutagawa Do you think if a body is fed to the dogs, there are any remains?....Where are you going......And he left"
Babygirl comes back and tells you one thing : "Yes"
Nevertheless you still love him
He just assures you that your writings are accurate like his love. even if it means he will experiment it
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Ah yes, the joyful couple
He was surprised to find your interest in writing :0
Honestly I am pretty sure he will get concerned most of the time when you ask him stuff
"Aye Shushi, Do you think if someone buries a body in the graveyard, he can get away with the crime?" "Y/N I love you but are you okay?"
Bro loves you no matter what.
Ofcourse he wouldnt start killing people for you like akutagawa but he will give you advice once in a while on your writing style
"Atsushi If I-" "Y/N sleep its 3 am in the morning"
you scare him sometimes but he still loves you <3
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Bro look, he is a government agent and you are a crime writer
Imagine the looks people will give him if they find out about your questions
"Hey Ango, if you inject someone with air in their bloodstream how much does it take to make it look like a fake heart attack?"
"Y/N sometimes I wonder why did I bother interacting with you?" "But you still love me darling....please answer me" insert cringe wink
He actually take this relationship as taking care of a baby rather then an adult. But hey, least your his baby (umm bro you have rizz?)
Idk bro he is just fed up sometimes but nevertheless gives you tips from his experience
Least as being a double, triple , quadruple agent
Look y'all better appreciate this because I am sacrificing sleep to complete my pending drafts.
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moth-who-speaks · 25 days
Japanese Resources I Use
My favorites are in blue ( ´ ▽ ` )
╰┈➤ ❝ [Hiragana] ❞
MARU Japanese [Free]
Kana [Free]
╰┈➤ ❝ [Katakana] ❞
MARU Japanese [Free]
Kana [Free]
╰┈➤ ❝ [Kanji] ❞
Kanji Quizzer [Free]
╰┈➤ ❝ [Language Learning] ❞
Hey Japan [Free]
Renshuu [Free]
╰┈➤ ❝ [Writing] ❞
Write Japanese [Free]
╰┈➤ ❝ [Reading] ❞
Yomu Yomu [Has purchases]
╰┈➤ ❝ [Studying] ❞
Flash Cards [Free]
Note that a few of the free ones do include purchases, but said purchases are optional and you can navigate the app and use it just as well without the purchase of a premium or subscription
Kanji Dictionary
YouTube Channels:
➤ A little shushi characters helps you learn Japanese based on real life situations
➤ Animated lessons to improve your listening and comprehension in Japanese
➤ Her video on how to best study the Japanese language from a language major. Her tips were very helpful
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urtranspuppyboy · 3 months
Welcome to the Blog
PHOBICS (other than ya know
valid ones like claustrophobic),
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Here is my Cardd :)
You can call me whatever you want idc, my first name is River/Miles? and my middle name is Atlas. I’m still debating on names, however, so if you think another one might fit me better go for it and call me that instead.
I’m 22
I am trans masc and pre-everything (not out to anyone except my sister and my therapist)
Never been in any kind of relationship or even been close to doing something sexual/sensual with anyone irl
Uh, I mayyyy post my face/body but don’t count on it, so for that reason here’s a bit about what I look like:
Shoulder-length blonde hair, septum piercing, chubby (not confident about it and trying to motivate myself to workout more so I can be big and strong :]), 5’ 4, Depends on my dysphoria if my body is shaved or not but I don’t shave my legs a lot, I have a Jackalope tattoo on my forearm (has no meaning I just thought it was cute) and desperately want more tattoos when I can afford it, and I have light green eyes
I like reading, writing, art, making music (not good at it and not doing it currently), Roleplaying, Want to get into dnd but don’t really have any friends to do things like that with, cosplaying but not currently, Fantasy shit, Greek Mythology, Food, Shushi, ect.
Asks and dms are completely open…as of now.
Send me whatever you want on asks, however in dms pls be respectful orrrr I’ll have to close dms.
You can be as icky, disgusting, weird, friendly, funny, disrespectful, degrading, praising, mean, rude and condescending as you want in asks.
Anons so far…
❤️‍🔥👑, 🦴,🐟, 📼
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here’s some things i’m into (consensually and theoretically ofc):
Guide: Absolutely 100% | I’m not completely sure yet | No. No. No.
Religion kink (aka priest type vibe)
Doctor kink
Detrans kink
Mask kink
Knife/gun play
Voice Kink
Vomit kink
Blood (I wanna a bloody mess for youuuu)
Orgasm control
Military kink
Biting (both me biting you & you biting me)
Prince x Guard
Sex slave
People who act like they hate me (even though i’ve been nothing but nice to them) and then fuck me like they want to kill me/use me for their pleasure only (but don’t actually hate me)
Both praise and degradation at the same time
Soft dom + Hard dom x Me (a good boy)
Pee? (just not on my face or in my mouth aka pee on me/ in me literally anywhere else)
R@pe threats
Free use
Being completely controlled
I’m a masochist
And much more that I can’t think of at the moment
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shuxiii · 10 months
.......well this is a bit embarrassing 😅
I just send in that monster of an ask after an hour writing it and see that you have updated roblox love so now here am I once again 😅
luckily though this will be way shorter I promise!!!
once again my claims that your humour is amazing have been proved right!! one chapter in and I'm having to much fun already hahaajdhsja
that whole chat of eunchae and hyein reminded me of my minecraft days when I was eight and I actually laughed so hard cause it's exactly like that hahahajsjajjkdks
I'm really excited about this new smau and proud of you for trying new things 🥰
don't go sleep too late shushi!!
