#Side BTSxReader
chimmyxkookies · 2 years
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🔷𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒚🔷 🔸𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅 🔸𝟒𝟖𝐤 🔸https://archiveofourown.org/works/29295687 ~Jikook/kookmin ~Taegi ~Domestic Fluff ~Idol JK / Interior Designer JM ~Secret Relationship ~Smut ~Light Angst ~Established Relationship 🔹𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅: @7timesSana
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chapter 1
Word Count: 2.3k
rating: T for now
genre: romance | fluff | hurt/comfort
tags: idolverse | btsxreader| ot7xreader| hybrid!reader
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It was a good thing he’d been looking down, otherwise he would have missed it, or worse…stepped on it. Rewinding to where it began, when the day started, everything was actually going well. When the company came to them, pitching the idea for a show that featured BTS relaxing in the woods, Namjoon had been quick to express skepticism.
“Do you really think Army would want to watch that?” The leader had questioned. “I mean…just us hanging around?”
“I think you’re underestimating how much your fans would like a sneak peek into what the group does on their down days.” Sejin chuckled, tablet in hand. “And they support everything you do. From what I understand, all you’re expected to do is anything you normally would on a relaxing day in the woods.”
Talking amongst themselves, the members had decided to give it a try. Nothing wrong with doing some R&R on the job. Especially if it felt authentic and not like work.
So, In the Soop was greenlighted, and a day for the filming of the first episode was set. They arrived in PyeongChang to find a rolling hilltop vista surrounded by lush woods waiting for them— not that any of them expected the company to spare any expense. The house they were staying in was closer to a small mansion, and after everyone explored and chose rooms to get comfortable, the day commenced.
It wasn’t as though they didn’t genuinely enjoy each other’s company, but wandering off to practice their own ideas of relaxation had been the best plan. They found each other at lunch time, chatting and joking around as usual. It really did feel like they were on a retreat, ignoring the film crew all over the property. 
Then came the rain, a sudden downpour that sent them scrambling to collect their things and run back in the house. Without an umbrella, all they really had to protect themselves were jackets or the towel Jin spread on the grass to sit on.
That was what covered his head as he ran, head down, up the slippery stone walkway to the house. Some of the others were ahead of him, already inside, but just as he had almost caught up, something small caught his attention, right before he placed his foot down. Startled, he stumbled back, nearly slipping and falling on his ass to avoid falling on what he first thought was just a leaf. Then a sharp wind made it move, and a thin, awkwardly bent wing rolled to the side.
Blinking, he leaned down further, unable to control his curiosity and surprise.
“Jimin!” Yoongi called; he, Namjoon, Hobi and Taehyung were standing in the house’s open doorway, peering out at him in bewilderment. It was fair, since he was standing in the middle of a storm instead of coming inside. “What are you doing?!” His voice was almost lost to the sudden, howling wind. What was this, a monsoon? Were summer storms supposed to be this intense in the region?
“I found a bat!” He called back, wondering if it was…well, alive.
His friends stared at each other, trying to decipher what he had said. “What’d he say?”
“He wants a cat!”
Jungkook, who had taken it upon himself to take down the tent some of the members had been resting under—and then chase it down when it began to blow away, had caught up with him by then. The maknae was especially soaked through without any protection, hair plastered to his face and wide eyes peeking from between his bangs. “Why didn’t you go inside, hyung?”
Jimin glanced back, pointing down to the creature on the ground that for all he knew was dead. They might be getting soaked through for a dead bat.
Adjusting the compressed tent under his arm, Jungkook crouched to stare at the tiny animal too. “Is it…”
“I don’t know.” Jimin replied. “It won’t be after this storm if it is.”
Jungkook reached out a finger, determined to get an answer.
“Yah, are you crazy?” The singer jerked the younger member’s arm back. “Don’t touch it!”
“How else are we supposed to know?” Jungkook stared at him as if the logic made perfect sense.
“What are they doing?!” They heard Jin’s voice shouting incredulously. Looking up the path, they could see their ever thoughtful hyung had gone and retrieved dry towels for the other members, and everyone had them draped over their heads and shoulders.
“He wants a cat!” Taehyung informed him, to which Jin’s face twisted in bemusement.
A tiny, weak noise of complaint came from the ground beneath them, and Jimin glared at the maknae, who had taken the moment of distraction to poke the bat anyway.
“You never listen to anything I say!” he complained.
Jungkook shrugged sheepishly, grinning. “At least we know it’s alive.”
“I don’t think we should have brought it in.” Jin mumbled, “Bats carry disease.”
“So do dogs and cats sometimes.” Taehyung pointed out, huddled in behind Jungkook and Jimin as they stood over the weak little creature that had been placed on a towel after getting blow dried on low heat.
“We couldn’t leave it outside like that, hyung,” Jungkook added. “It would die.”
Jin rolled his eyes, “Fine, but touch it as little as possible.”
“I can’t believe you all risked getting sick for one little bat.” Yoongi sighed, handing out mugs of hot cocoa. Everyone had gotten out of their wet clothes, taken hot showers and dried off. The maknaes had been scolded over their actions, but Jungkook was especially unremorseful, too fascinated with the small bat they saved. It hadn’t done much since being brought inside and laid on the towel. Just shivered with its eyes closed. They could see it was breathing, but not much more about its condition than that.
“I’ve never seen a bat this close before.” Jungkook mused, his arms folded on the counter and his chin resting on top of them. He was staring closely at the creature, “I wonder what it’s like to be that small.”
Suddenly, the bat’s eyes opened, bleary and beady as it let out another weak cry. 
Namjoon peered around the maknaes, “So tiny and cute…”
Jin breezed by to sit at the kitchen table with his cocoa, still keeping his distance from the bat. “Namjoon, you stay away from that thing. One wrong move and you’ll squish it like a grape.”
The leader backed away immediately, eyes flickering in panic.
Hoseok looked up from where he had been scrolling on his phone, “This site I found said that we should check it for injuries. It might have been down on the ground because it was hurt.”
 Taehyung stared over at his hyung, but quickly shifted his attention back to the bat. “How do we do that?”
Hoseok’s thumb tapped the screen before he replied. “Blow gently on its fur to examine any hidden areas.” 
Jungkook instantly sucked in a deep breath, until Jimin put a hand on his arm. “Not like that! You’ll blow it right off the counter.” 
The older singer shooed the maknae aside, staring at the dazed little creature, who still hadn’t moved from the middle of the towel. He blew very lightly, the russet orange fur moving with the exhale. There were some scrapes, probably from getting knocked around in the wind. What was most concerning though, was the tear in its right wing.
“That should heal up on its own.” Hoseok informed them.
Jimin turned, skeptical. Bat wings looked so thin and delicate. What were the odds they wouldn’t need a vet?
“That’s what the site says.” Hobi defended, showing them the webpage he was reading from. “Also if we want to give it water, the best way to do that is with a paper towel or on the end of a clean paint brush.”
“I have those.” Taehyung wiggled away from where he was wedged between Jimin and Jungkook, presumably to go and fetch them.
“What’s it eat?” Yoongi questioned, rummaging around in the giant stainless steel fridge. Luckily fully stocked. “I mean, it needs food right?”
Hoseok’s brow furrowed as he continued to look. “Um…I think that depends on what kind of bat it is. They have different diets.”
“Can we feed it fruit?” Jungkook asked, watching the bat seemingly watch him. Its little nose wiggled cutely, and it gave him a watery blink. He smiled. Namjoon was right. It was cute. 
“What if it drinks blood?” Taehyung asked as he came back with a brush in hand.
“Ew,” Jin cringed, and Hobi made a noise of distaste as well. “That would be disgusting.”
“I don’t think those bats live in Korea.” Namjoon voiced, looking in the fridge with Yoongi since he had been effectively chastised away from the bat. “So we shouldn’t have to worry about that.”
Meanwhile, Taehyung had wet the end of the brush in the sink. He carefully approached the counter, dangling the tip in front of the bat’s face. It didn’t react at first, shivering and blinking. Determined, the curly-haired man brought it closer, and the animal lifted its head a little, a tiny tongue darting out to lick at the bristles. It lapped up the droplet, squealing with a little more vigor than it previously had.
The men all watched it all open its mouth, fangs half the size of rice grains visible. “It wants more,” Jimin whispered. Taehyung hurried to comply, wetting the brush a little more and bringing it back again. The bat continued drinking, and several of the members couldn’t resist a coo. Cute was cute. 
As it grew more animated, licking and squeaking, Yoongi broke the silence with a question, “…Do bats even live in this part of the region at all? Where’d it come from?”
“It’s too small to be any of the native bat species.” Hoseok confirmed, brows lifting in surprise as he stared at his phone.
“An invasive species?” Namjoon guessed, “I read some bats can fly hundreds of miles in a day.”
After having had its fill of water, the bat backed away from the brush, though the noises didn’t quiet down. “Is it hungry?” Jungkook asked.
“We still don’t know what it eats. Or what kind it is…” Yoongi reminded them, opening a water bottle and taking a sip. “Unless Hobi has any ideas.”
“Er,” The rapper shrugged. “It could be a couple. The fur color and size matches this.” They flocked around his phone for a better peek.
“‘Little brown bat’…” Jin read. “This bat isn’t brown!”
“It says they’re commonly brown but come in different colors,” Namjoon muttered, “So I guess that’s a good enough guess for now. They eat insects though. We don’t have that.”
Taehyung ruffled his hair, thinking. “Trial and error then?”
The group sighed in relief as they watched the bat accept the rice from the end of the chopsticks Jungkook was holding. The little creature’s mouth smacked as it chewed, a piece stuck to its nose. 
“I think he likes it!” Taehyung cheered. He held up a raisin, which the bat sniffed, considered, then took from between his fingers. That was eaten less enthusiastically, but swallowed nonetheless.
“You’ve decided it's male?” Yoongi raised a brow. “It’s not like you can really tell.”
“Um,” Jungkook glanced up, giving the bat a few more pieces of rice. “How could we tell?”
Everyone directed their attention to Hoseok, who made a face. “You all have phones too…” Still, he dug his out of his pocket and navigated to the page they’d been consulting. “Oh…” he giggled. “Someone has to pick it up and turn it over.”
Silence descended over the members, until Jungkook decided to voice his opinion. “Jin-hyung should do it.”
The cup noodles he had been eating slipped from his chopsticks, the broth splashing him a bit. “Yah, why me? I told you I’d be hands off.”
“You’re always saying you’re the oldest.” Jungkook explained.
“That has nothing to do with this,” his hyung protested. 
“Is it really that important that we know in the first place?” Yoongi mumbled, eating his own noodles across from Jin. “We’re going to call someone in the morning to come get it, right?”
“Well we can still use the right pronouns in the meantime.” Jimin reasoned, Jungkook nodding in agreement with his hyung. “So who’s doing it?”
Jungkook considered picking the bat up and doing it himself, since he wasn’t scared and it hadn’t acted aggressive so far, but Taehyung had already donned a rubber glove, carefully reaching for the tiny thing.
It squealed, wiggling in his hold before settling down. They managed to get it onto its back, and Hoseok brought over his phone, with pictures of what both male and female bats looked like side by side. 
“I don’t see any…you know.” Jimin gestured.
“Bat balls.” Taehyung said, drawing a giggle from Jungkook and Hoseok.
“So…she’s a girl?” Namjoon concluded.
“I dunno, probably?” Taehyung shrugged. “Let’s go with that for now.”
“Please put the bat away for the night.” Jin sighed. “We’ve fed her and determined she’s a girl. How much more time are we spending on this?”
Jungkook knew Jin normally liked tiny, cute things. But he probably was still worried the bat carried rabies or something. 
“Hyung’s got a point.” Namjoon said, back in leader mode. “Let her rest, and we’ll see if there’s a wildlife rescue that will come pick her up tomorrow.”
Taehyung put the bat back on the towel and took off the glove. Jungkook decided she needed somewhere a little comfier, and he and Jimin found a small box they put the towel in, along with a water bottle cap to use as a drinking bowl. Considering her wing injury and sluggishness, they weren’t sure if she could fly, so they didn’t bother covering the box’s opening.
“Bye,” he waved as they exited the kitchen and turned off the light, leaving the box on the counter. 
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btescape · 3 years
Circus [BTSxReader]
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Synopsis: Circus is an organization known worldwide for its "heroes". Divided into several units spread across the globe, the members of Circus were formed to assure the safety of defenseless citizens; always appearing in time of dire need, using their superhuman powers to eliminate evil terrorizing a town.The seven members of the Bangtan unit were on a mission when they stumbled upon you. Faith had them save you from an unfortunate event and, unknowingly, you saved them too.(TW: Mentions of blood and death)
Genre: Dark fantasy, harem, action
Pairing: BTS ot7 x reader
A/N: This took WAY too long, since I accidentally deleted it at one point. Also, starting from the next chapter there will be a (little bit) more action. Hope you’ll still enjoy this part tho. xxx 
Word count: 1777
The conference room was the biggest room within the vehicle aside from the living area. Its walls were a mixture of turquoise and aquamarine, representing the night sky with tiny golden dots appearing as its stars and the granite floor was pitch black. In the middle of the room stood a rectangular glass table, a glass pitcher on top was filled with a see-through liquid.
At the head of the table, Namjoon had taken his usual seat. His chocolate brown eyes were fixated on a small floating screen in front of him and his slender fingers effortlessly tapped the lit up buttons of an invisible keyboard. When he noticed the new presence standing in the doorway, he raised his head in curiosity - slightly confused as to why Hoseok was not late for once.
A hint of amusement was audible in the tone of his voice as Namjoon remarked, “You're on time.”
Hoseok snorted. “I wouldn’t want to disappoint you after that heartfelt speech earlier.” His lips formed into a mischievous smirk and Namjoon let out a sigh, slight regret dispersing inside of him as he muttered a soft: ‘I take it back’ and returned his full attention to his previous task. Satisfied with his choice of words, or rather his choice to embarrass his friend, Hoseok’s eyes roamed the room; more specifically to greet the three individuals already in it.
The first to grasp his attention was the male next to Namjoon. Their youngest member, Jungkook, held his head in the palm of his one hand whilst the other mindlessly scribbled figures on a notepad. He either ignored the new presence or wasn’t aware of it at all and, knowing him, the latter was most certainly the case. Hoseok decided not to disturb him. For now.
The seat beside Jungkook was taken by an individual whom emitted a cold aura. The I-show-no-emotion-guy was Yoongi, also nicknamed Suga. He had tousled straw blonde hair and emotionless mud colored eyes. Compared to the two men on either side of him, his height was rather short (as was his temper, but Hoseok knew it was only a means of defense). 
The male next to Yoongi was Seokjin, or Jin. His raven hair fell in untamed layers before his brown eyes and, though they peered at Hoseok with kindness, they held a certain darkness only visible to those who had been through similar experiences. It was only befitting of someone who cheated Death on a daily basis. 
As their division doctor, Seokjin was responsible for the lives of many, both civilian and Circus members. On rare occasions, the Bangtan members were required to put their lives in his hands if the situation called for it. Yet, as of now, they had only rarely appeared in his studies with serious injuries.
“Are you going to say something or just stand there and stare at Jin with heart eyes?” Suga grumbled sarcastically.
Hoseok rolled his eyes and was about to throw his friend a snarky reply, when a hand placed on his back interrupted him. The hand softly pushed him forward, followed by a playful yet deep-voiced laughter. “Hey hyung. Did you miss me?” Taehyung, or V, chuckled.
“Namjoon, I think we should get some bug spray. These flies are closing in on me.” Hoseok said jokingly, earning a pout and slap from his closest friend. 
“Ha, good one Hope!” Seokjin laughed from his seat. Even Yoongi couldn't resist the smile at the mischievous one being compared to an insect.
“I'm pretty sure the flies came from the dead bodies in your room, Jin.” Taehyung bit back with narrowed eyes.