bye bye shu <3 (fr now I promise)
0 notes
x-pair-o-dice-x · 3 years
time to talk about various aus i’ve barely mentioned over here + doodles
gonna be a long one,, since it’s both summaries, art, and a mini fic.
each one is copy pasted from discord so apologies if it read weird or something fodndodndkw
freedom for a phoenix au
okay so like,,, tommy is made in lab? and was experimented on. the scientists find out that he has healing properties,, could heal faster than normal, and could heal others. as the years go by, they keep experimenting, trying to test out the limits. one day, after sampling his blood,, someone like, accidentally spills it on some dead lab rat or something, and it gets revived. tommy’s blood can, at the very least, revive dead animals. and.. maybe even humans.
before they can do too much with this information, however, tommy escapes.
more years pass by, and the lab has yet to find him. over those years, they created another creature, one much, much bigger than tommy, than anyone in the lab.
the head scientist decides to task him to try to find and recover their runaway experiment, or else.
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tear down these walls au
(don’t have bought room for doodles plus i’ve shown you all the good ones already so take this mini fic instead(mostly since the mini fic is the summary i write for it))
okay so,, ranboo is a thief for hire,, and one day he gets a call from some business guy named schlatt, who wants him to steal back some stuff that was stolen from him — specifically, a small, intricate, probably expensive bird cage, as well as whatever is inside it. the guy was really vague as to what he wanted beyond that, but nonetheless,, he accepted the job. like, he Was paying an almost stupid amount of money for this heist, he would be an idiot not to accept this.
so he breaks into the place, and starts searching the place. he nags a lot of stuff not on the list, because why not,, but by the time he’s almost done, he hasn’t really found it yet. there’s only one room left at this point — the office, his blueprints tell him. there’s bound to be important stuff in there, if not the cage.
as he enters the room, the first thing he does is scan the room for the cage. there’s a desk, papers, a bottle with something inside, a globe, for some reason, why are there always globes in offices-?
no cage. bummer. guy probably sold it off, jerk. fair, though, it did looks like a pretty expensive cage. if he’s lucky, he’ll find a receipt, or something that told him who has it now. then he’d give it to schlatt — at this point, it’s not really his problem anymore, that guy can deal with it.
well, if there’s no cage, he might as well loot this place, too. so he takes another look around, pockets some jewelry on the side of the room, and finds himself at the desk. papers, those could be important, or they could be boring. or they could be boring /and/ important, those are the worst. his attention turns to the other stuff on the desk — he doesn’t really fancy read right at this second — and his eyes glance over the bottle- before freezing, and zooming back over to it.
that’s a person in a bottle.
that’s… an Actual Person.
he takes a closer look. it’s.. it resembles a person, alright, if a person had long droopy ears, horns, and a tail. and… was also, really, really small.
they were staring back at him, too, with wide eyes. they…..
they looked terrified.
suddenly, ranboo was filled with dread. what was a tiny person doing in a bottle?
what was the guy doing to it?
what was he going to do with it?
well, ranboo supposes it doesn’t matter now. because that guy wasn’t going to get a chance to hurt them, not anymore. he’s taking them with him.
and he does.
is this technically kidnapping? idk probably, but it’s just another crime to add to the list, he supposes.
feathers and friends au
okay so basically the summary is that uhh,, when ranboo was a kid, maybe ten or eleven years old, he had friend! he’s long since forgotten their name, to his dismay, and can only barely recall blond hair and an outgoing personality. the only memento he has of them was a necklace they had given him, with yellow, almost golden feathers on the end.
they were only able to meet up in the woods his friend called home a couple times, before ranboo was taken away by the guild that controls the town to become a member of it.
years pass, and he makes a new friend, tubbo, and they both become hunters for the guild. their job? hunt down and kill various beasts that threaten the safety of their town.
recently, though, ranboo has been failing in his outings more and more, and the heads of the guild have had enough.
they give him one last shot, one last chance. find and kill a beast that’s been tormenting the farmers near the edge of the forest. he doesn’t have much of a description, only feathers, large ones, just about bigger than his hand.
and so he heads out into the forest, determined to finally prove himself.
little does he know, he’s about to have a reunion with an old friend,,,,
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apocalyptic sizes au
okay never really made a proper summary for this one so you’ve already seen most of what i got for it already so just take doodles. fun fact: tubbo can sizeshift!
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lab-raccooninnit au
same as the zombie one, you’ve seen the better summary of it,, so take these snippets of a wip fic for it!
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when angels weep au
i do have a summary for this one, but it’s in a google doc and i’m too lazy to go open it to copy-paste it so take this-
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cyncerity · 3 years
Enjoy >:3
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I’m guessing you can guess what au this may be :3
I wonder what traumatized Tommy this time lmao
I have a few guesses on which au it could be, but I’m not quite sure (Tommy is quite traumatized in a lot of them hsjslskshak)
I’m now very intrigued 👀👀👀
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wlfrdwrfstche-blog · 6 years
My laptop: *Dies half way through me writing a sentence*
Me: Oh fuck, I can't believe you've done this...
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alicemitch09writes · 2 years
rewrite the stars
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pairing: fushiguro megumi x fem!reader, gojo satoru and reader
summary: oh to be gift with the all seeing eye – to be the beholder of truths, to hold the answers of many, to the possibilities craved! Oh, to be the bearer of it all. woe is the person, to be carrying such burden. a burden so big, for one so fragile and small.
author’s notes: this fic is a long time coming~ also, i was kinda forced to rush to write this prolly unintentionally, who knows but here i am. originally wanted this fic to be a one-shot, but i wrote this particular chapter first because i wanted o explore on sibling relationships :”D
WARNING: This fic is part of a series, so I HIGHLY recommend you lot to start from ‘written in the stars’ otherwise, you’d get confused. You can also check my masterlist, then check under Fushiguro’s tab to check the series order.
also available on ao3.
disclaimer: i own NOTHING but the plot.