Hoseok ignored the further banter in the background (a difficult task since Suga kept muttering ‘Oh, good one’ at every possible comeback from both sides). He then proceeded to walk into the room and take the other open seat next to Namjoon, across from Jungkook. Miraculously, Jungkook had looked up from his notebook and only now noticed the three individuals gracing the room with their presence.
“Oh, hey Hope. How long have you been here?” He asked Hoseok dryly. The younger one had taken notice of Taehyung and the ongoing roast battle too, but didn’t care enough to listen in. He doubted any of them would hear him over the noise anyway.
“I’ve been here for some time now, Kookie.” 
“It’s Jung-kook, Hope. Not Kookie.” 
“And it’s Hoseok or hyung for you, Kookie. Not ‘Hope’, nor ‘J-Hope’. We’ve known each other for long enough.” He had imitated the emphasis on his own name. Not that it truly mattered to him, he just wanted an excuse to annoy his younger friend. As brothers do.
Jimin, too, had entered the room and sat next to Hoseok. “Hey guys. What did I miss?”
“You did not miss anything, Jimin,” Namjoon chimed in. “Because I’m about to end it.” He finally stood up from his seat. “Alright, alright, enough. V, Jin and Suga..” He received no reply and the sound kept growing louder. When he noticed nobody listening to him, a vein appeared on his forehead. He was about to burst.
Time to bolt-
“Hoseok, sit,” The first words leaving Namjoon's lips were calm, collected. The tone in his voice alerted the others, an intimidating aura surrounding him in an instant. They had stopped yelling at each other. Then, Namjoon showed a bright smile, yet the intimidating field was still in place. “If I hear one more word, I will drop that person in the Forbidden Forest. Understood?” Everyone nodded furiously. “I’m glad we are on the same page.” He growled something along the lines of 'I never accepted this job to take care of a bunch of children' and 'At least they are on time for once', whilst preparing the required documents for the upcoming meeting.
“Now, let us discuss our next task before Mr. Kim and Mr. Park call.” Few minutes had passed when Namjoon clasped his hands together in excitement. He pressed one of the lit up buttons on his keyboard; seconds later, the same small floating screen appeared in front of all the members. It showed several newspapers dating 12 years prior, all including similar content. 
Hoseok read one of the titles gracing the front page of ‘The Global Register’. Bold black letters showcased: ‘Hundreds of children taken from their homes’, and a different article, written a few years later, read: ‘The Doomed yet to be found’. 
Seokjin arched a brow, the case a familiar one to him. “I thought the EXO division was tasked to take care of this?” He inquired, voice laced with curiosity. “I recall Kyungsoo mentioning this about three months ago. Seemed quite excited to find out the truth.”
“Perhaps HQ trust us more.” Taehyung wiggled his brow, but instantly quit when he received a strict glance from the leader.
“This is no joking matter, V,” He started, a cloudy haze hovering over his features. Namjoon let out a deep sigh, before explaining the current state of matters. “I'm afraid EXO has gone AWOL.” The others threw him worried glances.
“How is that poss-” Jin’s sentence was cut off by a loud tune notifying an incoming call from Mr. Kim and Mr. Park.
“I’m sorry.. My explanation has to wait.” Apologetically, Namjoon tapped a button. Mere seconds later, the small screens were replaced by a larger floating screen popping up in the middle of the table. It showed two, stern middle-aged Korean men behind a desk, dressed in an all-black suit Namjoon knew he would never be able to afford.
“Good day, Namjoon and the Bangtan division. I hope you are all faring well.” Mr. Kim’s lips formed into a kind and genuine smile.
“Yes, thank you.” Namjoon replied on behalf of his members, who were still unable to form any normal sentences due to EXO’s sudden disappearance. He didn’t blame them. The EXO members were all seasoned heroes, active for a long time. Anyone would be devastated.
“Very well. Let us not delay any longer and discuss the mission,” Mr. Kim turned his head sideways to look at Mr. Park. “Mr. Park, if you will?”
“About 10 to 15 years ago, hundreds of children were taken from their parents. All aged between 11 and 16 years old,” Mr. Park started. “Perhaps you have heard of them.. Media often referred to them as 'The Doomed'. Unfortunately... Or well, luckily, none of their bodies were ever retrieved, yet all traces lead to the Forbidden Forest.”
“According to our intel, these children were sent here to fend for themselves..” Mr. Kim followed.
The members gulped and no one could fathom the cruelty of the situation. 
Children were sent to a forest infamous for its wandering demons? Involving harmless children.. It was unforgivable.
“About three months ago, this mission was given to the EXO division. They were tasked to find out as much as they could regarding this organization. However.. They stopped reporting after the tenth day,” The look in Mr. Park’s eyes darkened. “Then, a month later we received a cryptic message.. It said ‘We're getting help to escape this place’. I’m afraid we have not heard of them since.”
A deafening silence followed. Millions of thoughts ran through Hoseok’s mind. 
If they were to receive help, did that mean somebody betrayed them?
Why would they trust anyone at all?
Both Mr. Kim and Mr. Park felt the tension through their screens. 
Were they still alive? 
And even if they were, still alive, would they not be captured? 
“Our request is for you to find out what happened to them. Our number one priority is finding the missing division and, if you are able to find the truth along with it.. Well, killing two birds with one stone would certainly be ideal.” 
“This is a mission of the highest difficulty,” Hoseok didn’t know which of the two spoke anymore, his mind still too occupied to focus. “Should you wish not to take it, we will allow it as we do not know what creatures you will be dealing with.”
“I would like to add that we went through the files of your previous missions and concluded that you might be the only division within Circus who would be able to take care of this,” Hoseok studied his friends’ faces, all painted with the same expression. Wide-eyed, lips slightly parted. “The choice is up to you. Will you or will you not accept it?”
All seven members felt it in their bones. An uneasy feeling in the pit of their stomach they had long forgotten.
It was fear.
They felt complete and utter fear. 
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yujaecha · 3 years
BTS at a Carnival Date | Scenario/Imagine
Info: fluff & tiny angst
Pairing: BTSxReader
Warnings: Alcohol, drunkenness, fainting
A/n: Loved doing this request! I loved the idea of a fun carnival vibe, though through writing, I don’t think I’ve ever been to an actual carnival! Can you believe that? Haha, I’m hoping my imagined idea is good enough! I’m picturing like brazil-carnival-colourfulness, like Rio carnival, which may be a little stereotypical, but I love the idea of this kind of energy!
NOTE: Y/F/N = Your friend's name and Y/F/BF = Your friend's boyfriend.
If you would like to make a request for a scenario, imagine, reaction, mtl, ship, or anything really take a look at my faq, and then drop me a request.
Song rec: Carnival B.A.P
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You and Jin had wandered around the carnival for a few hours; the crowd had spread to the side street parties after the main procession. There were so many people around still, drinking, eating, dancing, and generally having fun. It was even beginning to get dark, but the atmosphere was still so vibrant and lively.
“Should we head home soon?” Jin inquired, as you weaved in and out around people. You absolutely did not want the night to be over just yet.
“I’m kind of hungry actually, why don’t we get some food then head off?”
“Ooh, good idea,” he scanned the small and tightly packed street
“There’s a table over there. Let's grab it quick before it gets taken!”
“Good spot!” You said, rushing towards the space. Fortunately, you managed to get there before anyone else.
“We can’t leave this spot until we are ready to leave; it’ll get snatched up so quickly." He said, looking around at the crowd; it even seemed to be getting busier compared to before.
“Did you enjoy the carnival?” You asked him. You hadn’t been seeing each other for that long, a few weeks, really. You were still getting to know each other, so you didn’t know if your suggestion to go to the carnival was a good one.
“It was great Y/N, really!” He was all smiles, which made you smile too.
“Ah, I’m glad.” You took a sigh of relief hearing he had enjoyed the date.
“Remember that man in the procession, the one in all blue on the stilts?”
“Yeah! He was super impressive; I couldn’t dance wearing those!” You admit.
“I’d love to see you try!” You both laughed. You continued to talk about the carnival, and Jin, perhaps accidentally, suggested you should both go back the following year together.
“Together?” You repeated, you didn't mean to sound surprised, but deep down, you didn't expect for him to suggest it so confidently.
“Of course!” He says firmly, making you blush. You both ordered some food and continued to talk about everything and anything. The food arrived, and it was incredible! Street food is seriously the best.
Eventually, you were reaching the end of your meals, and Jin noticed your shift in mood.
“What’s wrong Y/N?”
“Oh, I just realised that once we’ve finished the food, we should probably leave. The thing is, I’m just having so much fun.” You admit.
“I suppose… We’ll have to get some dessert then?” He suggested with a smirk. He clearly didn’t want to leave either.
Jin left the table in your hands to get something sweet for the two of you, meanwhile you leant on the table, far more tired than you had realised. You were so zoned out, you didn't realise Jin had returned, only when you felt something pressed onto your nose, buttercream frosting! You wake up out of your daze in shock as Jin giggles.
“Wakey wakey!” He laughs uncontrollably.
“Oh no, you didn’t!” You said, grabbing a small piece of cake and flicking it towards him. He stared in shock as it hits him in the cheek and a mischievous look appeared on his face in response. He flicked another piece towards you and you again back to him.
“Food fight!” you hear someone from the next table shout, and within no time, food is flying everywhere, and the whole of the street party is taking part in the madness!
Once everything had calmed down, you and Jin fell into each other’s arms, exhausted from the long day and then the food fight. You notice Jin staring at your lips.
He leans in “Oh. You have something there…” and picks off a small piece of cake frosting from the side of your mouth with his, rather teasingly. He smirked “got it.”
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Yoongi really was not vibing the atmosphere of the carnival. He was complaining a lot about anything and everything.
“It’s so loud.” He groaned.
“It’s just music and people having fun! Stop being so grumpy.” You replied; it was your idea to go to the carnival in the first place, and you didn’t appreciate his attitude.
“There are so many people, too many!” He added. You decided to just let him carry on and walk with him without. It was your idea to come to the carnival after all, so you weren’t going to let his sour mood ruin it.
You weaved about, walking slightly ahead of Yoongi. There were many food and trinket stalls dotted along the carnival route, slightly away from the main bulk of people. But you couldn't help but feel a little deflated; you were missing the main spectacle to keep him happy. You grabbed some food and stood at the side to eat as all the tables were taken. You attempted to make conversation, but you’re pretty annoyed with him yourself.
“This is so good!” He declared, the first positive he had said thing all day.
“Well, at least one of us is having a good time.” You joked sarcastically, not really paying attention, trying to see the floats over the crowd. Your tone caught his attention, and he finally noticed you looking longingly at the procession and understood what his constant comments had done.
“Y/N, I’m sorry.” He looked at you. “I was just hungry, and it's hot. I shouldn’t have complained so much…” he trailed off a little.
“Don’t worry,” you sigh, “It’s not really your sort of thing anyway, is it?”
“That shouldn’t matter. I should have tried more; you wanted to come here, so I should have tried harder, for you.” He said earnestly.
“Let’s try and squeeze our way through? See what's going on?” He suggested, finishing up the food quickly.
“Are you sure?” you asked, and he nodded enthusiastically in response, a complete mood 360; I guess the food gave him a boost of energy.
You both try weaving through the spectators, but it’s no good; the crowd lining the procession is way too dense. Defeated, you decide to give up, but Yoongi knew it was pretty much his fault you didn’t get a spot earlier.
“Ah! I have an idea!” He said as he looks around “Stay right here for a minute, don’t move an inch!”
You stand there for a while wondering what he has up his sleeve, until he returns with a wide smile.
“Follow me!” He said excitedly, grabbing your hand and leads you to a nearby café. Confused, you follow him inside and up to the upper floor. The large room was cool away from the sun, and two glass doors that opened to a balcony with a perfect view of the carnival below. “Much better, huh? I think this is the best view.” He said, leading you out to look down at the procession, putting his arms around you as you both lean on the balcony rail and watch, away from all the crowds and commotion.
“I guess this way it’s the best of both worlds.” You laugh, leaning back into his chest. He really is good at making up for any moodiness. “Remind me to make the most of post-hangry Yoongi again! He's far more romantic than normal!”
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Hobi would be so, so excited to be going on a date to the carnival; he’d literally be even more smiley and excitable than usual! He’d dress up pretty “loud,” if you get what I mean, and he would really embrace the day and overall vibes. It’s a place you can both fully immerse yourselves with music, dancing, and fun – his ideal date, really. I feel like he'd be the most likely one to plan this day solely by himself too.
The floats began to pass by gradually as the main part of the carnival began. You were both locked together, and he was pointing out anything and everything excitedly to you; it was such a rush to the senses.
“Ohh, look at that!” He said excitedly.
"How do they do that?" You said, staring at the float passing by.
“Look at that guy’s outfit!”
"He's so flashy!" You laugh together.
"I'd totally wear that." He said, leaning his head onto yours as you continue to look upon the brightly lit festivities.
"You'd look great too." You said matter-of-fact.
"You think so?" He asked excitedly.
"You look good in everything!" You replied, making him squeal cutely.
Suddenly, Hobi's expression changes, as the music, good music began to get louder and louder, more upbeat. You see his expression shift from joy, to curiosity, to a wide-eyed look nodding his head towards the road.
Before you know it, he had pulled you out into the procession, and he was shaking his hips like he’s part of the carnival from the beginning. Of course, he was encouraging you to dance too, you were just laughing at him and the situation. You had just been watching so peacefully, and now you were right in the middle of everything. At that point, what did you have to lose? You danced with him, and, for the most part, blended in with everyone else, but to the two of you, it was as if you are the only two there.
His eyes light up when he sees a nearby bloat with bright glittering lights, and you already know what he’s thinking.
“You can’t!” You said.
“Oh, I definitely can try!” He replied cheekily, giving you a mischievous smile. You couldn't help but cringe at his confidence; you really didn't understand how he did it. He disappeared behind the float, and you walked tentatively alongside, expecting him to come back disappointed, but next thing you know, he emerged atop the float, waving at you to come closer. You approached, so many people’s eyes are on the two of you now. He held out his hands.
“Come on! Get on with me!" And you did, because why the heck not? It was carnival after all, and you were there to have a good time! Somehow the two of you were receiving some of the most cheers from the crowd, or Hobi’s dance moves were at least!
“I can’t believe you!” You said, leaning towards him.
“You love it! Isn’t this way more fun than just watching?” He asked; you couldn't help but agree.
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You and Joonie had planned your whole vacation around this one day, you had never experienced a large-scale carnival like this, and you were both so excited. However, there was one issue, the traffic was mad!
You hadn’t really thought about the people, just the celebration. You both sat in the taxi, facing away from one another in silence for a while. You knew how irritated he could get when things didn’t go to plan, so you thought it was best to just remain quiet to avoid an argument.
“I’m sorry,” he finally piped up; you looked at him questioningly. “I should have thought of this; I didn’t think it would be this crazy.”
“It’s fine! We didn’t know.” You assure him. “It’s as much my fault, really don’t beat yourself up over it.” His expression didn’t shift. He began to talk with the taxi driver, seeing how easy it would be to turn around to head back to the hotel.
Defeated, you glanced out of the window and noticed other people abandoning their cars and approaching the carnival on foot. “Wait, don’t turn around!” You suddenly insisted, making both Namjoon and the taxi driver jump. “How long would it take to get there on foot?”
The driver explained it would take about a twenty-minutes to walk, if you were quick and told you a few shortcuts to take too.
“Come on!” You said, grabbing NamJoon’s hand. “If we run, we might make it for the big finale!”
“I don’t know, it’s quite far…” He said, looking in the direction of the carnival. He glanced at you and then his frown shifted to a smile “Do you know what? We’re on vacation! Why not?”
“Yes! Amazing, we’ll have to be quick, though!”
He flashes you a competitive look, a look you know well. “I’ll race you.” He said with a smirk.
“Oh, it’s on, Joonie!” You said back, “be prepared to lose.”
“Hah! We’ll see about that!” He said, grabbing the car door handle, making you do so also reflexively. You both exited the taxi (You paid the driver dw!) and began to run. NamJoon kept grabbing you from behind to sabotage you when you overtook him, and you could hardly run with the laughter between the two of you.
Fortunately, you managed to make it in time, and you managed to beat him too!
“I think looser has to buy drinks.” You insisted, out of breath.
“Hey, that wasn’t part of it.” He replied, also puffed out.
“Well, I’ve just decided that it is.” You said with a smirk and he nodded.
“Whatever you say, speedy.”
You wandered around for ages after the carnival was over, cooling down in the evening breeze. It was absolutely brilliant, more than you had imagined it to be, albeit a somewhat different experience.
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You had been stood now for a while, and you were cursing yourself for not buying that drink when you saw the seller just a while earlier. It was so hot, and you were feeling a little overwhelmed by all the people, colours, noise. It was a sensory overload.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jimin asked you once again, noticing your change of expression. You really didn’t want to let on that you were uncomfortable, so faked a bright smile.
“Sorry! I was just zoning out there.” You lied. He giggled at you before putting his arm around your shoulder affectionately. He returned his gaze to the floats and sways of people passing you by. Jimin would point out little details, but you couldn’t really focus and found yourself feeling very dizzy and lightheaded. He was so engrossed in the carnival procession, especially the dancing, and you were trying your best to be all smiles and play your part, but the sun shone down hot and heavy onto your head. Someone bumped into you both from behind, pushing you forward slightly.
“Woah, watch where you’re going!” You think you heard Jimin say, but that’s when the world started spinning, and your vision blacked out entirely.
You woke up away from the crowd a little, laying on your back. You weren't sure how long you had been out of it, but the atmosphere was still busy, and the air was still warm.
“Drink this Y/N! You’re okay, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” You heard a familiar voice trying to comfort you from above, but you could hear the slight panic in his voice too.
“I’m okay, I’m okay!” you said, trying to sit up, but Jimin held you back.
“Not so fast! I don’t want you fainting again!” You complied, leaning back into his embrace. He leant forward, fanning your face with a pamphlet for the carnival.
“I’m sorry,” you said, defeated. “I really wanted you to enjoy the carnival, but there were so many people, and it was so hot and-“
“-It’s okay!” Jimin said, cutting you off. “Really, I’d much rather you were okay than anything.” You sighed in agreement, with a pang of disappointment through you.
“I’m really okay now. Let’s go back and watch the rest.” You insisted.
“Oh, no way! I asked some guy to go and find a medic. You’re not moving an inch until they get here.” You couldn’t help but love how protective he was. Just a short while before, he was engrossed in the carnival, but now it was like you were the only thing that mattered to him in the world, as you lay in his arms.
The medic came, gave you the all-clear after a while, noting it was probably heat exhaustion. Jimin promised to take better care of you from then on, and you hated how he seemed to blame himself for not taking more notice when you aren't as cheery as he had expected watching the carnival. You tried to insist on returning to catch the end of the procession, but he wouldn’t let you leave the seat they had found for you. You were all pouty and felt undeniably guilty for ruining the day.
“I won’t let you stand and watch, but I suppose I could carry you?” He said, turning around and holding his arms outstretched for a piggyback.
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It was your first date with TaeHyung, and you were really regretting your choice of location. You had only just arrived, but you were already struggling to hear each other or even walk next to each other it was so crowded.
“Why don’t we go over there? It looks a little quieter,” you queried.
“Sorry, what did you say?” he asked, leaning in towards you to hear you better.
“Oh, um, I said-“
“-Why don’t we go over there?” He interrupted, not hearing you. “It seems a bit less busy.”
You nodded in agreement and made your way towards a slightly more open space. It was no use, every time you tried to talk; something stopped the two of you from hearing each other; the band passing by, a child crying, two people stood near you laughing. You were beginning to worry it would ruin your chance with him altogether; a first date is enormously important after all.
“Are you hungry? Thirsty?” He asked you, shouting a little to be heard.
“I could have something,” you replied.
“Cotton candy?” he asked, pointing at a vendor.
You headed over together. He ordered one cotton candy and a bottle of water for each of you. You walked around the parameter of the carnival sharing the sweet treat; it was a little easier to hear each other there but still not good.
“Thank you for buying that. I’ll get the next thing,” you insisted, he laughed.
“It’s lively, isn't it? The carnival.”
“Yeah…” You looked around awkwardly. “I’m sorry.”
He stopped walking, turning towards you. “Why are you apologising? I don't mind it.”
“Because it’s such a bad choice for our first date, we can’t even speak.”
“Hmm, how can we fix this…” He thought hard, “Ah! I know,” He placed his arm around you swiftly, pulling you in close to him. “This is better right?” You panicked internally but tried hard not to let it show. You just nodded; after all, it was a lot easier to hear each other, if nothing else.
You continued, now far closer than before. As you walked, you spotted a group of kids dancing to the carnival band down a small side street away from the crowd. You giggle, looking at them having fun; Tae took note.
“Hey, you guys have some great moves!” He complimented them, approaching them “Do you think you could teach us how to dance like that?”
“Yeah! We’ll teach you!” The smallest one replied eagerly, pulling at his hand “you can be my partner.”
“Oh, I actually want to be Y/N’s partner, see she’s my date for today, and I wouldn't want her to be upset if I danced with someone else.”
“Ohhh, you’re on a date!” The kids replied in unison, eyeing the two of you.
"You’re really cute together!” The little one said with a wide grin. “That’s okay, I’ll dance with my brother, and we’ll show you, just copy us, okay?”
“That sounds great!” He replied to the kids, who had gotten very excited to teach two grown-ups their dance.
Tae took you by the hands, and sort of following your instructors, you danced together, laughing constantly.
“You two! Hurry up, the main float is coming!” A woman’s voice sounded behind you, the kid’s mother presumably.
“Ow, but we wanted to stay here!”
“No, come along now!” she insisted.
“I guess we have to go now.” The girl pouted.
“Well, thank you for teaching us your dance moves!” You said, leaning down to her “you’re a great teacher.” You held out both your hands for high fives, and she perked up slightly. Her brother high fived you too, and Taehyung held his hands to them too.
The kids left the side street leaving just Tae and yourself behind and suddenly the quiet between you seemed even louder than any noise from the whole day so far.
“We could stay here and dance some more?” Taehyung suggested, breaking the awkward space between you and stepped forward, holding his hands out to you again.
“I’d like that.” You admitted and took his hands once again. You began to dance, only he held you slightly closer this time…
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You and JungKook approach the carnival hand in hand; you were so excited. You noticed he seemed a little quiet, but it was the first time he was meeting your friend, one of your best friends from when you were kids too. You had arranged for him to meet her at the carnival; in theory, taking some of the awkwardness away. Plus, she was bringing her boyfriend too, so there was someone for Jungkook to get on with, and he wasn’t left out while the two of you caught up. You spotted them first and ran excitedly towards them. You had known your friend for years, and didn't mind her boyfriend, though you never really saw just what she saw in him.
“This is him then! Nice to meet you Jungkook, I’m Y/F/N” She said holding out her hand to shake, you instinctively laughed at her formality.
He shook it tentatively with a slight giggle. “Nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot!”
“Good things,” you assured her, as your friend shot you a worried look. “Of course! Always good things.”
“So, this is the most recent addition to your long list of lovers then Y/N?” Your friend’s boyfriend joked, mocking your tragic lack of romance in the past, which he and your friend were all too aware of.
“Long list huh?” Jungkook asked surprised looking at you, you thought you saw a speck of jealousy but shrugged it off, he already knew your history, you had both been very open from the start.
“Ha! Yeah, as if!” You scoffed.
The four of you headed towards the carnival, where people are already gathering for the main procession along the main route. You all stood together, you and your friend reminiscing about old times. Jungkook listened to your old stories attentively, laughing along, while your friend's boyfriend wasn't really paying much interest. You looked towards Jungkook, who was staring at your friend's boyfriend as his girlfriend spoke, you could now tell for sure he was a little annoyed towards him.
“Are you okay?” You asked in a lowered voice, so the other two didn’t hear.
“You're not close with T/F/BF?”
“Not really, no. The three of us went to school together but I didn’t really know him much until they started dating.” You assured him. "Why?"
“He seems... uninterested.” He said, trailing off.
“He was just joking earlier, about my love life, I promise you.”
“No, no, I trust you, Y/N, really. I just didn’t appreciate the joke, nor his general attitude.” He admitted.
“Well, he’s just a bit of an overly confident guy; he doesn’t know when a joke is too much.”
You continued to watch the carnival together and decide to head away from the crowd for a drink.
“How much of a lightweight are you then, Jungkook?” Your friend’s boyfriend asked mockingly as you approached a pop-up bar. Oh dear! You look at Jungkook, who rolls his eyes.
“You want to see?” He asked him confidently, not breaking eye contact.
“Oh my gosh! Yes! Drinking game!” Your friend said excitedly, and you groan.
“Really, are we doing this?” You ask. Jungkook shoots you a look you recognise. He’s getting competitive.
Many, many rounds later, Jungkook slammed the glass down first. He had downed that one easy while Your friend’s boyfriend was struggling. Your friend was rubbing his back for encouragement, but it was no good; he turned to throw up.
“I guess I won?” Jungkook said, standing up with a wide grin, leaning towards you for a victory hug.
“Wow! I didn’t know you could drink so much!” You said, kind of impressed.
“Yeah, I really can’t. Please help me stand up straight,” he said with a low laugh; he was leaning on you heavily.
Your friend helped carry her boyfriend off, and they went to grab a taxi home. You left Jungkook on the road curb while you went to get him some water. When you returned, you dropped down to sit next to him. The carnival was coming to an end and the crowds dispersed. He rested his head on your shoulder and let out a big exhale.
“I think I’ll need some help standing up.” He admitted with a drunken chuckle. You sighed but agreed to look after him. It was hardly the way you had wanted the day to go, but you couldn’t help but be proud he put your friend’s boyfriend in his place and won, so you’d let him off this time.
*Not implying Jungkook os a drunk or anything just FYI!
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idkcantthinkofaname · 4 years
It takes time/1
Pairing: Jinxreader (Btsxreader)
Warnings: none in this chapter I think
Summary: after finally getting the house y/n always wanted, she find a hybrid hiding in an old shed. Unlike most people who find strays, y/n doesn’t turn him into h.c mainly because there was a lot of shady things that happened with the hybrid control in the area.
Notes: this is the first one I have ever posted for others to read. So I hope you like it
He laid in the shed trying to escape the cold and keep his fresh cut on his leg from getting too dirty. He hadn’t planned on things going this way. He just wanted to go into town to get some goods for the pack, but someone managed to scared him causing his peacock feathers to pop out. They ended up calling hybrid control and when They arrived, they used way more force then necessary. Thanks to a window in the back of a warehouse, he managed to escape them, but not without Injuring his leg. Lucky for him, he managed to Find an abandoned house with a shed in the back. It wasn’t much but it was enough to hide in until he can head back to the pack. Wish it wasn’t cold. 
The Realtor got out of his car as I drove up in the driveway to the house and I got out. “Good morning miss Y/L/N” he said as we shook hands “good morning Mr. Allen” I smiled “ready to see the house?” - The house hasn’t been in for a very long time, mostly because it was out in the mountain. Mr. Allen tried to talk me out of it and get some small house in (city), saying that a girl shouldn’t be living on her own all the way out here, But Nature is where I felt more at home. The house itself was only three-bedroom, two bath, kitchen and decent size living room with a large window wall with the perfect view of the forest that surrounded. While looking around the house. I noticed that there was a rickety shed in the back yard, that was probably going to fall apart as soon as a bad storm hits. Through one of the holes in the shed it looked like something moved inside. I cocked my head to the side and started heading towards the back door. I tugged my jacket closer to me as I walked across the yard. As I slowly opened the door, I locked eyes with a man who had an injured leg huddle so close to the wall trying so hard to hide. I could see in the dim lighting the color of peacock feathers form on his skin…I shut the door. I had to get Allen away, because he would call Hybrid control to come get this stray. If it’s the H.C from this area, this guy would be in trouble. 
After finishing up with MR. Allen and getting some final papers signed, the house was all mine! As soon as he left though. I darted straight to the shed. ‘I wonder if he is still there?’ But from the looks of his leg. I’m not sure how far he could get on it. As I opened the door to the shed i could see him staring at me with wide eyes! I raised my hands so he could see them “I’m not going to hurt you” I smiled trying to remain calm. When most people come across strays, they automatically assume they are one of the feral ones that have been seen around the woods. Most attacked people and their pets, so people feared them. He wasn’t giving me the vibes he was a feral hybrid. “I noticed the large cut on your leg” looking down at it then back up. He watched carefully. “It looked like it going to need to be treated.” I shifted from one foot to another. “Um…we can do these two ways…or we” I shook my heads “that sounded mean…. But we can do this whatever way you feel comfortable... if you want, you can come with me back to my apartment so we can take care of that there...” his eyes grew wide in fear “OR you can wait here while I run and get some supplies to take care of that” “I’ll wait” I nodded “okay, it won’t be until later because of the long drive. Let me get the blanket from my car, since the temperature is supposed to drop later this afternoon” he slowly nodded. I went to my car and collected the blanket. It was kind of a thick fuzzy blanket should keep him warm. I headed back to the shed. As I approached him, I held out the blanket “I know it’s smells like me but at least you will be warm” I smile lightly at him. He didn’t look at the blanket as he leaned in to take it. He had all his focus on me, making sure I don’t make a move towards him. As he brought the blanket towards him, he seemed to settle more. “Okay, I’ll be back later.” As I shut the door and headed to leave, I went ahead and got all the electric and water turned on so he can stay in there where it will be warm instead of the shed that could fall with a strong gust of wind. 
As I heard her pull out of the driveway, I relaxed a little more. But why wasn’t I afraid of her? Why was her scent so calming, like his pack mates? He felt like he could trust her even though he doesn’t even know her. He wrapped the blanket around him tightly. It was so warm and her scent was all over it. He inhaled deeply. Why is this so calming? The others would have run or attacked her when she came close. That’s kind of why when they needed certain supplies from the town close by, he is the one that goes. He enjoyed going to town. He normally can walk in on and out with no problem. Out of all his brothers he looked and acted more human and he had good control, most of the time, over his animal DNA. He sighed. 
Going to the apartment took so much longer because of all the boxes I had to go through, all because I forgot which one it was in. So, it was well after the sunset before I could make it back to the house. I opened the door to the house turning on the living room lights and made sure the heater was turned on. Once I heard it click on, I let out a breath ‘good it still works!’ I had also grabbed blankets for use to sit on and a change of clothing for him. Before I left town, I had gotten some food from the burger joint. Pretty sure it’s been a while since he had gotten a full meal. I zipped up my jacket and made my way back to the shed. He was still there shivering in the cold. His head popped up out from the blanket “I’m sorry it took so long. I got the heater in the house going if you would like to go inside” He slowly nodded his head and tried to stand. I moved forward to help him. “May I?” I asked. He thought for a second before nodding and allowing me to step closer to him. He leaned in. He was a lot taller than what I assumed. Making it into the house, he looked nervous. “Can we stay close to the door?” I looked up at him “if it makes you feel comfortable being close to it yes” I nodded and set him in the corner by the back door “let me go grab the blankets and Med kit” he nodded as he leaned against the wall. Moving quickly to get all the stuff and placing the blankets on the ground for him to sit on. I looked up at him “I... uh brought extra clothing for you…seeing how we going to have to cut the legs pant off.” He stared at me searching to see if i had Bad intentions. after what felt like hours he spoke “okay, thank you” I started cutting the pants part off and began cleaning the wound. Luckily it was just a Flesh wound, a deep one but not life threatening, and after cleaning and bandaging it up it seemed to look okay. “I know you wouldn’t want to but that really needs to be looked at by a professional. “I’ll be fine” he said, his brown eyes drooping. “Okay before you fall asleep let’s get you into something most comfortable” I reached into the bag I brought with the clothing and handed him clean shirt, shorts and sweatpants. And held them out to him. He looked at me kind of confused “why shorts and sweatpants?” I blushed he was way to handsome now that I really got a look at him “well, when we need to change the bandages…. uh…the shorts” god how to I explain this “well it’s so we don’t have to cut any more clothing and you won’t ever have to be…pants less…” He cocked his head to the side “So, you don’t want to see me naked” I choked on air “no, no I wouldn’t.” His eyes seem to light up for a second before he cleared his throat. “Oh, thank you, for being considerate.” He took the clothing. I stood up “I’m going to go check out my new room and get an idea of what I want to do with it before I get my stuff tmrw.” I walked off giving him some privacy. 