By all means, one would feel like absolute royalty – surrounded by riches and glorious, fine works of art. Furniture laid across the room, vibrant paintings and tapestries hung on walls, pots made from the finest jade, a view of a majestic pond with numerous kois swimming about with a beautifully made shushi odoshi that clacked at random, a large bed by the middle of it all, and of course, the finest meals at one’s beck and call handed by servants.
She also was granted the opportunity to ask for anything her heart desires, may it be food, books, jewelries, toys, clothes, they were readily handed to her, or gifted.
Yes, it should be a grand escape, wonderful even to the most everyone.
If it just weren’t for the fact that the person blessed with such was but a young girl, with no proper agency whatsoever, taken against her will and thrusted a role she didn’t even want or had prior knowledge.
What’s more, she wasn’t to step out of her room – ever.
Ironic, she could ask for anything that she wanted except for her freedom.
For the great shamans feared of the world tainting her, defiling their very precious captive.
Kidnapping was also a great possibility, for what sorcerer or shaman alike didn’t want to have a seer in their hands?
This what just what they had hoped for, after so, so, so long – hundreds, maybe thousands of years even?
To have the great seer in their hands.
To them, she was their greatest asset, a monumental instrument to their greatness.
And as young as she was, even she was aware that the place she was in was nothing but an illusion – a beautiful cage, where she’s their captive for their pleasure.
And what good could freedom do to their most prized little Seer?
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There were three windows – one had the view of the pond, the other had a grand view of the bamboo thicket that hid her, and the last one, well, it was almost like a door, but it was locked. It was always locked from the outside.
Servants would come by the window and hand her meals.
Most often than not, she would be visited by those strange men with unsettling smiles, unnerving stares – watching her from the outside, as though she were a fascinating piece of ornament to admire.
Other strange men would come by, asking strange questions, questions that she could strangely conjured an answer to.
And some other men, would come by, smelling sour and foul, leering at her, laughing when she tried to hide from them under her covers, cowering, whimpering, pressing her hands against her ears to silence them.
Of all her visitors, she would say that her favorite were the animals. Birds, stray cats, summer beetles, butterflies – they kept her company at her most loneliest.
A shame that she can never keep them, for she knew that those strange men would go mad and have them killed, then forcibly cleanse her, rid her of any foul stench from the outside world.
Some days, she was lucky enough to leave the room – mostly for a bath, cleansings (where she was splashed with water despite still wearing clothes on), and there are those other reasons she hated most.
One time, just shy of a day when she was brought to this strange land, she was brought to a room. Everyone gasped at the sight of her, practically on their knees and reaching for her. Then, they began to chant in strange tongues.
Weeks later, she was taken into a room with beheaded creatures and forced to spend a whole night with them. Dead eyes staring at her. The frightened little girl couldn’t do anything but weep, desperate to leave the room and escape their gaze. But it was for naught. It resulted with the men delighted before letting her go through it again, this time, she tried so hard to brave it and swallow her fears. Yet, it was for naught once more.
Restless nights followed after that, of dead eyes searing into her soul, stenches of rotting bodies and blood filling her nose, the unsettling silence – it all followed her for days and days.
Some days, they would put her in a room with strange, horrifying creatures she’d come to know as curses. They, who feared her cursed energy, would roar at her, letting her ears bleed, or taunt the young girl. Eventually, she found herself being able to rid of them despite no training.
The strange men were infinitely pleased, seeing just how powerful she was aside from just being able to foresee.
Fortunately, there were better days.
A teacher had been assigned to her, to teach her of the ways of the alien land she was now in – the language, the culture, the history, reading charts, bones, ancient texts, the stars, and spells.
Some days, she was left alone – no particular purpose had been set for her just yet, leaving her be.
However, one thing was for sure – they saw great value to her solely for her ability to foresee the future.
Despite how vague they can be, with some sort of guidance, there was at least a hint on how one can properly proceed with the future.
Not once has her foresight ever failed, much to the delight of the strange men.
And when asked to see of her own future, she was harshly met with a void that caused her to wake up a week later.
Fascinating, they would say. Marvelous, even.
Each day, she couldn’t keep up with how rigorous her life had now been.
Being with her mother felt like a lifetime ago, living a quiet peaceful life unaware of what’s in store for her.
Maybe this was her fate – to be a captive to these strange men forever.
She can’t even tell what would be of her, for it was restricted.
Walking up to one of her windows, she held against the bar handles and watched the outside world. What a wonderful world it looked, yet she only knows a tiny portion of it. There must be a greater world out there, a world just filled with so much more that her eyes can handle.
From accidentally reading from the servants, she could see the vibrant world beyond the four corners of her prison – a greater world all around her.
A world that she’ll probably never be able to see.
Pushing herself off the wall, she headed towards the opposite wall, a vase filled with the most vibrant flowers left ignored over a plate full of sweets and some other gifts offered to her.
Folding on to herself, she could only stay there and suffer.
Who knows what was in store for her the next day?
Who knows what she has to go through?
Who was she now, really?
Is this now the point of her existence?
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And then, out of nowhere, she felt something.
A pull of something – what was it?
Something was calling her as it was pulling her, she felt her entire being revitalized and yearning for that pull, seeking for it.
Suddenly, someone was outside her prison.
Lifting her head from her folded arms, mismatched eyes – once filled with void and infinite sadness, were now alit with hope and wonder.
Curiosity brimmed at her whole being, at the man standing outside her glided prison.