It took me a whole ten minutes in my new room trying to not panic about how awkward it was to explain the whole pants things that I realized I never asked him his name. Face palm. This should have been enough time, right? Or was it hard for him to work with that leg? I walked out of my room and down the hall way back towards him but stopped at the edge of the living room “hey um, is it okay for me to come out?” I swear I heard a snicker “Yes, I am dressed.” I walked to him “so, what’s your name? I realized I never asked.” He smiled. Shit. “My name is seokjin, but you can call me jin.” “Well hello jin, my name is Y/N” he leaned back and closed his eyes. I wonder when he last got a good night sleep? “I also got some food” his eyes popped open “it’s from a Burger place in the town close by.” I pulled the food out of the bag and handed him a burger. He hesitated for a second before taking the burger out of my hands and wasted no time in scarfing it down. I watched with a smile on my face, because once he was done, he looked so happy “I have another if you would like” he looked at me with big eyes “are you sure?” I smiled and passed him the other burger. He said thank you as he took it and eat it as quickly as he did the first. Now he just looked so tired. “Okay I’m going to head back to my apartment for the night. I’ll be here before the moving van gets here.” I smiled and was going to get up but he grabbed my hand. I looked down at him, he looked like he was arguing with himself “okay, get home safe and I’ll see you tomorrow” he let go and smiled. 
After the movers loaded the truck, I speed as fast as I could to get to the house before they could arrive. I had found jin still sleeping in the corner. I managed to hide Jin in a closet while the movers moved stuff in…no, the closet what not my idea, I wanted to put him in my bathroom where no one should have gone but he wanted to be in the closet close to the back door. I didn’t have time to argue so I just agreed. It only took a couple of hours for the movers to move all the stuff in. As soon as they left, Jin walked out of the closet. He didn’t seem happy. ‘It must have been so uncomfortable in there.’ I went over and helped him to the couch. “Now you have something more comfortable to lay on.” I smiled. He smiled but it didn’t seem to reach his eyes. “Make sure the door is locked okay.” He said in a flat voice. Eyes on the front door from the living room. “O-okay.” I went to Lock the door. “Is everything okay?” I asked. As the door lock latched Jin seemed to relax a little. “The movers…. they made some comments about you…” his eyes narrowed. I Gulped “oh well, I’ll make sure everything is locked then.” I walked off to check all the windows and the back door. After doing so jin was a lot more relaxed. As I walked back to him “so what did they say?” Jin jaw tighten “just comments on what your…body would look like naked. how maybe coming back later off of work.” He seems to growl the last part…didn’t know peacocks could make that nose. I fiddled with my hand “oh, well…umm want to have a movie night in here in the living room then? So…Um I won’t be alone.” I’m not saying those men would force stuff…but the way the anger that was in Jīn's eyes, I’m pretty sure he leaving some stuff out. Jin seemed to relax “yea, a movie night would be fun.” He smiled and some of the anger left his eyes. I hoped up “Good! I’ll pop a pizza in the over, find my movie box and get some popcorn ready!” I smiled and went to get started. Jin smiled at how excited you were. He also happy you offered to stay in here with him. Because he pretty damn sure from the comments on how much you would scream in bed with them. He wouldn’t be able to sleep and with this leg he wouldn’t be able to do too much, or get there on time if they tried. But if they did come knocking, he would be the one to answer that damn door. Even though he doesn’t know you well he wants to protect you. Just like he would with his brothers. And he is damn sure not going to let those two movers touch you. At. all. Thinking about his brothers... he wonders how they are doing? By now he is sure they would be out searching for him. Jin hopes he can heal before they find him here. Well before certain ones find him here. As long as it wasn’t namjoon, yoongi or Jungkook, things could go better. If it was them…he shakes his head as Y/N sat back down with movies “so what kind of movies you like?” 
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youarejesting · 4 years
Lost Boys
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[Full Masterlist]
Rating: All Pairing: BTSxReader Genre: Supernatural, thriller, psychological, angst, cute nature boys, symbolism, trigger warnings: abandonment, mature, fantasy, supernatural, and character death. Words: 2.2k
Summary: Bangtan Forest was said to be evil, stealing children and anyone who got lost. Some say it was attacking the humans. You don’t think much of scary campfire stories, that is until the rocks and trees come alive.
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Aisles of high tech camping gear had you in awe. You even thought about a new sleeping bag but, it just seemed like a waste. There was nothing wrong with the sleeping bag you already had and to buy a new one to use once a year was not worth the money. 
Grabbing the mosquito repellent you headed to the counter. Your friends were carrying emergency lights and flares standing in line behind you ready to make their purchases. “Good morning, just these?” The young girl smiled, she was deep in her role of customer service, which you totally respected.
“Uh... yeah and um, one of these please” You placed the emergency whistle onto the counter, it was plastic and only cost fifty cents.
“Of course, is that on the card today?” She continued talking and you smiled nodding holding up the card, stepping to the other side to pay. Taking your things, there wasn’t much left for you in the shop. That is until you heard something interesting. 
“There was another landslide by Bangtan Forest, it can’t seem to let anyone get close,” An old man said to another, “Luckily no one was hurt or went missing this time.”
The drive was beautiful and the radio played nothing but summer hits, you were singing along with the others, they were your closest of friends. Lillia was a sweet young lady, she loved nature and had a particularly soft spot for mushrooms. She brought her camera and expected to take some cool shots over the course of the weekend.
You were looking forward to going wild, not like partying wild. No, more like, sitting in the dirt, lighting fires, and splashing around in a river. That was your paradise, your escape. Having almost screamed into the phone when the suggestion of camping was brought up. If it got you out of your house and out of your life for a moment, you would take it.
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The camping grounds were pretty, you passed a sign on your way in that had a lot of warning pictures but you didn’t have time to read them all. The only one you saw was to put out your fires entirely before you leave, which honestly felt like common knowledge, and if you didn’t know that you shouldn’t go camping alone. Forest fires were not a joke.
Finding a place to pitch a tent was hard, a lot of the really shady spots were taken but there was a really beautiful spot by the river. According to Jester, your know-it-all friend, the river spread through the whole of the forest intricately like a spider web. “Because of the river the vegetation inside is thick, people say as you walk the vines grow around you and if you stop, you will be buried under the vegetation.”
“I heard that bad person used to leave their kids behind, and the forest took them in and that if ever you are lost or left behind the forest takes you,” Lillia said lowering her sweet voice trying to be serious. “There was a story, of a class field trip of kids were pulled off the trail and they were never seen again. They say the forest is evil.”
“I heard it protects the kids because they are left alone.” Jester contradicted and Lillia nodded pointing at the other. Nodding in agreement as she ate a slice of orange.
“I heard that too,” She smiled “I like that idea, that the forest just is a home taking care of the children left behind.”
As if ominously on cue the three of you had heard giggling coming from across the river. But it was drowned out by laughing and cheering from up the river, another group was splashing around and soon you all joined. 
The two groups became friends and it was fun, but it started to rain, nothing extreme just a light drizzle. You had dinner early and hoped into your tents. You were alone in yours as there was supposed to be another person on the trip but they couldn’t make it due to a family event.
It didn’t take long until you were fast asleep to the sound of the rain. You don’t know how long you were asleep for when you woke up suddenly a sting in your chest, shaking that aside you heard crying. 
Getting a little scared you poked your head outside the tent and saw a child running from one of the tents in the park to the water. He was calling for his mother and moving for the forest begging his mother to come back and you wondered if the mum had been taken or went to the toilet. Either way, this child was running straight into the forest.
Lost or left behind the forest takes you, you thought back on those words, The forest is evil. 
Every other thought left your head and your primary objective was to save the child, you began running, your body felt like you were moving through cement. That’s how thick the plant life was, you had a stitch in your side after a mere five minutes of sprinting but you kept pushing until suddenly the child hopped across the rocks and curled up and he was gone, in his place was a Pinecone.
You hopped across the rocks careful not to get your feet wet, you had slipped on your sneakers and you didn’t want to walk back to camp with them wet. Speaking of camp, you were lost and the child you were following had disappeared and left in his place a pinecone.
Stepping up to the small pinecone, you pocket it and it wiggled around in the dirt letting out a chorus of childish laughter. Shaking with giggles in the corner of your eyes was a small pile of leaves, you were looking around breathing heavily and freaking out. 
As you were frozen in place in shock and trying to catch a glimpse of someone playing a trick you felt something entwine around your legs. You shrieked jumping and ripping your feet free from the vines that started to grow around your shoes.
“Alright, boy’s you had your fun, go play with the other kids your age,” A voice said, you were relieved finally someone had revealed themselves it was just an elaborate plank until a decent sized boulder began to move, it was like camouflage, and from the curled up position a human stood up and straightened out. “Can’t a rock get some sleep around here?”
“Come on, Yoongi you are no fun?” a voice said from your left, you looked trying to find where the voice was coming from and you smiled seeing the moss open its eyes and step away from the tree making you shriek. 
They were people camouflaged perfectly to appear like trees and rocks. They were strange-looking and you weren’t sure if this was some weird dream or if it was real. The more you looked the stranger they appeared. Some of their features were replaced with other things.
“I am starting to solidify more and more” the rock man who may be the one the other referred to as Yoongi muttered and a Berry Bush wiggled itself free from the ground and he walked over helping the rock man stretch.
“A log pulled itself up off the ground and stretched with the creak of old wooden furniture and gave a low groan. This distracted you from the movement behind you. 
“We have been getting bored on our own, but it is nice to have a friend visit,” A voice said, and when you turned you saw a man covered in mushrooms, his head was topped by a big mushroom that made him look like he was wearing a bucket hat. You almost laughed at the insanity.
“Ahhh, it is so nice to be free” A sapling wiggled until its roots or in this case feet were free. 
“Where is Jin?” The logman asked and they all looked around. The pile of leaves and the pinecone wiggled around until children appeared gesturing to a nearby meadow.
“Thank you Hyuning, Yeonjun” The mushroom guy smiled and they began hopping over the river using the rocks, The sapling grinned waving you to follow.
“If you stay too long the vines will start wrapping around you again, I am Jungkook” He smiled, along the way they all introduced themselves and you had to admit this was the oddest and trippiest meeting you ever had.
“There he is,” Taehyung called and Seokjin who they had told you about on the way had appeared lifting himself off the grounds his body covered in sweet flowers. “What were you doing out here?”
“I was trying to get some sleep but someone was snoring” He stretched ignoring the snickering from Jungkook who said he was probably up late with the kids playing games. “Who is this?”
“Oh, this is…” Namjoon said and froze, “I am sorry, we didn’t get your name?”
“Oh my name is Y/n” you smiled and they nodded 
“We are helping Y/n get out of the forest,” Jimin said puffing his chest out his leaves rustling. It was so odd to see these people dressed like they were in some school play, like tree number one and rock number three. 
“It’s no rush, just as long as I get out at some point,” You said trying to ease their worried expressions.
No, you don’t get it if you are still here when the sunrises, you will be stuck in the forest forever.” Yoongi said, “We are all here for a reason, Namjoon has been in the forest the longest, he used to be a tree before he fell.”
“Well, maybe we should hurry,” You said looking at the vines trying to wrap around your feet once more. “I have to keep moving these vines really are aggressive when it comes to wanting to keep me here.”
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Along the way the boys began talking, each telling their story. Namjoon said he was from 1761 and he was left there by his mother who could no longer feed him after his father died. “I was nineteen and very sick so I didn’t last very long. But, it wasn’t long until I met Jin he was twenty-one and got lost in the forest.”
“I was collecting flowers for my fiancee I was supposed to be getting married shortly and well, I never even got to meet hurt.” Seokjin smiled, continuing on the storytelling from Namjoon and explaining his experience “I was kind of wishing I would get lost, I was so young and didn’t want to get married to a stranger.”
“I think it was 1892 and I was about twenty as well, I had run away from home, I remember stealing food from town and whilst escaping ran into the forest and I never came back out.” He shrugged, keeping his story concise as he helped you step over a fallen tree, “life as a rock is peaceful.”
“I was part of a traveling circus and well it wasn’t a good living, the people were awful and beat you if you spoke, one of the performers had a grudge for me so I hid in the forest and when I tripped the vines grew over me quickly” Hoseok made hand gestures at you making you giggle and move away from him, you bumped into Jimin who caught you before you fell. “That was maybe 1901 and I was about nineteen”
“I can’t remember much, I remember being really drowsy in a car and being told to wait while my father got some juice, I was about eighteen and he didn’t come back. The forest called me inside.” Jimin frowned slightly.
“I was hiking and I lost my way following a pretty butterfly,” Taehyung pouted, “I didn’t mean to get lost and I wish I had paid attention, I just wanted to take a picture.”
‘For me, it was not too long ago, a class excursion, we were following the trail and a bully dropped my hat in the river I chased after it and before I knew it I didn’t know where they had gone. I was seventeen.” Jungkook said with a smile that looked somewhat forced. “But it’s not all bad. I have made some really great friends.”
“And who else would play with the little ones. So many children got left in the forest much younger than us.” Seokjin explained sadly.
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You saw the forest thinning out and flashes of red and blue flickered through the trees, you stepped out to the edge to see police and ambulances and more, there was a landslide. It was at your campsite, you froze looking around spotting your friends sitting in the back of the ambulance. 
The vines were wrapping around your feet but you ripped them free, “it was nice meeting you thank you” You said, and placing the whistle between your lip you blew hard.
“We found her!” a voice shouted, you gave up on cautiously hopping rocks and went running across the river. When your foot touched the water you fell your shoes had disappeared as had your legs and from your waist down you were nothing but water. You looked up trying to drag yourself out to see your friends when you saw them carry your body out of the mud on a gurney.
You could never leave the forest but as the river flowed throughout you could visit all the residence inside.
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fawnzilla · 4 years
Foxy Assistant CH1 This is my first fan-fiction please let me know if I should keep going.  Summery: BTSXReader You are going to work with BTS they had contracted you from the company that owns you to be their assistant or so you think. Chaos ensues. I have this chapter and part of chapter 2 written. I don’t know yet if the reader will pair with any or all of BTS in a romantic manner. Words:2000
Foxy assistant 
Chapter 1
It was a quiet evening there was a cool breeze drifting through the branches of the trees. Coming upon an inviting looking house you start walking up the driveway only to pause when you hear a loud scream coming from the house in front of you. “ Who broke my headphones?”  followed by the distinct sound of running feet and slamming doors. You had been hired by Big Hit to help BTS with their relationship with hybrid fans as well as to act as a sort of personal assistant. Being a few years older than the oldest member helped Big Hit to see you less as a potential scandal and more of a potential big sister to the boys. 
Back to the scene in front of you. As you pause midway up the driveway you see a tall blonde man run out of the front door and rush towards you. So puzzled by the fact that this man is dashing down the driveway full speed, you fail to notice how close he has gotten until it is too late and he crashed into you. The man crashing into you causes you to fall to the ground in a heap. Blinking up at the blue sky contemplating your life choices you notice the noise of someone speaking to you causing the ears on top of your head to twitch. 
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” Your eyes refocus on the tall blonde man standing over you when you hear in the distance. “Kim Namjoon get your ass back here so I can kick it!” Turning your head you see a shorter male with dark hair striding down the driveway with his mouth set in an angry line. The dark haired male came to a stop with a blank look on his face. “Namjoon who is this?” he questioned. The man seemed unaffected but you could smell his unease. Thinking to yourself it is now or never you piped in stating  “ Hello my name is y/n your label hired me to help with you hybrid interactions and personal matters.” As you are sharing this information with the dumbfounded males, you pick yourself up off the ground and start brushing off the dirt and dust your fall caused to accumulate on your clothing. Grabbing the handle of your suitcase you resume your trip up the driveway towards the front door. Leaving the two gape mouthed men standing in the middle of the driveway.
As you reach the front door the pair of males has caught up with you although they are gasping for air. Just when your finger reaches the doorbell before you can put any pressure on the little white button you hear from behind you “Can I see some ID and proof of your claims?” Sighing you turn to face the man who spoke you think his name is Namjoon you say with a tight smile “Of course” you reach into your pocket and pull out your hybrid ID card and your letter of introduction which you were instructed not to open. You then hand these items to Namjoon with a smile “Here you go” you say politely regaining your composure. Taking the ID and letter from you Namjoon carefully reads the letter then compares the information therein to your ID. Nodding his head he then hands both items back to you. Reaching around you he opens the door and says'' After you”.
Walking into the front hall with Namjoon and the currently unnamed male. You look at Namjoon and see an almost sad or worried look on his face. Namjoon gestures to the couch in the living room ahead of you while telling you “ You should probably sit down.” With a puzzled look on your face you do as he says. The next word out of his mouth have you nervous he says kind of uncomfortably “I think you should read the letter.” Pulling the slightly crumpled letter from your pocket, you unfold the paper and start to read:
The hybrid in front of you is under the impression that we hired her as your assistant. We did try to just hire her but her company would only sell her. They said they were selling off all the hybrid workers to get younger ones. We bought one hybrid for each of the groups in our company to try and give as many as possible a chance at a safe home. Y/N is a fox hybrid older than Seokjin but we are unsure by how much. Please be kind to her she is your responsibility now. 
-Bang PD 
Tears gather in the corners of your eyes as you process the fact that the company that has owned you since you were fifteen sold you without word or warning. Quickly pulling yourself together so you don’t irritate your new owners. You drop to the floor in a deep bow forehead resting on the plush carpet. You hear footsteps approach then a loud voice proclaiming “ Joon what is going on here? Why is there a fox hybrid cowering on my carpet?” The new voice sounds severely upset which causes you to start shaking. Namjoon speaks up in a slightly plaintive voice “ Hyung I don't know why she is cowering but, she is our new hybrid. The company bought her for us.” 
“Hey why are you on the floor like this?” A new voice close to your ear and a new scent in your nose makes you whimper and draw even more into yourself. “Hey it’s okay. Look at me.” At the order you turn your head to see a male with light pink hair smiling softly at you. “There now it’s okay relax we aren't going to hurt you” The male whispers to you sweetly. As he reaches out to pet your ears you flinch a little. The man pauses then continues when you don’t react aggressively. His hand gently pets your head and scratches behind your ears. As the unknown man lavishes gentle affection on you your body starts to relax and a low contented growl escapes your lips. Startling yourself with the growl you abruptly stop. As your awareness of your surroundings comes back to you the realization that there is a large amount of yelling around you causes you to whimper in fear. The man next to you speaks quietly to you. “Shh it’s alright. Cover your ears for me Sweetie.” You reach up and cover your ears. 
Although your ears are covered you hear the muffled whistle the pink haired man lets out then silence. The kind man then reaches over and gently removes your hands from your ears. While smiling brightly he says “That’s better now isn't it!” Nodding your head you look at him with stars in your eyes. Hearing a sound on the other side of the room causes you to jump a little and move closer to your pink haired savior. 
“Y/N was sent here under false pretenses. That is the reason she is so scared. She was told she was coming in as an employee not to the home of her new owners.” A slightly detached voice states from the entrance to the front hallway. You start repeating the words” I’m sorry Sir I’m sorry Sir” over and over quietly. The pink haired male next to you has not stopped petting you and now adds in shushing noises trying to sooth your anxiety. You are starting to calm down when you hear Namjoon say “ I didn’t mean to scare her” with a sad voice. 
“Alright everyone sit down and be quiet. Y/N please relax no one is going to hurt you” The voice that sounded detached before now rings with authority. As you look up you can see it is the man that chased Namjoon out of the house. You sit up right and take a look around the room. Cataloging all the exits and the locations of the seven men spread around the room. After doing this you take the time to look ate each male separately. 
The one closest to you with pink fluffy hair gives you a sweet smile when you look his way. Next you spot a man with dark brown hair and mischief in his eyes, he gives you a smile as well. Looking at him if you didn't know any better you would think he is a bunny hybrid. Shifting to the next being the first thing you notice is his wide square smile. You timidly smile back and his grin widens. You catch movement out of the corner of your eye and shift to look at a man practically vibrating with excitement. This man seems to shine brighter than the sun as you catch his eye. A shuffling sound catches your attention as you shift focus to the source of the sound, your eyes widen at the sight before you. There is Namjoon with his ear pinched between the fingers of a tall man that had possibly the widest shoulders you have ever seen. You refocus again this time on the man that deescalated the situation, only to see him rolling his eyes as he walks completely into the room. 
“Ah Ah Ah okay hyung okay. I’m sorry Y/N for scaring you like that.” Namjoon apologizes to you. Your response leaves the seven men speechless and gape mouthed, even the previously emotionless one. “Master I’m the one who should be apologizing it was disrespectful for me to speak to you the way I did!” Namjoon seems to get himself together after a moment. Clearing his throat he says “Okay we have both apologized let's put this incident behind us. I am Namjoon, this is Seokjin, that is Yoongi, over there is Hoseok, next to him is Jungkook, the Taehyung, and next to you is Jim-min. We are BTS!” As Namjoon says each persons name your eyes follow his gestures and note who is who while collecting smiles, waves, and one head nod. You get to your feet and bow deeply while saying “ Nice to meet you masters my name is Y/N if it pleases you” You stay bowed down until you hear a voice ask “Why would your voice have to please us? Also why do you keep calling us master?” You risk a look up and meet the eyes of the boy that reminded you of a bunny earlier Jungkook. Jungkook motions for you to stand up straight. You straighten your spine and open your mouth to respond when Seokjin answers for you “Because owners have the right to call their hybrid anything they want. As for calling us master she was probably trained to refer to her owners in that way.” You nod your head in agreement “ Well I like your name but, I’m going to call you Noona.” Jungkook said while giving you his biggest bunny smile. You smile back thinking in your head how damn cute he looks. Suddenly you hear the other men pipe in with pet names for you. Your eyes star to widen and your ears lower to your head as you get overwhelmed. Just when you start to panic again a soft voice in your ear and a gentle hand on your shoulder calms you “Shh vixen they don’t mean any harm,” You turn your head to look at Jimin and give him a wobbly smile. “Noona” an excited Jungkook comes up to you. “Can I show you to your room?” You look around seeing almost everyone preoccupied you respond to Jungkook “ I would be very grateful master Jungkook if you would.” Jungkook looks surprised that you call him master and tells you “ Please just call me Jungkook. I would prefer it.” Your response is a little stilted “Yes mas…..Jungkook.” Jungkook then grins at you and claps his hands before grabbing your wrist and pulling you down a hallway. Looking behind you, you notice that Jimin gently smiles at you.
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kpopnatalie · 4 years
The Last Of Us |BTSxREADER|
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🌟Disclaimer: *This story was heavily inspired by the video game called 'The Last of Us' and any similarities will be because of that. Most characters and storyline goes to NaughtyDog for making the game*🌟
Y/N went on a vacation with her family and expected it to be fun and adventurous, but it soon turned into a horror scene for her. 3 years later, she is now 17 and trying to survive the apocalypse that has now changed her whole life. The Government has taken total control of everything. She is given a task to protect a mysterious 14-year-old girl and take her out of the city. But what is so special about this little girl? While traveling throughout the city she meets people who she realizes are from an old popular group called BTS. How the heck did they survive this? That is truly one strange coincidence for sure. How will their story unfold and how will feelings interfere. Read to find out.  
I wrote this in 2017 on Wattpad, may be a bit cringe LOL ENJOY 
 Y/N’s POV
I am so happy to be here in Boston right now. I've never been out of my home state before, so this is like an adventure to me.
We walk throughout the city. My mom went with my little sister and looked for dresses, while I went with my dad to look for food. "What should we eat?" my dad asks me.
"Well, I don't know, you're the one with the money, not me," I say back to him.
"Wow.. then I am not getting you anything. Bye." He begins to walk away. How did he do that? Wait... I do want food.
"Dad wait for me. I want pretzels."
I am glad that I have a pretzel now. It's so warm and soft, I want more.
We soon caught up with my mom and sister. They were just barely leaving the store with bags in both hands. Man, they just love to shop.
"Hey did you bring us pretzels to?" My little sister asks. To be honest we didn't bring them any... hehe.
"No, we didn't because you decided to stay and shop." She got upset real quick and my mom leaves us to get her a pretzel. After we finish eating, we go to the hotel that we are staying at. I took a shower and quickly change into my black and pink shorts and a tank top. I then got into bed.
My mom is cooking food with my little sis or more like trying. My dad was reading the papers when suddenly my mom comes running out of the kitchen with a little box in her hands. "What is this?" I asked my mom.
"It's a bomb, now open it." She says with sarcasm in her voice. I just give her the 'really' look and then I grab it. "Be careful it might go off." I looked at my mom and just shush her. I open the box and there lies a beautiful watch.
"How did you get this, because this is expensive." I am extremely shocked that she could afford this because we could barely afford this room.
"Oh you know, I sell drugs as a part-time job so it's no big deal." She smiles and we start laughing. She goes back to the kitchen and my sister goes to my dad and plays on his phone.
I am just happy about this watch. I turned on the T.V. and all they have is the news so I watch it.
"Attention viewers, the Government has issued an immediate evacuation. Patients from hospitals and mental institutes are on the loose and are attacking people. Please, for your safety evacuate now. You can see the chaos right behind- " She gets cut off by a man that might be a construction worker.
"Ma'am, what are you doing? It is not safe here you need to-" He then gets cut off by huge explosion and everything goes to black. By this time my family is by the window to look outside. There we see another explosion and police sirens going to the incident. We all look at each other and start panicking. Well, I was at least.
"Are we going to die? What do we do?" I seriously began to panic, like who wouldn't? My heart is racing too fast that I thought I might pass out.
"Honey, don't worry we will be okay, we just need to leave. Everyone take your phones and at least a small bag. We can't take too many things." Well, at least I left all my pop merchandise at home. Not like I will see it again. I grabbed my small bag that says New York on it and put my tablet in it.
Okay look I don't have a phone don't judge me okay. After that, we grab a first aid kit and some water bottles for each of us and then we start to leave the room.
As we are running to the elevator, the sound of sirens coming from outside is heard. That must be the State siren to tell everyone to either get to safety or evacuate. As we got to the elevator we saw tons of people there. They were fighting each other to get in and it got bloody. My mom closes my sister's eyes and turns her around. I hold onto my dad very tightly. "MOVE YOU BITC... " This older lady gets cut off by this other woman punching her straight in the nose and making her tumble backward. I swear people are going to die right here.
"Hey, dad I think it would be safer if we go down the stairs since everyone is here. I am pretty sure the stairs won't have that many people going down them." I whispered in my dad's ear. He nodded and took us all around and wall down the hall.
I turn around and saw something I wish I didn't. As the two women were fighting, some people got into the elevator. A man was trying to pull someone out so he could get in. The greed some people have. The elevator door was closing and there he went, or well half of him. From his waist down got left behind and his upper part, well anyone can guess that it was in the elevator. I almost vomited, but I controlled myself.
We start running and once we turn the corner, we see the big white doors that lead to the stairs. We could still hear the commotion from the other people. As we opened the door all you could hear was a screeching sound than a huge crash. The building began to shake a bit, but that was all. We came to the conclusion that the elevator stings must have snapped and the elevator fell a crashed. Those poor people. But we must continue or we will be one of those poor people.
We ran down the staircases, and trust me those were a lot. We were on the 8th floor. I was looking out the windows as we ran down. Everything was either in flames or ruins. You could see people looting and the worst of them all, killing. I want to cry, this is unreal.
We finally got to the main floor and trust me I am panting like crazy. Those were a lot of stairs. I feel dead... too soon? Well anyway, we got through the main entrance and took our car. It's a Jeep and you can tell someone was trying to steal things but didn't find anything. We all got in and my dad began driving. We could see people who wanted rides, but we just drove past them. I am so scared and you could tell that my little sister is scared as well.
We soon come to a halt due to heavy traffic. Everyone began honking their horns until one super-smart dude decides to leave the safety of his car.
"What the hell is going on-" As soon as he says that, something comes up to him and starts eating him. All you could hear are the cries of the people. "Oh, crap." My dad said and he quickly makes a U-Turn and drives off, but we barely began to move when a semi-truck hit us from the side and caused us to flip.
I open my eyes and see my sister unconscious. I start to shake her to wake her up, but nothing. I wanted to cry. "Please don't... please I am not ready." I move myself to my mom and I instantly know, she is gone.
I unbuckle my seat-belt and try to get out. I see my dad waking up. He turns around and was about to cry until he sees me. He unbuckles his seat-belt and hurries to my side. We break the window and crawl out. We began running until I feel like I twisted my ankle. "OWWW!" My dad turns to me and quickly picks me up.
"What's wrong?" He says while still running.
"I think I twisted my ankle." I was crying from literally everything.
"Don't worry, we will get to safety." He runs until he reaches an alleyway. He opens the fence door and quickly closes it. He runs until he finds a door. As we get closer you could hear the 'things' and my dad quickly closes the door.
"The door won't hold them off for too long so let's hurry to the back." My dad says as he puts me on the floor so he can carry me on his back. As he walks outside from the back, we see one of those 'things,' but it is distracted by its food which is a human being. I think I am going to be sick. My dad runs up a hill but gets stopped by a man in all black. Is he from the Government? I bet he is, he looks like he is in the army or military.
"STOP!" The man says.
"Please help us, my daughter is injured. She might have-"
He is cut off. "Sir there is a little girl with him," He says, he must have a mic in his helmet or something. "Yes sir, okay." He then takes out his rifle and points it to us. I guess my dad knew because as soon as he pulled it out, my dad lets me go so we both roll down the hill. The man was shooting at us at that moment. I look up and got worried.
"No, DAD!" I sat up and look for my dad. I saw him lying face-first on the ground. Please, no, don't take him too. I begin to crawl because my ankle still hurts.
I hold him and there he says his last words, "I love you and please stay safe. I am sorry I didn't protect you." His face scrunches up and I can hear his faint whimpers coming from him. I grabbed his left hand and his right-hand holds onto his abdominal from the pain and the blood that is escaping from him. "Please live for me and your family. I-I can't bear the thought of you dying as well. I-I want you to take care of yourself. Re-remember that we love you. Take care." His face softens up and with that, he passes. I cry. Why me? Goodbye family. I turned and there I see the evil man. He is getting closer, I don't care if I die at this point. He was about to shoot until someone else shot him.