A man with silver hair – the same silver on the left side of her hair, dressed in all black. But what was most captivating were his eyes – his eyes were an infinite pool of crystal blue, blue like the skies above, like the waters in textbooks and from her little pond, a brilliant blue that rivaled any fine jewels the strange men and strange visitors offered her.
It was the same blue she had on her left eye.
She could see the way his being faltered – at the sight of her, at the building? She didn’t know.
Curiously, she got to her knees and crawled towards the door.
Just when she was about to, though, he effortlessly broke the lock open and let himself in – door wide open than she’s ever seen it.
Long legs easily walked up to her, slowly getting to his knees to meet her.
Curiosity also filled those crystalline eyes of his, threatening to swallow her whole. A sense of wonderment was there, as well. From the corner of his lips came a twitch, breaking to curve his lips upward.
“Hello, there,” came his smooth voice. “what’s your name?”
He had an easy way of speaking, a deep voice that veered towards playful with the way that there was a slight sing-song to it. It almost made her smile.
Very carefully, as she was but a few feet away from him, she looked at him – really looked at him. Twin pools of crystalline blues staring back at her mismatched (e/c) and crystalline blue.
And then, she crawled closer, a sense of warmth and security blanketing over.
Opening her mouth, she tells him her name. “…(Y/N).”
The man smiles wider, one that reached his eyes. “Hiya, (Y/N), I’m your brother.”
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It took a while for his little sister to get used to the outside world, after being isolated and kept captive for years. And at a young age, to boot!
Truly, the world was just filled with disgusting scums – the jujutsu society, being of high honors.
With him being the strongest, Gojo Satoru knew he could do away with them easily.
“Are you sure this is your sister? She looks awfully too pure to be related to you,” Shouko kneels down before the younger girl, who hid behind his legs, hands gripping on to his pants.
“You wound me, Shouko!” With one hand, he reached down to put a hand over her (h/c) hair, gently brushing through her locks. “She’s just as adorable as me!”
The other woman rolled her eyes as her reply. Still on her knees, she offered the little a soft smile. “Hello. You’re (Y/N), right?”
Mismatched eyes blinked, hands still on Gojo’s pants. Slowly she nodded.
“What a pretty name you have there,” Suguru comments to which, the little girl smiles, a flush painting the apples of her cheeks, then hid away. The teens laughed at her adorableness.
Still holding on to her brother’s pant, slowly she peeked at the two strangers before her – who were friends of her brother. Their eyes were kind, curious, warm – not uncomfortable, hungry, and scary.
Her hold slackened a bit, and before she knew it, she was hoisted up into her brother’s arms. Wounding her arms around her brother, balling herself in as he took a few steps towards them, leaning into the familiarity that is him.
Suguru, watching from the side, meets her eyes, wearing a soft smile.
It was all it took.
Visions flashed before her eyes – visions of him, strange, strange visions. It came as quickly as it started, blinking rapidly, head turning away before meeting Shouko’s eyes, visions again flashing before her eyes.
Shaken and weakened, she brings her hands to her eyes, she began to wipe at them, a soft whine escaping her throat. At that, Gojo immediately turned to her, extremely alarmed.
“What’s the matter, (Y/N)?” his voice came out soft.
Whining again, she leaned against him, still wiping at her eyes, palms pressing at her sockets.
The two teens before them exchanged glances, Shouko daring to take a step forward only to pause as she noticed blood streaming down the younger girl’s left eye.
“Gojo,” she starts, careful with her next few words. “what-“
“She’s a clairvoyant.” He answers immediately, not meaning to sound rude. “She must’ve read into yours.” The little girl in his arms was still shaken, holding on to him tight, body caved against him, not daring to look at the other two after her brother wiped the blood away.
Her little head moved towards them, before quickly turning it around, pressing against her brother’s chest. “…s-sorry,” she mumbled against his chest, shamefully, voice small. It made his heart ache.
“Don’t be, little (Y/N).” says Suguru, keeping a respectable distance.
“It was an accident, okay? It’s fine,” Shouko adds, voice gentle.
Slowly, she turns to both teens fully, meeting their worried looks, her little face still full of remorse, guilt. “…I-I’m sorry…” she repeats, voice so small, warbled, afraid.
It broke the three teen’s hearts.
Sometime after, the little girl fell asleep in her brother’s arms. Gojo didn’t seem to mind, fixing her position so her head was tucked against his shoulder, running a gentle hand around her back. As his sister slept, he recounted the tip he got about his sister, the state he found her in, what he discovered about her, and a bit on her curse.
Shouko fell silent once he finished speaking, clearly shaken up.
“Must be hard, to be isolated from the rest of the world at such a young age,” his tone drops, expression darkens a bit.
Suguru, on the other hand, had been quiet. His eyes, though, darkened, hands balled into tight fists.
“Don’t worry, I’m the strongest. I’ll take care of her.” He vows, strongly more to himself.
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Yaga Masamichi provided as much assistance as he can to the Gojo siblings, especially towards the youngest one. Seeing as she still had struggles adjusting socially, fearing for accidentally reading into people’s futures – her first experience was something, with the poor girl terrified the whole time – he offered her a rather peculiar set of friends. Friends, who she could slowly ease herself to.
Despite the lot being inanimate objects with life infused to them, they were the best friends she could ever ask for. (“Aside from her loving brother, of course!” says Gojo, near bragging)
Instantly, she got along with Panda.
Panda was more than happy to play, learn, and just spend time with her, allowing the girl to lower her guard and enjoy the childhood she was nearly robbed of.
Slowly but surely, she had her guard down.
Not entirely, since she still sticks to her big brother whenever they went out or were in crowded areas.
She easily got along with her brother’s classmates and best friends – Suguru and Shouko.
It took a while, but she also warmed up to her brother’s seniors and juniors.