I looked up and see a boy, maybe around 17. Wait, I know him. That's Jungkook from BTS or someone that looks very similar to him. But still, how is he here and why? I thought he would be in Korea with his other members. Wait where are the others?
"Are you okay?" He asks. I look at him, did he just ask me that when my dad just died before my eyes and I almost got killed? I softly tell him, "No." And at that instant, I began to cry and hold my ankle. He stays by my side and hugs me. I will get through this, I will survive for my family. I will do it for myself.
Chapter 1
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junqkook · 6 years
hey caly ive been on the bts side of tumblr for a long, long time and alsp became a writer a long ass time ago. my fics did great back then but I realized now how terribly written they were and how bad they sucked overall and I got in a funk for a few years but now I'm back and so excited to write with all these new skills i have however it really discourages me when i see that my fics get a few notes even though i worked so hard and I know notes aren't everything and everybody says that but +
ahhh idk if you ever sent a second ask, but i only got this one :(
i’m sorry that u feel discouraged! :( the only thing i can say is reiterate what you said, that notes aren’t everything! some of my fav fics i’ve written didn’t do well before, too, but i don’t let it discourage me tbh. in my mind, as long as i enjoyed writing the fic, that’s all that matters to me. and when i first first started my blog (on my old account), my fics didn’t do great at first, either. my first two fics took a while to get any notes at all! but i kept writing bc i really love writing and i was having so much fun w writing btsxreader that i slowly gained more of a following and started getting more notes on my fics.
tbh my only advice (i guess??) is to distance yourself from checking notes and tying your writing to how many notes you get—that’s only asking for trouble. and the amount of notes you get on your fics don’t correlate with how good you are as a writer or as a person; please remember that! just keep pushing yourself to write if you truly enjoy doing it and don’t think about what’s the thing you have to do to get notes and whatnot. i’m sorry if this isn’t really helpful adhsjadhs but that’s really all i can say :( 
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tu-shit · 2 years
i just searched bts on tumblr to find art or wholesome gifs and found a btsxreader smut and was so jarred for a moment. but then remembered how i was with one direction and stuff i have read 😵‍💫😵‍💫
idk how i forgot this side of being part of a fandom 😭
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infiredlove · 7 years
Sugar baby AU
RM & JK Drabble
A/N: So I had tis dream, more like a series of mini drabble dreams, and they were all sorta BTSxReader Sugar Baby AU and I had to write this because it was one of the dream drabbles that was so vivid i could almost feel it irl. Sadly it stopped after the kissing but being the person I am, i just had to release my frustrations through the only way i know how. Writing. I hope you enjoy as much as i did.
Plot: you are BTS’ sugar baby and they decide to take you on a trip to the beach. While the other guys play in the water, you, rm, and jk stay on the giant ass beach blanket. Rm is reading a little book while you were rolling around with jk, but the heat of the sun caused you guys to settle for lying still beside rm. Jk is hovering over you, his forearms resting on the towel beside your headand hips settled between your opened legs. As you two are playfully talking this was you hear a pair of girls walk by talking shit. They talk about you being too old for them and being a whore for messing around with two guys, but you couldnt care less. Jungkook seems like hes about to get upset, since he heard the comment about you being a whore but you take actions into your own hands, or rather, your own mouth. You look at Rm, who stopped reading his book, first and then at jk and declare, “You’re my daddies.” jk grins like a million watts and rm smirks rolling on his side to watch you. “Youre my daddy.” you say cheekily to jk and kiss him, intending to make it chaste but he manages to suck you in deep, biting your lip as he pulls away and you turn to rm, a little out of breath. “Youre my daddy too.” “oh my turn now, huh?” you nod and lean in to kiss him as well. Jk busys himself with licking and sucking on your neck as you kiss rm. While jk focuses on leaving giant bruising hickies on you, rm slides his tongue into your mouth
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chapter 2
Word Count: 4k
rating: T for now
genre: romance| fluff | hurt/comfort
tags: idolverse | btsxreader | ot7xreader | hybrid!reader
A/N: slight warnings for chapter: there is reference to past forced unhealthy eating habits/and mentions of selling someone into prostitution
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With her sensitive ears pricked for any sound, Xiǎo Biānfú waited patiently for all the occupants of the house to retire for the night. Once they had, she set to work climbing out of the box they had left her in. It was a good thing they hadn’t thought to trap her in any way. It was probably the assumption that she was too weak to move.
It wasn’t much of an act when she had been soaked to the bone, battered and exhausted from her long journey. Fleeing the country with only meager funds she had secretly saved for years, a few changes of clothes, a map and some snacks was probably less thought out than it sounded.
 Gao was sure to be looking for her, scouring every inch of the country to find his prized songbird. When he knew for sure she wasn’t there, he would be furious, trying to reach trusted connections across the globe and have her returned like the property she was…had been, she reminded herself. This was not that chapter anymore.
She may have known very little of the outside world, due to her deliberately sheltered upbringing as the gem that made Kǒngquè very rich and exclusive, but she was determined to learn. Kǒngquè translated into Peacock in English, Gao told her once. Because he was a proud man, and thanks to her talent, he had plenty to be proud of.
 Even before he had her, he had ego. He was confident his business would be the greatest lounge in China. And he had been right, because she was sold to him at hardly six years old, and trained extensively to use her voice in a way that would make him very wealthy. 
People came from all over the globe, traveling far and wide, just to catch one of her performances. Often they were sold out months in advance, sometimes into the next calendar year. 
She sang three times a week, the mysterious lounge singer with the alluring vocals. Gao had decided before her very first performance as a young girl that she needed a gimmick. She was, after all, a hybrid. Something had to make up for that…deficit. People might lose interest quickly if they paid too much attention to that, he explained, even with her beautiful voice.
The solution? Xiǎo Biānfú wore a mask on stage. It covered three-fourths of her face, so no one ever saw much besides the pouty, painted lips and her chin. Gao taught her how to hold her wings squeezed into her sides, and only stand at certain angles. Not that they saw much besides her silhouette in the slinky dresses with the dimmed lights.
 In all her years under the ownership of her former master, no one had ever seen what was beneath her mask, and no one, to her knowledge…had ever figured out she was truly a hybrid. 
That last one only applied to patrons, though. Other employees knew, though she never unfolded her wings around them, so all they knew was that she had them. There was only one exception to this. One person besides Gao who knew everything about her.
The other singers at the lounge who were her opening acts would gossip, and they told her the exorbitant sums some patrons offered for a peek at her face. Not even any of the other employees at Kǒngquè were allowed to see it.
She had questioned why in the beginning, but learned to stop asking quickly when Gao lost his temper and raised his voice at her. The man was so calm and calculating that it crackled through her like thunder, and she let it go. It became another aspect of her life she had to accept.
Except…over time it grew lonely, realizing there would always be that wall between her and others.
 It didn’t stop imaginations from running wild. Her persona was adored, just like Gao planned. The visitors were already more than half in love with her the first time she sang for them. It wasn’t hard to make them want more. A look at her face…or beneath her clothes.
 Gao turned them down, and when she was younger, she had deluded herself into believing that perhaps he cared. Not as a boss or an owner, but as family…
She brought him money, yes, but he had given her the name Xiǎo Biānfú, his Little Bat. It was unoriginal, but her young mind had believed it was from affection for a time. Especially because he insisted she be called that instead of the name her parents had given her. The name she had eventually forgotten.
However, as she grew older, she came to understand there was no protectiveness motivating that decision to keep her dignity intact. Gao didn’t want her getting distracted. 
One of the nicer singers who had always been friendly towards her joked that he was also afraid she would meet some attractive patron that could give her the world and she’d be whisked away. 
Xiǎo Biānfú took it as a joke, but becoming more aware of Gao’s possessiveness of her over the years made her realize maybe it wasn’t. He would do anything to keep his golden goose close.
Yet, after months of careful planning, help and encouragement from the one person who knew her plan all along, and some bravery, she had slipped away in spite of his close eye.
 He probably never imagined that the way he had made her live would be beneficial to her leaving him. She was possibly the most famous lounge singer in Asia, or maybe even the world, and she was so unknown off the stage, she disappeared like a ghost anyway.
All to end up here, deep in the woods of another country, in a very nice house, with some very interesting young men. They underestimated her, thinking the pathetic condition they found her in was going to stop her.
 She’d come too far and risked too much for that. When morning came, she would already be gone. There was no way she was allowing them to send her to a…a rescue. No matter how well intentioned they might have been. Fluttering her wings and making it up the side of the box, she perched briefly there after the house had grown still.
Since she had been separated from her few belongings, she would need to stealthily collect some of theirs before she set out again. It wasn’t ideal when they had shown her kindness—even if some seemed reluctant to do so—but she needed supplies, and they looked well off enough not to miss a few things here and there. She wouldn’t go overboard. She wasn’t greedy. Gao had made her despite such individuals. 
Although Xiǎo Biānfú did feel some guilt as she flew out, transforming right there in the empty kitchen and immediately stretching out her sore arms, checking her wings. 
They were bruised, and the tear was still present, but the one with the phone had been right. Bat wings were resilient. They were thin but healed on their own over time when ripped. And the rips didn’t prevent them from flying, usually. She would be fine. As long as no more high winds knocked her into anymore sharp tree branches.
‘First things first…’ she thought. 
A sound came up, a low roar in the dark. It almost startled her, until she placed a hand on the bare skin of her stomach. The constant, dull ache of hunger had been so common. 
And somehow, in the midst of her busy life, always preparing for the next performance, Xiǎo Biānfú had learned to tune it out. She had to. Now, it was as if it was making up for all the times it had been ignored.
“Ssh…” she told it instinctively, creeping over to the fridge. She knew it was full, stocked with nothing but shelves of food awaiting consumption. In fact, she had never had access to so much variety. Gao was controlling in all things, and that included dictating her meals strictly. 
He wanted her to grow slender, keep a sexy figure. It wouldn’t do to allow her to develop a large appetite. Though, bats were big eaters. Even small ones who didn’t look like much such as herself. 
They ate their body weight in food at every meal as animals, and she didn’t remember much about family meals when she was with her parents, but she was sure portions had not been small. 
She hardly remembered a time when hunger was not persistent, but if she thought hard, it had started when she was sold to Gao. She needed protein, which he provided to her in thick, chalky shakes. The rest of the time she was permitted some cheap fruits or a salad. 
She had heard and read about all the exquisite foods in the world. The pictures taunted her. And Xiǎo Biānfú had made up her mind that when she was afforded the opportunity, she would try a variety of things. As much variety as possible. This…was that opportunity. She had to be careful, but at last there was nothing and no one to stop her. 
She stood in the dark with wide eyes taking in everything in the fridge, chilled air wafting from their open doors and brushing over her naked body. There were so many things there she had only really read about, and several she couldn’t say she recognized.
 Her hand hovered indecisively over a pudding cup, then switched to touching a container of something she had seen the men eating for dinner. They didn’t hold themselves back, enjoying their meal with relish.
 She wanted to be like that, eat uninhibited by the fear of disappointing Gao. But even thousands of miles apart from him, a little obedience lingered. 
Fighting it down took effort, but when at last she seized the container of leftovers and pulled off the lid, even the muted smell of the cold food had her mouth watering. Holding back some drool, Xiǎo Biānfú leaned her face in closer and took a deep sniff.
 Her senses were far keener than a human being’s naturally, and that savory, spicy aroma she caught made her want to devour a large quantity of whatever it was she was holding. She knew it was meant to be eaten hot, as it had been when it was served, but that felt too risky.
Human ears weren’t as sharp as hers were, but what if by some chance they heard the microwave or smelled the cooking food? But…she frowned slightly. She couldn’t just not taste some.
 Glancing around, as if she expected Gao to pop up from the shadows and snatch it away, she set the container down on a countertop and went in search of clean chopsticks. 
Careful to avoid making noise as she searched for them, she returned triumphant, chopsticks in hand and ready to taste her first meal of…whatever kind of meat this was. Chicken? Pork? It didn’t matter. 
Bending her head in close, she seized some up and brought it to her mouth. One more little sniff and it was passing her lips, the flavors settling on her tongue. 
Xiǎo Biānfú had never tasted such a complex medley of flavors. Something that both hurt a little but felt so good to eat. It was nothing like the goop in a cup that normally provided her protein, and despite her mentally promising herself she’d have one more bite and put the rest back, every bite seemed to warrant “just one more”, until she was staring at the bottom of an empty container, realizing in horror she had eaten it all.
Unsure what to do with the evidence of her crime, she opened the fridge and stashed it far in the back, behind other items that hopefully would keep them from noticing the missing leftovers. 
Her guilt grew a fraction, but she realized so had her hunger. Having finally tasted something worthy, her stomach cried out for more, and she splayed a hand over her bare belly, thinking what else could be consumed without anyone noticing. She still had to take things for her trip, too. Who knew how long it would be or where it would take her. 
“Here…I think everything you need should be in there.”
She stared at the backpack in awe, finally accepting it when the strong hand holding the strap shook the bag slightly. 
“Lu this is…”
“Just…take it.” he insisted. “You deserve to have a life too. So go out there and find one. Don’t stop until you get somewhere that feels like home.”
Xiǎo Biānfú absently found and began eating some grapes as she thought about the person who had risked everything just to help her gain freedom. She dearly hoped her friend was fine, that he meant what he said when he told her he was confident he could cover his tracks. If he was just lying for her sake and Gao found a way to tie her disappearance back to him, then…
The sound was so faint, she wouldn’t have caught it if she wasn’t a bat. The soft click of a door opening and closing from somewhere else in the house. Panicking, she stuffed the last grape she was eating into her mouth, changing back into her animal form and flying frantically around, searching for somewhere to hide.
It wasn’t ideal, but she settled for hanging from the underside of the cabinet above the stove. It came naturally, and she had no doubts she could remain like that, perfectly still, for hours on end. But hopefully she wouldn’t have to.
Someone entered the kitchen, their footsteps alone sounding weary. She could hear low grumbles, and then the fridge opening as someone shuffled to it. Taking a chance, she peeked, finding a broad back hunched down in the massive fridge, the light coming from inside illuminating his blue pajamas. 
He had messy hair, indicating he’d just rolled out of bed, and when he pulled back, all he had was a bottle of water.
Xiǎo Biānfú hung there, willing him not to turn around and search too hard in the dark, even though he hadn’t turned the light on and probably wouldn’t notice her. Bless her tiny size. It didn’t occur to her until her eyes fell on her abandoned makeshift ‘home’, the box they left her in, that she could have flown back into it and pretended she’d never left.
Too late now, she guessed.
Clutching a grape about the same size as her head between her front claws, the hybrid noticed it was the fussy man who had come for a drink. The one who complained about her probably carrying diseases. If she were an ordinary bat, maybe he wouldn’t be wrong.
 But Gao would never allow her to stay in his establishment or the small space above the lounge he provided to her as living accomodations, if he wasn’t sure she was disease free. She got a very thorough checkup every year, so Xiǎo Biānfú felt justified in still being a little offended about this man’s comments. 
She watched him drink his water and listened to him mutter under his breath, able to pick up most of what he was saying. Something about not being able to sleep restfully with Jungkook hogging most of the space. 
Grumbling about why he was even having to share a bed when everyone had their own, and cold feet touching him. He took a deep swig of water, scratched his back, made one more half-awake declaration about how his beauty sleep was being disturbed, before leaving the kitchen, none the wiser.
Xiǎo Biānfú gave a soft exhale of relief, deciding to finish her grape then and there, munching upside down until it was all gone and then flying out of the kitchen. It paid to be a bat at times. Not often, but it had its moments. 
She couldn’t remember the last time she was allowed a true chance to stretch out her wings, and it felt amazing. Slipping through the dark was literally what she was designed for, so while humans, and maybe even less adept hybrids would have stubbed their toes, she was in her element, able to maneuver around any obstacles with ease. She just had to find some clothes, and…
There was a door left open down a long hallway. It wasn’t much, but more than enough space for her to squeeze through. A strong scent immediately enveloped her, making her nose tingle. But it wasn’t bad at all. The opposite of bad! 
Very masculine and pleasant. It seemed that the room belonged to one of the many men who lived in this house. The one the room belonged to was fast asleep, deep even breathing coming from him and the sheets draped over his form falling and rising with his slumber. 
Maybe he had some clothes she could…borrow?
There was a big chance they would drown her, seeing as most things that weren’t tailored for her body did. As the name of her species implied, little brown bats didn’t exactly compare to the jumbo size of the world’s biggest bat types.
 Sometimes she stared at them in books and envied them. What if she was that big? Would the world look different? But sneaking around like she was doing now would be much harder if she was a larger bat.
Landing on the floor, Xiǎo Biānfú changed back. She would have to be very very careful, but rummaging for clothes as a bat was going to be impossible, so she didn’t have much choice. 
She crawled on her hands and knees, happy to spot a variety of bags piled into a corner. They looked perfect for traveling. Would it be so bad if she took one too? How else would she get what she couldn’t carry out with her, right?
Xiǎo Biānfú scanned the contents of the first duffle she unzipped, noticing it really was a travel bag, packed full of clothes and other useful things. Had they arrived to this house recently? 
It was a good thing he didn’t put his things away yet. Since she didn’t have time to be choosy, Biānfú selected a shirt, ignoring the urge to smell it. It wasn’t often she found human scents that nice, or really even paid attention to them unless they hurt her nose. But this man had a good one.
Rooting around to see what else she might be able to take with her was interrupted by the sound of movement out in the hall. Clutching the shirt, she crawled awkwardly across the floor, trying to hide in the dark. 
In her haste, she hit her shoulder against the chair leg at the desk, yelping before she could help herself when it startled her. Instantly, she threw a hand over her mouth, cursing herself silently. The man in the bed stirred, groaning as he sat up.
She crouched down low, keeping a hand placed over her mouth, heart thudding in her throat. 
“Whozzat?” he asked, clearly mostly asleep. As the sheets tumbled down, she could tell he was shirtless. His hair was even more of a mess than the man in the kitchen’s had been.
Biānfú didn’t dare answer, but it didn’t matter. Squinting in the darkness, his eyes happened to lock on her exact location, and she couldn’t believe her terrible luck. Some humans could just…sense presences accurately. Not nearly as accurate as a hybrid, but it was impressive.
 Was he one of those people? If so, she was screwed, as Lu would say. …It was a good thing he couldn’t see her fully. There was no way to avoid being found out if he happened to notice her wings…or her nudity.
“What’re you doin’?” He yawned, blinking. “Is that…Jimin? Yoongi-hyung?”
Oh! So he assumed she was someone else. Biānfú intended to take full advantage of that. There was no point in denying being there, since he had spotted her, but she decided to play it off. Her freedom hinged on this man not waking up enough to discover who she really was.  “Go back to sleep, it’s okay.” she said sweetly.
“What about you?” he mumbled, though he was already lying back down. “Why are you down there?”
Biānfú fumbled for an excuse, and, unable to find one, she did the only thing she could think of. She hummed gently, the same tune from long ago. It was just her luck that she’d mess up so badly she would have to so soon after trying to start a new life. After all, she’d promised herself that she wouldn’t sing anymore around anyone ever again. It had only caused her problems, not to mention, people may not know her face, but they certainly knew her voice. But this was a desperate situation, and it was just some humming, so it’d be okay, right?
He was still staring over at her, even though he was laying down, but her strong ears heard his heartbeat relaxing and his breaths evening. He was falling back asleep. By the time he woke up again, she’d be long gone and he’d assume it was a dream. Or, she hoped so. “…Nice…” he whispered to himself. “It sounds nice…cozy.”
Biānfú kept it up until she was entirely sure he was completely asleep again, careful not to let her skittishness cause her to hit anything else. For a while, she just lay on her stomach there on the floor, head buried in her arms, thinking about how that had been too close for her liking. 
Rattled, she stuffed the shirt she took under the bed, changed into a bat and hid there with it. Creeping around the rest of the house felt like it was just asking to get caught. There were too many light sleepers. She would wait and hope they left the house in the morning. 
“Good morning~!” A familiar voice sang, “It’s time to get up, it’s time to get up.” Namjoon slowly cracked one eye open, meeting the bright face of Hoseok. He was already dressed and ready for the day. People drank two cups of coffee to do what Hobi could on one cup of his normal energy.
Rolling over, he sighed, running a hand down his face. He’d had the strangest, most vivid dream. There was someone on the floor telling him to go back to sleep, and they hummed the sweetest melody to him…
“You okay?” Hoseok smiled down at him in confusion, head titled as he stood over the bed and waited for him to get himself together. “Filming for the day’s about to start. They’ll probably be all set up by the time you finish showering.”
Oh yeah. They were filming this new show in PyeongChang, and that meant every part of their day would be documented.
“Uh, okay…” Namjoon clumsily fought his way out of the sheets. “I’m up…”
“You don’t look ‘up’.” Hoseok giggled, “But you will be after a shower. Go, go!”
With his hyung’s cheering, Namjoon found the conveniently located en suite bathroom, about to begin getting ready, until he realized he hadn’t brought his clothes in. 
Wiping at his eyes, he wandered back into his room, finding Hoseok had already moved on to the next stop. If it was Yoongi or the maknaes, best of luck to him. The leader crouched, opening one of his travel bags to collect what he was going to need. He should probably consider putting the clothes he brought along in the closet. If Jin came in and saw them still out he’d never hear the end of it.
Though he wasn’t fully awake even now, there was still something…strange. Namjoon couldn’t find one of the shirts he’d packed anywhere, but it wouldn’t be that unusual if he’d actually left it at home and only imagined he brought it. “I swear I did though…” A little bemused, he grabbed the next best shirt, deciding to make do.
What a weird morning…
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icyhobi · 7 years
Can your next fanfiction include bts and blackpink. And the reader....? Taht would be sooo greatt😘😘 waiting for AITD!!!!
Urrmm like BTSxBlackpink? I only write for BTS, and if I ever do choose to include bp, it would just be a side character. (Like how I wrote seulgi in Forgotten, or Tae & kook in take it like a puppy) I only like writing BTSxReader tbh 😅
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Butterfly (BTSxReader)Pt.2
So I’m posting another part to this story, Just cause. :) I will be continuing it...It’s sorta slow right now just because I don’t want to make chapters too long so I’m sorta splitting this one up, so part 3 should be up pretty soon..Maybe tonight or tomorrow night? I’m not super savvy with Tumblr so I’ll just post my part 1 link if you are interested.
Part 1  Part 2
Anyway enjoyyyyy!
WARNINGS: Cussing and Mentions of Suicide 
The silent night air was now filled with the sound of rocks and gravel crunching at every step you and Taehyung took. The slightest sounds of your breaths and pants could be heard in the mix as well. Not much conversation happened but that was mostly because none of you really knew what to talk about.
“So…sorry to ask this…Maybe this is sorta soon, but um what made you want to…well ya know…jump.” You ask Taehyung.
He sighs and at the end it turns into the slightest chuckle. “I dunno. I guess when you feel lonely…And like you have no where or no one to turn to…You want to just end it all early and die or disappear. I understand that around you're early twenties should be the time where you gain the most knowledge and start to develop your true self… But I just feel like…Like no matter what, everyone just thinks I’m happy and playful all the time. I’m constantly babied. I’m the one guy that brings people’s moods up and is always happy…but I have feelings too. And I have fears and addictions. I feel like everyone doesn’t see that…and understand that I need some cheering up sometimes…the only one who sorta knows me the best is Namjoon.”
“Namjoon? Who is that, like your brother or something?” You ask as both of you approach a fenced off section that has clear implications to not trespass.
He gives another faint laugh, “I mean not by blood…even though sometimes it feels like he is.”
You smile at the sweet thought.
“You’ll probably see him tonight.”He says, casually climbing the fence and jumping to the other side all in mere seconds.
“Not to burst your bubble or anything Taehyung, but this is clearly a no trespassing zone. What are you doing?”You ask.
“Just jump, trust me.”He says.
You give him a look and say, “Whatever, if I get arrested it’s all on you.”
He just shrugs and starts walking off, pretty much forcing you to climb over the gate unless you wanted to be alone…and in the dark…in the middle of who knows where.
So you jump over the gate, just not as fast and clean as Taehyung had done.
When you approach Taehyung, you see the bonfire. You notice that there seems to be videos of people projected on a brick wall. You assumed the wall used to be part of a building, since there were other parts to the wall; Broken and cracked sides and remnants scattered around the rough sandy ground. Just that wall and one other side left as the only part of the building still standing.
“What are those videos Tae?”You ask.
“Those, would be videos Jin takes of us. He sorta just likes to carry a camera around and films videos of us messing around. But he also takes weird videos of nature and up-close videos of insects. Kinda weird…But kinda cool. He’s a film and photo major at our school so I guess his editing and filming skills make sense.” He replies. You just nod to yourself, captivated by the weird videos that looked almost vintage and it was beautiful.
“YAHHHH! WATCH OUT!” Someone calls out from behind you. You look behind you and Taehyung flings you out of the way. You guys watch one man push a shopping cart with another smaller man in it. Both screaming and laughing, all while going at crazy speeds and wobbling down the gravely path to the bonfire.
You laugh, “Who were they?”
“The fool pushing the cart is Hoseok or as we like to call him Hobi, and the smaller kid in the cart would be Jimin.” He replies, a grin spread across his face, “I guess they just got here too.”
You guys then approach the bonfire. The two guys sitting on the table instantly get up to greet Tae.
“Tae, who is she?” A tall, blonde haired man with the most mysterious eyes asks, pointing to you and then bringing his hands into the pockets of his silk jacket.
“That’s Y/n. I-” Taehyung starts, but then gets interrupted by Hobi and Jimin, coming back and patting each other on the shoulders.
“We fucking won! I knew those slow pokes couldn’t catch up.” Jimin says.
“Yea with Grampa Yoongi pushing that cart…Pfft they didn't stand a chance.”Hobi says.
“Oh, man Jungkook is gonna be so pissed to lose.”
“What do they mean by wo-”You start to ask before you get cut off.
Everything seemed to happen all in the blink of an eye. You turned around to hear a yell behind you before a mint haired boy lets go of a cart with another, bigger man in it. The mint haired guy ends up falling on you, causing you and him to roll a couple feet away from the rest of the boys. While the boy in the cart flew out, almost summersaulting out of the cart as one of its wheels hits a rock, tipping the whole thing over.
Everyone rushes over to the man from the cart to make sure he is okay.
You blink a couple times and then shake your head. You look down to your knees; obviously scratched and scraped to hell. You then look to the boy that ran into you to see he doesn’t care about his wounds, he's just looking straight to you. You gulp and just stare at him. His eyes were captivatingly dark, a nice contrast to his smooth pale skin and pastel hair.
“Yah, Y/n.” Taehyung says approaching you. “I guess this isn’t the worst thing that could’ve happened right?” He asks you, giving his hand to help you up. And thats when you fix your eyes to Tae and take his hand.
“So who are they Taehy-” You start to ask.
“Oh well..Um.”He says turning around to see everyone huddled up around the boy from the cart. He thens runs over there still holding your hand. You look back to the other guy…the one that ran into you. He wasn’t looking at you anymore though. He was looking at his hands. And then he got up, shaking dust off his knees and finding a new tear on the knees of his jeans and his skin.
You approach the group once again with Taehyung.
You peak over Tae’s shoulder to see the man from the cart.
“You guys are such dicks.” He says.
“No we aren't. We had nothing to do with this crash and fall of yours.”Hobi says.
Then Jimin spoke, “Yea! All we had to do with this was that we won and that-”
“And that you guys are fucking idiots that decide raceing around in carts is cool and hip.”Another man says.
“Okay mom. Sorry.”Jimin says.
“What I’m not a mom! I’m just establishing that you guys are fucking dumb.” The other guy responds to him.
“Yo…on the side note, who is this chick? I think it’s more her fault then anything.”
Everyone turns to see the owner of the slightly lisped and raspy voice. The mint haired, dark eyed man…the one who ran into you.
Then everyones eyes, except Taehyung’s, went to you.
“Oh…That’s a good question.”Hobi says.
“Taehyung?” The tall blonde one asks Taehyung almost expecting an excuse of some sort from him.
“This is Y/n. Be nice! I found her outside the cafe practically crying in her ramen noodles…So I'm trying to be nice and show her around.”
You nod your head,“Yea…Wait wh-”Tae then pinches you. Why did he lie like that to them…Then you remember…They had no clue he was going to try to kill himself and that he wanted to disappear; he did it to protect you and himself.
You don’t think much of it though and just look around to the groups expressions.
“Oh, well in that case..Hello!! I’m Hoseok or you can call me Hobi!” the angelic boy says to you, giving you a half assed hug and then leaving his arm to rest around your shoulder as he turns to face the group.
“I’m Jimin.” The shorter male says, you almost pinch his cheeks at how adorable he is but decide now is not the best time for that.
“I’m Namjoon…”The tall one says, he then points to the boy on the floor, who is now rubbing his head, “That’s Jungkook.”
“Hi.” You say to him, waving at him sorta shyly. Hobi then gets pried off of your shoulder and dragged away by Jimin and the mint hair man.
“I’m Jin.” The ‘mom’ says. “Oh, so you’re Jin.”
He tilts his head a bit, “Is that a bad thing?”
“No! Not at all, Just…when we were approaching here, I asked Taehyung about the videos being projected up on that wall over there. They are beautiful…Really.” You say.
Appreciating not only his beautiful collection of self produced videos, but also by how beautiful he was too.
He started to ramble on with many “thank you’s” and then walked back to the bonfire with the other guys.
You look back down to see Taehyung helping Jungkook up. Jungkook, obviously butt hurt by losing, gets up and walks off without Taehyung. Taehyung still chases after him though.
Namjoon just looks out to them, and shakes his head while saying, “tsk, tsk.” He then takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.
“Umm…Namjoon?”You ask.
He looks at you while he brings one cigarette to his mouth.
“What’s up?” He mumbles.
“Who is…the guy with the mint hair?”You ask.
He then lights his cigarette, and with one puff, He answers with, “Min Yoongi.”
He then starts to walk off back to the bonfire, motioning for you to follow him, which you comply to.
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idkcantthinkofaname · 4 years
It takes time/3
Paring :btsXreader
Gene: angst, eventual smut?
Warning : mention of blood
Summary: after finally getting the house y/n always wanted, she find a hybrid hiding in an old shed. Unlike most people who find strays, y/n doesn’t turn him into h.c mainly because there was a lot of shady things that happened with the hybrid control in the area.
Note:Ateez will be in the future so that is why they are tagged. Also I had to rewrite this three times now because it kept getting deleted 😫
Yoongi was Perched in a tree being a look out. He spotted the two coming through the trees and jumped down to greet them. The rest of the pack was to be back at night fall from looking for Jin. But it looked like namjoon found him. Yoongi watched as the two got closer “so where were you this whole time?” Yoongi said flatly. He was happy jin was back, but he needed to know if they were in danger now. Namjoon looked at jin then back to yoongi. “He was almost caught by the hybrid control. Luckily he managed to get away.” Namjoon went to explain what happened to jin that night in town.