In a span of a year, her social skills were improving for the better.
And then she was introduced to Fushiguro Megumi.
At first, it was a bit of a struggle, for a boy so blunt just rubbed her brother off the wrong way (for reasons she’ll never know) and accidentally drove her into a coma when he asked her future after reading his first.
Megumi was a very direct boy, not shy to say what needed to be said, supremely realistic. But underneath it all, after she had woken up from her coma to see him by her bedside, found that he was a gentle, kind boy, too.
Eventually, quickly, the two were inseparable.
(Panda remained her first best friend, though.)
Add Tsumiki in the mix, and they made quite the trio!
She really like Tsumiki, liked how she was ready to teach her things, talk to her about pretty things, or share a snack or two.
Deciding that she was finally ready for the real world, (Y/N) was enrolled to Megumi and Tsumiki’s school. It wasn’t all smooth sailing, since she was picked on for being different physically, thankfully, she had Megumi by her side.
With the help of her brother, she was able to manage her clairvoyance by infusing Infinity into the mix. It was hard at first, but she managed.
Despite that, however, it still didn’t stop the bullying she received from her classmates. Sometimes it got really out of hand that she refused to go to school.
And in the end, she got her wish and settled to be homeschooled together with Panda.
As much as he hated it, Megumi really had no choice nor could he persuade her. It only made his need to protect her grow.
Plus, he and Tsumiki had all the more reasons to drop by the Gojo manor now! Since technically, her brother was her guardian, he was her classmate when it came to trainings. It wasn’t all that bad.
Years later, she was introduced to Zen’in Maki, Megumi’s cousin from his paternal side. Initially, she intimidated her greatly with her presence alone. Not soon later, though, she came to admire her strength and tenacity.
Together with Maki, she was introduced to Inumaki Toge from the infamous Speech Curse User clan. Even though she found it hard to talk to him, she later found him reliable with his actions. In addition, she found out that he can speak through sign language, which she forced herself to learn in order to communicate with him better.
And then came Okkotsu Yuuta, a distant relative of hers and her brothers. Immediately, she took a liking to him (even though Rika threatened her every second she was within his radius). In a way, she was just like him. And just like him, she was trying to make do with the second life she was given with. Slowly, they became close (and Rika’s hate towards her diminished).
A lot more people were introduced to her life, and she found herself more and more excited to meet them. Honestly, she couldn’t wait to meet more. And with her limited view of her own future, she knows she’s bound to meet more people.
Yes, she was still apprehensive of people – most especially if they came from a noble jujutsu clan. Yes, she can’t help but read into people’s futures if they seem to scare her. And yes, she gets anxious on her own.
But at least…
She felt a gentle tug, from the pinkie wrapped around hers, coming from the spiky-haired teen beside her. His face, that beautiful face of his, marred with his default expression. It made her laugh.
“Hm?” she turned slightly. “What is it, Megumi?”
His brows furrow, the folds on his forehead reminded her of bread for some reason. “You’re spacing out again,” it came almost as if to scold.
Thinning her lips, she hummed again, swaying their linked pinkies slightly.
“Just have a lot on my mind…”
His brows don’t ease up, those translucent green eyes locked on her.
“Of what?”
Quirking her lips a bit, she tugged at their joined pinkies, leading them both away – from the crowd, the festivities, everything.
“Things!” she laughed, its jovial, melodic tone swept by the wind and into his ears.
As much as he hated her cryptic answer, knowing that it could mean the other thing, for some strange reason – that smile of hers, joy just gleaming off her face, her being, Fushiguro Megumi felt a start in his chest.
…she was free.
“Ne, ne, Megumi,” she tugs at their linked fingers, a candied apple in her hand.
As he was chewing on his own candied apple, he hummed in response.
“Want to go stargazing?”
Swallowing, he frowned again at her. “So you can go off and read?”
Despite his tone, her grin remained. “No, silly! We’ll just stare at the stars!”
Humming, he took a bite out of his candied apple before he felt himself being pulled away. And he let her. Because why wouldn’t he?
Bright dead leaves crunched under their feet, even in the dark, he could make out the vibrancy of each leaves that had fallen earlier that day – or days before. A mark of the new season. Fall.
“Hmm, okay, okay, hmm…oh! Look there, Megumi!”
“What am I looking at,” he grumbles, following at the direction of her sticky finger. At the end of it, he saw nothing – nothing but a blanket of darkness, speckled with stars all over. As bright as they were, Megumi felt wary against them, skeptical even.
Frowning slightly, with her pointed hand, she carefully explains. “Okay, so…look at those four bright ones – big ones! They’re shaped almost like a cross! And theeeeen, just right in the almost middle is a tiny one.”
The young teen had to squint especially hard to find it. And he did. “Ah.”
“You see it?”
“Hm.” He nods.
All this, as she shows and he follows, with their pinkies still linked together. A few fingers of his found themselves reaching out, intertwining over with hers.
“What’s so special about it?”
“It’s one of the first constellations I discovered,” her voice quiets, mismatched eyes softens. “it’s kind of my favorite, honestly.”
Megumi watches her, larger fingers wrapped around smaller ones. “What’s it called?” he asks, before that glint of darkness dares to cross over.
“It’s called the Southern Cross, or Crux!”
By virtue of her clairvoyance, and the wide range of her divination practices, it was only natural that she be transfixed to the heavens. No matter how arbitrary they may seem to the normal person, a glance was more than enough.
For all the answers she would need, they held them all – however abstract they can be.
Regardless of how much he didn’t exactly like its effect of her, he can’t deny her this – can never could even if he tried.
“It was used by navigators to guide them.” Turning to him, she grins, ever so brightly to rival the stars. “It can also be used to guide people home.”
A bright smile.
Candied apple.
A girl with (h/c) hair with a streak of white on her right.
And then, Fushiguro Megumi woke up.
chapter one of two.
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shushiyuii · 1 year
Hello shushiyuii! I just wanted to share an Idea for a possible continuation of the "safety from exile" oneshot you made a while ago.
My Idea is that after Ranboo rescued Tommy he now lives with them to hide from Dream. But one day there is an unexpected knock on the door and they both panic so Ranboo noms Tommy to keep him hidden. However it's Tubbo at the door and not Dream like they feared. Ranboo invites Tubbo inside because he can tell that somethings bothering him. So the two(three) of them hang out for awhile and Tubbo slowly opens up about his problems. He admits he's feeling stressed because he's worried about Tommy and that he regrets exiling him. Tommy who was listening in from Ranboo's stomach wants to comfort him so he tells Ranboo to let him out. He does and what follows is a heartfull Clingyduo reunion where they make up followed by benchtrio cuddles. Possibly with Tubbo nomming Tommy to reassure himself that Tommy is safe and back with him. So yeah. That's my Idea. I'd love it if you could write something like that but I understand if you don't want to/don't have the time. I hope you have a nice day
Words: 1,342
Warnings: Mention of death, depression, starving and thirst. Other than that it's mainly hurt/comfort
Notes: I am impulsively writing this at 3am so im sorry for any grammar mistakes. this is the first time i've written in a while, i can't say itll be any good or anything. I don't think this is some return either
But in general regards to an update. Im doing fine and I love this idea btw, im sorry if isn't up to standard.
“N-no…I don’t want… STOP!”, whatever remained of his voice screeched. It felt forced, harsh. When was the last time he had drank anything besides salty sea water? When was the last time he had a proper food source that wasn’t something he could forage?
He lifted the sheets from his side and shivered from the rags that covered his body, despite being probably tucked in. The sudden change in temperature didn’t do his fuzzy head much favors either. 
“Fucking…”, he couldn’t finish the ramble. He fiddled with what remained in his pockets for anything but found nothing, no health potion to quell his aching head. Despite that, he stood up. Wiping his eyes from the uneasiness of waking up.
He let out a yawn as he examined his surroundings, they were not all too familiar to him. It didn’t feel natural. The other day he was handling explosions to the body as if it were any normal everyday occurrence. Anything ordinary felt the opposite. Nowhere felt safe anymore.
He knew where he was though, despite everything. A dried and empty sigh passed his lips, devoid of emotion. He was tired, so tired yet he managed. He wasn’t surprised that the emotional backlash was now hitting him.
He turned to a mirror, he’s surprised that Ranboo even kept one in his room. Typically endermen hate the stares of people, including their own reflections. Perhaps Ranboo was immune to its effects. 
He was sickly pale, his hair matted so far that he could hardly recall how he used to keep it kept. Whatever remained of his shirt was rotted, the bright red faded and shoulder exposed. His trousers that had stayed with him through war were now barely held together with strings in his opinion, they’d practically turned to shorts.
His eyes… People used to say they were full of ambition, promise… A burning passion that could surpass even the god’s wills, was now hollow and dull. Is this how Theseus felt during his fall?
It mattered not, whatever safety he had was only temporary. Even now, he should be cautious. He would be considered a fugitive. 
A knock came from the door, he was quick to alert. The next thing he knew was instinct was taking over him and he hid behind the door frame and grabbed whatever he could to be a weapon, a golden hoe.
It wouldn’t cause much damage but it could certainly knock them to confusion for a short while if hit in the right spots. He readied himself, prepared that it would take his last life. He was always prepared for this, it was what he had been trained for in war. 
He was pretty sure Techno taught him that.
Steady breaths, aim…
An inhumane sound spat out from whoever tried to enter, alerted. They had managed to dodge the boy’s sabotage. The hoe had now struck into the floorboards, whatever strength or adrenaline he used during that swing was all that had remained of his strength as he fell to the ground.
“Tommy!”, the hybrid called out in a hurry, worried. He had no care for his near death, concerns immediately went to his friend. Tommy wiped his brow which had accumulated sweat and looked to Ranboo, deep in his eyes.
He flinched at the sudden eye contact but remained, usually that would trigger an enderman but Ranboo remained still, unmoving. 
He hadn’t noticed he wasn’t breathing at all and coughed out whatever was left of his charcoaled lungs. Letting out an old man's cough, he wasn’t even a smoker like Wilbur had been. How fucked were his lungs?
He eventually managed to get his breath back and stood up properly, still winded but having calmed down from his unnecessary reaction. He knew he was in no danger, but his body still reacted that way.
Some things just don't change, do they?
After the unnecessary scare, Ranboo had brought him to a common room and only now he had realized how big this place was. Wherever he was, it wasn’t familiar in the slightest. It was all new to him.
But even then, he could tell the place was new. The smell of freshly cut oak and lack of decorated pots and chairs or lavish tables, the place was newly constructed. It was probably an estate if he had to guess, Ranboo’s estate.
He had also been given a red sweater, stained with blue. He was told that it was a sweater handed out to guests, but by the faded blue stains. He knew who had come here previously, he shoved down any emotion that threatened his integrity. 
Ranboo had also given him a pair of tidy black trousers, although they were a little too big for Tommy, he didn’t mind. It was better than nothing but rags. He missed the feeling of clothes, it felt like some of his barriers had been rebuilt. Ever so slightly.
Across the table was Ranboo, trying to shove some bread in Tommy’s direction. It was neatly sliced but it was only simple plain bread, no butter nor jam. The hybrid said to eat small and soft, due to his starvation.