Jin looked down at the ground as he walked past them to go to the cabin. Jin barely made it past yoongi, when he whipped his head to the side, inhaled deeply and was about to leap at Jin. Until namjoon placed a strong hand on yoongi shoulder. Stopping him from pouncing
“There is something else we must discuss before the other return. Jin, you need to wash that scent of hers off before then too.” He gave Jin a stern look. One that said you better do it. Jin nodded and headed to the river. Yoongi’s head had snapped back to namjoon after the words ‘her’ left his mouth. Namjoon sighed
“Jin was with someone this whole time?” Yoongi asked. He still had the Urge to pounce. It was strong, much like when he out on a hunt and he has found a delicious prey. Namjoon released yoongi’s shoulder “that scent...is from a human jin was with.” Yoongi’s eyes narrowed “A human? He was with a human?” Namjoon nodded.
“You have the scent slightly on you too namjoon. Did you get close to this human too?” Namjoon squared his shoulder to the panther. “I went into her house to retrieve Jin.” “So she is dead then? You don’t smell like you have blood on you?” Yoongi stared namjoon down. “No... I only have her scent on me because of leaning against the couch waiting on jin to say his goodbyes.”
Yoongi scruffed “he always got a soft spot for humans.” “He never had to deal with them like we did.” Namjoon stated. Yoongi knew this. Jin was only abandoned by his owner from before. “You better wash yourself too. If Taehyung and Jimin catch onto that there is no stopping those two from finding her.” Yoongi was right. If those two caught onto this there was no stopping them. Namjoon, Yoongi and jungkook may be the strongest of the group, but tae and jimin were unpredictable. If there was something they wanted to do or find they would, by any means necessary. Namjoon went to head to the pond that was near by to wash off.
He thought back to Y/n, he was angry how even after they left her scent cling to them. But he was also the one that couldn’t stop himself from getting a pillow off the couch. He was angry that he wants to go back there. After all the fighting, lying and being forced to do things he never wanted to do, by humans he never wanted to be near them again if he could help it. But here he was wanting nothing more then to run back there and wrap himself around that scent.
He shook his head as he came upon Jin sitting by the edge of the pond. “Come on, we can’t have the other know about her.” Namjoon sighed and started to strip. Jin knew he had no choice, if the others knew Y/n could be put in danger. Especially after Yoongi reaction. He didn’t want anyone else going to look for her.
As they headed into the pond. Neither noticed the two foxes down wind from them. That just so happen to hear everything, not to mention catching a certain smell
Everyone showed up before nightfall. Taehyung and jimin tackled Jin when they noticed he was in the cabin “YOU ARE ALIVE!” Tae shouted as the hit the ground. “I missed you too Tae!” Jin hugged him! “Where were you? Why did it take you so long to come home?” Tae rubbed his head again jin neck. Jin laughed “can we get off the floor?” Tae looked up smiled and got off him. Jimin was still attached to jin. Sniffing him “so where were you?” Jimin asked. He raised his eyebrow as he stepped back. Jin smiled and went to what should be a living room but it was just their room as it was the only place in the house that didn’t leak when it rained. “I got injured and hide in the only house until I could travel again.” Jin was trying to hard to not fully lie to his brothers. He sat down on their little pallet.
But before he could continue the front door busted open. Jin sighed “jungkook how many times do I have to tell you to not slam the door open or shut!” Jungkook stepped in and smiled “it’s good to hear you complaining again hyung.” He walked in and hobi followed in “JIN!” Hobi all but flew into jins arms. “ you are back!” Jin smiled. “Yes”
Jimin cut in “Now explain what happened and how you look thicker then you did before! Did you stay with someone?” Jin flinched a little. He didn’t want to lie to them, but namjoon gave him no choice. “Well after I got injured..”
“INJURED!!! Where?” Hobi started to search Jin. “Yah! It was my leg but it’s okay now. That’s why it took me so long to come back.” Hoseok settled down “if you were injured how were you able to catch any food?” Hoseok asked. Jin sighed “there was an old lady that would leave scraps out for her dog...i ate it instead.” Hobi eyes went wide “did the dog get to eat?!” Hobi being a golden retriever felt bad for the dog not getting food. “There wasn’t a dog that I saw.” Hobi looked sad for a second. Jin was eating himself alive.
After more questions and Jin having to come up with answer to satisfy them. They eventually went to sleep...well most of them.
Y/n sighed as she clocked out. Today had been tiring. Normally I get off at 2am, but one of the trucks that came to the distribution center, had many pallets we had to fix. So it took us until 4am to get it sorted. “Finally we can leave!” Terri said. She smiled “yup, nothing like a long night for us before our long weekend” I smiled and stretches. “You get home safe okay! You got the longest drive!” She patted my back “I don’t know why you living all the way out there? Seeing how your old apartment was so much closer.” I giggled “Terri, you know I’m not much for people. Why do you think I work nights.” We walked out to the parking lot. “Yea, yea I know. Well you have a good morning then y/n and get some good sleep.” We went to our cars.
Pulling up into my driveway the sun was barely starting to light the sky, but it was bright enough for me to notice something moving on the side of my house. I sat in my car for a solid five second to see if anything moved again. But nothing. Maybe is was an animal? I got out, locked the car and went straight to my door, I almost made it but something jumped out and landed right in front of me. I jumped and screamed.
“Good lord, you are loud!” I swirled around and there was someone behind me. In the shadow of the house I couldn’t really make out what either of them looked like. “Listen, you can take what you want. Just don’t hurt me.” I dropped my purse.
“Woah woah, we aren’t going to hurt you little one.” The one behind me said with a deep voice, I looked over my shoulder and noticed ears on top of his head. I looked back towards the one in front of me. I noticed a tail moving behind him. I am pretty sure those are fox tail and ears. “Look, sorry for scaring you but we were curious as to who jin had been with.” I lifted my head a little “Jin? You know jin?” A small giggle came from The one in front
“ we are his pack mates.” He walked closer “I am jimin” his smile caused his eyes to turn in to crescents. I relaxed a tab bit, they didn’t give me the same vibe that namjoon had given before, but it wasn’t completely safe feeling like jin was either. “And I am taehyung” the one that was behind me walked toward the left side of me. “We really didn’t mean to scare you, just wanted to come by and say thank you for taking care of our jinnie and not turning him in.” I smiled “you’re welcome, I glad that I was the one that found him. Instead of someone who would have hurt him.” Jimin smiled bigger, “would you like to come inside?” I asked point towards the house. they looked like they could use some food. A little to skinny, like Jin was when I first saw him. Taehyung smiled a boxy smile “we would love too.” I went to grab my purse and head to the door.
Missing the look the two foxes shared.
“You can make yourself comfortable on the couch while I make something to eat.” Taehyung brighten “YOU ARE GOING TO COOK FOR US?” He bounded onto the couch “no wonder jin didn’t want to leave.” Jimin smirked and followed me into the kitchen. “you don’t have to you know.” I smiled back “I know I don’t but I’m hungry and it’s rude to eat in front of guest, so I’m just going to cook for everyone.” He looked around the kitchen before walking back into the living room joining Taehyung on the couch.
As Y/n focused on the food. Taehyung had his face buried into the pillows “jiminie” he whispered “she is definitely where jin got that scent.” Jimin smirked “and they thought we wouldn’t have found out.” he pouted. Jimin snickered “well Tae, they should have known better then to try and keep any thing from us.” He looked over at y/n. She seemed to sense it and looked up. The moment they made eye contact she smiled and he saw a slight blush rise on her cheeks before she looked back to what she was making. She had beautiful eyes. “Tae, I wonder why else jin didn’t want to leave?” Tae sat up curious and looked over to Y/n. “She is pretty, even prettier when she smiles” Jimin looked at the other fox and smirked. He knew Tae had been thinking the same as him. Even tho they were not twins, they always knew what the other was thinking. Tae smirked and pressed his face to the pillow again. Both ears pricked up at the sounds foot steps
Y/n wanted to coo the moment she saw both foxes peaking over the couch, eyes the lasagna that I had reheated. I was going to cook but I had no patience to cook anything else. “Hope you don’t mind leftovers?” I smiled slightly and handed them the plate. Both of them eye the food “this looks amazing!” Taehyung smiles and started to eat. I smiled at him and started in on mine. After a few minutes I asked “ So how is jin?” Jimin smiled with his mouth full. He was way to adorable. “He doing great!” Taehyung eyed jimin got a moment then looked back at me. “Good, glad he is doing good.”
All of a sudden both boys ears shot up and they froze. I looked up at them and was about to ask but Taehyung put his finger over his lips telling me to shh... I sat there froze. What were they hearing that I can’t? Taehyung and jimin ears twitched trying to hear what ever was near.
It felt like we have been siting like this for hours. Jimin’s head snapped to the side then back toward Taehyung as they both jumped up and set their almost empty plates on the table. “Sorry to rush out but we must go!” Jimin said as he hurried towards the door. Taehyung all but jumped over the coffee table. “What’s wrong?” I said getting up and following them. “It’s nothing you should worry about. Just realized the time and we gotta head back” Taehyung rushed to say. They had the door open and was half way out it. “Wait do you want to take all my left overs to the pack?” I held the door open as Taehyung tried to close it. He seemed to think for a second. Jimin was at the edge of the side walk twitching while eyeing the forest line. “Y/n, we must go but I promise we will come back for...... the food.” Taehyung smiled and jumped forward wrapping around me pressing his face into my neck. “I understand why Jin liked staying here.” He leaned back and pats my head. “You are just a sweet little human.” I blushed. “TAEHYUNG WE HAVE TO GO BEFORE HE GETS HERE!” I leaned over to see around Taehyung “who is...” I was cut off by Taehyung pressing his lips to mine. It was quick, a little second. But GOOD LORD. I stood there shocked. Taehyung smirked “we will come back.” He turned to follow Jimin. Who was glaring and smirking at the same time. They hurried off into the woods in their fox form. I stood there touching my lip. What is happening? It took about a solid minute for me to realize how deathly quiet the forest sounded. Normally the birds were singing away among other sounds.. but at this moment there was nothing. I looked along the forest line. I started to back up into the house. That feeling of being watched was creeping up.
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kpopnatalie · 4 years
The Last Of Us |BTSxREADER|
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Chapter 1: The Infection
Ever since I was a little girl I was always scared of zombies or the thought of an apocalypse happening. I was always told that it would never happen, but I guess they were wrong.
3 years ago a virus broke out, it was said that it may have started at a mental health institute or a hospital. Either way the government had special scientists test on the people for who knows what, but by the looks of it something went terribly wrong and that is where the virus started. So here I am stuck in Boston, but hey don't get me wrong I love Boston it's a beautiful place...well it was until the infection started and everything pretty much got destroyed.
I am from Utah, USA and this was my first time truly leaving the state. I was 14 when I got here and then the terrible outbreak happened. After 3 years I am still here. Alone. My family died and all I could do was run and cry, cry and cry. I wondered, "How am I still alive." Because if I am honest I am not one of those smart, intelligent, or strong people you see in those zombie films that survive. So how am I here? I guess God just didn't want to take me just yet.
But now I am smarter and braver than ever, my name is Y/N L/N and I am 17 years old. I am surviving for my family, but not living. How can I when those Clickers are everywhere? You see, after the outbreak of this 'virus' the government took total control of the country. They said it was the only way to protect its citizens. But I am calling B.S. on that one because they use so much force against us. We also have a curfew which is 7 pm to 7 am. And if we are caught outside they send us to jail. Our currency now is ration cards, that is how we trade among ourselves. The military also keeps a close eye on us.
I have some 'friends' or should I say people who owe me favors. You see here, we must be heartless and cold to survive and taking favors of others is great, other than I actually have to do something. I have bought food, given ration cards away, fought side-by-side, and somethings that are just not worth mentioning. And now those people owe me. Now that is how I live.
This town is like a wasteland, it is rundown and looks old. Man, I feel so bored here...wait I know I should visit one of the few friends I truly have, Jungkook, he is actually Korean and was in a famous boy band, but I will let him tell it. Also, he doesn't know that I actually know he was a celebrity. He likes a private life now. He is also the one who saved me 3 years ago. I owe him one.
I was going to leave when I hear my door open. "Hey Y/N, what are you doing?" Yes, I taught him how to speak English better.
"I was just going to go and visit you. I was bored and didn't have anything better to do." I say while smiling.
"Well I sold some of our drugs and we made all of this." There he holds a stack of ration cards. Wow, he really sold a lot. Before you start calling us drug dealers we actually sell medical drugs for sicknesses. It is hard to find these and sometimes we have to steal from the military.
"Wow, that really is a lot of ration cards. I am actually surprised that you were able to pull it off." I say with a smirk on my face.
"Wha-what? You question my amazing abilities? I am truly offended right now." He says with a pout. I start laughing.
"Well, I think we should go find Richard because he has something of mine and I want it back," I tell Jungkook in a serious tone.
"You mean ours?" Jungkook says with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah yeah, let's just go," I say while walking out the door.
"So he is in the 4th- " Jungkook begins.
"Fifth." I correct him.
"Oh yeah, the fifth district." He says chuckling.
As we walk to the border you can see graphite and tags all over the walls. 'Butterfly will never surrender' or 'We will Never Ever Give Up -BUTTERFLY' Butterfly is a rebellion against the government.
We make our way to the border and it is blocked by a high barbed wire fence and a military guard on both sides. "I got this," I say to Jungkook. He just nods his head.
"What is your business here Miss?" The guard questions me.
"I just came to visit a friend of mine that's on this side," I tell him innocently. I hand my ID booklet to him and he checks it.
"Okay, you may go." As the door was opening an explosion goes off on the other side. "Lockdown NOW!" Says one of the guards and the door start to close. I and Jungkook back up and hurry inside.
"Where to now?" Jungkook asks me. I remember that a man named Steve knows a secret passageway underground and he coincidentally owes me something.
"You see that old looking building right there?" I point to it which is on the corner of the street.
"Yeah I see it, but what about it?" Jungkook asks. Man, has he never heard of Secret Steve?
"That is where we are going, there is a secret passageway over there." He looks surprised and then he dashes for it. Wow, so he is just going to leave me here? I sigh and run after him. "Wait up Jungkook!"
I make it in the building and I quickly hit him. "So you would just leave me just like that?" I ask him in an angry tone.
"Haha, it's not my fault you are slow and short." With that, I just leave him.
I make my way down the hallway and turn left. There I see a living room with Steve just casually sitting down. "Hey Steve, so where is that secret passageway that you are so well known for?" I say while walking around the room touching things with a disinterested face.
"Ha, like I would tell you about it." So he wants to play it like that. Okay, fine two can play at this little game of his.
"That is funny of you to say when I was the one who single handily saved your daughter. If I had not stolen that medicine from the military base she would have been long gone. It would be a shame if the military found out who stole their precious medicine from them, you know, and it was a 100 percent not me right? Because you put me up to it so God forbids they find you and execute you as punishment. You agree with me right?" I put a cold expression on my face. I truly wasn't afraid of telling the guards that he stole it from them. This world made me cold. Only Jungkook truly brings joy to me. I wonder where the rest of Bangtan is, he won't talk about it.
"You wouldn't dare, would you?" He says loudly at first while standing but then gets quieter after he says the last part. It was as if he realizes that I would.
"Do you want to test it out and actually see? I am not afraid." I walk closer to him and smirk.
"It is behind the bookcase." I smile and nod to him.
"Don't worry sir, she won't hurt your daughter," Jungkook says, reassuring the man, "but about you, well I am not too sure about that," Jungkook says with a smile. The man looks petrified. "Have a good day sir." Steve sits down and stays quiet.
"Hey, Jungkook can you help me with this bookcase. It is heavy." I tell Jungkook while I was having troubles pushing it. He chuckles and nods his head.
"Where would you be if I wasn't here?" He says while pushing the bookcase to the side. I look at the hole and jumped in.
"Dead," I say and I land safely. I hear a thump and turn around. Jungkook smiles at me.
"Let us look for supplies that we may need," Jungkook says as he leads the way. I just follow behind. I better get back what Richard took from me. He knows that those are not his to take or better yet sell. I swear if he sold it I will kill him myself.
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