But he couldn’t help but start craving himself a feast of glorious potatoes, golden apples to quell any aches, the cleanest of water. But the thought also made him sick to his stomach, the thought of food was enough to make him dizzy.
He hated it. 
“You’re safe”.
Safety means nothing, not anymore. Safety was Wilbur, Techno, home. All gone, stripped away, abandoned or dead. It wasn’t worth anything to mourn anymore, everything he once had was already gone. Even the last person he’d consider close had tossed him aside in what he’d call hell.
He couldn’t bring himself to respond, only shaking his head.
“You’re already in a bad condition. Eat.”, a familiar voice spoke. But it wasn’t the person in front of him, instead it was from straight behind him. The enderian’s ears twitched anxiously before his pupils dilated his relief and what seemed to be happiness.
Though, he wasn’t happy. Far from it. He never wanted to see the face again, at least not now. Before he knew it, he had already thrown a punch to the already scorned face. The boy fell back a step yet remained upwards. 
He didn’t have enough strength to put him in the ground, funnily enough.
A blind eye stared back at him, he couldn’t discern any emotion. Since his face had been burnt and scarred from fireworks. It left him blinded in one eye, deaf in an ear. Though, from the body posture, he wasn’t mad in the slightest.
For what reason?
“Ow”, was all he mumbled before turning back to Tommy. His face in concern, no anger. Perhaps even pity.
It only fueled him with more anger.
He pushed the shorter one to the ground, straddling him as he put whatever remained of his strength and fury into beating the one under him, screaming as though he were in a war zone. 
I'm so sorry.
Just please.
None of his punches made any impact, the boy had managed to block them with ease. The first was now cradled gently within his palm.
Stop it.
He gently shoved Tommy off, enough so that he could sit up. 
He embraced the boy over the shoulders, attempting to cradle him as though he were a child. 
He’s taking advantage…
Why aren’t I mad?
Didn’t I hate him?
His shoulders shook with sobs. Resting against his neck. 
“Let it out. Forget about anything else. Let’s just pretend for 5 minutes that things are like they should be.”.
A copy of mellohi started playing quietly and softly.
When had he shrunk? He didn’t know. All he could process was that he was in safety of his friends' scorned hands, promising to keep him safe. Nuzzling and muttering reassurances as he let out the cries of his own.
A small smile poked from Ranboo’s fanged lips.
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that-gay-jedi · 2 years
I know I complain a lot but like. I hate getting into bed at the end of the work day and not feeling like I did a single worthwhile or meaningful thing while I was there. The only thing that I really feel satisfaction in is my writing, which would be fine if I could do it more often, and maybe having to keep it relegated to a hobby would be bearable if I felt satisfaction in my job at all.
There are so many vital work roles a person like me could have fit into a few centuries or even a few decades ago that simply do not exist in any recognizable form at this stage of capitalism. The niches I'm cut out to fill simply aren't viable life paths anymore. I feel like this existence is somehow an insult to my core self and all the similarly suited people who came before me.
And like. I think there also has to be some kind of unexplained inherent disrespect I have for the banking clients who call in for it to feel as empty and internally thankless as it does. People ask for and get a human because there's something the voice responsive AI couldn't do for them- obviously not having one would have made their day worse, right? Don't I give a shit about that?
And the thing is it's not that I don't care. I'm almost a laughingstock for how far I'll go to justify reversing fees if someone's broke, I never let the elders intimidated by the mobile app feel stupid, I never let the 18 y/o panicking because they're doing their own banking for the first time leave scared. But I think that's the problem. I'm a natural caregiver, which is a very different use of the same skill set. I can't imagine any banking position I'd actually be proud to fill.
I don't think the clients are a joke. I think having an economic system so fucked banking exists is a joke. Or maybe I just think having a banking system so fucked people reasonably need somebody to talk them through it in shushy voice is a joke.
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cr0g-0 · 3 years
Smoggy my beloved, care to share more about this new au of yours? :3
:D Of course My dearly beloved Shushi!
I think I'm gonna call it Clingy Vampires for right now but-
-Tommy and Tubbo are both newly turned Vampires and Phil is determined to make sure they succeed as vamps.
-Phil has been a vampire for a very, very long time and because of this he has gotten the delight of trying some of the best blood-
-borrower blood
-he explains to the clingy duo that borrowers are an elusive and small species that has just the most spectacular tasting and smelling blood
-Both are amazed and in aw but have two somewhat different views after a bit of research.
-A little while after this Phil tells them that he smelled a borrower, maybe more, near the forest line and both eagerly
-Wilbur and Techno are said borrowers and they live in a wild garlic patch
-this of because of their parents warnings of vampires.
-wilbur doesn't exactly believe these tales of vampires but he trusts his brother
-Techno believes the tales of vampires but he does it more so to stay cautious
Dearly beloved shushi-
Send me another ask please-
I will answer I just have a lot of work rn so I can't write a ton
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marvelgurl · 3 years
Characters: Bucky X Reader!Stark, Steve, Tony
Word Count:1090
Warnings: fluff, Awkward Bucky
A/n: This is for @justkending​ 2000 Follower GIF Challenge.  If you don’t follow her, you really should. Her writing is awesome, I love all of her work. Go check her out.
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Feedback is always welcome. The Good and The Bad. It really helps me out a lot.
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You were waiting in the kitchen waiting for the guys to get home from a mission. Today was the day that they finally come home. They have been gone for about two and a half months. You missed Bucky so much, especially right now.
You are currently six months pregnant. I has been hard dealing with a lot of the pregnancy/baby things on your own. You have gotten everything set up in the nursery. Everyone was upset that you had done all of that by yourself. The thing is you were nesting, and nobody was around to help you. When Bucky found out, to say he was upset would be an understatement. You were still hearing about it weeks later.
Bucky was trying his hardest to get the mission done as fast as he possible could. He wanted to get back you, he hated missing out on the pregnancy. He didn’t want you to have to go through it alone. Also, he didn’t want you to hurt or overexert yourself. With the way he was working, he was able to speed up things up by about two weeks.
Bucky and Steve walked into the tower and saw you sitting at the island in the kitchen. Your backs were to them, so you didn’t see them coming up behind you.
“Hey doll.” He reached around your chair to capture you in his arms.
“Bucky!” You got off the chair as quickly as you could.
You threw your hands up to pull him into a hug. He quickly realized that something was different. He took a step back, still holding onto you. He just started looking at you, he was tilting his head at you, he also had a confused look in his face.
“I thought you were smaller.”
“Dude!” Steve hit Bucky in the back of the head.
“Ow!” Bucky looked at Steve with an angry expression, as he was rubbing his head.
“You can’t say that to her.” He whispered to Bucky.
“I just was saying that her belly was smaller and… and I haven’t seen her in a couple of months. I knew it was going to happen, but I didn’t know how much it would change.”
“That’s what happens when you’re pregnant James.” You had moved your hands from him to your hip and growing belly.
“I know. I… You look beautiful.” He had a nervous smile on his face.
You just looked at him with a blank stare, before bringing your hand up and patting his cheek.
“Nice save. Come on I want to show you the nursery. It is adorable if I do say so myself.” You grabbed his hand and started pulling him upstairs. “You too Steve, come on.”
You brought them upstairs, stopping in front of the door. Turning to them, before speaking.
“I just want to say that I know a lot of this stuff is not what we originally had picked out. Tony kind of started buying things for his nephew. I tried to stop him but…”
“She’s not the boss of me.” Tony walked up to the little group. “Plus, I want him to have everything that he needs.” He had one of his big cheeky grins on his face.
“We picked out everything that he needed. You just went overboard.” Tony went to speak again, but you cut him off. “Ahh no, I would like to show them now so shushy.”
“Alright Doll, lead the way.” Bucky prompted you.
“Okay, close your eyes. Steve put your hands on Bucky’s shoulders, and I will take you in.”
Doing as they were told; the boys closed their eyes and Steve put his hands on Bucky’s shoulders. You opened the door, grabbing Bucky’s hands and slowly walked backwards into the center of the room. You walked over to Steve moving him, so they were standing next to each other.
“Open your eyes!”
You were so excited for them to see the nursery. Everyone else loved it, but Bucky’s opinion was the only one that truly mattered to you. You were watching his face with such intensity that you were holding your breath. Only letting it go when you saw his face light up as he took everything in.
“This is amazing.” Bucky was just in pure aw as he looked around.
You both had decided to go for a woodland creatures/ adventure theme. You had made one wall to look like wooden planks all down the wall, you had put up some pictures of different animals. This is the wall that you had put the crib on, alongside the crib was also a blanket ladder. On another wall you had painted trees, there was a small cube bookshelf. Tony had insisted on getting him books even though he wouldn’t be able to read them for a long while, you could start reading to him now.
On the opposite side of the room was the dresser and the changing bed on top of it. There were some different signs hanging over the dresser. Tony had gotten you a comfy chair with a footrest, this was the one thing that you really put up a fight for him not to get. In the moment he agreed to not get it, but it wasn’t until everything was delivered that you realized he had lied. You were mad at first that your brother was doing too much, that was until you sat down in it.  It felt absolutely amazing, it was the comfiest chair you ever sat in.
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“You did an awesome job Y/n.” Steve came over and hugged you.
“Thank you. Tony should be getting most of the credit though.”
“No, you deserve all the credit. You picked almost everything out and put this whole room together. Despite me telling you to wait for help.” Tony looked over to you.
Bucky came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He rested his head on top of yours. Steve lightly hit Tony on the arm once he looked over to see Steve him gesturing towards the door. He and Tony quietly left, leaving you and Bucky in there alone. The two of you just stood there. Everything was quiet and content.
“I love you Doll.”
“I love you too Bucky.”
Bucky let go of you, he moved to be in front of you. He got down on both of his knees and put his hands on you belly.
“I love you Peanut. I can’t wait to meet you.” He leaned in and kissed your belly.
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x-pair-o-dice-x · 3 years
you know i have so many g/t aus that i just. don’t share here kejdodhdohdidhdi. most of the time the only person who knows about them is shushi dndkdndkdbdkbdidgeu.
like we got:
the one where t!tommy and g!ranboo are lab experiments.
the one where ranboo is a thief who steals a borrower tubbo.
the one where ranboo and tubbo are monster hunters and tommy is a shifter!bird monster thing.
the zombie apocalypse au i wanted to write for a request with zombie!tubbo, borrower!tommy, and human!ranboo.
the other au where tommy is a lab experiment, but this time instead of a bird he’s a raccoon.
(^^ actually working on a fic for that one! though that might take a while since i got a new au to brain rot on tondodjdp)
aforementioned new brain rot au, where tommy and ranboo are explorers, tubbo is their guy in the chair, and phil is a really really big statue that is also alive.
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pjisskullourful · 3 years
is it possible (if u dont have too much stuff) to write something with food play? i feel like damiano is the tyoe that would incorporate it into a scene (like, think hi eating shushi off of your naked body), maybe spraying whipped cream over his cock while hes waiting for you to come back from work
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appetite for seduction. fresh out tha fuckin oven. melt in your mouth kinda lovin
that is to say--- yes. bestie& me have discuss ed eating things off of dami before so its definitely an area of interest🙈 its added to the todo list thottie😚
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